#Who the fuck does he think he is acting all Sigma just because he's better than L
69-toojay · 8 months
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May God give Light Yagami the strength to endure the bullying a thirteen year old is capable of
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sunny-ssunset · 1 month
Honest south park dating headcanons🔥💯
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dividers by pinterest
♡Im writing so much bc i literally have nothing else to do so enjoy 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
♡Anyways honest headcanons about how i think the main 4 would act in a relationship with you (all aged up) mostly gender neutral but there is like mentions of boobies :)
TW Mentions of s*x, dr*gs and v*mit
•Honestly you wouldnt have to put much effort in to get with him
•Mother fuckers desprate for love
•Hes actually a bit of a wreck once you date him
•Crying because he is scared you'll leave him
•You are defo a rebound
•To be fair he'd start to fall for you though
•And because of that he'd throw up all over you
•He'd break up with you if wendy said she missed him
•In his eyes theres always someone better
•And im sorry but he moves on fast
•If wendy breaks up with him again though
•Expect a drunk call at 3 am saying how much he misses you and how he fucked up and if you can get back together
•Its your choice if you get back with him though lmao
•He is extremely awkward
•Kyle has high ass standards so when he sees someone that meets those standards he'll fall hard
•This man cannot talk to people he likes
•If he doesnt like you he is the rizziest rizzler ever
•And 0 rizz if he does lmao
•He'd start SWEATING
•He would be stumpted for words
•Then when you leave he'd blame someone else for 'fucking up his chance'
•If however you did start dating him (god knows how)
•He'll probably dump you over the smallest thing
•If you vape or smoke though its a big no no
•And like you would argue over the smallest thing
•He'd rant and rant and rant and rant about something cartman did that day
•Probably would put work or school before you
•He forgets your his s/o sometimes
•He'll treat you like a therapist
•However he is really fucking good in bed 😩😏
•This man would always be looking out for no. 1
•Genuinely would not give a fuck about you until you show any value to him
•Always trying to prove he is better than everyone else (especially kyle)
•He listens to alpha male podcasts
•Andrew tate supporter
•To be honest despite him also being plus sized
•He wont date someone who is also plus sized
•Its because andrew tate said he can do better
•He is delusional and doesnt believe you when you say he is fat
•Its apparently just baby fat
•He would let you in on his schemes and let you tag along but would also throw you under the bus and say it was all your idea if he gets caught
•Manipulative as fuck
•Would get pissy if you said no to anything he asks you
•He'd leave you because "He can do better"
•He fucking stinks
•Its either he'll stink of zaza or just plain stinkyness
•He like never showers even when he had the opportunity to
•He'll have a huge crush on you and you'll find out through other kids
•Cartman probably spread it around
•He'll always be staring at your boobs or ass
•Says word like "GYATT DAMN" "WHAT THE SIGMA"
•He doesnt have tiktok only youtube shorts
•Has a shitty cracked iphone 6 in rose gold with no case
•He'll be very loyal like he would never get with someone else
•However always staring at someone elses boobs or ass if not yours
•Will compare you to 'attractive celebrities'
•Hes done many many dr*gs
•Him and his mates probably made a list of all the hottest people in the school (god knows where you are on it)
•He has no rizz at all because hes extremely shy
•Probably only got with you bc of how big your gyatt was
•Hes always really h*rny
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dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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lavernius · 5 months
Use this ask as a prompt to talk abt Restoration :3 I always like reading your posts w/ your thoughts
Thank you! Heads up for the usual "I'm super RVB critical" disclaimer but here are my assorted thoughts.
RVB: RESTORATION SPOILERS under cut, very rambly, TLDR at the end.
The premise was interesting! I think I (personally) would've appreciated it way more if it had actually followed RVB13 directly, but that's beyond anyone's control. Tucker becoming the Meta is great, it would've been nice to see a real-time progression into it. Kinda sucked that Tucker himself didn't get as much focus as a character, but they probably didn't have time to squeeze in anything past Sigma mentally torturing him and Tucker's passing comments about not wanting to help him.
The animation was okay. I won't flame it because they were probably on a time crunch/low on crew, but some parts of it looked worse than others. Action sequences looked pretty good though.
They were trying to do a "final encore" thing by bringing back some old characters (even as cameos), which is, like. Fun? But I feel like focusing so much on Freelancer seasons (with Niner, Wash's hallucinations, Tex, the Meta) snubbed Chorus, which is fine, but a little sad to have the final season reflect on people from the past but not show any Chorusan past Grey. It's RVB, though, so the cast is way too huge for that shit to work out smoothly anyway.
Sarge's death sucked. I think I laughed through the whole thing because I was so baffled. It was expected, and while the comedy of it all fit him well, I just don't think it was good as like. His last ride, you know? He didn't die a valiant death, the comedy lead up was an "oh god don't do it like THIS please" moment for me. Subversion is fun but falls flatter in the very last installment of a show that's been going on for two decades. I kinda? liked that Grif was mourning it, but because his death was so lackluster the entire "This is the end for me" speech didn't grab me.
Seeing as she's my favorite Blue, I'm very happy they brought Sheila back, but bringing characters back randomly without…much explanation (did they explain that? Maybe I missed it) felt weird to me. I loooved Sheila's bits in the season but it felt like a forced cameo. Niner was similar, even if people wanted her back, but at least she had Sheila to explain her presence. Making FLISS and Sheila the same person was a crazy move I need to write a dissertation on though.
Speaking of feeling forced, half of Grif and Simmons's conversations felt so ingenuine. Like they were shoehorned in to MAKE them bicker and not natural. I knew (the second the season was announced) that they weren't going to do shit for Grimmons, but for ONCE I didn't really find…ANY of their interactions especially riveting. Simmons letting Grif leave was HILARIOUS from a meta standpoint. Physically splitting them up at the end as one last fuck you to the gay people.
Caboose felt better than he does most seasons. Still an ableist mess in some places but I loved his IDGAF attitude. The big Meta fight was just fun for him. He just wanted to win. He was fucking with Lopez on purpose, speaking Spanish and misunderstanding him. He should've been more of a little shit earlier on. His voice acting sounded good! Inflection is always annoying but it felt less…egregious this time?
Donut got fucking robbed?! Kai too?! What was the point of giving them development. There were so many places where Donut would've been great to have in! Throwing the memory unit at Tex as a parallel to their BGC rivalry, helping Wash through his problems, IDK. Sucks.
When the fuck did Doc die. Why him. (< Rhetorical questions.) Wash mental health stuff is awesome, though, I love psychotic Wash, even if the portrayal was a little predictable (to someone who was paying attention. I was thinking about Lopez) and imperfect. I'm kinda glad his issues were focused on without him being a major character. PISSED Carolina only showed up on his behalf and stuck around for his sake, can't a girl live for herself sometimes…
Ummm. Lopez was there. I want to wring him like a wet towel. He's medicated as fuck and got to talk to someone who speaks Spanish…and his WIFE was there…I'm so glad he was having as best a time he could and SOOOO glad they wrote him out early like I anticipated (just personally because I love-hate him, but it was cheap). Go on an adventure with Sheila gayboy. Run away from all of this.
TLDR: Overall, solid 7/10. I went into it expecting a 5-6, but was pleasantly surprised by it overall. It felt VERY forced in a lot of places, the pacing felt bizarre sometimes, I still don't even know where exactly this is placed in the overall timeline (and I don't care), but they did some fun things. I'm so glad it's over I hope I never have to see official RVB content again.
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Sigma's Moon Palace is certainly pretty unique for a final level, it really gives its own sense of anticipation and finality
So fun fact: if you play on hard mode, which I did here by loading a seperate save file, you actually get different cutscenes and circumstances here:
Vile will suddenly pop back up and trap whatever character you weren't using when you beat him, forcing you to handle the rest of the level solo.
Sigma will grab you after a few hits and monologue, leading to the other character suddenly returning and saving you
You actually can't even fight Lumine on Easy Mode
I love the tracks for Vile, Sigma and especially Lumine's 2 forms! Hell the normal Maverick boss theme is my absolute favorite boss theme in the franchise!
So anyway, Lumine
Apparently he's the actual mastermind who was stringing Sigma along all this time.
And Sigma is dead for good now apparently
Ok soooo....where to begin?
First off: How is Sigma dead now? Wanna explain that game?
Don't get me wrong: I LOVE the idea of Sigma being gone for good and making space for another villain but, much like with X5, you can't just have a villain like Sigma, whose whole deal is that he can't die easily due to being a virus, and just arbitrarily having him perma dying just because another character said so.
At least X5 sorta insinuated that his programming had gotten strained from spreading the virus worldwide, what's this game's excuse? Especially knowing that, according to the Zero games (specifically Zero 2, which had come out 1 year prior) the Sigma Virus was destroyed after X used the Mother Elf during the Elf Wars. So....what? Is this a fakeout? Can the Virus exist without Sigma? Give me an explanation dammit!
But even then Lumine...is just there. He does nothing for the whole game and then just pops up suddenly going "Oh it was me all along!" Now I'm going to act all crazy and evil!"
And look I like the idea of the New Generation Reploids! In a way they're a better version of the general idea behind Sigma of being an intagible threat that you can just kill, in his case a virus. The New Reploids are not infected by Sigma but they do carry his ideology, so even though Lumine may look down on him he's really just spewing Sigma's own drivel but for his own ends: now every one of these new Reploids is a potential Sigma but with (hopefully) their own personality. In a way Sigma may have died but his spirit lives on through them!
However I detest the way that this game tries to insist that these new Reploids "have the power to go Maverick at will"
No fucking shit you're REPLOIDS! The main thing that distinguishes Reploids from old Robot Masters is their ability to think and act freely, technically speaking ANY Reploid can go Maverick at will!
Yet X8 seems to act under the assumption that Mavericks are exclusively created whenever Sigma's virus infects them
Let's look at past games shall we?
To start off X1's manual states that the first Mavericks popped up way before the creation of the Maverick Hunters and Sigma, meaning before Zero and Wily's Virus were discovered
Now throughout the SNES games the Mavericks have no dialogue, however there have been various secondary (usually japan exclusive) materials that have delved a bit more on their personalities. This info has been condensed into small character bios in the X Legacy Collection and if you read those bios you'll find out that ALL of the X1 Mavericks were acting of their own will
Flame Mammoth was a bully who took advantage of Sigma's revellion as an excuse to do some damage
Launch Octopus had always had some resentment against humanity and Sigma gave him an outlet
Armored Armadillo was just blindly loyal to Sigma as his commander
The same goes for the X2 Mavericks, like Wheel Gator who was a sociopath addicted to violence or Overdrive Ostrich who had lost his ability to fly after an accident and then Sigma gave him a new reason to live by enlisting his help
The only exceptions are Wire Sponge, who Sigma created specifically to be a Maverick, and Magna Centipede, who was brainwashed
The X3 Mavericks are all infected tbf, but the X4 guys are all free willed which is made abundantly clear in the game, even Magma Dragoon, who is working for Sigma, says it was just because Sigma had offered to make him more powerful
Most of the X5 guys are infected but Grizzly Slash and Mattrex were both weapons brokers doing illegal activities and had no connection to Sigma, case in point if you let the Colony fall and spread the virus further they'll have different dialogues because they're now infected implying they weren't before and were just evil pricks
The X6 Mavericks are either just evil for the sake of it or are actually resentful of their actions but still do them out of loyalty to Gate, as is the case of Rainy Turtloid and Blizard Wolfang.
X7's Red Alert were a gang of violent, outlaw vigilantes way before they even met Sigma, and it's implied that they started killing innocent people to gain their DNA data before Sigma corrupted them, plus Red himself was never infected in the first place and did everything out of his own free will
So no X8. The New Generation Reploid's ability to "go Maverick at will" is as special as Homo Sapiens' ability to run on two legs when compared to a Neanderthal. This shit only spraeds misinformation among fans.
Anyway depending on the character who deals the final blow to Lumine you get a short special cutscene:
X just doubts the whole situation
Zero ponders with a smile that, with Sigma really gone, he may not have to fight anymore and then looks at X, which if you wanna be generous you could theorise is him thinking he can finally put himself in a capsule to be studied like in his X6 ending....or maybe he's thinking about finally boning X
Axl's ending on the other hand...is far more interesting:
I don't think I need to tell you that this has sparked over a decade of fan theories. What's going on? Did Lumine embed a piece of himself inside Axl? Is Axl going to turn evil? Is this why he's nowhere to be seen in the Zero games?
Man I can't wait for the next game to answer these questions!
Mega Man X8 came out in 2004
It's 2023...and still no X9
Get used to this sort of thing with this franchise
X8 is, to me, halfway through in my X games ranking
Way better than X6 and X7, has far more going for it than X3 and while it has some similar issues as X5 it also has more positives I feel.
However it's not nearly as well designed as X1
It's technically more creative than X2 but also more inconsistent and more intrusive
It shares X4's issue of having lackluster final levels although less so, and IMO has better bosses if for nothing else then because they don't all restart their pattern when you hit them with their weakness
However outside of X4's relatively disappointing yet still decent X campaign it's still more inconsistent and doesn't reach X4's highs aka Zero's campaign.
And this concludes the X series!
For all intents and purposes it's the most inconsistent Mega Man series, but I'm also glad it exists because when it was godd it was pretty damn good and I feel there's still a lot of untapped potential with its gameplay mechanics, which is why I truly hope an X9 will one day be a thing and be given the same kind of polish as Mega Man 11
But until that day we can only wait...and move towards the future
More specifically...
About 100 years into the future
In a world ravaged and in need of hope
Hope that only an ancient hero will be able to provide
The Red Reploid will soon awaken once more...
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omegaversebutbetter · 3 years
Okay lets try this again
Genji: Alpha, one of the motivating forces for Hanzo to duel him and as a result from the "accident" His Ability to smell and produce sents is kinda damaged. He acted very alphaish while part of blackwatch to try and make up for it but nowardays some people dont even realise he is one since hes so chill and dosent act that way anymore.
Hanzo: Omega, got a blocker soon after presenting by order of his father and kept it even after leaving for the convinience of not having heats and because his time in the yakuza basically made him belive omegas are meek and weak and people only looked at them as objects. This causes drama later on. Hanzo is basically feral when joining the team, he holds himself confidently and as if he has poise most of the time but when people try to touch him or somethibg suppr9ses him he is very jumpy and has almost attacked multiple people as a result. This agitation and aggression is partiality made worse by the implant and wouldn't get much better until its out.
Angela: Beta. Ik people normally think she'd be Omega but fr that woman is pure balence. She does get mistaken for an omega allot tho. Her possition as a Beta really helps her tending to all patients so she has no complaints.
76: Omega, had a impact for the super soldier program but once the crisis was over he had it taken out, both to be a good role model for other omegas but also because he just wanted to for him mainly but also for his bf at the time (despite the fact that his eyes still often drifted to a certain other squad leader). Nowerdays he still dosent have one but age makes his heats less frequent and his senses and scent a little dulled.
Ana: Alpha. She is extremely chill for an Alpha but chill in the "I am confident I have complete control of this situation" kind of way, usually because she does. She is known for being calm in arguments with other alphas and often winning those arguments as a result, almost none has seen her in an alpha rage but the rumours are that someone has once and they said it was the most terrifying thing they'd ever seen. Ana has been mistaken for the leader of her packs in the past and despite the fact that she basically is co-leader of evey pack she's in she always makes sure that she's not overshadowing the leader especially when they're not Alpha.
Reinheart: I kiiiinda wanna make him an omega who has litterally no idea what OBA expectations are. He's just the jollyest, largest omega you will ever meet. He does not give a shit what people think of him to the point where he won't defend himself unless someone questions his honour. This leads to people like Ana and Morrison in the past hovering around him and fighting anyone who tried harassing him.
McCree: Alpha. Used to be a brash, cocky, and kinda mean alpha before Blackwatch got a hold of him and mellowed him out through giving him a stable pack with a leader (as opposed to deadlock where basically eveyone fought over being leader). He is the most unmistakably alpha person you will ever meet however he is also one of the softest, kindest and possibly the most adorable alphas you will ever know if you get close to him. He's embaressed every time he growls by accident nowerdays.
Lucio: honestly I can't see lucio as anything other than Beta or Omega so I think probably Beta? But I think none else knows either and if anyone asks he says he'd rather people not know because he'd prefer to be judged my charecter instead of his second sex.
Hana: hasn't presented yet, had an implant bc of the mecha program she was in and hasn't had it out. She dosent really care regardless.
Mei: omega, I dont have much else to add to this, she's small and soft and probably the most typical omega of the bunch.
Zarya: Alpha, much like but in contrast to Mei she is the most typical alpha of the bunch. She has kinda old fashioned views about Alphas and Omegas but after getting her ass handed to her by Reinheart while sparring, finding out he was omega and accidentally being rude to him as a result the others realised she had such veiws and Morrison, Ana, McCree and Mei had a little sit down talk with her. She quickly learnt and when Satya joined later and was rude to an omega member of the pack she was the first to jump up and defend them
Satya: unknown, she has an inplant that has prevented her from presenting since she was a child and still has it. She carries herself like an alpha and looks down on Omegas however she looks down on eveyone so her veiw is often overlooked.
Reyes: Alpha. Pack leader, protective and angy. Nuff said.
Sombra: Beta with blockers that stop her from producing any scent for stealth. She has been a solo act for most her life and Talon with Reyes is her first ever pack so she takes time to adapt but once she does it suits her surprisingly well.
Widow: Amile was Omega. Widowmaker has no heats or scent.
Baptitse: deadass I'm not sure. Could litterally be any. Big soft alpha? Big kind omega? Lovely helpful Beta? I really don't know. I feel like I can't make all medical staff Betas tho...so...omega. He had a blocker put in when he joined Talon and those lot assumed he was Beta or Alpha since he never knew. But once he leaves and gets freedom of a sort he chooses to have it removed. He suffers a little for it but he's generally positive and not insecure about it. He dosent like to share heats with anyone tho, it's the one time he shuts himself off from everyone.
Moira: Alpha. Toxic.
Brigette: Alpha, presented a few years ago. She's like a golden retriever but smarter, if you're her friend she will do anything you ask, gets you random gifts and upgrades, carries anything for her friends no matter how heavy, but if you try to abuse her kindness you'll find she sint stupid and it takes one glare for someone to know you don't fuck with this Alpha. She may be a healer but she could absolutely destroy you if you try to fuck her or her friends over.
Torb: Alpha. Can go into a pure rage in a moment but will never use an alpha voice. He's just a cranky old man who seems to have practically forgotten he's an alpha. Was very proud of Brigette's presenting but gave her a few lectures and lessons to make sure it never went to her head.
Sigma: I barely know this cherecter, can no say
Doomfist: Alpha. Asshole. Talons top dogs and heavy hitters are mostly alphas. It's like...toxic alphaism at its finest. Doom is smart and cunning and wants to complete dominate situations he's in. He's an alpha.
Tracer: can't belive I forgot tracer until now, Omega. She was often underestimated for being a little omega in the past but this spitfire powered through everything in life with positivity and self love and she embraces evey part of herself. She sometimes flies home for heats when they're not too busy and are well staffed so she can spend time with her girlfriend.
Roadhog and Junkrat: Alpha and Omega. They're a couple. No I will not take criticism. These two are mates and do litterally whatever they want as long as they're together. In the wasteland there are no gender expectations, only explosives, violence and love.
Ashe: don't know much about her either but I wanna say omega with major alpha vibes. She is the embodiment of the phrase "power bottom" in every sence
Pharah: mmmmm Alpha. She's stubborn and strong, a real soldier, but if you compliment her muscles or challenger her she will show off.
And I think that's it! Any other ideas? Leave them in the comments!
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tuanhood · 4 years
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pairing: frat!bambam x reader
genre: smut
warnings: 18+, language, cringey frat stuff, fingering
word count: 4,400+ 
summary: you haven’t been doing so well in stats, so your tutor - the last person you thought would be teaching you something - recommends giving you an incentive. 
a/n: hi guys! i’m a little late... but it’s kinda technically still the weekend? ngl this definitely isn’t my best work and I’m sorry for that because I feel like I’ve been lacking a little bit lately! but i promise that i have a few things in the works that will hopefully be better! but nonetheless enjoY! 
lambda | alpha | delta | gamma | kappa | sigma
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“Okay so in a college class, the average IQ is 115. Assuming that the distribution is normal and that the standard deviation is 15. What percentage of the class has an IQ between 105 and 130?” 
You felt like you were going to die. 
When you were a little girl, you’d fantasize about all the fun and cool things you’d be able to do in college. Stay up late, hang out with your friends all the time, eat whatever you wanted, and take the classes that would help you become the best-selling author you aspired to be. 
In all of those daydreams and fantasies, you never pictured yourself in practical agony studying for a statistics class that you never wanted to take in the first place. You were more of an English and critical analysis girl, definitely not a science and math girl. Especially not stats. 
You told yourself probably a hundred times throughout the quarter that you could make it through. That you could maybe actually do this, but sometime between weeks three and four you got completely lost and when you received your midterm grade back, you knew you had to ask for help. 
“I don’t fucking know,” you exhaled in frustration as you practically slammed your head down onto the table in front of you. 
There’s a pause before Bambam lets out a sigh of his own, “let’s come back to that one later then.” 
This was how most of your sessions with Bambam went. He’d read the questions out loud to you as if was going to help, hope that you’d be able to solve it – which you typically wouldn’t – and then you’d give up in frustration. Then you’d call it a day. 
That was another thing. Another thing that made this whole tutoring thing even worse – you were being tutored by Bambam. As in Bambam of Theta Chi.
As dumb as you felt saying it, but you felt even more pathetic for having to be so terrible at stats that you have to be tutored by a frat boy. Sure he came highly recommended by the people at your school that put together and pair people off for the tutoring sessions, but it didn’t get rid of the pain you felt when you had to tell your friends who exactly was helping you pass stats. Or… at least trying to help. 
“Okay, so what is the probability of rolling snake eyes using two fair dice?”
Maybe you were being shallow, but even his voice screamed frat guy and not the master of statistics who is now teaching his peers. You don’t know why but it aggravated you. Traditionally he wasn’t supposed to be good at these kinds of things, someone like you was. It didn’t make sense. 
You groaned, your head still on the table, muffled by the surface, “I don’t know? 1/36?” 
At your answer, you could feel Bambam straighten up beside you. You had to admit the boy was a trooper for being willing to meet you at your apartment today instead of your usual spot in the library or at Starbucks. You just couldn’t be bothered to make the trek to campus, if you were going to have another agonizing day of probability, deviation, and whatever – it was going to be from the comfort of your living room floor. 
“Correct! See Y/N you’re not a lost cause.”
Bringing your head up from the coffee table, you grimace at him, “I never said I was a lost cause.” 
