#WoF Arc 3 spoilers
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wolfsummoner · 4 months ago
Are there any Bob Marley/Ziggy Marley Wings of Fire or Warriors animatics? If not y'all are sleeping on them.
Darkstalker/Queen Wasp | See Dem Fake Leaders (Ziggy)
Almost any WoF protag really | War (Bob)
Hawkfrost | I Shot the Sheriff (Bob)
RiverClan | Rebellion Rises (Ziggy)
Edit: Hawkfrost fits Eric Clapton's version better, but Tigerstar would fit the original I Shot the Sheriff
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resident-wof-expert · 4 months ago
Unsorted WOF thoughts part 169:
I recently noticed that all of the arcs' penultimate books had really emotionally resonant endings. For good reason, because we needed a reason to care about finishing the arc.
Which of these endings hit you the hardest?
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smellslikesouls · 4 months ago
when book 14s graphic novel comes out i’m gonna be so sad… jerboa’s flashback is probably gonna be like 4 pages
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wingsoffirenews · 2 months ago
Compilation of new(ish) WoF News!
The Darkstalker Graphic Novel will come out on November 4th, 2025 and will be illustrated by Jake Parker! Talons of Power Graphic Novel will also be coming out in 2025.
For some reason around 5 years ago, Lego set a blacklist on the Wings of Fire IP, meaning they couldn't make any merch with them. But as of recently, the IP has been confirmed by an employee to be unblacklisted, meaning it's possible that WoF Legos could be a possibility for the future!
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Escaping Peril: Graphic Novel is out early in certain Barnes & Noble locations. Here's an official trailer!
On Instagram, Tui stated that there will be more WoF merch made in the future!
Here's a video of an interview Tui was a part of for The Flames of Hope's launch! Things to note: She says dragons currently think there's no animus magic but with the way the spell was cast it leaves a door open for future animus dragons & at the time Dan Milano (executive producer) said there was a planned release date for the TV show but it was a long while away.
Tui says if she could rename any character it'd be Scarlet because her scales are orange and not red/scarlet.
Book 16/Arc 4 notes: We'll find out more about Beryl, it will have nothing to do with Pantala and it'll take place somewhere we've never been before, Tui says the reason she's disappeared from socials for the past 2 months is cause she's been writing Book 16, Umber is planned to come back and be given a boyfriend (if she doesn't just give him his own Winglet), she wants to bring Blob back somehow, she also wants to bring back Auklet, she mentioned she can't say where Leaf and Ivy are at the moment due to potential spoilers, the book will take place after A Guide to the Dragon World, Tui watched/read a show/book for inspiration on Book 16 that she claims is the opposite of Life in The Underground that contains creatures she calls "the absolute cutest things" but she won't share what this show/book is yet until Book 16 is done (when asked if this means there'll be new dragon tribes, Tui says she can't say and is still deciding on what "it" is), Tui has a planned release date for the book but wont disclose it in case something happens to push it back, she says Peril and Sky will not meet in Book 16 but might make them meet in a Winglet instead, Snowfall will either get another POV in Arc 4 or we'll see her from someone else's POV, she doesn't want anybody else who's already had a POV to have one again in Arc 4, she says she wants to put Lynx in Arc 4 as well, when asked if there'd be a new continent she said she'd like to see Pyrrhia and Pantala on the same map alongside "something else," Tui says there'll be a new ship written in Book 16, right now Tui is working on backstories for new WoF characters that'll appear in Book 16.
Tui says Book 9 was the hardest book to write and says Kinkajou would've happily taken the POV from Turtle which is why she's such an important character in the book.
Tui was inspired to write WoF based on her favorite book series Pern, saying that her idea for WoF at first was to write a book series about dragons' POVs and how they feel about humans.
