palestporn · 11 months
Gamzee: Get fucking rudenasty about it
Today's been a shitshow, and it's well past noon, and there's a ghost in your head and a terrible and ancient motherfucking destiny leaning on you...and there's fuck-all you can do about any of that, so instead you scoot over at the second-biggest deal in the empire and put a palm on the back of his neck to squeeze a little.
"Oh, uh," says the Second Coming.
"Think you could do to sleep before sunrise," you say down close by his ear, and give his neck a squeeze, to see if he pops you one. He goes all red again instead, so that seems good. When you get your other hand on his hot cheek he won't let you turn him to look at you, but he doesn't slap you away either, working his claws on nothing. "...You got a back full of knots and an ache in your horns, and I got hands and nothing but time, motherfucker. Put the two together we might just make some miracles happen."
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"Ha!" says Karkat, high and harsh, which would make you feel like the dumbest and clumsiest motherfucker if there wasn't half a eager chirp on the noise. When you take your hand back away again, he leans after it fast and then pretends like he was stretching, and then shivers when you put it back on him. Glances over at where his ancestor's still scolding at nothing, and quiets down to half whispering. "You don't have to kiss my ass about stuff. It's great when you're, fucking, six sweeps old and you think you're gonna save the universe, but. If that's what you're doing, you can stop. But..if that's not what you're doing, then, I guess--"
He looks up past you and breaks off, raises up his voice to growl. "...What? Fuck off."
The emperor is looking at the both of you when you look up, and you recall all at once where you're at and what's up and who you're talking to, and what the rest of the conciliatrium would scold at you if they heard you getting fresh with the Second Coming after all their lessons on keeping your salty mouth sweet and sober. You sit straight and put your fronds back in your own business again.
"Shit, KK," says Sollux, who started pretty far down your list of people you were chill with, and is getting his jump on up it. "Get some."
The emperor says, "You do understand that the consortium was just...the most well-insulated place I could hive you?" Like he thinks you're doing some wack shit out of nowhere or something. "You're not obligated to act like one of the consorts."
For once this heretic motherfucker speaks some damned sense, growls your ancestor in your ear. If you won't cull these mutant aberrations at least restrain yourself from playing pile-pet to some loud-mouth stripling rabble-rouser.
"...I mean, nah, bro," you say, and see the emperor cock a brow at you and say "I mean, motherfucker--uh. I mean. Sir? Only it's like. I'm only not a conciliatrix on account I got no moirail because some crusty old motherfucker I guess I share face with had negative fuckin' game--"
Don't you speak on my motherfucking GAME, says your ancestor, insulted at you. I pulled like you wouldn't fucking believe, you mouthy little shit.
"--But I got the training and everything," you say, and look at Karkat, hoping. "If some motherfucker might like me better."
The emperor looks still like he has more to say about all that, but Karkat squares up his shoulders and lowers his horns again, that way he stands sometimes that means let's get this motherfucker done. "Good," he says, "Great. Well, so, let's just--go fucking figure some shit out!" He stands up, brushes himself down, straightens up his little hanging gold-and-jewels crown. "Your place, or mine?" he says, bossy, and only goes a little bit red about it.
Gamzee: His place, or yours?
==> The Imperial Hive-Suite ==> The Imperial Conciliatrium
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dollypopup · 3 months
I just need every single person in this fandom who has ever been mean about Luke Newton to know that Nicola Coughlan hates you. Genuinely and wholeheartedly.
She hates you. Sure, she won't say it aloud, because she's a professional who knows her career lives or dies by fans, but please know that she does. She hates you if you've said Colin gave you the ick, especially so if you said it to Luke, she hates you if you've left a rude comment on his social media, she hates you if you acted like she didn't like him or that she was shading him, she hates you if you bullied the people around him, she hates you if you said something disparaging about how he looks or how he acts, she. hates. you.
And sure, it's not all people who are in her or Pen's fanbase, in fact a lot of people have been cruel about him outside of the Polin fandom, but a LOT of people are Pen fans, and hearing her talking about how defensive she gets over him when people say something rude about him? And knowing there are SO many stupid opinion blogs and youtubers and tiktokers who say they're Pen fans and Nicola fans but are mean as fuck about Luke?
I need every single one of them, in particular those who have been out here making up stupid shit to be mad at him about 'on her behalf' to know that when you say something mean about the man she gushed to her Mum about, and who her Mum was so excited to meet because she just knew he was kind, the man she introduced to her entire family, the man she is always reaching for and hugging and snuggling up to and calling wonderful and giggling around and saying how she wouldn't want to do such vulnerable intimate scenes without and complimenting and leaning on and having fun with and calling a special person in her life, she is taking off her earrings and ready to meet you outside in his honor
because she hates you for being a dick about him. hope that clears things up
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copperbadge · 10 months
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*the deepest of sighs*
[ID: A screengrab of an email I just received; it reads "You are among a select group invited to participate in a short survey to help steer the course of Tumblr's future. Your feedback is crucial in ensuring that our developments resonate with what you love most about our platform."]
