#Yi Sang is me in this picture
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arte-na-box · 2 months ago
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I beseech your forgiveness through the goobers (clear version below)
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offshore-brinicle · 1 year ago
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Got interested in 1930s Korean school uniforms also
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tridenopmoth · 3 months ago
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Okay, the concept is infused (in my opinion, I don't feel to creepy posting it) I present to you ✨ batshit insane au✨ We no joke, that's what we call it with Ness (aka almostswagkid) because we switched the sinners stories and it came out that Gregor and Ishmael swapped And that's how U Corp soldier Ishmael came out. I've got a big text about it, but I think a little explanation and text on pictures will be enough information.
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Ishmael is one of the successful U corp soldiers where they used whale membrane as a base. All somehow mutate into marine animals, or rather body parts that they can use as weapons and adapt to the situation (change shape) . Ahab, who is the general of the squad was very proud of her and that she would lead them to victory, considered her as her daughter (well, like, fuck me, under my leadership gave out a soldier that does not mutate).
Ishmael and Queequeg were in the same squad, and began to form a bond with each other. But one day Ishmael could see Queequeg mutating and so she asked her not to fight. Queequeg could not resist Ahab's orders. ‘For our bright future’ she justified it.
So Ishmael tried to talk and ask Ahab to have Queequeg shunned from the fights. But she was refused and because of that Ishmael started to freak out and react very harshly to Ahab, so she was tasered a few times and put in a tank to calm down. Whether it was because of her or not, U corp still couldn't do anything in the smoke war. In the end, almost all the soldiers turned into mermaids.
And because of all these events, Ishmael became very cold and stopped being attached to anyone, whether it was for fear of being electrocuted again or for the pain of losing Queequeg. So she hardly reacts to anything, just does what she's told.
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So most likely it will be like Gregor's, that there will be 2 cantos And in the second one, when we meet Ahab again, she uses special sound that trigger \ accelerate the mutation of soldiers
And why Ishmael's body first forms a cocoon, then melts and gets a full mutation and we have to fight this form. And like in 5 canto, the first person to reach out in that form is gonna be Heathcliff ( who changes story with Rodion) Then everyone else and Dante can get her back to normal.
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If you're wondering how sinners have changed, here you go: Yi sang to Faust. Merso to Don. Hong lu to Outis Heathcliff to Rodion Sinclair to Ryoshu. Gregor to Ishmael Next post "Swap Gregor"
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aurora-veil · 2 years ago
So I was digging through some asset files and there's a slightly wider crop of the gallery portraits, and I found some REALLY interesting information on a few characters that you can't see in the theater images.
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so for my proof before I get into the other Sinners' pictures, Yi Sang's picture is clearly in the outfit he was wearing before he was recruited (the same outfit he was wearing at N Corp). Through this I'm arguing that their outfits in these profile pictures are relevant to the characters' immediate backstories.
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It's slightly visible in the regular portrait but I thought I'd mention that Don is actually in armor in her picture. The thing is I actually don't think it's the same armor in La Sangre de Sancho? The pauldrons on her shoulder are shaped totally different and the chest plate isn't nearly as curved as in the sprites I can find. so yeah. not sure what to make of this, just pointing it out.
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not as interesting as Don but still neat imo, Sinclair is absolutely still in his school uniform when he was recruited. The badge looks like some tree. It isn't on the school uniform he, damien, and kromer wear so I'm presuming it's some sort of college badge? Not really sure I looked through story files and couldn't find any relevance
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The one I'm most interested in tbh (and you definitely cannot see it in his profile believe me I checked) Meursault was still wearing a pin of a Nagel und Hammer when he was recruited by LCB! His relation to N Corp is something I don't see discussed very often and I think it's very interesting since, to me, this shows that it was something he was doing until VERY recently. I feel like N Corp is going to be very relevant in his story.
Not the most interesting theorization post or anything but I just thought I should share these findings of mine since finding this in the files was a very interesting little treat. I'll post the files these are from in a reblog but I'm at the image cap rn lmao
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drmobiusvanch · 11 months ago
so yi sang isn't my blorbo but this is driving me crazy SO
Deep dive into this picture!!!!
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Okay, first off. We can see that this is an edit of the picture of the League from Chapter 4.
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The word 'edit' is chosen specifically. At first, it looks like the picture was just defaced, but Ring Yi Sang is an abstract painter and there's a lot of changes outside of what you might think. A lot of silhouettes are distorted wildly, especially including the two mysteries in the back left, and strangely Aseah.
Of the three faceless characters, I have no idea which one might be Rim. I'm GUESSING he's probably not the femme-y tall one, but who knows.
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Also, Dongbaek has these swatches of white on her face, which no one else does.
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They look vaguely similar to the 'feathers' on Yi Sang's painting of his wings.
But since we're talking about faces, let's inventory it, shall we?
Of the three unknowns, two are frowning while the one in the foreground next to Dongbaek is smiling. The frowning faces are heavily distorted as well. The face of the one on the right looks to be 'melting', heavily lopsided compared to the other faces, while the one on the left has their eyes de-emphasized, drawn smaller and darker than the others unless one of them is missing?