Voting for where the first FanWing Fest will take place is still ongoing! Places include San Diego CA, Decatur GA, Minneapolis MN, Portland OR, Dallas TX, Boulder CO, Chicago IL, St. Louis MO, Philadelphia PA, Salt Lake City UT, Washington DC, Northampton MA, Southern Pines NC, and Austin TX! It'll take place in April-June 2025 and Tui will be present to read a bit of Book 16, plus there will be other activities planned. The fest will take place in around 3-5 of the most voted cities.
There's currently submissions open for people under 18 to submit their WoF art to be used in a picture booklet that'll be sold at the FanWing Fest. You can only submit one piece per person and the contest ends January 17th, 2025 at 11:59PM EST. In total 250 illustrations will be included. AI art is not allowed and the art must be submitted by your parent/guardian. The illustration must be on a single sheet of unlined 8.5 x ll paper in a portrait orientation, and all submissions must be sent through the website. The file must be named with your first + last name. The art pieces themselves will be judged around February 3rd, 2025 and will be picked based on imagination, creativity and interpretation of the WoF series. Winners will be contacted through email around the same day.
Special Editions for books 2-5 are set to release on September 2nd, 2025. Each will be $10.99 and will have exclusive content, including new covers!
Tui claimed Wren's second favorite dragon is Deathbringer.
Myles Warden, someone who worked a little on the WoF TV show, stated on Twitter that when the show was cancelled, they were pretty far into the show's development.
Although poor quality, this is Tui's concept art for Pantala.
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During an interview back in 2021, Tui stated: She chose Snowfall to be The Dangerous Gift's POV because both Starflight and Turtle weren't very active POVs for their arcs' 4th book, her first idea for the third arc was of Pantalan refugees coming to Pyrrhia, she says Snowfall thinks both Winter and Qibli are annoying, Tui likes to look at WoF fanart, when The Brightest Night was just being written is when she had the idea to make a second arc, she likes to leave bread crumbs in books for potential future books, she plans to make a sequel to Dragonslayer and she wants to write more Winglets, she says Kinkajou was easy to write, she likes writing fierce dragons into her books, she has a draft where the boulder to the DoD's cave is animus touched, she says if she were a dragon she'd be a RainWing with a second choice of SeaWings and third choice of LeafWings, she usually gives herself 6 months to write a book, she says Peacemaker will never get Darkstalker's memories, she says something happened with The Lost Heir that made her have to rewrite it with different characters, Peril and Sky and Winter were originally going to also be DoD, Sky's original name was Ember, originally in Darkness of Dragons Darkstalker was going to talk Qibli out of "something" but it was scrapped because Darkstalker would've been too convincing, originally NightWing moon powers were always going to be fake, she got the idea for Darkstalker when she kept getting fanmail trying to understand Chameleon and Morrowseer which made her want to write a bad guy on the outside who was complicated on the inside, Cliff and Qibli are based off Tui's three-year-old son.
In a different interview from March 23rd 2021, Tui stated: She avoids reviews of her books because she doesn't want to get upset and potentially interfere with her work (she said Sundew and Willow's relationship didn't seem weird to her when writing it and believes LGBTQ+ representation should be represented in her books), she has an idea for what the Rainforest Kingdom was like while Sunny was gone during the Brightest Night and would like to make a graphic novel about it, she heard about the WoF Roblox games and thinks they're really cool, she has a melody in her head for The Dragonets Are Coming, she reads her own books once they're published so she doesn't forget anything she's written about, she confirmed dragons don't have eyelashes and that she instead imagined them batting their eyelids like humans, she often rewrites the prophecies she makes to get them perfect, she says it was hard to come up for The Dangerous Gift's title and she came up with 50 different ones before choosing one, she'd like to make a mini series for Ivy and Leaf, she came up with the dragon tribes through inspiration from Animal Planet, she originally believed Anemone would challenge Coral someday but is against it now (saying Coral is a decent queen who makes mistakes from time to time), she thinks the Great Ice Cliff reminds her of Twitter but didn't explain how, she names dragons with things relating to their tribe to help her remember them, she says Mink is based of a friend of her son, she says the reason Snowfall hates Tundra is because every time she appears to remind her of her responsibilities she thinks she's failed in some way, she thinks she's most like Sunny but says there's piece of her in every character she writes.
