pyrrhicpaths · 2 years
↔ ♣ oraclespoken //all the goss
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↔ for a bitching text, ♣ for a gossipy text ​
[text to:  🐙]
-thinks im not qualified to take on their bounties alone
-you wanna come watch me hunt some alphagins this evening and prove this asshole wrong? ill treat you to dinner with the reward gil :)
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dbphantom · 2 years
Thinking about Yamachang and his stylish af warpstrikes
I love you sir...
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glaivenoct · 2 years
NyxNoct: "They never knew what to buy each other for these occasions; there were traditional suggestions everywhere around the city and on offer from their friends just trying to watch their backs, but neither of them were traditional sort of guys."
It's how Noctis ends up with a card featuring a cartoon Moogle and it's heart shaped antenna, a single blue rose and a bottle of shampoo. Noctis blinks at the peach colored bottle in the kindest curiosity, turning it over to look at the ivory label.
Honey & Apricot enriched, with a familiar depiction of an apricot hanging from a vine. Noctis purses his lower lip, a wrinkle slitting across the bridge of his nose as he tries to recall the last time he saw this.
"That cabin trip we took for your birthday last year," Nyx answers the silent question as he sits next to Noctis on the couch. "Remember? You forgot your shampoo, but got lucky they had some travel sized ones in the bathroom for guests. It made your hair super soft and you said you were obsessed with the smell."
That's right. Noctis remembers saying he was going to switch shampoos immediately once they got home, but it must've slipped his mind. He didn't remember to snag the bottle to look back at either.
What he does remember are the nights Nyx would join him in the shower and kiss his shoulders as the soothingly warm water rolled down their backs. They'd help each other wash up, always saving Noct's hair for last. For whatever reason, whenever Nyx works his fingers across Noct's scalp, massaging and getting the shampoo to suds up, Noctis nearly falls asleep.
There were a few nights during that cabin trip where Noctis was half asleep by the time they cuddled up together in bed. Still, Noctis vaguely remembers feeling Nyx's steady heartbeat against his cheek, or Nyx nosing into his extra fluffy hair while running fingers through it.
"You remembered that?" Noctis smiles up at him.
"Not the most traditionally romantic thing..." Nyx laughs nervously and shrugs. "But after everything tonight, I can wash your hair for you with your favorite scent. It's, uh..." He clears his throat and quickly mutters under his breath, "It's kinda my favorite too. To smell on you, I mean. That- that sounded weird… Not a selfish gift at all!"
"I think it's great," Noct says with a wide grin and enamored gaze. He bites his lip and then lowers his head as he looks off to the side. "My gift, um... isn't completely selfless either."
Nyx perks up at that, surprised as though he'd forgotten he was worthy of receiving something in exchange. Noct turns to grab the plain gray gift bag sitting behind him and sets it down in front of Nyx.
The card features the beloved Li'l Malbuddy making a heart with a pair of his own tentacles. The heart shaped box of chocolate confections is a limited time line of treats from Nyx's favorite bakery. The main gift at the very bottom is folded neatly; a soft, dark blue sweater. It's the perfect size for Nyx as he unfolds it, revealing the text on the front - a check mark appropriately marking the box next to the word ANTI-PANTS.
Nyx bursts into laughter.
"I wore it for two days to test the soft and comfy levels for you," Noctis says nonchalantly. "My research shows it's super soft and comfy."
"'Course it did."
And of course, by natural instinct at this point in their relationship, any clothes Nyx owns are prone to being stolen and regularly modeled by one infamous sweater thief of a prince.
It's a gift for the both of them as much as the shampoo is.
"So... maybe after dinner, some wine and movie, you'll have something comfy to slip into after a bubble bath."
"Maybe," Nyx repeats skeptically, tilting his head at Noct.
"Hey, you can wear it tonight! If it goes missing after that, I don't know what to tell you."
"Hm. Might have to place you under arrest the next time I catch you, thief."