His cheeks turned a shade of light pink, clearly embarrassed by his statement, but being the cool and easygoing frat guy, he is – he covers it up, “I know. Dude, I’m just saying, chill.” Leave it to Bambam to cover up any real emotions. 
Even though it was frustrating that you were being tutored by a guy in Theta Chi and you felt lame whenever you admitted to anyone, it didn’t necessarily mean that you had anything against Bambam. Before he had started tutoring you, the encounters you had with Bambam were fine – certainly not an “oh my god you are so freaking annoying” situation. They were minimal of course, just a hello or a how are you at various school events or parties. You didn’t hate him, which was why at the beginning between the studying you had tried to talk to him and get to know him. But he never said anything real or authentic – it always felt like he was putting on some kind of ultra-frat boy act for you. Whenever you asked questions about him, things he liked to do, what he was studying or his family he would simply shy away from it and talk about Theta Chi. You didn’t get it. 
“Bambam is so freaking deep. I had a two-hour drunk conversation with him at Theta Chi’s party last weekend and my mind has been opened.” Your friend had told you when you told her about him tutoring you. 
So what? Did he have to be drunk to want to talk to you about something other than probability? Or was it just that he didn’t want to talk to you? You couldn’t put your finger on it, but it bothered you a little too much for some unexplainable reason.
“I am chill,” you confirmed with him – a bit too bitterly. You couldn’t tell if your annoyance came from the ongoing frustration of not understanding stats regardless of how many times you’ve met with Bambam or the fact that he was constantly shying away from you two actually getting to know each other. 
“Well…” he began suddenly, swallowing almost nervously, “what if we work on a rewards-based system?” 
You scoffed at him, “what am I? A child?” 
“Do you want me to answer that? Listen… all I’m saying is that rewards or a prize can be a good motivator sometimes. It definitely can’t hurt the studying process.” 
There was a part of you that felt annoyed at Bambam for thinking that the only way that you were going to understand any of this was through some kind of incentive. An incentive that had nothing to do with your overall goal which was to not fail the class. However, you had to admit you were curious as to what Bambam could bring to the table when it came to “rewards,” so you decided to play along – for now.
“What kind of motivators are we talking about?” 
For a second you swear you see Bambam fidget nervously in his seat, but it happens so quickly, you’re sure it must be your brain playing a trick on you, “I don’t know… I’m literally the co-social chair of Theta Chi so I pretty much can get you whatever you want. Booze, drugs… sex.” 
At his last “category” for rewards, your interest is peeked, but not in a weird or perverted way – you swear, “what the social chair orchestrates and plans sexual encounters now?” 
He laughed and shakes his head, “definitely not. I’m just saying… If there was anyone you were interested in at Theta Chi… I could probably set it up for you. I mean you’re definitely not bad looking so I don’t think it would be difficult.” 
You were half pleased by Bambam’s compliment and intrigued that by the fact that it seemed like perhaps his “non-tutoring” personality was emerging from the surface. It caused you to push more regarding his “reward” if it meant that you could see more of it, “So what? I solve the next equation and I get to fuck Im Jaebeom? Is that how this works?” 
He clicked his tongue, “Jaebeom, huh? Wouldn’t have thought he would be your type.”
For some reason, you suddenly felt a wave of nervousness rush through your body and you feel defensive as though you have to explain yourself for some reason, “No- I mean it was just an example.” 
Bambam nodded his slowly and looked away from you for the first time since he brought up the incentive thing. His focus goes back to the textbook in front of both of you, “It’s okay if he is. Jaebeom’s a chill guy.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, for a moment there you almost got a hint of something from him. You weren’t quite sure as to what, but it almost felt like he was… jealous? But then he has to cower away and go back to stats… That was technically why he was sitting in your living room, but right now this seemed like the least important thing going on.
“What is it with you and chill? Does everything need to be chill? Why can’t you just be… normal?” 
He laughed at your query, “What if being chill is normal for some people?”  
You grabbed the pencil in front of you and tapped it on the table rhythmically in thought, “Chill people aren’t masters at stats. That’s just a fact.” 
Bambam’s face goes into fake shock, “really? Damn well, I guess that’s why you haven’t learned anything the last month that we’ve been doing this.”
It’s obvious that it was meant as a playful dig, to tease you, but Bambam feels his heart race when you simply frown in response instead of laugh. It was clear that he had gone too far. This was the thing he had been most worried about this entire time he had been tutoring you. 
He had heard from one of his brothers in Theta who knew a friend of yours that you felt embarrassed by being tutored by a frat guy – by him. Hearing that certainly didn’t make him feel good, but he tried his best to help you the last month or so. He didn’t want to do or say anything that could allude to “frat guy” behavior – so most of the time he tried to keep conversations statistics related. Part of him felt like it was because he was offended by your embarrassment, but another part of him felt like it was maybe because he wanted to impress you. He wanted to prove that he wasn’t the typical frat guy because you probably didn’t like that. 
But he had to admit… in certain ways, he was the typical frat guy and restricting that part of himself meant restricting segments of his personality. The teasing – that was apart of it. 
“Shit – y/n I’m sorry I didn’t actually mean it. I meant it more like-”
At his quick and panicked response, you burst out into a fit of giggles, “dude I can be chill too. I was just fucking with you. Now come on… let’s keep working, I want my prize.” 
Bambam lets out a sigh in relief. Maybe he had misjudged you, “so you do want a reward?” 
“Of course, I want a reward.”
He licked his lips in thought and you have to admit it’s hard not to stare, “okay what should we start with?” 
You began to tap the pencil on your chin instead of the table, thinking about what exactly it was you wanted. When you finally have your grand prize in mind, you figure it’s better to start small. 
“I don’t want to be charged cover at any future Theta Chi parties.” 
He looked at you with surprise written on his face, “you go to our parties?” 
You rolled your eyes at him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, he can’t help but admire how cute you look when you do it, “of course. They’re the biggest parties on campus… why wouldn’t I go?” 
Bambam shrugged, “I just didn’t think you liked frat stuff…” drifting off he looks to see the confusion written on your face and he doesn’t know why, but for some reason, he feels the need to keep talking, “Unless it’s for Jaebeom.” Immediately he wants to punch himself in the face for his continual teasing.
You thought it was funny how he was stuck on the Jaebeom thing. You had just said his name as an example – something you already explained to Bambam – but for some reason, it seemed to bother him. Bambam was more your type than Jaebeom, but it would have been weird if you had brought him up as an example.
“What was that?” 
His voice causes your body to jolt up in surprise. Had he heard you? No way.
“Y/N what did you just say?” Bambam asked once again.
The second question regarding what you had just said sends you into a frenzy, considering he was the last person who had just said something based on your recollection. Therefore… he fucking heard you. 
“Did I say that out loud?” You asked embarrassed and judging on the look on Bambam’s face – you have your answer. 
You felt your mouth go dry, “I- shit… Bam I didn’t mean- Well I mean I did, but- Fuck I-” you cut off your stuttering with nervous laughter and you feel more awkward than you’ve probably ever felt in your adult life. 
Rather than saying anything, Bambam looks at you curiously. A hint of a smile appears on his face but soon disappears as if he’s thought of an idea or just something. Hopefully, an idea to get me out of this, you think to yourself. Instead, he scoots closer next to you on the floor and for a moment you have to remind yourself to exhale. 
“Instead of the cover as your reward… What about…” he begins, placing his right hand onto your thigh, “this? Is this okay?” If you had to keep your breathing in check just when he moved closer to you, then you felt like you were going to need to be resuscitated now. 
Rather than verbally answering, you nodded your head, afraid to open your mouth in case the wrong thing came out.
Keeping his hand placed firmly on your thigh, he asked you the next question, “Suppose X and Y are independent random variables. The variance of X is equal to 16; and the variance of Y is equal to 9. Let Z = X – Y. What is the standard deviation of Z?” 
It’s becoming harder to concentrate. All you can focus on is the placement of his hand on your thigh and when you don’t answer right away, he begins to move it up and down your leg. 
“Come on, I know you can do this one,” he said softly. 
You couldn’t believe that your tutoring session was now taking a sharp turn – a turn that you had to admit you were now craving – but Bambam was still expecting you to be focused enough to answer questions. You weren’t able to typically do it even when you didn’t have his hand on you. 
It’s almost as though you’re on autopilot as you put your pencil to paper and work out the problem. The only thing on your mind is the curiosity of what his next move will be if you answer him correctly. 
He gives you your answer by drifting his hand up your thigh until it sits at the top of your thigh, dangerously close to your core. You wonder if he can tell how damp you’ve become, even with the sweatpants you’re wearing. It was probably evident just by looking at your face. 
“A coin is tossed three times. What’s the probability that it lands on heads exactly one time?” 
This was becoming frustrating. How the fuck were you getting turned on by him asking you stats questions? You felt like your brain was about to explode with how completely mixed up it felt. The cause of your stress for the entire quarter was now the cause of you being turned on? Your mind was currently rewiring itself.
For this question, it takes you some time to focus enough to work it out and calculate. Bambam who is usually patient with you when you struggle, has instead been replaced with a much more impatient version of himself as he slips his hand up to the waistband of your sweatpants, delicately playing with the top to tease you, you suddenly wished you would have worn better underwear for what’s about to happen. If you could answer the question that is. 
Just as you feel as though you’ve come to the end of the problem, you feel him dip a single finger underneath the top of the band, rubbing it softly against your stomach. It causes your hand to slip up on the paper, drawing a line right through your problem. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked innocently, completely aware of what he was doing to you, “do you need help?” 
You shook your head in response, unable to say anything. It was becoming more and more difficult to even get your hand to move fluidly on the paper. It was instead starting to get more jagged. Your fives were beginning to look more like threes. When you’ve finally solved the problem, you find yourself pointing at the paper for Bambam to look at your answer. He laughed. 
“Correct again. You’re doing so well,” he murmured as he finally dips his hand beneath the band of your sweatpants and down to your panties. You sucked a deep breath in, waiting in anticipation for his next actions, feeling him so much closer to where you need him the most, but instead, his hand just rests there, over the material. 
Letting a very out of character whine escape your lips causes him to chuckle. “Do you think you can have your reward that fast? No, no,” he tutted, “you have to finish answering all the questions like a good girl.” 
You try so hard to remember the next question he asks, but he soon begins gently rubbing you through your panties and it makes you want to kill him for playing so dirty. How were you able to solve any problems when it felt like an actual ocean was forming in your underwear? You knew Bambam could feel it too with the way his gaze on you got even darker, one of his fingers wandering to the side of your panties, playing with the hem but not daring to slip underneath. 
What the fuck was the question? 
“Having trouble angel?” 
He doesn’t give you time to answer – even if he did you weren’t sure you’d be able to provide him with one – instead, he slips his hand underneath your panties until his fingers find your entrance, slowly stroking up and down. You let out a moan when he’s left his index finger on your clit, rubbing small circles around the bundle of nerves. 
“It can’t be that hard to remember a simple question. Is something distracting you?”
Another sigh of pleasure is released from you when he presses down a bit to place more pressure on your clit, “I’ll ask you one more time. You have to remember this time or you lose your reward, okay? Are you listening?” 
Nodding your head, he smiled, “The standard normal curve is symmetric about 0 and the total area under it is 1. True or False?” 
Bambam himself was losing his patience, he so badly wanted to bring you to your release and see how tight you get around his fingers, how much you ask him for it. He had to admit that wasn’t the original question he had asked you, but at this rate, he just wanted to ask you the easier questions so both of you could get what you wanted. 
“T-True?” You managed to stutter out.
“Doing so well for me,” he whispered into your ear at your response. The teasing had been so achingly painful that when he finally fully inserts his pointer finger you feel like a kid on Christmas. You feel as though you can finally let out the breath you had been holding in since he started the taunting. 
The pace he starts with is clearly another method to get you worked up – which you certainly are – but you also felt thankful that at least it was something compared to the nothing you were getting from him previously. When he curls his finger, hitting you in the spot that drives you crazy, you felt your body instinctively jerk forward in surprise. He had found it so fast and with such ease, you wondered if the two of you had down this before in another life.  
“Bam, I-” you begin, but as his thumb draws circles over your clit, you ultimately lose your train of thought and fall even closer into him, until your head is resting on his shoulder.
“There’s one more question left… Do you think you can handle it?” 
The whimper you let out sounds borderline inhumane and in any other situation you would be frustrated with yourself for giving in so quickly, but right now you didn’t care. All you needed was him to keep going – to really give you your reward. The noise is enough for him to dive into the last question and you feel like you’re gonna pass out at the way he begins to rhythmically tap your clit, his finger now going stagnant.
His eyes drift down to the textbook on the table, gazing through which questions on the page are still viable to be asked. After a moment he locks eyes with you, the tapping still consistent. 
For a moment he looks shy and despite his previous teasing, you feel your heart leap out of your chest in deep want and longing. It’s a weird feeling you have to admit, but somehow it feels just right. 
“What’s the probability of you going out on a date with me after this?” Bambam blushed when he asked you his query and for some reason, he feels so small being in front of you – asking this – despite his current position with his hand in between your legs. 
You, on the other hand, have no trouble answering this final question. The question that’ll get you your reward and perhaps something else entirely. 
“Without a doubt, 100% chance.” 
The smile that emerged on his face is so big, you take a picture of it in your mind, wanting to keep it safe and bottle it up to view later, a hundred times over. 
He slipped in another finger, watching your face as it contorts into even more pleasure, “there we go.” 
You felt a groan arise in your throat as soon as he began to pick up the original pace of his sole finger. With both of them curling and pumping in and out of you, you felt even more overwhelmed than before. Bambam smirked, taking in your tightly shut eyes, “Good?” Opening your eyes, you felt your climax right around the corner, only able to moan his name in response to his question. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he murmured, leaning in to place his lips on your own.
Somehow, the pace of his fingers only increased, practically fucking into you over and over, hitting your g-spot each time. Even though you were sat on the floor, already mostly leaning onto Bambam for support, you still felt as though you could melt into the floor. With a final few pumps that hit your sweet spot and his thumb still massaging your clit, you feel your walls tighten around his fingers. “That’s it, good girl,” he said against your lips.  
Soon you fall apart, feeling as though there’s no breath left in your body, your body falling practically limp at your release around Bambam’s fingers. He takes a moment to slip his hand out from between your legs and you don’t ignore the feeling you get in your core again when he slowly places his fingers in his mouth. 
You groaned, feeling like you were practically in a sedative state at how relaxed your release made you feel, “do you have to do that?” 
Bambam narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “what do you mean?” 
“Be so damn seductive.” 
The two of you look at each other before bursting into laughter at your very serious confession. After a moment when it’s silent you look down at your lap to realize that somewhere during your encounter with Bambam, your sweatpants managed to slip down to the bottom of your thighs. 
“I should probably go get cleaned up…” 
Bambam coughed awkwardly and turned to his things on the coffee table, “yeah… I guess I should probably just get my stuff together too and get out of your hair.” 
Get out of your hair? Who the fuck says that Bam? He asked himself. 
You looked at him with confusion, “I thought you were taking me out? Remember? 100% chance? I mean… unless you didn’t mean it…” 
His eyes went big, “No!” he exclaimed, “I definitely meant it! I just didn’t know if maybe you said it in the moment and- Or I don’t maybe you did mean it- but also if you didn’t that’s cool. Just so you know I would have still given you your- uh reward if you had said no- Sorry I’m rambling. I ramble when I get nervous.” 
When he stops talking, he instantly avoids your gaze. This was the Bambam you wanted to see. This display of authenticity made you feel as though the curtain had finally been drawn. 
“I said it because it was true. The likeliness was 100%. Give me like 15 minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” just as you’re about to head to the stairs, you stop yourself and remember why the two of you were even here in the first place, “shit stats…” 
Instantly, Bambam shakes his head, “if you think we’re going to go back to probability, standard deviation, and bullshit right now after what just happened you are very mistaken. We’ve done enough… work for today.” 
Smiling, you nodded your head in confirmation and begin to go up the stairs to your room. Considering something, you find yourself stopping on the third stop, turning towards the living room where Bambam looks up at you with his head cocked to the side. 
“You picked easier questions towards the end on purpose, didn’t you?” 
He let out a laugh and grinned – another smile that you decided to file away in your memories, something that you figured might soon become a regular part of your life. 
“Let’s just say that I wanted to give you your reward as much as you wanted to have it.”
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luxekook · 4 years
chapter eight.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 6.5k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy [more than usual], poly relationship, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, switch!hobi, sub!yoongi, sub!jk, sub!tae, sub!jimin, jk is a whole cutie, everybody gets their bob ross on, PUNS, pick up lines, smut [thigh kink, noona kink, marking, oral (f receiving), dom/sub themes, daddy kink, mentions of spanking, lots of lap sitting]
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Eight
(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 8:38am
I wake to the sound of thunder and groan as my eyes strain to focus on the rain pouring down outside my window. Hastily, I grab for my phone and scroll through my notifications. Yup, my friend Brianna - the president of the Alphites - had emailed to say that Habitat is cancelled for the morning.
What did this mean for my date? Swiping over to the group chat, I quickly type a message to the boys.
Queen (y/n), Worldwide Handsome, and 6 Peasants
8:40am, (y/n): “Yo, dweebs. No volunteering today because of the rain. Looks like our date is cancelled, too…”
I laugh evilly as my phone consequentially blows up with a series of question marks and exclamations. Just as I’m about to put a stop to the madness I’d caused, my phone screen darkens with the telltale chimes of an incoming FaceTime.
Not even bothering to shift out of bed, I swipe to answer. “Hi, Hobi,” I grin at my sunshine who looks a little pouty this morning. The metaphorical rain cloud over his head lessens marginally at my smile.
The puffy, bare-faced boy sighs and runs a hand through his wild hair. Obviously, Hoseok had just woken up, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to wake up next to him.
“(Y/n)? Did you hear me?” Hobi chuckles, bringing my attention back to my phone. “You weren’t serious, right? Our date is still on? We have the whole thing planned! The rain doesn’t even affect it! And—”
“Is that (y/n)?” A cry of uproar sounds from the background on Hobi’s end of the line. A thundering of footsteps commences; and, suddenly, I am faced with seven slivers of faces all crowded together.
“(Y/n)!” Jungkook rips the phone from Hoseok’s grasp and takes off out of the room. The background blurs as he runs. Faintly, I can make out blurry figures giving chase behind him. “(Y/n)! Please still come over. We have everything set up! Saturdays are always full of noona, and I don’t want to break the tradition.”
Letting out a laugh at the fluffy haired boy, I smirk, “First of all, let me just say that I’m glad you don’t subscribe to the whole ‘SaTuRdAyS aRe FoR tHe BoYs’ toxicity. And second of all, you do realize you just gave away the date plans, right?”
“Jungkook!” The shout from what could only be an enraged Seokjin echoes across the connection.
I watch in amusement as the background once again blurs. As the feed refocuses, Jimin’s beaming face greets me, and I roll my eyes at the realization that Jungkook must have tossed him the phone. Probably playing a game of ‘Monkey in the Middle’ with their eldest brother, I assume.
Deciding enough is enough, I retake control of the situation with the tried and true method of the shock factor™. “Hey, I’m naked.”
Silence falls.
Then comes the seven pairs of eyes crowding the screen that I had hoped for.
Disappointed huffs resound from the collective as I cackle, trying my best to ignore their indignant cries.
“Noona’s not even naked!”
“Why, there’s not even a boob to be seen!”
“She’s got us lookin’ like boo-boo the fool, boys…SMH!”
“Jin, did you just say ‘SMH’?” The boy opens his mouth to respond, but I decide there’s no time to discuss acronyms right now. Shaking my own head swiftly, I clear my throat, “No, never mind. Now that I have your attention, I need someone to tell me what the plan is. Am I getting out of bed today? Are we still doing the thing?”
“You can get out of your bed and into mine,” Taehyung’s words barely escape his mouth before he is pushed out of frame by at least four of the others.
“Tae, are you trying to get your name added to my punishment list?” I smirk as two boys in particular gulp, “Jimin and Jin already have the distinct honor. Isn’t that right, boys?”
“You can add my name, noona!” Jungkook gasps out, lunging once again for control of the phone. He is shoved out of the way by Namjoon.
“Oh, my little Kookie,” I laugh, “That would practically be a reward for you.”
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your own punishment, (y/n),” Namjoon stares me down from the other end of the phone.
“I mean, you can try it,” I shrug, “But I’ll probably either like it or turn it around on you at some point. Just saying…”
“Sounds good to me,” Joon grins, his dimples popping out, “Now get your sweet ass over here so I can spank it.”
“Right now?” I double check the time, “It’s still not even nine fucking AM. What is this going to be? Some sort of all day extravaganza? Y’all better be feeding me.”
“Yah, do you know who I am?” Jin butts in from his small corner of the screen, ”You are in the presence of Worldwide Handsome Chef Extraordinaire Kim Seokjin! Of course you’re going to be well fed - both with my visuals and with food!”
“I have no words,” I say.
Jin forges on, “Speechless, eh? I’m used to it.”
“Could the two of you stop your gross flirting for one second so that we can actually convince (y/n) to come over?”
Yoongi’s scowl appears on screen as he takes control of the phone. Jin can be heard squawking indignantly in the background.
“Gross?” I raise an eyebrow, “That’s not what you were saying when you were teaching me piano.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Taehyung yelps.
“I think so,” Jimin answers darkly.
“Wait, what’s a ‘you feminism’ again?” Jungkook mumbles from somewhere in the room.
“Oh my god,” Namjoon moans, sounding completely done, “(y/n), I am begging you to hang up and call my phone so that I can actually let you in on the plan.”
“Bet,” I say, “I’ll call you in an hour. I’m going back to sleep.”
I hang up, abruptly cutting off their whiny protests. Boys can always wait. Extra sleep, however, must seized at every opportunity.
Sinking back into the bliss of my comfy bed, I smile as I flip my phone over and promptly fall back asleep.
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(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 11:57am
“(Y/n), for the love of Jared Padalecki, get your ass up!”
Groaning, I wave Luna off with a limp arm, still half asleep. “Go away,” my garbled words prove to be futile as she pulls the covers right off of me.
“Your entourage is here,” Luna hisses, grabbing my ankle and attempting to tug me off the bed.
“My what?” I kick at her hold, “Stop going all horror movie on me!”
“You haven’t seen horror! Horror is waking up to the furious sound of fists pounding at the front door and thinking your dark past of downloading music off of sketchy websites has finally caught up with you! Horror is pulling open the door in just your Harry Potter onesie only to be faced with seven hot and all-too-put-together dudes!”
My brain slowly wraps its away around the meaning of her words. “Oh, fuck.” I launch out of bed, flailing around for my phone.
111 Messages
34 Missed Calls
14 Voicemails
“Good god,” I toss my phone back on my bed and stalk past Luna into the living room where my ‘entourage’ is gathered.
