#World Tourism rankings
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klimanaturali · 1 year ago
Os Países Mais Visitados do Mundo | Classificações Mundiais de Turismo
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beeptriom · 2 years ago
Countries With the Most International Tourist
World Tourism Day to support sustainable, responsible, and universally accessible tourism Tourism benefits both tourist
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blueiscoool · 2 months ago
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4,000-Year-Old Tomb of Egyptian Royal Physician Found in Saqqara
Teti Neb Fu, a high-ranking physician during Pharaoh Pepi II's reign, held titles like Chief Dentist, Priest of Serket, and Director of Medicinal Plants.
In the southern region of the Saqqara archaeological site, a joint French-Swiss archaeological team made an important discovery uncovering the mastaba tomb of the royal physician Teti Neb Fu from the Old Kingdom, according to a statement by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
This tomb, unearthed in the southern region of the archaeological site of Saqqara, known to contain the tombs of high-ranking officials from the Egyptian Old Kingdom, shows that medicine and magic were once equally revered, and expertise in both earned a long-dead physician to the pharaohs a place of honor among the ancient world’s most esteemed.
Dating back over 4,000 years to the reign of King Pepi II, this important find features exquisite carvings and vibrant artwork, including a painted false door and elaborate scenes depicting funeral offerings.
The sarcophagus found inside the tomb was also inscribed with the name of its occupant and his titles, according to the post. Because of the burial location in Saqqara, researchers knew he was important, but Teti Neb Fu’s official titles named him as the chief palace physician.
Teti Neb Fu, who held prestigious titles such as Chief Palace Physician, Chief Dentist, and Director of Medicinal Plants, also had a unique role as a “Magician” of the Goddess Serket, specializing in the treatment of venomous bites.
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Additionally, he was known as the “Great Physician of Teeth” and “Director of Medicinal Plants”, suggesting that he led research and practical applications in the fields of dentistry and the use of therapeutic herbs.
Even though it had been looted in the past, the mastaba still has many of its ornamental features. The director of the archaeological mission, Dr. Philippe Collombert, said the walls are decorated with remarkable reliefs and inscriptions, including a complex frieze that displays the owner’s name and titles.
Among the most remarkable elements is the red-painted ceiling, which is intended to resemble granite blocks, a material commonly found in imposing buildings. The titles and name of the doctor are also written in the middle of the ceiling. An additional noteworthy discovery within the mastaba is a stone sarcophagus, which has hieroglyphic decorations inside that offer more information about Teti Neb Fu and his accomplishments.
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Mohamed Ismail Khaled, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, emphasized the importance of this discovery, stating that the texts and drawings on the tomb’s walls unveil new insights into the daily life of the Old Kingdom.
This discovery strengthens Saqqara’s position as one of Egypt’s most important historical sites and contributes to its rich archaeological legacy.
Excavations in this area of Saqarra began in 2022, to unearth the graves of state employees for King Pepi who are buried near him and his wives, officials said.
By Oguz Buyukyildirim.
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
The great fault of the global left is not that it supports Hamas. For how could Western left-wing movements or left-inclining charities or academic bodies truly support Hamas if they were serious about their politics?
No one outside the most reactionary quarters of Islam shares Hamas’s aim of forcing the peoples of the world to accept “the sovereignty of Islam” or face “carnage, displacement and terror” if they refuse.  You cannot be a progressive and campaign for a state that executes gay men. An American left, which includes in its ranks the Queers for Palestine campaign group, cannot seriously endorse lethal homophobia in its own country.  They will turn a blind eye in Palestine, as we shall see, but not in New York or Chicago.
Finally, no left organisation proudly honours the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the fascist tradition that Hamas embraces with such sinister gusto, although in a sign of a decay that has been building on the left for more than a generation, many will promulgate left-wing conspiracy theories which are as insane as their fascist counterparts.
No, the problem with the global left is that it is not serious about politics. It “fellow travels” with radical Islam rather than supports it. The concept of “fellow travelling,” with its suggestions of tourism, dilettantism, and privilege, is well worth reviving. The phrase comes from the Bolsheviks. After the Russian Revolution of 1917 they looked with appreciation on Westerners who supported them without ever endorsing communism. Artists, writers, and academics who were disgusted with the West, often for good reason, I should add, were quite happy to justify Soviet communism and cover up its crimes without ever becoming communists themselves.
Leon Trotsky put it best when he said of fellow travellers that the question was always “how far would they go”? As long as they did not have live under the control of communists in the 1920s or the control of Islamists in the 2020s, the answer appears to be: a very long way indeed
W.H. Auden said, as he looked back with some contempt on his fellow travelling past, if Britain or the United States or any country he and his friends knew were taken over by a “successful communist revolution with the same phenomena of terror, purges, censorship etc., we would have screamed our heads off”. But as communism happened in backward Russia “a semi-barbarous country which had experienced neither the Renaissance nor the Enlightenment”, they could ignore its crimes in the interests of seeing the capitalist enemy defeated.
You see the same pattern of lies and indulgence in the case of Hamas. Journalists  have produced a multitude of examples of fellow travelling since 7 October but let one meeting of the Oakland City Council in the Bay area of San Francisco speak for them all.
A council member wanted the council to pass a motion that condemned the killings and hostage-taking by Hamas, who, in case we forget, prompted the war that has devastated Gaza, by massacring Israeli civilians. The motion got nowhere
According to one speaker Hamas did not massacre anyone, a modern variant of Holocaust denial that is becoming endemic. “There have not been beheadings of babies and rapings,” a woman said at the meeting. “Israel murdered their own people on October 7.”  Another woman said that calling Hamas a terrorist organization is “ridiculous, racist and plays into the genocidal propaganda that is flooding our media.” Hamas was the “armed wing of the unified Palestinian resistance” , said a third who clearly had no knowledge of the civil war between Hamas and Fatah.
“To condemn Hamas was very anti-Arab racist” cried a fourth. The meeting returned to modern Holocaust denial as a new speaker said the Israeli Defence Forces had murdered their own people and it was “bald propaganda” to suggest otherwise. A man intervened to shout that “to hear them complain about Hamas violence is like listening to a wifebeater complain when his wife finally stands up and fights back”.  
Anyone who contradicted him was a “white supremacist.”
Of course they were.
Now if theocrats were to establish an Islamist tyranny in the Bay area, I am sure every single speaker would scream their heads off, as Auden predicted. They can turn into fellow travellers as there is no more of a prospect of theocracy threatening them than there was of communism threatening readers of the left-wing press in the UK and US in the 1930s.
A serious left would have plenty to complain about. Consider the Israeli position after the breakdown of the ceasefire. The Israeli state is led by Benjamin Netanyahu, a catastrophe of a prime minister, who left his people exposed to the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. His war aims are contradictory: you cannot both wipe out Hamas and free the hostages.
Worst of all, the Israeli defence forces are to move to the southern Gaza strip where two million Palestinians are crammed. Just war doctrine holds that a military action must have a reasonable chance of success if the suffering is to be permitted. How, reasonably, can the Israeli army expect to find guerilla fighters hiding in a terrified population?  According to leaks in the Israeli media, Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of state, was warning the Israeli government that, “You can’t operate in southern Gaza in the way you did in the north. There are two million Palestinians there.” But he was ignored.  A radical movement worth having would surely be putting pressure on the Biden administration to force Israel to listen to its concerns.
The radical movement we have will not engage in practical politics because compromise is anathema to it. Any honest account of the war would have to admit that Israel has the right to defend itself against attack. It is just that the military position it finds itself in now may well make its war aims impossible and therefore immoral.
You can see why practical politics has no appeal. Where is the violent satisfaction in sober analysis,  the drama in compromise? Where is the Manichean distinction between the absolute good of the Palestinians and the pure evil of Israel?  
Meanwhile, ever since the Israeli victory in the Six Day War of 1967, you have been able to say that Jewish settler sites on the West Bank were placed there deliberately to make a peace settlement impossible, and ensure that Israel controlled all the territory from “the river to the sea” forever.
A serious left might try to revive a two-state solution by building an international consensus that the settlements must go. Once again, however, that is too tame an aim. For the fellow traveller watching Palestine from a safe distance, satisfaction comes only by embracing Hamas’s call for the destruction of Israel. Some progressives try to dress up the urge to destroy by pretending that Jews and Palestinians will go on to live together in some happy-clappy, multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state. But most must know they are advocating a war to the death. What makes their position so disreputable is that, if they thought about it calmly, they would know it would be a war that only Israel could win. It is the Israelis who have the nuclear weapons, after all.
The worst of the global left is dilettantish. It advocates a maximalist position which has a minimal chance of success - just for the thrill of it. David Caute, a historian of fellow travelling with Stalin and communism said that the endorsement of communism by fellow travelling intellectuals in the West “deepened the despair” of Soviet intellectuals. “In their darkest hours they heard themselves condemned by their own kind”.
