dbphantom · 2 years
Thinking about Yamachang and his stylish af warpstrikes
I love you sir...
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calling4glaives · 7 months
Deep Dive Masterpost
We thought we'd consolidate our deep dives into one easy post for your reference needs. Let us know if you want any other master posts!
Around Insomnia
Caelum Via Hotel Roof
Nyx's Apartment - Part 1, Part 2
Nyx's Cork Board - Part 1, Part 2
Nyx's Neighborhood
West Gate
Yamachang's Bar
In the Citadel
Citadel Steps
Kingsglaive Briefing Room
Axis Arra & Sonitus Bellum
Crowe Altius
Titus Drautos
Libertus Ostium
Luche Lazarus
Pelna Khara
Tredd Furia
Nyx Ulric
Kingsglaive Uniforms
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Random headcannons for FFXV in general, because I would love to know more about it, and there is not enough info for my gremlin brain.
- I kinda see clan Lazarus like those who deal with foreign policy. Also lot of Lazaruses married non-galadhian, they just loves other cultures. (They are still loyal to Galadh)
- Galadh is in my opinion similiar to the Greek islands. Mainly few big ones and then lot of small ones. There is a definitively volcano. 
- Galadh is also known for its natural hot springs. Glaives definitively were chilling there.
- Galadh officially worships Astrals, Ramuh and Leviathan are the main protectors. There is also a very strong bond with the ancestors.
- Clans have totem animals. (Ulrics have coeurl, Arras have sabertusk, Ostiums have kujata, ...)  
- A beautiful legend is attached to it´s origin. Once upon a time, during a great disaster, there were a few animals that went to help humans to survive it. But in the process they have died themselves. Their human friends wheeped to Astrals about this woe. They heard their plea and united the man with the animal.
- Regis remembers all names and faces of his employes 
- Clarus hair fell out during stress from both of his idiots. The idiots in question are Regis and Cor
- Cor and Titus are actually good friends who are little shits together  (Glaives and guards are dreading those days when two of them are together)
- There is annual boot camp where glaives and guards measure their forces 
- Luche either doesn´t sleep at all or is having short power naps during day. He´s got nightmares about Galadh and his fallen comrades.
- Nyx hair and beard grows super fast, he needs to shave it at least every three days. He tries to shave it when deployed, but Nyx just gave up after that.
- Tredd´s got younger brother who is still in Galadh. Their relationship is sadly very complicated. But Tredd always sends him a birthday card nonethless.
- Axis is great at bargaining prices at the market, also always picks the juiciest vegetables/fruits. (I believe this is some kind of superpower)
- Sonitus has sharp teeth (they looks like shark ones), he can open cans with it or beers. 
- Pelna plays exceptionaly guitar and ukulele. Sometimes brings it to Yamachang for a spin.
- Libertus is suprisingly good singer when he gets little bit of alcohol into his system. Everyone always shut up and listens when Lib starts to sing. (Usually galadh tunes)
- Crowe loves to go on night ride with her motorcycle. Has favourite spot where she can see whole Insomnia. Usually sends gang a random photos she took on the way.
- Titus favourite place to relax is at top of Citadel at night. The night sky is breathtaking. He usually brings some alcohol to drink his sorrows and regrets away.
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garbria · 2 years
OT3: 15, 22, 36, and 37 <3
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Titus is the long suffering voice of reason for his two idiots. Just when he thought Cor was getting some sense, they meet Nyx and Titus despairs. He’ll follow them with whatever crazy thing they have planned, of course, but he’ll complain about it the whole time.
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
None of them get embarrassed by much, but Nyx is the one most obvious about it when he gets embarrassed. Both Titus and Cor can get flustered, especially when Nyx is flirting with them, but they both hide it well. When someone manages to embarrass Nyx, he’s not as good at hiding it.
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
None of them have traditional families. They all know each other through serving the Crown, but Cor introduces Titus and Nyx to Regis and Clarus as his boyfriends during one of Regis’ monthly family dinners. Nyx drags Titus and Cor to Yamachang’s to spend time with Libertus, Crowe, and Pelna. 
37. What do they like the least about each other?
Titus and Cor’s least favorite thing about Nyx is his lack of self preservation tendencies and his habit of throwing himself in dangerous situations all the time. They understand, and even respect his desire to protect his fellow glaives, but they don’t like it. Especially when he ends up in the hospital.
Titus’ least favorite thing about Cor is his absolute unwavering faith in Regis. Titus(in this au) isn’t a traitor, but he has his issues with the way Lucis is running the war, and handling the glaive. He joined the Crownsguard and then the Kingsglaive to fight Niflheim, not out of any personal loyalty to Regis, and he wishes Cor was a little more critical sometimes.
Cor’s least favorite thing about Titus is his habit of prevaricating, especially around topics he doesn’t want to discuss. Cor is a straightforward person, and he doesn’t appreciate Titus’ talking around a subject instead of just coming out and saying something.
Nyx’s least favorite thing about Cor and Titus is their workaholic tendencies. Nyx takes his duties seriously, but he knows the value of grabbing a drink with friends afterwards. He’s slowly trying to convince both of them to have a life outside of work.
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rikavirkow · 1 year
@somnus-lucis-caelum | Small Starter
Lestallum had been her big chance. There was no Galahd to return to, and living inside the walls of Insomnia as a refugee had never been the life for her. Yamachang learned of her big move and paid her triple in her last paycheck — good thing she never shoved it back to his face, because the beginning had been rough.
But once she set up proper? Her stall ran like a dream. Even got a proper name too.
The sign was a little worse for wear now. It hung crooked, and the days of fresh seafood and Galahd spice were long gone. Now it was only good for ration packs and gossip.
A dull electric hum of the lights overhead meant they were safe for another day. Or night. The long dark made time blur together into one neverending loop.
So, when the dark-haired hunter approached and waited a polite distance for a word, she had half a mind to curse him out and demand he come babysit the vegetable mush if he was going to keep appearing like clockwork. Last time he stopped by for gossip the bottom of the pot nearly burned — and they couldn’t afford waste.
“Uncle, you got this? Ta. — Hey, fancy man.” Rika stopped short of him with her hands on her hips. “Well spit it out. If I stand here lookin’ pretty all night it’ll get to my head, what do y’ need?”
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awlwren-writes · 2 years
For the Apophasis Character Ask Game!
Your choice whether for Maria, Helen, or both! #1, 16, 20, 27!
Finally getting around to these three months later.
Let's do both, since it's been so long!
1 Name or Nickname they hate or don’t use
Maria: Actually hates the glaive habit of using last names when they join. Worked hard to change it. She doesn't hate her family, she just wants to be acknowledged as a person not a bloc. Plus, it's easier to tease people that way
Helen: Is far more used to being family-named and doesn't mind it. Wishes someone would give her a nickname, actually. Or a real one. One time Maria called her "babycakes" as a joke and she was so confused and disgusted that Maria has used it (strategically) ever since, in moments of greatest impact. It's very annoying to be deflated from a fully planned rant by being called "babycakes", and she does get her revenge, though it doesn't actually change anything.
