#Willow Ironwood
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bonefydskeleton · 11 months ago
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“Are you sure we can’t eat these for dinner, Willow?”
My Celebradiation ‘24 exchange partner was @the-laridian! All of the requested characters were delightful, but as a huge Fallout 76 fan myself and an owner of over a dozen chickens, I couldn’t help but be enamored by Willow’s relationship with his hens. Even if Beckett does struggle with understanding 2 chickens for dinner vs a sustainable source of omelettes and scrambled eggs for years to come.
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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In Vault 76, Bold Abernathy (@porkwithbones) had a serious high-school crush on Willow Ironwood. He never said anything, and now that everyone's out in the wasteland, Willow's with Beckett. 
But Bold could dream! And this is one of those daydreams, of him with Willow. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Happy Valentine's Day!
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
What Are You Doing Here?
A thin. twig of a man was walking the streets of, Mantle. A grey hood covered his head as he tried to remain unseen. He was here on a mission, a very important mission. One that if he was caught would cause untold amount of suffering, and damage. But, he would be willing to fight to complete his mission. And, nothing was going to stop him!
Except for a six foot six, blond hair specialist grabbing him by the back of his hoodie holding him aloft as he hopelessly kicked his feet in the air.
: GRAHH?! Let go of me go!
: Only if you explain what you're doing here?
: I-It doesn't concern you, Jaune!
Jaune Arc, on another one of his patrols in, Mantle after the ballot boxes were delivered to another community halls for the upcoming vote. But, his patrol was brought to an abrupt detour when he stumbled upon a most unexpected sight.
The sole male heir of the, Schnee family. Whitely Schnee out on a leisurely stroll.
Jaune: Doesn't concern me?! Oh yeah, Winter's gonna love the fact I told her: 'Hey, Winter I saw your little brother down in, Mantle! I don't know what he was doing, I just left him alone!'
Jaune: Do you have any idea what she would do to me if I told her that, Whit?!
Whitely: Then don't tell her!
Jaune: Are you trying to get me killed?!
Whitely: This doesn't concern you! Let me go!
Jaune: Whitely... Tell me what's happening, or I'll tell, Willow you're down here...
Whitely stopped struggling in, Jaune's grasp, his whole body going limp as he comprehended his threat.
Whitely: Okay... Okay, I'll tell you why I'm here. But, please... don't tell my mom...
Jaune: Smart lad.
Jaune dropped, Whitely who straightened out his clothes before turning to face, Jaune keeping his hoodie over his head to hid his identity, and his highly recognizable heir from any passers by.
Whitely: I'm here, because I am going to a rally that's being held today.
Jaune: A rally? One of the political rallies?
Whitely: Y-Yeah...
Jaune: Who's rally? The election is in a two days, there's five rally's happening right now. Who are you making your way to, Whit?
Whitely: ...
Whitely: I'm... I'm heading to, Robyn Hill's rally...
Jaune: Robyn Hill?! Why the hell are you going there?
Whitely: I-I have my reasons...
Jaune: You better tell me, because seriously, Whit... I can think of many reasons for why you wouldn't go there, but I can't think of a single reason why you would want to go there.
Whitely: Oh yeah?! What reasons could you think of!
Jaune: You're, Jacques Schnee's son, you're the heir to the Schnee Dust Company, and it's fortune. You're part of the uppermost class of the, Atlasian Elite, so why are you of all people, even associating with the 'lower class.'
Whitely: You know I'm nothing like my father! And, while the others are true... B-But, I don't think I'm better than everyone else!
Jaune: Just richer than them?
Whitely: Okay... t-that's... that's a fact. You can't use that against me!
Jaune: Yes, I can, and will.
Whitely: Okay, I know it may seem that I don't care for the 'common folk,' but Mom, and I are trying to make things better for people. Higher wages, better medical, dental, family, and a slew of other benefits! We're becoming less of a monopoly! We're doing so many things that is helping all of, Atlas, and Mantle!
Jaune: Yes, you told me that when I was over for dinner with you, and Willow the other day. And, that's all well, and good, but why are you going to one of, Robyn's Hill's rally?
Whitely: I'm not going to tell you anything!
Whitely stared defiantly at, Jaune. His stance solid, and defiant to the world, and the threat a seasoned, Specialist could offer to an auraless civilian. But, Jaune would teach him the futility of his defiance.
Jaune pulled out his scroll, and hit a few buttons, and hold it in front of, Whitely, his finger hovering over a button.
Jaune: You tell me why you're going to a rally for, Robyn Hill right now, or I swear I'll call your sister here right now.
Whitely: You think I'm scared of, Weiss?!
Jaune: Who said I was going to call, Weiss?
Whitely: ...?!
Whitely: Y-You wouldn't... You wouldn't dare...?
Jaune: Whit... the question you should be asking isn't whether, or not I'll do it. But, how fast, Winter will get down here to pick you up.
Whitely's eyes bugged out as he dry swallowed as he took in the essence of, Jaune's threat.
Whitely: ...
Whitely: I-I... I'm... I'm going to...
Jaune: Going to what?
Whitely: I'mgoingto,RobynHill'srallytoseemycrush!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Whitely: I'm going to, Robyn Hill's rally to see my crush...
Jaune: You're crush... You have a crush...?
Jaune: It better not be, Robyn Hill, because she's claimed me...
Whitely: What, no It's not her...? Wait, I thought, Winter claimed you?
Jaune: I'm stuck between a love triangle that the two of them will fight tooth, and nail over who gets to have me.
Whitely: Okay...?
Jaune: If it's not, Robyn then who is it?
Whitely: I-I'll tell you who it is... but, only if you take me there to see her!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay... but we're going to get you a took first. You look like a hoodlum looking like that.
Whitely: I'm not a hoodlum!
Jaune: That's a shame, you'd have more personality if you were...
Whitely: Hey!
Now the pair were at, Robyn Hill's rally the last one being held before the election. Whitely now had a nice burnt red took on his head, hiding his easily identifiable snow white hair.
Jaune was keeping his eye's on, Whitely, waiting for him to react to anything, or more importantly who was the one, Whitely had a crush on. And, the way he watched, Whitely's body stiffen, and his breath left him, and the way his cheeks became red. He knew who ever they were had appeared. And, he was most surprised for who it was,
Jaune: Wait... Fiona... Fiona Thyme?! That's your secret crush?!
Whitely: SHHHH! Don't say that out loud!
Jaune: Okay... I have so many questions... But, first off... she's twenty four, Fiona's at lease a decade older than you.
Whitely: What? I'm not fourteen, I'm seventeen years old, Jaune!
Jaune: ...
Jaune's eyes blink in bewilderment as he looked at, Whitely. Jaune proceed to grab, Whitely by the scuff of, Whitely's hoodie, and lifted him up into the air with one hand. Jaune held out his arm straight, and shook, Whitely in the air, watching his feet dangle effortlessly in the air before setting him down.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay... We're changing your diet: More meats, and more protein, as well as getting you on a exercise regime. We need to put more meat on you, cause otherwise people will think you're a legal shouta.
Whitely: ...
Whitely: Okay...
Whitely: But, what about you! Winter's twenty five years old! And, you're...
Jaune: Nineteen.
Whitely: Nineteen! That's a six year difference!
Jaune: Compared to a seven year difference... No... Okay, look... It's not that bad, but it's not that good either. I just thought you were younger then you actually are. Seriously, we need to put some meat on your chicken legs.
Whitely: Shut up...
Jaune: But, why do you like her? I mean... You like, Fiona? I thought you didn't like faunas, she's a sheep faunas.
Whitely: I didn't... N-Not anymore... That was just my father's influence, I'm not like that anymore. I just saw her from a distance, and... I just fell for her... I think she's beautiful.
Jaune: Love at first sight...?
Whitely: Y-Yeah... you could say that...
Jaune: Oh gods...
Jaune: Have you talked to her?
Whitely: N-No... She's a, Huntress, a Happy Huntress, and a faunas. And, I'm...
Jaune: Whitely Schnee... son of the enemy of all faunas... Jacques Schnee...?
Whitely: Yeah...
Jaune: Damn... The decks already stacked against you, and you're not even at the table...
Whitely: She'd probably spit in my face just walking over to her.
Jaune: Give her some credit, Whit. Fiona's not like that, if you were an ass she'd punch you in the face. She's too classy to spit in your face.
Whitely: H-How do you know that... H-Have you talked to her?!
Jaune: A few times.
Whitely: Can you introduce me to her?!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Haaa...
Jaune: Please don't make me regret doing this, Whit...
Whitely: Yes! Thank you big bro!
Jaune: Don't you call me that!
Whitely: Sorry...
Robyn: Hello, Specialist Arc... What brings you here this day, General Ironwood send you to complain about my running for election again.
Jaune: Drop the act, Robyn. Whit knows that I'm the prize in your competition thingy against, Winter.
Robyn: Oh... wait, who is that, Whit fellow?
Jaune: Just a friend I'm wingmanning for...
Robyn: Okay...? And, this, Whit fellow... has a thing for, Fiona...?
Jaune: Yeah, it's a love of first sight, kind of thing...
Robyn: Seriously...?
Jaune: It's also the first crush for the kid... teenager...Give him some slack, okay?
Robyn: Why are you doing this?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I'm a romantic?
Robyn: You don't sound so sure about that...
Jaune: I've somehow managed to snagged three extremely hot badass warrior babes by being myself; I'm not sure about a lot of things!
Robyn: Three... Is there another woman I should be worried about?
Jaune: No. She's dead...
Robyn: Oh... I-I'm sorry, Jaune. I didn't mean...
Jaune: Stop, I would prefer not to talk about it. Let's just watch, Whit, and see how he'll do.
Robyn: O-Okay...
Walking up to, Fiona Thyme, Whitely was having a panic attack in his head. He was a seventeen year old kid, talking with his first crush, who happened to by a, Happy Huntress, and a faunas. He was the enemy of everything she no doubt stood for, because of his fathering was, Jacques Schnee.