"Is that a threat," Noct smirks at him, "or a promise?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." Nyx chuckles, leaning in to steal a quick kiss from Noct's lips.
Somehow, straying a little from the traditional side always seems to work for them.
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Nyx Week 2023 - Day 4
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We had some striking and dramatic (and a bit angsty sometimes) fic for yesterday, but they were all very interesting. Don't forget that if you're running late you can still post! We just want Nyx content.
Day 4's prompts are little closer to the heart and hearth. We can't wait to see what you've made!
By the way, have you noticed the palettes are all taken from the concept art pieces we've been using? Today's, for instance, all come from the Li'l Malbuddy in the middle of the counter.
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
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* important headcanons to consider.
can they use chopsticks : But of course. Luna is thoroughly trained in the proper use of utensils. She is also adept at some rather...improper uses, too.
what do they do when they can’t sleep :  Usually she will busy herself with whatever work she has to do (there’s never nothing, after all), but ideally she likes to take a stroll, perhaps even visit her garden. Luna has many sleepless nights, and would while them all away under the night sky if she could.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store : Sweets. She loves sweet things, even with her low tolerance for sugar. Also tea, especially flavours she has not tried yet.
what order do they wash things in the shower : She goes top to bottom, of course. It is the most efficient way to clean oneself. That said, Luna would choose a soak in the tub over a shower any day of the week.
what’s their coffee order : Sweetened iced coffee, if she orders coffee at all. This may come as a shock, but Luna prefers tea to almost everything in life.
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone :  Being raised without them, Luna’s not especially attached to her phone. Though it is useful to keep her on-schedule, so she probably has a colour-coded notepad app and a full calendar. She likes to play King’s Knight with Noct and the others sometimes, but she wouldn’t bother keeping up with the game if they didn’t encourage her to. Then again, she still hasn’t deleted it either. Whatever apps her kids or friends talk her into downloading. For the most part however, Luna keeps her phone clean and tidy. 
how do they act around children : Someone please tell this woman she cannot adopt every child she meets. Luna’s always gentle and softspoken with kids - she’s the kind of person her childrens’ friends like spending time with because she will listen to them talk about anything. She adores children, and it shows in how, despite being so much to so many people, she always seems to have time for them. 
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on : TV isn’t a thing in Tenebrae, so her palette for good media is hardly refined. She tends to be a little gullible when it comes to trash TV, and for that reason finds it very compelling. She also likes sappy rom-coms, and anything with a solid mystery. After having children of her own, she will try to watch whatever it is they like in order to understand them a little better, so yes, it absolutely has happened that someone has walked in on the Queen very intently watching L’il Malbuddy and furiously taking notes. In her Insomnia verse, she watches the news a lot, and plenty of kid’s TV with Iris. That said, she’ll always prefer gentle music to TV in terms of background noise.
tagged by:  @leidemechanic​ (ty 🤍) tagging: @lightwithinthenightsky, @novuscaelum, @inimiicus​, @ravusnightblossom, @toeachtheircalling, @glaiveofgalahd, @ardynzunia (for Ruby) and @princessofmuses (for whomstever<3) and whoever has not done it yet, you’re tagged now congrats. 
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novuscaelum · 2 years
Cont with @kingxlight
Hm. He could fix this. Silently leaving the room, Novus soon returned with his kneecaps covered in quite a few overlapping bandaids. Whatever he could get his hands on. "I'm all good!" the little Prince announced proudly. "I got all kinds of bandaids on here too. Cactuars, Chocobos, and regular ones. That way if something does happen my knees can be protected from those guys too."
He'd watched a Lil Malbuddy episode once where there were quite a few Cactuars and Novus knew he needed protection against those for sure. The Chocobo ones were just an added bonus should they ever attack.
Deciding to go back to coloring, the four-year-old attempted to sit down only to fall over from the amount of items on his knees landing on his behind. "Ow..." He hissed slightly before looking over at Regis. "Did you have a hard time sitting down too, Grandpa?" Granted Regis' brace was bigger though. "It's hard. How'd you learn to do it?"
