#William Epstein
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gregor-samsung · 2 years ago
“ Nel 1974 fu stimato dagli ufficiali del Governo americano che l'intero arsenale nucleare strategico degli USA era sufficiente a sganciare 36 bombe su ognuna delle 218 città sovietiche con popolazione superiore ai 100.000 abitanti. L'Unione Sovietica aveva 11 armi nucleari per ogni città americana di dimensioni analoghe. Nonostante i calcoli misteriosi di molti strateghi della guerra nucleare, non sono più di cento i bersagli degni di attacco nucleare sia in Russia che negli Stati Uniti, e solo menti malate potrebbero pensare di distruggere altrettante città in uno dei due paesi. Ognuna delle parecchie migliaia di testate nucleari potrebbe cancellare una città molto più a fondo della distruzione subita da Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Per quale scopo, allora, possono servire queste armi? Se lo scopo fosse di assicurarsi un deterrente mutuo, lo si potrebbe ottenere ugualmente con non più di 50-100 missili balistici lanciati da sommergibili per parte. Ma la pazza corsa continua e, continuando la proliferazione verticale, si produrrà necessariamente una proliferazione orizzontale. Una delle ragioni addotte per mantenere un livello così alto ed incosciente di capacità distruttiva è quella della « forza di contrapposizione ». Secondo la teoria della contro-forza le armi nucleari strategiche non dovrebbero essere usate per l'orrendo compito di mettere fuori combattimento città e relative popolazioni, ma contro bersagli militari come silos missilistici, depositi di munizioni e basi nucleari e, a questo scopo, sono necessarie per lo meno due testate per bersaglio. Si deve inoltre tenere di riserva un numero sufficiente di armamenti per un eventuale secondo attacco contro le città del nemico, nel caso egli sferri un attacco contro una base nucleare strategica. Questa giustificazione trascura ad arte che uno scambio nucleare di tale portata avvelenerebbe la maggior parte degli abitanti dell'emisfero nord per la ricaduta radioattiva e forse distruggerebbe gran parte dello strato di ozono dell'atmosfera terrestre, con tutti i pericoli sconosciuti che comporta. Nell'uno e nell'altro caso, che le armi vengano usate contro città o contro bersagli nucleari, un simile scambio costituirebbe una forma di pazzia e di suicidio internazionali. “
Brano tratto da Nuovo approccio alla limitazione e riduzione delle armi strategiche, saggio di William Epstein raccolto in:
Scienza e disarmo, a cura di Gianni Ferrero, presentazione di Carlo Schaerf, edizioni Dedalo (collana Biblioteca n° 32), Bari, 1980¹; pp. 218-219.
NOTA: il testo raccoglie una scelta dei contributi presentati dai partecipanti al quarto ed al sesto corso dell’ISODARCO (International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts), tenuti rispettivamente a Padova nel 1974 e a Nemi nel 1976.
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bonithica-art · 1 year ago
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the fourth page took me an outrageous amount of time fucking hell. anyway hope you guys enjoy this next part :) brian epstein and george martin are coming up with promotional ideas for their band.
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Link to first part: Part 1
Link to last part: Part 2
Link to next part: Part 4
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allthegeopolitics · 4 months ago
A former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model is alleging that former President Donald Trump groped her in the 1990s, in what she believes was an attempt to show off for Jeffrey Epstein. In her first on-camera interview about the allegation, with CNN Thursday, Stacey Williams offered her most detailed public account of the alleged encounter, which she said occurred outside Trump’s office in Trump Tower in the early 1990s when she was in her 20s and was briefly dating Epstein. CNN has spoken to three friends of Williams, who each said that she told them about the incident with Trump and Epstein, in 2006, in 2015 and in 2018, respectively.
Continue Reading.
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book0ftheday · 1 year ago
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Lord of the Flies by William Golding, cover art by Adams Carvalho. This edition adds a forward by Lois Lowry, an introduction by Stephen King and essays by Jennifer Buehler, E.M. Forster and E.L. Epstein. Original story published 1954, this edition published 2016.
