#Willow Ironwood
bonefydskeleton · 5 months
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“Are you sure we can’t eat these for dinner, Willow?”
My Celebradiation ‘24 exchange partner was @the-laridian! All of the requested characters were delightful, but as a huge Fallout 76 fan myself and an owner of over a dozen chickens, I couldn’t help but be enamored by Willow’s relationship with his hens. Even if Beckett does struggle with understanding 2 chickens for dinner vs a sustainable source of omelettes and scrambled eggs for years to come.
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the-laridian · 10 months
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(Fallout 76) A tired Willow in a kitchen which will appear soon in Art Therapy. 
This was an exercise for me in putting Willow in a bathrobe. No, it's not riotously colored or ostentatious; but it's clean and it's got color to it. 
That's not coffee in the cup. That's room temperature, flat, well-aged Nuka Cola. 
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luzriels · 16 days
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"He then seized Merry's feet and drew him out of the suddenly widening crack. There was a tearing creak and the other crack split open, and out of it Pippin sprang, as if he had been kicked." — The Lord of the Rings, Book I, Chapter 6 "The Old Forest" // The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) // The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2.04 "Eldest" (2024)
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arc-misadventures · 10 months
A Solider, A Huntsman, And A Monster
They made a wide berth around me as I walked through the halls of, Atlas Academy. Many moved to the side to make way for my presence, others stopped in their walking to jump back in alarm as they saw my ghastly visage before them. I tended to create, although involuntarily, stirs around people who haven’t seen me.
Although, many offered me a kind, and polite nod of the head in acknowledgment as they saw me walk by. These were mostly the rank, and file soldiers you would find strewn about the academy. Be they enlisted, or officers, my actions in the defence of, Atlas, and Mantle had earned me their respect, and mine in turn.
But, peoples fear of me would have to wait, General Ironwood wanted to speak with me, and I for one wasn’t planning to keep him waiting, especially since his summons seemed rather urgent. A notion that filled my broken soul with unease.
When I reached the doors leading to, General Ironwood’s office I softly knocked on the door, and entered. Well, what what I thought was a soft knock made a sound more akin to a hammer pounding warped steel. I looked down at my right hand, inspecting the white bone plate upon it, as I entered the generals office.
Jaune: My apologies… I thought that was knocking softly… evidently not.
Ironwood: It is quite alright, Mr. Arc. Please do come in.
As I entered his office I saw several other individuals in the room. Specialist Winter Schnee, Specialist Ebi Clover, several of Atlas’s council members, including its latest addition, Robyn Hill. My gaze lingered upon her longer than others, but it was soon put to an ease as she walked over, and held out her hand.
Robyn: It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Arc. How are you feeling?
I took her hand in mine, and simply replied:
Jaune: I’m doing fine.
There was genuine concern within her voice. Robyn, and I had created an ammoniacal relationship between the two of us. I found her presence calming, and her smile comforting, but more importantly I could use her semblance to gauge my mind’s true feelings. And, based upon the red grow that emanated from our hands. Well, there was much lies to be told.
Robyn: You’re lying, Jaune.
Jaune: To myself, or you? That’s the real question…
Robyn gave me a sad smile as she pulled away, patting my arm as she turned to stand beside her colleagues.
I thought my night with, Willow would have lifted my mood. But, seemingly only on the surface it had been lifted. But, now wasn’t the time for mopping about, or swallowing myself up in rage. I was summoned here for a reason after all. What that was, was the question.
Jaune: So, you wanted to speak with me, General Ironwood? May I assume this is about my work schedule, and teaching documents that I will need? Or, perhaps some individuals have voiced their objections to me becoming a teacher at, Atlas Academy because of various… circumstances.
I cast a cautionary glance to my left, I gazed upon the gaggle of council members currently present. I couldn’t blame them if they objected to my appointment as a teacher, I was a for the better part, a Valian after all, and not an, Atlasian. Many would find pause in that alone. Taking into consideration me being a Grimm/human hybrid, well, I’m still surprised I’m not locked up in another lab getter poked, and proded, again.
James saw through my not so subtle pointed questions, and smiled softly at that, and he shook his head dismissively.
Ironwood: No, no nothing of the sort. This is about something else all entirely.
Jaune: And, that would be?
Ironwood: I, General James Ironwood would like to, on the behave of, Kingdom of Atlas, and Mantle, would like you to offer you a military commission.
The eyebrow over my left eye rose as I looked at him skeptically.
Jaune: You want to buy my services as a mercenary? But, I’m already a Huntsman working for, Atlas Academy. Aren’t I already a mercenary under a contract?
General Ironwood, and the Specialists all looked at me wide eyed for a moment before bursting our in a small fit of laughter. Even, councilwoman, Robyn Hill chuckled at my expense.
Ironwood: Hahaaa… No, Mr. Arc, what I’m saying is that I want to offer you a position as an officer in the, Atlas Military. The process of doing so is called, ‘a military commission.’
My head nodded in understanding at the terminology, but I was nonetheless confused.
Jaune: I understand, but why are you doing this? Don’t I need to serve in the, Atlas Military for a while to become an officer?
Ironwood: Normally yes, however, Hunter’s, such as the, Specialists have, Huntsman level of training, and are a part of the, Atlas Military. This exemption to the rules also applies to you as well, since you were gifted you, Huntsmen license from, Atlas Academy. And, as for why we’re offering you a commission, well there are several reasons.
I could see an almost nervous sense of unease fill the room. I looked towards, Winter, and caught her gazing at me, her eyes quickly darted away from me. I did the same to other members of the, Specialists, and they gave the same distant look, but, Robyn kept her eyes locked with mine unlike the rest. Interesting.
I tore my vision away from, Robyn to look back at, Ironwood, and ask the question he wanted me to ask.
Jaune: And, those reasons would do doubt have to do with, Salem’s attack upon, Mantle, and Atlas, no?
Ironwood: You are correct. We lost a lot of people that day… Mostly soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the defence of, Atlas, and Mantle people. And, while we lost many of the common rank, and file soldiers, we have lost far more officers than we can allow.
I looked at him with a mild sense of confusion, his words didn’t add up. I knew the body count of that day, I knew how many soldiers died, I knew who were the grunts, and who were the officers among that number. I knew how many civilians they saved that day was, and I knew how many they couldn’t save that day. I knew all too well, and I could never forget.
Jaune: Unless I am mistaken the total casualty numbers for the day people have dubbed, ‘The Siege of Atlas,’ was around three hundred, and thirty eight, Of that number, one hundred, and seven were civilians, leaving that count being that there were two hundred, and thirty one casualties sustained by military personnel. Now, not counting the casualties sustained by the, Atlasian Knights, which I believe is around, three hundred, and ninety two. That number of, two hundred, and thirty one only, forty one of them were officers. Now, if we are not counting the nine, Paladin pilots who also lost their lives among that count. Since I assume you are counting officers that were in positions of command, and any soldier who is, ‘Fitted for their suit,’ as the slang goes is gifted the rank of lieutenant upon graduation. So that would leave approximately, thirty two officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. Now I mean to speak no ill of the dead, but is that not considered, ‘An acceptable casualty rating?’
My words may have been as simple as reading a causality report, but the shocked looks I received from those present was odd. It seems like they didn’t expect me to know the exact casualty rates we experienced that day, and based upon how, Ironwood was over looking a series of documents in front of him he couldn’t believe it either.
Ironwood: You are correct, those were indeed the casualty numbers we received that day. And, the number of three hundred, and thirty eight fatalities among the enlisted personnel, the officer core, and civilians is indeed, ‘an acceptable causalty rating.’
: An acceptable casualty rating?!
I looked of to one of the council members, a lady whose name was, Mrs. Alicia Ophilia. She seethed in a cold, and silent rage as she started us down at our seemingly disconcert regards towards the glorious dead.
Alicia: I for one do not consider over three hundred dead civilians, and military personnel as an acceptable casualty rating! How can you be so callous, and emotionless towards such a substantial lose of life?!
Myself, Ironwood, the Specialist, and even, Councillor Hill understood fully well the reason behind her rage. Which made the cold, grim logic behind, Winter’s following words all the more damning on an already weery soul.
Winter: If I may, Mrs. Ophilia. The term: ‘Acceptable casualty rating,’ is an euphemism used by the military, and huntsmen alike to address casualties, or destruction inflicted by an enemy force that is considered minor, or tolerable.
Alicia: Tolerable?
Robyn: Please put it into perspective, Alicia; we lost over three hundred people during the attack, and out of two cities whose total population nears ten thousand, which would you prefer; one thousand dead, or three hundred dead?
Mrs. Ophilia looked at the group of soldiers, and Huntsmen before her, and as she processed the words spoken to her, and gave a heavy sigh as she relented.
Alicia: I concede. You are right: Theee hundred dead is a more… acceptable number… than one thousand dead.
Jaune: While I agree with you, Mrs Ophilia, that one death is one too many, I was actually referring to the casualty rating among the officers, not the total amount of dead. Wouldn’t losing thirty two officers be acceptable, surely there is more than enough soldiers to fill in the holes they departure has created.
Ironwood: That is the case, and those officers positions have been refilled by newly promoted soldiers. I’m afraid to say we lost more than thirty two officers.
Jaune: What? How?!
Shock roared through my voice causing others to jump back from me, I could see, Harriet from the corner of my eye adopting a combative stance. Their shock was understandable, but they mistook my cry of alarm for one of rage. An understandable reaction at the end of the day; I sound like a monster as much as I now look like one.
Jaune: My apologizes. My voice betrays my mood. I am not angry, but shocked that we lost so many officers. But, how did this happen, did we have a sudden, Grimm attack, or something?
Ironwood: We didn’t lose any more officers to the, Grimm after that. We did lose an additional forty seven officers, most of whom were dishonourably discharged afterwards though.
Jaune: Dishonourably discharged?
The confusion laced within my voice was just as loudly heard as the silent rage that echoed from the, Generals.
Ironwood: Yes, you are aware of what a, ‘bought officer,’ is?
Jaune: A corrupt officer?
Ironwood: No… Well it wouldn’t surprise me a few if a few of those officers weren’t taking money on the side to look the other way. But, no, a ‘bought officer’ is a slang for officers who purchase their rank with lien, not years of dedication to, Atlas, and its people.
Jaune: You have such officers in your ranks? That doesn’t seem like something you would allow.
Ironwood: And, I wouldn’t have. But, a contract made by the founders over a hundred years ago said we had too, and it would have taken just under another hundred years ago for it to expire. Luckily, taking in the results recent attack in mind, I was given the ability to remove such a contract, and the filth it brought with it from our ranks.
Jaune: And, the individual reason these officers were removed?
