#Yehehehe thank you for sending
geaesaekki · 1 month
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               @ergebenheit sent :
A guy surfaces on the shadow as he sits next to Mara, no one knows of his real identity except for the fact that he is working with Naeun as the owner of the private investigator office she works at (After working a few years at the national police, Naeun could not bother with staying at the force anymore out of the conflict with her own beliefs when it came to justice). Gyu-cheol rests his head on his palm and finally speaks, “So you came too, what a coincidence.” He stares at Detective Lim's side profile, a stare that pricks to one's skin, as if he's tracing every contour, wondering what it would be like in a state of desperation but all these thoughts remain tucked under his pretense. His face remains indifferent, tapping at the table as he waits for his glass of whiskey. And just then, two higher official and another man enters, ushered into a far corner where they can discuss their matters. The exchange doesn't occur here after all, but the money talks first, it seems. Where could the ladies be at? Gyu-cheol speaks first, he could tell her suspicion on him for being there but claims they have received an odd anonymous tip as well. Naeun, on the other hand, has been looking out for some club members they tracked down before, trailing one in case they could find where the girls are brought. “what's your plan, detective Lim? We don't want you getting on our way in case you act recklessly.” A subtle switch on the corner of his lips rises up as if he's mocking her in his gentle way of speaking.
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"What a coincidence, indeed." Mara’s lips curl into a smirk as she leans back in her chair, her eyes never leaving Gyu-cheol. The dim light of the bar casts shadows across her face, but her expression is clear—amused, confident, and slightly mocking. “You really think I’m going to let you waltz in here and try to play savior without so much as a challenge?” She tilts her head slightly, her eyes flicking to the men in the corner, then back to him. “You might think you’re steps ahead, but you’re forgetting one very important thing.” She casually lifts her jacket just enough to reveal the badge clipped to her belt, her grin widening. “I'm Law. So if anyone’s in the way here, it’s you. This is my case.” Mara lets the badge drop back into place, her fingers drumming on the table as she leans forward. The drinks are placed down, a whiskey for her too. “Who’s hired you to sniff around and how the hell did you know what's going down tonight?" Her eyes narrow, thinking. Some of the taken girls belong to powerful people, it wouldn't be surprising someone else is actively trying to find them. “If you’re planning to get in my way, you’ll find out just how ‘reckless’ I can be.” She gives him one last smirk before turning her attention to the men in the corner, her mind already working on her next move.
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
AAA CANDY HEARTS!! i’m so excited! :3
could i request “Be Mine” with Byakuya Togami x Platonic!Reader? i requested something similar last year, and i’m admittedly a bit nervous to ask it again, so i hope this is alright!
(p.s. everything you write is always so incredible hhsnishdmjdj)
Oh my goodness HI! :D I remember you anon! Thank you for the kind words! :) This is beyond alright; I loved writing your request last year, and I loved writing this one! :D I decided to go with Lee!Togami hehehe :P I hope you like it!
Be Mine: "Oh that is IT! Come here!"
“Byakuya…” You drawled, spreading yourself over the back of the library sofa as your friend carried on reading. “Can’t you put down that book for five minutes to entertain me? I’m bored!”
“No. If you’re bored, go find a book to read.” He carried on, unmoved as you climbed over the couch entirely, settling in beside him. “I’m sure there’s something even your small brain can comprehend.”
“Small-” You gaped, sitting back dramatically as you clutched your pearls. “Are you calling me stupid? Byakuya Togami, my good friend! What do you have to say for yourself?”
Instead of apologizing, he flipped a page, lips twitching into a smile. “The children’s books are over there. Careful- you might miss something.”
“Oh that is IT! COME HERE!” You roared, grabbing his legs and yanking. Togami barely had time to yelp as his book went flying, replaced with your mischievous glare. “Take it back!”
“Ne-eheheheehhhever!” You were tickling before he could speak, going straight for his lower set of ribs before he could shut himself up. “(Y/N)!”
“Take it back! Take it back right now!” You taunted, motivated when you saw him try to suppress his giggles. “Don’t fight it- just say it! You know you don’t really mean it, Kuya~”
“D-Don’t you st-art with the ni-ihihcknames!” He wheezed, arching when you moved to his mid-set of ribs. “(Y/N)-ahehehahahahhahahha!”
“You know the magic words~” You sang in a sing-song voice, easily evading his flailing limbs and vengeful fingers. “Come on, come on~”
“Pffft- aheahhahahaha fihihiihihiine! Yohoohohohu’re nohohohohot duhuuhuhhmb! Yohohohoohohu’re nohohohohohohot!” He cried out,cheeks pink and glasses askew.
“Do you mean it?” You raised a brow, pausing your fingers but keeping them hovering above his ribs.”Really mean it?”
“Yehehehes..yehehehs. Nohohohow geheheht!” Togami lightly shoved you off him, shaking his head with a hint of fondness as you giggled. “I hahahte you.”
“No you don’t.” You grinned, beaming when he merely huffed, failing to hide his smile.
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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anzynai · 5 months
Haiiiii :3
For the 300 event can I maybe request a lee!riddle X ler!reader and it’s like during a study break for the scenario maybe :]
thanks for sending in a request. i made this romantic, i hope u dont mind teehee enjoy <3
“wahahahahait!” riddle giggles, his defenses collapsing the second you start tickling his sides. you smile at him, chuckling.
“don’t tell me you’re already regretting this,” you say and he averts his eyes, a bright red blush on his face. you had been studying with riddle, your boyfriend, when you suggested a break. he responded that you two had just begun studying and you said that if you made him laugh, he would let you go on a short break. he had no idea what you were planning, but being unable to truly say no to you, had agreed.
“t-thihihis is cheheheheating!” he cried, his arms flailing about, though it didn’t seem as if he was making a real effort to escape.
“i’m making you laugh, aren’t i?” you ask, innocently as you scribble your hands over his tummy, gently tracing around his bellybutton.
“weheheheell, yehehehes! b-buhuhut not lihihike thihis!” riddle laughed, a crooked smile planted on his lips. he was so cute.
“you’re just mad you cracked immediately.”
“ahaham nohot.” you snorted at that, but stopped a few seconds later, feeling that he had had enough. you felt satisfied and positively delighted at how cute and ticklish your boyfriend was. he, on the other hand, seemed embarrassed but not upset.
“so.. that study break then?” you say, when he had finally caught his breath. he sends you a half-hearted glare.
“i think that was enough of a break for you.” he replied, opening a page from the alchemy textbook in front of you. he pointedly ignores your groan, but you suppose he was right. it was quite a pleasant break for you.
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hyper-cryptic · 2 years
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Buncha expressions from the ask meme!! Thank you all for requesting this was super fun!! And i'm very proud of these as well!!! yehehehe !!! ^^
You can still send requests if you'd like! these are so fun! :PP!!
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Middle Seat (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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This idea was sooo cute and so much fun to write about! Thank you so much for the suggestion and your incredible patience, as this is the FINAL PROMPT I had to fill! I'm all caught up as of this fic! Thank you again, and enjoy! ^^
“Move it, nerd!” Bakugou shouted over his shoulder at Deku, who was hurrying to catch up. The bus that was going to take them to their off-campus training grounds for the day was about to leave, and they were the last two to leave the dorms. Everyone else had already boarded.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Deku panted, sprinting the last few steps to the doors, nearly bowling his friend over in the process.
Bakugou turned around and punched his arm. “Get a hold of yourself, idiot.”
“S-Sorry, Kacchan.”
Once on the bus, the two stood awkwardly for a moment, trying to find a place to sit. Most of the seats had been filled already – all but one in the back. Bakugou strode toward it and plopped himself down next to Todoroki, who had claimed the window. Deku wandered toward the back as well, hoping to find another open spot, but no such luck.
The bus started moving, making him lose his footing and nearly fall in the middle of the aisle.
Todoroki poked his head around Bakugou. “You can sit with us, Midoriya.”
“Like heck he can,” the blonde snapped. “You and I barely fit as it is.”
“Because you’re taking up so much room. Just move over.”
“I’m not getting all buddy-buddy with that loser.”
Todoroki huffed out a sigh. “Fine, then you take the window seat and I’ll sit next to him.”
Deku was about to suggest that he could just stay standing, but then he remembered this bus ride was supposed to be almost half an hour, and he didn’t want to stand up for that long. He also didn’t want to sit in the aisle. So he waited quietly while his two friends swapped places, Todoroki scooting over enough for Deku to mostly be able to share the seat.
“Thanks, Todoroki,” he murmured gratefully, offering a smile.
“Of course.”
Bakugou grunted, shoving an elbow into Todoroki’s side. “You’re squishing me, icy-hot.”
Todoroki grunted right back. “Deal with it.”
