#When Christopher wears the color yellow
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Buck & Eddie: When Christopher Diaz wears a yellow shirt...
The color yellow represents energy, happiness and joy and while Christopher Diaz practically personifies all of those characteristics on a regular basis, every time he has worn that color in CANON, one of three things were being foreshadowed for Eddie. Either Eddie was preparing to deliver or going to receive bad news; he was in emotional, mental or physical pain; and/or he was preparing to face a time when he wouldn’t be able to hide the way he felt behind Christopher since Christopher was going to be away from home for more than a couple of days. Let’s review.
Christopher wore a yellow shirt in 3x1 “Kids Today” when Eddie took him to Buck’s loft.  No one could have predicted a Tsunami would happen but it did while Buck and Christopher were on the pier. Christopher’s shirt was noticeable and could be easily identified by Buck but once Christopher fell off the firetruck in 3x2 “Sink or Swim”, it became difficult for Buck to find him.  In 3x3 “The Searchers”, his yellow shirt had been covered by a red hoodie which prevented him from being recognized by anyone from the 118 even after the woman who had been carrying and caring for him boarded the mail truck that Chimney was driving to get the rest of the survivors to the hospital.  They were enroute to the V.A. Hospital which is where Buck was and that’s when Eddie saw him.  While Buck was telling Eddie that he lost Christopher, Eddie saw the woman carrying Christopher but his yellow shirt was still mostly covered by the hoodie.  Therefore Christopher was wearing a yellow shirt because Buck had to deliver bad news to Eddie that he lost Christopher and couldn’t find him which caused Eddie to experience some emotional pain but only for a few seconds.
Christopher wore a yellow sweatshirt with black dinosaurs all over it in 3x12 “Fools” during a conversation he had with Eddie.  They were discussing Christopher’s skateboarding incident that happened while he was at school. The bad news Eddie received during that conversation came directly from Christopher when he told Eddie that it was his idea to get on the skateboard when Eddie assumed the other child had pressured Christopher into doing it.  Also Christopher told Eddie that he lied to him when he said that he could do anything.  Eddie experienced some emotional hurt after Christopher said that he lied and he told Buck that made him feel like a failure.  Buck was the one who told Eddie that he was overcorrecting and they built Christopher an adaptable skateboard so that he could ride it at the park.
Christopher wore a yellow button-down shirt in 3x18 “What’s Next?” to May’s graduation party because he was preparing to go to Summer Camp for two weeks which meant Eddie would be left at home alone.  That was the first time they had been separated for more than a few hours since Eddie returned from Afghanistan; therefore Eddie had to face being on his own for the first time without having Christopher to hide behind.  Christopher made Eddie a card before he left and it said that Eddie was going to have a great time.
Christopher wore a yellow t-shirt in 5x3 “Desperate Measures” after the blackout ended because Eddie was preparing to deliver bad news to Ana.  He broke up with her because his heart wasn’t in it and even though he knew he had to do it; he also knew Christopher liked her which meant Christopher was going to be hurt after she left.
Christopher wore a yellow shirt with white sleeves in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” because Eddie was in emotional, mental and physical pain due to his breakdown. Christopher called Buck and once Buck arrived, Buck’s clothing furthered The Buckley-Diaz Family’s story.
In 5x13 Buck wore a blue t-shirt (the same color as Eddie’s couch) with a red button-down shirt on top of it. The blue shirt was significant because Buck was going home to take care of his family even though he still lives at the loft.  He wore similar clothing during the Tsunami from 3x1-3x2 but the difference is he had on a white t-shirt with a red button-down on top of it before the Tsunami hit.  Buck and Eddie had already built a family by the time Eddie had his breakdown which meant Buck was going home to be with his boys so that he could take care of them.  He did that and he stayed with Eddie and Christopher for several days until Eddie was feeling better. 
In the future, if Christopher is shown wearing a yellow shirt, then it’s likely that Eddie will be receiving or delivering bad news to someone, he could be facing a time period where he won’t be able to hide behind Christopher or the audience should be on alert because it’s likely that Eddie will be preparing to deal with something he’s not ready for or something he doesn’t want to deal with that will cause him emotional, mental or physical pain.
GIF 3x2 “Sink or Swim”
GIF 3x2 “Sink or Swim”
GIF 3x3 “The Searchers”
GIF 3x12 “Fools”
GIF 3x18 “What’s Next?”
GIF 3x18 “What’s Next?”
GIF 3x18 “What’s Next?”
GIF 3x18 “What’s Next?”
GIF 5x3 “Desperate Measures”
GIF 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”
GIF 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Welcome to Anna wants to write a color meta because she noticed Buck's shirt in 710 was blue.
Okay, so, a while back I was rewatching the tsunami arc, as one does, and I noticed the way that madney has "we want kids someday" conversation while wearing blue and red. That also happens to be the color combo bathena was wearing while Athena says they don't want more kids. That's also the color Buck and Eddie are wearing during the "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" or the scene where we establish that Chris is Buck's too.
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And I just thought to myself, huh, cool thing to add to the arc, and moved with my life, until I noticed the amount of blue and red surrounding henren's "we want more kids" arc because then it becomes a color combo about parenting, which is an interesting combo to have.
But using the rules I usually use, that everything is about every element of the scene, not just the clothes, they actually start establishing that during 218 when they decide on the IVF and it continues to be used through the IVF and into the fostering arc. Like when they are talking to Athena about the changes a new baby will bring in 304, when they get Nia in 311. And it's also an element during the Mara plot in season 7.
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There's also the way madney finds out they are pregnant in red and blue.
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But there are things like the blue and red elements in 516 when we get May calling Bobby her dad.
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Because the thing with the suspenders is that we are usually seeing the yellow part of them, even in other moments during mayday, the yellow bit is a lot more prominent, so they made the choice to put Bobby's like that, so he would have that blue and red on him.
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This got me thinking, because while I was making my buddie in every episode set for 303, I realized the way that Christopher's glasses work in a similar way. (Also, how many color theory moments can I use this scene in? Apparently all of them lol) Even the sirens and the way they give Buck a blue phone.
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And it's also interesting that Eddie is wearing blue and Buck gives him the glasses, so Buck doesn't have the red anymore, but we have the blue and red from the truck and the background, and then Chris himself becomes the red element and Buck's background is suddenly blue elements. There's also the way Eddie is holding blue gloves throughout the whole scene.
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And Chris continues to contribute to the color combo later because his glasses and crutches are red and his shirt has blue in it. His backpack is also blue.
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So, a very prominent color combo during the arc that establishes the co-parenting.
But I thought they kept the blue and red aspect during 710 just with Chris' backpack because I thought Buck's shirt was black. But his shirt is blue.
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So, yeah, they had Buck there as Eddie's co-parent. We knew that but... colors.
As always, if you read this, I love you.
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sweetracha · 1 year
Choose a Flavor
There are two versions of this story based on what experience you want to have. Will you be a good girl or a brat?
Flavor Selected: Brat
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT!)
Allergy Warning: Hard Dom Chan, Titles (Master and Daddy), Pet Names (Bunny, Baby, Doll, Etc), Dumb is used, Spanking, Denial, Overstim, Begging, Pet Play? (Name and Outfit more than Roleplay), Illusions to aftercare
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Here you are now standing in his playroom. It was perfect, everything you could have dreamed of and more. You had seen it once before when you were going over consent contracts. Chris wanted to make sure you felt comfortable in this space. He made love to you in the black silk bed that sat on the middle wall. He was so sweet, soft, and sensual in those moments. You wondered how he could ever be a dom.
Trying to drown out your busy mind you took in the sights. Christopher, or Bang Chan as you learned was his dom persona, had an eye for detail. The room was decorated with leather and silk, reminding you of the silk piece he had you wear tonight. Red lights colored the corners tastefully. Paddles and other impact gear were organized along the walls. Ropes were twisted neatly on the bedframe. A wand and some other toys were charging on the black wood nightstand. Finally, you took in the scent of the room. Sharp whiskey and leather filled your senses, a perfect match to Chan’s cologne. Being so lost in the art of it all, you didn’t hear the door close or footsteps behind you.
“Hello little bunny” Chris welcomed as he slide up behind you, gently wrapping a hand around your throat. “Are you ready to play little one?” you nodded in response.
“Words honey, don’t be a brat now” his grip tightened. 
