#Who killed Jack
satureja13 · 3 months
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I don't know if he's just happy to be alive or if there's a special offer for Pizza ^^'
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grandadtwelve · 4 months
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whew his taste in men 👍🏼
(+ bonus)
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doctorwhommm · 2 months
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tfw you shoot your boss but he comes back to life so you organise an impromptu mutiny against your him which leads to you accidentally bringing about the literal biblical apocalypse which is only stopped by your immortal boss dying for good this time but psych he actually comes back to life AGAIN and then immediately runs away whilst you’re on a coffee run and you don’t hear from him until a few months later when he’s suddenly a wanted terrorist on the news with his toxic ex and some random junior doctor
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kenchann · 1 year
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gear upgrade! 🤖 also theyre 2nd years now
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lizardpersonyknow · 1 year
Listen. If Damian hadn't joined the batfam and Tim stole him from Ra's while Bruce was lost in time? Tim would be his Actual Idol. He outsmarted his grandfather AND blew up the league?? Clearly the superior fighter. Father got himself lost in time. Dick would be so incredibly jealous. TIM can ruffle his hair but dick can't?? Is this because Tim thinks murder is a family bonding experience???!
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yesokayiknow · 9 months
man the fact that martha jones would take one look at clara oswald and say Absolutely Fucking Not really makes me want to put them together like post s9!clara is visiting earth when she has a run in with unit and accidentally kidnaps her and can't manage to get her back to earth. aka clara spends several months trying to seduce her except she's clara so martha's like what the actual fuck is wrong with you. stop that
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Karl Grove is a gay icon.
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fifien99 · 20 days
I just found out that in this scene:
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Dean apparently was supposed to say "I love you" instead of "I need you" but jensen thought that "I need you" would fit better because dean doesn't often talk about his feelings and i kinda agree but it is killing me that he was actually supposed to say "I love you" i mean how am i supposed to recover from knowing that we could have had this in season 8.
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imverycunfuzed · 2 months
Little did you know...
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Love them 🙏
(Ignore my hand writing-)
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septic-dr-schneep · 1 year
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“Egos + Onion headlines because I was bored” Part 3: Teeheehee
[Part 2]
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satureja13 · 2 months
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After Ji Ho opened his Pandora's Box stuffed with all the feelings he'd hidden deep down inside to survive, they all got kicked out of the game. After Vlad and Kiyoshi, who hadn't been ingame, helped them up and checked if they were unscathed... Vlad: "Where is Ji Ho?!" They couldn't ask Tiny Can - the overload has blewn his circuits ö.ö Saiwa: "Gods - is Ji Ho stuck ingame? How are we supposed to get him out when Tiny Can's broken?" Jack was shaking: "It's all my fault. I wanted the investigations to continue."
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Before Vlad could take something - or someone - apart in his grief and anger, they heard an incoming call from the computer, which luckily hadn't been destroyed, like poor Tiny Can. It's Noxee! And Greg. Noxee: "Babies! Ji Ho is save! Don't worry, he'll be fine. We need you to leave Tomarang for a while. Pack your stuff together and take the train tomorrow. I'll send you the tickets."
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And - as always - before they could ask or say anything: Noxee: "Huh, already that late! We have to... prepare *winks*. Bye Babies! See you there!" Jack: "Argh! Can't they keep their hands to themselves! Turn that off! He stole my girl in this world and even ingame!" As if things weren't worse enough!
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So Ji Ho is safe. But Noxee said he will be fine. Means he isn't fine right now? Vlad was still raging. He wasn't even able to feel Ji Ho through their bond! But Noxee wouldn't lie to them. Ji Ho is safe. Even though Jack was at the verge of loosing it himself, he dragged Vlad (and Kiyoshi - as counsel ö.Ö) over to his houseboat, to watch a Star Wars movie. This always calms them down and distracts them - at least for a while. And Jack hopes Diety Kiyoshi has one of his 'here' days and could cast a little soothing aura on Vlad... or whatever he was able to do. Little Goat: "I wonder where we are going to go?" Kumo: "Who knows? The poor Boys." Little Goat: "Who could have forseen that, though..."
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When they entered the houseboat, Jack's TV was running? Jack: "Huh, I don't remember leaving it on. And I never watch the X Files..."
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Skully: "Hey, Buddy! Come join us!" Skully? How the hell did he make it out of the game! ö.ö And what is Malfoy doing here?
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Jack isn't able to deal with anything else today. So he just shoved in a bigger sofa and they watched the X Files together... Skully: "Everything's gonna be alright, you'll see."
'Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost Along the way, yeah In this great future, you can't forget your past So dry your tears, I say, yeah'
Bob Marley - No woman no cry
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Leaves Saiwa and Jeb, alone together for the first time since... uh it's been months! To make it less awkward - and because Jeb knows that it helps Sai to run when he's upset (usually Jack says/does something stupid so Sai runs after him ^^') - he urged Sai to accompany him. It's raining, but they didn't bother.
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Saiwa looked at Jeb and he was thankful he was acting somewhat 'normal'. They ran quietly for a while. Even though Jeb must hurt from their separation just as much as he does, and must be upset about the latest happenings - he's Ji Ho's best friend after all -, he's still solid like a rock and devoted to him and tries to help him where he can. And Sai remembered of one of their happier days, running together through the rain... How he wants those days back. Jeb: "Look forward or you'll trip ^^' We can't have another of us injured." Right, forward it goes...