Tui claims she sees Starflight and Cricket as neurodivergent alongside Whiteout.
Tui considered Swordtail to be The Flames of Hope's POV but went with Luna instead.
Tui claims one out of many reasons Scarlet wanted to kill Glory was because Glory became queen of two tribes while her own life was going downhill.
Tui has expressed interest in the past on making a Winglet for Cobra and Vulture.
The Winglets are being translated to French and will be called Destinies.
We'll be getting graphic novels for Arc 3 and and that The Lost Continent Graphic Novel will be released roughly a year after Darkness of Dragon's graphic novel. Tui says she's most excited to see The Poison Jungle as a graphic novel.
Right now, the WoF TV show is on step 6 of 100 towards completion, and Tui has hinted something "good and important" has just happened with the show that has her very excited. Right now the show is in the writer's room and the script is currently being worked on.
Tui says she has a list of every character's theme song, with Winter's being That's How You Get The Girl by Taylor Swift and Luna's being I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (she didn't say who it's from).
Tui says Snowfall will likely get together with Lynx in the future and that she had chemistry with Sky, but Tui thinks Lynx is better for her compared to Sky.
Tui says if Blaze had won the war, the IceWings would've ruled over the Sand Kingom and that Glacier would've been Book 6's POV, struggling on figuring out how to run 2 kingdoms. If Blister had won, all of Pyrrhia would be set down a dark path. And if Burn had won she'd be a decent and strong ruler, but that she'd be a threat to the Dragonets of Destiny.
Tui claims Winter will find love eventually (that isn't Moon) but right now he has growing to do. She mentioned she's fond of both Winter and Qibli but right now Moon and Qibli are together, but stated they're both young and anything can happen in the future.
In a different interview Tui stated: Krakens do exist in WoF by that no other mythical creatures exist in the series, Tui said if she did make a spider tribe she'd name them WebWings.
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onlyforfanart · 5 months ago
Warning: Potential spoilers for WOF arc 3 if you haven’t read it!
So I realized that this headcanon wouldn’t actually work, but I’m going to post it anyway! So we know how there’s only a handful of trees in Pantala? And trees produce oxygen?
What if Pantalan dragons (Hivewings, Silkwings, and Leafwings (Sapwings and Poisonwings?)) all evolved over time after most of the trees got cut down? Like what if their bodies just started needing less air-
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hungryenigma · 11 months ago
Drawing A Random WoF Character - Admiral
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Spoilers for Arc 3 ahead!
Admiral was first Introduced in the lost continent, and he is Blue and Luna’s father. He was partnered with Burnet and Silverspot. He was enslaved by Queen Wasp in the flamesilk factory for likely his entire life after emerging from his cocoon, only leaving to mate with Burnet and Silverspot, as Blue and Luna never knew him before meeting in the factory. He’s a rule follower who is generally loyal to the Queen and wants to stay in the factory. He is not well-liked by the other flamesilks. He is generally optimistic and naive, seemingly ignorant (probably by choice) to the reality of his and the other flamesilks’ situation. He futilely tries to get Wasp to improve the factory and continues trying despite Wasp’s clear disregard for their condition. After Blue escapes with Luna, he is not seen again.
Welcome to a new series I’m ‘starting’! (I’ve been doing this on and off for a while on tiktok but I’ve decided to start posting theme here, starting with the very oldest.) This one is from all the way back in ‘22. My goal, insane as it is, is to draw every single character eventually, no matter how insignificant. I find myself often falling into patterns and ruts when I’m drawing wings of fire, and I want to use this series to gradually break out of that. Call it same-dragon-syndrome. My hope is that with each dragon I’ll gradually push myself further out of my repetitive designs and improve my art style at the same time. Constructive criticism is welcome! I feel like I haven’t majorly improved my art in a while and I want to change that.