Ironwood: General cowardice: abandoning their post, leaving their men behind, trying to steal military craft to flee, Atlas. Simple things such as that.
Jaune: Ahh, well that certainly explains things…
I could remember seeing individuals fleeing from the frontlines at the beginning of the battle, all wearing officer’s uniforms now that I think about it. I couldn’t pay too much mind to it though, there were too many pressing matters to attend to at the time.
Jaune: And, you want to offer me an officers commission to fill in one of these missing positions?
Ironwood: Yes. You would still be a teacher at the academy, you would just also have an officers rank, and be expected, if the need arise to, to lead troops upon the battlefield.
Jaune: Just like what I did during, Salem’s attack?
Ironwood: Correct.
He wanted me to be an officer. An officer in the, Atlas Military. It sounded like in the end I would just have a change of clothes, and some pretty bobbles on my uniform. But, I looked down to my right hand, and thought hard about his offer. The white bone plate that covered my hand, and the pale skin that rested below it. I wasn’t human anymore, would these soldiers follow my orders into battle? During the, Seige it was different; There were no officers, just soldiers fighting for their lives. I gave them orders, and commanded them to obey my commands, saving thousands in the process. But, that was in the midst of a battle, the largest, and most deadly battle, Atlas had ever experienced. Would these soldiers be willing to follow my orders, the orders of a monster during a time of relative peace?
Ironwood: They recommend you.
Jaune: Excuse me?
I was ripped from my musing at the, Generals words. I was recommended for this position; By who, and why?
Ironwood: Several of the soldiers you fought along side that day were also promoted, and made officers to fill in the ranks. Now we have competent, and skilled officers in our ranks. But, while these officers were being promoted, they often asked the same question: Is the, Hero of Mantle, Jaune Arc joining us?
Jaune: H-Hero of Mantle? Are people calling me that?
Robyn: Its the name the people have given you for your heroic acts for saving them that day.
Jaune: Hero…?
Robyn: Jaune…
I looked up to see that, Robyn was holding my left hand in a comforting grip as she softly smiled at me.
Robyn: Regardless of what you think, people don’t see you as a monster.
Jaune: They don’t?
Robyn: No. People see as a victim of the horrendous acts of a true monster. They see you as a man who risked his life to save them. You are a hero to them, Jaune. You are not the monster you believe yourself to be. You are, Jaune Arc, the Saviour of Mantle.
I couldn’t help, but snort at her words.
Jaune: ‘The Saviour of Mantle.’ Sounds a little much now doesn’t it?
Robyn: Well, it’s shows you how the people truly see you as.
Jaune: But, I’m just a huntsman doing my duty. There’s nothing more to it than that. I
Robyn: But, don’t you like being called a hero?
Jaune: No, not really.
Robyn: You sure about that?
I looked at her skeptically before staring down at my hand enveloped in a red glow. I looked back to, Robyn’s cheeky smile as I swatted her hands away.
Jaune: Stop doing that!
Robyn: Not going to happen.
Jaune: Damn…
Ironwood: So, Mr. Arc, what do you say?
I turned away from, Robyn to address, General Ironwood. I straightened my back, and stood tall before everyone with my hands held firmly behind my back.
Jaune: If, if I accept this offer I would like to make one request.
He quirked, and eyebrow at me, as he straightened his back in turn to address me.
Ironwood: And, that would be?
Jaune: A custom uniform that would fit me properly, and new armour as well. My bodies… alterations have made my armour rather cumbersome to wear.
Ironwood smiled as he took in my simple request.
Ironwood: I think we can do that. Anything else?
Jaune: No that is all. In any case, I humbly accept my commission to… uhh… what rank will I be receiving… Sir?
Ironwood: You can save the ‘sirs’ until after your commission. As for your rank; taking into consideration the deeds you’ve accomplished in the service of, Atlas, and Mantle. We have agreed on giving you the rank of, Colonel.
Jaune: Does this mean I will outrank the, Specialists?
Ironwood: As a matter in fact, you will indeed outrank the, Specialists.
Jaune: Oh good… Now, Marrow can be the one getting me coffee instead… Heheheee…
Everyone seemingly flinched as I chuckled to myself. If, Marrow’s face was saying if he had a pair of ears instead of a tail, they would have dropped in fear.
Jaune: …
Jaune: That did not sound like I was making a teasing remark in the slightest did it?
The resounding choir of nos soon swiftly answered my question.
Jaune: Great, not only did he turn me into a monster, but he took away my ability to make a joke… Godsdamn bastard…
Everyone seemed to find something else to look at, all seemingly not wanting to comment on my feelings towards that particular monster. Like there was anything else to comment on it anyway.
Ironwood: Ahem. The award ceremony where you will be granted your new rank will take place in a week from today. I recommend you get fitted soon, so they can make your new uniform soon.
Jaune: I understand, will that be all?
Ironwood: That’s everything. I look forward to working with, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Likewise, General.
We grasped one another’s hands in a firm handshake, before others came along, and also gave me congratulatory hand shakes as well. The Specialists were open, and receptive to my commission, while Marrow did look nervous as I teasingly smiled at him. Though I doubt it was very teasing, a smile filled with fangs no doubt always looked threatening.
The council members gave me celebratory handshakes as well, they were pleased with my appointment to become a colonel. No doubt for some political bullshit they were planning to use me in.
But, then there was, Robyn.
Robyn: So, Jaune, how does it feel to become an officer in the, Atlas Military?
Jaune: Ask me again when I’ve dawn on the uniform.
Robyn: I’ll have to remember to do that. I’m glad you accepted the offer, the other two council members are actually opposed to your appointment. You no doubt understand why.
I looked towards the other councillors as they addressed, General Ironwood. No doubt talking about future plans, and meetings they must attend to. However, as I looked upon the three of them a thought crossed my mind.
Jaune: Wait… Two votes for, and two votes against? You were the deciding vote.
Robyn: I was, and I voted: For.
Jaune: Why? You don’t trust, General Ironwood, and the military, why would you agree to have me instated in the military?
Robyn: Because I trust you, Jaune. I trust that with your calm head, you will be able to keep the others in check. That with your help we can lead, Mantle into a brighter future for the good of everyone.
Jaune: A brighter future lead by a, Grimm/human hybrid? I find that hard to believe. No, Robyn you are the Bannerman, the one leading others to a brighter tomorrow with hope as your forge a better future. I however, will be the sword that protects that future. I am more suited for that role. Soldiers can easily follow a monster into a war, but not in peace.
Robyn: Jaune, just because you look like a monster doesn’t mean you are a monster.
My head fell as I shook my head. Blind optimism fuelled by hope, I never thought I would miss someone talking like that. At least, Robyn has a realistic head on her shoulders. But, still blind optimism will never help me.
Jaune: We’re all monsters, Robyn. We may not look like ones since we’ve all been well groomed, are well dressed, and given etiquette lessons. Some monsters wear the skin of monsters, others wear the skin of humans. But, it doesn’t matter, because at the end of the day we’re all just monsters, now we’re just well dressed monsters.
Robyn: Well dressed monsters…
Robyn looked away from me as she pondered my words before she shook it away before looking back at me with this mad glint in her eyes.
Robyn: Jaune, are you busy this afternoon?
Jaune: I was going to grab my teaching manifest, and study what I need to be teaching the students. Why do you ask?
Robyn: Class doesn’t start for two weeks, you can put that off until tomorrow. Come with me, there’s a victory celebration being held in, Mantle.
Jaune: A victory celebration? But, the Siege was over a month ago, why are you having one now?
Robyn: The Siege turned everyone’s lives upside down, people needed time to rebuild, to morn those they lost. The people of, Mantle need to let loose, and relax. To let the burdens of, The Siege fade away, so we can all move on from it. So, we’re going to have a massive party to do so. So, would you like to come?
Her logic made sound sense, but I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, I would probably cause a small panic, being a monster, and all. But, the people of, Mantle do call me, ‘The Hero of Mantle,’ so maybe they might actually enjoy me being there. But, I had to ask something very important before I offer her any answer.
Jaune: Will I have to give a speech?
Robyn: No I don’t think you would will have to.
Jaune: I’ll hold you to that.
Robyn: So you’ll come?
Jaune: I will, but don’t expect me to dance.
Robyn: We’ll see about that. Come on, Jaune we have a party to go to.
I hope this will be fun event. a chance to unwind, and relax, just as, Robyn said. But, honestly I just hope this wouldn’t be an event that I would come to regret.
I can at least hope for that right.
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asexxxualerotica · 5 days
OC Muse List
~Dungeons & Dragons Muses~
Asterion Labrynthia: Minotaur prince in banishment from his kingdom. Quiet and gentle despite the great power and strength he wields. On a path of vengeance to avenge his killed parents.
Branwen Black: Ranger from the far north, raised and taught by an elite squad of mercenaries and huntsmen known as the Blackguard. Has a strangely innate connection to ravens and wolves.
Clover Brandyburke: Lagomore knight in service to a powerful archfey. On a quest to avenge his honor after his fiance left him on the altar. Serious and severe, and also naive to the mortal world.
Dariax Dendarrow: Goliath former bandit chief, abandoned after a disgraceful defeat to a young adventurer. Seeking to grow stronger to challenge the young adventurer again and defeat him.
The Devils of Emon: Based out of the Exandrian city of Emon, a band of adventurers named such for the surprisingly high number of tieflings in their crew.
Aquamarine: Tiefling rogue with ambitions to be the best thief in the region. Came to Emon and was immediately arrested for pickpocketing. Has an affinity for gems and trinkets.
Gamora Great-Bear: Orc warrior woman on a mission to find love, but just finding powerful monsters to defeat. Was similarly arrested, this time for exhibitionism, which she will do again.
Jeanne Ironwood: Woman driven by losses in her childhood to dragons. Trained by Percy DeRolo as an expert gunslinger and markswoman, and known for her cold and calculating demeanor.
Kyrie Targana: Tiefling performer who lost her arms to an abusive slaver. Was previously in a circus troupe with Omega and Thorne, and is now in a romantic relationship with Scourge.
Omega: Tiefling magician in a heated relationship with his succubus patron. Younger brother of Thorne. Definitely the most problem-attracting member of the crew.
Captain Scourge Maelstrom: Tiefling pirate captain and champion of the seas. Unofficial leader of the Devils, and the founding member. Captain of The Sea Devil, and tends to stay on his ship.
Thorne: Tiefling brawler known for getting drunk and getting into fights. Older brother of Omega. The most bristly member of the crew, often gets into fights with Jeanne late into the night.
Varris Alwyn: Tiefling warrior in loyal service to the Everlight. Seemingly ageless, and has a constant bet in the background by the rest of the Devils over whether he's really a dragon or an angel.
