fic recs
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a place to keep random fics I’ve read or want to read. lots of tags. tag me in ur fics!m. twenty-four.likes/follows/asks/replies: @governorgargoyleOBX TAGS
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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rock on, gold dust woman
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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you have bewitched me, body and soul
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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no, im killing boys
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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I am happier even than Jane.
She only smiles, I laugh.
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
making your own stuff is so important, like I never hear enough about how making everything with your own hands is sacred time spent with yourself. that’s mostly being taken away from us through having all we need being sold at stores, the relationship to craft humans have had for millennia’s is gone. so it’s all about rebuilding that close relationship with the things that keep us alive and feeling good about ourselves! It’s something I could talk about forever
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
Someone once said that the titles of jane austen’s novels are the name of the problems in the books. For example: in pride and prejudice the biggest problem is the conflict between pride and prejudice. So that makes Emma the biggest problem in Emma and, now that I have started reading the novel, I have never agreed more with something than I agree with this.
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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lucy & josh
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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beach read, by emily henry
you’ve always been this fierce fucking light, and even when you’re at your worst, when you feel angry and broken, you still know how to be a person. how to tell people you — you love them.
for @rosebudgirls, the ultimate secret soft-girl ♡
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
Why are you, as an adult person, below 5'7 ?
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
I’ve been wanting to read it ends with us, I always see it on book tok!! Did you like it???
yes, I loved it! i would only recommend it to a specific audience though. it’s pretty heavy and will be even more so for certain people.
so if you don’t know anything about it, please check tw first!! it is not the simple romance some people market it to be!!
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
this book.
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
I don't know if you wanted to, but number 9 of the winter prompts, it's amazing. Harry may have seen some friend talk about doing this, and he wants to try too, and James wants to do it the muggle way, and it doesn't work out.
So Lily goes and helps them :)
Hey, Sweet! This story has no winter and no couple (weird for a Winter Couple prompt list, I know!) but I hope you enjoy a nice domestic moment between James and Harry!
Harry doesn’t look very convinced, which bothers James. One year away at Hogwarts and his son already questions his father’s abilities. There was a time Harry considered him a hero.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Mum? She will be home soon.”
See? No trust.
“I know how to do this,” James says calmly, aware he's never done it before. “I took five years of Muggle Studies, you know.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, more impressed now, and James ignores the voice inside his head that reminds him that while he learned about Muggle culture and technology during those classes, never once he study anything close to how to make a bonfire without magic and even less how to roast marshmallows.
It wasn’t something James had ever considered before, but then Harry had glimpsed their nearest neighbours having a campfire while they went to the nearest market and, as they walked discussing how nice it looked, James had made the mistake of claiming he could do just the same.
“This wood is too damp,” he proclaims in his third failed attempt to get the match to light the firewood he gathered on the ground.
“It’s all we had in the shelter from last winter.”
“We can find dry wood in the forest.” And he points to the woods behind him.
Harry shivers, biting his lip and looking suddenly uncertain. “I can’t go there,” he recites, one of the few rules he probably followed his whole life.
“It’s not a full moon night,” James remembers. “Let’s go.”
Harry doesn’t look comfortable now, but he follows his father to the edge of the forest. James doesn’t plan to go deep, expecting to find fallen branches just there, but he finds it amusing how Harry—after everything he faced during his first year at Hogwarts—is still afraid of those woods.
“There’s nothing here that can hurt you tonight,” he says gently.
“I know, it’s just… I was always told to not come close to these woods.”
“And for a good reason, but, hey, you’ve gone to scariest places.”
“The Forbidden Forest wasn’t as creepy as this one,” Harry mumbles, glancing around suspiciously.
“The fact the forest at Hogwarts is called Forbidden should give you a better hint,” teases James, and Harry almost smiles.
They gather the new wood and then Harry has the good sense of collecting also a few dry leaves that he places above the pile of logs. This time, the fire from the match (one of the last two they had, but James tries to pretend he wasn’t worried) catches on the leaves and, in a few minutes, the wood is also burning.
James grins, satisfied.