But, like, Jaune told him: "You'll regret not telling her more than you will be for putting your foot in your mouth."
He just hopped he wouldn't put his foot so deep in his mouth.
Whitely: H-Hi!
Fiona stopped to looked at the kid standing before her, an inch smaller than her. He wore a a grey hoodie, and grey blue jeans, black sneakers, and a burnt red took. Fiona thought this... civilian looked nice, her certainly had nice icy blue eyes, but why is he talking to her, Robyn was right there after all?
Fiona: Hello...?
Whitely: Hi! Uhhh...? M-My name is...
Whitely's eyes darted around nervously, if he introduced himself as who he pretending to be, Whit, she'd probably ignore him. But, if he suddenly popped it on her that he was actually, Whitely Schnee, like he was embarrassed to be seen with her, because who he was. Fiona would probably, rightfully so, deck him in the face.
Whitely: My name is, Whitely... Whitely Schnee...
Whitely pulled off his burnt red took, showing off his snow white hair. He gave, Fiona a nervous smile, meanwhile, Fiona was staring at him wild eyed. Fiona's voice escaped her as her mind struggled to comprehend what it was standing before her.
Robyn: Wait, hold on...?! That's, Whitely Schnee?!
Jaune: Yes, and quiet!
Fiona: Whitely Schnee... Son of, Jacques Schnee...?
Whitely: Y-Yeah... That's me...
Fiona: Okay... W-What are you doing down here...?
Whitely: Down here in, Mantle? Did you not expect someone like me to be here?
Fiona: Uhh... yeah... For several reasons that.
Whitely: W-What reasons?
Fiona: You're, Whitely Schnee, son of, Jacques Schnee...
Whitely: That I am......
Fiona: What's a rich boy doing down her in the slums?
Whitely: This...? There are no slums in, Mantle?
Fiona: And, why are you an, faunas racist talking to a faunas?
Whitely: ...
Jaune: Oh shit...
Robyn: Wait... you said, wingmanning... Does, Whitely...?!
Whitely: I... I may have had such opinions... But, they weren't solely baseless, and my idea...
Fiona: Baseless? What do you mean by that?
Whitely: My father was the enemy of all faunas... And, he made faunas his enemy, blamed them for a lot of his problems, and he even forced a lot of these problems he caused on them. So, I can understand their hate for me, and my father. And, I can understand why they all think that I'm a carbon copy of my father. But, I'm not my father!
Fiona: And, why do you say that?
Whitely: I did agree with my father, and his opinions of faunas. Not all faunas, just those of the, White Fang...
Fiona: The White Fang?
Whitely: You probably heard how they were 'freedom fighters,' fighting for faunas rights... You tell me to believe that is the truth when your mother's shielding your eyes so you don't see the dismembered body of your cousin. You didn't see your father absolutely loose it when one of the dust shipments got attacked by the, White Fang, and he took out his anger on your mother...
Whitely: I don't hate the faunas, Fiona. I hate the, White Fang, because of what they did to me, and my family... My father... Jacques would hate you for being a faunas. Me...? I'm... I'm not my father. Like he would ever have a crush on a cute sheep faunas anyway...
Fiona looked at, Whitely. She was feeling down, she was judging him based on his linage, often something others did to her because she was a faunas. He couldn't control being, Jacques Schnee's son, but he did control who he choose to become. Besides, it's like he said: It's not like, Jacques Schnee would ever have a crush on a cute sheep...?!
Fiona: W-W-Wait?! 'A crush on a cute sheep faunas?!' Do you have a crush on me?!
Whitely: AHH?! Oh shit... I didn't mean to tell you that?!
Robyn: Holy shit?!
May: The, Schnee kid has a crush on, Fiona?!
Joanna: And, is, Fiona blushing?!
Jaune: Well this isn't how you'd want things to go... but, I did worse, so...?
Fiona: YOU DO?!
Whitely: I snuck into one of, Robyn Hill's political rallies, and saw you! And, I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes upon you!
Fiona: Love at first sight?!
Jaune: Going for broke eh, Whit?
Robyn: Somebody please tell me you're recording this?!
Joanna: From the moment I came here!
May: I've been taking photos!
Whitely: S-So, Fiona Thyme! Will you please go out with me?!
Fiona: O-O-Oh... W-Well... I'm too old for you... I mean, a thirteen year old going out with a twenty three year old... That's...?
Whitely: Seventeen!
Fiona: W-What?
Whitely: I'm seventeen years old... Jaune's going to put me on an excursive regium, and a new diet to bulk up so I stop looking like... like a kid... S-So, it's just a six year difference... So, c-could we...?
Fiona: ...
Fiona: D-Do you want to go on a date now...? Cause... I'm going to be busy the next few days... election stuff... So, I don't know if I'll be able to...
Whitely: Yes!
Fiona: Eep?!
Whitely: Sorry, I meant to say, yes.
Fiona: That's great!
Whitely: But, uhh... I don't know any of the restaurants around here... How about you take us to a nice one, where we can chat, and get to know one another better. My treat.
Fiona: I'd like that. Come on, Whitely.
Whitely: J-Just call me, Whit. Otherwise people might...
Fiona: Okay, Whit.
Fiona waited by the door as, Whitely put on his took, and ran up to, Fiona. the pair had matching smiles, and small blushes on their faces as they left on their date.
From the distance the group of, Huntresses, and the Specialist all cooed from the corner as they watched them leave together.
Robyn: Wow... out of all the things I expected today... Whitely Schnee asking, Fiona on a date, and her accepting it is the last thing I'd ever expected.
May: But, they look so cute together! Especially with, Fiona being just one inch taller than him!
Jaune: May, I'm going to need those photos, and that video, Joanna. Evidence for... for things...
Joanna: You got it!
Jaune: Hahaha! Willow's gonna love this!
Robyn: Hey, Jaune? How come you've never taken me out on a date before?
Jaune: Because, I'm too busy to go on a date with any of you! Winter's too busy going on a date with, because she's busy being a, Specialist. You're too busy being a politician to go on a date, Robyn. And, I'm too busy being playing both sides to get you elected, and manipulating, General Ironwood to get what needs to be done! Which is dragging everyone away from his stupid project, that if he finds out what I've done, he'll probably shoot me for treason!
May: Y-Your kidding, right...?
Jaune: No. No I am not.
Robyn, and her, Happy Huntresses all looked at, Jaune, and took in the dead seriousness in his eyes. Robyn placed her hand on him, activating her semblance showing it off in a vibrant green hue.
Joanna: Holy shit, he's telling the truth...
Jaune: Oi?!
Robyn: Ow!
Jaune: None of that!
Robyn: How mean... How could you do that to such a delicate maiden~?
Jaune: If you used your semblances on yourself it would be as red as blood for saying that.
Robyn: Hey!
Jaune: Alright, I need to go back, my shift is almost over, and I need to file in a report. I'll see you later ladies.
May: Bye, Jaune.
Joanna: See you later, Jaune.
Jaune: Oh, before I go... Robyn?
Robyn: Yea... MPHH?!
Jaune grabbed, Robyn's chin, and pulled her in for a kiss. He pushed his lips upon her, causing, Robyn to moan deeply within her throat, causing her to gasp for air as he broke their kiss.
Jaune: Consider that an IOU for a real date.
Robyn: O-Okay...
Jaune: Well then, till later then, my Lady.
Jaune turned, and left the, Happy Huntresses 'secret' base. Leaving a panting, and blush stricken, Robyn with a hand upon her chest as she watched her, Knight leave.
Robyn: Oh gods~!
May: Oh shit... she's got it bad...
Joanna: She's got it really bad!
May: It's fucking adorable.
Joanna: So adorable.
One of the back doors to the, Schnee manor slowly opened, and closed as a skinny twig snuck it's way inside. It stealthily made it's way to a room in the house. As it reached the door to the room, it quietly opened the door, before slowly shutting it behind him. A tired sigh with a hint of joy escaped his lips. He turned on the lights to the room, turned around, and screamed.
: Hello, Whitely...
Whitely: M-Mom?! What are you doing in my room?!
Willow: The better question is; Why are you home so late?
Whitely: Wha... I'm not late...
Willow: It's, 3:32 am...
Whitely: T-That's not so late...
Willow: Whitely you've complained that it's too late, and you need to head to bed at 9 pm. You have never once stay out so late before. So, where were you?
Whitely: I-I-I was out... w-with friends...
Willow: You don't have any friends.
Whitely: I just recently met them...
Willow: And, you were hanging out with these friends of yours... so late because...?
Whitely: W-We were just having so much fun we lost track of time...
Willow: And, did you have 'fun' with this friend?
Whitely: We just talked, we didn't do anything... uncouth...
Willow: But, would you have if you could?
Whitely: It was a first date, you don't do anything like that until the third...
Willow: So it was a date~?
Whitely: Grkk?!
Willow: So tell me, who was it that you were on this date with?
Whitely: I-I don't have to tell you anything!
Willow: Whitely... I am your mother, you will tell me about this sheep girl you were seeing...
Whitely: Wha... how did you know she was a sheep faunas?!
Willow: Because, Jaune told me.
Whitely: That traitor! Why did he tell you?!
Willow: Because you took so long, and for the record, Jaune didn't actually tell me.
Whitely: He didn't, then who did?
: I did.
Whitely: AHHHH?!
The chair to, Whitely's desk turned around to show a very irate Winter Schnee staring back at him.
Whitely: W-W-Winter?! When did you get here?!
Winter: Oh, a while after mother told me you weren't home. And, a few minutes after I interrogated, Jaune about who you were with. So, tell me, Whitely... Why were you on a date with, Fiona Thyme. A member of the, Happy Huntresses?
Whitely: I-I-I...?! I can explain!
Willow: I always knew you liked lamb, but to like it in such a manner~?