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galahdanblade · 4 months
❝ well looks like we’ve found ourselves in a bit of a dilemma. ❞
that was putting it lightly.
and he wanted someone to acknowledge the utter self-control it was taking for him not to answer back with no shit. but that would just toss fuel on a fire.
letting out a deep breath, kaleb resisted the urge to toss the wheel brace into the bed of the truck; that wouldn't solve anything right now. they were fucked until morning - some new recruit had taken the spare tyre from the truck and hadn't replaced it, leaving him shit out of luck until a truck could reach them.
which wouldn't be until morning - not with the sun just about setting. and of all the places to end up ... oathe haven. a stone's throw from fucking costlemark.
' i know. '
placing the wheel brace onto the bed of the truck, kaleb grabbed a few of their bags, holding out the one with lil malbuddy for selena to take and he nodded his head towards the large, flat rock of the haven.
this was going from painfully awkward to worse. the boat to the mainland had been enough of a trek - with nyx and libertus parting ways with them at galdin, kaleb didn't blame sarah for being upset. of course not. nyx was intent on joining the kingsglaive and finding a new cause, and who was he to talk him out of it?
maybe that was another black mark to his name in her books? for not talking their son out of putting himself in danger. probably. but nyx wasn't a kid. and kaleb hadn't been in his life properly in such a long time - what right did he have to try and pedal advice now?
he was fucked if he did, and fucked if he didn't.
' onto the haven - dave'll have one of the guys out with a spare first light, but until then, we're camping. '
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' do not leave the haven. the haven's are blessed by the oracle and daemons can't cross the runes ... stay on the stone with the weird glowing runes and we're golden, alright? '
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prynacle · 3 years
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Its been some time but I still can’t stop looking at the new Kingsglaive art and all the little details in it…
First of all there’s Yamachang’s pet Coeurl! The guy either has guts or that’s a domestic branch of the species lol 
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Imagine trying to pet it only to be zapped
Then there’s dear Luna sticking out her green tongue just like Regis did with the green soup~ So cute! 🥺✨
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Everyone’s new outfits! I love how we get to see a little bit more of Galahdian culture through it~
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Regis even has a new cane to match. Never out of style.
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That Kukry in the wall 👀 They seem to be more relevant to the place than I thought.
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Malbuddy appears too! How nice~
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If you look closely outside, there’s the Regalia with the guys outside 🥺✨ They must be parking to join everyone x))
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And then just above them is a nice view on Galahdian architecture…
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I just feel like going there, is such a pretty place :’)
Overall I’m very happy we get to see something new of the XV universe even thought its been some time since development finished. It fits that even now, I always feel there’s something new to discover from it.
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chocobostrinket · 5 years
So, I’m rewatching Kingsglaive, and realize that when Luna and Regis speak to each other for the first time in years, they both know that death is what’s waiting for each of them.
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mayhapitwasme · 7 years
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Event Accessories Part 3
Accessories you can trade your tokens for and their stats, here are Ignis' Glasses, Li'l MalBuddy, Moogle Plushie, and Cindy's Cap!
Thanks again to @dizzymoogle for helping me out with screenshots I’d missed (this time the Li’l MalBuddy ‘cause I somehow not taken a screenshot of that screen even though I went through all the items after I realized I’d forgotten with the first 2 items) and the one I thought I’d missed but hadn’t (Gladio’s Necklace from Part 2)
Event Masterpost
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noirbriar · 2 years
FFXV AU: Too Much Is Never Enough
Boys be boys. No duties, no responsibilities or anything.Just each other.
This song I swear got me hard when the first time I heard it.
“Noct?”Prompto peers into the dark apartment. He had stopped by after school after receiving no replies to his messages to Noctis. Concerned, he messages Ignis who has kindly told the teen that Noct had called in ill. 
