crazylittlejester · 5 months
Just wanted to share a detail from my Lu zombie au that I am very slowly making.
Linkle is trying to train her cucoos to kill zombies. Warriors has added this as yet another reason to fear cucoos.
Linkle training cuccos to kill is soooo funny because i imagine her standing there like “:3” while the birds commit murders
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anns-works · 2 years
Ok so i've got something that yall would probably hate me for. But ive been holding this simmering pot of angst for a while and the first thing i was taught is to share, so suffer with me.
Rather than being the only one out of his brothers to survive in the no-good-very-bad-horrible future, Leo is the only brother who dies.
Okay okay okay.
But i personally like to think that after the krang come out everything goes to shit in the bad timeline everyone goes oh fuck and start teaming up right? Human yokai cryptids mutants– none of that matters as long as you got eachothers back.
And after the initial stumbles the brothers start their active participation in the resistance.
Heres the thing.
Leo is genuinly terrifying at coming up with a plan. Kid went toe to toe with motherfucking Big Mama and came out victorious. Big Mama, as if the most terrifying yokai crime boss Big Mama. Kid came out with a smile. Its safe to say his strategies were incredibly effective and it kinda pissed off a couple of people.
Military dude 1: I can't believe i'm following a plan made by a 16 yo mutanat turtle.
Military dude 2: Your just upset the kid called out all the flaws your plan had in less than 2 seconds flat.
But the one pissed off the most were the krang. This tiny insignificant insect was able to somehow keep the resistance 3 steps ahead. So naturally, they went to take him down first.
It took a while but eventually they managed to isolate Leo. His brothers were fighting up a storm but the krang got too much and so they had to leave. Without Leo.
About a week later which involved a lot of crying and screaming, the krang brodacast a live footage of torturing Leo (my boi) before krangyfying (did i spell that right) him.
And now the krang have leo on their side. Leo, who knows everything there is to know abt the resistance (hes a gossipy bitch but thats only cuz its important to have the intel) so they are in deep shit now.
And he was a zombie for a while guys. Fighting against him always had people dying and his fam having a mental breakdown.
Eventually they take him down, but at what cost. (One of the brothers killed him. cuz angst. And now the question is who is the MOST angst) Also, Leo is the first person to die in the resistance. (Ouch)
Casey rools up and has no fucking clue who Leo is (ouch) or why his mom wanted him to take up the role as Casey's dad (HC: Cass took one look at tge record of Leo's victories against his brothers in the lair games, strategy skills and medical knowledge; and declared that he would be Casey jr.'s father. Leo was incredibly touched)
But for some reason. For soME FUCKING REASON. Kid is so much like Leo its scary. His family is near tears everytime they see him act like that. That one time he made a shitty pun and Donnie started crying.
Well its probably due to the blue imaginary friend he has that he calls Bluey. Yes we're going towards that direction. His everything comes from being influenced by the cool older brother figure he has as an imaginary friend. (Cuz of ✨Mystic Shenanigans✨ Bluey is still stuck here. Mikey is the only one who can also see him. But he cant. Cuz hes depressed)
Also without Mr. A-Ninja's-Greatest-Weapon-Is-Hope I feel like shit gets really depressing in the resistance. Everyones sad. Baby casey is sad to see everyone sad. So he asks Bluey's help and picks up his general style of humor. Angst shenanigans.
And. AND. AND. During the whole peepaws time travel back after the movie montage (I am a aimple woman w/ simple need) these depressed hunks see this tiny version of their blue brother still covered in bandages and not fully healed from the krangvasion, and their immediete reaction? Protecc.
Leo is confused abt a lot of things. The future version of his brothers that got spat out of nowhere. Casey and how that worked w/ their Casey. The blue projection of HIS angsty future self (who is pretty cool btw). PTSD. You know, the works. At this point my guy is just vibing, and honestly? The story picks up a pretty chill pace from there. Its all abt healing now baby.
So thats the rough outline of the au. And it might sound like a fucking add but heres more abt this silly little idea that came from my silly little head. -> You'll (Never) Never Be Alone
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mmgoodsewp · 23 days
Some pirate AU doodles :3 (TW/CW: scars and fish organs/ribs below the cut)
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If Rob Zombie existed back in the 1800’s, these two fuckers would listen to his music on repeat
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Glowy and non glowy version :3 (shes a Kitefin shark btw UGRHQGD THEY’RE SO COOL)
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constellaj · 10 months
hey do u have some kind of list of the major variants in your multiverse au? It’s super cool and I really like it :3 (btw I am the original anon who asked you about it and the anon who was praising your Gwen, Courtney and heather art lol. just call me spiral anon)
also do u have any like, horror variants. Not horror necessarily, more so just tragic ones (the sillies have been through the trenches). Thanks :D
OOH I've been meaning to get a list of my favorite multiverse guys together and this is the perfect excuse!! thank you spiranon!! I tried to trim this wall of text down best I could but it's SO LONG. buckle up!! as always mega thanks to @crystalfloe for developing and brainworming these fellas with me!!
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I'll divide them up by the original character, and clarify their pseudonym; because the 'verse is populated with the same characters over and over, many end up choosing pseudos for themselves that they go by! I'll also elaborate on the ones that have some particularly horrifying aspects, but off the top of my head some who have really been through the ringer are ZombieMike (haven't given him a pseudo yet), Two-Inches-Taller Trent, Indigo (Jose), Mortal Bat Heather and Sea Bridgette. please note that I loooove duncan (and also dunhar) so a lot of these fellas are, well... dunhar :)
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LOTS of Duncans! Let's get started! (duncans pictured above are not any real multiverse duncans) Zero rules the Duncan Underground with an iron fist. He has the power to up the "asshole levels" of any Duncan, spreading it like a zombie virus.
Declan comes from an Actor AU dimension, and has to rapidly adjust to a world where all his coworkers' fictional characters are real. He manages to settle down with a very stereotypical Courtney, and they're so mushy-in-love it's like a Hallmark movie.
Concorde is also known as "Normal Duncan". He's so abnormal that he actually spends most of his time hiding out at Club Vaquero, an underground nightclub exclusive to the multiverse's "weirdos". (more about club vaq later!)
Helix or Badger is also known as "Cop Duncan". He works with some powerful multiversal agencies to lock up and detain dangerous immortals. He has the ability to generate handcuffs and chains out of nowhere. He's an asshole and nobody likes him.
Fox is our newest addition to the multiverse! He's your standard Duncan, except he's accepted his soft side and lets it play out alongside his more punk-rock edgy end. He's got a huge multiversal network, with Bridgettes and DJs bringing him orphaned baby bunnies every other day to look after.
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Harolds: Harlow Princeton Orange is the other side of our newest multiverse addition. An actor on Camp TV before he was thrown out into the multiverse, he thinks of everyone as an annoying coworker who won't ever break character.
Samurai Bloodshed is the platonic ideal of a Harold. He ran the Harold Hub-City with his epic anime powers, until he was cursed by a Justin to be... a jock. Stripped of his nerd swag, he's now doomed to wander the multiverse as a mere shell of his former self. (or IS HE???)
Matrix, aka "Punk Harold", is another frequent patron of Club Vaquero. He hangs out in the dirty punk scenes, plays awful music, and causes problems everywhere he goes. The only person who might be able to stand up to him is... Concorde?
Invisible Harold is Harold, but invisible. That's it I just think he's neat.
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Alejandros: Siren is, well, a siren. With the help of Sea Bridgette, he flooded the entire Alejandro Resort, and turned it into an underwater, mermaid-filled utopia we're calling Alelantis. Unfortunately, he forgot to return a favor to Sea Bridge, so she turned her curse on him next. Transmuted into a scaly sea monster to match his powers, he ran (swam) away to hide in shame. Fortunately, this didn't perturb Marathon Tyler, who offered him a place to stay...
When most Alejandros were forced out of the resort, Silk fell into an open dimension (Angel Lindsay's dimension). Stranded in the empty wastelands below the angellic clouds, he's resorted to manipulating any other immortal who falls in on accident.
Naturo (yes we know that's not a real spanish word, we just think it sounds cool) controlled nature itself, using that power to enslave dimensions and threaten a total overtake of the multiverse. At least, he used to! His incarnation was killed, and he reset into someone we affectionately call Autistic Alejandro. This incarnation of Ale was carefully monitored since birth to prevent another Naturo situation; monitored by someone who he thought was his brother... (more on Indigo later!)
There's one more important Alejandro to mention! That's the Alejandro who's one half of Vaquero, the owner of Club Vaquero. Vaquero himself is a living fusion between an Alejandro (he's a pairhunter, more on them later!) and a Geoff. Yes this is the alegeoff fusion I've been drawing all along!!!!!! I fucking love Vaq!!!!!
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McLeans: Gold lives in a massive penthouse in the bougiest part of the multiverse, living his ideal celebrity life, with his fake and real Gemmys so thoroughly intermixed you can't tell which is which. He's not a bad person per se, but he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Silver (no relation), on the other hand, lives on a cursed island and is a classic whistle-blowing camp counselor. He spends his time recruiting multiversal campers onto his island, to compete in death-defying challenges. Seems nasty, but if you win, you get the ultimate prize; he has the ability to grant wishes.
Meanwhile, out on True Wawanakwa, something very bizarre is happening. Chrises coalesce on this island, all fighting for dominance over a place they're convinced is "theirs". Every week, each Chris's team competes- and the losing Chris has to lose one of his carefully cultivated cast members. One of these Chrises is Lake, a granola-crunching, ADHD-ridden, dadbod-having hippie. Lake never executes members of his team, and instead hides everyone in a mystical glade; everyone on his team actually treats him like a genuine team dad. Just, y'know, be careful when dealing with him on the full moon-- he is a vengeful lake spirit, after all, and sometimes he loses control. I mean, how do you think Geoff turned into that tree? (Don't worry, Bridgette pours a cold one onto the roots once a month to keep him healthy.)