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
thank you for the tag, @sasheneskywalker!!!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: it changes regularly, but currently, a dusty/greyish purple
last song: Maps by The Front Bottoms
currently reading:
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver is my current fiction read and i *hate* it with my entire being. don't read it.
Postcolonial Astrology: Reading the Planets through Capital, Labor, & Power by Alice Sparkly Kat is my current non-fiction read and so far, it's very good
i'm reading a lot of comics at the moment, but my main read is Manhunter (2004) which so far, is very good, i highly recommend. i'm also planning to read Midnighter (2007) and Black Widow (2014).
currently watching:
The Acolyte has been my most recent fixation so that's just on loop rewatching over and over in the background. a lot
i've been watching Pennyworth which is far better than i expected it to be, i'm really enjoying it
i also started Invincible, which i've been enjoying
idk if it counts but i've rewatched Madame Web a concerning number of times in the past few days.
currently craving: i'd kill for an Italian Cream Soda from tea2go rn
coffee or tea: tea. i used to be a big coffee person in my teens but my chronic illness doesn't like caffeine and it *really* doesn't like coffee so i just drink tea now, but i do love tea
hobby to try: the unrealistic hobby i'd like to get into a fanfiction binding, but that takes materials and resources i do *not* currently have. i think a more realistic answer is i've been meaning to get into marvel comics more.
current au: tbh the main AU i'm working on is a Lance Brunner-centric Post-Crisis fic where i'm completely rewriting his origins to make his death as Robin more significant but still something no one talks about, leading to the ressurection of Jason also reviving Lance and Jason going on his little spree, having no idea he's not the only dead Robin. i've figured out all of the backstory and how i want to characterize Lance, but the actual plot of the fic i'm still working out. i'm leaning toward Lance/Dick as a ship, but i haven't decided. i have so many notes and ideas though and i think it's funny to take a random one-off character from a random 60s comic and actually turn him into something substantial and how he'd shape the Batfamily. trust me i'm so close to infodumping about it here everyday.
i'm also working on a *really* messed up unhealthy Damian/Tim fic, where Damian purposefully breaks the timeline so Tim was never Robin and Damian was the third Robin instead. but when Bruce "dies" Damian realizes he has no idea where to start with finding Bruce so he has to go to a civilian!Tim for help, who has no idea the timeline was changed or that he was ever Robin in a different world. it's gonna be fun and fucked up and full of Damian's jealousy complex over Tim.
i don't know if i can come up with nine whole people to tag for this since i'm still new here but i can try: @searchforahero @divine-dominion @kevin-day-is-bi @kerakeriza @deepwithintheabyss
@maryshellyswife @alicemaem @justmyshittyspace @sandmanwhore and yeah that's all i got.just tagging some mutuals/ppl i see on my posts a lot!!!
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Do you take baths if so can you show proof
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...I legitimately do not know how to respond to that.
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lightbulb-warning · 6 months
where have you been????? i barely see you post!
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i've been doing my best!! :'D these past months my irl life has gotten real complicated and my performance/social/general anxiety has gotten real BLEUGH,,,, havent really been in the posting mood. or drawing mood. _(:'3」∠)_
im still here tho!! EEPYXHAUSTED AS HELL but im taking things slow while i learn how to handle things! ive got this! >;}c
thank you for checking in!! :D
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genericpuff · 2 years
you ripped off your entire "theory" about LO being made for kids from Pyrrhic Victoria's latest video lol. Word for word, that's pretty hypocritical but then I guess that's to be expected from the person who still financially supports Webtoon and LO even though you've based your entire image off how much you supposedly hate LO
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if I "ripped off" P&V then this is news to me because I've only watched each one of their videos once (they're long and they cover a SHITLOAD of topics, bruh) and it's been ages, BUT-
This honestly makes for a great segue to talk about opinion sharing in the fandom in general because ima be honest with you, there's like... only so much you can talk about in the LO crit community. Like as much as we make fun of the stans for all sharing one echo chamber of opinions, the ULO community isn't that much different in the sense of like, having the same takes and opinions about the topic we've chosen to unite on and being hyper passionate about it to the point of having the same conversations at least ONCE per week. Like it's just a webcomic about pink and blue people, a lot of takes are pretty much the exact same and that's not a BAD thing but ... both P&V and I have been in the ULO stratosphere for AGES now so ?? There's only SO MUCH to cover about LO before it all starts blurring together lmao I can't "own" an opinion, and they undoubtedly know that they can't "own" any one specific opinion either, especially within a fandom like this. C'mon now.
