dailyflicks · 4 months
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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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kbanews · 10 months
Di FISIP UI, Anies Baswedan Disambut Yel-yel Ala Suporter Bola
DEPOK | KBA – Bakal calon presiden Anies Baswedan disambut sorak-sorai ala suporter bola saat mengunjungi kantin Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik  Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI). Momen itu terjadi usai Anies menjadi pembicara dalam Kuliah Kebangsaan FISIP UI dengan tema “Hendak ke mana Indonesia Kita? Gagasan, Pengalaman, dan Rancangan Para Pemimpin Masa Depan”. Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta…
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wondersinwaynemanor · 21 days
one time when Damian was injured during patrol, he snuck into Dick's apartment but his older brother wasn't around because he had a double shift. so he took care of his own injuries and made his own hot cocoa.
while he was sipping on the hot drink, Damian was wandering around the apartment and saw the tape of the movie, Clueless, on the coffee table. he ended up watching it until he was capable to come back home, as the rest of the tapes were taken by Jason.
a day at the Manor:
Steph: I think that formula is not right, Dami.
Jason: That lacks more carbon.
Duke: Oxygen perhaps.
Dick: It lacks more than that.
Cass: I'll ask Bruce what we lack.
Damian: I'm right, okay? Why don't you put your trust in me?
Dick: Hey, it's not that we don't trust you. We just want this formula to be as accurate as possible.
Cass: No failures allowed, Dami.
Damian: You know what...
Damian, uses both of his hands to form a W: Whatever.
Steph: Uh???
Cass raises her brows.
Duke: Um....
Jason: The fuck did the brat just do?
Dick: Oh no....
Tim: Damian, I swear, I'm not letting you borrow my laptop ever again. Your cat just shit on it!
Damain: It would be wise to investigate your devices before handing them to me. Maybe it smelled like human waste before you handed it to me.
Tim: What are you implying?
Damian only shrugs.
Tim: You know what? I'm not helping you convince B that you need another pet.
Damian: You said you'd help me after I helped you on that Physics project you had for your university.
Tim: I change my mind. You're a brat.
Damian: And you're a virgin who can't drive.
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modelsof-color · 3 months
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Ajong Yel by Ashley Cheppel for L'Officiel Arabia Magazine January 2024
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citrines · 10 days
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anonymouslyel · 2 years
season 3 'verse steddie where eddie has a crush on steve who's working at scoops ahoy. he knows that. he's accepted that. he watches steve flirt with girls and scoop ice cream for a living with the robin buckley, who he knows that's a member of the band.
he's accepted that.
then he sees steve letting four kids use the backdoor for staff only several times in one month.
and eddie is smitten.
then he sees steve give free ice cream to two kids discreetly, one with long red hair and one with short brown hair. eddie realizes that steve only gives the two girls free ice cream and not the three kids.
and eddie is sighing dreamily.
then he sees steve jumping and smiling and laughing while greeting a kid. was that them play fighting with an imaginary lightsaber??
oh eddie is so fucked.
this steve is so different from the king steve that reigned in hawkins high years before. and eddie is mesmerized by it.
king steve that was a douchebag?? is now soft and careful with kids??? apparently he also gives free ice cream to kids??? he also knows starwars and play fights with an imaginary lightsaber with a kid???
oh, this is bad for one eddie munson. his heart has already fallen in a freefall. just observing and looking at steve who is so smiley and awkward and caring is enough to make his day but not quite enough to calm his heart that wants to be the reason for those smiles, the subject of those awkward flirting and be the one to provide care and love.
eddie groans and lets his head fall with a thud on the counter.
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supa-yel · 1 year
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We got ourselves a big one lads
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mechaknight-98 · 16 days
Giving Blood (NSFW) FT Yel
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Author’s note: Well it took me a while but here she is my most requested idol. There is no smut in this chapter, just two dorks meeting for the first time.
IRiku sat alone in his home after Eunha left, the echoes of their conversation lingering in the air. He repeatedly opened and closed his fist, feeling the muscle tension with each movement. A dull drumming pounded through his skull, the rhythmic thud matching the beat of his heavy heart. He tried to meditate, drawing upon the breathing techniques the Vanguard had taught him, but neither brought him any solace. He needed something faster-paced to keep up with his turbulent emotions.
As he donned his armor, preparing for some late-night Gambit, a specific weapon called to him. The Tarrabah, with its fierce energy, seemed to resonate with his current state of mind. He went into his vault and retrieved the ravenous beast.
Like a bear starved, Riku tore through his opponents. Each encounter was a blur of motion and fury, his actions driven by an inner tempest. During his last match of Trials, he pushed for the win without firing a single bullet, relying solely on his fists and raw power.