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eppysboys · 2 years ago
Portmeirion in Gwynedd, North-West Wales, a two-and-a-bit hours drive from Liverpool has a bit of interesting Beatles history attached to it. It was designed and built by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis between 1925 and 1975 as an Italianate style village. He drew inspiration from a range of architectural styles, from classical and Gothic to Romanesque and Egyptian, to create the unique and eclectic village that stands to this day. (Watch him talk about the village here)
He was an advocate of rural preservation, amenity planning, industrial design and colourful architecture. "I think that Beauty, The Strange Necessity - as Rebecca West once called it - is something that matters profoundly to humanity, and that unless the race of man perishes from the earth, it will increasingly value that Grace, will seek it, and will ultimately attain it." - Sir Clough Williams-Ellis
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Brian and George Martin visiting Portmeirion, 1966
Brian Epstein holidayed here often with family and friends, staying frequently until his death in 1967. Portmeirion was an important place of retreat for him. At the start of August 1966, Brian went there to recuperate from a serious bout of glandular fever after his doctor prescribed a quiet vacation to rest and recover from the intense stress he was under, among other physical ailments recieved during the tour.
Brian became good friends with Williams-Ellis. Staying in the Gatehouse cottage, close to the entrance to the village, Brian suggested that the property might benefit from a dining room where he could entertain guests. Sir Clough duly obliged, building a large and ostentatious room not entirely in keeping with the original cottage. Not only that but the fashion conscious Brian once commissioned a renovation of his room at the Gatehouse having complained that there was not enough space for his clothes when he came to stay in his cottage every summer.
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Brian's room in the Gatehouse with wardrobes made to his design (photo: Alli Devine)
““He went to convalesce in Portmeirion, North Wales ... There he invited George Martin as a guest. The two men spent much time devising an idea for a new television series on pop music to rival the BBC’s existing Juke Box Jury. The essence of their programme was that a jury had to guess what the chart ratings were going to be each week. The live programme was to be geared to when the charts of the week were revealed, so that only the presenter would know the record positions. Epstein and Martin took the idea to the BBC’s Bill Cotton Jr. ‘Brian was terribly enthusiastic about it,’ says George Martin, ‘But Bill Cotton didn’t think it was worthwhile. He was working on another programme at that time.’ The Epstein/Martin programme had a suggested title of Pick the Pops. 
Brian told his mother from Portmeririon by telephone that he was bored, that a break was essential before his forthcoming American trip. But his boredom and enforced rest had lasted a weekend when a phone call from Nat Weiss forced him back to reality.” The Man Who Made The Beatles, by Ray Coleman
“He went by himself to a luxury hotel in Portmeirion on the North West coast of Wales that overlooked the Sea, and wind-swept beach, as remote a place as you could get from London. Everyone’s adcice was the same: try not to worry.” He had been there only four days before uproar errupted over John’s Jesus comments. Brian left Portmeirion right away to soothe the chaos. 
“At the time, Brian was in Portmeirion, Wales, and he was ill. As the evening went on and I was getting all these calls, I called Portmeirion in the middle of the night and said, 'Something has to be done about this.’ And he said, is it serious?’ And I said, 'I think it’s so serious that you have to come over here.’The next day he flew over and I met him at the airport. The first thing he said to me was, 'How much would it take to cancel the tour?’ And I said, ‘I don’t know. Maybe a million dollars.’ He was so concerned about anything happening to any of the Beatles.” Nat Weiss, In My Life: The Brian Epstein Story by Debbie Geller
Patrick McGoohan chose the village as the setting for his TV series the Prisoner, which started shooting there in 1966 (he had filmed scenes for an earlier series there too, Danger Man, known as Secret Agent in the US). The Beatles were fans of the show, enjoying it's other-worldly setting, intriguing concept and the anti-establishment struggle of the lead character. George mentioned the Prisoner in his book, I Me Mine. Paul has reportedly stayed there, and Mike McCartney has also stayed there and loves it.