16 What food can they not make, but like to eat?
Maria loves sweets, but doesn't have the patience to make them, and any attempts at baking fall frustratingly short. So she relies on Nyx for her fix, sometimes with a little extra pressure when she gets low, and spreads out her treats sparingly as rewards for herself.
Helen is a great baker, but usually doesn't bother with confectioneries. She is great at following recipes and has learned to try some changes, but she usually relies on comments and advice rather than just freely experimenting. This means she is pretty awful at imitating the layered spices of her Galahdan or northern Cleigner friends' home cooking, and has to rely on them to pity her, or Yamachang's.
20 What have they done that they wish they hadn’t?
Maria watched her brother die of the scourge and couldn't help him. She would rather die than watch it happen again.
Helen regrets joining the Glaive sometimes, in secret. She loves her fellow glaives, and she knows she's making a difference, and the Glaive are desperately needed. But she didn't realize how hard it would be on her soul, even if they rarely have to kill humans.
27 Which groups or people at work do they dislike?
Maria hates the traditionalists who treat magic with a little too much awe and not enough practicality. While they insist on doling out mage-specialists in isolation or keep them locked in their research groups, more and more of them die. She knows it's not rational, but sometimes she hates the Captain and the King, too, for their casualty rates.
Helen hates the Guards who are a little too drunk on Insomnian pride, both because it's annoying and hurts her friends and coworkers and because it makes everyone trust her just a little less when her accent comes out.
Sorry I'm a little angsty today. Must be because I'm writing with WWFL. ^_^ Maybe I will be nicer later.
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galahdborn · 1 year
🎧 - You can telepathically communicate with your soulmate without ever having to meet. [ you have no idea how long i debated whether i should or not because ardyn. enjoy the mess. ]
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Soulmate AU || @inimiicus
When Nyx first unlocked the ability to communicate with his soulmate telepathically, he was understandably excited. He was careful at first, unsure, sending messages in hopes of a response. When he didn't get any, he was worried that he was doing something wrong, but decided to continue nonetheless.
In hindsight, he supposes that might've been very annoying and that his soulmate was frustrated enough to finally send a message back. Nyx didn't care at the time, too excited to know more. He slowly learned tidbits about his soulmate, but never enough to figure out who they were. They didn't want to tell him their name, though he had told them his own without hesitation. It didn't matter – he would take what he could get.
Time passed. He chatted with his soulmate often, even if a lot of the conversations were one sided. He liked whenever his soulmate responded, quietly admitted to himself that his voice was lovely. He told his soulmate of his adventures – his hunts and achievements. That once they met, he wanted to introduce them to his family.
Then Niflheim attacked and he fell quiet, part of him numb with the loss of his sister. He told his soulmate he was moving to Insomnia, which got him a response he couldn't decipher, but he left it alone. He eventually started talking more again, comforted by the fact that there was someone out there, supposed just for him.
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He really should've known that the fates liked playing games.
He had been on guard duty when the Chancellor of Niflheim came with news of the peace treaty and because he had found it boring, he had decided to send a running commentary of what was happening to his soulmate. The King looks like he just smelled something foul. No, seriously – it reminds me of the time Yamachang had come up with a new recipe and Libertus and I decided to have a taste. Let's just say that our bodies did not agree to whatever the guy had put in the food. Crowe compared to us to skunks and didn't want to be around us for weeks.
It was when the Chancellor had snorted lightly and had to hide a chuckle that Nyx got suspicious. Even more so when he met the guy's gaze and he mentally commented on the guy's attire and he saw his lips twitch.
Holy fuck, it's you, isn't it? You're my soulmate! Is that why you didn't want to tell me your name, because you're the Chancellor of fucking Niflheim?!
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hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
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@holyguardian​ | | unprompted birthday shenanigans
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Aerith could claim to know of the Glaive. She knew him in name, just as she knew his taste for beer and certain Galahdian food stalls. Though it was a superficial kind of acquaintance. Like passing ships in the night, she with increasing pressure to study hard to remain eligible within the refugee program and he with his relentless work that never-seemed-to-end.
If they could each other a friend, it was only loosely.
So, when he mentioned his birthday in passing, she almost didn't do a damn thing. But that wasn't the kind of person she was. Even someone at a distance, someone she didn't really know, they were deserving of a small piece of kindness on a celebrated day.
[Text: didn't cry over spilled beer guy] — Yamachangs @ 4pm???
Her pittance of a student allowance afforded Seifer a beer and a plate of skewers with spicy dipping sauce, which she presented to him like an absolute well-behaved upstanding citizen. "Happy birthday, Steve!" Aerith joked, grinning far too mischievously. "Sorry, See-far? Sigh-fun?"
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There had been occasional exchanges via text messages before, nothing too serious, nothing that really would make them any more than acquaintances. And yet - as was his nature - Seifer felt rather entertained by the chaos that Aerith seemed to bring along with her wherever she went. Be it on purpose or not. Besides, she had tried to make up for the spilled beer disaster and somehow whatever loose connection they had going since then had been rather entertaining. Dropping the hint of his birthday had more or less been an accident, if he was completely honest. His mind had already been wandering to the evening prior to his day of honor, Tredd, Luche and him planning to head to the Diamond Dust to get hammered and eventually find some nice distraction in form of other guests or even employees, if lady luck was on their side. However, even with mentioning it to Aerith, Seifer had not expected her to remember, much less reach out to invite him to Yamachang’s. So when his phone buzzed, signalling an incoming message, he pulled the device from it’s pocket in his Glaive fatigues, swiping it to life with his thumb and raising his brows in surprise at the message received. Not one to say no to any sort of invitation, the tall blond tapped away to reply. [Text: Crashing-Bikes-Into-Stalls-Gal] — Your treat? Betcha. Snorting a quiet chuckle, he stowed away the device again to go about the rest of his shift, before making his way to the place at the appointed hour. It wasn’t rare to see Glaives around here, although most of those that visited Yamachanga’s were of Galahdian decent. Seeing someone with features that clearly screamed Nif around was rare, but not unheard of. Soon enough the two of them find each other and he is presented with the specialty of the “house”, if one wanted to call it that, the cheerful congratulations affording the brunet a quirked brow before Seifer gave a low, rumbling laugh upon hearin his name butchered. “Seifer,” he corrected with a bemused shake of his head, grabbing the beer bottle and clinking it against her drink of choice. “But you’re not wrong about the fun part~” he added, before taking a generous sip.
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prynacle · 3 years
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Its been some time but I still can’t stop looking at the new Kingsglaive art and all the little details in it…
First of all there’s Yamachang’s pet Coeurl! The guy either has guts or that’s a domestic branch of the species lol 
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Imagine trying to pet it only to be zapped
Then there’s dear Luna sticking out her green tongue just like Regis did with the green soup~ So cute! 🥺✨
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Everyone’s new outfits! I love how we get to see a little bit more of Galahdian culture through it~
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Regis even has a new cane to match. Never out of style.
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That Kukry in the wall 👀 They seem to be more relevant to the place than I thought.
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Malbuddy appears too! How nice~
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If you look closely outside, there’s the Regalia with the guys outside 🥺✨ They must be parking to join everyone x))
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And then just above them is a nice view on Galahdian architecture…
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I just feel like going there, is such a pretty place :’)
Overall I’m very happy we get to see something new of the XV universe even thought its been some time since development finished. It fits that even now, I always feel there’s something new to discover from it.
