#Wolfson Institute
minnesotafollower · 4 months
Foreign Physicians Needed To Solve U.S. Doctor Shortage
By 2030 the U.S. expects to need more than 40,000 additional physicians for primary care alone as nearly 25% of our existing doctors reach retirement age and the shortage will worsen as the U.S. population grows and ages. The American Medical Association calls it “an urgent crisis.”[1] At least six states (Tennessee, Florida, Wisconsin, Idaho, Iowa and Virginia) have created laws that allow…
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Sam Wolfson at The Guardian:
A chill wind swept through Europe this summer. On the continent, far-right parties rose triumphantly in the EU elections, hoisted not just by the grumbles of older xenophobes but on the shoulders of young men. When news crews went out on the streets to train their cameras on these extremists in France, Germany, Finland and the Netherlands, they found no blackshirts, just barbershop trims and Zara chinos worn by young men, enthralled by dreams of ethnonationalism and a return to the values of the 1980s or the 1940s or some other period long before their birth. Then, in Britain this weekend, gangs of mostly young far-right men marauded through northern towns, attacking mosques and accommodation for asylum seekers. The nationalist right is rising once more on the tides of gelled-backed hair and Nike swooshes.
A similar transformation could befall America in November. Until now, twentysomething voters were a thorn in Donald Trump’s side, opposing him robustly in previous elections and making their resistance corporeal as leaders in the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests and climate movement. Yet recent election polls suggest that while young women remain committed to the cause, there has been a tremulous withdrawal from young men. In 2016, 51% of young men identified with or leaned toward the Democratic party. By last year, it was down to 39%. Young men now favor Republican control of Congress and their support for Trump has grown since 2020. The Democratic strategist James Carville (he who told Bill Clinton “it’s the economy, stupid”) has been warning Democrats that the party’s eroding numbers among young men and young people of color are “horrifying”: “We’re not shedding them; they’re leaving in droves.”
Of course, many of these fears were emerging when Joe Biden, an octogenarian white man, was still the presumptive Democratic nominee. But while early polling suggests that overall, gen Z is excited by Kamala Harris’s likely nomination, she hasn’t made much impact on gen Z men. Research by the Young Men Research Initiative (YMRI), a group set up in recent months to observe this unexpected drift, shows that men aged 18-29 are split 32% for Harris and 33% for Donald Trump, with Robert F Kennedy Jr taking 15%. This is an almost identical split to when Biden was the frontrunner. Young men used to vote more like young people: left. Now they might start voting like men: right. What changed?
Some pollsters believe we are witnessing a new politics of resentment – that young men feel #MeToo has gone too far, that feminism has left them behind, and that they can only see a home for themselves in a testosterone-fuelled Republican party.
Others – including Richard Reeves, head of the recently founded and influential American Institute for Boys and Men – say this isn’t a cultural issue. While a small, loud minority of men might have become more extreme in their views on feminism, most are responding to other economic and social factors that have meant they have lagged behind women for some time. Young men statistically are more depressed, financially worse off and less educated than young women, and looking for electoral answers. “This is less about young men being pulled towards the right than it is about them being pushed away from the left,” Reeves says. Blue-collar workers, Hispanic voters in Florida, white married women: Democrats have blundered before in assuming they had certain demographics locked up only to find they had taken them for granted. Unless the party can work out why it’s losing young men and how to win them back, Democrats may wake up to a cold new dawn in November, as Europe did in June.
‘A very scary time’: the politics of resentment
In 2018, a gaggle of the White House press corps asked Trump for his opinion on the allegations that Brett Kavanaugh, his nominee for the supreme court, had sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford when she was 15 years old. Trump, almost drowned out by the whirring blades of Marine One, could only offer superlatives in response. “High quality”, “top student”, “a great judge”. The reporters sounded desperate: what does it say to boys that someone facing such a serious accusation is still being considered for the supreme court? “Well, I say it’s a very scary time for young men in America,” Trump replied. “You could be somebody that was perfect your entire life and somebody could accuse you of something … and you’re automatically guilty.” Trump had dismissed his own boasts of sexual assault as “locker room talk” during his 2016 campaign, but now he was making his pitch directly to the locker room. Having harnessed the racial resentment of white voters who felt society had become too diverse, could he do the same with young men who felt society had become too feminized?
[...] Armed with this sort of feedback, it seems Trump has been heavily courting the young, resentful male vote. He has attended Ultimate Fighting Championship bouts until the early hours, walking out to Kid Rock’s American Badass. He has lately worked hard to position himself as the crypto candidate and is heavily promoting himself on TikTok. When Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and Dana White, CEO of UFC, introduced him at the Republican convention, Kid Rock screamed at everyone to put their fists in the air and shout “fight!” as Trump had done after the attempt on his life. Trump even attended a sneaker conference to launch his own golden hi-tops. There are millions of progressive young men who won’t be interested in his proposition. LGBTQ+ men, for example, remain solidly progressive, as do young Asian American voters. But for others, Cox says Trump’s effort could work. “Logan Paul just had Trump on his show. He’s got over 7 million followers. Some young men who are not very political might say, ‘Oh, hey, you know, Trump showing up, he’s talking, he’s engaging. I kind of like this.’”
Why are young men moving rightwards in recent years? This Guardian article highlights the role of male resentment and entitlement over their perceived loss in social standing, especially in the #MeToo era.
The increase of testosterone-oriented culture in the UFC and MMA is also helping fuel these trends.
Read the full story at The Guardian.
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writing-whump · 10 months
Ear infection
Isaiah reunites with his younger brother Arnie. Separation angst, ear infection, vomiting.
The university was busy before Christmas. The holidays carried many excuses for events and special offers that attracted potential students. As an assisting student at the psychology faculty, Isaiah was tasked with doing these little tours around the main university building. At regular hours, whether there was a whole high school trip of soon-to-be graduates or just a handful of interested mothers dragging their kids along. Or curious gap year takers thinking about their future plans. Since starting in the summer semester was possible at most faculties, these tours were relevant at the end of the year just as much as at its start.
Isaiah liked it. He felt a sense of beautiful responsibility that his tour and comments of the building's history and insight into student life could inspire someone to choose the main university or even his faculty. It was like watching the new generation pick its way.
"But why do not all classes occur here?" asked someone from the little crowd he gathered.
"The main university building is usually reserved for big lectures. We are talking about 300-500 people. The new university building has smaller classrooms that are more fitting for seminar settings of 20-30 people," he explained dutifully.
"So the university has more than one building?"
Yes, that was a favorite confusion question. "The university has many building complexes all over the city. The main building we are at is the largest and oldest one, but the newer ones are down both these streets. The new institute building or NIG is right next to it, where most of the faculties have their own floors and their respective teaching stuff have their offices."
"So it's like each faculty has a building or floor reserved for them? Like their own base?"
"Yes, that's a good comparison," Isaiah agreed. Base was a very wolf-related word, since each pack had their own base or layer in the city. It was correct, he just never used it in this context.
"What are you studying, sir, if I may ask?"
Isaiah was starting to be curious about the young male voice that kept asking as well, letting the group continue down the hall as he stood, trying to pick out his face.
"Psychology. Almost done with my master," he replied, turning his head.
"And you are already an assistant? That's nice for a mere student. And they don't mind you are a wolf?"
Isaiah's head jerked upright. Some people from the group hesitated mid-step to give him a confused look.