Verdant Wilde: Tiefling huntsman trained personally by Vex'ahlia DeRolo. Sent to Emon to keep an eye on things in Greystone Keep. Ended up forming a new adventuring crew alongside Jeanne.
Galatea the Golden-Scaled: Gladiatrix known for her gleaming golden battlekini. Left her life in the arena after repelling a raid on the city, seeing she could set out and do good elsewhere.
Jade Higurashi: Tiefling monk who was previously training to become a powerful sage for a local temple. After being thrown out, she turned to drinking and fighting to fill the gap they left.
Jaerik Aldraeyds: Changeling on a mission to find her true father in the Feywild. Unfortunately, her own naturally high libido and trend for falling to her enemy's lusts has delayed her quest incredibly.
Khadamori the Unbroken: Ulitharid warrior who was held in bondage by his own kin for most of his life. Eventually broke free and became a liberation leader, fighting to free slaves throughout the Underdark.
Korrin Vasailiis: Elven sorceress who made a deal with a demon to survive a horrible fate, and became a vampire in the process. Now on a quest to find new purpose, as her life is even longer than expected.
Lorelei Astolas: Tiefling lady of the night based out of Emon, a long-time rival and long-distance friend of the Ruby of the Sea. Known similarly as the Lady of Pearls for her pearlescent skintone.
Peregrine Weis: Tiefling warrior woman who was once a faithful weapon for a zealous church, but left when they murdered her wife. Now trying to make up for her loss, and find who she is without faith.
Terra Verdell: Wood elven druid who has never lived in high society and wants to experience all that she can of it. Left her home in the forests to seek fun. Has found plenty by way of encounters with monsters along the way.
Twilight Obsidia: Tiefling from the Shadowfell who left her abusive family to seek a better life. Currently trying to live her life as a witch in the woods, doing good for the locals and farmers.
Variax Frosthollow: White dragonborn warrior, strongest in his clan, with a destiny to become a true dragon. Was the son of a dragon himself, but was only a dragonborn rather than his true heir.
Velvetina Gingersnaps: Lagomore witch from the Feywild with a desire to see the world. Also with a desire to avoid all of the felonies and fines waiting for her in the Feywild for her past antics.
Wilder Evergreen: Tiefling-orc huntsman with a bone to pick with an archfey. Grew up in woods that neighbored the Feywild, and his sisters were taken when wandering in them. Out for blood.
Willow Wellmeadow: Lagomore druid settled in the mortal plane. Protector of the dense woodlands and warden of a portal to the Feywild. Tends to be kind and welcoming to visitors.
Xakos Duskwalker: Half-orc gunslinger and gunmaker. Studied in ancient artificing and restoration of mythical mechanisms. Had his research stolen and spread out, and is out to take it back.
Yora Vor'ziira: Dark elf rogue who was kept as a slave by her own kind and forced to fight in bloody combats. Was eventually helped free by a human slave, and now wanders the surface world seeking a home.
Zhekhar O'Shevaqt: Efreet lord, master of slaves and of coin in the City of Brass. Known for being incredibly charismatic and devilishly handsome. Also known for spoiling his toys utterly rotten.
Zurrak Hellbellows: Red Dragon, often in a human guise. Considered the King of Dragons, and reigns from a long-dormant volcano he has fashioned into a castle. Intent on conquest, and claiming more wealth.
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howlingday · 1 month
Ruby: TAKE... (Tosses metal disk) THIS!
Ironwood: (Blocks, Sees reflection, Gasps)
Ironwood: (Baby, In nursery)
Doctor: I'm sorry, Mr. Ironwood. We did everything we could.
Papa Ironwood: (Sobs)
Ironwood: (Child, Walking home)
Kids: Roses are red, violets are blue~!
Kids: Jimmy has a big head and he's a massive bellend~!
Ironwood: (Whimpers)
Ironwood: (Preteen, At the pool)
Ironwood: (Struggles to put on goggles)
Coach: Hurry up, Wood! That pool isn't going to pee in itself!
Ironwood: (Teen, At amusement park)
Ironwood: (Too tall for the ride)
Operator: Uh... Sorry, sir, but it's company policy.
Ironwood: (Young adult, At the movies)
Ironwood: (Getting pelted by popcorn)
Willow: Ignore them, Jimmy. I like your head~!
Ironwood: (Leans into her, Smiling)
Ironwood: (Adult, On the couch)
Willow: (In the doorway, Packed bag)
Willow: (Sniffles) I can't keep pretending like this anymore, James! IT'S JUST TOO BIG! (Slams door)
Ironwood: (Eyes well, Sighs)
It's just too big! Too big! It won't fit! Extra extra large, sir? Too big! This is a family restaurant! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG!
Ironwood: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! (Collapses, Sobbing)
Port: Alright, James; what's wrong with you?
Ironwood: It's my head, Pete. It's just... too... big..
Port: Too big? Ho ho! You know me, Jimmy! There's no such thing as too big! In fact, I used to get made fun of for my head, too!
Ironwood: Really?
Port: Indeed! Everyone at Beacon called me "pillow head," and the students would call me "fat head"! But look at me now! I'm made big my business and I'm doing just fine! And I'd say you're doing just fine yourself! You're the headmaster AND the general in Atlas, and your darling Winter is doing well, too! She's your best fighter AND is the leading specialist now!
Ironwood: That's... That's true. She'll be up for promotion next cycle.
Port: Well, there you go! C'mon! Let's head down to the bar and fill our big heads 'til they're ten gallons~! HO HO HO HO~!
Qrow: That's some glass you've got there, Jim!
Ironwood: Heh... I know... It's almost as big as my head!
Clover: It sure is fucking massive!
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verydeadaten · 1 month
Whitley: *helping Willow stay on her feet* Come Mother, lets get you some water, and get you to bed.
Willow: *slurring her words* Whitley...Answer me something.
Whitley: What do you wish to know?
Willow: I can smell perfume on you.
Whitley: ...that is not a question.
Willow: Are you seeing someone?
Whitley: ...
Willow: Are they good to you?
Whitley: ...She's wonderful, mother. She's the most amazing woman I've ever met.
Willow: *pulls him into a hug* Oh, my sweet boy. I'm so happy for you. *pulls him away* Will I be able to meet her soon?
Whitley: I'm not sure. I hope so, I believe you'd like her.
Willow: Since you feel so strongly about her, I know I will.
Penny: *flying down* Mission successful sir! The Grimm invading Mantles northeast district have been routed and exterminated.
Ironwood: Wonderful job Penny. Make sure to file your field report.
Penny: Yes sir! Is there anything else you need?
Ironwood: Nothing now. Dismissed.
Penny: *salutes* Yes sir! *begins walking off*
Ironwood: ...Wait, Ms. Polendina.
Penny: *stops* Is something the matter, General?
Ironwood: That necklace you're wearing, It's new?
Penny: Oh-uhh, yes sir.
Ironwood: Was it a gift?
Penny: Yes sir.
Ironwood: Hmmm...Is Whitley treating you well?
Penny: W-WHAT? I'm n-not sure what you're talking about sir. Hiccup!
Ironwood: Don't play dumb Penny. You know I can tell when you're lying.
Penny: ...He has been treeting me well sir.
Ironwood: And I can trust you are treating him the same?
Penny: Yes sir!
Ironwood: That is good to hear. Does your father know?
Penny: Yes. Whitley's has come over and eaten with us twice now.
Ironwood: Wonderful. You can go home early if you wish.
Penny: Really?!
Ironwood: Yes. I know how his father is. You're probably going to call Whitley as soon as you get home. I wouldn't want keep you and the poor boy waiting.
Penny: *pulls him into a hug* OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Thank you General. I'll see you tomorrow! *flies off*
Ironwood: *watching her fly off*
Ironwood: I should give Glynda a call.
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bafflement · 16 days
About Those Fake Winters... [Deaged Oz AU]
Written for day 8 of the @remnants-of-rwby-events Vytal Festival. There may or may not be another submission later, we'll see...
This DOES serve as an introduction to a new OC, though. :D
AO3 Link:
Plain Text:
“There’s really been people claiming to be me?” Tip asked, sounding confused. “But… why?” He really couldn’t see any reason why anyone would want to do that, surely it would just be cruel? Besides, who’d go out of their way to be a missing child?
“Oh Winnie… money, of course. We’re not exactly poor…” Willow sounded slightly patronising, though her eyes were fond. Her little brother still seemed uncomfortable spending money, though they’d managed to argue that he needed fitting clothing f he wanted to be unobstructed when fighting. He’d been resistant to multiple sets, but they’d won there, too, eventually. So he had two sets of combat gear now. Both used identical patterns, only the colouring was different. Sapphire and silver for when he needed to look like a Schnee and his favoured emerald and gold for when he didn’t. They hadn’t told him that the shop in question had his measurements on file, nor about all the extra clothing they’d had commissioned. He’d find out eventually, but that he was so very against spending money at all didn’t really paint Vale in a very good light. But then, a lot of things didn’t.
Tip sighed, but he had to acknowledge the point. Everybody knew just how rich the Schnee’s were, it wasn’t beyond the realm of imagination that there could be money there for the claiming. The fact that there had been, not to mention exactly how much… he repressed the shiver. The money didn’t feel real yet, though he knew he could probably do a lot of good with it. He’d have to look into that, when things calmed down. That is, if they ever really did.
“What happened?” He asked, genuinely curious. He did hope that those pretending hadn’t suffered too much for it, there were likely very good reasons for them doing it. At least, he hoped there were. Pretending to be a missing child solely for monetary gain left a bad taste in his mouth, and would have done even if they hadn’t been pretending to be him.
Willow smirked, though her eyes were still rather sad. “Let me tell you the story of the fake Winters. There are reasons we never advertised your precise health issues… father was worried there might be imposters and, as always, he was right.” She sighed, thankful they were all sitting down, this was likely to take awhile.
“The first time someone claimed to be Winter Schnee you would have been, oh, fourteen or so? It took all of four years for someone to come forward, for the first try. Father was so hopeful, but… it was very obvious that they weren’t you.” There was laughter colouring her tone now and Tip raised one dark eyebrow, surprised. What had been so funny about someone trying to commit fraud? Ah well, he’d likely find out soon enough.
“As said, you would have been fourteen. The man who said he was you, well… wasn’t. Mid-twenties, maybe? Fully grown, with facial hair he hadn’t even bothered to dye… I give him props for the sheer audacity, but… you know he kept claiming to be you, even when it was so very obvious that he wasn’t? He claimed it was a semblance accident, seemed almost cruel to arrest him. I’m… not entirely sure what happened to him, actually. He was carted off and we just never heard from him again.”