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Everyone else! These are characters that we really only have one or two instances of.
Mildred (Blaineley) is a bit of a horror villain shut-in. She keeps pocket dimensions full of contestants and harvests their essence, essentially selling it on the black market.
Carmine (Blaineley) is another horror villain, but more composed and some would argue more sinister. Her facility allegedly works to rehabilitate former dangerous immortals, but what she actually does is manipulate (and if she has to, mind-control via magical contract) them into working for her. Indigo (Jose) had this unfortunate realization after he took her up on her blackmailed job offer. Autistic Ale's original Jose was removed from the dimension and locked in a cryo chamber, while Indigo encouraged Ale to avoid nature, making his own decisions, and saying no. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the exact right mix of traits to allow Carmine access to the nearly omnipotent Naturo...
Rehab Hatchet runs a small island full of lost and confused McLeans. He wields a magical machete that can cut open your mind; it helps him perform reconstructive brain surgery, but it's fucking terrifying.
Shadow Gwen is a loner with a sentient shadow. Well, she used to be a loner, until a mermaid Lindsay and an annoyed Noah show up explaining how she might be the only person who can save Alelantis from crumbling away forever. Will she accept the hero's call??
Sea Bridgette, unfortunately, is paired with an Aftermath Geoff. Pairing is an obscure but dangerous concept. Two magical beings with their auras intertwined; this makes them both more powerful, but also more vulnerable. She's a mutant fish person, and he's at the peak of his asshole arc and only cares about appearances. Siren offered to humiliate her pair on international TV, and she was thrilled-- but then he was a no-show.
Angel Lindsay and Bat Heather are two halves of a coin. Lindsay reincarnated as the only magical immortal in a dimension full of mortals. When Heather betrayed her on the island, Lindsay let out a burst of magic that split the world in two. Above the clouds, in a polished city, all of the "nice people" with beautiful fluffy angel wings. Below, in a wasteland without food or water, all of the "mean people" with dragging, scraggly bat wings. While Lindsay lives her life as Her Hotness Admiral Princess Angel Lindsay, Heather is left to scrape together a band of post-apocalyptic survivors, and try not to think about the friend she lost.
Two-Inches-Taller Trent is a Trent who is slightly taller than the average Trent. He lived a happy mortal life being best friends with Mike-- until he was ejected out into the multiverse, sucked through a rift in spacetime that traumatized both him and Mike. Separated from someone he had nearly paired with, Trent became what's known as a pairhunter; an amorphous, unstable ball of energy that can't survive without their pair.
ZombieMike is the collective term for a set of alters who, at one point, hated each other so much that they physically split apart from each other to form their own dimensions. Mike, Vito, Mal, Manitoba and Svetlana each led their own individual lives (as different supernatural creatures)-- until they were pulled back out into the multiverse, and slammed together into the same body.
Contract Titan Courtney is desperately pretending she's not a pairhunter. So desperately, in fact, that she lures Duncans into signing autonomy-overriding contracts, pretending that her pair never left. If the contract breaks, though, she snaps and enters titan mode...
Mirror (Dawn) works for a containment agency, and has a very skewed view of how to treat people. She genuinely thinks she's doing you a favor, molding you into your ideal self, but in actuality she's warping you and shaving off anything that makes you unique.
Evil Zoey is, well, Evil Zoey. Sent to an immortal jail alongside a Mal who didn't know why he was there, she tried to manipulate him into being even worse... and then the two ended up breaking out together.
Punk Courtney sings lead for the cover band Court's in Session, and she mostly sings about how much she hates everyone. She has a massive following of Gwens... I wonder why?
Marathon Tyler is a recurring Tyler who is just, always out on a jog throughout the multiverse. His jogging route encompasses every location you could possibly imagine. I'm not sure he's ever completed a run.
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CONCLUSION: This isn't even a fraction of the guys we have LMAO so sorry for the long list and the long paragraphs. I've cut it down as much as I can so if you have any questions about anyone, please ask-- I probably left something out!
Also feel free to ask if there's any variants of [character] I left off-- I'd be more than happy to ramble some more!!
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bless-311 · 11 months
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choi jiung x f!reader
synopsis. who would've thought that the worst part of a mugging wouldn't be the actual mugging? alternately, your best friend gets turned into a zombie amidst an already stressful university life.
▸genre, warnings. pg13, zombie au, non-idol au, uni au, office au but only 4 yn, bf2l, humor, horror, angst/fluff, blood ment, minor talk of injuries, yearning, slow burn i think, slice of life, keeho med student??, yn not korean, this is a series btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!🎃
▸word count. 4.3k
series mlist | next part →
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The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you just laid your eyes on the record.
"Oh my god? Oh my god!? Jiung, come look at this!" you call out, twisting around to hold out your most recent discovery from the mystical and densely packed row of records in your favorite run-down vinyl store. 
His sneakers squeak on the worn linoleum of the floors, he makes his way from the opposite corner of the store with a "No way! You've been looking for this in vinyl forever, right?" 
His fingers run over the grooves of the unsheathed disk and you nod enthusiastically, you breathe in the dusty warm scent of the concrete and pieces of vinyl, the dim strip lights and sunlight streaming through the window illuminating your golden find. The cramped low ceiling can't hold the high spirits that are warming you despite the cool autumnal weather. He resheaths the record and nimbly plucks it from your hands, heading for the register in the back. You scamper quickly to follow him, almost hanging on his arm to keep your view on your newfound baby. 
When he reaches the unvarnished wooden table with a small till atop, he smiles and waves to the old man running the store. The stylishly dressed old man chuckles at the two of you and your antics, he'd been allowing the both of you to loiter here without buying since your sophomore year in university when you'd found the shop. In your defense, being in uni is expensive and you would have needed more funds to get vinyl records every other weekend. He tells you the price of the vinyl and you almost do a spit take at the cost. You're about to say something when Jiung pulls out his already thin wallet –one could even liken it to a balding man's hair– and pulls out the crisp bills necessary. 
"Ji, no. I cannot let you pay for this!" you protest trying to pluck the bills out of his hand, after some effort Jiung prevails and manages to pay.
The old man shakes his head in amusement, cigarette hanging from his lips, he tucks the bills in the register and hands Jiung his change. 
He advises you sagely "Young lady, you should let him pay for you! it's a good thing he's no scumbag, what a good boyfriend!" 
Jiung giggles when your jaw drops, he similarly admonishes you "Yeah you should let me, your loving boyfriend, buy you this nice record."
Jiung pulls you out of the store by the scruff with you huffing and puffing angrily the whole way. 
"Ji- JIUNG!" You swat his hands away from the collar of his coat, he looks at you with a  sheepish smile.
"Choi Jiung! Not only did you pay for that with money you don't have, but you also lied to that old man!" you start to scold him by smacking him on the arm, as you do so his dark brown hair glints in the setting sunlight. 
The two of you look comical as you hit and yell at him and he stands unperturbed if not just regretting the boxing around the ears. You don't see yourself right now, but Jiung thinks he understands why someone could think you're a couple. People had been making this assumption since your freshman year of university, usually the two of you either refuted it or just brushed it off. It's no wonder why, since you two had met at freshman orientation you had been almost inseparable when not in lectures. You had approached him for directions, but you struggled slightly with spoken Korean at the time as a foreign student and he by the grace of god spoke stellar English. Despite your seemingly unrelated majors you had an overlapping class or two and ended up attending the same dance studio! The crazy coincidences served to make you two quickly super comfortable with each other. This translated past school to after you got your degree in advertising and started working and Jiung deciding to pursue a masters degree in music composition, leading up to right now with the two of you supposedly celebrating you getting your full-time contract. 
"Sorry, sorry! Sorry, please stop hitting me now?" He pleads, escaping your violent attacks. 
He secures the record in the front basket of his motorcycle, thankfully it's free of any garish advertising colors despite his food delivery job. In a deep shamefaced bow, he informs you you can pick the restaurant (like he always planned for you to do, but anything to get on your good side). You stick out your tongue and order him to take you to the nearest kbbq restaurant, he quickly submits and puts on his helmet. In a swift motion, he puts yours on for you, securing the strap under your chin. You reel a little, because it was so fast, totally because of that. 
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You walk into the restaurant and let the sizzling mouth-watering scent hit your nose. You all but forgot about the spat you just had with Jiung in the face of food, which made Jiung chuckle. You find yourselves an empty table, settling down you call over a waitress and scan the menu of standard kbbq dishes. Jiung fills her in on your orders, despite being fluent in Korean to a corporate level you still preferred having him talk for you when the two of you were together. You lean your elbows on the table and tuck one arm under your chin as you watch the exchange, not bothering to tune in over the noise. The waitress cracks a joke which earns her a giggle from Jiung, she points a thumbs up his way before gathering your menus and heading to the kitchen. It doesn't really bother you she didn't acknowledge you, but since you're thinking about it it probably does. Jiung removes his jacket as you did earlier and folds up his sleeves, the chill not reaching inside the warmth of the building. You keep observing him until he eventually feels your gaze and looks over, sending you an inquisitive head tilt like a puppy. You shake your head as a response and proceed to tie back your hair as a show of your okayness. He sends you a double thumbs up which you return with childish happiness, the unintentional mood lighting of the dim orangey raw pendant lights in the restaurant causing the scene to have a fuzzy quality. You have a great evening between wing manning Jiung (he wasn't interested), enjoying the meat that made you want to dance it was that good, and answering the latest trending debate questions (you both felt similarly on the perilla leaf matter). You got to pay this time, with your last baby paycheck. 
Jiung stops in front of the nearest train station, waiting diligently for you to unclasp your hands from his shoulders, get off the bike, and rid yourself of your helmet before passing you your vinyl. It's cool to the touch because of the air, which is getting even nippier now that night has fallen.
You smooth down your helmet ruffled hair "I'm off," you inform him, as though he had not just brought you to the station pointing towards the building awkwardly. 