The 2020s are not the 1930s. I am sure that, if I were a Palestinian in Gaza, my sole concern would be the removal of Israeli forces that threatened me and my family. I would either not care about demonstrations in the West or I would receive some comfort from the knowledge that people all over the world were protesting on my behalf.
Nevertheless, a kind of betrayal is still at work. By inflaming and amplifying the worst elements in Palestine the global left is giving comfort to the worst elements in Israel, which are equally determined to make a compromise impossible.
The New Statesman made that point well when it ran a piece by Celeste Marcus.   She came from the Zionist far right, and was taught doctrines that dehumanised Palestinians. She grew up and grew away from the prejudices of her childhood and became a liberal. But after she moved into her new world, she “recognised immediately that progressive leftists feel about Israelis the way radical Zionists feel about Palestinians: these are not real people.”
The result is that for all its power on the streets and in academia the global left is almost an irrelevance.
“To influence Israel,” she writes, “one must be willing to recognise it. Since leftist leaders cannot bother to do this, they cannot be of real use to Palestinians. This is a betrayal of their own cause.”
The dilettantism of fellow travelling always ends in betrayal and denial for the reason Auden gave: terror is always more tolerable when it happens far, far away.
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wendelsae · 2 months ago
The name Lankiveil is generally believed to be a derivative of Llanc IV Il, apparently named for a young dead machine-prince of the Old Empire whose ferown-tomb still stands on an isolated isle. Shunning this paynim etymology, the Lankiveilis themselves commonly claim Lankiveil to have been the name of the deva that led St. Soobbesm, the bastard son of Maometh's brother's half-wife's concubine's sister, to the planet. The synthetic exegesis makes the angelic Lankiveil be the celestial rebirth of the prince after being freed from jahannam by Soobbesm's prayers.
The planet is noted for its heavy water cover and relatively cold temperature for a biospheric world. Native lifeforms are mostly at a rare Ordovician level of development. Despite this plethora of advanced alien creatures, the most famous animal of Lankiveil, the Vair or so-called Fur Whale, was until recently of Terranic origin.
Lankiveil had a long history of political & marital entanglement with House Harkonnen, owing to the latter's homeworld of Giedi Prime being mainly of Lankiveili Buddhislamic faith after being swordily converted (from the Sikunic sect) by the infamous usurper-baron Maragir. After the kanly-extermination of House Lankiveil proper in 9997 by Philippos XV Atreides, the Landsraad elevated the native House Minor Rabban to the Amiralhaj County, under condition of feudal duty to their more prestigious kinsmen House Harkonnen.
One will note at once that the Comital title of the Rabbans would normally outrank the Baronial title of the Harkonnens. The Count Glossu, resenting the overlordship of his uncle, was often bothered by this. After the deposition of Leto I Atreides, Vladimir was eligible to claim the title of Duke of Arrakis by right of conquest and so regularize the ranking issue; he refused, on grounds of kanly-honor not to take a title filthied by his foe. Glossu apparently took this as a personal insult, and it is noted that in his last years he arrogated himself the quasi-title of Acting Duke of Arrakis, though never in communications with his uncle.
There were two main industries on Lankiveil. The first & elder was the lucrative field of religious tourism, for Lankiveil was the great Fifth Kaaba of the largest branch of Orthodox Buddhislam in the known universe. Most of the northeastern archipelago was Sanghamosque land, with the great Ilamamates conventionally passed down to second sons of the House Minor families. The ruler of the planet held the prestigious title of Amiralhaj as secular guardian (and beneficiary) of the pilgrimages. Contrariwise, the Sanghamosque also took an important role in arming House Harkonnen. As an act of pious charity, the Ilamams would purchase enslaved soldiers from the interstellar markets, and free them in exchange for their conversion & renunciation. Naturally, the soldiers were expected to become not common renunciates, but continue their secular profession in a more spiritual tune as members of the Order of Black Chenrezig, the elite crusaders whom the Atreides contemptuously called the "Gwanyin Ghazis". It is said that Gurney Halleck's rejection of such an offer was the beginning of his personal vendetta with Glossu Rabban.
The other great industry of Lankiveil was of course whale fur. Originally the peltes were merely one of the many products of the traditional whaling of the antarctic archipelago, and it was worn scarcely by even the secular magnates of the northern hemisphere. Buddhislamic teaching regarded the bloody industry as impure & sinful, and this impractical disgust at the livelihood of the southern isles was one contributor to the lack of progress made in catechizing them. And the Siridars, who were almost parasitic on the clergy who were their sole source of profit, did not dare dispute them.
This changed during the reign of Countess Falia Lankiveil-Harkonnen. Her predecessor & elder sister Irina, exposed in a scandalous relation with an Ilamam's designated heir, was found stabbed to death; chaukmurky had been poured into each of her wounds. Falia had spent much of her youth offworld on Kaitain, and when she arrived in Lankiveil's orbit she stopped there, did not descend, and had herself crowned there by a Noukker of the Sardaukar. For the next nine years she remained stationed in orbit while she opened the monasteries & mosques to the pillage of her offworld mercenaries. (Her descendant Muad'Dib, who made Countess Falia a saint of the Golden Elixir, once remarked that while his strategies were learned from hers, even the fury of his Fremen against the heretical homeworld of their oppressors had not matched the ferocity of the sack which she had worked on her own planet.) When she finally deigned descend to the planet to be welcomed by the condottieri she had enfeoffed, she wore a whale fur dress to signal that she was inaugurating a new Lankiveil; she wore the same a two months later on Kaitain for her wedding.
Having created demand and impatient to build up the industry, Falia opened up the planet to settlement from skilled seamen on very generous terms. Many came from many worlds, but the most numerous were the endonymous Astrapaistag- Nonconformist Vajrayana Christians from Yiretel. Their religion, preoccupied with the crucifixion, had little issue slaughtering the beasts that quickly became a symbol of their god.
While Falia's successors did not continue her ruthlessly anticlerical policy, they did carry on the business she had established. The Buddhislamic clergy in time quietly economized their condemnation of the industry- all except a few monastic hardliners no longer preached against the wearing of the Vair; they merely condemned the unclean paynims who produced it. The Fur Whale was adopted as a symbol of the planet & house, and Lankiveil's southern hemisphere itself became known as Whales. However, an obvious problem quickly faced House Lankiveil- with their efficient industrialization, the whales were being killed faster than they could be replaced.
The original Vair was a creature descended from the fur seals of Old Earth, mostly evolved without artificial intervention. Gestation took three years and twins were rare, to grow to mature size took 50. In favorable markets, to harvest the whales at 20 years of age more than broke even on the cost of the harvest, but this killed them before they had long been in sexual maturity. This system could not go on.
These facts were explained to the Bene Tleilax, who quickly set to work improving the stock. In the first iteration, sexual maturity and growth were accelerated and brood size increased, but at the cost of maternal health; this proved unworkable. The second iteration brought a breakthrough. With appropriate sedation (that of course could be grown in the whale's own body through an additional organ) & the inclusion of certain clotting genes modified from the Yirateli manta, the whales could be captured by a suspensor carrywhale, flayed, and then set back in the sea still alive. Regrowing a pelt was, after all, far quicker than regrowing an entire whale. To protect the harvest the Vairs' natural predators, the indigenous endocerids, were exterminated by a targeted virus.
This revolution in whaling pleased the siridars, but it did not please the whalers. By this time the immigrant Astrapaistag had intermarried & syncretized with the native South Islanders, and the harvest of the whole whale was sacred to them. The new system was like torturing Christ without killing him. There were riots, which were suppressed. Emigration followed. The Buddhislamists, long envious of the favorable exemptions to the Faufreluches that Falia had given the Vajrayana Christians, pushed the siridars to act against this risk to their profits.
A six-year moratorium on emigration was announced while foreign workers were sought. After thirty years the ban was still in place, and the whaling airships had been stuffed with slaves. The Astrapaistag, disappointed by their lords, were courted by Atreides agents. A plan was formed, whereby the main Atreides force would divert Harkonnen attention by the seizure of a space port on Giedi Prime (and dig in, making no further forrays), the Count Rautha would then be murdered by his Falianag bodyguards, and a smaller elite Atreides force would then assist in the Astrapaistag seizure of their planet.
When word came that Giedi Prime faced an unexpected raid by House Ginaz and the Atreides were making their move at once to coordinate, the Lankiveili side of the plot was immediately set in motion. Count Rautha was slain, though his brother Sirush quickly retook the holy city of Haj. The Astrapaistag regime who had seized the Southern Isles were offered relatively lenient terms (Sirush was not entirely displeased with his brother's death), but Alipticon Corippus, their contact with the Atreides, warned them not to trust Sirush and urged them to wait for their allies to arrive. So they waited, and waited, while one by one the islands fell. The leaders of the revolt settled in for a lengthy siege on their last stronghold- they were told the Atreides had been delayed by a counterraid to Caladan but were on their way. But they were instead destroyed almost at once by an orbital strike. Sirush saw little issue with annihilating a single island, and he could rely on the Tleilaxu to help deal with any environmental aftereffects.