Tip winced. While the story was very funny, he really did hope the man had gotten the help he obviously needed. He also hoped he hadn’t actually been locked up. Thankfully Fria had still been in charge, back then. She was usually a lot less controlling than James was, though he feared she might have made an exception for her nephew. That had been a shock, finding her name on the family tree. She’d gone out of her way to avoid admitting being a Schnee, but, well, there might have been reasons for that. He shook his head, the first imposter seemed pretty much harmless, though he doubted they’d stay that way.
“The second was… slightly more sinister. They’d used a semblance to appear to be you, were very much solely after the money. They seemed to assume that father’s colouring had been passed down to you, too, though. They’d done some research, but obviously not quite enough. White hair, blue eyes… they were so upset when they were arrested, though at least they admitted that they weren’t you easily enough. They wanted a reward for pointing out the supposed holes in our security.” She sighed again, still looking amused. “I was old enough to be directly involved, by then.”
“Did you? Give them money, I mean?” Tip asked, looking intrigued. He probably would have done in their place, since watching for semblances was really rather important.
“Once they got out of prison, they may or may not have been offered a job in security.” Willow said slowly. The look of appreciation on her brother’s face was slightly annoying, though they’d actually been a really good fit. Still were. They’d been down on their luck when they’d claimed to be Winter, had actually really needed the money, and had worked to achieve that. She actually called them a friend, now, or as much as she’d ever been allowed to call any employee such. Maybe she’d try to get closer to them, now Jacques was no longer an issue?
“Huh. I think I know who you mean…” Winter broke in, speaking for the first time since this had started. To her credit, she hadn’t known about either of these attempts, but… “Amaranth?” She asked, eyebrow raised in unconscious mimicry of Tip’s own a few minutes before. They really did look very alike, sometimes.
“Yes. I don’t think he really likes thinking about that episode very much. As said, he was desperate, but at least he actually had a good reason. The next claimant really didn’t. Oh, they wanted money, yes, but they weren’t in need of it. They were part of a criminal syndicate and… well, General Ironwood was rather less than impressed. It didn’t end well for them.”
“He was a general by then? Tip asked, knowing that had only happened in the last decade. How long had this been going on?
“Well, no. But he was on the rise in the military, and given his personal connections to the case, he got the go ahead to deal with things. At least, I assume that’s how it happened? Either way, he arrested the individual involved with a certain amount of prejudice. He’d written letters, you see… threats against out family.” Willow looked very serious now, meeting Tip’s suddenly horrified eyes. “That was the worst attempt. We got threats for, well, months after he was arrested. Then they stopped. The man was made an example of, nobody tried again until recently…”
“What happened to them?” Tip breathed, though he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know. He already knew more than enough about how James treated criminals, had never agreed with it. But surely before he was what he was now, he wouldn’t have had the power to do anything too bad?
“Nothing good. I’m not sure you really need to know the details and I’m almost certain they might have been exaggerated. Willow looked briefly apologetic as her brain caught up with what she’d just said, but it was so hard to think of her brother as an adult when he was this small, this young physically. When he still looked like Winter, instead of Ozpin. But it wasn’t something she could take back even as she hated herself for the flash of pain in her brother’s eyes.
“That’s alright… if I really want to know, I can just ask James, he’d probably know the details far more than you do anyway. I just… I don’t like the thought that whatever happened was so bad that it acted as that much of a deterrent. Don’t get me wrong, the idea that you had multiple people pretending to be me is ludicrous, but…” He trailed off, biting his lip in an action that was identical to the motion Winter had done when he was younger. Times like this, it was hard to believe that he really didn’t remember anything.
“Well. That one wasn’t particularly funny, but the next one really was. You were a teacher; did you ever have a problem with your students taking some very strange bets?”
Tip grinned, his entire face lighting up. This was more how he’d assumed this conversation was going to go. “Teenagers do tend to do some rather strange things, their brains aren’t fully developed and neither is their common sense.” He sent a playful look over to Weiss and Whitley, who rolled their eyes in unison. Both of them had heard this before, though it was still annoying heard from the mouth of what was for all intents and purposes an eleven-year-old. Neither one of them really bought Tip’s assurances that nothing had changed, though Weiss remembered certain things from Beacon and wondered, at times. Had Ozpin been like this too, just better at hiding it?
“Yes, well. The fourth attempt was the result of a bet. Not one in good taste, mind, and the students ended up in quite a bit of trouble over it, but… one of the students dyed their hair white, found contact lenses from somewhere and waltzed into the SDC lobby, claiming to be you. They were even limping, albeit on the wrong leg. Actually, they all were…”
The sparkle in Tip’s eyes dulled a bit at that. Why anyone would want to limp was beyond him, though he supposed it added validity to the attempt. He would have been furious with any of his students that had gone that far, though. There were limits to decency, though he might still have treated them better that James likely did. He wondered if they’d actually become a Huntsman at all… even if they’d been expelled, there were always other options. Contact lenses though, they were expensive. That they’d had access to them, well… that argues that whichever family they were from had been rather rich and to Atlas, sometimes, that mattered. Even James had to play politics.
“They copied the limp?” Weiss asked, sounding as disgusted as Tip felt. Obviously, that was a step too far for her, too. Winter and Whitley were scowling, so they obviously didn’t like that particular piece of information, either.
“They did. Not very well, nor for very long, but they did. I’m not certain why they thought we’d believe a twenty-year-old was somehow you, four years ago, but… well. Considering you are currently a child, maybe they knew something that we didn’t?” That was… actually a good point. There were prescient semblances and they tended to be incredibly useful for hunters, though if they could see the future, surely, they’d know the prank was a bad idea? Then again, they were still a student and even in Atlas’ more military environment that gave them at least some leeway. Oh, he hoped that it had. Pretending to be someone else was a criminal offence and he had the horrible feeling that things would only go worse for an Atlas cadet caught doing that.
“We found out it had been a prank rather quickly, considering. Nobody was massively impressed, but then they were just students.”
“They? There was more than one person involved at the time?” Tip had been almost certain that there would have been, though. It was rare for a student in heir later years of education to do things without at least nominal support from their team mates. But if a whole team had been involved, then that would have made it a lot easier just to expel them. He couldn’t help but wince at the thought, but again, it was unlikely that Willow would know what had happened to them. Winter might, but from her wince he really wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“That was rather a legend, amongst the military. It was definitely held up as an example of what not to do, though I wasn’t aware that it was specifically Uncle Winter that they had decided to impersonate. It might explain some of the anger, though.” Winter said, voice steady even as her eyes flashed. She was very unimpressed, that much was obvious, but at least if the story had spread then it would be very unlikely to be repeated any time soon. The students hadn’t even been expelled, though they’d all gained a black mark on their records. Some of that was to do with the families involved, but she suspected that her uncle might appreciate knowing that. Later, though. She was aware that there was still one imposter to go. She’d been directly involved in the last one, too.
“Hopefully they won’t do it again?” Tip said, though it was rather interesting to know that the incident had gotten that much traction. From his time at Beacon, he knew it was generally bad form to repeat a prank, for all he wasn’t certain he could really see the humour in that one. He might be too close to the problem, though.
“And then there was the last one. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it, though I can see the logic of you not being told. I’m relatively sure General Ironwood only wanted to protect you, but… the last one was three weeks ago.” Willow sounded furious now, all traces of laughter gone from her voice. Tip flinched; it had really happened that recently? Had the rumours of his survival really pushed someone to go that far? And had they really wanted to convince people they were him, or merely to discredit Tip himself? He knew what Atlas seemed to think of his family now, knew most of it was far from positive. What could they have tried, had they been desperate enough? And more importantly, why hadn’t James told him of the attempt? Surely his friend must have known that he’d want to be told? Or was this, again, more proof that James actually did view him as a child? If that was true, maybe he really did need to get out of Atlas sooner rather than later.
He’d be taking his family with him, though. Whatever had happened three weeks ago, he rather thought James deserved some consequences of his own. His semblance was so useful in pranks and if he really viewed him as a child? Well, let him rue that decision at his leisure. If he wanted to treat Tip as a little boy, then that meant he might be free to act like one for a few days. Not that that would work long term, but he fancied a few days would already be more than enough…
The vengeful look in his eyes had been noticed. Willow looked rather worried, though Weiss looked strangely gleeful, she obviously could tell just what Tip was thinking at. Winter was studiously staring at the floor, which was nice. He suspected she wasn’t going to say anything if and when he took his revenge, though he also knew she wasn’t going to help. She still respected James far too much for that, even if it seemed to have dimmed slightly recently. Maybe that was a good thing, too.
“The last attempt was an adult, he showed up at one of the border stations, claiming to be you. He wasn’t let through, obviously, though various people were informed. When we got there, he was throwing the mother of all temper tantrums. You’d have thought he was about five, though he calmed down rather, on noticing that I was a Schnee.” Winter was the one to tell this part, though since she’d obviously been there, that made sense. Willow still looked furious.
“He was… rather inappropriate. Kept calling himself uncle Winter, even tried to touch me. Not that Clover let him. I think he’s still locked up somewhere, if you wanted to know, though I doubt you’d be told just where. I think the General was worried that the fact that the man had overstepped his boundaries so might have meant you might have been tempted to do something you regretted. We’re still not fully sure just how many people he was working with, if any… and them knowing that you’re this young and vulnerable, well, it wouldn’t exactly end well.”
Tip scowled again, but Winter had a very good point. Okay, maybe he’d only prank James the once, though he still wished he’d been told,
At least most of the impostors had been funny?
What the hell was wrong with Atlas, anyway?
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the-laridian · 1 year
52 Weeks of Outfits
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"Check me out, I'm Vulpes Inculta!"
Gladiator outfit + Blue Devil pelt hood and sunglasses XD
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lyriquette · 22 days
Old RWBY AU description from the Frosen Steel server 12/24/2020:
noticing the trend that I was really really inspired that December 2020.
Anyway Silkpants!Weiss AU and drunkhacker!Willow blowing up on Jacques and manages to take out the company with her. Also the concept of a Ballmer peak (from xkcd) is that a certain precise blood alcohol level confers superhuman programming ability.
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:03 PM
Also silkpants!Weiss AU. Nail is that Jacques actually laid a hand on the kids and Willow goes berserk, baulking the unsaid patriarchial traditions in her family. She takes down the company with her own hands by revealing every dirty secret of the SDC which causes the Atlasian government to dismantle the company. Because of her assistance, she's awarded the rest of the liquid assets of the Schnee company, Jacques goes to jail, and Willow's all wow this went better than I could've ever imagined.
Changes involve the schneeblings are closer to each other, Willow works with Polendina and Atlas as the resident hacker and programmer, and Weiss ends up at Atlas than Beacon. Inspired by her mom taking out the thorn in the family, Weiss becomes the big bully of the family, except it's the other rich people that's scared of her.