Isaiah was a wolf, a known one at that, and officially admitted at the faculty. But he prided himself in appearing completely human, in not letting his shadow act out of place. Ordinarily, he could do it with such finesse and skill, that a crowd of strangers wasn't able to recognize he was a wolf.
"Wolves can study at the university at any faculty they want," Isaiah recited automatically. "As long as they have their graduation and the wolf adult exam behind them."
"Are you saying there is no danger whatsover, when humans study with wolves?"
Isaiah could pick out a blonde head, but the boy asking was covered by a group of higher boys in front of him as they trailed after the group.
"There is danger whenever humans do anything together," Isaiah replied with a raised eyebrow. The group was almost at the end of the line,...finally the person asking came into view.
A mop of thick blond hair, carefully styled into locks. His face was long and elegant, though his cheeks still had that youthful fluffiness of teenage years. He looked a lot like Hector, just thinner and smaller, with way less muscle, but all the more cheekiness. His eyes weren't ember brown like Hector's either, but clear, bright emerald green. A colour Isaiah knew very well. It greeted him every day in the mirror.
Surprisingly enough, Arnold "Arnie" Wolfson hadn't change that much since he was 12, except his height. Lanky, cheeky and with eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I can say from experience wolves don't like humans in their packs very much, even their own family. It's funny that the tables turn at university," Arnie said with a grin, hands on his hips in challenge.
Isaiah was too stunned for words.
"What is it, mister psychology assistant? Wolf got your tongue? Or should I say shadow?" the blond teased.
"In the flesh," the blond boy said with a smile, though his eyes narrowed at him. "I'm glad you remember me."
"What are you doing here?" Was all Isaiah managed through his astonishment. It was like seeing a ghost, except the ghost grew up.
"Looking through my options, of course. I'm graduating this year and this is a famous university. Pretty high on the 100 best universities of the world list. Several lists, really. Good thing it's not that far from my base."
"Thats....ehmm...that's wonderful."
Arnie gave him a look. "So what now? Is the tour over?"
Isaiah shook himself awake, suspecting Arnie was enjoying this very much and turned back, putting his professional persona back on. He continued the tour more distracted than ever, his eyes always going back to look for Arnie in the crowd.
The next 30 minutes were torture. Isaiah couldn't focus, kept mixing up names of the auditoriums, led the group to a dead end twice until he simply let them out in the park, pointing at the Christmas market held in front of the university. That was fortunately enough of a distraction, the crowd dissolving in excitement.
When Arnie looked like he would turn and go too, Isaiah quickly hurried after him. It was like a bolt of lightning hit him in the head, but he was not about to let that bolt go now that it was there.
"Wait. Arnie, you-" he cringed at his own clumsiness. "Do you ehhh want to get lunch together? I know a good place."
Arnie gave him a toothy smile. "I thought you would never ask."
What do you talk about with a brother you haven't seen in last 6 years? After he left without explanation or contact information, getting exiled from the pack? Everyone called Isaiah a traitor. Their current leader, Uncle Grayson, gave an order to leave him alone, that he was no longer of interest.
Well, Arnie wasn't just a pack member. He was his brother and not a wolf to have to listen to orders. Shadows, dominance, power plays - those were wolf concerns he didn't have to worry about.
It turned out to be surprisingly easy to track Isaiah on social media. Facebook page, twitter, liking university announcements and public lectures, sharing events and new publications at the faculty...
That he was an assistant already was clear as a day. A point of pride. Arnie didn't quite know how to meet him, but he figured if he hung around all those events mentioned on his profile, he was bound to meet him somewhere.
Arnie's head was still spinning from the speed at which everything was going.
After the initial shock, Isaiah settled into a polite and serious mask - all professional smiles, suit and all. He brought him to a pretty good sushi place, bombarding him with enthusiastic questions about his favourite subjects, grades, hobbies, how he was, what faculties he was considering, if he needed help with finding somewhere to live or would be staying in the Wolfson pack base.
They didn't touch the topics Arnie actually wanted to ask about. Why did you leave? What happened to you? Didn't you miss us? Didn't you miss me?
Isaiah wasn't secretive about his own passions either. He told him all about his love for psychology, his favourite professors, research he was doing about city life and mental health and atmospheres of third places or whatever that was about. He mentioned he was known for mediating conflicts between packs and that he had many contacts, offering Arnie to arrange meetings with any friend or colleague whose studies Arnie could be interested in.
It was like a very polite and eager relative. You meet once a ten years when you need something from their city, they give you recommendations, pretend to catch up and then whoosh. See you in ten years. Isaiah was talking and asking for information to last him for at least that long.
Neither of them mentioned the Wolfson pack. Isaiah didn't ask about how Uncle Grayson was doing as a leader. Nor did he ask about Father. He mentioned meeting Hector in an off-hand way, like sure, we see each other at that wolf meet or in that park sometime.
When Hector talked about Isaiah, he never sounded so nonchalant about it. He always looked on the verge of breaking something or having an angry fit.
Was this all it was going to be? Catch up, pretend interest and goodbye?
Isaiah paid for his meal without asking and then took him to the Christmas market himself. It was pretty late at that point, temperature heading towards zero. Arnie was getting cold, but he wouldn't ruin his hair with a beanie and he wouldn't give Isaiah the excuse to go home by saying he was cold.
Isaiah was all flushed with energy, not minding the cold in typical wolf fashion.
It was impossible to keep up with wolves. Arnie was used to it.
As a human in a pack of wolves, Arnie was used to being the one defined by what he lacked. Humans in wolf families were common disappointments, things to be barely tolerated by the rest. Their position, just like Arnie's, depended on the rank of the wolf members in his family and their willingness to defend him.
For a very long time, he was spared of that knowledge though.
He had his brothers to thank for that. Isaiah was a prodigy since childhood and Hector was always chasing after him with enthusiasm and energy. They were well-respected and high ranking in their pack, no problems with their shadows since he could remember.
And they have never treated him any differently for being a human. Maybe they had been more careful and gentle with their shadows, but he had actually not realized there was anything wrong with him until he went outside of the protective den of their family apartment.
When other wolf pups his age or older made fun of him for being a useless human for the first time, Hector beat them with his bare hands, no shadow needed. Isaiah had held him in a hug the whole afternoon after like he couldn't bear to let go.
Arnie slowly realized that as a human, he was never getting anyone's respect in the pack. He would always be the defective one.
But he also quickly realized that he would never be touched again. Living with wolves meant always being surrounded by violence, being on the edge of it, always ready and eager. But Arnie was never afraid, never touched, never threatened.
Other wolves did not think any more of him for it. If anything, they hated him for that position and opted to ignore him completely.
But he always had his brothers. Even and maybe more so after his mother died when he was 4 and he forgot her voice and her face. Even when father was busy or ignoring him just like everyone else was.
At home, he was a person. He was valued and wanted and listened to and Isaiah and Hector never treated him like anything less, and hardly different than they did each other. Maybe a little better.
Things changed when Isaiah's training with their father intensified and he became the executioner for the pack. That was the first time Arnie had called for his brother, expecting to be given priority over anything else Isaiah could be doing - and he got no answer. Isaiah would shut the door and not answer for days to come, leaving a hole in their lives from one day to the next.
Now Hector reacted to that in a way a wolf would - he chased after him. With anger, rivalry and jealousy, with aggression and resentment. But Arnie knew at the core of that volatile anger was hurt and yearning to be taken seriously, to be acknowledged.
Hector was reaching out to Isaiah, but he was doing it in a way Arnie couldn't follow. Of that dynamic and effort between his brothers, he was excluded for the first time.