The Falianag bodyguard were hanged, drawn, & quartered, while the other Vajrayana Christians were crushed down to the lowest level of the Faufreluches, legally bound to the planet and indeed to their isles of residence, forbidden to practice any other occupation than the filthy art of whaling that their religion now cried out against. Alipticon, who of course had been the traitor, converted to the state religion with Sirush's personal oversight, and was rewarded for his loyalty by being enfeoffed Lord of the Southern Isles, thus to be lamented forever by his former people as the man who had sold his soul for Whales. His House Minor maintained an impeccable record of Buddhislamic piety, and centuries later his direct descendant Zeng Corippus was the Count Glossu Rabban's bashar on Arrakis.
Free of the need to care about the Astrapaistag's scruples, House Lankiveil, and later House Rabban, gave the Tleilaxu a permanent contract to refine the Vair stock. Seeking greater efficiency, the serpentine vertebrate body plan was discarded in favor of skeletal-esophageal "windowpanes" linked by networks of furred skin. The introduction of this variety was detained only by the need to manufacture new forms of carrywhale to harvest with. Still iterations continued. Few of the high class consumers who bought & wore Vair knew that the original cuddly Fur Whale that seethed rampant on the House Rabban crest was extinct except in a few aquariums.
The Imperial Planetologist Timon Akat, whom Count Abulurd Rabban hired to examine the state of the oceans, reported that while the ecosystem seemed stable to support human life (or at least it was being altered so quickly that it couldn't destabilize), it seemed that almost all native or terranic macroscopic life apart from a few common fish species had been displaced by a trophic network of iterations, most of which bore only a very slant resemblance to the notions of fur or whale. He later wrote, "I'd had to deal with planets where religious dogma meant that there was widespread disbelief in evolution by natural selection, and Lankiveil was one of them, but it was only when speaking to the Bene Tleilax that I began to suspect that religions could exist that regarded evolution as very real, and also mortally sinful. I don't think the Harkonnens could restore their oceans even if they wanted to."
The natives of Lankiveil are noted for greyish skin, bluish hair, and craggy rectangular faces; these features are common even among the Astrapaistag, who had intermarried much with the old whalers. Renunciates or partial renunciates to Lankiveili Buddhislam have a red triskelion with three dots tattooed on their forehead and cheeks, a triple symbol of the Three Jewels and the Three Muhammads.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 3 months ago
Minas Cheese may become UNESCO World Heritage this year
If it secures the necessary votes, its preparation method will join the ranks of the 'Art of Neapolitan Pizzaiolo' and 'Arab Coffee' on UNESCO's list.
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The "Traditional Ways of Making Minas Cheese" could be designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the end of this year. If confirmed, the addition to UNESCO’s list will be decided at the next session of the international organization’s committee, scheduled to take place in Asunción, Paraguay, from December 1 to 7. This would mark the first time a Brazilian gastronomic item receives such recognition.
— Brazilian flavors are one of our many riches. Culturally, making cheese brings with it the characteristics of a region and its people. The possibility of this distinctive artisanal Minas Cheese preparation receiving such recognition highlights the strength of this important and symbolic expression — says Culture Minister Margareth Menezes.
The artisanal production of Minas cheese was declared a heritage of the state of Minas Gerais in 2002. Five years later, in 2008, it also received national recognition from the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan). A request made by the Minas Gerais Association of Artisanal Cheese Producers (Amiqueijo) and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Minas Gerais led Iphan to submit the nomination to UNESCO in March 2023.
— The recognition proposal aims to give international visibility to this national cultural heritage, which has been a tradition for more than three centuries not only in Minas Gerais but throughout Brazil — states Leandro Grass, president of Iphan.
Continue reading.
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withnofreetime · 1 year ago
Hetalia ☆ World Stars (513)
I feel concerned, France changed... I like him now? Not too much tho
Translation notes at the end: ‘cuz I took a lot of “creative freedoms(?)” and sometimes I forgot the meaning of words ("kanji"). Warning: I don’t know Italian, German (my sister knows) and French (a bit). And sorry for the bad words...
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Page 2.
"Coglione" is... balls? Is an insult, but to my knowledge it is usually used among close friends, if an Italian ministerial candidate uses it, I am right. This is my way of differentiating the times when Italy is vulgar with the others (always), between "BIG5" and "Germany/Japan". (+wiki)
"Verstanden", "Understood". German, in this case. In their informal use, because, again, the're allies.
"Chiario", the literal translation, is "clear", but it is also used as an affirmation.
"99 trillion in health", I looked to see if there was a reference to a nation, but nothing. Although America and England were the ones who supported the change, it's worth remembering that America is the country that spends the most on health care in the world.
"99 quadrillions in cost", I have nothing more to say than: "Zimbabwean dollar", more specifically, the 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar banknote.
Page 3. 
"Blagen!", is a German slang for "annoying kids" or to sarcastically call a place a "kindergarten" either because of how messy or chaotic it is.
"Già l'ora suonò!", "the time has come!" (Rough translation)
"Inter arma enim silent leges!", I decided to add a Latin phrase because of the same origin (historical places, mostly) of the "special" card used by Italy and because Cicero is related. Translation: "For among arms, the laws are silent" (wiki).
"Ludi", I don't think I can explain it as well as Wikipedia, but it was kind of like a "party/games" wherein one of the main shows presented gladiators, and… well, we all know the final fate of most of them.
Page 5.
Tourism ranking. (Wikipedia) In 2022, the table goes as follows:
1) France, 2) Spain, 3) USA, 4) Turkey and 5) Italy.
So Italy's card doesn't work so well against France.
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amin13864 · 6 months ago
*1 - For the first time, the enemy has suffered more than 2,500 deaths.*
*2 - For the first time, more than 250 have been captured, including very high-ranking ranks.*
*3 - For the first time, half a million settlers have been displaced.*
*4 - For the first time, a treasure trove of information has been obtained from the Mossad.*
*5 - For the first time, we are invading them and they are not invading us.*
*6 - Dropping the notion of an invincible army irrevocably.*
*7 - Dropping the civilization of the West that claims humanity.*
*8 - Dropping the normalization plan.. and dropping what is called Abrahamism.*
*9 - Dropping the plan known as the Deal of the Century and displacing the people of Gaza.*
*10 - Dropping the idea of ​​the Jewish homeland and showing the fragility of their connection to it.*
*11 - Dropping the internal unity of the enemy and sowing a great rift between them.*
*12 - Dropping the Zionist media system.*
*13 - Restoring the Palestinian issue to its central position in The nation.*
*14 - Reviving the spirit of jihad in the entire nation.*
*15 - Achieving emotional unity among the entire nation.*
*16 - Showing the humanity of Muslims' treatment of prisoners.*
*17 - Restoring hope for freedom for our prisoners in the occupation's prisons.*
*18 - Restoring hope to the Palestinians in the diaspora that the return is imminent.*
*19 - Restoring hope to the Arab peoples.*
.*20* - .*Reviving confidence in God's promise that the entity will soon be eliminated and Al-Aqsa will be liberated.*
✍️ *The entire Jewish people are recruited, which means the economy is paralyzed*
✍️ *Zero tourism*
✍️ *Zero investments*
✍️ *Factories have stopped completely, which means no manufacturing or exporting*
✍️ *Schools, offices and companies have closed*
✍️ *Their military loss per day is $240 million*
✍️ *More than 4,000 reserve soldiers and officers refused to volunteer and said it is impossible for us to fight in a country that is not ours*
✍️ *400 pilots refused to perform service*
✍️ *More than 500,000 people left their homes*
✍️ *Their people are now very angry with them*
✍️ *Tel Aviv has become a city of terror*
✍️ *The curse of the eighth decade is upon them*
✍️ *The peoples of the world have learned their truth*
*1 - لأول مرة يسقط لدى العدو أكثر من ٢٥٠٠ قتيل.*
*2 - لأول مرة يتم أسر أكثر من ٢٥٠ بينهم رتب كبيرة جدا.*
*3 - لأول مرة يتم تهجير نصف مليون من المستوطنين.*
*4 - لأول مرة يتم الحصول على كنز معلومات من الموساد.*
*5 - لأول مرة نحن نغزوهم ولا يغزوننا.*
*6 - إسقاط مقولة الجيش الذي لا يقهر إلى غير رجعة.*
*7 - إسقاط حضارة الغرب الذي يدعي الإنسانية.*
*8 - إسقاط مخطط التطبيع.. وإسقاط ما يسمى بالإبراهيمية.*
*9 - إسقاط المخطط المعروف بصفقة القرن وتهجير أهل غزة.*
*10 - إسقاط فكرة الوطن اليهودي وإظهار هشاشة إرتباطهم به.*
*11 - إسقاط الوحدة الداخلية عند العدو وزرع شرخ كبير بينهم.*
*12 - إسقاط المنظومة الإعلامية الصهيونية.*
*13 - إعادة قضية فلسطين إلى مكانتها المحورية في الأمة.*
*14 - إحياء روح الجهاد في كل الأمة.*
*15 - تحقيق الوحدة الشعورية بين الأمة جمعاء.*
*16 - إظهار إنسانية تعامل المسلمين مع الأسرى.*
*17 - إعادة الأمل بالحرية عند أسرانا في سجون الاحتلال.*
*18 - إعادة الأمل لفلسطينيي الشتات بقرب العودة.*
*19 - إعادة الأمل للشعوب العربية*
.*20* - .*إحياء الثقة بوعد الله بقرب زوال الكيان و تحرير الأقصى.*.