“Okay, what the fuck,” I cross my arms over my chest as I stare down at the seven boys spread out across our second-hand sectional.
“Noona, you’re here!” Jungkook springs up from his seat and tackles me in a hug.
“Where else would I be? I fucking live here,” I mumble into his chest, annoyance slipping away with each breath.
“I told you she just overslept,” Yoongi mutters from the couch, sounding very much like he was dragged here against his will.
“Finally,” I say, pulling away from Jungkook to beam down at Yoongi, “An intellectual. Now, what about the rest of you overreactive imbeciles? Did you just come over so that you could snoop around where I live?”
As I say this, my eyes narrow on Namjoon. The boy is inspecting the teacup I had forgotten to put away last night like it’s a new archaeological find. My words fluster him, and he fumbles with the cup before it falls from his grasp to shatter on the floor.
“I am so sorry!” Namjoon yelps. The rest of the boys look on with disappointment but not surprise.
“That was my great grandmother’s teacup,” I whisper, falling to my knees dramatically.
“Namjoon, your destructive nature has gone too far!” Seokjin yells, scrambling over to me. My face is buried in my hands as my shoulders shake. I can’t hold it any longer.
I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, it’s fine, Joon. I’m kidding. It was just a cup from Target’s clearance section.”
“So evil!” Namjoon whines, “I was so worried!” Shuffling over to the hallway closet, I pull out our dustpan and broom. Walking back, I hand it off to Namjoon before he can attempt to pick up a fragment of the shattered cup.
“Don’t even think about using your bare hands, Joon,” I narrow my eyes at him, “A trip to Urgent Care does not count as a date.”
“Noona,” Taehyung pipes up, “You should join the Acting Club! Did I mention I’m the president?”
“Oh, here we go,” Yoongi scowls, flicking his eyes over to where Seokjin is rapidly turning a concerning shade of red.
Mount Seokjin erupts, “You’re only president on a bullshit technicality! Fifth years can’t be on Exec boards, you swine!”
“Yo, Seokjin, I’m really bummed about that policy, and Imma let you finish. But, let me just say that if y’all don’t leave so I can get ready, I will avoid you for the rest of time.”
Seconds tick by. I frown, “I don’t see movement. Why don’t I see movement?”
“Well,” Jimin hedges, shrinking under my gaze, “We figured you could just come back with us? It would save you a trip?”
The disobedience in this crew would drive me off a cliff. “I guess I was not clear the first time. I am going to drive myself because: 1) I can leave on my own terms and 2) I can leave an overnight bag in the car just in case. Although, that possibility is slipping away by the millisecond.”
“Alright! Time to go!” Jungkook barks, herding the boys towards the door.
As they practically run out the door, Namjoon turns back to me with an arched brow, “No going back to sleep.”
I salute him, “Scout’s honor. I’ll see you in a bit.” With that, I’m finally left in peace and quiet.
“Want to explain what that was all about?!” Luna stalks out of her room, “I need the tea!”
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A full hour and a half later, I find myself in an eerily empty frat house.
“Y’all really kicked everyone out, huh?” I comment as I peer around each corner of the house. There is not a soul - besides these seven fools - to be seen.
“I mean, there are only three other people that actually live here permanently,” Namjoon counters, ever the diplomatic president, “The rest of the rooms are mainly for guests or if a member needs temporary housing.”
Humming noncommittally, I come to an abrupt halt when the dining room comes into view. All the furniture has been pushed to one side to make room for eight easels and an excessive amount of paint.
“It looks like a Michael’s threw up in here,” I marvel.
“Who is Michael?” Jimin pops up next to me with narrowed eyes. The rest of the boys file in behind him.
“My sugar daddy,” I deadpan, “He’s an artist.”
Namjoon cracks up, while Jimin pouts adorably. “I guess you know what we’re going to do now, baby,” Namjoon says, still chuckling lightly.
“We’re doing DIY Painting with a Twist!” Taehyung yells, “The twist is that there’s no wine. Namjoon said it could get ‘too out of hand’ - whatever that means.”
“What is everyone going to paint?” Hobi asks the room after a brief pause, “I’m going to make something for (y/n)! It’s a surprise.”
“That’s so sweet, Hobi,” I smile at the boy, “Thank you!”
Not a group to be outdone, the boys quickly affirm that they too had been planning to make something for me all along.
Rolling my eyes, I sigh, “Careful, I’m going to get used to y’all spoiling me.”
“Good,” Namjoon nods, “You’re learning.”
“Yes, daddy,” I tease, “Are you going to keep spoiling your good girl?”
“You’re not a good girl,” Yoongi laughs, “You’re a fucking force of nature.”
“Thank you,” I wipe a nonexistent tear from under my eye, “This is why you are currently my favorite.”
“Wait, you have a running favorite?”
“How can I get to be your favorite?”
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Five minutes later, the room is empty aside from Jungkook and I. The rest of the boys dispersed the moment they decided to make painting a competition for my favor.
“Aren’t you going to hide away, too?” I address the younger boy next to me.
“Why would I go anywhere else when you’re right here?” Jungkook shuffles closer to me, “Besides, I wanted to use a different canvas.”
“Ah, I see,” I nod sagely before pulling my long-sleeved shirt up and over my head.
“Noona!” Jungkook chokes as he takes in my slightly sheer tank top and the black bra that peeks out from underneath, “I meant your wrist!”
“Calm down, Kook,” I laugh, “I can put it back on if you want. I just don’t want to get paint on it.”
Jungkook shakes his head furiously.
He then grabs my arm gently, flipping it over so that the inside of my wrist faces up. His thumb brushes over my erratic pulse and pauses. “Are you nervous, noona?” His wide eyes stare up at me, “You don’t have to let me paint on you.”
“It’s okay, Kookie,” I say, brushing his fallen hair out of his eyes,  “Paint me like one of your French girls.”
The boy’s cheeks bloom a bright red as he flashes me a small smile, “That’s one of my favorite movies.”
My heart swells as the cuteness that is Jeon Jungkook, and I can’t resist teasing him further. “Jungkook,” I whisper, leaning forward, “I would gladly share my door with you to keep you warm.”
“Noona,” He whines, trying to pretend like he wants to get away from me. I would rate his efforts a 1/10 considering his hand is still firmly wrapped around my wrist.
“The iceberg would melt because of how hot you are…” I keep going, arching closer to murmur in his ear, “Just like the Titanic, I would go down on you for hours.”
“Noona!” Jungkook yelps, “Stop playing with me!”
“Fine,” I pout, “But the offer stands.”
“You’re going to kill me…” He mumbles. Dipping his paintbrush into his nearby palette, Jungkook begins to etch the outline of what looks like some sort of flower onto my wrist. The strokes of the brush across my skin make me shiver - something that does not go unnoticed by Jungkook.
His eyes dart to mine, and I feel like crumbling under the weight of the adoration I find within them.
“Kookie,” I glance down, breaking the intensity before it consumed me whole, “What kind of flower is this?”
He mumbles something inaudible.
“What?” My ears strain to pick up the boy who for some reason decided to answer in the language of tiny.
“A tiger flower,” Jungkook turns away to grab a new brush, his hair failing to hide his flushed cheeks. I watch enraptured as he mixes the orange and white shades to get the end result he wants.
Returning to my wrist, he leans down and lightly blows across the drying paint.
“This is unfair,” I mumble as the boy continues to unknowingly seduce me. Or did he know? My eyes narrow as his gaze flicks to mine. Arching a brow, I decide to press him, “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the matching tattoo on your forearm, right?”
“N-no,” Jungkook panics, eyes darting this way and that, “That would be Ludacris.”
Did he just— Not the time.
“Mhm,” I hum, ever the skeptic.
Jungkook swallows before once again resorting to tiny speak, “Okay, yes, it does. I’m asking you to love me, noona. Please.”
My breath escapes me in a whoosh as I stare dumbfounded at the pleading boy who once again starts to paint my wrist. Why is such a beautiful human lacking in adoration? Why does he need my affection when he has six other lovers?
“Why?” The question slips past my lips before I can catch it.
“Because,” He continues to paint, “I can see myself loving you for a very long time, and I just want to be loved back for just as long.”
The silence that falls after Jungkook’s admission feels safe and comfortable. His words swirl around my mind. And as he finishes the flower now adorning my wrist, I give him an answer I’m not even sure he had been waiting for. “Jungkook,” I wait until he meets my eyes, “I don’t think I’m in love with you yet. I’m not even sure I know what love is or what it feels like. But I can see myself falling for you. And I do know that there is a place in my heart labeled ‘Jeon Jungkook’, just like there are six other places for the rest of you… Y’all really do take up a lot of space.”
I let out a little laugh as Jungkook’s lips twitch in amusement. I continue, “It scares me sometimes. How I might fall for all of you and get heartbroken seven times over. But, I might also fall for all of you and get seven times the amount of love in return. And so I’m willing to fight for that chance. Besides, what’s life without a little risk?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, and then he whispers, “I really like you, (y/n)-noona.”
I lean closer to him. Our noses brush as I whisper back, “I really like you, too, Jungkookie.”
The smile I get in response is blinding, and I can’t resist pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m done!” Taehyung hurtles through the doorway, lugging a giant canvas that definitely had not been in the room earlier, “I call this masterpiece: ‘My Boo’.”
Gaping, I take in the massive canvas full of swirling colors and abstract shapes. It’s honestly overwhelming and a bit dramatic, but that is Taehyung. And I love it.
“It’s so pretty!” I coo, shuffling over to side-hug Tae.
He shyly hangs his head on my shoulder, “You really think so?”
“Yes, baby,” I nod, “Of course I do.”
One by one the other boys return to present me with their art. Seokjin presents a sea of rainbow colored hearts (“Get it? I see hearts when you’re around!”). Hobi shows off his technicolored sunset (“It’s how I feel when I look at you, (y/n)! Hopeful, but at peace.”). Jimin bashfully hands over a painting of two silhouettes dancing (“It’s us.” *blushes profusely*). Yoongi gives me a black canvas with a portion of lighter blue mixed in (“You make my world brighter.”). Finally, Namjoon shuffles over with a succulent plant in a painted flower pot (“I accidentally elbowed a hole through my canvas… This is my favorite plant, for you.”).
The boys also marvel over the flower that Jungkook painted on my wrist while the younger boy beams with pride. One of them mentions ordering pizza for dinner, and the room clears within seconds as the majority flees in search of a menu.
Namjoon is the last to remain, admiring the art etched on my skin. “You know what it means, right?” He murmurs, thumb tentatively brushing across the dried paint.
“He told me,” I nod, focused on the gentle caress of his fingers.
Namjoon lifts my hand to his mouth and places a light kiss. The motion takes me back to the memory of a few weeks ago where he first had performed the action. “I hope you know the sentiment extends to all of us as well.”
“Oh, does it?” I smile, “You might have to mark me to make it believable.”
“Consider it done,” Namjoon says before pulling me closer to him and placing his lips on my neck. What an opportunist, I muse as he bites down gently. His tongue flicks before his lips once again press down on my neck. Namjoon litters my neck with small kisses. I gasp as he suddenly returns to the initial spot and bites down slightly harder, sucking and licking at my neck afterwards.
“Joon,” I breathe out as he pulls back, looking all smug and proud of himself, “I will get you back for this.”
“I look forward to it, baby.” With that, Namjoon laces his fingers through my own and tugs me out of the room towards the ruckus being caused in the kitchen.
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One hour later, the eight of us are piled on the massive living room sofa.
“I think I’m pregnant,” Seokjin moans, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “The father is Papa John.”
“I told you not to race to beat Kook to the last slice,” Hobi shakes his head, “No one ever listens in this house.”
“You get me, bro, you get me,” Namjoon extends his fist to Hoseok who fist bumps him.
I survey the room from where I’m perched on Taehyung and Jimin, one leg hitched over one of theirs. “I thought we were going to watch a movie?” I furrow my brows, “Or was that just a ploy to get me to stay longer?”
Jungkook scrambles to his feet, “I’ll go get Titanic!”
“Please, god, no!”
The crestfallen expression that crosses Jungkook’s face tugs at my heartstrings. “Aw, Kook, I really inspired you with my words earlier, huh?” His pouting intensifies as he stalks back over to his end of the couch.
“Never let me watch what I want,” He mumbles. Sensing that this is an often fought battle, I shimmy off of Tae and Jimin and head over towards the youngest.
“How about this,” I reason, “Let the group decide what movie to watch, and I’ll sit with you during it.”
“Promise?” Large brown eyes peer up at me. At my nod, his expression brightens, and he pats his legs excitedly.
Settling down on his thighs, I realize I have made a grave miscalculation.
My thigh-riding kink + Jungkook’s muscular thighs = chaos
As the rest of the boys argue between watching Die Hard or The Hangover, I shift my hips slowly to try to get more comfortable. Jungkook’s swift inhale tells me that my move wasn’t as low-key as I had hoped.
“Noona, stop moving,” He mumbles into my hair, his arms firmly circling my waist.
“Sorry, baby,” I mutter back to him, trying hard to reign in my thirst.
The boys finally decide to watch Die Hard. Minutes tick by as the movie I’ve seen multiple times before plays on the screen. I’m only half paying attention, and I’m pretty sure Jungkook isn’t paying attention at all.
His fingers have shifted under my tank top and are drawing patterns onto the skin of my stomach. “So soft,” He marvels, his words ghosting across the skin of my neck.
The effect the boy has on me is deadly, and I retaliate with one of the only ways I can. I grind my hips slowly down onto his. The heat of his body warms my own, the hardness of his cock becoming more and more apparent underneath me.
“Noona,” Jungkook moans, “You’re so unfair.”
I whisper back, “You started it.”
He scoffs, moving my hair to one side of my neck, and pauses. “Oh, what’s this?”
“Don’t even think—”
His lips descend onto my neck, cutting me off mid-sentence. “Insolent child,” I breathe out, trying to keep my shit together despite finding it so fucking hot that Jungkook’s mouth is where Joon’s had been just over an hour ago.
Keeping my eyes firmly on the screen where John McClane is steadily taking down a whole crime organization singlehandedly, I try in vain not to imagine getting double teamed by Jungkook and Namjoon. By the time the credits roll, my panties are a mess. I can feel Jungkook practically throbbing underneath me from being so hard, and I’m pretty sure my nipples could cut through glass.
“What’d you think, (y/n)?” Hobi beams over at me from the other end of the couch.
I plaster a smile on my face like I hadn’t just been imagining the whole room naked and engaged in NSFW activities. “It was iconic as always!”
The boys seem to happily accept my answer. Well, most of them do. Yoongi is staring at me with a suspicious expression. Damn, that boy is too observant for his own good.
“Well,” I decide to try to regain some semblance of self-control, “Where did I put my keys?”
“You can’t leave! It’s only 9pm!”
“You said you would would stay overnight!”
I roll my eyes upwards, at least this provided Jungkook an opportunity to tug a pillow onto his lap. “I’m going to get my bag from the car, you fools.”
The boys let out a collectively sheepish “Ah”.
“I’ll walk you, noona,” Jimin stands, making his way over to my side.
“Trying to butter me up, baby?” I can’t help but ruffle his hair, “Okay, come on.”
Jimin and I make our way to the front door where my keys lie on the entryway table. Grabbing them, I head out into the darkness of the front yard with Jimin trailing after me.
“Will you sit with me for the next movie, noona?” Jimin asks, running a hand through his hair as we trek towards my parked Jeep.
“What’s in it for me?” I joke, unlocking the passenger side door and grabbing my bag. Turning back towards the house, I shut and lock my car behind me.
“Cuddles?” Jimin answers, eyes wide and bottom lip poked out.
“Stop that,” I moan, moving swiftly past him, “Puppy-Dog eyes? That’s so unfair!”
“Is it working?” He races to keep up with me, “I think its working.”
“You’re still on my shit list, Park Jimin,” I whirl around, drop my bag to the ground, and grab the front of his shirt. Moving to a standstill with his lips an inch from mine, I say, “Or did you forget?”
Jimin gulps, his eyes dark, “I didn’t forget. It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”
I place the lightest kiss to his lips, “Good answer.” With that, I pick my bag back up and waltz back into the house. “Are you coming?” I call at the boy still standing in the middle of the front yard.
“Now I know why Kook says you’re mean,” Jimin shakes his head at me as he regains the will to move.
“You’re a fast learner,” I comment, placing my keys back onto the entryway table. “I’ll sit with you.”
“Yay!” Jimin cheers, “I’ll go tell Taehyungie!”
“What?” I screech after the boy’s departing form, “I didn’t know this was some sort of package deal! Lord give me strength…”
Rifling through my bag to double check I have everything, I notice that I seem to be lacking a sleep shirt. How is it that I could pack three different pairs of socks for one night over but forget a fucking shirt?
“SOS,” I call out, zipping my bag back up. Once again, the sound of stampeding steps is heard before the seven of them appear above me.
“Someone needs to give me their biggest and comfiest t-shirt.”
A brief pause permeates the room before all seven boys dart into action. Left all alone in the entryway, I let out an incredulous laugh at how completely whipped I’m becoming for them.
After a few minutes, I hear them congregating in the hall just up the stairs. Just as I’m about to go investigate, they shuffle down. Namjoon presents me with a pile of what must be a selection of t-shirts from the bunch.
“We all want you to wear our clothes, so we decided to make it fair and just let you pick one without knowing who’s it is,” Seokjin explains.
Looking around the room, I can tell they all think this is a magnificent idea. Meanwhile, I’m baffled why they think I wouldn’t know who’s shirt is who’s just from the style, size, and smell. However, I decide to be a nice girl and play along.
“Okay,” I grab the entire pile along with my bag, “I’ll go change.”
“I’m so excited!” Taehyung bounces up and down, “She’s going to pick mine. I know it!”
“That’s because you gave her your Ce—” As Taehyung tackles Jimin to the floor, I take that as my cue to leave.
Speeding up the steps, I make a beeline for Yoongi’s room, entering and locking the door behind me. My bag is tossed on the bed first followed by the sea of mostly black and white clothing. They know me so well already.
I examine my options:
A white Balenciaga t-shirt with “Europe 2018” embroidered in red over the heart,
A soft pink hoodie by Marques’ Almeida with long black silky drawstrings,
A red and black striped Raf Simons long-sleeved shirt with sewn-on patches,
A Fear of God white t-shirt with the iconic “FG” on the front,
A black Mastermind t-shirt with the brandname and a skull and crossbones emblazoned on it,
A black Celine t-shirt also with the brandname on the front, and
A grey long-sleeved t-shirt by Carhartt with the name in blue along the sleeve.
Making my selection, I shake my head over the careless nature these boys handle their extremely expensive clothing. I am almost certain that Jungkook had given me the only shirt of the bunch that was under $100.
Regardless, I fold the rest of the shirts before stuffing them into my duffle bag. If they all want me to wear their clothes, I will - eventually. Quickly, I change into my sleep shorts, tug on what I assume is Hobi’s shirt, and head out of Yoongi’s room.
Opening the door, I blink as seven expectant faces shine back at me. Six expressions fall as one lights up even more. “You chose mine!” Hoseok cheers, running to engulf me in a hug that sweeps me off my feet, “Oh, you look so cute!”
“Can’t. Breathe.”
“Why’d you leave your stuff in Yoongi-hyung’s room, noona?” Taehyung pouts as the rest of the boys try to pretend like they also aren’t miffed.
“Because I’m going to sleep with him?” I march over to Yoongi and hug him from behind, pressing my lips to his cheek. “Is that okay with you, Yoongs?”
The boy grumbles under my show of affection, but his hands come up to clasp over mine as they circle his waist. “I can live with that, I guess.” The eye roll accompanying his words is so evident even when standing behind him.
“You’ll pay for that, baby boy,” I whisper in his ear before biting gently down on his earlobe, reveling in the cute little squeak that emits from him in response.
“She’s still sitting with me and Tae during the next movie, though!” Jimin - ever the instigator - interjects as the group makes their way back downstairs. Yoongi and I shuffle behind them.
The eight of us decide to watch The Hangover next since that had been the runner-up before. Once again, I’m draped between Jimin and Taehyung. This time, I’m fully placed on Jimin’s lap while my legs are sprawled out across Tae’s thighs.
My legs had barely even settled onto his lap before his hands were on them. This time I don’t even pretend like I’m paying attention to the movie. I’m more entranced by the way Taehyung kneads his way up my legs from my ankles to my calves to the insides of my thighs.
Meanwhile, Jimin is snuggled into me tightly. His face is shoved into the crook of my neck, and I honestly think he might be sound asleep. With each breath, Jimin’s pillowy lips brush my collarbone. I couldn’t tell if this is my own personal heaven or hell.
Looking up, I meet the dark gaze of Min Yoongi once again. Neither of us break eye contact as I try to read the look on his face and his body language.
He is either: 1) pissed off by something I did, 2) turned on by something I did, or 3) all of the above.
My hunch is the third. Testing that theory, I slide my tongue across my bottom lip. Sure enough, his eyes track the motion instantly before returning to mine. Bing-pot.
The movies seems to take way longer than it’s hour and forty-something minutes. I blame the combination of my sexual frustration and the varying degrees of awareness of it from the boys.
As soon as the credits roll, I extract myself from the holds that Jimin and Tae had on me. “I’m tired,” I lie.
“Aw,” Seokjin hurries over to me and sweeps me into a tight hug, “Get some beauty sleep, darling. Because, in the morning, I’m making pancakes!”
I place a swift kiss to his cheek, “Sounds perfect.”
I bid the rest of the boys goodnight with similar affections. Slowly, I make my way over to the stairs, knowing that Yoongi is trailing after me closely.
Making sure to put an extra swing in my hips, I climb up the staircase like I was getting paid to do it. Finally, I enter Yoongi’s room, turn to face the boy it belonged to, and tug him inside.
“What the fuck, Min Yoongi,” I hiss before closing the door behind him and shoving him against it.
He has the audacity— I take a calming breath.
“You eye-fuck me throughout the entire movie and ask me ‘what’?” My hands curl into the fabric of his shirt.
A small smile makes its way across Yoongi’s face as my glower intensifies, “You can’t expect me not to think about that after you announce to everyone that you’re sleeping with me.”
“I didn’t mean literally, you buffoon,” I groan, turning away to head towards the bed.
Yoongi grabs my hips, halting me in place. “I know. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about what it would be like with you. What it would be like to be selfish with you.”
“You want to be selfish with me?” I ask softly, “What does that mean?”
“It means that I know that Tae was the first to get your mouth, but I want to be the first to give you mine.”
Yoongi’s words steal the breath from my lungs and the chill from my very soul. I gasp out, “You want to taste me, baby? That’s what you want?”