Whitely: I-I don't like it in that manner... Well, Fiona is...I don't mean!
Winter: Start talking, Whitely...
Willow: Yes, mother want's to hear everything about your little date~!
Whitely: Ohhhhh...!
Whitely: Shit...
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jedidragonwarriorqueen · 1 year ago
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luzriels · 6 months ago
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"He then seized Merry's feet and drew him out of the suddenly widening crack. There was a tearing creak and the other crack split open, and out of it Pippin sprang, as if he had been kicked." — The Lord of the Rings, Book I, Chapter 6 "The Old Forest" // The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) // The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2.04 "Eldest" (2024)
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howi99 · 3 months ago
Prince of Vale 7
Meeting room
Jaune: *looking at the leaders of every major nation* Messieurs, leaders of Vacuo, Atlas, Mistral and Menagerie, i welcome you. *Bow in sign of respect to his guest*
All of the representatives: *bow to the king, showing their respect*
Jaune: *taking a seat* As all of you must know, i have summoned all of you to discuss two major incidents. The first and least important one being the demands of Jacques Schnee, demanding the day of my mother's funeral, the queen funeral, that i take one of his daughters as queen consort. The second and far more grave incident was the Prime Minister of Mistral accusing me of protecting the princess of Menagerie from the Mistralean judicial system.
Ghira: *looking directly at said Prime Minister* Is that so?
PM: *adjusting his tie* With all due respect, your daughter did participate in White Fang's activities. Both of your nations may not see them as a terrorist organization, but the material damage they are causing in the name of liberty cannot be disregarded.
Jacques: *a calculating look in his eyes* And should i remind you, your majesty, that said material was the property of the Schnee Dust Company? Not only that, but my daughter was placed in the same team as said criminal?
Jaune: *coldly looking at Jacques* First, may i remind you that you are only the manager of said company and not its true owner? *Looking at Willow* Your wife is the one allowed to speak without constraints during the meeting. And secondly, you shall address her by her title or miss Belladonna.
Willow: *surprised* Your majesty?
Jacques: ... *Sigh* I must ask your forgiveness. It slipped my mind.
Jaune: I see. *Now looking at the PM* Now, as you probably know, Miss Belladonna isn't part of the White Fang anymore. Not only that, but her crimes were committed as a minor. Furthermore, she isn't a Mistralean resident, meaning we are in no obligation to extradite her.
PM: *frowning* You are saying that she won't be punished for her crimes?
Jaune: *shaking his head* I never said that. She will be judged according to Valean laws.
Ghira: *nodding* And i approve of this decision. Tell me, wouldn't you prefer we bury the hatchet and try de-escalating the situation?
PM: ... *Sigh* What would be the sentence?
Jaune: Under our laws, she committed vandalism, vigilantism and endangerment of civilian life during said vigilantism. For the remainder of her time in Beacon, she will have to do community service every Saturday. Furthermore, she will be forbidden from leaving the vicinity of Beacon UNLESS it is for said service.
PM: ... Fine, we shall accept those conditions. *Looking at Ghira* In exchange, we simply ask for the White Fang to stop attacking the SDC shipments to our cities.
Ghira: *sigh* I would love to, but i have limited influence on them i'm afraid.
Jaune: *looking at the annoyed Jacques* Maybe the SDC could make some concessions? *Smiling, now looking at Willow* What do you think, lady Willow?
Willow: *nervous* I-i... My husband...
Jaune: *gently cutting her* Has no authority during this meeting.
Willow: *Feeling the gaze of her husband* I... *Shaky voice* Y-yes your majesty. The company has gone too far.
Jacques: *low angry voice* Willow...
Willow: *looking at Jaune with more resolve* I am fully aware of the wrongdoing of Jacques. In exchange for those concessions, however, i want the rights of the SDC's old mines back.
Jaune: *pensive* The one from before the faunus war, i assume?
Willow: *nod* Yes, your majesty... I will be frank with you, Jacques demands were mostly aimed at re-appropriating them back.
Jaune: *sigh* It would have been so much easier to say so... *Nod* You are free to restart mining on Valean soil. However, some of the mines were privatised. Is this fine with you, my lady?
Willow: *nod* I was already aware of that. Besides, competition never hurts.
Ironwood: *surprised, whispering to Winter* It's the first time i've seen her speak up.
Winter: *as surprised as him* Same for me here. I always thought she was completely under my father's thumb...
Jacques: *furious, getting up from his chair* Willow, what are you doing!? "I" own the company! "I" brought it back from the mountain of debts your father had to pay!
Willow: *looking at him* And in doing so, you ran my family name through the mud. *Getting up, locking eyes with him* You made us enemy number one of faunuskind, you supplied both the government and the criminals alike in the name of profit and that's enough! I'm through with this!
Jacques: What are you-
Willow: I'm divorcing you, you twat!
The Vacuan representative: *whispering to Jaune* Soooo.... Would it be a bad time to talk about the unlawful exploitation of our Dust by the SDC or?
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howlingday · 9 months ago
What if Jacques Schnee was... Well, what if he wasn't Jacques Schnee?
Winter: My father had a stroke years ago.
Willow: He didn't really. Weiss just says he did to excuse his behavior.
Jacques: Did you know that the peanut is neither a pea, nor a nut?
Ironwood: ...So, I understand you were once a huntress?
Jacques: Oh, wait... It is a nut.
Lisa: I hear you can you say your name backwards. Is that true?
Jacques: Seuqcaj!
Lisa: And what is your favorite food in the whole wide world?
Jacques: Seuqcaj!
Lisa: ...
Weiss: Mother! Have you seen Whitley?! I think I lost him!
Willow: When was the last time you saw him?
Weiss: Last night, when I took him on his first date.
Jacques: I remember my first date~!
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Jacques: Your mother never looked lovelier~.
Willow: Well, I think Whitley looks dashing, and if you won't go to the gala with him, then I will~!
Jacques: What about me?
Willow: I was going to give you some rubber bands to play with, but if you insist, you can come.
Jacques: Oh... I could have had rubber bands...
Willow: Thank you all for coming tonight. Now, we all know why we're here tonight, don't we?
Jacques: To see those keeno nitro rockets! Vroom, vroom~!
Winter: I'm at a loss... I don't know if there is a way to fix Penny.
Willow: Your father is working on an experiment of his own. Perhaps you two can collaborate?
Winter: (Walks into Jacques' study w/ Willow, Sees convoluted contraptions at work)
Jacques: (Looking through a microscope)
Winter: And what is the... purpose of this experiment?
Jacques: I'm developing the world's very first fish-powered death ray! It'll make Roman Torchwick's version look like a joke~!
Jacques: (Standing next to a snow-woman) Winter, your man troubles are over because I found you the perfect mate~!
Jacques: His name is Ken and he lives in Malibu. He has a girlfriend named Barbie, but she's not much of a lady. More plastic than person, if you know what I mean.
Weiss: Father, I'm in love with two people, and I don't know who to choose between them.
Jacques: Oh, that is a tough one. I had gone through similar travails when I was with your mother.
Maybe in the past?
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Jacques: (After beating a man senseless) I punch like comet, then drink 'til I vomit, I'm Jackie the Sailor Man~! (TOOT! TOOT!) Agh agh agh agh agh!
Willow: Weiss! Jaune! I'm so glad you could make it!
Jaune: It's wonderful to see two people together after thirty years.
Jacques: (Stabs Jaune with a fork)
Jaune: OW!
Jacques: Oh! He is real~!
Weiss: ...Ugh, not one of his better days.
Willow: I'm afraid it is. I just don't know what to do; our marriage has never been this shaken and Jacques just isn't the man he used to be.
Jacques: (From the very top of a high pillar, Dressed up as) NANANANA! BATMAN~! (Swings down, Choking out a server) BATMAN~!
Klein: (Sighs) Very good, sir.
Jacques: Excuse me, my good man, but I could put you through with a man who can help. A man named... Batman..
Clerk: Er, that won't be necessary, sir.
Jacques: Oh, yes, it will! (Chops in the neck) BATMAN~!
Willow: (Sighs) Not every bullhead is on strike, are they?
Jacques: (Looks around, Sees Icarus Flights)
On said flight...
Jaune: I guess I could help, but I'll need a babysitter for Adrian.
Willow: This- This flight is dreadfully bumpy!
Jacques: I'll go have a word with the captain. (Enters Captain's cabin, Gasps) A pig?! (Grabs Six Swans bottle) And he's been drinking!
Pilot: (Pig Faunus, Burps)
Jacques: Wait a second... Pigs can't fly... PIGS CAN'T FLY! (Bullhead nosedives)
In the middle of the ocean...
Willow: (Reaching for an oar)
Pilot: (Grunts unintelligibly)
Jacques: I don't care how many stewards and stewardesses you bagged; you're still a lousy pilot!
Weiss: Not to worry. I know just the man for the job; my father!
Adrian: (In a car seat, Giggling as he bounce) I love monster truck show~!
Jacques: (Driving monster truck) Hm? What show? (Continues crushing cars in the street)
Weiss: Father, are you sure you're up for this?
Jacques: Weiss, it's only headmaster. Could I do any worse than Ozpin, or Ironwood, or Lionheart, who sold out his huntsman to Tyrian Callows for protection from Salem?
Whitley: Hm... Maybe he is cut out for this.
Jacques: Of course I am! (Pulls on face mask) Now let's rob that bank!
Lisa: Our candidates are entering the stage now. Atlas Headmaster James Ironwood, Happy Huntress Robyn Hill, and former Councilman of Mantle Jacques Schnee. Councilman Schnee, an opening statement?
Jacques: As the first Faunus female head of the human supremacy group, I'd just like to say Atlas SUCKS!
Adam: This might actually hurt us more than it helps us.
Lisa: And Councilman Schnee, what would you do in the event of a Grimm invasion?
Jacques: (Cooking at podium, High-pitched) Then, you sprinkle your chicken liberally with old spice~!