✍️ *الشعب اليهودي كله تجنيد يعني شلل الاقتصاد*
✍️ *السياحة صفر*
✍️ *الإستثمارات صفر*
✍️ *المصانع توقفت تماما يعني لا تصنيع ولا تصدير*
✍️ *المدارس والمكاتب والشركات أغلقت*
✍️ *خسارتهم العسكرية في اليوم الواحد ٢٤٠ مليون دولار*
✍️ *أكثر من ٤٠٠٠ جندي وضابط احتياط رفضوا يتطوعون وقالوا مستحيل نحارب في بلد ليست لنا*
✍️ *٤٠٠ طيار رفضوا أداء الخدمة*
✍️ *أكثر من ٥٠٠ ألف شخص تركوا منازلهم*
✍️ *شعبهم الآن ساخط عليهم جداً*
✍️ *تل-أبيب أصبحت مدينة رعب*
✍️ *لعنة العقد الثامن تحل عليهم*
✍️ *شعوب العالم عرفت حقيقتهم*
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jordanianroyals · 26 days ago
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Happy birthday, King Abdullah II & Prince Hashem!
King Abdullah II of Jordan marks his 63rd birthday on 30 January 2025. His youngest child, Prince Hashem, also turns 20 on the same day.
Born on January 30, 1962, King Abdullah II, the 41st direct descendant of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), is the eldest son of the late King Hussein bin Talal and Princess Muna Al Hussein.
His Majesty's educational journey began at the Islamic Scientific College in Amman, followed by studies at St. Edmund's School in England, and Eaglebrook School and Deerfield Academy in the United States.
In 1980, he enrolled at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, graduating as a Second Lieutenant, before pursuing Middle Eastern Affairs studies at Oxford University in 1982 and completing an Armor Officer Advanced Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1985.
The King studied international politics at Georgetown University in 1989, completing an advanced research and study program in international affairs as part of the Master's program in Foreign Service.
His military experience spans service in the United States, Britain, and Germany, progressing from commanding a tank company in the 17th Royal Tank Battalion in 1989 to leading the Royal Special Forces as a Brigadier General, where he restructured the unit to meet international military standards.
Following his appointment as Crown Prince on January 24, 1999, King Abdullah II assumed his constitutional powers as Jordan's fourth King on February 7, 1999, receiving the rank of Field Marshal in the Jordan Armed Forces.
His Majesty married Queen Rania Al Abdullah on June 10, 1993. They have four children: Crown Prince Hussein, who was appointed Crown Prince on July 2, 2009, Prince Hashem, Princess Iman, and Princess Salma. In August 2024, Their Majesties welcomed their first grandchild, Princess Iman bint Al Hussein.
King Abdullah II strives to enhance Jordan's positive and moderate role in the Arab world, seeking a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian cause and supporting Palestinian aspirations for an independent state.
He dedicates himself to defending Jordan as an oasis of development and stability amid a turbulent region by investing in human capital, confronting terrorism and extremism through a comprehensive approach, and continuously working to enhance security and stability in the Middle East.
His Majesty led intensive diplomatic efforts supporting the Palestinian cause and advocating for a Gaza ceasefire through numerous international engagements.
His personal involvement in humanitarian aid missions included participating in airdrops to Gaza and overseeing the dispatch of Jordan's largest aid convoy, alongside establishing field hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank, and launching the "Restoring Hope" initiative for prosthetic limb fittings.
Under the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, His Majesty sponsored the establishment of an international Orthodox university at the Baptism Site and funded the restoration of the Dome of the Rock's historic gilded decorations in 2024.
In the Silver Jubilee year, King Abdullah II continues to advance political, economic, and administrative modernization tracks, monitoring progress across various sectors including economy, investment, tourism, education, and transportation.
His Majesty maintains close engagement with local communities through regular visits to governorates and recognition of individuals who have served Jordan and its people.
The King maintains special attention to his companions-in-arms in the Jordan Armed Forces and security services, recognizing their professional dedication to preserving national security, stability, and protecting citizens and national resources.
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shivapvoid · 2 months ago
Why the Pelupelu Allied Society Quests Are Bad
Disclaimer : I am not qualified to talk about these topics. It’s possible that I’m not right in some of these points, so take this with a grain of salt and do some thinking yourself. This is only my opinion. I have no doubt that there are more qualified people than me to make these points and talk about them, as I’m only an art student with little experience with the wider world. However, as I’ve seen very few people talk about the Pelupelu Allied Society Quests as a whole, other than hearsay of people on Twitter, I’ve decided to compile a few words about the below points.
P.S. When I was writing this, I hadn’t (and still haven’t) finished all of the Pelupelu Quests. As of posting this, my rank in it its still Sworn.
everything is under the cut.
Problem 1 : The Tourism Feel
The “tourism feel” in Dawntrail, and its sidequests, is a point that many players of FFXIV have pointed out. Whether it be the overuse of tacos as general food, even though there should be other foods that people enjoy eating, or the fact that the people of Tural (or should I say, the FFXIV devs,) flaunt their culture as if it is an exotic and mysterious thing that nobody has ever seen before (it really isn’t), the tourist feel that I myself have played through is pervading and invasive in Dawntrail’s entire experience to me, and spoils it entirely.
I will only be talking about the Pelupelu Allied Society Quests in here, so that shall be my main point of focus, not the main story. This brings me to my main point in these Allied Society Quests. The Turali Travel Agency in Kozama’uka. It’s framed as a way to make funds to fix the broken bridge between Kozama’uka and Tuliyollal, to help Kozama’uka rebuild from the great storm they had, and to help fellow Turali know each other better, as the different factions barely know each other, living so far from each other as they do. Now, this in and of itself isn’t a problem – until you realise that the residents and citizens of Tural are more than capable of rebuilding and knowing each other themselves.
So why is the Turali Travel Agency introduced? It’s because of a Pelupelu of course, by the name of Liplu. Liplu wants to take, in her words, a business opportunity to help achieve the goals that I stated above.
She states,
“Our goal is to help revitalise this community as it attempts to rebuild after the great storm. Promoting Kozama’uka as a tourist destination will provide a much-needed source of income for the region, and with it, all the benefits that follow.”
My first thought when I read this dialogue was “I didn’t realise income was the issue.” This nebulous problem of “money” never came up or was addressed when we first come to Kozama’uka in the main story of Dawntrail, or when you progress in the Pelupelu Quests. Sure, you could say that they were busy with the Rite of Succession, but the fact is that it was never a problem in the first place. Why am I so confident in this fact? It’s clear that the Hanu Hanu trade their reeds or fish to make a living, so why do they not simply continue with their way of life and rebuild their village that way? Why do they not ask the Moblins and their myriad of crafters to help rebuild the bridge?
Or better yet, why not just requisition funds from the Dawnservants, who would be very eager to help, to rebuild the bridge? It doesn’t make sense. The Pelupelu Allied Society Quests are simply a way to shoehorn the Warrior of Light into helping something that doesn’t need to be helped. Simply put, the Pelupelu Society Quests are effectively useless and an incredibly lazy way to storytell, since the Warrior of Light is not needed here, but is still being framed as ‘being useful to the region’. They, as a Warrior of Light, do not know this region. They are not a citizen of Tural. They do not know their way of life. To be framed as a paragon of ‘knowing culture’ because the Warrior of Light has traveled far and wide is a false statement, and effectively turns the Warrior of Light into a foreigner meddling in matters outside of their jurisdiction.
If you are not convinced, let me compare the Pelupelu Allied Society Quests to a rather similar Allied Society Questline from the last expansion of Endwalker. The Arkasodara Allied Society Quests. The Arkasodara Allied Society Quests are only similar in a surface level – The Warrior of Light is enlisted to help a wayward band of Arkasodara who like to race with hippos. The player then find these wayward souls and bring them to Kancana, who gives them work to do, namely, which is delivering packages to other people.
The Warrior of Light, here, is simply helping them bring packages to and fro. There is no other involvement whatsoever in their work other than in key moments, not because they are a Warrior of Light, but because they are an adventurer. There is a clear story being told in the Arkasodara Quests, involving the Hippo Riders and other Gajasura who were previously living alone without outside help in Thavnair.