“More than anything,” Yoongi groans, pushing his hips into mine. “Please, (y/n), I’ll do anything to put my mouth on you.”
I pull away from Yoongi so that I can face him. His pupils are blown out, his hair is messy, and his expression is devastating with its pleading look. After being teased by so many of the others for the whole evening, he looks like my salvation.
“Okay,” I nod, lying down with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed. “Do your worst. No, not the time for that expression. Do your best. Please.”
Chuckling, Yoongi sinks to his knees before me, running his hands up my legs and resting on the hem of my shorts. He sends me an asking look, and I nod. His fingers shake slightly as he pulls off my shorts.
Left in nothing but pair of lacy red boy-briefs, I shiver in anticipation as I feel Yoongi slip a tentative finger underneath the remaining material.
“Fuck,” He groans, sliding his finger up and down my folds, “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”
“Well, do something about it,” I command, moving my hips up so that he might get the hint to take of my underwear. His finger slides out from underneath them and he doesn’t even hesitate before sucking it into his mouth.
“Yoongi,” I hiss, getting more and more impatient.
Yoongi pulls his finger out of his mouth, “Sorry, (y/n), I just want to savor this moment.”
“You can savor my pussy with your mouth,” I say, “Or are you all talk, Min Yo—”
Quicker than I can comprehend, Yoongi slides my panties to the side and licks a stripe up my folds. I moan as he sucks and licks at my pussy like a man possessed.
“Fuck,” I grab his hair and tug him closer, feeling him moan into me.
The build up of tension and frustration from being surrounded by these boys for the entire day has me on the brink of orgasm already.
Yoongi’s mouth closes over my clit, circling it with his tongue and flicking it slowly.
“More, Yoongi,” I demand.
He listens. Still worshipping my clit, Yoongi slips a finger inside me, curling it in such a practiced way I could scream.
He adds a second. Yoongi’s fingers thrust in and out of me as his tongue continues to taste and tease my pussy.
When he hits a certain spot in me, I moan his name, and I swear he growls. Repeatedly, his fingers hit that same spot inside me and I’m panting, trying my hardest not to come. Not yet.
“Harder!” I moan. Again, Yoongi follows like a good boy, his fingers and tongue picking up the pace.
Pausing to pull my legs over his shoulders, Yoongi meets my eyes. The pinkness of his lips glisten with my juices as he sighs, “I think you might be my new favorite meal.”
Before I can even respond, his resumes wrecking me. He fucks me with his fingers, grabbing at my ass with his free hand.
His mouth devours my pussy, wreaking havoc on my clit with every flick of his tongue.
My thighs quake as my battle to hold off coming becomes too much to endure. My back arches as the pleasure builds up with each quick stroke of his tongue and every movement of his fingers.
As if he knows exactly how to ruin me forever, Yoongi sucks on my clit harshly, and I come, my thighs trapping him between them. Despite it all, Yoongi continues to fuck me, lapping up everything like a starving man.
Soon, the overstimulation hits and I relax my thighs. Pulling his hair, I murmur, “Stop.”
Yoongi obeys.
“Come here,” I sit up, extending an arm out to him. He shuffles forward and when he is within reach I launch myself at him. Kissing him fiercely, I taste myself on his tongue.
“That was so good, baby,” I reach my hand up to stroke his flushed cheek. “Do you want me to help you out?”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, “I would rather eat you out again.”
“You’re insatiable!” I cry, tugging out of his hold. “We’ll see…”
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a/n: this chap got away from meeee AHHHHHH it’s the longest one yet uwu hope u enjoyed! :) also this is v unedited bc i wanted to post asap so keep that in mind hehe
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a/n: if u asked to be added to the taglist and u did not get tagged, u might be one of the couple ppl that i couldn’t tag [check ur settings, fam!]
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randomficsandshit · 4 years
Bellarke Fic Rec
Please do not forget. I have not written any of these. I’m simply recommending favorites of mine over the years. If you love something, send the author your love, not me :) and if any links don’t work, send me a message and I’ll see what i can do, this is a pretty old list 
There's A Nap For That 
Word Count: 6k+
AU. Based on that post: "If you both agree to take a nap instead of going out, it’s a date." Or: The one where Bellamy and Clarke keep taking naps together. You know, platonically. See also: Let Them Rest.
If You Wear A Dress and Have an Animal Sidekick, You Are a Princess
Word Count: 3k+
AU. Bellamy can't not take care of every animal he sees, and Clarke can't not find it endearing.
*Mouth Like Heaven, Kisses Like Stars
Word Count: 4k+
His eyebrows are knitted together in a slight frown, the kind he usually gets when he’s trying to work out a difficult problem. Finally, he meets her eyes again and says, almost hesitantly underneath his mask of bravado, “Well, I’m always here to lend a helping hand if you need it, princess.” Clarke actually chokes this time, and it feels like all the breath has been knocked out of her. -or, the time when everything goes downhill and bellamy just goes down.
Word Count: 1k+
AU. Clarke didn't think she'd need a wingwoman at the park playground when she's babysitting her one-year-old niece, but then Bellamy Blake strolls up, and Amelia rises to the occasion, luckily for her.
When Love Hits (Better Make It Worth The Fall)
Word Count: 4k+
AU. (She's All That) Four times Clarke gets hit on the head (+1 time she doesn't) during her last semester of high school, and every single time, Bellamy Blake is somehow involved.
All This Time
Word Count: 5k+
AU. Four times Bellamy innocently kisses Clarke, + one time he doesn't.
Take This Heart
Word Count: ~
clarke moves into bellamy's room. this is both soft and full of disdain for clarke's terrible... everything in season 3
You're Cool On The Internet, At Least
Word Count: 9k+
AU. Look, Clarke will not dwell on this. She will not get flustered just because a possibly cute guy on Facebook apparently shares her views on what constitutes a terrible person.
(Or: Clarke meets Bellamy on Facebook. They hit it off.)
(One of my personal favs)
We Came Out On Top
Word Count: 11k+
AU. “How can you guys be all like this and then be at each other’s throats during trivia night?” “Because it’s trivia night,” both Bellamy and Clarke said at the same time, sharing the same why don’t you get it tone. Bellamy, Clarke, and the trivia night rivalries only they care about.
She Does What The Night Does To The Day
Word Count: 5k+
AU. He assumes she would just giggle and continue petting him while saying how pretty he is, but instead, she pulls back with what might have been a leer had she not been three sheets to the wind, and says, “Your body is 65% water and I’m thirsty.” And then if that wasn’t bad enough, she stumbles out of his arms and fucking winks at him. Or at least he thinks it’s a wink. She used both eyes instead of one. or, the one where Bellamy is woefully and terribly oblivious.
The Giant Squid's Got Nothing On You
Word Count: 6k+
AU. Objectively, Clarke knows she’s probably right, but she still can’t help but lift her chin determinedly and say, “He is not going to find it.” She can barely hear her scoff in reply over the din of the cafe. “Yeah right,” says Raven, “The internet is forever, Clarke Griffin. He will find it eventually.” or, Clarke finds her new muse at the local cafe
Alone Together 
Word Count: 11k+
AU. Clarke shows up at Bellamy’s apartment at exactly two minutes to midnight on a Thursday. He's not sure how she ends up staying the night — or why he doesn't turn her away, when it happens again. And again.
Cold As The Wind Blows (so hold me in your arms)
Word Count: 3k+
AU. Clarke gets trapped in the storage room overnight, but at least she's not by herself.
Tequila Regrets
Word Count: 6k+
AU. Clarke and Bellamy have been roommates for a while, and Clarke has been in love with him for almost as long, but when she finds out that his terror of a boss has marked him as her next conquest, Clarke offers to pose as his fake girlfriend for the staff Christmas party to scare her off. She did not think this all the way through.
Word Count: 6k+
AU. As acts of rebellion go, Clarke knows that getting a tumblr is both minor and pathetic. But it's her secret, her own tiny, online space where no one knows she's Clarke Griffin, Hollywood A-lister. She's just some nobody with like five followers and opinions no one cares about. And then she makes a friend.
Wish On Everything
Word Count: 11k+
AU. It's not as if Bellamy wanted anything bad to happen to his mother. All he wanted was to get custody of his little sister, so he'd know she was taken care of. And after eight years, he's basically given up all hope of that. Then his mother does die, and social services tells him he gets Octavia.
Legs Crossed Towards Each Other 
Word Count: 7k+
It starts with Raven wanting to set up Mr. Sinclair, out of what are probably genuinely good intentions. It's everyone else who turns it into a massive headache for Bellamy.
What The Hell Is The Catch? 
Word Count: 6k+
Bellamy gets tickets to take his AP US History kids to Hamilton, and Clarke figures he's going to need a chaperone. She's happy to help out. And if he says she owes him for it? Totally worth it.
If You Wanna Reach Me
Word Count: 5k+
AU. Clarke: So yeah, in the dream it's like We're in New York, I think. I'm not really sure, but you know how it is when it's a dream and you just know something. So we're in New York.
Jasper: whos we??????
Clarke: Most of us, I think? It's always kind of hard to remember when it's a dream. Like I just thought "everyone's here!" but I mostly interacted with Bellamy.
Raven: did u mean: real life
Time Enough For Rocking When We're Old
Word Count: 14k+
boston > boston/camb/brook > housing > apts by owner $2-300 Roxbury small room in 3-br 1-bath house, spouse preferred (Roxbury) Pair of siblings looking for housemate. Due to extenuating circumstances I will share with interested parties, I would prefer a roommate who is willing to get married for legitimate personal reasons that do not include sex or anything sketchy. If not interested in marriage, room still available for $300/month plus utilities. Pets okay, no smokers, NO DRUG USE. Please don't just email me to tell me this is fucked up, I know it is, you really don't have to tell me. If you are interested in the marriage part, a female spouse is preferred, but male would be okay too. I promise I will explain this if you really want details, but I'm not putting it online. Serious inquiries only.
Must Love Intersectionality 
Word Count: 2k+
AU. Bellamy hates his stupid history of colonialism class, until he makes a friend. Weirdly, the friend isn't actually in his class, they just share the same desk and like to write angry notes about the patriarchy. Bellamy's a fan.
Regardless Of Warnings, The Future Doesn't Scare Me At All
Word Count: 20k+
AU. 2 Chapters. After an argument with her mother about her unplanned pregnancy, Clarke Griffin ends up back in the small town where her father used to live, spilling her sob story to a sympathetic bartender. And then, somehow, she ends up moving in with the bartender and her brother.
(You Might Find) You Get What You Need
Word Count: 20k+
AU. Clarke needs a date to her ex's sister's wedding, and she's at the point of hiring someone off the internet when Octavia points out that her brother is always looking for money. So Clarke takes him instead.
Just As You Are 
Word Count: 10k+
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single Clarke Griffin in need of a Latin tutorial partner will always end up paired with Bellamy Blake.
I've Been Dreaming Of You From The Other Side (I Know You So Well)
Word Count: 17k+
AU. Ten years ago, Clarke found out she had superpowers. Now she's all ready to start a new life: English teacher by day, vigilante by night. All she has to do is figure out how to be a superhero, avoid getting caught and shipped off by mandatory metahuman registration, and not strangle the stupid history teacher down the hall. It'll be fun.
She's Touching His Chest Now, He Takes Off Her Dress Now
Word Count: 26k+
If Clarke had thought arguments could actually lead to switching bodies with someone, she wouldn't have been surprised this one really did. But since that's actually impossible, waking up as Bellamy Blake is still a shock.
I Know That Fortune Is Waiting To Be Kind
Word Count: 20k+
When Bellamy is eleven, his mother dies, and he finds out his father was a prince, which makes him a prince too, albeit a bastard prince. And when he's twelve, his family decides he would be a good candidate for marriage to Princess Clarke of Arcadia. Princess Clarke thinks so too, but only because he agrees to come back in ten years and help her make sure the wedding never takes place. It seems like a really good deal, when he's twelve.
And Dream How Wonderful Your Life Will Be
Word Count: 19k+
Clarke has known Bellamy Blake for two months when she finds out two completely unexpected things about him: he's married, and he has an eight-year-old son. He's also getting a divorce and he needs a roommate, and she's got a spot. It's complicated.
One Deep Breath and One Big Step
Word Count: 17k+
Clarke Griffin has been groomed for Ark University and Sigma Kappa Upsilon sorority since she was a kid, and she's a little annoyed to discover, upon getting to college, that she really does like Sig-Kap. That she wants to pledge. There's just this weird thing where they don't seem to like her new friend Bellamy.
Write What You Know
Word Count: 13k+
Bellamy understands every individual choice that got him to this point. He started writing erotica to make some extra money, he didn't correct the assumption that he was a woman, made up some facts about his new persona, and now his publisher wants him to start making public appearances, so he needs someone to be that persona. And Clarke really is the logical choice. It all makes sense to him, when he thinks about it, but he will admit it is incredibly weird. Luckily, Clarke's still got his back.
When Can I See You Again? 
Word Count: 13k+
Bellamy doesn't recognize a lot of people he meets at conventions, even if he's met them a lot. It's just hard to keep track. But the girl who comes once or twice a year is pretty easy to remember. And that's before her foster mom shows up in a panic because she took a bus to Vegas alone. After that happens, it's basically all over.
But They Ain't Doing It Right
Word Count: 14k+
“So,” he begins, running a hand through his hair. It’s a lost cause trying to work it back into some semblance of order. “What is this?” “What do you mean?” He doesn’t meet her eye when he says, “Once is a mistake, twice is a pattern,” too busy picking at a loose thread in his hem. “Wanna go three times and just make it a habit?” she jokes weakly, and his head snaps back up, eyes boring into hers. She flushes under the intensity of his gaze. “Actually,” he begins slowly, “That doesn’t sound that bad.” or, the friends with benefits au that got away from me
Phone A Friend
Word Count: 7k+
Clarke does not ask Bellamy for tips on having a threesome because she's hoping to have a threesome with him. He's just the only person she knows personally who has actually had a threesome, so he seems like her best resource. And when the opportunity to have a threesome with him presents itself, it's not like she's going to just say no.
I'm Swept Away and My Heart Ensnared 
Word Count: 15k+
Raven hums low in her throat. “Well, at least Bellamy can make it up in time. So you won’t get too axe murdered.” Clarke wrinkles her nose, leaning on the banister of the upstairs porch. From here she can see the ocean, just a five minute walk away, and she breathes in brine soaked air. “He’s still coming?” “What do you mean if he’s still coming? He didn’t say anything otherwise.” She shifts from foot to foot, feeling herself colour slightly even though there’s no one there to see her. “I just assumed that because you and Miller couldn’t make it up anymore he wouldn’t come today.” “Why the hell did you think that?” “Because Bellamy and I aren’t exactly friends, Raven." or, Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin don't really like each other. Or at least that's what they tell themselves.
Afraid To Call This Place Our Own 
Word Count: 22k+ 
(Single mom!Clarke and Teacher!Bellamy, with the usual angsty shenanigans.)
And Are We There Yet (Home) 
Word Count: 2k+
A Bellamy POV and mini sequel to afraid to call this place our own. (this shit made me cry) 
Bloodstains and Innocence: A Clarke Griffin Mystery
Word Count: 27k+
Police Chief Clarke Griffin knows three things: 1) Charles Pike is dead. 2) Octavia Blake is the prime suspect. 3) Bellamy Blake a giant pain in the ass with no business being involved in a murder investigation, and yet here he is, working the case alongside her. A hurricane is approaching the sleepy little island of Arkadia, NC as evidence begins to mount against Octavia and Clarke wrestles with her increasingly complicated relationship with Bellamy, all while trying to answer one simple question: Who killed Charles Pike?
Is There An IUD That Can Stop The Image of You and Me? 
Word Count: 8k+
It's probably impossible to be friends with benefits with someone who might not even count as a friend, but "lab partners with benefits" isn't a thing yet. So that's probably the right term. Whatever it is, Clarke's enjoying it. As long as she ignores the whole feelings thing.
I’m Gonna Leave You Anyway
Word Count: 65k+
Modern AU inspired by the show You're the Worst, where Bellamy and Clarke hook up after a wedding.
                  And You Can Have This Heart To Break
Word Count: 37k+
Clarke knows she's being a little over-dramatic in her complaining about having to move to Maine, but it does seem pretty unreasonable of her mother to drag her to a small town in the middle of nowhere for the three months between high-school graduation and her starting college. As it turns out, the summer is great. It's just the summer ending that's the problem.
Museums and Mistletoe 
Word Count: 1k+
Clarke buys Bellamy a museum ticket for Christmas and he acts like it’s the best gift he’s ever received. She buys one for herself too, because she knows none of their other friends have the time to go—finding a day they can all get together to exchange gifts is hard enough—and if it gets her an uninterrupted afternoon with her best friend and all around favorite asshole, she’s definitely not complaining.
When In Brome
Word Count: 57k+
Octavia is the one who tells Clarke about "Untitled Gladiator Project," because she thinks Bellamy wants to be on it, and also thinks Clarke is the one who will be able to convince him to do it. Plus, it turns out Clarke actually needs to be involved, because all of the gladiators are required to have girlfriends with them, and, honestly, the more she hears about it, the more of a mess it seems like. On the other hand, it sounds kind of hilarious, and definitely right up Bellamy's alley, so there's probably no harm in trying out. It might be fun.
It’s All Internet Interaction
Word Count: 11k+
Bellamy is less than pleased when soap opera star Clarke Griffin lands the lead role in the Callister reboot. So, naturally, he writes about it. It’s not supposed to blow up. She’s not supposed to respond to it either, but here they are.
Just Dive Right In (And Follow My Lead)
Word Count: 24k+
Clarke Griffin needs a partner. Bellamy Blake just happens to walk into her rink. (Or: Bellamy and Clarke as ice dancing partners, training together through the years to the Olympics.)
Sleight Of Hand
Word Count: 56k+
Notorious criminal prodigy Bellamy Blake has been tasked with a seemingly impossible heist. Luckily enough, he just might have the right crew for it. *Personal Favorite*
And Then We Were Chasing Comets
Word Count: 21k+
If you told Clarke Griffin that she would become best friends with the resident black sheep of Arkadia, she would have difficulty believing it, let alone the fact that he apparently wrote an entire book about her. (Or: Clarke and Bellamy through the years, as childhood best friends.)
See Me In Hindsight 
Word Count: 16k+
“You’re kind of a mess,” He says mildly. “Thanks captain obvious.” The corners of his mouth twitch a little, like he’s holding back a smile. She is not remotely pleased by that. Not at all. Or, the one where they're project partners and maybe, perhaps, friends. (And maybe, perhaps, more.)
Challenge Accepted
Word Count: 30k+
He doesn't even like Clarke Griffin, he's pretty sure he hates how easy everything has come to her. So imagine his surprise when he finds himself at their office party looking through dick pics on her phone. “You can do better, Princess. In fact, I can do better.” As soon as she turns to him with raised eyebrows and an open mouthed grin he knows he’s said too much but she’s not going to let it drop. “Oh really, you think you can do better, Blake?” And he's never backed down from a challenge in his life.
Found Myself In A Second 
Word Count: 5k+
The one where Clarke finds a lost wallet belonging to one Bellamy Blake.
Every Rose Can Sting You 
Word Count: 15k+
Clarke expected to encounter annoying guys when she got forced into becoming the Bachelorette, but she didn't realise that the most annoying of them all would be the head cameraman. Because seriously, Bellamy Blake is a total prick. It's a good thing there's absolutely no chance of her ever actually liking him, because boy, would that be inconvenient…
Choking On Your Alibis 
Word Count: 7k+
Bellamy gets a girlfriend and Clarke handles it spectacularly well
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 2: Going from Zero to Antichrist Real Quick
Bumblebee and his camp buddies are trying to figure out what to do with the Titan who just popped out of the ground like a prairie dog, as the sky looks like a Lisa Frank notebook thanks to the portal to the Dead Universe. It’s honestly very nice, we should should get more pretty apocalypses like this.
Bumblebee starts throwing out orders at everyone, much to Slag’s chagrin. When Slag brings up the point that they probably can’t do much of anything to a guy roughly a hundred times bigger than they are, Bumblebee tells him to shut up and do as he’s told.
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Yeah, I had about the same reaction, Slag.
So the Dinobots do their thing. Swoop, who I think is the only guy here who can fly, goes up to see what the Titan’s doing. It’s not much, other than looking really upset. Oh no, what if he’s afraid of heights? Poor guy.
Even if the Titan isn’t moving, the mere presence of the thing is jamming signals, which is kind of an issue. Ironhide’s ready to shoot it in the foot, and Arcee will help, because she’s a team player now. Bumblebee has a minor crisis over whether this is the same Titan that told Starscream he was a prophesied son of a gun, but Prowl doesn’t seem to think that it is.
Prowl, who has been suffering from short-term memory lapses over the last several months or so because a bug-man was controlling his mind.
Yeah, let’s maybe take his opinion on the matter with a grain of salt, even if he is right.
Over at the Lost Light, Orion Pax is visiting Brainstorm’s workshop, where everyone’s favorite science man is admitting to having studied the Dead Universe’s effects on the living and interviewing people who had been to the area.
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Man, I sure hope that guy signed a waiver, otherwise Brainstorm’s going to be in a spot of trouble.
Then we get a quick rundown of what the Dead Universe is: an omnicognizant parallel universe that functions on fundamental principles that differ from our own and wants you to die. So, obviously not a place you would want to go to. Still, we gotta, because that’s where the plot is the Dead Universe is gonna vore Cybertron if we don’t.
Brainstorm agrees to cook something up to make the trip through the Gorlam Prime portal easier.
Back on Cybertron, the Titan looms in the distance as we check in on an oddly pristine-looking Iacon. Rattrap tells Starscream to come out of the closet, because the Titan still hasn’t moved and doesn’t seem like it’s going to anytime soon. Starscream does come out, but it’s with his arms full of weapons of Autobot design that he appropriated from the ruins of Kimia, because he doesn’t trust that Titan to not start some shit. Rattrap suggests that they maybe get a second opinion before they start murdering people for standing in a barren field.
Back on the Lost Light, there’s a little shindig going down at Swerve’s, everyone staring down the table where Optimus, Rodimus, and Ultra Magnus are seated. Swerve takes the opportunity to do what everyone else is probably really wanting to, and snaps a few photos of them for his scrapbook. As soon as he’s done, we get to the Emotions portion of our issue.
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Rodimus is letting himself be vulnerable in front of the man he idolizes, and I think that’s very brave of him.
Nobody’s feeling super great about the situation they’ve been presented with, but there isn’t a lot that can be done about it now. Just gotta work with what they got. Rodimus asks Optimus how he feels about Starscream being elected leader of Cybertron.
