#Why did I draw young Lilith you ask
microvibing · 2 years
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how come nobody told me it was aro awareness week
Anyway here's some of my fav aros-Lilith and Mina are canon, peridot and alastor are canonical aces who i think are also aro, and MK is just a headcanon
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mintartem · 5 months
More of Azrael x Adam
Hey Azrael Adam called out yes Azrael send looking up to Adam, who seems to be on a tree see me to be reaching for a pair how come you never smile Adam saying grabbing the pair and jumping off the tree what do you mean I do smile? Azrael send confused Mean you do smile I mean, you don’t smile with your teeth like this.Adam smiled with his teeth like this ho I mean, I do smile like that it’s just never done it. It’s just my smile is not so beautiful Like Lucifer or Michael
Oh, come on Azrael your smile can be that bad can be possibly terrible as Lilith want? nothing come on just this ones well, please well OK it wouldn’t hurt
Well, OK are you ready? Are you asking me? If I’m ready, I’m the first man of course I’m ready. Well OK. Azrael chuckled. at that comment.
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Azrael hope he doesn’t scare off Adam with his smile he never really had the most appealing smile out of all of his brothers. His smile is kind of scary or I think jophiel set this one best absolutely terrifying that’s why he doesn’t smile so he wants scare off the angels or the young ones or the animals in Eden he just hope he doesn’t scare Adam but he did not expect this to happen next
your smile is fuck I mean amazing White Really yeah your teeth are more sharper than any animal teeth I ever seen, and your smile was beautiful, it’s kind of terrifying but in a kind of rock ‘n’ roll way, and Adam kept on rambling but Azrael can believe that someone actually likes his smile and not afraid of it
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When I received this ask, I had the same expression as Adam.
Aaawww!! Azrael’s smile looks so terrifying for the other angels especially the young ones but Adam finds it amazing warms my heart so much! I love the way you draw too! You can really tell how reluctant Azrael was to smile.
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azlan-snow · 1 month
Humble Beginnings(Radiobelle)
Chapter Seventeen: A Worried Mother
(Told from Lilith’s POV)
As I sit on the edge of my bed, I begin to thinks about Alastor’s warning. “Beware of the one who did, your Majesty. She won’t take this lightly , I’m afraid.” Who owned his soul, and why was he so afraid of them? Then, suddenly, my telephone rings, pulling me back into reality. I read the headline, and it says ‘Heavenbound’. With haste, I pick it up and hear Saint Peter’s voice on the other side. 
“Hello?” He says hesitantly and soft-spokenly.
“Hello, Saint Peter. How may I help you?”
“Your presence is requested at the Heaven Embassy, Queen Lilith,” he formally says, addressing me by my title. 
“Very well. I will be there momentarily.”
“Thank you. Have a nice day.”
“You as well.” I place the phone down and shadow out of the room and head towards the church-like building in the middle of the Pentagram. Upon entering, I ring a small bell on the desk and wait, in the empty building, in front of an empty desk. But as soon as that paper appears, I yelp in surprise at it, startling me. “Every time.”
I enter the meeting space, and am greeted by the battle ready angel, Michael, better known as my husband’s twin brother. “Hello, Michael,” I dragged out, steeling my expression to deal with him.
“Lili! So lovely to see you again! How have you been?”
“Just fine, Michael. What are your reasons for summoning me?”
“Straight to business, are we? Well, then,” his face straightens and becomes stern, preparing to talk business. “I want to come down to Hell.”
"What ?! Why? We have done nothing but try to work with you!”
“Not for that, Lili. I want to meet my niece. And see her hotel. From what Emily tells me, young Morningstar is quite kind and willing to cooperate with Heaven.”
“I don’t think this is the best course of action, Michael. An Archangel in Hell is likely to draw attention. Attention Charlie doesn’t need.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“Charlie’s just woke up from the coma she’s been for a month and a half, and has a lot of shit on her plate to deal with. Plus the exterminations drawing attention away from the hotel.”
“What? How come no one told me?” He was confused at my answer, misunderstanding emitting off of him. “Hold on, Lilith. I’ll be right back.” He walks away, leaving me to my own devices, and a couple minutes later, he returns, saying he’ll be down shortly and nothing else, hanging upt the call. I begin to leave when a portal opens in front of me, revealing Michael and his assistant. 
“Hello again!”
“Who’s this?”
“This is my assistant! His name’s Roe!”
“He-he-llo Yo-your Maj-jes-ty,” Roe says, stuttering and stammering.
“Lovely to meet you, Roe. I’m assuming you’re here to relay information about the hotel to the other Archangels?” He nods in agreement, hiding behind Michael in fear of the new environment. “Very well. Follow me. I’ll take you to your niece.” I summon a portal of shadows, pitch black and glitchy, for us to walk through. “After you two.” They looked skeptically at the portal before walking  through, arriving in front of my husband, Charlie, and her boyfriend, Alastor. To their surprise and not to minem, Lucifer was enraged at his brother’s sudden appearance, so much so that he was at his throat as soon as he came through the portal. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Hello, Brother. It’s nice to see you again.”
“Answer the damn question, Michael. Why are you here?”
“I’m here to meet Princess Charlotte Morningstar, my niece, about the Hazbin Hotel.”
Everyone turns to Charlie, Lucifer in frustration, Alastor in annoyance and astonishment, and me with a supportive smile.
“Are you Princess Morningstar?” Michael asks, staring directly at her.
“I am. But who’re you?”
“I am Archangel Michael, Luci’s twin brother.”
“You don’t look like His Majesty, if I may point out,” Alastor comments. Michael changes his expression to match Lucifer’s signature smile, and everyone’s convinced. “Nevermind. I withdraw my statement.”
“The reason for my visit is to see if the Hotel is suitable to partner with Heaven’s Committee. My assistant’s here to take notes about it to report to the other Archangels. Does that make sense?”
“Yes. Thank you for coming.”
“I also want to give my condolences, Charlotte, for your pain.” He reaches out towards her and Alastor steps in between the two, radio symbols glowing prominently around the room.
“ I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” He says, shis voice laced with aggressive static.  
“It’s fine, Al,” Charlie says, smiling softly.
“I must say, we have been watching you for a while now. Your hotel shows promise, though we don’t know if it is possible. Nonetheless, tell me about this hotel you’ve created.”
Charlie beams at the request, looks at Alastor, who nods, summons a piano and begins playing. I hadn’t heard her sing since she was a little girl, and I listen and am drawn into the music, which she inherited from me. I’ll have to tell her voice’s effect later. When the two finished their duet, I turned to Michael to see his expression, and he was in utter shock. 
“Can I get that in English?” We all look at him, confused about what he meant.
“I wasn’t kidding. I’m confused. You lost me about halfway through.”
“Oh. My bad!” Charlie smiles, while Al looks frustrated.
“She said that everyone’s welcome, no matter who they are, as long as they want to give redemption a shot,” I explain, sparing Charlie the over-explanation.
“Oh, okay.” He turns to Charlie, looks her dead in the eyes, surprising her but doesn’t waiver her confidence. “I will partner Heaven with the Hazbin Hotel. But I wish to meet a resident who you believe is capable of redemption, if you don’t mind.” Then, his stomach growls loudly, echoing his hunger. 
“Do you want to eat lunch with us, sir? Al can cook for us!”
“Excuse me?” Al and Michael say, synchronized. 
“Yeah! Al’s a great cook!”
“Who is this ‘Al’?”
“That would be me, good sir. Alastor, sir.”
“Alastor, huh? You’re the one who stepped in between us, correct?”
“That’s correct.”
“Not many are willing to do that out of fear, even in Heaven. Do you know why?”
“Do enlighten me, because the people who are scared of the twin of Lucifer are cowards .”
“You have some nerve, sinner.”
“That’s good, knowing I love to agitate people. But if you want, we can settle it like men.”
“It that a challenge?”
“No!” Charlie says, separating the two from each other’s throats. “Let’s all work together! Please?”
“Of course, mon cher. If you wish.”
“Thank you.”
“I shall meet you at this hotel. I must return Roe to Heaven.”
“Okay! See you there!”
He leaves through a portal, and we head to the hotel.
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thesketchyheartist · 6 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion (EP 8, 16, 24, 26)
I want to start off this post by talking about a new main character Asuka. It took me about 2 episodes to figure out she is Rei's opposite. Appearances: Blue hair and red hair. Long hair and short hair. Eye colors are different. One is soft-spoken, the other is vocal. One talks too little (from what I gather from the assigned episodes, I think Rei is supposed to be Eve or Lilith, but Asuka is like Shinji in that they are some descendants of the Evas or Angels or something that is not totally human, so this explains why she acts so cold), the other talks too much. Also the weird but true observation: one is indifferent to perverted accidents, the other is sensitive to perverted accidents; both may or may not [always] involve Shinji.
Asuka represents the tsundere stereotype, I think. I hear the "Baka, hentai!" comment from her a lot, but I can't tell if it's hormones or if she is actually attracted to Shinji. Shinji is a teenage boy, so I know he gets the classic red hand mark on his face, and it's rarely ever his fault. Those characters who are quick to anger and violence without listening to reason are often redheads, and I know it's a popular trope, but I realize as I am writing this the paradox of it all. Asuka is a young girl, and as a bit of a crazy anime watcher, I do believe violence is not always the answer, but it's wrong to assume violence is not an option. However, if every situation that triggers you is answered or resolved in violence, then it's rarely ever resolved. If Asuka even paused for a moment, she could tell Shinji probably did not even have the guts to pull harassment on any girl. To accuse him would make her the true culprit, not the victim. I know the children did not have parental figures to follow, but I guess their immaturity further proves they are really not qualified at all to be humanity's saviors. On the other hand, it is ironic that Asuka's hits can be overlooked so easily. Think about it, if a young boy suddenly had his p**is touched, accidentally or not, by a girl, he probably would just shove her off because if he hit her face, everyone would call him violent. Children who are used as child weapons are essentially taught that violence via their mecha skills is the ONLY solution to solve humanity's biggest problems, so quietly, it's the only solution for small misunderstandings.
Finally, the last episode was more philosophical than I thought. I didn't watch EP25 which I assume is the final battle because I don't think there is a sequel series. The ending didn't even explain what happened to humanity. But I think it's a good moral story to explain ego and self. The swap to 2D pencil drawings is a good way. Without depth, shadow, and background, a sketch exists limitless. I like how Shinji was always told what to do and how he should live. Even at his crisis, he asks people what he should do and how to live, they are the ones telling him the truth of how he should live. While I know the show is the one telling us the truth, to Shinji, it's still outsiders instructing him, even if they have his well-being in the best care possible. It was Shinji, experiencing the No Angels AU (that got to be an AO3 tag, if not, something like No Eva AU) or Middle/High School AU (love the silly shoujo reference with Rei, bread in mouth, "I'm going to be late on my first day of a school in this new city!", and headbumping ML, but not the accidental peeking), that he realizes the truth people have been trying to tell him this whole time. Funny how even his best friends care more about him than he does himself, and only when he really loves himself unconditionally, Eva or no Eva, even in a world where only he exists, that he can learn to actually love others, even his hated father becomes a person he can accept unconditionally. You realize after hearing all the voices, it's because they were people, not static faces with voices, that Shinji can compare his world and his self-image to everyone he meets in the show to find his true self.
