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sleepyspots-wc-designs · 9 months ago
Hey pal, could we possibly get a Nightstar/Runningnose kit? I’m imagining they find an abandoned kit that looks JUST like them, and no one believes the kit ISNT theirs lol
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Local heavily stressed-out gay doctor and mayor duo “”“find”“” abandoned baby gorl.…
MEET: Ruesneeze
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Found abandoned in a patch of bright yellow flowers, sneezing, by Nightstar during the exile of ShadowClan’s elders, little Ruesneeze was raised on stories of a great Clan who tamed the darkness and drove all the monsters within firmly out. The easily-anxious little molly found comfort in these tales, and was quietly thrilled when she was brought to ShadowClan upon the reported “banishment of the baddest bad guy”… She later, much later, learned the truth of this.
Due to her sickly nature and recurrent allergies, Ruesneeze was often found in the medicine den, and as such spent a lot of time in Runningnose’s company — and saw firsthand many of the interactions between ShadowClan’s priest and her adoptive father, and overheard many of their private conversations… Though, with Ruesneeze’s compassion and gentle nature, and her love for both Nightstar and Runningnose, she quietly vowed to herself to keep their secrets… All of them.
It was of no surprise to her when, come time for her early naming ceremony to supply a desperate ShadowClan with new warriors and hope, Nightstar named her after Runningnose.
Nightstar’s sudden death drove Ruesneeze into a deep grief, and back into Runningnose’s presence. The two derived comfort from one another, and often talked softly about what could have been… Until Ruesneeze, too, caught the same bout of greencough that stole her father’s life, and Runningnose promised to decorate her grave with the same flowers she was found in — despite never having been told of where the young molly had been left.
Please read the rules when requesting future hypokits!
This character may be up for grabs, for their design, storytelling, or any other personal use!Keep an eye on the status below if you're interested! :)
Status: CLAIMED! By @doritopaw101
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mothpawbs · 6 months ago
if your requests are open, can you do runningnose
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sniffly old man!! as someone who has chronic allergies/sinus congestion i feel for him so much. his healer herb is elder, as elderberry is often used to treat flu symptoms. i love love love designs that give him a face mask btw, i just couldn't make it work with this pose, so i imagine he wears it more while he's working.
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bri-wolfer · 2 years ago
if your requests are open, can you draw a zorua woman (regular or hisuian)
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here ya go boss
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astragatwo · 2 years ago
If your PM requests are open, can you draw Corroded Sunshower Outis
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Oh, absolutely
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everybody-loves-purdy · 6 months ago
One thing the Star preview did that I really appreciate was throw a unique twist on a dog encounter.
Most of the time when a dog shows up its an immediate "EVERYBODY RUN" and then whatever was happening before has to stop so that they can have a pointless escape/fight scene that plays out exactly like every other dog scene in the series.
I do like how the scene when Nightheart has to aggro the dogs away from the RiverClan cats as they sneak away shakes things up, as he has to be the one to approach the dogs and he can't just run away cause he has to keep their attention on himself for as long as possible.
It was neat to see them write a unique encounter with something that had already been so clique, especially considering Ivypool's Heart had several standard-issue dog chases.
Yeah definitely I really liked them shaking up the usual dog encounter formula! When I first saw the word dogs I was thinking “here we go again”, but was pleasantly surprised by the scene.
I also liked that poor twoleg snatching up their small dog before Nightheart could scratch it lol
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macaronichewtoyz · 1 year ago
[If this is a duplicate ask, then please delete and I apologize] If your requests are open, can you draw runningnose
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soppy milk webkinz lookin guy
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lu-is-not-ok · 2 years ago
If you are still taking EGOs to analyze, have you done Sunshower / Drifting Fox?
I have not yet, so let's take a look!
Under the cut, wheeee~
Let's start with the Drifting Fox itself. Unlike most Limbus Abnormalities, for which you have to do some deep readings to recognise their themes, Drifting Fox spells out its themes quite clearly in its Observation Logs.
Here, we're dealing with the idea of feign kindness vs genuine kindness. Kindness done to make yourself feel good without thinking of whether or not it will actually help the one you're being kind to, vs kindness done because you genuinely care about the one you're being kind to.
Some other themes that can be read from this abnormality are abandonment, seeking affection, thoughtfulness behind one's actions (and lack thereof), and learned distrust.
Now, there is also the fact that Drifting Fox and its E.G.O, Sunshower, seem to have some inspiration in the Fox Rain folktale, which mostly revolves around unrequited love. However... There isn't much about Drifting Fox that seems to really connect to that theme at all. The most I can say about it is that the theme was twisted into one about the Fox struggling to accept love from others due to its bad experiences with people who pretended to love it for selfish reasons.
As such I won't really be using the folktale in the analysis, as while I'm sure some connections can be drawn between it and Sunshower E.G.O users, in my opinion they're not as important to character analysis as drawing connections to the Drifting Fox itself.
While we're talking about Sunshower E.G.O users, let's name them finally. Outis and Yi Sang. While Heathcliff uses a Lobcorp version of the E.G.O in one of his IDs, I won't be looking into it in this post because analyzing Identities is a very different process to analyzing E.G.Os, and one I'm still trying to polish. Maybe one day I'll be able to dip my toes into full ID analysis, but until then, E.G.O only.
With Yi Sang, we can definitely see Drifting Fox's themes here, especially with the context of Canto IV. After all, feign kindness is exactly what he experienced from Gubo after the League disbanded, an event that led to him feeling abandoned and distrustful of everyone but Sang Yi. Which, speaking of him, is the main person Yi Sang was seeking affection from during the time he was effectively abandoned.
