#Xie Lian’s first love was Wu Ming
Different first meeting au where Xie Lian became a shrine priest for the ghost king Hua Cheng in hopes that if Wu Ming somehow survived, he doesn’t think he did but he has hope okay??, he would be protected and cared for in ghost city. And Hua Cheng, who doesn’t take care of his own prayers and instead foists them off on Yin Yu because that would cut into his time to search for Xie Lian, doesn’t find out for centuries.
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yeyayeya · 10 months
Big shoutout to James Cheek for making the English script of the TGCF Season 2 dub as gay as possible
Another shoutout to the dubbing team for choosing the best VA’s for it
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tea-cat-arts · 4 months
Ranking mxtx couples by whether or not I think they'd be good parents
(I'm 90% sure I'm forgetting someone)
Yep, next question (S)-
Wangxian: tried and tested good dads. I wish them luck with the whole “trying to get wwx pregnant” thing 
They have some shit to work through, but after that I think they'd be fine (A)-
Ling Wen/ Bai Jin: if we're just going off the original publication, I would put them in a much lower tier, but since the revised edition added that thing about them raising orphans together and said orphans turning out alright before unfortunate circumstances, I'm putting them up here. I think they'll be alright once they work through the miscommunication
Xiao Xingchen/ Song Lan: They obviously have a lot of trauma they're working through, but I'd like to think they and A-Qing will be a loving family in the long run 
One of them would be a good parent, the other wouldn't be a bad parent (B)-
Jiang Yanli/ Jin Zixuan: there's no canon reason for me putting them this low. Jin Zixuan just gives off a mediocre parent vibe to me (and we all know Jiang Yanli is the best)
Yushipei: Yushi Huang has good mom energy, and Pei Ming has been shown to be a not terrible mentor. I'd want the misogyny fully beaten out of him with a mace before I'd think he should have kids of his own though 
Lang Qianqiu/ Little Guy: at the very least, they're making sure Guzi is fed, clothed, washed, vaccinated, and has access to education. Neither of them know what they're doing, but I think Little Guy is good at faking it. I wish them luck in their upcoming custody battle  
You know what, surprise me/ I'll hear you out (C)-
Bingqiu: My first instinct is “no, do not bring kids into this,” but then I remembered tharnShen Qingqiu has a surprisingly decent track record? Like, Ning Yingying and Ming Fan both turned out a lot more health than they did in the original novel, and though I wouldn't call him in a good place, Binghe is doing a lot better than Bingge. The wild card for me here is Luo Binghe because I have no idea how he'd be with kids
Quanyin: Yin Yu had a decent track record until he was pushed into snapping. I think rn, he needs a couple centuries of being a babygirl before he's ready to parent again. No idea how Quan Yizhen would do though 
Born to “dual income, no kids, rich uncles/aunts” (D)-
Fengqing: Feng Xin is canonically a bad dad. I know he's working on it, but it is what it is. Mu Qing has been shown to be decent with kids, but I think he’d have a melt down if he had to deal with the mess constantly. 
Hualian: I mean, Xie Lian has raised three kids at this point and one of them became a god, another became state preceptor and then sorta complicit in a genocide, and one became god AND committed genocide + he babysat a ghost king for months and didn't even realize that's what he was because it was a miracle if he remembered to feed him… so, a mixed bag. Hua Cheng may be schrodinger’s child hater, but I'm intrigued by the idea of him raising kids just because I want to know how his own childhood would influence his parenting abilities. They should probably just stick to babysitting for now though 
Mingling: Liu Mingyan is too busy writing gay porn to be dealing with kids, and I just can't imagine Sha Hualing as a mom
Please don't bring a kid into this mess (F)-
Beefleaf: Do I need to explain this one?
Mobeishang: Shang Qinghua should not be put in any position where he has to teach someone about consent (Binghe’s early attempts at flirting being a prime example of why that's a bad idea). I also think Mobei Jun is still working on the whole “why hitting people is not cool” thing. 
QiJiu: I think the original timeline is a prime example of how they're just not in a place to be raising kids 
Jun Wu/ Mei Nianqing: Xie Lian would like a refund on his adopted father figures. They had one kid and he only made it to age 20 because he was cursed to not die
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sunshineastro · 6 months
hello tgcf fandom. let’s talk about yin yu and hua cheng’s relationship for a minute .
yin yu as a banished god, being picked up by the last believer of another banished god. yin yu spending years and years serving hua cheng and witnessing the art he creates and the worship he bestows and the love he carries. yin yu being one of the few people who knows the full truth of xie lian’s fall from grace, because he’s proven himself trustworthy. yin yu learning this and learning what’s been done to hua cheng and how deeply he still loves xie lian, and maybe for the first time in his life being able to look at himself as something good.
not necessarily because hua cheng wants him in any way, but because if xie lian is still deserving of love (and of course he is, yin yu would never argue otherwise) and if their stories are so similar… well, let’s be honest, that’s what it would take for yin yu to feel capable of being a person again. i think he looks at hua cheng’s unending devotion and hears about wu ming and he sees quan yizhen. who was willing to die if yin yu asked it of him, in much the same way.