The next part should be easier, he believes. They let the fire burn to prepare the marshmallows—turns out that sticking the marshmallow isn’t simple. The first few attempts end with the marshmallow jumping into the fire, just sliding away from the stick; for the next ones, the marshmallow refuses to turn when they try to rotate the stick. By the time they learn the right way to fix the marshmallow, the fire is bright orange, its flames coming as high as Harry’s waist.
Maybe they got a little too excited with all the wood they gathered.
Actually, they got extremely excited, because with the fire so high, the marshmallow burst into flames as soon as they try poking it close to the fire; James takes it back hurriedly, but then the marshmallow is black and toasted, not at all like they’ve seen on their neighbour’s campfire.
“Maybe it tastes good?” Harry suggests and, in a brave attempt, James takes a bite.
It tastes like coal.
“We just need to reduce the fire,” James declares, though he isn’t sure of the best way to do it. “Bring water from the kitchen.”
The water helps them, but also produces a smoke that soon makes their eyes teary.
“It will be better in a few,” he promises Harry, unable to fully see his son’s face in the middle of the smoke, only hearing his cough.
“Can’t be worse,” Harry answers.
He is wrong, though. When the smoke subdues, they see they've practically extinguished the fire. The wood is bright red, still hot, but only coal now, and too wet to catch fire again.
There is a moment of silence.
“Should I get new wood?”
“Oh, forget it,” James mumbles, sitting helplessly over a log and holding the stick with a marshmallow in his hand, dismayed. “Let’s just wait for Lily.”
Harry sits next to him.
“We can just do it with magic,” he suggests.
“The neighbours didn’t use a magic wand. There is a way of doing it, a Muggle way, and we just need to figure it out.”
“Mum will know,” Harry declares.
“Of course she will.” He spins the stick on his hand absently. “Your mum is smart. And she knows more stuff than I could ever know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Muggleborns, half-blood wizards and witches—they always understand Muggle stuff much better than any pureblood could ever learn.”
“But you said—Muggle Studies—”
“Learning is different from living it. That’s why we wanted you to go to Muggle school before Hogwarts, you know. We never wanted you to think the only solution to all problems is magic.”
“I know.” Harry flushes. “You know that—that thing with Quirrell last month? When I think about it, the only spell that was really cast was an Incendio. Everything else—Ron and the chess, Hermione solving the logic puzzle, flying to catch the key—was just us. Wands didn’t help us very much.”
“Brains and hearts,” mumbles James. He glances at Harry, smiling. “Bravery. And love—I guess that’s the only magic that counts.”
“Was it really because of love that I survived?” Harry asks in a small voice, touching his scar.
“That’s what Dumbledore says.”
“What do you say?”
“That your mum and I love you very much. And if this was enough for you to live, then I’m glad it worked.”
Harry stays silent after this, staring at the embers with a thoughtful expression, his hands playing with his bangs to hide his scar. After one minute, a grin takes control of his features.
“You did it!”
And he points to the stick James had been holding, spinning distractedly for the last couple of minutes. The marshmallow at the end of the stick is all brown, just like the ones their neighbours had been roasting.
“Merlin’s pants!” James cries gladly. “We got one! Who knew the secret was patience and no scorching fire?”
Harry laughs.
“Here,” James offers him the stick, but Harry refuses with his head.
“You earned it, Dad,” he says, now holding his stick over the embers to roast his own marshmallow.
James grins happily, biting the marshmallow. A second later, he is fanning his own mouth, his tongue burned.
“Piece of advice, Harry,” he says, tears in his eyes. “Wait until it cools down.”
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
Lucky 13, unlucky 13. No matter your superstitions, what is the 13th song on your spotify wrapped? 
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
JilyFic - 10
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Guess the author in this form!
Prompt: jily hiding to figure how they feel and where it is going but one of their friends finds about them
Lily felt a finger tap on her left shoulder, and since no one other than James tapped on her shoulder, she didn’t bother to look to the left. She turned to the right, a bright and chipper smile on her face, only to find no one there.
She quickly turned to the left to see James seated beside her, his mouth full of her chips. This didn’t prevent him from saying, “Got to keep you on your toes.” He grinned, reaching out to grab another chip. Lily reached out and smacked the back of his hand.
