#When the world needed it most... Mole of Moling returned!
stardestroyer81 · 18 days
You ever just have a silly idea and then take it to its final form?
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newfallstrangeleaves · 11 months
Yandere in the apocalypse
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M!Yandere X GN!reader Warning: stalking, mentions of killing. Summary: Continuation of the nightly visit story. The world has ended but that doesn't stop your yandere to prove (to nobody other than himself) that he can give you anything. He goes out of his way to get you something you want but things don't go as planned. Author's note: It was really nice to see the first part (and my first post) being so well received. Really thank you!!
Never will he be far behind. Always in the shadows watching over you. He truly is your guardian angel, undefeated protector, perfect boyfriend…
Though in a perfect world he would be close to you, show you how good he is to you.  But because of the friends of yours most of the time Aaron has to go unnoticed. But the times he does get close, he cherishes. 
The weather is nice and Aaron has spent the last 4 hours in a tree. Your group has made the decision to leave the city and head out into the wild. A decision he doesn't exactly agree with, for many reasons. Though your group has decided upon two night watchers now he dont believe for a second they could do a better job than him. 
Half of the group has split up from camp and gone out to look for food. You sit together with a girl with dark braids and a blond girl, who looks to be in need of a shower soon. The boy is there too, blissfully unaware of his surroundings and listening in on the conversation. 
“I LOVED to eat Moules frits, I could eat a whole bucket of those things.” The blond girl says. 
"Oh, you snob!” The braided girl exclaims. “Can you say something normal like a burger?” 
“But what is so weird about Moules frits? It's just Oysters and Fries! The blond pouts. 
“Wrong! It's Clams not Oysters, you idiot.” 
"You seem to know an awful lot about Moles frits, huh? Y/N, who do you think the real posh one is?” The blond looks over at you who throughout this whole conversation has just been smiling at the bickering. 
“Donno, seems like a tie, or what do you think Max?” You turn over to the boy who nods eagerly. You and Max exchange a look as the blond one rolls her eyes over dramatically, but the action prones a laugh out of the three of you. 
“What foods do you miss, Y/N?” Max asks when the laughing has died down. You think for a moment. 
“Well, not the canned potatoes that's for sure, or any other canned foods for that matter. I miss fresh ones, oh I know, I miss Strawberries!” You say. “And actually at this point I would be happy to have any shape, dried or fresh doesn't matter.” 
“Me too.” A voice from the bushes makes everyone jump.
Even Aaron is about to fall out of the tree. But when the other half of the group returns he swears over himself over the lack of awareness. But the conversation had made him think. If his love wants strawberries then she shall have strawberries. 
When night comes he sneaks down from his hideout. A week ago they passed a small community, odd people and overly religious. They had only really gotten a picture of them though three men who were out looking for a friend of theirs. The men had invited them back to their community but luckily your group had declined the offer. Good thing your group had caught their off vibes too and decided not to risk it. But when the both of your groups had parted ways and one of the men decided to turn back to you,  Aaron felt nothing good would come with a second encounter. So the man was killed and buried before sunrise. By then the group was up and away. 
But the men at the time had mentioned a garden filled with vegetables and fruits. Perhaps a tactic to lure you into their claws. But right now it's his best bet in finding Strawberries. 
Traveling alone ment moving at a much quicker pace. Perhaps he will be back to you in less than a week!
When he arrives he realizes the men weren't lying. If something they were playing it down by a lot.  Aaron could see “the garden” from a mile away by the size of it. The only problem he is facing now is getting in. It is surrounded by a huge fence, barbed wires, then on top of that they have built six hunting towers to guard from any intruders. 
He decides to wait until night time and while doing so he can feel his eyes grow heavier.
He wakes up (all stiff from sleeping in a tree) to the luck of a lifetime. Rockets are firing from the other side of the garden, somebody else is planning to break in too. He brings his handy pocket knife and while the guard's attention is elsewhere he takes the opportunity to run straight for one of the hunting towers. 
He just needs a little bit of luck to not be spotted now. Despite having two hunting towers at each side of him that could easily spot him he hopes their attention stays on the forest for intruders. 
The darkness hides him long enough to cut through the fence. His pocket knife pliers are weak, it takes time to cut through the fence. But not impossible. 
As he works up a hole big enough for him to fit through he can hear the guards discussing, the weak attack was quickly disarmed. But Aaron can sense them being on edge for anything else to happen. 
When he is through it's in and out. Their attention is not on the plantation but he still tries to hide amongst the greenery. It doesn't take long before he finds the red little berries. There are rows upon rows of them. They won't miss a few. When he is done collecting and placing the container back in his backpack, he turns to make his way out again. 
Just as he feels confident he is going to make it without getting spotted he gets just that. Spotted. He crawls through his hole as bullets start raining around him. His only option is to run and find shelter amongst the trees. He sprints as fast as he can, the trees approaching quickly. Just a few more steps. 
Then he feels one of the bullets hitting its target, a sharp pain shoots through his thigh. He lets out a cry of pain but with the adrenaline pumping his veins he doesn't stop. 
He pushes further and further through the forest even though he is not as fast as he would have liked, the people deciding to go after him seems to have given up the chase. Their voices grow more and more distant by the second. 
The following days are hard. He has to stop multiple times to not strain his wound too much. Worry starts to grow more and more each day. As he is slowing down you are walking further and further away. The fear something would have happened to you  while he was away grows stronger by the day. 
When the pain in his leg is unbearable as he is fighting to keep up a good pace he wishes he never left you. What if something has happened to you while he was gone? Why didn't he consider this before he left? How stupid he feels. 
He lets out a sigh of relief when he reaches a small lake and in the distance he can see your figure walking out in the water with your pants rolled up. So peaceful. Finally he can allow himself to rest and to heal. 
Mission accomplished too. He feels pride grow in his chest as he watches you. He can give you something nobody else can. He can't wait for your reaction. A smile only he could give you.
The next morning you wake up and the first thing you see is a small package with a note attached to it. 
“Whatcha got there?” Ginny asks as she frantically tries to brush through her blond curls with her fingers. 
“I don't know. Was here when I woke up.” You turn over the note and read what it says out loud. 
‘Got these for you. 
Until we meet, A.’
“A? There is no one here who starts with A.” Ginny says loudly. A ruckus begins amongst the ones that are awake. Their discussion is loud enough to wake up the rest.  
“What do I do with these?” You ask. 
“Leave them, it's not worth the risk.” Felice says and pulls her braids out from the shirt she just put on. “Come, you go with me from now on.” 
Aaron limps over to the spot you sat at as he is fighting tears. The anger and disappointment bubbling up in his chest. He wishes he could kill them, hurt them as they have hurt him. 
But all he does is pick up the berries. 
He knows revenge will come in due time.
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hoshologies · 1 year
ur aftercare drabble with mark is making me so soft🥹🥹 if it’s alright can u also write abt inexperienced reader who is having her first time with mark?
send me a kink/scenario + an idol (txt, svt, skz, enha hyung line, or nct dream) and i’ll write a drabble
warnings. afab!reader, making out, suggestions of sex (primarily f!receiving oral and penetration) smut is under the cut. minors do not interact.
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your favorite thing about mark has always been his willingness to accomodate and make you comfortable. in any other man, this would be the absolute barest minimum, but mark approaches it like it’s the greatest honor that could ever possibly be bestowed upon him: he asks for your permission on everything, he tailors every date to your personality and interests and comfort level, he even waited for you to express interest in wanting to go beyond holding hands and hugging (though, in his excitement, your first kiss together ended up being a little messy, but it was sweet nonetheless). most of it stems from your inexperience; mark is your first real boyfriend and you want to make it work, so he’s been kind and patient with you, allowing you to set the pace.
like he’s doing right now, letting you settle yourself on his lap, your hands drifing across the soft expanse of his chest and stomach, places on him you’ve never seen before. he’s the only one in a state of undress; he told you that this can take as long as you need it to, so he didn’t rush to take your shirt off in the middle of the makeout session that had started in the middle of a movie, no long forgotten. your fingers trace, memorize every dip in his skin, every freckle, every mole newly discovered, and you feel him growing hard under you, hot and insistent in a way that stokes your own fire behind your navel.
he pulls your mouth to his again, a little bashful under your exploring gaze and looking for a way to get your eyes off him for a few moments so he can recollect himself. somewhere in the midst of it, his fingers, which had been resting dutifully on your lower back, dip under your sweater and you shudder; not in a bad way, though, because you like the feeling of his calloused fingertips against your skin. when he pulls away and looks up at you with his brown eyes wide and glassy, pleading, you nod and let him take your shirt off of you, all reverence and worshipful.
and then not long later, he’s got you on your back, your head resting on his many pillows. your shorts and bra have joined your abandoned shirt on the floor next to mark’s bed. like you, he’s left only in his boxers and when he looks up at you from between your legs, one hand on your thigh and the other toying with the hem of your underwear, you think you just about die on the spot.
“i know this is all new for you,” he says, tilting his head to the side just so. he looks inquisitive, earnest, like your pleasure and comfort are the only things in the world that matter to him. “so can i tell you what i want to do and you can decide if you want me to do that? because i just… really, really want this to be good for you.”
you nod and smile at him softly, a gesture he returns before he starts listing off, his eyes trained on you and gauging your reactions. you’re fighting off the mortification of being naked in front of a boy for the first time ever, of hearing him tell you that he wants to taste you, wants to feel you around him when you come. every part of you burns with embarrassment, but when he asks you with a gentle voice “is that okay? do you wanna try?” you really cannot bring yourself to tell him no because if you’re going to experience this with anyone for the first time, you’d prefer it with mark, who already treats you like a deity.
so you don’t. you tell him yes and he smiles. and he thanks you.
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© hoshologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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windvexer · 5 months
Spirit Vessel Theory & Practical DIY (Traditional Witchcraft Flavored)
(Written in response to an Anon whom I think is probably involved in spirit conjure community, which is where conjurers put spirits inside of a vessel for you and ship them to you. Anon requested to know tips on how to transfer a spirit to a new vessel)
✨big heckin UPG ALERT ahead for the ENTIRE POST✨
In this post, a spirit vessel is any object, including a container filled with objects, which serves as a spirit's physical foothold into our present reality.
Three Varieties of Spirit Vessels: Telephone, Body, House
Please note the particular absence of trap or prison: there is no need for any practitioner to trap or seal a spirit inside of a vessel. This is what we do to unwanted spirits to relocate them to a second location, and it's not how we treat our friends.
My categorization of spirit vessels relates to how the spirit is intended to engage with the vessel.
