#We need to bring back her Robin Hood look
grabyoursaintsandpray · 2 months
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10.17 - Home Sweet Home
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Not so Artificial Intelligence Part 2
When Bruce finally managed to get the time to look at the file Danny had added to the bat computer, it was almost patrol, and the rest of the family was filling in to get ready to head out. Even Jason had shown up, but that was probably just because he was bribed by Alfred with leftovers from dinner. Bruce couldn’t really blame him, Alfred’s food was the best in the world, but he does wish that he would show up more often just to hang out with him and his siblings.
Bruce sat in the bat-chair, graciously labeled with a sticker from a recent prank by Stephanie. She had gone around and labeled everything in the bat cave, but added the bat suffix in front. It had taken forever to find most of them, but he allowed some of them to remain. 
Finding the new folder was easy, it was labeled FROM DANNY, and left in the middle of the screen. Clicking it open and sipping his fresh coffee he glanced at the first document. The folder was full of notes, pictures and videos, but all of the previews were white, green, or black. 
Bruce started to read through the document, and chocked on his coffee at the contents.
Hello Batman and family, I hope this reached you before they do. I didn’t bring this up just incase you knew and were supportive, but how you act and how contaminated you are I will assume you do not. There is a Government Law that declares any being that has come into contact with enough or creates ectoplasm as non-sentient and non-sapient, but at the same time malicious {Abbreviated the AEA}. We are to be turned over to the GIW to be experiment upon and exterminated. This is literal torture, and I have gathered as much evidence as me and my friends could without being caught. I beg you, please be careful if you decide to take these people down. From what is on here, I think that Lazarus Water is a form of corrupted ectoplasm. Also, anyone who has died and come back to life no matter what are counted, and anyone with godly blood within them. Please Please, save us. My parents are the leading “scientists” which is bullshit, and they’ve already tied me down once. I can’t go through that again. Please, Amity and the Infinite Realms need help. If you don’t help us, I’m scared we may be forced to go to war, and I don’t think you can win against the godly dead. 
Please, I’m begging you - Danny Fenton {King Phantom}
“You good B?” Nightwing asked strolling over casually. He didn’t know how to answer, how was he supposed to say ‘Oh yeah, just found out that the government calls us non-sentient\sapient, and we are to be experimented and slaughtered. Also if we don’t stop them our worlds probably going to fall and we’re all going to die a painful death.’ That’s a fun conversation to have.
Clearing his throat he finally spoke up. 
“Red Robin, Oracle, I need you to help me sort through these, Nightwing, get the Justice league ready for an emergency meeting, call the Dark too. Look at this.”
“Are we sure it’s real though? It could be a prank,” muttered Oracle, though even she doubted her words.
“Even so, the threat is there and we should certainly look through this, and that means the League needs to know.”
Batman carefully mourned the loss of a peaceful evening, and his coffee, he was going to need to leave that at the cave, he had an image to keep. 
Nightwing wasn’t smiling anymore, Robin looked concerned, and Red Hood was openly gawking at the screen.
“I’ve called the emergency meeting, you three sort these files out, I’m calling up the JLD now. Guess we should warn Constantine to bring a couple extra bottles huh.” His joke fell flat, but Bruce wonders if he should bring some alcohol and coffee with him, image be dammed. 
“Wait a second, godly blood included? They fuckn’ shittin’ on Diana!”
“That’s what your concerned about Todd? Not that the we both fall under these parameters, along with Father and the rest of the collection? I will go fetch Thomas from his chambers, he will need to suit up to follow us to the watchtower.”
“Good idea Damian, tell him to hurry up. Everyone else, in the Zeta Tube, Alfred, you can stay here if you want.” Bruce gathered his laptop and moved the file over, copying and sending it to Tims laptop as well. 
“Thank you master Bruce, I will wait for the younger masters then I will be up shortly. Run along now.” Alfred excused with a bow, but even his face was shadowed in worry and thinly veiled anger. 
“See you in a bit Alf.” Dick replied, inputting directions to the watchtower in and doing a quick headcount. 
With a flash, the dark gloomy cave was replaced by fluorescent lights and the steel infrastructure of the watchtower. Hopping off the platform another flash of light appeared, and Aquaman stepped out. The group filled out as Aquaman politely greeted them. Making their way to the nearest meeting room, Batman and Red Robin began to set things up as the gathered heroes began to sit. 
