#Which I'm sure means nothing right
peppermintmochafem · 28 days
#Um she told me she's in love with me and if anything happens to know I'm hot and she wants me#And then went into a lot of detail just repeating over and over the things she wants / fantasies about me incoherently#Which I'm sure means nothing right#I know this is complicated for her she hates being attracted to me but it is hard to have her be like this is bad when she says she wants m#I don't know what to do#personal#tbdeleted#Triggering for me yikes#messy messy messy#Honestly think she is just grieving so its latching onto me as a woman she can love in a safe way#And I am glad I can be that I guess like obviously she needs that and I want to keep her safe#But I know I can't and she even said it#Like I know she will go home and then be gone forever#I think I am already grieving her in a way#And she has hurt many people I love dearly#Hurt them in deeply upsetting triggering ways that aren't okay and don't make me feel safe#She really lacks understanding of consent and that hurts people but I know she does want me and i think if I tried to stop her I could#I shouldn't be in situations where I am unsure of that though but at the same time it's like if something happens it happens#Idk how much of this is my own issues and thinking I'm not deserving of safe respectful sex and intimacy and my own guilt for everything#And how much of it is her own issues and guilt and grief#But I know I can be safe and loving for her#And I do know there is genuine love there no matter what other factors there are#Anyways sorry if you read all that I am giving you the biggest forehead kisses#I just think about how different it might have been if I had *** **** *** ** *** *** ****** ** *****#I thought I couldn't cope if I had but how can I cope that I didnt#I should have *** *** *** when I could have#This is unrelated but its all tangled up and it's just been bad trauma day already#If I had **** * ****** **** if I had *** *** if I had **** ***** or#Anyways **** ***** ****** **
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etz-ashashiyot · 2 months
Friendly reminder that A Land for All is an excellent organization that is still, even now, working to create an equitable resolution to the conflict. Please check them out:
I also strongly recommend reading through their full proposal here.
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louisdelac · 1 year
there’s a question to be asked i think about to what extent “getting out” can be conflated with “being saved” in this show, and what freedom actually means to any of these characters.
like you can argue that shiv saved ken by voting against him on gojo, but what if your intent behind saving someone is to inflict a worse punishment than if you’d just left them trapped? can a child weaned on poison survive on milk, or are you just sentencing them to a death by inches, starved of the only thing they know? and if you save someone specifically because you know that being saved is the worst thing that can happen to them, is that kindness or cruelty? at what point does a good thing become a malicious act?
and you can say that roman is finally free, but what exactly is he free from? the company? his father? does unlocking a cage mean saving a dog, or are you allowing him out on the street knowing there’s a kill shelter nearby? if the driving anxiety behind roman is that he’s an idiot and a failure—that he’ll never amount to anything, and trying will only lead to pain—and he’s finally cut loose once all of those anxieties have crystallized into cold hard fact in his mind, what has he actually escaped from? if the cage is in your mind, is it even possible for somebody else to unlock it?
the fundamental truth of a tragedy is that even being saved can be a death sentence, if the characters are incapable of escaping the thing doing them the most harm (themselves and their childhoods)
#'what about shiv' if i think about shiv i'm going to kill myself. she needs her own post. there's too much there to get into.#anyways seeing a tremendous amount of At Least Roman Is Free <3 tags that have me going. right. for sure. free from what?#because it's certainly not the intense amount of self disgust that has driven him in circles this entire time.#i fear he may feel the weight of alienation on his soul for the rest of his life. and he won't even try to alleviate it anymore.#and ALSO the idea that shiv went out of her way to save kendall as an act of like. altruism. like it was a sacrifice on her part#which i feel is a very toothless perspective on shiv and the psychological torment that's been weighing on her essentially since birth#like her choice in regards to gojo is one of the meatiest most harrowing bits of character work i've ever seen#and while of course there was love inside that action (because nothing these characters do is entirely divorced from love)#i don't think it was necessarily a kind or forgiving or sacrificial love#like this was an intense vitriolic snapping from a dog that has been kicked by her dad all her life.#and who absolutely refuses to accept that from her brother (because that would mean acknowledging that kendall takes the mantle of Dad-#and that she's subservient to him. which is the one thing she absolutely will never do#because it's a level of degradation that's finally a step too far)#anyways. um. insane season that i still can't look at directly or i'll perish on the spot.#succession
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saminthea · 3 months
Is it appendicitis or just fibromyalgia and a stomach bug? Guess we'll see in the morning!