Ignis has been escorting Prompto to the prince’s abode most of the time when Noctis is occupied by his royal duties. Today, Ignis has informed the Crownsguard on duty at Noct’s apartment of his visit, giving him the necessary clearance. The young advisor still stuck in a meeting himself, and unfortunately would be for an unforeseen amount of time. The Crownsguards downstairs waved him in after a quick routine check, though there is some cold hostility.  The blond however knows they were only doing their job and pays no mind.
The apartment was in a sad state, but it does not faze Prompto as he gingerly makes his way towards Noctis’ room.
“Noct, I’m just gonna come in bud, hope you’re decent!” The teen chirps brightly when he does not get a response. He makes his way to the lump buried under the duvets, the aircon blasting at an ungodly low temperature. Its a welcome respite from the dry summer heat outside though. Prompto then kneels on the floor beside the bed nearest to his best friend.
“Heya? Sleeping?”Prompto mock whispers to the royal lump, prodding it. Though he gets no reply for a long while.
Eventually, the duvet shifts a little, curling in silently.
“…Prom. Not in the mood.” Noctis finally mutters under the covers. His voice cracking and tense. The prince is clearly uncomfortable and on edge. Probably has been for a while.
“Its okay, I’m just gonna sit here and work on my stuff, yeah?” His friend beams and slides onto the carpeted floors with his earbuds in. Although by work, the blond meant farming his zell tree in-game because. Well, theres no because. Why do homework when you can be unlocking a new achievement? Priorities.
There was nothing but the sound of the aircon whirring as Prompto grabs the nearest fat king moogle plush in the corner of the room and flops sideways over it like its his personal nest.The light from his phone and the slight daylight peeking through the curtains the only source of light illumninating the prince’s gloomy domain.
It was awhile until Prompto feels a hot breath and soft dark hair tickling his neck. The dark caterpillar had wriggled out and watching his game. Without even looking away from his raid, Prompto reaches a hand out, fumbling to pat Noctis’ head blindly in acknowledgement. 
“Naw.You ain’t feeling good, its okay. I geddit.”
“I’m pretty sore from my run all this week for some reason, can I get a hot pack? I know Iggy keeps some.”
“Burgers sounds great about now doncha think?”
“…Double cheese.”
“Double cheese and double up bacon, more mayo, with no veggies, large soda and a big ol cheesy fries?”
“I gotcha. Can you pick a movie? Wanna watch that episode I missed last weekend ‘cus of work while we wait. Or I could farm your zenny-”
“Hands off my zell tree.”
Prompto muffles his laughs.There’s the friend he knows. Not the prince, not his Royal Highness. Just Noct, the sleepy fish nerd he likes to hang out with. 
Noctis shuffles backwards, wriggling while tugging his friend into the overly large custom bed.Before slapping a hand around his bed like an aimless octopus to dig for the tv remote in the mess. Later, both boys would be huddled under the covers with several hot compresses, all while debating over which season of Malbuddy and Friends was the best in their childhood, all while flicking through the selection of shows on Meeflix. Just friends spending the afternoon with one another. 
Prompto soon gets a notification of his order arriving. To not inconvenience the guards downstairs and the poor delivery guy, he quickly heads out to get the food. Only to find the main door unlocking softly and he’s greeted by the sight of his dad popping his head into the prince’s dark apartment.
Cor swiftly puts a finger to his lips as he shuffles inside, handing over the bags of food to his bewildered son. The boy staring at him like a Mesmenir caught in the headlights as the father raises a brow in question back at the teen. Prompto simply beams back with a soft shake of his head, earning him a quick ruffle of his hair from the older Leonis who slinks back out silently.
“…Prom?” Noctis’ voice calls out from his room and Prompto jumps before regaining his composure.
“Ah! Coming! Don’t start without me! Hey!”
A/N: I could be mistaken, but since Noct has an old injury, ice wouldn’t work? He probably needs heat to relax the cramping muscles.Correct me if I’m wrong!
Song for this ficlet : FFXV Too Much Is Never Enough
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irishais · 2 years
-slides in- nyx headcanons pls
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
Headcanon A:  Nyx sleeps in catnaps-- he finds if he's out for more than a couple of hours, he can't help but dream, and so he tries to avoid that whenever necessary.
