#a baby also calls him poopy head in this one
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synth-spinner · 7 months ago
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Why are you stanced like that you're 60
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kichimiangra · 9 months ago
Please tell us more about the differences between goats and sheep; you're the only person I know with firsthand experience.
Personality wise, from my experience, Sheep are more standoffish than Goats are (Though either can have an array of personality), and they need different minerals for good health. Sheep are great for mowing the lawn because they like to eat the grass, while goats are good at maintaining weeds and eating stray leaves off the ground
Sheep also tend to be more skiddish than goats from my experience, while goats are more inquisitive.
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Sheep have a split upper lip (Doing 'Kitty Face' :3 ) while goats don't.
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Sheep *usually* don't have horns while almost all goats have them, and when sheep DO have them they tend to curl downwards in a spiral while goat horns tend to go upwards. There are exceptions to this rule on both sides though.
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Sheep tails hang low (And are often docked into nubs for hygiene and not-getting-bit-off reasons) while Goat tails curl upwards. Also the back side of a goats tail tends to be bald but from experience if you can get close enough to touch that tails skin it is the softest baby smooth skin I has ever felt in my life oh my god so soft!!!!! SO SMOOTH!!!
Also Sheep don't tend to get beard while not all but A LOT of goat breeds do.
There are other differences but those are more like "Mineral supplementary needs" so not something you just see.
Sheep like to stick together and I don't know them to climb, but goats love to explore and climb and sometimes they like to be by themselves because they're more independent than sheep are.
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They do tend to have more in common than they do differences. While sheep are more known for Wool there are plenty of breeds of Goats, such as cashmere, angora, and Altai's who produce wool, while there are also sheep breeds called "Hair Sheep" that instead of wool grow hair so they don't need to be sheered.
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Both need their hooves trimmed regularly. A lot of people think of Hooves as something hard and good for clobbering, but in reality they're like thick flexible toenails. On both hoovling species they can grow long and curl under the foot and need to be trimmed off with some cutters
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a lot of the bottom of the foot is cartilagey and you have to scrap to poopy and mud out from under their nails or they can get something call "Hoof Rot". The cartilage also grows up like a High heel heel and that needs to be trimmed down as well.
While they differ in what they like to pick out of the grass both species love to eat Hay, and as ruminant animals if it's cold in the winter you can give both a bit of corn to trigger rumination and that helps them warm up.
That's all I can think of off of the top of my head? NOW Time for a story! I like when in Cult of the Lamb people draw the Lamb with a demon form with extra horns because it reminds me of a story from my mom! So this takes place in the 1970's when my mom was a little girl. She lived in a religious farmish community that also had a bit of mob activity but that parts not important. There was woodland paths and it was often safer for the kids running around the neighborhood to use them rather than be on the street. One day my mom was a little girl using the wood paths when she saw this multighorned monster in the woods watching her from behind a tree. She swore she saw the devil that day and ran home in tears.
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A few days later one of the local farmers came by asking about a Jacobs horned sheep he had had imported that went missing and wondering if anyone had seen it. It didn't take long for him to be pointed to my mom's house as she had been screaming for days about seeing the devil in the woods behind her house.
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Why it was upright... who knows but it was probably using the tree to scratch between it's horns
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lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months ago
man I can't remember if you and I ever talked about this, or maybe it was someone else I talked to ?? but anyway, I saw a tiktok of a baby calling their dad by his first name bc they kept hearing their mom say it, which made me think of Sofia and Robert, and it also made me wonder if any of adam and belle's kids call either of them "love" or any pet name on accident just because they hear it so often ?
SO CUTE SO CUTE. hearing sofia calling him robert is so funny and real. i love them. ANYWAY yes yes yes
i actually have thought about this and it’s like a little scene that just plays in my head sometimes. it starts with little renée overhearing some fancy official person referring to “king adam” and renée whispers to belle “who is king adam?” and belle chuckles and says “that’s papa, lovie🥰” and she’s like ??!?!?!??
and then later on she hears adam call belle darling (for the millionth time that day) and she’s like, wait interesting, putting two and two together, okay, got it. so she goes up to them and she says “so, papa is king adam. and mama is darling?” and it just cracks them up lmao
so they explain to her their actual names and the difference between royal titles and affectionate pet names and who gets to call each other what. and how SHE has the very special and exclusive privilege to get to call them papa and mama, as no one except her and her sister get to do this. (she’s little so, it’s before reecy is born.) and she’s like Whaogh…. only us in the Whole World?? and they’re like yeah, pretty crazy right :0
i do like to think that all the kiddos at some random points call their parents love and darling, BECAUSE they’re such a nickname household, it just all melds together when they’re little. when juliette is a baby, two-year-old renée always wanted to help so much. but obviously she couldn’t do anything really, so she’d just follow belle around and give lots of little kissies on baby’s head. and she would hear belle soothingly saying things like “it’s okay, lovie, shhh” and all that, so renée started mirroring her mama and would say the same things, calling juliette lovie and whispering to her that it’s okay. and belle’s heart just Explodes every time 😭
i think reecy is the most stinker about learning their names. the girls kind of get over it quickly but he loves to be like “okay, Adam >:3” and adam’s like Hey🫵 and the little rascal scampers off before anything else happens. but he, too, grows out of it. he gets a lot more into calling his sisters sillier names. bangers such as “poopy head” and “slow-poke” and “marbles brain” (this one, no one can really figure out what he means by it. is he saying their brains are the size of a marble? or that their heads are filled with marbles? they think he’s just getting confused with the phrase “you’ve lost your marbles,” but he’s only five so we’ll let it go.)
the kids also get shortened versions of their names (ren/renny, jules/julie, reece/reecy) SO frequently, especially from belle and each other, so there’s just nicknames and pet names flying everywhere in this house. it’s a very cute thing <3
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damelucyjo · 2 years ago
I think I'm gonna come on here and spew my thoughts and feelings about each episode rather than on Twitter. I think I'll also say more about each episode here than over there...
Anyway! I'll keep everything under a cut just in case. Although it's been a while since the episode dropped, I just wanna be safe!
Episode 1 - Smells Like Mean Spirit
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Here we go!
Oo scruffy Ted!! 😍
Why is she in his phone as 'Michelle Lasso'? I don't have anyone I really know in my phone with their full name. SHE IS THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD!!!
Still with the 'Ted has feelings for his ex' thing I see...
Henry's cute
Henry's been in London for 6 weeks and we saw none of it?! RUDE!
He still talks to Sharon! I love that
OMG these Lego characters are brilliant!! And Ted & Rebecca next to each other 👀
It looks like they had fun whilst he was there...
EXCUSE ME why the same shower scene from season 1?!
So this season is going to be about Ted thinking about where he belongs then?
BRENDAN HUNT'S PARTNER AND SON!!! He is one cute baby!!
Earl Greyhound Training Facility. Nice.
Sharon Fieldstone! You cheeky bitch!! I love her
Angry Rebecca is back. I'm in love
Hannah, looking delicious as ever 🥵
Something's wrong because he didn't rhyme? So true haha
I'm so fucking excited to see more Rupert this season!!
Ooo she's struggling with this, huh
She swears ALL THE TIME! Why did that one shock Higgins so much!?
Howdy & Yo. And then she nearly walked into the door frame. Amazing.
I need Dani's optimism
And Jamie's confidence haha
Roy & Beard's friendship is my favourite
FIFA reference, of course
His tiny car with those super cars is a great visual
Hello West Ham's Higgins
'Fuck you, Joe Rogan' Exactly.
'Angel, Mentor, Guru Rebecca' How fucking cute are they!! 🥰
It's Katy Wix!! Love her!
Keeley's office looks like a fun place... 🫣
Their friendship is gorgeous. I love this gossip dynamic
Rebecca's reaction to Keeley just throwing her coat 😂 Amazing.
Yikes?! Where did she pick that up, I wonder...
Don't cry Keeley!!
Aww, mumma Rebecca to the rescue 🥹 She's so maternal
We must protect Dani at all costs!!
I love spotting Will in the background, he's always doing something fun
Of course their driver was a cult leader
'Like an orgasm for the soul' You sure have a way with words, Rebecca
Gotta let Ted be Ted. Too right!
I KNEW that 'legend' bit was edited in the preview clip!
Loving uncomfortable, awkward Rebecca
And of course Keeley sees no problem is spending £200 on flowers because they look and smell nice
SHE SEEMS FUN!! Great Beard call back! 😂
Corporate Flying Object. Please never change Keeley!
She's eating meat again...👀 Hmm, okay
I can't wait for more Keeley & Rebecca bonding. It's my favourite
Fucking dumb-dumb line. Nathan is vile. Nick is brillaint.
They named him Disco purely for that line. Tell me I'm wrong
RUPERT! In his cartoon villain lair! Complete contrast to Rebecca's office
I fucking LOVE Anthony Head. He plays slimy so well
We're getting to see how Rupert charms his way onto people, interesting.
'Roy Kent, that you?' 'Get fucked' I just love him, guys!
'Why are you dressed like an umlaut?' Why ask if you have a matching one, Leslie??
MY GOD does Hannah looking FUCKING FIT in this episode. Only thought in my head every time she's on screen
Field trip to a fucking sewer! Let's go, boys!
Of course Henry asked to tour the sewer system because he watched IT and got scared. It is fucking smart, well said Roy!
'Twat' Well said Rebecca
Rupert is going to keep saying 'Wonder Kid' isn't he, because he knows it gets to Nate 👀
West Ham's press room isn't as fun as Richmond's
Oooo a King & I reference... okay, okay
I really wish spitting wasn't his 'thing'. It's gross. I know it makes sense, I still hate it.
Of course Jamie says poopy and not shit
I love how these boys trust Ted so much that they just went into a sewer, then asked why when they were down there
She's gonna break that laptop one day
Jamie being the one to reiterate the lesson they just learnt? Boys growing up!! AND HE'S RHYMING!!
Oooo she's angry 🥵
Rupert is laughing at me, Ted 🥺 ouch
And I am begging you, please, fight back OMFG 😭😭
I love how they highlight how different the press rooms are. They're all friends at Richmond, press included
And the contrast between Nate saying vile stuff and Ted saying encouraging stuff. Beautiful.
I'm kinda surprised though that Rebecca looks worried and doesn't trust him
But of course she's the only one who catches his baseball reference
Did Brett get in a Twin Peaks reference? Good for him!!
They're really highlighting the fact that kindness & comedy win, huh?
Ooo Rupert buying Nathan fancy gifts... so it begins!
Roy & Keeley not saying the same thing is very telling, I think
Firstly, why did it take them 6 weeks to tell Phoebe? And secondly, did they not actually discuss it themselves?Nobody knows what's going on!
Phoebe is so grown up! Asking the important questions
'Can I say a bad word? I think you're being stupid' I love her
Another conversation about why he's still in London? This really is going to be the theme of this season, I guess
Is moving that Lego Nate foreshadowing him coming back???
'Mommy's friend' 👀 uh oh
And that's episode 1 done!! Yes, I probably will be watching it on repeat until next Wednesday, thanks for asking.
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watermelonlovershigh · 4 years ago
A Day of Breastfeeding
Thank you to this ask for the request of this one shot prompt
Things to help you read this easier:
(Married for 3 years/Any solo Harry era)
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(I pray that this photo doesn't get my account in trouble again. It's an innocent photo with no real nudity shown.)
Today has been a busy day with you and your four month old daughter. She woke you up at the early hour of 5:00 am and you've been up ever since.
When she woke up at five, you crawled out of the warm bed you and Harry were sleeping in to go into her nursery. Her reason for awakening was hunger. Instead of feeding her in the nursery like you do most mornings, you carried her back into yours and Harrys bedroom so you could feed her in the comfort of your bed. You climbed back in bed with a hungry baby and laid her on your newly exposed chest. She latched instantly and you may or may not have dozed back off again due to exhaustion.
At 5:30 am Harrys alarm goes off, letting him know he needs to wake up to go to the studio for a few hours and record new music. He reached for his phone, shutting the alarm off, and turned around to glance at his beautiful wife. Beautiful wife who some how stayed asleep through the sounds of his alarm. What he wasn't expecting to see was his equally beautiful baby girl laying on top of your naked chest with your nipple exposed to the cold air of the room. Presumably due to your daughter having finished eating and your nipple falling out of her relaxed mouth. Harry sleepily smiled to himself. How did he get so lucky he thinks internally.
Harry knew he needed to get ready to be at the studio but he just couldn't help himself. He got up and quietly walked around the bed to pick up your sleeping daughter from your chest. Your eyes shot open at the loss of contact with her but Harry was quick to whisper, "Shhh my love. I'm just going to take her to her nursery and let you get some comfortable sleep. Then I'm leaving for the studio. If you need me, call me. I'll come right home. Love you." He bent down to place a kiss your lips and you give him a thankful smile. Right before he let the room, he covered your exposed chest with the blanket so you don't get cold.
Harry decided to burp your daughter on the walk to her nursery knowing she hadn't burped yet. She let out a soft little burp from her tiny mouth on her daddy's shoulder and Harry kissed her soft head in appreciation. He noticed her diaper was dirtied, so being the father he is, Harry changed her poopy diaper and cradled her back to sleep. He placed her back in her crib and gave her one more good bye kiss on his way out. Then Harry got dressed and left for the studio.
Your daughter let you sleep until 7:00 am when she got hungry again. You got up to feed her and decided to just stay awake and start your day. After you fed your daughter and changed her soiled diaper, you went down the stairs to make you something to eat. While you ate your yogurt and berries, the four month old played in her playpen. Then you put her down for a midmorning nap so you could clean up a bit. Around 11:00 am, you breastfeed her again while you watched a bit of tv. She fell asleep shortly after and you called Harry to let him know you were doing fine and talked about dinner options.
Through-out the rest of your day, you pretty much alternated between breastfeeding your daughter, changing dirty diapers, putting her down for naps, and did house chores: dishes, vacuuming, laundry, and dusting. Around 5:00 pm, you felt super disgusting from all the sweating you did today. The only problem was you were home alone with your daughter and there was no one to watch her while you showered or bathed. Usually you'd wait until Harry came home but the sound of a relaxing bath sounded heavenly to your ears. So the only reasonable fix to your problem was to bring her in the tub with you.
Harry and yourself have allowed her to get in the tub with either of you before. Sometimes Harry will be taking a relaxing bath and you'll kill two birds with one stone and have your daughter get a bath with him. Being only four months old, its still expectable for her to bath with her daddy. Or sometimes while you're taking a bath and Harry is watching her, she starts to scream and cry, needing or wanting you, so Harry has no other choice other than to bring her in the bathroom and allow you to comfort her to your warm, wet body.
Now in current time, you're in the bathtub with your naked daughter laying on your bare chest, just relaxing and cooing gentle words into her ears. It feels super nice to have all this skin to skin contact with her, but you're just praying she doesn't pee or poop in the tub. Maybe you should have kept her diaper on.
At first she was calm and relaxed, just staring off into the distance, but now she is grabbing at your boob wanting to be fed again. You reach down and position your nipple to her mouth and she laches on quickly. Your nipples are painfully sore from all the feedings you give her through-out the day, everyday. Harry has told you that you should start pumping and give your nipples a break but you can't seem to do that. Even though its quite painful each time she sucks, it's one of the best feeling to have a baby feed from you directly. That may not make much since to just anyone but you're sure other mums will understand.
While off in your own little world, you don't hear Harry come in the house. He finished for the day at the studio and came home to be with his loving family. First he questions where you two are. He walked in the kitchen to find it empty. Then he walks up the stairs and to the nursery to find it empty. Lastly he walks into your shared bedroom and it's empty as well. He starts to get worried until he hears a soft voice coming from the bathroom in your bedroom. He carries his sock covered feet to the bathroom door and gently pulls it open to see a pretty sight. You breastfeeding your daughter.
"Now we're feeding in the tub, are we?" Harry softly speaks with a content smile. He startles you at first but then you force yourself to relax so you don't disturb your baby.
"I needed a bath and had no one to watch her. Then she got hungry for the millionth time today. I actually think my nipples are going to fall off." you reply back and though you sound like you are joking, Harry could hear pain in your voice when you talked about your nipples falling off. He hates you're in pain.
"I'm sorry my love." he sincerely speaks while kneeling beside the tub to run a gentle hand over the babies back. He has always been infatuated with watching her feed from you. Not in a inappropriate way because they are the same boobs he loves to see jiggle when having sex but in a way where he's in total awe.
Seconds later your daughter spits out your nipple, so you ask Harry, "Could you maybe burp her and get her dressed for bed please, so I can properly wash myself."
Harry responds immediately with, "Of course darling. Anything for you." He bends forward to peck your lips and stands to grab a towel to wrap her small body in. He returns with a towel dedicated just for babies. It's made with thin, soft material so it won't be too rough on their skin. Then with the towel over his shoulder, he bends down to pick up her wet, naked body and lays her directly on his towel covered shoulder. She whines from the cold air but he shushes her. "Shhh my little love. It's alright." he whispers to her while wrapping the towel around her frame and begins to pat her back so she can burp. Before he steps out of the bathroom, he turns to you and says, "I'll be in her nursery. Yell out if you need me for anything."
"Okay." you comment back. As you began to wash your hair and body, all you can think about is how great of a husband and father Harry is. He never puts up fights when it comes to taking care of his daughter. It doesn't matter if it's 3:00 in the morning or while he's working. He'll always come to her aid or your aid for that matter.
Harry successfully burps her and lays her down on her changing table in the nursery. Before any accidents occur, he puts a clean diaper on her bum and finds some clean pjs to keep her body warm. "Alright. All done sweetheart." he tells his baby with a kiss on the cheek. Harry carries her with him to the kitchen, her face burred in his neck. She's awake but the warm bath and feeding did make her sleepy.
In the kitchen, Harry tries to decide what is best for dinner. He decides on a veggie pizza to pop in the oven, knowing you should agree with that choice. Right as the pizza goes into the pre heated oven, you come walking down the stairs in a loose fitting shirt and pajama shorts. "Feeling better?" Harry questions you with a dimply smile while soothingly rubbing your daughters back.
"Much. Thank you for getting her ready for bed." you tell your husband.
"You don't need to thank me. It's my job as much as it is yours. She 'our' baby." he responds.
You take your daughter from his hold and walk into the living room to feed her one last time before you put her to sleep. Harry takes the cooked pizza out the oven and plates you and him a slice. Then he makes his way to the living room, deciding you both can eat in there tonight so you're more comfortable. You eat and breastfeed at the same time, doing mummy multitasking. When Harry finishes eating, he takes your now sleeping baby girl from your hold and carries her to the nursery. Like every time before he leaves her room, he makes sure to lay a soft kiss on her head. Once all that is done, he comes back to you in the living room.
"Please use the pump for tonight. Your boobs need to rest and also that way I can get up to feed her through-out the night and let you get some proper sleep." Harry says to you as you're cuddle each other on the couch.
"But I'm scared if she uses a bottle that she won't want me again. She may realize the bottle is better than my nipples." you mumble in his neck.
"That's silly. Of course she'll want your breast again. You're her mother. She very much enjoys the bonding time with you when you breastfeed her but she's getting to the age to where she needs to have other options. In a month, she'll be able to try baby food. She'll still need your milk but just introducing solids to her diet." Harry calmly speaks while rubbing over your back in a calmly manner.
After a lot of convincing on Harrys part, you decided to try and pump for the first time. So you both stand from the couch and head to your bedroom. Harry grabs the milk pumper from your closet and you get comfortable on the bed. You take your shirt off and pull the covers to your waist. Then he brings the machine over to you and sets everything up. He helps you attach the pieces to each of your nipples, being very gentle knowing how painful they are. Once they are suctioned properly, he turns the machine on and asks, "Are you alright by yourself if I go take a shower? I promise I won't be long." You nod your head and Harry grabs a pair of clean boxers, than makes his way to the bathroom and began his showering.
When Harry returns from his quick shower, the two bottles that collect your milk are near about full. He helps you remove the suction cups and disconnects the bottles from the pump to place them in the fridge for later tonight. As he returns, he see's you standing in front of the huge mirror in your bathroom, just staring at your boobs. Specifically your nipples. Your nipples even look painful he thinks to himself. He walks up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder and caresses your ribcage with his fingers, looking straight ahead at your body in the mirror. "Go lay in bed and I'll put some cream on them." he whispers in your ear.
You follow his instructions and exit the bathroom to get in bed. Harry grabs some cream and returns to you. "I'll be gentle." he says in his tired voice, straddling your lap. He dips his ring less fingers in the soothing cream and bends down. Cradling the sides of your boobs with one hand, he uses his other to rub the nipple itself. His movements are slow and if it was under other circumstances, you swear you would have just gotten turned on by his actions. He looks to be in extreme concentration and you can't help but feel happy. For the second time today, you realize how great Harry is to you and your baby.
Once Harry has covered both your nipples in the cream, he helps you put a bra on that has leaking pads in them, to prevent the ointment from making a mess on the beds covers. Then he goes to wash his hands and comes back to crawl into bed and snuggle with you. "Love you y/n." Harry whispers quietly.
"I love you too babe. And I know you said not to thank you earlier, but thank you. I'm grateful to have you in my life." you blindly reach up to kiss his lips and then shove your face into his neck, smelling the manly scent of his body wash.
Through-out that night, anytime your four mouth old daughter woke up needing a feeding, Harry got up and warmed a bottle from the fridge and sat in the rocker located in the corner of her nursery each time. She would curl up on his tattooed chest, sleepily drink the bottle, and he would rock back and forth, lightly singing to her in a sleep ridden voice. Then he burped her after each feeding and put her back to sleep comfortably in her crib. That night, you got the most uninterrupted sleep you've gotten since before she was born and its all thanks to your wonderful husband and baby daddy, Harry.
MASTERLIST & My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years ago
Interview with the Mandalorian
Pairing: Mandalorian x Female Reader
Rating: T (future parts will be Mature/Explicit)
Warnings: Mild swearing, mentions of prior violence against the reader (not described in detail)
Summary: The Mandalorian has placed a want ad for childcare and you decide to answer it. Despite having a questionable past, he decides to hire you.
Word Count: ~5400
Author’s Note: This is the first chapter in a multi-part story of Mando and childcare reader. I love romance so expect lots of fluff, but there will also be some humor, action, and angst, and eventually smut. I’m going for more of a slow burn here -- or at least trying to if I don’t get too impatient.