George Harrison loved Portmeirion and famously celebrated his 50th birthday in the village in February 1993. George originally wanted to stay in the Watch House, one of the village's most popular cottages which is high up on the cliff side of the upper part of the village. However the Watch House only has a low wall around it so his security men persuaded him to stay in the much safer Peacock Suite of the main hotel, where Brian had entertained dinner guests all those years ago.
It was also during this stay in Portmeirion that George was filmed for several interviews which were used in the The Beatles Anthology and had some pictures taken in the mirror room.
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More footage of the place + Beatles history here.
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morganagotinne · 24 days ago
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houseofbrat · 1 year ago
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Royal expert Phil Dampier told MailOnline today =the Epstein files are 'the final nail in the coffin' for Prince Andrew's reputation - and Prince William in particular will make sure his uncle does not return to the royal fold.
Mr Dampier claimed William would never let his uncle return to royal duties, with this now even more unlikely after the Epstein files came out in NYC last night. He said: 'These latest revelations will do nothing to help Prince Andrew's hopes for a return to royal duties. 'That was always very unlikely anyway but this could be the final nail in the coffin of his reputation. 'It's important to remember he has never been found guilty of any crimes and denies them. But I can't ever see him setting foot in the USA again. Indeed, for someone who used to travel the world he has only been abroad once or twice since the scandal erupted. 'There is seemingly no end in sight for him and therefore I can't see him making a comeback. 'I think the King feels sorry for him and has made it clear he is still very much part of the family, as we saw at Christmas. 'But Prince William would certainly be against any attempt by him to take up any sort of public duties.'
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shakespearenews · 1 year ago
Carmen de Lavallade as Titania
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She took on acting roles as well, including one legendary performance as Titania in Alvin Epstein’s revelatory vision of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Yale Rep. Carmen was also assigned choreographer duties, getting the fairies to move as forest creatures, toads, beetles, butterflies... Jack Kroll’s review in Newsweek explains it all: “The fusion of Shakespeare’s language and Purcell’s music is pure enchantment, intensified by the decisive contribution of Carmen de Lavallade as choreographer, dancer and the play’s Titania. It would take Shakespeare himself to describe Miss de Lavallade, whose supernal beauty embodies not only the physical but what I will splutteringly call the moral power of her presence. With Epstein she has devised witty behavioral music for the different levels of character.”
SDC Journal Fall 2023
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msclaritea · 8 months ago
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The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.
—Robin Williams
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You... spineless, feces smelling, subhuman pieces of shit. Now, I get why Robin Williams was suddenly trending during the same time that the Team Z/Harvey Weinstein Network was spamming all of those threats against Benedict, and it had happened before. It wasn't to rub it in, about Williams' depression, or SUPPOSED depression. It was because Robin was murdered.
This man was a TREASURE to millions, including myself; demons be damned. He was beautiful, inside AND out. He sold your fucking Muppets, your loveable space aliens, that pedo, Walt Whitman. He even had one of the earliest films to feature a Trans Identified Male.
Still not good enough, eh? I'm livid enough, right now, to want to do all of you some serious fucking damage.
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ingek73 · 1 year ago
The Windsors are all about forgiving and forgetting – when it comes to Prince Andrew
Marina Hyde
Some royal rehabilitations are faster than others. The Duke of York’s jaunt with Kate and Wills must have set a new record
Tue 29 Aug 2023 14.44 BST
Do all “fusses” die down eventually, permitting the fussee to return to life largely as they knew it, while the public scratches its head and tries to recall precisely which scandal/multimillion dollar out-of-court settlement/Pizza Express branch it remembers them from? The question arises after the return of Prince Andrew to the royal tableau, driven last weekend by Prince William to church near Balmoral, where the Windsors are currently all gathered (with just the two notable exceptions). I must say I do think that William and Andrew missed a trick not doing carpool karaoke as they rocked up to Crathie Kirk, either to Take That’s Back for Good, or the Gary Puckett and the Union Gap’s jailbait classic Young Girl.