i don’t know how to end this, i just think the parallels there are neat :)
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right, dont know if this makes sense but lets say reader (any gender really idm) was a god who had seen the ups and downs of hualian and had always been there for them but despite the mutual feelings between the 3, none of them confessed.
the thing is that, jun wu (ew…) had become obsessed with reader (since they stuck so much by xie lians and hua chengs side, they got noticed by jun wu) and left his obsession for xie lian behind and one day after planning so for many years, jun wu captures reader and theres no word of reader for days, weeks even yet jun wu acts as normal.
would hualian tear up the whole place, get revenge, rescue reader then make sweet love to them? up to you! you dont have to write ab this request btw:)
Rescue Mission
HuaLian x gn!reader
Tumblr media
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Slight misinformation
You, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian have spent centuries together
But despite this you've never told them your feelings
And unknown to you, they've never told you their feelings either.
So you're all single but like, everyone else knows you guys are sort of together.
Other people know not to fuck with you when Hua Cheng has obviously staked his claim on you and Xie Lian
Except for Jun Wu, he doesn't care one bit.
Hua Cheng can't have the both of you so Jun Wu decides to obsess over you instead🤷
While Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are deep-rooted in their past, you're a little newer.
You definitely haven't spent 8 centuries with them
Plus how can he not notice you when you're stuck by the strongest martial god, and the strongest ghost king.
It's hard not to put a light on you
Jun Wu's obsession starts there. A small prick of intrigue
None of you would have guessed that he would've gone so far
After years of planning, and years of getting closer and closer to you his intrigue and obsession grows
So he finally takes you
Hua Cheng is on alert within the first 2 hours you're missing.
Maybe he's overreacting, maybe he's not.
You've always stayed by Xie Lian's or his side
And if you leave by yourself you would've told them.
When A whole day passed Xie Lian tries to assure Hua Cheng that you can take care of yourself and you're probably just on a mission
He's trying to make himself feel better too.
When three days pass Hua Cheng and Xie Lian think you've gone missing.
You would never do this to them, you would never make them worry
Hua Cheng has the ghost city on high alert and the ghost realm is already looking for you.
Xie Lian does what he can't in the mortal realm, giving people your description and hanging up drawings of you.
He also does what he can in the heavenly realm, after all a god going missing is very important
Especially when it's a god of the upper court like you
The upper court is in a slight panic. No one knows where you are and a lot of people in the upper court are your friends. So of course everyone's a bit in disarray when none of them have heard from you in three days
Not Feng Xin, Mu Qing, Pei Ming, Ling Wen, nor Shi Qingxuan.
You have so many friends, so many people that love you and yet you're not with a single one of them have you
So where are you?
A majority of the upper court brings it to attention to Jun Wu only for him... To act like nothing's wrong
He says gods are frivolous and curious, you may have just gone out alone.
There's no cause for worry he says
But everyone is still wary, especially Xie Lian
When he tells Hua Cheng what happened it doesn't go well.
With you gone missing and Jun Wu playing it off it doesn't take long for Hua Cheng to be blaming the emperor of your disappearance. Whether it's out of spite or genuine thought he doesn't know.
When a week passes Hua Cheng gives up on searching through the ghost realm
Not as in he gave up on you but as in he's breaking into the heavens to search for you instead.
You think Hua Cheng can't find you?
You'd be silly.
Xie Lian doesn't encourage it but he doesn't stop Hua Cheng either.
And maybe he slips some details about the emperor's palace. On accident of course.
Hua Cheng doesn't care to tear through the heavens as he did before for Xie Lian.
He tears through lower court gods and upper court gods who refuse to give details about your whereabouts, and who won't help him.
It doesn't take long at all for Hua Cheng to get into the main palace.
Especially when most of the upper court gods have gone missing...
Coincidentally enough all your friends aren't in the heavens to protect it
Feng Xin and Mu Qing on a mission, Shi Qingxuan out with the earth master. And the security of the heavens, Pei Ming? Apparently he's gone too.
So Hua Cheng can basically walk through the heavens to get to Jun Wu.
Hua Cheng doesn't feel bad for ripping the palace apart to find you.
And he does find you
Locked away in one of the far rooms, puzzles beyond puzzles. He just broke through them though.
When he finds you he's relieved you have no wounds, and that you're relatively okay despite being taken away for a week
Shaken up from being taken away from the people you care for most.
Hua Cheng would kill the emperor right there if Xie Lian didn't make a clear emphasis on just getting you home.
That doesn't stop Hua Cheng from setting fire to the heavens though
Once you're brought home, it's a lot of hugging, tears, and a lot of questions about what happened.
You cry and tell them that you were scared simply for the fact you would never get the chance to tell them you loved them.
They most literally freeze in their spots and are like "??? For real?"
Once all the I love you's pass Xie Lian and Hua Cheng cling to you
Taking you into bed and worshipping you on the sheets.
You've had a busy week, you deserve to be taken care of and that's exactly what they do.
After that they'll never let you be alone again
One of them is always at your side.