Telephone Vessel: This is the kind I've most commonly seen and heard of in the conjure community. The spirit lives/exists Elsewhere, but the practitioner has given them a link of communication to this physical object.
The practitioner then works over the object to "call" the spirit and ask it to arrive in their location, or visit it Elsewhere, or just talk while they are in separate locations.
In my opinion, the "telephone" vessel is the least impactful type for the purposes of allowing spirits into our lives, but it's great at what it does: serving as a telephone line. However, as I hope this post will go on to show, it's also the easiest to make because the vessel requires the least amount of preparation and care.
Body Vessel: This is when the spirit vessel is meant to be the body of the spirit as it dwells on Earth. When a vessel is consecrated and dedicated to a spirit, it's understood to be the spirit itself. The form that the vessel takes influences the spirit's ability to work in our reality.
Body vessels may end up looking like little figurine versions of the spirit in question, but they can also be containers specially prepared with decorations and objects heavily linked to the spirit's essence.
Direct examples in witchcraft and folk magic include house and kitchen dollies that are meant to help lighten the load of chores or stop food from burning. Such dolls may be equipped with little brooms, multiple hands, and so forth, to assist with chores.
Another example of a body vessel is the Decaying River God. To create this vessel, I made a deal with the river and then embodied a spirit into this intuitively crafted form. Now, that physical object has become the sacred body of a spirit.
Just as the kitchen doll may be given a broom to assist with sweeping, a spirit's body may be equipped with tools to grant them additional influence and abilities in our world. A related example in witchcraft is to put the feet of small, scurrying Earthen animals (such as a rat or mole) into charm bags, so that the spell can scamper to its destination.
Just because the spirit has a body vessel does not mean they are permanently bound inside of that vessel. Accidentally breaking or losing the vessel isn't like harming the spirit (although obviously it's to be avoided).
Spirits which were born Elsewhere are perhaps more likely to come and go from body vessels, but even beings born with the creation of their body may still leave that physical space and return to it as desired.
House Vessel: This is the same thing as a spirit house or shrine, just a step to the left. We might equip the body vessel with objects that grant the spirit additional powers and capabilities, but in the house vessel, I tend to organize things to be a pleasant and enjoyable respite for the spirit, almost like a custom bedroom.
There may be no object or representation that's intended to be the body of the spirit at all. Nonetheless, the space is still one where the spirit may be fully invited and present, and gives them a strong foothold in our world.
The only real difference I draw between a house vessel and a shrine or spirit house is the intent. A shrine may be to venerate, and a spirit house may be a kind act of providing shelter. But the house vessel's intent is to create a space that makes it easier for a spirit to fully Show Up to our present reality.
Which Variety is Best?
This depends on your needs. For the purposes of witchcraft, spirits are often best given bodies that reflect their nature and empower them to carry out your purpose. I also hold this to be true for spells and any other variety of guy.
Spirits whom we're getting to know, but aren't quite sure of yet, may be best limited to "telephone" status.
House vessels - I haven't got a lot to say, except bringing up the point of them.
You can have multiple telephone lines and house vessels, yet intuition advises that really only one Body should do for the average spirit.
Vessels Themselves Can Suck So It's Worthwhile to Put Some Thought Into It
I believe that the more a spirit vessel is the embodiment of the spirit themselves, the easier it is for the spirit to use that vessel to interact with us and our present reality.
An extreme example can help demonstrate this point.
Imagine you've gotten to know a water spirit. A mermaid, let's say, from an ocean world of pure, opalescent waters, where coral reefs are cities and pet jellyfish are decorated with pearls.
Imagine that the vessel for this mermaid is a jar painted red and decorated with symbols of fire, then further charged with fiery energy. Within the jar is rusty nails, polluted water from the side of the highway, and a heaping spoonful of chili flakes.
I would hazard a guess that you couldn't even agree to get that mermaid to use such a vessel as a telephone line, much less use it as their physical body.
It's not that the spirit is snooty - it's that you're asking him to come into contact with things that irritate and burn him. Not only would it require a huge amount of energy to overcome these differences, but the vessel would nonetheless cause him discomfort.
Intuition may even advise that a simple bowl of water would create a vastly improved "house" vessel for this spirit.
But if it's true that a vessel can be incompatible with a spirit, then it's reasonable to assume that a vessel can be made more and more compatible with a spirit, until it is highly compatible and therefore very easy for the spirit to link to it and use it.
To really improve our mermaid vessel, we might embroider the outside of a bag with a representation of a coral reef, place jellyfish charms and imitation pearls inside of it, and often soak the entire bag in cool, pure water.
This may be the perfect vessel for our mermaid, but totally unsuitable to the pollution monster, who wants to live inside of the rusty nails jar.
This is the primary reason why I find simple unmodified single-object vessels to be not that great. (Examples of this would be, a crystal ring or antique object purchased and used without modifying it to the tastes of the spirit)
While a spirit may select such an object from a lineup and request it's use as a vessel, that doesn't mean that it's going to be an effective vessel.
Especially combined with beliefs in witchcraft about the magical impact of modifying vessels to encapsulate the power of a spell or spirit,
I believe that an unmodified object for use as a spirit vessel is like casting a candle spell with a plain candle to which no herbs or energies are added, and all you do is imprint your raw intent and light the candle.
It'll maybe work, but not nearly as well as it could.
Therefore I believe the form of the vessel matters beyond whether or not the spirit personally likes it, and extends into the realm of sorcerous technique - spirit manifestation is affected depending on if the spirit vessel is made well or made poorly, and especially how much it is physically personalized to the spirit.
Creation of a Useful Vessel
In all cases: Modify the object(s) of the vessel as much as possible to reflect the nature and known qualities of the spirit. As much as possible, work with the spirit to choose modifications, or, work with known lore or with the assistance of spirit workers or diviners.
In the case where a single object (such as a stone) must be used:
Tie the object up in a net where each knot represents a foothold for the spirit to cling on to, or, where each knot ties up a bundle of energy of the sort of thing the spirit likes. (Can be then worn as necklace)
Paint or carve the object, even in a hidden area.
Add additional decorations and embellishments to reflect either the nature of the spirit, or to represent useful tools that the spirit can use to access the object.
Carve out the middle and add bits of paper (with name and permissions written on), and stuff with relevant herbs.
Sight-unseen, I wouldn't recommend single object vessels if you can't heavily/permanently modify them.
In the case where a container vessel (such as a bag, box, or bottle) may be used:
Decorate the exterior, and if space permits the interior, of the container to best reflect an environment enjoyable to the spirit. Consider various techniques: painting, embroidery, carving, burning, and so forth.
Selectively include objects which reflect the spirit's nature, including dried plants, stones, feathers, seeds, bones, and various objects from nature; also charms, trinkets, and tokens (factory-made is fine); also prayers or poems, or drawings or artwork, all of these things symbolic of the spirit and attempting to demonstrate its nature and totality
Include a written sigil or signature of the spirit, and it's name or known names, and epithets. Often best done in fancy magical ink if any is on hand. (I use Sharpies; no need to over-think it)
Charms, amulets, plants, prepared powders or oils, or otherwise, for the purpose of facilitating spirit manifestation and ease of travel between worlds; examples may include specially prepared threads to symbolize links and roads, special spirit-calling powder, magnets to "draw towards," symbols of the Crossroads or of safe and easy travel, and so forth.
In the case where the spirit is likened to an earthly animal, bones or preserved body parts are a very good addition.
In the case where the vessel is itself in the form of a body, such as a figurine or doll:
Hand-craft or heavily modify the creation to represent the vibes as much as possible
Dress, accessorize, ornament, and decorate the figure to represent the spirit or it's known attributes and purposes.
As handicrafters known more about their trade than I do, I don't want to over-comment. Make them a little body. Yes.
Inviting the Spirit to Utilize the Vessel
Unfortunately I will decline to try and provide a specific step-by-step ritual, mostly because I work more intuitively and don't actually have one written up.
But I'll do my best to explain how you can go about it, and some things to consider.
Basically, you'll want to conceptualize four steps:
Final magical preparations
I'll try to explain the reasoning behind including these things, and of course, you'll want to modify or change all of them according to your preferences and needs.
In all cases: Use your magic to make the vessel lovely and filled with spiritual virtues that resonate deeply with the nature of the spirit. This is necessarily vague; a troubleshooting primer for energy work is beyond the scope of this post.
The timing of this work is very well done on special days where the spirit-roads are open, on full moons, or on Mondays.
In cases where the spirit already has a vessel and you want to give them a new one, there is no difference in operation. Make profane and reclaim the old vessel afterwords according to your desires.
Fill the vessel with two types of energy: The first being dense caloric energies from foods, especially oil, nuts, seeds, eggs, and fatty meat. This can be done by placing a food offering next to the vessel and dedicating the food to the spirit.
The second being ethereal and subtle energies, such as produced from blessed incense or energy work. This can be done by blessing and offering incense as you normally do, or channeling your personal energy into the vessel.
Consecrate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which delineates an object as being sacred and separate from the everyday, and turns the object into a Spirit Vessel. (Add'l details below)
Dedicate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which functions to formally gift-give an object to a god or a spirit.
Sometimes, a consecration and a dedication are done in the same ritual, especially when a god is concerned. E.g., "Witchfather, by your name this wand is made holy (consecration). I give this wand to you; it is yours, and when I use it, your hand guides it (dedication)."
The most simplest format of this is something like, "by [the powers I believe allow me to make thing sacred], I make this object sacred [and perhaps I sprinkle some saltwater or whatever formula I believe is necessary to help me make things sacred]. This object is now the vessel for a spirit. Now, it is a Spirit Vessel."
The above being the idea of a consecration; the dedication then being something like,
"[Spirit Name], I invite you into my world and my life. I give you Permission to dwell in this Spirit Vessel and make it your body and your home. I give you Permission to walk in this world through the conduit of this Spirit Vessel. It belongs to you, it is you."
(The above dedication perhaps also revealing something about why "telephone lines" may be a safer bet, the dedication for those being something like, "[Spirit Name], I invite you to observe this vessel and place your fingerprint upon it, so that when I work over it I call out to you, and you can hear me easily no matter how far apart we are.")
Anyway, put some real thought into exactly how much you want this spirit to manifest in your life, because spirit experiences - even when desired and invited - can be very intense and scary, especially if up to that point your experiences with spirits has been limited.
Invite the spirit into the vessel: If not included in your dedication, also formally invite the spirit.
"[Spirit Name], I've prepared this special Vessel for you, and given it to you. I have prepared the way with earthly and aethereal energies, so you may be well-fed and have the power to move within our world. [That's the offering bit innit]. Come now at this time and here in this place, and claim this Vessel as your own."