Willow: Oh, Jacques, what can we do to save our darling son?!
Jacques: Not to worry, Willow, my darling wife. I have friends in high places who can help us!
At Atlas HQ...
Ironwood: Jacques. Always a pleasure.
Jacques: General Ironwood, my son is being held hostage in Menagerie, and I need you to save him. I've funded Atlas Academy for years, and I've never once asked for anything in return!
Ironwood: You asked to be made councilman of balloon doggies.
Jacques: I never asked to be made councilman of balloon doggies, the balloon doggies demanded it of me!
Jacques: (Holds up balloon doggy) Isn't that right?
Jacques: (Falsetto) "No!"
Jacques: Quiet, you!
Ironwood: Oh, Brothers...
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asexxxualerotica · 5 months ago
OC Muse List
~Dungeons & Dragons Muses~
Asterion Labrynthia: Minotaur prince in banishment from his kingdom. Quiet and gentle despite the great power and strength he wields. On a path of vengeance to avenge his killed parents.
Branwen Black: Ranger from the far north, raised and taught by an elite squad of mercenaries and huntsmen known as the Blackguard. Has a strangely innate connection to ravens and wolves.
Clover Brandyburke: Lagomore knight in service to a powerful archfey. On a quest to avenge his honor after his fiance left him on the altar. Serious and severe, and also naive to the mortal world.
Dariax Dendarrow: Goliath former bandit chief, abandoned after a disgraceful defeat to a young adventurer. Seeking to grow stronger to challenge the young adventurer again and defeat him.
The Devils of Emon: Based out of the Exandrian city of Emon, a band of adventurers named such for the surprisingly high number of tieflings in their crew.
Aquamarine: Tiefling rogue with ambitions to be the best thief in the region. Came to Emon and was immediately arrested for pickpocketing. Has an affinity for gems and trinkets.
Gamora Great-Bear: Orc warrior woman on a mission to find love, but just finding powerful monsters to defeat. Was similarly arrested, this time for exhibitionism, which she will do again.
Jeanne Ironwood: Woman driven by losses in her childhood to dragons. Trained by Percy DeRolo as an expert gunslinger and markswoman, and known for her cold and calculating demeanor.
Kyrie Targana: Tiefling performer who lost her arms to an abusive slaver. Was previously in a circus troupe with Omega and Thorne, and is now in a romantic relationship with Scourge.
Omega: Tiefling magician in a heated relationship with his succubus patron. Younger brother of Thorne. Definitely the most problem-attracting member of the crew.
Captain Scourge Maelstrom: Tiefling pirate captain and champion of the seas. Unofficial leader of the Devils, and the founding member. Captain of The Sea Devil, and tends to stay on his ship.
Thorne: Tiefling brawler known for getting drunk and getting into fights. Older brother of Omega. The most bristly member of the crew, often gets into fights with Jeanne late into the night.
Varris Alwyn: Tiefling warrior in loyal service to the Everlight. Seemingly ageless, and has a constant bet in the background by the rest of the Devils over whether he's really a dragon or an angel.
Verdant Wilde: Tiefling huntsman trained personally by Vex'ahlia DeRolo. Sent to Emon to keep an eye on things in Greystone Keep. Ended up forming a new adventuring crew alongside Jeanne.
Galatea the Golden-Scaled: Gladiatrix known for her gleaming golden battlekini. Left her life in the arena after repelling a raid on the city, seeing she could set out and do good elsewhere.
Jade Higurashi: Tiefling monk who was previously training to become a powerful sage for a local temple. After being thrown out, she turned to drinking and fighting to fill the gap they left.
Jaerik Aldraeyds: Changeling on a mission to find her true father in the Feywild. Unfortunately, her own naturally high libido and trend for falling to her enemy's lusts has delayed her quest incredibly.
Khadamori the Unbroken: Ulitharid warrior who was held in bondage by his own kin for most of his life. Eventually broke free and became a liberation leader, fighting to free slaves throughout the Underdark.
Korrin Vasailiis: Elven sorceress who made a deal with a demon to survive a horrible fate, and became a vampire in the process. Now on a quest to find new purpose, as her life is even longer than expected.
Lorelei Astolas: Tiefling lady of the night based out of Emon, a long-time rival and long-distance friend of the Ruby of the Sea. Known similarly as the Lady of Pearls for her pearlescent skintone.
Onyx the Shadowhand: Black Dragonborn rogue whose talents for theft and throwing down with thugs has been turned to aid and protect the less fortunate. Has a soft spot for children.
Peregrine Weis: Tiefling warrior woman who was once a faithful weapon for a zealous church, but left when they murdered her wife. Now trying to make up for her loss, and find who she is without faith.
Riot Doomthighs: Goblin bard with a love for heavy metal music and a wild devotion to the death god Xyrnyxrys. Also known for wearing very suggestive (but still protective) armors during her performances.
Serena Clyffe: Former noble lady who fled her home after accidentally frying her would-be betrothed with lightning. Now on the run from the law, and experiencing the world for the first time. Absolutely loves storm chasing.
Terra Verdell: Wood elven druid who has never lived in high society and wants to experience all that she can of it. Left her home in the forests to seek fun. Has found plenty by way of encounters with monsters along the way.
Twilight Obsidia: Tiefling from the Shadowfell who left her abusive family to seek a better life. Currently trying to live her life as a witch in the woods, doing good for the locals and farmers.
Variax Frosthollow: White dragonborn warrior, strongest in his clan, with a destiny to become a true dragon. Was the son of a dragon himself, but was only a dragonborn rather than his true heir.
Velvetina Gingersnaps: Lagomore witch from the Feywild with a desire to see the world. Also with a desire to avoid all of the felonies and fines waiting for her in the Feywild for her past antics.
Wilder Evergreen: Tiefling-orc huntsman with a bone to pick with an archfey. Grew up in woods that neighbored the Feywild, and his sisters were taken when wandering in them. Out for blood.
Willow Wellmeadow: Lagomore druid settled in the mortal plane. Protector of the dense woodlands and warden of a portal to the Feywild. Tends to be kind and welcoming to visitors.
Xakos Duskwalker: Half-orc gunslinger and gunmaker. Studied in ancient artificing and restoration of mythical mechanisms. Had his research stolen and spread out, and is out to take it back.
Yora Vor'ziira: Dark elf rogue who was kept as a slave by her own kind and forced to fight in bloody combats. Was eventually helped free by a human slave, and now wanders the surface world seeking a home.
Zhekhar O'Shevaqt: Efreet lord, master of slaves and of coin in the City of Brass. Known for being incredibly charismatic and devilishly handsome. Also known for spoiling his toys utterly rotten.
Zurrak Hellbellows: Red Dragon, often in a human guise. Considered the King of Dragons, and reigns from a long-dormant volcano he has fashioned into a castle. Intent on conquest, and claiming more wealth.
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lyriquette · 6 months ago
Old RWBY AU description from the Frosen Steel server 12/24/2020:
noticing the trend that I was really really inspired that December 2020.
Anyway Silkpants!Weiss AU and drunkhacker!Willow blowing up on Jacques and manages to take out the company with her. Also the concept of a Ballmer peak (from xkcd) is that a certain precise blood alcohol level confers superhuman programming ability.
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:03 PM
Also silkpants!Weiss AU. Nail is that Jacques actually laid a hand on the kids and Willow goes berserk, baulking the unsaid patriarchial traditions in her family. She takes down the company with her own hands by revealing every dirty secret of the SDC which causes the Atlasian government to dismantle the company. Because of her assistance, she's awarded the rest of the liquid assets of the Schnee company, Jacques goes to jail, and Willow's all wow this went better than I could've ever imagined.
Changes involve the schneeblings are closer to each other, Willow works with Polendina and Atlas as the resident hacker and programmer, and Weiss ends up at Atlas than Beacon. Inspired by her mom taking out the thorn in the family, Weiss becomes the big bully of the family, except it's the other rich people that's scared of her.
Bully the weak? Hell no, I’m bullying the strong. Don't like it? You can bite me.
“Think it's funny tormenting little kids and making them eat garbage? Come on. Torment me then," said a bobcut-donning Weiss.
“Miss Schnee. It was just a jok-"
“I just smacked you with a wad of Lien. It was just a joke.-" Weiss rebutted having pulled a stack of cash from her purse.
“you,” guy holding his face, “When my father hears an-"
Smack. Another stack of Lien hit the floor. A cracking of knuckles.
“It doesn't matter who comes now,” Weiss said as she brandished a pair of knuckledusters, “you're going to lick the floor clean, or I'm going to beat you until you're done.”
Part of the reason why the Schnee family doesn’t get messed with despite Weiss's antics is because Willow is a ticking time bomb for everyone. She's a good hacker and an even more protective mom. Someone tried to block Winter's advancement in the military unjustifiably, and Willow responded with releasing her blackmail material on that person, a small part that she's accumulated for years just being a drunk hacker – cause of the phenomenon of Ballmer Peak where a certain blood alcohol level confers superhuman programming skills where she so happened to sit in a majority of the time.
And Willow's like yeah all I care about is making money to support my family and my kids. If you mess with my kids, I don’t care if we both go to ruin. Momma Bear Schnee.
She also discovers the loophole in Atlasian security aka Watt's hack, so the whole system gets a revamp which gets important later with the CCT. Willow still drinks. But only at work. She's the only one allowed to do so cause she can’t program otherwise. “I don’t know how I finished the project. I blacked out and there it was." ????
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:06 PM
Yeeee. And also I just imagine someone high in the government going "come on girl what can you do to me." And Weiss releases a multi-continent album with every song dedicated to lambasting the guy and highlighting every bit of corruption and dark point in his career.
Needless to say, he doesn't stay in power xD
lilac — 12/24/2020 7:59 PM
The million lien question. 8) well, it's definitely gonna be Frostbyte first. Willow already works with Polendina in this AU, and Penny's creation and testing is completed earlier in canon. So Weiss'll get to interact with Penny a bit before Atlas and probably will be part of the same team eventually.