Especially Hua Cheng
The silver butterflies become a common sight in the heavens anytime you or Xie Lian are around
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budd-ie · 4 months
I always see people talking about Mu Qing and how he did bad things and how some of those things we’re moving on from, how his thought possess is justified, etc. and this is all true. But something that I think gets overlooked is that yes Mu Qing is not a perfect person, but his main argument is neither is anyone else.
Mu Qing grew up HOUNDED by people trying to nitpick every single little thing he does and antagonize him just because they don’t like him. Every good thing he does gets ignored, every bad thing he does gets amplified tenfold. And, Mu Qing KNOWS that he is not a perfect person and he KNOWS that he has done bad things and he acknowledges his major mistakes and he apologizes.
But his whole Deal is not that he’s trying to convince anyone he’s a good person, but that he wants people (like feng xin) to understand how hypocritical they are for criticizing him when they too have done bad things, have had bad thoughts, have hurt people, are not perfect. It’s a clear double standard and he’s sick of it! One major theme of tgcf is that not a single one of us, even gods, are perfect, real “perfection” is an unattainable thing, and that what matters is accepting this and choosing to live in spite of this. I think Mu Qing and Xie Lian represent this point best, and this is also one of many reasons why I think Mu Qing is a bit of a foil to Xie Lian (among other reasons, have we all seen their parallels?). And that’s why he’s so fixated on Xie Lian’s suffering. He isn’t happy that he’s suffering, he’s happy because he feels vindicated. It’s proof that Xie Lian isn’t the perfect little godling prince who can do anything and is loved by everyone that everyone (feng xin, from mu qing’s perspective) seems to act like he is. It’s proof that Mu Qing is right, and that nobody has any right to criticize him. It’s a shitty thing for him to think given the circumstances, of course, but I also think it’s an important distinction to make.
(Some plot spoilers under the cut)
So Mu Qing clearly isn’t a saint, but he’s not a demon either. People who Specifically give Mu Qing a hard time for being a bad friend, for leaving, for being a dick, etc. forget that Feng Xin left too (and also criticized him unjustly). As if someone like Pei Ming didn’t cheat on every woman he’s ever seen. As if Yin Yu didn’t tell Quan Yizhen to go die. As if Jun Wu, Heavenly Emperor, the god of gods, didn’t help destroy a nation in the most painful way possible, physically and psychologically torture a kid, commit a TON of murder, inflict biological warfare at LEAST twice…..etc……..out of all the characters who have done bad things Mu Qing is one of the normal ones.
Not better, not worse.
It’s not that what he did wasn’t bad, it’s that everyone else has done horrible things too, and it’s unfair to call him out specifically when everyone else has just as much if not more baggage to check first.
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'wu ming loving hours this' 'wu ming was xie lians first love that' i want a fic where xie lian puts together that he was wu ming's beloved post-book 4
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emotionaldisaster909 · 11 months
Hi! I discovered "a long and slow recovery" thanks to your art, and let me say, I will never be over it. I loved it so much I was wondering if you had any other hualian fanfic recommendations?
Hello!!! Oh I’m sorry for such a late reply, but thank you so much for asking!!!
I’m thrilled to share with you and everyone my pride and joy, my precious, handpicked treasure hoard:
✨My TGCF bookmarks ✨
More than 200, all of them hualian
Besides ALASR, my beloved, mwah, here are some of my
Absolute favourites:
1. The bestest of them all, Mt. Taincang reunion postcanon fic that i consider my personal canon
“and I will surround you with a love too deep for words”
2. The best huge-ass slow-burn modern AU in the best Hua Cheng POV
“possibly, maybe”
3. The most heartbreakingly adorable de-aging memory loss Hong-er fic
“Little Red”
4. Absolutely amazing modern au where trans!Xie Lian decides to start a family with Hua Cheng, literally brought me to tears ,-,
“Orchids in Bloom”
5. The best vampire!Hua Cheng canonverse fic I’ve ever dreamed of, literally all I need
“Sweeter than Wine”
6. A different take on the reunion, my close second favourite first time fic, so soft and tender y-u
“Ever After”
7. THE bottom Hua Cheng fic ever, no words, just READ IT
8. THE bottom WU MING! Fic ever, oh my god it’s so freaking good
“Let me be devoted, let me be greedy”
9. And this. Oh god. I have FEELINGS about this one. An awesome concept modern-AU fic that blew my mind
“We Stan Scrap Gege!”
10. This pure genius of Human by day/Animal by night AU by the same author
“At Night I Rose and Fell”
11. And THIS. Oh fuck. It’s huge. It’s awesome. It’s different first meeting, slow-burn, hidden identity, it’s
“’Til our compass stands still”
12. And this ohmygod this is one, omg, small, but the best reincarnation au, I’m crying
“reaching for heaven is what i'm on earth to do”
13. Aand this is the SECOND best reincarnation au from the same author i’m sorry I just have to include
“and the rain won't make any difference”
Aaand by now this list might become too long, so I just must separate some of my
Favourite authors:
Boomchick, Linisen, Natterina, Saenda, miska_za, debwriting, citronverveine, corduroyserpent, demihualian
Practically every fic by them is my favourite, but god, there are so much more, they all deserve recognition, so, if my taste is to your liking, ask away for more hualian fic recs!!!