"LO is made for babies" or "LO is marketed to children" is also one of the way more common takes, that's like saying I'm ripping off panel redraw accounts for doing my own panel redraws. LO's been compared to other things that are commonly marketed to children like MCU films, Disney movies/shows, etc. time and time again because that's been SUPER common knowledge for YEARS now prior to any of us joining the community, regardless of "who joined first", it's literally WT's entire business model and it's pretty plainly obvious. The specific comparison I made was just one that came to me during a ramble on stream the other night and I wanted to put it to paper because that's what I do here. If that specific comparison has been made in the past already in a 3 hour video that I completely forgot/didn't realize, then great! I'm not the only one who came to this conclusion! Thanks for the validation!
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None of this is with shade at P&V or even you, btw, I think it's honorable you want to stand up for them if you enjoy their stuff and I can't harp on you for that but like... this ain't it? Y'all gotta understand this community is still HELLA small as far as fandom culture goes, we all know everybody, have helped build these parts of the community together from cardboard and glue whether or not we still directly affiliate with each other, and share many of the same takes and schools of thought that stem back YEARS before even WE were in the community ourselves so it's kinda silly to try and point fingers at any one person and say "abc is ripping off xyz!" esp when the "ripping off" is just like, having the same opinion about something? A lot of both our takes also intersect with takes from other antiLO accounts and channels that pre-existed theirs and my own. It's a fandom, after all, no single person can lay claim to any specific opinion we're all coming from many of the same schools of thought with foundations that pre-exist us, it's just different people delivering their own unique spins on takes that have been heard many times before. Some of us do re-imaginings, some of us do panel edits, some of us just crack great jokes about it. We're not all pals with each other, we're not even all from the same platforms or community bubbles, but I think we're all pretty familiar with each other's content and what each one of us is about for the most part.
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I know you're likely not gonna take "trust me" as a promise that I'm not ripping anyone off, but like... trust me, I'm not sitting here sifting through P&V's 15+ hour video backlog and going "huehuehue I'm gonna steal this!" because I would gain nothing from doing that and their content is ultimately just part of a bigger genre of topics and opinions that are constantly being re-assessed and re-discussed as the comic goes on, they were just the first ones to make an ongoing Youtube series about it (which is commendable in and of itself with how much content they've made around it, most other Youtubers just review it once in 20-90 minutes and call it a day).
P&V's contributions to these discussions have their own personal unique flair to them but the opinions themselves aren't all brand new revelations. Back when I still watched their videos, their alternate scenarios as to how something could be written were pretty neat because it came with their own unique experiences and viewpoints as webcomic creators which isn't something you'll find on every other account. But "LO is marketed to children and here's why" isn't exactly one of those takes because it's one we've all talked about in the community LONG before those videos even existed. And it's been talked about since before any of us were in the community, period. So... yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say on that lmao it's not that complicated, there's no "conspiracy" going on here, it's a Tumblr post about something that's already been talked about in the past by many others, my guy.
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As a closing note, accusing me of being hypocritical on the basis of something you don't even have facts on like "financially supporting Webtoons and LO" is such a silly hill to die on, c'mon pal. You want me to stand here and tell you my side of it as if you're even gonna believe me? Because even if I do say "actually, I no longer even have the Webtoons app on my phone and I can't even remember the last time I paid for coins on the app because all the series I usually FP nowadays are on hiatus and I stopped FP'ing LO back at the start of S3" are you really gonna believe me? Did you even bother to read through the majority of this post? You want receipts or something? What do you want from me? I got nothing to hide, but I'm not gonna sit here and try to explain myself to someone hiding behind an anon filter who's already decided I'm a hack so idk what you want 🤣 Even if I did still FP the series, what then? There are people in this community who do still FP to keep up on content so they can keep talking about it, why is that a crime all of a sudden? Since when did this become some kind of weird "prove you're loyal" indoctrination? Or are you just mad my takes are basic?
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trisockatops · 2 years
I can generally just scroll past all the JK/HP bullshit because I've generally cultivated a sphere of people who also hate her and can no longer use "death of the author" (SHE ISN'T DEAD, SHE'S VERY ALIVE AND ACTIVELY DOING HARM) to excuse her violence towards vulnerable groups. But I'm getting that it still has too many aspec fans when I'm having to regularly block HP posts in the tag. Y'all, really?
JK is openly transphobic, racist, and antisemitic and funnels her money to causes that directly harm the people she hates and brags (and laughs!!!) about doing so. At least keep your HP bullshit out of the asexual and aromantic tags. Come up with a code word so I don't have to come across your lack of allyhood when searching for aro/ace posts. Tons of us aspecs are trans/BIPOC/Jewish, and we see you shoving us out. We matter. Please act like it.
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daincrediblegg · 3 months
I see you Lestat posting.