The pack became an incredibly lonely place after that. There was no skill or talent or interest Arnie as a human could prove himself with. There were days he didn't talk with anybody, when he didn't get a single hello. When he didn't know if he even existed, if no one saw him.
What was left to him was watching. He watched and stared and noticed things in his silence and learned to read people. Understand them. Wolves had their mannerisms and tells just like witches and humans did.
And he realized knowing things like this was power. He started to see people's weaknesses and poked at them. Teased. He could look at someone and tell what would hurt them. At night he made a list in his head, going through words and facts he found out, gathering things he knew would sting. Having words that could break someone in his arsenal was a weapon, a power and something they couldn't fight against.
So Arnie talked and he got reactions out of wolves. Helpless kind of hurt and frustration because they couldn't retaliate with a fight, but their shadows made it easy to tell he hit the target on point.
He got even better at this when Isaiah left. Their father was gone from leadership and their brother left them without explanation.
Uncle Grayson took over the pack, and regularly invited him to chess to show his favour.
Hector was inconsolable, his shadow angry and out of control in a way it never had been before. But when Arnie sat down at the gym or in his room beside him, his shadow subsided. Even at his lowest, Hector could not bear to raise his shadow around him. Arnie felt a little less useless, then. Like he brought him a little comfort, even if Hector wouldn't talk and wasn't ready to listen.
Shortly after he settled down, Hector found a new goal. He filled the hole Isaiah left behind with rank, training and hunger for power and success. Again, chasing after Isaiah in a way Arnie couldn't follow. Arnie couldn't resent it, because he understood. Wolves needed a goal or they would lose control. 
Hector came into the city because of Isaiah. He spent years convincing their Uncle he could handle opening a new pack branch there, selecting people to take with him, and making a plan for every step and possibility to prove himself.
Arnie wasn't on the list.
But he was 18 now and graduating. It was the year of his entering adulthood that he could choose if he would stay with the pack - which would make them responsible for his finances, give him a cushion for whatever he studied or decided to do - or live by himself. Not like he was a poor orphan. He had lots of money after his mother and father as the youngest Wolfson heir on paper and by law.
The first thing he wanted to do since he turned 18 was to find Isaiah. Hector chased after him, but he resented him. He took Isaiah leaving as a personal betrayal and betrayal of the pack. And their father, who drew back from the pack as well, living alone.
Arnie couldn't care less about the pack politics and power he had no access or influence on anyway. He couldn't care less about a father that had barely spoken three words to him all his life. What he wanted was to find some kind of closure. Confront his brother and find out. What if there was a good reason why Isaiah left? What if there were circumstances out of his control and all he needed was someone to give him a chance to explain himself?
It was just as likely that Isaiah simply wasn't interested in either of them. And that Arnie was just going to humiliate himself by asking for the attention of someone who didn't want him around. Why else not contact any of them for 6 years?
He didn't expect Isaiah to be so friendly or that distant. That they could just talk and act like nothing was amiss with those years of secrets and absence between them.
But here they were.
As the hours went, Arnie was starting to feel anxious about the day coming to an end. Would it even be real, if they never saw each other again? How would Arnie now this truly happened to him in the morning?
Arnie followed after Isaiah a little forelonely to the end of the Christmas market, sneezing discreetly into his elbow.
Isaiah turned to him in thought. "Are you cold? We could...oh." He looked at his wrist watch. It was almost 11 pm. "Everything will be closing up around now. Do you...would you like to come to my place? You can spend the night too if you'd like."
Arnie's eyes went wide in surprise.
"My pack will probably be sleeping already, but you could meet them in the morning. Besides, you don't even know my address, right?"
Arnie couldn't hide how excited and breathless that offer made him. That looked like this wasn't the end!
"Give me your phone," Isaiah bossed, taking it from him and dialing up his own number. He waited until it rang before he returned the phone to Arnie. "There. Now you also have my number. You can call me and we can...we can go get lunch again. Or coffee. Or anything you want. How does that sound?"
Arnie nodded eagerly, feeling like he could cry from happiness. "Thank you! I would like that."
Isaiah smiled, a real wide smile that lit up his whole face. "Alright. Let's go then. It's like 20 minutes from my place by foot. Or would you prefer to take a tram?"
"It's fine, we can walk," Arnie said, waving the cold away. He couldn't feel cold or uncomfortable with how fast his heart was beating or how happy he was. He all but jumped around Isaiah like a goatling as they made their way to the apartment, playing a hundred-question game.
"Your favorite season of the year?" Isaiah asked.
"Summer. Because you can go swimming anytime, anywhere. Is yours still winter?"
"Yep, winter, alright. Everything is so clean and fresh and the snow...:
Arnie laughed. That didn't change much then.
Arnie's mouth was actually hurting from smiling and his teeth were chattering as they went inside.
The apartment was dark, no one was up, as Isaiah promised. Which worked great for Arnie, since he wanted Isaiah entirely for himself.
Isaiah watched him from the side as Arnie rubbed his hands together, getting feeling back into them and went to boil in some tea.
Arnie followed him, sitting down at the round table, watching, trying to soak up every moment, every detail, anything the place could tell him about his brother.
"Are you still a neat freak?" Arnie snickered as he looked around.
Isaiah smirked. "Am not. Everyone else is just untidy."
"Where is your room?"
"At the end of the hall. I share it with Matthew."
"Who is upstairs? The witch?"
"Yes. Seline." Isaiah said her name sweetly, like taking a spoon of honey.
"Ohhh," Arnie's eyes sparkled. "Is she your girlfriend?"
Isaiah took a sharp breath, looking at him. "How did you know?"
"I'm good at reading people," Arnie bragged with a smile, propping his chin on his entwined hands. His head felt kind of heavy and his left ear burned as it warmed up.
"Which tea do you want? I got earl gray, mint, fruit, herbal-"
"Whatever you are having. And exactly like it," Arnie said.
Isaiah gave him a surprised glace and a lifted an eyebrow but complied, smiling slightly to himself.
He brought two cups with mint tea with a bit of milk inside to the table. "I will get you blankets for the sofa. It can be extended and is quite comfortable, if you don't mind it?"
Arnie pouted. "Are we going to sleep already?"
Isaiah chuckled. "You don't want to yet? What would you like to do?"
"I could spend the night talking with you," Arnie said, flushing a little at how honest that was.
Isaiah shook his head as if he couldn't believe it, brushing Arnie's arm as he went by him.
He brought the blankets and Arnie got both of their mugs and they sat on the sofa together, letting a movie play in the background. Arnie had a lot more questions about Isaiah's current favourite movies, TV stations, if studying psychology made him like psychological thrillers more...if he could bridge over the lost 6 years in one night, he would do it.
Arnie didn't notice at what point he dozed off. His eyes were heavy though and he only woke up enough to feel Isaiah taking the mug from his hands and sliding him down on a pillow.
Arnie woke up to piercing pain in his ear. He shot up, blinking rapidly.
It hurt in his sleep too, tender to the touch, but now it actually disturbed him enough he didn't think he could sleep.
He wasn't even lying on it, but it still hurt. It felt all stuffed up too, as if he had liquid stuck in it. Oww.
Getting up from the sofa was a slow process, since he needed a little time to orient himself in the dark, unfamiliar place. Small chance he could sleep with the way his ear hurt though.
He went to the kitchen, opening the cupboards half-heartedly to look for medication, but he couldn't find anything useful aside from mugs and plates. Maybe he should wake Isaiah up for a painkiller.