You’re very very welcome! 💖🌿
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xueyuverse · 7 months
Imagine that Wu Ming was Xie Lian's first love, but Xie Lian didn't realize it until it was too late. He was so worried about feeding his pain that he became blind to the happiness right next to him, he cried for his lost home without noticing that, all that time, there was already a home with the doors open for him. And for the love of a lost home, Xie Lian condemned himself to a life of suffering and loneliness, because a home only exists when there is love and family, but Xie Lian destroyed his home.
Of course, this is a lie. A home is not a physical thing, so as long as he has someone to come back to who would come back for him, his home would never be lost.
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estrella-etoile · 11 months
HuaLian Are So Bad at Flirting They're Good
Oh my god. How can we not fall completely and entirely in love with Season 2 of the donghua?
Why do I say I adore it so much? Because of just how cringe HuaLian are with one another. It's so embarrassingly endearing seeing these two complete love failures try to figure out how to flirt (and do it terribly for anyone not named the other).
Let us start with our sweet lonely old man Xie Lian. He feels his loneliness so hard at Pu Qi shrine it hurts. He clutches a ring and the second Ling Wen reaches out he hides that ring under his robes, guarding it like a precious secret. And yet... does he think "hmm, I had a wonderful time with San Lang! I hope he had a wonderful time with me, maybe I should try to figure out how to get in touch to "try" to return this ring (but really to see him.)
Good thing Jun Wu tried to drive a wedge between them by sending XL to Ghost City to find out (for the first time in his life) that it was Hua Cheng's territory.
Then XL is in Ghost City. And he's trying not to swoon when he sees that his handsome San Lang maxed out peak hotness and is letting him win and touching him. "He's teasing me." (He let you bet a god for a half-eaten mantou and played fake rounds until he'd rubbed enough of his luck onto you to lose gracefully. SIGH) Yet instead of going "wow I wonder if San Lang likes me?" he watches an indirect kiss and a smirk and runs away.
You would think that this would make XL the biggest dork? And at episode 2, you would be right.
But my dear San Lang. My lovely precious ghost king BB goes so far into the cringe the next episode that he grabs the prize from XL.
We start with the try to be cool "gege pretended not to know me and then did not come find me!" while accidentally leaving the impression he was headed to a brothel (which... given XL's first three minutes in Ghost City... not entirely impossible). So yeah. Off to a great start ghost king.
He did at least look okay with the discussion of a home versus a residence (and scored himself a perma-invite to Pu Qi... because XL was looking for any possible opening to make that clear too.) And a pretty good explanation of why he's in charge of the city of sin. Then the trying to take care of gege during a PTSD flashback, yes! Go San Lang Go!
And then... the armory. It was adorable watching XL fangirl over the weapons. And seeing him smile and talk about how great they all were.
But babygirl HC... don't just smile smoothly and say "I will give you the whole armory." Yes yes, we all know you feel this way, but... not on the first date. When XL also politely refused (because that's kind of a HUGE offer to him), don't double down with "then you can have this room and visit any time you want! OH! I can help you with upkeep!"
XL has not really even come to terms with the fact that there is this person who enjoys his company yet. He's really really confused about the whole why the world's most handsome ghost king wants to be around him. You're just going to confuse him way way too much by trying to give him an arsenal of spiritual weapons.
But here's the thing. It worked. Sort of. Not because XL accepted the swords, but because he accepted the affection and the friendship. He doesn't want HC's status or his wealth. He wants to pet HC's uber-weapon and talk about sacred swords with someone. He wants HC's company. And maybe because HC's existence has pointed out that most relationships are transactions, he starts his approach using that mentality, even though his love and affection for XL is the opposite of transactional.
HC doesn't need to wine and dine XL. He needs to visit Pu Qi shrine as much as he wants.
Neither of these precious beans understand what a normal relationship looks like. So it's not a surprise that what they both want is the same: a genuine and unconditional connection. They have it already, so even when they both attempt to flirt with each other in ways that would make Pei Ming have an aneurysm, they still eventually triumph.
Because below the surface attempts is something so sincere and deep that they'll get there, and even find those silly cringe surface things hilarious when they sort it all out together.
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kitakikikitkat · 17 days
So I’ve been listening to God Games from Epic the musical, I haven’t listened to all of Epic the musical songs.
Anyways every time I listen to it I think of an au where it’s tgcf x svsss crossover. Where Odysseus is Luo Binghe (maybe after Shen Qingqiu’s death he causes too much chaos and like the martial gods are like woah there sunny boy we gotta have a talk or something) and Athena is Shang Qinghua and he’s like trynna help out LBH (bros his son so he gotta help him out plus bros the protagonist). I’m not sure about that I just thought the role fit SQH or made more sense in my mind (he doesn’t necessarily have to be like the god of wisdom in this crossover just LBH’s advocate or something along those lines).