Link to Chpt. 2
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Gif by @bestintheparsec (Thank you! You're awesome 😁)
Wanted: Childcare Professional
Caregiver needed for toddler for all basic baby needs. Single father with demanding job, odd hours. Position requires living on starship. Looking for someone not squeamish and good in a crisis. Preferred skills: cooking, pre-school teaching, and first aid. Bonus skills: combat training or ability to repair pre-Imperial tech. Interviews at Cantina Manolita, ask for the Mandalorian.
You re-read the want ad as you headed out to the cantina. It started out normal enough, not squeamish was a little odd, yet understandable, but then, good in a crisis and combat training as a bonus skill? Exactly what type of toddler does this Mandalorian have? Still, it’s not like you can afford to be picky, what with your past. You’d been bouncing around from odd job to odd job, each one more terrible than the last. Your most recent job had been cleaning rooms at a very seedy no-tell hotel and after that, you’d rather change 1000 poopy diapers than go back there. Despite your education and years of experience, no one wants to hire someone with the stain of the Empire on their resume. Your only hope is that the Mandalorian who placed this ad will be willing to hear you out and with a bit of luck you won’t have too much competition for the job. Many people are wary of Mandalorians, so perhaps that will keep the candidate pool small. You’re secretly intrigued by the idea of working for one, as all you really know is that they are respected warriors who either stick together in tight groups with other Mandalorians or they work alone. You wonder why this Mandalorian is seeking outside help, must be a special circumstance.
Din watches as a woman in a short red cocktail dress, platform heels, and quite a lot of makeup saunters through the cantina. It’s a lot of look for mid-morning and he’s surprised when she heads straight to his table, leans down to give him a generous view of her cleavage, and coos at him, “You must be the Mando who placed the ad.”
“The ad for childcare? Yes.” Din emphasizes the word to be certain she’s answering the correct posting.
“Yep! That’s why I’m here, baby.” She winks at him and plops herself down in his booth, ignoring the chair placed directly across from him. Baby? He’s a bit taken aback, but he figures he should at least ask her some questions about the job.
“Do you have any experience caring for children?” He begins.
“Well, not exactly for children, but I am very, very caring. I’m sure I can take really good care of you… both.” She flutters her eyelashes at Din.
“So, if you don’t have any experience, why are interested in this job?” He feels like this is a fair question, especially since he was hoping to find someone more knowledgeable than he is when it comes to younglings.
“I just have so much love and I want to share it. Especially for someone who needs me, hot stuff.” The woman has been sliding closer to Din as she speaks. He tries to move away from her to keep some space between them, but with the child napping on the end of the booth next to him, he really has nowhere to go.
“Uh, ok, do you have any experience with teaching?” This interview is not off to a good start, but what if she’s the only one who shows up?
“Oh, I’m a real good teacher,” the woman replies, and then drops her hand onto his thigh just above the beskar plate and gives it a squeeze, “I’m sure I could teach you a few things,” she says suggestively.
“We’re done here. I need childcare, not, whatever it is you’re offering.” Din lifts her hand off his leg abruptly, scoops up the child, and quickly moves himself across the cantina to another table. Who shows up to a childcare interview to hit on the father? He’s annoyed at her for wasting his time. He sees the woman pouting and then watches as she gets up with a little stumble, calls out, “Your loss” in his direction and heads to the bar. Under the helmet he rolls his eyes; the next person has to be better than her.
Din has become increasing fatigued and desperate for some help as he takes care of his foundling and searches for information on the Jedi. That alone would be plenty to keep him occupied, but he’s still hunting down bounties too in order to keep them in credits for all the fuel they’re burning up as they traverse the galaxy. Although he’s been able to keep the kid with him all the time so far, it’s not easy to hunt with a baby along for the ride, and he wishes he had someone he could trust to stay with the little one on the ship, keeping him safe and hidden away. After all, they’re still on the run from the ex-Imps and other hunters. Oh, and not to mention, Din is still dodging New Republic officers for that mess on the prison ship. No wonder he’s exhausted.
Sighing lightly, he reminds himself that he’s going to find the help he needs today when he sees a young woman, much more conservatively dressed, giving him furtive glances across the cantina. Din gives her a little nod, and she makes her way over to the table, but she barely takes her eyes off the ground as she does so.
“Are you interested in the childcare job?” Din asks, hopefully.
“Y-yes, I’m h-here to interview.” She seems extremely nervous and can’t seem to bring herself to look at his visor for more than a moment. “I l-like children, um, I have done, um, a lot of b-babysitting.”
“That’s good,” Din says softly, trying to put her at ease, “Can you tell me more about what you did as a babysitter?”
Looking down at the table, she replies shakily, “W-watching them, um oh, I don’t know, uh playing games, making snacks, um just, um, helping, I guess?”
Maker, she’s so uncomfortable, Din wonders what he can say to help her calm down or if it’s worth it to continue the interview. How is she going to handle their situation, if she’s this nervous at the interview? Before he can think of anything to say, the baby pops his head up suddenly to investigate what’s going on, startling the poor woman so badly she jumps up from her chair.
“Aah!” She lets out a little cry and then stammers, “I-I- I think this was a bad idea. I c- can’t do this.” and runs off.
Din sighs; maybe the third time will be the charm, isn’t that what they say?
“Don’t worry, buddy, we’ll find someone.” He says to the child’s inquisitive expression.
Din has the feeling of being watched and turns to see a well-dressed man hovering near the cantina’s entrance. He seems to be in his mid-fifties, with sort-of a schoolteacher aura about him, but he doesn’t look particularly pleased to see Din. The man stares at him for a moment over a pair of owlish spectacles as if assessing the situation and then finally approaches Din’s table.
“I am here to interview for the childcare position, but I want to be very clear that I am an experienced and sought-after professional.” The man declares to Din in a stern voice.
“I’m looking for a childcare professional, please sit down.” At least this one is experienced and looks like he understands the position.
“I must tell you I am a strict believer in order and discipline when it comes to children, and I do not abide any shenanigans.” The way this man speaks makes Din feel like he’s back in school and he’s been caught doing something naughty.
Din clears his throat, “Perhaps you can tell me about your experience.” The man rattles off a list of schools and families where he has worked; stressing certain names as if Din should be impressed, which perhaps he would if he recognized any of them. Din doesn’t care for the fact that this man keeps emphasizing words like prominent or respected as he speaks of his past, it sounds haughty and snobbish. This guy may have a lot of experience, but his frosty demeanor is off-putting. Still, Din can’t deny that he’s the best candidate so far.
“How do you feel about living on a starship?” Din asks him.
“If the ship is in good working order and the facilities are well maintained, I am sure it will be adequate.” He says the last word as if adequate means appalling, indicating that Din’s home is not an ideal living situation. Din feels his optimism dwindle yet again, as this fussy man will likely turn his nose up at the Razor Crest before he even has a look inside.
“What is that?” The man asks brusquely. Din follows his line of sight and realizes the child has climbed up on his chair again wanting to be a part of the conversation. The man’s tone of voice is irritating, but Din restrains himself as he says, “That is the child.”
“That thing is your child?” He has a look of mild disgust on his face. Suddenly this man’s illustrious qualifications don’t matter to Din at all.
“Thank you for coming, but I don’t believe you’re suited for this position.” Din tells the man, trying to match his haughty tone from before. The man lets out a little ‘hmpf’ but then gets up and leaves the table.
“I’m sorry, kid, I know he was bad.” Din sighs again, “We’ll keep trying.” He despairs that he’s in for a full day of bad meetings, when he glances across the cantina to see a beautiful woman looking in his direction. He gives her a nod in greeting, but he’s afraid to hope that she might actually be here for him. However, she smiles warmly at him and starts towards their table. He feels his heart skip a beat; damn, she’s pretty. He watches her as she moves confidently through the crowd noting that she appears courteous to the others around her and Din thinks maybe his luck is turning.
“Good morning! Are you the Mandalorian who placed the want ad for childcare?” You ask with what you hope is a winning smile on your face.
“Ah, yes, I am. Are you here to interview?” Din feels a surge of optimism; you seem composed and he already likes you much better than the other people he’s spoken to today.
“Yes, I hope you haven’t filled the position yet?” you ask him.
“No, not yet. Please sit down.” He gestures to the open chair across from him. “Can you tell me a little about yourself and why you’re interested in the job?”
You start to introduce yourself expressing a keen interest in children and briefly mention your training and experience as a teacher, when you notice two little green hands gripping the edge of the table next to the Mandalorian. Slowly a small green head covered in soft white peach fuzz lifts up to reveal two shining dark eyes and a pair of giant pointy ears.
“Oh my goodness,” you breathe out in delight, “aren’t you the most adorable child in all the galaxy?” You cannot control yourself from fussing over this little one. You really are a pushover for cute kids, but this one is beyond precious. The child smiles at your words and lets out a happy cooing sound. Totally entranced, you make goofy smiley faces back at him causing him to giggle while you completely forget that you are supposed to be doing an interview right now.
Din watches your face as it transforms itself from an expression of polite professional interest to a look of absolute adoration. Your eyes are sparkling as you look at the child, your smile is positively beaming, and you’ve clasped your hands together at your chest in utter delight. It’s like watching someone fall in love all in one instance. He feels that he could ask you to do anything for the child and you would. He reaches over and picks up the little one drawing your attention back to himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just, he’s so cute, um, what was I saying?” You quickly turn your head back to look at the Mandalorian, trying to remind yourself that you’re supposed to be impressing him with your childcare skills not going ga-ga over his son.
“It’s ok, he is cute.” Din responds amiably, this interview is already off to a better start than the others. You seem like a genuine person to him, someone who makes friends easily, who would be pleasant to have around. “You were telling me about your teaching experience.”
“Yes, yes, so my most applicable experience is my time as a pre-school assistant teacher. I worked there when I was earning my degree in Linguistics and Language Teaching at the main university on Riosa. I always loved that job so much and have really wanted to work with children again.” Oops, first mistake, mentioning Riosa is risky, he has to know of the Empire’s former presence there.
“So did you work with many toddlers at the pre-school?”
“Oh yes, so many toddlers. I’m very good at keeping them entertained with games and stories. I know how to set limits and help them learn about rules. Oh, and I also know how to make many snacks and meals that little children love.”
“He does seem to always want to eat, so that would be helpful.” The Mandalorian chuckles a little at that and gives the child a pat on his head.
“I also understand that children can be messy and I’m really good at cleaning and doing laundry too.” You try to think of what else you can say to show that you’re a good option for him. But before you can, he changes the topic.
“So Linguistics? That’s an impressive choice of studies.” He nods his head as if he approves.
“Thank you, I specialized in language structure and syntax. I speak Rodian, Naboo, Sy Bisti, and some Ubese too.” You hope you don’t sound like you’re bragging but none of your recent employers have been interested in your language skills in the slightest. It’s nice to hear that he thinks it’s notable and you do want to impress him if you can.
“Also impressive. All languages of commerce or politics. That’s very practical.” Again, he sounds like he values these skills. “But you don’t have a career in linguistics now? I would think someone with that background wouldn’t be interested in taking care of a toddler.”
“I truly do love children, and well, things don’t always go as you plan, do they?” You were really hoping to answer more questions about childcare or first aid or really anything else, but it looks like you’re going to have to get to the touchy part of the interview. The Mandalorian doesn’t say anything, and you can tell he’s waiting for you to explain.
“When I finished my degree, I was invited to join a prestigious research group. I thought it was an incredible opportunity, a chance to work with professors and other academics. I had to take several difficult qualifying exams before they even offered me the position, and when I did so well on them, everyone I knew was very impressed. I really thought I was going to do something fantastic. I found out too late that the research group was just a front and really it was part of Imperial Intelligence. I had been living in my happy academic bubble, I knew the Empire was on Riosa but they never paid any attention to the university, and I was too naïve to realize I had been recruited to be a code-breaker.”
You pause there, internally cringing again at your stupidity, and wondering if you should continue or if he is going to end the interview right now. While he’s sitting more rigidly than before, he gives no indication that he wants you to stop, so you decide to plow ahead with your story.
“For a while, I tried to be terrible at the job, pretending that I couldn’t break the codes, that they were too complex for me. I hoped they would think they made a mistake and let me leave, but they saw through the ruse. They punished me, and I knew I had to start doing better or they would likely kill me. So I did what I was told, but only about a third of the time. The rest of the time, I would purposely leave out crucial information from the messages I broke. Or sometimes I would just change it completely. I tried to be strategic and do it without a pattern so they wouldn’t catch on to what I was doing. Eventually though one of the other code-breakers figured out my secret and he turned me in.”
You pause again at the memory of that betrayal. You had thought that Kerrick cared for you. You quickly look up to avoid any tears springing to your eyes and take a calming breath.
“What happened next?” The Mandalorian asks you.
“I was punished again, more severely than the first time. I suppose I was fortunate though, because they deemed I was too valuable an asset to terminate. They didn’t send me back to code-breaking. Instead, they forced me to teach Sy Bisti to a class of officers. It’s one of the languages their droids couldn’t translate. I didn’t try to make trouble again. I didn’t think they would give me a third chance.”
Din watches you carefully as you tell him of your experience with the Imperials. The expression on your face and the way your shoulders have slumped tell him that you’re ashamed of what happened to you. That you feel responsible and likely blame yourself for having been tricked by them. Din doesn’t see it that way though. From his perspective, you were simply a young woman who was manipulated and then abused by a corrupt system.
“Can you start today?” You snap your head up in surprise.
“What? I- I mean yes, I can, but-” you stumble over your words, “You- you want to hire me?”
“Yes. The child likes you and you’re the best person for the job.” He’s very straightforward about it.
“You’re sure? Even with the Empire stuff?” Your words sound lame to your own ears, but you need to be certain he won’t hold it against you.
He gives you a brisk nod. “You were brave to try to sabotage their intelligence, but also not too much of a fool to get yourself killed.” He’s blunt but his words are a comfort to you in a way.
That seems to be all he is going to say on the matter, as next he tells you about the living conditions on his ship. He explains carefully about his creed and the fact that you can never see him without his helmet. That isn’t a surprise though as it’s one of the only other facts you already knew about the Mandalorians. Besides, after spending time with so many helmeted Imps, it honestly doesn’t seem that odd to you. At least you’ll know this helmet doesn’t plan to kill you. You arrange to meet him in a couple hours at his ship after you’ve had a chance to pack your things. You’re so elated to find someone who wants to hire you for a decent job and who doesn’t loathe you for your past that you completely forget to ask him about the need for combat training.
As you’re packing up your meagre belongings it occurs to you that you didn’t ask him anything about himself or really much about the child at all. You realize you don’t even know their names. Maybe you should slow down and find out more about this Mandalorian and his son, but honestly you’re willing to take the risk. You’re sick of this awful city and the terrible jobs you’ve been forced to take here. At least you know that the Mandalorians were enemies of the Empire, so that’s a bonus in your eyes. Besides from the job description in the ad, it seems like this Mandalorian has to be at work a lot so you’ll probably be alone with the child most of the time. You’ve never seen a species like the child before, but you’re willing to learn all about him so you can be successful at this job. You gather up your bags, leave a few credits for the landlord, and head to the hanger, enthusiastic about a new life.
Din is watching as crates of supplies are loaded onto the Razor Crest, and he thinks about his new hire. From the moment he saw your reaction to the kid, he knew he was going to offer you the job. His only concern is his own attraction to you, and, he has a little nagging guilt that he didn’t explain anything to you about the dangerous aspects of the job. If you knew the Imps were after the child, would you still be willing to take the job? Din knows he’ll have to tell you about that, but maybe he’ll wait until the Crest is in hyperspace before he does. Yeah, it’s underhanded, but he doesn’t have the time or the patience, quite frankly, to try to find other childcare. Plus, there’s a good chance your knowledge of the Empire will be helpful to him. Din hopes you won’t hate him too much for withholding information. He sees you enter the hanger, and once again you smile when you see him. Din’s pleased that you don’t seem intimidated or fearful. So many people look at him with trepidation or dislike, and although he’s learned to ignore it, when someone actually smiles at him, it’s such a pleasant change. Besides, you have a pretty smile.
“Hello again!” You call out to the Mandalorian, as you make your way towards him. Seeing him standing next to his ship, you’re suddenly struck by what an imposing figure he is in all that armor. He’s quite tall and obviously very strong. A whisper of an emotion runs through you, almost like desire, but it’s been so long since you’ve felt anything like that you can’t really place it. You forget all about it though when the little green toddler spies you and immediately runs right for you with a happy face. You drop your bags and crouch down, holding your arms out to him and scoop him up when he reaches you.
“Hello, buddy! Are you excited to have a new nanny? I’m excited to be here.” You tell him cheerfully as you give him a hug. You stand up again to address the Mandalorian, who’s come over to help with your bags. “I’m sorry, I was so happy to get the job earlier, I completely forgot to ask the child’s name.”
“That’s ok.” He tells you. “I don’t, um, I don’t actually know his name.”
“Beg your pardon?” He doesn’t know his son’s name. You try to keep your expression neutral, but you can’t help but give him an odd look.
“He’s a foundling. I rescued him.” The Mandalorian doesn’t elaborate. You remind yourself that you don’t know much about Mandalorian culture, so maybe that is typical for them. He hasn’t told you his name either.
“Well, what do you call him?” You look down at the little one in your arms.
He shrugs as if it isn’t important, “Kid, pal, womp rat,” he supplies, and in anticipation of your next question he says, “You can call me Mando.”
“Alright.” So, no names then, that’s different, but whatever works for him.
“C’mon, I’ll show you around.” Mando offers picking up your bags.
“Oh, you don’t have to carry those, I can get them.” He just gestures with his helmet for you to go ahead, so you head up the ramp into your new home.
The child babbles to you as if explaining things as you look around the hull of the spacecraft. It’s very utilitarian, but you figured it would be, Mandalorians don’t strike you as the types to think of creature comforts as a priority. The little one babbles at you again and extends an arm towards a section of the hull where you can see what looks like a mattress covered with a blanket and pillows that look new and unused. The Mandalorian comes up behind you and says, “Like I said before there’s only one bunk in the ship, but I thought this would work for you?” He sets your bags down next to the bed.
“This will be fine.” You’ve slept in much worse places, your cell in the Imperial Intelligence compound springs to mind. In any case, it’s nice to know that he’s thought to provide this for you. Other employers you’ve had would probably just make you sleep on the floor.
Din takes you on a brief tour of the ship, mostly making sure you know where the essentials are. He keeps waiting for you to make a comment about the ship’s age or make a joke about it being a clunker like everyone else does. But you surprise him, as you simply take it all in with a pleasant expression on your face. Although when he gets to the weapons locker, he sees your eyes widen in surprise. He realizes that he hasn’t told you what he does for a living, “I’m a bounty hunter, and weapons are part of my religion.”
“Ah, I see. Well, it makes sense you’d have a cache like this then.” You give him a nod, as if to say this seems completely normal, even though you’ve never seen so many weapons outside of a military facility. However, if it’s part of his religion the last you thing you want to do is insult him about it.
“Do you know how to shoot?” Mando inquires.
“Yes, I do. I had to take a course on marksmanship at the university.” You wince again at your innocence back then. A college that requires a course on shooting? No wonder it had been a recruitment ground for the Empire.
“Did you pass?” Mando wants to know.
“With high marks,” you reply, ever the top-notch student.
“Good. Do you have a blaster?”
“Uh no.”
Mando turns back to the locker and considers it before choosing one of the smaller guns in there. He hands it to you saying, “Here, this one should be good for you. But let me know if you think something else would be better suited for you.”
“You think I’m going to need a blaster to care for the child?” You try to keep from sounding incredulous as you stare down at the gun that he’s placed in your hand and then back at the sweet toddler who’s currently propped up against your hip.
“No, of course not, but you’ll need to be prepared when we’re off the ship.” He seems very matter-of-fact about it.
“Prepared for what?” Where does this man plan on taking you?
“Just, prepared.” Is all he says in response.
The baby makes grabby hands towards the blaster and you carefully hold it away from him. “Can I keep it in the locker for now?” you ask feeling a little uneasy. You might know how to shoot, but you’ve only ever aimed at targets in a shooting range and the idea of having to use a blaster for protection is frankly terrifying. What have I gotten myself into? Will I never learn?
“Yes, just remember to take it with you whenever you leave the ship.” Din stows the blaster away again and then says, “We should get going now,” and motions for you to head up the ladder to the cockpit. He probably should have waited to give you the blaster until later. He can see the questions and the anxiety in your eyes and he knows he’s going to have to come clean about the danger he’s putting you in. But sticking to his plan, Din says nothing and focuses on taking off and setting coordinates to Dantooine, the last known position of his next quarry.
You try to stay focused on the child in your arms, but you can’t keep yourself from staring back at Mando. The need for a blaster has brought your original question back to the forefront of your mind, and although it’s pretty much too late to ask now, you figure you should.
“So in your ad, you said, combat training was a plus. Why exactly did you put that in there?”  
You watch as he puts the ship into hyperspace, before he turns to you. You’re just starting at the black visor in his helmet, waiting for him to speak, when he finally says, “There are Imps after the kid.”
“Excuse me, what?” You hope you heard him wrong.
“I rescued the child from some ex-Imperials. They have a bounty out on him.” Din decides to leave out the part where he originally collected on that bounty, delivering the child right to them. He’s doesn’t want you to despise him so he figures he’ll keep that part of the story to himself.
“What do they want with him?” You’re still holding the little one tight, and you look down into his big, dark eyes and wonder what those terrible people could possible want from this adorable child.
“He has some kind of powers, like uh, like a sorcerer, or something.” He tells you sheepishly.
“Like a sorcerer?” You repeat, o-kay.
“I know it sounds strange. But, have you ever heard of the Jedi?”
“Oh, yes, I know a little about the Jedi. Wait, can the child use the force?”
“You know about the Jedi?” He seems excited to hear that. “What do you know? Do you know any of them?”
“I know the Jedi were once an order of knights and they had the ability to wield the force. Have you ever heard New Republic people say ‘May the force be with you’?” That phrase has been everywhere, so you feel like he must have heard it.
“Yeah, but I really have no idea what they mean by it.” Din feels a little embarrassed to finally admit that to someone. He hopes you don’t think him dumb for not knowing.