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But I thought that freedom was the right of all sentient beings? You know, like the freedom of choice in our government officials, even if they aren’t the best option we could possibly have, because at least they’re better than the guy who had bombs planted in people’s heads for crowd control purposes? Are you saying that it only counted when the concept of freedom could be manipulated so you could go kick Megatron’s ass, and that actual freedom of choice doesn’t jive with your personal sensibilities as much as you’d like everyone to think it does? No wonder you’re going to try to overthrow the entire Earth’s government system to get humanity annexed into Cybertron’s bullshit in a few years’ time.
But perhaps this Starscream thing is actually the work of Megatron! What will Orion do then?
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…I mean, do I even have to say it?
And I thought we’d already figured out what to do with Megatron back in “Chaos Theory”, where you spent three issues waffling on the subject until the man himself told you to execute him, because even he was sick of your crisis of self. The only reason you didn’t get to act on it was because Megatron disappeared after Vector Sigma blew up and then you fucked off into space without even bothering to check if he was actually dead.
But enough of Orion promising to kill/kiss Megatron, it’s time to see what Brainstorm’s cooked up. It’s not much, but to be fair, he’s only had a few hours to pull something together- our ship’s genius has made a few forcefield generators, using nothing more than some forcefield generators and juice he squeezed out of a bug. Science truly is amazing.
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And I bet Trailcutter hates this invention too, for multiple reasons this time!
Cyclonus, who is looking especially purple today, agrees to join the excursion to the Dead Universe, even though it’s pretty clear he really, really doesn’t want to. Hardhead seems in better spirits than our resident space jet, though maybe that’s just bravado macho-man bullshitting on his part.
With our team put together, it’s time to jump out of the spaceship and into a place that quite literally wants them dead. But first Rodimus has a little chat with Ultra Magnus about his feelings. A lot of sharing this issue.
Magnus doesn’t feel fit to be in charge while Rodimus goes off to save the day and maybe die, because he doesn’t have that special something that makes a leader a leader. Charisma? The ability to think on your feet? The ability to see people as people and not numbers? Not having people know you’re actually a much smaller man running around in an Ultra Magnus suit? Whatever it is, Rodimus seems to think that it’s trumped by a mysterious something in his hand, and that Magnus will do just fine.
While Team -Imus goes into the murder reality, Magnus and the Lost Light will be going off to find Jhiaxus, because they need something to do while our protagonist and his absentee father go on their own adventure.
Back on Cybertron, Starscream’s visiting prison, and wants to talk to a very good boy without the guards overhearing. Jazz makes a very vague threat about what will happen if any harm comes to the prisoner, then steps away.
Let’s talk about how to sell toys for a second.
This issue of “Dark Cybertron” had a cover featuring Scoop, the very good boy I’ve mentioned before, because it was paired off with his Generations toy. We know from reading RID that Scoop is the leader of a group called the Construction Patrol, and he likes to help simply for the sake of helping. Sounds like a nice, if generic, character. How is this issue going to introduce people to him? Will he bust out of prison to save the day? Fight evil through heroic sacrifice? Do anything besides talk?
No, he’s going to tell Starscream he’s a herald of death that was foretold in the robot bible.
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Yeah, that’ll move some fucking product!
This isn’t even the most batshit thing Scoop’s going to pull in this event, but it is what they decided to put in the issue that “features” him.
Over with Shockwave, we’re treated to some renewed friendships, as Nova Prime and Galvatron reveal that they don’t hate each other after all, but have a mutual respect based in subjugating those weaker than them.
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I’m guessing this is a contrast to their previous relationship dynamic in older publications, but I’m not going back to comb through the likes of Heart of Darkness to check, because it really doesn’t matter.
There’s a bit of a snag in Shockwave’s plan to bring Galvatron and Nova Prime back to the Not-Dead Universe, as the space bridge in the Titan burnt up when it got there. Gee, that sucks. I guess all those “Prelude” issues about getting the Titan from Gorlam Prime were sort of a waste of time, weren’t they? Love it when I’m told I wasted my time reading motherfucking Ramondelli issues.
Speaking of Ramondelli, it’s Dead Universe time.
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Sigh. Hello, public domain pictures of space on the overlay layer option in Photoshop. It’s nice to see you.
No, it isn’t. I lied.
I’m sorry, public domain pictures of space on the overlay layer option in Photoshop, this isn’t your fault.
So we’re here in the Dead Universe, and it’s looking pretty wild and crazy, though the characters are likely thinking this for a completely different reason than we are as readers. It turns out, the Dead Universe… is dying.
Also, Cyclonus has disappeared, not that anyone actually gives a shit, because they’re too busy dealing with the giant space leeches that just showed the hell up. Dang, why’s that happening?
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…That only happens as a form of population control, or if the young in question are sickly and have a low chance of survival, not just because the mama rabbit got a bit peckish between lunch and dinner, you stupid fucking robot.
Half of this writing team won awards a couple years after this was published, I want you to remember that.
They fight the cyberwraiths for a bit, things look like they’re getting dicey, then suddenly they fuck off as Cyclonus shows up, probably fresh off the end of a goddamned panic attack because he’s back in the Dead Universe. Then he proceeds to vomit up some black energon. That’s a fun thing, glad you made me look at that.
Rodimus is concerned that one of their team members has got the Hollywood Tuberculosis cough, but Cyclonus doesn’t want his fucking pity. The fellas decide it’s time to get a move on, seeing as they’ve been here a grand total of 20 seconds and been attacked, so they need to get this over with ASAP.
As Team -Imus flies off in a ship I don’t remember them bringing along, someone decides that they’re going to stick their finger in that puddle of vomit.
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Nightbeat you fucking idiot, there aren’t any sinks in the Dead Universe! Now your hand’s gonna be all gross for the entirety of this event! He’s not even analyzing it, it’s just on his hand! Why is Nightbeat having zero concept of personal hygiene a running theme in the things I read? Fuck!
You may be wondering what Nightbeat’s doing in the Dead Universe, or even where he’s been for a good chunk of IDW. We’ve seen him in flashbacks from before the war, but not during or after, least not within anything I’ve covered. So, what’s be been up to?
Fuck you, you’ll have to wait for a later issue to be told what Phase One bullshit you’ll have had to read to understand why this dumbass is here.
Back on Cybertron, Prowl is telling Bumblebee that he sucks because he’s not acting. I’m not exactly sure what he expects Bumblebee to do about the Titan who’s just standing there. It’s not like issuing a loitering ticket is going to do anything. Then the Decepticons attack them, among their ranks being the scariest fucking Ravage I’ve ever seen.
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Why do you look like that? Rojo’s supposed to have the cutesy style on this team, why the fuck did he turn the kitty cat into one of the terror dogs from Ghostbusters? 
Anyway, that’s the end of the issue. Sure hope you’re invested enough in trying to figure out what the fuck Nightbeat’s deal is to snag Robots in Disguise #23.
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deluxedolans · 5 years
ahhh okay so an anon sent me a concept only tumblr published it before i was ready so i deleted it like an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
the concept was something like: “grayson has been giving me such frat!grayson vibes lately. imagine grayson’s fwb seeing her flirt with someone else & maybe she needs to get punished.
•A/N: also, i know this is kind of choppy it was supposed to just be a concept but i got carried away. i’m trying to get back into writing so pls don’t roast me. i hope you guys like it anyways 🤦🏻‍♀️
first of all, hi anonny💙 (i hope you see this btw) i actually wrote something similar to this!! i have a blurb of frat!gray punching a hole in the wall when he sees his girl who’s not his girl with someone else & i have a fic called make it nasty where frat!gray gets super jealous of his best friend/crush dancing with someone else.
now to the concept: the whole thing started because grayson was flirting with a girl from ADPi who he has previously hooked up with. frat!gray is a natural flirt with hooded eyes, and gentle touches, always down to make a girl feel a little bit special whether it’s for some clout or to have them come dance with him. however, he really likes his fwb; that’s his girl. although, he definitely has a double standard when it comes to her; he doesn’t like when she flirts or dances with other people at fucking all and she knows that, but he does it all the time and it infuriates her.
• you would walk in to the party, immediately looking for grayson, since he’s the one who invited you to this party in the first place. you’re in a sorority but your sorority isn’t super close with his—your sorority, Alpha Phi, hangs out with Sigma Chi, while Grayson’s frat, Sigma Pi, usually hangs out with the girls from ADPi. you were friends with a few of the girls from ADPi, but not nearly as close with them as you were with your sorority sisters.
• eventually, you found grayson in the kitchen, a hand stroking callie mchenry’s hip as he whispered in her ear. her dazzling smile and blushing cheeks confirmed your worries and your heart sank to your stomach.
• you immediately rushed over to the counter nearest grayson, scooping some punch out of the sink, making sure your heels clicked loudly as you made your way next to him. “‘scuse me,” you snarled as you walked past the two who were huddled closely near the doorway. graysons could feel his heart start to race; he was both excited that you were here, but annoyed that you had caught him flirting. “you’re here? when did you get here? you were supposed to text me.” callie’s smile slipped off her face at the diversion of grayson’s attention.
“gray, we were in the middle of a conversation—,” callie tries, placing her hand on his forearm.
grayson looks at her with boredom in his eyes, slight annoyance tracing his features, “i’ll find you later, cal, okay?” grayson places his hand on her back in an attempt to scoot her out of there and y/n’s rage only grows. who the fuck did grayson think he was trying to control girls the way he did? you knew he was bad news, but god if he didn’t just make your heart race in the most intimate of ways. he was enraging, and enticing, and enamoring. however, clearly he didn’t feel the same way since when you had hooked up yesterday, he told you he was thinking about you two being exclusive rather than just being the standard booty call. you felt like the biggest idiot.
• callie left the room with a sigh, her head hung a little low. you felt bad, especially since you related on a multitude of levels, but right now you were pissed. you took a long swig of your drink, the liquor burning down your throat much how your stomach burned with anger.
• “when did you get here?” grayson repeated as he leaned back on the counter, his heartbeat picking up. he can’t believe you saw that; just his luck. he would make a step toward committing, drunkenly flirt and get fucking caught. his flirting wasn’t even because he wanted callie either—you were late. well, you were a little late, and grayson was drunk and panicked. panicked that you got freaked out at his desire to be exclusive. panicked that you found someone better, someone who was smarter, and more mature. panicked that you left him.
• you promptly ignored him, surveying the room before taking another sip of your drink. grayson rolled his eyes, “you’re really gonna ignore me? what are you? five?”
• you could feel your own jaw clench, “me? i’m the five year old? yesterday you told me you wanted to be exclusive and today you’re over here groping another girl. i think we both know who the real five year old is.”
• grayson’s jaw clenched, “you’re the one who’s late! i thought you were ditching me—christ, y/n. also, for the third time, why didn’t you text me when you were here?”
• “i did, asshole. look at your phone,” you bit back, hands on your hips indignantly.
• grayson pulled out his phone from his back pocket to see three missed texts from you. his phone on do not disturb. his face grew hot and his stomach started to churn; he had fucked up.
• “y/n—,” grayson began, his hazel eyes pleading.
“save it, i’m so sick of this. fuck being exclusive, honestly. you can’t even keep your hands off another girl when i’m not in the same room as you. i’m all set, dolan,” you snapped, your eyes burning a bit. you weren’t sure if it was the bright lights, the alcohol, or the smoke filled room, but you would drop dead before you let grayson dolan saw you cry over him. you hated yourself for the pure fact that you said that you were all set with him because you knew in your heart you’d be back with him eventually. he was like a jello shot; cute, delicious, and so, so easy to drink, but dangerous when consumed in copious amounts.
• “c’mon, y/n, you know i wanna be exclusive, don’t be like this,” he pressed on, holding onto your wrist. you looked at the floor throwing your head back from a second to blink back tears before your eyes shot daggers at him. “don’t tell me not to ‘be like this,’ grayson. you can’t even keep it in your pants when i’m five minutes late to a goddamn house party. what makes you think i’d wanna be exclusive now? come find me when you’ve matured a bit.”
• an hour later after downing several shots of fireball with a few girls from ADPi who were in your environmental science class you were definitely drunk and definitely looking for somebody to dance with. you left the girls to go to the bathroom and when you came out you stumbled into a body. “whoops, my bad,” they apologized taking a moment to steady you. you looked up at them; blue eyes, dark brown hair, with freckles across the bridge of his nose. this boy was very pretty, and would make an incredible distraction.
• you discovered his name was drew, and after many soft touches, in addition to some lingering stares, you two eventually made it out onto the dance floor. the bass of an a$ap ferg some reverberated throughout the house, and with the alcohol coursing through your veins you felt even more daring than usual. you wanted grayson to see you, let him know you were already over whatever games he was playing, so you made sure you two stopped right in front of the speakers, where you knew, ethan, grayson’s brother was usually posted up.
just as you anticipated, ethan was in charge of the playlist. with phone in hand, he was slightly distracted as a pretty girl with long blonde hair had her hands wrapped around his neck, her fingers intertwined through the ends as she whispered in his ear. as soon as the song was about to come to an end, you made sure to turn you two around so you were facing the table with the speakers. your ass was pressed tightly to drew’s front, your arms swung carelessly around his neck, his mouth attached to your neck.
• grayson could see you from the top of the stairs and he could feel his face growing hot with rage. he knew it was hypocritical, but fuck did he hate this. he hated the idea of someone else’s hands, lips, or body touching you. it made his skin crawl, his jaw sore from clenching it and his stomach feel sick. he had never felt like this over any girl and the fact that he was the cause of a.) catching feelings and b.) driving you away was beyond frustrating.
• with a clenched jaw grayson glared at you, willing you to look up. after a few minutes with no luck he stomped down the stairs, drink sloshing in his hand as some of it spilled over the side. as he made his way closer his mouth fell open. it would be drew anderson who was dancing with you; the guy was constantly living in his shadow, running for VP of Sig Pi and losing to him, constantly challenging him to drinking games and losing, anything he could to one-up him. leave it drew to be the one to go for his girl.
• grayson walked over immediately, liquid courage charging his rage and causing him to bump into drew’s back. in surprise drew flew forward, sending you flying. to ensure you didn’t fall, drew held tighter to you, his neck craning around to confront the offender. “what the fuck, dolan? you good?” drew snapped, his hands resting on y/n’s waist. grayson could feel himself grow sicker by the second.
“i’m pretty fucking good, anderson. how are you?” grayson sneered, looking you in the eyes the whole time. you refused to break eye contact; this wasn’t fair. he couldn’t just have his hands all over someone else and then act like a brat when you did the same thing.
“uh, good?” drew replied awkwardly. with a bright smile, drew turned to you, pulling you in closer to his side, “this is—.”
“y/n,” grayson interrupted. “yeah, i know, and you know i know, so let’s cut the bullshit, anderson. go find someone else’s shadow to chase, would ya? always crawling up my ass, trying to be me or something—just fuck off and find someone else’s girl to hang all over.”
drew stiffened, and he immediately let go of you as his hands drew into fists, “excuse me? who the fuck do you think you are?”
• you eventually ended up pulling grayson away, his chest heaving, sweat beading on his forehead with rage and tears of frustrating brewing. he was drunk, he was hurt and he was pissed.
“gray, what’s your problem? you’re the one who was flirting with someone else in the first place but as soon as i do it, you act like i fucked the whole frat. stop being such a goddamn brat.”
“i’m the brat?! i’m the brat? i’m the one who’s been trying to apologize to you the whole damn night and you’ve been out talking to other dudes. christ, whos the hypocrite now? two wrongs don’t make a right.”
you rolled your eyes so hard you could only see the white or your eyes for a brief second.
“oh shut the fuck up, because you’re so angelic. i’m not in the wrong here—you are. now either commit or don’t grayson but i’m sick of playing games.”
“commit? why the fuck would i wanna commit to you when all you do is bitch at me and run around with my frat brothers? christ, you’re exhausting.” your mouth fell open as your stomach dropped. he didn’t want to commit anymore? you’d taken this too far, you should’ve shut your mouth when you had the chance. but at the same time, did you really deserve to be treated like this?
“i’m done. call me when you grow the fuck up, grayson.” you turned on your heel, and that was when impulse took over his body. he pulled you towards him and kissed you hard. almost like a magnet, your hands were immediately drawn into his hair, your mouth granting his tongue access. grayson’s hands we’re wrapped around your waist as his fingers traced lines that burned your torso up and down, his touch making your hairs stand on end.
you broke apart, out of breath and pupils dilated. “i’m done—just wanna be yours, y/n. i’m sorry—i know you’re not gonna believe me, but watching you with someone else tonight hurt. hurt so bad.” grayson took a deep breath to steady himself, and you placed your hands on his chest reassuringly. “i’m insecure, alright? shit, you’re stunning, and funny, and charismatic and so fucking smart and i could never hold a candle to you. when i didn’t get your text, i freaked out—i thought you’d changed your mind and i wanted to get my mind off you.” grayson’s gaze diverted to the floor, the emotions he was unleashing almost pouring out of his eyes. “i wanna be exclusive. i wanna be exclusive so bad, but i’m fucking scared. i know you’re too good for me and it’s terrifying, i feel so much for you it scares me.”
“really? me?” grayson nodded, his eyes slowly picking up from the floor.
“grayson, i am not too good for you, holy shit. but we gotta stop these games, it’s so stupid and i can’t keep doing it. you crush my heart when you fuck around with other girls,” you admitted honestly, biting your nail nervously at his response.
grayson nodded sadly, acknowledging his mistakes. “i know—and i’m so fucking sorry. so, so sorry. i’ll spend the rest of the night and this week, this month, hell, this year making it up to you. i can’t let you go.”
mirroring his actions, you nodded, “well, we can be exclusive, but on one condition.”
“you take me upstairs right now and show me just how sorry you are,” you purred, hand slithering down his chest.
grayson’s face lit up with a smirk, as he leaned over to murmur in your ear, “can’t wait to get you in my bed, gorgeous. you better scram like a good girl, so everybody in this party knows you’re fuckin’ mine, and nobody else’s.”
a shiver ran up your spine as you nodded, and grayson grinned, turning to lead you two to the stairs, his hand squeezing your ass every so often as you two climbed up towards a night full of apologies, intimacy, and love marks.
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rvblabyrinth · 6 years
the formatting’s a little wonky ‘cause i had to paste it from discord messages, but i tried my best, the analysis is under the read more
He asked me how to write Texas, I think I wrote like a full fucking paragraph in response.
& I was like. “Well, depends. Is it her pov or Church’s or someone else?” ’Cause firstly, it depends. Church’s pov? The easiest for me to write because you have to kinda put her in the center of that world because that’s their dynamic, they don’t have to be in love, or really on speaking terms, but they’re both gravitated to each other & that’s important to portraying the dynamic. If it is something where they do love each other, again, she’s the center of the universe & time & time again Church does stupid shit to keep her around.
Some people choose to write her as the villain in some fics, like "she BROKE church's heart. What a heartless, cold bitch" which isn't exactly right imo & it's kinda eh to read imo because I think it can be written better- giving her some sort of motivation in that rather than being quick to be like "fuck Texas. hate that bitch."
But then again, some people just don't like Tex & write her like that because they don't like her, which is what I do with characters that I don't fucking like. If you're writing her from someone else's pov that isn't Church. it's important to include the intimidated part, because like, she's scary. She deadass tries to kill like everyone I think. She is super strong, who would not be at least kinda scared of that?
If you're writing from her pov, it depends if it's Beta or Epsilon-Tex.
Beta is a bit more oriented to her own goals, saying "fuck you" to Freelancer, & killing/tracking down Omega in the beginning. She also knows she's an AI but has to pretend because no one else knows.
Epsilon-Tex is more angry at the fact she was brought back, & is a bit more open with that kind of thing with Church. & this is clear in canon because of:
Tex: I didn't ask to be paired with you. I didn't wanna come back. But I'm here now, so I'm gonna put an end to this.
Tex: You can't even help yourself. That's why you made me, Church. You made me to take on all the things you can't handle. Just like you always have. Well guess what, I'm gonna handle it. Wash and Meta will be coming now. I have some things to get ready.
She's quick to call Church on his bullshit & set it straight
It’s clear she hates the fact that Church is quick to the "we're made for each other." She hates it. She doesn't like being tied against her will, so she fights against it. She's programmed to care about him but that doesn't mean she can't be angry. In a way, she kinda hates him, for what the Director did, for bringing her back, etc. She hates being a "shadow" because she isn't just a caricature of what the Director saw in Allison- she's become her own person but time & time again she's dragged back to where people think Tex = Allison.
So yeah, it's important to highlight these kinds of things in writing, instead of simply brushing it off as "maybe Allison was a bitch. Texas is just aggressive & mean." She's guarded, & you can't necessarily just simplify her entire character because you're removing the depth that separated Texas from Allison & you're conflating them into one
I also think she likes the Reds & Blues more than anyone else because they don't really know Allison, which means they only know Tex & they're not holding up the burden of Allison.
The Freelancers were focused on the rankings, but they also couldn't really be friends with her through that because she was at the top of the leaderboard, too. Like, look at how Carolina acts, Carolina freaks.
Tex considered Carolina a friend at once, but Carolina couldn't see Tex as anything more than competition, something wedged between her & her father, & the favoritism tore Carolina to pieces, which is part of why I think when Carolina survives the fall, she doesn't go back to the MOI. There's nothing left there for her, especially not York, because she knows he's gone.
It kind of severs her & her father completely. I like to think she waited a little to see if anyone was coming. They had to know what happened to her. No one came. He (the Director) gave up on her, & she gave up on trying to salvage the once close relationship they had.
Okay, I headcanon like, after Allison. they got closer, because if he got distant, what would've kept her? She wouldn't have been as competitive in Freelancer. She would've hated her father. They had to have been close, & then the project started, so naturally, he offers her a place. She takes it because she loves her father. They're close.
Then, Alpha creates Beta, & he withdraws. He realizes he has Allison now. so he focuses on that & nothing else matters. Carolina is left in the dark because he doesn't tell her shit, so she gets to the top of the leaderboard- he has to notice her then. Instead, he uses it as a way to pit Tex & Carolina against each other, & that's why she stays. & she sees Tex steal her place, & takes York too.
Carolina doesn't consider York "her man" but they were exclusive. She takes it hard because he was there during the fallout with her father, so it fuels her. fuck Texas. Texas took everything from her. That's why she's so motivated to fight Tex. if she doesn't win, then what does that mean?
When the Director tells her that Texas attacked Wyoming for his AI & his equipment, she accepts it, because that makes sense. She sees a demonized version of Texas. Sigma inherently knows her, & sets her up for his meta thing. He convinces her to take both AIs. He knows she's going to go for it, & he knows that she's distracted with Tex.
I'd like to think he & Gamma & Omega conspired together, too. Sigma acts, in a way, that they're gonna be whole if they get the Alpha & the other fragments, but he wants to be the main personality or fragment or whatever. He doesn't care about becoming part of Alpha again, it's for him.