Etc., something like that.
At this time, the ritual is over with and you can commune with the spirit as desired or close the ritual down in your normal techniques.
Again, if there is an additional/old spirit vessel you no longer want to use, try talking with the spirit about what to do with it; but you can just let it "run dry" and then carefully undo the magic on it. After that, do with it as you please.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
𝓶𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓯𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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𝓂𝓌 𝒾𝒾 𝑔𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁
💌 if you want to peek at all of my writings
"your prescription is ready for pick-up" - 141 x pharmacist!reader❤️
all of my works and our pharmacist reader
a panacea - 141 meets the cure to all their ailments
141 medical file - what the pharmacist sees when looking at 141′s files, accompanies “a panacea”
medically included dream - after a heroic action lands you on an operating table, your morphine drip has you experiencing some interesting dreams
sick day visit - you prided yourself on never getting sick but the day has finally come. as you’re resting in your quarters, a certain group pays you a visit :)
there is no cure for jealousy - what happens when a new recruit gets a little to flirtatious with the 141's favorite pharmacist?
first line treatments - before the sick days, counseling, and lunches together, you were only known as the newest pharmacist on base
pharmacist hcs!
keep your weapons hot and bodies hotter (18+) - stripper!141 x fem!reader (codename: Phoenix)❤️
hunk-o-mania 141 edition - feast your eyes on Delilah's Den's newest male dancers
playboy bunny phoenix edition - an unforeseen guest complicates the mission, now you have to get ready to act as the distraction on stage
the joys of civilian life - 141 x civilian!fem!reader
opposite occupations❤️ - while on leave, the boys each meet a civilian that makes their time deployed and defending their country worth it
take a walk in my shoes - the boys are home again! unfortunately, their significant other has to work but that doesn't mean they won't spend every moment in their presence
extra! the almost military wives gc - what the gf's talk about when the 141 isn't home
"the glance is often deceptive, not the nose" - 141, los vaqueros, könig, graves, laswell x reader what fragrances i think the boys would like on a significant other
part i (141 + alejandro)
part ii (rudy, könig, graves, laswell)
dancing with the enemy - 141 x undercover!fem!reader 141 is playing with fire when you are revealed to be an undercover enemy that's out to get them
family moments - 141 x fem!reader
little moments and little voices - precious moments you spend in your home with your husband and children :)
oh, darling, don’t you ever grow up - your husband leaves this world too early and now you have to pick up the pieces with your children
secrets and pointed fingers (requested!)❤️ - simon "ghost" riley
behind locked doors - when the 141 thinks you're the mole, they make sure to extract the information in whatever way possible
hollow apologies and avoiding glances - when you return back to base, everything is far from normal
half empty glasses and unchanging perspectives - you try to run away from the trauma at the pub but with a glass in hand, simon finds you
suppressed feelings of hatred - despite the 141 being gone from your sight, you still cannot cope with the past
miss americana - 141 x reader small relationship moments between the 141 and their american significant other
kyle "gaz" garrick edition
simon “ghost” riley edition
O N E - S H O T S
eyes for the stars - 141 x reader "hey siri, what do i do if my partner has a crush on a celebrity?" uh oh, see what happens when the boys get a little jealous of your celeb crush!
odd hobbies - 141 x reader everyone has their own hobbies, yours are just unique to 141’s perspective
have a drink - platonic! 141, los vaqueros x reader (codename: Brandy) everyone needs a break sometimes and you decide to treat the 141 and los vaqueros with your bartending skills
butterfly effect❤️ - 141 x fem!reader they say "a butterfly flaps its wings in the amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of europe." what once was a silly quote now has implications as one action leads to your death.
opposite of a meet cute❤️ - 141 x civilian!reader most people have a cute story as to how they met their significant other but yours is a little more eccentric
cold coffee and sloppy notes❤️ - 141 x student!reader the 141 helps you through the nuances of student life
V I S U A L S + R A N D O M
matching tattoos - 141 x reader what matching tattoos would you and the 141 get together?
high thoughts - you enjoy your time in amsterdam a little too well and make sure everyone knows it
bachelorettes parties and weddings - 141 x fem!fiancee!reader what would your bachelorette party and wedding be with the 141?
random things in pockets and bags❤️ SERIES - what does the 141 carry on them when they’re on leave?
pt i- kyle “gaz” garrick
pt ii - simon "ghost" riley
pt iii - johnny "soap" mactavish
pt iv - john price
you are a work of fiction - 141 x reader what literary heroes would the 141 be
in a past life - it’s said everyone reincarnates after death, what life did the mw2 characters have before their current one?
E X P L A I N S my series of explaining the various timeline's of the games and characters
simon "ghost" riley's backstory
which modern warfare game should i play first?
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𝓈𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓃 "𝑔𝒽𝑜𝓈𝓉" 𝓇𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓎
"your prescription is ready for pick-up" - ghost x pharmacist!reader
fake hypochondriac (sequel to “a panacea”) - ghost goes to extreme lengths to see his favorite pharmacist
tuberose and rose tinted glasses - ghost meets a perfumer in grasse, france - the capital of fragrance
simon riley’s backstory (a request) - simon’s tragic backstory with his family
r e q u e s t s 
a scarlet red dress - ghost x oc! ghost and riot share an intimate moment, all started when riot decides to dig out a red dress from her closet
ghost’s doppelgänger❤️ - 141, los vaqueros x fem!reader how does the 141 and los vaqueros react to you joining the team? their reactions are even better when you share an uncanny resemblance with ghost
an invasion of the scots❤️ - ghost x fem!reader worlds collide when you visit the base and you realize your dating the teammate of your cousin, johnny mactavish
tamer of dogs and ghost- ghost x fem!reader ghost has fallen in love with you, the army’s resident veterinarian and dog handler
a fiery love story - ghost x gn!reader simon thinks he has everything under control but it's actually you and your secret ability to control fire 
brazilian heat - ghost x fem!reader when the 141 finds themselves in brazil, you make a lasting impression on simon in a bar
a child's eye of the tiger - ghost x fem!reader simon comes home just in time to see your daughter kick ass at a jiu jitsu competition!
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𝒿𝑜𝒽𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝒸𝑒
"your prescription is ready for pick-up" - price x pharmacist!reader
pain-killer fueled thoughts (sequel to “a panacea”) - price landed himself in the medic tent and his pain killers are making him tell the pharmacist his feelings.
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𝒿𝑜𝒽𝓃𝓃𝓎 "𝓈𝑜𝒶𝓅" 𝓂𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈𝒽
undercover and undiscovered feelings - soap x fem!reader it's bad enough your mission puts you under the spotlight, now you have to deal with your feelings for the scotsman too?
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𝓀𝓎𝓁𝑒 "𝑔𝒶𝓏" 𝑔𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒾𝒸𝓀
choose your flowers, carefully - gaz x childhood love!reader
faint whispers of flowers SERIES - as you bundled the wild array of periwinkles, daffodils, yellow tulips, marigolds, zinnias, and phlox, you couldn’t help but think how something so beautiful can also has its own language.
follow gaz and his childhood friend through life as they tell you their story with flowers.
part I - periwinkles and daffodils
part II - yellow tulips
part III - marigolds and zinnias
part IV - phlox
extra content
building blocks and alphabet letters - gaz x fem!reader (established relationship) you never would’ve thought you would be married and have a daughter with the boy who was eating toy blocks in daycare. but here you are, reassuring your toddler that going to school isn’t the end of the world.
an undercover beach episode - gaz x fem!reader (codename: genesis) you're always paired with gaz for undercover missions but this time your uniform is a pair of bathing suits
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modern day nightingale - gaz x gn!nurse!reader an injury lands gaz in your care but despite the unfortunate meeting, you find yourself in a budding relationship. however this isn’t a fairytale romance and ends when he’s discharged without a word :(
dumb and in love - gaz x gn!civ!reader kyle may be the smartest one on the field, he’s a little dense when it comes to realizing you’re in love with him
we're the widows - kyle "gaz" garrick x reader kyle's secret girlfriend has an undercover alias: the major of a secret task force of women soldiers  
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𝒶𝓁𝑒𝒿𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓇𝑜 𝓋𝒶𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓈
just the way you look tonight WIP - alejandro x afab!reader everyone thought you and alejandro would be married by now but alas you still don’t have a ring on your finger. however, after attending simon’s wedding, something changes for alejandro.
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𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓅 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓈
graves headcanons - phillip graves is two things 1. an asshole and 2. very american, here's some headcanons for this problematic man
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graves returns - graves x fem!reader you thought your husband was dead but now he's at your apartment after you were suppose to be off-the-grid
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medication mixup - 141 x reader the medic unknowingly prescribing you a penicillin has disastrous results due to your allergy
141’s dossier❤️ - see what the dossiers laswell gets at the end of mw 2019 looks like! + template
the scene life - 141 x fem!scene!reader with your eccentric style and love for raves, you show the 141 a peek into your life
running mascara PART I and PART II❤️ - 141 x fem!reader harsh words are said and you try your best to run away from the cause. however, everyone needs to face the issue eventually and now the 141 is left to pick up the pieces. initially part of my 1k celebration but i added a sequel as it was highly requested!
horror movie protagonist - 141, könig x gn!platonic!reader a common hazing ritual is to watch a gruesome horror movie but the 141 is a little put off when you watch it with a smile on your face
vidcon but uk edition - 141 x reader what would your life be with the 141 if you were a YouTuber?
tamer of dogs and men❤️ - simon "ghost" riley x vet!reader simon finds his heart in the army's vet captain
cabin fever - simon "ghost" riley x reader after a mission goes wrong, you and ghost are left to find warmth in a snowed out cabin
science and pheromones - simon "ghost" riley x male!reader the bunsen burner isn't the only thing that's heating up when you and ghost, your body guard, are left alone in the lab
a spice girl extra - 141 x reader when you show up at the pub, the boys are surprised at your choice of attire. it's like you walked out of the 2000's or something! PT II - when you take the boys to the club
an artist’s touch - 141 x platonic!reader how does the 141 react to you being an artist in your free time?
last name: riley❤️ - 141 (except ghost) x fem!reader flirtations and chaos ensues when you arrive on base and the 141 realizes your ghost’s cousin!
the final girl trope - 141 x gn!reader you have a past you keep hidden but once it comes to the surface, you entertain the 141 with your own horror movie plot
shutting down the patriarchy❤️ - 141 x gn!fem!reader after a long day, all you want to do is unwind but when two certain sergeants get in the way, you’re sure to shut them up
migraines and forehead kisses - 141 x fem!reader the 141 is willing to do the most for you when you come down with your frequent migraines
fear of small things - 141 x platonic!reader despite being a badass soldier, you have one enemy: insects
fit for a magazine cover - 141 x fem!reader all the eyes and cameras are on you when you walk the victoria secret fashion show runway
she's a rich girl - 141 x fem!reader you love to spoil the 141 and show them the more extravagant things in life
small bundle of fluff and joy❤️ - 141 x platonic!reader the 141 meets your tiny, furry companion
teratogenic injury❤️ - 141 x platonic!fem!reader when an injury takes you out, you're surprised to hear that you can no longer have children. the 141 is more surprised when you tell them it's a blessing in disguise
hacking with a grey hat - 141 x platonic!reader the 141 is at odds when they meet one of the most infamous hackers to date
a double life - 141 x fem!reader what happens when the 141 becomes a bit more patriotic in dating their CIA secret agent significant other?
mw2 x reader - my ongoing series of pairing y'all up and writing a short lil blurb about how you met and your relationship
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sixosix · 1 year
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“you look so pretty,” the stranger with twin moles murmurs, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
or, you met a detective once on an unexpected night; fate decides that it won’t be the last time
tags cw drunk character, POV meet-cute and he makes a fool out of himself but u want him anw, drunk heizou, pre-relationship, bff!kazuha
a/n wc 1500, wow this is the longest i’ve written this month!
next part
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inazuma wasn’t your first region of destination in mind when listing down vacation ideas. going on vacation wasn’t even on your to-do list—it has been that way for the past three years. 