It's such a roundabout way to explain everything. All anyone needs is a famous quote by a powerful warrior, one who transcended the mortal realm for his wisdom, bravery, and sheer popularity:
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I never heard about ATLA until COVID-19. Funny because if I had heard of this show when it came out, I would have had a very different childhood.
My favorite post-spring break gift from my professors is an exam (it's not.)
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
The King & Queen of Hell Chapter 5:
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"Please let me go with Sera! I don't ask for much and this is all I've ever wanted. A chance to see my family again."
"Emily." Setting down her paperwork, Sera gently sat the young Seraphim down. "I am sorry, but I cannot allow you to accompany Lilith. She may be the first woman, but she is also the reason for your separation from your family. If I had known she was going to be allowed up here in Heaven, I would have never suggested that you be raised here."
As much as she had hated separating the young angel from her parents, Sera knew that it was the only chance she had of keeping Lilith from trying anything. That woman has been trying to make Lucifer and Adam's life a living nightmare for eons. The fall, the exterminations... it was all her fault. Why had she been allowed up here in Heaven? She hadn't earned it. Hadn't deserved it. This was a safe haven for souls. It was supposed to be a safe place for Emily to grow up until she was of age to travel to and from Hell.
Yet, that vile woman had been allowed to pass through the golden gates. Luckily, Sera wasn't the only one looking out for their niece. The Arch Angels kept her safe and out of harm's way. The only issue now is that Sera was the only one who knew what Lilith up to. No one else knew of the exterminations. If it got out, then there would be a war in Heaven. They didn't need that kind of chaos. That would just be them kicking open the gates and welcoming Roo in with a warm smile.
"Ma'am. Are you sure this is a good idea? Meeting with that Hell spawn? On her home turf? We could have just used the hologram."
"Now, now, Lute. That is horribly improper. I need to look the princess in the eyes when I crush her little dreams." Sitting in the meeting room with her second in command, Lilith felt her wicked grin grow at the mental image of Adam and Lucifer's precious youngest daughter break at the news. Watch her tears as they fell. Would she be an easy crier much like the angel she was born from?
"Ma'am. Please, rethink this. She could be prone to more violent reactions."
"It is a little late for that Lute. Now, behave and stay silent unless needed." If she were lucky, one of Charlie's parents would accompany her. She'd be able to watch both of them lose hope. It would be so satisfying. 
What she saw, however, was very disappointing. Who was this stupid grinning demon in red? Where was Adam? Lucifer? Cain or Abel? Anyone else in the royal family?! Did they think that lowly of her? Was stealing her future not enough for them? 
"Let's get this shit done!" 
"How vulgar of you. Though I'm not surprised given who your father is and where you were raised."
"I'm sorry for- ...excuse me?" Charlie was about to apologize for just out right cursing at an important meeting, but not when that bitch decided to insult her father and home. That was one of the few things that made her politeness and good nature get thrown out the window.
"I assume you agreed to meet me in place of your parents for your own reasons. I'll give you a few moments of my time to listen. Begin."
"I assume you agreed to meet me in place of your parents for your own reasons. I'll give you a few moments of my time to listen. Begin."
What? She can't just spring this on her! She wasn't ready yet! Quickly summoning her visual aids, Charlie had to quickly try and formulate how she was going to pitch this. "Okay. I got a lot to get through, and not a lot of time, so here it is."
"Are those rainbows?" Plucking up one of the many drawings, Lilith couldn't help the laugh that slipped out. "These look like children's drawings. Wait. Are your delusions of grandeur to try and get souls into Heaven? You want to redeem them? How stupid can you be?"
"You... you-"
"You- you. What? Speak like an adult."
The sharp sound of static filled the room cutting off anything else the first woman was going to say. Alastor was not about to let this disrespect of Hell's future Queen and someone under his care stand. "How dare you speak to Hell's Princess that way? Awfully disrespectful of you, don't you think? To come here to her realm and act this way. Taking time out of her busy day to listen to you insult her."
Ignoring him, Lilith stood. Already bored of this little interaction. "Watch yourself, sinner. You as well little princess. The exterminations are being moved up. In six months, we will be back. I do hope you join the battle this year."
"What? No... no! You can't do this!" Chasing after the first woman and the angel with her, all Charlie was met with was the wall. The two already had disappeared. "No! I failed... I failed!" 
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toffy-up · 2 months
I have enaugh. I cant anymore.
Look i write my dreams down and slowly. Slowly i get to my limit with the newest. I will pos a few here now. Maybe then i can stop thinking about them.
1.I was in my old house in the basement. I watched Tv in the hobbyroom. We never spend much time there tho, except for me i was there a whole summer. I dont know why anyomre. Anyways, I watched Tv and informt myself about a horror cosplayer. Suddenly there were a demon face, a woman crawling without a head, in the TV, and other completly terrifying stuff. I ran upstairs but before i did, i wanted some proof and started to film from between the stairs, like there were gaps, but i think it already stopped from happen. Then i got up and didnt found anyone. So i ran to the next floor were my grandma was sitting with her back to me watching TV with my uncle. My uncle asked me "How does living with your grandma is going. I was confused, i dont life with my grandma, anymore at least. Also i was so scarred still but i knew they wouldnt belive me, so i just stand the and answerd what i thought he wanna hear. I said "Yeah its fine right Grandma?". She didnt turned around to me, but she said something i cant remember. I got back down and found my boyfriend sleepin on the couch. Completly coverd in a blanket. So i woke him still pretty scarred and nervous. We went into my REALLY little room and i told him what i saw. I whisperd "i saw it! That demon. And hes strong." I think he belived me, because we wanted to get out of this house. There were a bibel and a cross on the window still. My boyfriend got out of the room and i heard my mum say to him "Hey Tom, you can get out of the hospital when you smoke. So you can smoke nothing will happen" Because my Aunt said that to her, my mum was on the phone with her. I opend a drawer and saw to alexas. (Oh a detail i remeberd was that when i ran from the basment, there wasnt a door its an open stair case. I looked at the corner where my dad had always his computers and i thought "mh thats weird why arent they there?".) And uhm maybe some information that helps is that, my mum and dad divorced when i was pretty young, but my dad stayed in the house not my mum
2. I was in a playgriund as an adult. Its a place i knew from my childhood, its a big hall with massive ammount of playthings, trampolins, slides, jungle gyms. Stuff like that. Its was for kids between the age of 6 to 12 i would say. There also was a kids corner, were i always was to old for, in the dream too. But they could draw there play wirh more little things. In the dream i went inside with my boyfriend, there werent any minni humans anymore. We looked around the little kids drawing untill i noticed. Wait, thats my drawings, my darker ones to be specific. They looked like a kid had redraw them. I was confused i said to Tom. "Honey? There are my drawings" He didnt really belived me, even tho he should know my pictures. Then a woman came in, one of the caretakers. She was confused why we are there and i imeadiatly asked her who draw them. And now now it gets weird. She said ow a girl blahblahblah. I looked at the drawing and notices a sign there stand Lilith. But that wasnt all. As i went outside again, my boyfriend already by the car. 2 staff members came to me and talked to me in a closed room. They said weird thing going on and then they eaid like a spell. And i...i was blocked out of my own dream only black. Untill i got back out off the room. And went ouzside with some salt they had seemed to give me
3. I was back in my old hometown. Like i was travelt thru time. I noticed pretty fast, because of the shopping mile i was it there were shops that didnt excist anymore. The first thought was my grandpa. He died and back in time i would be able to see him again. So i started ranning too my old house, my grandpa was at work his car wasnt there. But i didnt think that tru. So i stood there infront of the house and i think i saw myself as a baby, my mother was carrying me. She looked young again. She saw me but didnt reconize me. I was pretty unsure because of time and i didnt wanted to mess things up. So i started to ran away. And she followed me asking if i was my dads new girlfriend. The one who he cheated on her with. I said no and ran away again. It was all very real feeling. Like i was back in time
4. Now one of the most intense one. I was somewehere and waited for Tom (My boyfriend) to pick me up. He did and on the right his friend called him. In the call he had on speakers, it came out he had been in an amusement park with his friend, his girlfriend and another girl. The girl said how much she had missed him and i was angry, so i went out of the car. And then oh boy....i started walking home myself but when i got in my old hometown, this wasnt my own hometown. It was a weird place. There were doors, everywhere, like colourful buildings door on door and open rooms. Like a setup were you could look in. And that was when i realized i was dreaming. So i opend a door scarred. A man sat in there on a chair, he had gray hair a gray light beard. A normal middle aged man. It was like a futuristic room. Nothing much there. I knew we talked, i dont know what anymore but, a voice told me, that i would told him im dreaming something terrible would happen. So i didnt. He wanted to make a picture or i wanted to make a picture. I dont know what i know was. There was this voice again. Telling me, if i wouldnt wake up now, i never will. I started trying to wake up. I needed more then 5 times before i was able to wake up fully. Like i blinked i was still there, it was like someone helped me pulling me out of it
5. I was at home, i dont remember what exactly happend in my home anymore. But this why i stargtwriting down my dreams. So i was at home and looked to clock who spinning increadibly fast. And in that second i knew i was dreaming. The floor under me cracked and the wall behind me dissapeared. I was floating around in the universe. The diffrent colours the stars. I just remember floating around.
So uhm its from new to old. I have a lot more. Some scarry some really....weird. buts always my old house and the basment there. It was a big old house. The basment was also really big. I had always been terrefyed of it. It was a lot of rooms and doors. And lets say, there happend some weirs things. It was never really dangerous but the vibe of it? Was at least scarry, damn even right now i get goosebumbs talking about it....
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appicot · 2 years
So I've been working on a personal project / OC story titled 'Normal Office'. To make a long and overly complex story short it's about a group of office workers who work in an office together, normal right? Well, the office has a lot of stuff going on. It ... Doesn't follow conventional scientific laws. Doors appear that lead to other worlds and dimensions, the amount of floors change and swap, colors invert and revert all the time... But hey, the pay is good so why complain?
I'd like to introduce some of my favorite characters I've made so far for it-- feel free to ask about any of them :]
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MICHAEL LEBLANC -- The office tech support.
He's the dude you go to for if your computer is on the fritz... However, he's probably going to switch up some of your information just for a cheep laugh for himself. He's very stubborn and annoying , but he's entertaining to watch at the very least because he is in fact a weak whimpy nerd. Like you may be able to gather from his name he is Acadian and primarily speaks french
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LILITH THORNE -- The young manager
After the past manager Annie stepped down to work in human resources Lilith Thorne was brought in to replace her! She's quiet and secretive, and she's not much of a chatterbox but she's nice enough at the least. She's the youngest in the office, yet 100% the tallest-- she's 7ft tall somehow, no one questions it because it's not that odd to them.