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rotisseries · 2 years
I am the number one mike gets vecna'd truther. I have damn near 100% confidence that mike gets vecna'd. there is no version of s5 that I can imagine where mike doesn't get vecna'd. he will be shown horrendous visions and he will scream and cry and veccy boy will get his homophobic dog moment and mike is gonna be shaken up and refusing to tell anyone what he saw and it will be the most important, impactful, and jaw dropping vecna scene of the season, and I will be pulling up the cristiano ronaldo gif
#stranger things#byler#mike wheeler#he is just like. the perfect target. how would he NOT get vecna'd?#bc like. I'm a firm believer that more people will get vecna'd next season#like yeah sure he doesn't NEED to torment and kill more people but he'll do it for fun#no way the duffers introduced a villain who can see people's inner fears and guilts and then they use it twice and never again right?#so obvs people will get vecna'd next season. and mike is a PRIME target#a. vecna's main targets are el and will. both of whom love mike and are really close with him#two birds one stone‚ if vecna wants to consider himself a good villain‚ that right there is reason enough to get Mike#b. while again‚ I do think multiple characters will get vecna'd and therefore we'll see a lot of different headspaces#we mostly already know what a lot of the characters fear and feel guilty about. whereas mike is still supposed to be a mystery to us#we're not being shown his pov‚ so when we finally ARE‚ it will have the most impact of any possible vecna vision any of the characters get#''why do you say it'd be most impactful rori?''#bc listen. they're gonna want another impactful vecna scene. a running up that hill part two. but you can't beat max's scene. it's too good#the impact in max's scene comes from her escape‚ from her choosing to live‚ for her loved ones#which means if you want another emotionally impactful vecna scene‚ it can't be about the escape‚ that can't be where the impact is#or it will just feel like a cheaper rendition of max's scene#so the impact MUST come from finding out what haunts the character#and I FULLY believe there will be nothing quite as jaw dropping as vecna visions revealing mike's sexuality and how he feels about it#the only things that would probably come close would be el or will getting shown more aspects of the supernatural plot#but I'm pretty sure we're at a point in the story where we have most of the information#and we won't be getting anything super insane on that front
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itwoodbeprefect · 4 months
flashbacks to dialogue that happened less than a minute ago are annoying and a little insulting for obvious reasons, unless it's in bad buddy episode 5 [2/4] and pat is having entirely serious sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago while almost shoving a set of drumsticks he hasn't even paid for yet up his nose. then it's brilliant and world changing
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#don't mind me i'm just chewing glass today#when the architecture band starts playing at freshy day and ink says to pat hey isn't that the song you two played that christmas?#it's like yeah... but that's a maddeningly casual way to refer to an event that in the context of the series wide metaphor#is really more like their parents caught them making out in a closet. and then pran got sent to boarding school over it#and NOW pran is up there on stage playing that same song again. looking right at pat when he announces it. but plaYING IT with WAI#and not intentionally. not in a mean sort of way. because pran doesn't know#he doesn't KNOW that pat's been shoving drumsticks up his nose while being struck cold by Love Signs#because how could he. all he knows is that very recently pat was sighing in relief that pran isn't his rival for ink. because pat likes ink#pran does NOT know that in the (very short. more than fifty seconds but still very short) meantime#pat has tried to figure out if ink might like him back. pat has in the process accidentally figured out that HE might like pran#AND pat has tried to confess his feelings to ink only for her to go. very kindly. are you sure you like me that way? i don't think you do#(because he's the wrONG SIBLING. she likes the OTHER SIBLING. which is hilarious but a different thing to go insane over)#and it's like. pran doesn't know!!! pran is just having a day like any other. pran has Known forever#he doesn't KNOW that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars (it's essentially a gay bar. don't even get me started)#(because that's a joke but it's also not. not really. it is but it's not. you know)#!! that when they're standing there surrounded by guitars. pat is suddenly going OH. in sepia toned flashbacks to fifty seconds ago#when they were ALSO standing there surrounded by guitars btw. which is the point. nothing has changed but maybe everything has#it's the same thing it was fifty seconds ago but maybe it's not. maybe pat suddenly hears the music that's been playing forever#and maybe this is way too many fucking tags. i don't even think this is the glass i was chewing originally#*#bad buddy#bad buddy the series
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oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
Back to an earlier point about Buffy Season 7 having way too many Potential Slayers, tbh, last night I learned that there was a Colleen and Caridad who also became full-fledged Slayers and survived the battle of the Hellmouth.