You could have been better at that goodbye, yikes. He nods and asks you to shoot him a text when you're home safe, to which you salute him and promise a timely message. 
Hopping off the bike, he draws you into a hug and you hear "Good job by the way, I'm proud of you," in your ear.
When he tries to pull away after that. You keep him there, which shocks both of you. You release him eventually with a shallow shove, turning heel and running into the station.
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True to your word, the second you walk through your apartment door after a three-station train commute, five-minute walk, and elevator ride, you dutifully text him a simple “Home👍." To which he responds with a like. 
You immediately run to put the record on in the small creamy yellow suitcase-style record player, it lives in the corner of your wooden living room floor next to the console. You try your best to organize your collection in the small metal rack you had purchased but there always seems to be a stack by the player, you see it and smile fondly at the record at the very top of the stack. Coincidentally, this record is not only your first but also one gifted to you by Jiung. Since high school, you had known you wanted to move overseas as a result you’d held back on collecting many physical items like records or even just clothes. When you finally did move to Korea you had resolved to start a collection of some sort, you had confided in Jiung about this right before your semester break, and to your surprise soon after you got your first coursework of the year back with flying colors Jiung had brought you to the record store for the first time and let you choose any record. You wipe the debris off the cover and place it back at the top of the pile, the memory of the record combined with the residual emotions from the night's celebration had you thinking about all that Jiung had done for you. You go through the motions of getting ready for bed with a record blaring in the background, counting the good things you owe him. It's not until the hot water from the shower hits your back that you recall that Jiung's aunt is your landlady, his mom sending you to her, that was the reason you could afford the rent to this place on your previous salary. 
You're hounded by the thought of how deep your relationship with Jiung is, and how you would be not just in hard times but doomed to failure if you hadn't met him. You wish you could help him in tough times too but he never seems to have any, which would usually be a cause for happiness and relief if not for your feelings of guilt and debt. It overwhelms you that you feel unable to help him in return, so you just lie on your bed and scroll mindlessly in hopes of sleep or just reprieve from your thoughts. You haunt the hashtag for one of your high school favorite boy groups who are having a 15th-anniversary reunion, the specter of your thoughts taints the disco pop playing from the screen though. The time passes slowly as you scroll languidly through the carousel of apps you have open, your eyelids are heavy and on the verge of sleep. The sudden loud buzz of a call and flash change of the screen startle you, causing your phone to drop directly on your nose. 
nursing your throbbing nose you pick up the call, which you see is from Jiung, "Ji? What's up?" 
It wasn't uncommon for him to call late at night, but considering you had seen each other just hours before it did seem a bit odd. 
"Oh thank god, you picked up," he sighs in relief, his breath a quick puff "I need to come over, can I come over?" The tremble in his voice was evident.
You were puzzled, why did he seem so off? 
"Yeah of course, what's going on?" You question, trying to glean more details of the situation. 
You don't get an answer and you're about to ask again until you hear a sharp inhale and after a few seconds of heavy breathing a muffled yell.
"Ji, What's going on!?" you repeat your question with an urgent fear. 
The call cuts off. You feel sick to your stomach with fear, what was that yell you just heard? The bile rises in your throat and you only feel it retreat a little when a message 'otw' appears on your phone screen. You walk to the kitchen and open a sprite, leaving a fridge open for a bit of light as you sip. You know it's not really settling your stomach, but it feels like it so you sip. Warily you close the fridge and turn on the lights, too nervous to sit tight you pace by the entrance and rearrange your slippers. You hear the code to your door go through, Jiung long since needing you to let him in, as it opens you look down first taking in his full body. He looks haggard and beat up, he's cradling his hand (and some takeout?), you feel a contraction in your heart. You look up to his face, you almost scream. 
You didn't end up screaming, you did have to halfway catch Jiung though. Dragging his heavy ass to the couch, you feel your heart calm slightly in relief but also with sudden duty. You look at his bloodied face that initially tempted a shriek from you, trying to assess the damage. You decide the cut on his head isn't as serious as it looks and his busted lip should be okay, his hand has a weird jagged kind of cut but other than the scrapes and bruises he doesn't have any major injuries, You sigh in relief when you reach this conclusion. Then you tense up again realizing you're out of your depth, what do you do right now? 
"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, right?" He asks you quietly, his voice hoarse, this was the first time he'd spoken since he'd been here. 
You smile at him weakly, grateful, and quickly turn to go get the kit in question. you dust it off after retrieving from the cabinet, glad that Keeho in proper med student fashion had decided to get you one as a housewarming gift. Oh shit, Keeho. You make a mental note to call him as soon as Jiung is sorted. Walking out of the bathroom with a damp rag and the first aid kit you feel slightly more confident, which is a start, you lay the contents of the first aid kit out on your coffee table next to the mysterious takeout bag and get to work with the rag. Gingerly wiping the blood of Jiung's pale skin, you swear up and down no tiny cut should bleed this much and take great care to wipe even more gently when you reach the cut on his forehead and the one on his lip. Jiung winces and you whisper a chain of 'sorrys' as you clean it up properly. You try your best to apply the disinfectant with the least amount of discomfort possible and press on the bandaids with similar care. You sigh and stare at your handiwork on his face with apprehension, barely satisfied you pull his hand into the light to see the damage. Upon closer inspection you can tell it's a bite mark, an odd looking one but a bite mark, you pray it's not infected as you put a boatload of antibacterial cream on it before wrapping it in a bandage. You stare at the bandaid on his lips and where the very edges of the cut peek out, you'd never felt comfortable looking at his lips for long but now you were worried enough that the thought of it being inappropriate slipped your mind. 
You had settled Jiung in your bed after passing him a far oversized t-shirt of yours and some shorts he'd left a while back, you'd gone to pack up the takeout and remembered something at the back of your pantry. You're now brewing some medicinal Chinese herbal tea, something you brought with you from home. You can practically taste the bitterness through the smell and hope you don't seem too much like your mom right now, but you didn't know what else to do other than give him gallons of hot water. You stand around holding your cooking chopsticks in one hand, cooking the tea in a brass ramyeon pot was a little unorthodox but you didn't really have a teapot lying around so you made do. After much deliberation and a thought to call your grandmother you decide the tea is ready, you carefully pour it into a mug and make your way back to your bedroom. You tug on the drawstring of your standing lamp tucked in the corner of your room next to your door and let the warm light cast a dim glow on the familiar landscape of your small room making exaggerated shadows on all your usually commonplace furniture. You put the mug on the nightstand as you approach the bed, you lightly shake Jiung's shoulder, regretfully having to wake him. 
"I made you tea, you should drink it while it's still hot" you explain as he opens his eyes and sits up. 
The scent of the tea blends in with the tiger balm you'd slathered across his chest, you know he's not coughing but it never hurts to be safe, right? He tentatively takes a sip and makes a face, you know it's bitter and you give him an apologetic look. You motion him to keep drinking regardless, watching as he drains his cup which takes a great deal of effort. He smiles weakly at you, and you sigh and smile back. 
"I'll go now," he says, making the motions of getting out of your bed.
You push him back lightly, the fabric of his shirt cool on your palms, and tsk him, you're not going to allow him to leave now. 
"Did you see the way you walked in here? I'm not letting you go back to your four person shoebox sized dorm" you tell him patting his shoulder as he forcibly slumps against the propped up pillow behind him. 
Neither of you want to argue, but you're willing to stand your ground. He sighs and gives in, moving to lie down again, you quietly thank him turning off the lamp and slipping out of the room with the mug. You wash it, which is really surprising frankly, it must be all the residual responsible energy from taking care of Jiung. That causes you to sigh, yeah you wanted to return the kindness he had extended to you, but was a crazy mugging really the way it had to be done? You wash the suds off your hands and the sink, chewing on the inside of your cheek regretting the wishes you made earlier in the night. Well, at least the ambiguity of them. You decide to lie down on your couch, exhausted thoroughly from the many and extremely colorful events of the night, you feel your eyelids droop finally drifting off into sleep. 
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You wake up not because the birds are chirping or the sun is streaming, but because of a jab to the ribs. 
"Hey, did you die? Only one of us can die at a time," you hear a suddenly very grating voice ask, accompanying the sharp pokes.
One of the said pokes lands on your cheek when you open your eyes and shoot the doe eyed boy a fat glare. You scratch the back of your head and sit up, as you do you feel a fabric fall away from your body, you look down to see a hoodie that seemed to have been draped haphazardly on your sleeping self. You look up at Jiung throwing him a questioning head tilt, he looks back at you happily but still pale even his hair seems paler. 
"You looked cold," he explained, "like one of those tiktoks of the sleepover where the friend doesn't give them a blanket." 
You stare at him incredulously, even if the gesture did warm not just your upper body (he forgot about your goosebumpy legs) you elect to ignore him and stretch a little before getting off the couch and heading to your bathroom. 
Finally deciding to speak with your dry morning voice, you croak "Can you heat up the congee I have in the fridge?" 
Jiung salutes you and bounds happily towards the kitchen, he's way too happy for someone who just got mugged the night before. What happened to being scraped and bruised up, you wonder. You step onto the ice cold tile of your bathroom and it sends a shiver up your spine, whew you are cold. With that you splash some water on your face and try to wake yourself up a bit more, not really succeeding you decide to brush you teeth. Maybe the minty fresh flavor will wake you? You're not sure where your train of thought is going with that one. You wash and gargle, doing a rushed version of your normal skincare routine not wanting to keep Jiung or your breakfast waiting. You hear the beeping of the microwave, just in time for you to pop into the kitchen all freshened up. 
You clap excitedly seeing that he brought out the century eggs you have too, "Oh that looks so good, I'm starving right now!" 
He nods his agreement and serves you both your individual bowls of the soupy rice, in his usual fashion he dumped way too much chilli in and you gave him a wary stare.
“Not finishing that for you, you know that right?” You scoff lightly, knowing full well it’ll be too spicy for him and you’ll have to finish it.