“Don’t tell me to deal with it.” The blonde grabbed onto his side with intention then, digging deep, forcing the half-and-half hero to let out a surprised squeal and jerk away from him, sending Midoirya into the aisle once more.
“Boys!” Aizawa snapped from the front of the bus. “You’d better not be fighting back there.”
“W-We’re not, Mr. Aizawa,” Deku called back. “We promise!”
“Move over,” Torodoki hissed, moving back to his previous position to allow Deku back onto the small bus seat with them. “It’s only a half an hour. Next time get onto the bus faster so you have a better seat.”
“You think I wanted to be late? This nerd is the reason I was running behind.”
“Why’s it my fault?” Deku protested.
“Guys, don’t do this now,” Todoroki grumbled, getting irritated with them both, “or this is going to be a long ride. Just try to get along, okay?”
Deku was content to do as Todoroki asked, but of course, Bakugou was not. He pinched the icy-hot’s side again. “I don’t take orders from you.”
Todoroki bit his lip to keep from squealing again, but he couldn’t help the smile on his face. “Stop doing that. You know it tickles.”
“Yeah? Well, if it gets you to move over…” The blonde pinched him again.
Deku was nearly toppled into the aisle once more, but desperate not to fall out of his seat and incur Aizawa’s wrath, he did the only thing he could think of instead. He pinched Todoroki’s other side. “Kacchan, please just try to deal with it. I don’t want to get in trouble.”
Bakugou jabbed his ribs. “And I don’t want to get flattened against the window.”
“The seat’s only so big.” Deku mirrored his friend’s actions. “We’ll just have to live with it.”
“G-Guys,” Todoroki huffed, giggling quietly into the palm of his hand. “S-Stop, that tickles!”
“Does it, now?” Bakugou smirked, seeking out his side with renewed purpose and vigor. “Guess it sucks you volunteered to sit in the middle then, huh?”
“Nohohoho!” Todoroki pleaded, giggles growing louder. He slapped his other hand over top of his first one. “Dohohohon’t!”
Deku smiled. This scene had quickly gone from frustrating to advantageous, and he was enjoying every second of it. “I’ve heard you’re really ticklish, Todoroki. Is that true?” He also drilled a bit harder now, aiming for his friend’s ribs.
Todoroki tried to fold himself over in an attempt to escape, having nowhere else he could really go. His giggling was becoming frantic. “Y-Yehehehes, it’s true! P-Plehehease don’t—”
Enjoying himself as well, Bakugou found the hollow of Todoroki’s underarm and scribbled, smirking when the half-and-half hero threw himself against the back of the seat, one hand trying to push him away while the other stayed clamped firmly over his mouth. Even so, his laughter was unmistakable.
“Wow, you really are ticklish!” Deku giggled, squeezing at his hip while aiming for his other underarm at the same time.
Todoroki was frantically stomping his feet on the floor now. “Plehehehehease dohohohohohon’t!” he cried, doing his best to keep his voice down and failing miserably. “Nohohohoho! It t-tihihihihihickles!”
“Heh. This may not be such a bad arrangement after all,” Bakugou observed, grabbing the hand that was covering Todoroki’s mouth and pulling it away, holding onto the wrist firmly. “Go on, let it out. Let the whole bus hear how ticklish you are.”
Todoroki let out a distressed whine. “No, plehehehehease, I’ll do ahahahanything! Just stohohop!”
Deku grabbed onto his other wrist and moved even further down to squeeze at his thigh, grinning all the while. Todoroki tossed his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his teeth desperately against the flood of laughter that threatened to burst forth. He shook his head, struggling against his captors.
“Nohohohohoho, no – AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Finally, he couldn’t hold back anymore, his hysterics unleashed in a wild screech of laughter, drawing the attention of everyone on the bus. “NO MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Several of their classmates cooed at him playfully.
“Aww, he’s ticklish!” said one of the girls.
One of the guys added, “Listen to that laugh! Dude, I’ve never seen him smiling so big.”
Todoroki was flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn’t stop laughing. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!! MEHEHEHEHERCY!! GUHUHUHUYS!!”
“Get him, guys!” someone shouted.
“Tickle him good! He’s always so serious.”
“You could take it a little easier though, maybe?”
Deku observed Todoroki carefully, worried he might be distressed about this situation. To his surprise, he found that his friend actually seemed to be enjoying himself, despite the dark red blush on his cheeks.
“Well, would you listen to that?” Bakugou teased, lifting his arm above his head. “They want more laughter!”
“Tickle, tickle,” Deku dared to tease, blushing a little himself.
“Tch, whatever, icy-hot.” At last Bakugou let him be, and Deku followed his lead. “Just be thankful we can’t reach your feet like this.”
Another chorus of coos went up from their classmates, along with some scattered applause and general shouts of encouragement.
Todoroki groaned and sank down in his seat, blushing furiously but still smiling wide.
“You okay?” Deku asked him.
He nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.” Then, with an added giggle, he covered up his face. “I’m so ticklish. It’s almost unfair.”
Bakugou scoffed. “At least you like it.”
Deku and Todoroki both looked at him. “But…don’t you like it, too?”
“Shut up!”
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kazuimoto · 3 years
hi bby !! could i please request a fic of big brother figure joe and lee langa please ??? maybe something where langa's been feeling down and usually reki cheers him up by tickling him but his bestie is out of town and he tries asking joe but then gets too embarrassed about it ??? thanksies !!
big brother tickles
chars: ler!joe, lee!langa [platonic]
a/n: dani dani dani !! thank you for sending this in agjakgjhfd i love this prompt so much you have no idea . ghjfkdgfhs you're sendinG me into orbit || pls like/rb if you liked this ! tumblr isn't being too friendly bc i'm a new account sigh . all reblogs / comments are appreciated !! thank you hehe
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reki was known as many things: langa's best friend, sunshine kid, and resident tickle-monster. numerous years of fighting (tickle) war after war with his siblings made him pretty experienced in the area of tickles, and was no doubt very physically affectionate with his friends. hugs, squeezes, tickles – all these were 100% common in his relationships with langa (and miya).
tickling was not uncommon whenever the duo were together. soft squeezes to langa's hips (otherwise known as death spot 1), raspberries on his tummy (also known as death spot 2), and spidering up and down his sides (commonly referred to as death spot 3) were fairly common as well! needless to say, reki was langa's cheer-upper.
unfortunately, the redhead was out of town just on the day when langa had an extremely no-good, terrible, bad day. he had overslept, then was so disorientated that he ended up skating the wrong route to school – causing him to be late for class, which his teacher had scolded him in front of the entire class for. couple that with a failing grade in japanese literature, langa's day was the worst it had ever been for a while.
"kid? langa? you there?" the muscular man raised an eyebrow and waved, catching langa's attention and making him jump back to reality.
"huh? yeah.. sorry about that." his gaze shifted down to his untouched spaghetti, joe frowning in confusion.
"are you sure you're alright? you don't look fine. remember what kaoru said? to voice out what you need?" the older man looked at langa in the eye, the bluenette nodding.
damnit. he wanted.. he wanted the thing. the thing he always did with reki. the starting-with-the-letter-t-but-i'm-too-embarrassed-to-say-it-out-loud thing.
"...langa? are you going to tell me what happened?" joe asked, slightly amused by how spaced out the boy was.
what would reki do to get what he wanted?
"make me." langa stuck out his tongue uncharacteristically, the older man chuckling at his reaction.
"alright then."
twenty fingers scribbled up and down the blue-haired teen's sides, making him shriek and giggle and the offending fingers. joe laughed along with him, spidering his fingers on langa's knees and straddling him.
"nahaha- nohot my knehehes!"
"well, wasn't that what you wanted? i swear, you and reki are on the same wavelength." the greenette smiled, eyebrows raised at the teen lying on the floor in front of him.
"i- wha- joehehehe!" langa screamed with laughter as the older man started to blow raspberries on his tum, the tickly vibrating sensations forcing giggles and squeals from him.
'joehehehe' was the best tickler he had seen in a while – next to reki, of course. and kaoru.
"nahahaha- joehehe! stohohop!" langa wheezed, giggly shrieks dissipating into breathy giggles.
"alright, alright. are you feeling better?" joe smiled, looking at a panting, tickled out langa.
"mhm. thanks joe." langa mumbled, moving closer to the older man.
sure, reki might not have been there all the time to cheer him up, but at least he had others to take care of him and make sure that he was loved. and that was more than enough for langa.
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
OK I'll send you one more (because you're awesome)! How about "I thought you said you weren't ticklish" for Todoroki and Momo, lee Todoroki? ^^
These two are so cute platonically or romantically oh my gosh ❤️ Thanks for the request!
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“I thought you said you weren’t ticklish?” Momo smiled as she skittered her fingers along Todoroki’s lower back and sides.