Bully the weak? Hell no, I’m bullying the strong. Don't like it? You can bite me.
“Think it's funny tormenting little kids and making them eat garbage? Come on. Torment me then," said a bobcut-donning Weiss.
“Miss Schnee. It was just a jok-"
“I just smacked you with a wad of Lien. It was just a joke.-" Weiss rebutted having pulled a stack of cash from her purse.
“you,” guy holding his face, “When my father hears an-"
Smack. Another stack of Lien hit the floor. A cracking of knuckles.
“It doesn't matter who comes now,” Weiss said as she brandished a pair of knuckledusters, “you're going to lick the floor clean, or I'm going to beat you until you're done.”
Part of the reason why the Schnee family doesn’t get messed with despite Weiss's antics is because Willow is a ticking time bomb for everyone. She's a good hacker and an even more protective mom. Someone tried to block Winter's advancement in the military unjustifiably, and Willow responded with releasing her blackmail material on that person, a small part that she's accumulated for years just being a drunk hacker – cause of the phenomenon of Ballmer Peak where a certain blood alcohol level confers superhuman programming skills where she so happened to sit in a majority of the time.
And Willow's like yeah all I care about is making money to support my family and my kids. If you mess with my kids, I don’t care if we both go to ruin. Momma Bear Schnee.
She also discovers the loophole in Atlasian security aka Watt's hack, so the whole system gets a revamp which gets important later with the CCT. Willow still drinks. But only at work. She's the only one allowed to do so cause she can’t program otherwise. “I don’t know how I finished the project. I blacked out and there it was." ????
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:06 PM
Yeeee. And also I just imagine someone high in the government going "come on girl what can you do to me." And Weiss releases a multi-continent album with every song dedicated to lambasting the guy and highlighting every bit of corruption and dark point in his career.
Needless to say, he doesn't stay in power xD
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:59 PM
The million lien question. 8) well, it's definitely gonna be Frostbyte first. Willow already works with Polendina in this AU, and Penny's creation and testing is completed earlier in canon. So Weiss'll get to interact with Penny a bit before Atlas and probably will be part of the same team eventually.
Penny doesn't quite get why everyone (mostly the affluent folk) seems to be scared of her friend. It's not like Weiss keeps wads of cash in her purse to smack people with, right? Also, Weiss acts pretty normal and nice when she isn't provoked. Even has a blog just dedicated to her finding dogs and petting them. The Schnee Mansion itself is practically a kennel. Momma Schnee is all whatever makes you happy. Whitley is also weak to dogs and is thinking about becoming a vet in the future given his proximity to them. Winter is allergic sadly but still all "who's an adorable cutie ah-choo!"
I digress.. anyway. So Penny's origins and high up connections aren't known. Per her papers, she only has Pietro as her father, and he's not immediately recognizable as someone special. So people insult her for both her lack of social standing and her quirkiness. Then someone makes the stupid mistake of doing it in front of Weiss.
Later the CCT tower has a couple new additions hogtied and spinning around by their waists on a rope. And they're all screaming "if you mess with Penny, you're messing with Weiss" while in tears. They do this because Weiss promised something far worse if they didn't.
Penny, having teen novel romances and fanfic as her cross-references, take it as a declaration of love. She ends up being the one who supports Weiss and also curbs her need to be and be seen as strong.
Headmaster's Office:
Ironwood, sighing as he sees Weiss: what did you do now?
Weiss, unrepentantly: I strung people up from the CCT tower again.
Ironwood: Weiss. The CCT tower is not your personal billboard. Not to mention that messing around with it can have consequences for everyone, even if you're not touching the tower when you climb up.
Weiss: …
Ironwood: …
Weiss: This conversation is going pretty differently compared to our usual ones.
Ironwood: How so?
Weiss: For one, you aren't yelling at me for beating up other people again.. I was getting worried that I ended up in some freaky alternate universe or something.
Ironwood, darkly amused: Would you actually listen if I told you to stop beating other people up?
Weiss pretends to ponder the question a bit before shaking her head.
Weiss: probably not.
Ironwood, rolling eyes: I figured. Besides I know why you did it, and though I can’t officially condone your actions, I can turn a blind eye.
Weiss: soo. If I don’t use the CCT as my billboard, can I hogtie people and hang them from other places?
Ironwood: …just go away already.
Weiss just laughs.
lilac — 12/24/2020 8:45 PM
"Please don't start anything in Vale. My dads told me to ask," Penny said with a soft giggle while giving Weiss a hug as they went on the plane.
"Anything else the Headmaster wanted to tell me?" Weiss asked, returning the hug.
"Don't mess with the ciivies. It's one thing to do it in Atlas since it's your home. Another to do it in another continent while being a Hunter,” Penny shrugged, “That's all.”
"Is there anything -you- want to tell me?” Weiss said playfully.
“I love you,” Penny replied with a smile.
“I-I-…” Weiss stuttered, a hint of pink of her cheeks. Every single time. And she still couldn’t say the words she wanted to say to her girlfriend. They just catch in her throat like they always did.
Penny pecked her on the cheek happily. “Don't worry. I know your feelings. See you in Vale!” she finished as she ran towards her designated plane with a wave.
"Ah. Penny! Uh bye!" Replied a flustered Weiss.
Streets of Vale during Vytal festival:
Some fancy, bright red car is driving beside her ugly rent-a-car at night. It's been cutting her off repeatedly after she had honked at them for doing it previously. A couple of other cars and a motorcycle were still on the road.
The red luxuxy car drove to her rental's side once more, the people within hollering and making lewd gestures and comments before cutting her off and forcing her to brake.
Continuing to ignore them after a dozen times of this, Weiss finally hears an interesting tidbit as they drove by her for the umpteenth time.
“We're all Hunters. -hic-. From Beacon. Got all that aura and stamina. How about a night Snow Angel?”
Hollers from the back of the car.
Hunters? Really now.
Weiss’s lips curved into the not-smile.
“She's smiling! What a sl-" Whatever the brown-haired guy was going to say trailed off as they sped past her again and hit their brakes.
She didn’t bother to hit hers this time.
Crash! Screech! Crunch! (edited)
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robynsscarf · 2 years
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
So how was Winter's first meeting with Acheius and knowing she has 10 brothers and sisters now
Uhh… Whitely, Jaune, Weiss, Jeanne, Saphire, Luna, Angela, Thiriana, Carol, Saphron, and Janette.
That’s… Eleven. Eleven siblings in total.
This should be fun.
Revelations Unexpected
Specialist Winter Schnee was putting her gear away in her locker when her dear friend came by to talk with her.
: Nice job out there, Winter.
Winter: Thanks. You did a great job out there too, Cinder.
Specialist Cinder Fall, was a girl who came from a rough background, but she struggled, and fought her way through all of that to become one of, Atlas’s top Specialists, and one of, Winter’s dearest friends.
Cinder: Still not good enough though.
Winter: Why is that? You handled taking down that pack of, Beowulfs flawlessly. Did you gut hurt?
Cinder: No. I accidentally melted the ground underneath my feet again; I nearly slipped, and fell flat on my face. Again.
Winter: Ahh, this again. Might I recommend training on your foot work on a ice rink later? I can send my summons after you if it helps.
Cinder: I’d appreciate that, thanks, Winter.
Winter: My pleasure. What do you say we do it…?
(Ping, Ping, Ping~!)
Their conversation was quickly cut short by an unexpected caller.
Cinder: Is that you?
Winter: Yes, it’s my… It’s my mother…?
Cinder: Your mother? What could that drunkard want?
Winter: Probably wants me to help to get her some sort of expensive bottle of vodka for her again. Hold on… Hello, Mother.
Willow: Hello, Winter. You’re… You’re looking well.
Winter: Thank you. You’re looking… Sober? Are you planing on fixing that; Did you call me to get you another expensive vodka, or something else of the sort?
Willow: No, nothing like that. In fact, I think I’m going to stop drinking from now on.
Winter: You are?
Willow: It would be for the best if I did. In the mean time I wanted to talk with you.
Winter: About what?
Willow: I can’t tell you over the scroll, this is a private matter we need to discuss.
Winter: This isn’t some sort of ploy by father to get me back into the, SDC is it?
Willow: Haa… I am such a terrible mother aren’t I…
Winter was about to reapond with curt, and blunt, ‘Yes.’ But, stopped when she noticed that her mother’s gaze was drawn else where as a soft smile spread across her face before her attention returned to, Winter.
Apparently her mother wasn’t alone, but them there was a question to be asked: Who was she with?
Winter: …
Willow: It has nothing to do with the, SDC, or Jacques, Winter, but… I need to… I have to tell you this… So please… Can we talk?
Winter: …
Winter: Very well… We can talk.
Willow: Really?
Winter: Yes, I will talk with you. I’ll be home within the hour.
Willow: Oh, I’m not at home, I’m in a hotel right now. I’ll send you directions, and we can talk when you’re here.
Winter: You’re not at home; Why?
Willow: I’ll explain when you get here. Okay?
Winter: Very well. I will be there swiftly.
Willow: I’ll see you soon. Oh! And, Winter?
Winter: Yes?
Willow: I love you. Bye.
Winter stood looking dumbfounded at the screen as she heard those three simple words echo in her mind for what seemed like an eternity.
Winter: …?
Cinder: That was… Weird…
Winter: That’s putting it lightly. Mother is sober, she isn’t at home, and she wants to talk to me…
Cinder: And, she said she loves you.
Winter: Yes… That too… Whatever it is she wants to talk about, it must be serious. Quite serious.
Cinder: Do you want me to come with you?
Winter: No, but can you be on standby? I’ll send you a signal if things get hairy.
Cinder: Will do. I’ll try, and see if I can get some of the other, Specialist’s to help me.
Winter: Thanks, Cinder. I appreciate it.
Cinder: Hey, we’re bestfriends, of course I’ll always have your back.
Winter: And, I’ll always have your back if you ever need me.
Cinder: I know. Now, get going. Let me know how it goes.
Winter: Alright, here goes nothing.
Winter stood before the door to the hotel room her mother was currently staying at. Looking about to make sure she wasn’t being followed. After checking her surroundings she decided now was time to take the plunge.
Winter: Hmm… This place is rather pedestrian for mother’s taste. So why would she be here? Is she hiding? Hmm… Well, best just ask her herself.
(Knock knock)
Willow: Hel… Winter! You’re here!
The door opened just a crack before bursting wide open to see her mother with a wide, and happy smile. She was about to rush forward, and hug her daughter, but quickly stopped herself as she noticed, Winter’s cold gaze.
Winter: Hello mother. Care to explain what this is all about?
Willow: O-Of course. Please, come in.