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SILVIE & STEVE CROSS -- The security duo
Silvie (right) and Steve (left) are a twin duo who work as the offices (currently only) security! They are loud and playful, but also fairly violent-- you can say someone is stealing a paperclip and they are ready to draw blood. They don't even like the law, they just like being "the awesome guardians of the office" , aka they like to brawl people and this gives them an excuse to do so. Silvie is the more sociable one, but Steve is more thoughtful... Neither of them, however, are smart.
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CHERYL AIMS -- Customer Service (sadly)
Cheryl has the personality of a soggy cat (like the ones denched in yoghurt or milk yeah?). She's anxious and very paranoid and honestly hates working in customer service BUT she's good at her job due to the fact people don't ask for refunds anymore due to how often she breaks out sobbing and asking if it's her fault... She gets raises all the time because of how ""good"" she is at the job... She wants to quit so bad though. Totally not dating the delivery girl wdym
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SOPHIE JONES -- The delivery girl
Teeeechnically she doesn't actually work for the office-- BUT she has connections to the workers and she does most of the deliveries of equipment and supplies to the building, so she counts for the most part? She's skitterish and a bit snappy, akin to a feral cat, but she's easily befriended by tossing food her way (Cheryl did that a bit literally, and now they are dating so hey it worked out!). She also happens to be the ex-managers (Annie Jones) eldest daughter!... Cheryl didn't know this for a few months, so uh yeah.
And that's about all that I wanna share RN because it is late'o'clock BUT I'm making a tumblr specifically so these characters can be interacted with! Character interaction will also help further the plot because there are quite a bit of mysterious things going on in the building... 👀‼️
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thefreakishmuffin · 3 years
Let’s examine the dynamic between Hunter and Luz, Part 2
Whoop this is gonna be a long one as well...
Note that some of this may drift a little bit away from analyzing solely Hunter and Luz’s dynamic, but I promise I’ll always circle back to it.
Link to part 1 is right here
Last we left off, Luz and Hunter have decided to join forces in a truce to thwart Kikimora’s plans to give Emperor Belos the palismen herself. On a wall, Luz draws a fire glyph and an ice glyph and connects them together. Intrigued, Hunter states that he’s never seen a spell like this before, and asks what it will do. Luz begins explaining how it’ll work, only for Hunter to pick up on what she’s doing halfway through and finish the explanation for her. Luz looks at him, thoroughly surprised that he has such knowledge.
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Hunter apologizes for interrupting and states that he read about a similar spell in a book about Wild Magic, which happens to be a book Luz has read as well. Hunter seems surprised in turn when realizing him and Luz share a common interest in Wild Magic. He starts to have what I call a “nerd moment”, where he’s starting to get really excited about what he’s talking about. He mentions that these glyphs look very similar to magic that was once practiced back in the Savage Ages. He seems almost thrilled to be talking to someone else who’s interested in Wild Magic, which is something he can’t talk freely about in the Emperors Coven, lest he receive abuse from Belos. 
However, his smile fades and he cuts himself off, saying that information on Wild Magic is restricted for a reason, and that Luz ought to stop messing around with it before she gets hurt. 
And here is something that strikes me as interesting; Hunter’s family is supposedly gone because of Wild Magic. So if that’s the case, then why is he so fascinated with Wild Magic himself, to the point where it’s something he even greatly enjoys studying and talking about? I can’t really think of any other good reason for this, other than the idea that when Belos mentioned their family, he was really talking about his own family, since it’s alluded that Hunter was likely “adopted” to Belos’ family in a way.
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After Hunter tells Luz to stop messing with Wild Magic, Luz tells him that, outside of Lilith, she’s never talked to anyone from the Emperors Coven before. And asks what made him want to join? Hunter looks genuinely surprised. It doesn’t seem like he’s ever been asked this question before. Looking away from Luz, perhaps in a sense of shame, he admits that he’s a powerless witch, and that most of his ancestors were. He never felt like he’d ever have a future in their world. That is until Belos found him and took him in, and gave him a staff with artificial magic, telling Hunter that the Titan had “big plans” for him. 
Let’s go over a little analysis here. Hunter says that Belos found him. This is the statement that leads many of us to believe that the two of them aren’t actually blood-related. However, to me it still seems odd that Hunter would call Belos his uncle. Perhaps Belos wanted Hunter to call him uncle? Maybe, but it still seems odd to me for Belos to take in this random young boy as his family. Especially when Belos refers to their family as being the same thing. Part of me believes that perhaps Belos is his biological uncle, but he was estranged from the family. Either way, it’s an interesting bit. 
And we also have a better understanding as to why Hunter stays in the Emperor’s Coven (besides everything I went over in my post analyzing his dynamic with Emperor Belos). The Emperor gave him a purpose in his life, giving him magic when he never had any. Giving him a title, and making him important. This all likely seemed wonderful to Hunter at first, but as we see later on it comes with a definite price. 
Alright back to Hunter’s dynamic with Luz...
Luz listens to what Hunter has to say, and she sits beside him saying, “It must be nice to have your future planned out for you.” To which Hunter responds, “At least you get to plan your own.” It’s this exchange right here that really shows how Hunter feels about his situation. He wants to be free to decide what he wants to do with his life, but he’s now found himself bound to the Emperor’s Cult Coven, tied to a future he’s not sure he even wants. More than anything, Hunter wants to be free. This is the deepest desire of his heart.
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And how do I know this? Because right after he speaks right here, Little Rascal, the red cardinal palisman, shows up and comes right to him. Palisman are drawn toward like-minded souls, and the palisman at Hexside chose someone after they shared their deepest wish. This palisman wants freedom, just like Hunter, and this is why he chooses to become his palisman at the end of the episode. (Not to mention Rascal was trying to run away and ‘be free’ at the beginning of the episode).
Okay, again, back to Hunter and Luz’s dynamic...
After their little conversation, Luz and Hunter team up and Luz prepares to cast the spell. Tough hesitant at first, gives Hunter his staff. He asks if she’s sure, and she puts her trust in him. He takes back his staff and Luz activates the glyphs. The plan goes well and Kikimora’s hand dragon falls from the sky, both with her and the palismen as well. But as soon as Luz goes to make sure the palismen are okay, Hunter is ready to betray her, activating his staff and pointing it right at her. 
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Luz, however, isn’t angry with him. She’s clearly not happy with him here, but she’s not angry. But rather hurt and disappointed. She asks Hunter if he’s really willing to give up innocents to Belos. Luz then delivers this important and impactful line to Hunter: “I thought that maybe you were a good guy. But I guess I was wrong. You’re not my friend. You’re just the Golden Guard.”
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That last comment seems to deeply hurt him. The idea of just being the Golden Guard and losing himself to that false identity is a scary thing for him to think about. So, in that moment, he lowers his staff, removes his mask, and finally reveals his true name to Luz. Hunter did this because he finally got to connect with someone for probably the first time in his life. And I mean really connect with someone. He was starting to feel like someone saw him for him, and not the Golden Guard. So when Luz said that he’s just the Golden Guard, he was hurt, and immediately decided to try and change that. he didn’t want the one person he’s been able to connect with to know him as a title. He wanted her to know him as a person. And what better way to do that than start by telling someone your name?
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Luz gasps when Hunter reveals to her his real name. But why? Was it because she saw the good in him, and maybe thought he was having a change of heart? Or was it because he was suddenly sharing such a personal piece of himself? I’m not quite sure on that part. 
But this moment is cut short when a very disoriented Kikimora tries to attack Luz and Hunter. Hunter is quick to defend Luz, once again showing great fighting skill, and allows a now conflicted and troubled Luz to get away. Both of them are now not sure what to make of the other. Are they friends now? Are they still enemies? Neither one of them seems entirely sure. 
And the last bit I want to touch upon here is how at the end of the episode where Kikimora asks Hunter how he survived the ship crash. He simply tells her he was helped by local travelers. Notice how he consciously chooses not to rat out Luz. Just a few hours ago he was ready to arrest her and even threatened her life, but now he’s making an effort to defend and keep her safe. 
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These two characters are some of the most interesting in the entire series so far, and the dynamic between these two is only going to get more and more interesting the more time goes on, and the more often they are able to meet.
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sinnamonrolle · 3 years
[ the little moments] ♡ Belphegor
7 - That moment when Belphegor showed you magic.
✿ part of a series! ✿
❀  gender neutral reader  ❀
Warnings: Mentions of death and also lesson 16 spoilers
Nights in the Devildom were no different from nights in the human world, except for the abundance of visible stars twinkling in the night sky. Too much light pollution covered the stars in the human world, and you had almost forgotten what they looked like if not for arriving at the Devildom.
“Can’t sleep?” A voice, soft and heavy with sleep, entered the planetarium. It echoed gently in the dimness around you and almost faded under the trickling of the water fountain, the airy words murmuring against your ears.
Belphegor draped a warm, fluffy blanket around you as he settled next to you, wrapping himself with the other end of the blanket. He sat to your right, one of his long legs bent at the knees, and the other stretched out against the marble floor. When he leaned into you, the soft strands of his hair tickled your neck, and the faint smell of chamomile floated around you.
“Seems like I’m not the only one,” you teased, brushing your thumb against his cheek as you tucked his bangs behind his ear. They didn’t stay there long, falling back down to cover his eyes again.
Belphie sighed. He turned his head slightly, his purple eyes half-lidded as they met yours.
“Missed you,” he muttered. “I woke up with this gaping feeling in my chest, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I could feel you next to me.” Then he hesitated, his breath hitching as you felt his hand twitch against yours. “Can I… Can I hold your hand?”
You took his hand in yours, weaving your fingers with his. His fingers were freezing, so you rubbed them with your other hand, hoping to warm them up somewhat.
“Of course,” you said, smiling. “Are you feeling better now?”
“Of course,” Belphie repeated. He brought your intertwined hands to his mouth and pressed a light kiss to the back of your hand. “You’re here with me.”
Your cheeks warmed along with your heart, your mind fumbling around the affection consuming you from the inside out. This was the best feeling of love you could ever have the privilege of experiencing—it was something like a stuffy feeling, like layers of cotton had been padded in your chest, and it wasn’t strong to the point where you felt like you could burst into pieces, but something more subtle, something more encompassing, suffusing through every fiber of your being and every molecule of your soul.
You were absolutely immersed in it.
“I have a little trick for you,” Belphie said almost immediately after, pulling away from you so that he was sitting upright. “Since you can’t sleep. Have you heard of tracing?”
You shook your head. “No, I don’t think so.”
He hummed. “That’s not too surprising. Tracing is something children are taught when they are very young, so the RAD professors wouldn’t teach you what it is.” Then, he held out his hand, the one that wasn’t holding yours. “Here, hold your hand out. With your palm up. It’ll make it easier. Tracing is basically what it sounds like. You trace the air with your magic.”