She was currently seated on top of him, Momo wanting to work on her massage techniques and Todoroki offered to help. Little did he know how ticklish a back massage could be.
“IhIhI dihihihin’t knohohohow!” Todoroki held his face in his arms giggling away.
“It’s really adorable. And you’re not even trying to stop me.” Momo moved up to scribble along the back of his ribs and spine.
“Gahahahahahaha! Mohohohomohoho!” He lightly kicked his legs, still refusing to move his arms.
“It’s okay. I’ll stay nice and gently. For now.”
Momo continued her soft assault. She eventually moved to other spots like his neck and ears. She got a great reaction there.
“Hehehehehehe. Ihihit tihihickles!” Todoroki blushed.
“Awww~ it does? Glad to hear it.”
“Cahahan you gohoho bahack to my sihides.”
“Of course. Let me know when you want a break or need me to stop okay?”
Todoroki giggled harder, reaching back every now and then when Momo would sneak squeezes to his lower sides.
“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You react so adorably!” Momo giggled and squeezed at Todoroki’s lower back. Only this time, she didn’t stop.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Todoroki blindly reached back for her hands, only for his left hand to be caught and have nails ticking against his palm.
“Please what? Please keep tickling you?” She moved her nails up and down his arm, returning back to hand and drawing shapes.
“Of course.” She giggled.
She eventually moved to the other hand, getting the best reaction when she bent down to blow a raspberry on his palm.
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself again.”
Momo got off of Todoroki and stared at the giggly hero. He was all curled up and blushing a bright red.
“You really are adorable, Todoroki.” She helped him up.
“Thahanks. Do you think, maybe you’d need a little help every now and then?” Todoroki played with his hands.
“Sure. I’ll be sure to ask specifically for you.” She booped his nose.
They laughed and walked to the dining hall for dinner.
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infrequent-creator · 3 years
aaah that lee todo fic was so adorable 💜 would you write something for "how did you get up there" with mina and lee ochaco?
Summary: Mina saves Ochako from a spider & helps her confront her fear.
A/N: I apologize to everyone who was waiting on their writing prompts! I got 1/2 done with a ShinKami one and it got deleted so that curved my drive to write. But I’m back baby! hope you like the story!
Word Count: 783
TW: talk of spiders
“Ochaco how did you get up there?!” Mina awed, walking into the dorm’s kitchen. Uraraka was using her quirk as she held onto the hanging light.
“O-Oh Mina! Thank God! Th-There’s a spider on the floor can you please get it?!” She squealed, pointing rapidly at the counter. Mina laughed softly at her friend’s silly behavior.
“Oh my god Uraraka…all this because of a spider?” She giggled behind her hand at her friend.
“Hey! Don’t judge me! It’s HUGE!” She whimpered, still clinging to the lamp for dear life.
Mina rolled her eyes, turning to look on the other side of the fruit bowl. There on the counter was the little black spider. It was no bigger than pea. The pink hero couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Raka, that is the smallest spider I’ve ever seen!” She tore a paper towel off the roll, folding it a little smaller. She quickly smushed the spider against the counter, listening for the squishing sound.
“Alright girly, you can come down now. The big bad spider is dead.” She heard Uraraka sigh to herself.
“And…release.” She gently glided down to the ground to stand next to Mina.
“Want to see it?” She held up the crumpled paper towel, causing  Uraraka to squeal in fear.
“Absolutely NOT!” She shook her head.  Mina chuckled at threw it in the garbage.
“Thank you for helping me by the way.” The floating hero smiled as she grabbed her plated sandwich off the table.
“No problem, you’re pretty scared of spiders huh?”
“Yes! I can’t believe you aren’t! They’re so gross a-and creepy!” She made a noise of disgust as she spoke.
“What happens if you meet a villain with a spider related quirk? You’d lose! Can’t exactly be a hero when you’re clinging to a hanging light.” She playfully nudged Uraraka’s arm. She blushed a little and smiled at the thought.
“Then I’d have my friend Mina come save me with a giant paper towel.” She nudged back as the two sat on the couch together. The two laughed.
“Seriously though! You should try and work on your fear, just a little. So, you could at least defend yourself.”
“I don’t know if I could! They are just scary and gross!” She shuddered at the thought of the nasty bugs again.
“Oh, come on! Not all spiders are scary!”
“Yeah, name one.” She gave her a look of disbelief.
“Hehe. Well. I could just show you.” Within an instant, Mina’s arm slithered to behind her friend’s back. Both pink hands suddenly dug into Uraraka’s sides, causing her friend to explode into adorable giggles.
“Ahahaha! M-Minahaha!” She collapsed into Mina, her legs curling up. Her giggles were sweet and light.
“Whaaat? You said youu wanted me” A to show you which spider wasn’t bad. These tickle spiders are doing nothing but make you laugh!” Mina teased, leaning over the giggling girl in her lap. Mina’s nails skittered around to her cute tummy, causing Ochako’s giggles turn into sweet, high-pitched laughter.
“EHEHEHE! Wahahahait! D-Dohohohon’t!” She started to kick her feet as she laughed. Her feet accidentally hitting the table, sending her poor sandwich flying to the floor. Mina’s hands wandered slowly up her ribs, digging into them in gently.
“Noooohohoho! My sandwihihihich!” Upset whines about her sandwich snuck through her laughter.
“All these tickle spiders attacking you, and you’re worried about your sandwich?”
“Yehehehes! I was wahahahaiting for ihihit all dahahahahay!” Ochako playfully bat at Mina’s hands to try and keep her away from her ticklish spots.
“I’ll buy you another one sweetie, but you should be so proud of yourself. You’re laughing in the face of your biggest fear!” She smiled down at the squirming girl.
“Because they aren’t rehehehEHEHEAL NOHOHO NAHAT THEHEHEHERE!”
“Sorry sweetie, the tickle spiders told me they want to go after your adorable neck~”
“MIHIHINAHAHA! *snort* MEHEHERCY!” She was starting to get little tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. Mina took this as a sign to stop, seeing as she wasn’t trying to torture. She was only trying to tease.
“Hehehe...haha. Phew...what was that for?” Her cheeks burning bright pink. She sat up and adjusted her shirt, which had rode up during her ticklish struggles.
“No particular reason, just wanted to tease you a little.” She smiled, ruffling Ochako’s hair.
“Well your teasing cost me a beautiful sandwich!” She huffed, kneeling down quickly cleaning her ruined food off the floor
“Totally worth it, let’s go get you sandwich.” the pink hero helped Ochako put the plate on the coffee table. Mina offered her hand to pull Ochako up off the ground, throwing an arm around her waist as they walked back to the kitchen.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
The Crows and Their Captain {Karasuno}
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A/N: I’m glad you like my work, that means a lot to me! :D this one was really fun to write! the tickle spots requested were some of my faves, I hope I got enough of them in there for ya! I honestly don’t remember too much of the plot so i’m going off of the wiki with the end of season 1 thing, i hope it’s still accurate enough! I also don’t think I’ve written something with this many lers before oughh i hope it still turned out okay. thank you so so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Daichi’s feeling down after his teams loss against Aoba Johsai, he feels as if he let his team down. When the rest of his friends pick up on his down demeanor, they decide to try and cheer him up.
Word Count: 2k (under the cut)
Daichi sighed, looking down at his hands. They were calloused and red from all of his practicing with his team, but it still wasn’t enough.
He clenched his hands into fist as frustration took over him. He felt useless, he felt weak. He was the captain of Karasuno and he couldn’t even keep his act together for one important game. He felt defeated, he had let his team down and there was no way he could make it up to them.
Maybe I should just quit.
Daichi shocked himself with that thought, but he slowly began to consider it. He wasn’t contributing much to the team, all he felt that he did was get them pumped up for games. He felt like he was a mediocre player compared to the star first years, he could never even begin to compare to them.
He grinded his teeth together in frustration, clenching his fists harder until his knuckles were white.
“Daichi! Earth to Daichi!”
Daichi finally snapped out of his trance, looking up to see Sugawara standing right in front of him. He had his hands on his hips, pouting his lip slightly as Daichi stood there, staring at him mindlessly.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention! Coach Ukai wants us to do some more practice sessions and - hey, are you okay?”
Daichi quickly straightened his back and nodded, Sugawara’s words going in one ear and out the other. Sugawara frowned, placing a hand on Daichi’s shoulder and leaning closer to him.
“Listen, I know that was a hard loss, but you can’t let it get to you, okay? None of us were at fault there,” Sugawara said softly, rubbing his hand back and forth on Daichi’s shoulder as he nodded slowly. Sugawara smiled softly, about to say something more before Nishinoya yelled from the middle of the gym at them.
“Oi! We’re staring now, hurry up!”
Sugawara gripped Daichi’s shoulder tightly and looked him in the eyes, determination shining in them.