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Very abstract, so it's hard to tell, but if you consider Dongbaek and front guy basic faces, you can see that these two are distorted in a way Dongbaek isn't.
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Yi Sang's face here is very interesting. First off, he appears to have given himself a hat, but more importantly his face is drawn dramatically differently from every other face in the picture. Even the relatively un-distorted ones are childish smiley faces, while Yi Sang has a 'normal' face in silhouette. He's effectively saying that he is important, human, but the rest of the League are just shadows of the past.
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As you can see, just about everyone in the back row has their heads distorted somehow. I have no idea what this means.
Gubo and Dongrang's faces, meanwhile, are really strange, even compared to the face of the person next to Dongbaek. They're both drawn with smiles, but the smiles are distorted even more than the lopsided frown in the background. Gubo's smile reaches entirely across his face, while Dongrang's is almost a 'V', with the corners of his mouth drawn up to be level with his eyes.
Young-ji is completely free of any graffiti, as well as any distortion.
(Aseah will be explained later.)
But what do the faces MEAN? Simply going off the ones we know, Gubo, Dongbaek, and Dongrang-even more when we consider the vague information we have on the fate of the others and compare that with the faceless ones, we have a pattern.
Yi Sang is smiling, fitting with his joining the Ring later.
Dongrang and Gubo, both of whom sold out to Wings, are smiling. Dongbaek, who was injured and had a breakdown after the fall of the League, is frowning.
For the faceless ones, Rim is one of them, another sold out to work with T Corp, and I can't remember who/what the third one was. Two frowning faces, one smiling. From the rest of this, it seems reasonable to extrapolate that the T Corp defector is the smiling man in front, and since Rim isn't notably tall, it seems very likely Rim is the shorter man in the back with his face 'melting', or in the regular picture, this guy:
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But then there's Aseah. Aseah is one of the most interesting parts of this picture. We can't see his mouth, but it's not a choice on Yi Sang's part to obscure Aseah's face-it's a choice on nai_ga's. His face is blocked by the handle of Yi Sang's weapon. Why?
Aseah first appears in Leviathan as a captive of the Ring. When we see him in Limbus, he's an associate of N Corp and in charge of the Ring. Regardless of which, the fact that Yi Sang is a member of the Ring as well as a friend of Aseah's would make him an authority on Aseah's emotional state, as well as what happened to him. We don't know much about Aseah, who is something of a cipher. Whether he drew him with a frown or a smile could have meant a lot about what the circumstances around him are.
Also, interestingly, his face seems to be less distorted, like Yi Sang's. If his face was as distorted as Dongrang or Gubo's, it would be immediately apparent where his mouth was-even a more simply drawn mouth would probably reach up or down into the cheeks outside of the paintbrush handle.
Finally, as a side note, comparing the expressions with the original picture:
In the original picture, far-left, tall one, and Possibly Rim are all smiling. Yi Sang and Dongbaek have small smiles-Yi Sang appears much happier in his drawing than in the original picture, as Ring Yi Sang probably considers himself to be now. Aseah seems expressionless. Gubo is frowning slightly. Dongrang looks visibly uncomfortable, which is particularly interesting considering how he's drawn in Yi Sang's version. Considering our Yi Sang might have harbored a grudge against Dongrang, this one might too.
Regardless-it's very interesting that someone so focused on denying the past and putting it behind him would not simply deface the picture, but put effort into that defacement by giving them different expressions.
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lu-is-not-ok · 2 years ago
thoughts on the fourth match flame egos?
Oh baby, a triple. And a LobCorp abno as well! Let's see if I can make this one the longest out of all of them.
Also I got like three asks about this E.G.O so I probably should get to it huh.
Yeets you under the cut.
Alright, let's start by talking about Scorched Girl. This is an Abnormality all the way back from Lobotomy Corporation, and one which reappeared in Library of Ruina. As such, there's some material we gotta sift through. And by we I mean me. I'm the one doing the work here.
As is fitting for an Abnormality based on the fairytale of The Little Match Girl, the main themes of this abno are innocence, abandonment, hope for a better life, and the eventual snuffing out of that hope by life's cruelty.
However, this is where LobCorp twists the tale into something else, as while all of those themes apply to Scorched Girl, there is a major addition that recontextulizes all of the above. The bitter despair that follows when one is crushed, and the want to burn everyone's else's hopes and happiness in a fit of directionless revenge against the world.
While probably not as direct when applied to the Sinners, this theme of lashing out in the face of losing hope seems important enough to keep in mind.
Now, while I don't usually look too deeply into the visual designs of the E.G.Os, as the differences are oftentimes subtle... I feel like I need to do it here, because Fourth Match Flame has this little quirk of being Project Moon's special little Advertisement E.G.O where they gave each Sinner using it a unique design.
Also, not joking when I call this the advertisement E.G.O, almost all (if not actually all) pre-release material that showed previews of E.G.Os was of the Fourth Match Flame E.G.Os.
Let's go in the order that the E.G.Os were unlocked on the Battle Pass, shall we?