As, Winter came in, she noticed a duo of blonde’s, one male, and one female in the room. Apparently these two must be the ones her mother was talking to when she called her. The woman looked at her with a hint of excitement, and curiosity in her eyes. As for the man, he seemed to be looking for something when he looked upon her, but what was he looking for was the question.
Willow: Oh, these are some dear friends of mine. Allow me to introduce, Juniper Arc, and her husband, Acheius Arc.
Juniper: Oh, I have been waiting to meet you for so long!
Winter: Have you now?
Juniper: Well, for at least a month.
Winter: I see.
Acheius: Hello, Winter.
Winter: Hello, Mr. Arc.
Acheius: …
Winter: …?
Willow’s gaze darted between the three before her. The awkward stiffness that hung in the air between them was palatable. Broken only by the nervous stuttering from her mother.
Willow: W-Why don’t we sit down, and I can explain why I asked you to come here.
Winter: Very well.
Willow sat down on the couch with, Acheius, and Juniper sitting besides her. Winter raised an inquisitive eye at this as she took the a seat in the chair opposite of them. Silence hung in the air for a minute as, Willow’s gaze datred between the three of them, but soon stop as she turned over to see, Juniper gently grasping her hand, and giving her a calming, and reassuring smile.
Juniper: It’s okay, we’re here for you.
Willow returned her smile as she took a deep breath before she turned to address her daughter.
Willow: Okay… Winter… I have to be blunt with you, there’s no other way to say this, but… Jacques Schnee is not your biological father.
Winter: …
Winter: What…?!
Winter: I-I’m not, Jacques’s daughter…?!
Willow: No… No you’re not… Remember how I’ve told you how you were born prematurely?
Winter: Yes, you have. Am I to assume that wasn’t the case?
Willow: No, no you didn’t. You were born right on time. You see, one month before my wedding to that… That thing. Juniper here took me, and some of our friends out for a little hen party.
Winter: A hen party? What is that?
Juniper: A stag party, but for girls.
Winter: I see…
Juniper: So… When the party was over, and everyone was heading home, I will still in the mood for some fun, and so was, Willow. So, I dragged her along with me to the hotel I was staying at, and when we got here… Well I got a little handsy with, Willow. And, shortly after that my husband came to see us, and… Well, we…
Winter: Had sex? I’m a grown woman, Mrs. Arc. I can handle such foul language being spoken to me.
Juniper: I bet you can. But, can you say the same when it involves your own mother, and is about the night of your conception?
Winter held eyes with the, Arc matriarch for a moment before looking away with a faint blush on her face.
Winter: I would prefer not to, but I can if I must.
Juniper: Very well then.
Winter: So, the three of you had a threesome, and you were impregnated during said threesome.That would mean that you would be my father?
Acheius: Indeed I am, Winter. And, if you’re willing to, I would love to get to know you.
Winter: How can you even prove you are my father? This is just speculation, how do you know that I wasn’t really an early birth, hmm?
Acheius: What’s your blood type?
Winter: O-.
Acheius: And, your parents?
Winter: Both of them are, B+.
Acheius: And, both of your siblings, what about them?
Winter: B+… What blood type are you…?
Acheius: O-.
Winter: This isn’t possible…
Acheius: Look, I know this all sounds crazy, and the circumstances are at best happenstance. But… I see it as it is; That you are actually my daughter, and I’m your estrange father. And, if you want proof that we are actually related, then lets go have a DNA test. That way we can see whether, or not this is true.
Juniper: I thought you did believe she is your daughter?
Acheius: I do believe that she is my daughter; everything adds up too nicely to make it seems like its some sort of elaborate lie. And, I am more than willing to put my life on the line if it means I can save either of them, just like I feel for the rest of my family. But, if Winter needs proof that it is, or isn’t true. Well, let’s go see if it is. So, what do you say, Winter; do you want to find out if all of this madness is true, or just a lie?
Winter looked at the three of them, each of them had this pleading look of hope in their eyes. Whether they were hoping that she would agree to this test, or that she wasn’t, Jacques daughter, and was really, Acheius’s daughter she couldn’t tell. But, she still had some questions to ask.
Winter: If… If this is true… why didn’t you tell me, either of them for that matter that I am potentially his daughter?
Willow: When this happened, Juniper had recently had her third child by the time I found out you weren’t, Jacquess. What did you want me to do, burst into their home, and tell them that you were, Acheius’s child? I couldn’t risk that… They’ve been happily married for years now, I didn’t want to break that up. Besides, no one, but myself knew you were not, Jacques daughter. Everyone thought you were just born early. So, I shut my mouth, and told no one, and I was happy with that.
Winter: You were happy that I wasn’t, Jacques daughter?
Willow: At the time I was just happy that you were a healthy baby girl. Whether, Jacques, or Acheius was your father didn’t matter to me. Just that you were mine. However, after what your father did to me, you, your siblings, and to our families legacy… Well, would you feel a little better if it turned out he wasn’t your father?
Winter: …
Winter: I would feel a little better knowing I wasn’t related to him… Haaa… Fine, let’s go to the academy, we can get our DNA test there. Your argument on how this man could be my father makes sound sense. But, it could simply be a highly elaborate lie to trick me. If you are going to convince me that you are my biological father, then you must prove it to be true. Is that acceptable?
Acheius: I’m willing to believe what, Willow said is true. But, I gotta admit, I want to see if we really are father, and daughter, so let’s get going.
Winter: Alright then.
Cinder: Okay, I have several questions.
Winter: And, those are?
Winter’s focus was mostly at the console sitting before her as she typed in a serious of commands for the computer to execute.
Cinder: Why did we take a blood sample from that guy, and who is he at that? Who’s the woman standing next to him? Why is your mother wearing a hoodie trying to hide her identity? Why did we take a blood sample from her too? And, why are you bringing up your own medical records?
Winter: Several questions indeed… Okay, promise me you won’t tell anyone about this?
Cinder: Okay.
Winter: No, I’m serious, Cinder. You can’t tell anyone anything about what I’m about to tell you.
Cinder: Are you serious?
Winter gave her friend a cold gaze, one carved from ice, and stone. Cinder’s eyes widened in fear for a moment before she placed her hand over her heart, and said:
Cinder: I Cinder Fall swear upon my life that death will take me before I reveal the secrets you have told me.
Winter stared at the serious face her friend displayed before as she made her vow. Her eyes watched her friend intently before, Winter broke into a small fit of laughter.
Winter: Hahaha~! Okay, I appreciate your sincerity, Cindy, but don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Cinder: Maybe. But, hey, I got you to relax a bit now didn’t I?
Winter: That you did.
Cinder: So, what’s going on, Winnie?
Winter: …
Winter: Well, to answer your questions: The man there is, Acheius Arc, the woman next to him is his wife, Juniper Arc. The reason my mom is hiding her identity is because well, she’s in hiding…?
Cinder: She is, why?
Winter: The Arc couple more, or less snatched her away from my families home.
Cinder: Snatched? Wait… Did they kidnap her?!
Winter: No, they just wanted to take my mother away from our family’s home, and to a get her away from father so they could talk.
Cinder: About what?
(Beep, Beep!)
Winter: T-This…
Winter pointed to the screen before her as a shocked look enveloped her face. Cinder noticed the shocked expression on her friends face before she looked at the screen herself. On the screen it showed three separate, DNA samples, one from her mother, one from, Acheius Arc, and the last was one from, Winter herself. Cinder’s eyes scanned the screen lightly reading over over the words presented before her. However, her eyes widened in shock as one single sentence flashed before her.
“DNA Match Co firmed.”
Juniper: Oh gods…
Willow: It’s true… It’s really true!
Acheius: …
Cinder: W-W-Winter…?! What the hell is this…?!!
Winter: Cinder Fall… may I introduce to you my real biological father… Archeius Arc…
Acheius: Hi.
Cinder: Your father?! This man is your biological father?! When the fuck did this happen?!
Acheius: About twenty-three years ago.
Cinder: You shut it! Winter are you okay? This is, this is huge!
Winter: …
Winter: I… I don’t know… My father… Jacques is… is an absolute heartless bastard who doesn’t give a damn about anyone, even his family. He will use, abuse, and exploit anything, and anyone for a quick Lien… and, here’s a man… A man who I have know for not even a day, who has said he would willing sacrifice himself if it meant it would save either me, or my mother. I… I… How do you think I should handle this, Cinder?
Cinder: One step at a time?
Winter: It’s a very big first step though…
Acheius: Winter, can I offer up a suggestion?
Winter: You may.
Acheius: I’m not going to tell you, you have to start calling me dad, or anything. But, I want you, as well as your mother to come back with us where we can get to know one another. Do some father daughter bonding, get to know one another, and see how things go from there. And, if you want, we can become a proper family, or we can forget about all of this, and go back to being complete strangers. What do you say?
Winter: …
Winter: Very well… I will come with you. I’ll need to talk to, General Ironwood to obtain a leave of absence.
Juniper: Wonderful! Ohh~! I can’t wait for you to meet all of your new brother, and sisters!
Winter: Brother, and sisters; How many kids did you have?
Juniper: Eight.
Winter: E-E-Eight?!
Cinder: You’re kidding right?
Juniper: Yep! One boy, and seven girls~!
Winter: …
Cinder: Well… Explains why it only took one night for you to conceive, Winter…
Juniper: Yeah… I would have had way more children if the last one didn’t make me infertile… Haa if only… But… Say, Willow…?
Willow: Yes…?
Juniper: You wouldn’t be interested in giving, Winter another sibling, would you~?
Willow: Well… M-Maybe…
Winter: Mom?!
I could have had this done ages ago! But, my brain…?! My brain no worky?!
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diamond-punk0963 · 2 years
My RWBY Wonderland AUs!
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Heyo, everyone! Diamond Punk here! Due to recent RWBY announcements, I wanna spill on some RWBY Wonderland AUs that I have. I’ve been planning on making content with these AUs (fics and headcanons in the future) so look for stuff for that as time progresses. With that said, I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I loved making them. (If you want to learn more about these AUs, feel free to DM me!)
(Key; 🐞🍀= Luck Siblings AU, 🃏= with OCs, 🐞🐈‍⬛= crossover with MLB, 💙= Ironwood-Schnee AU added, 🌹= Canon Characters Only)
1. Intertwined (🃏/💙) Growing up in remnant with a single, Ebenezer Schnee always asked a lot of questions. However, the only question he couldn’t find the answer to lies within his own family’s history. That question being; "What was his father like?" It seemed like a disaster waiting to strike to ask such a question, the answer being brushed off by Willow’s reminisce of the past and arguments he would get into by Winter. No matter how hard he was pushed away from the truth, it only caused Eb to wonder about his father even more. The only info he ever got on him was how much of bad person he was or how Willow told him that he looked so much like him.