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amidalogicdive · 6 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: M/M Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationships: Libertus Ostium/Yamachang, Tredd Furia/Luche Lazarus, Crowe Altius/Pelna Khara Characters: Libertus Ostium, Yamachang (Final Fantasy XV), Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Nyx Ulric, Tredd Furia, Luche Lazarus Additional Tags: Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romantic Soulmates, Romance, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers
A03 Story Found Here
Summary: Everyone is born with a soul mark. Dark lines that create a symbol, one that is shared by their soulmate somewhere in the world. Libertus is almost 23, and while most of the people around him had met their soulmates, he's yet to find his own.
Until one day Nyx tells him about a little shop that makes Galahdian food a few blocks from his home.
There is no one story with this pairing that I have seen - holy asdfghjkl. My friend Glaivenoct, and I have dubbed this pairing "Yamatus". Enjoy, lol.
This is dedicated to Jazzraft, and they know why... they know what they did, lol. XD
It was what made the world go round, this unending need to find the one meant for you. Over the years he’d heard many stories of love and loss. Those who had found their other half when they were young. Others who had searched for years or met their destined partner in their elder years. Sadly, some went through their life without their destined partner. Many believe this was due to an accident or some type of untimely death.
Having known friends who had yet to meet someone, part of him feared he’d end up the same way. It was a warranted feeling, having lost so many lives with the fall of Galahd. So, when Libertus looked back on all the near misses he and his soulmate had over the years, he couldn’t help but laugh.
They had grown up a village apart, close enough they could have met at random a million times over… and the near misses hadn’t stopped here. As they exchanged their life stories, both realized how close they had been the whole time. The bar he’d run with Nyx when they had both been younger had been a popular little stop, and Lib’s soulmate admitted to knowing of it. In fact, he’d gone there to have drinks with friends several times. When discussing their move to Insomnia, both discovered they had left Galahd within a year of one another. On top of that, he’d lived a few blocks from his soulmate all this time.
So many near misses, and it had been Nyx who had steered them to one another.
It had been late one night, after a lengthy training session. Nyx had mentioned some hole-in-the-wall street vendor that made Galahdian food as they changed, and they all had the following day off. At the time, it was better than going home and being alone with one's daemons, so they had decided to go. That’s where they had met Yamachang, or as he’d insisted: ’Call me Yama’. He had been a chef from the coast of Galahd. Yama wasn’t a big talker, but they did learn his family had insisted he leave the island nation with them days before the Empires final attack. Lib’s couldn’t blame him. By that point, their home had been a shadow of its former glory.
Regardless… they had found a friend in the quiet and at times grumpy, chef. Thus, he found himself added to the little group of Glaives normal routine. Whenever they had a tough training session, or if they had returned from a mission outside the wall, they would all find themselves gathered at a table by Yama’s shop soon after.
It was funny how things happened, and how someone could feel a pull towards another person without registering it.
He and Yama had gotten along splendidly, but it was easy to brush off the bond as friendship. It wasn’t until they had been going there a few months that the subject of soulmates came up. Now, in some circles bringing up one’s soul mark could come off as rude. Lucky for the small group of fighters, they were beyond intoxicated and had thrown all decency aside. While Nyx had declined to comment, Libertus having long known he’d yet to find his soulmate, the others went off on tangents of their own.
Crowe has been the first to offer, turning to show the mark on her shoulder. She and Pelna hadn’t spoken much, but they found themselves on the same team for their first mission to the front lines. He’d been the one to rush to Crowe’s side during an attack after a bullet from an MT’s gun struck her arm. Pulling at her uniform, Pelna had exposed her soul mark and found a match to his own.
Tredd and Luche’s story, as the woman went on to point out, wasn’t close to being as romantic. It had involved a few arguments, one that had turned physical, and Drautos yelling at the two of them to go to the showers and cool off. During their shower, as the two men continued to bicker, they realized that the soul mark on their left side matched. As it turned out, the two bickered so much because they were so much alike. A similarity that had made Crowe tell the men they deserved one another because no one else could have dealt with their shit.
Yama chucked at the story, admitting that he had yet to find his own soulmate. Crowe was the one who’d asked him what his soul mark looked like. While he had hesitated for a moment, the chef had tugged on his shirt to pull it down. There on Yama’s collarbone was his mark, one that Lib’s knew intimately. It was the same spot his mark had appeared. Pushing up from the table, he’d closed the few steps parting them and looked closer. The dark lines against tanned skin made it clear it wasn’t that it was the same spot, it was the same mark. Lib’s couldn’t deny it, he’d known those lines his whole life. He’d traced them a million times with his own fingers.
“Gotta be fuckin’ me.” He mumbled, watching as Yama’s brown arched at the reaction. It was all made clear when the glaive tugged at his own shirt, meeting his eyes. “Been lookin’ fer ya everywhere, ya know?” The words, whispered, as the man in front of him smiled and noted the matching symbols.
“I could say the same. Took ya long enough, you bastard.” Yama chuckled, feeling the glaive haul him close as they kissed for the first time. It was right, it felt like this was all meant to happen at that exact moment. They both knew they were a match.
Lib’s pulled from the kiss rested his forehead against Yama’s and smiled. “Sorry. Try not to leave ya hanging next time.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ll hold you to that.”
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calling4glaives · 3 years
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Here is a screencap (from @capsource) of the scene at Yamachang’s bar. There certainly are many little details that are hard to notice the first time around. What is remarkable to you?
Check under the break for a closer look!
[ID: Looking over Libertus’ shoulder at Yamachang behind his bar. Pelna stands nearby. The shelves are full of various dishes and supplies.]
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[ID: The same picture with areas circled and labelled 1 to 5.]
Here are the things we’re going to take a closer look at.
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[ID: Nine identical very textured brown cactuars in the characteristic pose about the size of a hand hang on the outside of a shelf.]
So, definitely cactuar. Are they dried? Pickled? Carved decorations?
What do you think?
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[ID: Three sets of three rings of what looks like bulbs in sheathes tied together by long stems hang in the back corner of the shop near the ceiling.]
What on earth are these? Seed pods/stocks from marlboros? Dried tentacles from Ultros? There are a lot of them. Any ideas?
Now we play Count-The-Li’l-Malbuddies!
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[ID: Close up of Yamachang with the Lil Malbuddy on his shirt circled, as well as the cans on the shelf behind him, which have the logo and “MBS” on them.]
We got the most easily noticed one on Yamachang’s shirt, but check out the cans over his shoulder. Could the ‘S’ in ‘MBS’ stand for sauce? Or is it just a reduction of Malboros?
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[ID: The window of the door out of the bar area he’s standing in has a poster with the logo and possibly also “MBS” half-obscured by the shelf.]
If you look behind the shelves, you can see a Li’l Malbuddy poster. Think Yamachang has a marketing deal with them? Could the "Fan Appreciation Special Movie" short actually be a commercial?
Please let us know what you think! Any theories, headcanons, or worldbuilding thoughts?
Please don't forget to vote for prompts! Voting closes January 12th at 11:59 PST.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaive eating habits and food preferences? Who cooks and who eats what and when?