“Yes Master” you meekly replied
“Good girl, here is how tonight is going to go. Every question I ask will be responded to verbally, Every order I give will be followed, and every word I say will be heard. Do this little bunny and Daddy will reward you greatly. If you fail to listen to me, however, you will be punished” His hand around your neck pulled you in close as he leaned into your ear and whispered “Hard”.
Tonight you were left with two choices. Be the good girl your dom wants you to be or have your fun and be a brat. Rewards or punishments were the ultimate questions. 
You picked to be a brat tonight
Chan spun you around so you were facing him, it didn’t matter if he had a shorter stature. Right now he towered over you. Leather-gloved hands came up to fix your pretty white bunny ears on top of your head. Christopher cooed at how innocent you looked in the dark space. He was going to have fun with you. Those same rough leather hands tilted your chin up to stare into his intense eyes.
“What are your safe words bunny?” You knew this was an important question to establish an answer but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Green for go, Yellow for slow down, and Red for stop…just like a traffic light” You rolled your eyes. “I thought even a soft dom like you would have known that.
You could see a fire in his eyes, he knew your games. His gentle hand became hash on your cheeks as he held your face. He lowered down to your level and got real close.
“Watch your tone brat, I won't repeat myself. Now what is my name tonight”
“Christopher but I guess because we are playing make-believe you are ‘Bang Chan’. How did you come up with such a clique porn name anyways” you mocked. The hand not occupying your face slithered to your roots. With a handful of hair, he yanked you back. Chris didn’t miss the way your eyes rolled as you let out a grunting moan.
“Fucking brat. Should have known you'd never be a good girl. But you know what princess? I know exactly how to tame you. At the end of the day, I know you just want to be my dumb little pet bunny.” He let go of your hair and made his way to the bed. The way he sat down on the edge made you realize just how massive his thighs were, if it was any other day you'd beg him to let you ride but not tonight.
“Come lay over daddy’s lap baby” he patted his slack-covered thigh.
“Oh what are you going to do, is the big daddy going to span–AH” You were cut off by Chan yanking you over his lap. Toes barely touched the wooden floor.
“Yes princess, master is going to do just that. He is going to spank your bratty little ass until it is bright red. I won’t make you count tonight, Im not sure your dumb little bunny mind can count that high” You were royally fucked and couldn’t have been more excited.
His first swat was light, almost to test the waters. When you didn’t show any signs of discomfort he swung again, harder. He continued his assault on your bum until you were wiggling in his lap. Moans were mixed with whines and huffs of air. He could get used to this.
“Look at these poor panties and babydoll daddy bought you, baby, they are getting ruined. Better take them off. Stand up. Now”
“Bunny, I suggest you turn around and face the wall right now and strip. I was going to let you off with only a few more but I see I need to teach you some manners, don't make this worse than it already will be”
You decided to do what he said for once tonight. Something about the venom that dripped from his words scared you a little. That familiar sub-fuzz began to overtake you. As you began to strip the silk babydoll gown you heard Chris moving in the background. He grabbed a few things and took his spot back on the bed. Like a king claiming his throne. 
“Back over my thigh princess, Im not done with you” This time you draped yourself over him.
He warmed up your now naked bottom which was already glowing a nice shade of red. Out of nowhere, he swung again. You could tell he was using his full force now. 
“I can’t believe you decided to be so disobedient tonight. I had so much planned for you but no, you had to be a brat. Now Daddy has to teach you how to be a good girl for him” he paused the rain of smacks to feel between your legs. “Awwww baby girl, so desperate now arent we” you moaned when he began to circle your clit. “So wet baby, probably being such a little brat because you were so uncomfortable” his digits now began to pump inside of you slowly. It wasn't enough to make you cum but it did keep you on edge. You whined and rutted your hips back in desperation. “Awwww shhhhh poor baby, I'm not done with you yet” and like that, he pulled out and spanked you with the same hand that pleasured you. He continued until you finally admitted defeat.
“Ouch, Daddy Im sorry! Please I'll be a good girl just please let me cum! I need you. I need master to touch me” You slumped in submission. Chan plunged his fingers back into your cunt and set a brutal pace. Moans and yells escaped your lungs are you were thrust into pure unimaginable pleasure. Just as Christopher felt you clench…
“Ask for it” he slowed down.
“What! Please No”
“Ask for permission to come babydoll”
“Please Master can I cum. PLEASE” you begged like your life was on the line.
“Fucking Cum” and with that you did. You spasmed on his lap as he finished you off. While he was still punishing you he wasn’t going to be too cruel. He helped you down from your high and gently laid you on the bed.
“Bunny, you took Daddy’s punishment so well. You did such a good job, Master is very proud. But it isn't quite done. Im going to wreck your sensitive little body one last time and you are going to take it” again with the faux comfort he was so good at. Just as you were going to get ready for him, he flipped you around.
“Oh, I forgot to mention. No looking at or touching Daddy. You are going to remain arched on all fours as I ruin you. And because I know my dumb little bunny can't follow any rules, Master will tie your wrists to the bed to help you” and he did just that. Black and white ropes were wrapped around your wrists and secured you to the bend. His leather hand slid down your back with pressure forcing you to arch. Then he slammed into you. He was done with teasing, done with making you beg, done with waiting. He needed his own pleasure. Chan was going to be selfish with your body. You were his after all, right?
He set an unrelenting pace that was backed by hard thrusts. Imediabity he found your g-spot and when you screamed out in pleasure he abused it with his tip. Too lost in how amazing you feel, Chan didn’t say much. The room was filled with moans, pants, grunts, and the occasional swear word. It wasn’t until you spoke up did he come back to reality.
“Can I come, Master?” Finally, you were being his sweet obedient girl.
“Yes bunny, come for Daddy” He followed his approval with long drawn out powerful thrusts, the kind he knew you liked. As you clamped down on him hard and came with a scream he filled you up. A howl-like moan left him and he emptied inside of you. Your poor body leaked from him. With two fingers we scooped his cum up and pushed it back inside you, mesmerized by the sight.
“Shhhhhh baby it's okay, we wouldn’t want to waste a drop now would we” he cooed with genuine care this time.
“No Daddy we wouldn’t,” you said with a sex-drunk giggle which eased his worries about being too hard on you.
“It’s okay now little one, I'm just Christopher right now bun” 
“Channie?” you slightly sat up with a sweet questioning expression on your face. He was going to marry you someday.
“Yes princess, Channie is here. Let's get you into a bath baby girl.”
Change Flavor?
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evanbuckleyrecs · 4 months
Buddie AUs under 20k words
And as promised a few months ago, here is also a list of AU recommendations under 20k words.
Just like my post earlier about 20k+ fics, this list was made in March when I was originally supposed to post it, but life got in the way
Anyway, show these fics some love :)
Pumpkin patch kinda love by browney3dgirl5
12,1K words, rated G
“How much longer dad?”
“I’m sure they’re almost ready. Why don’t you hang out with your friends until it’s time?”
Christopher frowned. “Can you go ask dad, please?”
Eddie would rather do anything else, thanks. But, when your kid was your world, and his big puppy dog eyes were looking up to you, well—he was only human.
Eddie gave Chris’ shoulder a squeeze before looking around, spotting what looked to be a teacher. Well, they had a clipboard in their hands at least.
Walking toward the teacher like person, Eddie stopped as he got closer, clearing his throat.
“Um, excuse me, are you one of the teachers?”
The teacher turned around to face him, Eddie suddenly a little short on words.
“Oh yea, hi. I uh, I’m Mr. Buck.”
Of course he was.
During the halloween season, Eddie is introduced to Christophers teacher, the one with pretty blue eyes that he just can’t seem to stop running into
Yellow is your color by tizniz
4,8K words, rated G
The 118 responds to a call about a man stuck in a slide.
But I'm out of my head by markofalover
2,7K, rated G
“Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” Eddie asks, because maybe the nitrous is wearing off, or—
“Marry me,” Buck answers, quick and serious, face completely void of a smile. Just—right to the point.
...or, Buck has a dislocated shoulder and Eddie’s going to quit his job, or something.
Write me into your happy ending... by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
16,7K, rated T
Four years ago when Eddie and Christopher started reading the book series about Daniel's Adventures together before bedtime, Eddie never would have guessed that he would run into the author of said book series in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in LA. He also wouldn't have guessed that said encounter would begin with him sternly lecturing the stranger and making a slight fool of himself. Nor would he have predicted that this terrible first impression would somehow make the published author want to give his phone number to Eddie.