Penny doesn't quite get why everyone (mostly the affluent folk) seems to be scared of her friend. It's not like Weiss keeps wads of cash in her purse to smack people with, right? Also, Weiss acts pretty normal and nice when she isn't provoked. Even has a blog just dedicated to her finding dogs and petting them. The Schnee Mansion itself is practically a kennel. Momma Schnee is all whatever makes you happy. Whitley is also weak to dogs and is thinking about becoming a vet in the future given his proximity to them. Winter is allergic sadly but still all "who's an adorable cutie ah-choo!"
I digress.. anyway. So Penny's origins and high up connections aren't known. Per her papers, she only has Pietro as her father, and he's not immediately recognizable as someone special. So people insult her for both her lack of social standing and her quirkiness. Then someone makes the stupid mistake of doing it in front of Weiss.
Later the CCT tower has a couple new additions hogtied and spinning around by their waists on a rope. And they're all screaming "if you mess with Penny, you're messing with Weiss" while in tears. They do this because Weiss promised something far worse if they didn't.
Penny, having teen novel romances and fanfic as her cross-references, take it as a declaration of love. She ends up being the one who supports Weiss and also curbs her need to be and be seen as strong.
Headmaster's Office:
Ironwood, sighing as he sees Weiss: what did you do now?
Weiss, unrepentantly: I strung people up from the CCT tower again.
Ironwood: Weiss. The CCT tower is not your personal billboard. Not to mention that messing around with it can have consequences for everyone, even if you're not touching the tower when you climb up.
Weiss: …
Ironwood: …
Weiss: This conversation is going pretty differently compared to our usual ones.
Ironwood: How so?
Weiss: For one, you aren't yelling at me for beating up other people again.. I was getting worried that I ended up in some freaky alternate universe or something.
Ironwood, darkly amused: Would you actually listen if I told you to stop beating other people up?
Weiss pretends to ponder the question a bit before shaking her head.
Weiss: probably not.
Ironwood, rolling eyes: I figured. Besides I know why you did it, and though I can’t officially condone your actions, I can turn a blind eye.
Weiss: soo. If I don’t use the CCT as my billboard, can I hogtie people and hang them from other places?
Ironwood: …just go away already.
Weiss just laughs.
lilac — 12/24/2020 8:45 PM
"Please don't start anything in Vale. My dads told me to ask," Penny said with a soft giggle while giving Weiss a hug as they went on the plane.
"Anything else the Headmaster wanted to tell me?" Weiss asked, returning the hug.
"Don't mess with the ciivies. It's one thing to do it in Atlas since it's your home. Another to do it in another continent while being a Hunter,” Penny shrugged, “That's all.”
"Is there anything -you- want to tell me?” Weiss said playfully.
“I love you,” Penny replied with a smile.
“I-I-…” Weiss stuttered, a hint of pink of her cheeks. Every single time. And she still couldn’t say the words she wanted to say to her girlfriend. They just catch in her throat like they always did.
Penny pecked her on the cheek happily. “Don't worry. I know your feelings. See you in Vale!” she finished as she ran towards her designated plane with a wave.
"Ah. Penny! Uh bye!" Replied a flustered Weiss.
Streets of Vale during Vytal festival:
Some fancy, bright red car is driving beside her ugly rent-a-car at night. It's been cutting her off repeatedly after she had honked at them for doing it previously. A couple of other cars and a motorcycle were still on the road.
The red luxuxy car drove to her rental's side once more, the people within hollering and making lewd gestures and comments before cutting her off and forcing her to brake.
Continuing to ignore them after a dozen times of this, Weiss finally hears an interesting tidbit as they drove by her for the umpteenth time.
“We're all Hunters. -hic-. From Beacon. Got all that aura and stamina. How about a night Snow Angel?”
Hollers from the back of the car.
Hunters? Really now.
Weiss’s lips curved into the not-smile.
“She's smiling! What a sl-" Whatever the brown-haired guy was going to say trailed off as they sped past her again and hit their brakes.
She didn’t bother to hit hers this time.
Crash! Screech! Crunch! (edited)
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
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Willow's House block. Modified slightly from a paper piecing kit I got like 8-9 years ago and never did. Willow's into bright colors and patterns and they're here in spades. I changed the sky part (upper right) to have a radstorm instead, because why not?
yeah I'm making another Fallout wall hanging.
(if you like, imagine that you've just drunk a whole bottle of mireshine on the way to his place, which explains the colors)
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arc-misadventures · 4 months ago
In an effort to improve moral the council and Ironwood have agreed to Yang's plan and instigate the largest hide and seek game ever (TM) with a billion lien prize utilizing Penny as the seeker while the military holds a military "Exercise" outside the kingdom.
Nora wins
A few weeks later Jaune shows up and asks if the game is still going on.
The Hunt
Ironwood: Attention people of, Atlas, and Mantle! Today we will be conducting the worlds largest game of, Hide, and Go Seek!
Ironwood: Now I know many of you find this stupid, and silly. But, I am sure that for a prize of one billion Lien will change your minds! That's right people, the last person found, be they be male, or female, young, and old, human, and faunas alike will receive a prize of one billion Lien to do whatever they desire to do with it!
Ironwood: Now then, our seekers for this game will be, Atlas's proud Knights, and our loyal defender, Penny Polendina! Take it away, Ms. Polendina!
Penny: Thank you, General Ironwood! Salutations everyone! As the, General said, we will be hosting the worlds largest game of hide, and go seek with the grand prize for the last person found, winning one billion Lien! Now the rules are simple! Hide, and don't get caught! Of course we must advise you to hide in safe places, ant to not go anywhere that could get yourself hurt!
Penny: Now I have a complete data base of every individual who lives, in, Atlas, and Mantle. So I will be able to tell who has been found, and who is left to be found~! So don't worry, I won't leave a stone unturned in this great hunt!
Penny: And, with that, you all have five hours before the game begins! Starting... Now!
Penny: Good luck everyone, and let the games begin!
~~~ Penny: Aren't you going to hide, General?
Ironwood: Me? No, nonono, I am not interested in playing this game. Go right on ahead, Penny. Happy hunting.
Penny: I will go do that, Sir!
Penny: 1 hr 37 mins have elapsed since the start of the game: 1,721 players, and counting have been found.
Penny: ...
Penny: 1,722 players have been found; Hello friend, Blake!
Blake: What?! How did you find me so fast?!
Penny: Your hiding spot was not out of place, but empty boxes do not jiggle.
Blake: Shit! Knew I should have grab something to read that wasn't so spicy...
Penny: 2,520 players have been found, and 5% of, Atlas, and Mantle have been explored.
Penny: 2,521 players have been found; Hello, Specials Ederne!
Elm: Hi, Penny... was it the fact I knock over the shelf that gave me away?
Penny: Negative. Your head is peeking over the top shelf.
Elm: Dammit! Curse my tall muscular build!
Penny: 3,791 players have been found, and 9.61% of Atlas, and Mantle have been searched.
Penny: Hmmm?
Penny looks up, and sees a bundle of read cloth hanging precariously from a chandler.
Penny: Hello, Ruby!
Ruby: H-Hi.. Penny...
Penny: How did you get up there, Ruby?
Ruby: My semblance.
Penny: Fascinating.
Penny: ...
Ruby: ...
Penny: Do you need help getting down?
Ruby: YES! Please help me I'm going to fall!
Penny: On it!
Penny: Hello, Friend Weiss!
Weiss: Oh? Hello, Penny. Would you care for a cup of tea?
Penny: No thank you.
Weiss: Tell me, how did you find me?
Penny: You mentioned where you were going to hide when this game was mentioned to, Yang; So, I just had to look. But, I must ask, how did you get a tea set all the way up here?
Weiss: Ahh well...
Weiss, and Penny look down to see the beautiful landscape of, Atlas, and Mantle.
Weiss: We, Schnee's have our ways~!
Penny: 5,782... Correction, 5,832 players have been found, 13.9% of, Atlas, and Mantle have been explored.
Penny heard a sound emanate from within a broom closet.
Penny: Hmm? Investigating.
Penny walked to the closet, and opened the door, inside she found, Specialist Bree, and Ebi, within.
Penny: Salutations, Specialist Bree, Specialist Ebi! Only parents, and their young children are allowed to be together during the game of, Hide, and Go Seek. You two being together disqualifies both of you.
Clover: O-Oh does it? Shoot. I was running out of time to find a hiding spot, and I just jumped in here. And, well Harriet was already here, and the game started so... I just stayed here.
Harriet: I would have kicked him out, but it already started... So...
Penny: Understandable. Well, I will leave, and continue my search! But, before I go, Specialist Ebi?
Clover: Yes, Penny?
Penny: Your uniform seems to be undone, and there appears to be smudges on your face.
Clover: Oh did it, I hadn't notice.
Penny: Did something happen?
Clover: Ohh... Just got a little lucky. That's all.
Penny: I understood. Now then, the hunt continues!
Clover: Good luck, Penny!
Harriet: Bye.
Penny shuts the door, and the two stand there in silence for a moment before, Harriet slaps his chest.
Harriet: 'Got a little lucky?!' We finally have a chance to have some fun, and that's how you play it off?
Clover: Hey. I got to spend time with you, I can name a thousand reasons why that's considered lucky by anyone.
Harriet: Oh shut up, and kiss me.
Clover: Oh how lucky me~!
Penny: 7,127 players found, 27.3% of Atlas, and Mantle have been explored. Continuing the search. Hmm...?
Penny stops, as she sees a can on the side of the road being kicked to the side, and yet she saw no one was around to kick it.
Penny: Investigating... Heat Vision Activated.
Penny: Scanning...
Penny: Heat source detected, Knight's being issued to conduct search.
: Ahh! Whoa hey hey hey?!
Penny: Contestant found. Identify yourself.
