riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
Ekko doesn't initially know about setting spray so the first time he kisses his SO he transfers the entire white hourglass logo onto their forehead and cheeks.
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redrum-alice · 3 months
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Powder but as a witch!
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Zaun - Champion Illustration Summoner Icons
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yosh11111 · 2 months
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jm-chrome · 1 year
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High School AU. Zeri invited them to grab some of her fav after-school snacks
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kingyodoi · 3 months
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It is canon.
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Is this League character Trans? Should they be? Here's a tier list!
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once again posting a controversial league of legends tier list. did I miss anyone? would you remove any of my picks? what would you change? let me know in the tags!
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
What's the deal with Renata Glasc?
League of Legends is a game absolutely marinated in fantasy tropes - swordsmen, sorcerors, rogues, wizards, clerics and every fantasy creature under the sun populate the world of Runeterra.
But with now over a hundred and sixty champions and with a full fourteen years in operation, somehow, one archetype has been missing: the old witch. And it is an odd ommission! The old witch with her cauldron, brewing potions and being mysterious - whether in the form of European fairy tale figures or hags like Baba Yaga - is an absolute fantasy staple, it is I would argue a foundational archetype of fantasy. And it is conspicuous in its absence here.
To Riot's credit, though, when they finally did pull the trigger on creating their version of the archetype, they came up with a hell of an interesting spin on it.
So let's talk about one of my favourite champions in recent memory, a champion who is compelling from her story to her design to her animation (especially the animation!). Let's talk about Renata Glasc.
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anothertina · 1 year
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Ekko can't catch a break
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lbulldesigns · 3 months
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As the conflict within Demacia continues, the rest of the world make preparations for the onslaught of those exiled and refugees lucky and unlucky enough to have left before King Jarvans IV ordered to lockdown Demacias borders, preventing anyone from entering or exiting the country without clearance.
As promised by Councillor Cecil C. Heimendinger, the Council of Piltover has convened to draw up plans to house those wishing to escape to Piltover to start anew; however, there have been rumors surfacing about restrictions being implemented for any mage amongst the exodus of misplaced Demacian civilians. Although there has been no definitive proof to these rumors, it is best to remember that Councillor Heimendinger is known to speak up against the use of the arcane and has expressed caution to Zaun on more than one occasion about our "unchecked" arcane practices.
Zaun on its part is in full swing, preparing for our new residents. Construction has already begun, with Slimeline Construction taking the lead on the majority of the housing project. After our Ruling Goddess Janna declared that Zaun shall be a sanctuary for those from Demacia, like it was with the ancient Shurimans who founded our fine nation.
The Arcane Guild has also started preparations for the misplaced mages amongst the exodus, by organizing information nights on what to expect from the incoming citizens.
"Fear of the Arcane has been a 101 course for Demacians since birth, what we proudly accept as a part of ourselves has been painted as an evil and immoral thing for every Demacian. We hope to undo some of the lifetime shame and demonization of those who have been persecuted where they live; we understand how colossal a task that will be, but the first step to healing is acceptance of yourself" stated Zeri Lecy, a representative of the Zaun's Arcane Guild.
The various temples around Zaun have taken a page from the Arcan Guild book and have also made preparations to welcome those magically inclined and their families, Janna's Temple has begun preparations for the increase in students both Mage and regular and charity drives have been in full swing to provide for those with nothing to their name.
The Songbird of Zaun herself has announced her intentions to hold a concert to raise awareness about the situation within Demacia, and has invited all musical artists both professional and starting out to come and try out for the concerts line up.
"We hope to have the concert in full swing as the refugees arrive, they will be downtrodden, scared, and more than likely feeling hopeless. My hope is that this concert not just be a way to bring awareness, but also a way to uplift spirits and show the beauty of their new home through our songs and possibly strengthen their own songs in the process." Says Seraphine Euphonious, a.k.a The Songbird of Song, an Empath Mage who can hear the souls of others as a beautiful song.
Many of the refugees are expected to arrive via Bilgewater ships, which will be picking up passengers from the coasts of Noxus and Freljord. Surprisingly both nations have granted access to the ships, with Freljord being an ally to Demacia and Noxus being renowned for its dislike for their "righteous" neighbor (Demacia).
A representative from Bilgewater has spoken up and made it clear however that they have not been given permission from Demacia itself to pick up anyone from their coasts, but will keep a respectable distance on standby.
Whilst Freljord has stated that they will remain allies to Demacia, it has also slammed King Jarvan IV decision and actions towards his magical population; and have stated that they have sent a representative from the Arbormark to meet with the king of Demacia to advise better actions and solutions going forth, that will be more fairer and just towards everyone.
Noxus on the other hand, and unsurprisingly, has slammed Demacia for its actions and accused King Jarvan IV of hypocrisy considering his close relationship with his Draconian consultant; Jericho Swain, in his announcement to strengthen Noxus' borders and have its army on standby, has called King Jarvan IV an "unfit ruler, who was unprepared for the responsibility before him and has treated his position as if he were a child playing make-believe".
News from Ionia and Shurima, both magic-driven countries, has protests shouting out for justice for the mages of Demacia and reports of both nations preparing their own armies have been circulating, both nations have reached out to Demacia to negotiate the return of their own citizens (both mage and otherwise) within its borders but Demacia has stood firm in not returning those imprisoned.
There has been no news from Bandle, Ixtal, Targon, and the Shadow Isle. But the Zaun Herald is keeping its ear to the ground and will report when the first rumble is heard.
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blueinsomnia · 4 months
New Chromacrash Art
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Ekko and Jinx getting some love in the new Chromacrash art!
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riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
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Team Zaun
City of Iron and Glass
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redrum-alice · 1 year
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Jinx the make-up artist
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jm-chrome · 5 days
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Artistic confidence issues suck because a year ago, I literally started making a multiple-paged comic about a High School AU where Zeri tries to help Ekko reconnect with Jinx. I ended up just scrapping it because I wasn't satisfied with how it looked.
Today, I found the file again while cleaning out my pc
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PiltoZaun During a Thunderstorm. Alignment Chart #2
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oreo-oro-orero · 25 days
Renata Glasc after a sentient electric broccoli girl and some weirdo kid obsessed with time destroys another one of her Chem factories
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