I’m not sure who Zeus would be though, in my mind the timeline this takes place in is after the ending of tgcf where Jun Wu isn’t the heavenly emperor anymore (I haven’t read all of tgcf yet so I might be wrong on a few details, I have gotten a lot of spoilers about tgcf so I know the gist of how the story goes so I mean no offense if I get any details wrong). Plus mind you that the martial gods who will be deciding whether LBH should be released will be those who are in the upper heavenly court, I’m not thinking if the Greek God would fit the character more like they’re going to be judges of some sort mind you. Like they’re considered “high up” enough to be like “oh your opinion as a judge like martial god is important we gotta see what you say” kinda thing (and the tgcf/svsss characters I put to the epic the musical characters only fit for this song).
Anyways I thought Apollo would be Shi Qingxuan (in this au crossover he’s still there let me be delusional and not remember the unfortunate beefleaf ending) or let’s just think that maybe SQX somehow became a god again (because I really want them to still be a god and madly in love with He Xuan and get their happy ending because I can’t accept the beefleaf ending).
Anyways and then I thought Hephaestus would be Pei Ming (I don’t know why I thought that would be him but then again maybe it would be someone else, I thought he might also fit Ares but there’s a reason why I don’t think he’d fit being Ares but I also thought he’d fit Zeus).
Then Aphrodite would be Mu Qing because of the whole mom thing that happened with him, I think he would misunderstand LBH and how dedicated he was to the washer woman and might think that LBH should have stayed by his mother’s side and all that jazz. Anyways I think the person that just has to be Ares in my mind is Feng Xin, mainly because I love Fengqing and I want FX and MQ to be together, and in the song there’s this lyric that goes “and tell your lover” etc etc so whoever I thought would fit Ares and Aphrodite had to be two people who I shipped.
The person who I can just think would fit Hera would be Hua Cheng, SQH would be like “oh and he really loves his first crush like would do anything for him” and HC would be like “oh shoot release him then” because it just so happen that SQH “forgot” some details (how SQQ and LBH met again) and HC just thinks to himself about himself and Xie Lian and is like “this kid fr is like me I gotta have him be released so he can continue serving/looking after his crush”.
Anyways the part of the lyrics where it’s “is she dead?” Instead of it being Ares (FX) who asks that because Athena (SQH) gets struck with lightning maybe during this time it just so happens that LBH had been here during the whole trial just in a cage (a see through invisible cage that seals him up or something), and he wakes up and wants to ask the martial gods if SQQ is actually dead and if there isn’t anything that he can do to bring him back. SQH is like “what should I do” because if the gods say “oh yeah he’s dead” then LBH could go on a rampage and end up messing up all the progress he made in convincing the martial gods.
Maybe before SQH went to advocate for LBH he sent a letter to SQQ (let’s just say SQQ didn’t take years to get back and SQQ and SQH had met up secretly) so he just sent a letter informing SQQ of all the things happening and SQQ is the one who’s praying/saying “let him go, please, let him go” and it shows this. Because maybe SQQ isn’t dumb and actually knows that he might have actual feelings for LBH (or maybe he’s still dumb and just telling himself that he is just worried over the system punishing him if LBH is punished by the heavenly court) and the only reason SQQ didn’t try and go with SQH is he still thinks LBH hates him and that he’ll kill him if he sees him or just doesn’t want to cause LBH any trouble or pain from seeing him. So the martial gods are like “Ight the truth is he’s still alive” and it shows this like the whole SQQ praying (SQQ is obviously Penelope) and etc like some sort of projection and that’s how god games song ends for this au.
I don’t know where I was going with this, I just wanted to get people’s opinions over this huge delusional hyper fixation plus write it down before I forget this thought process.
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redrandomposts · 23 days
guys im a genius(???)
(sentient-robot!hc x mechanic/engineer!xl)
-guoshi teaches xie lian mechanical things, and it all leads to xie lian creating a robot
-at first, he disliked it, and would rather train. however, he fell in love with his biggest project; a robot named hong-er
-the robot is small, powered by spiritual energy; it looks like a ten-year old child, with a bandage wrapped around an eye as xie lian crafted it with a coral pearl and rubies
-(a small soul, hating the world, never having gotten to leave its home, happens upon the coral pearl. it attaches to it, partly for the fact that it's read and partly because it's worth more than his family could ever earn)
-when xie lian completes the robot, pushing in the eye, it's as if he gained life. he has the understanding of a ten year-old, and stuck to his creator
-guoshi attempts to destroy and get rid of the robot after seeing it, but xie lian is firm in keeping him
-("am i a monster?" "no. don't you think that i could never create a monster?" "...but he said that-" "hong-er. you aren't a monster. i swear it.")
-feng xin and mu qing are put off, and warn xie lian against it
-("but even guoshi is weary of it!" "guoshi just doesn't know him! guoshi insisted i didn't let mu qing stay, but i did. hong-er did nothing wrong. i spent days working on him, and now you want me to get rid of him?" "your highness-")
-when xie lian ascends, he takes the robot with him to heaven and keeps him in the palace, because feng xin and mu qing strongly opposed of it. thus, not a single soul except for xie lian (and the robot) knew he was there.