Even so, how fitting that this staged sighting should occur on the very weekend crowds of people descended on Scotland in the hope of spying the Loch Ness monster. You can imagine being there when the cry went up. Oh my God – there it is! Look – you can see its head and neck in the front seat, right next to Prince William! Quick, get a photo, even if “friends” will later claim it’s fake because its fingers aren’t chubby enough.
Anyhow: welcome back, Uncle Andy. Typically, royal rehab efforts move at a more glacial pace. For example, the plan to make the British public fall back in love with Prince Charles after his divorce from Princess Diana and her tragic death was slated by courtiers to take years of slow and painstaking image work. But the picture of Andrew being driven last Sunday by William and Kate, the family’s biggest current stars, comes merely one year after the Duke of York finally settled a civil claim against him by Virginia Giuffre. Giuffre was treated as a sex slave by Andrew’s friend, the late international paedo trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and long alleged that she was sexually assaulted by Andrew three times when she was 17. The duke denies everything, and his reported $12m settlement did not contain an admission of guilt.
And there he was on Sunday, next to William up front, with Kate relegated to creasing her outfit on the back seat. As indicated, these royal stagings are so often wordless scenes, so we don’t know the full story behind this picture. I suppose it’s remotely possible that when the family were having breakfast that morning, Prince William clocked the presence of Prince Andrew and hissed: “You need to spend a very long time in church indeed. In fact, you know what? I’ll drive you there myself.” Possible, but vanishingly unlikely. Andrew was, after all, pictured exiting the church at the same time as the others, instead of lingering for two or three hundred years after.
So this is not some accident, some last-minute instance of Andrew calling shotgun, or of the Waleses suddenly sighing: “OK, fine, jump in the front and we’ll give you a lift.” Please remember that we are dealing with a family widely held to telegraph fantastically complex and significant messages merely by their choice of brooch or jacket colour, which the public is duly invited to parse for meaning. So sticking a disgraced dimwit in the front seat of your car is not just some random thing that happens of a Sunday morning. This is a planned and choreographed moment, with William as the designated driver.
Even so, doing Andrew’s reintegration at Balmoral does feel particularly on the nose. Attendance here connotes the most particular closeness to the royal family’s wellspring of ineffable majesty and authority – which is perhaps why Epstein himself jumped at an invitation to Balmoral back in 1999, when Andrew had him and Ghislaine Maxwell come and visit the castle. This is the version of staying somewhere at Her Majesty’s pleasure that doesn’t involve sewage in your cell or being allowed to take your own life because it would be better all round for your Famous Men WhatsApp group. (And yes, I do know that Jeffrey and Ghislaine were in New York jails so not technically Her Maj’s guests, but you get the point.)
There were probably 500 things Epstein would have objectively preferred doing than yomping round Balmoral, even if 499 of them were illegal. But the frisson of tightness with the royal family was worth journeying to the deck of the famously spartan log cabin on the estate, and posing with Maxwell on the same bench on which the late Queen Elizabeth II was frequently pictured (even if she wasn’t in residence at the castle at the time). Epstein kept the photo of him and Ghislaine at this cabin in his Manhattan mansion, which was eventually raided by police. Thereafter it was presented as evidence in Maxwell’s trial, as part of prosecutors’ attempts to show that she and Epstein were “partners in crime”.
The third wheel on that trip was Prince Andrew himself. Presumably he took the photo? That’s a typical question with those three, with the notorious picture of Andrew with his arm round the hip of the then 17-year-old Virginia Roberts – while Ghislaine smirks in the background – often believed to have been taken by Epstein himself. Quite why the Prince and Princess of Wales wish to form a new photo trio with Uncle Andy is a mystery. But it comes across as the clearest signal that Andrew’s “banishment” from the family is the type we could all live with: one where you get a free mansion, don’t have to work, and all your significant rellies appear to believe your side of the story and are happy enough to give you a helping hand. The comeback will be greater than the setback – or at least of commensurate size.