Returning to the living room, he stumbled against a chair and almost fell. The rattle would have woken a man, not just a wolf.
"Arnie? What's going on?" Isaiah's sleepy voice came from the living room. He must have fallen asleep beside him.
"Hey, Zaya? I know this is a bit stupid and I'm sorry to bother you...." He felt dizzy standing there. What was wrong with him? As if his sense of balance was shot. Arnie gripped the edge of the round table, swaying slightly.
Isaiah got up from the sofa immediately, all signs of sleep leaving his face in the few steps he took to get to Arnie. "What's wrong?"
"Do you have any painkillers here? M-my ear really hurts." Arnie tried to smile, hand hovering over the offending organ. It hurt the whole time, as if someone lit it on fire.
Isaiah's eyebrows furrowed. "Your ear? Did you get a cold?" His hand went to Arnie's forehead as if it was the normal thing to do. Arnie froze a little under the touch, but Isaiah's hand was nice and warm and he leaned into it a little, closing his eyes. He still felt weirdly dizzy and untethered, his stomach flipping inside him.
"No, don't think so. It's nothing, Zaya. Promise."
"Uh-uhm." Isaiah didn't look convinced. "You are burning up. Go back under the blankets, I'll find you something."
Arnie nodded gratefully, pushing himself away from the table only to stumble again and lose his balance. The floor came up suddenly and he prepared himself for the impact, when strong hands caught him by the waist. "What's going on with you? It's like you are drunk."
"I don't know..." Arnie blinked dizzily as Isaiah helped him straighten up, then wrapped a hand around his back and led him back to the sofa.
Everything was twirling. Arnie sat down heavily, bowing his head between his knees, taking deep breaths. Trying to calm down. This was nothing serious. He wasn't a child. Despite that, the pain in his ear felt like it was vibrating and he felt heavy and hot.
His throat closed up. He was going to ruin their happy reunion with this. Isaiah would send him home and they would never see each other again.
Isaiah came back shortly, arms stuffed with things he spread out on the table. "Hey. Arnie, lift your arm for me. I'm going to take your temperature. For now, take the ibuprofen. Should help with the pain."
Arnie didn't dare to nod with how out of focus and tilted everything was, accepting the thermometer under his arm and taking the pills with a glass of water.
His stomach wasn't very happy about that gulp, though. It flipped inside him again and he groaned, wrapping his arms around his middle.
"Arnie? Kiddo, hey..."
"Think," he gulped loudly as the nausea spiked and the water sloshed against the back of his throat, "m gonna be sick."
Arnie didn't even have time to think about how entirely embarrassing and disgusting that was and how he was going to chase Isaiah away now for sure.
Isaiah jumped to his feet and Arnie felt the swish of air as he hurried away. He trembled, his mouth flooding with saliva.
His stomach gave a twist and he felt the water shooting up his throat, but suddenly there was a trashcan in his lap. Just in time for him to gag harshly over it as the gulp of water and the painkiller came rushing up, grazing against his throat.
Arnie did not expect the gag to make the pain in his ear explode. Stupid tubes, being all connected. He whimpered as the pressure escalated and he gagged again. Another splash of water and pieces of undigested chestnuts from the market came along with it, hitting the bottom of the trash bag.
He felt tears spring up his eyes as he convulsed over it, fighting off the next gag. Anything to stop the pain in his ear from burning like that. There was drool hanging from his lips and chin and he sobbed.
Isaiah's hand was on his back that instant. He held the trashcan under his chin, murmuring something Arnie didn't understand through the buzzing in his own ears, but it was the gentlest, most soothing tone he ever heard from him. It reminded him of his childhood, how he would curl up on top of Isaiah whenever he was sick and his brother would hold him diligently, wrapping him in his warmth and reassurances.
Arnie pressed his palm against his mouth, trying to stop the next wave. The nausea was still there, made worse by the pain and now his head was pounding as well.
"Shhhh. You are okay. You are okay. Take deep breaths now."
"Hurtssss," Arnie sobbed, his other hand going to his ear as he bowed his head. The trashcan disappeared and Isaiah sat down next to him, rubbing gentle circles against his back.
"Ssshhh. I know. It will be okay. Just calm down. You probably got an ear infection. That's nothing. I'll get you some warm compress for it and it will go away in no time."
Isaiah made a move to stand. Arnie felt a wave of panic and dread rush through him, looking up and blinking rapidly against the bluriness. "No, no, no. Don't go."
"Arnie, I'll be right b-"
"Don't leave me again. Please."
"Just to get the warm compress, kiddo. It will be a second, I promise."
Isaiah left.
Arnie wanted to follow him, but his legs wouldn't hold him. He was shaking from exhaustion, his ear was hurting, and he had to fight against nausea flooding him instantly with the panic. He curled up on the sofa, hands wrapped around his stomach as he sobbed against the leather fabric.
After what felt like million years, something warm pressed against his left ear. Arnie winced, nose all clogged up from snot as he cried, each watery breath making the fire in his ear worse.
Isaiah stood above him for a bit, before he sat down, hands around Arnie. He dragged him over to his lap, letting Arnie curl up on his knees and sob against his chest. He held the warm cloth against Arnie's ear, rubbing his arm in a soothing manner.
Arnie fisted his fingers in Isaiah's shirt. He would not let him go this time around.
The rest of the night and early morning went like that. Isaiah held Arnie in his lap, holding the compress to his ear and talking about everything and nothing he could think of. Arnie seemed to react well to his voice.
Sometimes Arnie would sleep fitfully, only to wiggle and trash as he wanted to turn and Isaiah wouldn't let him, tightening his hold so Arnie wouldn't turn on his left ear. Sometimes it would wake him up and make him cry again.
Sometimes he would shudder and swallow heavily, which Isaiah learned by the third time that Arnie drooled all over his front that that was his cue for vomiting.
He held the kid as he vomited into the trashcan in his arms and then sagged back again. The fever was radiating off him and the little whimpers and tears that came with his ear reacting to puking were breaking Isaiah's heart. As if it wasn't broken enough.
Isaiah thought today was a gift. A unique, rare little gift. He didn't dare to contact his brothers on his own. The play pretend that he was the traitor, was important for the pack and he needed his brothers to believe it, so everyone else could believe it. At the time. Now, after years, he resented that duty.
He was also way too scared they hated him by right. Just like Hector did, blaming Isaiah for abandoning them, for putting the pack's future at risk, for choosing a different life instead of theirs...not even if Isaiah explained that every day back at the Wolfson pack was torture for him, that his heart pains were caused by it, that he hated every single second...would they want to listen?
And then Arnie came. All open and eager and giving him a chance instead of bombarding him with questions and accusations.
He needed that. Isaiah needed someone to believe in the good of him for once. It broke him a little every time Hector snarled at him, that neither of his brothers probably believed he didn't leave them willingly, that he missed them like you miss a part of yourself, how he flinched and hurt every time a wolf with a temper or a kid with blond hair passed him by...
Isaiah really let himself hope maybe this wasn't over. That's why he offered Arnie all the contact information. If the boy wanted to stay in touch, maybe Isaiah wouldn't break any promise in seeing him from time to time, even if he never told him the truth. It was too painful and messy and complicated. But if Arnie could accept him as he was, maybe they could rebuild something from there.
Arnie didn't ask why Isaiah left. Not once. Isaiah didn't know what to make of it. Did it mean he was forgiven? Or that Arnie knew something, guessed something and so he wouldn't make Isaiah talk about it?