“We’re gonna beat them next time, we’ve just got to get stronger! Come on, let’s go practice now,” Sugawara said confidently, letting go of Daichi’s shoulder and trotting over to the center of the gym, standing next to Asahi.
Daichi stood there, Sugawara’s words barely registering with him. They could beat them again, but definitely not with Daichi as captain. All he did was bring them down… 
He walked over to the center of the gym, taking his position next to Sugawara who nudged him. Daichi turned his attention to Sugawara, who winked. Daichi forced a small smile and turned his attention back to his teammates on the other side of the net.
They played a few rounds, serving, spiking, and saving. Everyone was working as hard as they could, all of them fueled by their loss with Aoba Johsai. They played and played, balls hitting the ground as their fingers stung from the sheer pressure they were hitting them with. By the end of their practice matches they were all exhausted, barely able to stand.
“Alright, I think that’s enough for today. Get cleaned up everyone!” Ukai yelled from the sidelines, Kiyoko taking a few more notes from what she observed and handing them to Ukai, who quickly reviewed them.
“Daichi, can you come here for a moment?”
Daichi handed the volleyball he was holding to Yamaguchi, walking over to Ukai who was staring down at the notes with a frown on his face.
“Do you need something, sir?”
Ukai looked at Daichi and sighed.
“Look, I know you’re upset about that last game, everyone is. But you can’t let it affect you too much… You’re the captain, everyone looks up to you and you need to set an example.”
Daichi frowned but nodded, about to walk away before Ukai stopped him, quickly placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Can you send Sugawara over? I need to talk to him as well.”
Daichi nodded again and walked over to Sugawara, informing him to go talk to the coach. He nodded and quickly trotted over, standing in front of Coach Ukai as Daichi watched from the gym.
He looked around. All his teammates looked… fine. He knew they were upset, but they seemed to still be acting as if nothing happened. Hinata and Kageyama bickered as they took down the net, Yamaguchi was talking with Tsukishima about this and that, Tanaka and Nishinoya were playing hot potato with a volleyball as Asahi tried to get them to stop… 
Daichi sighed. Why could he not get over it? 
“Daichi!” Sugawara called, throwing himself on Daichi’s shoulders, making him gasp.
“S-Suga!” He said, fully surprised. Sugawara chuckled.
“Finally, some emotion! Hey everyone!”
The team turned their attention to Sugawara and Daichi, Sugawara letting go of Daichi’s shoulders and hooking his arms underneath Daichi’s, holding him up.
“What are you-”
“It seems our lovely captain is feeling a little bit down, what do you guys say we cheer him up?”
Daichi’s stomach dropped. He remembered the last time Sugawara was in charge of cheering someone up, and he quickly started to squirm as he realized exactly what situation he was in.
“Hinata! You remember last time right~?”
Hinata put his hand on his chin and pondered, but quickly perked up as he realized what Sugawara had meant.
“I remember!”
“Would you care to do the honors?”
Hinata nodded eagerly and the rest of the team watched as he skipped over to Daichi, standing in front of him as Daichi looked at the orange-haired first year in fear.
“Hinata, don’t!”
Hinata didn’t listen, and he quickly dug his fingers into Daichi’s sides. Daichi gasped and bit his lip, the rest of the team catching on to what Sugawara was up to. Hinata continued to messily scribble his fingers up and down Daichi’s sides and waist as he huffed, giggles starting to pour from his lips.
“Oh, I get it!” Nishinoya said, running over and immediately poking Daichi’s tummy, making him squeak.
The rest of the team walked over as Hinata and Nishinoya continued to poke and prod at Daichi’s torso, making him giggle softly. Sugawara grinned, Daichi kicking his legs as Nishinoya latched onto his hips, giving them a firm squeeze as he laughed.
“Stahahap! Suga, let me gohoho!”
“Okay! Asahi, Tanaka, can you get his arms for me?” Sugawara asked, lowering Daichi down and letting go, Daichi immediately going to push Hinata and Nishinoya off of him as the followed him down, still tickling him.
Asahi hesitated for a moment, but Tanaka immediately grabbed one of Daichi’s arms and pinned it next to his head. Daichi tried to push Tanaka’s hands off of his own so he would stop pinning him down. 
“Been a while since we last tickled you, huh Cap’?”
“D-Dohohon’t - hehe - Don’t call me that!”
Asahi grabbed the hand that was currently hitting Tanaka’s and pinned it above Daichi’s head.
“Ahahasahi! Traitor!” 
“Sorry…” He said quietly, though there was an amused grin on his face as he watched Daichi flop around, Hinata and Nishinoya on either side of him as they scribbled up and down his sides and poked at his belly.
Daichi shook his head back and forth, already overwhelmed by the light sensations on his torso. He kicked his legs around, almost hitting Hinata as Tsukishima, Ennoshita, Yamaguchi and Kageyama watched from the side.
“This is stupid,” Tsukishima said, crossing his arms and looking away. Yamaguchi smiled, poking Tsukishima, who jumped.
“You only think that because I used to do it to you,” He teased, and Tsukishima flushed.
“Should we help?” Ennoshita asked, playing with his hands shyly as he watched Sugawara command Hinata and Nishinoya to get Daichi’s feet, despite him screaming “No!”.
“Help who?” Kageyama said, a small grin of amusement on his face as he watched the scene unfold. Ennoshita shrugged and just continued to watch, Kageyama walking over and sitting down next to Hinata, who was struggling to get Daichi’s shoe off.
Sugawara, meanwhile, straddled Daichi and cracked his knuckles, grinning evilly at him. Daichi laughed nervously now as Sugawara slowly lowered his hands, stroking gently up and down Daichi’s ribcage, making him squirm.
“Not thehehere!”
“Why not? It’s my favorite spot of yours, you know,” Sugawara teased, suddenly digging his fingers in, making Daichi practically scream before intense laughter poured from his lips. 
“GAhaha! Wahahait! Suga, nohoho!”
“Suga yes!”
Sugawara continued to poke between each rib, up and down, paying special attention to Daichi’s upper ribs as his face went red from laughing, eyes squeezed shut. He shook his head back and forth, cackling as Sugawara chuckled.
“Mind if I count your ribs?”
“Too bad, I’m doing it anyway,” Sugawara said with a grin. Sugawara lifted his hands and Daichi suddenly shrieked loudly, cackling harder than before. Sugawara glanced behind him and saw Nishinoya squeezing Daichi’s thigh, eyes lighting up.
“He’s ticklish everywhere!”
Sugawara laughed.
“He’s been ticklish like this since our first year, isn’t it cute?”
“I’m not cuteeee! GYAahahaha! Nishinoyahahaha, not there!”
Daichi kicked his legs around as Kageyama noticed what Nishinoya was doing. 
“Hinata, I’ll hold his legs, you get his thigh,” Kageyama commanded, and Hinata pouted.
“Don’t boss me around!” He said as he did it anyway, squeezing Daichi’s lower thigh like Nishinoya was doing.
“PLEHEHEehease! Hinahahata, Nishinoya, anywhere but thehehehere!”
“We’re just trying to cheer you up, Daichi!” Hinata said, smiling. Nishinoya nodded, looking over at Daichi who was now a laughing, red mess.
“We’ll keep going until you’re happy again!”
“Stahahahahap! Plehehease, AUGH!! Sugahahaha!”
While Daichi was focused on Nishinoya and Hinata, Sugawara had started counting his ribs.
 “One, two, stop squirming! Oh shoot, I lost count, time to start again!”
Daichi threw his head back and arched his back, hysterical laughter spilling out of his throat as he could do nothing except weakly squirm. He wriggled around as his worst spots were easily attacked by Sugawara, Hinata, and Nishinoya, making him laugh helplessly.
Though he had to admit, he was feeling a little bit better by this point. He had forgotten why he was upset in the first place, probably because the tickling was blocking out any thoughts he had in general. Sugawara always seemed to know what to do…
Daichi suddenly hollered, throwing his head back and cackling as Sugawara leaned down and gave him a big raspberry on his tummy. Everyone looked up after Daichi had yelled like that, it was a noise they had never really heard before and never expected to come from their captain. 
Nishinoya and Hinata paused, along with Asahi and Tanaka as they simply stared at Sugawara who continued to dig into Daichi’s ribs as he blew raspberries all over his tummy.
“GAHAHAhahahad! Kohohohoshi! Stahahahap, pleaseee!”
Sugawara paused at the use of his first name, looking up at Daichi with a sweet smile on his face.
“Are you feeling cheered up now?”
“Y-Yes! Stop!”
“Okay! The captain’s back everyone!” Sugawara called happily, standing up and stretching above Daichi. Hinata, Kageyama and Nishinoya got up as well, Tanaka and Asahi letting go of Daichi’s arms as he immediately curled up on himself, rubbing his tummy to try and get rid of the lingering ticklish sensations. The team laughed playfully at him, Sugawara reaching down and helping Daichi up.