After the final game, his communicator beeped with an incoming call from Zavala. "Guardian, we have discovered something on Nessus that needs your attention," Zavala's voice was calm but urgent.
Riku held his breath before exhaling deeply. His fist clenched tightly around The Tarrabah. He needed a distraction, something to channel his restless energy. Finishing his Exile armor set, he headed to his ship, his mind already shifting focus to the mission ahead.
As the ship ascended through the atmosphere, leaving Earth behind, Riku monitored the gauges and tools with a practiced eye. His Ghost, Sashimi, hovered nearby, her light flickering with concern.
"Riku, are you okay?" Sashimi's voice was soft, filled with worry.
Riku's response was a simple, "No."
Sashimi's light dimmed slightly, reflecting her uncertainty. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked tentatively.
Riku shook his head, his eyes fixed on the stars ahead.
Unsure how to process Riku's response, Sashimi hovered in silence, her presence a quiet support. The ship's engines hummed steadily, a constant backdrop to the storm of emotions swirling within Riku. He clicked his tongue against his bottom lip, the small, repetitive motion a grounding mechanism amid his chaos. As Nessus came into view he was joined by Rei and Delindrin.
"Hello Crasilior," he said smugly. Riku stopped for a moment, turned to him, clenched his fist then unclenched it before moving on silently. Sashimi and Delindrin's ghost Arrow watched with a bated glint. The trio investigated the anomaly on Nessus in relative silence.
afterward, the Trio flew to the helm to report their findings. When the trio arrived at the HELM to report to Saint-14 and Osiris, Riku remained silent. Delindrin and Rei, the Awoken warlock, attempted to prompt the Titan to speak, but he remained tight-lipped. After the report, Sashimi, his Ghost, had enough.
“Riku, what’s wrong?” she demanded, her voice tinged with frustration. Sashimi, much like her Guardian, was exceptionally stubborn, and his continued silence was unacceptable.
Delindrin, not grasping the gravity of the situation, smirked. “What kind of name is Riku? Is that supposed to be your name, Crasilior?” Riku took a shallow breath before grabbing Delindrin suddenly by the collar, slamming him into the ground with a force that dented the floor. Rei quickly reacted with a penumbral blast, trying to “cool him off,” but the effect was nullified by the Path of the Burning Steps armor he wore. Breaking free from the stasis, Riku glanced at Osiris and Saint-14. “I’ll be back later,” he muttered before storming out.
Back at his home, Riku changed and showered, trying to calm the storm within. Sashimi floated nearby, glaring at him. As Riku struggled to steady his racing heart, the memories of the past few days piled onto the bonfire raging inside him. Instead of succumbing to his turmoil, he decided to visit his friend Miso’s shop. Hopping onto his Sparrow, he rode through the city, feeling the cool night air slowly temper his inner heat. Upon arrival, Miso-1 greeted him warmly. “Ah, Crash, good to see you. Here for your usual?”
Riku nodded, managing a weak smile. “One of those days, huh? Well, you’re in luck—I’ve got my new soda in stock.” Riku sat down, the familiar environment slowly easing his tension. “How’s Ning?” he asked after a while.
“Oh, you know, still fighting the good fight with her rotating fire team of Aeri, Yu, and Minjeong. Heard from Rei you almost killed Delindrin today,” Miso said, half-joking.
Riku shifted uncomfortably. “Just processing everything. It's been a whirlwind the past week, and I'm picking up the pieces.”
Miso nodded, understanding. “I figured. Entering the Pale Heart, defeating a facet of the Witness, then sneaking onto the Monolith before facing him again—it was pretty bleak at times. I’m barely holding on to myself, but Yizuo’s been helping me stay together.”
Miso’s words were comforting, but he probed deeper. “But I’m surprised the ‘lone wall that evil breaks on’ is tougher than that. So, what’s eating at you?”
“Eunha told me she had feelings for me but couldn’t be with me because I was too ‘safe.’ At least, that’s how I perceived it. Her words were confusing. Is that about right, Shimi?”
Sashimi appeared, replaying the conversation for Miso-1 before nodding.
“That seems like an appropriate assessment.”
Miso laughed softly, but before he could respond, the door opened. In walked a statuesque woman, her steps hesitant, eyes darting around the almost empty restaurant. Riku noticed her and watched her move awkwardly.
“Oi, you gorgeous! Come over here; you reek of New Light,” he called out. The Guardian looked at Riku, initially scared, but his confidence and smile reassured her. She approached and sat next to the Awoken.
“Sorry for my Titan’s manners. His name is Crash, and mine is Miso-1. Nice to meet you.”