To both your surprise breakfast goes fast and uneventfully, both of you finishing your bowls’ of congee with no issues other than a small spill on you shirt. You watch Jiung settle down on the couch as you wash the dishes from the meal, he turns on youtube on your tv and plays some music video that he’s been ‘dying to watch’ and you tune into the song. It had come naturally to the both of you to spen the day together, you could’nt let Jiung leave and it was a Sunday so you had both decided on a movie montage. You finish washing and placing the dishes on the rack and hop over to join jiung on the couch, settling in comfortably in your usual spot. You turn to him as the video ends, pausing the tv, you clear your throat and wait for him to give you his full attention.
“Before we do anything, tell me what happened last night.” you command, trying not to sound too demanding but knowing that you can’t just move on without an explanation.
He sighs and purses his lips, he looks at you but darts his eyes away before speaking “I don’t really remember, to be honest. It was a big blur, all I remember is trying to squeeze in one last delivery before heading home for the night,” he rambles.
You nod, urging him to continue, so he does “I stopped at the alley outside the store to situate everything, you know? Out of nowhere this dude comes at me, and everything from there’s a massive blip,” he manages to finish coherently. 
You nod, not wanting to press it any further you mutually decided (read: Jiung just nodded along) to do a chick flick movi marathon. This being part of your continuous effort to educate Jiung on trashy pop culture to which he is a surprisingly active student. 
The sun has long past set by the time the two of you get off the couch and stretch, deciding it’s dinner time. In tandem and like a well oiled machine you head to the kitchen as a team and prepare the stolen chicken from his disaster struck order from the previous night. It seems the person ordering was not feeling spicy because the two options were honey and soy-garlic. Fine by you, you were happy to get free food if nothing else. You happily dig into a drumstick of the ill gotten soy-garlic chicken when you hear Jiung gagging in disgust.
“Dude, what the fork?” you say, not wanting to be so vulgar in front of your food.
“It’s like rotten or something, I don’t know,” Jiung replies, looking like he bit into maggot-y meat.
You shake your head in disbelief, our chicken is just fine, but to appease him you pull a chunk of the opposite side of his drumstick off with your chopsticks. Inspecting it closely you deem it worthy and pop it into your mouth, it’s… yummy.
“You’re insane,” you report to him, happily munching on your food.
“Biased journalism!” he cries in disbelief. 
You’re not exactly sure why or how this is when the dots connect, but by golly do they. The bite, pale skin, spice tolerance, bad reaction to food? You’ve watched IZombie, you know exactly what this sounds like. This only calls for one thing, you scamper off your chair and towards your spice cabinet, grabbing your gochugaru chili flakes. You pop the container and Jiung’s mouth open, you pour about a teaspoon’s worth of the flakes onto his tongue and order him to swallow. He swallows easily, light work, no reaction. 
You gasp loudly not expecting to actually get the response you’d expected, Jiung freaks out, “What the FUCK? What’s happening, why’d you just try to turn my mouth into meat kimchi?” he asks you frantically.
You hold one hand up to him and dial the only person you can think of, Keeho.
You’re surprised with how fast he shows up to your SOS text, a large duffel bag with a red cross logo showing up with him, “What’s the sitch?” he asks completely out of breath and panting.
You fill him in on your miraculous discovery, making him roll his eyes when you use the phrase ‘code z’. He asks a few more questions going between you and Jiung for answers, this reveals some things, like even though you hadn’t checked on or redressed Jiung’s wounds (oops) they had perfectly healed and also that Jiung had never seen IZombie. Jiung looks completely lost as you and Keeho hold a very unintellectual conversation on what this means and how Liv survived in the show post turning, Keeho leaving you stumped when he pulls out very Ravi-esque medical terms.
Keeho nods thoughtfully and after a long pause simply asks, “So, Jiung, how does it feel to be undead?”
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▸note. honestly i was planning for this to be a loooong one shot but i! am! busy!。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 idk what the update schedule for this will look like, but with the acute pressure off my shoulders ill tentatively say a chapter every week or so? i hope you like it bc i love the dynamics so far, and i have a lot planned (17 pages of notes to be exact) for this series! tyty and have a happy happy halloween!!💕🎃🍬
shoutout @busy-dizzybee for reading my stream of thoughts in real time, soldier on🫡
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nets. @kflixnet
©bless-311 | do not translate, copy, or rework any fics or repost fics on any other social media platforms
posted: 311023
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takkebboki · 4 months
First of all I love your art style! it's so pleasing to look at!
Second, what was the inspo for your au? You like hockey a lot, just think it's a cool concept, or something else? Also how did you come up with the RPD team name :0
Thank you sm, I really appreciate it!!! 🥺🥺🥺
The inspiration for creating the au is a bit messy, but here it is:
1) I have always liked sports that are on ice, I live in a country where it is not common and even impossible to practice for many, so it always fascinated me! Hockey and ice skating mainly because of the movies I watched when I was a child :3
2) I'm a writer, I write stories that normally don't even make it to the Internet, and the story I gave Leon is largely based on a story I wrote about two years ago, obviously changing some parts to "add" to the Resident Evil lore to it.
3) Plus, it's a rlly cool concept 👍
4) The story of the RPD team name is pretty boring lmao. I heard the word prowler in a TikTok and thought, "wtf does that mean?" (English is my second language). And it means "someone who secretly follows people or hides near their houses, especially at night, in order to steal something, frighten them, or perhaps harm them", and my little monkey brain was like "haha zombie" and then I noticed it could fit the team. (Plus, it could also be a term used for a raccoon! :3)
So, Raccoon (raccoon city) Prowlers (zombie, RE ref, funni + backstory) Division (backstory teehee, will be shared once I finish moving things around in the story to make it officially "Leon's story").
I'm sorry this was so long, I'm just really hyperfixated with my au and I have very few ppl to talk about it with😩
Btw, I'm trying to make a comic about the backstory! Can't many any promises bc of life and times, but I'll try💪🫶✨
Hope this answered your question! Mwah💋
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project-doomsday · 1 year
Have you concept art for your comic? Btw I like that pic of Z holding that ball of a smeet. How long was the process of this Timelapse?
I do have concept art! I’ll show you! Also thank you so much! I never drew something like that before, it took me 3 hours. Surprisingly, the Timelapse process was very quick. I’ll post a video of it down below!
Anyway, time for concept art!
I began Project Doomsday early last year in August at work. Back then, I had no interest in Invader Zim like I was when I was little. I would cringe at just the thought of it and all the weird things I did involving Zim. But when I was at work, of all things, Zim just popping up in my head! It was like, “HEY! REMEMBER ME?! HEY HEY HEY” It was pretty annoying. So I did what any rational person would do! I began to draw him but with a twist of my own.
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This was the first drawing of Z. You can also see an early version of his human design. It was this exact moment where my whole life changed forever. “Goddammit I’m back into this fandom again.” And I haven’t regretted it since.
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These are early designs of Dib and Gaz. Jeeesus, they look terrible. Hell, even I thought it was terrible back then. Originally the AU’s artstyle was going to be very different but I went with a more 90s anime look because it’s my favorite.
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Now, this drawing is pretty cool. That look of pure hatred. Aghhh, I love it!! It just screams, “When I see you, I’m going to kill you” I also didn’t know his blood was supposed to be pink so I drew it green.
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Yet another good sketch! This is Z getting ready to do one of his experiments. I bet you can tell what’s going to happen to that dog over there.
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Hey look it’s Gir, the zombie robot dog thing! This was an early sketch of him. Designing him was very hard.
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Here’s Z bein’ silly 😛
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And this was Z’s “official” design… I hate it. He looks like a stick bug and his head looks like a booger. I mean, I know I purposely designed Z to be super skinny, but you could at least tell he was strong. This… this just looks like a twig. Twig Zim. Invader Twim. New OC anyone?
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And finally, Z’s official design. I have to say I am very proud of this one. He looks super deadly and stuff, I love it! 100/10.
Even though I at first regretted being back into this series, I’m happy I did. I felt like I embraced a part of myself and those silly memories. Believe it or not, Invader Zim saved my life back then and I’ll always be grateful. I love you, you green gremlin fucker.
Okay, enough with the mushy stuff, here’s the Timelapse of my newest Doomsday art! I was listening to Resident Evil: Dead Aim - Save Room. Even though the AU is supposed to be horror, I honestly felt like this song matched with the theme, at least with certain parts of the story.
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olde-scratch · 11 months
mm momsger high au. i didn't mean to misspell that. inspired by this post from @tobisiksi . sorry this took so long i had everything written out and then tumblr Deleted Everything even tho i had like two backup posts.
i tried to include everyone i could and give all of them unique monster types but there are some repeats :( ib sowwee i tried to make them unique when i could tho. lmk if u have any suggestions for characters or different monster types.
ALSO HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i have to work but im going dressed as saiki so i still have the spirit
Saiki Kusuo - Lovecraftian Eldritch Horror
i mean. duh.
he poses as his own (human) worshipper to avoid being indoctrinated elsewhere
"i can't attend, i have worship tonight." "oh that's cool who do you worship?" "they don't like being talked about." "ohh so it's an... invite-only system. right......"
deciding now that closed worship systems like saiki purports are generally a total Scam and people avoid them like a plague. it fits with saikis foray into the internet lol
hes still sooo silly dw
to the people with the eldritch kusuo headcanons, i see u..... i hope u like monster high........ :)
Saiki Kuusuke - Cult Worshipper (Human)
bet you thought i was gonna say mad scientist. WRONG that's his day job.
kuusuke operates as a mad scientist since humans aren't allowed into the monster world (afaik humans arent even seen outside of jackson, who is half monster). idk what he makes tho. maybe he pulls a doctor finklestein and makes bone animals to roam the monster world?
kuusuke is the one who got his family into the monster world btw. i mean he definitely found it p quickly after kusuo started morphing and speaking in tongues and shit
kuusuke would LOVE the monster world, at least at first. he might get bored really quickly, but he'd love being able to be more of a crazy bastard than he already is
kuusuke functions as a head cultist for kusuo, but instead of strengthening him with sacrifices and praying for protection, he weakens him with sacrifices (the limiters) and prays for himself to be smote (kusuo to play games with him) (kusuo ignores him a lot)
maybe he made amp/anpu like he did warp. idk.