I think Carolina never exactly "knows" Texas is her supposed to be her mother, in a way? I’d like to think Church & the Director didn't exactly tell her, 'cause she's once like "Did I ever tell you about my mother?" & Church kinda knows because he's the memory of Alpha & the Director, but that's not the most important thing. What's the key here is that in my headcanons, Allison technically chose her work over her family.
Or, to the Director, that's what it seemed like, because you don't see Tex ever really stick around, in a way. She's gone a lot, which makes sense because Allison was in & out on deployments, but she doesn't seem sorry about ever going. So I'd like to think the Director was mad, because she was his everything but it seemed like the reverse wasn't the same. & then he lost her. He never tells Carolina, he's kinda like "Your mother loved you so much," because what the fuck is he supposed to say- "Oh your mother didn't really like us so she kept away until she died in duty," which isn't true but he sees everything in his own way.
They had different habits, & where he showed love one way, Allison showed it another, & he didn't quite understand it, so he & Carolina grow closer when Allison dies- Carolina is all he has left of Allison, & he loves her.
She keeps him grounded where he otherwise would've faded away, & he nurtures her so she can be her best.
It's Project Freelancer's fault. He thinks he can help turn the war with the use of AIs & super soldiers- lovingly taken from one of his colleagues. It's like the SPARTAN-IV program except butchered because that's not his thing. I'd like to think all of the Freelancers had augmentations in a way, like they're less human more something else but nothing like the SPARTANs. & like I've said before, Beta is what fucks everything up.
I'd like to think when he first comes across Beta, it's like Alpha & Beta chatting together. They're having some conversation about philosophy or something, & he has a fucking heart attack
probably drops his cup of coffee. He separates them immediately, has the Counselor rate Beta- Texas for active duty. She gets cleared, & there's something they do so she doesn't really understand she's an AI. However, they do put her in a robot body. They tell her she's a cyborg, which kinda makes sense. They tell her she lost certain things in the war, & it makes sense. It's not entirely right, & she knows it, but she thinks the Counselor is creepy & assumes that's what the bad feeling is. So she integrates successfully into the program, & she quickly rises through the ranks, which pisses off certain people- Carolina & South.
She's sent on solo missions usually before that, to judge how she works out on the field, but it's clear the Director would do pretty much anything she asked. She could ask him for all the AIs & he'd probably (with a bit of hesitation) give them to her. He falls in love with her. He thinks its Allison.
When she finds out she's an AI, that she's Beta, after CT dies, it severs anything that the Director had for her, in a way. He's more bitter, because she's just like Allison. She withdraws. She goes rogue. She takes Agent York with her. Both the Director & Carolina hurt from it, like father like daughter. Except at this point, the Director is kinda fucked up.
He's been torturing a version of himself, committing a bunch of crimes, he's kind of lost any sense of like... shame I think? Anything that's necessarily good.
He wants Agent Texas back, but he also, on the side, keeps trying to "fix" her. He wants his wife back, he wants her to stay this time, like he begged.
But that's never how Texas comes out.
She comes out angry, all fists & bitterness & he doesn't fucking understand. He gets really frustrated about it, & when Carolina "dies", he's more preoccupied. Maybe, in a way, he thinks that if he could make Tex, he could fix her & just as easily bring back a Carolina.
Or, her armor sends out a recovery beacon, but it eventually stops, when he doesn't send anyone for it 'cause the ship crashed & they need to get their shit together, & then they have to deal with the meta. They say Carolina's KIA, but somewhere, deep down, he knows she's not.
Carolina returns home from then, hides away on a little planet & recovers. She hates her father. She decides she's gonna take down Project Freelancer. She's not the only one. Washington knows everything, as much as he fucking wants to forget it. He buries any positive feelings he had for Project Freelancer, friends & everything gone. York looks for Carolina, but gives it up quickly.
York's not like the Director in many ways, & he moves on where the Director never could
& the Director never could because he never got to settle it. He was angry at Allison for leaving, he was angry that she didn't put him & Carolina first. He could never move on.
It's hard to get over something when you don't get closure, & that's exactly what he didn’t get. He got into an argument with Allison, a quick conversation before she had to go fight, limited because they're not allowed to have anything more than a few minutes since the Covenant can track human comms. She was angry at him. He didn't apologize. He thought he had more time., his last words were something like "I'll talk to you later. Someone has to take care of our daughter."
Allison hates when he does that kind of thing. She's a good parent, she can't help that she's a fucking soldier, can't he lay off? Their relationship is stressed in a way it wasn't before. The deployment was only good because it kept them apart, but it was also the main stressor.
Leonard tries to convince her to take a position closer to him & Lina. She denies it (in my hcs she's an ODST & there's nothing like being an ODST, so she'd have issues adjusting) & that's another thing they fight about. This dynamic also pops up in Beta & Alpha, because they argue quite a bit, but it's usually alpha instigating it.
It also comes up in Epsilon & his Tex, because she's honest with him. She's tired of being brought back, can't he let her rest? But epsilon takes it (at first) as an attack on him.
Why can't she do something for him, for once?
It’s only within the unit that he works through it. It's always been his fault.
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honeycomq · 5 years
        yo  ,  waddup  waddup  !!!  it’s  simba  again  &  this  time  ,  i’m  giving  you  a  glimpse  into  the  life  of  the  party  and  fellow  lambda  sigma  omega  man  himself  ,  ARTHUR  CHAE  !  before  reading  the  listed  triggers  will  be  present  :  self  -  inflicted  injuries  ,  mentions  of  violence.
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        *   ☆  ◞  IM CHANGKYUN. CISMALE. HE/HIM.  ◟  wait, wasn’t that ARTHUR CHAE? they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old JUNIOR, hailing from ALBANY, NEW YORK. i heard they’ve chosen to study PERFORMING ARTS while living at LAMBDA SIGMA OMEGA. word around campus is that they’re EASYGOING & WARM-HEARTED but also quite AWKWARD & REMOTE. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to BON BON CHOCOLAT by EVERGLOW. ( simba, 18, cst, she/her. )
first  off  .  his  music  choice  ???  i’m  STILL  laughing
anyWAy  ,  onto  this  ...  fucking  disaster  ,  jfc  .
arthur  was  the  result  of  a  hookup  gone  bad  .  his  dad  was  a  male  escort  and  his  mother  was  just  a  client  who  had  bargained  for  more  than  she  could  handle  .  was  literally  given  to  his  dad  after  turning  two  and  has  never  seen  his  “surrogate”  ever  since  .
his  dad  was  just  turning  his  life  around  for  the  better  .  got  out  of  the  game  and  got  a  real  job  working  for  his  uncle’s  mechanic  shop  .  this  was  where  his  father  would  meet  his  now  step - mother,  or  his  real  mom  as  far  as  he’s  concerned  .
had  two  twin  siblings  three  years  later  and  would  snap  necks  if  something  happened  to  them  .
was  a  child  who  possessed  an  idgaf  attitude  at  a  young  age  .  he  was  quite  the  little  shit  ,  tbh  .  always  taking  things  without  asking  ,  breaking  something  and  hiding  it  ,  throwing  rocks  at  the  neighbor’s  kids  .  quite  an  interesting  asshole  .
maybe  it  was  because  he  stayed  up  night  and  watched  programs  he  shouldn’t  have  .  and  porn  but  HEY  .
this  carried  on  into  his  childhood  days  ,  which  caused  a  lot  of  fucking  trouble  .  he  practically  lived  in  the  principal’s  office  at  school  by  this  time  .
arthur  didn’t  care  .  and  it’s  all  because  of  the  followers  he  gained  .
known  the  “arthur  the  asshole”  among  students  ,  and  some  teachers  ,  this  was  when  he  started  loving  attention  .  he  was  needy  for  it  ,  would  literally  die  without  it  .
even  much  so  ,  he  noticed  that  some  teachers  would  actually  feel  sorry  for  him  ,  thinking  something  is  going  on  at  home  .  which  brings  up  into  how  he  was  sent  to  live  with  his  uncle  on  his  step - mother’s  side  .
arthur  thought  it  would  be  funny  if  he  came  to  school  one  day  looking  like  he  was  almost  road  kill  and  blamed  it  on  his  family  .  it  gained  him  attention  ,  but  not  the  kind  he  was  used  to  . the  school  immediately  contacted  cps  .  this  stunt  nearly  cost  him  his  sisters  ,  and  that  was  when  he  quickly  admitted  to  hurting  himself  .  dad  wasn’t  happy  ,  step - mom  felt  bad  but  thought  that  he  just  needed  to  get  away  for  a  while .
a  while  turned  into  years  .
as  a  teenager  ,  he  grew  quite  the  reputation  .  fuckboy  and  liar  .  how  pretty  .
schmoozed  his  way  into  anyone’s  hearts  then  proceeded  to  break  them  bc  that’s  the  tREnD ,  riGHt ?????
honestly  this  all  started  when  he  was  used  as  a  bet  for  a  football  player  to  make  a  “gay”  come  out  .
he  knew  he  was  bi-sexual  so  this  was  just  the  icing  on  the  cake  .  they  dated  undercover  for  five  months  ,  which  led  to  him  losing  his  virginity  to  this  guy  .  the  outcome  ?  having  a  video  of  him  giving  the  guy  a  bj  displayed  during  a  prep - ralley  .  
his  response  ?  “this  just  proves  that  i  can  take  your  boyfriends  ,  ladies  !  might  wanna  watch  keep  an  eye  on  him  before  i  change  his  life”  and  a  fUCKING  WINK .
literally  fought  his  ex  that  same  night  on  the  football  field  and  won  .  he  punched  until  he  saw  red  .  then  proceeded  to  cry  in  the  school’s  pool  area  afterward  .
the  kid’s  just  dsyfunctional  .  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  especially  now  that  his  uncle  is  a  drug  addict  .
came  to  the  conclusion  one  night  after  smoking  for  the  first  time  with  the  old  man  across  the  street  that  he  was  gonna  do  something  that  would  make  him  proud  .
turns  out  being  a  male  stripper  was  harder  than  he  thought  so  ig  college  will  do  for  now  .
the  old  man  across  the  street  soon  became  his  second  father  and  helped  pay  for  his  tuition  .  actually  got  a  scholarship  for  being  left -  handed  but  was  right  so  WHOOPIE  .
went  to  nyu  so  he  would  still  be  somewhat  close  to  the  elder  .  contacts  him  anyway  possible  .
his  freshman  year  was  a  breeze  .  he  stayed  to  himself  ,  got  his  work  done  .  was  all  about  making  himself  &  the  ones  he  loved  proud  his  first  semester  .  it  was  second  semester  that  was  just  ...  wOw  .
the  partying  scene  consumed  him  .  it  was  his  literal  aesthetic  .  empty  beer  cans  in  the  morning  ,  the  pain  from  the  sun  blinding  your  eyes  ,  the  intense  head - pounding  from  drinking  .  he  BREATHED  that  shit  .
became  well - known  on  campus  after  diving  into  the  crowd  from  the  upstairs  balcony  of  a  party  .  the  guy’s  fun  to  be  around  .
was  offered  to  join  the  zetas  but  kindly  refused  since  he  hated  how  they  acted  .  SHOCKING
after  becoming  a  party  animal  ,  he  went  on  to  being  the  heart - breaker  as  well  .  this  was  actually  on  accident  ,  i  swear  .  the  boy  has  the  mindset  that  nothing  good  ever  stays  and  that  you  can’t  trust  no  one  .  he  broke  up  some  really  long - lasting  relationships  because  of  this  .  even  platonic  ships  didn’t  last  long  .
now  in  his  junior  year  ,  arthur’s  starting  to  see  that  life  doesn’t  fucking  matter  LMAO  .
like  in  a  “if  you’re  going  to  fuck  up,  fuck  up  all  the  way.”  type  shit
in  conclusion : arthur  is  the  human  definition  of  trying  but  also  the  definition  of  damaged  .
FUN  FACTS !!!!!!
my  favorite  fact  about  him  :  he  joined  lambda  sigma  omega  bc  he  fucking  hates  zetas  .  the  parties  are  nice  ,  yes  ,  but  fuck  those  guys  .
when  he  first  heard  about  the  frat  opening  he  laughed  bc  why  the  hell  would  these  idiots  want  to  piss  off  two  HIGHLY  liked  greek  houses  ?  then  realized  “...  that’s  literally  what  i  do”  so  into  lambda  it  is  !  was  gonna  be  vice  president  bc  why  the  fuck  not  but  didn’t  want  to  risk  fucking  up  a  freshman’s  life  so  he  stuck  with  just  being  a  pledge  .
honestly  ??  just  wants  to  shut  up  the  zetas  soon  .  give  them  a  taste  of  their  own  medicine  .
can  be  noticed  on  campus  rocking  a  black  hoodie  and  black  nail  polish  .
never  spoke  to  his  twin  sisters  since  leaving  but  does  write  them  letters  even  though  he  hates  it  .
lowkey  cries  in  his  sleep  but  shush  .
aquarius  in  sun  ,  moon  in  libra  .
joined  the  baseball  team  as  well  as  the  campus  radio  station  and  theatre  club  .
if  you  can  approach  him  when  he’s  sober  you’re  braver  than  the  marines  .
kinda  cocky  ,  a  little  bit  conceited  but  it’s  only  because  he’s  tired  of  feeling  hated  by  everything  so  he  just  ..  hates  himself  so  it’s  easier  ???  if  that’s  a  way  to  describe  it  .
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kkookies · 6 years
02 | silk
⤷ 180805 silk, edited and rewritten
jeon jeongguk was your best friend. kim taehyung was the campus mistake. what happens if you capture both of their hearts?
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Jeongguk didn’t really know what to do. He was blinded by emotions, completely heated in the moment. He had stormed to the apartment and instantly started throwing clothes into a bag. It wasn’t that he was just going to leave you alone, the apartment was far too expensive for you alone. He just needed a break. To where, he didn’t know.
That’s how he ended up at Jimin’s doorstep. He stood with his bag slung over his shoulder and big, sad eyes; how could Jimin tell him no?
The Fraternity Leader was a med student named Namjoon, who let Jeongguk stay for a couple days under a couple of rules and a small plead from Jimin. He warned him not to get too comfortable, though, and Jeongguk agreed.
They called themselves Beta Theta Sigma, better known as BTS. Jimin would tell stories about the insane household, and how Kim Taehyung’s father bought the house for them. Jeongguk didn’t see how well organized everything actually was until he lived a day inside.
Jimin’s bedroom was shared with Min Yoongi, who would have already been graduated from the four-year university if he hadn’t taken a year off in between. His seemingly scary exterior was quickly vanished after Jimin entered the room.
“You don’t mind if Jeongguk stays for a bit, right?” Jimin asked as he plopped onto his bed, which was on the opposite side of the room where Yoongi sat on his.
“The star baseball players staying in my room? I’m honored!” Yoongi said sarcastically.
“Shut the fuck up and be grateful I’m not Taehyung and his latest conquest.” Jimin retorted, giggling a little.
Jeongguk stayed standing by the end of Jimin’s bed. “What do you mean, Taehyung and his latest conquest?”
“You know Taehyung, how he fucks around.” Jimin started.
“We have an ongoing bet of sorts.” Yoongi continued. “How many people Taehyung can fuck before he falls for one of them for real.”
“Which won’t happen since Taehyung has no heart or soul.” Jimin sat cross legged to look at his roommate.
“But it will, because we both know that he does have a heart, it’s just in his dick until it heals.”
Jeongguk was confused, mostly. He had never had a civil conversation with Taehyung, let alone would know about his life. But he did know that he managed to have sex with a percentage of the university students.
Yoongi and Jimin had strayed away from their previous conversation and interrupted Jeongguk’s thoughts with “why exactly are you staying with us?”
“Oh, right.” He shifted his balance from one foot to the other. “Me and my roommate got into an, um, argument. I couldn’t stay with her.”
“Aren’t you roommates with that one girl… the hot one with the brain?” Yoongi asked, pointing at Jeongguk.
“Damn Yoong, no need to be straightforward. You could just ask him to fuck her you know.”
“Jimin, I’m gay.”
“I know.” Jimin winked at his roommate and turned back to Jeongguk. “So you guys fought, big whoop. Apologize to her and move on.”
“I’m not going to apologize. If anything it’s her fault. She’s the one who..”
“I’m going to stop you there.” Yoongi interrupted. “It doesn’t matter who did what. You’re the man, and as the man you have to be the one to apologize. That’s how relationships work.”
“We’re not in a relationship.”
Yoongi exchanged a look with Jimin. “If you weren’t in a relationship with her, then why did Jimin say I would have to ask permission from you if I wanted to fuck her?”
Jeongguk didn’t know how to respond. You never had to ask permission from him to do, well, anything. Why did he act so possessive towards you? He knew the answer to that, he just didn’t want to admit it to Min Yoongi, a guy he didn’t even know.
“You’re in love with her, right?” Yoongi asked.
Jeongguk stayed silent, which was an answer in itself. Jimin looked up at Jeongguk to see if he would admit it. But he didn’t. Jeongguk could‘ve deny it, say that she’s only a friend and he loves her only as such. He could just laugh and move on. He didn’t.
“You’re not good at hiding it.” Yoongi remarked. “You’re an open book. I’m surprised she hasn’t figured it out yet, you’re so fucking obvious.”
Jimin spoke up. “Oi! Lay off him, yeah? He’ll tell her when he’s ready.”
“Or he won’t and it’ll be too late.”
“Ignore him.” Jimin pulled Jeongguk to sit on his bed. He turned his head to his roommate. “Put your headphones back on before you get punched.”
Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something inaudible before putting his headphones back on. Jimin apologized for him and let Jeongguk get settled.
What Yoongi said made sense, of course. Jeongguk felt bad about how he left without saying anything else. He felt a pang in his chest when he thought of you staying home alone.
It was four days. Jeongguk went four days without speaking to you and avoiding you. Jimin told you where he was staying, and that he wasn’t doing okay. You didn’t know why, but you also knew Jeongguk better than anyone. If he needed distance for a while, then you would let him. He was hard to read sometimes, especially if he was angry about something. You hoped it was nothing you did.
You also hadn’t spoken to Taehyung since you slept together. You really didn’t plan on it, truthfully. You didn’t even tell anyone about the night, let alone felt the need to discuss it with Taehyung himself. He was known for one night stands, after all.
It was Jeongguk who texted you first.
The day ended not too long ago, and you were one of the last people in the library. It was peaceful; your mind was calm. Your phone vibrated on the table above where books and papers laid before you.
[ jeonggukie ] hey
[ jeonggukie ] can we meet at jinnie’s?
of course. what time?
[ jeonggukie ] can u meet me now? i’m sorry. we just need to talk abt something.
okay. i’ll meet you there in like 10
[ jeonggukie ] thank u
Jinnie’s Café was a little coffee shop that a lot of the students frequented. It was on the corner across the street from the university campus, and served amazing breakfast muffins. Many of your late night study sessions, or early morning runs, ended up there. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to get coffee. Maybe Jeongguk was ready to stop being petty and tell you why he was so angry before.
You put your things in your bag and started your walk out of the library and towards the café.
Meanwhile, Jeongguk had his palm wrapped tightly around the cup of coffee. His plan was mapped out perfectly in his mind. He would tell you that he was stressed out, since baseball practices were going to start soon. He would tell you that he needed some space. But he would also tell you that the two of you never kept secrets, and finding out your secret sexcapades pissed him off. The only thing he wouldn’t tell you, of course, was that he was jealous. That would only lead to disaster.
He knew you didn’t love him back. He would never risk that rejection.
So, he waited.
It was darker than you thought. Even with the streetlights, you had a feeling that you were being followed. It wasn’t the “run because a monster may be behind you!” scared like when you ran up the stairs after turning the downstairs light off. It was a “put your keys in your hand in case you need to stab someone if they come behind you” type of scared.
Jinnie’s was a couple of feet away. The smell of coffee filled the air, and you felt a bit safer.
That’s when someone stopped in front of you. You had to stop yourself from running into them, they appeared from behind you to in front of you so quickly.
Breathing heavily, you looked up to see Kim Taehyung in all of his nighttime beauty. The streetlights reflected off of his golden skin almost perfectly, and his blonde hair seemed to shine where it was pushed back by a bandana across his forehead.
He was so effortlessly beautiful. Your knees became weak. That had never happened before towards him.
You rolled your eyes.
“You were fucking following me? To what do I owe the pleasure of your undivided attention?” you crossed your arms.
Taehyung smirked. “You’re cute, you know that? Perhaps a bit bitchy, but cute nonetheless.”
“What the hell do you want?”
He stepped forward. You didn’t give him the satisfaction of stepping back. He noticed and took another step forward, ducking his head close to your left ear.
“I haven’t stopped thinking of you since the party.” he muttered, hands making their way to your hips. Your arms dropped to your sides.
“You don’t do seconds.” you told him.
You felt his smile against your skin. He placed a soft kiss to your neck.
“I could with you, love.”
“Fuck off.”
“Then why are your hands around my neck and your legs trembling?”
Taehyung knew he had you like puddy in his hands the moment he received eye contact from you. He had never felt the need to have a one night stand with the same girl twice, yet there you were.
You leaned back to make eye contact with him. “Your place?”
Taehyung nodded and leaned in to attack your neck with feverous kisses and bites.
Jeongguk tapped his fingers against the glass of empty coffee. He didn’t need to worry, you still had, like, five minutes left to arrive, plus you were typically late to things. But he’s been there all day debating on texting you, and the amount of coffee he drank was starting to set in.
The owner and partial waiter, Kim Seokjin, came over to his table to offer him more coffee. He pretty much knew everything about everyone at the university by the amount of gossip he heard. The secrets that weren’t so secret. One of which was Jeongguk’s love for you.
“Still waiting?” he asked the younger boy.
“She’ll be here.” Jeongguk said confidently. “I’ll just wait a bit longer.”
Seokjin gave him a sad smile and poured more drink into his cup. “If it makes you feel any better, she’d be stupid not to come. You do plan on telling her, yes?”
“I don’t plan on confessing.” he replied, staring at the brown liquid. “I don’t think I’m ready to hear her reply quite yet. I don’t want all my years of dreaming and hopes be left to waste, you know?”
Seokjin nodded. “You’ll be okay, kid.”
Jeongguk thanked him and turned towards the window. His face fell.
You were facing towards the window, eyes closed and face full of ecstasy, as a guy had his head in the crook of your neck. He could recognize the both of you so easily, it hurt. Taehyung. Kim fucking Taehyung was kissing you in the street.
So that’s who you had hickeys from? Or did that just happen, and you fell under Taehyung’s spell? Either way, Jeongguk felt his throat tighten and his heart drop to his feet.
He tore his eyes away only after a few seconds. He wouldn’t let himself cry, or even be angry. He tried his best to stay numb, even though his tears said otherwise.