“You sure you’re feeling better?” Sugawara asked, his tone now slightly concerned as Daichi nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine… No, I’m not going for another round of that hell, don’t even think about it,” Daichi said threateningly as Sugawara creeped his hand back up Daichi’s side. He smiled and retracted his hand. Daichi turned to the rest of the team, rubbing the back of his head shyly as he looked down.
“Thank you guys that… that helped.”
Nishinoya ran at Daichi and hugged him, almost knocking him over. Hinata cheered and ran at him as well, Sugawara laughing as he joined in.
Soon, the whole team was laughing and hugging Daichi, all of them feeling cheered up from their previous match. They would be stronger for the next one, and they’d definitely win!
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unusannuscrap · 4 years
_Unus Annus_
WARNING: This is a tickle fic. Arms tied.
“Today, as you can see by the title, we are figuring out who can last the longest getting tickled.” Mark opened the video.
“This is gonna be torture.” Ethan groaned.
“So over there,” Mark pointed to a fence which Amy angled the camera towards, “we will have our arms tied above our heads and we will see who can last the longest in different spots.”
Ethan gestured to himself as he spoke, “Armpits, belly and sides, and feet.”
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
“Ha! I won,” Ethan exclaimed, “so... you go first.”
They walked over to the fence, and Mark put his arms up. Ethan tied the rope around the top of the fence and around Mark’s wrists. His hands ended up just above his head.
“How ticklish even are you?” Ethan questioned.
“Not like you, that’s for sure,” Mark teased.
“In 3, 2, 1, go!” Amy announced and hit the stopwatch.
Ethan lightly ran his fingers against Mark’s armpits. Mark winced at the sensation and turned his head closer into his shoulder.
“Ooh is this a bad spot? I’m not doing much.” Ethan joked. He began speeding up his fingers, and the quicker he went the wider Mark’s smile grew.
“Don’t hide your laughter,” Ethan continued. He started poking the hollows, and Mark broke. He was laughing now, and tried to bring his arms down. It became harder for him to stay, especially with his arms tied.
“Okay stohahahap!”
Ethan untied his arms and got in place for his turn. “I got you quicker than I was expecting, but I don’t think I can last that long.” Mark had gotten 38 seconds.
He stood the same way Mark had, hands right above his head.
“Ready?” Mark asked with a smirk as he finished the knot he had made in the rope.
“No,” Ethan laughed. “This is so much worse now that I’m standing here.”
“I know right,” Mark chuckled and took a step closer to Ethan.
Ethan pushed Mark away with his leg. “Get away from me!” He giggled.
Mark pushed his leg down and smiled evilly at his friend.
“Annnnd go!” Amy repeated.
Ethan let out a loud squeal as Mark started wiggling his fingers in the hollows of his armpits. “AH! AhahAhaHaHAhahA!”
“Give up yet?” Mark asked as he began more poking.
“I’ll beheheat yohohohou!” Ethan remarked, trying to hold in his laughter the best he could. He was determined to win this round as he didn’t think he’d be able to for the rest.
Mark tilted his head, “You sure?” He started making more sporadic movements.
“Amy, what’s the time?” Mark turned his head around to face the camera.
“I’ve got 36, 37, 38, 39!” Amy exclaimed.
“Ha!” Ethan rejoiced.
“I know I’ll beat you at this one so you wanna see how long you can go first?” Mark asked.
“Sure,” Ethan stood catching his breath.
“Ready Ethan?” Amy asked, ready to start the stopwatch.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he sighed.
“And, go!”
Mark started at Ethan’s ribs which caused him to squirm and kick his legs at Mark.
“AhAhaHaHAhA!” he giggled.
“Let’s try your sides,” Mark said. He poked each of his ribs as he moved his hands down right above Ethan’s hips.
Ethan froze.
“Oooh good spot huh,” Mark smiled.
Ethan shut his eyes tight, preparing for the attack on one of his worst spots.
With no hestitation, Mark began spidering his fingers across Ethan’s belly stopping a few times to squeeze his sides.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Ethan cackled. Out of instinct he fell to the ground.
As soon as he was sitting down in the grass, he realized his mistake. The rope slid down the fence a few feet, but stopped as there was a horizontal bar in the way. Ethan’s arms were now stretched above his head, and he couldn’t move at all.
“Crap,” he breathily whispered to himself.
Mark followed him to the ground, continuing his attack. He was merciless, never giving Ethan a break to breath.
“Are you done?” Mark’s voice was barely audible next to the high pitched laughter.
Ethan sat still on the ground catching his breath, head down. “How- long- was- that?”
“47 seconds.” Amy replied.
“Hell yeah,” Ethan said.
“That’s pretty good dude.” Mark untied his wrists. “But I can do better.”
“We’ll see,” Ethan smirked and stood up.
Mark got in place, standing the same way he had before.
“Ready?” Amy asked.
“Yep,” Mark answered confidently.
Ethan began running his fingers across Mark’s belly, poking and squeezing his sides. Mark just smiled slightly, mostly from knowing he would win. Ethan decided to try a bit higher, and went for his ribs. He noticed the higher he went, the more laughter he got from Mark.
“Just- gihihihive uhahahahaup!” Mark giggled.
Ethan realized there was no hope for him here. He gave a few last pokes to each rib, and dragged his nails up and down Mark’s sides until Mark had a longer time than him.
“Time,” Amy said.
“Okay here’s the score,” Mark did jazz hands and made explosion noises. The screen showed it was 1-1.
“Last round,” Ethan stated.
“I’ll go first,” Mark sat down and kicked his shoes off.
Ethan put his arm around Mark’s ankles to lock his feet in place. Ethan glanced behind him to see Mark’s head turned away and his face scrunched up. He smiled at it realizing he might have a chance at winning.
“3, 2, 1, go!” Amy said.
Ethan began dragging his fingertips lightly across Mark’s soles.
Mark held in a giggle, but soon after couldn’t do it anymore.
“Eehehehethan! Stohahahap- NO! AHAHAHA!”
Ethan jumped at Mark’s reaction and looked down to where his hands were. His fingers had ended up right underneath Mark’s toes.
Ethan laughed and started speeding up his hands, scratching the sensitive skin.
Ethan just laughed at his friend waiting for him to give up.
Mark finally pulled at his legs hard enough to release Ethan’s grip.
“50 seconds!” Amy exclaimed. “That’s much better than I thought you’d do.”
Mark glared at her.
Mark and Ethan switched places. Ethan was feeling a little more confident than he was before.
“And... go!” Amy said.
Ethan was laughing within the first second. “AhaHaHAhaHa MahAhAHark!!”
Mark moved his fingers quickly all over Ethan’s soles. Just like Mark, the closer the tickling got to his toes the worse it was for him.
Mark readjusted so his leg was holding Ethan’s feet down instead of him arm. Now that he had both hands free, he dragged his nails all around Ethan’s toes.
This killed Ethan, “MARK PLEHEHEHEASE!!” He couldn’t take anymore, and somehow found the strength to pull his legs out of Mark’s grip.
He sat there breathing heavily, and giggling from the leftover sensations.
“41 seconds,” Amy told everyone.
“I win!” Mark shot his arms in the air victoriously.
Mark kneeled down next to Ethan who was sitting on the ground with his arms still tied to the fence.
Ethan was trying to end the video, when Mark interrupted by drilling his fingers into Ethan’s sides.
“Thanks for watching everyone,” he continued to poke all over Ethan’s belly.
“And that’s for losing,” Mark said with a final poke.
Thanks so much for reading!! I hope you liked it! If you have any suggestions for future fics please send me an ask. I love talking to you guys and getting your opinions.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ooh!! I always love these! <3 I headcannon that in Scarlet and Violet, Director Clavell has a super ticklish neck >:3 students and teachers both will sometimes give him a light poke or a little tickle all the time because they love the little squeaks he makes! >:D and the person who does this the most is Tyme -@Magma-Queen
Queenie, my dear friend! *hugs* I platonically love you- Clavell is an absolute sweetheart and deserves all the tickles! I've gotcha covered!
“Director Clavell- come here a moment, would you? Something’s off about the lesson plan.” Tyme gestured him over, brows furrowed as she read over the binder a second and third time.
“Hm? Oh-yes. Let me take a look.” Ever the good Director, he put down his mid-morning tea and joined her at her desk, bending to look at the paper. “Hm…I don’t see an immediate problem, Professor. What seems to be the issue?”
“You don’t see it? It’s right there.” She pointed at a paragraph halfway down the page. “Right…there.”