“From what I understand the force is like this invisible energy that lets the Jedi manipulate things with their minds. The phrase is meant to give you hope, sort of ‘May the positive energy be with you and bring you good things’. It’s a bit ironic though because for such an optimistic phrase it’s actually how Imperial Intelligence successfully broke several Rebel codes since they put it at the end of so many messages.” As much as your viewpoints aligned with the Rebellion, you had wished someone in their command had been intelligent enough to realize that you shouldn’t put a known saying into your coded messages. You look over to Mando and he gives you a nod in response, so you continue.
“I also know there were some Imperial commanders, very high up, who were pretty obsessed with the Jedi. They were always looking for any information about them. They thought there was a Jedi working with the Rebellion and any messages we decoded about him were supposed to be flagged as extreme priority. But, I never saw anything about him. So, that’s all I know.”
“That’s the most anyone has been able to tell me so far, so it’s very helpful.” Mando replies. He’s silent again for a bit and he seems to be looking down at the child. “It is my task to bring the child to the Jedi, he’s one of their kind. I’ve seen him do things I can’t explain. He- He’s special.”
Looking down at the little toddler in your arms, you remember how the Imperials treated you, and the years of damage, fear, and violence that they rained throughout the galaxy. You can’t possibly let them get their hands on this innocent one. “I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe,” you tell the child. And then you look at Mando, “I promise.”
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged for Chapter 2, please let me know. Link to Chpt. 2
Tag list: @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @theravenreads​ @nicotinebirds​ @boomtownboy @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
My little brothers revenge, Part 2
Alex woke up Sunday morning and rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes and hearing the heavy snoring of his asshole big brother.
'Man, can't believe I conked out so bad!' He thought, now rubbing his arm across his chin and mouth to take care of any left over drool. 'I guess I must of been more tired then I thought..Ugh.. and Justin's been stinking up the room again in his sleep.'
Alex put his fingers to his nose, glaring over at his brother who was a well know toxic hazard in his sleep and as such normally got his own tent when the family went out camping.
Tossing his blanket back Alex froze as the smell not only got worse in the room, but it became clear WHAT the source of the stink was as he looked down and the shot swelled diaper around his waist.
'No way..no.freaking.way!' Alex thought as he blushed beet red.
he quickly glanced over at Justin who was thankfully still asleep and then slowly got up onto his hand sand knees and crawled backwards to get out of his bed, trying not to squish the mess around any worse and fighting back whimpers that might of woken Justin up.
There was NO way if Justin saw him in a shitty diaper that he'd ever let Alex live it down, and he could easily picture Justin 'accidentally' bringing it up around his friends or even at school.
getting his feet on the floor Alex found himself forced to do a cowboy walk of sorts from the bulk of his filled diaper and as quietly as he could he made his way to the door and out into the hall, praying to every deity he could think of that he was the first one awake since it was only 8:34 am and mom and dad liked to sleep in on Sundays.
Fate was not on his side however as he made his way towards the bathroom and saw that the door was closed. before he could even think of turning around and waddling back to his room the door opened and out stepped mom.
She appeared to of smelled Alex before spotting him from the way her nose wrinkled, then she looked eyes on him and her mouth twitched as if she was fighting the urge to smirk.
"Did somebody have a stinky accident?" She asked, sounding amused but coming over.
"I..I didn't mean to.." Alex whimpered and looked down, all sorts of shame flooding though his body and he was fighting back tears.
Instantly she went from amused to trying to comfort him, even if she winced as she knelt down in front of him and cupping his chin.
"Alex it's ok, accidents happen. this this goes to prove that you're not feeling so well. Maybe I'll let you stay home while I go and get you some more diapers later." She said in a soothing voice.
"I..Yeah Ok mommy." Alex said, feeling very much like a big baby as she then picked him up, hands under his armpits and carried him to the bathroom.
"I think maybe it's for the best you're gonna be in diapers all day today too. you wouldn't wanna have a poopie accident in your Captain America briefs right?" She asked.
This was NOT helping Alex feel better but he just nodded his head, kicking his legs a little.
"Uh..Uh..Mommy? I-I can clean myself up." he said as she carried him into the bathroom and stood him in the tub.
"I'm sure you could, but it'll go faster with my help and I don't think you want Justin seeing you like this." She said with a warm smile.
"I-I guess you got a point." Alex whimpered.
Oh yeah, he was gonna get revenge on his brother and prove who was the big baby in the house alright. right after his mom changed his dirty diaper.
'God, what have I done to piss you off so much?' he silently asked as his mom started to open his diaper.
One humiliating clean up and shower later and Alex was in a clean diaper and downstairs at the kitchen table, having some toast and tea. Normally Sunday's were a sausage and bacon filled feast if you waited long enough for Mom to get up but she had been wary about putting too much into Alex's system and asked him to go simple. Alex wasn't happy about it, but since Mom had put the plastic bag with his stinky diaper in the trunk of the car and promised to get rid of it away from the house he decided to humor her.
He was in just one of his Spider-man diapers and a loose Iron man t-shirt and kicking his legs softly at the table when Justin came down stair's with a grossed out look on his face, spotting Alex before he saw mom.
"Geez Alexandra, did you crap yourself or something? Our room friggen reeks!" He complained and then fully walked into the Kitchen and saw their mother standing there, NOT looking happy.
"Excuse me, but I thought your father and I talked about you calling Alex that name." She said in a less then amused tone.
"Er..well..See, Alex likes the nick name! Yeahhh, He said it just didn't feel right if I wasn't teasing him." Justin lied, Looking to Alex for back up.
"Alex is that true?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, Not at all. I've told him to quit it." Alex said smirking big time.
"i see. Justin, How would you like it if I called Justine or Jessica all day?" Mom asked, smirking now.
"..I wouldn't like it very much." Justin muttered and looked down at the floor now.
"Mmmhmm..So keep that in mind next time you get the urge to brat..I can always go and get you a adorable pretty princess lunch box and put Justine on the front of it and make you take it to school. Your father isn't the only one who can get creative with punishments."
Threat made Anne turned back to the kitchen counter and started on making Justin some breakfast.
"Y-You wouldn't!" Justin whined.
"Wanna try me? I'm already going to the store in a bit for more diapers for Alex." She said and smirked. "As is, I think you can have a nice toast and tea breakfast like your little brother. He's not feeling so good so you'll be watching him today."
"Ahhh moooom, I was gonna go hang out with Grizz and Rayne today!" Justin whined."I'm Sure Alex is a big enough boy he can look after himself! Or Dad can watch him!"
"Your father is going and helping Mr.Nilson build his deck today, But if you stay here I'll lift the TV ban so you two can play video games. Co-op only, I don't wanna come back to you both all mad at each other like what happens every single time you play a versus game."
Her point made the brothers both sulked as neither really wanted to be stuck with the others company.
Justin huffed his way though breakfast. between having to have buttered toast and tea instead of a meat explosion and being stuck with Alex all day he knew this was gonna suck all the balls, at least till he recalled his evil plan from last night and brightened up.
'Wait, no mom..no dad..and just me and the pamper butt. Oh yes yes yes yes yes! this is gonna work out great!' Justin thought and got a big silly grin on his face.
"Well, Somebody's cheered up after his tea." Mom teased.
"Oh yeah, I just had to wake up some more you know? I think I can have LOTS of fun with Alex today mom, so don't worry if you wanna take a bit." Justin said then added. "I know you like to drive around and it'll be nice for you not to have dad bugging you to hurry up or listening to me and Alex fighting."
"Well that's nice of you, though Alex is on his last two clean diapers so I really should hurry back." Mom said, giving Justin a half hug.
"oh nonsense! Alex is just gonna wear the diapers, It's not like he needs them mom, Right little bro?" Justin asked and smirked.
With Justin was being happy and helpful alarm bells were going off in Alex's head but there was nothing he could really say in argument of mom coming back sooner without tipping off he'd pooped himself earlier or making it sound like he needed his day time huggies. It was a catch 22 and Justin's look told Alex he knew it.
"yeah mom, I'll be ok..I'm sure me and Justin will have lots of fun." Alex said, trying to sound cheery.
Aside from not wanting to sound like he needed his diapers, he knew if he tried to whine to go with her or have her come back fast he'd also sound like a whinny little mama's boy.
"Well ok, If you boys are sure. I'll be heading out in a bit then, why don't you two leave the dishes for me and go and play some video games. And since you're both being good little guys for mommy." Anne smirked as both boys made a face at that. "You can both have 3 cans of soda each. Just try and spread them out."
the ugh faces turned into surprised smiles as mom was usually a stickler on the boys sticking to juice or water and she was always careful to keep a count on the can's of pop in the fridge.
Finishing up their light breakfast, the boys put their dishes in the sink and washed up a little then each one grabbed a can of cola out of the fridge and got a Blanket set out over the floor, well Alex got the blanket over the floor while Justin made sure the curtains were drawn shut.
Naturally normally Justin would of loved to of had the curtains wide open to show off his BABY brother but with mom still home he had to play nice.
Sides he wanted to try and draw Alex into a sense of relaxation before springing his super genius evil plan on him.
Alex wasn't falling for it for a second but went and fired up one of their rare co-op two player games (Since Justin wasn't a fan of retro games) and the boy's started to play, pausing only to wave bye to mom as she headed out, telling them that she'd be back in a hour or so, and to make sure dad woke up soon as he'd promised to be over helping with the deck bright and early.
They played in peace for about half a hour, with only cries of booya, eat it and the like coming out of their mouths and Justin giving Alex tips and for the most part they actually got along for a change.
That being said, all good things have to end and Justin never put his plan out of his mind, so when it was time to go and wake they're dad up he volunteered to do it while Alex took a much needed potty break.
Stopping by their room to grab Alex's phone Justin made a quick little call.
"Ngggh.. Yello?" came the groggy voice of Max.
"Heyyy max. how's it going?" Justin asked, keeping his voice down.
"Ngggh..Justin? what are you doing calling me?" the sleepy boy asked.
"Well Alex is kinda been missing you, and I was trying to set up a little surprise for him but getting you to come over and hang out with him." Justin said, grinning ear to ear.
"...OK who are you and what have you done with Justin?" Max asked, sounding suspicious.
"Hey, I can be a nice guy every now and then. but if you don't wanna come over finnnne." Justin huffed, mentally cursing just how well Max knew him.
"...Give me like 20 minutes or so to wake up and get some food in me." Max sighed on his end of the line.
"Ok the front door will be unlocked so just come in." Justin said and hung up.
with operation:show my brother baby butt off underway, Justin went off to go and wake up dad.
With dad being his normal cheery morning self (read: grumpy as fuck) Alex did his best to stay out of his way while he made himself a bacon and egg sandwich then grabbed his tool box and was out the door.
"I wonder he even offered to help if he was just gonna be this grumpy?" Alex asked Justin.
"Because there's free beer involved after the deck is built and you know mom won't let him bring any booze into the house." Justin said, oddly keeping a eye on the time.
"heh, you missing mom already or something?" Alex teased.
"Oh no, Just arranged a little surprise for you." Justin said and smirked.
As he smirked Alex felt a pang of fear go though him, the old Justin was back and he went to scramble up to his feet to get get away.
"ah ah ah, come here huggie butt." Justin taunted and grabbed onto Alex, tugging him down and into Justin's lap, pressing on his tummy.
Which had the effect of making Alex let out a massive fart.
"Dude! really? what are you, part skunk?" Justin asked, shoving Alex back out of his lap.
"M-Maybe!" Alex said, his tummy gurgling now and as he went to get up he ended up hunching over, anther fart coming out of him.
"Heh, Uh-oh, is widdle Alex gonna go poopie in his diapies?" Justin asked, smirking and getting up to block the path to the bathroom.
"J-Justin Nooo! I don't wanna poop my diapers again!" Alex whimper, hunched over and making his way over, yet anther fart coming out and that one was totally a wet one.
"Wait..ANTHER poopie diaper?" Justin asked, then it clicked. "Oh my god, you shit yourself in your sleep! Ahahaha! You really ARE a baby!"
"J-Justin Please! I'm begging you! Let me use the pot-" Alex started but then there was the sound of the front door opening and Alex was cut off by Max's voice.
"Allo allo! whats going..uh..on.." Max said, walking into view and looking at Alex in shock. "Uhhh.."
"M-Max!?! what are you doing here?!? I Uh..Oh god, Max don't loook!" Alex wailed.
Max was too shocked to look away though as Alex lost the battle with his bowels and the back of his diaper ballooned out as wave as wave of mush filled it, making the spider-man designs fade away and the formally white parts of the diaper go a ugly shade of brown.
With the back of the diaper being destroyed the front didn't get off easy either as Alex's bladder apparently didn't wanna be left out and he soaked the diaper even as he sank to his knees.
Balls up fists coming to his eyes and rubbing them as he started to bawl, Alex almost but not quite drowned out Max's million dollar question.
"Uhhh..what's going on here?"
The living room was filled with Alex's stink, but it was the smell of victory to Justin as he took in the scene with a sick joy. Alex was too busy bawling like the big baby he was to try and defend himself so Justin spoke up.
"Sorry about this Max, I tried to get baby Alex to cover up his diapers but he said he wanted you to see what a big baby he is an-" Justin started, but was cut off.
"Yeah, Bullshit. What's really going on here, Alex, did Justin make you wear a diaper?" Max asked, wincing as he moved over to comfort his friend.
'damn it! was hoping he'd fall for that. ah well, can't win'em all.' Justin thought.
Alex was still full on bawling though, and was just finishing up his dump and the diaper had amazingly held up.
"Alex..Alex buddy it's ok.. everyone has accidents." Max was saying and Justin rolled his eyes at that.
'just my luck, most boys his age would of started tormenting the fuck out of a pamper packer and I get the kind and understanding one.' Justin fumed.
"He's in all day diapers today because he went to sleep without putting one of his bed wetter pants on yesterday and wet the bed." Justin sighed. "And apparently if he's to believed he woke up stinky too."
"...Alex is this true?" Max asked.
Alex hiccuped and sniffled, calming down slightly now but he nodded.
"So..you knew his diapers were gonna be on display and invited me over..dude, your a asshole." Max said and glared at Justin.
"eh, Guilty as charged. but if you care soooo much about widdle Alex then you can get him cleaned up. Otherwise I'm gonna leave him to sit and stink." Justin said and shrugged, turning to leave.
"Sheesh.. brother of the year aren't you.. Where's his diapers?" Max asked helping Alex stand up and rubbing the poor guys back.
"In our room, I'll toss out what's left of them." Justin said then walked off leaving the stinky diaper boy and his little buddy to clean up.
For the second time this morning, Alex found himself doing a dirty diaper cowboy walk and heading for the bathroom, whimpering and saying sorry to Max over and over again.
"Hey, it's OK dude.. I should of known your brother was planning something when he invited me over. But Uh, I've known about your bed wetting for awhile." Max said, giving a sheepish grin.
"N-No you didn't, I'm super careful!" Alex whimpered.
they made it to the bathroom and Max had Alex stand with his legs spread and the trash bin in the bathroom under him as he undid the tapes and let the diaper plop down into the trashcan.
"yeahhh well about that.. you remember three weeks ago when we were playing Avengers in your room? you pack of Iron man diapers was sticking out from under your bed. When you weren't looking i pushed them back under with my foot." Max admitted, even as his face wrinkled in disgust.
"I..but..Noooo!" Alex whined babyishly.
Somehow this didn't change facts though.
"Look, we'll talk about it in a bit, you go and get in the shower, I'll go and get rid of the 'treasure'" Max said.
With no real choice in the matter, Alex nodded and made his way into the shower to go and get cleaned up.
'Pretty sad my best friend is more mature about this then my own brother..and Justin..your gonna pay!' Alex swore as he started the water.
After taking the plastic bag and putting it in the trash can outside, Max came back in and after opening some windows to air out the living room he made his way upstairs.Hearing the shower still running and found a pack of diaper with only two in it out front of the bathroom door.
the door to Justin and Alex's room was closed but since it didn't have a lock Max barged in anyways, finding Justin laying on his bed and reading a comic book.
"Can i help you?" Justin asked, a smirk on his face.
"That was a really shitty thing you just did to Alex, you know that right?" Max asked, hands on his hips.
"Cute choice of words there, and yeah, I'm a asshole and proud of it." Justin said.
"Yeah, well I'm gonna tell your parents what you did when they get back." Max shot back.
"Oh, cute idea. Let's tell them how Alex went and crapped his diapers when he has potty privileges and make it so he has to wear to school tomorrow. Of course I'll get grounded for inviting you over and showing off his diapers but who's really gonna come out on the short end of the deal here?" Justin asked.
Max blinked and tried to come up for a counter to that but just huffed and pouted.
"That's what I thought. If Mom asks when she gets back, Alex invited you over. I'll keep hush about the poopie diaper if you two little dweebs keep me out of trouble, deal?" Justin asked, going back to his comic book, clearly knowing he had the upper hand.
"..God your SUCH a asshole!" Max huffed and then stormed out.
Alex got out of the shower on his own and got himself diapered, then went and got a t-shirt (Hulk this time for the little avengers obsessed nerd) and a pair of black short's on over it before retreating down to the living room with Max, whining as Max told him about the deal Justin had offered.
"I don't know..he was suppose to shut up about the wet bed yesterday too and went back on it..and uh.. where did you put the..you know.." Alex asked huffing and squirming.
"Uh, out in the trash can on the side of the house. why?" Max asked.
"Because it's gonna be stinking up the block in no time and I'll get busted again for sure!" Alex whined.
"Well uh.. It's not like we can just go and ditch it in someone else's trash can you know." Max pointed out, rubbing the back of his head.
"Hmmm.." Alex said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully then snapped his fingers. "Hey! you know that old nature trail by here? the one that's hardly used anymore?"
"..Yesssss though I don't think I like where this is going." Max said.
"We'll take the stinky diaper and shovel out there, and bury it! by the time the trails popular again in the summer, no one will be able to smell it!" Alex said, beaming at his brilliant idea.
So excited with his 'brilliant plan' was he, that Alex actually started out of the room to head for the back yard to go and get the shovel.
"Alex, one second. You mighttttt wanna change into something baggier and with longer legs on it, those short's aren't really hiding your diaper butt." Max said with a small smirk.
Looking down and then looking at himself in a mirror Alex could see Max was right and gave a sheepish smile.
"Oh..yeah.. good call!" He said and then went to his dresser to find something a little more concealing.
Justin had of course by this time headed down stairs, not wanting to deal with Alex's 'toddler whining' ad he put it, and was playing a video game and drinking one of Alex's can's of soda since he had gone though his three.
Looking over as the pair went to go and get their shoes on he raised a eyebrow.
"And where are you two dweebs heading off too?" He asked then chuckled. "Awww, Is Max taking widdle Alex to da park ta pway?"
Alex growled but before he could speak up Max cut him off.
"Actually we're just gonna go and play on the old trail, go and dig some holes and the like. I figured that way if Alex has anther accident you won't have to smell it right away."
"Pffftt good thinking! did you pack a diaper bag for him then, hence the book bag?" Justin chuckled.
of course he couldn't of known that the pack pack was for holding the stinky diaper once they got it out of the trash, though he really didn't care anyways.
Alex meanwhile was blushing big time and huffing like a pouty toddler.
"Ayup, though hopefully it'll just be a wet diaper." Max said.
"pffft, ok. just be back soonish, Mom will wanna know where you are." Justin said and went back to his game.
Once they were outside Alex gave max a semi hard punch to the arm.
"what the heck was that all about! you sounded like you were on his side!" Alex huffed and glared.
"Uh, OW! and we didn't want him to know what we're really doing did we?" Max asked and then swatted Alex's padded backside, making a whumping sound.
"...You didn't have to be so believable." Alex huffed.
"oh I'm sorry, did you want him following us? knowing him he'd of tugged your pants off once you were on the trail and tossed them in a tree!" Max shot back.
the thought of being trapped in public with his diaper exposed made Alex blush and squirm, and let out a muffled fart of fear.
"Ah.. do you need, to go back inside and sit on the potty?" Max asked.
"NO!" Alex growled, then paused, and looked thoughtful and wiggled his butt a little, making Max have to bite his lip to keep from laughing.
"Yeah no, I'm good." Alex confirmed a few seconds later.
The adventure out to bury the treasure so to speak was uneventful, much as Alex had predicted the trail was dead this time of the year and the only hard part was digging into the semi solid earth, the shovel being almost too big for the either shorty to really use it so they had to take turns.
Coming back they were greeted in the driveway by Anne who was less then pleased to see Alex not only outside when she was still concerned he was sick, but that he was all dirty from playing in the dirt.
At least it worked out that she'd been home for about five minutes by that time so she'd already taken his new pack of diapers (Avengers print this time) to his room but still she gave Alex a mild scolding and sent Max home.
After that it was a day of just lazing around the house but Anne had also insisted on keeping a close eye on Alex so he hadn't been able to get enough alone time to e-mail Ben.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years ago
6x02: Two and a Half Men
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Sam Winchester’s back from Hell
A woman runs with her baby from an unseen assailant in her house. She gets herself and her baby under the bed and they stay as quiet as possible. She sees her dead husband on the floor and can barely keep it together, but does, just in time for the assailant to pull her out from the bed, leaving the baby to watch the carnage. 
Dean, Lisa, and Ben start unpacking their life in their new home. 
Sam checks out the murdered couple. The baby is missing.
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Dean orders pizza for lunch, disregarding Lisa’s earlier promise to Ben that they’ll check the neighborhood out when they go out for lunch. 
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Sam confers with Grampa Campbell about the case. Something weird is happening with babies. Sam doesn’t see it, but notices that the house has a security system that wasn’t set off by the invader. They have a lead. 
Dean wanders into the garage to find Ben messing around with a shotgun from Baby's trunk. He makes it VERY clear that Ben will never shoot a gun. 
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Ben wants to do what Dean does. Dean turns on the ol’ John Winchester charm and yells at Ben to shut up about the gun. Ben backs down and walks away, dejected. 
Samuel has found another family that has the same security system --and fits the profile of the previous victims. Sam heads out to find them. 
Lisa confronts Dean about his altercation with Ben. She wants to know what’s up with Dean. If they killed what was after them, why is he acting like this? She gets that he’s trying to protect them, but he’s scaring her. 
Sam gets to the couple’s house only to find them already murdered. He follows bloody footprints through the house. 
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The murderer pops out at him and they fight. Sam slices him with a silver knife, and the wound hisses. The assailant runs away. 