His phone vibrated and your nickname popped up, drawing his head up.
[ my favorite thot ] hey, something came up. can we meet tomorrow morning instead? back at home?
yeah sure anything for you.
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megamanxfanfics · 6 years
S.V - Ep. 3: The Earth Crisis Begins
EXT. OUTER SPACE – The Affected Earth - DAY
From Outer Space, the Earth is quickly coated in the purple Sigma Virus, spreading from North America to Canada. Spreading down to South America and across to Africa and Europe.  Soon the entire world is draped in purple, smothered with Sigma’s Virus.  The Space Colony, Eurasia seems to be in bad shape as well, with a visible explosion at it’s main entrance.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, interference) Th…s… Hunter…ase… This is Hunter Base. Do you read me? Are you all right? Any damage?
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Are you all right? X! Zero! The entire Earth has been thrown into a panic because of the Sigma Virus. It’s dangerous to stay there. Report back to the Base!
ZERO: (o.s, filtered) Damn it! Sigma! You will pay for this!
X: (o.s, filtered) Even if we fight, what good will it do? A battle won’t solve the problem.
- cut to -
[Insert Title Card - The Earth Crisis Begins]
Caption: 3:30 PM
Tau, Venzo and Takuma arise from the wreckage. Venzo and Takuma look around worried, while Tau stares at his blade in awe with a purple, wicked glare in his eyes.
He holds up his large blade, which now bears a dark aura and displays a Sigma logo.
TAU: Whoa guys. Check out this power up!
VENZO: (gasping) Tau’s blade has been infected!!
Takuma shakes his head.
TAKUMA: Not just his blade. Tau, too!
Tau looks at them with an evil grin.
TAU: Sorry, guys. But I just realized that you’ve both been holding me back all this time.
VENZO: What the- No! Tau!!!
Tau swings his blade right into Venzo’s stomach without hesitation.
VENZO: Auu-uu-ughhh…
Venzo falls and twitches on the ground as blood quickly leaks out onto the floor.
Takuma takes out his T-Hammer and stares at Tau with an unforgiving face.
- pan to -
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON BAY – Waterfront Area – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Recon Raccoon and his whole team of Special Ops look at the sky in fear.  What was once a simple celebration amongst their ranks had now become a confusing stir of panic.
FRENZY FOX: What the Hell is going on, guys?
TURIAN: It’s the Sigma Virus…  It’s… spreading everywhere.
RECON RACCOON: Holy shit. We gotta get out there, guys.  People need us.
BARYON: If I were you…  I’d worry about myself.
Without warning, Baryon blasts Recon Raccoon as hard as he can.
RECON RACCOON: HEY! What the Hell was that for??
FREEZE ALOPEX: He’s a Maverick!!!  Watch out.
SCORCHE: Shut up, Alopex!
He pulls out his flame whip and strikes her with it, hard.
FREEZE ALOPEX: Aaaaiiii!!!!
She gets knocked down, struck hard from the blast.
He stands by her and helps her up.
Tethlon looks at the group and nudges Blizzard and Blaze to help out, but they do not budge.  They simply look at him with evil eyes and shake their head.
BLAZE: Stay out of this, Teth.
BLIZZARD: This has been a long time and coming… Hasn’t it, sis?
She just nods and pounds her fist.
BLAZE: Let’s settle this, right now.  Who is the strongest…  You?  Or me…
TETHLON: GUYS, are you kidding me!!?  DON’T DO THIS! Hold it together, will ya??
Turian pats Tethlon on the shoulder and shakes his head.
TURIAN: It’s no use. The Maverick Virus isn’t something you can just snap out of.
TETHLON: …Zero, did.
TURIAN: That’s a mystery that still keeps me up at night. Come on!
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON CITY – Streets – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Takuma and Tau clash blade against hammer, pretty evenly matched.
TAKUMA: Hrrrh. Huhh. Haaah!!!  Damn you, Tau. I thought you were BETTER than that!!!
He strikes Takuma hard at the side, which causes him to fall down.
TAU: (hurt) AGH. I am better than this. I’m better than ALL OF YOU!!!!
He raises his arms to plant a finishing blow on Tau.  As he does so, Tau thrusts his blade directly through Takuma’s chestplate.  Takuma’s hammer smashes through Tau’s skull and bashes his body in half, as Takuma feels the blade rupture his core.
His body erupts, onto Tau’s broken corpse.
Just a little farther away, X and Zero run over to witness this horrible massacre.
X: Oh my God!
ZERO: They killed each other!!!  Our Elite Shinobis are gone!
X looks at his partner, sad and annoyed.
X: We’re on our own…
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Signas looks at his screens, shocked to his core. His whole operation is falling apart. Just when things were starting to pick up again.
SIGNAS: I can’t believe this…  (v.o, thinking) Is Sigma really this powerful??
He turns to his dispatchers.
SIGNAS: Lucas, David.  Seal the doors to every room.  Hector, Kirk be ready to teleport all survivors on my command.
LUCAS & DAVID: Yes, sir!
Hector gasps and Kirk nods.
SIGNAS: I’m afraid we have no choice but to wait this out.  Some of us have been infected by the Maverick Virus, while the rest of us are forced to weed out the bad ones…
He looks at one of his screens and can see that Green Noir has been infected by the virus.
-pan to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Break Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
GREEN NOIR: (manic, evil) Hahahahahah.
He holds out a blaster to a nervous Oliver and Sierra.
OLIVER: Commander, please… Put the gun down.
GREEN NOIR: I’m in Command here!  And you’re either with me, or against me!!!!
He shoots Oliver and Sierra down, which immediately sets off Rho, whose attention was on the quarreling pups.
RHO: God DAMN IT, Noir!  That’s enoooouuuugh!!!!
He fires a drill from his buster, which pierces right through Green Noir’s heart.
RHO: Hmph…
Having quickly settled their dispute, he turns back towards the pups and witnesses Snowflake get killed by her brother Snowball.
Frostbite growls at Snowball and immediately attacks him.  With a flurry of tackles, bites and ice blasts, Frostbite eventually gets the better of his brother and looks up at Rho with bloody lips.
RHO: Stop right there, Frostbite.  Are you friend or foe…?
Frostbite twitches and looks at him with a dogged glare.
FROSTBITE: Don’t test me, Rho…  I just watched the last of my family die.
Rho immediately drops his guard and crouches down.
RHO: Then it’s just us…  I’m sorry, kid.
He pats his chest, welcoming Frostbite to come in for a hug.
Frostbite grimaces and slowly walks over to Rho. The two share a mournful embrace.
- cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. HEXAGON BAY – Waterfront – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Recon Raccoon struggles with Baryon, who powers up with a dark new aura.
RECON RACCOON: BARYON! What’s gotten into you!!???
??????????: I am not Baryon…  I am ANTI-BARYON!!!!
He unleashes a dark new wave of power, which completely overloads Recon Raccoon’s circuits.
RECON RACCOON: Gaaaaahhhh!!!!  Damn it…
He tosses a pack of plastique at the overpowered Maverick.
RECON RACCOON: This should do the trick, you fucking asshole!!!!!
ANTI-BARYON: What the-
The Plastique sticks to his chest.
RECON RACCOON: Hit it, boys!!!
Turian and Tethlon look alert and they immediately fire at him with their standard blasters.
The plastique erupts into a giant explosion which overtakes Anti-Baryon, Recon Raccoon, Turian and Tethlon completely.
From very nearby, Scorche and Frenzy Fox lock whips as the explosion erupts beside them. Fire and Electricity ignite as they take crack after crack at each other.
FRENZY FOX: What the Hell, Scorche!?  I thought we were friends.
SCORCHE: It’s not personal, man.  I just don’t like your sister.
FRENZY FOX: That’s no excuse to hurt her, you Maverick.
SCORCHE: I’m not a Maverick..!  I just don’t like any of you.  I never have.  And it’s about time I acted on it.
FRENZY FOX: (livid) …Screw this.
He unleashes his Frenzy Mode, which loads his entire body with a nova aura.
At a sonic speed, he dashes into Scorche and claws him with his burning sharp nails, right at the scar in Scorche’s armor.
SCORCHE: Aghh!!!
His torso separates.
FRENZY FOX: Singe and Scourge were cool.  But together, Scorche was an asshole.
Scorche furrows his brow at Frenzy Fox, helpless.
Frenzy Fox strikes Scorche with a final electric flash from his spark whip, which destroys his opponent.
He turns around to see that Blizzard and Blaze have cancelled each other out with their powers, and his sister is in bad shape.
FRENZY FOX: Is this really it???  …What’s become of us…?
He walks over to his sister, who hopelessly reaches out to him, in pain.
FRENZY FOX: Shh… It’s gonna be okay, sis.
He quickly com-links to HQ.
FRENZY FOX: Hunter Base, this is Frenzy!  We need Medical assistance. Stat!
- cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Med Bay – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
PSI: (dark, evil) Suuuuure. Come right on down… We’d love to heeelp.
Nurse Cassandra stares at her boss, afraid as he towers over her, holding her down against a hospital bed.
CASSANDRA: Psi, no!  What are you doing!!??
PSI: Oh, come on, dear sweet Cassandra. You can feel it too, can’t you? That electricity in the air???
She shakes her head with the utmost concern.
CASSANDRA: Something’s come over you, sir. Please, let me look at it.
PSI: (creepy) Mmm, no. I have something else for you to look at.  Come here, dear…!
????: eeeeYAAAAH!!!!!
Completely blind-sided, a Lifesaver comes to Cassandra’s aid, punching Psi square in the head.
PSI: (annoyed, irate) Huurhh..  How dare you!!?
He powers up and grabs his cane.
LIFESAVER: I’ll protect you, Cassandra.
She nods, quietly as she attempts to get her bearings.
The Lifesaver covers Cassandra, but Psi is too quick for him in his newly powered state.
Psi bashes the Lifesaver in the neck, which takes him down. Then,he whacks her with his cane three times until she is on the ground again.
PSI: Damn you, Cassie!!  I’ve always had feelings for you, and I’ve kept them repressed until now.  But now none of that matters, don’t you see!?  The World has gone Mad and everything is going to end. So why stop now!?
She shakes her head, in pain. If she could make tears, she would.
CASSANDRA: (struggling) N-no. We can’t..We can save it! I-I..don’t Feel that way for you! I never have!!  Now leave me Alooooone!!!!!
She struggles with the idea that the world is ending, let alone the idea that her superior wants to take advantage of her. She digs her nails in his chest and /slaps him hard in the face.
PSI: (struck) /Aaaah!!! If I can’t have you, no one wiiilll!!!!!
He deals a finishing blow with his cane, which causes her to power down completely.
At that moment, the Lifesaver is back up. He puts Psi in a full-nelson lock from behind and slams him down to the ground.
LIFESAVER: Damn it, Doctor!!!  You’re done!!
He/smashes him in the face with his/fists as he talks.
LIFESAVER: As /new /Head /Medic, I /hereby /relieve you of /duty!
He completely smashes his face into oblivion, as the soul that once was Psi,forever dies.
SIGNAS: (o.s) Good Lord. That’s it.
- cut to –
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Caption: 4:00 PM
Signas turns to his command staff with a defeated look on his face.
SIGNAS: Unlock the doors. Send all the survivors, here.
Without a sound, Lucas, David, Hector and Kirk remorsefully comply.
In an instant X, Zero, Frenzy Fox, Freeze Alopex, Rho, Frostbite, Douglas, Alia and the Lifesaver are teleported to the room.They all look at each other with grief-stricken faces.  Frenzy holds his sister up who has been badly wounded.  Zero appears to have self-repaired as he still favors his arm, folding it tightly behind his good arm.
Their Base Commander lets out a deep sigh and begins to brief them.
SIGNAS: (regretful) I can’t believe what just happened.
RHO: Sir, what’s going on???
He pulls up a map of the World, which shows that the Virus has now scattered to South America and the other continents.  Zero, X, Alia and Douglas step forward to view this information at their Commander’s side.
SIGNAS: The situation is far worse than expected. Sigma’s explosion has spread the Virus all over the Earth. It’s affecting both people and Reploids.  
Video images are pulled up of the Police Forces amidst Newport, Salem and all of Hexagon.Various Officers are struggling to move and breathe as their armored suits become self-aware and seem to mechanize them in a horrific way.
X: (gasping) This is horrible…
SIGNAS: What’s worse, the Space Colony, Eurasia, is heading straight toward us.
He pulls up a satellite image of Eurasia, which has been mysteriously damaged from the inside. With an explosion at it’s main doors, the colony appears to be off balance, not in it’s usual point of orbit.
SIGNAS: At this rate, it’s going to crash into the Earth… in 16 hours.
The whole group looks shocked and afraid.
SIGNAS: Everything… Including Reploids and the entire human race, will be…… annihilated…
Freeze Alopex passes out in Frenzy Fox’s arms.
LIFESAVER: She’s hurt. I’d better look after her.
FRENZY FOX: Good idea.
They both walk for the door.
Rho and Frostbite look at their cohorts, then back to the awful report.
ALIA: We have no choice… For the sake of the world, we must destroy the Colony!
Rho and Frostbite look at the door again.
RHO: Hey, wait for me!
Rho runs after them and Frostbite quickly follows.
On Signas’ Monitor, an image of a large cannon is pulled up.
ALIA: …But the only weapon we have in the Hunter Base that still works is……the Enigma… And it’s very old.  
X: (surprised) You call 3 years, old???
She raises two fingers and turns to him.
ALIA: (snobby, matter-of-fact) It takes 2 years for technology to become obsolete.
X: What do you call me, then?
ALIA: …An ancient anomaly.
ZERO: (bothered) Can we get back to it?
ALIA: Certainly. We also have a Space Shuttle, but it’s been affected by the Virus, and the Auto-Pilot function doesn’t work…  
ZERO: Damn it!
ALIA: So we need someone to fly it to the Colony and let it collide…  It’s almost certain death, but we have no other choice.
Zero nods with a firm look in his eyes. X is concerned by this.
SIGNAS: How’s the condition of the Enigma?
Douglas uploads his data onto the Halogen Monitor, as this is his department.
DOUGLAS: Far from perfect…  In order to use the Enigma, we need to build it up with some devices. The Enigma doesn’t work as is.
SIGNAS: Under the influence of the Sigma Virus, a lot of Maverick Hunters have become Mavericks, and only a few Hunters remain normal. Let’s join forces with the rest of our brothers and complete the Enigma!
He walks around the monitor and puts a comforting hand on Hector’s shoulder.
Hector looks up at his Commander with a brief smile and then focuses back on his monitor as he pulls up information for the team.
SIGNAS: We only have 16 hours left before the collision! We have to upgrade the Enigma before then.  There are 4 Reploids that have the devices required to enhance the Enigma.  Hector?
Hector nods and pulls up a familiar mugshot of a gruff bear with a scar over his right eye. It is displayed at the top of the Halogen screen for all to see
SIGNAS: Grizzly Slash – a weapons broker.  He has a Crystal Ball.
ZERO: Hmph… I remember him.
A mugshot of Tidal Whale from the Repliforce is pulled up.
SIGNAS: Duff McWhalen – he lives in the ocean.  We will have access to Hydrogen if we can secure the ocean.
X nods, feeling hopeful for a moment. Then, an image of Volt Kraken is displayed on the screen, which causes him to actually quiver.
SIGNAS: Squid Adler – an Ex-Maverick Hunter.  He has an Energy Cart.
Finally, an unfamiliar image of a Firefly with a distinguished moustache is displayed.
SIGNAS: And this is Izzy Glow – a Doctor of Engineering.  He has a Laser Device that would benefit the cannon entirely.
SIGNAS: There are 4 other potential Mavericks from our list of Suspicious Reploids, but right now, these 4 are Priority! They are the only ones who have the devices to upgrade the Enigma.
They both nod in understanding.
The other 4 are displayed on the other side of the screen.  The only two recognizable suspects are Spiral Pegasus and Burn Dino-Rex of the Repliforce.  There is also a Rose-based Reploid and a Humanoid Bat that they have never seen before.
SIGNAS: X, Zero…  You are the only Maverick Hunters that can match these Reploids,should they fail to cooperate. Split up so you can gather the devices!
X & ZERO: Yes sir!!
X turns to his partner with a curious look.
X: Where are you gonna go?
ZERO: I think I’ll pay good old Grizzle a visit…  We have an old grudge to settle.
X: (smiling) Don’t have too much fun with this.
ZERO: (smiling) Hm.
He lets out a light chuckle as he chooses his mission.
X: Alright.  In that case, I’ll visit McWhalen.  He’s closest in vicinity and is probably the most willing to cooperate.
SIGNAS: (hopeful, proud) Good luck, men!  Remember that you can always check back on the devices you have acquired here on our Main Computer.  Douglas is quite the handyman and he might be able to equip power-up parts out of any materials you recover from your missions. Prepare your equipment and fulfill your mission!
ZERO: I don’t need any power ups…
DOUGLAS: You sure about that?  Your arm looks pretty banged up.
Zero smirks and walks over to Douglas.
ZERO: Hmph…  you think you’d be able to fix my Z-Buster?
He admittedly shows Douglas his defunct buster.
Douglas takes a good look at his arm, and inspects it carefully.  The cracks within his buster are corroded and completely rusted out.
DOUGLAS: Hm…  Maybe if we build it up with some new parts, but right now, I’m just not sure. Sorry, man.
ZERO: Figures… Thanks anyway.
He turns away and looks at David.
ZERO: Alright, I’m ready.  Send me to Grizzly Slash.
David nods and punches in the coordinates.  Within seconds, Zero’s body teleports away.
- cut to-
EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route –NIGHT
Caption: 2:15 AM – Russian Time
10 hours ahead of Hexagon time, it is well into the dead of night as Zero descends upon the back of an open trailer of a large armored truck. It is hitched to a series of other trailers by an array of light beams, but something isn’t right.  This truck seems more weaponized than it should; even for a Weapons Dealer. Zero must shut this operation down before reaching his target.
ZERO: (muttering) Grizzly Slash, what have you been up to…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Destroy the Maverick trucks! Then you'll be able to reach the security warehouse.
ZERO: You mean, his whole truck went Maverick???
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Looks like it!
ZERO: (nodding) Right!
He dashes and jumps to the next trailer, where he climbs over to see a wheel-based rollin’ gear mechaniloid hop around.  Zero drops down to impale it with his Z-Saber. Then he moves on to the next trailer with another dash-jump.  Once there, two spikys bounce in his path, as a laser is shot at him from the truck itself.
Zero’s eyes widen, as he destroys the spikys and narrowly dodges the laser with a side-dash.  Then, he rushes over to destroy the laser gun, only to find that missiles have fired upon him, also from the truck.
ZERO: Jeez! What is with this thing??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Sigma’s virus is awful…  I can’t believe what it’s done to everyone and everything on Earth, living and non-living alike.
Zero jumps to the front of the truck as more missiles fire upon him. He quickly dashes to the front of the vehicle, where he can see a giant blue mechanical core, which almost resembles that of an eye.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) The blue core you can see below you is the weak point. If you destroy it, the truck will begin to explode. But you'd better jump to the next truck before this one blows! Then, head to the end of the line.
ZERO: Right!
He carefully drops down to the front of the truck, where he rests his feet on the front bumper and proceeds to slash away at the core. The eye quickly retaliates with a large laser blast of energy.
ZERO: (hurt) Augh!!
He crouches and carefully slashes up at the core until he destroys it.  Just as Alia said, the whole truck explodes before Zero.  He turns around and jumps on to the next truck along the route, where a Mad Taxi is waiting for him.  
ZERO: Hmph…
This mad taxi unleashes missiles upon Zero as well as it’s unrelenting buzz saw arms.
Zero fearlessly runs into the missiles and slashes them, while attempting to dodge the buzz saw arms.  He bats them away and slashes the main cab of the tank with a swift three-hit combo.
Upon exploding, Zero can see the cannons of the truck fire lasers and missiles upon him again.
ZERO: Damn, this is gonna be a long night.
-cut to-
INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caves – DAY
Caption: 4:20 PM – Hexagon Time
X teleports down to the surface of the Pacific Ocean near Hexagon Bay with hopes that he can find Duff McWhalen and convince him to allow them to siphon the ocean’s hydrogen into their Enigma Cannon.
He intakes a lot of water as he inhales deeply and exhales slowly, trying to keep his thoughts together. Then, suddenly a giant submarine creeps behind him, which catches X off guard.
X: Huh??
He runs away from the Sub-marine, unsure if it is friend or foe, as Alia com-links in to his ear-piece.
ALIA: Wow! It looks like the giant ship "U-555" is coming right at you! I don't believe it. It belonged to a marine museum. What an incredible influence the Sigma Virus has!
X turns around and notices that the U-555 appears to have developed a mouth with sharp teeth and four scaly cannons from the Sigma virus.
X: ...it's horrible
ALIA: I know, but so be it... To secure the sea, we have no choice but to fight against the U-555. Be careful not to get stuck on the complicated terrain.
X: (sarcastic) Great…
X clenches a fist and calls upon the power of the Force Armor.  With a flash of light his white gloves turn blue, and his blue armor transforms into a shiny white armor with blue, red and gold designs amidst his arms, chest, legs and helmet.
X: Okay… Let’s go.
He continues to run away from the machinated Submarine, which proceeds to shoot lasers at X from it’s scales and four dejira mechinolids from it’s mouth.
X: Hmph!
He charges up and destroys the four dejiras with one plasma shot. The residual plasma takes care of the rest, while the U-555 inches closer.
X notices that the plasma residue affects the top and bottom of the U-555 before they dissipate, so he charges up once again.
X: Take this!
He fires a plasma shot at the bottom jaw of the submarine, which overtakes the scaly cannons completely.
X: Alright!!
The top scales fire at X, while the bottom two re-generate, almost holographic.
X: What the-? Oh no!
X proceeds to dash further away, along the winding terrain. He charges up again once he reaches the bottom of a short tunnel.  Then he turns around and fires at the bottom lip of the U-555 once again. This time the plasma shot fully corrodes the scales to the point where two holes are blown off the ship completely.  Clearly showing signs of damage, the bottom scale cannons will not regenerate again.
X gasps.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Nice shot, X! Keep it up.
X smiles and charges up once again as he dashes away from the U-555   It spits out more dejiras, which chase after X.  He blasts them down, then finds himself at a short wall, which he must climb.
Upon climbing the wall, he finds himself at the perfect vantage point to blast away the top scales, which he does so with another Charge Shot.
Affected, but not fully destroyed, the scales regenerate, while X jumps away and moves on to higher terrain.  He has to contend with narrow corners, but he gets even higher than before, which is perfect.  He charges up once again and turns around.  With a confident blast from his X-Buster, he destroys the top of the U-555 at last.  Now the scaly cannons are completely destroyed, however the U-555 continues to pursue him.