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fwacata · 1 year ago
BALLS OUT WINNIE THE POOH STYLE! Geez 2024 you need to go home, you’re drunk! We get into it! Please take a look at my new Monthly Artbook Zine on INDIEGOGO. You’ll find extras and ways to get original art commissions from me and exclusive prints! You can also get my exclusive sketchcard and FWACATA #1 https://igg.me/at/FWACATA/x/12701#/ Introducing Stimulus, the happy social network where…
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baldwinheights · 1 year ago
lmaooo the common statement i'm seeing online "only 4 days in" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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lukakustriker · 2 years ago
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cinema-winding · 2 years ago
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Bütün korkularınızı yanınıza alın . Başlıyoruz Stephen King’in yazımını dört yılda tamamladığı ölümsüz başyapıtının filme aktarımı 1990 senesine ait .
Korku artık sizinle .Geçmişi kapatmak hiç bu kadar zor olmamıştı özellikle bu 7 kişi için
1960 küçük bir kasabada, sadece uyumsuz bir grup çocuğun farkedip üzerine gittikleri ve tüm benlikleriyle yaşadıkları bir dehşet hükmeder. Şehrin çocuklarını, sokak mazgallarından dışarı uzanan, palyaço şekline bürünmüş, açıklanamaz bir dehşet tek tek avlamaktadır.Pennywise ismini verdikleri bu yaratıkla yüzleşmiş ve bir şekilde hayatta kalmış altı oğlan ve bir kız çocuğu kendilerine Şanslı Yedili ismini takmışlardır. On yıllar sonra Pennywise hortladığında, şimdi 40 yaşlarında olan ve ABD’nin değişik yerlerine dağılmış yaşayan yedili, tekrar bir araya gelir. Dehşetle yüzleşip onu yenebilmeleri için kendi geçmişleriyle de yüzleşmeleri gerekecektir.Ancak, anılarının derinliklerine gömülen yaratık yıllar sonra yeniden harekete geçince, onunla bir kez daha hesaplaşmak zorunda kalırlar. Geçmişte kalan kâbuslar, şimdiki zamanda korkunç bir gerçeğe dönüşmüştür artık.
Kült Korku filmlerini sevenler için başarılı bir Stephan King uyarlaması.
7 çocuğun yaşadıkları, nasıl tanıştıkları, dostlukları, en gizli korkuları ve ortak korkuları palyaçoya karşı beraber verdikleri mücadele . Hem çocukluk hem de yetişkinlik dönemlerine detaylı bir şekilde yer alan yapım.Birden çok türü içinde barındırıyordu ve bunu gerilim dozunu hi. düşürmeden ensenizde hissettirerek yapıyor. Filmin sonu büyük bir yıkım olsa bile . Film baştan sona göz önüne alınınca sanırım palyonço bizi sonra bulmasın diye kusurları görmezden gelebiliriz :) Bu filmi kesinlikle Stephen King'in mükemmel kurgusuna saygı duruşunu temsil eder. Sıradışı bir yapım ile başbaşasınız.
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azul-maria-elias · 3 months ago
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Tertulia Beatleana. Retrospectiva y análisis de la discografía de los Beatles.
Las canciones sin álbum: entre «Beatles for Sale» y «Help!».
Si te encuentras en tus inicios como oyente de los Beatles, es importante que conozcas que entre cada álbum la banda lanzó por fuera de ellos una gran variedad de sencillos. Puede suceder que si escuchas únicamente los álbumes te pierdas de estas canciones que tuvieron gran relevancia en el desarrollo musical de la banda.
Quien se encuentre decidido a sumergirse en la lectura de mis publicaciones debe entender que escribo para entretenerme y para entrenarme en el arte de la escritura. Por naturaleza, habrá decenas de errores de información equívoca, mala ortografía y redacción, pobres análisis, etcétera. A pesar de esta decepcionante aclaración estoy convencida de que si te gustan e interesan los Beatles mis publicaciones te van a encantar. Le dedico muchas horas y cariño a ellos, lo que logra contrarrestar a mis poco pulidas habilidades de escritura e investigación.
Es por ello que mi trabajo será meramente recopilatorio, presentando de forma ordenada toda la información necesaria para empezar a comprender su música. Esto significa que encontrarás descenas de citas textuales no solo de los miembros de The Beatles y otros protagonistas de su historia, sino también de páginas, videos y artículos que analizaron y documentaron sobre su discografía.