You felt like you understood it but also didn’t at the same time. You could hold your hand out no problem, but everything after that was… hm. Not good.
“Belphie, you’re a bad teacher,” you said, smiling teasingly at him.
He glared half-heartedly at you, eyebrows just barely furrowing, but then he chuckled.
“Sorry, my little sun,” Belphie said, lips curling at the edges into an amused smile. His bangs brushed past his nose as he tilted his head. “I’ll explain properly this time.”
True to his words, he took his time teaching you, explaining each part thoroughly and making sure you understood. You were surprised that he had that much patience, especially since he yawned multiple times throughout his explanation. Although, you couldn’t say that tracing was hard to explain.
“Very good,” Belphie said, his voice drifting into your ears. “Visualize your magic, make it visible, solidify it, and then move it according to your will. When you get used to it, put down your hand. Try tracing by using only your mind.”
It took you a few tries, but it really wasn’t too difficult. Once you managed to trace without having to use your hand as an anchor, the first thing you traced in the air was “Belphegor” surrounded by hearts. If you maintained your focus, your tracing could stay for a few minutes, so you kept adding hearts around his name, the color of your magic lighting up the planetarium.
“Why are you like this?” Belphie sighed, exasperated. He started tracing as well, purple letters appearing next to yours. His magic was lazy but light, appearing in delicate, efficient strokes.
“Like what?”
“So precious.”
You turned to him, blinking in surprise, but he didn’t look at you. Instead, he focused on the letters in front of him, his eyes reflecting the light from his magic. When he still didn’t face you, you returned to adding more hearts around his name—only to see what he was tracing.
It was your name in beautiful calligraphy, and underneath, it was Belphie’s endearment for you—my little sun—in smaller but just as lovely letters. He also incorporated a sun into your name, little lines indicating the sunbeams. Even though he didn’t draw any hearts at all, his adoration for you was still clear as day.
“You’re the precious one here,” you said, pretending that the lump in your throat didn’t exist. You spoke past it, even when your voice came out scratchy in doing so. “Now, it doesn’t matter how many hearts I draw. It won’t beat yours.”
Belphegor laughed, his voice coming out in airy puffs. “Since when did this become a competition? You’ve already beaten me. The moment I fell for you, you’ve already become my everything.” He looked at you softly, the lines around his eyes gentle with love. But you also noticed the dark circles lining underneath them, hidden behind his bangs. “My little sun. You are the light in my world.”
“Then, you’re my moon,” you said, squeezing his hand. “My other half. In the darkness, you are my light.”
“I am your moon,” he agreed. He squeezed your hand back, turning away from you, and rested his forehead against his propped up knee. “Because even the moon gets its light from the sun.”
You didn’t know what to say, so you went back to the letters hovering in the air. You let most of the hearts fade from around Belphegor’s name, but you kept the rest. You wanted to keep some form of your love visible for at least a little longer.
“You know what’s funny?” he suddenly asked.
You drew a little cow in the air, adding Belphie’s horns to it. “What?”
“I used to love human beings,” he started. “They were just so fascinating, and I loved them. But not in the way Lilith loved them. The love I felt for humans was like how humans love flowers. But Lilith didn’t love them like flowers. Lilith picked one human and gave them all of her love, to the point that she went against Celestial laws for them.”
Belphie paused. The water fountain gurgled faintly in the silence. You finished your cow and decided to stop tracing, tilting your head up to look at the planetarium sky instead.
He continued, “I didn’t understand that kind of love. I didn’t understand what kind of feelings could drive her to such lengths for a human. A human that would never live as long as us. When Lucifer told us that she died, all I could think about was that, in some way—I killed her. I led her to her death. It was because I loved humans that she fell in love with one. But because my love was not the same as her love, I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand her love, I didn’t understand her reasons, I didn’t understand her.”
He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. “Because I didn’t understand, I blamed the humans for it. I started hating them, and it was a kind of loathing that ate away at me from the inside. I hated that they took my sister away. I hated that she had to fall in love with one. I hated that I didn’t understand. So, you know what’s funny? It’s funny that it is only now that I understand.”
“Belphie,” you whispered. You couldn’t see his face, but from the shakiness of his voice, you knew that he was in a lot of pain—pain so embedded into him that you didn’t know how to soothe. You adjusted your position so that you could wrap your arm around him, bringing him into a half hug.
“Isn’t it funny?” Belphegor rasped, his body trembling. “Isn’t it funny how I hated humans so much for causing my sister to die, yet now, I am completely, utterly in love with one? And now—and now, I understand exactly how Lilith felt back then. Now, I know why she did what she did. The irony of it all—I hated that I loved humans, but that hate has also led me to you. Lilith, as an angel, fell in love with a human, and I, as a demon, have also fallen in love with one.”
You took in his shaking form, the light heaving of his chest, the balled up fist at his side. You took it all in, and asked, lightly, “Do you regret it?”
Belphie shot up, misty eyes frantically meeting yours as he squeezed your intertwined hands tightly. “Never. I never regretted it. I wouldn’t, and I will never. Loving you is nothing but joy. I love loving you, I love seeing you smile, I love knowing that you are happy. I love that you love me. I love you. I am so happy, knowing that I love you. And I will break every rule in all three realms in a heartbeat, if it means that I can see you smile again.”
“You don’t have to go that far,” you said softly, brushing his bangs to the side so you could see all of him. “Just knowing that you love me is enough. I love you too. For me, loving you is a state of truth. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
A sort of desperation haunted him, lingering in the deep purple of his eyes. He took your free hand, clasping it together with your interwoven hands. When he rested his forehead against them, it almost resembled a prayer of sorts.
“You can’t die,” Belphie pleaded, begging, praying—choking on his words. “You can’t die. Please, I can’t lose you. Please, please—you can’t die. Please, don’t leave me alone. My sun can’t set. I can’t live in a world without your light. Please, you can’t die—”
But you knew, and you knew that he knew too.
That all suns must set.
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Brothers as New Parents
Featuring Poly!Mc.
Guess who decided to finally finish this oneeeeee. I used my parents for inspiration for some of these. Sadly my getting knocked out by a carpet story didn't qualify 😔
Despite the name and the whole demon thing, Lucifer is actually a pretty decent father.
In the beginning though, he's really lost.
Like, the only baby he's ever raised is Satan and technically that doesn't count, so he's kinda confused here. Which really freaks him out.
Things get easier once the kid can finally walk, but don't expect Lucifer to really understand babies too much, or to like them either. They're way too noisy and dirty for him to actually enjoy. 
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a good dad.
Sure, he's not amazing, no parent naturally is, but he isn't reckless with your child and genuinely makes attempts to keep them alive. 
He just, kinda waits till the kid isn’t spitting up daily or wearing diapers to actually like their company
Before that it just feels like another job. Or like he’s watching his brothers. 
He loves his child but, uh, he’s going to be the type of dad to forget which baby is his if we’re being honest. 
He's really good a keeping babies entertained. Like, really good.
(Who would have known babies also like shiny things that jingle?)
Also loves to spend money on them. Like, legit any baby left under his supervision will be dressed in absurdly priced outfits. It's a little frustrating to wash these clothes, especially considering how dirty kids can get.
But besides all the spoiling and the playing, Mammon is clueless.
Like what do babies do?? What do they need? Are they supposed to sleep for that long??
He regrets not reading the baby books Satan recommended.
He's extremely clumsy as a dad, but in like that way where only he gets hurt but your child never does.
(Despite being so young, you're pretty sure the kid laughs every time he face plants.)
Likes to watch TV with the baby. The kid's probably seen every action movie known to man (and demon) by this point.
Levi isn't good with pregnancy, but he is pretty decent with kids.
Something about his personality really draws them to him
(Which is a great examination as to why most children must have to be taught how to share. Leviathan is a bad influence)
He kinda only ever takes over the "fun" parts of being a dad. Not because he doesn't try though. He does, really, but he often finds himself at a loss when it comes to dealing with spit-up or diapers or the little quirks babies develop.
Levi's the third oldest. He didn't have to deal with that stuff. None of them really had to, as raising angels is kinda a community effort. Seeing as Lucifer wasn't exactly the maternal type, he'd spent his years with his brother watching over kids. Never being beside them.
I think he's especially freaked out if he has a daughter. Like, he doesn't know what to so for the most part with any child, but girls are even more foreign to him, seeing as he's only ever had brothers. Well, besides Lilith, but she's a different story.
It's not really bad, he's just new to everything, but you'll probably give Lucifer an earful for not at least giving more responsibilities with Satan.
Most definitely gives his kid toy weapons and costumes to play with. They can't even walk yet but he's got a chest with princess dresses and lightsabers ready to go.
Satan is pretty much the most normal dad you could ever ask for.
Yeah, a normal demon, spell-casting dad, but norm nevertheless.
He's always the one to offer to take over your shifts in the night (He will not sub for his brothers though. They can fuck right off).
Buys you your first mother's/father's/whatever you choose to call your parental title's day gift because everyone else most likely forgets amongst the stress of baby.
Most DEFINITELY tries to do that whole "all natural" baby thing, but probably realizes a few days in that breastmilk is not only hard to obtain in the Devildom, but most demons don't really give a samn about cruelty free items (Mass produced cotton included).
^Asmo and him did this together btw. But Asmodeus did it for clout whilst Satan did it for the baby's health.
He'll dress his kid up like him. The clothes are still ugly as sin.
Your kid will be internet famous before they turn five months old.
Asmo does not understand the word "privacy" or the concept of "not plastering his child's life for everyone to see"
But, you must admit, he does dress your baby up in the most adorable ways.
She might just be the only person he puts above the two of you, both as individuals, and as a couple.
(^I don't think all the brother's would think this way. Some probably still internalize their angel backgrounds or have even formed their own opinions onto where a kid places in a relationship. I might get into it more if asked but I'm leaving this here for now)
He does everything with the kid, when he has them, and if the child is biologically his (which will be extremely apparent), that kid will be with him all the damn time.
He wants his baby to be beautiful like his parents, but most of all, he wants his baby to be happy.
Will most likely turn into the exact definition of "the cool mom" from mean girls but that's far off from now.
Until then, he'll just stroll around the mall, showing his baby all the sparkly things they'll eventually love.
Beel would have been a pretty normal dad if not for his more older-brother mentality.
Like, the guy has never really been around kids. He's been around Belphegor. Which isn't a huge age gap but there's still that looming protective older-sibling trait there.
He kinda sees the kid, no matter who or where it comes from, as just another sibling.
After what happened with Lilith though, he's more prone to be more protective over girls. He doesn't even recognize he's doing it tbh.
(There's actually a lot of open wounds regarding Lilith that show up in his parenting skills, but they develop a lot later)
He always has to know where your kid is at, but he doesn't necessarily need to be with them.
Like, he's afraid of something horrible happening, but he trusts his brothers, and you, to be able to handle it. He just needs the constant reassurance.