X: (surprised) Damn, this thing won’t let up.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route – NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
Zero jumps from an exploding truck and air-dashes onto an extra large trailer from the truck. This one provides rigging, which holds up a ceiling to the construct, which makes Zero suspicious.
ZERO: What the Hell is he doing; transporting a lair??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I don’t know, but you have to stop him soon!
ZERO: Agreed.
He runs and takes a ladder down, inside the trailer. He destroys a rollin’ gear, then kick-jumps up to the next part of the trailer where a hover gunner and mad taxi await him.
ZERO: Hmph. I’ve had just about enough of these guys.
He destroys the mad taxi as the hover gunner fires at him. Zero ignores it and moves on to the next trailer.  After climbing a ladder, he notices a rope amidst the rigging above a set of spikes, which forces him to use his wire hook.
ZERO: Damn him.
Zero uses the wirehook and gets shot at from behind from the hover gunner he ignored, as well as a new one ahead of him.
ZERO: Agh. Damn it!!
He swats at both of them with his saber and moves on once they’re destroyed.  Making it to the other side of the rope, he is able to dash-jump over to the end of the trailer, which is more ordinary once again.  The front-end of the truck still fires lasers and missiles at him, however as a rollin’ gear mechaniloid turns around.
With a persistent glare, Zero dashes over to the rollin’ gear and destroys it with a few slashes.  Then, he takes out the laser cannon once again. Missiles rain down upon him, which affect him, but he perseveres to the front of the truck again and destroys the core.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caverns – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
X continues to run away from the giant U-555 ship as it peaks out a large cannon from it’s mouth.
X: Huh?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Look out!
The U-555 fires a long orange blast of power, which threatens to take X out, but he thinks fast and jumps towards a hanging rock from the ceiling. He does his best to kick-jump against the rock and stay afloat until the power beam lets up.  Once it does, X drops to the ground and dashes away from it again.
The U-555 blasts X again as he air-dashes over some spiky terrain and again evades the blast by remaining afloat near the ceiling with the aid of his thrusters. Once he finds the clearing, he moves on to the end of the cavern.  The U-555 has him cornered now.
X: This is it. There’s only one thing left to do, now.
He opens up his X-Buster and charges up.
The U-555 comes after him with another heavy blast.
X crouches down and fires his Plasma Shot right at the cannon, interrupting the blast.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. KHETA XETA – Russian Truck Route – NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
Once the truck explodes, Zero notices that the rest of the trucks in the line seem to be exploding this time.
ZERO: What the-?
He jumps over and lands onto the back of the exploding truck.
ALIA: This truck has already begun to explode! Hurry and move to the next!
Zero does a mad-dash upon the trailer and ignores the mad-taxi ahead of him.  With a far jump ahead of him, he barely makes it to the back of the next truck as he kick-jumps up and climbs inside.  This truck is exploding as well and hosts a series of drills, which threaten to impale Zero as they expand and retract into their bases at the walls.
ZERO: (gasping) This is wild! This can’t be Slasher’s work. He’s not smart enough for that.  It’s gotta be the Sigma Virus doing this.
He quickly dash-jumps and kick-jumps over to each corresponding wall, treading carefully amongst the trailers.
Then, he notices a sub-tank at the front of the truck, so he grabs it.
ZERO: Maybe this was a trap, after all…  Not a very good one though!
He jumps over to a new truck, which is not currently in danger of exploding.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hmm, I don’t know…
Zero runs on and takes out two hover gunners with a grin on his face.  Then he makes it to the top of the truck.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) ZERO LOOK OUUUT!!!!
Before he knows it, the truck collides into a parked truck, head on.  
He high-jumps as the trucks collide with a massive explosion.  
-      fade to white -
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. PACIFIC OCEAN – Surface Caverns - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
The white screen turns into a final blast from X’s charged buster cannon. The charge shot zooms over to the front cannon and destroys the mouth of the U-555.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yes!! You did it!
The U-555 explodes as it slowly retreats away from X, moving ahead, mysteriously through the cavern walls.
X: Man… this Sigma Virus is becoming.. strange.
He shakes his head and proceeds to hop down the descending caverns when suddenly, the back-end of the ship seems to mysteriously reappear through the walls and attack him again.
X: What the Hell??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Those are its fins!  Be careful. They’re loaded with missiles.
X: (nodding) I will!!
Four orange barrels are strewn about the back fins of the ship. A large thruster is centered between the barrels.
X does his best to blast the top two away from the top fin, but they simply reappear, while the bottom barrels fire homing missiles upon X.
X: (affected) Agh!!
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. KHETA XETA – Secret Warehouse - NIGHT -----------------------------------------------------------------
From high above, Zero lands and winds up inside a cave that has been built up.
ALIA: Is this the secret warehouse?  I can't tell... but there ARE strong energy readings...  We're getting even stronger energy readings from deep inside! It must be him! Stay on guard!
ZERO: (grinning) Hmph… Hold on, Grizzly Slash. I’m coming!
- Freeze frame. Grainy effect-
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urwarriorangel · 7 years
‘every waking second’ (reggie mantle au)
DON’T MIND ME, I JUST LOVE ROSS BUTLER SM SO PLS ENJOY THIS! it’s pretty long and it features Archie, and yes, this is another college!au (w: crude words and some hot making out)
(gifs aren’t mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
“We’ve been best friends for practically our whole lives but you’re a thousand times more popular than me so you dragged me to a big party and now we’re playing spin the bottle and you spin and it lands on me oh crap” ft Reggie Mantle ( @smorchsmorch)
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“Reggie, come on, I really don’t want to go,” you groan and cross your arms over your chest, earning a raised brow from your life-long best friend.
“Come on, you came to the dance with me. What’s so bad about a little after party?” His hands rest on your upper arms and his thumbs rub small circles into your shoulders.
“What’s so bad is that you know Cheryl has it out for me! She’s gonna say something or do something to embarrass me and I’m going to sit there, dumbfounded,” you uncross your arms and sigh. “You know I’m right, Reg.”
“Babe, looking the way you do in this dress of yours,” he whistles and twirls you in front of him, earning a glare and a blush from you. “Looking the way you do tonight, no one and I mean no one will embarrass you.”
“Right, except that’s all you’ve done tonight,” you tease, laughing and wrapping your arms around him. “You wouldn’t even let poor Archie dance with me and he looked really sad.”
“Sweetheart, if it was up to me, I wouldn’t let Archie near you with a ten foot pole,” he rolls his eyes and holds you close, mumbling under his breath about that boy’s sex drive.
“Fine, Reggie. I guess I’ll go with you to the party,” you roll your eyes and pull away only to find him smiling widely at you. “But if I’m even remotely embarrassed, I’m leaving!”
“You act like I’m gonna let anyone embarrass you,” he scoffs and you laugh, linking your arm with his as he leads you both out of the formal and to the Sigma house  where Cheryl was waiting for the two of you.
“Let’s play spin the bottle!” Cheryl smirks, excited to see how this will all play out while you roll your eyes at her in the corner.
“What are we, 13?” You scoff and she narrows her eyes at you.
“Just because your fairy godmother blessed you for the night, that does not give you the right to speak to me that way you filthy peasant. Now,” she sighs peacefully and looks back to the group as you raise a brow at Reggie. “Let’s begin.”
Everyone gathers around in a circle around the living room, spilling off of sofas and resting on tables. You lean against Reggie and he kisses the top of your head, earning you a glare from Cheryl.
“Reggie, why don’t you go first?” Cheryl smiles sweetly and as Reggie opens his mouth to argue, Cheryl pushes the bottle into his hand. “I insist.”
“Okay,” Reggie gives Cheryl a light smile and leans forward, spinning the bottle almost expertly.
“Seems like someone’s done this a lot,” you tease him and he nudges you, a smile on his face until he sees where the bottle stopped. You turn to see who it’d landed on… it landed on you.
“C’mon, Cheryl,” Reggie groans, seeming more than just unhappy that the bottle had landed on you. Why was he acting like this?
“Aw, I’m sorry, Reginald, but the bottle has spoken,” Cheryl smirks, almost knowing that Reggie won’t be giving up anytime soon.
“I’m not getting into any closet with her, you know that,” he clenches his jaw, seeming disgusted at the mere thought of being alone with you.
“It’s either her or me, the host,” Cheryl walks over to Reggie and places her manicured nails along his biceps. “Those are the rules.”
“That’s not even a question,” he smirks at Cheryl, lifting her up and taking her into the closet as she blows you a kiss over his shoulder.
You were gonna be sick, and Archie must’ve seen it.
“Hey, Y/N,” he whispers and walks over to you, taking everybody’s attention off of you and onto him, some surprised and some not happy with him. “Is everything okay?”
“Hm?” You look up at him, eyes filled with unshed tears that you didn’t even know had built up. You give him a quick smile and clear your throat, quickly standing. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Thank you, Arch. I’m just gonna head home, feeling a bit tired.”
“Y/N, wait,” Archie yells out after you as you make your way out of the Sigmas house. “Wait!”
You stop only after you’ve stepped out of the house, finally taking a deep breath to respond to Archie. You hadn’t missed the glares that Veronica and Kevin shot you or the heartbroken look Betty gave Archie when he rushed over to help you. You  
“Archie, I’m fine,” you give him a tight-lipped smile before continuing down the steps and away from this hell-hole.
“Y/N, stop you’re not fine,” Archie calls out to you, almost pleading but you don’t stop until you hear the next words that spill out of his mouth: “I know that you like Reggie.”
“Excuse me?” You turn around, glaring at him as the tears shot down your face. Archie’s heart breaks for you, understanding your pain all too well.
“I know you like Reggie the way Betty likes me. And I know Reggie was a dick to you the way I was to Betty. And I can almost guarantee that he’s going to regret going into that closet with Cheryl because he hates hurting you,” he walks closer to you and you have half a mind to smack his beautiful face.
“The difference between me and Betty is that she had the balls to tell you how she felt. Maybe you didn’t reciprocate and, sure, that probably hurt like hell but you also had the balls to be honest with her. You and Betty will be able to work this out. Reggie doesn’t know how I feel and he still acted the way he did!” by this time, the tears are flowing down your cheeks as Archie quickly wraps his arms around you. “He acted like I was some grotesque creature, which to be fair, I probably look like right now.” Archie laughs and you can hear his chest rumble and shake under your touch.
“Thank you for this,” you whisper and pull away, giving Archie a soft smile as he wipes your tears. “Walk me home and tell me how you screwed things up with Betty.”  
“Can’t think of anything else I’d rather do,” he smiles and links your arms together, both of you unaware of Reggie watching you from the crack in the doorway.
“Archie, no!” You burst out laughing as Archie told you an embarrassing story from over the summer.
“Yeah, it’s true,” he laughs, watching your reaction. “Look, it was my first job, and--”
“Thanks for making Y/N laugh, but I’ve got it from here, Archie,” the two of you sober up as Reggie’s speaks out from behind you.
“Are you sure?” Archie looks at me and whispers, a concerned look on his face.
“I’ll be fine, Arch,” you smile at him and kiss his cheek, Reggie clenching his jaw as he notices the interaction. “Thank you for walking me home. Let me know how things go with Betty.”
“I will,” he nods, blushing as he thinks of his best friend.
“And if I could give you one final piece of advice?” you look to him and he nods. “Stay away from Veronica. She’s pretty, sure. But you and Betty are endgame.”
“Got it,” he laughs and kisses your forehead before walking off.
You stand in place and wait for Reggie to walk over to you, still unable to look up at him. You two continue the walk to your place, a tense silence rolling over your usually chatty commute.
“Why’d you leave?”
And for the second time that night, you lift your head and find yourself saying the words “Excuse me?”
“Why did--why did you leave?” Reggie clears his throat and looks up, eyes meeting your angry ones.
“I’m going to let you think about that for a few minutes and see if you can come up with a response yourself,” you scoff and keep walking but Reggie grabs your arm and turns you to face him, almost holding you against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers and you almost choke, unable to take the proximity between you two.
“What exactly are you sorry for, Reggie? Why are you sorry?” You feel the tears rushing into your eyes again as you pull yourself out of his grasp. “You can’t just--”
“I’m sorry for being a dick, Y/N. I’m so sorry for saying all that crap and for going into the room with Cheryl when I should have gone in with you. I’m sorry--”
“Are you only sorry because Archie walked me home and made me laugh after I cried over you?” You almost snarl as Reggie looks up at your mascara-stained cheeks. “Are you only sorry because you hate Archie and you saw me enjoying his company?”
“What? Y/N no, that’s not--no. I’m sorry because you’re my best friend and I hurt you. I promised myself that if I hurt every single person in the world, I would do my best not to hurt you. And I failed. I failed you and I failed myself and I hate it, Y/N. I like Archie, I just don’t like him with you,” he whispers out that last part and it takes everything in you not to walk away from him.
“Reggie, I am in love with you,” you whisper as the tears once again make their way down your face. “I am so hopelessly head over heels in love with you. And I know that you didn’t know, that you probably still don’t care, but you need to know how much they hurt coming from you especially. Coming from my best friend.”
“Y-you’re in love with me?” Reggie whispers, his heart leaping out of his chest as he tries to understand what he did to ever deserve you.
“I know you don’t care, Reggie. And it stings now, but I’m sure I’ll get over it. I just--I’m gonna need some time to--”
Reggie takes a step closer and cuts you off, cupping your face as he presses his full lips against yours. He presses you against a closeby tree and smiles into the kiss, only pulling away to take a breath. He gently wipes your tears with the pads of his thumbs and lays light kisses against the trails your mascara left behind, determined to do everything in his power to make things right.
“Reggie w-what--?”
“I love you. I’ve loved you since we were five and I will always love you. I’m so fucking sorry for what I did and said in these past two hours and I swear I will spend every second trying to better things if you just give me a shot,” he whispers breathlessly, pressing a kiss against your forehead as you finally breathe.
“What about Cheryl? Won’t she-?”
“Nothing happened between Cheryl and I, nothing will ever happen between Cheryl and I. I only took her into the closet because I was scared. I was scared of the feelings I had, scared that you didn’t return them,” he blushes as he admits his slightly irrational fears to you. “And if you don’t want to give this a shot, then that’s okay, too. I just want my best friend. I want you to know that I’m sorry and that I love you and as much as I hate to admit it, if you’re not with me then the only guys even remotely worthy of your time are Archie and Jughead. I’ll even walk you down the aisle if you decide that you want to marry one of them tomorrow, just anything to--”
“Shut up, Reginald,” you whisper and press your lips against him, pulling him close by the collar of his shirt so that you could feel every bit of him that you possibly could out in the open.
His hands soon found your waist and gripped it tightly, pulling you against him as a quiet moan escaped your innocent mouth. Reggie took this opportunity to move his lips down the side of your neck, to your throat, your collarbones, your shoulders. He nipped and licked every bare inch of you that he could. His hands move down your thighs, skimming past your ass as his lips find yours again.
“Jump for me,” he whispers, a growl leaving his mouth as you quickly do what he asks, your legs wrapping around his waist as he lifts you up to his height. “You’re fucking perfect,”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you whisper, pressing your lips against his jaw and his neck as your fingers tangle themselves in his hair.
“I’m going to spend every waking second proving how perfect you are to me, proving how much I fucking love you,” he whispers, pressing his lips all along your jaw and chin and neck before making his way back up to kiss your lips. “Every waking second.”
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showingthroughtome · 8 years
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spit fire drabble -  “You better tell me every fucking detail so I can decide if I should kick your ass out or not?”
the drabble that was meant to come out after chapter fourteen but that i was too lazy to write... harry’s side of the nina kiss. :) hope this is alright!!
He walks into the sigma kappa house feeling like complete shit. Harry doesn't understand how he could be so stupid or how his dumb actions could get back to Noa so quickly. With every intention of telling her about the screwed up mistake, he was completely blindsided today. He had no idea how he was going to get the words out, and no idea how Noa would respond to him telling her, but he definitely wishes he could've gotten to figure that out instead of seeing how she reacted to finding out from someone else.
 Niall and Zayn are playing Xbox when Harry walks into the living room, throwing himself on the couch next to Niall - next to the chair Zayn is curled in.
 Niall goes to greet him as Zayn flips through different options of weapons he wants to use in the next round of call of duty, but he stops when he sees the poor expression Harry has to be wearing. “What's wrong with you?”
 “I fucked up really bad.” Harry shakes his head back and forth, leaning as far back as possible and stares at the ceiling. For some reason, he feels like his lungs will give out any moment - the image of Noa’s beautiful face flashing over and over again every time he blinks.
 “Fucked up what?”
 Harry takes a deep breath and tries to think of how to say it so he doesn't sound like the biggest dick around. When he realizes that's impossible because it's hard for him to paint things in an untrue fashion, he states in monotone, “I kissed some girl in the library this weekend and Noa found out about it.”
 The clicking of the controller in Zayn’s hands stops, only the weird video game music heard for several seconds before the guy draws, “Dude.”
 “Bro.” Niall turns towards Harry, giving him all his attention. “Who?”
 Harry covers his face with both hands and knows he's about to feel the weight of disappointment aimed straight at him. “Nina something or other.”
 “Dude.” Niall says in the same way as Zayn, holding onto the vowel to emphasize his point.
 “Can you stop saying that?” Harry lifts his head and asks more pointed than he intended. It's just, he knows how bad it is. If they're going to say something that somehow perfectly conveys the amount of shame he feels, he'd much rather it be multiple words than just a single one.
 “Yo, man. Don't snap at me.” Niall punches Harry on the shoulder, hard like always. “How the hell did that happen?”
 “Like the whole story or?”
 “You better tell me every fucking detail so I can decide if I should kick your ass out or not?”
 Niall always has had a special love for Noa - them having tons of laughs at the parties and getting along a tiny bit more than she did with the others. When Noa and Harry first started whatever they started, and Harry came over to tell the lads, Niall was the one who threatened him with a smile on his lips and a seriousness in his eyes, saying if he fucked with her, he'd have to ‘pay’.
 Still, Harry can't see his beloved Niall going through with his threat. “Yeah right, Niall.”
 “Man, love ya, but you kissed the girl who gives Noa shit every day. That's seriously messed up.” Niall lays it out that simply, tossing a pillow in Harry’s direction.
 “You don't think I know that?” Harry gets up and begins walking from one end of the room to the other. Back and forth, back and forth. He doesn’t have much fingernails left after the weekend he’s had but it doesn’t keep him from chomping them down even more.
 “Well, if you liked Noa as much as you claim, you would know and not do it.” Zayn, finally pausing the game altogether and putting the controller on the snack covered coffee table, speaks up. “What happened, bro?”
 Surveying the look in both of his friend’s eyes after a brief pause, Harry begins to pace once more as he rambles frantically, “I was in the fucking library, right? And I was just so pissed. I tried not to be, I tried to be logical. But on our date, she was giggling on the phone with that asshole, Shawn. At the time, I was convinced that she was lying about it being nothing. I mean, you guys should've seen her laughing at him.”
 “Oh, yeah, shame on her for laughing.” Niall interjects with a sharp edge to his usual light hearted tone.
 Harry exhales deeply, knowing the guys had a right to think he was an absolute ass but wishing he could just make it make sense to someone. He slows down his walking and stand right in front of the TV, continuing, “So Nina showed up and was sitting a few tables away for a while until her and her friend joined my group because I guess she knows this dude in my group. Whatever, I don't know. Out of nowhere she started asking about Noa and I knew it was all petty shit but then she brought up Shawn.”
 Niall slaps a hand to his own forehead. “Saying what?”
 “Some bullshit about how she always thought Noa and Shawn were going to get married and how happy they made each other.”
 “Bullshit.” The word comes out over a laugh Zayn emits from his lips.
 “I know! But at the time, her friend was agreeing with her and I was feeling so fucking moronic for thinking I was something special to her.” Harry was sitting with these girls that knew Noa longer - definitely not better, no way, but longer. And if they were saying all of this without even knowing what Harry was freaking out over, maybe there was a lot more truth to it. Or at least, that’s what he was thinking then. “So one thing led to another and I don't know, okay? We just ended up making out when I went on search for some shit the dude sent me to find. She went with me and next thing I know, we were kissing.”
 “For how long?”
 “Two minutes tops.” Harry bites his bottom lip and scrunches his eyes in utter regret.
 “How far did you go with her?”
 “What? Like bases or some shit?” Harry follows up Niall's question with one of his own, getting a single nod. “Strictly kissing.”
 Zayn nods along, clearly thinking. “And then?”
 “And then I went back to my dorm and got high for all of Sunday and tried to forget it happened.” Harry feels his heart doing something weirder than it normally does. It’s similar to how he felt the moment he realized what he had done in the library, and how he felt earlier in the day when he saw Noa for the first time since. If he had to call it anything other than regret, he’d call it sorrow.
 As the guys think over everything they were just told, Harry falls to the ground and lays starfished on the floor, waiting for either one of them to weigh in.
 “So Noa found out?” Niall leans forward to get a look over the table. Not being able to take the pressure of the stare anymore, Harry covers his eyes with one hand and runs his other through his hair.
 “Yeah, and I don't know how but she was pissed. She acted like she wasn't but I could tell.” He replays the moment in his head again and examines every inch of her face - her eyes were distant, her lips were smiling at times but faltering into slight frowns, her brows were furrowed. He rethinks it though, because an angry Noa is all usually flaring nostrils and piercing eyes. That thought alone makes his stomach churn again. “The worst part is that I don't even think she was that mad. She just seemed kind of like… she looked crushed.”
 “Dude.” Niall says it again and it causes Harry to sit up and stare him down.
 “I know. Alright. I know.” He knows everything he did wrong, he really does get it. If he could take it back, he would this very moment and then run over to Noa’s dorm to see if she’d give him the sheer pleasure of going on another date. If he could take it back, he’d call Shawn on their date himself - as long as everyone was clear that Shawn would stay nothing more than he is now. If he could take it back, he might even take that horribly scary leap and ask Noa if maybe she wants to be more. He can’t though, and he has to face that now. “I don't know what to do. I think I fucked up too bad.”
 “Probably.” Zayn reaches across the table and throws a handful of chips into his mouth as he confirms the truth so nonchalantly
 “Zayn! Man!” Harry stands to his feet once again, never sure what he wants to do with his body. He pulls out his phone and tosses it on the table as he sits back down next to Niall. “Probably shouldn't hold my breath waiting for her to call?”
 Niall is shaking his head left to right so hard that Harry swears he can feel wind from it.
 “Nah, man. Probably not.” Zayn shook his head too. And then took a bud from his boxed up stash, dropping it in the bowl and handing it over to the basketball player. Harry found a lighter and pretended like that very first hit didn't remind him of the very girl his heart is going crazy for.
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