“I…” He bent down further to get a closer look. At this point he was all but doubled over now. “Professor Tyme, I really don’t see the prob-LEHHEEM!” An undignified squeak escaped his lips when her hand came to rest on his shoulder, fingers brushing his neck. “T-Tyme!”
“Hm? What is it?” Her face betrayed her, eyes dancing with mischief as she wiggled her fingers against the crook of his neck, making Clavell scrunch up in giggles. “Do you see the problem now, Director? Everything’s planned out so meticulously- there’s practically no time for laughter.”
“I shehehehee whahahahat you mehehhahahan! Gehhahaha- We hahahhahahve to fihihihix thahahaht!” He grabbed onto the table, all but leaning on it as he tried blocking out her wiggling fingers. “Whahhahat do yohoohohu suuuhuhuuguuhuhuhst?”
“Glad you asked! For starters- we need to make some space right about…here.” She moved her hand to the back of his neck, earning a proper chortle. “Then we can rearrange the lessons here, here and here.” She went from scribbles to kneading to gentle pinches, all earning various bursts of mirth from the cackling man. “Then once we’re done with all that- we should have plenty of space for laughter. Don’t you agree?”
“Ahehahhahaha! Yehhehehes, yhehehehehes! Now ceehhhehahahse this behehehehahhahavior!” He pleaded, cheeks rosy and voice weak with wheezing. Tyme laughed as she pulled her hand away, gathering her things.
“Thank you for seeing things my way, Director. Now- I’ll be off teaching my class.” She nodded, giving him one last scribble before heading out the door, leaving Clavell slumped and tired against the wooden furniture.
“Yehehehs…hahahve a good clahahahass, Professor Tyme.” He sighed, shaking his head fondly.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Giggle Doll
Patton and Virgil sew presents for each other. The present Virgil gives Patton, is a doll with a bit of playful voodoo magic hidden in it. Patton isn't sure how to feel about it, but quickly warms up to it when Virgil uses it on him.
This fanfic is a mixture of Day 18, and Day 22.
Day 18: Holding It In
Day 22: Fingers
Patton and Virgil were sewing together in Virgil’s room. Virgil had just finished off the last bit of stitching on his creation, while Patton was sewing on a pompom. After tying the stitching and cutting the thread short, Virgil did one last look over before declaring it done!
“Hey Patton, I finally finished.” Virgil told Patton. Patton looked up and widened his eyes in surprise! Is that-
“It’s ME!” Patton realized out loud.
Virgil giggled and nodded. “It’s you, alright. It’s a tiny Patton!” Virgil told him, stretching the doll out and swaying the doll left and right. “Isn’t it cute?” Virgil asked him. Patton nodded his head. “Well...Do you want it?” Virgil asked.
Patton stuttered. “W-wait, really?! You want me to have the mini Patton doll?!” Patton clarified.
“Of course! Your own mini Patton.” Virgil told him as he handed Patton the doll. Patton smiled excitedly as he looked at the doll. It looked just like him! And it was so cute!
Then, Patton looked on the desk at the creation he made. “Here: I made this for you!” Patton told him, grabbing it and showing it to him. Virgil looked up and covered his mouth. “Oh my gosh! Patton…” Virgil took it and spun it around. “Did-did you really sew this for me?! This is awesome!” Virgil reacted.
It was a black beanie with cut up and sewn pieces of Virgil’s leftover purple plaid material! It looked like a perfect patterned replica of his sweater! Lastly, the top of the hat had a little to mid-sized dark purple pom pom sewed on. It looked like a Virgil-fied winter beanie!
“Yay! I’m glad you like it! I thought you could use something up your alley, that’s also warm for the cold days!” Patton explained.
Virgil happily put the hat onto his head. It was warm! But, it was also breathable: perfect for fall. Virgil fixed up the positioning a little and gave Patton a big smile! “It fits! And it dangles down enough!” Patton reacted happily.
Virgil gave Patton a huge hug. “Thank you Pat.” He told him.
“You’re welcome!” Patton replied.
The two sides hugged each other for a good 5 minutes or so, before finally letting go. “Hey Patton, wanna see something cool?” Virgil asked.
Patton nodded. “Of course!” Patton replied.
“Okay. It involves the doll, so…” Virgil clarified as he held his hand out. Patton quickly caught onto Virgil's signal, and handed him the doll. Virgil flipped the doll onto its belly, and pointed to the zipper. “This zipper on the back, is meant to hold a piece of you, or someone else.” Virgil explained. Patton nodded along, despite being both confused and slightly creeped out by the spoken sentence. “What I mean is…” Virgil paused his words as he unzipped the zipper, and walked up to Patton with his hand out.
Patton squeaked in sudden nervousness, and pulled his hands back against his own chest. “No! You are not pricking my finger for blood.” Patton let him know.
Virgil lowered his hand a bit. “I...No no no. This isn’t gonna hurt you.” Virgil reassured him. “It’s only gonna involve...touching your hair.” Virgil explained.
Patton’s face seemed to soften at that explanation. Patton brought himself closer and allowed Virgil to do his thing. Virgil brushed his hand through his hair, and lightly removed his hand. Virgil smiled as he noticed the pieces of shedded hair that had fallen out of Patton’s scalp, dangling off Virgil’s hand now. Virgil grabbed one of the hairs and dropped the rest, before bundling it up and inserting it into the back of the doll. “Oooooh...This is voodoo magic.” Patton said to him.
Virgil looked up as he zipped up the zipper on the back of the doll. “That’s right.” Virgil replied.
“Did...did Remus teach you this?” Patton asked him.
Virgil chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. More like I taught him.” Virgil replied. “Don’t worry Patton...I’m not gonna use the magic or the doll, to hurt you in any way.” Virgil reassured.
“I trust you. It’s just...I’m not sure I trust the magic itself.” Patton explained.
“That’s understandable. But the magic is only active if someone activates it. So if you trust me, you can trust the magic that’s being activated by me.” Virgil explained further.
Patton let out a breath of relief and nodded his head in understanding. “Okay.” He replied.
“Besides:” Virgil started scratching the doll’s left side. “This voodoo magic is more fun than threatening.” Virgil added.
Patton jumped and jolted at every scratch as a small smile grew onto his face. “Tihihickling? Ahare you seheherious?” Patton asked.
Virgil started scratching the right side next. “Yup. That’s all.” Virgil replied.
Patton couldn’t help the giggles that left his mouth or his slight wiggles either. It was bizarre! He could feel Virgil scratching his sides, but Virgil was standing a couple feet in front of him! And the scratching feeling felt familiar to Virgil’s usual touch. And yet...it still felt slightly foreign to him.
“Are you still scared?” Virgil asked him, walking closer to him with the doll. Patton thought for a moment amidst his short giggling and shook his head no. Virgil’s smile widened. “That’s good! That means I can do THIS:” Virgil lifted the doll up to Patton’s eye level, and made him watch in horror as Virgil scratched both his armpits at once!
“EEEHEHEEEEE!” Patton squealed in surprise as he doubled over and kept his elbows on his sides to ‘squish the tickling fingers’. “WHYYYYHEEHEEHEEHEE?! WHYTHE PIHIHIHIHITS?!” Patton protested.
Virgil giggled at that. “Oh No! PaTtOn HaS sQuIsHeD mY pOoR fInGeRs!” Virgil reacted sarcastically. “WhAtEvEr WiLl I dO?!” Virgil asked in fake, overdramatic worry.
Patton’s laughter only increased from there. Virgil’s rare dramatic tone has always made him laugh on its own! So Virgil tickling him AND using his dramatic voice?! Patton fell into hysterics pretty quickly.
Virgil enjoyed the view just from a couple feet away. Virgil gave Patton’s pits a break and moved onto the doll’s belly. For this, Virgil decided to grab a broken pencil crayon. Virgil quickly grabbed a blue broken pencil crayon from Patton’s pencil case and gave the doll’s belly a simple poke with the item. “How would you feel if I just…” Virgil tipped the doll so the belly was more angled to himself, and started drawing swirls from the outside belly and sides, to the x-shaped belly button on the doll.
Patton slowly fell into a giggle fit and struggled to keep himself standing. Even though this wasn’t nearly as bad as the armpits, his knees gave in anyway and Patton came flopping onto the carpet below. There, Patton clutched his stomach and rolled around on the floor like a puppy.
“Does Patty like the swirlies? Does Patty like when the pencil goes swirly-swirly-swirly-swirly-swirling to the belly button?” Virgil teased.
Patton tucked himself into the fetal position and let out more laughter as he nodded his head. “YEHEHEHES! THIHIHIS IHIHIS FUHUHUHUHUN!” Patton told him through his giddy giggling.
Virgil paused his tickling in pure surprise. “I- You LIKE this?!” Virgil reacted.
Patton’s body stretched itself back out as his laughter slowed into giggles. “Yeheah! Ihihit’s weheheird, buhuhut ihit’s fuhuhuhun!” Patton replied, not even afraid to admit it.