Or, Eddie the firefighter and Buck the writer have a meet-cute, and things progress from there.
Stupid for you (you take my breath away) by prettyboybuckley
8,2K, rated E
"Officer, I need to report a crime," Buck says when he stops by one time, wearing a blue shirt that is quite literally fighting for its life. Eddie is surprised that none of the buttons have popped off yet.
He looks up with the most unimpressed look he can muster, raising an eyebrow as he waits for Buck to continue.
"Someone has stolen my heart."
OR: Eddie may or may not have a crush on the insanely hot firefighter who visits Athena at the precinct multiple times a week
Paw prints on your heart by elless
5,9K, Rated G
Buck runs a cat shelter, where he gets to save animals and make sure they go to loving homes. One day, an adorable little boy joins his volunteer team and changes Buck's life.
A touch of someone else (to save me from myself) by allyasavedtheday
19,3K, rated T
Of course, all of that comes to a grinding halt when he stops outside the locker room to find arguably one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen getting changed right by his locker.
He stands there, gaping and trying desperately to get his mind out of the gutter – but Jesus, those abs – when someone bumps his shoulder and he turns to find Hen sidling up to him.
“Enjoying the view?” she asks with a knowing smirk.
Buck raises an eyebrow, feeling the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk of his own. “He from B shift or something?”
Hen’s about to answer him when Bobby appears on his other side. “That’s Eddie Diaz, our new recruit.”
Buck’s brain does some approximation of a record scratch and he whirls around to face Bobby. “New recruit? Why?”
In which Eddie joins the 118 during season 1 instead of season 2 and Buck has a lot to say about it. AKA Eddie meets Buck 1.0.
Frequent flyer by whileyouresleeping
13,4K, rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer.
(Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
"How many fingers am I holding up" by Pansys_goth_gf
2,3K, rated M
Apollo speaks, and to Eddie’s utter delight his voice is low and smooth. “Hey, welcome back, Diaz. Eyes on me, okay? Tell me, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Eddie doesn’t even look for the fingers, or tries to count them. He manages to gently press one gloved hand to the God’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Or; Eddie is a professional boxer, gets hit, and falls (in more ways than one)
Break my heart (or bring it back to life) by MonsterRae1
11,2K, rated E
“Have you seen this?” Sophia asked him, handing him over her phone with a tik tok playing on repeat.
He was confused for a second, until the video started over and he saw Evan Buckley, the NFL player, talking about having gone to one of his last concerts, a smile spread across his face. He might or might have a little bit of a celebrity crush on the quarterback.
“I recently went to an Eddie Diaz concert!” The blond man was saying on the video, a smile on his face “I got a lot of friendship bracelets which was pretty cool!” He leaned back and showed the camera his wrist, wearing a handful of bracelets “I wanted to give one away to Eddie but, with uh, my number”
“Your player number or your phone number?” The interviewer asked, which made Buck wiggle his eyebrows and smirk.
“You know which one” Buck replied, his deep voice melting into a soft chuckle.
Or, Eddie Diaz is an international star, Buck is an NFL player with a crush on him, and after having one of his interviews go viral, they connect, opening a lot of new experiences for both of them, and leaving Eddie wishing that his life didn't make everyone's life so complicated.
Part 2 of this list will be posted soon!
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cevans-is-classic · 2 months
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18+ Only please.
Warnings: mild hospital scenes/ seizure descriptions, language, non-smut adult content.
Master Post
Chris Evans
Orange light stretches across the sky, bleeding over them, turning the world dusty red. It blinds him, straining his eyes. He didn’t have his sunglasses, and the burning orange had him blinking away zaps of light away.
He flips the visor down, blocking as much as he can. 
You shuffle next to him 
He checks and watches you pull your legs onto the seat, curling your hands beneath your chin to rest against the window. 
You’re not jerking, twisting with stunted gasps of breath trying to make their way into your lungs. 
You’re just there and If he hadn’t seen you blink; he’d assume you were asleep.
He steps out of the car, closing the door with a gentle push, and takes silent steps around to the passenger side. 
The pull into the driveway is smooth, gravel beneath his tires crunching until he pulled into the garage.
He waits until you move, stretching your legs, uncurling your arms to touch the side of your neck, then fiddle with the bracelet on your wrist.
You open the door, catching his hand when you struggle to lift yourself. You take a few steps towards the house, swaying on your feet. 
“Baby-” He reaches for you. 
“Chris-” He stops. “Let me walk into the house, please.” 
Chris steps back, keeping his hands ready in case your unsteady steps start to fumble. You made it up the two stairs and over the threshold before you need to grab the wall. He lunges forward, touching your elbow and curling his arm to slide it under your own and help.
“I’m okay.” You murmur, leaning into his touch.
He leaves his hand at your elbow, walking with you to the bedroom. You don’t have your bag and He’s not if you have any clothes here. 
“Do I still have a toothbrush here?” 
For a beat, you sit there, silent, staring at the hardwood floor with unblinking eyes. You're twisting the blanket beneath you. All crumpled up and tossed to the corner of the bed in a rush. He was sleeping, dead to the world when the phone started buzzing.
“Uh yeah, it’s in the bathroom. Let me-” You shake your head, holding out a hand for him to hold. 
The case it’s in is a garish tangerine color streaked with yellow lines; the first time you saw it you’d snorted and tossed it into the basket. 
Your steps are slow walking to the bathroom, less sure than in the garage. Chris moves out of the way to let you lean into the wall.
The bathroom is dark, and a towel is left on the sink. He bends down to reach under the sink to find your toothbrush.
Fall Risk.
Bracelets adorn your wrist, one black with a clasp, another white with your name and age and a yellow—a bright yellow one.
He stares at it while you brush your teeth, spit, and start over.
It moves up and down your wrist, twisting when you collect water in your palms.
“Um,” He jerks his gaze up, “Can I have some privacy?” 
The yellow bracelet glares at him. 
“I don’t-” 
“Christopher.” He stops, taking a shaky breath in before nodding and stepping into the hallway.
You don’t close the door completely, which helps ease his nerves.
He needs to find something for you to wear. 
The hospital gown has bloodstains on the collar, matching the ones he wiped off your neck. At the hospital, someone asked about getting you a new one, but Rae had stepped in. 
It took him a moment to realize he’d been the one to ask. 
He found a pair of shorts tucked into his drawer, wedged in the back like its hiding from him.
 Waiting for him 
Chris doesn’t know why he has it still.  
They’re soft in his hands when he grabs them, matching them with a pair of briefs and your favorite shirt.
Is purple and worn.
You wore anytime you were over. Slouch in it in the kitchen, the sleeves too long.
He doesn’t remember where it came from, just that he kept it so you could wear it. 
He checks the bedroom before the bathroom; sighing with relief that you’re sitting on the bed. 
You don’t react to it.
You’ve tucked your head forward, holding it in your hands, and tremors shake your frame. He can hear you counting into your hands, taking slow breaths to tame the tremors that roll into shivers.
Your shoulder jerks, a quick twitch that jars you.
Rae stood beside him, hand covering their mouth as a nurse tilts your head, and the gash along the base of your skull bleeds.
They’d held you down when you jerked off the bed, your hands bent back straight. You kept coming out of their hands as they eased onto your side.
They kept yelling down the hallway for help, padding the rails, pulling syringes. 
“I’m sorry,” Rae rushed out, “We don’t have anyone else, Chris, and the apartment-” He’d jumped in the car before realizing he was shirtless.
He should have been there. If he’d been there, you wouldn’t have fallen, you would have made it up the stairs—you wouldn’t be on the stairs.
Instead, he got a call, his phone buzz, buzz, buzzing again and again until he rolled over and picked it up.
One leg out, then the other, the shorts kicked away finally your top pulled up and over our head. 
“I have something you can change into.” The room is quiet, broken by the shushing of fabric over fabric.
Your legs shake while standing, but he let you do it yourself, stays where he is, and clenches his fists. 
They scatter along your left side, moving from hip to back in dark purple splotches. Your underwear is next, and you bend down to get them off, but you tumble forward. Catching yourself with a hand on the bed before he reacted.
He notices the spattering of hand shaped bruises under your arms over your ribs. The places the doctor pulled to get you up the bad. Where he squeezed to keep you on your side so they can keep shouting down the hallway and padding the rail over repeatedly.