Saiki Kurumi / Saiki Kuniharu - Cult Worshipper (Human)
they were 100% human before being dragged into the monster world due to their sons
they basically live the same as they do in canon tbh i dont think a lot would change in the monster world
during the new years chapter maybe instead of saying kusuo has powers, they say something about his eldritchness or how glad they are to "worship" such a chill god. god i wanna write this now.
Kaidou Shun - Vampire
okay so not ACTUALLY a vampire but i think it was nopsi who had like an au where kaidou was like a weaker version of a vampire?? GOD i dont remember the name (hampir?? i cant find it on wikipedia, did it start with an f????). for all intents and purposes, im just gonna consider him a weak vampire
i cant remember if he'd be made thru a human/vampire relationship but if he was then i think we should play into the manga hair colors of his siblings and say that whole toki and sora and his mother are all full vampires, he was half vampire (perhaps he's from the father's side of the family from a previous relationship, since his mother has purple hair in her manga cover i think??)
draculara has her red drinks and her spf and her cute little parasol so OF COURSE kaidou has all of those as well. i think it would be very funny if kaidou had his umbrella customized to look like a hidden anime weapon, but it wasn't waterproof so he has to use a different one when it rains
i have a gen 1 og draculara from when i was a kid and i love her she's so cute :] someone draw kaidou in her outfit he'd slay. actually, just draw all of them in her outfit(s). gloom beach teruhashi. sweet screams mera. freak du chic saiki. sweet 1600 saiko. fearleader hairo. you cannot make her look bad idc.
Nendou Riki - Zombie (Frankenstein's Monster type zombie)
okay so this might be controversial but imagine:
everyone's chatting like normal, nendous head falls off, everyone goes deathly silent, nendou puts it back on and goes back to talking, cue kaidou screeching
bc im rewriting this im not gonna go thru my thought process so my idea was that takeuchi was a mad scientist who created midori after himself bc he only had access to a mirror (neither realized they looked the same). takeuchi died and chouno, who was smitten with midori, remade takeuchi who midori named riki and chose to raise as her own. chouno intended it as a poetic final goodbye but cut to 16 years later and hes still not over her lol
nendou being undead could also play into his appreciation for life.... protecting the obviously smaller and weaker saiki and kaidou.... his care for his dad that he never met (altho he might have two dads in this au?).... THE HAMSTER SCENE. NENDOU :((((
Teruhashi Kokomi - Tomie
im SORRY for bringing up junji ito but come ON
for those who dont know tomie, she's basically So Beautiful that men are supernaturally attracted to her until she drives them mad with her beauty. they cut her up and scatter her remains and they turn into more tomies
however. teruhashi isnt just a pretty girl. she's The Perfect Pretty Girl. so we can just ignore all the bloodshed and murder and deathmatches :D
i debated making her a siren but that just doesn't fit her for some reason. she doesn't have to try.
in op's post they made her aphrodite reincarnated but i don't think that there are gods walking amonst the student disembody unfortunately
Teruhashi Makoto - Intersection Bishounen
the intersection bishounen is a vengeful spirit that roams the streets and gives fortunes to young girls that drive them to suicide, after which they come back as ghosts and beg for his affection.
makoto is more of a teenage/ya heartthrob than a vengeful spirit tho so we can get rid of all the cool stuff like fortune telling and driving to suicide
the intersection bishounen also didnt want to fuck his cousin so points to him
Hairo Kineshi - Fire Elemental
think of heath. i think heath is like the son of hades or something idfk i say fuck that ive never heard that before until i started getting back into monster high that's not canon to me
theres... a surprisingly low amount of sports name puns :( there's casketball, ofc ofc, because mh is american. there's monster soccer from toralei's ghoul spirit notebook, but baseball and tennis from clawdeen and spectra dont get named so they dont have names. thats BULLSHIT btw someone who's good w puns help me im freezing up
gilda goldstag was also a fire elemental right? i dont actually know anything about her other than that she was in the student council bc she was in the doll pack
theres a wind elemental mentioned in spectras ghoul spirit notebook. figured that id mention it idk
i have nothing else to say this should be obvious
Mera Chisato - Shouku-jinki
okay i need to preface this with something that is very important to me about this, the Japanese creature the jikininki/shoku-jinki originated in the story of musou the preist. as far as ive been able to see, there is a second story featured on wikipedia about a pregnant woman that is legitimately someone's fucking oc insert. im not making this up, it appeared one goddamn day and i dont want to make an acc just to get rid of it but i dont want to have my ip address just There and i dont know how to like draw attention to it. so please know that the story of musou is the only legitimate source of the jikininki and the "jijinki" are just someones fucking oc inserts. i dont know why they did this, i dont know how it's still there bc its been YEARS how has no one removed it??
anyways im calm now.
jikininki (or, iirc the more modern version is shoku-jinki) are demons that were greedy or impious in life and were cursed to wander the earth forever starving and thirsty. at night, they eat dead bodies.
sooo remember how mera acted when she got her money back for a day.
her death was the cause of their bankruptcy, maybe they put all their money towards avenging her?
i think that mera would come from a half human, half monster family so she could already be in the monster world, but i dont have to worry about what powers she'd have due to being a monster.
her mother would be a demon and her father a human who doesn't quite know how to navigate the monster would, so he still has to go away to earn money. also imagine four kids following mera around, three have devil horns and taiks and one is just some guy. (idk if she has 4 siblings but you get the idea)
so yeah, mera is immortal, unable to feel satisfied by any amount of food or drink, working herself to the bone to provide for her siblings. the mera lore is Strong w this one.
u could totally also go for some real body horror with her if u wanted
Yumehara Chiyo - Ghost
ill go into the difference between ghosts and souls in toritsuka's part since you cant take away toritsukas thing but you cant just remove ghosts from mh
i initially thought of making her a cherub/cupid but girlie would be getting No One Together. also there's only one cupid in mh and uhhhh there would be no hope if that was chiyo. yk what chiyo loves tho? gossip. u know what spectra loves? gossip.
i think the ghosts in mh all have a chain motif iirc? ik spectra does but sirena von boo also does (the siren/ghost hybrid) and i dont know any other ghosts off the top of my head
anyways yumehara is totally just a regular people ghost. maybe she cries blood or somethin fun like that? maybe have a bit where she keeps getting told off for having makeup and its her eyes leaking or its her having anti blood leaking drops or wipes
Saiko Metori - Mummy
i was gonna make him a vampire but HELLO??? CLEO IS RIGHT THERE????
rich, bratty, self-centered?? DE NILE IS CLEOS LAST NAME.
idk if him being a mummy would change him like cosmetically, like skin tone or hair texture or whatever but i cant draw so that doesn't quite matter to me. altho ig hed probably just look like a pale, dehydrated, brittle pile of bandages if you wanna be historicallty accurate
his father glows because he's ra next question
he definitely decks himself out in a looott more gold than just his earring as a mummy. bangles, cuffs rings, anklets, hair accessories.
the bodyguards are just the tomb protectors that cleo gets as slaves
he gets a custom made desk of pure gold at pk and he never uses it
i think in ancient egypt married couples would be buried together regardless of if at least the wife was dead or alive, so he definitely propositions teruhashi to take a sand nap with him
he gets a pet crocodile. he has a tiger in canon i think and cleo gets a snake so like. nile crocodile obviously.
i cant tell if he lives in a pyramid just randomly in the middle of hidari wakibara, or if theres a bit about nendou asking him where his pyramid is and saikos just like "bro i Dont Live In A Pyramid."
Kuboyasu Aren - Werewolf
hello?? violent, tragic past that comes back to haunt them regularly and interfere with their daily lives?????
i dont think werewolves can turn into wolves in mh but like if you want doggy kuboyasu who's as big as kaidou, go for it
KUBOYASU WITH DOGGY EARS AND A TAIL.... i dont think that werewolves in mh have tails but thats. a crime.
kuboyasu can smell the rest of the cast. god i wanna know what they smell like in the non weirdest way possible.
i dont have a lot to say about this. doguyasu
Toritsuka Reita - Cult Worshipper (Human)
okay so there's a difference between ghosts and souls in this version. ghosts are a form of undead that are sort of just humans that can float and go thru walls and stuff. souls are the base forms of dead people that remain chained to existence with no knowledge of who they were. normal people can see ghosts, but not souls. toritsuka can see both
toritsuka was also raised in a temple in this au, pretty standard stuff. nothing interesting there.
so yk how toritsuka found out abt saiki thru the souls
and yk how saikis an eldritch monster that melts mind and twists reality to his will in this au
toritsuka does not know the meaning of the term eldritch btw
if ur a torisai or toritsuka angst fan then u can always imagine toritsuka thinking himself inferior to the rest of the pk psychickers bc he's a human and didnt even find saiki by himself, but with the help of his ghosts. sorry i gotta push the torisai agenda.
i personally also hc him to be hypersexualized by the adults in his life due to his touchyness from a young age which lead to him being ostracized by his peers when he began repeating the behavior, thus encouraging the development of touch starvation that he misinterpreted as horniness. in other words, "damn bitch u live like this?". sooo do with that what u will in this au.
(could saiki like..... taste his desperation??)
Aiura Mikoto - Cult Worshipper (Devil)
basically aiura but with cute devil horns and a tail that reacts with her mood. she 100% bedazzles and paints her horns like she paints her nails.
shes still a prophet and stuff but like shes just a lil demonic now. as she deserves.