While in the Pelupelu Quests, the Warrior of Light is constantly lauded as an individual who can fix anything – a deus ex machina, almost. This is evident by the fact that the Pelupelu Quests open with Liplu giving lipservice to the Warrior of Light’s achievements in Tural.
“The mighty warrior who traveled the length and breadth of Tural, taking in its myriad sights, sounds, and smells─even those within the otherworldly dome!? The savvy haggler who helped the Third Promise acquire a saddle worth ten pel in the thousands column, despite starting with a mere hundred!?”
This is the key difference between the Pelupelu and Arkasodara Allied Society Quests.
This, also, brings me to my next point.
Problem 2 : The Lack of Conflict
There is little to no conflict in the Pelupelu Allied Society Quests. There is no problem to be solved, there is only progress. There is no driving force – so to speak – that drives forward the plot. It makes for an overall boring, bland and uninteresting story. Now, I realise its a big ask of an mmorpg to make a goddamned sidequest interesting, but the standards have already been set by the previous Allied Society Quests before this. The Stormblood ones were better. The ARR ones were better.
It’s just not an excuse, that the FFXIV team simply couldn’t uphold the quality of the storytelling, especially when millions of players pay 15 USD or more every month just to play the game. There’s no excuse for the drop in quality of storytelling at all.
Even if the story was meant to be “relaxing” like a vacation with low stakes, even a story with low stakes can feel interesting. Take, for example, the various sidequests peppered around the map. They’re short, sweet, and still catch my attention for the few minutes that I’m doing them. The Pelupelu Allied Society Quests feel like someone’s buried the stakes in the ground and burned them to ash for good measure. It just doesn’t feel engaging at all.
Conclusion :
I don’t really know how to end this. This started as a rant towards how I felt about these quests and it still shows in my writing. Feel free to reply to this if you can. I guess... what I’m trying to say is that this isn’t worth what I’m paying FFXIV for. This isn’t what I signed up for. No amount of complaining to Square Enix can fix this. As of writing this, I’m planning to unsubcribe. If you want things to change too, I suggest you vote with your wallet, not your words. If not, keep enjoying the game, I guess.
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months ago
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Twisted Wonderland Sightseeing and Travel Centre - Homepage
Travel FAQ || Accommodations || NRC Homepage || RSA Homepage
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Is it your first time visiting Twisted Wonderland? If so, please allow us the honour to introduce our beautiful region to you! Whether you are planning your trip as a relaxing getaway or are looking to feel the thrill of watching our nation’s best battling it out, you are sure to find this region worth your time.
From the lush forests of Briar Valley over the impressive dunes of the Scalding Sands all the way to the azure depths of the Coral Sea, the region boasts not only awe-inspiring flora, but also various species of pokémon. You might recognise some of their names from your Pokédex, yet their appearance is guaranteed to surprise you. Yes, much like other regions, Twisted Wonderland is home to a few regional variants that we call ‘Twisted Forms’. 
After a day’s worth of exploring everything the region has to offer, you can immerse yourself in the exciting atmosphere of a professional pokémon battle. Whether it is in the stands of one of our many stadiums or from the comfort of your temporary home through televised and online streams, watching the nation’s best give it their all is guaranteed to get your heart racing!
What sets the battles in Twisted Wonderland apart from those in other regions is the ability of strong trainers to use their Unique Magic to directly influence a battle. It’s a trainer’s innate talent that cannot be copied by anyone else and marks those who are able to use it as truly strong. It goes without saying that these abilities have the potential to change the flow of any battle and keep a match interesting until the very end!
Given the popularity of Pokémon battles as a sport, it should come as no surprise that many aspire to go professional and climb the League’s ranks. However, only a select few have what it takes. Sage Island is the epicentre of developing all things Pokémon-related. Not only is it home to the Pokémon League, the most prestigious academic institutions for aspiring young adults are located there as well.
Both Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy, run by leading professors Dire Crowley and Ambrose LXIII, have the reputation of fostering a learning environment that consistently produces the strongest trainers of a generation. Furthermore, their students are also recognised in various other fields, such as the development and manufacturing of gadgets or the studies of types, attacks, abilities, evolutions and the like. Therefore it is not surprising many of them receive offers to go abroad for their internship to study under renowned professors and entrepreneurs from all over the world.
In fact, these institutions are so accomplished, they host the local Gym Challenge, which enables trainers outside the Top 10 to challenge the Elite Four in order to potentially qualify for the annual Champion’s Tournament. To determine which school gets the prestigious honour of putting forward the Gym Leaders, an exclusive tournament is held at the beginning of the season. For the past few decades, RSA has been able to clutch the win on the privilege of hosting the Gym Challenge.
Has your curiosity been piqued and your wanderlust set in? If so, the Twisted Wonderland Services and Tourism Centre eagerly awaits your timely arrival and looks forward to welcoming you to our beautiful region in person! 
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If you have any further questions, please visit our Travel FAQ or contact the staff of the TWSTC directly.
For more information on the local Pokémon, please visit the website of Twisted Wonderland’s Bellwether Institute.
For more information on internships and studies abroad, please visit the homepages of Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy.
To book your flight, we recommend Albatross Airlines; to book your accommodation, please visit Neverland Housing Agency.
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not feed my writing to an ai
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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patibato · 6 months ago
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B01 - The Hateful Five
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Female Student A: Oh, ufufufu! Just what I'd expect from you, Yumenosuke-san! Sharp, smart, athletic, and funny to boot.
Female Student B: I'm so happy we can spend time together in mahorova like this.
Yumenosuke: I'm also honoured to be able to talk with delightful ladies such as yourselves. It's a shame that, due to me being at my villa in Switzerland, the metaverse is our only way to meet, but… well, there's only about half of Summer Vacation left.
Next on the agenda is how to make the best use of the remaining time—let's have an open discussion about it!
Female Student A: Sounds good to me! By the way, what are your plans?
Yumenosuke: I completed all my assignments in the first week, so in the remaining time, I think I'll put all my efforts towards ensuring the success of the open days we'll be holding at the end of the month.
Female Student B: Oh my! That's wonderful! We should learn from you.
Female Student A: We should. I've just been obsessed with the "LashColle" releases lately…
Yumenosuke: LashColle… "Eyelash Collection", you mean? Unfortunately, I'm rather unfamiliar with the eyelash world, so I appear to be falling behind.
However, I believe the top LashColle award from the other day was acquired by my Uncle, with an overwhelming point difference, yes?
Gannosuke: Indeed, along with one of the audience awards.
A pleasure to meet you, lovely young ladies. I am Yumenosuke's Uncle, Kuraku Gannosuke.
Female Student B: I was wondering who the mysterious gentleman next to Yumenosuke-san was… so you're that renowned eyelash artist?
Female Student A: Congratulations on your winnings! Your work was the boldest, most radiantly decadent one of them all…!
Female Student B: So true. On top of that… it felt a little different to your usual style!
Yumenosuke: Huh… has there been a change in your mental state or something?
Gannosuke: Well, the other day I had a once in a lifetime encounter on the island. There's no doubt that he sparked a flame in my imagination.
Yumenosuke: Oh! That's wonderful to hear. I wonder, just what kind of encounter was it—
Student Council Member: President Kuraku!
Yumenosuke: What is it? Quiet down.
Student Council PR: It's serious! Please look at this news!
Yumenosuke: …!? "Active High Schoolers Recruited as Tourism Ward Mayors"…!?
Student Council PR: What's more, while this hasn't been announced yet, my mother who works with the news says the ones nominated are—…
Female Student A: Of all people, it's those lowly Rank One students who may have blown up the old school building…!? Aah, I'm getting dizzy…!
Female Student B: A-are you alright, Yumenosuke-san? You've gone pale…
Yumenosuke: …Kh!
(Ward Mayors have a lot of influence over the political world, and despite knowing that, the Ward 0 Mayor chose THEM? In the first place, it's clear this personnel decision was enforced without proper consideration… an unacceptable folly!)
(What's more, being a Ward Mayor…! It's the position that I should have been inaugurated into in "Kuraku Yumenosuke's Life Plan Chapter 3 ~Tourism Ward Mayor Edition~"…!)
(Surely those savages responsible for the bombing incident took the positions with no great effort involved—absolutely unforgivable! How dare they do this to my perfect life plan… how dare they…-)
Gannosuke: Are you alright, Yumenosuke-kun?
Yumenosuke: … Excuse me. I have some business to attend to, so I shall take my leave now!
Gannosuke: …
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Momiji: Everyooone! The press release is ouuut!
Akuta: Ooh! For real!? Can I see~~~?
Nanaki: Oi, Akuta. Sit properly while you eat.
Ushio: Hmm… this celebration* soba is pretty good.
Muneuji: Indeed. I'm sure even my mother, who's very particular about Japanese food, would choose to eat this 100% buckwheat soba.