Neither outcomes could bring his curiosity at ease. He wanted the truth about his father and his family’s opinion on him didn’t help on the matter. He didn’t believe Winter much from her own form of bias on the matter. Kailey, Weiss, and Whitley kept quiet on the subject. As for why, Eb wasn’t entirely sure on. One thing’s for certain, he wanted to find out who his father was on his own accord. If he was as bad as they said he was, where’s the evidence. Leaving him out of family albums and stories of the past that he felt was one-sided wasn’t the most reliable form of evidence to convince him of their claim.
Accompanied by his girlfriend Shae, Eb went off on a secret mission to find his father’s whereabouts or any information he could find on him. He had to be careful, sneaking out every chance he could to find evidence of his father’s whereabouts. He would often disguise his investigations as him going on dates with Shae or having sleepovers with friends. (Which wasn’t entirely true at times) Talking to those that were close to his mother or knew her when she arrived before him and youngest sister were born, he hoped that he could find the evidence to solve this family mystery. However, that fell short rather quickly. No one really knew who Eb’s father really was nor have they met him. Tried looking info by internet means but nothing of him appeared. It was almost like he didn’t even exist.
The search lasted for seven months until Winter caught him, looking for answers. This led to a rather heated argument between the two siblings. Eb couldn’t understand why his eldest sister was so negative about him. Just because she hated him doesn’t mean he has to either. Words were said and nerves were tested. It was when Winter made her final statement is what pushed Eb to the final straw. Tired of living without answers of the past, Eb pushed winter away and ran off into the emerald forest. She tried to go after him but got lost within the city crowd as she was looking for him.
Once finding a quiet spot within the forest by a tree was when he broke down in tears. He only wanted to find out who his father was. He never meant to upset Winter or his family. He was tired of being the odd one out when it came to having a dad in his life. All he wanted was proof of his father’s existence. Something he felt was simple to obtain but difficult to find in the end. He felt all alone at this point. Alone at finding the answers on who his father was and what was he like.
What happened next happened quick upon a moment’s hesitation. Everything went pitch black and suddenly, he was falling down somewhere. It was quick, a moment’s hesitation before he fell into he felt was oblivion. Eventually, he was guided by a light and a terrible headache when he landed. All of it became a blur when woke up within the forest. Or what he thought was the forest that he ran off to after his argument with Winter. Everything was colorful but his mind was filled with confusion as he wandered into what he felt was forever for him. His vision felt blurry and he had a terrible time, trying to pull himself together. The last thing he could remember before his mind went blank was feeling some form of liquid going down his throat as if he was drinking something.
Reborn into a new identity with no memories of the past, Eb lived within a small house within the forest. It wasn’t much but it felt like home for him. He grew an addiction for tea and loved making clothing for himself. Hats where a special thing for him but he also enjoyed expanding his horizons. Every so often, he would venture out into the local village for supplies. He made a small business, making hats and was able to make just enough to survive on. If anyone within the village were to ask him about his family or where he’s from, he would often respond with a funny remark to make others smile. When in reality, he couldn’t think of a single thing of them. At this point, he thought of himself as a orphan who lived in the forest. Raised himself to survive and made something of himself with his work.
Time was a fickle little thing that he couldn’t keep track of and once upon another round of errands for a supply run, he bumped into the king of hearts. Or well, the king bumped into him while the young electric blue and green eyed boy was buying supplies. He’s never been the one to look into royalty and the mere fact that he caught the eye of one was enough to scare him. He wasn’t the best when it came to social interactions. The king grew very suspicious of Eb, never seeing him around made him extremely likely to be a troublemaker within his eyes. He didn’t want Eb around for that reason alone. He let the young madman buy what he needed for the month and let him be on his way but his gaze was something Eb couldn’t help but shiver on the thought of.
What started off as a first awkward interaction became the beginning of a chain of events to come. The king hearts while he was strong and cunning as they say, he started to be plagued by his mind upon the thoughts about the past. However, he kept his thoughts well hidden. He didn’t want his subjects to know that he was starting to wander into his own mind, causing weakness of occur from being distracted. Eb started to wonder about his own past as the questions about his family started to grow bigger into his mind. Curiosity becoming his worst enemy as the ‘what if’s’ became unable to avoid. How come he didn’t remember his family? Did they even want him? Was he just abandoned in the first as a child or was there something more occurring upon his path of isolation than what he believed to know.
The journey of finding memories would lead to the king and young madman’s paths to intertwine to the pool of tears; giving hints to answers in exchange for a tear of pure emotion. The deeper they went into finding clues of the past, the more they started to unravel upon themselves. Eb’s hunger to find answers became his guide to finding the truth. Meanwhile, the king slowly started to lose himself towards his temper as he ventured deeper into the fray.
What will Eb find of his family? What will the king discover what was missing in his life before the war? And most importantly, what will happen once they find the truth? When two paths are intertwined, danger is bound to strike.
2. Lost Memories (🐞🍀/🐞🐈‍⬛/🃏) Marinette was your usual average girl in Paris. Between wanting to date the boy she fell in love at school and achieving her dreams to be a famous fashion designer, she was always on the run to getting what she needed to accomplish for the week. It was a tiring series of events, hanging with friends and making sure to be on top of your school work. Upon a week upon her life, she went though a burnout after completing a group project. It was at the end of that week, she decided to jump into some time to unwind by a trip to the forest.
Packed with her sketchbook for inspiration, should it strike, she couldn’t wait to see what lies ahead of her. What she didn’t expect is to find a series of random objects upon the path where she started to get ideas from the scenery. Even more so, that path leading into a man in the woods that seemed very . . . Odd to her. She wasn’t one to judge but how could a man live in a forest on his own, only having a some kitchen furniture to use. Well, at the least, he was well mannered towards her. What started off as a friendly interaction became another series of events that would lead the young fashion designer to discover upon.
She started to see the lucky hatter, a few weeks after that forest trip. She didn’t mind him being around but she started to sense something familiar about him that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. The young man, who she found out his name to be Clover as she got to know him better, started to help her out whenever she felt like she needed someone to talk to. Sharing that and many fond moments that made her grow closer towards him for, Clover was a many of many mysteries. His past was something Marinette couldn’t quite figure out on her own. However, she didn’t want to push things too much for him so she brushed it off too the side for the time being.
It’s all fun and games until some magic becomes involved. By then, what will lie ahead of her and what’s so special this bird that Adrien keeps gazing off to?
(Wrote a one-shot to start it off if y’all wanna read! 👆🏻)
3. Memories (🃏/💙) Living in Wonderland, Eb’s faced many adventures that he took delight upon discovering what’s around the corner. When you’re the second son and fifth child to the king of hearts, living life can be a paradise above the sky. However, Eb wasn’t always the one to live above the clouds. He would much rather be on the ground and into the forest where he could wander for hours. What’s life without adventure and the journey to discovering what lies ahead?
That’s how he ended up meeting Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine. Two of the few that Eb keeps within his inner circle of his friends. Oscar’s the nephew to Ozpin, the mystery man within the forest that always asked questions that left him wandering for hours within his own mind. Ruby’s the daughter of the mad hatter within the forest that he secretly admired. The three would often sneak into the forest to either hang out or have private tea parties. Having tea parties was Eb’s favorite thing to do besides discovering through the woods. They would often talk about their day, what chatter they heard through the crowd, or dare eachother into drinking teas that would have unique effects on themselves.
The only issue at hand was feud between Eb and Ruby’s fathers. James Ironwood, the king of hearts and Qrow Branwen, the Mad Hatter of the forest. They . . . Didn’t quite see eye to eye with eachother. As for why, neither of the three knew. James didn’t want Eb to hang out with Ruby and Qrow for fear of their carefree influence getting into him. Qrow didn’t want his daughter around James for reasons he didn’t want to explain clearly. Eb was someone he kept a close eye on at times. He wasn’t sure what to think of the young prince but if he’s anything like the king, he wasn’t sure if being around Ruby was the best idea for her.
It was clear to see that both kids where annoyed at their fathers for pulling them apart at times. So much into the point where they would have to sneak out in secret to assure that trouble wouldn’t arise between the two. Oscar was annoyed about the situation as well, seeing that he didn’t like his friend group being pulled apart of their father’s bias towards the others. Coming towards Ozpin when they felt like they couldn’t take sneaking around to meet anymore, they wanted to figure out what was the reason why their fathers had a distaste for each other.
What they didn’t expect was to find out upon the past, Qrow and James were actually pretty close friends. Close into the level where Ruby and Eb lie upon today. However, it was an unfortunate event that caused the two to tear apart from each-other upon the past. Determined to make amends, the wonderland trio set off on a quest to discover the secrets of the past and figure out what the past is hiding from them and their families.
What they didn’t expect was the danger and tests of trust and friendship that lied ahead for the three of them.
4. The Lost Rose (🌹/Modern AU) Moving into Vale after getting accepted to Beacon High wasn’t something Ruby expected. A new life meant change upon her daily routine. Meeting people and making friends wasn’t her strong suit but Yang, her older sister, encouraged her to break out of her shell to at least, try to make one friend. Trying is what lead Ruby to make a rival towards a girl with white hair that she couldn’t remember the name of. She never meant to bump into her and spill lunch on her skirt on purpose.
Going into a week in of a new school and Ruby couldn’t feel anything but a short of a mess. On days where she couldn’t handle being a social person, she would head to the courtyard and read a book by a bench. She would sometimes, see a girl with long black hair do the same but couldn’t muster up the courage to talk to her. It was one day when she was reading was when she made her first friend. Unexpectedly; a bird. A crow, as she later discovered by a simple research.
It wasn’t often that she would see birds around the school but a crow would often appear around her bench, whenever she was reading on her own. At first, it was to steal her lunch. Sounds typical but later on, she brought snacks for said lunch thief. The next time she saw the crow come over, she gave it a snack so hers wouldn’t be taken away. This became routine for a few months. She didn’t mind the company. It was a little secret of her own.
It was on a rainy day of school when things started to change. Another failed attempt at making a friend left her in the mud. No, I’m serious. She tripped and fell into mud, face first. It was at her lowest when she met someone. He was tall but had a mysterious aura about him. He held up an umbrella above her so she couldn’t get any future wet that she already was. Her silver eyes gazed upon his faded pink gaze. She didn’t know who this man was or why he was helping her.
He introduced himself as 'Qrow'. With a Q. An odd name for a man but at this point, Ruby saw herself as an odd person, herself. He helped her out of the mud and walked her home. It was strange, being walked home by some stranger. Naturally, she kept her guard up. Her dad often warned her of weirdos and she debated to herself if he was what her father warned her about. This time, she was glad that he didn’t pulled any stunts before he left her with said umbrella when she arrived home. Wouldn’t he get cold and wet too?