Virgil stared at Patton in pure awe. He ended up dropping the doll as he got lost in a trance, which resulted in Patton jumping and getting some giggles kicked right out of him! Virgil quickly snapped out of it as he realized his grip was empty. “Oh my gosh- I’m so sorry Patton! I hope I didn’t hurt you.” Virgil apologized quickly out of worry as he picked up the doll and placed it beside Patton.
“Ihihit’s fihine. Ihihihihi’m ohokahahay.” Patton replied.
Patton looked at the voodoo doll beside him and turned his body towards the doll. Using his own finger, Patton poked the doll’s belly button and quickly let out a guffaw and a giggle. “Hehehey! I can tickle myself!” Patton declared.
Virgil wheezed and covered his mouth with his fist. Of COURSE Patton would be excited about that! “Ihihi should’ve known yohou’d start tihihihicklihing yohohourself.” Virgil reacted.
Patton giggled excitedly and nodded. “Ihihi cahan tihihicklehehe myhyself nohohohow!” Patton reacted eagerly. “Buhuhut...Cahan Ihihi tihihickle yohohou?” Patton asked out of curiosity. Patton stood back up and quickly fluffed Virgil’s hand to get some hair. With a couple hairs in his hand, Patton grabbed one of them and opened the zipper. Patton used his other hand to fish around for the hair, and remove it. Once the father’s own hair was removed, Patton put Virgil’s hair into the doll and zipped up the zipper.
“Perfect! Now let’s see if touching this thing can tickle yo-...Oh!” Patton looked at the doll and widened as he realized what was happening: The doll’s clothing and accessories were changing to look like Virgil! The doll’s hair looked the same, but the glasses disappeared and the dad’s clothing had turned into a purple hoodie! “Wow! It’s you! Your DNA can change the doll!” Patton reacted.
Virgil widened his eyes. It was certainly a mini Virgil, alright!
“Hmmm...Let’s try it out!” Patton declared before tickling Virgil’s side.
Virgil gasped and immediately sprinted towards Patton and the doll. Patton looked up and giggled, before jumping out of the way and tickling Mini Virgil’s hip. Virgil yelped and looked down at his hip before sending Patton a horrified look with a wobbly smile mixed in. Patton only giggled more. “Ticklish?” Patton asked before scratching all 5 fingers on the doll’s belly.
“NAHA!” Virgil let out, doubling over before falling onto his side in the fetal position.
Patton gasped, but dropped his sudden excitement. He’s getting there, but he was being stubborn! “Are you gonna break yet? Or am I gonna have to tickle you more?” Patton asked him.
Virgil stared at him with a look of ‘HELP’ written on his face. Patton let out a short laugh as he lifted up the doll’s left arm and watched Virgil’s face go pale. Patton knew the exact spot that could kick his stubborn butt right into hysterics!
Patton scratched in the doll’s left armpit. “Coochy coochy coo!” Patton teased as well.
Virgil practically spasmed! “AAAAH!” Virgil shouted before covering his mouth with his hands. Patton was so close! One more tickle, and Virgil will be laughing! Patton lifted up the doll’s other arm and slowly lowered his finger towards the right armpit. Virgil watched this whole moment in intense anticipation before finally squeezing his eyes shut...
Patton’s finger touched down and tickled the doll’s right armpit along with the left one. Virgil threw his head back and finally broke: “BAHA- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHA-STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Virgil screamed and squirmed absolutely everywhere.
“Revenge sure is sweet!” Patton said to himself as he tickled both armpits.
“Ooooh, I know. But you were being rude by not laughing! You were holding your laughter in, and I wasn’t having that!” Patton mentioned.
“Oh, alright.” Patton decided and stopped tickling the armpits. Virgil’s laughter fell little by little from hysterics into giggles. The emo’s body untucked from the fetal position while his arms remained around his belly. Virgil was a giggling mess with his hair and makeup all over the place. It was kinda cute, to be honest.
“I love how ticklish you are. It’s very fun!” Patton told him.
Virgil soon lifted himself up onto his feet and ran towards Patton again. This time, Virgil managed to land onto Patton’s shoulders! But to try and remain the upper hand, Patton tried tickling the foot stubs on the doll.
Virgil shrieked like a pterodactyl, and swung his feet everywhere! Patton paused his tickling, brought Virgil to the floor on his back and laid across Virgil’s waist while tickling the doll’s stubby feet. “YOHOHOHOU-” Virgil sat up quickly and started tickling Patton’s belly and hips to try and get him back. And, he did successfully get a few titters out of Patton! But Patton still continued to tickle his feet, which started to drive Virgil up the wall. Trying to get someone back was hard, especially when someone was tickling one of your worst spots at the same time!
Virgil finally attempted to tickle both Patton’s neck and Patton’s hip at the same time. Patton let out a surprised guffaw, but quickly tried to recover and resume his tickles on the doll’s feet stubs. Virgil tried multiple other spots at once, but couldn’t get Patton back properly without being overcome by foot tickles and giving up! It was agitating!
Suddenly, Virgil remembered something! He sat himself up, shoved his hands into Patton’s armpits and tickled each armpit at a time super quickly. Patton squawked and bucked, and quickly swayed back and forth! “VIRG-VIHIRGIL-” Patton struggled to speak without accidentally laughing.
“You gonna break yet? Or am I gonna have to tickle you more?” Virgil asked, repeating what Patton said to him earlier.
Patton squeezed his eyes shut and tightened his grip. This caused the grip on the doll to tighten, leading to slight pain and asphyxiation inside Virgil’s body. It felt like someone was crushing his middle! It felt weird and almost scary! “P-PAT!” Virgil shouted, his hands starting to clutch his body. With no moment to lose, Virgil reached for Patton’s foot and tickled it as quickly as he could with his fingers alone.
“VIHIHIHIRGIHIHIHIHIL!” Patton shouted as he dropped the doll onto his lap. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Patton screamed and cackled as he kicked his feet around. Virgil took a moment to get his breath back a bit and quickly resumed tickling Patton’s foot.
As it turns out, Both sides had something in common: Both of them were SUPER ticklish on their feet! This ended up turning into a big competitive tickle fight to see who could last the longest while someone tickled their feet. It was soon discovered that Virgil was just a bit more ticklish on his feet than Patton, by half a second!
Then Virgil’s hair was removed from the doll, the doll’s features returned back to resembling Patton. That was a really cool, unexplainable feature that Virgil’s homemade voodoo doll possessed: the power of shapeshifting.
...Maybe there were bits of Voodoo magic that can be activated on its own...
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latovii · 3 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿💓💓
~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*~( ̄▽ ̄)~*yehehehe thank u!!!
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Angel’s Patience Is Limited
Title: Angel’s Patience is Limited Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas Summary: Ticklish!Sam, Ticklish!Dean, mentioned Ticklish!Cas; The boys are being annoying with their constant arguing. Cas decides to put an end to it. Oh, the repercussions :)
Original Prompt: How about Sam and Dean won't stop arguing about absolutely everything and Cas has had enough of it, so he "convinces them" to apologise to each other with a little help from his grace, much laughter involved? But of course Sam and Dean aren't the type of people to let things go without revenge :)
A/N: Thank you for sending a prompt ANON! YAY! Cas + Mojo + Irritating Winchesters = Tickles MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Cas has been around for ages. He had years to perfect his level of patience and learned many meditation techniques to help calm himself. Nothing had ever been able to break it before. So why was it, that an afternoon with the Winchesters could make Castiel’s jaw clench, hands ball into fists and make him bite his tongue to stop from screaming Enochian curses at them to just shut UP! 
I mean, c’mon? It wasn't that hard to try and compromise with each other. But, every time Sam had a suggestion, Dean snarked back. Every time Dean brought up where to stay next, Sam had a complaint. Every time anything came up, the boys exploded into another argument. At first, Castiel understood. They had been living in each others pockets for months on end with little to no free time and they were annoyed of each others constant presence. But now it was getting ridiculous.
Sam was on his laptop, looking up information on their current hunt, a frown on his face. He was clicking the keys to hard from frustration and it made Castiel wince every time. Dean was sitting on the couch, nursing a beer. There was a tick in his forehead, which showed how annoyed he was at his brothers constant clicking. Finally, he seemed to snap, whirling viscously on Sam with a snarl.
“Do you mind?!”
“No,” Sam answered calmly, glaring up at his big brother. “I don't mind seeing as I’m the one doing the research.”
“I did my part already, you’re the one slacking up!”
“I’m slacking?! Dean, all you did was check out the nearest bar!”
Castiel felt his wing twitch in irritation, annoyance crossing his face. He didn't know how much longer he could handle this....The Winchester’s voices grew in volume as they became more and more annoyed with each other till finally, Cas felt his breaking point snap in two.