You wanna fuck him so bad it makes you looks stupid (affectionate)
prisma come off anon and face me like a man. thou CRAVEN. thou KNAVE
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(this ask isnt really meant to be answered but if youd like to or to post about it go ahead)
tw for ableist and abuse mentions
this person called idkpillows has been reblogging your posts (specifically ones that are violent in nature), which it in itself isnt bad, but they believe in borderline, antisocial, and narcissistic abuse. idk exactly why they are reblogging them but i assume to prove that those disorders are "dangerous", and that those kinds of abuse is "real". which.. is really nasty.
idk if you have blocked them yet but if you havent i really suggest doing so since they like infiltrating npd, aspd, and bpd safe spaces in specific
so sorry to bring this bad news but i feel its safer to send this ask than for one of your mods seeing any of their posts without warning.
um yeah thank you for reading this
Eugh, we'll have them blocked right away. Thanks for the heads up, anon; I recommend other folks block them too, just to be safe. (I don't, however, recommend harassing them--even if I did condone harassment (which I don't in any situation), doing so would just prove their point, whatever that may be)
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doodlboy · 9 months
wanted to make sure i told you again! it is literally basic fandom etiquette not to use the main tags for vent/anti/hate about a character! people use those tags because they LIKE solomon, not because they want to see some idiot calling him "basically a rapist" for something >>NOT EVEN ASMODEUS<< interpreted that way. fix your fucking tags! go fuck yourself!
Hi there, If your initial reaction to seeing someone talk about negative [yet still canon] things related to your favorite character is to come into that person's ask box and tell them to go fuck themselves, you need to get up, turn of your computer, and go outside for a while.
Whatever post you're mad about was made months ago, using tags that are meant to be used when discussing a character regardless of how much the op likes said character.
Solomon is fine, I don't really care for him, but what I'm most likely referring to in the post you're talking about is the hypocrisy of the obey me fandom when it comes to Solomon's behavior.
When Solomon attempted to give Lucifer a drink that was enchanted to make him want a pact with Solomon, it was fairly well agreed across the fandom that what Solomon did was pretty fucked up and not okay. However, when talking about how Solomon got his pact with Asmodeus by taking advantage of the fact he was heartbroken and drunk to tie him into a forever binding pact against his will, somehow people are making excuses as to why it was necessary and why what Solomon did is fine actually and not a problem at all. This is where my issue with Solomon and his fans lies, with the hypocrisy. I couldn't give 2 shits whether he's your favorite character or not, good for you if he is! But what we're NOT going to do is scream bloody murder when Solomon attempts to do shady shit to Lucifer, but overly demonize Asmodeus, say he deserved it, say his charming power is non consensual regardless of the fact nowhere in canon says he has ever used it to have non consensual sex and has only used it to get himself and his family out of danger, or say that he is a beast that needs to be controlled when we don't talk that way about the other 6 brothers, when Solomon succeeds in taking advantage of his inebriated state to tie them together so he can use Asmodeus' power for his own gain.
And one more thing we aren't going to do; call me an idiot and accuse me of calling your blorbo a rapist when *you* cannot tell the difference between someone saying "a character was taken advantage of while under the influence" and "this character is a rapist." Solomon did not sexually assault anyone, however the framing of that scene is open to interpretation and to my interpretation, it was heavy handed in showing Solomon doing something that is extremely not okay and laughing it off like it was completely fine. Because to him, it IS fine to treat demons like that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my interpretation of the scene, and I will continue to use characters' main tags when talking about them because the tags are used for discussion.
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spectrearia · 4 months
this is kinda random but it crossed my mind again today and I figured I'd bring it up, but if you're a friend/mutual of mine and you post art or something that I don't reblog, please don't take it personally. i have a lot of fandoms blocked for my own reasons and quite a bit of the content that y'all post falls into some of that and I just straight up Don't See It kfjdng
anyway. felt like clearing that up just in case it bothered anyone ><;;
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linalilia · 1 year
*goes from "I CAN FINALLY MOVE BLOGS LET'S GOOOOOOO" to "wait what do i do with this blog then" in one minute*
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nikatyler · 2 years
I've been thinking and I might go on a little tumblr purge. New year and all. Dunno what exactly I mean by that but it might make me enjoy this hellsite more again
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
i think!! i somehow managed to message back mostly everyone save for a few people who are waiting on longer replies from me. those i wanna wait on so i can put proper effort into them uvu if i don't message you this weekend, pls nudge me bc most likely, i blanked/forgot!
and since i have some newer followers, i'm placing my discord below the cut -- if we're mutuals, feel free to add me and let me know who you are! and if you want to see any spicy shenanigans i get up to ( it's not many tbh asdf ), you can find that over on @tvrningon! i keep that stuff separate from my main blog so i can feel more at ease uvu
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lameotello · 1 year
ohhh maybe an idea here. Instead of linking straight back to my platonic fics on my blog, if you're interested in reading them, you can DM me for the link!
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