“don’t be ashamed to ask. you know i would say yes,” yelan, your distant relative who is somewhat of a mentor to you, had told you herself when you briefly mentioned your plans.
yet as you trek through the dewy grass of chinju forest, you mourn all those years when you could’ve taken in inazuma’s sights much earlier when you needed it the most.
chinju forest is completely different from liyue harbor. it’s dim; the sun mysteriously never rises, and it’s filled with flowers—the same ones that glimmer so brightly that everything about the forest looks blue, overpowering the lanterns and candles spread throughout. and although it doesn’t feel like home, you wouldn’t mind spending a few months or so in here.
liyue harbor is always bright with splashes of color: bustling with merchants and tourists, with storytellers and friends you see on occasion. friends who wanted you to see the beauty of other places, too.
kazuha had let you in on his plan to return to inazuma for a bit to visit old friends—and since the traveler had worked the traveler magic on inazuma, too, it became safe enough for kazuha to invite you along with it.
it took some convincing and some restless nights of you imagining yelan saying no, but it turns out she is more than happy to send you off to another region, oceans away. says she could use one herself. and now here you are, freely exploring, taking in new, breathtaking sights, meeting new people, fawning over their food, realizing the world is much bigger than you thought.
and also stumbling into a drunk man tipping side-to-side as he weaves through the forest.
cautiously, you sneak behind a tree, watching the inebriated stranger walk like he’s about to twirl around, catch his own feet over his ankle, and fall face-first.
he looks young. if he were next to you in liyue they’d assume he’s exactly your age, with unruly hair and a short height. in the soft, blue glow of the forest’s fluorescent flowers, this stranger looks like the type of handsome you’ve read in books. soft, striking.
“who’s there?”
your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. for someone barely able to walk a straight line, he’s able to sense your presence the moment your breath hitched; a concealed disturbance in the air.
should you leave?
unfortunately, the thought that kazuha would want you to guide this vulnerable man back to the city torments your conscience. even if you’re oceans away, protecting people and keeping them safe is still your duty.
with a sigh, you step out from the shadows, catching the way the man takes your figure in with squinted eyes. you respond with an inquisitive expression, and he stumbles nearer.
“there…there are— are they still chasing…?” he asks, and you first notice how he has a mole under each eye.
“chasing you? are you a criminal?”
“what….” he looks around, head spinning so fast even you got a little dizzy. “criminal? where?” he garbles, looking as if he’s a second away from throwing up.
“no, i’m asking you— ugh, never mind. who’re you?” you hold him up by the arm, feeling merciful. his weight suddenly doubles as he leans over you, leaving you no choice but to pin him against the tree to keep him from falling.
“the name— i’m,” he manages to say, his words sticking together stubbornly. “shikanoin…sharpest, most successful—”
“okay, okay,” you exhale loudly, not understanding a thing, “let’s just go back.”
“who are… you?” he asks, spitting the last word out, trying to mimic your tone. it fails miserably. his eyes widen as if he sees you for the first time. “oh, wow… you’re pretty. wow. where did you come from? why are you holding me up like this? are you weird?”
baffled by the onslaught of questions, you can only blink at him incredulously. “i’m not a weirdo! i’m trying to help you. you’re drunk out of your mind. and alone!” how did he even get here?
“you look so pretty,” he murmurs instead, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
this is getting nowhere.
you pull away in favor of checking if the stranger has anything of use to you. all you can note is a sheathed jitte, a particularly revealing top, and an anemo vision. he wavers again with the loss of your support, resulting in you reflexively reaching out to hold onto the side of his torso. where it’s bare.
“you— you like what you see?” he slurs, and impressively strikes a million-dollar smile despite the droop of his eyes and flush on his face.
“not at all,” you lie. “let’s get back to the city.”
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you are, to be frank, tired and ready to slack off for the rest of the day, finding kazuha be damned. staying too long in chinju forest messed with your sense of time; you were expecting sunrise by the time you returned to the city, yet it had only just set.
( not to mention, on the entire way back, the stranger kept talking your ear off, going on and on about how extraordinary and young he is—how pretty you are and how mystified he is. you can guess what his role is here in inazuma judging from his jitte, though you hardly care about how his superiors belittle him and how he laughs in their faces when he solves cases they rip their “receding” hair off dealing with. )
men dressed in various shades of purple saw you dragging him and rushed over to you, crowding over and filling up the small circle with more stench of alcohol. they were all varying levels of drunk, which explains a lot of what happened to the one you met. one of them apologized profusely, though you weren’t listening at all, gaze caught on the way they dragged your stranger away, verbally assaulted with berating left and right.
they were holding him by the arms, looking too much like an apprehended criminal. all that you could think back to was the way he was staring intently at you, too, as if he can’t take his eyes off.
“he’s not usually like this.” the man apologizing is still talking, you faintly realize, zoning back in—yet your eyes never strayed, even as your stranger is far enough to be out of earshot. “he got too competitive.”
“it’s fine,” you say, clipped. “did he win?”
he blinks. “did he— sorry, what?”
“did he win?”
“...yes.” the man’s brows furrow, looking confused.
you bow in respect, smiling politely when your head tilts back up. “i’ll take my leave now, thank you.”
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two days later
kaedehara kazuha sits on a rock, watching the sun rise in silence that you quickly disrupt the moment you spot the mop of light hair. he turns his head curiously, having noticed you before you even spoke.
“kazuha!” you exclaim, picking up your pace. “kazuha, there you are. i couldn’t find you at all yesterday. you should’ve seen it—gorou showed me some good views of watatsumi island.”
“i apologize…” he says sheepishly, and to his credit, he does look guilty. “did you have fun? a friend caught wind of my return and whisked me away before i could warn you.”
you laugh, nudging your shoulder with his. “it’s alright. it’s what you’re here for, isn’t it?”
“how are you liking inazuma so far?” he asks, shifting to give you more space.
you try to think back to the beauty of watatsumi, gorou’s enthusiasm, and kokomi’s hospitality, but all you can think of is luminescent flowers and twin moles and your hands meeting a bare waist instead of fabric.
“i met this drunk guy in chinju forest. he was just really weird, though, no one worth worrying over,” you recount, pointedly leaving out other details. “i helped him get back in the city. reminds me of what i had to do to you and beidou.” 
“sounds eventful,” kazuha muses, hiding a smile behind a leaf he had snatched out of the air. “where did you leave him off?”
“some guys took him. his co-workers, maybe. hope he doesn’t get fired, poor guy.” you’re starting to not like kazuha’s stare, like he can see the images you’re getting in your head. swiftly, you change the topic back to him. “how about you? what were you doing yesterday?”
“well.” he clears his throat, straightening. hesitantly: “you see—and please, hear me out before you say anything—this friend of mine wants to meet you. urgently, in fact.”
“in a few hours, if possible, he said.”
kazuha should’ve started the conversation with that.
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a/n no way heizou fic No way...... no way!!! anyway this was actually rlly fun to write i love heizou so much i can only hope i do him justice in the next part where i have to write him in all his heizou glory </3 title is from ts song guess which one
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crunchcrunchteacakes · 11 months
I see many people speculating that just like Yuri unconscious Loid will call out Yor’s name, especially since Fiona disguise looks so much like Yor’s and she has been exhibiting Yor like strength in the recent chapters.
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It might just happen, the black hair and the way they frame the face the bag and the coat with buttons really look like Yor’s outdoor ensemble. Is Fiona subconsciously trying to look like Yor to make Loid fall for her or is she purposefully trying to emulate Yor’s disguise so that she can take Yor’s place in Operation Strix?
But also Winston Wheeler looks suspiciously like Twilight too, they even have the same mannerisms.
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And when I was reading the below panel it sort of felt like foreshadowing of Yor and Loid’s fight because of how much Wheeler and Fiona looked like Twiyor.
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Wheeler like Twilight is an extremely talented spy, calm under pressure, good with disguise and an resourceful agent. They both talk about not forming sentimental attachments and not investing into anything. Wheeler is a mole/double agent with no clear loyalties who seems to be a Spy for his own amusement as he is to sacred to trust anyone other then himself. Twilight to doesn’t trust anyone other then himself, he has a strong sense of responsibility in that it is his responsibility and his alone to make his mission successful. That makes him take his job very seriously by making his mission the most important thing in his life. They both will soon discover that it’s not weakness to depend on others. Twilight felt powerless as an orphan his childhood was filled with loneliness and without hope so that’s the way he chooses to live his adulthood to. Just like Yor found her motivation during the Cruise Arc, I think Loid will find it at the end of this arc to. What good would his abandoning of forger family be if it comes at the cost of making Anya cry?
Whereas Fiona, like Yor shows that Wheeler’s philosophy are wrong, emotions don’t make you weak but lend you strength, as strength can only be found when trying to protect someone other then yourself, by sacrificing yourself for the sake of another. Fiona sacrificed her limbs while Yor sacrificed her soul. Difference is while Fiona is selfish as her motivations are to gain Twilight’s affections , she has a dangerous obsession towards Twilight and will make sure to obtain him by any means necessary, like sabotage Operation Strix, no matter how Twilight himself will be affected in the end because the only thing she care about is her own feelings. Yor took on the role of both mother and father for Yuri, provided him with all the resources, support and love necessary to make him into a functional adult and this sacrifice came at the cost of her own childhood and innocence. But it is selfless and that’s why Yuri returns the affection in such magnitudes. Both Fiona and Yor need to learn to do things for themselves, Fiona needs to discover who she is apart from her obsession for Twilight. And Yor needs to learn value herself she needs to accept the love she readily gives others.