“ENOUGH!” He yelled, flinging a hand out. Dean slammed into the other bed next to Sam’s. The computer disappeared from Sam’s lap and the youngest Winchester yelped when he realized he couldn't move. Dean came to the same conclusions seconds later.
“Cas, what the hell, man?” Dean shouted, head turning back in forth in desperation. Sam stayed silent, eyes narrowing at their angel friend.
“You too have annoyed me to my limit,” Castiel snarled at them. “I, an angel of the Lord, should have something akin to unlimited patience. How is it that two mortals broke it?!”
“I don't know. Sam just has that type of personality,” Dean hissed, glaring at his brother best he could. Sam gaped but kept silent for he could see Cas was honestly getting pissed at them even though he wanted to snap so bad.
Castiel narrowed his deep blue eyes at Dean, and raised his hand. Dean paused, staring at Cas with wide eyes. Before he could say a thing, tendrils of grave shot at Dean, starting at his feet an working his way up.
Dean yelped in surprise before clenching his jaw to keep the laughter from pouring out. Damn, he never should of introduced tickling to Cas in the first place. And of course, the angel knew all the Winchester’s worst spots.
“Cas,” Dean gritted out. “Knohock it off!”
Sam didn't dare laugh at his brother for he knew it would only draw attention to himself. Although, he allowed himself to feel a bit smug. Castiel didn't respond to Dean, only moving his grace along the muscled calves in a tingly way that made Dean crack a smile and a groan. He shot two more swirls of grace up to Dean’s ribs, moving them in a fluid motion that finally made Dean laugh loudly.
“Nohoho! Cahahas! Stohohop ihihit!” Dean hated how he couldn't move. He felt so vulnerable which made him feel so much more ticklish! It was insane. “PleheheAHAHAHA! CAHAHAS!”
Sam would of jumped if he could at the loud squeal and knew Cas hit the little spot under Dean’s ribs near his back that always had Dean cackling. A warm feeling settled in Sam’s stomach at Dean’s carefree laughter―despite the desperate tone―and wondered if maybe that was Castiel’s point of all this.
“Don’t think I have forgotten about you, Sam,” Castiel raised an amused eyebrow at the younger Winchester. Sam realized the warm feeling wasn't just from his fondness for his big brother. The warmth easily turned into ticklish pokes and prods and vibrations on his worst spot ever.
“NOHOHO FAHAHAIR!” Sam shrieked, giggles immediately bubbling out of him. He didn't get a warm up tickle or anything, Cas went straight for the kill. The grace zeroed in on Sam’s bellybutton, brushing against the rim before swirling in deep. Sam arched best he could, squeaks and snorts escaping him. “CAHAHAS!”
Dean could hear Sam’s childish laughter and felt his own grow as Dean teased the skin right before his hips. It kept coming so close before jerking back, always making him feel anticipation.
“Alright,” Castiel shrugged, shooting all the grace he had on Dean to both of his slim hips.
“WAHAHAHAIT!” Dean shrieked before falling into hysterical laughter.
“NAHAHA!” Sam screeched when he felt the softer vibrations turn into what had to have been millions of raspberries all at once on ever inch of his tummy.
“Dean, are you sorry for snarking at Sam 24/7 and being a jerk?”
“And Sam, are you sorry for complaining about every thing and being a, uh, bitch?” 
“Apologize to each other,” Castiel demanded. The Winchester’s continued to screech with laughter as they fought the ticklish sensations. When they didn't answer fast enough, Cas upped the tickles making them scream.
“DEHEHE I’M SOHOHORRY! AHAHA STAHAHA!” Sam fell silent, mouth opened wide, nose scrunched and face an adorable pink. His hair was like a small halo above his head and in his face.
“MEHEHE TOHOHO SAHAHAMMY! CAHAHAHAS SOHOHORRY!” Dean cried, tears coming out of the corners of his eyes. His face was bright red, freckles dancing with every single laugh, his green eyes glittering with tears and amusement and pure happiness.
“Good,” Cas nodded, letting the Winchester’s go. He sent last minute tickles on Dean’s tummy and Sam’s toes before leaving the boys alone.
Sam coughed, gulping in huge breaths while Dean curled in a ball, residue giggles escaping. They shared a look and glared at their angel. Cas paused, nervousness suddenly entering his system.
Of all the humans, the Winchester’s definitely made him feel the most.
“Sammy, we cant let that go unpunished can we?”
“No way. Let’s show Cas how grateful we are.”
“D-Dean, Sam, please. I was only trying tOHO HEHEHEHELP NOHOHOHO!”
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Thor & Loki, prank, caterpillar, silentlaughter!!! Thanks a lot
Loki loved pranking others. It was his favorite pastime, being a trickster and all. But his favorite person to play a prank on was his brother, Thor. He was so gullible and would fall for nearly anything. 
Currently, Loki was peering in at Thor through the door to his older sibling’s room. With a wave of his hand, he made a caterpillar appear on Thor’s shoulder. It crawled down his arm slowly. Thor felt a small sensation on his arm and he gasped at seeing a caterpillar. But unlike the reaction Loki wanted, Thor smiled and he picked it up gently, laying it on the bed in front of him. 
Loki huffed. Of course Thor would find the damn thing cute. So, Loki simply multiplied the number of caterpillars by, oh… say twenty. And they crawled and squiggled all over Thor and his bed. 
Now the god yelped and he jumped around on his bed, rolling around, trying to stand up. Loki let out a laugh, but stopped when Thor turned towards the door. Uh oh. Loki ran off down the castle’s hallway as fast as he could. 
Thor shook off all the caterpillars and huffed, grinning as he saw Loki running away. He took off after his brother, “Loki, where are you running to?”
Loki squeaked and turned a corner, slipping only for a second before regaining his footing. 
Thor was faster than Loki, so he was catching up quick to him. Loki wondered if it was stupid, but he couldn’t run forever. So he ducked into his room, turning to lock it behind him. But Thor burst through the door before he could do so, sending Loki to the ground with a thump.
“T-Thor! Wait wait wait wait!” Loki tried crawling backwards.
But Thor chuckled, “You think caterpillars are amusing, brother?” and he bent down, grabbing Loki by the collar of his shirt. He stood him up and threw him onto the bed before following and pinning him to it. 
Loki shrugged, “Well… I do actually, yes,” he figured he might as well keep his attitude. He was already screwed. 
Thor smirked, “I figured as much,” he cracked his knuckles and Loki swallowed nervously. 
“Remind me, brother,” Thor pushed up Loki’s shirt, “How ticklish are you?” he grinned and before Loki could get a word out, he was scribbling fingers all over his exposed belly. 
Loki shrieked but he bit his lip, not wanting to laugh and give Thor the satisfaction of victory. He shook his head back and forth, usually slicked back dark hair falling in different directions over his face. Thor chuckled that dumb deep hearty chuckle of his. 
“Not giving in?” Thor taunted, pinching sharply at Loki’s hips. The trickster jumped under Thor and let out a strangled noise, breathing through his nose. 
Thor hummed, trying to think of how best to tickle Loki into submission. He spidered fingers up Loki’s ribs, climbing them like a ladder. Loki’s squirming intensified. How about…. he lifted Loki’s straining arms and pinned them above his head. Thor then wiggled fingers in the air for Loki to see, to which Loki shut his eyes tightly and whined. Thor chuckled and he descended the wiggling fingers into the now open hollows. 
Loki squeaked and a string of suppressed giggles flowed from his mouth. 
“Just laugh, brother. You know you want to,” Thor was getting frustrated with Loki’s unwillingness to let go and laugh, “Alright, you leave me no choice.”
Thor leaned down and pressed his lips to Loki’s belly, first nuzzling his bearded face into the skin. That made Loki gasp and he finally spoke, choking out a, “No!” but it was too late. Thor blew a raspberry right in the middle of his brother’s small belly. 
Loki snorted and he erupted in loud laughter. Thor looked up with a wide smile, knowing he’d get to Loki eventually. And Thor continued blowing raspberry after raspberry, vibrating right against his pale tummy. 
“THOHOR! STAHAHAHAP!” Loki cackled. Thor joined in a few fingers to massage into Loki’s ribs as the raspberries continued. Loki’s laughter fell silent and he threaded his fingers into Thor’s long blonde hair, trying to yank at it. Enough! It was too much!
Thor chuckled and winced when Loki gave a particularly sharp tug after he nibbled around his belly button. That’s when he decided to stop. 
“Had enough, Loki?” Thor asked.
“Y-Yehehehes, you ohoaf…” 
Thor chuckled and he ruffled Loki’s hair, “No more pranking, hm?” 
Loki grinned endearingly at Thor and he shook his head, “No promises.” Thor laughed, knowing he’d get that answer anyway. 
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