"yeah i can totes check ur future!!" (rips open a portal to the underworld, chants in a forgotten language, focuses in on one damned soul that writhes and screams for mercy as it withers out of existence where it will wait to be reborn into hell after being offered the temporary reprieve of total nothingness) "babe ur bf is cheating on u like one hundo percent. but ur gonna be a bomb ass doctor one day!!"
i want her to trip toritsuka with her tail
she's not human and she lords it over toritsuka's head when they fight for saiki's attention
Akechi Touma - Cult Worshipper (Human)
initially i wanted to make him a bugboy bc yea but consider
saiki knew him in elementary school so he pulled a real I Tracked Down My Childhood Friend Who Is Actually An Eldritch Monster Masquerading as a Pretty Boy with Pink Hair in a High School?!
yeah soo like what if their dynamic was "what if we were friends in our childhood years before you had to leave to stop the uncontrollable desire you had to break down my reality and drive me into irreversible madness, yet despite knowing the danger i faced i still hunted you down, my prayers meant solely to get a response from you devolving into genuine reverence, solidifying myself as your most loyal devotee...... haha jk. unless?"
we all know that akechi likely faced no difficulty finding the monster world dont even ask
you can insert ur own hcs with his mom all ill say is that shes probably masquerading as some sort of cult worshipper or jekyll/hyde situation to live in the monster world. or maybe he just moved schools and lives sort of nearby but not in the monster world idk
akechi would fucking Love the monster world. he'd never get bored of it. you know the sweet potato scene? oh, honey, he's got access to information about the average size of different monsters, along with the influence of proportions and size, magical interference, etc etc. hed fucking LOVE the monster world.
Satou Hiroshi - Ghost
ive already got three ghosts (see suzumiya and makino) but i couldnt think of the Most Generic monster but hear me out
he's a sheet
hes got two black or cut out circles for eyes and a little 'o' for a mouth. just fuckin 0 。0 .
and saiki is IN LOVE WITH HIM.
toritsuka is honestly so offended that he is not the ghost-themed object of saiki's affections
satous friends and baseball team are either the core basic monsters (werewolf, vampire, zombie, etc) or theyre basic japanese spirits. im. not doing tons of research on if there are generic japanese demons or if theres just sort of one kind of demon that has a lot of forms,,,, im so sorry i can only do so much research please correct me if you know better
Rifuta Imu - Catgirl
i dont know what the name of the actual catgirls are in mh (werecats?) like purrsephone and toralei and meowlody but fuck it catgirl
she would have THE cutest collar. OR she'd have a ribbon around her neck w a matching one on her tail like catrine de mew. she could maybe even have some sort of shredded piece of clothing like catty noir's skirt or a habit of shredding things
im sorry i dont know a lot about cat breeds so i dont have a lot to say about her species
cat themed accessories.......
btw she's a cat bc of japans obsession w cats. i considered making HER a siren since i scrapped that idea for teruhashi but i feel like it just. doesn't suit her.
Bonuses (people i couldnt find that much to talk about)
Suzumiya Hii - Cursed Soul
i mean what else would she be.
okay so shes not a SOUL shes a GHOST i just think it sounds better like that
Makino Arisu - Ghost
ring-style ghost. i think it's called a yuurei? i did my research for her but i forgot it and the og post got deleted so. im upset.
Matsuzaki - Headless Horseman
idk what is his horse would be i just wanted bloodgood to have Presence in this and the principal is only seen like. three times.
i considered giving kuboyasu the status as headless horseman bc of his motorcycle but g1 bloodgood did not serve that much cunt for her type to be given to a 16 year old im sorry
(i also recently got a bloodgood as my first doll when i got back into mh and i love her :] she came w a cool coat that isnt her og coat but its nice anyways)
Chouno Urkyoku - Mad Jester
okay so ik i said he was a mad scientist but he retired that in order to go into entertainment. it's not going too well.
you could also go for a ringmaster/clown route but we all lived thru 2016 (or was it 2017?) and the ensuing cliche-ifying treatment the media gave scary clowns put me off them personally lol they kind of bore me
(if u don't live in the us or don't know what im talking about that happened in 2016, then god i envy you. just look up "2016 clowns usa" im sure you'll figure it out)
Michael (Ikemi something I think?) - Zombie
idk it just fits him
zombies in g1 can only communicate thru moans which makes them nonverbal in some way but g3 STOLE that from us. fuck them.
Nendou Midori / Nendou Takeuchi - Frankenstein & His Monster
i explained this in nendous thing im not repeating myself sorry
PK Principal - Gorgon
yes its bc of the glasses
also i think theres something fun about being able to say he can rule the school with an iron fist (or ig rock fist) without needing to use his eyes
Kongou - Minotaur
big strong and VIOLENT. you can also play into manny's more delicate side with kongous change of heart after saiki helps him realize what matsuzaki does for him
Takahashi - Goblin
idk i think it just suits him
Shima - Changeling
her whole bit is being a forgettable face so what if she was always just a Little Bit Different every time you saw her
Iridatsu family - Mummy
okay ik ive already done mummy but HEAR ME OUT.
idk abt the mom but i think it would be funny if yuuta was just covered in bandages and his whole thing is tripping over/hitting people with them
The pervy teacher who wasn't actually pervy at all he just had an unfortunate face - Human
he's not even disguised as anything
the monsters saw him and said "nah im p sure he's one of us" and then took him
teacher doesnt quite care cause the monster world has better health plans /j
The "your manga artist is gnc af" guy - Kitsune
kitsune are typically seen as elusive tricksters which doesnt suit his character BUT
theres a whole joke about japanese mangakas being worked to the bone to provide chapters every week or so for serialization even going so far as to hide or make excuses as to why they did not complete the chapter
i feel so bad for them bro i could not (used to do weekly updates for fics for 5 years before i started needing money bc i turned 18)
also. someone give that man fox ears and a tail.
The Alphonse guy - Invisi Billy
idk what invisi billy is but he can be here helping alphonse hide from the shame of his chunnibyou :D
Makoto's rival guy - Banshee
it just. Suits Him.
idk if there are male banshees bc we only know sarah screams and her mom but we can have a trans icon if we need
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
Hello! I’m the anon who asked about the zombies! Thank you so much for answering! I’m writing a PMD2 AU where there’s a “zombie” apocalypse (but it’s shadow Pokémon instead of literal zombies), but I noticed all my characters seemed to react the same way and didn’t have much difference in their approaches. Your characters all have very distinctive personalities and thought processes, so I wanted to ask so my brain would get out of the whole “yeah they’re all reacting the same and getting the same fates” pattern. Thank you so much! I love your fic and art btw, they’re so good and they’ve really inspired me to continue writing my own story. I’m really glad I found this blog! I hope you continue your awesome work, wherever it takes you!
(Referencing this post)
Tumblr media
Thanks so much for reaching out and for your kind words! I’m glad I could be of assistance and that my work was able to inspire you. Good luck on your AU. I hope it brings you joy as you work on it, it sounds super cool!
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chain-draws-stuff · 7 months
Dead silence AU
Chapter 1
The beginning...
What the fuck am I doing you ask? Well got bored of he whole only writing EndKing!Steve AU thing so...to make my mind 10× more busy and filled with more bulshit, I wanted to start a new au, this is sort of similar to a zombie apocalypse but more sculk :) and yes my Oc aka Chain is also going to be taking part in this au
Also any character or any of your oc's canbe part of this au if you want, but if you do want your oc's to be part of this crossover au thing just ask me (:
Again this story contains 18+ gore, Angst (some of these things), and fluff (mostly because I'm sick and tired of just doing soo many angst stuff but gore will be almost in every chapter)
Again...this story has boy x boy and girl x girl! So if your not up to these standards, please ignore this story and head on with what your doing.
There's going to be fucking coordinates and other shit here so...good luck trying to figure that out
There's going to be lots of cursing in this book so again I'll be censoring it
                    《!Viewer Description is advised!》
So! Let's get right into this shall we?
Chain pov:
The world has changed, from the biome to the mobs, it all changed...this isn't the world I used to know...now...it's filled with death and lifeless corpses. The end has come to claim us...no...THEY had come...to claim US. Now it's here...these guys aren't just dumb shit, the infection learns it grows and evolves, it has our name...and it wants to add us back to the collective, I've survived more than I could have possibly imagined....but now that I've given you the run down, let's get down to business.
Chris worked in the facility where the other survivors stayed, good thing that the whole thing was sculk proof, or else we would have ended up more food for the upcoming hoard...Steve was there too, leading the defense group to cover up more of the surrounding land around the base, while me I was sent in a mission to look for a cure, as days went on but this day? This day was unlike any other.
My mission was over. I've finally found a cure to heal this lifeless land. It was too simple! And what I mean by simple is that I had to fight tirelessly day and night to fought off the hoard of sculk in my path just to get to a chest with a single purifier, it better than nothing I guess...I was inside a broken down facility, sort of similar to the base where the other survivors were staying in, I searched within cabinet after cabinet, shelf after shelf untill finding the ingredients on how to create the cure, it required very expensive materials found from underneath, but I can manage...wish someone, was here with me...it's really boring...really hope that the others are ok atleast...
《Back at base where the other survivors had stayed》
Chris pov:
It's been months since Chain hasn't come back...hope he's got the ingredients for the cure...and sure hope he's ok...
I was waiting impatiently for Chain to come to base having successfully retrieving the cure...I heard the door slide open, it was Steve. He was wearing a white t-shirt (it was Chris t-shirt btw soo..it's bigger than Steve :P)
Chris: is that my shirt?
Steve: idk...maybe?
I raised an eyebrow on him- (BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE XDDD)
Steve: ok- chill out big guy, it's your shirt now calm down jezz
He giggled as I stared on how big the shirt it was on him
Steve: what are you looking at Chris?
He asked as I turned my gaze away from him as my face was tainted red, I turned back my focus on what I was mainly doing, before he slowly started to walk closer to me (YES THERE OFFICIALLY A COUPLE IN THIS AU AND SO ARE THE REST, FUCK ME UP IF YOU DARE)
Steve: what'cha doing?