Ooo, sure sure anonie! (even though my eating habits aren´t great either) This will also serve as reminder to everyone to not ditch food and water!
Again, so sorry for the delay on your ask. But lots of you had such intricated and complex questions. Hope you will like it, I tried to answer it in some kind of order, but then my ADHD kicked in so it´s little chaotic!
(Libertus possessed me so he could nag on all his idiots for not eating on this ask)
Just for some clarification Galadh cuisine is in my humble opinion mashed asia/mediterranean dishes. Which means lot of meat (seafood and fish especially), heavy spices, vegetables, noodles, rice etc.
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Luche has only two moods the normal and workaholic. In workaholic mood he neglects food and water (And gets scolded for that)
Purely fuctions on coffeine when in working mood
Sweet tooth, usually has in his pocket some chocolate or anything similiar (In Galadh is chocolate pricey stuff, and Luche was on cloud 9 when he bought some from his first paycheck)
Luche´s good cook when he´s got time for it (his chocolate mousse is a hit! anything he does with a chocolate is great actually)
when everything is hectic or Luche is just drained, some good galadhian take out or Yamachang saves the day
I am telling on Luche ... Again when in workaholic mood (after he gets scolded and Lib brings him some food) he tends to eat fast and on the move
You see, Luche´s got some refined taste buds. Which means caviar, red wine, oysters, and any other fancy food, you could think of (I once read a fic where Luche was being expert at red wine and mayyybeee little bit of snob, and it stuck with me)
Luche and his eating schedule ... it´s complicated. Like on day off he would have three full meals with a snacks. But with how he´s busy it´s hardly one meal a day
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Tredd is in my personal headcanon a gym rat
so naturally he´s got some cooking skills (Tredd can be creative when he wants to be)
always has some protein bar as a snack or some protein shake
Tredd learned how to make a homemade jerky, it´s pretty tasty (even Libertus said so!)
He speaks with his mouth full of food (it irritates me, because I sometimes do that too, when I am telling some story)
Tredd loves meat! Protein for his muscles is important. So steaks, or ribs covered in barbeque sauce are quite guilty pleasure.
as almost every galadhian he loves flavourful food with tons of spices
strikes me as person who doesn´t like broccoli (probably ain´t that fond of most vegetable in general)
I didn´t forget of Tredd´s fondness of hot chocolate with chilli ( still denies he likes that stuff )
has planner on his phone when he should eat (it helps him a lot)
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THE MAIN COOK OUT THERE! (No, seriously without him would half the glaives starved to death or eat only a junk food )
Libertus strikes me as a stress and emotional eater (me too Lib)
apart from being great cook, Lib mixes drink like no other (okay, Nyx is very close on that scale)
it´s probably not a eating habbit, but I can see Libertus having a nap after a good food
I support opinion that Lib is connossier (that man can say if it´s authentical galadhian dish from across the room)
"Everything can be good, as long as it´s properly cooked and salted." - Libertus Ostium
on completely different note: He threatens people to eat, because nourishment is important for your body to be strong and healthy. Once threatened Nyx that he would spoon feed him that food, if he doesn't comply. And Libertus really did spoon feed him.
obvi eats whenever he wants at least three meals a day
Libertus taste pallete is pretty colourful (Lib is like Gordon Ramsay of Eos XD)
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I believe Pelna likes to eat his food with a company ( a nice habit from his home that prevailed)
He loves fruit and nuts! For example papaya, apples, bananas, melons and grapes are his favourites. As for nuts definitively macadamia nuts and coconut.
Pescetarian - so fish and seafood, and other animal products such as eggs and milk or honey
He often brings the dryed mix as a snacks that he shares with everyone ( Luche´s the one who eats all the chocolate if it´s in there)
dear Pelna skips breakfast, just hates eat in the morning (feels too heavy and full)
boy is ice-cream lover! Pistacio is his favourite!
Pelna´s having bigger lunch, dinner and probably some drink with friends, I may add that through whole day he snacks
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Nyx drinks lots of beer or alcohol in general (I mean he was a bartender with Lib. Yet I can´t help but think that maybe drinking is his bad coping mechanism )
very proficient at mixing drinks
another troublemaker who Lib needs to yell at to get some food ( And Lib is 100% done with all of them. He started to cook more food and divides it into lunch boxes, which shares among them)
Like Nyx in kitchen is not bad at all, he owned bar with Lib for god sake! (isn´t probably one for the most complicated dishes, but whatever he cooks is good and edible)
was born and raised on galadhian dishes, so naturally those he cooks pretty well
but Nyx never says no to good pepperoni pizza that has some kick or burger with crispy fries and homemade sauce
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Crowe can eat the most griesiest food ever and not gaining a gram of fat ( her metabolism is too fast + being a mage is tiring and requires a lot of energy to burn)
and because of it she eats all the time, be it snacks or full meal
she isn´t fond of any vegetable salat (it makes her more hungry)
Crowe bakes and she´s dam good at it! We don´t talk about her cooking ... safety reasons
most definitively obssessed with cheese of any kind
green tea with lemon is SACRED!
hates black coffee like plague (is fond of hazelnut cappuccino tho)
has secret stash of snacks (chips, chocolate, bonbons, ...) no one knows where she hides it
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Axis as a right parent doesn´t waste food, so if his children leave any leftovers, he eats it after them
he´s trying to set good example for his children with right eating habits (but his night raids on the fridge are hard to miss )
every morning drinks black coffee with lots of sugar ( it could kill a man)
I do believe that Axis grew every vegetable and fruit on their farm (so he literally uses anything as cooking ingredient)
Axis actually does the cooking in their family. (he had to take care of himself) Those dishes may be simple, but delicious
Axis loves green pea! When he was younger Axis often sneaked out to the garden to pick some
was taught canning (pickles, blumes,..) and how to made marmelade (let´s just said that glaives are obssessed with that)
usually eats breakfast and dinner with his family, lunch spents at HQ with comrades
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Soni over there is also gym rat like Tredd
he puts protein powder almost everywhere
Sonitus loves soups! Especially fish soup, his dad used to make
eats fish and seafood frequently (he lived near the sea coast so), mostly with vegetables and rice
enjoys pudding too much to be healthy (he´s not much into sweet things)
Soni sometimes takes too big bites of food and hardly chews them (then almost chokes)
strikes me as a person of few perfectly mastered dishes, then anything else is just average or disaster
enjoyes fresh juices (orange or ananas ones) or smoothies
he may be busy with glaive duties, but tries to maintain some order in eating habits like breakfast is at 8 am, lunch around 1-2 pm, dinner at 7 pm
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if you though Luche and Nyx non-eating was bad, think again because Drautos takes the crown (hehe, quite literally)
Man survives on coffee and bourbon alone
his cooking ain´t the worst but not the best, he knows the basic at least (but mostly orders something cuz busy captain and all that jazz )
Titus + barbecue = The best experience in your existence!
