howlingday · 1 month
Ruby: TAKE... (Tosses metal disk) THIS!
Ironwood: (Blocks, Sees reflection, Gasps)
Ironwood: (Baby, In nursery)
Doctor: I'm sorry, Mr. Ironwood. We did everything we could.
Papa Ironwood: (Sobs)
Ironwood: (Child, Walking home)
Kids: Roses are red, violets are blue~!
Kids: Jimmy has a big head and he's a massive bellend~!
Ironwood: (Whimpers)
Ironwood: (Preteen, At the pool)
Ironwood: (Struggles to put on goggles)
Coach: Hurry up, Wood! That pool isn't going to pee in itself!
Ironwood: (Teen, At amusement park)
Ironwood: (Too tall for the ride)
Operator: Uh... Sorry, sir, but it's company policy.
Ironwood: (Young adult, At the movies)
Ironwood: (Getting pelted by popcorn)
Willow: Ignore them, Jimmy. I like your head~!
Ironwood: (Leans into her, Smiling)
Ironwood: (Adult, On the couch)
Willow: (In the doorway, Packed bag)
Willow: (Sniffles) I can't keep pretending like this anymore, James! IT'S JUST TOO BIG! (Slams door)
Ironwood: (Eyes well, Sighs)
It's just too big! Too big! It won't fit! Extra extra large, sir? Too big! This is a family restaurant! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG! TOO BIG!
Ironwood: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! (Collapses, Sobbing)
Port: Alright, James; what's wrong with you?
Ironwood: It's my head, Pete. It's just... too... big..
Port: Too big? Ho ho! You know me, Jimmy! There's no such thing as too big! In fact, I used to get made fun of for my head, too!
Ironwood: Really?
Port: Indeed! Everyone at Beacon called me "pillow head," and the students would call me "fat head"! But look at me now! I'm made big my business and I'm doing just fine! And I'd say you're doing just fine yourself! You're the headmaster AND the general in Atlas, and your darling Winter is doing well, too! She's your best fighter AND is the leading specialist now!
Ironwood: That's... That's true. She'll be up for promotion next cycle.
Port: Well, there you go! C'mon! Let's head down to the bar and fill our big heads 'til they're ten gallons~! HO HO HO HO~!
Qrow: That's some glass you've got there, Jim!
Ironwood: Heh... I know... It's almost as big as my head!
Clover: It sure is fucking massive!
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21-soul · 4 years
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Because ironwillow is still the best ship, being overly wholesome.
† please don't remove my watermarks
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grcwingstrcng · 4 years
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All I can say is “git it, Willow”
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maripr · 4 years
Ok, how about Ironwitch or ironwood & willow? Personally after that fiasco? I don’t think he’s got a chance with willow. Well not as much as he did in earlier volumes
Ironwitch is good, Ironwitch is life.
My biggest headcanon is that they're currently on vacation together in the rwby chibi verse and that's why winter is at Beacon: to keep an eye on Ozpin.
And even in vol 2, Glynda had faith in James. Maybe, if she was in Atlas during vol 7, he wouldn't have done what he did...
Ironwood/Willow? Nah, not for me. I don't think Willow deserves another authoritarian man in her life.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don’t ship it
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dragynkeep · 3 years
Jacques: What the fuck are you doing in my house?
James: fucking your wife douchebag. What of it?
(In all seriousness I think I like willow and James together)
i liked ironwillow conceptually but really the way they did her as a character like; she & jacques deserve each other. enjoy your abusive asf relationship miss ma’am, james need someone better.
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astrometriia · 5 years
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V7E4: Weiss and Ironwood reacting to Jacques bringing up Willow
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issacthebraveandgay · 3 years
Hey. I heard you were doing a ships ask thing and I want to join in. Ironwillow/Frozen Trees. (Ironwood x Willow Schnee) I don’t see much stuff about this AU, fanfic and fan art-wise. What do you think of this ship (If James hadn’t acted the way that he did in the end of Vol 7-8, this ship would’ve had some potential but eh, that’s just me.)
(These headcanons are going to be an au of volume 8 then where ironwood doesn’t go off the deep end)
Willow and Ironwood both have depressive and traumatic episodes and both of them help each other out
James helps Willow do her hair every morning
James smokes and Willow throws away his cigarettes to make him get out of his habits, and James does the same with Willow by hiding her alcohol
Together they see a therapist and talk about their issues in a healthy safe environment
James acts very fatherly to Whitley which Willow appreciates, Whitley eventually warms up to James
James is always the big spoon while sleeping
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blazingstar24 · 5 years
Willow Schnee x James Ironwood could be possible?
First off, I don’t ship them(more of an IronQrow and kinda getting into IronWatts shipper), but it kinda makes sense if you look at why they could have possibly been together. So this one’s for you IronWillow shippers(do y’all have an actual ship name or is this a rare pair?)