Very insistent on keeping a feeding schedule through, and is known to freak out when they refuse to eat, or get an upset stomach, or something along the lines of the digestive process goes wrong.
Beel is probably the best at bath time. Man can make some awesome rubber duck voices, and the plotlines he thinks up are very interesting.
The one the most scared to have a baby is the one who loves to spend the most time with the baby.
Why? Because babies sleep most of the fucking day. This is a great bonding experience.
And for some reason, you suspect it's due to his powers, the kid will sleep through anything when the two of them are together.
The minute they sleep in their room, or in a cot next to your bed, they'll be waking up hourly for some reason or another.
And it's like, you can't have the baby sleep with Belphegor all the time because if the kid genuinely needs some attention, he needs to wake up and make it known.
But damn are you tired.
Like you some how think raising a child with seven partners is harder than one, because no one should feel this exhausted when they are allowed to take at least three naps a day.
Outside that conundrum, he's a very quiet dad. He'll just sit by the baby and play with them, usually via rattle, enjoying the cute little noises they make and the faces that grace their features.
He'll miss this when the baby starts crawling.
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omegaobeyme · 3 years
I've been obsessed with Lady Gaga's, "Judas" Song...and it gave me an idea for a short Fic. A Devil's Angel Tags: PG13+, scene of violence/death, Angel/Human!MC, DiavoloxMc, Spoilers for lesson 16 Part 1/?
Diavolo was a glorified demon, rivaling strength to only 2 other realm leaders. Of course, if you asked any obedient servant of the throne, he was naturally the obvious winner. So what happens when you have all of the strength a being could dream of and more? You "make friends" apparently. There was no way this all-powerful man could be up to such a light-hearted task. Perhaps it was his butler, Barbatos, with such knowledge and time who guided Diavolo to urge such a conclusion. Had the green-haired demon known a war was to commence? Was Diavolo truly unfit to win such a battle, and therefore needed another way out? These questions filled your head as you stepped into your new dormitory. You were a human, just not too human entirely. Angels essence filled your being thanks to your ancestor, Lilith. You had even met Michael himself years back when her memories flooded yours as the angel essence was supposed to take you to heaven. Long story short, you were in a temporary coma after a car accident. Simeon shook you out of your head with a hand on your shoulder, "remember why you're here." He said, with the same smile he always gave. It was too suspicious for a soon-to-be demon lord to be asking for unity, and god wanted answers. This is where you came in: a seemingly innocent human whose in an extremely unique position to gain an advantage; and more importantly, knowledge. Solomon joined you for your first tea with Barbatos and Diavolo, time allowing. Knocking on the door, you were met with the tired eyes of the butler. "Welcome, over this way." Barbatos guided the pair of humans and you couldn't help but notice how unnervingly perfect this man was. It was as if a board has been placed against his back, perfectly aligning his spine starting at his hips, threaded through his neck. Finally, he motioned towards a satin couch placed within an openly lit common area, decorated with lavish antiques, artwork, and instruments. Solomon broke the silence, "Ah, Auguste Allaire?" "Indeed." The green-haired demon replied, understanding his question without having to look at the painting Solomon was referencing. "I would like to clarify this meeting is to get to know our human exchange students," He began lifting a tray off his serving cart, finished with matching teacups and plates for the both of us, "As humans, it's of upmost importan-" Doors burst open, featuring a particularly muscled demon prince. "Barbatos!" Diavolo smiled so wide his eyes managed to shut. Not only was his personality loud, his laugh was louder. "Sorry, sorry! I'm late, aren't I?" If you were embarrassed, you can imagine Barbatos' reaction in his own mind. He simply sat down and motioned for his Lord to follow suit. It was at this moment you thought it was a horrible prank you somehow got involved in. Months would pass, much like the meetings you had with the royals. During these moments you were allowed questions pre-approved by Simeon. "Why do you want to unite the realms?" and "What happened to the king?" All of which never satisfied any angels curiosity. It seemed for that you'd continue this way forever, until the day you knew of him. The sun gently glazed over your skin, sending shivers at the unexpected warmth of the devildom morning. Of course, it was Lucifer. "I know you better than to sleep in, MC." His gaze shifts to your own, as his back turns to face the now opened curtain of your room. "I'm sorry, I don't usually sleep in unless I'm sick." You weren't lying, it was unusual. "Oh? Perhaps it would be best for you to stay home. I'll have Satan take notes in your stead." Lucifer retorted, sparing you no opportunity to argue back. Then again...this would give you an opportunity to explore the house, especially to find anything Diavolo's "right hand man" might be keeping. Simply nodding, you rolled the covers over your head and set the alarm for another hour, knowing well a mostly human like yourself couldn't escape their well-trained eyes to watch them walk away. At 8 a.m, you awoke to find breakfast in a tightly-sealed container. However, hunger
could barely invade the anxiety creeping upon you. First in priority was making sure everyone was gone, no one in the kitchen, bedrooms, studies, or observatories. Now it was finally time...you took the steps towards Lucifer's room, each slower than the last. Lifting the back of your hand, you knock only to realize the door opening upon contact. The air was noticeably cooler, and his record player opened, as if suddenly stopped. You draw your attention towards his desk, the obvious choice. As you go through paperwork, you realize you can't find any, despite the mountains on his desk every night. Of course. They must've been brought to RAD along with his briefcase he brings every day. But there had to be something. Anything. Go through his bookshelves: nothing. Flip through his records: nothing. The closest lead you've got is a sticky-note in his book with a quote. You take off, looking for any other places he could possibly be storing such sensitive information, then it hit you: the upstairs. Lucifer had made it such a point to not venture upstairs, could he have been more oblivious of such a hint? Honestly, it was still scary to think about going up to an unknown part of the house, but you had no other choice. After checking the time, you begin making the climb only to find a hallway with one door. A loud bang comes from an unknown direction, and you flinch, thinking someone had come home. Then a low chuckle comes from the room in front of you, nearly taunting. Once you gather your emotions, you continue onward to face whatever lay in front of you, only to find a normal-looking human. "who-" "oh, are you the new playtoy?" he responds, "excuse me?" You step backwards, out of reach from his hands, "I don't know what you're talking about." His smile fades, "oh, you must be another human.." He's human, too? "I know what it looks like, but you're not safe here. Ask about Belphegor. Meet me again when it's safe. He's coming back." the blue-white haired male shrinks back into the darker area of the room, and before you can process, your feet run down to your room. Not too long after, a knock fills the empty air. The handle turns, and Satan makes his appearance visible. "Wow. You do look bad. Maybe you should get back to bed." you shake your head, attempting to mask the heartbeat in your chest. "No! No, I'm fine, I swear. What's in your hand?" attempting to avert his attention, you point to the notebook in his hand. "Oh, that. Well I came here to study with you since I heard you missed the day." Satan moved in towards your bed, laying the notebook on your bedstand and flipping to the nearest filled-in page. "Here's the theories we went over, and the elixir's following. I've already taken geography so I brought my old textbook to help, and then there's realm science." You hold your hand up for him to pause as you look over each notes. "Wait, Griffins horn? I thought it was powdered unicorn hoof." He smiles, "Nice catch. We go over it next semester, some things can be substituted for higher-grade materials depending on the molecular structure. If you take a look at..." Satan proceeds to take your mind off the previous situation for the next two hours. That is, until you get lost in thought. "MC? MC, snap out of-" "Who is Belphegor?" you interrupt, leaving him speechless. He clicks his tongue, hand on temple. Everytime he attempts to talk he groans in frustration. Panic settles upon your face unsure of what you had just asked. Had he just set you up? Was he another demon out to steal your soul? What will they do when they find out. "What do you know?" Satan manages to find words, "I-" you begin to lose yours. What does Belphegor mean? It seems like a name but what if- "You know what? I don't want to know. Keep it to yourself." He gets off from the edge of your bed and slams the door behind him. This wouldn't be the last time you heard of him, nor the last you saw. The next morning was eerie. You weren't dead, but..it somehow felt like it. No one came to let you know of breakfast, even after a few minutes of waiting. It
wasn't like you wanted to show your face either, you felt naked. When you did arrive, everyone at the table remained silent besides minimal conversations. Beelzebub no longer tried to steal your food, and Asmodeus wasn't trying to flirt with you. When Lucifer announced it was time to head to RAD, a weight had been lifted from the silence. After opening the door, you noticed another figure beside him. "Good morning, Mc. May I trouble you in taking you out of classes for another day?" Barbatos lightly tilted his head as his eyes looked upon your soul. "O-Of course." You took the hand provided, as he lead you to the castle. When you arrived, Barbatos told you to make yourself comfortable in the first living room. Before long, Diavolo appeared alongside him. "Mc! It's good to see you!" he beamed, arms opened for a hug. "And you as well, Diavolo." Quick to your feet, you met his courtesy. He brightened further when you returned his affection. "Do you by chance enjoy flowers?" Thinking back to the celestial realm, you nod. Taking your hand, he shows you to the garden out back. "Out of everything I was not expecting a garden.." "Really? What did you expect?" His arms crossed and he moved closer towards you, watching your expressions as you gathered your thoughts. "Well, for a demon, maybe stone statues or torture devices." He chuckles, shaking his head. "Is that what humans think now? Are we that cruel?" Diavolo jokes, until Barbatos chimes in, "Times have changed since young masters reign." as he finishes, you notice the plate of gourmet sandwiches prepared for the two of you, placed on a garden table not too far off. Together, you shared the next two hours together chatting alone. Without distractions clouding the brain, things seemed to appear as usual. The brothers began talking to you as normal, including Satan. Simeon hadn't brought up any information or lack thereof since the last meeting with Diavolo and Solomon. In fact, Diavolo seemed to be taking more time out of his schedule to spend with you alone, rather than the two human exchange students. It was nice, for a change; until you remembered what occurred with the Belphegor situation. "So, why did you ask me here in the first place?" Diavolo noticed your body language shifting for a few minutes now, but he knew something was coming at this point. "Today? Well, I enjoy the company of-" "No, Dia. When you first brought me to this garden." It couldn't be helped, you had now formed a friendship with Diavolo. He knew too much about you and how you truly acted when you were yourself, rather than the puppet an angel could use. Emotions conflicted, parts of you yearned to let loose, yet at the same time, what if it was all just an act? What if you had fallen right into his trap, and he knew all along? Just like the dictator Michael had expected. Putting his cup aside, he took a brief pause before answering. "Satan told me that day what had occurred. I thought it best to ensure my exchange student's --" Diavolo stopped as you stood up, allowing your exit. "Tired. So fucking tired." You thought to yourself as you made your way home to the house of Lamentation. Of course, not only did the oh-so-friendly prince take you out of classes once a week, he adjusted your course schedule to reflect such changes. All you could think was how pathetic you are for allowing this to happen under your watch. You never felt fit for this job, but never more so in this moment. Hesitation couldn't be found as you made your way up the stairs into the room. "You're back. Angry. Cat got your tongue?" He was obviously trying to rile you up and it was working. "So who is Belphegor? Are you trying to get me killed?" At this point, he bursts out laughing, "you think this is funny?!" you scream out. "Very." He stops, looking directly into your eyes. "And you're only helping me escape. How about I tell you a secret? I'm not even a human. I know you understand that by now, but I'm Belphegor, the last brother. And you just helped me escape." Before you knew it, hands wrapped around your neck. It was
gentle enough to find release, running downstairs and towards the front door. It was always apparent there was risks, but that's why you had the angels blessing! So why are you so close to death?? Before you could turn the handle, it moves itself. Belphie takes the chance to knock you off your feet, immobilizing you and landing you upon your back. The door opens as Belphegor protrudes claws into your most vital organ, and cold rushes over you, processing the last visuals of Lucifer's shock with Diavolo behind him. "Open your eyes." You wince. He's on top of you, how could you look? There's no way a human could escape the wrath of a demon. "Did you forget about me?" the voice echoes. What? Opening your eyes, you find nothing but white space. Suddenly, a door appears in front of your body. "Don't waste it. And don't forget where you came from." Lilith? There's no way...but then, this couldn't be a dream. It felt too real. On the other side of the doorframe was your last visual before you died, from another perspective. Glimpses flash from her own memories as it floods into your own.. in a flash, your perspective of yourself and the brothers around you changes. You could see the door Lucifer held opening in mere seconds. He froze, in shock of seeing Belphegor out. What's more, the man behind him couldn't see. The red haired demon pushed through, to find the worst fate. Immediately transforming, he flies to your dead body's side. Anger wouldn't be enough to describe what you witnessed in his eyes, nor the grief he was going through. This wasn't normal. Nothing in your body felt that what you were watching was normal. A king's priority should be on subduing Belphegor, and here he was at your deceased version's side. Suddenly, Belphegor's words filled the air. "DON'T FUCKING DARE, FOR THEM? HAHAHA!" You've never heard such a deranged laugh before. Lucifer's eyes opened even further upon processing what Diavolo was accomplishing. Tears couldn't be found in Diavolo's face, he was far beyond it. Whatever was happening, Belphegor didn't dare interrupt. "L-Lord Diavolo, you can't sacrifice yourself for-" Diavolo paid no mind to his right hand mans attempt at stopping him, taking a deep inhale, hands at his horns. "I apologize mother, but I can assure you I won't be wasting your gift." time slows further as Diavolo begins to pull away at his horns. "STOP." Every head turns to look at you, including Diavolo. It wasn't until you died that it hit you. The moments before anyone realized you came back you saw his selfless actions for yourself.