While Dean secures the perimeter that night, Sam calls needing his help on a case. Dean insists that he’s out. Sam tells him something so interesting that Dean meets him. 
Sam saved the baby!
The next morning, Dean hands Lisa a gun, tells her to salt the doors and windows, and takes off to work the case with Sam. 
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First on the agenda: shopping for baby supplies. As they’re checking out, the baby starts wailing. Neither brother knows what to do --and here I want to question what the hell Dean’s thinking. Sam has an excuse re: no soul, but Dean, you’ve taken care of a baby before. Anyway, they keep looking at the poor thing like it has two heads. 
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A nice woman comes up to coo over the baby and asks his name. Dean answers, “Bobby” and Sam answers, “John”. Yep, the baby is named Bobby John. She offers to change his diapers for them. Dean glances over at a security monitor and sees that her eyes are glowing. 
Dean declines. More specifically he says, “Give me the baby before I stab you in the neck.” Bold. The lady takes off running with Bobby John. Sam wrestles the baby from her while Dean full body tackles her to the ground. She plays the old lady card and security comes after Dean. He runs. 
Sam and Dean need to get off the road, especially since the shifter caught Sam’s license plate and is now a cop tracking the number.
At a motel, Dean changes Bobby John’s diaper and then hums him to sleep with Smoke on the Water. EVERY TIME I’m sorry to say this just makes my brain emit a low, steady brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
For Tender Dean Science:
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Okay, I’ve rebooted. 
Sam - who has spent the whole time seated in front of research material - is impressed at Dean’s fatherly chops. But like, HE RAISED YOU, SAMMY. You must at least be able to logically analyze your memories? Dean chalks up his skillz to his recent experience parenting Ben. “I know he’s not my kid, but lately I’ve been feeling like...yeah, he is.” He’d like to raise Ben better than they grew up. In related news, do you ever want to just chew off your own arm???
Soulless!Sam informs Dean that moving Lisa and Ben from place to place is just as bad as their own fractured childhood. 
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Sam pushes Dean to consider that his paranoid behavior is turning him into their father. I do like that Sam is helping my girl Lisa out with the traumatized man living in her home but DAMN, SAM. While Dean broods over his failures as both a father and a partner, Sam realizes that the dad in the recent deadly home invasion is still alive. He heads out, leaving Dean to dip his finger in whiskey and let Bobby John have a taste.
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Bobby John’s dad is...not bereaved. His wife was cheating on him and got pregnant. (So apparently she deserved a gruesome death? Huh. Good to know, dude.) She denied she was cheating, telling him that he’d come back early from a trip and they’d had sex. It’s fun how the layers of trauma this cold open woman goes through just get worse and worse. 
At the motel, Dean’s relaxing on the vibrating bed when there’s a wet explosion from the crib. It’s not a poopy diaper! When he peers over the crib, Bobby John’s an entirely new baby. (He’s the baby on the diapers box and I really hope those parents got to keep that prop!) Sam calls with a new theory - the baby’s father is a shapeshifter!
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Bobby John gets cleaned up just in time for a shady manager to knock on the door and demand to be let in. The shapeshifter cop from earlier bursts in just as Dean unlocks the door. He’s there to bring the baby to “our father,” whomever that is! They engage in fisticuffs, until Sam arrives and shoots the shifter.
Later, they’re driving off with Bobby John to find a safe haven for the little tyke. “I didn’t even know they had babies,” Sam says, of shifters. “I thought they were just freaks of nature - like, X-Men style.” Gurl, please. He refers to Bobby John as a monster, but Dean insists that Bobby John is just an innocent baby. If I had a dollar for every time this show danced around this point only to fuck off and forget it in the next episode, I’d have a lot of dollars. 
Sam suggests bringing Bobby John to the Campbells to raise, which Dean thinks is a monumentally poor idea. (I’m Dean/Cas endgame BUT imagine society if Dean had brought Lisa a shapeshifter baby to raise!!!) Sam “not all hunters” the Campbells, then says that Samuel is like Dean. This is...not the slam dunk argument Sam thinks it is. “I’m a freakin’ head case,” Dean rebuts and it is a SOLID REBUTTAL. Still, they head to the Campbell’s compound.
And it is a literal compound, with armed guards standing patrol at the metal gates. In the grim main building, cold Campbells circle Dean and Bobby John like sharks. All the Campbells look like they’re one step away from taking a knife to the baby. Dean refuses to hand over Bobby John to any of the “family.” Sam asks to hold Bobby John. Sam then immediately turns around and hands Bobby John over to Samuel and I CHEW MY OWN ARM OFF I HATE SOULLESS!SAM sometimes. Dean wants to know what the plan is now.
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All the dark looks shot between the Campbells make me want to scream, and then weep. 
Dean’s worried about the Campbells wanting to study Bobby John (in the mad scientist way) and Christian Campbell laconically comments that Dean’s mind goes straight to torture. When Dean demands an explanation, it’s revealed that the Campbells know aaalllll about Dean’s torture time in Hell. 
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The Campbells also fantasize about what a great hunter a shapeshifter will make. Samuel demands that Dean trust him, and then interrogates Christian about his baby-making failures with his wife. He offers Bobby John to Christian. “The crap I do for this family,” Christian mutters as he takes the baby. READERRRRRRRRRS, I hate him.
Outside, a dog yelps. Dean and Sam flee for the panic room with Bobby John while the Campbells load up with weapons. A shapeshifter arrives, wearing Samuel’s face. They tranquilize him after a fight, and try to take him prisoner. 
The shifter heads down to the panic room wearing Sam’s face, tosses Sam across the room, and then just...shimmers himself into Dean’s form. 
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The shifter pins Dean against the wall, cutting off his air until he passes out. He then takes Bobby John and calmly walks out. 
Later, they all reconvene after the fight. Samuel reveals that the shifter was an alpha shifter, who spawned all the other shifters. “The lore” also says that an alpha can sense their babies anywhere. 
As Dean and Sam walk out to the car, Dean goes over the details of the hunt. He wants to know if Sam registered what the shifter at the motel had said about his “father.” Sam lies incredibly poorly, but Dean puts it all together. If Sam knew the alpha was on the hunt, then he would have known that he would come after Bobby John. Dean wants to know if he was using the baby as bait. Sam plays it off - he just thought the Campbell compound was the safest place. UGH DOUBLE UGH at all the terrible layers. 
Samuel has a brief phone call, complaining to an unknown boss about how hard it was to try to take the alpha shifter prisoner. 
Back at Lisa’s, Dean frets about the best way to keep Lisa and Ben safe. He acknowledges that he’s been acting like a prison guard. “You tell yourself you’re not gonna be something...my dad was exactly like this. All the time. Scared the hell outta me.” Lisa tells him that she knows one thing: 
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She looks at him, and sees someone who wants to hunt. But she also tells him that he sees himself as “some bad, awful thing. But you're not.” She proposes that Dean head out to hunt with his brother, and stop by when he can. Maybe they can have it all!
Dean smiles a real, honest smile in the garage as he pulls the car cover from Baby. Smoke on the Water plays us through a truly gratuitous hot rod close-up of Baby. The curves! The headlights!
For I’m Just Gonna Give You Two the Room Science:
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Dean is back in town!
Baby Quotes:
So either we've got monsters grabbing babies to make baby stew, or we've got a bunch of psychotic yokels grabbing babies to make baby stew. Either way, it's baby stew, which is bad
You think I speak baby?
I've never seen a baby monster before
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atlafan · 5 years ago
My Everything - Part Eighteen
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff, smut, angst. TW: mentions of past abuse!
Words: 9K
a/n: So, the courtroom stuff is literally like an SVU episode, it’s probably not very accurate. I just wrote what I wanted to happen. If you know more about how courtrooms and prosecutions work, I apologize
“Oh, fuck.”
You were trying to stifle your moans. You and Harry were simply spooning early in the morning, when you innocently adjusted against him. He pressed up against you harder and things just sort of escalated from there. He was fucking you from behind while still in the spooning position. His fingers were rubbing circles into your clit and you had your arm hooked around his head so you could tug at his hair.
You got cleared to have sex a couple of weeks ago, but you hadn’t done anything since Anne had stayed with you to help out. You and Harry had agreed on condoms, not that you were using one now. You didn’t care right this second, it just felt so good.
“Y/N.” Harry groans in the back of your neck.
“I’m so close, don’t stop.” You pant.
You arch back into him as you feel your release coming. Once he knows you’ve ridden it out, he pulls out and pushes you fully onto your stomach. You gasp when you feel his come shoot onto your back and ass. You feel him get off the bed. You look over to the bathroom where he’s going into to grab a rag. He comes back to wipe you clean, even between your folds. Harry leans down and kisses your cheek before bringing the rag back to the bathroom. He gets back on the bed and pulls you to his chest.
“That was incredible.�� You breathe. You drape and arm and a leg over him and hold him tight.
“Much needed, that’s for sure.”
“We need to buy some condoms.”
“I got some, I just didn’t wanna kill the vibe by stopping to reach for one.” He chuckles and you look up at him.
“You sound like a teenager.” You laugh. “Although, it was nice to just feel you. Maybe I should just suck it up and get an IUD.” You sigh.
“You don’t need to decide right now.” He kisses your hairline. “I’m really glad Jack’s been staying in his bed, it was nice not being interrupted for a change. As much as I like when he comes in to cuddle, don’t get me wrong.”
“You know what he told me last night? I’m a big boy, Mumma, I’m three now.” You giggle. “He’s been three for three weeks, now he thinks he’s so grown.”
“You know what’s cool? He can form, like, real sentences. Like, I can have a real conversation with him now.”
“It’s great. He’s got a nice personality.”
“Well, he should, we both have great personalities.” He scoffs.
You loved this. Harry could have pillow talk with you and not have to leave for work. You were dreading when he’d start half days at the end of the month. You were being spoiled. He stretches out and groans.
“Alright, I’m gonna get up and make sure the pool’s good to go. You wanna get Jack started?”
“No, I wanna stay snuggled up with you.” You bury your head in his chest.
He rolls you both over so you’re pinned down underneath him. It looks like he’s about to say something, but you hear Jessica cry over the baby monitor. You both sigh heavily.
“Okay, let’s start the day.” You say.
You both put swim suits on and do your morning routines before going to check on the kids. Harry slips downstairs to get the pool ready. You go into Jessica’s room first.
“Good morning, angel.” You coo. “I know, you’re hungry. Don’t worry, after I change you I’m gonna get you your bubby.”
“Mumma?” Jack comes into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Good morning, my love.” You get Jessica on the changing table and undress her. “Could you go put on your swim trunks for me? And then I’ll help you get washed up.”
“We’re going swimming?!” He perks up.
“That’s right. Daddy’s getting the pool all cleaned up as we speak. Of course we’ll need to eat breakfast first and make sure we go potty before we go in.” You look at him. “I don’t want another poopy emergency.”
He runs back into his room to get changed. You get Jessica in a little onesie and make sure to get plenty of sunscreen on her. You strap her to your chest to so you can walk around easier. You find a little bucket hat to put over her head too. You help Jack brush his teeth and get sunscreen on him as well. When you get downstairs, Harry hands you a bubby for Jessica, and gets Jack a bowl of cereal.
“Is the pool all clean, Daddy?”
“You bet! Nice and warm out there today too.”
“Mumma, you’re gonna swim?”
“I’m going to sit in my pool float with the baby for a bit.”
“You never swim.” He pouts.
“Mummy’s don’t like to swim, Jack. The water’s too cold for ‘em.” Harry smirks at you and you glare at him.
“That’s a dumb stereotype. I swim when we go to the beach.”
“When was the last time we even went?”
“No idea…isn’t that sad?” You think for a moment. “Why don’t we go this weekend? We could see what Sarah and Niall are doing.”
“Won’t it be a lot to bring the baby?”
“Not really.” You shrug. “We have one of those little tents, we’ll keep her in the shade. Jack, would you like to go to the beach this weekend?”
“Yes! We can make a sandcastle!”
“That’s right!”
After waiting for Jack to use the bathroom, you all head outside to the pool. Harry goes in with Jack at first and plays with the various pool toys they had gotten. You get onto your float with Jessica and cradle her to your chest.
“Mumma, look! I can swim to the bottom!” You watch as he dives under the water and then shoots back up. “Did you see?!”
“I did, well done!” You smile.
“Daddy, will you throw me up?”
“Harry, if you splash me, I swear to god…”
“Cover her head then, he makes a pretty big splash, babe.”
Harry picks Jack up and throws him in the air. He tucks his knees in to almost do a cannon ball when he comes back down. He makes a decent splash, but you manage to keep Jessica dry.
“Again, again!”
“Only once more, I don’t want you getting dizzy.” Harry laughs, and throws him in the air again.
Jessica starts crying a little while later so you take her inside to change and feed her. She fell right back asleep once she burped. You set her up in her stroller outside in the shade. You didn’t need to hold onto her every two seconds, after all.
“Mumma, can Buster come in the pool?”
You look down at your dog, and see he’s perfectly content sitting next to the stroller.
“No, honey, he’s a little too big for this kind of pool. He can really only swim at Uncle Niall and Auntie Sarah’s.”
You climb back into the water and dive in. It felt good to really swim again. You come back up and shake your hair out.
“Good thing I bought that chlorine shampoo.” You get the elastic out of your hair and dunk your head again.
“Yeah, we’ll have to scrub those curls out later, huh, Jack?” Harry says to him.  
“No, I hate it!” He pouts.
“That’s a pretty strong word.” You pout back at him. “You could say you don’t like it instead.”
“I don’t like it.” You pick him up and swim him around with you, which makes him smile big. “This is fun, Mumma.” He snuggles close to you. You give his cheek lots of kisses.
“I think it might almost be nap time.” You whisper to Harry and he nods.
Jack falls asleep in your arms and you hand him over to Harry so he can take him out of the pool. You lay a towel down in the shade and make a little outdoor bed for Jack. Harry lays him down and you both smile.
“How cute is that?” He whispers.
“Too cute.” You whisper back. “And look at her, sound asleep.”
“Buster’s pooped too.” Harry chuckles. “Want me to get the grill going for lunch?”
“Great idea. I got us some vegan hot dogs and buns.”
“You’re the best. Do we have any actual hot dogs for him?”
“Mhm, they’re in the fridge.”
You and Harry didn’t feel the need to keep Jack on the same diet as you. When he gets older he can decide on if he wants to eat meat or not. Harry gets the grill going, and Jack wakes up right when everything’s done being made. You sit down with Jessica and feed her while Harry helps Jack with his hot dog.
“Let me burp her, I haven’t held her all day.”
“Alright.” You pass the baby to him.
“Hi, little girl.” He burps her and cradles her in his arms.
“Was that a good hot dog, Jack?” You ask your son.
“Yeah! Daddy’s a good cook.”
“He’s a very good cook.” You wink at Harry. “What about me?”
“I like when you cook too.” He gets up from his seat and crawls into your lap. “I like when you’re home with me, Mumma.”
“Me too, baby.”
“Oi, and what about Daddy?” Harry says, a little offended. “She’s home with you anyways.”
“I like when you’re home too, Daddy!” Jack giggles. “Can we take Buster for walk soon?”
“Sure, go inside and put a shirt and your sneakers on. I’ll help you tie them up.” You reach for your cover up and throw it on. “Come on, Buster.” You whistle at him. “Stay with her, we’ll be back.” You kiss his forehead and hers and, go inside.
After your walk, you return with a surprise.
“Daddy! Mumma let us get ice scream from the ice cream man, here!”
“She did?!” Harry was lounging in a chair, using a scrunchie to keep his hair off his face. Jessica was back in the stroller in the shade. “Thank you very much, Mummy.”
“You’re welcome, Daddy.” You sit down and grab another scrunchie to put Jack’s hair up. “There, now you won’t get your hair all sticky.”
“And I’ll look just like Daddy.” Jack smiles and licks his ice cream pop.
“You didn’t get anything for yourself?” Harry frowns.
“Nah.” You shrug. “Don’t need it.”
“It’s fine! I have some low fat treats for myself in the freezer.”
Harry rolls his eyes at you and you start chuckling.
“Nothing, just, remember how mad you used to get when I would do that to you?”
“Haven’t you learned by now that everything’s okay when I do it?” He smirks.
“Mumma, can we swim again?”
“You have to wait a little bit. You just had all that ice cream after all.”
“Niall called while you were gone, by the way.”
“Did he?”
“Yeah, wants to know if we can get a sitter tonight to go out to eat with them. There’s a new seafood place they wanna try.”
“Do we need a sitter? Is it not kid friendly?”
“I asked the same thing.” He shrugs.
“I don’t know if I want a sitter with Jessica just yet…as much as I like ours…” You think for a moment. “I could call my mom.” You grab your phone. “I wouldn’t mind an adult night out.” You call your mom. “Hey, mum.”
“Hi honey! How’s the pool treating you?”
“It’s great! How would you like to come use it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…Harry and I got invited out to dinner tonight. We thought you might like to come babysit. Or I could drive them out to you, whatever’s easier.”
“You know, I’m actually free tonight, I could come over there for a bit. It’ll be good for you to get out for a while.”
“Awesome! Could you be here around five?”
“Sure thing!”
“Thanks, love you!” You hang up and pick Jack up to look at you. “Guess who’s coming to visit later.”
“Yay! I love Mimi.”
You kiss his forehead and hold him close to you.
“Great, I’ll tell Niall we’re in.”
“Sex, and a night out! It feels like Christmas.” You giggle as you finish doing your makeup.
“I know! They even said they’d drive. Think they wanna get us drunk.”
He walks into the bathroom to talk with you. You were just getting some lipstick on. You had a beautiful red sundress on along with a sleek high ponytail. You looked gorgeous.
“Jesus, might need to have a quickie before we go.”
“You’re funny.” You smack your lips and boop his nose. “Come on, we need to get back downstairs. Mum probably thinks we’re fucking up here as it is.”
“It was cute watching her help put the kids to bed.”
You both walk downstairs just as Niall and Sarah pull up to the front door.
“Thanks again, mummy, we won’t be out too late.”
“Take your time. I brought my overnight bag, so I’m happy to stay if you kids wanna make it a late one.”
Harry hooks an arm around your waist and leads you outside. He opens the door for you and gets in on the other side.
“Hey guys.” You say, leaning to give Sarah and Niall each a kiss on the cheek. Harry does the same. “Thanks for inviting us out.”
“Of course! The school year is officially over! We’re celebrating.” Sarah says. “We’ve been dying to go to this place too.”
“It’s gotten really good reviews.” Niall says. “How are the babies?”
“Good, we had a pool day today. Jack got really excited because I actually swam.” You laugh.
About twenty minutes later, you get to the restaurant. It was nice for a seafood place, you were happy you were sort of dressed up. You’re sat at table for four. The tablecloth was a nice baby blue. Waters and a basket of bread are brought over to you to start with.
“How about a bottle of wine for the table, would that work for everyone?” Niall asks.
“Sure!” You say. “After all, we’re celebrating. Another year down, Sarah.”
“I know! I love this school so much. I started tenure this year too, it’s incredible.”
Niall orders a bottle of red wine for the table while you all look over the menu. Harry was being rather quiet, but he seemed fine. His hand was on your knee, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Harry, what are you thinking?”
“Maybe these broiled scallops? That sounded good.”
“Mm, I might do the same. I can’t remember the last time I had those.”
“Y/N, any news on the trial?” Niall asks.
“Next month…I have to go testify.” You sigh. “There’s so much going on. I guess they have a kid, so if he’s not convicted enough to go to prison, she’s at least fighting for full custody. My testimony along with the other women could help either way.”
“You’re so brave, Y/N…” Sarah says. “I don’t think I’d have the guts to go into a courtroom like that.”
“It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth it for some justice.”
A waiter comes over with the wine and pours you all a glass. You all order your dishes and clink your glasses together. Harry’s hand was still on your knee.
“So, Harry, you’re home through the end of June?” Sarah asks.
“Through the first week of July, actually. Isaac and Mariah asked if we could close for the fourth.” He shrugs. “I was perfectly fine with it.”
“And everything’s still going well?”
“Yeah, it’s great. Usually businesses struggle within their first five years, but our numbers get better every year. We’re lucky.”
“I think it’s the location too. The convenience of that park across the street must make a difference.” Niall says.
“Plus we sell other things, so people can come in and buy pictures and frames as well. My social media lady helps a lot too.” He looks at you and winks. You kiss him on the cheek, leaving a nice lipstick mark behind.
“We were thinking of going to the beach Saturday, would you guys wanna join?” You ask Sarah and Niall.
“Sure!” Niall says. “That would be Jessica’s first time at the beach, wouldn’t it?”
“Mhm.” You smile. “We haven’t brought Jack in forever either, thought it might be nice.”
“You know what would be cool once they get a little older? Now that Rachel and Mariah have Ricky, and Seth and Isaac have one on the way, we could all, like, rent a vacation house or something and go on a family vacation.” Sarah Says.
“That would be so much fun!”
“We should just do that for your birthday, but without the kids.” Harry smirks.
“Right, because turning thirty-two is sooo exciting.” You scoff. “Besides, I like the idea of all the kids getting to know each other better. Ricky is so cute too, they really lucked out with that adoption.”
“Yeah, I thought Mariah would’ve wanted a baby, but she seems to be doing just as well with a five year old.” Harry says. “She brings him in sometimes when Rachel can’t be home with him. He loves seeing her in action. Plus, he likes playing with Buster.”
“Wait, I like where Harry’s head is at. You birthday is always the perfect excuse to get away for a weekend in the summer.” Niall says.
“I wouldn’t want to leave them for that long.” You say bluntly. “A night here and there is fine, but a long weekend like that…I just don’t see it. I’d want to bring them, and I know that would get annoying for the two of you.”
“No it wouldn’t.” Sarah says. “Just because we didn’t want kids of our own doesn’t mean we don’t love yours unconditionally.”
“But…tonight, you wanted to have dinner without them…”
“Well, yeah. This is a nice place, plus I could just feel that you two needed a break. You’ve been cooped up. It’s officially summer now, and Auntie Sarah is here to help.” She smiles.
You and Harry get home at a reasonable time so your mom didn’t need to spend the night. You sigh as you slip your shoes off, and start to get undressed. You catch Harry taking his shirt off and smile.
“Could you help me with my zipper?”
He hums his response and comes over to you.
“You got some color today, babe.” He says to you.