Ok so this ship is actually quite possible, but like a “we were together, but now we aren't and maybe are still in love” sort of way. This is based on a lot of hypotheticals though so bear with me. In season 4 James makes a comment about knowing his way out, which implies he has been to the manor many times. Now we know James and Jacques hate each other, so I'm very sure they aren't real friends and that Jacques would not have Ironwood over at the manor if he didn't have to be. So why does James know the Schnee manor so well? Perhaps a theory that James and Willow were on the same team at Atlas Academy.(Willow should be team leader if this is a thing) Now if they were on a team together, it would explain why James knows the layout of Schnee Manor so well. He would have definitely been to her house a lot if they were friends. 
Going off that theory, it would then be possible that they fell in love. But, I don't think they got together officially. For this, we need to look at the lore in the Tin Man story. The Tin Man was going to marry a munchkin girl named Nimmie Amee before the Wicked Witch cursed the axe and he got his body chopped up and loses his heart so he cannot love her.(Which was not true but you know) Later, he comes back, but is too late because she married another man. So this is a huge reach, but Amee is similar to Schnee. 
So with that lore and that reach, perhaps Willow Schnee and James Ironwood were in love with each other, but never really made it official like how it would be in a friend group. You know someone likes the other, but they keep dating around it. But tragedy strikes and James has his accident. And I'm pretty sure that he would have to at least be in a medically induced coma if he lost half his body. So perhaps Willow doesn't know if he will pull though and tries to move on. Or perhaps Jacques was a conniving little shit and was going after Willow for the money and saw his opportunity to snag her while she is vulnerable. And the next thing she knows, she is married to him.
Later, James wakes up and is devastated to hear what happened and Willow is equally regretting her choice or non choice to marry Jacques. James being the “I will take these emotions and put them in a box that will never be opened again” type, doesn't pursue Willow and moves on. Willow perhaps doesn't. 
It would definitely add to why Winter is so loyal to James. Perhaps he is a man that her mother would talk about often. Her mother’s old teammate. Someone she can rely on because brothers know Jacques is never going to be that for her. It would add to the animosity between James and Jacques in that scene of vol 7 where Jacques is threatening Weiss with abuse and James steps in. Because maybe Winter and Weiss would have been his family if everything hadn't gone wrong. Maybe Winter, Weiss, and even Whitley would have grown up in a loving home if Jacques had not come in. 
Again most of this is just speculation and theory, but it does seem plausible with the Tin Man lore. While this isn't my ship, I do see a nice story coming out of it. Very angsty which is my cup of tea. It would also add more to Willow’s character, not the fact that she has another love interest. But the idea that she was this great huntress before she was manipulated by Jacques. She had an entirely different life ahead of her, different goals, good people in her life. And it all fell apart. It adds to why she is so battered other than the abuse. It’s the fact that she was someone and Jacques took that away from her. 
TLDR: Willow x James is very much possible and I honestly am surprised it’s a rare pair. 
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arse-blathanna · 4 years
It’s 10 am lets talk about WIPs
Looking at everything I have on the table right now and thinking about how to get some of it as less of a thing sooner.
Long post so lots of stuff going under the cut.
TLDR: Posting schedule, deciding what to do next.Feel free to tell me what you’re excited to see next.
Currently posting fics: 
There’s going to be one update to Honeydrop this week on Tuesday, April 7 (tomorrow.) For the next 3 weeks after there will be 2 updates, one on Monday and one on Friday. Honeydrop’s final chapter should land on May 2nd.
Look Both Ways will continue to be updated on the final day of every month until its conclusion.
Cherry Bomb will be moved to update every other week instead of weekly. 
Working on: 21/?
Stuff I Can Technically Start Posting At Any Time:
An Untitled Lolina Oneshot that just needs to be edited, really.
Complete, needs edits.
The Untiled Locus Whumpfic I’ve been working on is ready to go. I’m working on chapter 12/17 so it’s definitely an okay fit to replace Honeydrop when the time comes. Most likely weekly, possibly bi-weekly depending on how I feel.
Working on: 12/17
Pick Your Poison, which is basically a casefic involving the investigation of Tyrian Callows from the point of view of F. Pickerel (mostly) has its first 5 chapters completed, which has traditionally been the base requirement for me to consider a fic “ready” to post. It’s also a weird one so I’m not sure if I want to wait until its completed or not.
Working on: 6/?
Other WIPs:
Godsflesh aka The Bones Of A God part 2 both is and is not ready to begin posting. As things look currently, it’s likely to have very long chapters with each character POV (which should ALWAYS be four) within being long enough to act as its own chapter. For this reason it’s likely to be a monthly updating fic instead of a weekly one. The first 3.5 chapters are written so I’d be set for a while, but I want to get through chapter 5 before I jump the gun, since chapter 5 is where all 20 of the POV characters have been properly introduced. And yes, I said 20. Don’t ask me about ships, it’s all a mess.