So I think Wheeler and Fiona are supposed to represent the dark side of Twiyor’s professions and extremes of their personalities. They are Loid and Yor if Loid and Yor didn’t have Nobel motivations of creating a world where children don’t cry or protecting Yuri’s carefree childhood. But at the same time Wheeler and Fiona represent what Loid and Yor would eventually become without having Anya of each other in their life.
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starryriize · 6 months
delulu thoughts | sungho
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a/n: happy new year !! here’s a lil something that i wrote for myself because sungho is just so perfect :( i hope you all enjoy this 🧚🏼‍♀️
ஐ he’s the type to splurge on you because he thinks you’re worth the whole world
ஐ bf!sungho who always puts you first :(( he’s the type to thinks ahead so best believe he’s planned out dates for you to go on!
ஐ bf!sungho who lets you sleep on his shoulders 🥹 it doesn’t matter where! if you wanna sleep, he will make sure you get the beauty sleep you need
ஐ like jaehyun, he’s memorized your favorite coffee!! he likes to bring you to new cafes and then post you on his insta!! 🫶🏼 absolute bf goals
ஐ bf!sungho who takes every. single. opportunity to flirt with you!! he’s a confident man and he knows his affect on you 😫
ஐ bf!sungho who loves to pinch your cheeks and calling you cute :((
ஐ probably gives the most gentle, yet passion filled kisses!! yk how they say your moles and imperfections are where your past lover kissed you? he’d kiss you EVERYWHERE omg practically worships you
ஐ 1000% teaches you to cook (bc if you’re like me, i should never be near a kitchen) he’s so patient with you too!! loves seeing your eyes sparkle as you eat the meals he makes 😌
ஐ loves listening to you drone on about your favorite pastimes! gives him time to admire you and truly appreciate the small details about you
ஐ thinks you’re the prettiest when you’ve just woken up! the way your hair is just all over the place…makes him want to spend forever with you!!
ஐ saves desserts for you!! esp when he’s at some event, he’ll bring home some petit fours or a cookie saying “oh yeah, i was thinking about you”
ஐ same goes for how he gets presents! he’s incredibly thoughtful so he’d be shopping with his friends and see something you’d mentioned needing- and he’ll buy it 🥹
ஐ LOVES your fit checks!! he’s the perfect bf so he’s never afraid to show you off and tell the world that you literally have perfect style 🫶🏼 hypes you up when you’re unsure of your outfit
ஐ in return, he’s genuinely so appreciative when you come and support him!! lowkey brags to his members like “see!! my s/o is supporting me 🥰”
ஐ an overall green forest!! would definitely dance with you even if there wasn’t any music! recreates his favorite kdrama scenes with you too (he secretly loves seeing you smile at his acting skills)
ஐ as he wears contacts, he gets so much relief when he gets home and takes the contacts out! so much more comfortable with glasses on and proceeds to lounge on the couch with you
ஐ 1000% will dry your hair for you even if you tell him that it’s okay to air dry😭 (he’s so perfect sighs)
ஐ at the end of the day, he secretly knows he’s going to end up marrying you and he’s already asked your parents !
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greensimp · 1 year
IF YOU UHM TAKE REQUESTS: could you do Gyutaro x extremely near-sighted s/o who refuses to wear glasses (only uses them occasionally) ?? I love your writing 🫂
Ayyy now there’s a handicap I actually have. Although I rarely take my lenses off, even when I sleep (if you wear glasses DO NOT DO THIS IT’S BAD FOR THEM). Thank you for this request, I was hoping I’d finally get one soon 😊.
Gyutaro With A Near-Sighted Reader
TW: foul language, trauma, implied/referenced bullying
A/N: reader is AFAB coded. I gave this one a lil "how you met" story before doing the headcannon stuff.
You hate wearing your lenses. In the past, you’d be relentlessly teased for having them. You’d be called an old lady, a freak, a defective, just about everything under the sun. When your father decided to sell you to the Kyogoku house, he refused to allow you to wear them as it would hinder your chances of being accepted as a courtesan. You didn’t want to be sold, but you didn’t have a choice. Your father’s farm had a bad year for crops, as a disease ravaged about 80% of them.
Without your lenses, you were a beauty in the eyes of the public. Most people didn’t recognize you from your childhood, as you looked very different without them on. Over the years, you’d grown to navigate your extremely blurry world somewhat gracefully, but you still had your difficulties.
And that’s when you caught the eye on him.
Daki hadn’t exactly noticed how you stumbled over dips in the floorboards that a normal person would have easily spotted, nor had she noticed how you used your arms to feel how close objects actually were to you. But he did. He noticed how you’d need to lower your face just a few inches from papers to read them. Had he been spying on you in your room to gain this little morsel of knowledge about you? Maybe. His interest had been piqued after all.
Near sighted young people were extremely rare at this point in history. He wanted to devour you. He wanted to see you as pathetic. He wanted to toy with your emotions.
While you were away at the markets one night, Gyutaro rummaged through your belongings. His suspicions of your defective eyes were confirmed as he revealed a pair of lenses in the very back of one of your drawers. Obviously, you had not used them for quite some time. The excitement he felt at this discovery gave him a sick pleasure as he knew what to do next.
He waited for you to return, standing in the darkest corner of your room. Once you entered and sat on your mat, exhausted from having to avoid bumping into everyone and everything in the bustling entertainment district, a low, terrifying giggle startled you, causing you to fall to your back with a squeak.
“Look at you. So helpless, Like a little mole rat.”
A wobbly male voice teased you from the corner. Your eyes shot toward the source, but the only thing you could make out was a dark amorphous figure shrouded in shadow.
“W-who a-are you? A c-customer? I’m sorry b-but I’m done with s-services for the night-“
The male giggled louder, cutting you off.
“What’s the matter? Can’t see me?”
Your breath caught in your throat.
Did he know? How could he know?!
“Of c-course I can’t! Y-You’re in the d-dark!”
Annoyance was bubbling through your fear. You’ve had some creepy clients, but this one was just plain rude.  
You couldn’t tell he was moving closer to you until a pair of glowing orange orbs began to come into focus.
“You sure it’s just the dark, sweetheart?”
The sickening tone he used for the name he gave you sent a shiver down your spine, but you remained still. Partially out of fear, partially out of indignance that this guy was invading your personal space.
“Just what d-do you think you’re doing? Stay back! I told you my room is closed for the night!”
This isn’t the first time a man has intruded on you. Most of the time when you’re firm enough, they tend to just scoff and leave, promising to complain to the house owners about your “behavior.” However, you were growing increasingly aware of the dangerous aura of the man that was now about 5 feet away from you. In the dim candlelight, you could finally make out a fuzzy green blob framing the orbs you noticed moments ago. Was that his head? Green is such an unusual hair color.
“I don’t think I wanna leave just yet. Not before I have some fun.”
Your heart sunk. He was right in front of you now, and you could finally see just how tall and imposing he was. There was no way you’d stand a chance against him. You thought about calling for the Oiran, who was merely a couple of doors down from you.
“Oh, I wouldn’t start screaming if I were you, hehe.”
He crouched, his blurry form still seemingly towering over you, but his face was becoming a bit clearer. If you squinted, you could even maybe make out some black markings inking out the sickly grey color of his skin.
“W-What do you w-want from me?!”
You tried to back away, but your body refused to cooperate with you. Then, a rectangular shape began swinging in front of your face.
“Why don’t you slip these on for me, girl? Take a good look at who you’re talking to.”
You recognized the case he was dangling in front of you. It was close enough to even make out the familiar patterns in the fabric. Your breathing became erratic as the traumatic memories that came with that case started to surface in your mind.
“G-Get that thing away from me!!! How did you find that?!”
You began cowering, but not from him. Your arms shielded your face as you expected a rock to be chucked your way like all those years ago. All those cruel, pretty girls that treated you like dirt because of those stupid, ugly things.
Confusion suddenly washed over him. He hadn’t expected such a visceral reaction from you. At least, not before you put the lenses on. He narrowed his eyes at your shrinking form, frowning, and hummed to himself.
Somehow, this was becoming a lot less fun.
“Y’know, I was expecting this after you put these on, you pathetic girl. The hell is wrong with you?”
His words made you pause.
“Wha-what do you mean?”
He growled, becoming frustrated. He brought his fingers to the opening of the pouch and fished out your lenses before shoving them your way.
“Put em’ on and find out.”
The sight of your lenses brought a tremble to your fingertips.
“I… I can’t”
He scowled and shook his hand up and down.
“Whaddya mean ya can’t?! Are ya stupid or somethin’?!”
You felt your eyes mist over at his words, causing you to wrench them shut and shake your head.
In mere moments, your hand flung through the air and knocked the lenses to the ground.
He just stared at you in disbelief, his hand still outstretched to you.
A string of broken sobs erupted from your lungs as you crouched forward.
“I can’t wear them! I can’t wear them!”
Your fist banged the ground.
“They turn me ugly!”
“They make me weak!”
“They make me defective!”
Right before your fist was about to make contact with the floor again, a large hand wrapped around your wrist and forcefully pulled you up to your feet.
You yelped in pain, but another hand covered your mouth.
“Listen here, girl. You have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. You got it pretty good, ya know. Look at your skin, not a blemish or scratch to be seen anywhere. Ya got pathetic men from all over the district wantin’ you every night. You’re a lucky one. And I’m gettin’ tired of your pathetic blubbering. Now.
As you struggled and grabbed at the arm that had your face in a vice grip, you felt something be forcefully slipped onto your face.
“Look at me.”
He let you go, causing you to tumble to the floor.
The second you opened your eyes, you gasped at the clarity of the room. Your eyes strained against the corrective properties of your lenses, having not been used to them after so many years of not wearing them.
Then, your gaze snapped to the man… no… thing towering above you. The crystal clear visage of his sickly body froze you in your place.
It all became clear to you now. His strength, his glowing eyes, his hair color…
He was a demon.
A demon here to eat you, no less.
You hadn’t realized he was talking to you until he spread his arms out wide, scowl evident on his face.
“… what? Got nothin’ to say?! What’s the matter, stupid girl?! Worm!”