“Oi!” She narrowed her brow. “Sneaking a few is one thing, but I’m not going to willingly share after you stole them.”
“What if I come bearing gifts?”
“Gifts? Color me sufficiently intrigued.”
James reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a chocolate biscuit. Lily, delighted, shoved her plate of chips toward him and grabbed the biscuit. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
“I’m fairly sure there’s more than one reason,” James laughed and reached for more chips.
“There might be.” Lily smirked, taking a bite of the biscuit.
“There you two are!” Mary, gripping the hand of Reginald Cattermole, rushed over to the table that Lily had saved for them after her last class had ended. Reggie nearly tripped over his feet as he tried to keep pace with Mary.
“I’ve been here for almost fifteen minutes, Mary,” Lily reminded her. “In this exact location, which you knew, because not only did I send you this exact location fifteen minutes ago, but you also track my phone. Stop acting surprised when you find me somewhere.”
“I only track your phone when necessary. For safety.” She grinned, and then shrugged, “And besides, marching up and exclaiming ‘there you are!’ is simply a greeting. A pleasantry even, not something that should be taken quite so literally.”
“Afternoon, Reggie,” Lily chose not to comment further, and instead addressed her best friend’s boyfriend.
“’Lo, Lily.” Reggie grinned. “I’m going to go and order our coffees, do you two need anything else?”
Mary squeezed his hand before she let go and dropped into the chair directly across from Lily.
“Thanks, Reggie. I’m good.” Lily took the last bite of her biscuit and nodded toward her tea.
“Same,” James raised his mug toward him.
Mary raised her brow as she looked at Lily, and Lily narrowed her brow in return. “What?”
“What, what?” Mary replied, unhelpfully.
Lily glanced at James to see if he’d be any help, but he had busied himself with adding salt to the chips.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I know a secret.”
James cleared his throat and set the salt down on the table. Lily shuffled her foot toward his and bumped him. He mimicked the action.
“Are you inclined to share?” Lily asked, leaning toward Mary. James and Lily had wanted to keep the question mark that was their relationship status between them, until it was less of a question mark, and more of a fully formed statement.
“Who is it about?” James asked, pushing his glasses up his nose and, in Lily’s opinion, acting very very suspicious.
Mary raised her brows even higher and leaned further over the table. “It’s about Reggie.”
Lily, relieved, looked over to where Reggie was paying for his and Mary’s coffees at the counter.
“What is it?” Lily asked.
“Don’t look at him! He’ll know that we’re talking about him!”
Lily looked away and laughed. “Well, he’s about to come back, so if you’re going to tell us, you better do it soon.”
“It’s almost his birthday,” Mary said quietly, without moving her mouth. “I’m going to throw him a surprise party on Sunday, you both have to be there.”
“I mean, you made it sound like you had a juicy secret,” Lily leaned back in her chair, “But yes, of course we’ll be there. Is it at our flat? You know, the one that you and I share?”
“Yes.” Mary nodded. “And since when do you speak for James?” She turned to look at James.
“She wasn’t speaking for me, she was just- She was just saying that of course we’ll be there! We’ll all be there, not just Lily and I, but everyone.”
Lily pressed her lips together and shook her head.
Mary laughed and held up her hand as Reggie approached the table. He put her coffee in her awaiting hand and sat down beside her. “What are we laughing about?” He asked, a good-natured smile on his face. “Did Mary tell you about my secret birthday that happens on the same day every year?”
“Yes, but that’s not what I’m laughing about.” Mary shook her head.
“I don’t know what Mary told you, but you don’t have to get me anything.” Reggie said. “She’s going a little-“
“If you say overboard,” Mary tilted her head.
“She’s being zealous, but the perfect amount.” Reggie amended and Lily smiled at him.
“Yes, well, happy birthday, mate,” James raised his tea and Reggie knocked his coffee against it.
“Thanks. I’ve never had anyone make a big deal over my birthday before.”
“I’m not making a big deal over it. I’m just telling people about it,” Mary dramatically rolled her eyes and then stole some of Lily’s chips. “Anyway, when are Marlene and Dorcas going to get here?”