Headcanon B: He knows every single word to the Lil Malbuddy theme song. So does everyone else in the Glaive, including Drautos, because when Nyx is bored or idle or trying to focus on something mindless, he sings it under his breath.
Headcanon C: He cannot bury his sister. Selena is left beneath the maple tree in their backyard, and Nyx never makes it back to give her a proper funeral. Libertus comes back to Galahd after the war, and tends to the garden, the tree, and buries Nyx's dog tags where Selena's body should be.
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niflheimxheir · 4 years
@littlexsisterxulric​ started following you:
it was a great idea in her head, but now that she was standing on the woman’s front porch, with a crate in hand, sol was seriously starting to doubt herself. this wasn’t weird, right? 
hardly. kids deserved all the kid-stuff they could get in this world - and it was only a few things; some crayons, a colouring book, a chunky plastic bracelet with little malboros and other cutesy monsters dangling from it. 
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‘ loqi mentioned that your daughter liked lil malbuddy? i found these when i was on a hunt ... i thought she might like them? ’
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calling4glaives · 2 years
Nyx's Cork Board
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Sorry for the delay; things got crazy during NyxWeek2022! But we’re finally back with the promised deep dive into Nyx’s Board.
If you have a moment, please fill out our survey for future events, open until May 27th, 2022; it would really help us. We hope you enjoy this look at some of Nyx’s memories, and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Let’s move roughly counterclockwise around the board, taking a look at each section as best we can.
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LUCIS WITHDRAWS: Niflheim calls for surrender in territories
For 120 years, the force wall stood tall. Yet the six score of silence the royal house of Lucis had built would come crashing down as the nation was dragged back into the grips of this war, which has ended in defeat once again for the kingdom. As King Morus (sic) has reduced the radius of the wall in order to concentrate its protective energy, Emperor Iedolas Aldercapt of Niflheim has called for the surrender of the outlying cities and settlements.
Three questions: 1) who is the figure standing next to Aldercapt? From the clothing, he appears to be part of Niflheim, but the dark hair is weird. Not Besithia, nor Ardyn. His son? A random minister or general?
2) Who wrote this article? Niflheim or Lucis? “Ended in defeat once again for the kingdom” doesn’t sound very pro-Lucis.
3) How did Nyx get this article from when he was like 2 years old that looks like it was freshly printed? (3b, what kind of paper are newspapers in Lucis printed on to not yellow?) Did Nyx raid a library here in Insomnia?
World News: NIFLHEIM ATTACK ON GALAHD: A Show of Force?
Galahd was raided by imperial forces late last night, according to reports. The Crown City dispatched forces upon hearing of the attack, but the damage was nevertheless devastating, and the number of casualties reported has risen steadily with the morning sun. Galahd resisted the imperial call for surrender after the wall was withdrawn, but has not seen hostilities in the 18 years leading up to last night.
Lots of interesting implications about what happened in Galahd. From the sound of this, Lucis swept in the night of the attack and helped repel it, but that could be propaganda, and we don’t know what happened after this first night. But it’s really disturbing that this is such a small blurb on what’s clearly a middle page without even a “continued on page n”. Also, this was clearly written in Insomnia, lending credence to the theory of Nyx raiding a library here.
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There are three pictures of life on Galahd – a picture of the river similar to the poster above Nyx’s bed; two kids in shorts and no shirts (Libertus and Nyx?) swinging from the trees, presumably into the water; and a gathering of what looks like Selena, Nyx, a young dark-haired girl who might possibly be Crowe?, a blonde that’s probably Luche, and Libertus hanging out as dorky teens. It’s nostalgic and a little sad. I’m glad Nyx has these pictures, though.
The picture of the boys looks like a painting, though it could just be an effect, and is burned along the left edge, as well as having white along the edge that looks like it might have been a photocopy originally. It’s definitely seen some damage, though.