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asksofthedragons · 2 months ago
Great to meet you! I am Mod Orion, but you can call me by any name you wish that I rp/answer as on this blog.
This is a Wings of Fire ask/rp blog, so most things will be from there or my own personal au. Depends on which character. This is a SFW blog, so absolutely no suggestive content beyond eggs/dragonets. I will delete asks that imply further.
The mod is an adult (21) and would like it if minors stayed out of the DMs. Asks are fine though as they’ll be publicly seen.
If anyone wants to know more about my headcannons and lore, I’m working on it over on my WoF art blog: @leafnighthybridwolfsbane
Now, additional rules and information for the blog:
-No power playing. I don’t exactly appreciate others taking over my ocs or the characters I act as. It becomes less fun with power play.
-Events take place primarily in my alternate universe, but for main characters I rp as, it’s mostly between the end of arc 2 and the beginning of arc 3 since I have not read it yet.
-Spoilers will be on this blog, so approach with caution.
-I currently don’t have sprites, so I will be using either sketches for OCs, or comic panels from the official graphic novels for the characters I interact as.
-Please be respectful to the mod. This is very much a “give respect to earn respect” blog, so be warned.
-Those looking to be immoral to characters will be blocked no questions asked. I want this blog to be welcoming with open arms to anyone who wants harmless fun
Trigger Warnings to watch out for:
-Mentions of neglect or abuse (No extreme detail, but some OCs or characters may have trauma)
-Violence (blood/gore/fighting)
-Evil characters/eluding to them
(Let me know if I missed anything here and I’ll add it)
Ships that are in my cannon:
-Abyssdancer x Ghost (plant) (OC x OC, M x Enby)
-Wolfsbane x his three partners (will not be doing his partners, but he’s polyam) (OC x OCs, TM x Enby x Fluid Enby x Fem Enby)
-Moonwatcher x Quibli (with mentions of a poly relationship forming for both of them with Winter) (CC x CC x CC, F x M x M)
-Clay x Peril (CC x CC, M x F)
-Turtle x Kinkajou (CC x CC, M x F)
-Fathom x Indigo (CC x CC, M x F)
-Starflight x Fatespeaker (CC x CC, M x F)
(Note: I will only do some of the cannon character partners. List of characters I’ll do are below)
Character list:
Introductions will be made separately and will be linked up to each character
Starflight (Sign Off: -💫)
Fathom (Sign Off: -🦑)
Turtle (Sign Off: -🐢)
Clay (Sign Off: -🐦‍🔥)
Quibli (Sign Off: -🐫)
Moonwatcher (Sign Off: -🌕)
Sunny (Sign Off: -☀️)
Abyssdancer (Sign Off: -🐋)
Ghost (plant) (Sign Off: -🌵)
Wolfsbane (Sign Off: -🪶)
Allthought (Sign Off: -🌌) (Art is a WiP)
Orpheus (Sign Off: -🪻) (Art is a WiP)
Set (Sign Off: -⚔️)
Olive (Sign Off: -🫒) (WiP)
Here are pictures of the OCs as of right now (all are hybrids). Abyssdancer is a Sea/Night hybrid. Ghost is a Sand/Rain hybrid. Wolfsbane is a Leaf/Night hybrid. Allthought is an albino Night. Orpheus is half Leaf, 1/4 Sand, and 1/4 Sky
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dragosaurus123 · 9 months ago
peacemaker is temporary and heres why
spoilers for all of arc 2 of wings of fire
Peacemaker exists because of enchantment similar to pyrite and ruby. and also the enchantment on peril. There is evidence in all three of these enchantments to show how peacemaker doesn't work
I will now list the evidence
.1 pyrite
One of the enchantments on hailstorm while he was pyrite was to forget their past self
But when pyrite slept near icewings she would have dreams of snow
This shows hailstorm subconsciously remembers the ice kingdom as pyrite
.2 ruby
Tourmaline was enchanted to be ruby and also to be weak and unable/unwilling to take the throne
After scarlet was dethroned, she took the throne
When scarlet came to try and take the throne back ruby stood up to her and challenged for the throne
This should not be possible due to the enchantments
.3 the enchantment on peril
Peril was enchanted to no longer have firescales, forget clay completely, and be loyal to scarlet
Later she claims to be more loyal to chameleon than she is to scarlet and then she remembers clay