You look small.
When you’re tucked in the blankets, Chris removes his shoes and slides in next to you.
You’re far away, dangling near the edge of the bed, you’re shivering still, quick tremors making your shoulders twitch and legs clench. 
He’s never seen you look small before.
“Could I, uh, would you be okay if-” 
“Hold me, Chris.” He does. 
You smell of antiseptic and paint thinner. He searches for what’s underneath it; the faint calming smell of you that reminds him of movie weekends and fingers in his hair. 
He’d stopped seeking comfort from in it long ago. 
Why had he?
“You’re allowed to touch me.”
“Oh.” He slips his arm under to help lean you closer to his chest, pulling you gently until he can cradle you in his arms. He makes sure they're wrapped around you carefully before he buries his nose in your hair.
There is product in it, the pomade you favor that smells like men’s cologne.  
He didn’t know he missed it. 
He didn’t think of it much it. Grew used to it in his nose and on his sheets.
It'd been apart of you then.
“Thank you for coming.” 
“No need to thank me.” Your body stiffens. 
“Thank you for this.” You handed his key back to him. 
Chris shrugged. “No need to thank me.”
“I didn’t think Rae would call you. Should have figured.” It’s not disparaging just a matter of fact.
He thinks about that sentence, about how Rae wouldn’t have apologized for calling a year ago.
They wouldn’t have needed to call him because you'd been right here, him holding you, watching you.
You sigh, “If the stairs hadn’t been there, I would have been fine.” 
It stays silent for a few moments until a low whisper breaks through.
He can’t hear what you’re saying no matter how close he getd. He tried to roll you closer but stops when you flinch.
He huffs, “We’re blaming stairs now?” 
Was it the stairs? 
Did you stumble, trying to climb them with paint cans in your hands? 
Maybe you were lifting them higher, getting a hand up to open the door, but the weight was too much. 
That sounds like you. 
“Better than blaming a disorder I didn’t ask for. The stairs make me sound clumsy. People think clumsy is cute.” 
“You’re cute without being clumsy.”
Silence again.
He grits his teeth. 
“I don’t want to get married.” You stepped away from him, “I told you this and you wanted to keep going.” 
“I thought you’d change your mind.” 
“You think I’m cute when I haven’t slept and have questionable stains on my clothes.” 
He chuckles. “I’m a man of refined taste.” 
You huff a laugh. 
When you’re done, your body sags, making it easy for him to move closer and press you tighter against his chest. 
It’s cut off by a sudden burst of tremors, not convulsion. He knows the difference now, but a set of tremors.
Chris hovers over you until they subside, his hand almost touching your arm dangling like an anvil. 
You let him. 
Your body relaxes into him, curving to fit.
He remembers laying like this for hours, holding you close; breath mingling until he can’t tell who is who.
You’d curled around each other, limbs tangled, fingers skimming along skin until there was no longer just him and just you. 
No end. 
His hand is over your chest, feeling your heart bear, the steady rhythm of it, how it keeps you alive, and the little skip. He used to lie awake at night and listen to it—after you’ve had an unpleasant episode, you’re worn out from work or resting after sex.
The room went quiet again.
He feels the unspoken words hanging in the air, his own sword of Damocles waiting over his head.
He’d listen.
You wiggle, hitching your knees until you’re comfortable then straightened them out. 
He buries his face in your hair, breathing you in, tasting you on his tongue. 
He hears birds waking up, calling out, reminding him how late it is, and how long they’d sat in the waiting room. It felt like hours after they kicked him and Rae out, even longer before Rae let him back in. 
The light between his curtains grows bright. A golden orange streak broke through to reach for him.
He feels suspended in time. 
It wasn’t long ago when this was an everyday occurrence.
He’d wake with the sun and your smile, lit from behind, or he’d go to bed with the moon disappearing behind the pull of curtains. You’d been the last thing he saw at night, dark closing in, the glint in your eyes fading until there was nothing at all.
“We could buy a cabin,” He brushed his nose along your neck, “You and me out in the mountains waking up to birds calling-” 
“Yeah, and wolves howling. Shush.” You kissed him, lips warm over his.
Chris knows he wanted to marry you then. 
He could see the cabin tucked into the trees, mountains around it, paths where you could go hiking with a kid on his back and another one running ahead. 
He wanted to start a family with you — build a life with you and now? 
Now he holds you closer, feels his eyes burn with tears and wonders if this is the last time you’ll be in his arms.
It feels final.
So did the last time he’d seen you. 
The curtains were open then. Storms had taken over the area, and rain was splattering the windows. He could feel the thunder shaking the house. Or was it the power of your shouting?
Loud footfalls of you two going around and around the house echos in his ear. Your words snapped back and forth like lightning. 
“I said it before, Chris. I said no, and now what? We talked about this!” You'd spun away from him, hand carding through your hair and pulling at it. 
That stopped you in your spot. 
Chris feels the ghost of anger rising, swelling in his chest, they'd escape from his throat so easily, “It’s been five fucking years. Five.”
Chris kept going, “Five years together, and I want to marry you! That’s not such an abstract idea. Is it me? Is it your fucking issues? Because, babe, I did the fucking work.”
That’s not what he meant, he thinks. What he wanted to shout was that it’s okay — that he doesn’t need to be married as long as he has you.
Instead, the words he choked dripped with venom, laced with poison vile that he spat in your face. And why? You’re both adults. In a relationship!
You don’t need to be married to be together. 
Only Chris wanted to be married. 
Chris wanted to be married to you. 
You turned back around, eyes red, lips swollen with your chin lifted in defiance.
Chris had seen you happy, saw you sad, wiped away tears from laughter and anger, and knew how wonderment looked with your smile. 
He’d never seen you heartbroken before that night.
Chris had reached for you, “Baby-”
The memory made his blood run cold. At the time, all he could think was he wanted to marry you. That he was furious, you didn't want to marry him.
“I don’t want to get married.” You stepped back, “I told you this, and you said it didn’t matter. That we were enough.” 
Even now, he feels the thump his of his hand hitting his thigh.
Remembers the cabin, the kids, the life he sees every night disappear before his eyes. 
His stomach sours.
His mind had buzzed and the words tumbled forward, a truth he’d been terrified to admit, “I thought you’d change your mind.” 
He asked if you would find your own place. 
Rae helped pick your stuff up a few days later.
You hadn’t looked at him the whole time you were there.
Simply handed Rae things, shoved stuff into boxes, and moved from room to room until there was nothing left.
“Yes.” Rae answered for you, loaded the last box into the truck, “Their sister’s old place. We’re fixing it up.” 
He'd followed you out to the truck, trying to ask you to stop, to talk, to figure this out, but the words catch in his chest. 
With shakinh hand you'd held his keys out to him, “Thank you.” 
He felt his mouth open with words that, even now, he didn't have.
Instead he'd shrugged, “No need to thank me.”
You had turned to look at him after jumping into the cab. Your eyes stayed on his and he still thinks about how steady you looked.
Negotiation was a must between the two of you, comprise, two different people trying to coexist — you’d mastered meeting in the middle. 
A year later, with you wrapped in his arms and Ativan dragging you into a deep sleep, he wonders how he could give you up over one thing.
One thing.
You wanted to get another cat, but Chris likes dogs more, so you met in the middle and bought a plant.
Chris hated sleeping at your apartment so you stopped, coming to his place instead.
You moved in with him when you hadn't been sure.
That’d be an argument, trying to find a go between until landing on watching yours and Rae’s routine after a cluster episode occured.
Chris learned your medicine, your doctors. He had his name engraved next to Rae’s on your bracelet. 
“Chris.” He hums. 
You roll in his arms until your face is pressing into his chest. He looks at your eyebrow twitching, nose scrunching until swipe your nose side to side on his shirt.
His heart twists. 
“I know you said not to thank you, but I am grateful. You didn’t have to agree to supervise me this weekend.” Your voice is slow, soft, air warming the collar of his shirt. 
“You don’t-” 
“I know.” You look up at him, “I’m doing it, anyway. I love you, Chris. I will always love you. You didn’t have to help, but you did and you deserve to be thanked, okay.”
Nothing about any of this is okay. 
Your eyes watch him, flitting back and forth. 
