#Who would have thought
nell0-0 · 4 months
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Shout-out to Tatl, the one who taught Mask how to swear (my HC)
Tatl "Link! What are you doing here?!"
Mask "Me? What are YOU doing here?"
Mask "Oh. That ain't good"
Tatl "No shit"
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nottodayjustin · 2 months
May 2nd 2024 best hockey tweets of the day pt 2
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This was too precious to leave out
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raggedy-spaceman · 2 years
Kinda funny though that at the end of s3 we all hated Laszlo and felt sorry for Nandor and now at the end of s4 we all hate Nandor and feel sorry for Laszlo.
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nayrring · 6 months
I finally find out why is naoya so famous in japan!!! iT'S BECAUSE OF HIS CUTE DIALECT!! LMAO
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nano20030601 · 5 months
El bébé !!!!
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a-wondering-thought · 6 months
*banging my head into a wall* oh how i love my sexuality and the constent questioning
its just so. fucking. fun.
This is a fucking nightmare
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marsconer · 6 months
i hate how this fandom treats calypso. like we know why percy forgot about his promise, we know all of this but she doesn’t. she’s trapped in a island with no sense of time and when a hero she loves promised her he would free her, all she knows is that he didn’t when she was naive enough to believe he would. and about the curse, girls are allowed to have nasty cruel thoughts and the way some people expected percy to act around her is really telling to how they see his character.
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p1tstop · 1 month
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moethewriter · 7 months
Hunger games Renaissance is so real. Could you do a fic where finnick and r live by the water after the rebellion. Idk I'm just picturing a quiet life which they deserve !!!
Ask and you shall reciecve! I love how we are all going through a hunger games renaissance hah! This was slightly nervewracking to write! I've been out of the game so long! --- TITLE: And I shall give you, WORD COUNT: 1k PAIRING: Finnick Odair x Reader WARNINGS: NONE TAGS: Lot's of stupid fluff and introspection (in some ways) by the reader SUMMARY: A quiet life had always seemed impossible, until it wasn't A/N: So this isn't beta read and quite literally my FIRST fanfic in four or five years! A bit rusty but I hop eyou enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing Anon! I'm always open to constructive criticism on how to make my writing, and your reading experience better! Lot's of love, Moe ___ The first thing you noticed was the stillness.
The waves gave no sense of urgency, no rushing and rumbling to its next destination … just a subtle lull as they crashed ever so lightly against the rocks along the shoreline. It was oddly warm for an Autumn day, but you weren’t complaining. The warmth was something you cherished, and longed for.
The warmth brought laughter, and it brought many days laying in the sand as you spoke in hushed whispers, basking in the heat of the day. The warmth brought Finnick’s smile, that you so desperately loved, as he ran through the waves to cool himself, waving shells or sea glass or anything interesting he had found, gathered for your collections. 
It had been over a year since the rebellion and any moment spent with him was magical and everything you ever could have wanted. The quietness of your small home by the sea, the domesticity of your day to day life as you both grew and both allowed yourself to become okay with the stillness … Love had gotten you by, if there was one thing you could always count on it was being loved by the man with who had the biggest heart in the entire world.
“For you.” He had said, holding out a small crystal glass that shimmered in the sunlight, he doted on you day in and day out, though you insisted it had never been necessary.
But Finnick did not care, instead saying that you had all the time in the world to be spoiled, and he was more than willing to give it to you. In return you made sure he never wanted for anything, if he was willing to give you the moon, you were more than willing to return the stars. 
“Thank you.” You said, gratefully taking the glass of lemonade, and sipping it.
Things always seemed more gentle now, an odd thing after how you had both lived for so long. There had never been roughness between you, never a moment of doubt but the world you had been born into didn’t allow for moments like this to be had. But now … now  you were content and you were … happy. Happiness had been so foreign at first, allowing yourself to feel it more than you ever had before … the tiniest glimpses of it showing through your life. It had always seemed so impossible reaching it, but alas here it was … shimmering beneath the sunlight in District Four. 
You think in a way you had always known that happiness could be found with Finnick.
You think of the boy who had stood up for you all of those years ago, Finnick. The boy who had been through too many things far too young … Finnick. The boy who had become the Capitol Darling … Finnick. The boy who had always had your heart, and always would … Finnick.
But this Finnick … The Finnick who brushed your hair and made dinner. The man who built your house piece by piece on a vision you had both created together. Finnick who held you like you were the most beautiful treasure in all of Panem. 