She was not supposed to be able to do either thing
Based on evidence enchantments that are specifically ment to change a dragons mentality, a dragons ability to do something, or who a dragon is loyal to seems to be impermanent as dragons appear to be able to overcome it
So back to peacemaker
He is enchanted to forget Darkstalker and be a completely different dragon and also lose his powers
But evidence of past enchantments leads me to believe this will change
Peacemaker could remember all of Darkstalker's memorys and in the worst case get his powers back in some way
However he will remain looking like peacemaker because in the evidence shown in the other dragons appearance doesn't change unless the enchanted item is removed
I got most info for this from memory and the wof wiki
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hyperfang6900 · 9 months ago
okay. so. i don’t see nearly enough people talking about this
danaid has to be one of my favorite side characters in arc 3 and here’s why !!!
(possible spoilers for book 11 wof)
despite the fact that she barely interacted with blue at all, she still deciphered that blue was trying to escape, and- knowing she wouldn’t be able to come with- still decided to help him by starting to argue with admiral. without that, there’s no way blue and luna could’ve escaped. she helped them because she didn’t want them to suffer like her and all the other flamesilks did. we love danaid in this household 🫶🫶🫶
had to make a adjustment shdjjddjj
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voidofthebrain · 3 months ago
wof art challenge, part threehehe (mild spoilers to book 3 and 5, and the Pantela arc??)
so the prompt for this time was an OC with a disability. I knew that I wanted to do blindness.
I had to be a bit careful, since there are at least 2 dragons (that I know of) that were blind, Starflight and Tamarin.
So instead, I chose colourblindness, as in not seeing colour. At all- (this may not be accurate to real life)
I decided to choose a Leafwing, since that would probably be the only time I would ever willingly draw one-
Without further ado, here's the result:
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This is Fir. During the Post Tree-Wars, he hatched on the Poisonwing side. But when he was a fledgling, his mother figured out that he couldn't see colour. This caused his family to disown him, and give him to the Sapwings.
the next prompt I'll work on is 'hybrid'.
Challenge in question:
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princedragonoverlord · 2 years ago
I've got my idea for each arc in the swapped WoF continent au mostly figured out now!
Also warning for spoilers since I use the same events as in the book for this.
Arc 1:
Takes place on Pantala. Leafwings are not at war and trees are not illegal but Hivewings still rule over the Silkwings and have uneasy alliance with the Leafwings. Queen Wasp has died and left everyone unsure of who will take over her hive/being the main Hivewing queen. Every Lady or at least a few of them (I imagine 3) who are interested are now at war and split the hives. Some side with Leafwings, Some force Silkwings to fight, and Some only have Hivewings but many of them. The book keeper declares there is a prophecy in Clearsight's book about ending this war.
(I'm not yet sure how the prophecy goes)
But it says that 2 Hivewings, 2 Silkwings, and 1 Leafwing will end it in 20 years.
And now like the normal plot the eggs are gathered, something goes wrong with getting 2 Hivewing eggs and it is replaced by another Leafwing egg instead.
The dragonets are
Clay - Leafwing
A very strong looking Leafwing, hatched first so was decided to be the Leafwing they wanted. Has no abilities but is believed to be feirce and dangerous due to Hivewing propaganda. He just wants peace and to be friendly.
Tsunami - Silkwing
They think she acts out because of not being properly raised by Silkwings under Hivewing rule and she probably wants to prove Silkwings are good leaders for prophecys and stuff. Related to either Queen Monarch or whoever the last Silkwing royalty was and is therefore the heir to the Silkwing throne which no longer exists. She does get her wings before they escape and was excited about it.