There’s a string between you, tied around your heart tangling with his. He could run away as far and as fast as he wants and it’ll tighten instead of snapping.
He’d feel you in his chest, in his body, in his mind until the birds stop singing and dawn doesn’t break.
You aren’t tense, aren’t angry, there is no judgement or expectation to be had.
All he sees is—Understanding. 
“I love you.” He should have said that, screamed that until you came back.
Your lips feel warm over his, fingers strong in his hair. 
His arms fit around you, built to hold you, made to belong to you. 
He follows when you pull away.
“Get some sleep, Chris.”
It's been a while since I've written anything with Chris but I woke up this morning and had 2900 words in my head.
This is therapeutic to be honest. I've had a rough few weeks and I needed to write some angst with some softness.
I hope you enjoy!!
Also, @everytimeyousaygoodbye here you go baby
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atomsminecraft · 7 months
I remember reading that if someone is powerful enough, they can change the form of their familiar
Imagine if MC did that with Robin and turned him human
Robin, from my knowledge and research, looks around 1-6 years old, which is around 28-40 in human years
We also know that Robin was there for MC when her parents died
I suspect Robin might be around 30 in human years, or almost 3 years old. He might possibly be older tho
Considering Robin has magic inside him tho he will likely now age a lot slower
I’m gonna try and be realistic and say that the smaller the change, the easier it will be to do
And so Robin is made to look like a child
Maybe slightly younger then Christoph
Christoph gets a playmate lol
Just imagine it
A young child, around the ages of 9-11 with fluffy black hair and cat ears, cat tail, and wings with yellow eyes different enough that he would not be described as Invidian and a red crystal on his forehead
He would wear something like black shoes and socks with black shorts, long sleeved white shirt, and a black vest and a red bow tie
Tell me that isn’t what a human Robin would look like
He just follows MC around, holding onto her clothes so he can easily follow her or he’s in MC’s arms
If he was made an adult tho he’d probably wear a similar outfit but with longer pants
But for this we’re imagining Robin in child form, because he is my son
He would spend time with my second son, Christoph
Both my sons spending time together ☺️
“What kingdom are you from? I don’t recognize your eye color.”
“I’m a familiar”
“You’re a WHAT?!”
The amount of magic needed to change Robin to that extent must be crazy
I would still wanna do it lol
Turning him back into a cat or child at will
Robin can now take classes with me 😮
He would be absolutely adorable
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definitionsfading · 2 years
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<puts tinfoil hat on> at this point my youtube algorithm just throws these videos at me, okay, but I was watching ANOTHER bullet train press interview and paused when I saw how similar Aaron and Brian’s necklaces look upon first sight despite being different colors of gold 
looking into it further, they both wore these pendants around the world during the press tour, on multiple occasions, relatively often. second photo above: here they are again in the same necklaces, different styling. 
at first I was Freaking Out because I was like there’s no fucking way they’re both wearing the saint christopher necklace, one in yellow gold and one in white gold. there is no way; I’d pass away on the spot. but it’s far easier to find super high-def photos of Aaron in this particular necklace, and if you look closely you can see the medallion is made up of two faces (presumably, his biological children?);
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BUT THEN YOU LOOK AT BRIAN’S NECKLACE. and it’s hard to make out, I’ll give you that much, but it is...also a face. just one face, this time, in profile. 
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I’m so intrigued by this. it could just be a coincidence and ATJ’s necklace is his kids, yeah, and Brian’s is like a stylized coin of some kind, yeah. but if anybody is able to find clearer photos of both I’d love to see them. jewelry and its sentimentality and meaning fascinates me at the base level and then you throw these two in the pot and I’m cooking
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smalife1234 · 19 days
Hey everyone! It's September 1st! Meaning it's SCI (spinal cord injury) awareness month! It is also my 3rd SCI anniversary and Luz's 1st SCI anniversary! It has been a hell of a ride and we cannot wait to start something that I've been looking forward to! Since it is spinal cord injury awareness month and it is such an amazing month for those with spinal cord injuries, I decided every week of September, I will post an educational fact about spinal cord injuries!
You may have thought why doc? Well, since spinal cord injuries are life-altering and need lots of awareness, I decided why not spread information! On the topic!
To start I will talk about what is a spinal cord injury and what is the worst spinal cord injury to get!
What is a spinal cord injury?
To answer that a spinal cord injury is when your spinal cord gets injured from a severe incident or a fall or diving (many reasons really) but what most people do not know is that spinal cord injuries not only take the person's ability to walk (which is typically shown in most shows) but it can take arm function and leg function and cause a whole host of problems! But those will be mentioned later! Spinal cord injuries and the function you regain are all based on the severity of the injury. Now that gets us to the next question! What's the worst spinal cord injury to get? Well, by standard definition, a C1 - C2 spinal cord injury is the worst one to get since it controls a lot of vital functions, but the cervical region of the neck is usually the worst area to get a spinal cord injury in! Because any cervical injury leaves you a Quadriplegic! A Quadriplegic is someone who has no to little use/paralysis of their 4 limbs. Now, when most people hear the word Quadriplegic, they automatically go to Christopher Reeves (who was a fellow Quadriplegic), but not all Quadriplegics get to that level! (It is still possible) But many have arm functions, and they can use some of their functions to live somewhat independently! All Quadriplegics don't have core function (as far as I know), but some end up walking! So everyone's spinal cord injury is different! For me, I am a C3 - C4 - C5 - T1 complete Quadriplegic, so it has taken a lot of function for me. I use a tracheostomy to breathe and only have 10% breathing ability! I have top-hand sensation and half-thumb sensation & movement!! That took many months/ a year to regain! I have complete sensation from my tracheostomy hole up! So that's fun, so, like again, every injury is very different! Luz, however, is a T10 - T11 - T12 complete paraplegic who struggles with standing. She still has not walked yet but she is trying hours of therapy and rehab to hopefully even gain sensation in her legs! She deals with severe back pain and has to take injections to help her back pain. Her back pain can happen from anything to needing a weight shift or doing too much work on her back, and she has no sensation from her belly button down. It has taken many years to get where we are today! But that's it for the first out of 4 SCI awareness! Post! Please stick around! Thanks for reading!
Img desc #1: doc is seen in the pool with a big yellow float around her neck she is giving the camera a big smile as her Atrophied arms are floating about in the pool!
Img desc #2: doc is seen in a doctor's office while her wrist is stretched out on a white splint she is smiling slightly. These splints are put in place because of her wrist atrophying.
Img desc #3: shows Doc in her house with a mirror behind her. She is giving a wide smile, and she is sitting in her electric wheelchair with large wrist splints on and a bottle of wine in between her arms. She is wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt and beige-colored shorts.
Img desc #4: doc is seen on a bus smiling wide-eyed at the camera. She is seen wearing a blue hat and a pink short-sleeved shirt. She is seen looking very sweaty! (From a spray bottle since she can't sweat very well)
Img desc #5: doc is seen laying on a white blanket and pillow. She is turned to her left side while wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and beige-colored shorts. Her Atrophied arms are crossed against her chest. She is smiling near a white dog.
Img desc #6: doc is seen in a professionally taken photo. In that photo, doc is giving a stern yet a passionate look into the camera. She is wearing a black short-sleeved buttoned shirt, her hair is neatly combed, and she is wearing a pair of thin grey glasses. there is a grey filter over the image.
Img desc #7: doc is seen smiling into the camera. She is in her electric wheelchair. She is wearing a black short-sleeved buttoned shirt and black skinny jeans. This photo is professionally taken while Doc smiles into the camera as her Atrophied hands are resting on the joystick of her electric wheelchair. She is wearing a pair of thin metal glasses!
Img desc #8: doc is seen in a professionally taken photo. She is seen in her electric wheelchair while wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans. She is staring into the camera while wearing a pair of thin metal glasses! Her atrophied arms are resting on the joystick of her electric wheelchair.
Img desc #9: doc is seen passionately staring at Emmie with a loving look in her eyes. She is about to kiss Emmie. As Emmie's hand caresses the side of her face (these photos were taken when Emmie was abled-bodied), doc is wearing a black short-sleeved shirt. The photo is matched with a grey filter.
Img desc #10: Luz is seen near her wheelchair, Luz is standing with the aid of her wheelchair and her vitamin water near her foot is a catheter collection bag and a chux pad Luz is wearing a green short-sleeved jacket over her white tucked-in shirt paired with beige colored shorts and purple orthotic braces she is smiling at the camera while standing up against her pink frame manual wheelchair.