We vaguely recall reading somewhere that the group photo was adapted from a picture of the mo-cap artists as an easter egg. Can anyone verify that?
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Up at the very top are two illegible handwritten yellow sticky notes, one pinned down for security, and a Lil Malbuddy charm like Crowe has on her phone. I wonder what the story is there…
Next to it is a ticket from Galahd to Insomnia. (Inso-Cava perhaps? For Insomnia-Cavaugh?) Is this from when Nyx first came? By boat, presumably? It looks rather like a Japanese train ticket, though. Perhaps it’s a later trip. It does imply someone’s able to be issuing tickets in Galahd, not just a pel-mel evacuation.
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Comparing it to Japanese train tickets (courtesy of Shinkansentrains.com) , the number on the side is probably a date, formatted with the year first, and an easter egg, given that there isn't much going on in years ending in 7 that we might care about, even if we make it Regis’ regnal years. Heisei 27 in the Japanese calendar is the year 2016 in the Western, the year the movie came out, and 7-11 matches the July 9th opening weekend.
If it’s a real in-universe date, it’s probably from a more casual trip Nyx took at a different time. 11270 G is probably the price in gil, and if we convert that to yen that’s about $88 USD or €83. C-05 is probably the compartment number, then.
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On to the middle of the board!
Young Libertus and Nyx are kind of adorable. It looks like Nyx has both kukris at this point, and maybe Libertus is carrying a more standard kukri rather than his axe-like one of later in the series. Nyx already has his uniform chain across his chest.
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King Regis has formally invited brave volunteers from Galahd to take residence in Insomnia and serve in his royal guard – the Kingsglaive.
A representative of Galahd voiced the citizens’ commitment to resistance one month in the wake of a devastating invasion.
King Regis praised this commitment, promising regular provisions and patrols to Galahd in return.
Okay, so more questions here. It’s unclear if this resistance is to continued invasions of Galahd one month after the main raid, or just resistance against Niflheim in general, especially with Regis promising patrols to Galahd. I don’t think it was utterly destroyed, though, as is often seen in fanon, not if he’s sending supplies and patrols. Plus, in Brotherhood, we hear the Empire tested the wavebreaker in Galahd, which implies people wielding magic are fighting there still, years later.
Second, is that Libertus and Nyx flanking Regis? How fast did they sign up and get cleared? Or is it just coincidence/laziness from the animators?
Third, this seems to fit the timeline for the Kingsglaive being established when Noctis was 5 (about three years before this), with Galahdans being asked to join not found the Kingsglaive. I wonder how many times Regis made this offer to various regions?
To be continued in Part II
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littlexsisterxulric · 4 years
There was the usual gestures of flowers, chocolates and a posh meal at a fancy restaurant. But for some reason he didn't think that fit. Instead Petra left the chocolates on the table along with the flowers and he waited for Selena to come in from her shift at that tiny bar. "I took the next few days off, had leave built up. You choose what you want to do for valentines; whatever you want, any place. Even yama's if it makes you happy."
The early shift in Yama’s was a nice change of pace - not the usual flow of patrons coming down the metal steps into the little bar - a few older folks, more people in for food than what usually called in during the later shift. But mostly her day had been spent on the more menial tasks; cleaning, food prep, stock take, taking notes as Yama had shown her how to contact suppliers.
Stopping by her little apartment on the way home, Selena made sure to closed the window she’d cracked open on her way to work that morning, grabbed some clean clothes and paused for a moment before knocking back the idea of a shower with a quick glance to her watch - the water pressure would be literally non-existent at this hour, and the hot water would be hit and miss. She’d grab a shower at Petra’s place instead.
Sticking to the lower sectors of the immigrant area of the city until she had no choice but to surface to the razor-sharp concrete edges, manicured greenery and trees and the buildings, and those ever present cactuar crossway lights. A few weeks ago and she would have been turned around by stepping into the flow of people, but Selena had figured out the easiest ways to circumvent the masses to find her way to the fancy apartment block Petra called home.