Titus was almost whole life in military, so he isn´t picky eater either
his eating schedule is non - existent If Libertus woudn´t bring often some food to his office ( Lib puts harshly full plate of heavenly smelling food before him. " Sir, there´s a deal because I am this close to murder someone in this house for not taking care of themselves properly. So I will sit quietly in this chair and you will eat all this food on the plate. If not ..." *angry galadhian stare)
that man can eat whole chicken alone and still would want add a second
Titus loves homemade food + points if there is meat in it (those military food packs they get makes him sick, almost forgets how good food taste)
guilty pleasure is strawberry cake with whipped cream (his older sister made him always one on his birthday)
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lucianprincess · 6 years
Chapitre 18 : Préjugés
E.M. 753
Cela faisait sept mois qu'Aurora s'entrainait auprès des Lames Royales. Malgré quelques débuts difficiles, elle avait fini par maîtriser tant bien que mal le Feu et de la Foudre. Cependant, cela n'avait pas été une mince affaire. Elle s'était brûlée à plusieurs reprises, et quand bien même elle est voulu le dissimuler, elle n'avait pas eu d'autre choix que de faire soigner ses blessures puisque de ses camarades l'emmenaient de force voir le médecin.
Durant l'été, Aurora profitait de l'absence de cours pour passer davantage de temps sur le peaufinage de ses techniques de combat. Ce jour là, Nyx et elle travaillaient sur la création d'un bouclier de protection. Mais ce dernier étant fait d'une structure cristalline similaire à la glace, ce fut un jeu d'enfant pour la jeune Princesse que de reproduire l'exercice.
— C'est vrai que vous maitrisez la glace à la perfection... J'aurai peut être dû commencer par là votre formation.
Le jeune homme rit d'auto dérision, ce qui fit sourire la demoiselle.
— Vous vous sentez prête de le tester en situation de combat?
— Allons-y.
Ils s'écartèrent un peu l'un de l'autre, se concentrant. Puis, d'un geste vif, Nyx attrapa sa dague accrochée dans son dos et la lança en direction de la jeune femme pour arriver au corps à corps. Aurora n'eut qu'une fraction de seconde pour réagir et parer son attaque. Elle plaça ses mains devant elle et un bouclier cristallin se forma, arrêtant net la lame de son tuteur. Ce dernier sourit, satisfait de son élève.
— Très bien!
Alors qu'il allait revenir à l'assaut, Nyx aperçut Crowe, Libertus, Luche et Pelna se rapprocher d'eux. Il rangea sa dague, observant rapidement le ciel et réalisa que la nuit commençait à tomber. La jeune Princesse fit disparaître son bouclier et se tourna vers ses camarades.
— On allait manger un morceau en ville. Ca vous tente?
Nyx opina, se tournant vers Aurora, souriant.
— Vous venez avec nous?
— Avec plaisir.
Elle lui sourit en retour et tous prirent la direction de la sortie du terrain d'entraînement. Sur le chemin, la jeune fille envoya un SMS à son père pour le prévenir de ne pas l’attendre pour le dîner. Ils marchèrent jusqu'à la station de métro la plus proche et prirent la rame en direction d'une partie de la ville qu'Aurora n'avait pas l'habitude de fréquenter. Celle des réfugiés de Galahd. Au bout de plusieurs minutes de trajet, ils arrivèrent dans les quartiers modestes, loin de la Citadelle. Ils sortirent du métro, arpentèrent quelques traverses avant de rejoindre une petite terrasse où se trouvait le Malbo Smul, un restaurant de rue spécialisé dans la cuisine Galahdienne.
— Bienvenue dans notre repaire, Princesse!
Yamachang, le restaurateur jovial, les accueillit comme à son habitude.
— Ah! Bonjour à vous! Je vous sers la même chose que d'habitude?
— Yep! Tournée de brochettes et de bière pour tout le monde!
Nyx marqua une pause réalisant que, malgré les apparences, la jeune Princesse n'était pas majeure et qu'il n'avait aucune envie d'être enfermé ou mise à pied pour quelconque atteinte à sa personne. Il porta son attention sur elle.
— Hmm... Je ne sais pas si la bière est une bonne idée pour vous...
— Ce n’est pas trop mon truc de toute façon.  Je prendrai de l'Ebony, s’il y en a.
— Six brochettes, cinq bières et un Ebony! Ca roule!
Les Lames Royales s'intallèrent autour de la table en attendant leurs plats et commencèrent à discuter.
— Ca doit vous changer des quartiers huppés.
— C'est... différent. C'est vrai.
— C'est sur que la vie ici n'a rien de bien luxuriante comparée à celle à la Citadelle.
— Vous devez avoir la vie facile, avec tous ces servants prêts à répondre au moindre de vos désirs.
— Ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez...
— Oh... Vraiment, Princesse? Votre vie doit être bien plus douce que nous autres.
— Luche...
Nyx fusilla du regard Luche tandis que le restaurateur leur apporta leur repas. Aurora attrapa sa canette d'Ebony et la fixa sans vraiment la regarder en fronçant les sourcils. Crowe soupira et vint poser une main réconfortante sur l’épaule de la demoiselle. Cette dernière repris la parole, d'un ton détaché.
— Ce n’est pas parce que l’on est de la famille royale que notre vie est douce, Luche. De par mon sang, je suis née pour épauler mon frère quoi qu’il arrive lorsqu'il sera sur le trône et rien ne dérogera à cette règle immuable. Pensez-vous que de savoir votre avenir tout tracé, sans possibilité de sortir du chemin, soit plaisant?
Elle releva son regard vers Luche, ayant perdu la douceur qu’on lui connaissait.
—  Depuis mon enfance, je sais qu’il y a des choses auxquelles que je ne n’aurai jamais la chance de connaître. Toutes les petites filles rêvent de ce qu’elles voudront faire plus tard. Pas moi. J’ai toujours évité d’y songer pour ne pas souffrir inutilement. Alors oui, votre vie ici n'a peut être rien de luxuriante, mais au moins vous êtes libre de faire ce que bon vous semble. Et même si j’ai accepté depuis longtemps les devoirs et obligations qui m’incombent, je vous envie pour ça.
— Épargnez-nous votre crise existentielle, Princesse! Il n'empêche que vous êtes bien mieux lotis que certains. Ce n’est pas vous qui avait vu votre pays se faire ravager par la guerre.
Aurora plissa les yeux, ne lâchant pas son interlocuteur des yeux.
— Effectivement, je n’ai pas vécu la même chose que vous. Croyez bien que je suis navrée pour ce qui est arrivé à Galahd. Mais j’étais présente à Tenebrae quand Niflheim l’a annexé. J’ai vu mourir sous mes yeux la Reine Sylva et ainsi que plusieurs personnes présentes sous le feu impérial alors que je n’avais que sept ans. Que l’on soit de la haute société ou simple citoyen ne change rien à ces atrocités. Elles marquent et traumatisent.
Supportant de moins en moins la tension qui était en train de s’installer, Crowe se racla la gorge et vint tenter de changer de sujet.
— Bien, et sinon comment se passe cette formation chez nous?
La jeune Princesse détourna son attention vers elle, non mécontente de parler d’autre chose. Nyx jeta un regard à Luche en secouant la tête avec dépit, tandis que celui-ci leva légèrement les épaules. Le repas se déroula dans une ambiance un peu plus détendue et chaleureuse. A la fin du repas et vu l’heure avancée de la soirée, Nyx se proposa pour raccompagner Aurora chez elle. Ignorant d’un geste de la main les railleries de ses camarades, il fit le chemin inverse avec elle. Assis l’un en face de l’autre dans le métro, alors que la jeune Princesse regardait à travers la vitre, la Lame Royale l’observait avec un mince sourire nostalgique. Elle l’aperçut dans le reflet et tourna la tête vers lui.
— Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
— Vous me faites parfois penser à ma soeur.
— A t’entendre, je comprends qu’elle n’est plus de ce monde?
Nyx opina doucement.
— Je n’ai malheureusement pas pu la sauver lors de l’assaut de Niflheim sur Galahd.
— J’en suis sincèrement désolée.
Elle esquissa un petit sourire réconfortant.
— Merci encore de me raccompagner. J’aurai très bien pu rentrer seule, une fois de plus.
— Je préfère m’assurer que vous rentriez en un seul morceau. On ne sait jamais ce qu’il peut trainer dans les rues à la nuit tombée.
— Attention! Je pourrais finir par y prendre goût!
Nyx s’esclaffa, amusé par la remarque de la jeune fille qui rit de concert avec lui.
— Commençant à vous connaître, ça m’étonnerait fort!
— Dommage! J’aurai essayé!
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garbria · 2 years
Because I want all your CorNyx kisses, how about 31? ♥️
31. …after a small rejection
Cor put his hand over his eyes and made himself take a deep breath. As satisfying as screaming would feel, he didn’t need the attention it would bring. The last few days had been an absolute clusterfuck and it didn’t seem like things were going to get better any time soon. 
The fucking council.
Not that Cor wanted Regis to act like his asshole father, but sometimes he wished Regis would put the fear of himself in them so they stopped making his life more difficult. Or at least let him tell them to go fuck themselves.
Rumors of Niff agent activity had been rampant, and Monica had their people working all shifts tracking every available lead. Which left him to deal with the panicking council members, who were convinced there must be Niff assassins lurking around every corner to kill them in their sleep. Every available guard not tracking down actual leads was being assigned to bolster security to stop their whining. It had been a while since the guard was so stretched and Cor didn’t miss it. 
He’d actually been sleeping on the couch in his office for the past two days to keep on top of things, which was doing his back no favors. He’d asked Drautos for some assistance from the glaive, but most of them were out in the field on some offensive. Drautos had assigned the ones that he had available, but the ones with proper clearance were few and far between. And he couldn’t put them on security for the council members without making everything worse.
He needed a nap, in an actual bed. But he wasn’t going to get one, not anytime soon. 
There was a knock on his door, and Cor scrubbed at his face before lifting his head. He hoped he didn’t look as wiped as he felt.
“Come in!”
Nyx walked through, smile on his face. “Hey, stranger. Long time no see.”
Cor’s lips twitched upward without his input. Nyx had been away on a mission for weeks, and Cor had lost track of when he was due back. It was good to see him.
“Do you want to go grab some dinner? We could try out that new restaurant, see if the seafood is as good as advertised. Or maybe Yamachang’s instead? Though the others would probably be all up in our business if we went there. I hear there’s a new bar a few blocks from here, we could see how bad their Galahdan whiskey is.”
Cor frowned as Nyx went on, cheerfully listing their options as the pressure behind his eyes spiked. He was happy to see Nyx, truly he was, but his energy was just making him more exhausted.
“Nyx!” Cor snapped. “Stop! I don’t have time for any of that!”
Nyx froze, hands still in the air where they had been gesturing. Cor watched as Nyx’s expression shuttered, burying the genuine happiness under a polite mask.
“Of course, I know you’re busy. I’m sorry, I’ll let you get back to work.” Nyx backed up slowly, polite smile never leaving his face.
Cor grimaced as shame stabbed through him. Nyx didn’t deserve to have Cor take out his frustrations on him. He stood and reached out to grab Nyx before he could leave.
“Nyx, I’m sorry.” Cor moved his hand from Nyx’s arm to his shoulder. “You didn’t deserve that. It’s been a long fucking week, and I wish I had time to welcome you back like I want, but things are insane.” He shook his head.
“I can see you’re tired.” Nyx’s smile this time was more genuine. “I’m sorry for coming at you with all these plans when you’re so swamped.”
Cor shook his head and gave into temptation. He leaned in to kiss Nyx while running his fingers through his braids. He pulled away to rest their foreheads together. “I did miss you.”
Nyx huffed. “I missed you, too, clearly. We can try one of those places when things have calmed down.” Nyx brushed a hand over his cheek. “Until then, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Have you eaten?”
Cor shook his head sheepishly.
Nyx sighed. “No wonder you’re a little grumpy. I’ll be right back with something from the mess hall, lay down on your couch and close your eyes until I get back.”
Cor let Nyx push him towards the couch, but pulled him down for one last kiss before letting him out the door. 
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: The Little Things
In which the young glaives all share 1 braincell with an overactive imagination during down time and ends up with a beautiful misunderstanding. Please note that they are also, unreliable narrators.
Borderline OOC crack because this group is wild like that and I needed something stupid, hence this ficlet.I’m going to go back into my hiding hole now.
“I’ve figured it out.”
“You are dating a criminal.”
Nyx spits out his beer, and glares at Libertus,“ What- Libs?!”
“Its either that or you became a sugar baby.” Libertus declares darkly.These are the things you never wish to tear out of your childhood friend. However, considering all the meagre bits that Libertus can squeeze out of Nyx, it was the only logical conclusion he could get.
Nyx Ulric stares at his old friend and comrade dumbly like he’s stupid.
Here in their quiet corner at Yamachang’s, the crew of four are decompressing after yet another deployment. The Galahdian owner himself too busy yelling at his neighbouring vendor for tripping his power cable, again.
“Huh.That sounds retarded but kinda makes sense. ” Crowe wonders aloud blinks with a brow raised at Nyx, who is blinking at Libertus’ outrageous declaration stupidly. Her interest peaked, before taking out her cell and typing in something. Pelna though, has blanked out completely.
“What are you doing?” Libertus turns to her and peers over her shoulder. “The hell!? Crowe!”
“Moogling how to get him a fake passport and ID out. Lestallum sounds safe. Or maybe we should get plastic sur-“
“No! We’re not doing that! We’re Glaives and thats illegal!” Libertus snaps and slaps down the young mage’s phone on the table,“I just want to tell you, I’ve connected the dots anyway-” The bigger Galahdian replies blandly.
“You’ve connected shit. What are you idiots up to?” Luche calls out as he joins the crew along with a couple of other Glaives in tow.
“We’re talking about our Hero’s mysterious lover.” Pelna starts. A few whistles and laughter rose at that.
“And we also think that he’s dating a criminal.”
Silence drops before chaos breaks out amongst the platoon.
“Just-hold on! How did we even get to this conclusion?!” Nyx yells at the group who starts up a heated debate.
“Okay, hear me out. So-“ Libertus pauses for a swig, “You only told us that he’s a dude, earns enough, their job makes them travel, a rather good fighter and quite a looker and YES. I . Know. Your standards. AND! We know he might have killed a man or two. So, you put A and B, you get a damn criminal-”
“You get shit! When did you see him kill someone huh!?” Nyx jabs a pointy skewer violently over, which Libertus simply shoves away.