And in reading the "Chosen" novelization, I remembered the Potential "Shannon," and in Googling her, I guess she survived, as well.
I feel like when people are talking about the Potentials who survived season 7 as full Slayers, we always talk about Kennedy, Vi, Rona, and Chao-Ahn (but I think even Chao-Ahn is sometimes forgotten about), but I've never seen anyone mention Caridad, Colleen, or Shannon.
There are also some unnamed ones who made it, too:
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arcaneyouth · 2 months
it is So Weird how working on my comic makes me feel like i have more free time. and gives me more free time. logically, working on 3 comic pages a week would mean i have Less Time. but no. despite everything, i'm getting more done and able to use my time better now that i'm working on comic pages again. what the hell is up with that.
#it's probably the structure and routine tbh i've been doing this for 6 years#i feel way less stressed about all the stuff i have to do than the 2 months i wasn't working on the comic#and arguably i have more to do now!!!!!#there's just so many little things that working on my comic helps me with. vital part of my daily and weekly structure#1) gives me a Main Goal to focus on every week and it's a goal that i know is achievable#2) gives me things to do almost every day that i am able to get started on right away and then will have free time later when i'm done#3) on days i'm not working on it i feel more comfortable doing things for fun or completing smaller tasks#4) because it's a weekly schedule i actually know what day it is now. completely lost track of the days before. made me really scared tbh#5) actually allows me to relax. the way i make pages means it's a lil bit mindless half the time. which is nice#i spent most of the last 2 months when i wasn't making comic in bed. because i had nothing else to do#now i am not doing that! because even when i'm not working on pages i have the motivation to do things!#this is an ironic post to make when i've spent like 6-7 hours today just playing fathomverse#but that's the thing!!!! instead of hating myself for doing that i still feel like i can get shit done!#also i already knew all this about making comics and how i function but. man idk how to put this#i spent the last 2 months struggling to do fucking Anything#and it was after i was so sure i could handle taking a break from the comic#and it was after lots of people have told me i need to put the comic down and get a job#or do anything that isn't making a comic#i have been working on the comic again for 9 days. and already everything feels more manageable#i literally Need to have projects like this. if i dont i will lose my mind. nobody tell me i need to do other things with my life ever agai
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Yeah and since this doesnt only involve writers but also other production stuff, i wonder how theyre gonna start filming in may or june? Bec that would also be breaking the strike too... like idk how they are going to work around that. But anyway. My estimation is that the strike will at least take 3-4 months at the very least. So like. Yeah. 2025 release seems more likely bc the strike also involves other production staff
i can't lie to you i don't know shit about how american strikes in the entertainment industry work and i was a baby (6) and not american in 2007 but i mean yeah that season 5 is never seeing the light of day i fear
#this implies that i now am american which i'm not. but i'm no longer 6#again i'm kidding and i know everyone was already like it's gonna be 2025 for sure#but as a normal person i've always been a believer in tv shows not needing three years (that's three times 365 days +1) to produce one#season sue me...#i don't think the people behind season 5 of stranger things were ever on my team but like whatever. at least this is for a good reason#not that taking your time is a bad reason. it's just. unreasonable. to me. who knows nothing about how any of this works. i mean i'm the#one who's watching tv i think my opinion matters. hashtag humble#anyway do you know what the crossing the picket line thing reminds me of? even though that's not what you said? it reminds me of#that one episode in season 2 of grey's anatomy where the nurses are on strike and george is like guys my parents are union workers i can't#cross the picket line this is not who i am and so he spends the day outside protesting while the others are in the hospital. god remember#when grey's was good#my knowledge of how tv shows were affected by the strike is like oh this season is shorter it's probably because of the 2007 strike and#that's kind of it. like *vanessa hudgens voice* yeah tv shows are gonna be canceled which is terrible but like...inevitable? idk. maybe i#shouldn't be doing this right now.#i'm not complaining about anything i was already complaining before. i said good for them like ten days ago okay i'm an ally#i'm joking but i mean. i mean it lol. i love strikes okay i'm george o'malley#ask
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leofrith · 2 years
the final chapter of eivor's story might be an absolute shit show and my worst nightmare for her character but i am being so so brave about it :)
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There's a habitual focus on person's last words.