“I know, my summer tan is in full swing.” You chuckle.
You step out of your dress and get the rest of your clothes off before grabbing one of his t-shirts to throw on. He strips down to his boxers and crawls into bed.
“Tonight was fun.” You look at him and roll over to fully face him.
“Yeah, good little date night.” He puts his hand on your hip and trails up to your back to give you a little rub. “You looked so pretty in your dress.”
“Thank you. I feel like I’m slowly becoming myself again. The treadmill in the basement has been great.”
“Babe.” He sighs. “Why do you always do that?”
“Do what?”
“Turn a compliment into something that makes you insecure? I wasn’t even…” He sucks his teeth. “I just said you looked pretty.”
“I know, and I said I feel like my body is going back to normal. You have no idea how hard it is to look in a mirror and barely recognize yourself.” You look down and then meet his eyes again. “I’m not trying to turn this into anything, but I do feel insecure sometimes. You met me when I looked a lot different. I didn’t have as many stretch marks, my skin wasn’t as loose…ugh and it’s so frustrating because I’d do it all over again.” You flop onto your back and cover your eyes with your forearm. Harry moves on top of you to straddle you.
“You would?”
“Yes.” You groan. He moves your arm away so you’ll look at him.
“How many more times?” You feel his length hardening against you.
“As many as we feel like.” You raise your hips slightly to his and he groans. “Within reason, of course.”
“I know you don’t love the changes your body makes, but you’re so sexy when you’re pregnant. Even now, nearly three months after having Jessica, you’re still glowing.” He leans down to kiss you. “I’d put another one in you right now.” He says into your ear and it sends shiver up your spine. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? To be full of me?”
“Harry.” You breathe and grind your hips up towards his again. “I’m not ready yet, but…maybe soon. I don’t wanna wait another two years like we did with Jack, but we just had her and…”
“I was just trying to, um, say something to get you in the mood, babe.”
“Oh.” You start laughing. “Well, I’m in the mood so go put a condom on.”
“Wow, twice in one day, look at us.” He hops off the bed and rummages through the night stand for the foil packet.
“I know, it’s just like the good old days.”
“I’d still fuck you any second I could if we didn’t have two little roommates to worry about.”
You giggle as he slides the condom on. You lift up slightly to take your shirt off. His hand slides between your legs to make sure that you’re wet. He teases you a little before pushing inside you. Your nails dig into his shoulders. It really was a nice treat having sex twice in one day. When you were younger it would happen all the time, but life got in the way.
“Harry, kiss me.” You pant as he thrusts in and out of you.
His lips meet yours and you grab for his hands. He pins them down by the sides of your head as your fingers intertwine. Your tongues mold together and he swallows every one of your moans.
“Feels so fucking good.” He grunts.
“God, fuck, don’t stop.” He was hitting your g-spot in just the right way. You were close already. “Yes, shit, right there.” You gasp as you come undone under him.
He kisses you before pulling out to flip you over. He pulls your hips up to his so he can slide back in. The sound of his moan is heavenly as he fucks you from behind.
“Y/N.” He pants.
You move your ass back against him to move in sync with his thrusts, and that just about does it for him. He spills into the condom and nearly falls on top of you. He kisses the back of your neck before pulling out. You both use the bathroom to clean up and then get back into bed.
“I feel like we either do it a lot or not at all.” He chuckles, pulling you to his chest.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
“But I like having sex with you.” You pout. “I just get so tired.”
“I know, so do I. I like the early morning shags, those are really nice.”
“Mm, yeah, great way to start the day off.” You kiss him one last time before turning over. He turns over with you to hold onto you. It doesn’t take long until you’re both fast asleep.
The day you all went to the beach was absolutely perfect, not a cloud in the sky. Niall helped set up an umbrella to give the kids some shade. Jack fusses when you put sunscreen all over his face, but once it’s done, he’s good to go. He grabs the sand toys and gets to work on his castle. Harry has Jessica nestled to his chest, hat covering her head.
“He has a doctor’s appointment Tuesday.” You tell Harry. “Boosters.”
“You’ll take him, right?”
“We can’t all go together?”
“No, I’m taking Jessica to visit my dad, remember?”
“Oh, right.”
“Y/N, wanna check out the water with me?” Sarah asks.
“Me too!” Jack perks up.
You stand up and grab one of Jack’s hands, Sarah grabs the other. Harry and Niall watch as the three of you have fun walking into the water.
“I hate when I have to take them to the doctor.”
“Why?” Niall asks him.
“Because…the nurses always flirt with me, it’s annoying.”
“Oh, boo hoo.” Niall rolls his eyes. “They know you’re married.”
“That’s the annoying part. It’s like they think I would actively cheat on my wife. The receptionist slipped me her number last time I had to take him.”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yeah!” Jessica fiddles for a second, but Harry soothes her. “Yeah.” He says quieter.
“Did you tell, Y/N?”
“No.” He sighs. “We both really like Dr. Philips, and Jack likes her too.”
“Did you say anything to the receptionist?”
“I threw the paper she gave me into the trash right in front of her.”
A few moments later the three of you come back up to your spot.
“Jack, I need to reapply your sunscreen.”
“No! I don’t like it.” He whines.
“You’ll like a sunburn even less, now come here.”
“No! I don’t-“
“Jack.” Harry says sternly. Jack looks at his father and pouts.
“But, Daddy.” He whines.
“I like when mum puts sunscreen on me, why don’t you?” You smile as Harry looks at you. You put some sunscreen in your hands and rub it onto Harry’s face. “See?”
“Okay.” Jack sighs.
Jack lets you put more sunscreen on and then he goes back to his sand toys. You grab a bowl and pour some water into it for Buster.
“There you go, sweetheart.” You pat his head and sit down. “Hand her over.” You grab a bubby from the cooler. Harry passes Jessica over to you so you can feed her.
“Wow, Harry, you really shut that down.” Sarah says.
“He does everything I do if he sees her do it to me, we’ve slowly learned. If I wear a bandana, he has to wear one because he knows she likes when my hair is out of my face. That’s how we got him to eat his veggies too. Total copycat.” He smirks.
“Jack, are you getting hungry?” You ask him as you burp Jessica.
He runs over to you and climbs into your lap. You sigh when he gets you all sandy. You look over at Harry.
“I’ll, uh, get his lunch out of the cooler.” He says.
“Jack, come sit with me.” Sarah says. “Auntie needs some loving.”
He giggles and goes over to her. Harry hands him his sandwich.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome. Here, honey.” He hands you yours.
“Thank you.” You pucker your lips and he leans down to kiss you.
“Let me hold the baby.” Niall says. You happily hand her over to her uncle.
“Daddy, will you take me swimming?”
“Gotta wait a few minutes after you eat, buddy, but yeah.”
“Think I’m gonna lay out for a bit.” You say and stretch. You lay a towel out and lay on your stomach. “Harry, could you-“
He was already putting sunscreen on you. Jack hops off Sarah and plops down on your bum.
“Jack.” Harry chuckles. “S’not very nice.” He picks him up off of you. “Let’s go to the loo and then we can go swimming, alright?”
“I’ll come with.” Niall says. He puts Jessica in the shade in her carrier. She was fast asleep. Sarah lays on a towel next to you.
“They certainly keep you both busy, huh?”
“Yeah.” You smile. “But you know me, I like being busy.” You watch them all walk away towards the bathhouse. “You know the other day, we were talking about having another one.”
“Are you serious?! You realize you have an infant right over there.”
“I’m well aware.” You giggle.
“So why would you want to have a third so soon?”
“I’m gonna be thirty-two soon, Sarah. I don’t wanna wait another two years to have another baby. I’m not saying I’m going to get pregnant right now, but soon I think. And then we’ll probably be done.”
“Probably.” She laughs. “You two are wild.”
“He likes it when I’m pregnant.” You grin.
“It does look good on you.” She chuckles. “What do you think the school would say?”
“I’m on the tenure track, they can’t say shit. Also, I’ve been pretty convenient having them both at the end of the spring semester. It’s not like I’ve needed to take extra time off.”
“True. What do you think you’d want to have, another boy or girl?”
“I have no idea, it doesn’t really matter to us. You know what Harry said before Jack was born? He wanted to know the sex of the baby so we could start calling him Jack instead of just Baby Styles, and he said the sex itself didn’t matter because Jack could realize he was supposed to be a girl when he gets older. It was so sweet.”
“God, that’s so progressive. We have some trans students at the prep school. You should see some of the parents that look at these kids when they get dropped off.” She rolls her eyes. “It’s not your kid, don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll never really understand why other people care so much. You are who you are.” You shrug.
Harry and Niall come back with Jack, and take him down to the water.
“That srunchie in his hair is so cute.”
“I know, he loves them too. We have one in every color for him. I’m so glad he has Harry’s hair. It’s beautiful.”
“Did you have to buy a special shampoo for it or anything?”
“Yeah, actually. My mom told me what to get. Never been so thankful that she’s a hairdresser. He loves when she comes over to cut his hair. He likes when she scratches his head.” You laugh.
It was a perfect beach day. Jack knocked out on the car ride home. You were able to give him a quick bath and put him to bed easily. Jessica went right down as well. You and Harry put some comfy clothes on and plop onto the couch with Buster. He throws his arm around you and pulls you in close.
“I like our family.” He says.
“Me too.” You look up at him and kiss him on the cheek.
Tuesday morning, Harry drove Jack to the doctor’s office for his physical.
“Where are we going, Daddy?”
“To see Dr. Philips. She’s gonna see how much you’ve grown from last year.”
“How come?”
“Every year, after your birthday, you have to have a physical. It’s just to make sure you’re in tip top shape.”
“You get one too?”
“I sure do. But I go to the grown up doctor for mine.”
Harry gets Jack up to the office. The receptionist is a little too happy to see him.
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” She beams.
“Checkin’ Jack in.”
“Of course…where’s Mrs. Styles today?”
“Out with our daughter, having a visit with Grandpa.”
“Jessica got to see Grandpa?!” Jack nearly bursts into tears.
“Jack, remember if you’re good you get a lollypop afterwards.” He pouts and goes to sit down. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Harry signs whatever forms there are.
“Happens all the time.”
Harry sits with Jack who was now being grumpy.
“You’re really upset, huh?”
“I like going to Grandpa’s.” He huffs.
“Are you really upset because mummy’s there?” Jack looks up at Harry and nods. “Sorry, mate. We’ll make time to go see Grandpa. You can have a whole day with him without your sister, okay?”
“Jack?” Dr. Philips comes out and smiles. “Ready?”
Harry and Jack stand up and follow her back to the room he’d be examined in. She takes his height and weight.
“He’s right where he’s supposed to be Harry.”
Harry hums his response. He lifts Jack up to put him on the bed. Dr. Philips moves his shorts up a tad so she can see his little thighs.
“This is gonna feel cold, Jack.”
“What are you doing?” He asks, big eyes looking up at her.
“I have to give you some shots so you don’t get sick later on. They’re called vaccines. You get a few when you’re a baby, and you get some now. It’s like your flu shot.”
“Does Daddy get them too?”
“Yes, but his own doctor gives them to him.” She looks at Harry, and he nods at Jack.
You get home with Jessica later that day. You and your dad went out for breakfast before hanging out at his house for a bit. You walk up the basement stairs with her and head into the living room. Jack was curled up in Harry’s arms.
“You.” Harry glares at you.
“Not exactly the greeting I was expecting.” You smirk. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t you ever make me do that again.”
“Do what?”
You set Jessica down in the pack and play that was in the living room. Harry gently puts Jack on the couch.
“How come he’s napping with you and not in his bed? How was his physical?” Harry yanks you into the kitchen.
“How was his physical?!” He whisper screams. “Hm, let’s see, I almost strangled Dr. Philips.”
“What?! Why?”
“She gave him three shots!”
“She was supposed to!”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t have to hear him whale out and cry. Then I started crying.” He groans. “I wanted to kill her. He didn’t even want his lollypop after. So, I will not be takin’ anyone for any more shots in the future. That’s all you.” He crosses his arms. You smile slightly. Harry’s accent always got thicker when he was upset, and it was sort of funny.
“You think it would be easier for me?”
“You’re way stronger than I am when it comes to that stuff. He cried for you, by the way.” He huffs and looks away. “This is something mums are supposed to do.”
“How was the rest of it?” You sigh.
“Good. His weight is on track and so is his height. He did great up until the shots.”
“Alright.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “I’ll take them for shots next time.”
“Yes. I did it when he was a baby, and I can tell you I didn’t want to kill the doctor.” You chuckle.
“It was too much.” He leans his forehead against yours.
“Mumma?” Jack comes into the kitchen, baby blanket cuddled to his face, thumb in his mouth.
“Hi, darling.” You let go of Harry and scoop him up. “Daddy told me you were really brave earlier.”
Harry raises an eyebrow at you.
“He did?”
“Mhm, so I think you should have a little treat for being so good. What do you say after dinner tonight we all go out for ice cream?”
“Yeah!” He hugs you close. “I got shots, Mumma.”
“I know, wanna show me your band aids?”
You walk him back out to the couch and sit down with him. Harry picks up Jessica and snuggles her. He sits down next to you.
“Oh, those are nice. She gave you dinosaurs just how you like.”
“How was my baby girl today?” Harry asks.
“Oh, I was fine. We went to a diner for breakfast-“ Harry starts laughing. “What?”
“I meant Jessica.” He smirks.
“She was fine too.” You swallow. “Good snuggles with Grandpa. Jack, would you like to see Grandpa later this week? He wants to come over and swim.”
“Yeah! I love Grandpa.”
“He loves you too.” You kiss the top of his head.
“You make everything better.” Harry says.
“Oh stop it.”
“I mean it. He was a mess earlier, and I was too much of a mess to-“
“He was asleep on you when I got in, you calmed him down plenty. You’re such a good dad, babe.”
“Thanks.” He kisses Jessica’s cheek and it makes her giggle. “We have the cutest kids in the world, I swear to god.”
“We sure do.”
You didn’t get to celebrate your thirty-second birthday because you were called to testify in court. Harry had been working half days, and you knew he was stressed and felt guilty for leaving you at home with the kids, so you didn’t let on about how nervous you were about seeing Jake again.
Sarah and Rachel would come over to see you when they could. Jack really liked playing with Ricky. The girls would often ask you how you were feeling about everything coming up, but you didn’t really want to talk about it.
“You don’t have to come to court with me.” You tell Harry the night before.
“Sure I do. I need to make sure you’ll be alright.”
“But you’ve been craving alone time with the kids, and now you’ll have it.”
“Y/N.” Harry sighs as he gets into bed with you. “I’m going, and so is Niall. Sarah said she could babysit. It’s all taken care of. You’re not going there alone, and that’s final.”
“Apparently after my testimony they think the jury will be able to make a decision. The other women have come in already. I’m a little nervous…I haven’t seen him in years….what if I freak out and I can’t say what the lawyer has been prepping me for?”
“That’s why we’re going. You can just look over at Niall and I.” He cups your cheek and you lean into you. “And then our kids are gonna know how brave their mum is.”
“And once that asshole is convicted I’ll be able to finally feel free from all of this. That trauma is always going to be inside me, and I’ve learned to cope, but he….well, it’s his turn to suffer.”
Harry kisses you and pulls you close to his chest. Tomorrow was going to be really difficult, and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t be there for you.
You put on your nicest pant suit and did your hair and makeup early the next morning. You’d need to meet your lawyer before the hearing. Harry got Jack and Jessica good to go before Niall dropped Sarah off to watch them.
“But where’s Mumma?” Jack asked when Sarah walked in.
“Mummy…had a work thing this morning. She’s getting her classes together for fall. She’ll be home a little later. You and your sister get to spend the day with Auntie Sarah, isn’t that nice?” Harry explains.
“Where are you going?”
“Uncle Niall and I have some errands to run. Adult stuff, buddy.”
“Yeah, it’s really boring Jack. We’re going to have way more fun.”
Jack shrugs and plops down in front of the TV. It was too early for him to even think about arguing. Sarah gives Harry a quick hug before he goes out to Niall’s car.
“How come Daddy was all dressed up?” Jack asks Sarah as she sits down next to him.
“He and Uncle Niall have to be dressed up for their errands. Daddy looks nice in his suit, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Jack smiles.
Harry and Niall don’t say much on the way to the courthouse. They were both sweating, and it wasn’t because it was August and they were wearing suits. Harry wished he could see you before going in, but he knew they had you in a private room.
“I just hope the cross examiner isn’t too awful to her.” Harry says. “I mean, she has a way of winning any argument she’s in, but those people can twist your words all over the place.”
“Your lawyer’s been prepping her, I bet she’ll be okay.” Niall gives him a reassuring smile. The two walk in and grab seats before it gets too busy.
People start shuffling in. Everyone rises when the judge comes in. Harry’s leg wouldn’t stop bouncing when they sat back down. Niall puts his hand on his knee and gives him a squeeze.
“It’s gonna be okay, mate.” He whispers. Harry nods at him and gives him a reassuring smile.
“Your honor, we’d like to call another victim to the stand.”
Your name is announced and you’re brought in through a side door. You don’t dare look around you, you just walk in a straight line. It felt weird swearing in on a Bible, but this was how the court system worked. You sit down in the area next to the judge. She was a female, but that didn’t guarantee she’d be sympathetic. You look out and see your lawyer, and Jake’s ex-wife and her lawyer. Your eyes dart over to Jake and his lawyer. You look out and see Harry and Niall, suddenly feeling grateful they were there.
“Dr. Y/L/N, thank you for joining us today.” The lawyer says to you. “Can you tell us who this man is?” She points over to Jake.
“Jake Robinson.”
“And how do you know him?”
“We dated for about a month back in 2018. We went out four times.”
“And what did these dates consist of?”
“Dinners mostly. We went to the movies once as well.”
“What was Mr. Robinson like on these dates?”
“Nice, for the most part. He seemed like a gentleman, that’s why I continued to see him.”
“Why did you two stop seeing each other?”
“He…assaulted me.” Your eyes meet his. You watch him roll his eyes and shake his head.
“Can you further explain this for the jury? Just so we’re all on the same page on what assault means here.”
“Well, he had driven me home from our dinner date, and he came up to my apartment, just for a night cap. We were talking and then we started kissing.”
“So you willingly invited him up to your place?”
“Yes. At this point I thought I knew him well enough to invite him into my home.”
“Where did it start to go wrong?”
“We started kissing, like a lot of people do. It was the first time we had really kissed outside of one of our cars.” You swallow hard and look over at Harry. He nods encouragingly at you. He wished he could hold your hand through the entire thing. “Anyways, he asked if we could move to the bed. I was living in a studio at the time. I just figured he wanted some room to stretch out.”
“So you said yes to moving to the bed?”
“Yes, but that was all I said yes to.”
“What happened next then?”
You squeeze your hands into fists. Your nails start digging into your palms. You take a deep breath and begin.
“It all happened really fast. He got aggressive all of a sudden. Before I knew it my head was being shoved into the pillow and he had…forced himself inside me. It hurt and I was crying.”
“You didn’t want to have sex with him?”
“Did you tell him to stop?”
“Why not?”
“I was afraid. If he could flip a switch like that I didn’t know what else he might do to me if I told him to stop or to get off me. It felt like I was paralyzed. I just sort of suffered through it. I didn’t want it.”
“What happened afterwards?”
“He left. He acted like everything was normal. There was a ton of blood on my sheets, and between my legs. I passed out and landed on my floor. When I woke up I put all of my clothes and the sheets into bags.”
“Why did you do this?”
“In case I decided to press charges, I wanted there to be evidence of his DNA or something. I’ve seen enough cop shows to know that’s what you’re supposed to do. I called out of work all week, and barely spoke or ate, or bathed. I was trying to process everything. I ended up seeing a therapist, which I signed a waiver for to free up the documents of our conversations.”
“Yes, we were able to look all of that over, thank you. We were also able to look over the DNA on your things. It was Mr. Robinson’s, just like it had been on the previous women’s things.” She looks at the judge who is making notes. “Did going to therapy help?”
“Yes. I only went a few times, and then took a break. I was suppressing a lot. I went back after a little while because I started having flashes when I started dating my now husband.”
“What are flashes?”
“They’re…like…we’d be doing something and all of a sudden I’d get triggered and get scared like it was Jake on top of me again.”
“Thank you, Dr. Y/L/N. No further questions, your honor.”
Jake’s lawyer stands up to cross examine you.
“Mrs. Styles, -“
“Dr. Y/L/N.” You correct him. Harry and Niall smirk to each other.
“My apologies, Dr. Y/L/N.” He clears his throat. “You mentioned you kept everything as evidence, but you didn’t press charges until a few months ago, why is that?”
“A friend had driven me to the police station about six different times. At the time, I just wanted it all to go away, and a court case terrified me. I was scared of seeing him face to face again. I also hadn’t told many people yet, and I was afraid of a lot of things. I had just turned twenty-three, I was young and didn’t really know how to properly handle things. If I could go back, believe me, I would have gone right to the police.”
“Maybe you didn’t go before because you knew Mr. Robinson didn’t actually assault you. It was just something you made up.”
“No, it was assault, rape, actually. He raped me. I didn’t consent to having sex with him. He didn’t ask me if I wanted to, he didn’t ask me if I was alright, he didn’t even check to see if I was enjoying it.”
“Maybe he just thought you liked it rough.”
“How would he have deduced that from the few dates we had been on? Like I said, he didn’t ask me if I wanted to or if I was enjoying it. He forced himself on me. I’ve consensual sex before, that wasn’t it.”
“You’re married, correct?”
“I am.”
“So every time you have sex with your partner, you both ask to make sure it’s what you want?”
“Yes. We always check in and make sure it’s something we both want in that moment. Every partner I’ve ever had, actually. Even if it was just a hook up back when I was in college, I was always asked if I wanted to, and when I said no, that was respected. I would give that same respect and courtesy back to them as well.” You take a sip of water from the bottle they put out for you. “Are you saying you don’t check in with your partner when you’re getting intimate?”
“No further questions, your honor.”
“Dr. Y/L/N, you’re free to go. Thank you.” She says to you.
You stand up and you’re lead out of the room. The judge announces there will be a brief recess to allow the jury some time to think everything over. Harry and Niall go out in the hallway to meet you and your lawyer. You tear up when you see them, and you run into Harry’s arms. He holds you close to his chest. His eyes were watery as well. Niall rubs your back as you breathe in Harry’s cologne for comfort.