-hong-er utilizing the qi in heaven, is able to grow. xie lian encourages this, and even creates new parts for him.
-time skip!!!
-(hong-er abandons his body in a cave to get his bone ashes, but is later unable to get it after being caught and sold
-hong-er attempts to stop xie-lian from going to the shrine, but is unable to. he becomes a wrath and goes back to get his body and ashes.)
-xie lian doesn't recognize him. because being a wrath gives an influx of energy he didn't previously have, the robot grew into a seventeen-year old from a fourteen year-old in just a moment.
-xie lian dubs him wu ming, and he accepts it gracefully.
-wu ming leaves the body in a hurry to get to dianxia faster, and is only just able to make it to the sword in time. he disperses and collects back into the coral eye that he first grew attached to.
-xie lian never finds out what happened to the robot.
-in mount tonglu, hua cheng often carves statues of dianxia, leaving a place for his robot body. he never carves himself, but often leaves the robot in a spot to simply take in the scene.
-hua cheng keeps the robot body in his manor, laying in bed. the robot still has both eyes, unlike him, and was stuck in the state he had been as wu ming, before his dispersal
-xie lian ascends as a mechanical scrap god - making useless robots out of scrap
-hua cheng, who had to upkeep his body for centuries, is intimate with the knowledge. they get on just fine
-xie lian finds out everything. about how when hua cheng was young, his parents decided to abandon him, how he was tormented by kids and bled out. how his soul found the coral pearl, and how he became the robot. how he was wu ming.
-idk man i don't really stray from canon i really should though
-coral pearl is central respawn point for hua cheng. when he disperses the second time, xie lian hangs the pearl on his necklace, next to the ring, waiting for hua cheng
-feng xin, mu qing, and guoshi all refer to hong-er as "it," while xie lian refers to hong-er as "him." they don't call hua cheng "it," unless they want xie lian on their asses.
-points this can stray from canon: hong-er isn't seperated from xie lian, and is instead destroyed by white no-face after he has a hard time trying to get rid of him; wu ming brings the mechanical body to lang-er bay, and xie lian discovers it after the fight and who wu ming really was; hua cheng, encumbered by the body, is stuck as a robot god of some sort
anyways have a good day my delusions are getting worse
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 6
Previously on TGCF…
This is gonna be epic!!!
Cw: Past homicide
-That’s Yong’An in its heyday 
-Fang Xin
-It’s Qianqiu’s assistant from Eps 1-2!
-Young Qianqiu is literally me in my Freshman year of High School during the first semester
-His butterfly shaped mask
-Writing the Laozi 10 times has the energy of making a kid stay in class and write a sentence over and over on the chalkboard till they’ve learned their lesson (Literally every Simpsons opening)
-He doubled it
-Imagine if Piandao talked to Sokka like that when beginning his sword training
-Man wonder who voices Young!Qianqiu?
-I mean the move could also get you hurt if you’re careless
-This is the Ancient Chinese version of the trolley problem, same analogy though
-I like to think this advice was taught to Zuko and Sokka when they were learning swordsmanship
-See, trolley problem esque
-Good advice to not intervene
-More dead bodies
-Oh no and that was his Dad
-That’s when the survivor’s guilt set in
-I can see why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are perfect for each other, they both have a freaking high kill count
-Just like when Bruce Wayne lost his parents
-What did he say?
-He’s not a monster
-That was during his second ascenscion
-That’s gonna be a bad outcome
-“I wish to be stripped of my divinity” Literally every fangirl’s brain drifted to something else when he said that.  Just look at Kictor and Stitch
-Doesn’t seem like he earned it at all
-He just wants to get out of the drama
-If there was a modern AU, you know Shi Qingxuan would make an awesome and wealthy defense attorney
-There’s the Amongus quote
-Dang no answer
-There’s Prosecutor Pei Ming, that’s a good nickname.
-He made a solid point
-That’s the result of the Fang Xin trial with XL on house arrest and a restraining order from Taihua
-He made another enemy
-Aaaa pickle jar, better believe it Qingxuan
-How is she going to get air???
-That upset Qingxuan, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
-The interior looks hollow in Xie Lian’s palace
-That’s coming out of Qingxuan’s pockets
-He deserves the apology hun
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-He’s doing it, he’s doing the iconic old time Put your head between your arms against a flat surface like a Disney Princess!
-He still has the dice
-It’s snake eyes!
-Hi Mu Qing
-Stick it to Jun Wu, Mu Qing
-I know right, it did NOT seem like a healing spell at all
-Wonder if I can conceptualize a similar healing potion for TOH MTC…?
-You just had to ask him that didn’t you?
-Hi Feng Xin
-A guest who invited himself inside
-Welp he really was honest
-Seriously, Mu Qing you couldn’t have felt bad for his house arrest
-Xie Lian’s trying to mediate again
-Mu Qing’s response had bite to it
-One Punch!!!
-Fist Fight!  Fist Fight!
-“You’re a hypocrite, you’ve always looked down on me, but you’re not better than I am!!!”  Oh my gods, Lucien Dodge freaking delivered!!!