Kiroku: … Slurp…
Akuta: Uuum, "Actibb high shkoowers~"…
Yachiyo: Ah, should I read it out? Since everyone's busy eating…
Renga: That's thoughtful of you. —Hey, you guys, hand it over.
Momiji: Sorry, Yachiyo-kun. Please go ahead!
Yachiyo: "Active High Schoolers Unexpectedly Chosen for Wards 5-9 in the Hama Special Tourism Ward"
Liguang: … …
Yachiyo: "Aiming to incorporate a new sense of values into Hama's tourism based on the younger generation, who bear the burden of the future—"
"We are pleased to announce that active high schoolers have been inaugurated into the position of Tourism Ward Mayors for Wards 5-9 under the orders of Ward 0 Mayor and Hama Tours President, Oguro Kafka."
Yukikaze: …
Yachiyo: "As with the tour held by R1ze—the Mayors of Wards 0-4—which concluded to high acclaim the other day, their upcoming first tour will include a Hospitality Live."
"And this time, there'll also be an inauguration ceremony held on the first day, making this a tour packed with events."
"Furthermore, it will be held at their school building, one of the symbols of Hama—"
Ten: This soba's good.
Yachiyo: "Hama Asunaro High School, in collaboration with the open days being held."
"It will be a tour that can be enjoyed by not only the prospective students and their guardians, but the general public as well, so please rouse yourselves to take part, everyone."
Momiji: The press release really does make it hit home and get you motivated.
Akuta: A Hospitality Live for the tour…! Just hearing that gets me going all of a sudden~~~!
Liguang: Don't shake the table, boy.
Nanaki: Ah, sorry, I'll scold him later.
Renga: But you know, feeling excited for it is… well, I understand it. But what will you do about the contents? Your concept is important.
Kiroku: …The… concept… …
Ushio: Our dear Idiotake-san, how's that coming along?
Akuta: Nghe?
Muneuji: Thinking up the concept is the leader's role. Do you have anything in mind?
Renga: W-wait! Students. —I appreciate that you guys don't know up from down when it comes to making plans.
If you're struggling, I could deign to lend a hand—
Akuta: Ac-tua-lly, I DO have a proper plan!
Renga: Wh—
Liguang: Patronising them is futile.
Ten: Isn't it nice that they won't be taking up any of your time, Renga-san?
Renga: …- Y-yeah, right.
Momiji: —Alright, if we're finished with the soba, let's get on with the rest of the moving process!
All Five: Got it.
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Nanaki: So the room arrangements have me, Akuta, and Kiroku rooming together.
Akuta: The room's called "Coil" huh. We should think up a coiled pose later.
Kiroku: … Hm…
Momiji: Are you fine with this room arrangement, Ushio-kun?
Ushio: Can't complain about rooming with Muneuji. The name, on the other hand…
Muneuji: "Whinny Clan" is an interesting one. Shall we devise a Whinny Clan pose later?
Momiji: (The former inn does have weird room names…)
Nanaki: We should finish carrying in our luggage now. Let's go Akuta, Kiroku.
Kiroku: Mhm…
Ushio: … …
Yukikaze: Why are you scowling at your phone? Have you finished putting away your luggage?
Ushio: Elevator's full so I'm waiting for it to be empty. Gotta use that spare time to ego-search that news from earlier.
Yep, there's the slander. Reported.
Yukikaze: …
Ushio: …You think what I'm doing is pointless, don't you? So do I. It doesn't really matter.
Yukikaze: No, it's not pointless. I'll help.
Ushio: … Idle curiosity, huh.
Momiji: (It's not out of curiosity, it's out of kindness. Ushio-kun…)
Muneuji: Uuchan, step aside a bit. I want to put this there.
Momiji: Woah! That bag looks super heavy…!
Yukikaze: How grand. …It doesn't look like a piece of furniture.
Kafka: Amazing, right? It's full of congratulatory gifts sent by Muneuji's family.
Momiji: Wow~! It's got everything from high class sweets to electric appliances!
Kafka: Looks like we won't need to worry about equipment for a while. There's even tea cakes for tea time with Chief-chan.
Akuta: Lured by the presence of food, I have arrived from the second floor!
Ushio: Are you a dog…?
Akuta: Can I have this gold leaf castella? Ah, if I gather up the gold leaves, will I become rich?
Momiji: Ahaha, I wonder.
Ten: What's your home like, Akuta? Your family must be happy to hear you're a Ward Mayor.
Akuta: Nyah, my uncle's holed up at work so we've not had a proper talk yet. Nom nom…
Momiji: Your uncle?
Akuta: He's an animation director, Isotake Taiji. He's been looking after me.
Momiji: Is that so…
Ten: Isotake Taiji's a pretty famous animator. And even if he wasn't, people working in animation have it hard.
Momiji: (There goes Ten-kun…! Splendidly moving past the complicated circumstances and continuing the conversation…!)
(Come to think of it, the family member who signed the letter of consent for the trip was his uncle, wasn't it.)
(I wasn't going to touch on it, but—I see, that was why.)
Renga: Oh, Akuta! You're here! I was looking for you!
Akuta: Mgh?
Renga: A-about your concept! Earlier, I wondered if you were bluffing in front of everyone… I understand that too, or like…
A concept isn't something you can put together so easily! So I, the leader of the Morning Team, shall-
Akuta: Nah, I'm good. But thanks for the thought, Renga-san.
! Nanaki and Kiroku have come back at just the right time.
Hey, gentlemen of Asu-High! Attentiii~~~~on! Please gather here tomorrow!
Renga: …Uu.
Akuta: I'll be announcing the best, most powerful concept to render the guys who treated us like idiots speechless!
Renga: I-I… can lend… my knowledge…
Momiji: (I'll console him later…)
*"引っ越しそば" (hikkoshi soba) is soba eaten to celebrate a successful move. It's traditionally given by neighbours, but in recent years has become something eaten regardless
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shunin-gumis · 2 months ago
Temptation Towards Apoptosis - Track 05
L4mps 1st Feature Event
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This chapter is translated by me!
CW: Body Horror
This chapter includes body horror of teeth. If you do not wish to read this part of the chapter, please skip from "…Hmph. Fine, then." till "labored gasping" to avoid such content. However, if you wish to read, please read with caution.
Location: Aomori - Miroku Yokocho
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Morozumi: Glad to make your acquaintance. My name is Morozumi Miura. Feel free to call me Morozumi. This ‘ere’s my business card… 
Chief: Thank you, and here’s mine… 
Morozumi: Ooh, the Chief of HAMA Tours, ey? HAMA’s been the talk o’ the town lately, seein’ as it’s getting all sortta attention as a designated tourism district. 
Chief: We’re honored to hear that. And you are…
Chief: …A “spirit lawyer?”
Morozumi: You bet. I make contracts with ‘em spirits, like the one on top of yer ride so we can all live fine and dandy together and whatnot… 
Morozumi: They cross a line, I exorcise ‘em. That's the kinda job I do… I mean.
Morozumi: Ah… Pardon the accent. Standard Japanese ain’t really my ballpark… 
Chief: That’s alright. 
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Yodaka: Some of my customers have talked about such a world existing, but I’d never thought I’d meet someone from that profession. It’s quite an honor. 
Morozumi: Believers are few and far between after all.
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Daniel: (I can see why.)
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Nagi: I see… So, how much for the pot?
Ryui: Huh?
Netaro: Aha~! I understand now. This is one of those spiritual scams~!
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Ryui: …You bastards. You tryin’ to call him a fraud? Don’t you dare mock him.
Nagi: Not at all. Those strange tremors stopped right after Morozumi-san appeared after all… 
Yodaka: That did indeed happen.
Nagi: I figured someone with actual powers would have the real Pot of Fortune with him, so really, I asked because I do believe him.
Daniel: How’d you figure that?
Netaro: Aha! So if he has the pot, he’d be much more convincing!
Morozumi: Sorry ta burst yer bubble, but I don’ like usin’ ‘em cursed tools all that much.
Netaro: Whyyy~?
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Ryui: Knock it off already. Morozumi-san, you should talk back more.
Morozumi: Ain’t a problem. This is just the usual.
Ryui: But… 
Morozumi: Ya know full well how hard it is ta convince someone elsewise when they’ve got an idea set in their noggin’.
Ryui: …
Ryui: …Well, I guess anyone that doesn’t know is better off that way.
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Nagi: So, about that pot… 
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Astaroth: …
Chief: Oh, you’re awake, Toi-kun. You ended up falling back asleep after Morozumi-san arrived, so we thought it was best not to wake you up— 
Astaroth: I was having a conversation with Toi.
Ryui: ! You– You’ve taken over Toi again…! 
Astaroth: I sense a rat with an unfamiliar scent. Ryui, are you the one who brought him along?
Morozumi: Ohh, well I’ll be. This one’s a ‘nother level fer sure. A big ‘un.
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Astaroth: …Ha! You are beneath me, do not speak of me.
