runpenparis · 1 year
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るんぺんパリアート HAJIMARI Tシャツが届いた。バックプリント 「もうここまで来たら、行く所までと、始まりの女。」右胸には、るんぺんパリの小さなロゴ入り。
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a-halcyon-e · 1 year
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zuriel-aluette · 4 years
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The characters of this blog! ❤️
Zuriel Aluette (Mateus)
Charmie Rhuwa (Diabolos)
Michiru Night (Malboro)
Wind-up Zuriel/ Zuzuri Zuri (Goblin)
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foxbrideart · 7 years
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Guess Who’s Back! My first OC Zuzuri. Friend said I should redraw him, because I hadn’t drawn him at all since 2014. He is so pissed at me ><
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rashkah · 8 years
Numba 4 for your characters!
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
It really depends on the character. I’m usually always in the mood to RP Mocking Wind, Sthalbroes or Rasejj, they’re very similar in that they can be reserved but also outgoing so they don’t really end up isolated in a group, also they’re generally gentle giants. Mocking Wind to a lesser extent. But its really easy to RP a generally happy character at any time. They’re good for cheering me up if I’m feeling down too!
Now characters like Zuzuri and Shuerull, I have to be in the mood to write really shitty people. Zuzu less than the Shoecat since she’s good at keeping apperances and CAN appear nice, when in reality she’s a lil’ shit. But then Shuerull is a horrible mysoginistic dudebro that has 0 regard for others and doesn’t care to hide it. I love playing antagonistic characters, but they can be draining.
There’s also the miscellaneous characters I own that are pretty blank state and I sometimes RP those when I feel like developing them. Most of my WoW characters fall under here.
Ask me about my characters!
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a-halcyon-e · 4 years
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the main cast.
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a-halcyon-e · 3 years
zuzuri and maneem actually dated as teenagers and had a really bad fallout.
if dorian and zuzuri had dated as teenagers it would have been a different experience but both characters have had very hard lives and being as inexperienced teenagers are, they would have fallen out based on how tumultous that all is.
it's for the best that dorian and zuzuri are romantically engaged now that they've sorted themselves out more at 23 years old and are both ready and wanting lifetime committments.
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rashkah · 8 years
Are there any characters of yours that would get on famously if they ever had the chance to meet? Or any who would take out a bounty on the person they met because they can't stand them?
I have plenty that could go both ways really.
I guess there’s the easy route with the warcraft crowd with the Alliance vs Horde conflict. None of my Draenei like orcs and are very hostile toward them more so than any other race (for obvious reasons). In turn they’d probably all bond over that. Sonaa is a lot more tolerant since she’s a shaman, and as such, she’s had to interact with enough Orcs that give her a different view of them more than just demon-drugged monsters.
Nenufar and Kaeldros would probably bond over their crappy crimes, become better people by supporting one another, and in turn hating on Ampelion and Aldruna, as they’re uptight, no-nonsense vindicators. Amply and Druna in turn would probably hate eachother and try to out-rightgeous one another by one-upping their tragic lives™ 
Lathlanya and Felbat are very likely to hunt down Tharolas if they found out him being a satyr in desguise. No matter how well he intends or if he’s been trying to revert the stupid choice he made thousands of years ago: a demon is a demon, and they’re both demon hunters.
Yangkyi would get along wonderfully with Xiao, his wisdom would be very appealing to her, as would his martial prowess, since she’s a constant work in progress about how she fights. In turn Xiao would have the child he always wished for.
Trashmutt and Raguk would bond over how they’re both in grey territory as far as the faction nonsense goes, they’d probably make an excellent bounty hunter duo, since that’s their profession. Trashmutt’s tracking skills combined with Raguk’s tech would make them a force to be reckoned with. If Sonaa is able to get over Raguk’s whole being an orc thing, she’d fit right in with them.
As far as FFXIV characters go, most of them would be in relatively good terms. Sthalbroes probably would be extremely wary of Zuzuri, and in turn, she would be of him; there’s no way somebody that literate is more than just a fisherman, right? Dekah probably buys drugs from Zuzuri’s people, honestly. For a doctor she has very questionable habits.
Mocking Wind probably wouldn’t mind either of them, but is likely to get along best with Sthalbroes, Wind doesn’t care about where people came from or what they’ve done in the past as long as they’re better people in present, so she doesn’t pry. Sthalbroes being a quiet man would be ideal for her to spend time, just chillin’. And he probably wouldn’t pursue her romantically either, which is a ecurrent issue she runs into with other Roegadyn. A bitch is taken, a bitch just wants some friends, not to cheat on her pseudo-husband.
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