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rrcenic · 1 year
hey you guys should read the winnie the pooh/bee movie (with a camp camp reference because i was a basic bitch) short horror story i wrote in 7th grade
cw for blood, violence, substance abuse, addiction, and overall gore/horror
Morning dawned on the little cottage in the Hundred Acre Wood. The little yellow furry yawned, stretched his legs, and slowly waddled to his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw Winnie the Pooh, an innocent little bear.
Well, at least, he used to be an innocent little bear.
It had been 6 years since Christopher Robin left for boarding school.
6 years since the honey addiction started.
6 years since he started trying to find his father.
8 months ago, Owl’s black market trade of honey smuggled in from America had gone dry. Apparently, the bees had revolted against the honey companies. But Pooh had enough. 
Until he didn't.
Honey substitutes kept him sane, but they weren't enough. He had psychotic breakdowns, he was shaky, unstable. And worst of all: Christopher Robin never responded to his texts.
Piglet couldn't take it anymore. He did some digging online and found records of possible families. He gave Pooh the address of an investigation bureau. 
So he traveled to America, with a note to the office. But at this point he’d given up on finding his family. He now had one goal in mind: 
Find honey
Pooh pulled his black hoodie over his head as he jumped out of the white van. He quickly clipped the barbed wires and snuck into the abandoned honey farm. Sneaking in was highly illegal, and just the slightest creak made 
Pooh jump. He took a deep breath and kept walking.
The abandoned hives had started to decay, the honey had rotted and turned red. In this lighting, Pooh could have sworn it looked like...blood… 
No! he thought, It's just my imagination… 
He stopped, and sniffed, his little black nose sticking tentatively out of his hood, his yellow snout scrunched up...did he smell what he thought he smelled?
Pooh ran towards the hive, forgetting about the idea of staying secret. Sweet, sweet honey! He began to shovel it into his mouth, when he heard a small voice.
“Hey! Don't you know the laws!” shouted a bee, standing there with his arms crossed.
“It's just a little honey!” Pooh pouted.
“If you take another mouthful of that honey, you will forever pay the consequences!” the bee continued. “You’ll face the wrath of me, Barry B. Benso-”
Pooh had run out of patience. He quickly stomped on the bee and continued eating, convinced that the bee was dead and he wouldn't be bothered again. He scampered over to another hive.
Behind him, Barry’s hand twitched.
When he was full, he filled his van with as many jars of honey as possible. Pooh knew he had to get out of there fast, so while he left, he didn't pay attention to the 25 mph speed limit sign, and was half-an-hour away from the old farm when he first heard the police sirens. He sighed and pulled over.
However, the police officer immediately noticed the sticky red stuff on his yellow paws. “And one more question,” the officer asked after Pooh received the ticket. “What is that?”
Pooh panicked. Honey was illegal now, and he didn't want to be put in jail. “Uhhhh, corn syrup?” he cringed.
“Oh, really?” the officer scoffed. “It looks suspiciously like... blood.”
“It's not! I swear!” Pooh shouted.
The officer grabbed his paw. “Wait, is this honey?”
Pooh hit the gas
He quickly found a place to sleep. A dingy motel, the color of mildew, that smelled like wet socks. Pooh was so tired from the police chase and the jet lag, and the honey effects were starting to wear off. Pooh sighed and rolled over. He tried to sleep, but a little scratching noise on the wall kept him awake. Eventually, he sighed, took a swig of honey, and stood up.
“What is that noise?” he asked. Pooh looked over to the small, dirty window. It was open, and there was a hole in the bug screen. Small enough for a bee to fit in...
I'm just paranoid, he assured himself. Barry is dead. I killed him...didn't I?
“You didn't do a good job of it.” a buzzing whisper echoed around the room. 
“Barry?! How are you alive! How do you know what I'm thinking?!” Pooh screeched.
“Oh Pooh, I was never alive. I’m not a normal bee.” Barry smiled a crooked, dead smile. “And you’ve destroyed my mortal body and taken my bee syrup. I'm here for revenge.”
“B-b-but where are you?” Pooh whimpered.
“We are right outside your window” the voice responded.
We? Pooh though. But he’s only one bee...
Pooh looked outside and let out a shriek.
Swarms of bees crowded around his small window. And they looked intent on revenge. Pooh quickly hid the jar behind his back and slammed the window.
Two hours had passed and Pooh was still cowering in his room. Sure, he had stolen some honey. Sure, he had squished the lead bee. But how did Barry get here so fast? Who were the other bees? Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him.
Pooh cracked the window. “Uhm, so sorry to bother you, but...who are you?” he whispered cautiously.
“We are Barry B. Benson, the reincarnation of every bee you’ve ever stolen honey from, and we are here to make sure it never happens again. Barry NEVER forgets. In fact, we are already on the path to vengeance.” the bees screeched in unison. 
“What-what have you done?” Pooh whimpered.
Barry smiled. “Why do you think Christopher Robin won't  talk to you?”
“H-he’s at school, he may have forgotten-”
The bees began to cackle as Barry held up a rotted head. Pooh’s vision clouded. No, no, no- 
He was paralized by the indescribable sight.
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(authors note: i edited this at age 12 im sorry)
Pooh ran.
The flight back is in 20 minutes, Pooh told himself. I’ll be fine, it'll be fine. He had all of his honey hidden under his fur coat, which blended in with his fuzzy yellow figure. As soon as he could see the JFK check-in, he slammed on the breaks and ran for it. Through check-in, through security, through international customs, and to Gate 1B of British Airways. The stewardess offered him a cup of coffee. He panicked and threw it back at her, covering her in boiling liquid and mumbling something about wanting tea. The seatbelt signs came on, and Pooh relaxed. He was safe now, there was no way Barry could find him here.
On the back of the plane, a woman asked the grumpy stewardess why there were thousands of bees outside her window.
Cameron Campbell was not your average man. He’d had several crumbling careers, including a failed fast-food chain called McCampbells, a Russian honey-smuggling business, a mini war with Kentucky, and a summer camp. But he’d spent his time in jail towards becoming a better person, and was ready for his first day as a co-pilot. His partner had gone to use the bathroom and left him steering the plane. He smiled, his grey mustache shining in the sun, and turned on the speaker. 
“This is your captain speaking. We’re currently passing over the Atlantic Ocean. That island you can see in the distance is-” 
He was momentarily distracted by a half-decomposed bee holding an ax above his head. Cameron dropped the speaker and screamed. “WHAT?! WHO ARE YOU- PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, PLEASE-”
With the speed of a bullet, it lodged itself deep into Cameron’s eye. With one last scream, his body went limp. Barry B. Beson was deep in Cameron’s brain. Barry concentrated hard, and bees swarmed Cameron’s eyes. Barry was now in complete control. Cameron’s body smiled and steered straight down, towards the ocean.
“We apologize for the noise and turbulence. Please remain calm. Everything will be fine.” 
He clicked off the microphone and locked the cockpit door.
Pooh knew what had happened. He didn't know how it had happened, but he knew that voice. Barry had found him. Pooh ran as fast as he could, but he knew it was pointless. He was trapped. 
The bees began to swarm throughout the plane, attacking the other passengers. Pooh hid under a seat, in an empty dog cage. The buzzing suddenly stopped. Pooh looked up. 
There were people sprawled everywhere, covered in stinger scratches and dripping with red. Pooh tried not to vomit at the sight. A small child stirred. Pooh ran over, trying to see if he was alive. 
“H-hello? Are you quite well?” he whispered.
The child turned around. In her empty eyes, Pooh could see the familiar glare of Barry B. Benson. 
“Oh, I feel just nifty, Winnie benson.” it creaked softly. 
“B-Benson? What?” Pooh stuttered.
“That's right, pooh. Why do you think you like honey so much? It runs   in the family.” Barry’s voice echoed.
In a way, Pooh realized he’d succeeded. He’d found his father. But all these people would be alive if he hadn't. 
The lifeless bodies of the passengers stood up and smiled at Pooh, blood dripping from their empty sockets. There was nowhere Pooh could run. He slammed on the cockpit door, knowing it would make no difference. Tears streamed down his face. No, no, no, this wasn't how it ended!
The door opened. Pooh ran inside and leaned against the door. He had about 3 minutes till the swarm penetrated the metal barrier.