When Rodya uses Fourth Match Flame, her outfit turns into what I can best describe as a ballroom dress wreathed in flames, complete with matching tall gloves made of ash. It gives off this idea of opulence, of fancy balls that only the rich are invited to. Applying Scorched Girl's theme of a hope for a better life here, this could signify that this is the kind of life Rodya deeply wishes for. One where money isn't an issue, where she and her neighbours can live comfortably without worrying when their next meal will be.
Yi Sang's Fourth Match Flame puts him in a labcoat, specifically the kind of getup you'd see Ayin in, and if you're past Canto IV, Sang Yi as well. Funny Yi Sang Ayin comparison memes aside, I think Canto IV really helps apply this to the theme of hope for a better life. Because that is the kind of life Yi Sang wishes for. One where he can simply research for no other purpose than the joy it brings him. The fact that his outfit here specifically mimics Sang Yi's, aka the version of himself that Yi Sang views as perfect, further adds to that idea.
Finally, we have Ryoshu, the one we know the least about out of the three, and the one I can tell the least about from her Fourth Match Flame outfit. The best way I can describe it is... that it feels soft. Warm. There's a sort of simplicity to it that gives me nostalgic and innocent vibes, but I can't exactly put it to words why. While we don't have Ryoshu's backstory yet, and thus can't pinpoint what life she's hoping for the way we could for Rodya and Yi Sang, I think those vibes alone paint a certain picture. I think Ryoshu wishes to go back to a time that she associates with warmth and softness.
If we assume that Ryoshu, just like Yoshihide in Hell Screen, had a daughter who had tragically passed... Perhaps that's what her Fourth Match Flame alludes to her wanting to go back to.
Another interesting thing to note about the appearance of the E.G.Os is a notable contrast between the background for Rodya's Fourth Match Flame, compared to that of Yi Sang and Ryoshu. For the latter, the village in the background is already burnt down. It's already smoldering and covered in ash. For Rodya however, it's in the middle of bursting into flames.
Considering how for Scorched Girl the flame on her match signifies her hope, with it running out meaning she no longer has any, I think this detail is important. For Yi Sang and Ryoshu, the source of their hope is already gone. We know Yi Sang's League is already gone, and we can assume that is also the case for Ryoshu's daughter. Rodya, however? She still has hope to fight for. Though many of her neighbors have died, there are likely those who still survived. Those who still need her help. Those who she can share that better life she wishes for with.
Now, let's look at the Sins, genuinely my favorite part of the analysis I think.
All of the Fourth Match Flame E.G.Os are Wrath damage, Wrath being the Sin associated with actions done out of self-rightousness and defiance. It's the sin of deciding things need to change simply because you want them to. This, of course, applies to Scorched Girl on many levels.
The two most important ways Scorched Girl ties back to the concept of Limbus's idea of Wrath are both in its potrayal of hope. The idea of acting on your hope for a better life, to refuse what you currently have because you wish for something better, and the following lashing out at everyone else when that hope is snuffed out, as you believe that nobody deserves happiness if you can't have it.
As for the Sin requirements... Hoo boy there's a lot. All three of the Fourth Match Flame users require Wrath, with Ryoshu and Rodya both requiring Pride, and the latter also needing a bit of Envy. Yi Sang, on the other hand, requires Sloth and Gluttony instead.
Strap in lads, I got a lot to analyze.
Wrath is, of course, the most important ingredient to all of this. To be able to use Fourth Match Flame in the first place, one needs the self-rightousness and/or defiance to say that their hopes Do Matter, or that everyone else's Do Not.
Rodya is very clearly applying Wrath in the first way, her actions of lashing out against injustice being perfectly summarized by her murdering the pawnbroker. Defying how the Yurodiviye wanted to change the world, and instead taking the matters into her own hands, trying to make her wishes into reality herself.
Ryoshu is a little bit harder to tell, but I think it might be the latter way. While her current obsession with violence in the from of art could have developed for multiple reasons, it's likely that the despair she felt after losing her daughter was at least one of them. Having lost her own hope, she decided to tear down the delusional hopes of everyone else around her, revealing to them just how cruel and ugly the reality truly is through her art.
Yi Sang's case seems quite interesting to me. I think the fact that his Fourth Match Flame E.G.O requires the most Wrath out of all of them is no coincidence. After All, Yi Sang is the most passive out of these three, and he struggled to properly stand up for himself. However, Canto IV shows us that once Yi Sang's truly had enough, he Has Had Enough. In this way, I think this E.G.O represents Yi Sang's boiling point. The moment his quiet seething at his horrible situation finally drowns out his hopelessness and lets him lash out, if only for a brief moment.
Let's move on to Rodya and Ryoshu's Pride requirement. Pride as a Sin represents actions done purely for their benefits, with their negative consequences being ignored. This I think describes how both Rodya and Ryoshu lash out perfectly.
Rodya's act of murdering the pawnbroker and aligning reality with her hopes is done purely because of the perceived immediate benefit of it. To take the pawnbroker's money, to free her neighbourhood of the pawnbroker's reign. However, in doing so Rodya overlooks the consequences of killing off a member of the Middle's family, leading to even more harm being brought to those she wished to help.