“I was invited too, love,” Sirius appeared behind Mary and tugged on a lock of her hair before taking the seat at the end of the table, adjacent to James. He had his shoulder length hair half up, in a lazy-on-purpose French braid.
“Yes, but I knew you were on your way.” Mary shrugged. “Wasn’t worried about you not showing up.”
Sirius nodded and pulled Lily’s plate of chips toward him.
“I suppose I’m sharing with the table now.” Lily shook her head. “And since when are you tracking Sirius’s phone?”
Sirius cleared his throat, “You’re doing what now?”
“I’m not tracking anyone’s phone. Except yours,” Mary looked at Lily.
“Then how did you know that Sirius was on his way?”
“Sirius and I are friends,” Mary shrugged. “We talk sometimes.”
“You do?” James asked, looking at his best mate. Sirius pulled up a shoulder and tilted his head back and forth.
“Every now and again.”
“I didn’t know you knew how to make friends,” James almost sounded like he wasn’t joking.
“Yes, well we can’t all be social butterflies,” Sirius grabbed James’ tea and took a sip before he could get it back. “But Mary has been around a lot, and she is a social butterfly. Didn’t really give me much of a choice, did she.”
“That’s how I got stuck with her,” Lily nodded.
“And both of you are better off for it.”
“I like you well enough, Mac, but if you start tracking my phone-“
“I only track Lily’s phone!” Mary nearly shouted, drawing the attention of some coffee shop patrons at the surrounding tables. “For her safety!” Mary added, shaking her head.
Marlene and Dorcas showed up with Remus and Peter in tow shortly, and after they all ordered, they sent Peter to collect a few games from the counter, and started their bi-monthly tradition. It had started their second year of uni, a way that they could all decompress without getting shitfaced in the middle of the week. They would meet up at a coffee shop, work on homework and play games until the place closed. It was a good tradition.
They were in their fourth year now, and while the group had just started with the girls, it had slowly grown over the last couple years. James and Sirius had been brought in only a year ago, after they had a shared class with Marlene and Reggie. About four minutes after they were invited, they had asked if Remus and Peter could come too, and now it was just as much their thing as it was the girls.
Lily and James had hit it off quite spectacularly when they had first met, and everyone in their recently merged friend groups had assumed that they’d start dating, Lily had assumed that they’d start dating, but then… things had just sort of fizzled and fell flat, and then Lily had gone on a couple dates with a boy from her bio class and James went on dates with girls that Lily never heard him talk about and Lily tried to only think about James as a friend. A friend she was attracted too, but just a friend, nonetheless.
Until last month, anyway. Neither of them had been on any dates in a while, they were both taking econ, though they weren’t in the same class, and had decided to study together quite frequently. It was the first time in a long time that they had been alone together. And being alone together and flirting like they usually did was much different than when they were surrounded by friends.
The first time they snogged, Lily had shoved him out of her flat and refused to talk to him for exactly three hours. Which, in hindsight, wasn’t that long, but it had felt like an eternity when her mind was racing a million miles a second and heart kept leaping and twirling in her chest.
That was last week, and Lily’s heart still danced around if she thought about things for too long, though there had definitely been more snogging. And there was an official first date set. Lily had even bought a new dress for the occasion.
She also hadn’t told Mary about any of it.
But again, that was only until they figured things out a bit more solidly. Until things weren’t a question mark.
Hours later, when the coffee shop was about to close, they wrapped up their game and started putting everything away. This particular coffee shop was a favorite because they provided the games.
“Are you coming home?” Lily asked Mary as the two of them put all the cards back into one of the boxes.
“Are you?” She asked.
“Yeah,” Lily kept her tone even. She wasn’t lying, she was going back to the flat, but she could tell by Mary’s tone that she was saying more than she was actually saying. Mary couldn’t know that Lily planned to invite James back to their flat if Mary wasn’t going to be home. “I’ve got to work on my chem homework. Eight-page lab report.” Again, that wasn’t a lie. It was misleading, since she didn’t plan to work on it tonight, but she did need to work on her lab report.
Mary nodded, “Well, I think I’m spending the night at Reggie’s. So you’ll have the place to yourself.” Again, she was saying more than she was saying.