“You did so well, love.” He whispers to you. “I’m so proud of you.” You look up at him and smile.
“Thank you.” You let go of him and hug Niall as well, briefly. “I’m glad you’re both here.”
“You really shut that other lawyer up when you flipped the script on him.” Niall says. “Well done.”
“Do you want to stay, or do you want to leave?” Harry asks.
“No, I wanna hear what the jury has to say. Even if they don’t believe me or the other women, they at least have to agree she should have full custody of their kid.”
The court is called back into session an hour or so later. Everyone rises when the judge comes back in.
“I want to thank the jury for their months of service on this case. I know hearing all of these stories has not been easy. I would also like to thank the brave women who have come forward in support of Mrs. Robinson.” She looks at Jake and then to the jury. “Has the jury reached a verdict?”
“Yes, your honor.” A woman stands up. “We find Mr. Jacob Robinson guilty on all counts of rape, including predatory.”
You gasp, but try to keep your composure. Jake’s parents and some of his family were also in the courtroom. You thought they should be ashamed raising someone like that, but you’d keep your thoughts to yourself.
“Mr. Robinson, you showed very little remorse during these last few months. I haven’t been very impressed.” The judge says. “We had three very brave women forward to make sure you wouldn’t hurt anyone else, and you easily could have. There could be others and we may never know. I sentence you to twenty years in prison, no parole. Mrs. Robinson will be granted full custody of the child. No visitation rights granted.” She pounds the gavel. “Court dismissed.” She stands up and exits.
You watch as Jake’s ex-wife hugs her lawyer and then who you presume is her family. You hadn’t even noticed that you had started crying. You stand up and throw your arms around Harry and Niall. It was over, it was finally over. The three of you walk out of the courthouse. There were news vans and reports out there waiting to take statements, as there often were with cases like this.
“Dr. Y/L/N?” You turn around to see Jake’s ex-wife. “We haven’t formally met, I’m Jane.” She shakes your hand. “I just wanted to say thank you, and that I’m so very sorry. I remember you, sort of, from years ago. We bumped into you at the ice rink in the city. You ran out after you saw him.”
“I remember.”
“I almost broke up with him that night, but he convinced me there was nothing to worry about. I was young then too, I didn’t realize he was manipulating me. Thanks to you, and the other women, I can go back to my daughter and tell her she’ll be safe from now on. We’ve been divorced for a couple of years, but he just wouldn’t leave us alone.”
“I’m sorry you had to be put through all of that. If I had-“
“Don’t. The other women all said the same thing. It’s hard, when there’s a history of people not believing women, or the fact that your life could have been destroyed by going through this process…it makes you so tired you don’t even want to try. I understand completely.” She looks over at Harry and Niall as well. “Can I ask you two something?”
“Anything.” Harry says while Niall nods.
“Did you ever see him again? Rough him up a little? The weekend of our wedding he had to wear makeup because he had gotten into some bar fight at his bachelor party.”
“Yeah, that was us…mostly me.” Harry says.
“Another red flag I ignored.” She scoffs. “Well, I just came over to thank you.” She gives your hand a squeeze. “I hope you’re able to live a little more peacefully now.”
“Thanks, same to you.” You smile as she walks away. “Okay, I’m ready to go home. It’s too fucking out to be wearing all these clothes, and I miss my babies.”
The three of you get back to your house and walk in through the front door. No one was inside, Sarah must have the kids out back for some pool time. You go upstairs to go put your suit on. Niall drives home to change. Harry goes upstairs as well. Once you’re both changed you head outside. Buster barks excitedly when he sees the two of you.
“Mumma!” Jack yelps as he swims over to the ladder. It nearly makes Sarah flip out of her pool float.
“Jack, don’t run!” Sarah yells as she gets out of the pool. Jessica was snug in the shade in her stroller.
“Hi my sweet baby.” You scoop Jack up and hold him close to you.
“How were your fancy errands, Daddy?” Jack asks, looking at his now dressed down father.
“Good.” He jostles his hair.
“How’d it go?” Sarah asks, giving you a side hug.
“He’s going away, for a long time.”
“That’s amazing!”
“Who’s going away?” Jack asks.
“No one you ever need to worry about.” You kiss his cheek and set him down. You snatch one of the water guns on the ground and his eyes grow wide with excitement. “Wanna play?”
Jack grabs another loaded water gun and the two of you start running around the yard spraying each other.
“She did amazing. Really kept it together.”
“I’ll bet.” Sarah says. Niall comes into the backyard and wraps his arms around Sarah from behind.
“Have fun with the kiddos?”
“Mhm.” She turns to kiss his cheek. “You two got lucky with such easy babies. She’s just as good as Jack was when he was that small.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cool.”
Harry grabs another water gun and joins in on the fun with you and Jack.
“Oh no!” You squeal. “Let’s join forces, Jack!” You both try to get Harry, but you run out of water.
Harry grins at the two of you, and soaks you with the gun. Jack squeals and runs over to Sarah and Niall. Harry gets his hands on you and lifts you.
“Harry, please!” You laugh hysterically as he lifts you higher and throws you into the pool. You emerge, and splash at him.
“Just thought you could cool off, babe.”
“Mhm, yeah.”
“Do it to me, Daddy!” Jack comes running back over so Harry can lift him up. Harry tosses him into the pool so you can catch him. Harry comes into the pool as well to keep having fun.
“They’re a cute little family.” Niall kisses Sarah’s cheek.
“Yeah, they are.” She sighs happily. “I like our little family too, though.”
“Oh, me too. Wouldn’t change a thing with yeh.”
212 notes · View notes
untaemedqueen · 5 years ago
The Bustier
Min Yoongi x Wife!Reader
Request: Hey boo, this is not an specific impregnation idea per say but it’s close? Have you listened to Christina Aguilera‘s “Sex for breakfast” ? Imagine the reader seducing sensually and doing whatever she can to stop her man (Bts member) from leaving the house and go to work. Would be very smutty and romantic but also fun.
WordCount: 3.6k
Genre: Marriage!AU, Smut, Fluff
Warnings, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, Deep Throating, Fellatio, Cum Swallowing, Impreg Kink (Super Slight), Unprotected Sex, Degradation (Cum Slut)
A/N: Sorry it took me so long! I hope you like it!
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The morning chill blows through the window, the white drapes whipping against the wall stirring you from your sleep. You rub your eyes lazily before yawning, your hand going to the spot next to you that is normally cold and empty by now. You reach over feeling your husband’s bare skin and you look over wide eyed. He was still here! He didn’t leave to the studio yet! You squeal happily throwing yourself on to your sleeping husband. Yoongi groans loudly before putting his hands over his face. 
“Hi baby girl.” He whispers, his voice laced with sleep as he turns on to his back and wrapping his arms around you. You giggle happily placing your head on his milky white chest. Yoongi snorts peaking one eye open before kissing the top of your head. 
“I have to go to the studio soon. Let me sleep some more, hmm?” You begin to frown, he was never here anymore. With the new album dropping soon you haven’t been able to spend any time with him, apart from dropping off doshirak to his studio every so often. You missed him, the way he smelt, the way he holds you. Everything. 
“You suck Min Yoongi.” You lift your head to look at his silver hair and small closed eyes. 
“I know, but you get a carefree life thanks to me sucking. So I’ll continue to provide for my family.” He yawns loudly before throwing your pillow over his face. 
“Let me sleep Princess.” You hear muffled through the pillow and you roll your eyes before getting up. Unless, he can’t make it to the studio today...
You tie your hair up cooking Yoongi breakfast, the always ever present bulgogi meat sitting on the black marble counter along with eggs ready to be fried. You lean against the counter puffing out your cheeks as the pan heats up. You could make him breakfast but that wouldn’t keep him home. You were lucky your daughter Mikyung was at Yoongi’s mothers house in Daegu for the week, so you could think of all the right reasons for him to stay. You put your hand under your chin, your wedding ring tapping on the black marble before groaning, nothing in actuality could make Yoongi stay home. He could fuck you and you would still beg him to stay but he would always tell you about a track that needed to get finished. You shut the pan off before putting your hands over your face. All you want is one day, just one. And, for Yoongi without Mikyung around for a bit, it was easier to get stuff done without having to do his daddy duties all the time. You step around the large kitchen counter with a frown before folding your arms. 
“What will make you stay, Yoongs?” You whisper to yourself deep in thought. 
You step into the walk in closet pressing your hand against the door frame as you look at the small plastic box underneath Yoongi’s rack of shoes. You pull out the box before blowing on it, scattering dust around the room. You cough loudly, you haven’t opened this box in years. Probably since you got married this box has been untouched. You wipe the dust on your fingertips on the carpet before sticking out your tongue as dust coats your tongue. 
“Fuck, ew.” You whine before pulling out the leather bustier and garters you wore the night you both made your daughter. It was a special piece of material that held a lot of promise. Yoongi even rapped about it in a song although the reference went over everyone's head but yours. See, he always does small romantic gestures like that, you should do one too. Never mind the fact that you just want a day to yourself. You stand up with a giddy smile before rushing to the bathroom.
Yoongi sits up hands scratching at his hair as he looks around your empty bedroom. 
“She’s mad.” He whispers to himself before smacking at his cheeks to wake up. 
“Y/N?!” Yoongi calls loudly before clearing his throat. 
“Kitchen!” He takes in a deep breath, his nose smelling the bulgogi meat. “Coming!” He calls quickly before standing up and heading into the en suite bathroom. Yoongi stares at himself in the mirror as he squirts toothpaste on to his toothbrush as his phone begins to ring. He yawns loudly before grabbing his phone. 
Video Call from Mom. 
Yoongi raises an eyebrow before answering, his three year old daughter rolling around with her grandmothers phone in her hands. Yoongi sets down his tooth brush and shutting off the water before sitting on the edge of the bath tub with a gummy smile on his face. 
“Our Mikyung-ie.” He folds his arm underneath his extended one. 
“Daddy!” She squeals happily making Yoongi give off a silent chuckle. 
“What are you up to, my girl?” Yoongi leans his head against the cool peach tiles of the bathroom wall as Mikyung sits up. 
“I go poopy all by myself!” Yoongi snorts, “You did?! I’m so proud of you, baby.” 
He loved his daughter like nothing else in this world. She was the light of his life, always bringing out his gummy smile in everything she did. His silent laughs with closed eyes constantly around with his daughter present. 
“Daddy?!” Yoongi hums in amusement as he stares at his girl. A smile playing on his lips as she holds her Shooky stuffed animal in her hand. 
“Mommy happy?” Yoongi furrows his eyebrows opening his mouth confused. 
“Yeah, of course Mommy is happy, baby.” 
“Mommy cry.” Yoongi leans forward worried as he hears your voice call for him in the kitchen. 
“She did? When, baby? When did Mommy cry?” Yoongi was worried, you never tell him about your emotions anymore. Yoongi feels that it’s a way to cope with your loneliness without him all of the time. Or, maybe it’s because you feel bad, you feel burdened by your emotions and you wouldn’t want to burden Yoongi since he does so much for you. 
“When, Mikyoung-ah?” Yoongi calls to his daughter who has gotten distracted with her toes. 
“All time.” She whispers to the phone putting her face against the screen. 
“Mikyoung-ie! Let’s eat breakfast!” Yoongi’s mother calls through the phone. All time? What? 
“Go eat baby. I love you.” 
“I love you Daddy!” He hums in agreement before ending the video call. 
“Yoongs?!” You call again loudly. Yoongi puts his phone to his forehead. All the time? 
“Coming, baby girl!” 
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You set Yoongi’s breakfast on the table as he emerges from the hallway in a bucket hat and a black hoodie. He wraps his arms around you before kissing you gently, you smile into the kiss and Yoongi holds you tightly to him. 
“I love you.” He whispers closing his eyes. 
“I love you too.” You say confused. 
“Breakfast smells delicious.” He pulls out the breakfast nook chair before sitting down and looking over your black silk robe. 
“This is pretty.” He fingers at the hem of the silk robe, rubbing the fabric in between his fingers. It wasn’t strange that he was complimenting you, but the face he had plastered on was weird. He seemed guilty? Seemingly miserable within himself. 
“What’s up with you?” Yoongi looks up at you before giving you a tight lipped smile. 
“Nothing, I just love you so much and you deserve to be told.” You hum in agreement before sitting next to him, the robe slipping off your thigh showing your black lace garter. Yoongi scoops up a spoonful of rice before chewing it. Your thigh shielded by the edge of the table. 
“When is our Mikyung coming home? Today, right?” You nod with a smile as you scooch your chair over to him. Yoongi goes to sip his water before seeing your thigh and choking violently. He coughs loudly as he looks at the garter before wiping his face with his hoodie sleeve. 
“Is that what I think it is?” Yoongi sits back in his chair pulling the robe off of your other thigh. He bites at his bottom lip before looking back up at you. 
This was something unprecedented, you never try to pry him away from work like this, but you were begging for just one day. And, after that phone call with his daughter Yoongi has realized how much he has neglected you. Yoongi scrapes his chair back before patting his lap and taking off his bucket hat running his fingers through his hair. 
“Why’re you dressed so sexy so early in the morning, hmm?” He wraps his hand around your small wrist pulling you on to him. You smile down at him before straddling his lap, your hands reaching up and caressing his handsome face.
“Because I love you.” He hums in agreement leaning up and kissing you, his hand snaking up to the back of your neck and rubbing at your neck muscles. Yoongi hooks his finger into the garter before snapping it back into your skin. 
“You trying to tell me something?” He asks with a gummy smile as he pulls away from you. 
“I’m trying to tell you that I miss you.” Yoongi sighs before standing up, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“I know baby. I miss you too.”
Yoongi lays you down gently on your bed, his tongue licking his lips as he kneels in between your legs. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around and that you think you have to go to these lengths just to make me stay.” You swallow thickly knowing you’ve been caught. 
“It’s alright... just go ahead to the studio. I’ll bring you lunch later.” Yoongi rubs his hands over his face before bending down and kissing you. 
“I’m not going anywhere today.” You look up at him surprised. 
“Really?!” He gives you a lazy smile crawling on top of you, his legs straddling you as he rubs your sides. 
“How can I go when my wife looks so beautiful?” You smile widely as he bends down his lips making contact with the shell of your ear, “You look so gorgeous.” 
Your heart fluttering at his compliment as he undoes the belt of your silk robe. He pulls the fabric away only to take a large inhale through his nose. His eyes beginning to get low with lust. 
“Fuck, I haven’t seen this in a long time.” His hands rubbing over the corset with his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth. 
“I thought you would like it.” Yoongi hums in agreement as he begins to kiss down your skin. His small hot kisses fueling your fire as you spread your legs underneath him. 
“I love you.” His words holding so much love that you can’t help but giggle. 
“I love you too.” Yoongi pulls at the garters, they snap back digging into your skin and you can’t help but whimper out for him. 
“Fuck.” He curses before pulling at the bustier. 
“Should I fuck you in this or out? Last time I fucked you in it we had a baby.” He chuckles as you shrug.
“Whatever happens, happens.” He hums in agreement before bending down and encasing your lips with his. His tongue licking at your bottom lip asking for entry. Your tongues begin to fight for dominance as his slender fingers lazily make their way down your body. His simple touches sending jolts of lighting throughout your body. 
“Sexy little thing.” He whispers against you as he runs his fingers over your clothed pussy. You let out a small moan as he digs his fingers in between your lips letting his fingers and your thong rub at your clit. 
“Yoongi.” You wantonly moan and he can’t help but curse again before taking off his hoodie. 
“Shit, baby. You’re so sexy.” This was always something you loved, the amount of compliments he gives you makes you feel like you’re the most gorgeous thing in the world. And, Yoongi would completely agree. Your hands running over his milky white chest as he pulls down his black multi-zipper sweatpants. His cock already standing to attention as he crawls back in between your legs and hooking his fingers into the sides of your thong. He peels back the underwear at a snails pace, his tongue darting out and licking his lips as your drenched cunt meets his eyes. 
He groans lowly, “Such a pretty little pussy you have, baby.” You bite your bottom lip as you feel yourself leaking out on to the sheets below you. Even after so many years with Yoongi it was always like the first time. The excitement you feel, how lust just enraptures you. It was all so perfect. Yoongi spreads your legs wider for him as he bows down. His tongue running a flat lick over you makes a surprised moan leave your lips. His tongue lapping at your clit as his index finger begins to tease your entrance. 
“Yoongi, please!” You beg, he chuckles against you his hot breath making your eyes roll back as he continues his assault on your clit. Your thighs beginning to twitch as he enters a finger into you. 
“So fucking tight.” He whispers against you before suckling at your sensitive bud, your body thrashing around underneath him as he slowly fucks you with his finger. A moan leaving his throat at how your pussy juices coat his finger so nicely. The invisible band around you was tightening, your orgasm building up slowly for your husband. 
“Fuck, Yoongi, harder!” You whine and he pulls up from you. 
“Be good and enjoy it.”
“I want to cum!” His chin and cheeks coated in your arousal as he smiles. 
“You will, my girl, you will.” He adds another finger as he abides by your wishes, he fucks you quickly with his fingers. Your eyes rolling back as you moan for him. 
“Such a tight pussy for me, so nice and wet. Fucking dripping on to our sheets. You love my fingers, don’t you baby? Love when I make you cum with just two fingers.” You whimper out, pulling at the bed sheets. 
“Yes! I love it when you fuck me, anyway you do it!” Yoongi smirks, “My little cum slut.” 
The band was so tight in your stomach, your thighs crushed against Yoongi’s head as you squeeze him. 
“Fuck, you taste so good baby.” His fingers curling upwards as you moan loudly. 
“Yoongs, I’m- fuck!” Your orgasm rolling over you as your ears begin to ring. White noise filling your head as you become boneless underneath him. 
“Good girl.” He wipes his face on your thigh before sitting upright. A gummy smile appearing on his face as he strokes languidly at his rock hard erection. You bite your lip as you sit up. 
“Want a taste?” He asks gathering pre-cum on to his thumb, he holds his finger up to you and you eagerly begin to suck on it. Tasting the musky, salty fluid. 
“Oh shit.” He whispers watching you suck him so earnestly. Your tongue swirling around the rough pad of his thumb has Yoongi’s eyes rolling back with a groan. 
“Suck my cock, baby.” He caresses your cheek and you lean forward ready to please your man. Your mouth opening as Yoongi gathers your hair into his fist, he shoves your head down and you can’t help but choke on him. 
“Fuck!” Your tongue licking up his base before hollowing your cheeks. 
“Just like that, baby. Fuck, yes.” Curses flowing from his mouth freely as you whimper out against him. He pushes your head down harder, moaning at the feeling of your throat trying to reject his cock. Your tongue swirls around the head before bobbing on him quickly. 
“You fuck my cock with your mouth so well. Jesus Christ.” You were always the best for him, the way you could make him feel so good all the time. You grip at his toned thighs as your eyes begin to blur with tears. 
“Such a pretty mouth for fucking my cock into.” You take a few swallows, trying to deep throat him. 
“Y/N.” Yoongi’s moans were like gold, you could never get tired of hearing how his voice yearns for you. His cock begins to throb in your throat. Spit and pre-cum sputtering out of your mouth and down his balls as his head lulls back. His fist getting tighter as he snaps his hips thrusting into your mouth quicker, you would definitely feel the jaw pain later. 
“Goddamn, I’m going to cum in this pretty little mouth.” His thumbs caressing your scalp as he let go of your hair. His moans get louder and you massage his balls goading him to orgasm for you. 
“Yes, fuck. Baby, I’m cumming! Fuck!” He yelps out before a loud groan emits through your bedroom, his cock stuttering in your mouth as ropes of cum stream down your throat. He gasps quietly closing his eyes as he clutches on to your head. You lick at some of his cum on your lip as he pulls himself out of your mouth. 
“Christ.” He mumbles watching you with lust blown eyes, he shoves you down roughly, the corset digging into your skin as he works in a flurry. He spits on your pussy before rubbing the head of his cock into your clit. A small moan leaving you as he glides the head over your folds. 
“Your pussy looks so pretty on my cock.” He teases you gently, eyeing how nicely your pussy lips look pushed open by his cock. 
“Fuck me.” You whisper pulling at his arms, he bites his bottom lip before entering the head into you slowly. The heat of your cunt radiating into to him as he shivers. 
“You always feel so good, baby girl.” He inches inside of you slowly, his mouth opening as you put your head back. Your back bowing off of the bed. 
“Maybe, I’ll fuck another baby into you this time too, would you like that?” You whimper out as he buries himself to the hilt. Yoongi puts himself on top of you, his chest smacking into yours as he begins to thrust into you slowly. His teeth taking your earlobe in between them as he runs his tongue over your skin. You wrap your legs around his waist as he begins to bulldoze into you. Loud choked moans leaving your lips as you whine out for him. His thick cock stretching you deliciously as he groans. 
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Shit!” A sheen layer of sweat gathering over the both of you as he fucks into you. His elbows finding purchase next to your head as he continues to love on you. 
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.” His bangs slick to his forehead as he fucks you. His eyes shutting in pleasure as he whimpers out your name. 
“I love it when you fuck me with your big cock!” Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowing together as you reach down and begin to rub your clit. 
“Good girl, rub your clit for me. I can’t wait to feel you cum on my cock.” His cock pre-cumming inside you as he pulls your knees to your chest, moaning loudly at how your pussy tightens. 
“Yoongi!” Your hands gripping harder at the bed sheets, your knuckles turning white as you feel the band beginning to tighten again. The squelching of your pussy like music to Yoongi’s ears as he begins to roll his hips. 
“You’re going to make me cum so quickly baby, this pussy feels too good.” You let out a sob of pleasure as you pull back the hood of your clit. With every circle you make, his bare pubic bone smacks into your overly-sensitive nub. Your legs beginning to quiver again at the euphoric feeling. Your pussy starts to throb, alerting him of your oncoming orgasm. 
“Yes, fuck yes, cum on my cock baby. Milk my cock dry.” Yoongi’s mouth going dry at the feeling. You can only whimper out for him, words becoming unintelligible. You feel your orgasm coming, speeding down your body. He pulls your knees up higher, the head of his cock caressing the rough patch within you. And, like you’ve been hit by a truck your orgasm overtakes you. Tears of pleasure leaving your eyes as you sob loudly putting your head back. 
“Y/N!” Yoongi moans loudly feeling how tight your pussy clenches for him. 