But a much more relevant question is what are the last comforts and joys that can be squeezed in before an oncoming death
In hospital, it's things that healthy people don't seem to notice much
A flannel wash with really hot water, feels so much better than just a functional wash. It reminds you of hot baths and hot pools.
The taste of a sweet lolly you can suck on without worrying about choking or getting nauseous
The drop of water to wet your tongue, even when you can't drink safely
The feeling of the morphine or midazolam kicking in, and easing the breathlessness
Being repositioned in a way that helps the ache in your back
Your favourite people just being there, listening to them talk and laugh with each other while you rest
The cool cloth and ice block and fan until the fever comes down
Knowing that there's someone there who will come to you
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One of the older ladies in my Sunday School class stopped me after class and said she was praying for me, and asked how I was doing and I'm not gonna lie--
It meant so much that she had noticed that I'm not myself. That she had noticed that I'm struggling in a silent way that I can't even quite identify.
I don't think she can ever know just how much that means to me, because it just means so much.
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
You know, all of this eye strain and tension headache and migraine stuff ramped up when I finally ran out of my old regular contacts and started using the toric lens my eye doctor prescribed for my left eye. I have my glasses on today because it was getting so bad and my left eye is extremely annoyed with me. I keep feeling like it's refusing to focus until I manually "find" the muscle and force it to. I told her I didn't want astigmatism correction because I have the lowest possible astigmatism you can have and I have never had it compensated for. I didn't think anything of the toric lenses because it was six months before I ran out of regulars (don't ask how long I wear them for all of our sakes, it's way too long because they're fucking expensive) but damn if all this headache and light sensitivity shit didn't start after I gave in and wore the damn toric on my left eye.
And if that's the case it means my glasses are also pretty much non-viable long term because again, she put the astigmatism correction in the left eye and it kind of hurts. The whole point of the glasses was to have a place to relax my eyes away from the contacts, but I haven't yet managed to wear them longer than three days. I just get to feeling lightheaded and strange. I'd go without either but I literally cannot see, so.
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artekai · 2 years
Spare Kai angst, anyone? 👉👈
#kaito maruki#oc tag#ramble#i'm craving a good dose of character angst. for my mental health. right now lmao. anyways#i just think of... how he probably gets around 3/2 you know?#him taking his headphones to school which is WEIRD... he only tends to pull those out when he's panicking or trying to shut someone out#him being snappy and panicky... avoiding people... rushing to go back home instead of hanging out...#oof imagine sumi (oblivious) trying to give him a surprise hug and kai just. going off on her. because he's On Edge#which is WEIRD.... of course he regrets it because he doesn't mean to push her away. but he just wants to be alone until this passes...#he doesn't want to talk to anyone. except maybe akiren. maybe akiren can get through to him. but that's a big Maybe#and when he gets home he makes sure takuto is around and then locks himself in his room for the rest of the day#you know that weird mood when the last thing you want is to be alone but the idea of having company somehow makes you sick?#both at the same time?#yeah. it's Bad. it's really really bad.#takuto hears him crying through the door and he looks for his spare key to go in and make sure kai isn't. you know.#but kai just yells at him to get out. because he's the one kai blames for his pain....#and kai hates it too because he thinks he should be ''over it'' and he should just be ''strong'' or whatever#but he can't help it. watching those days go by in the calendar when rumi is not here just breaks his heart#and basically kai is in pain and takuto is in pain and everyone is in pain and nothing gets better it just gets shoved under the rug :)#oh i forgot to censor takuto's name. oh well if this shows up in the search just ignore it pls#(technically this would have to be in an AU with no ideal reality i guess. maybe one where akiren didn't do takuto's confidant)
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tofixtheshadows · 2 months
I've been thinking a lot lately about how Kabru deprives himself.