Did it mean Arnie didn't care anymore and just wanted to check how he was doing and cut contact again? It wasn't like either Arnie or Hector looked or reached out to him, when he was away. He figured they were too hurt and disgusted with him to do so...
But Arnie got downright inconsolable, whenever Isaiah tried to get up. To change his vomit-covered shirt, to get tissues, to get water...Arnie would cry and weil and sob himself into panic Isaiah was leaving again. No matter how Isaiah explained, no matter how quickly he got back.
Matthew found him in the morning as he prepared for his regular run.
"What the fuck happened here?"
Isaiah had to admit it was a mess. There were tissues all over the place, the towels he kept soaking in warm water and held against Arnie's ear and sometimes had to sacrifice when Arnie got sick while still pressed against Isaiah's chest, the thermometer, the packages of pills Arnie couldn't hold down,...
"Hey, Matt. You met my little brother?"
Matthew's eyebrows furrowed. "I met the mean one. Which one is this?"
The kid lay completely limp against him, out of his sweaty shirt, breathing raggedly. But Isaiah thought his fever wasn't so high anymore and he actually kept a few sips of water down for the last hour. He would probably take him to a doctor today anyway, to get that ear checked out.
Isaiah caressed the center of Arnie's creased forehead. "I think this one wants to give me a chance."
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 21st May 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli alpha radiation skin cancer trial was 100% successful.
Israeli medics saved the life of a Palestinian Arab heart attack patient.
A revolutionary new Israeli laptop needs no computer screen.
Veterans of one IDF unit have founded 25% of Israel’s most valuable companies.
An Israeli swimmer located a Roman cargo ship that sank 1,800 years ago.
An Israel won a world championship gold medal for Thai boxing, in Thailand.
A man named Moses has donated the world’s most valuable Bible to Israel.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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The upcoming Jewish festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) celebrates the Revelation at Mount Sinai. Appropriately, Israelis have been revealing more innovations and activities to benefit humanity.
Recent medical revelations include, why some Alzheimer's patients deteriorate more than others. Also, that a significant number of Parkinson's patients suddenly become creative. Sheba Medical Center is able to see patients without them coming to the hospital, while Wolfson hospital can see what's going on with cancer patients round the clock with Artificial Intelligent monitors.
Israeli technical innovations include a portable computer where the owner uses special glasses to reveal multiple pages of information, displayed in mid air. And an Israeli satellite system will reveal details of emergencies to international response teams.
Many institutional buildings were revealed during Open House Tel Aviv week; an Israeli swimmer revealed the location of a sunken Roman cargo ship; and a rare Mediterranean Monk seal has been revealed basking on an Israeli beach.
Many more recent international conferences, exhibitions and events in Israel have  revealed Israel's contributions to the world. They include Biomed Israel, EcoMotion Week, the International Writers' Festival and the March of the Nations.
The photo (as revealed by Sharon) is of the new pedestrian bridge suspended across the Hinnom Valley in Jerusalem, revealing a unique view of Israel's capital.
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bpod-bpod · 11 months
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In the Endosome
Greater understanding of G-protein signalling – molecular programs involving cell organelles called endosomes that regulate physiological processes throughout the body such as water re-absorption via the kidney
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Carole Daly and colleagues
Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, October 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Posted 12 July 2022 🧪🎉 Our new Heart and Lung Research Institute (HLRI) was officially opened today by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester, a patron of Royal Papworth Hospital. In the UK, one in every four deaths is caused by cardiovascular disease and one in five deaths by respiratory disease. 🌏 According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease causes nearly 18 million deaths per year, with respiratory disease just behind. 🫀🫁 HLRI will house the largest concentration of scientists, clinicians and researchers in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Europe. Through collaboration, these talented people aim to drive breakthroughs in the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases that represent the largest health burden in the world. Among the areas HRH visited on the tour was our 10-bed Clinical Research Facility, where she met some of our R&D staff and research-passionate patients without whom research and innovation would not be possible. HLRI is a joint-collaboration alongside the University of Cambridge, with funding from Royal Papworth Hospital Charity, British Heart Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Wolfson Foundation and UK Research and Innovation. Thank you to all our partners for helping us to bring tomorrow's treatments to today's patients. — Royal Papworth Hospital
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lawyerserving456 · 2 months
Family Law Firm Toronto
Issues such because the division of family property, baby safety and custody and support issues between people who are not married are ruled by statutes which differ from province to province. For legal recommendation on family issues in South Africa, you'll be able to contact the Legal Aid South Africa or the South African Law Society for an inventory of qualified family law attorneys in your space. If you've a family law or baby protection issue, you could qualify for help from family duty counsel (FDC) or a family advice lawyer, even family law rules forms if you do not qualify for a authorized assist lawyer. Whidden Law Corporation is a devoted and experienced law firm positioned in Prince George, British Columbia. We present sensible recommendation centered on reaching the finest possible outcomes for our purchasers. We attempt to achieve a profitable agreement outside of courtroom every time attainable and will struggle in court docket every time essential.
His follow also consists of complicated custody and entry points involving jurisdictional disputes and blended and extended households. Melamed is the popular counsel to The Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LawPRO), an insurance supplier for lawyers in Ontario, to defend family lawyers who're dealing with claims of negligence. He can be a member of the Family Rules Committee in Ontario, the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO) and the Ontario Bar Association. Lorne H. Wolfson is a associate family law at Torkin Manes LLP, where he's a Law Society of Ontario-certified family law specialist. He devotes his apply to spousal and child support, equalization of property and custody and access, as nicely as separation, marriage and cohabitation agreements. Wolfson can additionally be an accredited family mediator by the Ontario Association for Family Mediation.
At an preliminary session, we will discuss your matter, go over your legal rights and place, and decide your options moving ahead. The advice that you just obtain at an preliminary consultation shall be tailored to your specific scenario. There are various points that are handled in a separation agreement family lawyer or marriage contract and these points will influence you and your spouse in one other way. You each want your individual lawyer in order that they will advise you on these issues, what they mean for you, and what the choices are for you going forward. Failure to make proper monetary disclosure might lead to a domestic contract being set aside.
Brenda Christen is a lawyer and mediator at Christen Seaton Burrison Hudani LLP. She has acted on cases relating to mobility, help, income, and property at both the trial and appellate ranges family law lawyers. We can conduct negotiations with the intent of main everyone in direction of an optimum decision with minimal expense, delay, and acrimony.
"I truly have at all times believed family comes first," Mr West mentioned in an announcement. "So I’ve decided to dedicate myself full-time to supporting my family and my sister-in-law on the campaign family law act path." Maya’s only youngster, Meena, adopted the Harris family tradition by graduating from law college.
Franks can be an adjunct professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, teaching family law and a former teacher for the Bar Admission Course. He beforehand served as director of The Advocates’ Society and is presently family law forms a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers. Ritu has practiced solely in family law since her call to the Bar.
His Toronto-based law agency offers a full vary of company and private legal services. Prior to focusing completely on family law, Jennifer practiced industrial litigation at a prominent full-service law firm. A trusted advisor and ardent advocate, Jennifer’s integrity and solution-oriented method family law rules allows her to successfully... Martha A. McCarthy has practiced family law solely all through her profession has acted as counsel in all ranges of court docket.