Glory - Leafwing
Glory has leafspeak instead of venom but no one thinks either she or Clay has it. They do probably treat her a bit better but she's still counted as an extra for hatching later and therefore is unwanted.
Starflight - Hivewing
The Hivewings want him to be the leader of the group. He has no extra natural weapons.
Sunny - An unusual looking Silkwing
Is a Silkwing with no antenna and some strange looking features. Considered the good Silkwing of the group for behaving but she is still very overlooked because of it. Can't wait to get her wings any day now. She is a Silk/Hive hybrid (Mother Silkwing and Father Hivewing) When she gets her wings later after they escape she has very unusual wings and she might also get some black scales during her metamorphosis.
At the end the prophecy is discovered to be a fake made up by 1 of the Hivewing Ladies in order to get the throne and rule over all 3 tribes, but it is still sort of fulfilled.
Arc 2: (Needs some work)
Takes place in Pantala. There is a school for all 3 tribes and Silkwings have their own tribe and queen again (Ruled by Sunny's mother.) Darkstalker who is a Beetlewing animus is awoken. He can somehow talk to Moon (unsure how)
Moon comes across Clearsight's book somehow and finds a real prophecy written in it.
Moon - Hivewing
Somehow able to talk to Darkstalker, can't hear thoughts however. (Unsure how else to make her unique)
Winter - Leafwing
Doesn't have leafspeak, part of the royal family.
Peril - Silkwing
She's a flamesilk. Hivewings tried to use her to produce it and she became useful as a war machine as well.
Turtle - Silkwing
Still an animus. Also part of the forgotten original Silkwing royalty same as his sister Anemone.
Qibli - Hivewing
Has extra natural weapons mostly for paralyzing. Very loyal to the new Silkwing queen who took him in when he was little.
In the end they defeat Darkstalker, they also prevent the Hivewings and Leafwings from going to war again.
Arc 3: (Needs work)
Takes place on Pyrrhia. One of the tribes has taken over several of the others or is at war with them.
Blue - Nightwing
Born under 1 moon. Can see the future. Gets visions and doesn't know what to do about it. Delivers the 3rd prophecy.
Cricket - Icewing
(Wanted to keep up the forbidden romance with her and Blue, also thought Icewing would be more interesting than Sandwing or any other dragon type that made sense for her) Not much else to say.
Sundew - Skywing
Might have firescales (Was unsure whether or not to give them to her) . Is part of a small group who spilt from the main Skywing kingdom.
Snowfall - Leafwing
Leafwing queen after what happens with Darkstalker.
Luna - Nightwing
Born under 1 moon with Blue. Can read minds. She ends up using this power to show Freedom the visions.
They end up reuniting the tribes and stopping the breath of evil which is on Pyrrhia now.
And that concludes what I have so far for this au, I'm almost done with the drawings for the 1st arc characters too. Let me know what you think :3
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defineshitposting · 2 years ago
gripping you pleease show the wof 9 thing eventually <- wof dragons enthusiast and likes seeing your little clothguys
Okay so spoilers for 9 obviously and sort of for wings of fire as well, this is going to be real stream of consciousness so bear with me but ough. lizords.
The au is set about two thousand years after the end of wof arc three, and despite what was implied Jerboa III's spell has led to no new animus dragons being born. As it stands though this has been largely inconsequential. Humans and dragons now (mostly) view each other as equals, and live in mixed communities working together. It's a period of growth for both species. 