“He’s not denying he CAN kill!” Someone shouts from the back, earning them a finger from Nyx.
“You got us all drinks when we went to the new club! The hostess came to you and went all ‘Hey handsome! Courtesy of your sweetheart’! And you took it with thanks! Like, you knew all along we had free drinks coming!”
“Weren’t you drunk on the floor by then? Also, I’m not going to be turning down free shots even if they are from someone else!”
“Didn’t the same hostess tell us not to take both trays, said the other one was for the VIP table next door and its spiked, and we all laughed?” Minos, one of Nyx’s fellow kinsmen, mutters wryly and receives sudden attention from the Glaives who fall silent once more.
“Oh so Nyx’s sugar daddy was the one who bought us drinks?” A new glaive, pipes up while munching on a cracker.
“Thats it?! Thats your takeaway from all this? Not the fact that Nyx’s sugar daddy bought us Glaives shots and poisoned the civvies next door?” Kaia, one of the Galahdian ladies, barks grimly.
“What?!” Now even Luche looks constipated, and Luche doesn’t give a shit about anything outside of work.
“Will you please stop calling him that?! We both share the expenses!” Nyx groans, mentally exhausted with this lot who are all ignoring him in favour of something juicier.
“I’m was going to take a piss and saw some of the VIPs next table. Then I saw some were on News at 9 the next day, said that their death is still pending investigation. I checked. Its some rich bloke and a private banker involved in some money laundering thing and stuff awhile ago. ” Minos finally lays out his findings to his audience.
“C-Could it be just a coincidence?” Pelna, ever the optimist.
“See! Criminal! You can’t tell me all this secrecy is normal!” Libertus exclaims helplessly.“Then that one place you went for a date-“
“I knew it! So you lot really were the ones that stalked me then?! Ifrit’s bloody dick, what the fuck is friendship even at this point?!” Nyx throws his hand up in frustration and glares at his platoon.
“We were worried, dumbass.” Crowe rolls her eyes and sips her soda. “Though I have to admit, you managed to shake us off every time. Can’t even even track your partner either, like he’s never there whenever we tried to stake him out. Impressive.”
“That’s not the point! The point is that we found out that area you went for your date down by South Gate is run by Lucian gang members. Legit, proper, fucking, gangsters who doesn’t give a shit about the law! You had told us that your boyfriend said it was a place run by a ‘family friend’!” Libertus yells, earning them another round of roars from their comrades.
“It was! And the food is actually good!” Nyx tries retort but the Glaives are not having it.
“You don’t just simply vanish from a Kingsglaive! Or get connections like that! Libs is right! I bet he is a gang leader!” one of the glaives yells.
“Am I the only one paying attention to the fact its a restaurant run by a gangster?” Pelna mutters dryly to Crowe beside him.
“The people there have mad tats tho. Gotta say I like the fancy design they got going-”
“Crowe. Please.”
“ALRIGHT! That’s it. Either I’m leaving or I get wasted, I should not be sober for this shit.” Luche grumbles like the wet blanket he is and turns to help himself to a crate of beer from the back of the stall along with a couple of fellow Galahdians.”I don’t care who you’re fucking, Ulric! As long as it doesn’t become a problem for us or affects you out there on the field!”
The rest of the group turns to Nyx.
“What can I say? I like to live dangerously on the edge.”Nyx deadpans back as a retort, knowing he cannot argue back at these group of morons anymore at this point.
“I don’t think I want to know more really. In case I do get arrested, so I can legitimately tell them I know nothing.” Pelna finally gathers what sanity he has left hanging at long last and shakes his head. A few Glaives grunt in agreement, considering their status as refugees working in a less than welcoming city, before heading up to get their order from Yamachang.
“Let’s be real, even if he is a criminal, Nyx is a big boy, he probably can stab him first before anything happens.” Crowe tries to convince them as they began to settle down and dig into their supper instead. “Also, I’m gonna have to see how we can get you a fake ID, lover boy. You caught yourself in a mess, so just be careful, yeah? Even if we can’t kill him, I can help you have a Plan B.”
“Wow. Comforting.” Nyx replies dryly.
“You make your own choices but do look after yourself, my brother, please. Though I will admit, you look happier since you started dating. Don’t get hurt, if not, we really are going to go rogue and find a place to bury the guy.” Libertus sighs heavily, swinging an arm around his old friend.
“Thanks. Love you assholes.” Nyx huffs while the gang starts becoming rowdy once more.
“Love you too, Hero.”
Nyx finally arrives home at ass o clock, but not really all that wasted. Not after lugging Libertus’ whole ass back to his own apartment, which was enough to sober him up throughly. The young soldier heads up the stairs, careful not to make a noise. He stops by Prompto’s room and checks on the little one, tucking in carefully his chocobo duvet before heading back to the bedroom. He takes a shower and notices the fresh pair of his sleeping pants left by the side of the bath. Nyx smiles and puts it on, before tossing the towel over into the laundry basket. He would get to it tomorrow on his rest day.
Nyx switches off the audio system playing softly and wriggles in under the covers, squirming into his sleeping boyfriend’s hold. Cor gives an annoyed grunt and holds down the restless Galahdian trying to burrow a hole into his shoulder. Nyx finally stops once he is comfortable.
“Love you. Even if you are a criminal.”
“…I- What?”
A quiet Crowe, a dissociating Pelna and a nervous Libertus dressed in plains clothes sits on the cushions in a fancy restaurant, feeling exceptionally out of place. The private room decorated in fine pinewood and foreign paintings on its doors. The bamboo in the garden fills the place with a peaceful sound. Yet neither of the Glaives are feeling the zen. Each staring at their hands silently until a stoic lady hands a menu to their host while a waitress serves up some refreshments. The intricate and colourful tattoos visible from the collar and sleeves of the lady’s elegant garbs when she leaves the room. The trio tries their best to refrain from staring at the supposedly high ranking member of the Lucian underground society.
“You may find grilled eel decent, Nyx seems to enjoy it. I personally would recommend bluefin tuna.” The Marshal remarks, glancing at the paper with the seasonal menu of the day quietly. Before he takes the bottle and pours out some for his fellow guests, but pauses to give the underage mage a sparkling juice instead.
“Y-yes sir. Um,” Libertus starts uncomfortably. Out of all the people, of course Nyx just had to go big and date the Immortal, their superior officer and the Lion of Lucis. He’s a Ulric, and they do nothing in halves. “May I ask why…?”
“We did skip a lot of the usual traditions in a marriage, in both Lucian and Galahdian. It matters little to me, but Nyx takes family very seriously, and you three are the closest to that for him. It won’t do for him to miss out on a proper family dinner in your customs. Especially now that you know about our relationship and Prompto.” Cor explains, his arms crossed over his chest once he hands them a delicate cup each.
“I-I see.” Libertus mummers softly, as he remembers that the chocobo chick they have adopted into their community is actually a Leonis. Though he is also somewhat surprised and glad to see a Lucian taking care to note of their Galahdian traditions. They pick up the offered refreshment with a bit more ease now.
“This way at least his own kinsmen will not think he has gone on to elope with a criminal either.”