Chris: JEZZ- Dude! Dont- scare me like that for God's sake
Steve: scared of what? Of me? Gezz Chris I thought we were cool!~ (it's not what you think it is you fucks)
He says dramatically
Chris: alright alright, calm down drama queen, we're not in a movie right now
Steve: really Chris? Drama queen?
Chris: what? What else am I going to call you? Tiny boy~
Steve: Alright- that's it-
Before I could say a word I was immediately tackled down by Steve. What! Is it because I called him Tiny Boy?! Oh come on!
He tackled me down to the tiles of the floor. He is strong, sure, considering he's always outside fighting back the sculk, but I was indeed stronger than him that's for sure(and indeed taller so :P)
Steve: Hah! Whose the tiny boy no-
Before he could finish his sentence I floped both of us  over. Now I was on top and he was at the floor
Chris: your were saying?
I say as his face started to turn red
Steve:Chris- God- danm it!
I giggled at his reaction, then helped him stand up
Steve: so...any thing from Chain so far?...
Chris: not yet...really worried about him...it's been months since he hasn't given any signs
Steve: Alright...I'll be in Austins room if you need anything
He says as he left the room.
I waited impatiently(again) on the table fidgeting the pen on my hand, until I got a radio call from a random person from another facility...
Unknown person 1: Hello? Does his work? H-hello?
Chris: yes hello? Who is this?
Unknown person 1: oh! It works- hold on- is this the safety facility that we were informed about?
Chris: oh! Yes, yes this is the safety facility, please tell us your location, so we can get you out of there immediately
Unknown person 2: should we really trust those guys?
Unknown person 1: it's the only option we have for safety...
Unknown person 1: were at (censored) across the river
Chris:...I believe it would be a struggle to get you...and your location is pretty far from ours, considering that there's no rivers near this facility. But don't worry! We'll try send a rescue team right away
(I'm so shit at these things God fu_ing danm it)
Narrator pov:
Chris sent the rescue team to go search for the other survivors that called. But unfortunately all of the rescue team was killed by an entire hoard at the side of the river, it was close to Chains direction, hearing the beggings and painful screams of the rescue team, he wasn't going to take any risks from here. He backed off and ran to the opposite direction getting farther and farther from the safety facility, not knowing that he was far from base the sun began to set. He had to find a safe spot somewhere for the night, but luckily there was one close by. Another facility(danm there's a lot of these things holy sh-t) i snuck inside to see if anyone was there, when...
End of chapter 1....
New au just dropped, and now I got more gore and fluff stories to write with! :D
The EndKing!Steve AU is still in a wip but please don't worry I not going to stop writing it or anything, as what I said to myself...'I started this story...And I'll finish it'
Also word count? 1295 :3
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honks-n-stonks · 1 year
Uhh... hi! The name's Goose, and I do art! Sometimes. I also reblog a lot of stuff, mainly my interests, so watch out for that if that ain't really your style.
Speaking of my interests, here are some of my main ones! You'll hear me talking about the ones in bold a lot...
Monster Hunter (I play both Rise and GenU on the Nintendo Switch, and I have World on PS4!)
Advance Wars
Puyo Puyo
... Battle Cats...
Toontown (Corporate Clash) AHH
And here are some games I like to play... I might talk about these occasionally as well! (I play most of these on PS4, but games marked in red I play on Switch!)
Don't Starve Together
Plants Vs. Zombies (GW 1 & 2, BFN)
A Hat in Time
Sackboy: A Big Adventure
Overcooked! (2 and AYCE)
Risk of Rain 2 (I have not updated my game since I'm afraid of what SotS will do to it 😭)
Deep Rock Galactic (peak..)
Hollow Knight (gotta play it again ooouuuugghggtghh)
Fortnite (very infrequent, but I hop on it for STW and stuffs from time to time)
Monster Hunter World
Dragon Ball FigherZ (I suck ass at it and haven't touched it in a bit...)
Monster Hunter Rise (+ Sunbreak)
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Risk of Rain Returns (I SUCK AT THIS GAME 😭)
Mad Rat Dead
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
SPLATOON 3!!!!!!!
❕psst... I also play Ultimate Chicken Horse and Toontown Corporate Clash on my shitty laptop.... but it's so shitty those are practically the only games that work on it. and UCH only works at the Lowest Settings Possible please help me
Uhh... yeah! I'll probably add more games as I go on.
Ah, right, DNI! Zionists, Homophobes, Transphobes, TERFS, NSFW, Proship, all that jazz. Just... don't be weird towards me! That's all I ask.
Oh, and here are some of the tags I use! I don't. Know how to do the cool link thing so you'll just have to manually search these tags yourself. Sorry...
#house explosion.mp4 -> My art tag! (yeah. I use the same tag on Twitter Dot Fuck btw)
#not my art! -> Not my art!!!
#fowl rambling -> Me talking about stuff, may extend to tag-only rambling sometimes...
#who out here huntin they monster -> Monster hunter tag!
#straight from the box- the ask box! -> someone slipped me a letter in the askbox, and I responded!
#honk of fame -> fave tag!!! good stuff I found!!! peak is here....
[🎃] #trick or tweet -> for all the trick or treating asks! Look, I know geese don't tweet, but let me have this...
#puyohunter au -> oh god. I monster huntered Puyo Puyo. You cannot stop me. ... There ARE other medias mixed in, but that's a secret...
that's it! For now.
Oh wait, I just remembered...
I have one sideblog! 1!
@nonogram-hell -> Animal Jam sideblog... Been on a mini-hiatus here, whoops.....
Okay okay! NOW that's it. Maybe.
(updated 9/12/24)
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lazyfurreh · 6 months
For introduction!!
I'm Furreh, Lazy Furreh. I draw, I games, I sleep. :]
Pronouns: [she/he/they] or any
Age: [should not be tell in social media]
Pros and cons to connect with me:
- I can't handle conflict or vent,
- I may be avoidant but I do still care (still working on it)
- I might test someone's patience
- will literally make [not family friendly] jokes
- Furry
- I love interacting with people who had the same interest
- might draw for u
- loves making memes
- can call, voice note, or vid call with you if had a chance
- cares about u )))
- totally chill person
More about me:
Hey broskis and homies, I am a chill azz guy that might crawl up under ur bed just for a hug.
I have difficulties with planning and focusing, which not cool person do but I've tried.
I like to draw and we all know that, but don't u know that I can sew, cosplay, and games. I mostly like zombie games btw.
I love interacting with new people, but also have difficulties with avoiding issues, I don't likes conflict much they overwhelm me. So please be respectful for someone boundaries and do not vent all of a sudden, unless I consent.
If I'm inactive, I'm totals fine it's been a rough time to grow up and meet new things so I have to brace myself and ignore my social medias.
I love the color of black, red, and white. There so interesting to look at.
Btw I make dad jokes, so beware Urself. I also make flirty jokes as like a joke, no romance attach. So if your uncomfortable, TELL ME!
I have aromantic spectrum, don't get too close to me if you're looking for relationship. It's for Ur own good broski.
I in many fandoms like:
Another thing:
Whoever is a proshipper, GO AWAY!! And many many more problematic people like racist, Zionist, e.c.t
I hope all that help u guys know me more, thanks for the reads cyaa
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miru667 · 1 year
*kicks the door down* GUESS WHO'S BACK LADIES
Ok ok ok ok first I have to tell you that I've had some real fun reading about your zombie AU. Not a fan of slashers, but this one is more focused on something different?? I dunno how to explain this, but the idea is pretty cool! I hope you're doing well there btw!!🌹🌹🌹
Now I've rewatched the lorax recently and wanted to discuss some things. I mean, there's a lot of stuff, so you don't have to answer them all! But here we are:
1. Any headcanons on the characters' phobias? I came up with this question watching that mini-movie with the Once-ler being terrified of the Lorax's shadow at night 🤔
2. Video games! What kind of games do the characters like to play if they do? Are they good at it? Do they complete the side quests or boost their stats? How much time do they spend playing?
3. A question for YOU: are you a part of any other fandom rather than the lorax? Or have you *ever* been such a big part of a fandom before?
4. Now that we've got this trend of texting someone that they forgot their phone at home... Out of the lorax characters, who would fall for this? And who would try this prank on somebody? Maybe both????
5. Do you think things would be different if the Once-ler planted two more trees after cutting one down or if he produced thneeds in a more limited quantity, making his product more rare and prestigious? I mean, there's gotta be a way he could save the business, right? I wonder if he could still be friends with the lorax and animals AND rule his company then🧐
6. Can Audrey sing?? Yes, she's voiced by a singer, but never sang in the movie, but do you think she sings at all?
7. It's believed that your sleeping position says a lot about your personality. For example, we've seen that the Once-ler sleeps in a fetal position, which can imply sensitivity and shyness, and a desire to protect oneself, people who sleep in this position are known to be tough on the outside, but big softies on the inside (and also my dude doesn't fit into the bed but who cares). So what about others? Any thoughts on their sleeping positions?
That's it for now i guess! Thanks for reading anyway and have a great daymorningnightobscurity💞💞💞
Woow so many things to answer! O_O Welcome back, idk if you mean my Audrey's zombie AU story when you say "your zombie AU" but the zombie AU in general is an open AU and doesn't belong to me! And then here are my answers to your questions:
I don't think I've thought about legit phobias for the canon characters...they can be scared of things because they're scary but it's not debilitating or completely irrational like a phobia would be.
It's probably just Ted playing video games and he's probably great at it. I bet he's a pokemon master, that's what I headcanon my own Ted OC being.
I'm only actively in the Lorax fandom! I like a lot of other things but I'm only a very casual art appreciator in "other fandoms" so I don't consider that being part of them.