One human (Julius) becomes fascinated by the advancements that were achieved in the era of animus dragons, and sets out to see if it's possible to bring the magic back. Through a combination of genetic engineering and more occult methods, a new artificial animus is brought into the world, and its potential is immediately obvious. This potential is unfortunately recognized by the wrong people, and the newborn Being is separated from its creator. At the same time the new lifeform was being developed, one of the continent's many conflicts had begun boiling over into full-blown war, and the Being is quickly viewed as a weapon. The predictable mistreatment leads to it growing a hatred for both humans and dragons, and also rapidly increases its size. It doesn't take long for it to turn against its captors, and a war that was originally bureaucratic in origin is now for survival against an onslaught of war machines.Casualties are very high, and while many dragons and humans are able to escape south to Pantala or in some cases the Sea kingdom, many more are lost in the chaos. Julius, who feels responsible for the ongoing carnage, manages to obtain the help of nine dragons who for varying reasons are willing to try anything that could help. They offer up their bodies as conduits for the next step, while Julius places a piece of his own consciousness into each. 
From this point the plot is much the same as the movie, with 9 awakening some time later than the others and discovering the talisman. He is found by 2, both are attacked by the (much larger) Cat Beast, and 2 is taken along with the talisman. An injured 9 is carried to the sheltered ruin of Sanctuary* by 5, meeting 1 and 8 and learning more about the reasons for the devastation around them. 9, unwilling to give up on 2, convinces 5 to join him in attempting a rescue, and they fly in the direction 9 saw the Beast take him. Arriving at the derelict Factory built into a mountain, they both reunite with 2 before the Cat Beast attacks them. Cornered by the Beast the trio are suddenly joined by 7, who kills the Cat. While the other three are reconnecting, 9’s curiosity gets the better of him, and he accidentally reawakens the dormant Being. Sensing remnants of its creator, it strips 2's soul from his body, and the other three flee before it can do the same to them. 7 leads 5 and 9 to the Library where the twins 3 and 4 meet them. Here they learn more about the destruction around them, and when 9 and 5 prepare to head back to Sanctuary 7 refuses to join them, while the Twins remain at the library to research.
After they return and are chastised by 1, 9 meets 6, who proves to have knowledge on the talisman and the group’s “Source”. 9 confronts 1 on his cowardice, but their argument is interrupted when the massive Winged Beast attacks. In the chaos the fragile ruins begin to collapse and burn, and it’s a struggle to escape both the monster and the failing walls. The beast is killed, but not before wounding 7 and destroying Sanctuary. The group all retreat to the Library, where 3 and 4 reveal what they’ve discovered, and 1 blurts out that she did in fact send 2 out to scout in the hopes that he would be killed. An enraged 7 attacks 1, but retreats in anguish when 9 intervenes. At the same time this is happening, 8, who had been sent out to keep watch for further monsters (and took the opportunity to smoke) is attacked and paralyzed by the newest horror, the Seamstress, with 2’s body fused to its tail. A frustrated 1 who had walked off alone is also attacked and envenomated, his yell alerting the others. 7 rejoins the ensuing fight, 1 is freed from her bindings, and 2’s body is cut loose from the creature. Despite both 5 and 9 managing to wound it, the Seamstress takes off with 8 and 7. Distressingly, before 9 convinces the others to mount a rescue, it is found that 2’s body still has a heartbeat.
After destroying several Seekers and making it to the now-active Factory, 9 heads in alone while 1, the twins, 5 and 6 look for a way to destroy the building and the Being inside. While inside 9 is forced to watch as 8’s soul is removed, before he tricks and kills the Seamstress, and escapes with 7 as the Being notices them. 5 and the others, having rigged explosives upon the Factory’s dam, begin igniting them as soon as they see the two fleeing, destroying the fortress in a wall of water. Rejoicing at finally defeating the threat, the group takes a breather at a bend in the river. 5, while washing his hands on the bank, sees that the Being is still alive and heading for them. He manages to alert the others before he is caught and claimed in front of the other six. In their race to gain altitude and escape, 6 sees that 5 is still breathing, realizing that their souls are being taken but not destroyed. As he is attempting to make this known, he is also taken. A distraught 9 tries to convince the remaining four to join him in looking for a way to save the others, but ends up heading out on his own.