Now, when it comes to Outis... We really don't know much about her or her background. However, I think one way the theme of feign kindness presents itself in her is, well, with how she acts. Outis's whole schtick is that she's pretending to be kind towards Dante, seemingly for her own benefit.
However... Something tells me it's not as simple as that. Thoughout the story, we get hints towards Outis's life. How she had to sacrifice a lot during her time on the battlefield, and hints towards some complex feeling regarding family she had to leave behind to join the war.
Does she believe she abandoned her family? Or, now that the war is over, does she think they had abandoned her in return? Is feign kindness something that only applies to her own actions? Or is it something she herself experienced as well, and had to learn how to use by herself to survive? She certainly feels like the distrusting type to me...
We don't know enough to say for sure right now, but it is certainly interesting to speculate about.
Let's move on to Sin analysis, as this is where something very interesting happens.
Sunshower is the first shared E.G.O we have that has Different Sin Damage depending on its user. This, of course, paints a very different picture of how these themes apply to each of its users.
Outis's Sunshower deals Gluttony damage. Gluttony is a Sin that represents actions done out of hunger, both hunger for survival and hunger for more. With what little we know about Outis, I think in this case we can firmly place this Gluttony as the survival type.
This implies that her own feigning of kindness is something she began doing as a way to survive what she has gone through, likely during the war and after it had ended. It could also symbolize her own distrust being a way to survive in the wake of other people feigning kindness towards her.
Yi Sang's Sunshower deals Sloth damage. Sloth is a sin that represents actions done out of apathy and inaction, which at this point is a Sin Staple for Yi Sang. This, of course, represents how he deals with feign kindness and abandonment - apathy and resignation.
When the League fell apart, Yi Sang resigned himself to following the guidance of whoever first told him what to do. When met with Gubo's feign kindness, Yi Sang responded with apathy, and resigned himself to following his orders because there was nothing else he thought he could do.
Sin requirements-wise, both Outis and Yi Sang require Sloth, Gluttony, and Gloom, while Yi Sang also adds some Pride on top of that. Let's take this one at a time.
For both Outis and Yi Sang, Sloth represents some form of resignation and/or apathy. This, of course, is extremely clear for Yi Sang, whose very character arc revolves around overcoming his depressive apathy. When it comes to Outis, I think this also applies, if in lesser amounts. Over the course of the war she participated in, she likely had learn to be complacent, to simply follow her leader's orders and not grow too attached to anyone.
Next up, Gluttony. Like with Sloth, I think this represents the same thing for both Outis and Yi Sang, that being that their actions were a way to survive the circumstances they were in. For Outis, it was the only way she could make it through the war, and the only way she can keep going after. For Yi Sang, it was the only way he could survive the League's disbanding and being captured by N Corp.
Then, we have Gloom. Gloom as a sin represents actions done under the pressure of negative emotions. It implies severe emotional stress. Knowing what we know about Outis and Yi Sang... Yeah. Yeah it makes sense for Gloom to be there. I don't think I need to go into too much detail on that.
Lastly, we have Pride for Yi Sang. Pride represents actions done purely for their benefit, while their consequences are ignored. This, I think, is meant to reflect the dilemma Yi Sang was going through during his time at N Corp. He had to do whatever Gubo was telling him to just to survive, and had to ignore the damage he would be indirectly contributing to by helping him.
Before we end off, let's briefly look at the dialogue lines.
Outis's lines are quite... interesting, in my opinion. Her Awakening line reflect the theme of rejecting feigned, meaningless kindness, which I think further affirms Outis's distrust towards others.
However, I think her Corroded line here is much more interesting. It seems to represent Outis's fear of being abandoned. Not only that, but it implies it's something that happened to her at least once before. Perhaps I wasn't that far off about the idea of Outis suffering through something herself that made her learn to feign kindness herself.
Yi Sang's lines on the other hand seem to be more focusing on his own inability to do anything about his situation. His Awakening line reflects his worries about not being able to truly help anyone, while his Corroded line seems to show him falling fully into hopelessness and lamenting over the situation only getting worse.
So, there you go! I might at some point later analyze Sunshower Heathcliff once I figure out a proper method to analyzing IDs, but that day isn't today.
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for @runn1ngn0se, their character Raggedrose!
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nonhumanresources · 3 months ago
concerning dragon kissing, what kind of dragons make the best kissers?
Obviously I am biased towards boxy-snouted dragons because the surface-area-to-snooter ratio is extremely high and therefore provides incredible real estate for smooching. However I think that eastern lung dragons are a strong contender due to the presence of long wiggly whiskers that both tickle your nose and can be held to increase overall kissing time.
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carboniila · 2 years ago
if your requests are open, can you draw Runningnose
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 1 year ago
[Delete this ask if it is a repeat or you have already drawn him recently] If your requests are open, can you draw runningnose
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this is great timing bc i currently have a cold LMAO
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sleepyspots-wc-designs · 9 months ago
I don't see Runningnose on this blog, but have you designed him previously on a different blog?
If you have a design of him, can you do a pride icon of him with aro-ace-agender (same flag as my pfp)
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Here he is!
I hope I got the right flag!! ^^
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eggfeather · 2 years ago
[If I've already asked you this, I'm sorry please delete this] If your wc pride requests are open, can you do aroaceagender (same flag as my pfp) runningnose
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sickly man
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hinterland-clans · 2 years ago
if your wc pride requests are open, can you do aroaceagender (same flag as my pfp) runningnose
ah sorry, i should have specified i was talking about my ocs!
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cicadagaze · 2 years ago
did you do a shadowsight eye poll?
I did not! I'd like to, but unfortunately as I haven't read that arc yet, I have absolutely no opinion on that myself, and I'd prefer to keep these polls to things that I myself have opinions on
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gannetsplash · 7 months ago
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Runningnose (version 2)
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