Working on: 4/?
Before The Blood the Bones of a God prequel is also being worked on. It’s unfortunately a constantly ballooning mess and I’m not as far along in it as I’d like to be. Poly STR included.
Working on: 2/10?
Blooms Like Stars is a one, possibly two chapter fic involving a one-sided emotional affair between Willow Schnee and James Ironwood. Mostly one-sided Ironwillow. Compliant with canonical relationship between Willow and Jacques.
Nearly completed.
Studies in Abstract Entomology could be considered a 5+1 fic for “5 times Watts rejected Tyrian’s advances, and then the one time he didn’t.” Waiting to have this done before I post it. Nuts and Volts.
Working on: 4/6.
The Devil You Know in which Ironwood gets his arm removed by Watts upon request because his usual doctor just fucked off with a bunch of teenagers in the middle of the apocalypse. It’s a uh... thing. IDK what else to say here. Implied Ironwatts.
Working on: 2/2.
Untitled Fic Where Watts and Qrow Share A Prison Cell For Like 2 Hours. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. Ironqrow & Nuts and Volts
Oneshot, WIP.
Untitled Fic Involving Teledildonics, Watts, and a Scorpion. This is honestly a barely comprehensible clusterfuck and will probably be either scrapped or go back to the drawing board. I have things I want to do with it but haven’t quite come around to the how just yet. Expect nothing or very little from this one. Nuts and Volts.
Oneshot, Don’t Get Your Hopes Up.
Untitled fic that’s loosely set in @lacependragon‘s silver rings universe. IDK if this ever sees the light of day, it’s mostly be experimenting with Modern/Mundane AU characterization of a few characters using Lace’s AU as a base framework.
I don’t know what to say here.
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owletarc · 5 years
Just out of curiosity, what are your favorite ships for Qrow, Ironwood, and Taiyang?
me, me and uh me.
qrowin / winter
ironqrow / ironwood
hummingbird / summer
scareqrow / amber
fallen crow / cinder
cloqwork / ozpin
metal gear / ozpin
ironwillow / willow
winter soldier / winter
ironwitch / glynda
snapdragons / summer
taiglyn / glynda
taiqrow / qrow
tinder / cinder
huanglong / jade
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d8nightpodcast · 7 years
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PLAJUS: Here’s a map of the capitol, Ironwillow. It’s where my players will first meet! 
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21-soul · 4 years
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More Ironwillow
This is a wholesome ship and you can’t change my mind, this’ll always be my OTP for RWBY, it has a good chance of being canon, though with how the writers are going I doubt it. Which just means more art of these two, they deserve to be happy.
(Please don’t repost without asking.)
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grcwingstrcng · 5 years
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It’s what they deserve.
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indiikaa · 7 years
Best Notes in the Lore Breakers Guild:
Indiikaa Rank: Shan’Do Note: “Still a better leader than trump” Officers Note: “Can Beat up North Korea”
WispIrontree Rank: Majordomo Note: “Indiikaa’s Little Bitch” Officers Note: “Still Indiikaa’s Little Bitch” Arahkshi Rank: Majordomo Note: “Is that a tree? ... Nope, just a demon.” Officers Note: “Illidan’s Little Bitch”
CandyMagic Rank: Thero’shan Note: “Don’t eat the Candy” Officers Note: “No seriously, Don’t eat the fucking candy”
LikanLucian Rank: Thero’shan Note: “PUPPER” Officers Note: “WHO’S A GOOD PUPPER?!”
IronWillow Rank: Thero’shan Note: “Don’t damage the goods” Officer’s Note: "Fuck you, I’m an Irontree”
Wooka Rank: Thero’shan Note: “Actually a wolf in disguise” Officers Note: “Indiikaa’s pet pupper”
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Can I get you guys' thoughts on Ironwitch and Ironwillow?
owl : i really like both! ironwinter / silver shamrock / taire iron are still my faves over ironwillow, but ironwitch is #1 babey it’s just sooooooo good. they’re married, just look at their chemistry in canon like woof.
luke : I’m very much a mlm Ironwood stannie but Ironwitch and Ironwillow are still really good ships. I’d love if Ironwood and Willow were married and he was the Schneeblings father instead of KFC man. I gotta stay captain of my SS ship, though.
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astrometriia · 5 years
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ages ago, i commissioned my bestie @viorabbit for this piece (my buddy hunter helped bc they are the bestest best and got me into this ship in the first place)
i’m just... a sucker for past relationships that fall apart because of complications outside of either partner’s control. and so you split up, you move on... but the feelings linger and may or may not resurface again, someday.
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