You couldn’t pinpoint what exactly you were feeling in that moment, but it wasn’t fear. Something in his mannerisms, his tone, you just couldn’t detect the malice from before. He was frustrated, now. It was as though he was repeating lines from somewhere.
The only thing running through your mind…
Was that this was the most beautiful creature you have ever seen.
Perhaps it was the first clear image of someone you’d witnessed in four years, or the adrenaline high you were coming down from, or maybe just pure survival instinct, but you couldn’t help but just… stare.
You’d expected to be terrified of demons. And maybe you should be running as fast as you can right now.
He crouched in front of you with that angry scowl of his, now balling a handful of your hair in his hand and bringing his face right up to yours.
“Go on, wench. Tell me how ugly you are now. Tell me how defective you are now. TELL ME!”
He snapped, but you didn’t flinch away. You just stared into his eyes with your wide, glassy ones.
Then, before you even processed what you were doing, you brought a hand to his face and brushed a finger over the largest black splotch that ran over his cheeks and nose.
He felt time stop at your touch, his face falling into a confused frown.
“I see you.”
Your gentle voice, now free of fear and trauma, talked through him. His eyes widened.
Now it was his turn to shiver.
Letting go of your hair, he shot to his feet, a foreign surge of emotion jolting his spite and spreading throughout his chest and throat.
Not a trace of fear showed itself on your features like he’d expected it too. No. It was almost as though you were… liking what you were looking at.
Endearment if you will.
Before you could stop him, he bolted out of your room, now overloaded with conflicting feelings and no one to take it out on. He certainly wasn’t going to take them out on you. He needed to understand your mysteries. He needed to prove that no one on this planet was just naturally inclined to look at him like that. The world was cruel, and he deserves to take from it for how it’s treated him…
You’re just a common whore. You’re just like everyone else. He’ll prove it.
At least… that’s what he tells himself.
Headcannon time!!! Do with your little origin story what you will, now it’s time to skip to the fluffy stuff.
You still refuse to wear your lenses most of time.
Once you’d tell Gyutaro about your past trauma (probably after he’d start courting you), he’d understand, but would insist that you let him guide you around.
You’d become frustrated that he would demand such a thing, claiming that you’d managed all these years without his assistance, but the moment you saw his downtrodden face you quickly relented.
He didn’t know it himself, but Gyutaro’s urge to protect his sister from the world was also extending to you.
Once you’d discover that the Oiran was actually Gyutaro’s sister, you’d still be cautious around her, but now there was a sense of familiarity with her.
Daki would find out about your poor vision through her brother very quickly. She’d be confused and a little angry that Gyutaro would waste so much time on you but would relent to his desire for you. After all, he gets what he wants and vice versa.
She’ll behave and treat you like an acquaintance, but nothing more.
You never expected to fall for a demon. Hell, you were still kind of skeptical about their existence until Gyutaro came into your life. And yet you managed to catch the heart of one of the most dangerous demons in existence. All through just… seeing him.
Gyutaro is the only being in existence that you’d ever put your lenses on for.
On lonely, rainy nights in particular, when you miss him the most, you have your lenses ready at your side for when he comes to visit. And when you hear his faint “hello, sweetheart,” you excitedly slip your lenses on just to see him.
Gyutaro had to admit, he’d grown to love the look of you with your lenses on. The way your face lights up when you can truly see him gives him just the right rush of emotions to smile. Not a creepy, malicious smile. A genuine, happy grin.
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eddiesversion · 2 months
steddie as 'the tortured poets department' songs #1
so, i had some ideas while listening to ttpd... some songs just screamed steddie so i wrote some short stories! forgive any mistakes, it's 6am and i still haven't slept because my brain wouldn't stop working. hope someone likes it! ♡
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eddie grew up in hawkins; he only knows conservatism. father, mother, children, church on sundays, perfect family and shit. theoretically. he knows better. as an closet homossexual but active in hawkins' hidden community, he has seen some things, he knows things, and probably done a thing here and there but this is another level. wanting steve harrington, longing for steve harrington, loving steve harrington is another level.
you would think that being accused of murder, chased by an entire town, hunted by a psychopath from another dimension and be almost eaten by bats would be the most difficult challenge of a young man's but the reality is that nothing is more challenging than steve harrington and his damn tight shorts that he (fortunately) only wears at home when the party gathers at the harringtons' rich, private pool. it takes everything in eddie not to fly into those firm thighs and perfect ass of his friend (it's still surreal to refer to 'king steve' as a friend even months later... for several reasons) or to kiss all the freckles on his back. he's not religious but he prays every time he looks at steve to make it through another day without slipping up and confessing how much he loves every mole, every freckle, and how he would mark steve on each one of them to show those fuckers in this godforsaken town that no one would ever have the privilege of having this angel again because steve is his and eddie is completely, literally, 100% indisputably his forever and ever.
sometimes they flirt. i mean, he thinks they do. if steve isn't dodging his touches (and eddie touches him A LOT), laughing at eddie's -not always so good- jokes even when they're not high, or returning a flirting back as a joke, sometimes accompanied by pink cheeks or eye contact until steve looks away, is an indicator. if he doesn't overthink, he can really believe that these moments are real outside his head, in the real world. he can believe that when steve lays his head on his shoulder while they smoke in comfortable silence after a day of work and they just want to rest, or after they wake up from a nightmare and meet because they find comfort in each other and don't need to speak a word about it or when steve looks at his chest a little too much while applying sunscreen on pool afternoons, that steve wants him as much as he wants steve.
when eddie lays his head on the pillow, he knows how horrible it was to spend another day letting himself believe he'd have a chance with steve. the voices of the townspeople screaming in his head that it's obvious the town's freak would be queer and have a crush on hawkins' sweetheart with the most catholic upbringing possible, with a house, a perfect wife and children waiting for him in the future. could he be more pathetic? sometimes he touch himself despite this.
he comes thinking about the taste of steve's lips
the flavor that his neck's skin must have
the sounds he would make (and he has to admit that he pays a lot of attention to every little noise steve makes)
the twin scars they both have
how 'i love you' would sound in his voice
many nights he sleeps crying but this time the monster is scarier than any monster from the upside down. it's love.
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Nashira Headcannons | AC Mirage OC
I guess these technically aren't headcannons since I wrote this character, but you get what I mean. These are little details about Nashira that didn't make it into the final story. Plus, I hope it's something that'll hold y'all over till I finish some of those other drabbles. Enjoy!
Nashira is an Arabic name meaning “the lucky one” or “bearer of good news”. It’s also the Arabic name of a star in the Capricorn constellation. I like to think Khalid named her after a favorite constellation of his <3
Halah is an Arabic name for “the aura of light around the moon” 
I feel like Nashira would be the type to need glasses, but according to my research glasses weren’t invented yet in the 9th century. So Instead she uses a magnifying glass for words written in small print.
Nashira didn’t have many children to play with when she was younger so she mostly spent her days reading and playing with stray cats
I imagine she’d have a hard time relating to kids her own age. If other kids were talking about toys and games, Nashira wouldn’t really know what they were talking about. The same could be said when she’d talk about star charts and math equations.
She has a MASSIVE sweet tooth. Her favorite foods are candied fruits, namely dates. While her father spoils her with them (cause he likes them too tbh) he gets on to her about eating only snacks and not proper meals.
She’s 100% a grazer lol Who needs proper meals when you have studying to do, amirite? (AN: seriously though, you should try to eat proper meals especially if you’re studying. And drink lots of water!!!)
Nashira is notoriously messy and unorganized, as opposed to her father who is very neat and tidy. He gets on to her about not keeping her desk tidy only to clean it up for her anyway.
She’s one of those “I have a system and it works for me.” kind of people
I imagine her and Basim are the exact same age, whatever that is in the game lol. I know he’s 17 in the beginning of the game, so I imagine they’d meet at age 15 or 16
As for when Basim returns to Baghdad it’s not super clear how much time passes but I kind of just peg Basim and Nashira to be about 20-21 during the events of the game
One thing she liked about Basim is that he’s just as interested in learning more about the world around them as she is. She likes how he adds his own unique perspective on topics she’s only really discussed with people of a similar background to her.
Plus he’s kind of a “bad boy” and she thinks thats cool lol (teenagers amirite?)
Her most defining physical trait would be the many moles on her face, the biggest one being just above her left eyebrow. She’s always raising that eyebrow when she makes faces and I think that’s something Basim would adore haha
She raises a brow at him alot cause he’s always doing something cheeky
She doesn’t throw tantrums when she doesn’t get her way, but she will do a lot of huffing and puffing (as a kid she’d even stomp her foot if she’s really worked up). 
That's all I got so far. My ask box is open if y'all have any other questions about her or anything to do with my fic Star-Crossed. I'd be happy to answer as long as it's not something that'll show up in a drabble I'm writting lol
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in2thenewworld · 2 months
Hi! Can I get a matchup for Devil May Cry
I am female, she/her, 25 years old, bisexual, ENFP.
I am a very ambitious person that loves to learn new things, I am an artist by profession and finished 2 art schools. I am a big art history nerd and love to talk about artsy and philosophical things. I am very extrovert and love to meet new people, I love going out and taking long walks. My main hobbies are video games, writing, reading, watching anime and movies and lifting. I am very friendly, love hearing out other people and I always try to understand their side and how they feel. I am very sensitive and tend to easily get attached to people. Romance wise I struggle to show affection to my partner, however I show it trough gift giving rather than physical touch or trough words. Overall in relationships I am very communicative and will always bring up issues or understand if my partner has issues with me and I will try to fix them always.
Appearance: medium length red hair, a mole above my lip, chubby build and short, pale skin and hazel eyes, 5'2 (I am very short). What I seek in a partner is someone understanding of my issues, I suffer from BPD, anxiety, OCD and depression and it's essential for me to have a partner who is patient and can support me when it gets bad.
Heya!! Sorry it’s been a hot minute, I’ve been working on this gradually since I got the request I hope it’s to your liking c:
Here’s to striking up a new spark!
Matchup loading! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
your match is…
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* Trish admires your character. You’re ambitious, headstrong and well intentioned. There’s something about you that instantly draws her in, and then she can’t turn away. It’s not very often someone is able to catch her attention so much and so quickly. You’re already ticking her boxes with one conversation- although it’ll take a lot longer than one conversation if you want to truly crack her. It’s going to be a slow burn relationship.
* Direct communication is an absolute must for Trish, so you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t like to imply. She doesn’t like when she has to read what people mean when they say something else. If you want something, ask. If there’s a problem, speak up. She’s not going to take offence to that. She may come off intimidating to strangers, but her heart is good, and even better to those she loves most.