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Welcome To The World Satan
An Obey Me theory/headcanon as to how Satan gradually became accepted by a grief-ridden family
Ok to start, I’ll be referring to a couple hcs that already exist here, It’s not vital to go back and read those first, but it’s a short piece and would help me out a ton if you leave so much as a like! Thank you.
Alright, as I mentioned in the other piece, I hc that Satan was “born” as a small child, about 4 years old in human years. This is because children often do not have a way to communicate exactly how they are feeling, and their frustration is further enhanced by the lack of that ability. Because Satan was the spawn of Lucifer’s wrath, guilt, and regret, I would also like to put a theory out there that Satan is the spitting image of Lilith, seeing as losing Lilith is one of if not Lucifer’s biggest regret. However I want to take that theory a little farther.
In those few moments it took for Satan to form, Lilith’s ghost had been nearby, heart-broken to see her brothers fall and crushed with the knowledge knowing they would be in pain in every way possible, thus merging with Satan before he fully came to be, hoping to provide to the newest member to her family, as well as use him as a vessel to aid in calming her family, despite his turbulent origins. When they crashed in the Devildom, someone wrote this much more poetically than me however I cannot remember who, I apologize, Lucifer was quick to throw himself into his work, his grief not aided by Satan’s strikingly similar appearance to Lilith, leaving Satan feeling confused and upset, as well as the pieces of Lilith with in him, who wanted nothing more than to comfort her biggest brother, but continued to be pushed away. With Leviathan under the water, Asmo indulging in his sin, Beel basically stress-eating, and Belphie sleeping the sad away, the only one really available for Satan was Mammon. Mammon of course, was dealing with his own grief, but here he was in the same room as a young crying and screaming kid that looked like his dead sister, all his brothers have kind of separated to deal with things on their own, but...he couldn’t just leave Satan. After a few attempts at calming him down and failing, Mammon started getting distracted by pieces of metal and scraps around the room, temporarily ignoring Satan and subconsciously going back to an old hobby with an alternate motive- inventing a machine that could help make him rich! Though as Mammon started gathering supplies, Satan’s cries slowly started to deescalate into small whimpers and sniffles before he crawled over to Mammon, studying what he was doing and then trying his best to help. It was a bit of a stress-reliever for Mammon, and he helped Satan the way Lucifer had helped him all those years ago, but warned him it might not work. It inevitably fell apart and Satan’s first instinct was to throw a tantrum, but as hot tears of frustration filled his eyes, Mammon simply pulled him into a hug. Lilith also helped calm him down a bit, and for the first time since being created, Satan sighed and felt peace...at least momentarily, but that was all he needed to know  he was safe with Mammon, and a piece of Lilith faded, one of her pieces of unfinished business completed.
The Twins
Satan still wasn’t accepted very quickly by the other brothers, and even with Mammon he struggled to be around him all the time, and as mentioned in the other piece, he often wandered. However one time he had had a nightmare and was walking towards Mammon’s room when he heard a pitiful cry from the twins room, daring to peek in and see Beel and Belphie sharing a bed, Beel crying in his sleep, Belphie clearly having a nightmare just like he had just had. A strange urge pushed him forward, though he felt very small in comparison, wondering what he could possibly do until he got stronger instruction from a voice in his head to lay between the two. He did, and slowly but surely the twins and himself calmed down and were able to fall back asleep. The morning after, the twins were surprised, and after listening to Satan’s story as to why he was in their bed, they had the want to protect him as well. As they spent more time with him however, they found that he not only looked like Lilith, but shared many characteristics with her. For Belphie, it was a source of comfort, whereas for Beel it brought his guilt back, and for the time being, he tried to distance himself from Satan, but always treated him kindly whenever they did happen to be in the same room. Whenever Satan couldn’t sleep, Belphie would tell him bed time stories. Eventually Satan wanted to remember all the stories Belphie told him, so he got a paper and a pen to draw what he understood from each story, and would cry and scream at Belphie if he fell asleep in the middle of telling a story. He had his own picture books now, and would review them often.
I have some other stuff on him and Asmo here, regarding his sense of style (and/or lack thereof), but not important. Asmo wasn’t home a lot of the time after the initial fall, spending his time indulging himself, as well as going out and drinking. (May do an angst piece for Asmo in the near future, we shall see-) However as he started to adjust even the smallest bit, he started to actually decorate his room a bit instead of neglecting it. So by the Satan came stumbling down the hallway looking for something to do, his curiousity got the best of him and he walked into Asmo’s bedroom, when the Lust demon happened to be out. He took a look around the room until he found some fashion magazines, the bright colours and big lettering catching his eye. Not wanting to get caught in Asmo’s room without him there, he took one and ran to his room, and slowly looking over the words to try and sound them out, using the pictures to help him understand. As he got better at this, it would become almost a ritual. He would very quietly open the door to make sure that if Asmo was in there sleeping, he wouldn’t wake him up by accident and avoid getting caught. He would steal a few magazines (thanks Mammon for showing him how to do it “right”-), take them to his room and try to read them, but now also adding the words to Belphie’s stories under his pictures in his book. One day he was on his way to return the magazines with his book tucked under his other arm, excited to show the twins and maybe Mammon, but in his excitement he forgot to knock or check quietly first, opening the door and seeing a startled looking Asmo applying make-up at his vanity. Asmo knew about Satan, but hadn’t really seen him yet, wide-eyed at the resemblance between him and Lilith as he slowly put his mascara down and knelt on the floor, beckoning Satan closer by name, reassuring him it was ok. Satan cautiously and somewhat ashamed-looking approached Asmo, trying somewhat to hide the magazines he had, though once he was close enough Asmo could see that there were a few tears in his eyes, from fear, and anger at himself, and embarrassment in getting caught. He gently put his hand on Satan’s shoulder and asked him if he needed a hug, trying not to let on just how much he needed one himself. Satan started crying and apologized for taking the magazines without permission as he hugged Asmo. Asmo reassured him it was ok and held him close until he stopped crying, just rocking him back and forth a bit. When he was done, Asmo had a few tears in his eyes as well as he wiped Satan’s away, explaining he wasn’t upset, but curious as to why Satan wanted to look at the magazines. Satan proudly presented his homemade book to Asmo and explained he had been teaching himself how to read and write using Asmo’s magazines. Asmo was clearly impressed by this, and was the first person to praise Satan for anything he had done, and asked him to read the book to him, sitting on the floor properly and inviting him to sit in his lap. Satan was more than happy to oblige, feeling his little heart swell with joy as he plopped himself down and started reading to Asmo the stories Belphie told him, as Asmo felt love for someone again, almost crying at the amount of comfort Satan had given him, for the first time sense falling, Asmo had found a bit of peace, allowing another piece of Lilith to fade away. As Satan presented his work to his other brothers, they were impressed, Belphie much more touched than he let on., and it was actually him that suggested that one of them take Satan to a library with more age-appropriate books, as the ones in the house were too mature for him. Satan was ecstatic and was finally starting to feel a bit more like a part of the family. 
It took a while for Levi to come home, partially because he didn’t even know where “home” was. However by the time Levi got home he was still struggling to control his sin, getting angry and jealous over Satan getting so much attention, inadvertently feeding into Satan’s power. Satan turned into his demon form, a sight that wasn’t new to the other brothers but concerning, as for the first time, he wasn’t crying, and it was just pure anger as Levi snapped at him for “taking his brothers away” and “you’re not a real part of this family, why should you get the love I deserve?!” Beel tried to calm Levi down as Asmo and Belphie tried Satan, but the damage was done and Satan wasn’t backing down this time. He ended up attacking Levi, leaving everyone panicking, not knowing how Levi would react and how far Satan would go. Beel was quick to pick Satan up, leaving a stunned Levi on the floor. He slowly got up, as Satan curled into Beel still in his demon form, crying angrily, not wanting to believe Levi’s words. Levi mumbled something under his breath and went to his room, holing up and relying on Beel to bring him food and water as he continued to pity himself. Satan needed a lot reassurance from his brothers he had connected with to make sure they weren’t going to push him away again, leave him alone again, and not say things like Levi had ever again. It wasn’t until Levi started to set things up for a pet that Satan felt like approaching him again. Levi had learned to control himself a bit better as well as felt bad for having said those things to Satan, and apologizing. Once Satan knew what kind of pet Levi was getting, and also found out that Levi read something called “manga”, he asked one of his brothers to take him to the library so he could grabs some manga as well as pick up food for the animal Levi was getting. Satan also picked up a book about raising the animal Levi was getting. He was adamant about taking it to Levi himself, his arms full of manga as he made his way to Levi’s room trying not to fall over. Levi was pleasantly surprised, and took a moment before realizing he should probably grab the stack before the child did actually fall over- Satan had asked about a certain book, caught off guard by himself as there was no way he should’ve known the title of a book when he didn’t even know that genre existed- Thank you Lilith. He had gotten a book that Levi had been in the middle of reading in the Celestial Realm, making him inexplicably happy. Levi ruffled his hair a bit as thanks and Satan smiled, happy that they had made up and resumed helping Levi set up the habitat. Levi told Satan he would help him find good manga for when he was old enough to read some of them. And with that, another piece of Lilith faded away.