-“Enough…” Oh man, Xie Lian’s emotions
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-The Junior Officials witnessing the Generals fisticuffs:
Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!
Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!
-“Did it really have to come to violence?” Yeah it pretty much did. - Iroh, dragon of the West, the Waterbending scroll
-Mu Qing: Fine I’ll break your face
Feng Xin: Not if I break yours first!  It’s too late to beg for mercy!  
That’s what I translated to the best of my skills during Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-He’s like a parent that’s disappointed with his two kids constantly at odd
-Don’t worry, hon what’s really gonna help them is Couples’ therapy, and I’d hate to be that therapist
-A dramatic sound effect!
-I can’t wait to write the Gaang’s reaction to the Wraith Butterflies
-That was a cool shield spell
-I love how the butterflies are easily dodging Xie Lian, but are charging toward Mu Qing and Feng Xin to scare the sh*t outta them
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-He’s gonna hold one of the butterflies, he’s holding one of the butterflies, yeah too late man AND HE’S NUZZLING THE WINGTIPS WITH HIS NOSE Cue keyboard smash! WAE TESDHGFYFJ. RYGJ GUFTDRSSDFAEGRRESVGTGTRS DFGSTRWG EIEEEIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!! I always love this joke, no matter how old it’s gonna get in my reaction posts.
-Yeah he’s just going
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-The real reason this episode took so long to air last year was that the animators had to get the waist snatch scene past censorship to spite their censor companies for not having Xie Lian fall into Hua Cheng’s lap in Eps 4-5.
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-Xie Lian: Hello Again, Literally me: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (This is the same noise Eleanor Shellstrop made when she was gifted a Shrimp Dispenser in The Good Place)
-They’re just backing up
-You two had one job!  Looking at you Feng Xin and Mu Qing!  I see ya
-He’s just tugging his sleeve as they’re walking
-Man, it’s like Hua Cheng took Little John’s advice from Robin Hood 1973 to “Climb the palace walls.  *Tosses out Gross Carrot* Sweep him off his feet, carry him off in style.” - Little John, Disney Robin Hood (1973) (Best Disney film hands down, freaking fight me if you dare)
-That must’ve hurt his ears
-Y’all had one job
-Feng Xin is just worried
-*Hua Cheng has entered the chat*  Like a goat!
-The subtle eye contact and expression he shared with Xie Lian!
-Some of the 33 gods he defeated are also in the chat
-That shook the veils
-Won’t that be pain in his mind?
-Looks like he saved you yeah
-A flashback from Ep 5!
-Touchstarved!  Touchstarved!  (Try prying this headcanon from my cold dead grip!)
-And here you’re about to see Howard Wang’s best performance in the series so far
-Best apology I’ve ever heard in media
-It healed that fast
-Petition to have James Cheek voice an iconic lead character in a Shakespeare play?
-Aw, they were actually both at fault for what happened
-You can actually feel Hua Cheng’s Shame
-E Ming: Noooo…. You hurt him!  I hurt him!  We hurt him! AAAHHH!  *sobs*
Season 2 has fed us once more!  I’m still busy with writing the Scrap Immortal and the Avatar.  For writing inspiration, I’ll be busy rewatching Avatar:  The Last Airbender
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Tian Guan Ci Fu
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If you're looking at this page to read certain things here is your key
🦊🪷(Hua Cheng x reader x Xie Lian)
🌬️(Shi Qingxuan x reader)
🌬️🦈(Shi Qingxuan x reader x He Xuan)
🌕(Mu Qing x reader)
☀️(Feng Xin x reader)
💕(Pei Ming x reader)
👻(Qi Rong x reader)
👑(Jun Wu x reader)
God of Song (series)🦊🪷
Sunshine 1-4🦊🪷
One shots
Why not me🌬️
Gang up🦊🪷
Don't Leave🦊🪷
Look at Me🦊🪷
Shape-Shifting Heart🦊🪷
Miss Facade headecanons🌕
Closing the Distance 🦊🪷
Confessions (miss Facade part 2) 🌕
Ashes and Statues 🦊🪷
Cursed headcanons🦊🪷
Familiar Love Headcanons 🦊🪷
No Good Headcanons 💕
Mister Facade headecanons 🦊🪷
Can't say no🦊🪷
Parental Headcanons 🦊🪷
Beefleaf Headcanons 🌬️🦈
Gardening 🪷
Revenge is Overrated anyways🌬️🦈
Blood Wounds🦊🪷
In the back of my mind 🦊🪷
Clumsy 🦊🪷
Creating Space 🦊🪷
Crashed Wedding!🦊🪷
Guy exe.🌬️
Pirate time 👻
Mother Hen 🦊🪷
Dragged in🦊🪷
Unrequited 🦊🌬️☀️
Origami 🦊🪷
Rescue Mission🦊🪷
No Take Backs🦊🪷
Professional Play Fighter 🦊🪷
Unbridled Loyalty 👑
Masculine Bride 🪷☀️🌕
One Footed Escape!🦊🪷
Secret Love Letters!🦊🪷
Our Winged Lover🦊🪷
Too much🦊🪷
Authors msgs
Warning on First Glance Series
Come request something from me 🫵☺️
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gentrychild · 10 months
For eight hundred years, Hua Cheng searched for Xie Lian. He must have burned a million sticks of incense in that time, just hoping even one would reach his god.