: May. May Marigold...
Penny: Contestant, May Marigold has been disqualified from game for cheating.
May: What?! I'm disqualified for using my semblance?!
Penny: Negative: You are allowed to use your semblance if it allows you to stay hidden; But, you are disqualified for moving about, instead of staying hidden.
May: That's...!
May: That's fair...
Penny: Punishment has be administered. The hunt shall continue.
Winter: Oh, hello, Penny.
Penny: Salutations, Specialist Schnee!
Winter: I see you found everyone in my family. Please tell me my mother wasn't in the wine cellar...
Penny: She was not, she was in the kitchen making a cup of tea.
Winter: She was making a cup of tea? That sounds... okay...? I'll need to have a word with her... that's odd...
Penny: I was unable to find, Jacques Schnee. Do you perhaps have any ideas where I could find him?
Whitely: Father locked himself in the families panic room all by himself. He locked himself in there well before the competition started so no one else could get in.
Winter: Still as petty as ever... I'll show you to the panic room, I'm not interested in letting him win. This way, Penny.
Penny: Thank you~!
Winter: Here it is, just hack the door, and you should get in.
Penny: Hacking...
Whitely: Isn't this cheating? Telling your friend where, Father is?
Winter: She was going to check anyway. Might as well speed things along.
Penny: Vault open.
Winter: Alright, Father you have been found might as well...?! Whitely, stay back!
Whitely: Why? I need to...?!
Winter: I said, stay back!
Penny: Oh, this is unexpected...
Jacques Schnee, was lounging peacefully in his chair, his head staring at the ceiling, a cup of wine sat before him, his once proud white business suit, stained red with his blood.
Jacquess Schnee's throat had been slit.
Jacques Schnee, was dead.
Ironwood: You found his dead body in a panic room behind a locked vault door?
Winter: Indeed sir.
Ironwood: Suicide?
Winter: No idea, Sir. We will know more once the autopsy has been completed.
Ironwood: I guess someone thought that this game of hide, and go seek would be the opportune moment to commit a crime. But, within a locked safe? This makes no sense...
Winter: Records indicate that the door was only opened twice; When he went in, and when we went in to check on him.
Ironwood: Peculiar... Hmmm... Assemble whatever, Specialist's that have been found, and start investigating this at once. The fact that it was your father who was killed is one thing, but the fact that it happened behind a locked door is something else entirely.
Winter: At once, Sir!
Ironwood: They waited until the game began, and then killed him when no one was looking... This isn't good... Not good at all.
Penny: 9,723 player's, and 52.6% of Atlas, and Mantle have been searched.
Penny: Friend, Ren?
Ren: Oh, hello, Penny.
Penny: How did you get that tea set up in that tree? That is a potential fire hazard.
Ren: Don't worry, it's an electric heater, no open flame of any sort. Tell me, have you found, Nora yet?
Penny: Negative. Friend Nora has yet to be found. Do you have any idea where friend, Nora might be?
Ren: I don't know where exactly, Nora is. But, to give you a clue where she might be; Nora is probably in a place that doesn't seem physically possible to be in.
Penny: What? But, how is that possible?
Ren: It's, Nora.
Penny: I do not understand?
Ren: Neither do I.
Penny: Oh... Okay...?
Penny: Remove yourself from the premises at once.
Oscar: What? H-How did you find me?
Penny: The Vault is routinely monitored. You were found instantly hours ago the moment you walked into the premises.
Oscar: What?! Then how come you didn't call me out sooner, I've been waiting here for hours!
Penny: It was not to be checked until 70% of Atlas's, and Mantle's total population, and 80% of it's territory had been searched.
Oscar: Aww man... I waisted my whole day here...
Yang: Sup, Penny~!
Penny: Friend, Yang... W-Why are you in my room...?
Yang: Cause of all the places I thought you would never look, I doubted you would look in your own room.
Penny: That is correct... 99.9%, 15,971 inhabitants of Atlas, and Mantle have been found. And, 100% of the grounds of Atlas, and Mantle have been checked. Your guess that this would be the last place I would have check is correct.
Yang: Does that mean I won?!
Penny: Negative. The last individual to be found is, Nora Valkyrie.
Yang: Damn! I was so close. Well, lets meet up in the, General's office to announce the winner.
Penny: Very well.
Yang: Oh, and, Penny?
Penny: Yes?
Yang: About this, Ruby Chibi-ish plushie you have here...
Penny: W-What plushie...? Hiccup!
Yang: Relax, I'm totally fine with you two being a thing. That's not what I wanted to ask you about at all.
Penny: Oh? Then what is it?
Yang: Where can I get one~?
Ironwood: So you found everyone, Penny?
Penny: I have found everyone, but one.
Ironwood: Then we have a winner then?
Penny: Yes, Sir. Nora Valkyrie is the winner.
Ironwood: Then we shall announce that the game is over so she can come out of wherever it is she is hiding.
Penny: Very well, Sir!
Yang: So, wait, he was found dead in a panic room?
Weiss: Yes, apparently that is where, Winter, and Penny found him.
Blake: I would say I'm sorry, Weiss.
Ruby: But...?
Blake: What? I said, I would say I'm sorry, but come on, it's Jacques Schnee!
Ruby: But, he's, Weiss's dad!
Weiss: Nonono... It's alright, in fact I believe that the moment it is made public there will be people celebrating in the streets.
Yang: Whoo! Block party!
Clover: So where did they find you two?
Marrow: I was hiding in a locker, but it turned out to be a rocket locker, and I got sent out into the wastelands by accident. So I spent my time out there waiting to be picked up.
Vine: I was hiding in the, Bullhead that was sent to pick him up.
Harriet: HA!
Clover: Tough break.
Qrow: The found me after they knocked over a wine barrel, and it smashed on the floor.
Yang: I thought you gave up drinking, Uncle Qrow? What were you doing in a wine barrel?!
Qrow: It was empty! And, I don't know, I just sorta... fell into it.
Oscar: Just your semblance playing up on you?
Qrow: Oh shut up.
Oscar: Sorry.
Ironwood: Ahh, I see everyone's here. Good, since you're all close friends with, Ms. Valkyrie, perhaps one of you could tell us where she could be?
Weiss: You still haven't found her?
Blake: Have you tried notifying her on her scroll?
Penny: We have, but we have received no response.
Ruby: Hmmm... Hey, are those coffee cups?
Blake: They have, Nora's name on them.
Ren: Oh... oh that's not good.
Ironwood: Why, what's wrong?
Ren: Nora is hyperactive as it is, when she has coffee she gets super charged. Which results in... incidents happening.
Ironwood: Incidents? What kind of incidents?
Yang: Yes.
Ironwood: Okay...?
Clover: Then how do we find her to let her know she won?
Nora: I WON?!
Elm: Oh gods!?
Yang: The hell?!
Blake: NYAAHHHH!!!
Ironwood: Wait... did she...?
Penny: Hi, Friend Nora!
Nora: Hi~!
Nora: So, did I win?!
Ironwood: Yes, Miss Valkyrie, you did win.
Ironwood: I must ask though, where were you?
Nora: I drank two espressos here, and phased between realities, until I was in the null zone, where I excited in a state of non-existence. There I stayed until I was summoned from the void, and brought back to the material realm.
Qrow: Uhhh...?
CHEVM: ...?
Penny: Really?
Ironwood: Huw... there's video of her standing here in this room, then she just disappears... What?
Ren: Best not to dwell on it, Sir. It's just better that way.
Ironwood: Very well? Haaa... Alright then, we shall now announce the winner.
Nora: Whoo!
Winter: Ahh... I see you found, Miss Valkyrie. Where was she?
Ironwood: She was here.
Winter: Here...? In this room?
Winter: ...
Winter: Where?
Clover: We'll explain later. I hope...
Winter: I see...? Well then, congratulations then, Miss Valkyrie. You won, Atlas's, and Mantles first game of Hide, and Go Seek.
Nora: Yes! I win, I win~! DadadaaaDA!
Winter: Once, again I offer you my congratulations. I think you, and your friends should get together to... Hold on... Two, four, six, seven... We're is, Jaune?
Nora: J-Jaune...?
Weiss: Jaune's not here...?
Ruby: What? D-Didn't we see him... somewhere?
Yang: He was in this?
Blake: D-Didn't he tell you where he was hiding?
Ren: I thought he told you...
Nora: OH NO! We did it again! We all forgot about, Jaune!
Marrow: Wait, didn't you say you have a registry of everyone in, Mantle, and Atlas. You used it for the game.
Clover: Didn't you find everyone?
Harriet: You said you searched all of Mantle, and Atlas, right?
Penny: Checking...
Penny: ...
Penny: File corruption detected... Correcting...
Penny: ...
Penny: Corruption fixed. One file of, Luna Jaune Arc has been found. 99.9% of all inhabitants of Atlas, and Mantle have been found.
Blake: Wait, his first name is, Luna?
Ruby: Did you guys know?
Nora: No?!
Winter: Oh gods... Penny, do you know where, Jaune is?
Penny: Yes! I can track where his location is with his scroll!
Winter: Good, where is he?
Penny: He is...? Odd... He is located around the park in downtown, Mantle?
Ironwood: How is that odd?
Penny: I check the park myself... Myself, and thirty Knights were in the area... a-a-and we d-d-didn't f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-find HIM?!
With that, Penny short circuited, and fell to her knees. Everyone began to freakout, Penny's mind rebooted, and she quickly shot up, and saluted everyone!
Ruby: P-Penny, are you okay?
Penny: I am combat ready! Why, did something happen?
Clover: You found out where, Jaune is, and you...
Penny: Really? He is the winner of the game; Where is he?
Clover: The park in downtown, Mantle.
Penny: Really? I checked there, and I didn't see him there at all! I wonder where he was hiding?
Clover: Uhhh...?
Ironwood: I think we need to have, Dr. Polendina run a diagnostics on, Penny after this.