“Eunha finally gave me a real name—Riku. But yeah, you can call me Riku or Crash,” he said, turning to the newcomer with a smile.
She beamed. “My name is Shinyoung, but call me Yel. I am a Warlock.” Her voice was tinged with anxiety.
Riku’s expression softened. He gestured to Miso, who brought another bowl. Pouring half of his meal into it, he handed it to Yel. “Sit with us,” he offered. She took a set next to him and noticed his ghost floating at the edge. its movements seemed pensive as if desperate to say something
“So Mrs Yel how did you find my shop?” Miso asks intrigued.
“Oh um, a hunter by the name of Eunha told me I could get help here. I wanted to learn how to be a better guardian,” Yel said timidly. Miso turned to his friend and smiled. Riku groaned and shook his head.
“Come Crash on you are the best new light teacher. Half of us wouldn't be as far as we are without you. No one can translate power at every level to make a guardian shine like you.”
Yel watched with a happy smile, as the other two guardians went back and forth. While they talked she noticed Riku/Crash’s body language was open and free but his movements seemed guarded and very deliberate in their displays. She watched until Crash said “Fine,” and turned to her. Yel put on a smile that twitched nervously at the corners. Riku’s heart softened more towards her. So first step as a guardian is to determine a reachable goal. Otherwise, you'll get overwhelmed and burn out. So what is going to be your first goal.”
Yel thought for a moment then said, “I want to build a great daybreak build,” Crash turned with open hands towards Miso but Miso shook his head. Crash groans and then turns to Yel
“Okay but we do this my way,” he says coldly
Early the next day Riku is heading toward Yel’s place for some reason his heart races with excitement. Before arriving Sashimi notices his vitals and says, “You have a crush on The New Light,” her tone is teasing but well-meaning. Riku looks at his ghost,
“No, I… Uh… shut up.” Riku stammered
“Why are you being Bashful? It's a natural response. By all records, she is a stunning individual,” Sashimi said. Riku glared at his ghost as they neared her home it was a small apartment in the last city. The same one they funnel most new lights into for the first year or so. As the guardian and ghost went looking for her door Yel Saw them and busted out in full Combat armor minus the helmet. Crash laughed seeing her kitted out in blue armor while he was in his civilian clothes, with his armor neatly packed into his duffle bag.
Yel looked at Riku confused. “Wait Why aren't you dressed?” she asked as her head tilted to the right.
“Because we don't know what the first activity we are going to do will be so I didn't want to get in my armor before I needed to. Ya know mine is much heavier and all.” Yell made the mistake of rolling her eyes.
“Oh really you don't believe me here hold this,” Riku said as he handed his hazardous propulsion to Yel. When he let go of it quickly made its heft known as it took her both arms and all of her strength not to drop it.
“Why is it so heavy?” Yel asked strained before Riku took it off her hands.
“I mean with a name like heavy armor what did you expect?” Riku teased. Yel scowled before laughing. Riku was already laughing as he said, “The first rule of being a guardian is knowing when to laugh. Times will get tough and keeping your internal morale up will stop you from getting discouraged.
“Okay, you got me there. So what's the plan then.”
“Well, that depends on you. Do you want me to watch you and your style or do you want me to work with you?”
Yel decided to have Riku watch her first. She did 3 rounds of crucible and 3 rounds of Gambit. Riku watched everything. Yel’s overall style was elegant and aggressive like watching a female tiger stalk its prey and pounce, with ferocity that was equal parts mesmerizing and terrifying. She lacked restraint on her abilities though. She spammed them as much as she could which Riku noticed as a space for improvement, along with peripheral awareness and sliding, but other than that she was mostly a natural fighter. She moved with the grace of a trained dancer as well.
After that, she wanted to do some armor updates (she now has a full set of legendary armor) and decrypt her exotic engrams. While she was decrypting Crash gathered some snacks and drinks before getting his armor mod tools to help her. While he was gone Yel felt a weird feeling in her stomach. Her ghost appeared noticing the change in her vitals
“Your vitals show that you are agitated what is it Yel?”
“Uh I just want Crash back here, but I don't know why?” she said as she twirled her hair.
“You are comfortable with him,” her ghost noted.
“Is there a problem with that?” she said to her ghost. She felt a weird pang of aggression that she couldn't place.
“No just curious. You two seem very similar at first glance,” her ghost responded.
Yel turned to her ghost, “Really?” she asked.
Yel turned to her ghost, “Really?” she asked.
“I read up on his files and it seems he is quite the competent guardian, something I think you'll grow into as well. The major similarities lie mainly in both of your approaches to combat. His style seems to be very much about over-the-top speed and ferocity whereas yours is more elegant." Her ghost said, but before he could say much else Riku came back with snacks and drinks. He handed Yel hers.