Fogelman has been appointed as a dispute resolution officer for the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto. He can additionally be a frequent presenter at Ontario Bar Association, Osgoode Professional Development, The Advocates' Society and other continuing legal education programs. Sarah M. Boulby is a companion at Boulby Weinberg LLP, a Toronto-based firm dedicated exclusively to family law. She has been family lawyer since being called divorce lawyer to the Bar, and advises local and international purchasers on complex assist, property, and parenting issues. She additionally negotiates agreements and represents shoppers in court docket at the trial and appellate level. He advocates for his purchasers when negotiating agreements, showing before trial and appellate courts in addition to in mediations and arbitrations.
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eskindt · 3 months
The World the Plague Made is on of the history books that easily made it to the shortlist of an annual Wolfson History Prize.
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Meticulously researched and engagingly written by James Belich, currently a Professor of Imperial and Global history at Oxford, the book is, also, another effort to explain the Great Divergence - find an explanation for why Europe drew ahead in the early modern period. 
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Or, in his own words, a new attempt to answer an old question: "Why Europe?
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One of striking things in this book is that, while acknowledging the undeniable - the pulling ahead of part of Europe, he (for the first time?) adds the just as established, yet barely mentioned facts: that Europe wasn't alone. There was what he calls the Muslim South (Middle East and North Africa) that shared that "great leap ahead".
And it’s not for any institutional or cultural reason, but simply by the arbitrary fact that those were also the places where the plague struck very hard.
To put it starkly, the argument of the book is that wherever the plague hit, these are the parts of the world that eventually benefited and prospered, and those places where the plague didn’t strike—India and China—ended up falling behind. He’s saying this is not about culture, this is not about institutions, this is not about religion—it’s the plague.
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Do you think it’s a convincing argument?
He’s laid out the argument in as convincing a way as he can. If you push him—and there are places in the book where he acknowledges it—he accepts that the plague is not the only factor
What he’s really arguing, if one had to summarise it in a schematic way, is that while all these other variables mattered, the plague is the only thing that is common across the board, and therefore, the plague is the most significant factor.
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ahz-associates · 6 months
Study Abroad in the UK: Queen’s University Belfast
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With a long past, Queen's University Belfast is a member of the Russell Group, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and other organizations. In 2022, the university celebrated its 150th anniversary. Queen's was placed 200th in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2021. This university offered 14 topics that were ranked among the top 200 in the world in the 2020 QS World University Rankings. According to QS World Rankings for 2019, four of the subjects included in this list are among the top 100.
According to the 2020 QS Graduate Employability Rankings, the university was placed in the top 140 worldwide. In the 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Queen's achieved the 21st position for international orientation, demonstrating the university's commitment to serving international students. Currently, the university has 2,600 students from 85 different nations.
With 3,500 employees, more than 100,000 alumni, and students from more than 85 countries, Queen's University Belfast has emerged as one of the top universities in the world, particularly for research. For more than 175 years, Queen's University Belfast—also referred to as Queen's or QUB—has been a leader in academics and research.
Rich in legacy, Belfast Academic Institution (established in 1810) contains a history that is ingrained in the educational institution. From then, the university was founded as Queen's College, Belfast, which was established in 1845 after receiving its charter and opening for business four years later with 23 professors and 195 students.
University of Queen's In 1908, Belfast institution—the ninth-oldest institution in the United Kingdom—became autonomous. With 24,000 UK, EU, and foreign students flourishing in its academic, research, and social offerings, Queen's has grown into a member of the Russell Group with an unrelenting concentration on pursuing research across numerous fields. The university is one of the main centers for research.
The university has made contributions to research on all scales, and Times Higher Education ranked it eighth in the UK for research intensity. Over £101.6 million in research grants, contracts, and awards were won by Queen's during the 2016–2017 academic year. Using its long tradition of outstanding disciplinary research, Queen's University Belfast has established four research institutes dedicated to various forms of study in the fields of healthcare, food safety, cybersecurity, and international peace, security, and justice.
Queen's University Belfast gives students the chance to explore the city's urban life and scenic surroundings in Queen's Quarters, Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. In addition to the city's various campuses, parks, nightlife, and architecture, there are plenty of things to discover outside of it.
In order to provide students with access to cutting-edge facilities and to match the natural and architectural beauty of Belfast, Queen's University Belfast invested over £700 million to build the McClay Library, the School of Law, and the Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine. Additionally, a new Computer Science Building and Student Center were added.
Located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, Queen's institution Belfast, also known as the Queen's University of Belfast, is a public research institution. One of the best public universities in Belfast, United Kingdom, according to the Queen's University Belfast ranking The top programs offered by Queen's University Belfast include its law, medical, and postgraduate programs, as well as its online offerings, acceptance rate, costs, and international tuition of 13,280. There are several scholarships available, with values ranging from £600 to £2,400. For more details, visit go.qub.ac.uk/Entrance-scholarship. Scholarships at Queen's University Belfast Living as a student at Queen's University Belfast.
Ranking and Achievements
28th in the Times University Guide 2023
46th in the Guardian University Guide 2023
233rd in the QS World University Rankings 2023
198th in Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023
Queen's University Belfast offers some of the greatest legal education in the nation; in fact, it is now ranked in the top 150 law schools worldwide (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022) as well as the top law school in the UK (Complete University Guide 2023) for legal education.
In the UK, Queen's University Belfast research is ranked #1 in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and food science, #4 in health and biomedical sciences, and #8 in law. 96% of Queen's research is regarded as "internationally excellent" or "world-leading."
International Office Undergraduate Scholarships
Vice Chancellor’s International Attainment Scholarship
Queen’s Loyalty Scholarship
Queen’s Family Scholarship
Queen’s Management School South Asia Scholarship
LLB Law Senior Status International Scholarship
GREAT scholarship
Assistance for Students
Undergraduates at Queen's University Belfast can get the academic skill development support they need from the Learning and Development service. E-books, online materials, workshops, and one-on-one assistance from pertinent academic members are all available to students. The educational institution also offers one-on-one tutoring and peer-assisted learning.
Queen's University Belfast offers workshops, counselors, and well-being experts to promote the wellbeing of its students. In close proximity to the school is an autonomous health clinic as well. The university provides appropriate accommodations and special equipment needed for students with impairments. Additionally, this UK university has a Student Union that serves the interests of all 200+ clubs and societies as well as the student body as a whole.
Student Life
Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland, thus it makes sense that its culture is vibrant and thriving. There are many of eateries, bars, concert halls, movie theaters, art galleries, parks, and retail centers all close by. Great exhibitions are also available at the Titanic Museum, Ulster Museum, and Naughton Gallery. Throughout the year, collections of modern, contemporary, and traditional art are also held in various locations throughout the city.
The Grand Opera House, Crescent Arts Centre, Queen's Film Theatre, The Lyric Theatre, and Treehouse's rooftop cinema will become regular haunts for theatergoers and movie aficionados. Live music fans will be satisfied at places like the Limelight, Ulster Hall, Black Box, and Voodoo. While Cathedral Quarter has a number of pubs where you may have a pint, underground clubs like Maverick, Thompson's Garage, Babel, and the Perch have a vibrant nightlife. Additionally, the city center is teeming with boutiques, international brand stores, and artisan markets to satisfy your shopping appetite.
Visit the Mourne Mountains to witness some of the ethereal settings that inspired C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, Giant's Causeway, or the many locations where many scenes from the Game of Thrones series were filmed if you want to experience some of Northern Ireland's best natural bounty.
While there are lodging options close to the campus, Queen's new city center residences are located in the center of Belfast's vibrant social scene. Belfast is ranked by UK Crime Surveys in 2018/2019 as one of the safest areas in both Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom, thus students shouldn't be concerned about their safety.