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Kabru as a character is intertwined with the idea that sometimes we have to sacrifice the needs of the few for the good of the many. He ultimately subverts this first by sabotaging the Canaries and then by letting Laios go, but in practice he's already been living a life of self-sacrifice.
Saving people, and learning the secrets of the dungeons to seal them, are what's important. Not his own comforts. Not his own desires. He forces them down until he doesn't know they're there, until one of them has to come spilling out during the confession in chapter 76.
Specifically, I think it's very significant, in a story about food and all that it entails, that Kabru is rarely shown eating. He's the deuteragonist of Dungeon Meshi, the cooking manga, but while meals are the anchoring points of Laios's journey, given loving focus, for Kabru, they're ... not.
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I'm sure he eats during dungeon expeditions, in the routine way that adventurers must when they sit down to camp. But on the surface, you get the idea that Kabru spends most of his time doing his self-assigned dungeon-related tasks: meeting with people, studying them, putting together that evidence board, researching the dungeon, god knows what else. Feeding himself is secondary.
He's introduced during a meal, eating at a restaurant, just to set up the contrast between his party and Laios's. And it's the last normal meal we see him eating until the communal ending feast (if you consider Falin's dragon parts normal).
First, we get this:
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Kabru's response here is such a non-answer, it strongly implies to me that he wasn't thinking about it until Rin brought it up. That he might not even be feeling the hunger signals that he logically knew he should.
They sit down to eat, but Kabru is never drawn reaching for food or eating it like the rest of his party. He only drinks.
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It's possible this means nothing, that we can just assume he's putting food in his mouth off-panel, but again, this entire manga is about food. Cooking it, eating it, appreciating it, taking pleasure in it, grounding yourself in the necessary routine of it and affirming your right to live by consuming it. It's given such a huge focus.
We don't see him eat again until the harpy egg.
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What a significant question for the protagonist to ask his foil in this story about eating! Aren't you hungry? Aren't you, Kabru?
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He was revived only minutes ago after a violent encounter. And then he chokes down food that causes him further harm by triggering him, all because he's so determined to stay in Laios's good graces.
In his flashback, we see Milsiril trying to spoon-feed young Kabru cake that we know he doesn't like. He doesn't want to eat: he wants to be training.
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Then with Mithrun, we see him eating the least-monstery monster food he can get his hands on, for the sake of survival- walking mushroom, barometz, an egg. The barometz is his first chance to make something like an a real meal, and he actually seems excited about it because he wants to replicate a lamb dish his mother used to make him!
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...but he doesn't get to enjoy it like he wanted to.
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Then, when all the Canaries are eating field rations ... Kabru still isn't shown eating. He's only shown giving food to Mithrun.
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And of course the next time he eats is the bavarois, which for his sake is at least plant based ... but he still has to use a coping mechanism to get through it.
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I don't think Kabru does this all on purpose. I think Kui does this all on purpose. Kabru's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be understood as informing his character just as much as Laios's autism informs his. It's another way that Kabru and Laios act as foils: where Laios takes pleasure in meals and approaches food with the excitement of discovery, Kabru's experiences with eating are tainted by his trauma. Laios indulges; Kabru denies himself. Laios is shown enjoying food, Kabru is shown struggling with it.
And I can very easily imagine a reason why Kabru might have a subconscious aversion towards eating.
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Meals are the privilege of the living.
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etoilause · 4 months
i wish whatever fucked up shit my trauma put on me was more palatable. i can't talk about most aspects of it because it's so fucking dumb. i wish i was dainty and frail i cried softly about my fucked up childhood instead of being gross. just fucking gross in every single aspect of my being. i wish i could tell them why i was awake at 3am and slept 4 hours that night instead of saying i just kinda struggle with sleep sometimes.
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