Finally there was Lucifer. It wasn’t for a lack of trying on Satan’s part, since his creation, Lucifer was the one he felt the pull to most, but continuously was pushed away, Lucifer being “too busy”. What he didn’t know, was almost every time he left Lucifer, Lucifer would cry. He felt like a failure for having lost Lilith, and seeing Satan was salt in the wound as we was reminded of her every time. Satan felt unwanted, and started to build resentment for Lucifer, surely if he could get along with Levi he could eventually get along with the person who brought him into this world....right? However even once Lucifer started coming out of his office, whenever Lucifer looked down at Satan, even Satan could tell that there was something in his eyes that didn’t feel right, almost like disgust, when really, it was sadness. Satan stopped trying to get on Lucifer’s good side, despite what he felt was Lilith’s desperation. After a while, Lucifer finally felt ready to try and talk to Satan, to get to know him, but Satan still held that resentment and turned him away, telling him “you should have been the brother you are trying to be now...when I actually needed and wanted you.” 
There is a small part of Lilith still with Satan, but he has grown to the point of being his own person. Sometimes when Satan feels alienated for being the only demon-born brother, he gets an inexplicable feeling of comfort wash over him, at least he did before MC came. With MC there to kind of take Lilith’s place, Lilith was finally able to find rest, her unfinished business finally taken care of.
Anyways- thank you for reading, I hope you found this interesting!
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 5
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so…, Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
Lucifer looked into my eyes muttering something in angelic before whispering, “I’m sorry…”
With tears burning his eyes he buried the sword deep into my heart.
“Thank you”
CHAPTER 5 - Oblivion (1618 words)
“Y/N? Wake up Y/N”
Someone’s calling my name?
“Y/N, please wake up”
I awoke in a daze hearing a soft female voice calling out to me.
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
Slowly blinking awake, I realized that I was floating in some dark void. Upon looking around, I found the source of the voice. A young woman with long strawberry blonde hair and violet eyes was looking at me. Her white and purple dress was flowing freely around her. Her hair framed her face just right with a small leaf hair clip finishing her look. She spoke out again.
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
“Who are you?”
“Oh, thank goodness you can. Y/N, I am Lilith. Do you remember how you got here?”
I looked down at myself realizing that there is a gaping hole in my chest where my heart is supposed to be. Memories of the trial came flooding back to me.
“I-I was on trial. The king didn’t like the idea of me having pacts with all your brothers, so he ordered that I be killed. He, he tried to make Lucifer do it but he refused to kill me. I remember ordering your brothers not to interfere and to obey Lord Diavolo above the king, then I ordered Lucifer to kill me with his sword. He whispered something in angelic then killed me. I thanked him then nothing. It didn’t even hurt when he killed me, I just fell asleep.” Hugging myself as I remembered what happened, what I assume to be not 30 minutes ago. Lilith moved to wrap her arms around me.
“Shh, it’s alright now. When Big Brother killed you, he probably used his holy sword, that’s why you didn't feel anything, but if he did, you should have returned to Oblivion. Do you know what that is?”
Nodding my head, I recalled my Devildom history class. Oblivion was the start of the universe. All living beings were created from oblivion. Oblivion is the purple aura that surrounds someone when they perform a spell. It is the stuff used to manifest something via spell or curse. If harnessed right, it can also be used as an energy source.
“Big Brother probably muttered a protection spell which is why you are here instead of non-existent.”
“Where is here?” I asked while slowly releasing her from the hug.
“This place has no name, although I like to call it the void. In reality, that is all this place really is. It is where souls end up should they not have a final destination but don’t return to Oblivion. This only happens in special cases. It is the reason I have been able to watch over you and my elder brothers. This is where things get complicated. You were not meant to die yet and I didn’t have enough power to save you this time. You now have to make a choice, no matter what you pick, you cannot change the fact that you died, there is no cheating death a second time. I can make you a demon and send you to the Devildom, I can re-incarnate you into a new-born human although you will lose your memories, or I can send you to the Celestial Realm as a seraph. It’s your choice.”
“There is no way I would give up my memories of your brothers and the time I spent in the Devildom, and as much as I would love to return to the Devildom, there is no way I am going to serve that tyrant calling himself “King”. I also really don’t want to serve the other tyrant that has the audacity to call himself “Father”” Sighing I cradled my head in my hands weighing my two options. On one hand, I can return to the brothers and the one I love, but I will have to serve King Abandon and that’s if he doesn’t decide to kill me again as soon as he lays eyes on me. On the other hand, I could go to the Celestial Realm and hide out with Simeon and Luke, but I would have to bow down to their Father so as to not risk banishment from the Celestial realm, and that’s if he doesn’t cast me out on the spot, unless…
“I pick the Celestial Realm. As much as I dread serving Father, it’s my best option of seeing the brothers again.”
“Y/N, are you sure? I will be using up the last of my power, there is no going back after this.”
“I’m sure.”
“Alright.” Lilith took my hand and started chanting in angelic. A golden aura surrounded her as strings of light flowed out of her and into my chest and back, closing my wound and forming 6 pure white wings on my back. My clothing transformed into white and pastel blue garments. A small halo appeared over my head. I saw Lilith beam at me and say something although I couldn’t make out what she said as the darkness claimed me once more.
~In the Devildom~
(Lucifers POV)
Tears threatened to spill over as I carried out Y/N’s order. Why? Why did they make me do it?! They could have ordered me to pick them up and fly them away, I would have done it before the order even left their mouth. There is no way I could send them back into Oblivion. Without thinking, I drew the sword I swore I would never draw again. My Father had dubbed it “Starburst”, my holy sword. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it after the fall, and now I’m glad I didn’t. I heard gasps from the crowd as I summoned the sword, the only demons having seen it were my brothers as well as Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. I fought against Y/N’s order long enough to mutter a small prayer for their soul, hoping that wherever Lilith was, she would hear and understand that I needed her help. Unable to fight the order any longer, I took one last look into their eyes and thrust the sword straight through their heart, my brothers screaming in the background. Holding Y/N’s body a little longer than normal, I heard their last words, “thank you”, then nothing. Y/N was gone, and I was the one who killed them. I didn’t have time to think about it as I felt a searing pain on the back of my left hand, turning over to face my brothers, I saw them each clutching a part of their bodies as we all felt the pact we each held with Y/N shatter. I gently laid down Y/N’s body and got up moving off stage before my tears spilled over signalling my brothers to do the same. Not acknowledging the king, we all turned and left, Diavolo and Barbatos following close behind. Asmo’s crying was all we heard as we walked towards the House of Lamentation, none of us wanting to be anywhere near the king. Upon entering, we all went our separate ways. Levi immediately retreated towards his room, the twins went to theirs. Satan went to the library. Asmo and Mammon both went into the direction of Y/N’s old room while Diavolo, Barbatos and I headed to my secret study. Now alone, I let it all out, my pride worthless now.
“It’s not your fault-”
“Isn’t it Dia?! I was the one that killed them! I wasn’t strong enough to fight them and now they're gone!”
“I noticed you muttering something before, you know. What was it?”
“It was a prayer to Lilith. I know she’s watching over us. I can only hope that she heard it and will help Y/N. I didn’t send them into Oblivion as he ordered but to where she is. That was all I was able to do.” Tears now streamed down my face clear as day as I leaned back into my chair looking up at the ceiling at the thought of my only sister and Y/N who has grown to be someone I would even call my lover. Barbatos put his hand on my shoulder to try and ground me.
“What now?”
“I don’t know Barb, I really don’t. My Father has control of the Devildom and now with Y/N gone, it will be a lot harder to continue with any of our plans. On the plus side, thanks to Y/N’s order, my word outranks my Father’s when it comes to you 7.”
“But the pact is gone. There’s no way any of their orders are still in play, right?”
“No, it is still very much there. I can still feel the lingering effects of an order. If it weren’t, we would have attacked the king as soon as the pact broke but Y/N ordered us not to interfere with the trial.”
We sat in silence, none of us wanting to break it, until Diavolo’s DDD pinged with a text alerting him and Barbatos back to the castle.
As they were leaving Diavolo pulled me in for a tight hug.
“I’ll make this right. I promise.”
Letting go, both demons left for the palace as I went to my room. Shedding my clothes, I bypassed pyjamas and laid in bed. Tears ran down my face as I thought about Y/N and all the precious memories we had made together. I rolled over and realized they left their Little D No.1 plushie here from their last sleepover. Clutching it, their scent strong on the plushie, I drifted off to sleep, hugging the Little D in my arms wishing it was Y/N instead.
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azurajay · 2 years
I would like to know anything about the ocs u are willing to share who are they where are they from why does one of them have a tail why so many crosses
OHMYGODD HI HELLO HI I HONESTLY DID NOT EXPECT AN ASK AT ALL FROM THAT UEUEUE you are also literally my first ever ask so thank youu u so much for that im so excitedhsjdfgjkfjg
This might end up a long post so apologies in advance, I will try to keep it minimal ksdjk
OKAY okay so the baker lady in the first drawing, her name is nancy, she is the one with the tail<3 she's a mermaid!! if youve ever seen the tv show h20, her mermaid abilities are like that, in that if she touches an amount of water she undergoes the transformation. but unlike in h20, she was a mermaid First before she was human, she just lives more as a human now because she wanted that experience instead, and runs a lil bakery :DD
she wears the bandana on her head to cover some of her hair post-mermaid transformation, because it turns her hair Pink and it takes a day or so to go back to brown again. she also gets scales that show up on her skin, so she dresses accordingly after she's spent time as a mermaid so that they're hidden sjdkfgj but her group of friends help to keep her secret too :]
the whole story is set on this (made up) tiny island just off the south-ish UK coast in the 80s (but both time and place are kept relatively vague throughout), and that's where all of the characters are from!!
as for the crosses, one of the staple centre pieces of the island is the church!! pretty much everyone on the island was brought up religious, but in the story, one of the main characters (elias) and any of the other teens/young adults who are also on the religious side focus more on the saint of the church, st. eudocia. this leads to some uh,,, Interesting characters, one being the man with the cross earrings at the centre of the poster plan drawing (his name is greysen), who has a slight obsession with the saint figure and is attempting to reach immortality to be on her level !! fun !!