“Fuck, I’m going to cum. Fuck. Fuck!” He curses putting his head down against your clothed bust as he fucks you up the bed. Every thrust hitting your cervix folds as you grips at your knees roughly. His mouth opening as he cums, his cum shooting into you as he groans quietly. You hug him tightly to you and he presses all of his weight into you as he sighs loudly. 
“My God!” He yells out making you giggle, he looks up at you before giving you his famous smile. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around.” Yoongi whispers as you cuddle naked together, you hum in disagreement. 
“You’re right, you take care of us and your passion means a lot to you. I understand.” Yoongi wants to say that your daughter told him that you cry so often but he can’t bring himself to do it. 
“I’ll be around more, I’ll make you smile more often.” You turn your head to him and give him a small peck. 
“I’ll just wear the bustier more.” Yoongi wiggles his eyebrows at you before kissing your cheek. “That works too.”
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i-know-you-can · 4 years ago
The Story of Us - It takes a village
Time flies and it’s been a little while since I added anything new to my collection of short one shots/drabbles but a few days ago a wonderful idea by @tikigoddess caught my attention and wouldn’t let me go. You can find the original post here or if you don’t want to be spoiled
Read below or on Ao3
“Are you sure you guys are gonna be fine on your own? I can just tell Veronica to reschedule. Or maybe we can stay in. I’m sure she could bring the whole spa over here if she wanted.”
“Betts,” Jughead says, placing a hand on her shoulder to stop her nervous rambling, the other hand cradling their baby daughter against his chest. “We’ll be just fine. Mia will probably sleep most of the time you’re away anyway while I’ll try to get some writing done. No need to worry about us.”
It’s been only six weeks since Mia Isabella Jones has entered their lives, causing everything they do to stop and focus on her. And while Jughead is more than willing to do that, assuming the role of a full time dad with pride, he’s also still a husband, one of his duties being that he needs to force his wife to take time for herself and relax.
“But what if...” Betty tries to protest but Jughead stops her.
“No what ifs. You’re only going to Greendale. If something were to happen, which it won’t, Veronica’s driver will have you back in no time.”
With a resigned sigh Betty nods and Jughead knows just how she feels. Every moment spent away from their daughter feels like forever. And for someone as young as her, it probably is. Even though she spends most of her day sleeping, completely unaware of her parents’ presence.
“I’ll miss this sweet face,” Betty says, her lips down-turned as she strokes Mia’s cheek, the little girl rewarding her with a toothless smile.
“I’ll miss yours too.” Jughead grins, making her chuckle. “But it’s only a few hours and you deserve time for yourself.”
Just then a car honks outside of their house, signaling Veronica’s arrival.
With dozen kisses to Mia’s face and a few spare for him, Betty is out of the door, finally leaving the father-daughter duo alone.
“It’s just you and me kiddo,” Jughead whispers and for a moment he worries Mia will feel the lack of her mother’s presence and break into tears. He sure would in her place. But instead she just lets out a quiet gurgle and snuggles into his chest.
“I know, I’ll miss mommy too,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Not sure if more for her comfort or his. “But I promise we’ll have fun.”
Jughead may have exaggerated the term fun when twenty minutes later Mia is sleeping soundly in her crib while he stares at the blank screen of his computer, willing the words to come to him. It’s difficult to get into the zone though, as a thought in the back of his mind keeps nagging him, telling him he’s forgetting something important. He’s ran through the mental checklist of baby care twice already, making sure his daughter was safe and satisfied but the feeling doesn’t go away.
It’s only when his phone rings and a frustrated “Jones, where are you? We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.” comes from the other end that he realizes what he’s been forgetting this whole time. The monthly Serpents’ meeting.
While the previous month, due to Mia being barely two weeks old, Toni, as his second in command, lead the meeting, this month Jughead promised to check back in himself. A thought that quickly slipped his mind in the hustle and bustle of his everyday life.
What was once a five minute bike drive now turned into half an hour as Jughead triple checked the contents of the diaper bag before loading Mia into the car seat and setting off towards the White Wyrm. By the time he arrives, the Serpents are already waiting, faces predictably twisted with annoyance that quickly dissipates and turns into smiles once they notice the sleeping baby strapped to his chest. His daughter does tend to have that sort of effect on people.
“Sorry for the delay, guys,” Jughead says as they all settle into their chairs, “but as you can see, I have a very cute excuse.”
It’s barely ten minutes later when he’s running his hand through his hair in frustration. He’s forgotten how these meetings can sometimes go, especially with new members of the gang and without Betty by his side to shut them up with a single look before they have a chance to say something stupid.
“It’s just weed. What’s the big deal?” the newest member of the gang, a self-nicknamed guy called Sniper, asks, crossing his arms. He looks like a toddler about to throw a tantrum and Jughead hoped he was at least two years away from having to deal with that.
“The Serpents don’t deal drugs. It’s one of the main rules and you know that,” Jughead says, trying to keep his tone firm and serious. He knows that the adorable baby strapped to his chest may be making it a bit more difficult to take him seriously but he tries anyway.
Sniper rolls his eyes with an exaggerated huff, muttering something about the gang being boring. Then he pulls out a pack of cigarettes but Toni slaps the lighter out of his hand before he can light one.
“Are you crazy? There is a baby here,” she says, her eyes flaming with anger.
“Yeah, and Fangs has asthma. The Wyrm is a strict no smoking zone,” Sweet Pea growls, standing up to tower over the new guy for emphasis.
Sniper takes a quick look around him, as if wondering whether anyone will back him up, but the other Serpents just shake their heads and send him disapproving looks. “What kind of stupid gang is this?” he grumbles, kicking a chair angrily.
The sudden noise startles Mia from her slumber, a loud wail piercing through the air in an instant.
“See? Now you made the baby cry. Get out of here!” Sweet Pea snarls, pushing him towards the exit.
Jughead’s hand immediately comes up to Mia’s back, trying to soothe her with gentle strokes. “It’s okay, sweetie,” he talks to her in the softest voice possible, “sorry that poopy head woke you up.” He hears a couple of people snicker at his choice of words but ignores them, bouncing lightly on his feet, hoping to quickly put her back to sleep. The first three weeks of her life, bouncing on a fitness ball was the only sure-fire way to get her to sleep but Betty and Jughead have since moved on from bringing the ball with them everywhere so this is the most he can do now.
The little girl isn’t having it though, her tiny face scrunching up and her cries growing louder. Some of the Serpents, mostly the ones who don’t have kids on their own, start looking uncomfortable, clearly not sure how to deal with the situation. A crying baby is not a common problem during gang meetings.
“Let me hold her. Maybe she’s just sick of all the testosterone in the air,” Toni says and after a moment of hesitation Jughead carefully extracts Mia from the baby carrier.
“Be careful,” he tells her and she shoots him a look that says: “ I know what I’m doing better than you do.” . He supposes she’s right. After all, she has her own tiny person at home and therefore a lot more experience than he does. Still, it doesn’t stop him from worrying whenever he hands his daughter to someone else.
Toni’s presence doesn’t seem to help though, as Mia continues to prove to everyone how strong her lungs are.
“Let me try,” an older Serpent comes up to Toni, reaching his hands out for the baby. “My girls always liked to be rocked in a specific way.”
Jughead runs his hand through his hair, wondering how the direction of the meeting changed so quickly. Ah, right, Sniper was being an idiot.
Betty often teases him about how the Serpents have hardly resembled a gang in the past half a decade. He usually tries to oppose her, saying that a gang isn’t defined by doing criminal activities or riding motorcycles (many of the Serpents have exchanged theirs for family cars). But looking at them now, all he sees is a group of dorks in leather jackets, passing along a crying baby in a poor attempt to get her to stop crying.
“Your ugly face is only making her cry more.” He hears Sweet Pea say to a Serpent called Hisser who is trying to pull funny faces at Mia, before taking the baby from him. “Babies like being sung to,” he says, taking a deep breath before a slightly husky rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star reverberates through the bar.
“You’re singing it wrong,” Fangs interrupts him, starting the song again and several other Serpents start humming alongside him.
To everyone’s surprise, by the time they finish the song for the second time, the crying stops, Mia’s bright green eyes half closed and heavy with sleep.
“We did it, boss!” Fangs whisper yells in excitement as Sweet Pea continues to rock the baby in his arms until her eyes close completely.
As Jughead watches them, he realizes he could hardly ask for a better family for his daughter. Raising a child really takes a village. And sometimes that village is a group of gang member singing lullabies in a bar.
“Oh my god!” Betty exclaims with a giggle as a video of the Serpents singing to her daughter plays on her phone. Underneath a message from Toni says: "The Serpent Princess already has them wrapped around her tiny finger.”
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warriorlid14 · 5 years ago
And the Dragon Goes Rawr
Summary:  Percy Weasley is six years old and ready to take care of his baby brother Ron. Molly disagrees.
Words: 2,789
You can also find it on AO3 and FFN.
Percy Weasley was a very smart and mature boy for his age. Which is why his big brother Charlie had entrusted him, and only him, with his favorite book about dragons: The Tales of the Dragon. And it was why he couldn’t let Ronnie get his hands on it. He was only two, after all, and even though he wouldn’t try to purposely destroy his brother’s prized possession, he was little and bound to accidentally rip it. Or so Percy thought, anyway. So he scooched all the way against the wall where Ronnie couldn’t reach him, as he was too small to climb onto the bed with him… Unless, of course, he pushed the chair against the bed and climbed onto that first, which he had been able to do for a month now. But Percy forgot about this as he turned page after page, each one containing an even bigger and more beautiful dragon than the last. Along with three facts about each dragon, which Percy was diligently memorizing, as it was sure to impress Charlie when he returned home.
“Perce,” a little voice called up to him (which sounded more like a combination of “purse” and “puss” than “Percy”), followed by tugging on his sheets.
“Go back to coloring, Ronnie,” he called back. Ronnie had almost burst into tears the third time Percy told him he couldn’t borrow Charlie’s book, but Percy had lent him a coloring book, and he had quickly become entertained (after Percy dutifully explained that he had color inside the lines, of course). 
Ronnie presumably did as he was told, but then two minutes later was tugging on his sheets once more. “Perce,” he said, more urgently this time. 
Percy, however, was too enthralled on the page about Hungarian horn-tailed dragons to notice. So he said, “I told you this is Charlie’s book. Go play with something else.”
“I gotta- I gotta-”
But whatever Ronnie had to do would remain unknown as he ran off to the other side of the room. Percy re-read the page about Hungarian horn-tails. They were Charlie’s favorite, after all. It was on his third re-read, however, that he noticed an all too familiar and not at all pleasant smell in the air. He immediately put his book down, and asked, “Ronnie, did you poop!?”
Little Ronnie was at the door and reaching up on his tippy toes to try to reach the door handle, to no avail. At his big brother’s question, he turned around and nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had to go potty?” Percy exclaimed. 
But Ronnie turned back to the door. “I want Mummy!” he exclaimed as he reached for the handle one more time.
Percy frowned. His mum would surely scold him. He was supposed to be watching over his little brother, and everyone knew that Ronnie was in the midst of potty training. But well… He looked guiltily at his book, then pouted. He was sure that it was not his fault; Ronnie should have told him he wanted to poop.
“Perce, help!” His baby brother sounded like he was close to tears, and Percy quickly stood up to help him. He grabbed his hand, and opened the door.
“Come on, Ronnie. Let’s go see Mummy.”
Molly, as it turned out, was hastily preparing dinner and finishing up their laundry before Arthur, Bill, and the twins came back from their trip to Diagon Alley, and before Charlie came back from his play date. It had taken longer to put little Ginny down than usual, as she had insisted on playing with her bottle and giggling at her mother’s attempts to feed her instead of drinking her bottle and going to sleep. And odds were that she would wake up at her usual time regardless.
So when Percy came into the kitchen and said, “Mummy, can you come with me?”, she barely looked up before saying “Mummy’s a little busy, dear. Is it an emergency?”
Percy opened his mouth to say yes, before taking in his mother’s frazzled appearance. He looked back at the living room where he had left Ronnie, who was on the floor, giggling at something he couldn’t see. He was suddenly hit with what he thought was his most genius idea all week and smiled. He was a big boy, after all. He was six and a half. He could help Ronnie and his mum.
“No, I got it,” he said quickly, then turned back to Ronnie.
“That’s nice, dear. Take Ron with you,” Molly called after him, clearly not having registered his response.
Little Ron was partaking in his favorite pastime: running into the magical barrier that led to the stairwell as fast as his little legs would let him, and then laughing hysterically as it caught him and gently pushed him back to the floor. The barrier had been put up for all of the children. It didn’t allow them to go up or down the stairwell on their own before a certain age, lest they hurt themselves or try to wander around the house in the middle of the night. That age was typically four, but Molly and Arthur had decided to keep the charm on for the twins for another year. Maybe two. 
“Come on, Ronnie,” Percy said, grabbing onto his little hand again.
“No!” Ron exclaimed, and he immediately tried to pull away. It seemed he wasn’t done playing with the magical barrier. Left to his own devices, Ronnie could play with that barrier for hours (a fact that his parents would capitalize on more often than they’d like to admit). It was a protective, magical barrier after all, and no matter how hard he ran towards it, it wouldn’t hurt him. 
“C’mon, Ronnie. We have to change your nappy.”
At the reminder that his nappy was currently uncomfortably full, Ron once again took his older brother’s hand who then led him through the barrier and up the stairs to his parents’ room. Percy immediately headed towards the drawer where his mum kept the nappies and wipes. He’d seen her change his siblings nappies’ plenty of times, and had even assisted sometimes. And she had even let Bill change a nappy on his own. He was sure he could manage all on his own. He was a big boy after all, and he was very mature for his age.
“Okay, Ronnie, you have to get onto the bed,” Percy said in a commanding voice.
Ronnie nodded and immediately jumped towards the bed. He put his little hands at the edge of the bed and tried and failed to hoist his little body up onto the bed. “Help, please,” he said, looking up at Percy.
Percy picked up his legs with a grunt and pushed him onto the bed. “You’re heavy,” he complained. 
But Ron paid him no mind, instead glancing at the door with a confused expression. “Mum-”
“I’m going to change your nappy right now,” Percy interrupted. Ronnie didn’t look convinced, though, and looked back at the door with a concerned expression. “And then we can go back to my room and color your dragon, okay?”
That caught Ronnie’s attention, and he immediately laid back obediently while Percy determinately set to work. He took out one Ron’s nappies from the drawer and a packet of wipes. He thought to himself that his mum would be very proud of him, taking care of Ronnie all on his own. She’d probably tell him that he was a great big brother, too. And maybe he could go down to the pond on his own now!
All thoughts of his mum, though, were immediately cut short when Percy caught sight of what was inside the nappy. “Ewww, Ronnie you stink!” He pinched his nose and took a step back.
Ronnie, thinking this was hilarious, giggled and said, “No, you stink!”
“No, you stink, Ronnie!” Percy said, taking another step back.
“No, you stink!” Ronnie said with a grin, and began to sit up to look at his brother.
“No, don’t move! You’re going to get everything dirty!” Percy exclaimed. But it was too late, and Percy looked at the mess in horror. “You got poop all over the bed!” 
“No, you poopooed on the bed!”
“No, I didn’t! You’re the one who pooped in your nappy!” Percy cried. 
Ronnie, still thinking they were playing, giggled and said, “No, you poopooed in your nappy!” 
“That’s not true! I don’t wear a nappy!” Percy was growing louder by the minute and his cheeks were turning red. “I’m not a baby! You did it!” 
“No, you poopooed in your nappy! You poopooed in your nappy!” Ron exclaimed excitedly.
But Percy, reminded of the times Fred and George danced around him singing  “poopy-head, poopy-head”, angrily yelled, “That’s not true! Stop lying, Ronnie! I didn’t poop in my nappy! You did! And I’m telling mummy, and I’m not lending you my coloring book anymore!”
Ronnie’s face fell, and his eyes instantly welled up with tears. Percy immediately felt guilty. Ronnie was only two, after all. He was still a baby. He was only playing. And he wasn’t the twins.
“No, don’t cry, Ronnie,” Percy said, and leaned over to pat his little brother on the head. But that only resulted in a loud sniff. 
“I’m sorry. We can go play after we’re done, okay?” Ronnie sniffed again, and tears fell down his cheeks. Percy began to panic.
“We can read Charlie’s book! You wanted to read it! It’s about dragons! You like dragons, right?”
Ronnie nodded slowly. 
“And- and I can show you the pictures of all the dragons. And teach you about the Hungarian horn-tail. And we can draw the dragons afterwards! Do you like that?”
“Yes,” Ronnie said, but there were still tears in his eyes. 
“And um- um-” Percy tried to remember what his parents said to make Ronnie laugh. “What color are dragons, Ronnie?”
“Gween,” Ronnie said.
“That’s right!” Percy explained. “And how do dragons go?”
“Raaaaawr!” Ronnie said with a smile.
“Yes!” Percy said proudly. “I’m going to clean you up now, okay?”
Percy pulled out six wipes to clean his little brother up and bunched them up in a ball. He determinately set to work. All the while he kept asking him questions to cheer him up.
“What color is the sky, Ron?” Percy asked while he grabbed another two wipes.
“And what color are the clouds?” Percy asked while he grabbed another two wipes.
“Yes, but sometimes they’re also grey. Like when they’re cumulon- cumuloni- When they have a lot of rain in them, they’re grey. And what color is Gryffindor?” Percy asked while he grabbed another two wipes.
“Well, it’s actually gold. And how does the Gryffindor lion go?” Percy asked as he threw the dirty wipes in the trash can.
“Raaaaawr!” Little Ron clapped as Percy finished up changing his nappy.
“That’s right! We’re all done!” Percy exclaimed, and helped Ronnie off the bed. Then he proceeded to use ten wipes to clean the mess that had been left on the bed. “Let’s go back to my room. Do you still want to read Charlie’s book?”
“Yes!” Ronnie exclaimed, grabbing Percy from the hand and pulling him towards the door.
And that’s how Molly found them. Sitting on Percy’s bed, with Percy holding the book in front of them. Molly smiled at the serious expression on Percy’s face as he loudly read from the book, and at Ronnie’s look of wonder as he stared in rapt attention at the pictures in front of him. Her smile grew when she noticed that Percy had one arm wrapped around his baby brother in a protective hug. It was times like these she regretted not having a camera on her at all times.
“How are my boys doing?” she asked fondly. 
“Good! I’m teaching Ronnie about dragons!” Percy exclaimed excitedly.
“You are? And are you learning a lot, Ronnie?”
Her baby boy beamed up at her in a way that caused her heart to melt and nodded furiously. “Look at the dwagons, Mummy!”
“Yes, I see them on the cover. And what color are the dragons, baby?”
“Gween!” he said excitedly.
“That’s right!” she said proudly. “You’re so smart. And how do dragons go?”
He took a deep breath, presumably to let out the deepest growl he could, and yelled “Raaaaaawr!”
… And immediately a small stream of fire erupted from his mouth, and the book caught on fire. 
Percy let out a screech and threw the book to the other side of the bed. Molly reacted instantly, whipping out her wand and casting a silent aguameni before the sheets caught on fire. Ron, completely unaware of the dangerous situation he had unintentionally caused, laughed wildly, yelling, “I’m a dwagon!”
Molly rushed to her boys, and swept them up in her arms, pulling them off the bed and away from the still-smoking book. “Are you boys okay?” she yelled as she put them down, frantically looking them over and checking for any burn marks, thankfully finding none.
“Ronnie breathed fire!” Percy yelled in an accusatory tone, pointing at his little brother. Ronnie, finally catching the tone in the room and at the expression on his mother and brother’s faces, immediately looked frightened.
A small part of her, the part that was still running on adrenaline and frightened and still tired from the day’s work, wanted to yell at Ron to never do that again. But one look at her baby’s tear-filled eyes, and that instinct washed away. Instead she pulled them both against her in a hug.
“It was an accident, love,” she said. “It’s accidental magic. Like when you turned Scabbers yellow without meaning to, remember?” Though it had been a while since such magic had frightened her as much. The last time was when the twins were three and apparated themselves onto the roof of the house (and then ran all over it, trying to evade capture). It was just their luck that little Ron might share their love for chaos. 
Percy nodded. “But Charlie’s book is ruined now!”
“It’s okay. We can get him another one.” Though she thought that it would probably have to wait until Arthur’s next paycheck. It was amazing how fast two babies could eat up their finances. Hopefully Charlie wouldn’t be too upset.
“But I don’t have a book to read now,” Percy said with a pout. 
“Well, we can read another one. I have a few up in my room. You can choose one, Percy.”
“About dwagons?” Ron asked hopefully.
“No more dragons,” Molly snapped. Then her voice softened, and she said, “I think I have the one about fairies. Come on, boys. Let’s go up to my room.”
She picked Ronnie up to carry him up the stairs, and stopped when she caught a whiff of a familiar odor. “Ronnie, did you poop?” she said, turning him around to check his nappy.
“Again?” Percy exclaimed. “Ronnie, you poop a lot!”
Molly stopped and looked at Percy. “What do you mean again?”
Percy’s face broke into a wide smile. “He pooped earlier, and I changed his nappy, Mummy! I did it all on my own! Like a big boy!”
She lifted Ronnie’s shirt up and checked his nappy dreading what she’d find. Sure enough, it was obvious a six year-old had changed her baby.
She closed her eyes to calm herself. She was not going to yell. She was absolutely not going to yell. Instead, she was going to be glad that she raised a wonderful boy who loved to help his younger siblings. 
In that moment, she truly envied her husband’s calm demeanor and seemingly endless patience.
“Well, it looks like he pooped again,” she lied. “Do you want to help me change him?”
Percy nodded and raced up the stairs to her room. She followed behind, dreading the mess she would find, and knowing that she’d have to wash her sheets. Sure enough, when she got to her room, she was met with funky smelling sheets and a trash bin overflowing with what looked to be an entire packet of wipes. 
A successful nappy change and change of sheets later, she tiredly suggested a nap instead of story time. Thankfully, the boys were worn out by the day’s events and they didn’t put up much of a fuss. Molly laid down next to them with a sigh, and hoped that she could get at least half an hour’s worth of sleep before Arthur and the boys returned.
Ten minutes later, Ginny woke up with a large cry, announcing to the world that she was in urgent need of attention.