Si encuentras algún error o quieras realizar una aclaración respecto a la información expuesta, te invito a que me lo escribas en un mensaje o comentario.
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Fotos: Los Beatles grabando 'I Feel Fine', 18 de octubre de 1964. Fotografía de Robert Whitaker.
1. I Feel Fine
Desafío a cualquiera a que encuentre una grabación, salvo que sea una rareza de blues de 1922, que use el feedback de esa manera. (...) Así que declaro que los primeros fuims los Beatles. Antes que Hendrix, antes que The Who, antes que cualquiera. — John Lennon
Escrita por John Lennon, «I Feel Fine» se convirtió en el octavo sencillo de la banda tras ser lanzado en 1964. Logró desplazar de las listas a la canción de los Rolling Stones «Little Red Rooster» y su riff es recordado como uno de los más característicos de The Beatles junto a los posteriores de «Day Tripper», «Ticket to Ride», «And Your Bird Can Sing» y «Paperback Writer».
El estallido inicial de distorsión —grabado el 18 de ctubre de 1964, el tema se trepó al Número Uno el mes siguiente— sin duda alguna captaba la atención que sigue. Con un ritmo latino debajo de las guitarras, era como una respuesta hecha en Liverpol de "What I'd Say", de Ray Charles. — Pablo Plotkin (Revista Rolling Stone, 2013)
La distintiva nota inicial fue el resultado de una nota A grave pulsada por Paul McCartney en el bajo, mientras las pastillas de la guitarra de Lennon estaban dirigidas hacia su amplificador. Fue uno de los primeros casos de retroalimentación en un disco y demostró la creciente confianza de los Beatles como artistas. — Extraído de BeatlesBible.com
2. She's A Woman
En el lado B de «I Feel Fine» nos encontramos con un intento de Paul McCartney por imitar el estilo vocal de Little Richard. Es por eso que la canción alcanza un registro tan alto, incluso para el alcance de tenor de McCartney.
Uno de los rocks duros de McCartney, con un agitado riff de guitarra que dmina la canción y prefigura "Helter Skelter" y "I Want You (She's So Heavy)". Cuando McCartney vocifera "Me pone loco cuando me siento solo", suena decididamente mal, aunque Lennon dice que la inspiración provenía de otra fuente. "Agregamos la frase «me pone loco». Estábamos muy entusiasmados con decir «me pone loco»... viste, por el porro y todo eso. — Pablo Plotkin (Revista Rolling Stone, 2013)
La estructura de la canción es bastante simple, con una melodía que es llevada mayormente por la voz de McCartney. Su bajo y el piano de fondo producen una contramelodía, en conjunción con las guitarras de Lennon y Harrison poniendo énfasis en los tiempos 2 y 4 de cada compás (Wikipedia).
3. If You've Got Trouble
Las canciones ennumeradas como 3 y 4 en esta publicación no fueron publicadas como sencillos, a diferencia de las demás, sino que estuvieron inéditas hasta el lanzamiento de Anthology 1, 2 y 3 en 1996.
«If You've Got Trouble» fue pensada originalmente por Lennon y McCartney para que fuera cantada por Ringo en la película, pero éste la odiaba. Fue grabada y luego descartada para ser reemplazada por Act Natully.
4. That Means A Lot
De igual manera que la canción anterior, McCartney escribió «That Means A Lot» para la película, pero no se utilizó al considerarse mal grabada.
Hubo algunas canciones en las que no estábamos tan interesados, o no pensamos que se terminara. Esta fue una de ellas. — Paul McCartney, 1988
Como había sucedido anteriormente, Brian Epstein le otorgó la canción descartada a uno de los artistas con los que trabajaba, P. J. Proby, quien la lanzó en 1965 alcanzando el puesto n.º24 en la tabla NME.