Student housing is available in Elms BT1 and BT2, located in the city center, thanks to Queen's University Belfast. Highly praised for their excellence, these lodgings are located 10 minutes from Belfast's retail center, Victoria Square, and 15 minutes from Queen's campus. The cost of an en suite room or a self-contained studio is £124 for students and £149 for others per week, respectively.
Queen's University is located in Belfast, the capital city of Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. Belfast, Northern Ireland has been described by the worldwide press as "one of today's most trendy destinations to visit or reside" and "Europe's friendliest — and trendiest — regional metropolis."
Belfast is home to around one-third of all Northern Ireland's population, and being close to two airports makes flying there easy. Belfast is the destination for most international students, and there are approximately 35 flights each day from London's five airports that arrive there in about an hour.
Belfast is best viewed on foot or by bicycle because the student housing is situated in the heart of the city. Students can reach the college on foot in ten minutes or less, even if they do not live on campus. For trips outside of school, Belfast Bikes is a handy and straightforward program to locate in the community. Due to student discounts, public transportation via buses and trains is very convenient. Students can stroll from the Queen's University Belfast campus to the Botanic train station. Additionally, you can use Value Cabs and Uber in your area.
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Research Fellowships Visiting Fellowships for Scholars from the Global South
About The Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge is inviting applications for funded Visiting Fellowships for scholars from the Global South. The purpose of these Fellowships is to provide opportunities for scholars working at higher education institutions in the Global South to exchange ideas with other researchers based at CRASSH and elsewhere in the University of Cambridge and to draw benefit from access to the University’s collections and resources. It is hoped that these visits will lead on to future collaborations and exchanges.
Themed call for applications: Religious Boundaries For 2025, CRASSH will partner with the Faculty of Divinity and the Cambridge Interfaith Programme. Applications are invited from scholars whose research is connected to the theme of inter-religious relations, with a particular focus on religious boundary-making. This invites projects that study how two or more religious groups form one another in their mutual encounter, when and how they demarcate difference, and how boundaries between them remain mutable through various activities of exchange such as dialogue or missionary endeavours. The call also welcomes projects that are interested in how religious boundary-constructions relate to other articulations of identity, such as ethnicity, class, politics, or gender.
We invite applications from any discipline, including anthropology, history, philosophy, political science, sociology and theology. Projects should aim to advance current understandings of interfaith conflict and dialogue through concrete case studies of religious boundary-making or ideas about them, situated in the Global South.
Who is eligible? Up to three Visiting Fellows will be selected each year from different countries in the Global South whose research proposals respond to the call set out above. Check the further information tab on this page for more details on eligibility.
When will the Fellowships take place? Visiting Fellows will be appointed for Lent Term 2025 (from mid-January to mid-March: see term dates for each year).
What is provided? Return (economy fare) travel, single ensuite accommodation in Wolfson College, a stipend to help with additional everyday costs, desk space and access to a computer at CRASSH, full access to the University’s libraries and other collections, and to events and seminars run by CRASSH or other institutions in the University. The three-month in-person Fellowship will be followed by a nine-month digital Fellowship, allowing continued access to the University’s online events and resources.
What is the closing date for applications? The deadline for applications is 12:00 (midday) UCT on 26 February 2024. The results of the selection process will be communicated to all applicants before the end of March 2024.
How to apply The deadline for applications is 12:00 (midday) UCT on 26 February 2024. Late applications cannot be accepted. The results of the selection process will be communicated to all applicants before the end of March 2024.
Apply via the button below or to the right of this section.
Apply for the fellowship
Please email [email protected] for enquiries.
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shop-korea · 11 months
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OVER - $8,000 - PAID - IN - FULL
LAB - (+$18,000)
$5,000 - DAILY - EARNED
FR - $10,000 - MONTHLY
23 - AND - 23
1ST - DOOR - WAS - HERE - 7:45A - WHILE I
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“LAWYER IS CENSURED STRONGLY BY JUDGE,” Toronto Star. March 16, 1933. Page 1. --- Proceedings in Regard to Foreclosure Action Denounced as "Disgrace" ---- Justice Logie at Osgoode Hall to- day dismissed a motion, brought on behalf of Catharine J. McQueen for dismissal of an action brought by Norman Wolfson, barrister, administrator of the estate of Golda Wolfson against Henry Ramsay Adamson, Annie Urquhart Adamson and Mary Lambie for. foreclosure on mortgage on a house, 20 Lavain Ave. His lordship held that Mrs. McQueen, who sought to have proceedings stayed on the ground that they were "vexatious, entirely unwarranted and maliciously instituted with the sole idea of making costs" was not as second mortgagee a party to the action.
In dismissing the motive his lordship strongly censured Norman Wolfson for the part he had played in the matter. He told his lawyer. L. Herman, that Mr. Wolfson had better arrange matters quickly.
"I think the whole proceedings on behalf of Mr. Wolfson are a disgrace," said the court. "The refusal to accept this cheque because it was a few hours late is something which brings the profession into disgrace. Mr. Registrar, hold these papers, until to-morrow and if I am told to-morrow that the matter has not been ar ranged I will send them over to the treasurer of the Law Society. Actions like that bring disgrace upon the whole profession. I've read the papers and the letter and the whole. thing is a disgrace."