“Mary,” Lily nearly whined.
“What?” Mary picked up the lid and slid it onto the box. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Yes you did.”
“I did not.”
“Stop it.”
“You do whatever you want, Lily. Keep your secrets. I’ll play along.”
“You are most certainly not playing along.”
Mary shrugged. “I’m doing the best I can.”
“Are you though?”
“What do you want from me?” Mary raised her brows.
Lily sighed and pushed her hair away from her face. “Just a few more days.”
“Yes.” Lily nodded.
“Then you have until Reggie’s party.”
Lily nodded, glad at Mary’s very generous allowance. “Thank you.”
She should have known that there was no reality in which she managed to keep anything from Mary. Apart from literally tracking Lily’s phone, Mary also just always seemed to know what Lily was thinking. And while she liked to think that she had that same superpower, Mary had always been slightly better at using it.
She looked down the table where James and Sirius were talking and sighed, letting her chin rest on her propped hand. Or maybe Mary hadn’t needed to use her superpower to work out what had been obvious since she and James first met one another. They hadn’t made things simple, but they also had never been subtle. Just because they hadn’t let anyone see them stick their tongues down each other’s throats, didn’t mean that no one had noticed a change in their dynamic.
And judging by the way Sirius was looking at her just then, she would bet money that he was also aware that things were changing between Lily and James.
“Is that what you and Sirius were talking about earlier?” Lily turned back toward Mary, but she wasn’t sitting across from her anymore, she’d gotten up from the table and was giving Dorcas a hug. Seeing that Dorcas had her coat on now, Lily stood up to do the same.
Twenty minutes later, Lily was walking hand in hand with James. They were headed back to her flat and the silence that hung between them was comfortable and warm.
When they reached her building, James pulled the door open for her and the smile on his face pulled a stupidly large smile onto her own face. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” James nodded. “You said that Mary was gonna spend the night at Reggie’s right?”
“Yeah,” She nodded, squeezing his hand. “You know that she knows about us, right?”
James cleared his throat, “Us?”
Lily pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes. “That is what I said.”
James ran his free hand through his hair and looked down at his feet, a large smile taking over his face. “Well, yes, I worked out that she knew about us. She wasn’t really trying to hide that she knew.”
“Yeah,” Lily agreed. “Sirius was doing a much better job.”
“Was he?” James snorted. “I suppose I should thank him for talking quietly then.”
“Oh? He wasn’t being subtle then?”
“Sirius Black doesn’t know how to be subtle.” James sighed. “But I think this is our fault.”
“Yeah, what were we thinking?” Lily laughed. “I haven’t been able to keep a secret from Mary for more than five minutes in my entire life.”
“I don’t keep things from Sirius either. I talk in my sleep, so even if I wanted to keep a secret, I’m sure he would find out anyway.”
“You two sleep together a lot?” Lily teased.
“No need to get jealous. The cuddling is purely platonic affection.” Lily laughed and they reached her flat. She unlocked the door and pushed it open. Before stepping inside, she turned to face James and put her hands on his shoulders.
“We’ve been a little bit ridiculous.” She said, looking at him through her lashes.
“Maybe a little bit.”
“I like you.” She said, pushing the words past her lips with as much conviction as she could. “I have for a long time, and I don’t care if our friends know before we have everything figured out.”
James smiled and his hands went to her waist, pulling her closer. “Is that why you wanted to keep it a secret?” He asked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead, and then the tip of her nose. “I thought we were worried that our friends would try and ruin our first date.”
Lily would have laughed, if his breath against her cheeks wasn’t absolutely melting the part of her brain in charge of laughing. “I suppose there is always that possibility,” Lily bumped her nose against his. “But I feel like they would have to try really hard to ruin this.”
His grip on her hips tightened. “I think you might be right.”
Her eyes met his, and the warmth that bubbled in her chest whenever he was around threatened to burst. She pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I love it when you say that.”
James laughed against her mouth, a splendid feeling, and she dropped back down to the heels of her feet.
“Alright, let’s get inside.” She turned, and walked into the flat with James.
Guess the author in this form! You can also leave reviews here that I’d pass on to the authors!