This Finnick who is so at ease that a smile could come from seeing a bird fly over your home from the balcony, or when you simply said “I love you.”
This Finnick, your husband and the man who had never given up on you. 
He leaned in to kiss you softly, holding your face with a touch so light you could barely feel it. 
He felt so much lighter these days, so free and full of life like the boy you had once known. 
“Anything for you.” Finnick smiled back, a smile that could make your heart race a million times faster. He traced your jawline with the pad of his thumb, outlining every possible scar and mole that dotted your skin, and kissed your temple. “Always.”
“You flatter me, Mr. Odair.” You whispered, leaning into his touch. “Has anyone ever told you, you have a silver tongue.” You teased, a bright smile spreading across your face.
“Maybe once or twice.” He chuckled, pulling you into an embrace as you both hit the sand with a soft  ‘thud’, your body relaxed instantly against his despite the roughness of the sand below. “But no one’s ever been you.”
“No one’s ever been you either, Finn.” You tell him, leaning in to kiss his jaw, a small gesture and one of love.
Though everything seems to be filled with love these days, and you didn’t mind one bit. 
“Maybe soon we can start on the painting.” He whispered into your ear, fingers running through your hair, unknotting any tangles that had come from the sea water during your early morning swim. “After all … you are my muse.”
“I’d love that.” You said, softly, closing your eyes.
You held onto one another for what felt like hours, but you knew time had barely passed. The sound of the waves, the quiet chirping of birds in the distance calling to their brothers and sisters. The ocean breeze and sound of his voice sending shivers down your spine, as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. The sun casting its light on both of you, bathing you in the beautiful rays of daylight. 
Moments like these were no longer few and far in between. The days you spent together, and the time you had to now truly be committed and fully loved would never stop. Even those days, the long terrible days that seemed to darken the doorstep of the new life you had built, were far easier to bare knowing that you had him, and he had you. The life that you had always wanted, no longer a simple dream of two teenagers sitting under the stars wishing and hoping that you would be free.
“A quiet life.” he had once told you, under that moon. “That’s what I want after all of this.” And now under the sun, it was the life you did lead.
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armenelols · 10 months
Idril hearing Ulmo's warning and heading it. Idril building a secret path out of Gondolin, an escape route for the survivors. Idril making sure there would be survivors.
Eärendil, searching for Valinor when so many others have failed, the ban be damned. Eärendil reaching Valinor. Giving up the silmaril — it's just a piece of rock, after all, no matter how pretty it is. When banned from Arda, still managing to show up in time to slay fucking Ancalagon. In some versions, killing Ungoliant. Ungoliant. Guiding the lost as a star of hope.
Elros, whose life had been a mess and who still grabbed it firmly with both hands and didn't let go. Didn't waver. Elros, who knew nothing but war, leading his people to peace; Elros following his father's star and doing his goddamn best to be a good king. Building a realm, preserving lost cultures, starting new ones. The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and Elros made sure to be that to his people.
Elrond, who keeps losing everything, but never loses kindness. Elrond, who is an unbreakable rock in the middle of a wild current, who will always be there, in good times and in bad. Elrond, standing by Gil-galad's side during his reign; Elrond, helping the refugees of Eregion, and every weary traveller who wanders to his home, Elrond making his home a place of rest and healing. Elrond, of whom everyone knows his doors are open, and he is a well of knowledge, and he will share it to make the world a better place.
What I am saying is, getting shit done runs in the family.
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aurorangen · 5 months
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I am your new paralegal Isacco Romano, but please just call me Isaac. I look forward to working with you Vincent Kingsley.
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cloudyeucharis · 1 month
Sometimes I remember that Cid has guns in his house in the OG and I'm like.. huh, sure those are yours? Maybe a certain vampires?
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yashershum · 1 year
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so i was just sitting doing nothing and like *pop*
this appeared in my head
and who am I to resist the urge of my brain
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furiosophie · 2 years
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the number one unspoken rule on the isd chimaera? do not, under any circumstances, disturb the admiral and his aide right after they've come back from a mission...
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friesucker · 4 months
So. Did someone win the bet on who Anya was going to tell her secret to first?
I lost btw, thought it was gonna be Becky. Maybe she'll be the first to believe her🤷🏽‍♀️
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nano20030601 · 3 months
taking a bite out of him
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