Ryoshu's Pride presents slightly differently, but still is just as obvious. Her art has the main purpose of tearing down the delusional hopes of others and exposing the gruesomeness of reality, something that Ryoshu seems to actively strive for. However, in the process of doing so, Ryoshu neglects to care for the harm she inflicts on the way. She doesn't care how many people she has to hurt or kill in the process, the purpose of her art always outweighs the losses to her.
I think the inclusion of Envy as Rodya's Sin requirement for Fourth Match Flame further helps contextualize her actions. Envy represents actions done in reaction to other people and their actions. Rodya's attempt at aligning reality with her wish for a better life isn't motivated purely by herself, but it's also a reaction to the people around her. It's a reaction to the pawnbroker's selfish greed. It's a reaction to Sonya and the Yurodiviye's apathetic inaction. And of course, it's a reaction to the suffering her neighbours have been going through.
Now, time to look at our special boy Yi Sang, who decided to have two Sin requirements that don't match the rest of the Fourth Match Flame users. For a good reason too, as he stands out as the odd one out in this line up.
Yi Sang's Sloth requirement is easy to understand, with just how much it applies to him. Sloth represents inaction and actions done out of apathy. Sloth is also unique in how it interacts with Wrath, as the inclusion of one will recontextualize the other. In this case, it paints Yi Sang's defiance as somewhat hollow. It gives off the feeling that, despite lashing out, Yi Sang still believes that it won't matter in the end. His actions of tearing things down are still dripping with hopelessness.
Then, there's the Gluttony requirement. The thing with Gluttony is that Limbus provides two equally as important interpretations of it - actions fueled by the neverending wish for More, or actions fueled by the need for Survival. Both of those can be considered to be actions fueled by a form of Hunger.
In the case of Yi Sang, I believe the Hunger driving him is that of Survival. In reality, Yi Sang's act of hopeless defiance is a call for help. His Fourth Match Flame E.G.O represents his will to live trying to lash out at the world around him, trying to scream No, I Want Better Than This! in the face of his hopeless situation.
Just like I don't think it's a coincidence that Yi Sang needs the most Wrath out of everyone to use Fourth Match Flame, I also don't think it's a coincidence that the amount of required Sloth equals the amount of required Gluttony. It represents his constant internal struggle between his hopeless apathy and hopeful will to live.
A battle that Canto IV finally gives us the winner of.
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zoeberry · 3 months ago
did I ever ask you who your favorite limbus sinner + favorite id for them is?
-unknown mutual
hello unknown mutual. ily. i now have a chance to talk about PEQUOD CAPTAIN ISHMAEL RAAAAAAA
under a read more because i went on for FAAAR longer than i thought i would
look at those coins. delicious
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a potent 12-rolling skill 1 that allows her to synergise well with the pequod IDs- having that envy resonance potential in a pinch is VERY handy. that beautiful 16-rolling skill 2, it feels so weighty when it hits and the feeling of sending out a fully empowered heathcliff skill 1, watching the enemy's health be torn apart like an overheated gasharpoon through blubber... utter bliss.
and then. and THEN. 이 작살엔 필살의 집념이… 담겨 있지. 보았나? 적은 이렇게 짓이겨졌다. 우리의 확고한 승리가 눈 앞에 있다!
harpoon of obsession is the single coolest skill in limbus company. there is no contest, your fave does not come close.
of course just looking at her skills paints a shallow picture, because to me captain ishmael is defined by her passive and her sanity mechanics.
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mass sanity gain, poise generation, deep synergy with the pequod IDs- she's a VERY good support for both yi sang (who i genuinely think is the strongest pequod ID without help) and of course she's an excellent foil to heathcliff. i do not ship heathcliff and ishmael but goddamn if these IDs dont make me feel like a fool for that decision with how well they synchronise. and then that sanity mechanic
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that little piece of red text completely changes the way that captain ishmael is played. at first she seems like a nice support ID, good in pride teams, maybe smack her on a BL team if you don't have all 6, etc. and then you read this little line of text and it all becomes clear- her support playstyle is just a facade. this is an ID that wants to be getting every single kill, stealing every bit of valour from the battlefield and hoarding it to herself. captain ishmael is deeply greedy, and having to play around that greed- keeping her sated with kills set out just for her, staggered enemies that you leave to the captain- genuinely makes you feel like the manager of the team, making decisions to keep everyone happy and at their best. if you treat captain ishmael with the respect she deserves, you're rewarded with an immensely powerful ID and one of the greatest supports that this game has ever seen.
captain ishmael speaks to the depth of the mechanics in limbus, about how you really do need to take in every scrap of information that you can, that you need to plan and manage in order to ensure the success of the sinners and of the LCB as a whole. captain ishmael puts you, more than any other ID, into dante's shoes as they fumble around trying to manage a battlefield that they've never stepped on themselves. captain ishmael is the designer's thesis statement, and it is a deeply eloquent one.