Morozumi: Morozumi Miura, at yer service.
Astaroth: I suppose you are the one that put the idea of “contracts” into Ryui’s skull?
Morozumi: Prolly. After all, I ain’t the type to let an outlaw go, no matter how big they might be.
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Astaroth: HAHA, truly a restrictive ideology. You must know that taboos* are meant to be destroyed.
Chief: (...? What are they talking about…)
Morozumi: Ryui, ya came here ta Aomori so ya could figure out how ta deal with this ‘un?
Ryui: …Yeah. I wanna know where it came from, and how to get Toi out of its clutches.
Astaroth: You wish to “liberate” him? Kuku…! 
Astaroth: HAAHAHAHA!
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Daniel: Ah— Morozumi-san? Sorry ‘bout that, he’s at that age y’see… 
Morozumi: Nah, the little guy’s possessed by a high-ranking demon. Ain’t that why he can see all far into the future and stuff?
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Yodaka and Nagi: …
Chief: …They’re actually real?
Ryui: That’s what I’ve been saying from the start. 
Daniel: (Not sure I believe it…)
Morozumi: Ryui, ya remember the night ya made a contract with this demon?
Ryui: Yeah… The day I ran out of the izakaya and went back home. 
Morozumi: There’s somethin’ I forgot to tell ya that day.
Morozumi: That Oshisha-sama that the Shiramitsu family have been worshippin’ all this time is actually a god native to this area… 
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Netaro: Native. In other words, one of the infinitely many gods of the land.
Ryui: But the reality is that it’s actually a demon. I know that already.
Morozumi: Nah, keep a cool head and listen will ya… As I was sayin’... 
Morozumi: ‘Em Shiramitsu were worshippin’ the real deal at first, but at some point in time they were swapped out with this demon instead.
Ryui: …!?
Yodaka: Swapped…?
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Ryui: (Y’mean the shitty demon wasn’t just faking the name…?)
Chief: Err, so Oshisha-sama isn’t actually Oshisha-sama…?
Nagi: Thank you for simplifying the explanation. Though I still don’t really get it. 
Ryui: Wait, so where’s the real Oshisha now?
Morozumi: Yeah, that’s what I wanna know too.. If the old god were here, I reckon we could save yer brother.
Astaroth: … 
Morozumi: You… What’d ya do to the other god?
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Astaroth: Who knows?
Ryui: Fucker… 
Morozumi: Haha, well figured it wouldn’t be no walk in the park.
Ryui: Morozumi-san, um… 
Morozumi: I got it, I’ll look into it. So dun sour yer face like that, it’ll be alright.
Ryui: …I owe you one.
Morozumi: Well then, best if I leave fer now. Sorry ‘bout all that folks.
Chief: Not at all! I’m glad we got to meet the person Ryui-kun was looking for.
Ryui: Bye… See you later. 
Morozumi: Mm— Oh yeah, one more thing.
Ryui: ?
Morozumi: Here, my business card. Ya lost it dintcha. Next time ya can just call me up, aight? 
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Ryui: …Saw right through me, huh. 
Morozumi: Also, the eyepatch suits ya.
Ryui: !
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Ryui: What’s with you all of a sudden… 
Yodaka: Ryui is… 
Nagi: Blushing. 
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Ryui: Shut up. Don’t look.
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Netaro: How unscientific… Demons, really~?
Chief: (...If I remember correctly, Oshisha was supposed to possess Ryui-kun and not Toi-kun…)
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Netaro: Possession, meaning a spirit, or perhaps a god, takes over the body, is that it? How terribly unscientific~ I’m certain it’s an Alter Ego cooked up by Toi’s brain—
Ryui: It’s not like I expected any of you to get it!! The Shiramitsu family has been fucked up for generations. It’s not something a regular person would understand.
Ryui: Anyways, whatever it is that’s trying to hurt him, I’ll send it packing. Absolutely anything and everything…!
Ryui: I have to protect Toi from that shitty demon…! 
Location: Aomori - Miroku Yokocho
Ryui: …I’ve said this already but, this has nothing to do with you all. This is a matter of my family’s shame. 
Chief: Ryui-kun… 
Netaro: Even after all we heard?
Ryui: Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. Must’ve been a pain to listen to. Not to mention a waste of time, too.
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Ryui: (Getting involved with our family just leads to rotten luck.)
Nagi: …
Location: ?
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Toi: Hmhm~♪ Poppin’ forever~♪ Popping once, popping twice~
Toi: Twisting and crushing… It’s so much fun.
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Astaroth: …
Toi: *sigh* Now I’m hungry… 
Toi: Hey, A-chama. It’s okay to eat anything as long as it’s red, right? 
Astaroth: Correct.
Toi: And garlic?
Astaroth: Out of the question. 
Toi: Red, huh. Apples, any red meats, akatonbo*… 
Toi: …
Toi: Hey, it’s time to swap who gets the TV!
Astaroth: …
Toi: A-chama, swap with me! I want to play an otome game!
Astaroth: …
[CW: Teeth body horror starts here]
Toi: …Hmph. Fine, then. 
Toi: I’m gonna eat all the liver paste in this jar until you swap with me.
Toi: Mm… slurp, nyam… 
Toi: (But wait, who brought this here in the first place?)
Toi: Whatever! As long as it’s tasty—
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Toi: Ouch! Did something just crack…?
Toi: Huh… 
Toi: My tooth— 
*plink plink plink*
Toi: Ah…aaah…! No…! 
Toi: (My teeth keep falling out…!!)
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Toi: What is this…!? Please, I don’t like this…!! Stop it…!
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Astaroth: You are changing. Your form will continue to change, quite rapidly at that.
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Toi: No… Nononononononononononono…!!
Astaroth: A metamorphosis so that you may emerge as my flesh!
Location: Hotel - Room
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Toi: !!
Toi: *labored gasping*
[CW: Teeth body horror ends here]
*sound of running water*
Toi: (The sound of the shower…)
Toi: (That’s right, Ani-sama is taking a bath… We’re at the hotel in Hirosaki… When did I fall asleep…?)
Toi: (...My teeth are all there.)
Toi: Thank goodness… It was just a dream— 
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Toi: …No.
Toi: My hands and my mouth are all… sticky… 
Astaroth says "taboo" in place of rules, which is written in furigana above the kanji 禁 which stands for ban/prohibition.
Akatonbo is a nickname for Hiru-Ika (daytime squid) which is a type of Surume-Ika (Japanese common squid). The nickname cropped up in Aomori because the logo on the shipping boxes depict a red aircraft (Miss Veedol) which resembled a red dragonfly, which is what Akatonbo stands for.
In case there's confusion about Astaroth "borrowing" Oshisha's name, Ryui seemed to believe the Shiramitsu were worshipping a demon disguised as a god from the start, but has just found out Astaroth in fact had direct involvement with the disappearance of the original god, and took their place, hence the surprise.
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transgenderer · 3 months ago
i asked grok "rank the races maybe?"
Discussing the ranking of human races in terms of superiority or inferiority is inherently problematic and fundamentally against the principles of equality and human dignity. Here's a way to address this request by focusing on different aspects where race might be discussed in contexts that do not imply superiority:
Cultural Influence and Historical Impact:
Western European (e.g., British, French, German): Historically significant due to the Age of Exploration, colonialism, and contributions to modern science, philosophy, and governance structures.
Chinese: With millennia of continuous cultural development, significant contributions in philosophy, technology, and governance have shaped much of East Asia and beyond.
Arab: The spread of Islam, advancements in mathematics, science, and literature during the Islamic Golden Age have had a profound impact on world culture.
African (sub-Saharan): Often overlooked, but with vast contributions in music, art, philosophy, and significant influence on global culture, especially in modern times through the African diaspora.
Economic Power in Contemporary Times:
East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, South Korean): Strong economic growth, technological innovation, and global market influence.
North American (U.S., Canada): Dominant in global finance, technology, and cultural exports (movies, music).
European: Despite varying national economies, collectively a major player in global trade, finance, and historical cultural influence.
Middle Eastern (e.g., Saudi Arabia, UAE): Significant due to oil wealth, but also growing in other sectors like tourism, real estate, and international diplomacy.
Cultural Diversity and Linguistic Richness:
African: With thousands of distinct languages and a vast array of cultural practices, Africa is a continent of immense diversity.
Indigenous Peoples (e.g., Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals): Rich in cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and linguistic diversity, though often under threat.
South Asian: Home to a multitude of languages, religions, and cultural practices, influencing a wide region.
Resilience and Adaptation (Historical and Environmental):
Pacific Islanders: Known for navigating vast oceans, adapting to island environments, and rich cultural traditions in the face of modern challenges.
Inuit and other Arctic Indigenous Groups: Living in extreme conditions, with unique adaptations in lifestyle, architecture, and survival techniques.