Returning to the “first room” where he awoke, 9 finds the remains of Julius, notes on theirs and the Being’s creation, and a message for him specifically from both Julius and the dragon who gave up their body for him, Noonday. In a hidden room he also discovers a huge cache of eggs, over a hundred, all in stasis. With these revelations 9 races to the others, finding them trying and failing to kill the Being. As it draws closer and the group retreats to a sheltered tunnel, 9 makes the decision to sacrifice himself so the others may have a chance to survive and remove the talisman. Before he can do that though they are attacked and driven from the hideaway by the now-injured Being’s fury. Leftover ordinances explode around them, and they are separated and injured as the Being bears down on them. 9 prepares to give up his soul, but before he can, 1 takes his place and is claimed. With only moments to spare 9 removes the talisman, and the Being is killed. 7 and the twins rush to an unconscious 9's side, and when he comes to they embrace him. They then retrieve the bodies of 1, 6, 5, 8, and 2, in the hopes of reviving them, though 9 admits it may just as likely be for burial. All five are still breathing, though they also all have injuries, some serious. Using the talisman, 9 reintegrates each one's soul into their body in a bright flash of green, and they reawaken. After an emotional reunion and tending to the most major injuries, 9 and the others incinerate the body of the Being, its cremation releasing its contained energy and revitalizing the damaged landscape (and inadvertently bringing animus magic back into the world).
Oh god i wrote too much lmao ANYWAYS from there it's all about healing and starting anew and maybe falling in love along the way. One for-sure project of theirs is reaching out to the survivors they know must exist (and dealing with a steadily growing gaggle of dragonets in the process). Everything after the main story is entirely self-indulgent, but I think since many other 9 enjoyers wished for a happier ending at least a little bit it’ll be enjoyable for people other than me lol. Will post my designs for the gang tomorrow, and also my interpretations of the two continents since those maps have always made the geology nerd in me mad lol (though i don't have solid designs for fabby or the beasts yet mostly just cause i want to make sure they're distinct from @astrogriffin 's awesome takes)
* different from Winter’s Sanctuary
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grimmgrinningghouls · 2 years ago
I'll bite. whos ash?
only the stinkiest smelliest goofiest skywing in the entire history of ever.
I'm her primary owner but she's co-owned by @dinodogs and @royalestroses who both write stuff with her, and make/commission art. I'm just the one who first came up wit her!
She's the main protag in a big WoF project us 3 are working on, its a whole oc thing that takes place 113 years after the flames of hope. We've put a lot of time and effort into it and I don't want to spoil things yet, but Ash is the skywing equivalent of a spartan soldier and the sky kingdom is a mix of sparta, athens, and just ancient greece in general. lotta different parts of a lotta different ancient greek city states, athens nd sparta r just the two biggest ones. but thats not important rn, just meant to give an insight on Ash's life as a dragonet, if u know anything abt sparta.
Anyways. Ash herself is extremely loyal to her queen, closed off, and the only emotion she shows is grumpy. She can be a big teddy bear around people she likes, but due to certain events the only two people she liked were suddenly gone. Afterwards she ended up becoming extremely irritable, and full of rage and hurt. She's a child soldier going through intense grief with no way to handle her emotions or any kind of outlet. More spoiler stuff, but she goes all found family with an icewing and a nightwing, becomes super gay, and in the end turns out happy. She has a whole character arc but thats like, mega spoilers so u gotta wait sorry.
anyways. heres some of my favourite pics of her <3
Pic in my pfp by lamP0st
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Dallas's pfp by Aegean
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her full ref by me and @dinodogs
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baypee by ThePoisonJackal
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If you wanna see more of her, @dinodogs posts a lot of art of her and all of it is beyond amazing <3
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growinggardensys · 4 years ago
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Let It Rot Within Your Soul
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passsionfish · 4 years ago
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Honeycrystal the hivewing doodle thingy.
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ryderdire · 3 years ago
Snowfall: no one I will talk to no other dragon tribes
Dragon tribes that no one had ever seen before: hey
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