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slotumn · 3 months ago
So I got through Limbus Canto 4 and 4.5, thoughts
4 pacing felt a bit weird bc the majority of the chapter is on regular stages yet the most important part (Yi Sang's backstory) that puts everything in context is all in the final dungeon, may need to go back and read the rest of chapter again w/o the combat stages to get a better picture
Somehow still peak despite that, these bitches got me with Dongrang/Dongbaek. Love a sellout with an inferiority complex and a tsundere turned nostalgia-fueled terrorist. Neither of them could be fixed, good for them
Plus they're fantasy Korean and based on authors and works from the most depressing era in modern Korean history so automatic points
Heathcliff and Ishmael arguing in 4.5 was great, it felt very real, like you know you have seen those kinds of arguments before and/or have been in one (or both) of their shoes yourself
Also I'm glad they made this game 18+ because Heathcliff definitely only works if he is allowed to cuss people out. Idk if it comes across to non-Korean speakers the same way but the way he talks makes me want to unleash this guy in the trenches of Korean internet and see what happens for shits and giggles (complimentary)
Voice actors put in insane work too, very glad Project Moon is going for full voice acting. There are characters who talk (both in tone and word choices) how regular people talk irl (Heathcliff, Rodion, Gregor), versus ones who talk in ways regular irl people definitely do not (Yi Sang, Don Quixote, Ryoshu) yet it's not immersion-breaking at all to have them in the same cast and I think that's a testament to how good the voice directing is
Ryoshu and Meursalt are the funniest bitches on this bus, I think they should do a podcast with Sinclair as translator for Ryoshu
Glory to Project Moon/10 would spend money on this gacha to support #PeakKoreanGaming again
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youthofpandas · 1 year ago
:demian: hello... let's start with the right foot. Le sinkle
Hiii :milfspotted: the sinkle sweep…!
Favorite thing: the everything 💕💕 teehee uhm let’s see I really like how he’s still growing so much as a person and we get to watch him figure himself out. I also love how in every mirror world you get such a good look into his internal struggles and how he develops in different environments. And he’s so cute and darling and also kills people so well
Least favorite thing: everything about him is perfect. uhm. jefe and zwei should have been made usable at UT4 - they make me cry rn. I dislike that he doesn’t have a charge ID. I’m saddened by the fact she hasn’t transitioned yet.
Favorite line: Currently can’t stop thinking about the love letters convo… “I was…! I was… a good, diligent student. The only things I ever cared about were my textbooks and the school lectures!” / “Sinclair, thy countenance appeareth to be turning rosy agai—“ / “For the last time, I said! It's! Genetics!!!” <- he’s literally so cute. I can’t believe demisin is real.
brOTP: Sinkle Yi Sang and Don Quixote besties for life… I love that little trio… I also love how Rodya and Gregor tease him… all of his friendships are really fun
OTP: demisin forever yayyyy soulmates I love you so much
nOTP: kr/osin should explode and die i fucking hate it so much get that awful fucking woman away from him unless it’s giving him the chance to tear her head off. She’s so ugly I hate her I hate her I hate her. (Deep breath) sorry I’m normal again what was the question?
Random headcanon: oh what to even pick… he needs glasses… he loves playing pikmin…. sometimes he gets anxious eating in front of other people because of the months spent being the only one eating at the dinner table with his family…. his room on the bus often turns into his childhood bedroom and for a while he would wake up thinking the last few years were just a dream…
Unpopular opinion: 1) she’s a woman 2) she’s a female and 3) and most importantly: shes a girl !
Song I associate with them: when you were young by the killers… waiting on some beautiful boy to.. save you from your old ways…. So sinclaircore
Favorite picture of them: I can’t believe they made girlclair real just for me. World is so beautiful…
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un77404 · 11 months ago
Fuuta - 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12!
Yi Sang - 1, 2, 4, 23, and 25!
rainnnn hiiiii :D:D
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
the fear and the anger. the need to be accepted and the insecurity
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i never go on milgram twt so i cant say anything abt that but i love all the fanart and analysis posts about him on milgramblr! people here mostly understand and portray him as a nuanced, complex character and i love it so much
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
answered in this ask (x) but basically yes
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i think its possible, i would love to pick his brain and make him blush and trashtalk his gaymer skills. we can have funi think. however i have no moral compass and he has a very strong and rigid one so we may not become friends at all... i can see arguments for both sides
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i think he's masc-enby or smth like that but it may just be me projecting i also think he loves strawberry-flavoured candies but hate strawberry milk. i also also think that he owns a skirt and he was trying to get the courage to try it on. maybe
Yi Sang (contains some spoilers maybe):
(im not the best at pjmoon lore so if i get stuff wrong uh. you have permission to turn me into ryoshu-style art. also there are some spoilers maybe)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
(to me) hes a troll that doesn't realise he's a troll. he may be needlessly verbose but he's silly af!!!!! he's also very sad and i want to hug him
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
his warmth. i love the writing and the execution and everything but what made me absolutely adore his canto is the fact that he feels so warm to me... he's trying guys. hes one of very few characters that just makes me feel warm idk how else to explain it
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
i think he should spend some time in a short animation maybe :3
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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classic but beautiful
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
at first i was apprehensive on what to think of him cuz like. typically from this kind of media you can't really judge by the cover right? to me he was the mysterious guy with a mysterious backstory ooo edgy NOW I WANT HIM TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. THE MOST HAPPY HOPEFUL ENDING EVER like you do not underSTAND i need this man to smile softly while watching his friends (like good friends!! friends who care abt him and would kill for him) be silly and feel happy and content. i need this desperately
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justcallmealt · 2 years ago
Sinners dying from the heat thread:
Yi Sang: outside nothing changed, inside more dead then usual
Faust: she knows all outcomes, so she was ready and not dying
Don Quixote: tried to fight the sun Yoh Asakura style. Lost.