Pooh curled up into a ball and screamed. He shouldn't have come here at all. Should have listened to his friends. There was no one to blame but himself. All the bees he’d killed had come back to find him. He’d tried to hide from it, but it was true. There was nowhere he could go where his past couldn't catch up. Nowhere he could run where his problems couldn't find him.
He noticed the parachute bag, 5 feet away from him. There was still hope for the little yellow bear! He wiped his nose, then quickly strapped the bag on and opened the emergency exit door.  Pooh thought about everything he had to live for, took a deep breath, and jumped.
Pooh was falling fast. He fearfully pulled the parachute. It opened and-
He kept falling. Pooh panicked and looked up. The parachute was full of little, bee-shaped holes. In one last moment of paralyzing fear for what would happen now, he managed to squeak, “Oh, bother!” before he hit the water.
They never found any trace of Winne the Pooh ever again, except for a small, empty jar of honey with his TikTok username scrolled on the bottom. They never found the bees, either. But legend tells us that every time you take the life of a bee, its soul joins the ever-growing form of Barry B. Benson.
And Barry never forgets.
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lawsuitarc · 1 year
the way buck and christopher’s colours together are red and yellow… (the red and yellow shirts during the tsunami, chris’ glasses, buck wearing red when eddie told him there’s nobody he trusts more with his son, buck wearing yellow when eddie tells him he’s in his will as christopher’s legal guardian if eddie dies)
Tim you're literally my number one understander. Literally. Literally!!! I've wanted to do he guessed my favorite color w buck and chris and yellow for so long but i wasn't sure if i was tripping BUT YOU GET IT
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Buck & Eddie: Young Buck and Christopher -Parallels
Chris looks like Buck; they have the same hair color and type (blonde/brown and curly) and they both have blue eyes.  If someone didn’t know them and they saw Buck, Eddie and Chris together, it would be easy for them to assume that Buck is Chris’ biological father.  It’s clearly not a coincidence that Chris looks like Buck and Buck looks like Bobby because Bobby is Buck’s found dad and Buck is Chris’ second dad/legal guardian.
In addition to them looking alike, Buck’s and Chris’ lives parallel in a lot of other ways too.  Several of Chris’ experiences have been direct parallels with Young Buck’s experiences and their clothing was either identical or similar with minute differences like the color of their shirts or the length of their shirts’ sleeves. Whenever Chris’ experiences were direct parallels to Young Buck’s; Buck was present with Eddie or by himself in the role of Chris’ second dad.
It’s interesting there were multiple Young Buck scenes included in 4x5 but there haven’t been any Young Eddie scenes included in any episodes over the past four and a half years even though there were opportunities for them to be included in 3x15 “Eddie Begins” and in 5x17 “Hero Complex”.  If there wasn’t enough time in 3x15, there was plenty of time in 5x17 when Eddie went to El Paso, TX because there were opportunities for at least two flashback scenes of Young Eddie to have been included in that episode but there weren’t any.  One flashback could have been included when Eddie explained the way Ramon told him to be the “man of the house” at the age of 10.  Or they could have included a flashback of Young Eddie trying to drive Ramon’s truck after Helena went into labor but no scenes were included regarding that instance either.
Karen told Hen in 5x17, “Once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence and three times is a pattern” and Athena told Eddie in 6x7 “Cursed”, “You know what I believe in even less than a curse? Coincidence”. Therefore it’s probably not a coincidence that Chris looks like Buck and a lot of their childhood experiences including the clothing they wore are parallels.  It’s not a coincidence that Buck was present for Chris’ experiences that paralleled with his and it’s also not a coincidence that there haven’t been any childhood scenes of Eddie included in episodes that were about him.  It appears these parallels are patterns because they keep happening.  Will there be more parallels of Buck and Chris in 6B? Only the showrunner(s), writers and producers know the answer to that question.
Parallels – Clothing and Experiences
GIFs 1 & 2: Young Buck’s and Chris’ shirts were both long sleeved and striped when Buck was learning to ride a bike for the first time but he fell off and got injured while Chris was with Buck on the pier before the Tsunami hit.  Buck’s shirt in 4x5 “Buck Begins” was blue with yellow, navy and light blue stripes while Chris’ shirt in 3x2 “Sink or Swim” was yellow with blue, brown and white stripes.
GIFs 3 & 4: Young Buck’s and Chris’ t-shirts were identical in style but they were different colors.  Buck’s t-shirt in 4x5 was navy blue with a red collar and red sleeves while Chris’ t-shirt in 2x2 “7.1” was blue/gray with a green collar and green sleeves. Buck wasn’t present when Eddie took Chris to school before the earthquake but Buck drove Eddie to pick Chris up from school at the end of 2x3 “Help is Not Coming” and Chris was still wearing the same shirt.
GIFs 5 & 6: Young Buck and Chris both wanted to learn how to skateboard, they both got injured during the process and their shirts were similar.  Buck’s shirt in 4x5 was gray with navy blue and white stripes and it was short sleeved while Chris’ shirt in 3x12 “Fools” was red with black and white stripes with long sleeves.  Both Eddie and Buck were at the park after they built Chris an adaptable skateboard so that he could ride it.
GIFs 7 & 8: In 4x5, Young Buck’s hair was long blonde and curly and he wore a gray t-shirt underneath his blue jacket while in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” Chris’ hair was also long brown/blonde and curly and his t-shirt was gray too.  Buck was sitting across the table from Eddie and Chris while they were eating dinner.
GIFs 9 & 10: Young Buck’s hair was long, blonde and curly in 4x5 and Chris’ hair in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” was still long, blonde/brown and curly.  Chris called Buck while Eddie was having a mental breakdown and Buck rushed over to Eddie’s house.  After he arrived, he checked on Chris first then he broke down Eddie’s bedroom door and entered to help him.
GIFs 11 & 12: Young Buck wore a blue t-shirt in 4x5 while he ate cereal and Chris wore a navy blue-t-shirt while he ate cereal for breakfast in 4x14 “Survivors” as he sat across the table from his second dad, Buck.  Buck was taking care of Chris while Eddie was in the hospital.
GIFs 13 & 14: Young Buck was upset after Maddie told him she was leaving in 4x5, his t-shirt was gray and he got on his bike and left because he was upset. Chris’ t-shirt was light blue in 4x8 “Breaking Point” and he became upset after Eddie told him that he was dating again.  Chris did the same thing Buck did in 4x5, he left and went to Buck’s loft because he thought someone was going to leave him again. Both Buck and Chris left when they were upset.
GIF 15: Buck and Chris wore the same color shirts (Buck wore a white t-shirt and a blue button-down with grey stripes in it and Chris wore a gray t-shirt with white stripes and blue sleeves) in 6x1 “Let the Games Begin” while Eddie wore a tan shirt which is one of his signature colors that he wears when he’s with his family.
All previous blog posts that relate to this post have been reblogged and are currently located at the top of my blog right after the Quick Reference Guide.
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
Okay, so, I saw this still and went crazy, so stay with me for thoughts. Or don't, I can't really tell you what to do.
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Okay, so Chris is in yellow, which is a bad sign. Chris being a kid, his color palette has bright colors, but it is mostly greens, blues, and reds, mixed in with shades of grey, he kinda mirrors Eddie but in brighter shades. (I think that's cute with the way Shannon was a very bright-colored character, so he has the hue of Shannon with Eddie's colors)
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But he's in yellow in very specific moments, and yellow being the color Shannon died in is very interesting. When is he wearing yellow? Tsunami, skateboard incident, May's graduation party, the eddiana breakup, Eddie's breakdown, and his date in 701, he actually seems to be wearing the same jacket he's wearing on that still.
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So he's in yellow in not so great situations for Eddie's mental state, that end up being parenting problems, I'm adding the graduation to the mix with how stressed Eddie is about Chris going to camp, I have a point, I promise.
But funnily enough, the resolution of these conflicts tends to involve red, Chris is wrapped in a red hoodie when Eddie finds him, Buck is wearing pink before the tsunami and both Chris and Buck are wearing red after, Carla is wearing red and Buck is wearing pink during the skateboard incident while Eddie discuss that with the adults, and Chris is wearing red when Eddie talks about it with him, Eddie is wearing maroon when Chris is on the bus leaving for camp, the eddiana breakup is muddier, but Ana is wearing red during the first panic attack, and it is what kickstarts the whole situation, Buck is wearing red when he breaks down the door during the breakdown,.