Upon the next month, she would often find this mysterious man with a hat at the strangest of times. When she was reading, nearby a window when she felt like she was dozing off, or whenever she was alone, he would find him upon her gaze. She attempted to show Yang the man but when she turned to introduce him, he had already disappeared. At times, she would only see a crow upon where he once stood. How odd, this situation must be.
Why was Qrow always disappearing whenever she attempted to introduce his sister or anyone towards him? Why was he acting so kind towards her? Where was he from? Questions similar to this filled the girl’s mind with the possibilities of answers. The deeper she ventured through to find the answers, more certain she started to fall into a place where she never imagine to be.
5. Connection (🐞🐈‍⬛/🐞🍀/🃏/💙) Curiosity; it gets the best of us when we’re at a young age. Every kid wants to venture into the unknown and discover something new. Whether it would be alone or with friends or family, it’s with imagination that takes us into a place unknown. Filled with excitement but danger. It’s simply a dream towards those who imagine the possibilities of falling into curiosity.
However, Adrien Agreste wasn’t one of those kids. Not in the beginning, anyways. Being a son of a famous model and often helping his father with his company, it seemed like another form of a dream for others as well. When in reality, he was only doing what he was told in hopes for earning his father’s affections. It never came in the end. He never admitted it but he was envious of those who had loving families. All he wanted was his father’s love. Even then, it wasn’t often he would receive any love from his father. Only person she saw that gave him any form was Natalie.
It wasn’t too out of the ordinary for him to wonder on what his life could’ve been if his mom hadn’t gotten sick. Maybe, he would’ve had the family he dreamed of having. He grew close to his mother as he grew. Thus, imagining the possibility also had a heavy burden to add to what happened within the last year or so. When he got too deep, he would take his mind off with either classes or what he could spot within his line of vision. Like at the camera for his picture to be taken, a nearby flower, or Marinette. He couldn’t help but feel some strange emotion whenever she was around him. The kind of emotion that would make him feel weak to the knees and accidentally mess up on his words or trip on his own feet.
Regardless of how he felt about the coming days of his life or about her, he still kept going. As each day passes by, he would keep thinking about the possibility of his life being different if things changed back then. It slowly became an annoyance towards him. Not about Marinette though, he could never be annoyed towards her. She was amazing and he always told her that as much as he could. It was clear he wanted to date her but didn’t know how to ask. Then again, he wasn’t sure his father would approve of him dating.
He wondered about change within his life. One day, he managed to get what he wanted. Just maybe not in the way he expected. He taking a walk upon a forest, nearby his hometown. The trip was pretty easy, seeing that he only took a bus to head into the forest for a nature hike. He figured he needed a break from the city life and this was his chance. It was interesting, seeing all of the greenery upon the natural sunlight. He managed to take a few photos with his phone to show his friends for when he returned.
Among taking photos during the trip, he started to lose his sense of direction after wandering for a bit. He attempted to find someone to help him and saw a young man in the distance. Tall with black hair and had some variation of formal attire. Odd outfit to wear to a forest but he wasn’t one to judge. He held a gold pocket watch, looking at time before running off. Not wanting to be alone again, he ran off to follow him. He managed to keep up with him for around twelve minutes until he was gone upon his line of vision. Last he saw of the stranger, he was nearby a huge tree he never saw before.
How did the stranger suddenly disappear by a tree? Upon further investigation, he found a hole among the stump of said tree. It looked big enough for someone to fit inside. Maybe it was a deep hiding spot? Why would the stranger hide for? He called out into the hole, asking if anyone was in there. He sat, near the edge to see if he could get a better look inside. This is where Adrien’s curiosity got the better of him; a single slip of his knees before he fell down into the endless void.
Bracing for impact, Adrien became ready for the worst. However, he wasn’t ready for when his eyes opened. It was a forest, much like the one he ventured except it’s different. The sky was a different color. So were the trees and flowers. Where he’d fallen down into became a mystery he had to solve. He ventured into the mysterious forest, finding any sense of direction that could aid him on discovering his current location.
He had no idea he fell down into a whole new world that he’d never imagined to discover. Even more so, finding the people that lived upon this new world. As he would later to find out, wonderland is a place where those who are lost and in need of finding someplace or someone to belong to.
( Tag List: @dashflashy-arts @dowhatteverer @eviltomb @autistic-swanprincess @naturallyunstablegamer @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites @howlingday @rootbeerflotsam )
(Note; Ozpin, if you’re reading this, this is KJ from Instagram. We talked during that Q&A you had on insta when you were signing stuff. Here’s the wonderland post with RWBY that I told you I’d write. Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it!)
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howlingday · 4 months
What if Jacques Schnee was... Well, what if he wasn't Jacques Schnee?
Winter: My father had a stroke years ago.
Willow: He didn't really. Weiss just says he did to excuse his behavior.
Jacques: Did you know that the peanut is neither a pea, nor a nut?
Ironwood: ...So, I understand you were once a huntress?
Jacques: Oh, wait... It is a nut.
Lisa: I hear you can you say your name backwards. Is that true?
Jacques: Seuqcaj!
Lisa: And what is your favorite food in the whole wide world?
Jacques: Seuqcaj!
Lisa: ...
Weiss: Mother! Have you seen Whitley?! I think I lost him!
Willow: When was the last time you saw him?
Weiss: Last night, when I took him on his first date.
Jacques: I remember my first date~!
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Jacques: Your mother never looked lovelier~.
Willow: Well, I think Whitley looks dashing, and if you won't go to the gala with him, then I will~!
Jacques: What about me?
Willow: I was going to give you some rubber bands to play with, but if you insist, you can come.
Jacques: Oh... I could have had rubber bands...
Willow: Thank you all for coming tonight. Now, we all know why we're here tonight, don't we?
Jacques: To see those keeno nitro rockets! Vroom, vroom~!
Winter: I'm at a loss... I don't know if there is a way to fix Penny.
Willow: Your father is working on an experiment of his own. Perhaps you two can collaborate?
Winter: (Walks into Jacques' study w/ Willow, Sees convoluted contraptions at work)
Jacques: (Looking through a microscope)
Winter: And what is the... purpose of this experiment?
Jacques: I'm developing the world's very first fish-powered death ray! It'll make Roman Torchwick's version look like a joke~!
Jacques: (Standing next to a snow-woman) Winter, your man troubles are over because I found you the perfect mate~!
Jacques: His name is Ken and he lives in Malibu. He has a girlfriend named Barbie, but she's not much of a lady. More plastic than person, if you know what I mean.
Weiss: Father, I'm in love with two people, and I don't know who to choose between them.
Jacques: Oh, that is a tough one. I had gone through similar travails when I was with your mother.
Maybe in the past?
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Jacques: (After beating a man senseless) I punch like comet, then drink 'til I vomit, I'm Jackie the Sailor Man~! (TOOT! TOOT!) Agh agh agh agh agh!
Willow: Weiss! Jaune! I'm so glad you could make it!
Jaune: It's wonderful to see two people together after thirty years.
Jacques: (Stabs Jaune with a fork)
Jaune: OW!
Jacques: Oh! He is real~!
Weiss: ...Ugh, not one of his better days.
Willow: I'm afraid it is. I just don't know what to do; our marriage has never been this shaken and Jacques just isn't the man he used to be.
Jacques: (From the very top of a high pillar, Dressed up as) NANANANA! BATMAN~! (Swings down, Choking out a server) BATMAN~!
Klein: (Sighs) Very good, sir.
Jacques: Excuse me, my good man, but I could put you through with a man who can help. A man named... Batman..
Clerk: Er, that won't be necessary, sir.
Jacques: Oh, yes, it will! (Chops in the neck) BATMAN~!
Willow: (Sighs) Not every bullhead is on strike, are they?
Jacques: (Looks around, Sees Icarus Flights)
On said flight...
Jaune: I guess I could help, but I'll need a babysitter for Adrian.
Willow: This- This flight is dreadfully bumpy!
Jacques: I'll go have a word with the captain. (Enters Captain's cabin, Gasps) A pig?! (Grabs Six Swans bottle) And he's been drinking!
Pilot: (Pig Faunus, Burps)
Jacques: Wait a second... Pigs can't fly... PIGS CAN'T FLY! (Bullhead nosedives)
In the middle of the ocean...
Willow: (Reaching for an oar)
Pilot: (Grunts unintelligibly)
Jacques: I don't care how many stewards and stewardesses you bagged; you're still a lousy pilot!
Weiss: Not to worry. I know just the man for the job; my father!
Adrian: (In a car seat, Giggling as he bounce) I love monster truck show~!
Jacques: (Driving monster truck) Hm? What show? (Continues crushing cars in the street)
Weiss: Father, are you sure you're up for this?
Jacques: Weiss, it's only headmaster. Could I do any worse than Ozpin, or Ironwood, or Lionheart, who sold out his huntsman to Tyrian Callows for protection from Salem?
Whitley: Hm... Maybe he is cut out for this.
Jacques: Of course I am! (Pulls on face mask) Now let's rob that bank!
Lisa: Our candidates are entering the stage now. Atlas Headmaster James Ironwood, Happy Huntress Robyn Hill, and former Councilman of Mantle Jacques Schnee. Councilman Schnee, an opening statement?
Jacques: As the first Faunus female head of the human supremacy group, I'd just like to say Atlas SUCKS!
Adam: This might actually hurt us more than it helps us.
Lisa: And Councilman Schnee, what would you do in the event of a Grimm invasion?
Jacques: (Cooking at podium, High-pitched) Then, you sprinkle your chicken liberally with old spice~!
Willow: Oh, Jacques, what can we do to save our darling son?!
Jacques: Not to worry, Willow, my darling wife. I have friends in high places who can help us!
At Atlas HQ...
Ironwood: Jacques. Always a pleasure.
Jacques: General Ironwood, my son is being held hostage in Menagerie, and I need you to save him. I've funded Atlas Academy for years, and I've never once asked for anything in return!
Ironwood: You asked to be made councilman of balloon doggies.
Jacques: I never asked to be made councilman of balloon doggies, the balloon doggies demanded it of me!
Jacques: (Holds up balloon doggy) Isn't that right?
Jacques: (Falsetto) "No!"
Jacques: Quiet, you!
Ironwood: Oh, Brothers...
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rainbow-multishipper · 6 months
Do you have any ship trials for Sienna x Ironwood x Willow?
RWBY Ship Name Trails #148
Sienna Khan x James Ironwood x Willow Schnee is
Souls of Platinum
Iron Trees
(Hehe, I got to make a Kung Fu Panda 2 reference. Best movie of all time, don't at me.)
Thanks for the suggestion! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Headcannon Requests and Ship Trials!
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