Winter: I agree, but first we must find, Jaune.
Team RWBY, Nora, Oscar, Penny, and Winter head towards the downtown, Mantle park. They noticed the various people who lost the game going about their day. They had happy faces, and they they could over hear them chatting about how much fun they had playing a massive game of hide, and go seek.
But, as they moved past the various happy faces, they eventually found one that stood out all on his own. A dour, and quiet expression was present across his face as he sat alone, playing a game of chess all against himself.
Nora: Jaune!
Ruby: Jaune, you're here!
Weiss: What are you doing here?
Jaune: Yeah... I've been here all day. Didn't you...? No you didn't see my note since you're asking me, 'What am I doing here?'
Yang: So, you've been here all day?
Jaune: More, or less. I did leave for a bit to grab a drink, and a hotdog from a hotdog stand. Good hotdog...
Jaune gestured to a pile of trash next to him.
Blake: Oh, you spilt some ketchup on your hand.
Jaune: Oh, I did...
Jaune licked his thumb before rubbing the smear off his hand.
Jaune: So, what's up?
Penny: Congrats, Jaune! You won!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Won what?
Yang: The massive game of hide, and go seek... you won.
Jaune: Wait, we were doing that? I thought that was just a thing, Yang talked about.
Ruby: Yeah, d-didn't you know?
Jaune: Nope.
Ruby: Well we did...
Penny: And, you won!
Jaune: Yay.
Yang: Jaune, you won the one billion Lien prize!
Jaune: Again... yay.
Ruby: You don't care?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Meh... maybe.
Nora: But, Jaune! Think of all the pancakes you can buy!
Jaune: Guys... I don't care. I'm just here playing chess.
Winter: By yourself?
Jaune: Well, people could have joined me, but they were all busy playing hide, and go seek, so...
Weiss: Okay...?
Ruby: So, uhhh... Should we go, and announce that, Jaune won?
Penny: General Ironwood plans to announce the winner tomorrow. So, we are fine.
Yang: In that case, where did you get that hotdog? Cause damn, am I hungry!
Jaune: It's somewhere on the other side of the park. It's easy enough to find.
Ruby: Awesome! Let's go guys!
Yang: Whoo! Hot dogs!
Oscar: I haven't had one in ages!
Nora: I'm gonna eat out their stall!
Weiss: I've never had a hotdog before.
Blake: I don't think I’ve ever had one either.
Ruby: What?! We must rectify that at once!
Swiftly the members of, Team RWBY, Nora, Ren, Oscar, and Penny swiftly left to enjoy hot dogs, leaving, Jaune all on his own once again. Or, so he thought.
Cause standing there, looking down on, Jaune from his seat was one, Winter Schnee.
Winter: Were you really all 'alone' today, were you?
Jaune said nothing, but his gaze darting to the side said everything.
Winter: May I... join you for a round, or two?
Jaune stares at, Winter for a moment, before resetting the chessboard, and turns it so that white is facing her.
Jaune: The first move is yours.
Winter smiled as she sat down, and made her first move.
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howlingday · 7 months ago
Ruby: TAKE... (Tosses metal disk) THIS!
Ironwood: (Blocks, Sees reflection, Gasps)
Ironwood: (Baby, In nursery)
Doctor: I'm sorry, Mr. Ironwood. We did everything we could.
Papa Ironwood: (Sobs)
Ironwood: (Child, Walking home)
Kids: Roses are red, violets are blue~!
Kids: Jimmy has a big head and he's a massive bellend~!
Ironwood: (Whimpers)
Ironwood: (Preteen, At the pool)
Ironwood: (Struggles to put on goggles)
Coach: Hurry up, Wood! That pool isn't going to pee in itself!
Ironwood: (Teen, At amusement park)
Ironwood: (Too tall for the ride)
Operator: Uh... Sorry, sir, but it's company policy.
Ironwood: (Young adult, At the movies)
Ironwood: (Getting pelted by popcorn)
Willow: Ignore them, Jimmy. I like your head~!
Ironwood: (Leans into her, Smiling)
Ironwood: (Adult, On the couch)
Willow: (In the doorway, Packed bag)
Willow: (Sniffles) I can't keep pretending like this anymore, James! IT'S JUST TOO BIG! (Slams door)
Ironwood: (Eyes well, Sighs)
It's just too big! Too big! It won't fit! Extra extra large, sir? Too big! This is a family restaurant! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG!
Ironwood: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! (Collapses, Sobbing)
Port: Alright, James; what's wrong with you?
Ironwood: It's my head, Pete. It's just... too... big..
Port: Too big? Ho ho! You know me, Jimmy! There's no such thing as too big! In fact, I used to get made fun of for my head, too!
Ironwood: Really?
Port: Indeed! Everyone at Beacon called me "pillow head," and the students would call me "fat head"! But look at me now! I'm made big my business and I'm doing just fine! And I'd say you're doing just fine yourself! You're the headmaster AND the general in Atlas, and your darling Winter is doing well, too! She's your best fighter AND is the leading specialist now!
Ironwood: That's... That's true. She'll be up for promotion next cycle.
Port: Well, there you go! C'mon! Let's head down to the bar and fill our big heads 'til they're ten gallons~! HO HO HO HO~!
Qrow: That's some glass you've got there, Jim!
Ironwood: Heh... I know... It's almost as big as my head!
Clover: It sure is fucking massive!
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rainbow-multishipper · 11 months ago
Do you have any ship trials for Sienna x Ironwood x Willow?
RWBY Ship Name Trails #148
Sienna Khan x James Ironwood x Willow Schnee is
Souls of Platinum
Iron Trees
(Hehe, I got to make a Kung Fu Panda 2 reference. Best movie of all time, don't at me.)
Thanks for the suggestion! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Headcannon Requests and Ship Trials!
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bafflement · 1 year ago
Deaged Oz AU - A Rather Expected Birthday Party
Tip was watching the calendar, having got the impression that no matter how much he argued with them, his family wasn't going to ignore his birthday. He wasn't actually turning eleven, of course, but his body was very much still ten years old.
He knew how kidnapping worked, but that they'd changed his birthday as well as the year felt strange to think about. It wasn't like the birthday of the current host really mattered all that much, the wizard's soul was thousands of years old, after all. But his body wasn't. At least he'd started to grow? He thought so, at least, there was definitely some wrist showing at the end of his sleeves. He sighed at that, Winter seemed weirdly intent on making him wear blue as much as possible. It might be Atlas' color, but he'd always felt more comfortable in the deep green he'd favored as an adult. That wasn't necessarily the best idea right now, considering Salem and the very real possibility that she was gunning for him, but a lot of people wore green. Surely it wouldn't be that unusual?
He glanced up, catching his reflection in the mirror and pulled a face. Even at almost eleven, he still looked just about enough like himself that anything he did to hide would be less than a perfect cover. His hair wasn't pink any more, so there was that at least, but the silver wasn't exactly unrecognisable. He pushed his glasses up his nose, a nervous habit he had never quite gotten out of and sighed. Even though they were a different shape, his photosensitivity wasn't exactly easy to hide ether. They were still tinted the same dark shade they always had been, since without the tinting he tended to get some rather vicious headaches. But he wasn't fool enough to think for a second that Salem wouldn't recognise him in a heartbeat. If not by sight then surely by Ozma's soul, heavy in the back of his head, still not quite remerged with his own.
At least Atlas was relatively safe?
December twenty second dawned even colder than it normally did in Atlas. Tip muttered something rude in a language that nobody else was ever going to understand, but swung himself out of bed anyway. He glanced over to where his brother still slept fondly. At least his nightmares never really disturbed Oscar? He could use all the sleep he could get, really, since they were all expected for training today. He just hoped the Ace Operatives wouldn't try to go easy on him due to his physical age. But then again... a smirk touched his lips briefly at the thought. They'd tried that in the past, it hadn't ended well and for more than that one training session. Oh, he did hope that Winter hadn't told any of them that it was his birthday, though he thought that was probably futile. Considering how much people seemed to know about the boy he'd once truly been, maybe they knew anyway? Best to just ignore things for now, though. If he didn't acknowledge the day, maybe nobody else would either? He was far too old, really, for birthdays.
How old was the wizard, anyway? He couldn't remember ever having been given a straight answer to that, like several other things he'd never really known. Had he been so incurious before that he'd never asked, or was that yet another thing he'd forgotten as their souls had parted when Beacon fell? There was so much that becoming a child again had changed that it was easy enough to blame that for the lack, yet something didn't quite feel right. He resisted the temptation to ask Ozymandias, though. Unlike him, the old king had never really been a morning person. Unlike Tip, he'd never really had to be. It would have been nice, he mused briefly, to have others to do things for him. Then again, he'd get very bored, very quickly with nothing to do but sit there and look pretty. There was a sleepy murmur in the back of his mind, so at least that had woken Ozymandias up briefly? He should insult him more often...
Going downstairs he blinked out at the dim light outside. It was earlier than he'd thought then, but there was no way he was going to risk going back to sleep. His dreams had been the same set they tended to be, lately. He was bleakly certain that the dreams were what should have happened when Cinder Fall had tried to kill him. was it better or worse, that she'd used the maiden powers in her attempt, he mused? If she hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be trapped in the body of his sickly, limping ten year old self. Well, eleven year old self, now. Then again, it could so easily have been someone like Oscar in his place. He shuddered, though the thought was becoming more and more common lately. If it should have been Oscar, the closest thing this host had to a living brother, he was glad that it wasn't. Some mistakes were more than bearable with that as an alternative. If only he knew for a fact, then he'd know to keep himself alive as long as possible. The others would miss him, yes, but the wizard's tale was rarely a happy one. Did he truly have the right to hope that his own would be any different?
He curled up in a chair with a mug of cocoa and a book, waiting for the others to wake up. At least that thought had distracted him from the very real possibility that they were going to want to celebrate? The others had celebrated their own, of course, but that was different. They were actually children, he really, really wasn't.