Skipping the elevator up to his floor, Selena settled for the stairwell instead - it’d save the dirty looks that old lady a floor above Petra’s usually gave her when she thought she wasn’t looking, but Selena always caught the raven-glare of the woman in the mirrored shine of the elevator’s door.
Twisting her key in the lock, Selena jangled her keys from the lil malbuddy key-chain Nyx had returned to her and tossed them to the table in the hallway. Looping her bag’s strap off over her head, it found its place on a coat hook further down the hall, undoing the buttons on her jacket, she set that on the next hook.
Twisting her hair around in her hand, Selena bundled it up into a bun and wrapped a scrunchy around it to keep it in place, slowing her pace when she walked through to the living area of the apartment and spotted the bunch of flowers ... oh, they were pretty! Red, pink, white ones that looked like their petals had been tie-dyed. 
Fingers brushing along the delicate petals, the young woman felt her stomach do a backflip that was worthy of ten points; she’d never gotten flowers from someone before. She’d never been in a relationship with someone like this before, not a proper relationship, any fleeting romances she’d had had floundered after a few weeks. She’d never had a key to someone’s apartment before. They’d never taken time off work to spend more time with her ... they’d never splashed out on flowers and chocolates - clearly expensive ones too, she’d passed by that chocolatier’s store on her way here.
“Petra, they’re beautiful, thank you,” Canting up onto the very tips of her toes, the young woman clasped her hands behind his neck, leaning up to steal a chaste kiss, and another before giggling when he had to stoop down to catch his balance, “I just want to spend time with you.”
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proxnotxaxfool · 4 years
“Can you help me put the star on top of the tree?” (from Will - Stranded verse)
two crates set down on the floor of the spare room that still served somewhat as a catch-all for spare gear, reno divvied out the supplies; vests - top rack of the shelving unit, utility belts - bottom right, into the clear plastic tubs with kimi’s writing on the labels, lapel lights - middle shelf, tub to the right, loqi’s writing on that one.
too engrossed in placing the supplies in the right places - because astrals help him if he fucked up kim and loqi’s system - the hunter never noticed the footsteps that raced across the room to him until something hard against his left leg and arms wound their way around his thigh.
a grin spread across his face when he had to reach out to steady himself, reno reached down to ruffle his little brother’s hair.
‘ hey, kiddo ... yer gettin’ good at sneaking up on me! ’
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not really, but it had the little guy giggling and laughing, swinging out of his big brother’s leg as he tugged him back towards the doorway.
can you help me put the star on top of the tree?
another swing to the left and reno had to take a half-pace to the side to catch his balance ... alright, he’d risk the lecture from kim and loqi for not keeping the supplies in order if it meant keeping his littlest brother happy - and out of mischief.
stooping down to scoop will up into his arms, reno headed back out the door of the spare room and up the hallway - kiddo was looking more like dave the older he got. sandy brown locks, not blond like his or loqi’s ... not even like kimi’s. he’d still lay claim to those eyes though, even if dave had blue ones too. and hell if he wasn’t growing up fast ... too fast. only seemed like yesterday that he’d been a little bundle in his mama’s arms, and now he was nearly up to reno’s waist.
little squirt kept growing at that pace and he’d end up head and shoulders over the rest of them. not cool, and definitely not allowed for the baby of the family.
pausing at the kitchen doorway, reno paused to peer inside, winking when he caught sight of his mama and selena sitting at the table - steaming mugs in both their hands, and both women half way through discussing something they shut up about when they spotted him with will.
shifting will higher against the side of his chest, reno turned his attention to the living room and the christmas tree in the corner - already decorated with ornaments, tinsel, baubles, a few cactuars and a lil malbuddy hanging from the branches too. grabbing the star that lay on the ground next to the array of plugs for the tree’s lights, reno held it out for will.
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‘ alright little dude - y’ready? and y’gotta get this first time, alright? and then we can go ask mama and selena about making some cocoa, how does that sound? ’
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