Ryōshū: not the worst heat stroke she felt (I'm sorry)
Meursault: keep in the shadow for the safety reasons
Hong Lu: eating the last ice cream
Heathcliff: got sun stroke. Very bad one
Ishmael: having some icy cold water
Rodion: Melting ice cream state (same here)
Sinclair: don't ask, now he's feeling much better then 10 seconds ago
Outis: pretty good in full uniform. Nobody surprised
Gregor: surprisingly, pretty good and doesn't feel any discomfort
Picture (meme) for the attention:
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Sorry, that's me rn
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limbusrailway · 2 years ago
I am Ace! (They/Them) I’m a funny little writer, I like classic lit, Limbus launched and I got into Project Moon. We will see if this blog maintains ANY sort of consistent activity.
My Limbus Company friend code is S359631343 - I try to keep units relatively leveled and have my favorite/most powerful of each sinner up in their respective number slot. If you know me via discord or somewhere else just message me and I’m willing to swap out IDs and EGO and the like to meet needs!
Favorite Sinners are Sinclair, Meursault, Rodya, Yi Sang, Faust, Hong Lu, and Gregor because everyone like Gregor that’s the law. But I generally enjoy everyone!!
General info on my “bus” of fansinners underneath the cut.
Limbus OC content generally under the tag “LCR (limbus company railway)”
Individual Sinner/Character Tags for this blog:
Yi Sang - make friends with crows
Faust - faust is quite gay
Ryoushuu - B.L.E.E.D. (Big Lesbian Energy Extra Debauchery)
Hong Lu - poor little rich boy
Heathcliff - hes gonna clobber ya
Ishmael - fishmael
Rodion - gambling addiction
Sinclair - cheepcheep
Outis - outism moment
Gregor - *scuttling noises*
Dante - tiktok
Vergilius - oh no hes giving me THE LOOK--
Charon - the wheels on the bus go crunch crunch crunch
Sinner #1 (23) - Kai
Source: The Snow Queen (Hans Christen Andersen)
Color: Beau Blue (BCD4E6)
Icon: A Snowflake  
Weapon: Virkelighed (Danish; "Reality") [Unique knife designed for slashing, blade loops around the fingers of a fist much like brass knuckles.]
E.G.O.: The Devil's Mirror
Sinner #2 (24) - Pan
Source: Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie)
Color: Forest Green (0B6623)
Icon: Panpipes & a Feather
Weapon: Youth [Short sword.]
E.G.O.: Second Star to the Right
Sinner #3 (25) - Dorothy
Source: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum)
Color: Ruddy Blue (76ABDF)
Icon: The Silver Slippers
Weapon: Home [A hammer.]
E.G.O.: Over the Rainbow
Sinner #4 (26) - Orpheus
Source: Greek Myth
Color: Bone (E7DECC) 
Icon: A Lyre.
Weapon: Μούσα (Greek; "Muse") [A guitar.]
E.G.O.: Don’t Look Back
Sinner #5 (27) - Aino
Source: The Kalevala (The National Epic of Finland)
Color: Arsenic (3B444B) 
Icon: A Fish.
Weapon: Neitsyt (Finnish; "Maiden") [A whip.]
E.G.O.: Moonmaid’s Silver, Sunmaid’s Gold
Sinner #6 (28) - Charles Wallace
Source: A Wrinkle In Time (Madeleine L'Engle)
Color: Pastel Pink (FFD1DC) 
Icon: A ringed planet.
Weapon: Tesseract [A flail.]
E.G.O.: Something New
Sinner #7 (29) - Hallward
Source: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
Color: Teal (48AAAD) 
Icon: A painter’s palette.
Weapon: Worship [A staff.]
E.G.O.: Portrait of the Artist
Sinner #9 (31) - Momo
Source: Momo or The Gray Men (Michael Ende)
Color: Ochre (CC7722)
Icon: A blossoming flower.
Weapon: Zeit (German; "Time") [Armor.]
E.G.O.: The Hour Blossoms
Sinner #10 (32) - Candide
Source: Candide (Voltaire)
Color: Eminence (6C3082) 
Icon: A two-sided mask, reminiscent of that of comedy and tragedy.
Weapon: Pire (French; "Worst") [A rapier.]
E.G.O.: Everything Is Best
Sinner #11 (33) - Billy Pilgrim
Source: Slaughterhouse 5 (Kurt Vonnegut)
Color: Ruby (900603) 
Icon: A broken clock.
Weapon: Poo-tee-weet [A shotgun.]
E.G.O.: Unstuck in Time
Sinner #12 (34) - Darcy
Source: Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Color: Yale Blue (00356B) 
Icon: A coin & ring.
Weapon: Pride [Throwing knives.]