* Trish is calm and patient by nature, but will never overstep her boundaries. She can read you very well once you get close, and she’s not overly the mother type anyway- that’s a stereotype she’s not too fond of being read as. She’s just the perfect amount of caring. No more, no less.
* She’s always got sound advice. She can tell it like it is, but not so bluntly that an unwanted response will come off mean. She’s your rock, she’s here to support you. In return, you support her in her own times of need.
* You’re an extrovert? Now you have a scary dog! Congrats! When I tell you she would let the world BURN for you. If you want protective, you got it.
* Nico most definitely catches you staring at Trish and proceeds to make fun of you for it. Will call you guys things like “lovebirds” and what not.
* Trish has expensive taste and that includes when buying for her lover. Prepare to be spoiled with not only lavish but also the most well thought out gifts ever. And she absolutely adores and treasures anything you give her.
* Philosophical talks are a total go for Trish. She loves to hear you, you love to hear her. She can be quite mature and intellectual so having someone on her level to communicate with is the key.
* Trish can be quite witty, so even if she isn’t the loudest, she can totally gel with the extroverts.
* She uses your artistic talents to her and everyone else’s advantage- by which I mean you decorate the dmc office together because Dante refuses to have an eye for interior design.
* You’ll probably find yourself on a lot of far out missions with her, seeing, surveying and fighting in the new places the gang haven’t been to yet
* Bonus points if you know some background about the history of said place!
* You’re occasionally in charge of a group movie night now, and everyone adores it. Dmc family bonding time!
* Trish is the more affectionate one but she can read the room, so she knows when to lay off if need be.
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Could I request a matchup? For male and female companions?
I’m a young(Er) adult whose more of an introvert. I’m quite pale (not due to vampirism) but genetics. This and a condition called POTS makes me dislike extreme heat. (And extremely cold.) Things in the middle temperature wise is when I thrive. So I live for Fall and Spring. I have dark hair and lots of freckles and moles. Some of them are kind of big and embarrassing but most are in areas that are usually covered (stomach, upper thighs).
I enjoy reading books and writing stories. I also love baking, and I especially enjoy singing while I bake. I don’t sound super good but it’s more of a happy place thing than a performance thing.
I’m not very open, especially to strangers. I mean I’m really nice and try to be polite and friendly but I don’t really trust anyone. I’m always on the lookout for something bad to happen. I don’t know why I just am.
I enjoy being outside in nature but not with other people or large groups. Like concerts are NOT my thing lol. For me being outside is a reflection time for grounding myself away from the noise of the world.
However I am not an outdoorsy person. I do not enjoy camping. Or extreme hiking. I greatly enjoy my indoor plumbing and air conditioning m/heater.
Alignment wise I think I’m neutral good. Or chaotic good. Honestly it depends. Like if it’s an asshole boss or misogynistic government making the rules I say fuck em because they’re unjust. But at the same time I feel guilty jaywalking because it’s technically illegal and could potentially be dangerous/cause accidents.
I’m not very romantic but I do long for romance. I just think it has to be the right person at the right time for me to really open up. I move super slow even in friendships. And sex to me isn’t just a bodily function it’s way more meaningful. I can’t do one night stands. And for me to even consider having sex I would need to trust and respect the person and know they respect me in return.
I’ve been through ALOT of trauma in my life. Like way more than the average person which is probably why I’m so closed off and internally judgy of other ppl. I would really like a s/o who’s been through a few challenges of their own, so they’d “get” it in a way. I don’t really relate to people who’ve had easy happy lives. It just doesn’t compute to me lol.
So who do you think I’d be a good fit for??? (Both male and female companions please!! And thank you!!)
-🔴 Red circle nonnie
Okay, for you 🔴 Red Circle Anon, I’m thinking your companion matchups would be Gale (Male) and Karlach (Female)! 
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☸ Gale is a perfect companion for you! More of an introvert himself, Gale doesn’t always “get” social interaction, so he greatly appreciates your preference to mingle in smaller parties on occasion. He’s spent quite a lot of time in Waterdeep with just Tara his Tresym and his Mother, Mrs. Dekarios, so he is used to doing things on his own: reading and practicing spells and the like. He loves that you are into reading as well. Despite teasing from Tara, he thinks it’s a perfectly lovely date idea to sit near each other, reading your respective texts. 
And he greatly enjoys reading all the things you write, if you’re willing to share them. He finds it incredible how you can weave (ha, get it, weave?) such fantastical plots and emotions together. I mean he is a wizard, but he thinks his ability to influence the physical and astral world around him has nothing on the power behind your mighty quill. He also enjoys listening to your singing from the kitchen as he works on various potions and spells. He needs to hear it every so often, almost like how he needs to consume magical artifacts: it brings him peace and grounds him in a reality he vows he won’t let slip away. 
Gale adores your freckles, I mean adores. He probably has them all mapped out somewhere in his study. He loves trailing his finger from one to the other, especially when it makes you blush. Gale also has no issue using his magic to accommodate your need for milder temperatures due to your condition. Whether you need it cooler or warmer, he can use his hands to help you regulate your body temperature. And if that isn’t enough, he can conjure large amounts of ice or fire. Whatever you need, your wizard will get it for you! He makes a mental note to read every piece of literature on the subject he finds in his travels. He finds every part of you stunning, illness or moles be damned, and has no problems reminding you of that, as many times as it takes. 
He himself isn’t the most fond of roughing it so to speak, but he does love feeling the sun on his cheeks and the wind on his face. He especially enjoys taking walks with you, holding your hand as he over-explains the history of magic and its role in The Weave. 
He is very pleased that you’re a kind and courteous person like he is. His Mother raised him to be a respectful man and the idea of being with a partner who takes joy in unnecessary violence or revels in others' suffering makes him physically ill. He cares so much about others, as evidenced by his fear of hurting a large population should the orb in his chest explode. He cares that you care too. 
Contrary to you, however, Gale thinks himself a huge romantic. He perceives love often, even when it may not be there. It’s not that he’s desperate, it’s just that the “boring” parts people often think mean nothing, are the parts of a relationship that mean the most to him. The quiet. The parallel play. The kind words here and there. The interest in the other’s hobbies. That is love to him. That’s not to say he isn’t interested in sex, oh no. He quite enjoys the feeling of your bare skin on his, the sweaty tangle of your limbs, and the euphoria that comes with it. But, similar to you, he sees it as a joining of souls. (Quite literally if you agree to make love in the astral plane with him.) He worships you and you alone and wants to be worshiped in return. Please give him your undivided romantic attention- he thinks you’re such a wonder, he doubts whether he’s deserving of it at times. 
Gale may not show it often, at least not in ways people might think, but he’s endured a lot in his life as well. Despite holding up Mystra as this wonderful goddess, it becomes clearer how unstable their relationship (if you’d call it that) was. He was so wounded, he tried so hard to mend it and ended up planting a bomb in his chest trying to fix it. And then there’s the thing with the Mindflayers, sheesh. Talk about a tough break. It’s rough, but Gale is determined to keep going to fix it. He has to. For himself, and more importantly for you. 
Once both issues are addressed, and the current evils vanquished, he’d want more than nothing to settle down with you back home in Waterdeep. He’d love to introduce you to his Mother, and Tara (if you haven’t already met her). You are the love of his life. And he can’t wait to share the rest of it- the good and the bad- with you. 
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♨ You might think Karlach isn’t your best match, her being quite loud and outgoing, but you’d be wrong. The two of you are like this perfect balance of Yin and Yang- where she wants to dive in headfirst, you advise caution. Where she wants to swing first and ask questions later, you’d rather work out an agreement. The two of you often end up compromising on each of your extremes to find a happy middle that works well for the two of you. 
She does find it a bit frustrating that you don’t tolerate extreme heat very well, as it can make sleeping in the same bed difficult if the weather is already warm out. But she understands. When her internal engine is fixed, she’s certain her temperature will be much more tolerable to you. On the other hand, she’s incredibly proud that she can save you from freezing temperatures, should night ever be particularly cold or you two find yourselves deep in the Underdark. 
And she loves your moles. No, really, she thinks they’re the cutest little things! She’s a red tiefling who spent years watching every kind of soul and creature imaginable enter hell, but none compare to you and your many beauty marks. 
She’s not the most fond of sitting and reading for extended periods, but she loves it when you read aloud to her. She can sharpen and polish her weapons as you regal her with all the many stories you’ve written down over the years. She loves the imagined ones just as much as the real recorded ones. (She especially loves it when you include her in your stories, she finds it so flattering!) 
And she lives for your baking. As a Barbarian she’s almost always hungry. (Hey, a girl has gotta keep up that strength somehow!) She’s so glad you’re gifted in that department. Her attempts almost always end up resembling charcoal more than any sort of food. 
Despite having been forced to fight in hell, Karlach has the personality of a golden retriever. She loves most people and is pretty polite to those she meets. Of course, that doesn’t mean she’s not gonna challenge them to a fight, but she has the decency of mind to say a greeting first. So it’s safe to say she appreciates your good-naturedness as well. You are two peas in a pod that way. 
However, unlike you, Karlach loves a good loud and large gathering; she fits right in! She’s loud and large herself! But she knows you have a limit for those sorts of things, so she won’t drag you to too many of them. 
Alignment-wise, Karlach is the embodiment of chaotic good lol. She’s a Zariel Tiefling Barbarian with a heart of gold. 