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
what is your Spotify Wrapped 2021 Audio Aura
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Skipped 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Part 24] [Part 25] [Part 26] [Part 27] [Part 28] [Part 29]
30/31. Nervously planning a first date / costumes (ish) - “Totally over her, huh?”
“Jesus, Merlin and Godric.” James jumped halfway out of his skin, knocking into the door he’d just opened, coming face to face with Sirius wearing a comically floppy, curly wig. He also wore a thin, green cloak clasped by a metallic leaf. 
Shooting him an unimpressed look, James moved around Sirius, shoving on his own wig and doing his best to tuck his unruly hair underneath. “Can I help you, Padfoot?”
“Happy Halloween to you, too,” Sirius said, bounding down the spiral stairs behind James. “Wanna know a scary story— lemme tell you about the time my best friend lied to me.”
Keep reading
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randomficsandshit · 3 years ago
Costume Party
Written for @jilytoberfest's 31 Prompts for 31 Days
Day 31.
This one got a little out of control...oops.
“Damn.” Mary lets out a long whistle as Lily emerges from the seventh year’s bathroom and back into the dormitory.
“Too much?”
She’s wearing a skin-tight dress, with a dark teal bodice that accentuates her cleavage with its low-cut neckline, and a ruched black skirt that clings to her mid-thigh. Despite the short skirt, there’s a matching teal ‘tail’ that flows behind her, intended to match the effects of a cape, though with much less fabric. To complete the look, she’s wearing the ‘sweater’ that came with the costume, if you could even call it that. It’s more a collection of black lace that resembles spider webs that covers her arms and snaps together with an ornate snap jewel at the base of her neck.
“Are you trying to seduce Potter or kill him? Because that just might kill him.”
The Gryffindor boys had the bright idea to throw an impromptu costume party following the Halloween feast, and the girls decided to attend as different versions of witches—or, rather, how Muggles perceived witches—weeks ago.
Now that the day has finally come, Mary has chosen to go all out as Glinda the Good Witch, while Dorcas personifies the ‘old hag’ version of a witch. Emmaline chose to be boring with her witch outfit, choosing the basic all-black attire with a pointy hat. Lily, on the other hand, is personifying the ‘sexy’ witch.
After two months of subtle hints and late nights in the Head’s office, Lily needs to know if she and James are colleagues, friends, or something more. If she doesn’t make a move soon, she worries someone else will.
“Depends on how the night goes,” she answers. “Everyone ready?”
As the girls clamber down the stairs, loud, thumping music can be heard from the common room, indicating the party is already well underway. The spacious area is bursting with Gryffindor students who are mingling amidst an array of muggle decorations, Butterbeers in their hands. Lily wonders where the boys have managed to get their hands on everything, and how they managed to decorate the space in such a short amount of time.
Right. Magic…
As much as she wants to seek James out, Lily resists the urge, choosing to engage in conversation with her friends first. After a while, they fan out, and Lily catches Sirius’s eye.
“Nice party,” she acknowledges, while Sirius shrugs.
“Thanks. I’m surprised you let us throw it.”
“Just because I’m Head Girl doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun. Just turn the music down around ten, and keep the Firewhiskey amongst the seventh years.”
Sirius barks out a laugh. “I think I like this version of you, Evans.”
She barely hears him as her eyes wander around the room, unable to resist the urge to look for James any longer. He’s nowhere to be seen.
“Looking for someone?” Sirius smirks as he follows her gaze flit around the room.
“Not particularly.”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know. He left a while ago.”
Lily’s heart sinks into her stomach. A million questions pepper her tongue, and it takes everything in her power to resist letting them run free.
Was he with someone? Where did he go? Why wouldn’t he have at least waited for her to join the party?
None of it made sense. And then she remembered the way Clarissa was chatting him up in the Great Hall earlier. Maybe he’d found a better offer and ditched his friends to go have a snog with her.
Suddenly, she didn’t feel like mingling anymore.
“Don’t worry, Evans, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
���Yeah, well I probably won’t be.”