I didn't even know that was a trend lol. The Once-ler would try this prank just to be a jerk. I don't know who would fall for it, maybe Ted for the first 2 seconds
Well of course if he had even a LITTLE bit of foresight then things would probably be different, but our beloved Oncie is very much a stubborn dumbass so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'll answer this for my own Audrey OC: yes she can sing, not like taylor swift level or anything, but she's very musically inclined and learned piano from a young age. She's very shy about singing though and is only comfortable with it if she's comfortable with you, so that's why you didn't see her singing Let it Grow in public.
My Audrey used to sleep on her front because she'd do a lot of bedtime reading and fall asleep accidentally in that position. Ever since the zombie apocalypse though, she sleeps on her side while hugging something so she can feel safe and not alone.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hiii, substack guy here just wanted to say that i absolutely love rob horning and little dog, my beloveds. zombies are also my favorite monster!! so ill definitely check and then i woke up, and am so accepting more zombie recs if you have any to give (btw i love your zombie apocalypse AU). Hmm what else. i fangirled so much over one of your girls (esp the music video) as someone who's been following troyes career since blue neighbourhood. Oh, and the haunted ~experience~ seems so fucking cool. we dont really do halloween where im from so the most im doing is some movie marathons and parties, which are super cool but seeing the pic you took got me yearning for some more elaborate celebrations. hope you're doing well!!
hi substack guy <3 another rob horning fan omg!! his essay "social media is not self-expression" is a fave of mine (although the title is maybe overstating his point a bit lol) so i was soooo excited when i found his substack. & yeah on earth we're briefly gorgeous kinda wrecked me ngl...i understand why everyone was raving abt it now...
+ a fellow zombie fan omg fun <3 unfortunately i do not have many zombie book recs bc. well most of them r bad i will not lie...unless we're talking nonfiction in that case i really like zombies and sexuality: essays on desire and the living dead. fiction-wise and then i woke up is probably one of my fave "zombie" stories i've read; i'd recommend severance by ling ma as well although it's not really a zombie story in the classic sense...i still kind of think of it as adjacent 2 the genre. if ur looking 4 movie or show recs tho...hmu happy 2 share my faves...
i have not actually watched the music video for 'one of your girls' yet lol but i'm loving the song!! + yeah i grew up watching troye sivan on youtube + went 2 see him live during the blue neighbourhood tour so it's really cool 2 see how his trajectory as an artist has progressed <3
haunted experience WAS so fun omg it was super elaborate...it was like on this big outdoor park/complex/event space + divided into 4 different sections where u essentially followed these hiking trails through the woods, but each section had a different theme w all these scary sets + props + lights etc. & scare actors in full costume + makeup jumping out + shouting + trying 2 scare u...i've been 2 similarly elaborate haunted houses before but never an outdoor one where ur on hiking trails (outdoor-wise i've only ever been 2 haunted corn mazes...which i will be doing at the end of the month <3). hope ur doing well as well + enjoying ur own halloween celebrations movie marathons + parties sound v fun <3
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cipheredsong · 1 year
Hi ❤️
Found you through your bnha zombie au fic (super fucking cool btw)
welcome!! I'm so inactive on here as of late (and by late I mean several years, it's been wild), but tysm for your appreciation for the fic <3 I'm so glad people still enjoy it, and I hope to be able to finish it eventually
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
waitwait. zombie au mika again.
imagine if the virus is actually suuuper slow. you're never 100% sure if you have it or not (unless you get bitten, of course, but through other means? the uncertainty could kill...) until it sets in, and by then you're doomed. so. mika gets a wound. everyone brushes it off - it's just a little scratch, nothing to worry about! weeks, months go by. nothing has happened, and everyone has relaxed. mika will be fine! until he wakes up and the wound that he thought was just a scar has started to rot. and then he knows. he's doomed. he was infected from that first moment, and now that there's symptoms? there's no salvation for him. where does he go from there? does he try to live out his last few days as a human peacefully? say goodbye to his friends and loved ones? beg his friends, the producer, anyone to kill him before it spreads further? before he loses himself and his mind? does he simply disappear one day, leaving everyone panicked and worried until one day they see a familiar-looking zombie with mismatched eyes?
[Inhales] ... like rabies... by the time you see the symptoms it's too late. First of all, I thought about zombie virus biology soooooo much in all the years I've lived knowing ab zombies as someone prone to overthinking so let me give you a few ideas. Cut because I realised this got too long BDBDBSBS
Personally, I love TWD's idea of "everyone's infected, if you die and the brain isn't destroyed - you're becoming a zombie" aka the "the bite is really just highly effective venom that does you in, but your fate is sealed either way" theory. Although what enstars is doing fits Dead Rising a bit better, I think. Or actually Project Zomboid where if you got bitten by one while playing, you'd basically have a timer... like you could continue playing, but you were scheduled to die because of that bite. I thought that was a cool concept. But also because of Mitsuru's line especially I think the epilogue will be "lol get prank'd Producer" so who cares + it's an AU + ratio. But to the TWD theory .... if I may build upon it (this is all for this specific ask btw i prommy i'm not just saying this for no reason), if the bite is just powerful venom transferred by bodily fluids like saliva and blood (and this is what bothered me about zombie media that implied this - nobody ever cares ab zombie-bloodied weapons coming into contact with their open wounds!! You can get hepatitis like that, nevermind zombified!!) then we can assume that any mixing of a zombie's bodily fluids with your own could cause you to contract the virus. So, for example, if you grow desperate enough to eat a zombie? Prion disease is the least of your worries. Or - in Mika's case?
I think. I'm sorry I love making him cry. I think Mika is a very emotional person. He's a slave to his emotions, he's impulsive, he's prone to panicking. In a zombie apocalypse, you'll have plenty opportunity to get cuts, whether you don't know how to properly wield some tools or weapons, or you're trying to traverse terrain/climb objects or, fuck it, you just accidentally cut yourself on a thorn or whatever. Mika is clumsy. Mika cannot see in the dark. Mika absolutely slashes open his arm on a fence trying to climb it while running away. He returns from the supply run covered in tears and snot because he's hurt badly. Faints from bloodloss badly. But they question him (you didn't get bitten or torn by a zombie, did you?) and he swears he didn't, the reason his arm is fucked is because he didn't let himself get bit. So they wait it out. Let me be cruel. They don't give him painkillers or patch him up until they're certain he's not infected - because why waste supplies on a dead man?
But what Mika didn't know is that zombies got cut up on that fence, too. It was a dangerous fence. When he slashed his arm open, all the bacteria got in. The dormant virus got in. First he becomes delirious when his arm gets infected, just, in general. Because they didn't treat it. He's begging and pleading to just give him an antibiotic or at least cut his arm off because he can't take the burning pain anymore. And the Producer probably takes pity and sneaks him antibiotics and treats him as well as they can. He's thanking them, still feverish, still delirious, straight up crying of relief. He promises them he's not infected, that they didn't waste the supplies and that he's so thankful.
He recovers - somewhat. Idk how long someone would take to recover, but they'd have a (flawed) understanding of the virus and have an approx. timespan when they'd think they're safe (FAVE part ab zombie media - when they think they know but they don't) so Mika gets released from quarantine, properly treated (and Producer gets side-eyed) and apologised to. And they think they're fine! He's recovering! They thought he was going to lose that arm, but he's actually doing okay, he can't use it well, the nerves and tendons are damaged, but he's getting by with help.
Maybe even months pass. He's smiling and laughing, he's bonding. Producer has become his best friend. They're having fun! And then one night when he's checking over his arm (he's mourning it, really, he's noticing he's losing feeling in it bit by bit, he knows he'll have to lose the arm even if he hasn't told anyone), he sees... skin chipping off. Rotting off. His heart drops into his stomach. How could this have happened? Since it was his dominant arm, they didn't even let him do supply runs again unaccompanied, there was no way he got bit?!
But it was undeniable. His hand was rotting. He checks himself over for other symptoms they were aware of. Rot. Weakness. Fatigue. Losing feeling of limbs. Slow healing. Sensitivity to the cold. Mika freaks the fuck out. He can't live out his last few days peacefully because he's hyperaware of the fact that they're his last days. There's so much he hasn't done yet! Saying goodbye to his loved ones? No way, no way. He can't burden them like that. He cries a lot. He cries so much. But he knows his days are numbered and he knows he's a danger to his friends if he stays in the camp. But he trusts the Producer. His best friend. He asks them to go on a supply run with him.
He's keeping his arm gauzed up as he leads them into the woods - he saw some abandoned camp there, he says. Deep into the woods. He asks them if they could go back to the camp on their own, without his help. They say they remembered the route - he was going straight and was marking trees with his own blood anyway. (They thought it was morbid, Mika thought "Hey, I'm not gonna need it, might as well".) He asks them if they have a weapon on them, one preferably silent that won't attract zombies. They have an axe. His breath hitches. He'd hoped for a knife, but alright.
He shows them his rotting arm. "Ya hafta do me in."
The Producer might take mercy on him and (try to) land a clean cut. (That's not happening. The axe is rusty, beheading him would take two-three swings, but they could just split his head in half.) But do they have the stomach for it? To kill their best friend so violently? But he's begging so desperately. Do they have the stomach to deny him, to leave him crying, scared, alone until he succumbs to the virus on his own in those woods? Do they... tie him up to a tree? Sit next to him? Hold his hand as he takes his final breaths? Hear him pleading with nobody, begging for it all to be a nightmare, that he'll wake up tomorrow, by Oshi-san calling him because he's late to rehearsal, that he'll see all his friends who've passed on... that he's scared of dying? Hear him chanting "I'm scared, please, I don't wanna die"? Would they squeeze his hand, trying to comfort him however futile it might be? Would "I'm right here with you" even comfort him?
When he passes, they could destroy his brain to make sure he doesn't come back. Or they could leave him be. They could honour his wish, or they could seek their own comfort in a foolish belief that a zombified Mika would mean there was still a little bit of Mika left in the world. Maybe one day, they'll find a cure. If not to return him to his human state, then at least to let him pass on. They'll give him a proper funeral then.
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