Xie Lian develops amnesia after Wu Ming dissipates. Wu Ming drifts after him, reforms, and takes care of him.
“You went through… some awful things,” Wu Ming says, obviously choosing his words carefully. “I think your mind is responding this way to protect you.”
Xie Lian nods. That sounds realistic, with what he knows. “I still wish I could remember,” he sighs. Does he have a family? Friends? Does he have duties he’s neglecting?
“If gege will let me,” Wu Ming says, “I’ll stay with him until he remembers.”
Deep in the heart of the city of ghosts, a chisel breaks stone. Alone in the candlelit studio, Hua Cheng bows over the remaining boot and chips away slivers of veined marble. The sculpture is nearly finished, has been for weeks. The details he cuts into the lower foot now are so fine as to be invisible if viewed from any further away than a single step.
Above it, ornate robes are swept back on a frozen wind and a sword halfway from its sheath cuts across the sculpture’s waist. With its weight perched on the front foot as if a breath away from leaping and the candelight rosy across its cheeks and brow, the sculpture looks as if it is only a heartbeat from life. Except—
Hua Cheng takes a step back, tilting his head to survey his creation from toe to brow.
A blank face stares down.
Hua Cheng emerges from Mt. Tong’lu looking for someone he cannot name, cannot place, cannot picture. For centuries, he chases fragments of memory—until he stumbles upon a cultivator in white who might be the answer to the questions he has carried for eight hundred years.
Every year, a ghost king roams the night in search of lost souls and leaves only destruction in his wake. Every year, Hua Cheng's temples are burning.
Or: a story in which Xie Lian is a Devastation, Hua Cheng is a Heaven Official, and nothing is what it seems.
Wearing a face that is not his own, dressed in a red tunic and simple boots, Hua Cheng comes face to face with the love of his life - and forever after - for the first time in two hundred years.
Or, the one where Xie Lian is also a ghost.
“You,” she snarled, like she would say ‘garbage’ or ‘trash’. “You, of course, will never marry. Who would marry a monster, ah?”
“As if I want to get married anyway,” he mumbled angrily.
A story in which a ghost is very, very gay and very, very in love - so much he follows along without a protest when the object of his eight hundreds years old affection decides to get married out of the blue in the middle of ghost hunting mission. After all, it’s not like Crimson Rain could ever refuse anything to His Highness the Crown Prince of Xian Le anyway.
Or: a fanfanfic of Naamah_Beherit’s ‘take my hand, take my whole unlife too’ from Hua Cheng POV.
Have you ever read Book 4 and thought, "Wow, this is really fucking sad. Wouldn't it have been great if things had gone just a little differently?" Do you love Wu Ming and wish there had been more of him in the novel? Are you a fan of pining, slow-burn, and hurt/comfort tropes?
If so, then this might just be the fic for you~
After a shocking experience with his god on Beizi Hill, San Lang must process the blossoming new layers of his feelings for Xie Lian. If he's truly lucky, then he might even be able to make himself useful to his treasured person.
The man standing over him has eyes like knives, sharp and cold and black.
“There are no masks allowed in the Ghost Fortress, Heavenly Official,” he says. His voice is polite, but it too contains knives.
Hua Cheng can appreciate that. A blade is a blade is a blade. Sheathed or pressed to one’s neck, it is still just as sharp. There is no use pretending it is anything otherwise.
The man in front of him is a blade held up to Hua Cheng’s heart, though perhaps he does not know it yet.
Here are the recommended fics, put it in an ask so it’s easier to deal with, please enjoy
Thank you so much for all those recs of Hua Cheng POV, I am so grateful for it, I already read half of them! Seriously, thank you so much!!!
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ruiniel · 4 months
Fanfiction prompts and AUs I might someday write after finishing TGCF:
Black Water and the (former) Wind Master meeting again (post-canon). Honest conversations, complicated conversations. Black Water does something for Shi Qingxuan related to Shi Wudu (why? That's the AU)
Pei Ming goes head over heels for the Lord Rain Master (Hua Cheng style) - it's a spin off on its own
Hualian's first night together E rated
A closer look at Ling Wen and The Brocade Immortal's story
What the hell happens next with Guzi in Lang Qianqiu's care (and the Green Ghost's spirit fragments)
Feng Xin/Mu Qing the-love-is-requited-they're-just-idiots slow burn AU, DUH
Xie Lian goes to see Jun Wu under the mountain for reasons
AU where the Shi brothers pick one of Black Water's choices
Quan Yizhen nursing Yin Yu's soul (as taught by Hua Cheng) and helping him recover
More scenes with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng as Wuming. Dark, dark and angsty please thank you
Jun Wu's backstory, setting Wuyong
Shi Qingxuan ascends again, for realses on his own. Goes to search for Black Water to try and get some answers. Adventures ensue and require them to work together. Post-canon slow burn, maybe
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