Esta canción es una balada que Paul y yo escribímos para la película, pero nos encontramos con que no podía cantarla. De hecho, hemos hecho una grabación de ella, así que pensamos que es mejor que darle a alguien que podría hacerlo bien. — John Lennon
5. Yes It Is
La canción fue escrita por John Lennon y se convirtió en el lado B del sencillo Ticket To Ride.
Lo más destacado de la canción son las complejas y elaboradas armonías vocales, donde las voces de Lennon, McCartney y Harrison llegan a uno de sus potenciales más altos. George Harrison usó un pedal de tono en su guitarra (Wikipedia).
Es irónico que la única canción de los Beatles que contiene la palabra "yes" en el título sea una de sus más oscuras. Lennon, siempre muy crítico de su propia obra, la desestimó más tarde, pero es una extraña balada de folk gótica, mitad Everly Brothers, mitad Emily Brontë. A Lennon lo persigue el recuerdo de una mujer vestida de ecarlata y también la pedalera de efectos de George Harrison. Lado B de "Ticker to Ride", no fue incluida en los discos, posiblemente porque era espeluznante. Pero se ha convertido en una de las preferidas de las chicas góticas. — Pablo Plotkin (Revista Rolling Stone, 2013)
Lennon la describiría más tarde como una reescritura fallida de "This Boy".
Sin duda, ambas canciones comparten características, en particular el compás de 12/8, las armonías vocales a tres voces y las secuencias de acordes al estilo doo wop de los años 50. — Extraído de BeatlesBible.com
6. Bad Boy
Originalmente escrita por Larry Williams, los Beatles la reversionaron el 10 de mayo de 1965 (el cumpleaños de Larry Williams) junto a Dizzy Miss Lady. Se pleneaba que ambas canciones salieran en conjunto exclusivamente para los Estados Unidos, pero Dizzy Miss Lady terminó en el álbum Help! (1965) y Bad Boy en el álbum Beatles VI editado por Capital Records en dicho país.
Los Beatles grabaron este tema durante la filmación de Help! para que hiciera de relleno de Beatles VI, un disco que se armó a las apuradas para Estados Unidos. No tenían ningún tema propio, así que hicieron dos covers de Larry Williams: éste y "Dizzy Miss Lizzy", que terminó en el disco Help!. Pero Lennon entrega con todo en "Bad Boy", y aúlla la historia de un delincuente juvenil que, cuando no arma quilombo en la escuela, "se compra todos los libros de rock & roll del puesto de diarios". — Pablo Plotkin (Revista Rolling Stone, 2013)
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Fotos: Los Beatles en Paris, 30 de junio 1965.
Si llegaste hasta aquí, ¡muchísimas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerme!
Esta publicación forma parte de una serie de trabajos que estoy redactando sobre The Beatles que conforman una sección a la que llamo “Tertulia Beatleana”. Si querés conocer más sobre este proyecto te dejo el enlace a dicha entrada en mi blog donde explico un poco más y podrás encontrar todas las publicaciones listadas en orden.
El trabajo que le sigue a esta publicación es Help! Si te gustó este escrito te invito a seguirme para no perderte los siguientes.
"Bad Boy". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/bad-boy/
"Bad Boy". Wikipedia. Recuperado de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Boy_(canci%C3%B3n_de_Larry_Williams)
"I Feel Fine". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/i-feel-fine/
"I Feel Fine". Wikipedia. Recuperado de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Feel_Fine
"If You've Got A Trouble". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/if-youve-got-trouble/
"If You've Got A Trouble". Wikipedia. Recuperado de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_You%27ve_Got_Trouble
Plootkin P. (2013). “The Beatles. La guía definitiva, disco por disco”. Revista Rolling Stone.
"She's A Woman". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/shes-a-woman/
"She's A Woman". Wikipedia. Recuperdo de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/She%27s_a_Woman
"That Means A Lot". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/that-means-a-lot/
"That Means A Lot". Wikipedia. Recuperado de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/That_Means_a_Lot
"Yes It Is". The Beatles Bible. Recuperado de https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/yes-it-is/
"Yes It Is". Wikipedia. Recuperado de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_It_Is
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webntrmpt2x · 4 months ago
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