this causes a wholeee lotta trouble which is essentially the domino for the overarching plot so i simply will not go into all of that, but basically the boy in front of greysen (elias) is lead to believe his brother teddy (the guy Behind greysen) is dead/has been killed, and funky murder mystery shenanigans ensue :DD
(elias actually ends up being sort of "chosen" by st. eudocia, much muchhh to greysen's anger (which again leads to trouble) but elias has always looked to eudocia for guidance and to praise so it's sweet. she's got his back.)
teddy is also the one with the glasses in the first pic, and he's with jackie - i imagine that's not long after him and jackie meet, and teddy's taken him over to see nancy, who's one of his rly good friends!! :DD
then the second pic is during a moment when nancy is having a Rough Time following the news of teddy's death, and lars shows up to check on her, and they have a moment of quiet together as lars helps her bathe. they make me soo :((((
I JSUT REMEMBERED I HAVE THIS IMAGE okay so here is a Labelled Diagram of who everyone is :DD
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greysen is the leader of the little evil-doers gang, consisting of pippa, sadie, and harywn, and then teddy is the leader of the little good guys gang consisting of lilith, nancy, lars, and jackie :D (both gangs need official names i just simply cannot think of anything yet <\3)
lilith is teddy's longterm childhood bestie, and they end up partly framed for teddy's death, which (alongside teddy's disappearance) is cause for turbulance btwn teddy's lil group - which is also something that plays into that second drawing with nancy and lars :(
BUT this image completely misses out elias' childhood best friend, toni, who is the most endearing little guy<3 the two of them spend an obscene amount of time together, and they work on dumb lil pranks and projects all the time. (this,,, gets offset by the disappearance of teddy, and the introduction of a new friend that toni makes, alongside greysen-induced-factors, drives the two apart at the lowest part of the story, but Fear Not because i hate sad endings, everything gets resolved<33)
this is her!! :D
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okay now in favour of keeping this from getting any longer than it is, i will end it there, but i need you to know that pippa and sadie are in love. that is all.
but also seriously thank you so much for the ask, i really didnt expect anyone to see the post at all, let alone send an ask, so it means a wholeee lot ;-; thank you for lettin me ramble about my funky little guys :]]]
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whisperingrockers · 4 years
would u. i dunno. perhaps articulate some thots on toh infinity train au 😳 if u can
HM. i will do my best. but...i dont really know how to organize my thoughts.  i guess i should probably just start with the characters and go from there, huh. also in this particular au these characters don’t actually take the place of tulip, lake, jesse, grace, etc- i think they’re all just there under different circumstances. 
okay so we’ll start with Luz because. she’s the main character, y’know. very important. i think the catalyst that brings her to the train is her mother signing her up for Reality Check summer camp because as a creative it’s just! disheartening to have someone you love tell you that you’re not going to make it in this world if you don’t conform to what everyone else wants. so of course when a huge mysterious locomotive suddenly pulls up to the bus stop you KNOW luz gets on, no hesitation. after all, isn’t that something right out of a sci-fi adventure novel? 
unlike tulip, luz is THRILLED to find herself on some unknowable train where each car is a new adventure just waiting to happen, where there are always new friends to make, new places to see, and tons of puzzles to solve? she’s made to feel like the protagonist right out one of her fave animes. 
also, really important to note that her number is probably tied to how she relates to the other passengers on the train. i feel like there’s an overarching theme in the show about how luz is going through a lot of firsts when it comes to interpersonal relationships, especially friendships, so i wanted to keep that going in this au- i imagine her number goes up when she finds her friends tapes and convinces them to watch with her because this is obviously the easiest and most straightforward way to get to know them! (luz poppin that bad boy into a vcr player: this mama is ready for trauma!) 
realized how wordy this is going to be LOL
hough so this is a human au also (i assume? infinity train world really do be existing in some limbo state of reality where your reflection can just up and ditch you). i see her as a jack of all trades, master of none type, with a lean towards perfumes and handmade soaps that she sells at fairs or farmers markets and also pickpocketing. i think she sees something that reminds her of the life she used to have/would have had before lilith [redacted because i do not know what she DID yet but on GOD we will have canon continuity] and that drives her to get on the next train headed anywhere.
her number is tied to how much she allows herself to open up; the more she uses her salesman cover to keep others at arms length, the higher her number goes, which is why it’s so important for her to team up with King and Luz; they help her open up and be more honest with herself.  
king is actually a denizen of the train in this au; i love him too much to turn him into a real ass dog, so i wont. eda meets him in a car full of plush toys, which he refers to lovingly as his army of the damned. i almost want to hold off on writing up any more for him because i know there’s more to king’s character than meets the eye. still torn between eda trying to bring him off the train with her or having him realize that the whole TRAIN is HIS KINGDOM, and all its passengers loyal peons who need their mighty rulers HELP, for without him they would PERISH.
for now though eda sees him and is immediately like get over here (reaching emoji) 
willow is a tough one for me because in all honesty having your longtime friend tell you out of the blue that they can’t be friends with you anymore would be enough to send me packing to the train, but with willow i think it’s less about amity and more about how the fallout between them affects her social and academic success. the frustration reaches a tipping point that has her running out of the classroom and finding the train. 
and yes, willow is a very sensible, bright girl, but she was also SO ready to trick the principle and steal from the emperor for her friend so i don’t think getting on a mystery train is wholly out of the question for her, y’know? 
There’s a lot about repression in the way willow deals with things generally, so her number is tied to passivity. the more she allows others to infringe on her personal boundaries to keep them placated, the higher her number goes. when she stands up for herself to others (sometimes even her friends!) the number goes up. willow x agency and clear limitations is my otp
gus was actually a SUPER easy one for me we know so much about him from the episodes he’s been in; he’s an overachiever, he’s passionate about what he loves, he’s a natural showman, and he is constantly pushing himself to be the best that he can be, all the time. the hustle doesn’t STOP for gus, and i...i...(tears up) 
anyways, i think the thing that draws him to the train is getting suddenly ousted from the club he formed at school. he’s young, and having everyone you had assumed were your friends turn their back on you and throw you out of the space that you CREATED FOR THEM would be shocking to anyone, but it broke gus’ heart clean in two. after he’d picked his bag and himself up off the hallway floor, he’d left the building in a daze, not even realizing as he boarded the train door that had suddenly opened up in front of him until it was too late. 
i’m actually going to go so far as to say that gus would likely be the one MOST interested in the truth of the train- he’d be asking the tough questions, like what is the purpose of the train? who made it and its technology? where does it exist that it can be both at his school and also speeding across a barren desert landscape at the same time? How does it create sentient lifeforms? the train helps him discover a new passion; journalism. he finds a journal that speaks to him as a friend and advisor in one of the trains, and he takes careful note of everything that happens to and around him. by the time he meets up with willow, he’s got so many ideas and theories that the other girl would have never thought to consider until that very moment. 
idk what his number relates to because he’s perfect the way he is but if i had to take a shot in the dark it probably has something to do with finding somewhere he feels he can belong, as well as being able to mourn and let go of the people he’d considered his friends before he’d gotten on the train. 
sorry this is so long i just have a lot of . gus feelings. 
Amity ( + Edric + Emira )
lumping these whites together 
okay so nobody wants to hear me talk about blight angst there are 800 posts about blight angst, so long story short the three siblings run away, get into an argument with each other, amity ditches them for the train while they’re asleep, and the twins panic and chase after her, determined to find her because in the end they’re all they’ve got. 
‘next stop: amity blight’ 
i think it’d be a cool journey to see the three of them going from ‘we need to be together out of necessity’ to ‘we need to be together because we love each other, and that genuine support structure will pull us through when everything else fails.’ but in order for that to happen they all have to have their own journey, so at some point edric and emira finally get into a spat and that’s enough to get edric and emira stuck on opposite ends of a retracting bridge. send that mans to the BACK of the train. 
emira: my greatest fear is being stuck with edric forever emira: (gets separated from edric)  emira: haha wait please say psyche
amity’s number is definitely tied to her fear of failure, of not being enough for the people she holds closest to her- in this case her siblings, and then lilith, and then luz when they finally meet. when she acts without concern for what the people around her think and when she sticks up for what she knows is right, even when the majority is against her, her number goes down. 
for ed and em im...i don’t want to think about their feelings because they’re supposed to be clowns but i am forced to consider that they may be jealous of their sisters independence. also separating them means they both have to take responsibility for all their own actions and choices, which is probably pretty new for the twins. 
im out of energy actually znzzzsnsz uh. estranged sister who sees something that reminds her of the relationship she used to have and she’s not actually as over it as she thought so the train....she..hghrg
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loverofthewindgod · 3 years
Sienna Headcanons pls!
🌿Sienna Headcannons
• Daughter of Mother Nature Gaia and Fire elemental, Blaze.
• Edenian born, but secretly raised in Earthrealm to avoid trouble.
• Her biggest flaw is self-deprecation. Due to the Crimson Earth tragedy, Sienna views herself as a dangerous burden that only brings misery, and has no right to feel any happiness.
•The most vibrant, playful, and energetic young woman you've ever met. Can be a bit stubborn and sassy, but Sienna will make you smile and laugh, even if its cringey at times. You cant help but love the baby girl.
•Very artistic. Enjoys drawing, painting, sculpting, you name it. Her portraits are about as vibrant as her presence.
• She is a morning person. While she absolutely adores the moon and stars, her spirit rises with the sun. She loves to watch the sunrise from her rooftop before leaping into the forest for a parkour session.
•Sienna is a tree hugger. When she was little and felt lonely, she would hug a tree for comfort, calling it her comfort tree. Now it's a habit for her to hug a tree even others are staring at her weird. What? A girl can't appreciate nature?
•A tomboy, but learns to embrace more of her feminine side. Just don't put her in heels. She absolutely hates them with a passion. There was this one time where Sienna lost a bet to Lilith (@starneko123) and she had to walk in heels for a week. Worst week ever.
•Favorite seasons are Spring and Fall. She enjoys the fresh spring air and the warm autumn ambiance. Gives her a sense of peace and rejuvenation. These are the times when her powers are at their best.
• Absolutely enjoys cooking! I'll tell ya, baby girl can throw down, just ask her family and Fujin lol. Sienna believes that the secret to making delicious food is putting all your heart and soul into it....all while jamming to some tasty tunes. Love, Life, & Fun, her special seasoning blend lmao.
•Sienna is a musician. She plays guitar, the ukelele, the banjo, and a bit of piano. One of her favorite memories was one morning during breakfast, her paw-paw Karey would randomly play a silly banjo tune and his husband Kojoe would sing off key and dance goofily before she joins in. This is another reason why she enjoys the morning.
•Loves singing and dancing. Anytime and anywhere there's music, she cant resist! Prefers listening to music while training. She'll be nodding her head like yeah, moving her hips like yeah (see what I did there lol) and sometimes she'll forget that someone maybe watching her *cough* Fujin *cough*
•Alongside her mother, Sienna traveled the world to have a better connection and understanding of her earthly powers.
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