Yel smiled as she received hers, "Thanks Crash, or should I say Riku?" she said excitedly
Riku smiled back with a small glint in his eye, "Honestly Either is fine since they are essentially interchangeable."
Yel laughed before responding, "Oh okay then I'll probably switch between them then."
Riku shrugged as he said, "Works for me. Oh look your first exotic is ready."
Yel beamed as she walked over to the Cryptarch.
"Okay let's see the roll," Riku said as he handed Yel her Wings of the Sacred Dawn. Riku noticed a smirk from Cryptarch as he did so. Riku looked over yell as she read the stats and almost passed out.
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idontmissu · 11 days
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YEL — '뜨거워지자 (Let It Burn)" (2024)
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fiorencepughs · 3 months
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don’t mind me just sobbing my eyes out
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dailyflicks · 10 months
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NCUTI GATWA AND EMMA MACKEY Barbie (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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kbanews · 10 months
Salam Persahabatan Bergema di Kampus Reformasi, Anies Disambut Antusias Mahasiswa dengan Swafoto dan Yel-yel Panjang
DEPOK | KBA – Bakal calon presiden (Bacapres) Anies Baswedan dijadwalkan mengisi Kuliah Kebangsaan di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia (FISIP) UI) Depok, pagi ini, Selasa 29 Agustus 2023. Dari pantauan KBA News sepanjang kedatangannya hingga selesai memberikan Kuliah Kebangsaan, mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu disambut antusias mahasiswa FISIP UI dengan penuh…
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wondersinwaynemanor · 17 days
that time when Bruce suggested to his sons to invite Wally, Roy, Conner and Jonathan for dinner in the Manor, he saw how happy his sons were. sure, the table was a bit choaitc as different kinds of energy filled the room, but he didn't mind.
when he saw Dick's radiant smile and Damian's blushing face, and heard Jason's hearty laugh and Tim's soft giggle, he knew he didn't want his sons to be heartbroken ever again.
so he had an idea.
when The Justice League ends their meeting at the Watchtower, Batman asks for The Flash, Green Arrow and Superman to stay behind.
Superman: Something wrong, Batman?
Batman narrowed his eyes on the three League members as if he is analyzing them deeply.
Flash, gulps: Um, Bats. I know we've been a Team for years now, but your stare still kinda scares me....
Green Arrow, snorts: Oh dear, old, Spooky. Tell us-
Batman: You do know that I have contingency plans for each of you, right?
Flahs gulps again, Superman nods and Green Arrow rolls his eyes, although they remain silent.
Flash, horrified: Oh no, what did we do wrong? What did I do, Bats?
Superman starts to touch Batman by the shoulder, but Batman steps back.
Batman: They're great, so I know you're raising those kids right.
Batman, walks towards the exit: Because if my sons get hurt, I'm taking the actions to you.
and they finally understood.
Green Arrow: Oh.
Superman, smiles: Aw, don't worry, Batman. My boys are well-raised and behaved. They got it from their mama.
Green Arrow: Spooky, Roy is a father now. He and Jason are taking care of Lian, so they're locked for life. Plus, he knows he doesn't want to get on The Red Hood and Batman's bad sides.
Flash: Wally would never hurt Dick. He's got a crush on him since they were kids.
Batman, pats his utility belt: Contingency plans. Never forget.
he finally leaves the room.
the room is quiet, you can hear a pin drop on the floor even if you're not a super.
Green Arrow, speaks first: Doesn't he just use those plans when we've gone off the rails, or something like that?
Superman: Well, it's his sons' happiness we are talking about here.
Flash, releases a shaky breath: Damn it. I'm calling Wally.
Green Arrow: Oh fu- I barely know where Roy is these days.
Superman, already ahead of the two: See you both!
he's already flying out the room, already concentrating on finding both of his sons.
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asianhaven4u · 2 months
Top 10 SEXIEST Kpop idols 😍
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Top 11-20 (No order)
Yujin (IVE)
Jeon Somi
Magenta (Qwer)
Karina (Aespa)
Nayoung (Lightsum)
Gahyeon (Dreamcatcher)
Yooyeon (TripleS)
Chaeryeong (Itzy)
Arin (Oh my girl)
Hyeju (Loosemble)
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heejinsoulyves · 3 months
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Yel from H1-KEY
photos by boan_9424
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superpilkyrose64 · 5 months
Tropica Rouge Precure
Last Tropica Shinning!
After the end of Tropica Rouge, I made a tribute animation. Unfortunately, i had to take down the original version. So it's back with some updated visuals and additons to celebrate 20 years of Precure.
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