She too can’t rush into physical romance, not because she doesn't want to, but due to her engine. When sex is potentially dangerous, you’re forced to rethink what romance and love mean to you. Karlach gets coming at it from a different point of view. And she has no problem waiting until you’re both safe and ready to be with each other in that way. She’s had her fair share of trauma as well. But whereas you claim to be closed off and judgy, it seemingly made her happy and wise. The two of you both underwent difficult times and developed your own unique trauma responses that just so happen to complement one another. Karlach may be saddened that happiness and joy don't come as easily to you as they do to her, but she’ll be damned if she didn’t try her hardest every day to bring those things to you. You’re the love of her life, after all.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
[News Story] 10:15am A Successful Operation - Lessons Learned Another time can talk about Israel’s current policy on Gaza, what’s right and wrong about it, but for now I want to focus on what we accomplished and what we exposed in this round of fighting in Operation Shield and Arrow. Speaking of which, I first want to point this out from 2 Melachim 19:32, as people were wondering why they didn't call it Operation Bow and Arrow, since it started on Lag B'Omer. "Assuredly, thus said the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: He shall not enter this city: He shall not shoot an  arrow  at it, Or advance upon it with a  shield, Or pile up a siege mound against it." That happened to be the Perek Yomi on the day the campaign started, in Project 929 – so either someone’s been learning their Tanach, or God has a funny sense of humor, or both. The most obvious accomplishment was the successful policy/strategy change of returning to targeted assassinations of senior terrorists – but this time with reduced concern for collateral damage relative to the increased value of the target and the threat to Israel. It can’t be overstated how important a change in both strategy and policy this is. With the Biden administration exerting so little influence in the Middle East these days and Biden’s ongoing boycott of Netanyahu, that might have been what allowed this to happen and caused a permanent loosening of the reins. Perhaps this is a next step towards being prepared to indiscriminately carpet bomb the enemy in response to them attempting to carpet bomb us. One can hope. While Islamic Jihad found itself in the position of having no choice but to replace their senior commanders every few hours in the midst of a war – or surrender, Israel sent an unequivocal message to Hamas that they’re going to have to start living in bunkers by themselves, like Hassan Nasrallah does, and even that won’t save them. We proved that Israel can find their terrorist leaders, no matter where they’re hiding. Like whack-a-mole, we might have to wait a bit, but we’ll get them. You can bet they’re scared. We exposed another Hamas weakness. Hamas was pushing hard for Islamic Jihad (who take orders from Iran) to accept the ceasefire. Why? Because Gaza was running out of fuel for their generators. And Hamas, when not in a war that they initiate, is now concerned about maintaining order and control on a day-to-day basis, and that includes keeping the electricity running. More confirmed leverage to us during conflict and non-conflict periods. Israel recently sold the David’s Sling anti-missile system to Finland for $345 million USD. David’s Sling has now been combat-tested and proved to be successful in real-world conditions. It’s value just jumped, and we have Iran and Islamic Jihad to thank for that. Some problems with Iron Dome were discovered and fixed.  Unfortunately, an elderly woman was killed when a (regular) rocket got through from the many hundreds of rockets shot at us, and a Gazan man working in Israel was killed by shrapnel from an Islamic Jihad rocket. It is clear we need the Iron Beam laser system up and running already for when the big war happens. And even the IAF pilots, which you have to admit, not everyone was 100% sure we could still trust and rely on, came through in the end. And that was also an important message sent to our enemies who definitely thought our pilots couldn’t be relied on anymore. We presumably learned more about the Iranian missiles they shot at us. While there was much criticism about letting Aviv Gefen run a live concert with tens of thousands of people in Tel Aviv while missiles were being launched at Tel Aviv… let’s face it, Israel was able to permit a live concert in Tel Aviv with tens of thousands of participants while rockets were literally being launched at Tel Aviv. Think about that for a moment and what that means. The last question is, are there lessons here for our upcoming battle with Hamas? In some ways it will just be a matter of scale when it comes to the number of missiles and their range. Though in other ways, Hamas is more serious, and they surely have other tactics and strategies in place that Islamic Jihad doesn’t – including underwater units which we didn’t see at all in this operation, drones, terror tunnels, fire balloons, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles, tank-traps, other stuff we can’t predict, and most seriously, a more established terror network in Judea and Samaria, so we would find ourselves simultaneously fighting on a second front. But on that last point, while it wasn’t discussed that much, the IDF was simultaneously running successful operations in Judea and Samaria during this operation and killed a number of terrorists there too, so our side clearly recognizes the linkage and has been preparing for it.
The Muqata
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eyesoverinfinity · 1 year
Reverse Treasure Hunter AU
This is an au where the survivors are a small group that steal artifacts from museums and return them to their country of origin.
They still get into big fights with greedy white men who have no regard for other people, they just recognize that if artifacts should go to a museum, it shouldn't automatically be a British or American one. Because they mostly steal from those.
They also deal with cursed artifacts a lot, so those ones don't go to a museum or country. They get destroyed or disposed off.
The western world call then morally grey at best, but the countries who get their artifacts back hail them as heroes.
They call themselves: Velum Temporis (Vay-loom temp-poar-is), latin for 'the veil of time'.
More under the cut:
All survivors go out into the field and do some heavy lifting. But a team doesn't work if they all do the same thing, so here are their induvial skills.
Coach: He is the leader of this group, He make sure everyone that everyone is doing their job and that the operation is running smoothly. He also makes sure people are taking care of themselves and that victories are celebrated with lots of food.
Rochelle: She studies the artifacts they are extracting. After all, not everything the group goes after is a random vase. She makes sure that the client is who they say they are, the artifact is what they say it is and if it's dangerous: how to destroy or contain it.
Nick: He is the groups spy and mole for when they need to infiltrate something more high tech then a museum. He uses his charisma and general con artist tactics to navigate his way to his goal. He likes getting to the artifact more then actually getting it, complaining that: "History is always so god-damn filthy." He's also good at cracking safes.
Ellis: He is the handyman of the group, and backup if someone gets put out of commission. He has knowledge on how to do the basis of each job and is a jack of all trades, except for research. He is too trusting to conduct a proper background check and knows it.
Bill: Bill is mostly there so these kids don't get themselves thrown in jail or shot. He teaches everyone hand to hand combat and how to fire a gun. He also volunteers to be the distraction a lot, using his old man status to talk with the staff for long periods of time, yell at guards for no discernible reason and pretends to have heart attacks.
Francis: Francis is muscle first and foremost, He also has connections with a lot of people that are willing to work with criminals. And are more trustworthy then Nicks connections. He is willing to put himself on the line to help his team.
Louis: He his a hacker and gadget maker. His creations and ability to break pass every security system put in front of him as made him the best hacker in the country. His work, when combined with Rochelle's, is the backbone of the whole operation.
Zoey: She is the one who does most of the actual stealing, she is given the info and gadgets that she needs and is sent in. She is flexible, crafty and great at improvising. For example, if she's caught outside of her target's building, she pretends to be drunk, works every time.
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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Slade Masters
Biographical information
Full Name: Slade Masters
Alias(es): Deathstar
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Deceased
Age: 73 (season 3)
Birth: 1943
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Shot five times - lungs, throat, head, and heart
Nationality: American
Origin: Nevada, USA
Botswana, Africa
Nevada, USA (formerly)
Hunting Instructor
Past profession(s): G.I.A. Agent
Moremi Game Reserve
G.I.A. (formerly)
Height: 6'0" Age: 73 (season 3) Weight: 240lbs Eyes: blue Blood: AB+
Hailing from Nevada, USA, Slade was a mercenary in his early seventies and was tall with a fit physique. He had blue eyes, short white hair on the sides, with the top half longer and combed to the right, and his tanned skin was riddled with scars and wrinkles. Slade wore light brown khaki shorts, a white t-shirt under a light-brown vest, dark brown hiking boots, and work gloves.
Slade was the victim of Star of Death.
He was an ex-G.I.A. Agent who left the agency when his secret mercenary life was discovered. He had secretly begun his illegal work in his late twenties after he started accepting bribes from criminals to "look the other way." His work quickly evolved, and soon he agreed to do dangerous missions for the galaxy's most wanted criminals.
One of these missions was from the Curator. Slade was hired to collect and return the Curator's prized hybrid, Goldie. Slade knew the mission would result in his double life being revealed, but he was tired of pretending to be the good guy and was ready to embrace his criminal life.
After successfully capturing Goldie and delivering it to the Curator, Slade joined the criminal underworld. He travelled the galaxy, causing mayhem wherever he went. He would do anything for the right price, from stealing to killing. He became renowned and feared for his work and relished in the spotlight.
But then the G.I.A. took down the illegal hybrid fighting circuit. And with the Curator going into hiding, Slade needed to become more careful, or in his case, paranoid. He evaded his ex-agency for decades, but as jobs became more scarce, he realized he couldn't run forever.
And so, Slade went to the one place he knew the G.I.A. would never think to look for him, Earth. He hid in plain sight and became a hunting instructor in Botswana under the disguise of being ex-military. But hunting animals for sport could not satisfy his bloodlust.
One day, Salde was approached by a member of an organization known as SOMBRA. The person told Slade of SOMBRA's mission to rid the world of the weak so that the strong would rule, and Slade saw this as the perfect opportunity to create a place where he would be revered for his work. He accepted the job offer and immediately began receiving orders for missions to carry out on SOMBRA's behalf.
Slade's most challenging mission for SOMBRA was to capture Bureau agent Fili Savage. According to SOMBRA's mole, Fili contained the secret to the original enhancement formula inside his DNA. With that formula, SOMBRA would be able to create an army of super soldiers who would help bring about the new age of humanity. Slade was surprised to learn that Fili was married to the hybrid Goldie, but he would enjoy torturing the hybrid by taking away its mate.
Capturing Fili was difficult as Slade didn't know what kind of species the blond was a defendant of, but he had fought enough plant-based aliens to know how to defeat the nature attacks. He took great satisfaction in beating Fili and took him to SOMBRA's secret island, where Metcalf could perform his tests and experiments.
Slade stayed on the island to assist in controlling Fili (now named Hemlock). He would punish the soldier when he misbehaved or when Hemlock needed a reminder of who he belonged to. He found the younger man's screams soothing and loved the little whimpers Hemlock made. All he needed was Goldie to torture beside its mate, and Slade would be a happy man.
When Salde learned that the Bureau had succeeded in saving Hemlock, he was pissed. He told Metcalf that sending Hemlock after the Bureau was a stupid idea, but the blue man hadn't listened to him! And now that Hemlock was under the protection of the Bureau and U.N.I.T, SOMBRA would never be able to get their hands on their soldier any time soon.
And so, Slade took on other missions for SOMBRA. While away on a mission, he would learn of Metcalf's death and the destruction of SOMBRA island. Slade wasn't surprised that Metcalf got himself killed, but he grew angrier at the Bureau for the loss of the island. He vowed to help the mole take them down from the inside and began plotting ways to take out Goldie.
But Salde would never get to see his plans get put into action. The G.I.A. discovered his presence on Earth, and he was executed while having his morning coffee. He had just milliseconds to feel a hand ripping his force field generator from his heart and caught sight of golden eyes shining in the morning light as the five bullets hit their targets.
Slade never saw the bullets coming, and he died before his body hit the ground.
G.I.A. (formerly)
Rank: Agent
Story Information
First appeared: Star of Death
His name is a combination of two characters: Slade Wilson (DC) and Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom)
His obsession with the word Jericho was inspired by Slade Wilson's son Joseph Wilson a.k.a. Jericho
He had a special device implanted in his heart after leaving the G.I.A. The device created a force field around his organs to protect them from harm
His alias and the title of the case he appeared in are a reference to the Death Star from Star Wars
He was Vuk's mentor
He enjoyed betting on illegal hybrid fights and visiting intergalactic brothels
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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