E.G.O.: Lost Forever
Sinner #13 (35) - Riviera
Source: Neuromancer (William Gibson)
Color: Lime (AEF359) 
Icon: A syringe.
Weapon: Chrome [Claws.]
E.G.O.: Millions of Illusions
Sinner #8 [30] MANAGER - Alice
Source: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol)
GUIDE - Lily / The White Queen
Source: Through the Looking-Glass (Lewis Carrol)
E.G.O.: Lost Daughter
Source: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Jules Verne)
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northwest-cryptid · 1 year ago
Alright let me try my hand at this is that's alright. Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for. Not 100% sure on how much info is too much or too little yknow? Anyway, this is Hong Lu.
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We know he's uber-rich, as in his family is potentially a Wing/Wing-adjacent rich. We can say this for a few reasons. First there's his general accidental flaunting of his wealth (a random handkerchief of his being work 7 million, him receiving extravagant gifts like ponies for his birthday, I could go on and on.)
Second is his family's clear connections with several wings. Examples include how the shareholders of H Corp personally visited his home because his brother wanted a red passport and how in his W & K Corp ids its stated he got those jobs because of his grandparents.
As you might have also noticed Hong Lu is pretty aloof (for example during a comedic cooking competition between the sinners he says he's always wanted to try dog food) and this hasn't changed much though it has gotten a few layers at least. Such as him teasing Heathcliff by saying potatoes grow on trees or, during Yi Sang's Chapter, getting compared to Brother Young-ji, a kind and guiding figure in Yi Sang's life.
There's also a lot of very suspicious stuff going on with Hong Lu. Firstly there's his clear connections with the Wings, which should immediately raise some alarms if you know how these guys operate. There's also something going on with his blue glowing eye, likely something to do with M Corps Moon Rocks given the amount of Sanity healing effects he has and how he'salso unaffectedby anesthetics. Which raises the question of why he would need something like this at all times?
There's also a scene where Faust is explaining how Distortions work using Hong Lu as an example and He responds by saying "he could see that happening" only to be unable to explain why.
Lastly, it’s also heavily implied that his family is abusive. In his K Corp ID, it's implied he was given the job more-so to get rid of him or something akin to that affect. Plus its also mentioned at one point that there were a ton of rules he was supposed to follow. Little stuff like that that paints a concerning picture.
And that's what we currently know about Hong Lu. Again sorry if this is too much or skips out on too much.
This is literally 100% the sort of thing I'm asking for and I cannot thank you enough. It's all very easy to follow, it gives me enough genuine information about the character to understand what current speculations might be going around about them; and you actually include important information (even if I'm not familiar with it just yet) such as the connection to different Corps and potential connections to a Wing which as you explained is kind of sketchy considering you know, how the Wings work.
See this is a great description of this character, I walk away from this feeling like I could have a somewhat competent conversation about him even though I've not played the game. If someone approached me and mentioned Hong Lu I feel like I could easily bring up things like the Corp IDs but also still have small details about him like 7 million dollar (well, probably not dollar but you know) handkerchief. He also just seems like a likable dude with some hidden horrors that we're hopefully going to get to see in the future because man he is suspicious but what a chill guy. Not to mention this is all stuff I couldn't figure out from the website alone. This is what I was hoping for and I really do mean it when I say thank you for explaining it this way.
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sabaramonds · 2 years ago
crossy did link me a canto 4 updated limbus ship tiermaker when i woke up so i made one since my chart (which i will also post bc i dont think i ever put it here and its funny) is incomprehensible
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i probably definitely forgot stuff looking at the tiermaker bc all the little pngs gave me a headache but the important things are there id like to note that to an extent i do believe yi sang reciprocated with gubo but then gubo yellow wallpapered him and, well. the illusion of choice is not choice bonus "chart" thing:
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^ i need to redo this one for recent developments and adjustments but if youre confused about hong lus constant gravitating around yiclair the shortest explanation is this picture
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lu-is-not-ok · 2 years ago
If you are still taking EGOs to analyze, have you done Sunshower / Drifting Fox?
I have not yet, so let's take a look!
Under the cut, wheeee~
Let's start with the Drifting Fox itself. Unlike most Limbus Abnormalities, for which you have to do some deep readings to recognise their themes, Drifting Fox spells out its themes quite clearly in its Observation Logs.
Here, we're dealing with the idea of feign kindness vs genuine kindness. Kindness done to make yourself feel good without thinking of whether or not it will actually help the one you're being kind to, vs kindness done because you genuinely care about the one you're being kind to.
Some other themes that can be read from this abnormality are abandonment, seeking affection, thoughtfulness behind one's actions (and lack thereof), and learned distrust.
Now, there is also the fact that Drifting Fox and its E.G.O, Sunshower, seem to have some inspiration in the Fox Rain folktale, which mostly revolves around unrequited love. However... There isn't much about Drifting Fox that seems to really connect to that theme at all. The most I can say about it is that the theme was twisted into one about the Fox struggling to accept love from others due to its bad experiences with people who pretended to love it for selfish reasons.
As such I won't really be using the folktale in the analysis, as while I'm sure some connections can be drawn between it and Sunshower E.G.O users, in my opinion they're not as important to character analysis as drawing connections to the Drifting Fox itself.