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oikawas-bae · 5 years ago
Can we get some Kenma, Suga, and Tsukki as a dad head cannons? 🥺
I’m gonna cryyyy. Can Suga be my dad already ?
Literally already a parent of the Karasuno Volleyball Team so he has experience
But when he has his child, he’s literally so happy because he gets to raise a whole human!
He’d share the responsibility of tending to the baby (bottle feeding, midnight crying) bc this is his child, he wants to be as involved as possible.
Probably has nicknames for his kid, like “poopie”, “honey”, or some variation of their name
He’ll smother his child in love, hugging them when they get back from sleepovers or just school so the child KNOWS they are loved and boy do they
The child for sure asks Suga for favors/money before asking mom because boy is he a sucker for that cute pouty face!
Super involved in school, like he runs that PTA alike no one else
Whether he has a boy or a girl, he’ll be super protective abt his child beginning to have a live life, expect him to do “background” checks (aka trying to find their profile on Instagram and Facebook)
He has such a hard time when they go to college or to work but he’s literally done his best and any child brought up by him is sure to be just as lovable and charismatic.
honestly, having a child was probably an accident, he’s not mad about it but he’s just scared to mess up on his child or neglect them.
bby literally doesn’t know what he’s doing, he can’t hold a baby or change a diaper. He’ll try to help but things will get messy
Send his kid daily inspirational quotes by the time they get a phone.
He’ll also attend back to school night/ parent conferences bc he wants to make sure his kid is putting in effort and not taking after his dad in how lazy he is
He’ll also cook for his child bc he wants to contribute in some other way
He loves when his kid tells him how much they love him or hug him or show him any affection, he wished he could hold onto that feeling forever
He’s big lazy but he’ll get his act together bc having this kid was a team effort and he knows that
this smug son of a birch probably thought it would be easy to raise a kid but ooo did he discover quite the opposite
“Why are these things so needy?” He’d get so stressed and immediately call someone for assistance whether it be his wife or YamaguchI cuz he can’t handle this beast alone
His favorite age is probably 7-9 bc he can playfully deceive the kid. He’ll keep them believing in Santa as long as possible but his deception can be kinda cruel to- “if you don’t clean your room, the police are going to come get you.”
Teenage years? Forget it. That’s his wife’s job. He’ll be there for moral support but he’s not here for teenage brattiness.
He’ll expect a lot from his child bc the Tsukishima Kei is raising them after all and this puts a lot of pressure on the child but he’ll pick up on this and try a more lenient approach.
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dc41896 · 5 years ago
Up All Night (Sequel to Due Date)
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Pairing: Kenny CrosbyxBlack Reader
⚠️: Slight angst, fluff
“I know Bubs you’re hungry, but mama had to go to the bathroom.”
Lightly bouncing the crying one week old on his shoulder, he does his best to hum her favorite nursery rhyme as he walks around her room, but only to be met with more tears and wails.
“Only a week old and already criticizing my singing huh?,” he chuckles to himself as you return to the nursery.
“Hi baby! I know you’re hangry I’m sorry,” you smile, Kenny gently placing her in your arms after you were comfortably sat in the grey plush rocking chair.
Like clockwork, as soon as she felt your chest she knew what would be coming next and immediately calmed down. Although you should be used to it, you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself watching her immediately settle down, and feel a sense of pride that you not only carried such a beautiful being but was also her source for a multitude of things.
“Welp that’s something else she’s got in common with you,” Kenny laughs squatting down beside you, playing with his daughter’s feet.
“Excuse me? Don’t pretend like you don’t get dramatic when you’re hungry too. Need I remind you of push not pull?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Woww so you’re just gonna lie in front of your daughter like that? Can you believe him love?,” you jokingly gasp making him laugh.
“Speaking of food, you hungry? Because I’m not gonna lie I’m starving.”
“Yea I’m a little hungry,” you softly laugh. “After I put her down I’ll come help.”
“It’s ok I got it, you relax,” he smiles, standing up to kiss your temple before exiting the room.
Ever since you first found out you were pregnant, Kenny made sure you didn’t want for anything. You needed something off the top shelf? He didn’t even wait for you to ask before reaching up and grabbing it for you.
You had an incredible craving at 11 o’clock at night? He didn’t groan or complain, but grabbed his keys, or helped you in the car so you could get whatever you wanted.
However, that wasn’t really different from how he treated you before a baby was even thought of. Whatever he could do for you, he would no matter the time of day.
That’s if he didn’t have work that is.
But even still, there were times when he asked what you ate that day, and if you said “nothing” or that you hadn’t had time yet, after he got off he’d be at your front door holding a bag of takeout.
“Daddy’s really been taking care of us huh Bubs?,” you whisper, lightly grazing her tiny arm as she sleeps.
Momentarily interrupting your quiet state, you hear a knock at the door followed by familiar voices instantly making you smile.
“Ohh looks like you have a few guests,” you smile, fixing yourself up the best you could before joining the small get together in your living room.
“Aww look how gorgeous she is!,” Sheryll quietly gushes as she hugs you. “And mama also is still as beautiful as ever.”
“Thank you! I definitely don’t feel it though,” you softly laugh, carefully sitting on the couch to not wake the baby.
“What’s her name?,” Tali asks, peering over the arm of the chair to get a better look at the small bundle.
“Oh yea did you guys find a name? When Crosby sent us the picture in the hospital he said you guys were still deciding,” LaCroix adds.
“We did, and would like to introduce you guys to Peyton Rose Crosby,” Kenny smiles placing an arm around your shoulders as he sits next to you on the couch.
“That’s such a pretty name guys. I’m surprised big guy helped think of it,” Hana smirks making you giggle and Kenny roll his eyes.
“Well when we first talked about kids Kenny always said he liked the name Peyton. Then when we finally saw her for whatever reason Rose kept popping in my head and the rest is history,” you smile looking down at your daughter slightly stir in her sleep.
“How are you guys adjusting to parent life?,” Clinton asks from his seat next to LaCroix.
“It’s going,” Kenny chuckles. “I’m sure you guys can see how tired we are from the bags under our eyes.”
“Yea it’s gonna take some getting used to, but you guys will get the hang of it. Plus at least it’s bags from being with your family versus having to work late,” LaCroix responds as everyone lets out a light chuckles in agreement.
You don’t know why, but at the mention of him going back to work you felt a sense of worry flash through you.
Not that you weren’t concerned for his safety every time he left, but looking down at your daughter, now awake with brown eyes concentrated on you, you guessed you were now worried for her too. You wanted her father to be in her life to watch her grow up, be there to walk her down the aisle, and see her have kids of her own.
Trying not to get lost in your thoughts, you focus back on your friends as they gushed over Peyton more now that she was alert and making noises. Letting Kenny pass her around so everyone could have a turn holding her, you smile to yourself hoping that good times, like this, would never end.
After a while longer of conversations and laughs, the team had to leave before it got too late. Not before offering their help with anything you guys might need of course.
Both of you sitting on your bed, Kenny talks with Peyton while playing with her hands as she lies on his thighs. Looking up at him with deep brown eyes, it was as if she understood everything he was saying.
“Babe she’s already so smart! She’s gonna end up being a scientist or something I know it,” he smiles, kissing her cheek before turning to look at you. Quickly trying to wipe the running tear from your face, you give him a soft smile hoping he doesn’t notice.
“Hey what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“It’s dumb really, I’m probably just being overly emotional,” you reply with a sniffle.
“Still, tell me how you’re feeling.”
“It’s just hearing you guys talk about work started making me worry. I know what you do is dangerous and of course I already worry everytime you leave, but now that Peyton’s here it’s like I felt it more if that makes sense.”
Pausing, you feel more tears well in your eyes as you look at your boyfriend’s soft yet concerned expression. “I just don’t want her to grow up without her dad and I don’t want to lose you either.”
Carefully lifting your daughter so she would be lying on his chest, he pulls you closer to him with his free arm so you could rest on his shoulder. Your tears dripping down to his light blue shirt as he lightly grazes up and down your back.
“Babe I wish I could promise you I’d come back every night, but we both know I can’t. I know that doesn’t help with your worries but just know I try to be careful every time I leave so I can get back here with you and you too,” he answers kissing your head and Peyton’s respectively. “Plus what if I told you that I worry about you guys too?”
“You do?”
“Yea, with some of the cases we have, I always think about you at the clinic or even times you’d just be out with Bubs and how anything could happen. I just try to remind myself in that moment you’re more than likely safe or, if I can, I’ll call or text and sure enough, you are safe and I calm down.”
“Plus I’m sure that’s why you’re with FBI. To make sure everyone, including us, is safe,” you smile lightly rubbing your fingers across her slick hair.
Feeling your worries fade away, you knew the only thing you could do was stay positive that everything would be okay. And remembering the amazing people he worked with, you knew deep down he was being well looked after.
“Thank you,” you smile as you sit up to kiss his lips.
“I feel like all I did was listen, but you’re welcome,” he chuckles.
“Still you’re always there to listen or help me through whatever, and I thank you for that.”
“Well when you love someone, you do whatever you can to make sure they’re good,” Kenny replies kissing you again.
Breaking the silence between you, small noises escape Peyton’s mouth as she begins one of her all too familiar cries.
“Daddy, someone needs a diaper change, and from the smell I’m getting it’s a big one.”
“See how mommy always gives me the poopy diapers Bubs?”
“I do not! You’re holding her so you might as well,” you giggle.
“Mhmm sure,” he responds getting up to clean the fussy infant.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @lovelymari4 @themyscxiras @melinda-january @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged and don’t see their name, only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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oh-theatre · 5 years ago
Bloopers Video!!
Very vague spoilers lol
Hi I love Patton and that’s final
Is an Oibrow raiSe
Look ma I’m on TV
ROMAN IS DEAD JEJDJEJFJ that’s the end y’all
Your pooper, your brown maker, your bhOle (gOD I LOVE HIM)
*casually dying* rOMAN!
Lil ol me? I’m alrIOT
I think Logan knows sweat words, fucking right
Shiter? I barely know her
in your pathetic lives... loGAN ITS YOU LIFE
fuck them
Fuck you
What? I’m cool... laMEEEE
Mommy I don’t want the mashed potatoes
What the fuH
because I was one of them.. what the fUH
Tumblr called that like month ago
What the FuH
Fine craftsman ship
MneEh and mYeh
Roman singing I’m-
Patton the prospector
His laugh I’m gonna cry
Yet taint
Yer balls
Yer dingus
I literally don’t care at all
P an t s
Another major isushsbsjdjdjnf
For shUre
And now a bunch of sounds:
what’re you taLKING ABOUT
cause I gotta sneeze
Olllllll beeeen kenobi
Ah shit here comes the song
I’m auditioning for the role of Thomas Sanders
This is my vogue shoot (holding a dolphin)
The sausage went ZoOoom
Casually chokes his friend
meow (a BAPEY)
I’m the holder of the apple
Slap slap slap slap slap bottom
Virgil standing is the weirdest thing OHMYGOD
What the fuH
Unicorns arbejajjeirjdb a bapey
Sprouts babies from their horns
Catch tune, did you come up with that?
A scoodly boo
*sinks out*
Thomas where do you get off
What the fuck are you talking about
The swoRD
Only Arthur was dhurjejd
Shut up Virgil is basically what I’m saying
Me too Thomas
Good! Thanks!
Ahhhh okAy
You must be a figment of my imagination, come on all my other figments of my imagination
Got Mario and Luigi here lmaO
The duke... is a bitch
Aaaaa bitch
Ehhhh bitCh
Acrylic nails Remus yes pls
That’s creativity still working
Can you believ that?
And then she fucking dies
So there wasn’t really a ghost? Y’all about booballs
You are not going into church looking like that mister
And hate why we are gonna get demonitIzed
PoopY shit
Nope I’m an adult that’s noT AHAHAHA
I’m gonna kick your asH it was a pun and I didn’t swear
You can’t fucking punch me I’m imaginary you dumb shit
Suck my dick stupid
I’m all out of reactions for you
Joan I thought you were vegAn
I freaking lvoe jOan
No more blood... REMUS
prom 2019
Does anyone see the weird dad character in here? Wiat why are there four different mes in here
We press them down, we repRESS ... oH
Patton I love you
1 in 50 people suffer from intrusive thoughts ... oops
Am I beeeeee ehHhHh
No seriously.. you’re really... lame
I’m crying
don’t do thaT
Something something
We also call those horse girls
You’re alive it’s a miracle.. praise Jesus
Aw my bapey I lvoe you
Duke trying to get out from the Tv
Open the gates and seize the daYYYY
making a musical sequence in your head is not easy work
Me maH
All of LoGAN!
Brb gonna go freak out
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years ago
Baby bird and Super daddy (DC)
it was Friday afternoon and school was out which only meant one thing for a group of young sidekicks: it was time to haul their butts to San Francisco and more to the point to Titans tower.
Oddly though one member of the titans wasn't getting his normal ride from Gotham to the tower with his mentor Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne but inside had been picked up in Smallvile by his surrogate big brother Nightwing who was also giving a ride to Kon-el, AKA Superboy.
Sulking and pouting in his costume, Robin AKA Tim drake was blushing and his bottom looked a little more puffy then normal, but only a expert would know to look and see it.. so Naturally Dick had.
"So I'm not one to judge, I mean, I've know you and Kon where hooking up for awhile." Dick said, smirking and while he kept a eye on the controls of his aircraft, he made sure to steal looks back at the blushing big time Tim who had been tugged into Kon's lap. And of course Kon was smirking.
"but I just need to know, Is my little brother from anther mother in huggies because you two are kinky, or Kon needs to stop topping for awhile?"
"DICK!" Tim shrieked and whined, burying his face in Kon's shoulder and whining.
"He tried to make me his little guy, needless to say it backfired." Kon chuckled, and rubbed Tim's back and patted the boys bottom, a faint crinkling being heard only by Kon due to his super hearing over the dim of the plane.
"Oh, I HAVE to hear more..but before that.. I think I have a juice box or two if the little guy is thirsty." Dick offered.
"Dickkkkkk!" Tim whined and pouted, shooting daggers though his mask.
"Well he is a thirsty bitch, but he had a big ba-ba of fresh milk before we left." Kon chuckled.
"Hate you both." Tim whined and tried to squirm out of Kon's lap, but he was a boy of tissue in a boy of steel's grip, and wasn't going anywhere.
As Dick chuckled, Kon reached into Tim's belt and pulled out a superman logo pacifier and popped it in the boy wonders mouth and rocked him, and in seconds Tim had gone night night and Kon was free to tell the story.
Tim had pleaded and begged to hang out with Kon-el for the two days he had off from school back in Gotham (the staff was recovering from the latest attack by a bat rouge, Riddler this time.)
Bruce had tried to say the time could be used to help out with Gotham but after getting Alfred on his side it had only taken anther half hour before Bruce was dropping Tim off by the Kent farm, commenting on how much extra baggage he had taken with him for just going there for Thursday and Friday (Tim had spare clothes at titans tower)
Tim had come up with a excuse that he might help on the farm and didn't wanna end up smelling like cow dropping and Bruce had let it go.
Superboy of course who's X-ray vision was coming and going at this point had been able to spot right away was was in the extra luggage and just smirked to himself.
The Kent's of course knew without being told that Tim and Kon were dating, Connor just wouldn't shut up about him and they were practically all over each other calling it rough housing.
"If that's what you kids these days call it. Take it out to the barn." Was all Pa said, not looking up from his newspaper.
Once out in the barn, Tim went right to work turning on the puppy dog eyes and kissing Kon's neck and blowing in his ear, things that drove the boy of steel wild.
"Koooon, I have a hawt idea we should try out." Tim said in his 'I'm so cute you can't refuse me' voice which normally had Kon wrapped around Tim's little finger.
However forewarned Kon was ready and kept his control in place, though asked what Tim wanted to try out.
"Well have you ever heard of diaper punishment or age play?" Tim had asked, opening the luggage and holding up a teen sized diaper with little bat symbols on it and holding it out, grinning ear to ear.
Kon however, returned that grin with his own and played along, though not like Tim had expected.
"oh I see, You wanna be my little baby bird! Cute! and you even got bat diapers! Adorable!" Kon gushed as Tim's jaw dropped.
"W-What? No! I-" Tim started, blushing bright red.
"Ohhh I've heard of this, you're gonna act like you don't want it so you can be a pouty little boy while enjoying your diapie wipies~" Kon chuckled, dashing up and snatching the diaper from the smaller boys hands and planting a smooch on him, tongue dominating Tim's mouth and feeling the fight go out of Tim for a second.
he also felt the boy wonder less then wonderful hard on press against his leg and broke off the kiss.
"well I think that answers whether or not you want daddy Kon to make you a good little baby bird." Kon said.
"I what.. No! I was gonna.. you were gonna.." Tim whined, flustered and trying to will away his hard-on, but but there was no amount of zen training with Batman that was going to make the boy wonder's stiffie vanish.
"Oh look, you have a paddle, and some baby outfits.. paci's and ba-ba's..Damn you must REALLY wanna just be a helpless little diaper dork huh sweetie?" Kon was saying, looking though all the supplies tat had been meant for him and super warming up to the idea of babying Tim.
There was even a pair of jean overalls with crotch snaps so a certain diaper boy could work on the farm!
"and look at all these diapers! Somebody plans on making LOTS of presents for his super daddy huh?" Kon added.
"NO I DO NOT! THAT WAS ALL MEANT FOR YOU!" Tim whined and stomped a foot, hands balled in fists and at his sides.
Sadly, this did nothing to help his argument.
"Baby bird, that's enough of the attuide. You need to take off your big boy clothes and lay down so I can get you in a diapie or else mister man." Kon said, smirking but trying to have a authoritative tone, picking up the paddle.
Sadly as it turned out for Tim's poor soon to be bright red backside, Kon had the balls and more.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Kon guessed the effort he had put into the spanking (and being nice enough not to use the paddle too!) was about a 3 or 4, but from the howls and sobs that had escaped the soon to be pampered sidekick, you'd of sworn he had gone all out.
'Man, either full on humans are more fragile then I thought, or Tim just can't take a spanking!' Kon mused as he cleaned up the puddle that the boy wonder had made during his ten swats, and let's just say it wasn't urine. 'Though for someone who's sobbing so much with his nose in the corner..'
"Baby bird, you're gonna wake up half of Smallville with that sobbing, I'm gonna need you to tone it down or I'll have to get creative with gagging you." Kon called over sweetly.
Tim, with pants gone and butt glowing bright red from the spanking and having his hands on the back of his head turned around from the corner and moved his mouth as if to argue, then apparently thought better of it and meekly nodded his head.
"I-I'll try.." Robin sniffled and whined, any trace of him trying to be dom had left his body when he'd creamed himself from being spanked.
"I could give you one of your paci's, but you have to promise to be a very good boy and not spit it out, I'll just pop it back into your mouth anyways." Kon offered.
Looking around the dirty floor of the barn, Tim made a icky face and nodded he could be good and opened his mouth for the customed Superman paci, with the large oversized rubber nipple making Tim start to drool down his chin in seconds.
"it's too bag you didn't pack a enema kit, I bet you have the CUTEST 'i'm pooping!' face baby bird!" Kon commented, having laid most of the items out on his bed and chuckling at the whimper that escaped from Tim.
"Shucks, and Pa and ma Kent kicked us out to the barn for the night.. I know ma has a nice big one. Ah well, there's always tomorrow." Kon chuckled and shrugged.
Tim gave a series of muffled protests around the paci turning a little pale at the thought of getting a massive soapy enema while Kon and the Kent had breakfast, though it was also making him get a little excited.
"Hmmm? Oh I see someone likes the idea~ thats great! I'm sure Ma and Pa won't mind having a baby around the house." Kon laughed.
Tim whined and wanted to argue, wanted to take out the paci and say no way in hell,m but his body betrayed him again and he made anther puddle instead.
"Sheesh, You must be backed up like crazy.. Better get you pampered before you paint the walls."
"Wait, did he really cream himself again just from-" Nightwing asked, snickering and glad he'd switched to auto pilot for this.
"NO I didn't!" Tim whined and huffed, squirming in his seat.
"Baby bird, what did I tell you about telling fibs?" Kon warned wagging a finger at the smaller boy.
"...OK maybe I did.. But it's not my fault! you know how hard it is to crank one out at the mansion since Alfred doesn't approve!!" Tim whined and sulked,
"Actually back in my day Alfred just left me tissues and Lotion and a note asking I keep my voice down." Dick chuckled, though he blushed a little as he recalled it.
"That's SO unfair!!" Tim whined and huffed.
"Don't worry about it baby bird. now that you'll be my little guy at least once a week I'll make sure you're never backed up again." Kon teased and kissed Tim's forehead.
"My hero.." Tim huffed. "Just finish the poopie story."
To say the Kent's were a little shocked the next morning when A clearly diapered Tim was lead over, sucking on a paci and dressed to go to work in the field would of been a understatement, but as the human couple that had raised Superman from babyhood to adult, Had been the home of Matrix while she was still adjusting to life on this earth and were now looking after Kon,,they got over the shock rather quickly.
If anything, Kon had called it and Ma Kent dotted on baby Tim right away, though to Kon's disappointment (and maybe Tim's) she turned down the idea of giving Tim a enema for fun.
"Those are just in case the widdle cutie is all backed up!" she scolded Kon, who pouted a little but backed down.
Breakfast was egg's and bacon for the Kent's and Kon, and a bowl of oatmeal for widdle Timmy who (thankfully!) was too big to fit in Kal's old highchair, but they did have a booster seat he was put into and had one of Kal's old bibs tied around his neck.
"You know, after we get the farm work done, we could go into the wood shop and likely make him a high chair." Pa mused.
"W-What?" Tim asked, his spoon dropping into the bland icky oatmeal.
"Oh, get idea pa! Think we could make him a crib too?" Kon asked, grinning ear to ear.
"I don't see why not. Just a shame Most of Clark's old stuffies didn't make it." Pa chuckled.
"heh, I can help with that. I've been making teddy bears for the church to sell so I think I could make our new widdle great grandson one or two. Do you want a teddy bear Timmy?" Ma asked and reached over, using the bib to wipe a spot of oatmeal off of Tim's face.
"I...I..I.." Tim whimpered and squirmed like crazy in the high chair, suddenly thankful that Kon was the only one with hearing good enough to heard what he was doing to the front of his diapers, though Kon just smirked.
"Trust me Ma, he does."
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