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Sai couldn't stand going home yet - back to all the madness that awaits them there, so they went to the Night Market. Sai: "I'm going to ask Ms Coombes to replace me. I failed utterly as our leader. I'm too weak for this - even broke down." Jeb: "None of us could have avoided what happened. And no one else could have brought us this far. Look at all the things you've already achieved, hm? How well you did. And we already promised we'd carry the burden together with you. Just let us. We need you." He wanted to add 'I need you' but it's neither the right time nor the right place for this.
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Jeb: "Van... (It's not the right time and place to call Sai 'Vanië', Jeb's nickname for Sai, either) uhm, I don't want to upset you any further, but the monolithic figure on the platform Jihovere stood on and raised the storm - it was the same as in the cave Ji Ho's grandfather held him capture with his brother... I noticed it when I freed him." Sai: "What? No way he made it into the game, did he?" Jeb: "I hope not. We'll have to discuss this tomorrow with the elders from the Resistance. Even if it 'only' was a 'reminder' for us from Tiny Can to finally start to learn how to protect ourselves against the Siren's Spells. It's too severe to ingore it any longer." Sai: "I'm not sure if I can lead you through all this, Jeb." Jeb: "I know you will. Together with us, hm? Don't give up on us." He also meant Sai shouldn't give up on them - and their love. But he didn't say it out loud either.
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No one noticed yet, but Skully wasn't the only thing that made it out of the game. The sword Jihovere pulled out of her King's statue's heart was lying on Ji Ho's memorabilia rack ö.Ö'
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This is the last post from the 'Who killed Jack?' chapter! 🗡 I hope you enjoyed it! I had so much fun! (I already told you how much I love these Crime Games ^^') So following the Boys solving a case was the perfect combo for me :3
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Does this mean game over for the Therapy Game? ö.Ö' Who knows? If you want to learn how it all started with the Therapy Game: - the development of the Therapy Game (chapter 26) -> here - their therapy sessions (chapter 27) -> here - and the Murder Mystery (chapter 28) 'Who killed Jack? -> here
The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
Jazz isn't the biological daughter of Jack.
It was before their marriage. Back in her league days, Maddie was simply the best of the best. She was the demon's daughter second in command, heading her call any moment and her most loyal subject.
That's how it was, to the people.
Behind closed doors she and the demon daughter were more.
But those are old times, after she betrayed the league, fled and created plans to continue living in relative peace.
That was how it was supposed to be.
That was not how it played out.
During her 3rd year with a man called Jack Fenton, did she receive news of a child, a daughter of her own with Talia. One she created in a lab, trained to follow their footsteps and ran from the league at the perfect time and needed to hide.
So maddie took in her daughter, trained her, and showed the ropes of a civilian life.
Jack loved her as if she were his own. It led them to finally marry and later on have Danny.
Jazz knew of the pits, of the meaning they had, and how much knowledge the leader of the league possessed.
Now she is 17, recently orphaned with her 15 year old brother and on the run because Danny is currently the only living person in this world who knows more of the pits than the current user.
And Ra's really wants that knowledge.
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arkashas · 4 months
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ok so the first time i watched this i was like what the hell will why would you tell hannibal this you're putting her life in danger??
but then i realized will's motivations in this scene. this whole exchange comes at the heels of will asking hannibal in a fit of jealousy how many patients there's been like him? like randall tier?
will receives an unsatisfactory answer which doesn't assuage his feelings, so he goes on the attack. he makes hannibal feel as disposable as he feels. that's when he mentions bedelia coming to visit him and her telling him she believed him (about hannibal). and it works! it absolutely works! just look at hannibal's face after will tells him.
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he's hurt. he feels betrayed. he even is short with will for the first time, telling will curtly in answer to this news, "fascinating."
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and will asking hannibal if he killed bedelia is 1) him acknowledging that bedelia could be killed by hannibal, meaning ignorance/naivety cannot be claimed as a reason he put bedelia in danger 2) in my view another indication of jealousy/possessiveness. if hannibal killed bedelia, at least will would be assured that she as is disposable to hannibal as he is (or how he feels he is). like i don't think will was hoping he killed her, but subconsciously he would have felt gratified if that was the case (remember season 3? "how did you walk away unscarred? i'm covered in scars.") of course he also asked out of concern, but i don't think this was his primary motivation here considering he just endangered her and would have been aware of it.
i think this moment is unappreciated in its revelation of how dark will really is. at this point all that will knew about bedelia was that she was hannibal's psychiatrist and that she helped him out when he was at his lowest. he doesn't know about her killing her patient or anything else. but here he's willing to throw her under the bus in order to hurt hannibal because he had a moment of insecurity.
OH and another thing in favour of this reading is that this was just after will had just gone on the fishing trip with jack where he stated that he was going to isolate hannibal from everyone close to him, so that all he had in his life was will.
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so...yeah. will is as jealous and possessive as hannibal, it's just much more subtle. and the ways this jealousy and possessiveness manifests itself is arguably as toxic as hannibal's own brand of green-eyed monster.
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zombie-hickey · 7 months
He'd take one look at me and wouldn't be able to kill me. I'm just too fuckable and adorable. One look at me and he'd be in love. He'd love me. You just don't get it. I'm the exception to his wraith. You don't understand. I'm definitely his type.
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hidingfromsav · 1 month
i need fanart of the white house fits more than i need air. please.
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cowboy-caboodles · 8 months
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platonic davey/katherine featuring newsbians!! i can’t sleep and i have so much due tomorrow so ofc i’m staying up drawing instead of going to bed </3 😀
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