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So, like, the thing that snaps Eddie out of it is red, and all of these end up being about Eddie and what's best for Christopher, the tsunami ends up being about establishing Buck as a second parental figure, and everything else could be described as parenting problems Eddie discussed with someone else, mostly Buck, to solve, the skateboard adaptation, the way he talks to the whole firefam about how he feels about Chris leaving, the breakup with Ana being tied back to the way Eddie thinks that if he does what's best for Chris, his heart will follow, and the way he leaves the job because of a comment Chris made and how that leads to the chain of events that triggers Eddie's breakdown.
And the thing with Chris in 701 hasn't really been solved, but it is all coming out with red involved in the whole situation, Chris' jacket has red in it and Eddie himself is wearing red, and that's interesting because it could be that Chris himself is gonna snap Eddie out of it, but Eddie is already halfway there by himself. BUT these are all situations that include some serious emotional distress and/or physical injures, the tsunami, Chris falling off the skateboard, the panic attacks, Eddie completely falling apart, and considering Buck being around in the other stills, this could be a bad sign for all three of them because these are all situation were one of them have gotten hurt in some way. I personally think Chris will ask to go with his grandparents, but the thing is, we saw the Diaz parents with Chris in the hospital in other behind the scene stuff, and considering the s4 parallels, and the way they like to mirror Eddie and Bobby, there's a chance they are going to be in the hospital for Eddie, Buck, Chris or any combination of the three and I am TERRIFIED. (Trapped dads is coming lol).
That's all for today, if you read this I love you 💜
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Next song=Colors. I've done this one before but never just with Dallas. Presenting how the two kids met.
Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so You said your mother only smiled on her TV show
Just a little peek at Dally's backstory in my opinion. We've heard about his father but nothing about brothers or mothers. I think his mother started out kind but years of marriage to Dally's father kinda messed her up. Distanced her and made her hate Dally cause he looks like his father. He has a little brother he cares about but wants to avoid because he doesn't want to set a bad example. Meanwhile all that his brother wants to do is hang onto Dally. So he is spending less and less time at home. One night when he was hanging around downtown getting into fights and drinking to forget his home life he meets M/C.
You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope I hope you make it to the day you're 28 years old
This is something M/C says to him when they meet him. One thing he admires about them is their honesty. If they see him acting a fool they will say so regardless of whether or not Dally is wont to get mad and/or violent. M/C isn't scared of Dally and its kind of refreshing.
You're dripping like a saturated sunrise You're spilling like an overflowing sink
Dally is pretty messed up right now. He's been drinking and the adrenaline high from winning fights isn't helping. M/C is worried he will end up hurting himself or others so at first they try to convince him to go home but when it becomes clear that he is not willing to do that they bring him to their place in the wealthier part of town.
You've ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece And now you're tearing through the pages and the ink
Even drunk and covered in bruises M/C can tell how attractive Dally is.
Everything is blue His pills, his hands, his jeans And now I'm covered in the colors Pulled apart at the seams And it's blue And it's blue
Everything is grey His hair, his smoke, his dreams And now he's so devoid of color He don't know what it means And he's blue And he's blue
the chorus is the inner monologue of M/C as they walk with Dallas through the streets.
You were a vision in the morning When the light came through
Switch to Dallas's point of view and he is waking up in a strange bed in a big room that screams wealth. M/C has done their best to tone it down, painting the tiled floor yellow and covering the walls with posters but just the sheer size of the room is enough to disorient Dallas, who is used to waking up beside his brother in a room just big enough to fit a twin sized bed and the boys clothes in piles on the foot of floor space surrounding it (note the lack of a dresser.) While he is still trying to catch his bearings M/C walks in, passing in front of the big window covering half of the space on the east wall. Dally was too drunk to realize it last night but holy shit this person is gorgeous.
I know I've only felt religion when I've lied with you
M/C gave Dally their bed and went to sleep on the couch. Just want to clear that up, they didn't actually lie together.
Dally has never really thought about god and religious stuff. The only reason he wears his St. Christophers is because his mother gave it to him before she went downhill. But when M/C walks in Dally's groggy mind immediately assumes that they are an angel. Clearly no human being can be this attractive.
You said you'll never be forgiven 'til your boys are too And I'm still waking every morning but it's not with you
M/C is talking with Dally about all the stuff he is involved in (gang stuff and the like) and they mention that he should really stop. Dallas responds that his fellow gang members are his family and "I'm not gonna leave and be forgiven for the stuff I've done with my gang till the rest of my boys are too."
I'm actually really proud of this one. I think it really works given the plot and everything.
Oh, how I love. Oh, how I adore. This is simply adorable!!
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looksforleaders · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔹️🔺️Christopher & Banks Reversible Quilted Jacket XLarge.
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zorceus · 1 year
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Name: Christopher Brenton
Gender: male
Age: 26
Hair color: white (bleached)
Eye color: light brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 200 pounds
Nationality: American
Strengths: Very strong and good at hand to hand combat, able to wrestle cryptids that should be much stronger than himself.
Appearance: - dark skin
- bleached white hair
- Light brown eyes
- Scar across his cheek
- Buisness suit
Inventory: a pistol
Arm bracers when he fights
Biography: Christopher Brenton was born in rural America, however he would be taken away from his parents by a Cult of Cannibals and Wendigoes known as the Hungered Ones.
Him as well as other children around his age would be kept in metal cages and fed constantly to fatten them up for the Cult members to eat. One of the chefs grabbed a hot iron to brand his number on him, but Chris successfully wrestled it away and branded the assaulting chef with the number "17" instead. After this, Chris would be thrown in a confinement for only himself due to how dangerous he was.
Chris would eat little amounts of food and meat scraps, which further frustrated his captors as Chris was remaining too thin to cook him. Soon, after his batch was mostly butchered, a new batch would be brought in which would include a boy four years younger than Chris named David Talius.
David, who was still young and scared was taken under Chris's wing. Chris instructed David on how to not be eaten early, and thus they would share food together while trying to stay alive. Chris would nurse David's branding wound and protect him while plotting out ways to escape with their lives.
Soon, members of the Organization would storm the building, kill or arrest the cultists, and free the remaining children. Chris and David, both inspired by their bravery, decided they wanted to also join in. A woman named Florence Mayweather would take the boys under her wing and they would soon enroll into the Organization's private academy. Florence was very hard on them, but it was because she didn't want them to die on the battlefield.
They would graduate from the academy ans become full fledged members of the organization, the same day their teacher would retire. Chris and David now work their hardest, happy to have friends and happy to have each other as their sibling bond stays strong.
Detailed appearance: Christopher Brenton is a very tall man with dark skin and light brown eyes. He wears a dark red business suit with a white undershirt and yellow necktie. He wears light brown dress shoes with white ankle socks and black dress pants. Chris has very short hair that is white due to bleaching it, he has very small, spikey bangs. Chris has a long scar across his right cheek, going from underneath his eye almost down to the top of his lip.
Underneath, Chris's body is covered in large scars, bruises, and nicks from his multiple battles and struggles against cryptids. He is also very muscular without his suit on.
Personality: Christopher is a very kind and protective man. He loves his friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them, as he sees them as his family. Chris is quite emotional unlike David, always showing vivid expressions on his face. He gets visably angry if he sees any of his friends hurt, having a vengeful side to him wanting to take an "eye for an eye" if his friends are hurt by an assassin or a cryptid. Because of his gentle giant nature, Chris is very fond of kids, always visiting local Orphanages or schools just to help out around the place. Chris is prone to night terrors, especially ones revolving his childhood with the Cannibal Cult.
* Chris's birthday is September 21st, his Zodiac is Virgo.
* Chris's favorite food is thin mint cookies
* Chris's least favorite food is cucumbers
* Chris's favorite drink is Pineapple juice
* Chris's least favorite drink is sparkling drinks because they are too fizzy
* Unlike David, Chris did not become vegitarian after his time in the cannibal cult.
* Chris eats any meaty foods that David cannot have.
* His time in the cult has given Chris PTSD, having night terrors on random nights.
* Chris loves citrusy flavors, but his most favorite is anything involving pineapple.
* Chris is a sucker for girl scout cookies. Usually buying them by the dozens if left alone at a girl scout cookie stand.
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