While we're talking about Sunshower E.G.O users, let's name them finally. Outis and Yi Sang. While Heathcliff uses a Lobcorp version of the E.G.O in one of his IDs, I won't be looking into it in this post because analyzing Identities is a very different process to analyzing E.G.Os, and one I'm still trying to polish. Maybe one day I'll be able to dip my toes into full ID analysis, but until then, E.G.O only.
With Yi Sang, we can definitely see Drifting Fox's themes here, especially with the context of Canto IV. After all, feign kindness is exactly what he experienced from Gubo after the League disbanded, an event that led to him feeling abandoned and distrustful of everyone but Sang Yi. Which, speaking of him, is the main person Yi Sang was seeking affection from during the time he was effectively abandoned.
Now, when it comes to Outis... We really don't know much about her or her background. However, I think one way the theme of feign kindness presents itself in her is, well, with how she acts. Outis's whole schtick is that she's pretending to be kind towards Dante, seemingly for her own benefit.
However... Something tells me it's not as simple as that. Thoughout the story, we get hints towards Outis's life. How she had to sacrifice a lot during her time on the battlefield, and hints towards some complex feeling regarding family she had to leave behind to join the war.
Does she believe she abandoned her family? Or, now that the war is over, does she think they had abandoned her in return? Is feign kindness something that only applies to her own actions? Or is it something she herself experienced as well, and had to learn how to use by herself to survive? She certainly feels like the distrusting type to me...
We don't know enough to say for sure right now, but it is certainly interesting to speculate about.
Let's move on to Sin analysis, as this is where something very interesting happens.
Sunshower is the first shared E.G.O we have that has Different Sin Damage depending on its user. This, of course, paints a very different picture of how these themes apply to each of its users.
Outis's Sunshower deals Gluttony damage. Gluttony is a Sin that represents actions done out of hunger, both hunger for survival and hunger for more. With what little we know about Outis, I think in this case we can firmly place this Gluttony as the survival type.
This implies that her own feigning of kindness is something she began doing as a way to survive what she has gone through, likely during the war and after it had ended. It could also symbolize her own distrust being a way to survive in the wake of other people feigning kindness towards her.
Yi Sang's Sunshower deals Sloth damage. Sloth is a sin that represents actions done out of apathy and inaction, which at this point is a Sin Staple for Yi Sang. This, of course, represents how he deals with feign kindness and abandonment - apathy and resignation.
When the League fell apart, Yi Sang resigned himself to following the guidance of whoever first told him what to do. When met with Gubo's feign kindness, Yi Sang responded with apathy, and resigned himself to following his orders because there was nothing else he thought he could do.
Sin requirements-wise, both Outis and Yi Sang require Sloth, Gluttony, and Gloom, while Yi Sang also adds some Pride on top of that. Let's take this one at a time.
For both Outis and Yi Sang, Sloth represents some form of resignation and/or apathy. This, of course, is extremely clear for Yi Sang, whose very character arc revolves around overcoming his depressive apathy. When it comes to Outis, I think this also applies, if in lesser amounts. Over the course of the war she participated in, she likely had learn to be complacent, to simply follow her leader's orders and not grow too attached to anyone.
Next up, Gluttony. Like with Sloth, I think this represents the same thing for both Outis and Yi Sang, that being that their actions were a way to survive the circumstances they were in. For Outis, it was the only way she could make it through the war, and the only way she can keep going after. For Yi Sang, it was the only way he could survive the League's disbanding and being captured by N Corp.
Then, we have Gloom. Gloom as a sin represents actions done under the pressure of negative emotions. It implies severe emotional stress. Knowing what we know about Outis and Yi Sang... Yeah. Yeah it makes sense for Gloom to be there. I don't think I need to go into too much detail on that.
Lastly, we have Pride for Yi Sang. Pride represents actions done purely for their benefit, while their consequences are ignored. This, I think, is meant to reflect the dilemma Yi Sang was going through during his time at N Corp. He had to do whatever Gubo was telling him to just to survive, and had to ignore the damage he would be indirectly contributing to by helping him.
Before we end off, let's briefly look at the dialogue lines.
Outis's lines are quite... interesting, in my opinion. Her Awakening line reflect the theme of rejecting feigned, meaningless kindness, which I think further affirms Outis's distrust towards others.
However, I think her Corroded line here is much more interesting. It seems to represent Outis's fear of being abandoned. Not only that, but it implies it's something that happened to her at least once before. Perhaps I wasn't that far off about the idea of Outis suffering through something herself that made her learn to feign kindness herself.
Yi Sang's lines on the other hand seem to be more focusing on his own inability to do anything about his situation. His Awakening line reflects his worries about not being able to truly help anyone, while his Corroded line seems to show him falling fully into hopelessness and lamenting over the situation only getting worse.
So, there you go! I might at some point later analyze Sunshower Heathcliff once I figure out a proper method to analyzing IDs, but that day isn't today.
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nintenka · 7 months ago
yi sang from limbus company makes me so genuinely happy please send me any pictures or art of him ill be giggling and skipping around my room
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