Then again, considering just how much Willow had missed him for all those years, he suspected this would be a losing battle. It was nice, having a family, even though it put them in danger. Salem wasn't likely to leave them alone, since they were very obviously related to him, but... if James' plan went through and Winter became the next maiden, then they'd be targets anyway. At least it meant there weren't multiple families caught up in all of this? Huh, he really was that tired, wasn't he? Maybe he really should try to get some more sleep at some point today. Maybe he'd have a nap later, that wasn't exactly unusual anymore, either...
It felt like, and probably was, hours before the others woke up enough to venture into their shared common room. He really did admire that about Atlas, to be honest. They all had private or semi private rooms, which none of them had at Beacon. He'd argued that that should be the case, but they'd never listened to him. Maybe they would, this time around? At least if things went the same way, though he rather suspected his family might have a thing or two to say about that if Vale tried the same trick. Maybe they could even stop them, though he'd have to see that to believe it. He wasn't really that likely to survive the war as he was, so it might be a none issue? He drifted, not really asleep but not quite awake, visions of the many deaths the wizard had suffered over the millennia floating behind his eyes. No, he was rather glad that none of the others were awake to hear this.
"Oh, Pocketsized..." a murmur intruded. Tip blinked, coming to himself enough to recognise Nora's concerned face looking down at him fondly. Maybe he really had slept, he hadn't even noticed her coming downstairs. Looking around blearily, he saw the others scattered around the room. Well, most of the others. Qrow either wasn't awake yet or off somewhere doing something else. Either was possible, though depending how much he'd drunk last night... well. At least he'd be better rested than Tip was? Even if it wasn't a good way to go about that. But then he'd given up trying to convince Qrow of that, it was something he'd have to work out for himself.
Thankfully none of the others mentioned anything special about the day and he felt himself starting to relax. Maybe they really had forgotten, after all? That would be the preferred outcome, since he didn't really want to think too closely about just how old he technically was right now. Did the wizard actually count? Did the period of time when he hadn't actually been alive? Hs own chronological age? It probably didn't matter, but he'd not had anyone care in long enough that it was making him paranoid.
Glancing at his scroll, he rechecked their schedule, grinning at the three hours set aside for training purposes. That was another good thing about Atlas, their training simulations really were top notch. Besides, the more he kept in shape, the less danger the others would be in from his presence alone. As long as he could prove he could look after himself, then maybe they'd stop trying to smother him quite so much? He didn't technically need their protection, but for some reason nobody tended to listen to him, these days. He missed being an adult, for a great many reasons, but especially that one. They used to listen to him more, especially James. Not that he didn't now, but he was very fed up of feeling so much like he was being humored by those around him. He was growing though, he was sure of it... maybe they'd listen more once he wasn't quite so, well, small?
No, no he wasn't going to do this today. Today was going to be a good day no matter what his dreams had been like last night. It was what it was, his body was in the state it was in and there was no easy way to change that. There were technically machines here that might artificially age him, but though the idea had been mentioned, it tended to have some very unfortunate side effects for people of his physical age. Besides, training meant he was being given the perfect excuse to go and beat the smug look off Clover's face. He wasn't blind, he could see the way the other man watched Qrow. He wouldn't blame him, but that didn't mean that the thought hadn't made him uncomfortable. Besides, Clover kept trying to treat him like an actual child, despite what he was told by others. You'd think he'd get the memo, but that didn't seem to have happened yet. No, he wasn't going to pass up any chance to make him look silly. Maybe that counted as enough of a present that Winter would accept it? Probably not, but he could dream...
A few hours later, they were all in the training scenario. The others seemed to be having as much fun as he was, though he hadn't seen Qrow or Winter at all yet today, which was making him suspicious. It was very unusual not to see or hear from either one of them, and considering what day it was, he felt he had the right to his paranoia. His mind flitted briefly to the gun buried in the bottom of his bag and he winced. If that was a taster of things to come... he really, really hated guns.
And yet, the training simulation went as it normally did. You would have thought they might be used enough to him wielding Old Regrets on his left hand and The Long Memory in his right, but as usual that seemed to make them slip up. He grinned savagely, ducking out of the way as Clover stumbled. Oh, he wished he had a camera right now, it would serve the man right for that to be immortalised. He was aware he wasn't really playing fair, considering his semblance hadn't been officially registered to Wintertip Pine yet. But then, it very much was still registered to his adult self, was it really his fault that none of them had bothered to check? Clover had the excuse of being Clover, but he was very well aware that the other Ace Ops knew exactly who he had been. Was? He shrugged mentally at the thought. He was still Oz, he was just Tip, too. A problem for another day, really.
Harriet smirked at him as they left the training room.
"Hey kid, happy birthday." Tip blinked, that had been the first time anyone had mentioned it, though at least it answered the question as to whether Winter had told them.
"Thank you." He murmured quietly, smiling slightly. He might be uncomfortable with celebrating, but that didn't mean he could be rude and he knew that Harriet meant well. She smirked at him again, looking worryingly knowing and his stomach sank. There wasn't anything else on the schedule for today, and since Harriet at least did seem to know... yeah, there was very little chance the others had actually forgotten. Oscar had been giving him guilty looks all day, too... this wasn't going to be massively fun, was it? He really didn't want all the fuss this was likely to turn into, but since it was likely to come from a good place, he couldn't gracefully decline it either. At least it was only one day a year?
His eyes narrowed, noticing that the others were moving slower than normal. A few of them were deep in conversation, but this was starting to feel very deliberate to him. Considering the continued guilty glances from his brother, he felt justified in his suspicions. They were planning something, he was sure of it. Then again, he was pretty certain that Yang still hated him, so maybe not. Hopefully not.
The door was shut. He stared at it, suspicious, knowing they'd left it cracked when they left. That hadn't been normal either, so it had stuck in his mind as something odd. Glancing at the others, he could see Ruby looking like she wanted to laugh and amusement dancing in several of their eyes. Yes, they obviously knew, but if they didn't think he did then he might as well play along. They were his friends, after all, there wasn't any way this could go too badly. Right?
... why did he think he'd just jinxed himself?
Jaune smirked at him. The door opened. He blinked at the sight of not just Qrow and Winter, but Willow and James, too. Why was James there? That didn't really make a lot of sense, though they were very good friends. Maybe he thought he needed to be, due to the fact he was standing as his temporary guardian?
Qrow and Winter exchanged amused looks at just how adorably confused Oz looked. They were both very aware that he'd probably been dreading this, but then again he was only ever going to turn eleven twice. They hoped. From what Qrow had shared about his upbringing the first time around, it was wildly unlikely anyone had ever thought to celebrate. Oh, Qrow had, later... but that wasn't really the same thing, especially as they'd gotten the date wrong anyway.
Besides, the kids had all very much been on board for this. They'd all seen just how protective Oz was of them and wanted to repay the favor, even just a little. Oscar had come up with the idea of a surprise, though the others were very much on board with it at the suggestion, adding more and more complications. Qrow just hoped that his silence hadn't worried Oz too much, though from the comments he'd had from the members of thr Ace Ops he'd, well, basically beaten up, that hadn't seemed to change anything. One day, they'd learn not to underestimate Oz just because he was young and small right now, bit today obviously hadn't been that day, Then again, there were certain people he dearly hoped would underestimate him. The less competent certain elements believed Oz to be, the safer he might be in the long run. If they weren't expecting a kid to fight, especially one that limped as much as he did, then that might be the difference if it ever came down to a real fight.
Oz still felt vaguely confused, though Willow was smiling at him mistily, opening her arms. He blinked, staring at her for a second before stepping into the hug. After all, there wasn't any way he was going to get out of this. He stiffened as he felt someone place something on his head, though he was pretty certain it was a party hat. Huh, they really had gone all out for this, hadn't they? It was strange, considering the fact that he knew they shouldn't really have gone to so much effort, just how touching the whole thing felt. Oh, it was ridiculous, of course... but they were his friends and they actually cared, unlike those that had raised him the first time. Even if he was ever forced to go back to them, he'd remember today for the rest of his life. Was this what it was meant to feel like, to have a family that loved him... friends like these? It was a foreign concept in so many ways, yet Ozymandias radiated joy and comfort in his head, everybody looked so happy... it was strange, but strangely not unwelcome. Considering the state of Remnant and the ongoing war with Salem, they were very unlikely to have too many days like this. He should really enjoy it while it lasted.
It was very nice, having friends. Hopefully that lasted for awhile, too.
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Something that I’ve noticed during my yearly rewatch of RWBY definitely has to be the difference between Winter’s eyebrows vs the rest of the Schnee family. Before we knew Jacques had black hair when he was younger it always used to confuse me why hers wasn’t white like Weiss’s, and I came up with a headcanon that she dyed them just to make sense of the difference. Now, however, her black eyebrows make sense compared to her siblings. In addition to that, she and Whitley both have more traits of his than Weiss which would be an interesting point to do something with if CRWBY spent time caring about the Schnee family dynamics and what drives them but I highly doubt they'll do anything with that
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the-laridian · 1 year ago
Christmas in Appalachia (11150 words) by porkwithbones, laridian, DarkFire1177, the-lastcall and theartofblossoming
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fallout 76
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Vault Residents (Fallout 76), Original Vault Dweller Character(s) (Fallout), Original Fallout Characters, Beckett (Fallout 76), Sofia Daguerre, Steven Scarberry (Fallout 76), Female Resident (Fallout 76), Male Resident (Fallout 76), Sage (Fallout 76), Orlando (Fallout 76), Ronnie (Fallout 76)
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Party, Christmas Fluff, Vegetarians & Vegans
Series: Part 11 of Ironwood
It's Christmas time in Appalachia, and Willow and Beckett invite their friends over for a Christmas party. A collaborative fic between five Fallout 76 players and their characters!
@porkwithbones @darkfire1177 @theartofblossoming @the-lastcall
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