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moremedtech · 2 years
Artificial pancreas successfully trialed for use by patients living with type 2 diabetes
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Cambridge scientists successfully trialed Artificial pancreas for use by patients living with type 2 diabetes. Cambridge scientists have successfully trialed an artificial pancreas for use by patients living with type 2 diabetes. The device – powered by an algorithm developed at the University of Cambridge – doubled the amount of time patients were in the target range for glucose compared to standard treatment and halved the time spent experiencing high glucose levels. Around 415 million people worldwide are estimated to be living with type 2 diabetes, which costs around $760 billion in annual global health expenditure. According to Diabetes UK, in the UK alone, more than 4.9million people have diabetes, of whom 90% have type 2 diabetes, and this is estimated to cost the NHS £10bn per year. Type 2 diabetes causes levels of glucose – blood sugar – to become too high. Ordinarily, blood sugar levels are controlled by the release of insulin, but in type 2 diabetes insulin production is disrupted. Over time, this can cause serious problems including eye, kidney and nerve damage and heart disease. The disease is usually managed through a combination of lifestyle changes – improved diet and more exercise, for example – and medication, with the aim of keeping glucose levels low. Researchers from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge have developed an artificial pancreas that can help maintain healthy glucose levels. The device combines an off-the-shelf glucose monitor and insulin pump with an app developed by the team, known as CamAPS HX. This app is run by an algorithm that predicts how much insulin is required to maintain glucose levels in the target range. The researchers have previously shown that an artificial pancreas run by a similar algorithm is effective for patients living with type 1 diabetes, from adults through to very young children. They have also successfully trialled the device in patients with type 2 diabetes who require kidney dialysis. Today, in Nature Medicine, the team report the first trial of the device in a wider population living with type 2 diabetes (not requiring kidney dialysis). Unlike the artificial pancreas used for type 1 diabetes, this new version is a fully closed loop system – whereas patients with type 1 diabetes need to tell their artificial pancreas that they are about to eat to allow adjustment of insulin, for example, with this version they can leave the device to function entirely automatically. The researchers recruited 26 patients from the Wolfson Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, part of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and a local group of GP surgeries. Patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups – the first group would trial the artificial pancreas for eight weeks and then switch to the standard therapy of multiple daily insulin injections; the second group would take this control therapy first and then switch to the artificial pancreas after eight weeks. The team used several measures to assess how effectively the artificial pancreas worked. The first was the proportion of time that patients spent with their glucose levels within a target range of between 3.9 and 10.0mmol/L. On average, patients using the artificial pancreas spent two-thirds (66%) of their time within the target range – double that while on the control (32%). A second measure was the proportion of time spent with glucose levels above 10.0mmol/L. Over time, high glucose levels raise the risk of potentially serious complications. Patients taking the control therapy spent two-thirds (67%) of their time with high glucose levels – this was halved to 33% when using the artificial pancreas. Average glucose levels fell – from 12.6mmol/L when taking the control therapy to 9.2mmol/L while using the artificial pancreas. The app also reduced levels of a molecule known as glycated hemoglobin, or HbA1c. Glycated hemoglobin develops when hemoglobin, a protein within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’. By measuring HbA1c, clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what a person's average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks or months. For people with diabetes, the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. After the control therapy, average HbA1c levels were 8.7%, while after using the artificial pancreas they were 7.3%. No patients experienced dangerously low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) during the study. One patient was admitted to hospital while using the artificial pancreas, due to an abscess at the site of the pump cannula. Many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to manage their blood sugar levels using the currently available treatments, such as insulin injections. The artificial pancreas can provide a safe and effective approach to help them Dr Charlotte Boughton from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge, who co-led the study, said “One of the barriers to widespread use of insulin therapy has been concern over the risk of severe ‘hypos’ – dangerously low blood sugar levels. But we found that no patients on our trial experienced these and patients spent very little time with blood sugar levels lower than the target levels.” Dr Aideen Daly, also from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, said Feedback from participants suggested that participants were happy to have their glucose levels controlled automatically by the system, and nine out of ten (89%) reported spending less time managing their diabetes overall. Users highlighted the elimination of the need for injections or fingerprick testing, and increased confidence in managing blood glucose as key benefits. Downsides included increased anxiety about the risk of hypoglycemia, which the researchers say may reflect increased awareness and monitoring of glucose levels, and practical annoyances with wearing of devices. The team now plan to carry out a much larger multicenter study to build on their findings and have submitted the device for regulatory approval with a view to making it commercially available for outpatients with type 2 diabetes. The research was supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. Reference Daly, AB, Boughton, CK, et al. Fully automated closed-loop insulin delivery in adults with type 2 diabetes: an open-label, single-centre randomised crossover trial. Nat Med; 11 Jan 2023; DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-02144-z Source: University of Cambridge Read the full article
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nuadox · 2 years
Artificial pancreas successfully trialled for use by type 2 diabetes patients
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- By University of Cambridge -
Cambridge scientists have successfully trialled an artificial pancreas for use by patients living with type 2 diabetes. 
The device – powered by an algorithm developed at the University of Cambridge – doubled the amount of time patients were in the target range for glucose compared to standard treatment and halved the time spent experiencing high glucose levels.
Around 415 million people worldwide are estimated to be living with type 2 diabetes, which costs around $760 billion in annual global health expenditure. According to Diabetes UK, in the UK alone, more than 4.9million people have diabetes, of whom 90% have type 2 diabetes, and this is estimated to cost the NHS £10bn per year.
Type 2 diabetes causes levels of glucose – blood sugar – to become too high. Ordinarily, blood sugar levels are controlled by the release of insulin, but in type 2 diabetes insulin production is disrupted. Over time, this can cause serious problems including eye, kidney and nerve damage and heart disease.
The disease is usually managed through a combination of lifestyle changes – improved diet and more exercise, for example – and medication, with the aim of keeping glucose levels low.
Researchers from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge have developed an artificial pancreas that can help maintain healthy glucose levels. The device combines an off-the-shelf glucose monitor and insulin pump with an app developed by the team, known as CamAPS HX. This app is run by an algorithm that predicts how much insulin is required to maintain glucose levels in the target range.
The researchers have previously shown that an artificial pancreas run by a similar algorithm is effective for patients living with type 1 diabetes, from adults through to very young children. They have also successfully trialled the device in patients with type 2 diabetes who require kidney dialysis.
Today, in Nature Medicine, the team report the first trial of the device in a wider population living with type 2 diabetes (not requiring kidney dialysis). Unlike the artificial pancreas used for type 1 diabetes, this new version is a fully closed loop system – whereas patients with type 1 diabetes need to tell their artificial pancreas that they are about to eat to allow adjustment of insulin, for example, with this version they can leave the device to function entirely automatically.
The researchers recruited 26 patients from the Wolfson Diabetes and Endocrine Clinic at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, part of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and a local group of GP surgeries. Patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups – the first group would trial the artificial pancreas for eight weeks and then switch to the standard therapy of multiple daily insulin injections; the second group would take this control therapy first and then switch to the artificial pancreas after eight weeks.
The team used several measures to assess how effectively the artificial pancreas worked. The first was the proportion of time that patients spent with their glucose levels within a target range of between 3.9 and 10.0mmol/L. On average, patients using the artificial pancreas spent two-thirds (66%) of their time within the target range – double that while on the control (32%).
A second measure was the proportion of time spent with glucose levels above 10.0mmol/L. Over time, high glucose levels raise the risk of potentially serious complications. Patients taking the control therapy spent two-thirds (67%) of their time with high glucose levels – this was halved to 33% when using the artificial pancreas.
Average glucose levels fell – from 12.6mmol/L when taking the control therapy to 9.2mmol/L while using the artificial pancreas.
The app also reduced levels of a molecule known as glycated haemoglobin, or HbA1c. Glycated haemoglobin develops when haemoglobin, a protein within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’. By measuring HbA1c, clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what a person's average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks or months. For people with diabetes, the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. After the control therapy, average HbA1c levels were 8.7%, while after using the artificial pancreas they were 7.3%.
No patients experienced dangerously-low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) during the study. One patient was admitted to hospital while using the artificial pancreas, due to an abscess at the site of the pump cannula.
Dr Charlotte Boughton from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge, who co-led the study, said: “Many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to manage their blood sugar levels using the currently available treatments, such as insulin injections. The artificial pancreas can provide a safe and effective approach to help them, and the technology is simple to use and can be implemented safely at home.”
Dr Aideen Daly, also from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, said: “One of the barriers to widespread use of insulin therapy has been concern over the risk of severe ‘hypos’ – dangerously low blood sugar levels. But we found that no patients on our trial experienced these and patients spent very little time with blood sugar levels lower than the target levels.”
Feedback from participants suggested that participants were happy to have their glucose levels controlled automatically by the system, and nine out of ten (89%) reported spending less time managing their diabetes overall. Users highlighted the elimination of the need for injections or fingerprick testing, and increased confidence in managing blood glucose as key benefits. Downsides included increased anxiety about the risk of hypoglycaemia, which the researchers say may reflect increased awareness and monitoring of glucose levels, and practical annoyances with wearing of devices.
The team now plan to carry out a much larger multicentre study to build on their findings and have submitted the device for regulatory approval with a view to making it commercially available for outpatients with type 2 diabetes.
The research was supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.
Daly, AB, Boughton, CK, et al. Fully automated closed-loop insulin delivery in adults with type 2 diabetes: an open-label, single-centre randomised crossover trial. Nat Med; 11 Jan 2023; DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-02144-z
This article is republished from The University of Cambridge under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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