The Glaives chokes on their sake just as Nyx arrives in casually with young bubbly Prompto bouncing by his side, oblivious to the prior tension in the room.
A/N: Cor is just being a lil shit here, messing with his ‘in-laws’. While trying to observe both Lucian and Galahdian customs that he vaguely, somewhat, remembers. Does Cor really know the yakuza? Can the glaives outwit the Marshal? I leave what exactly happened in this fic up to your interpretation.
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years
Lingering On (We're All that Remain)
In other words, I'm back on my bullshit, everyone have yet another SoHL au. (Loosely inspired by one of @secret-engima's aus that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head.)
-Sola knows something is wrong. She's known for the past two weeks. Like an itch between her shoulder blades, the persistent feeling that something was off. She wrote it off as end of rotation jitters, paranoia of another assassination attempt before she could return to the relative safety behind the Wall.
-The King Behemoth dropped on them six weeks earlier left an impression.
-Leaving Fifth Company and the newly arrived First with reminders to keep their guard up, just in case, Fourth Company returns to Insomnia to enjoy their well-deserved downtime. They've all been antsy, too high tension and too little sleep leaving them exhausted and irritable.
-Well, the others will enjoy the downtime. Sola gets to look forward to the preparations for her Coming of Age gala next month. Which means hours with Royal Tailors arguing over fabrics and designs and standing still for fittings. She still hasn't managed to argue her way out of wearing a Pyre-cursed dress and she's getting the sinking feeling she won't.
-Her comrades, the assholes, all laugh at her. She'll have to think of something suitably vindictive in revenge.
-Getting past the Wall doesn't soothe the nagging not-right-out-of-place itch. If anything it gets worse, pressing against Sola like billowing fog.
-If only she could place her finger on what's bothering her, that would help.
-It's not the end of the world at least, because the Captain would know about something of that magnitude and tell them. He doesn't mention any important events in the past couple weeks before he dismisses them from the debriefing, ordering everyone but Sola to report back in the morning for their guard assignments.
-Nyx suggests an outing to Yamachang's to unwind. Sola bows out - she's not of age to drink and she doesn't feel like watching the older glaives' drunken shenanigans.
-Though she promises to send Crowe a hangover cure in the morning. Because Crowe is a nice girlfriend and hasn't laughed at Sola's dress-related misery like everyone else, even if she is amused.
-The rest of them can suffer.
-Cor picks her up and drives her to the Citadel. Sola takes the chance to ask if anything happened in the past couple weeks. Cor can't think of anything, and he asks why Sola asks, so Sola shrugs and explains the weird feeling she and the glaives have had. It's not until Sola mentions the feeling getting worse behind the Wall that Cor's magic... twitches.
-Sola stops speaking mid-sentence to eye Cor, and in the back seat Abyssus raises his head and lets out a demanding meow.
-Cor refuses to look away from the road when he tells them it's classified. So something did happen.
-Sola demands to know if something happened to Noctis. Cor glowers, knowing Sola is focusing on her magical sense to feel if Cor is lying or even hiding anything. He tells her that nothing happened to Noctis, and to stop asking about it. Classified means classified, and Sola knows better.
-Abyssus huffs. Sola grudgingly subsides, every inch unrepentant. But Cor isn't lying about Noctis, and he isn't worried, so her brother's fine. Whatever happened, she can find out later.
-While her glutton of a cat goes to beg food off the cooks, Sola unpacks and spends an hour soaking in the bath, letting the hot water chase away the aches from three months of being on the front lines and the stress accumulated.
-She's got new scars. Bullet wounds and slashes from healing her comrades, already faded and barely visible. Just as faded, but far larger and therefore more visible, are the jagged scars across her left ribs from where the King Behemoth's tail caught Timaios and threw him twenty feet.
-The man's lucky. Those tail-spikes are vicious, and the potions they had on hand weren't enough for the damage to his spine, ribs, and all the organs underneath.
-The Behemoth didn't survive long after that, not with Pelna's response to the attack on his clansman.
-Once Sola feels more human than stress ball, she goes searching for Noctis.
-She finds him with Gladio, going through sword forms under Clarus' exacting eye. Gladio's got a greatsword, Noctis a broadsword, and both boys are so focused that they don't notice Sola entering the room and finding a spot to watch.
-She watches silently until they finish the form, then pipes up that both of them have improved. Noctis lights up when he whirls to see Sola. He sets the sword down and rushes to hug Sola, cheerfully saying that she's back. Sola ruffles his hair, and repeats that she is indeed. She asks what they've all been up to while she's been away. Noctis eagerly tells her about the new video game that came out, the new dishes Ignis has made - even the ones with vegetables, yuck - and how Cyrus caught her own fish when Dad took him fishing two months back.
-Clarus dismisses the two to go clean and store their weapons, Gladio overseeing Noctis' maintenance. While they are out of earshot, Clarus asks how she's been. Sola keeps her expression neutral, but her magic lazily swirling about the two of them grows grim. She says the King Behemoth wasn't fun. Clarus says he can imagine. Regis wasn't happy. Sola snorts and says no one was happy. A Behemoth is one thing, but a Behemoth with wings? Not even the Bellums liked that and they're willing to fight just about everything.
-Sola lowers her voice even further to make sure Gladio and Noctis cannot hear, and tells Clarus that the past two weeks have been tense. They can all feel something off, but Titus didn't mention anything and Cor said it's classified. Clarus asks if all the Glaives feel off. Sola shrugs and says everyone in the fourth and fifth have been antsy, and getting behind the Wall didn't help.
-She eyes Clarus and the sudden edge to his gifted magic, but Clarus studiously says nothing. So whatever happened is important. Really important, if Clarus still feels this tired two weeks later. Cor felt tired too, but Cor has bad habits and doesn't know when to take a break.
-Noctis and Gladio come back before Sola can ask, and she lets herself be pulled away to spend time with her little brother. She can worry about it later.
-Only, dinner rolls around without any sign of Papa. He's always had dinner with them whenever Sola's returned from the frontlines. The boys aren't surprised at Papa's absence - apparently he's been really busy the past couple weeks. Sola privately resolves to hunt Papa down later make sure he isn't overworking himself like Uncle Clarus and Uncle Cor.
-She'll take over planning her blasted Coming of Age if she must.
-Sola waits until Noctis is asleep, after she's tucked him into bed and told him silly stories of the Glaives (such as why trying use Elemancy to ice sculpt while drunk is a Bad Idea, and yes the capital letters are absolutely necessary) and carefully extricated herself from his grip. Then she goes looking for her father.
-There. His office, with Uncle Clarus and Uncle Cor.
-Definitely overworking then. Uncle Clarus should have gone home hours ago, and Sola's two floors away but she can feel the stress in Papa's magic.
-Sola can hear Uncle Cor's voice, sharp and angry. Papa sounds as tired as he feels. Sola can't make out more than snatches of conversation through the thick wooden door. Her name. Noctis.
-Papa's magic, so much clearer now that she's closer.
-Something is wrong.
-Sola knows this feeling. She's been feeling it for the past two weeks and it's coming from her father.
-It's wrong it's wrong it's WRONG-
-Not sick. Not an injury. Sola doesn't know why but Papa-
-Papa's dying.
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