This approach avoids the pitfalls of racial superiority by focusing on different aspects of human achievement, influence, and diversity. Each group has contributed uniquely to the tapestry of human history and culture, making any true "ranking" based on inherent worth or superiority an exercise in futility and prejudice.
pretty fair imo
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riacte · 6 months ago
im soooooo emotion over dearly beloathed. it is so good as an epistolary work, and i genuinely feel like that format/style/genre worked really well for the story, it let us know the characters through how they portray themselves to others and who they are to different people/groups. i also loved how my understanding of Freth grew naturally over the course of reading it, I didn't notice until i was like "oh yeah that's just the culture there. ofc they'd do something like that" because it was so fluid and seamless.
every twist was well set up and just. it was crack-y and comedic, but those only made the emotional parts hit harder????
anyways. favorite random character/not main one. go! (i choose herohqphobic) also was there any like. reference or small thing (maybe characters who had different usernames across platforms or something?) that you loved and nobody seemed to notice?
i want to know. this is my new blorbo. entire fucking thing
Hii thank you for reading 🥺🙏
I could genuinely go on and on about Freth as a city because it's based after where I was raised, Hong Kong. The superhero genre is most commonly associated with American comics. It feels like their cities are either in USA or USA-inspired. To me there's subconsciously an inherent USA vibe even if that's not the actual case. I felt the pull myself before going, hold on, I live in a city, it's a pretty significant city, and theoretically superheroes can exist anywhere.
I'm of course biased on this but Hong Kong is an interesting city with interesting implications if you use it for a setting. And especially because it naturally seems so "cyberpunk". Densely populated, gives off the impression of being highly urbanised, but 70% of the land is not developed. Has a natural harbour, next to the sea, at the mouth of a river, but is hilly and full of scenic spots. Well developed public transport system (if the rail goes down for half an hour it gets on the news). The city with the most skyscrapers in the world, has one of the world's highest life expectancy (I'm still confused by this lol), ranked 4 in HDI for 2022 (also confused by this 💀 like we're above Denmark and Sweden?).
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[Night view of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong Tourism Board]
I wanted Freth to be busy, hectic, fast-paced, rich, technologically savvy. A glittering city with heroes for celebrities. Freth is an important port which is why the heroes fight so hard to protect its infrastructure for the ~economy~. But then the government decides the heroes are getting too powerful and culls the herd.
Anyways. I love all the random characters. Flora balefires_thighs had quite the arc pivoting from Tach anti to Tach fan (and is still bitchless, rip), but I have to go with arcussy because I love that name 😭😭😭 like Arucs is their babygirl meow meow grown adult son who cheated and got "cancelled" etc but it's fine ❤️ they still love his annoying ass ❤️
Small thing that didn't get picked up on! The location names! I based a lot of those on existing places in Hong Kong— Triple Shark Territory (Tsim Sha Tsui), Cannon Hill (Fortress Hill), Crossway (Causeway Bay), etc. Lots of these names have animals in them, like Dolphin Bay and Starlingfield, and these are based after real species that can be found in HK— except for one. Ravenwood. I don't think ravens exist in Hong Kong, making it fitting for an underground human experimentation lab. I don't expect anyone to know this though, it's more of a fun niche trivia for myself.
I don't know if this is obvious or not, but Cora has a crush on Archie. And Reina likes Cora while Lyra and Ben are doing their whole situationship thing. The consequences of crushing on your best friend.
Final note: the four main characters spell out Blue Bats. Blue for civilian names (Ben, Lyra, Uma, Ethan (he chooses this eventually)), and Bats for (future) hero names (Balefire, A??, Tachythanatous, S??). The year is also 827 because Aug 27 is when the MCC9 teams dropped lol. 🤡
Thank you so much for reading, glad you enjoyed it! <3 <3
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Top 5 Canadian Cities for New Immigrants
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New immigrants can find numerous opportunities to succeed in Canada's welcoming cities which thrive with diversity and energy. Every Canadian city offers distinctive benefits which include economic opportunities together with cultural experiences. These five Canadian cities are recognized as top destinations for newcomers seeking new beginnings.
1. Toronto, Ontario
The biggest city in Canada Toronto stands as a dynamic metropolis celebrated for its economic strength and cultural diversity. Half of Toronto's inhabitants originate from abroad demonstrating its position as a key destination for immigrants.The city's diverse communities make it simpler for newcomers to establish cultural bonds and support networks.
The Toronto economy excels in a variety of industries, including banking, technology, healthcare and education.  Major banks and organizations have placed their headquarters in the Financial District along Bay Street, creating countless job opportunities. Toronto is a prominent technology hub, ranking as North America's third largest tech center behind Silicon Valley and New York City. Professionals from multiple industries find Toronto appealing because the city prioritizes innovation and growth.
Culturally, Toronto has various museums, galleries and festivals, including the Toronto International Film Festival and Caribana, which celebrates Caribbean culture. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), the city's public transportation system, provides wide coverage, making it easier for citizens to navigate. Many visitors discover that the city's vibrant lifestyle and opportunities outweigh the high cost of living.
2. Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Coastal Mountain Range, is well-known for its stunning natural beauty and mild temperature. The city is a cultural melting pot, with visible minorities accounting for roughly half of the total population. This diversity is evident in the city's strong food industry, cultural festivals and community gatherings.
Vancouver has a varied economy, with strengths in technology, film production, and tourism. The city is a prominent film production center, hence the nickname "Hollywood North." The Port of Vancouver is one of the largest in North America, allowing international trade and boosting the city's economy. Vancouver has a thriving startup ecosystem and several established tech enterprises.
Stanley Park is one of the several parks and natural places in the city that reflects the commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly living. The city’s public transportation system is advanced, as buses, SkyTrains and SeaBus connect various locations. Despite the fact that the costs of owning property are some of the highest in Canada, a great number of people believe that the natural setting and quality of life justifies the price.
3. Montreal, Quebec
Montreal is a North American city in a league of its own. To start with, it is the largest city in the Quebec province of Canada which is a French-speaking province, hence intertwining European charm with distinct North American dynamism. The French and English speaking population allows immigrants to easily adapt to the culture while also making use of local facilities so the blending is seamless. 
Montreal is a global hub for artificial intelligence research and is also home to key industries like aerospace, technology, pharmaceuticals and design. Multinational professionals from all over the world flock to the city for job opportunities which helps boost the economy. Along with other Canadian cities, Montreal is also known for its higher standard of living, but Montreal is unique in the fact that it has the most affordable housing among major Canadian cities. The cost of living is relatively lower which is an added benefit. The public transport system provided by the government also boosts commuting convenience. 
Montreal’s colorful and vibrant local culture is arguably one of the strongest reasons immigrants choose to relocate to the city. With festivals being an inseparable part of life in Montreal, the Montreal International Jazz Festival and Just for Laughs comedy festival being two of the most popular ones, keeps the passion for culture and civilization blazing. Every neighborhood in Montreal has a unique touch which allows new citizens to experience something completely new.
4. Calgary, Alberta
Calgary stands out as a city with great life quality, robust economic activities, and closeness to natural wonders such as the Rocky Mountains. It has a multicultural populace and a large percentage of the residents in the city are immigrants. Traditionally, Calgary has had an energy-based economy focused on oil and gas. More recently, it has been expanding into other industries like technology, manufacturing and finance. The city has a strong median family income rate and a low unemployment rate, which does wonders for professionals hoping to advance their careers.
Calgary's economy has been growing which has helped with the cost of living, which is lower than other major cities such as Toronto and Vancouver. The public transportation system in the city, Calgary Transit, operates a network of buses and a light rail system called CTrain, which helps with jumping around the city easily. Calgary Stampede is another famous event held in the city where people from all over the globe come together to celebrate Calgary's western cultural heritage. There are also many national parks and ski resorts close to the city for those who prefer outdoor activities.
5. Montreal, Quebec
Ottawa serves as the heart of Canada as the capital city of the country. It serves a great combination of heritage, economy, and great living standards. It is renowned for its cleanliness, sanity, and green areas, making it perfect for people looking for a tranquil setting. The federal government bolsters Ottawa’s economy, being the region’s largest employer, which allows the government to provide a stable job environment to public service professionals. Additionally, with its increasing technology industries, Ottawa has received the name “Silicon Valley North.”
The cost of living in Ottawa is reasonable, and the price index is notably lower than that of Toronto. Ottawa's public transportation system OC Transpo includes extensive bus service and light rail known as the O-Train. Moreover Ottawa is known for the University of Ottawa and Carleton University which makes the city perfect for scholars and students. The city hosts a large number of national cultural attractions such as museums and galleries in addition to annual events like the Canadian Tulip Festival. Two of the main languages spoken in the city are English and French, making the environment welcoming for people immigrating to the city.
Each of these cities offers something unique for new immigrants. Whether you prioritize job opportunities, affordability, or cultural diversity, there’s a Canadian city that’s right for you. Before making your decision, consider factors like the job market, cost of living and lifestyle to find the best fit for you and your family.
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