Lily spins on her heel, and without thinking about what she’s wearing, stalks out of the portrait hole. Her feet take her toward the Head’s office, knowing it’s the one place she can be alone and not bothered. She’s not interested in talking to anyone right now. She just wants to be alone.
Muttering the password to the tapestry down the corridor from the common room, Lily slips into the small room and shuts the hidden door behind her. A wave of emotion hits her full force and she leans against the door, closing her eyes and choking back a sob. He’s not worth crying over. Not when they didn’t have anything there to begin with.
Her eyes snap open as the rest of her body tenses. He hadn’t brought her—no, he wouldn’t. She forces herself to look, though she doesn’t want to.
To her massive relief, he’s alone. And the way he’s staring at her—right, the costume. His eyes are slightly wider than normal, matching the roundness of his glasses. His jaw is slack, mouth open as she feels his eyes rake up and down her body. His reaction spurs the return of her confidence as she pushes herself off the door.
“Like what you see?”
“I—” he chokes out, giving a slight nod.
She smiles to herself having rendered him speechless. Perhaps seeing his reaction in private is better than in a room full of people. Maybe this is what they need to quit dancing around each other. Her eyes flit to what he’s working on.
“Why are you writing reports when you’re supposed to be hosting a party?”
“I’m sure Sirius has it covered. Besides, I forgot about these, and as it’s the end of the month and they’re due at midnight…” He gestures to the parchment that’s scattering the desk. “Figured I’d get them done and then go back before I forgot.”
“Why didn’t you—”
“Didn’t want to bother you. You deserve a night off.”
“So you weren’t ditching Gryffindor to meet up with Clarissa, then?”
“Clar—what? Why would you think that?”
“Oh, please, all of Hogwarts saw her fawning over you at the feast earlier. I’m surprised she didn’t climb in your lap during dessert.”
James chuckles as he sets the quill down and looks up at her. “Nah, I told her I wasn’t interested.”
Lily opens her mouth to retort, but nothing comes out. He stands and walks around to the front of the desk, settling on the edge.
“You aren’t?” Lily manages, though her mouth goes dry at the full sight of him.
He’s donned in full, authentic Regency clothing. Some recollection in the back of her mind tells her that Sirius was wearing something similar, though he was dressed in all black, where James has chosen navy.
Why does he have to be so ridiculously handsome?
“Not in the slightest.”
She feels the irresistible urge to move closer to him as she waits for his answer, using the excuse of checking over the report to close the distance between them.
“Should probably head back before Sirius wonders where I am.” His voice is low, huskier than normal as he watches her sweep her eyes over the report.
“He didn’t seem concerned when he told me you’d left.”
“Looking for me, were you?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“So you were.”
Lily sets the report back on the desk and eyes him curiously. “Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.”
This time, it’s her turn for no response. The words are muddled in her mind, and her brain works overtime to pick and choose the right string of words to put together. “Because I was looking forward to spending time with my friends, and one was missing.”
Ugh, friend. That damn word again.
“So, you sought me out as a friend, wearing that costume?”
“What’s wrong with my costume?”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit distracting for friends?
“Depends on who’s looking.”
“Are you saying you wore it for someone specific?”
“Catch on quick, don’t you, Potter?”
“Shouldn’t you be out there impressing whoever that someone is instead of standing here with me?”
A frustrating sigh escapes Lily’s lips. Despite all the thick-headed idiots in this school, she’s never met one as daft as James Potter at this moment. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with that, she chooses to end the game they’re playing.
She reaches forward, fisting the lapel of his authentic jacket in her hands, and pulls him forward. Her mouth covers his in a searing kiss. If he can't take the hint now, then she’ll give up and move on forever.
Thankfully, James quits whatever act he’s been playing, and after the shock of Lily’s actions wears off, responds eagerly, deepening the kiss. By the time they broke apart, gasping for air, James grins.
“Well, I feel bad for the other bloke.”
Lily rolls her eyes. “You need to get your head checked if you still think there’s another bloke.”
“Nah, just wanted to hear you say it.”
“Would you like to hear me say more, or…”
“I’m sure we can save it for later,” he says, his head dipping down and capturing Lily’s lips in another kiss.
And as Lily sighs into his mouth, she can’t help but think that it’s the perfect plan.
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