“Hey Nightwing, what’s with the meeting, you never call for an emergency meeting, Blüd rarely has big threats.” Flash mentioned as he zoomed into the meeting room, last as always, and began to dig into his waffle plate. Where he got waffles from, Bruce didn’t want to know, they weren’t serving waffles in the cafeteria today, or yesterday from leftovers. 
“This isn’t just Blüdhaven, it’s all of the united States.” He worried, checking over one final time to make sure everyone was here. A collection of the main heroes from the Justice League, they’d need to figure out who counted as ecto-contaminated before throwing people around, and Constantine, Zatanna, and Deadman were gathered to represent Justice League Dark. At least he assumed Deadman was there, as a chair was pulled out and labeled for him. At least they wouldn’t have to race to find him, they could tell him just to stay up in the watchtower if things got bad. Finally, Robin and Signal rushed in, signal tiredly rubbing his eyes and his helmet in Agent A’s hands. 
“As some of you know, a person got stuck in the batcomputer a couple months ago. And was only recently released.” Murmurs and imputed questions rose around, and Nightwing promptly ignored them. 
“They left behind a file for us, and we were looking through it and discovered many hidden crimes from the US government. They have taken and labeled a whole species and group of people as non-sentient and non-sapient, and have been experimenting and committing genocide on them.” Again, a chorus of questions and yelling went up, and Nightwing had to take a moment to pause. A glance at Martian Manhunter reviled a stone cold face, quietly waiting for more information. 
“Oh god… what is this?” 
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overlyspecific · 3 months
Part 2 of Merlin as Robin Hood
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
A noble is traveling through the woods and Merlin sees him mistreating his servants.
Noble: come on, move faster! we need to get to Camelot before sundown. I don’t want to spend any longer in these words than I have to.
servant: *under his breath* well maybe if you gave me a horse i would be able to go a little faster
Noble: what did you say?!
the noble brings his arm up to strike the servant, but is suddenly thrown back against a tree. ropes spring up to tie the noble down.
Merlin: he said if you gave him a horse things would go faster. i happen to agree. what do you think, should i give him your horse?
Noble: Magic! You are using magic! The king will have your head for this!
Merlin: Oh he has certainly tried…several times. Anyways, its been a great chat but I actually have places to be so why don’t we speed things up? Lance? Gwaine?
Lance and Gwaine appear from behind the trees. The servant jumps back at their entrance.
Gwaine: yeah merls?
Merlin: take the excess from the cart for that village in famine we visited a couple days ago.
Gwaine: on it!
Merlin: Lance, make sure Gwaine doesnt take the ale.
Lance: on it.
Gwaine: oh come on, Merlin. whats the point of being an outlaw if we can’t benefit from it just a little?
Merlin: we’re not outlaws. we are just working outside of the law.
Merlin turns to face the servant.
Servant: Who ARE you?
Merlin: the names Merlin but some call me emrys and one calls me an idiot but i dont listen to him much.
Servant: and you steal from the rich…but you dont take anything for yourself?
Merlin: only what we need to survive
Servant: wow that’s really-
Merlin: amazing, honorable, selfless?
Servent: -a total rip-off of that guy in sherwood forest.
Gwaine: *from the cart, unloading boxes of jewelry and gold* that’s what I told him, but he didn’t listen
Lancelot: two people can do good in a similar way.
Merlin: thank you Lance, thats why you’re my favorite
Gwaine: *mock outrage* you dont mean THAT
Servant: so can I go or…
Merlin: yes you are free to leave, but you have to do one thing first…
Time jump. The throne room of the castle.
Uther: he said what?!
Servant: he said ‘tell the prince i appreciate the fancy jewels but i look better in blue’
Morgana hides a laugh behind her hand and Arthur glares at her. his anger isnt enough to hide his blush, and Moragna laugh harder.
Uther: Arthur, you are to go after him at once!
Arthur: but father, he has magic and seems to always be three steps ahead.
Uther: I don’t care! I will not have my kingdom be accosted by a sorcerer who taunts us at every turn
Morgana: *under her breath to Gwen as she fills her cup* he really only taunts arthur
Uther: Arthur, you will find him and make sure he burns on the pyre. we will make an example of him. no one is above the law!
Arthur: yes, father. we will leave at once
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Jason and his girls
Age: y/n’s age (20) Jason’s age (21) Madeline’s age (5)
Characters:y/n m/n L/n , Jason Peter Todd and Madeleine/Maz Richard Todd 
info: you found out you were pregnant the day Jason died. You were so excited to tell him but then Bruce broke the news, Jason was dead only dick new about your and Jason’s little girl, Madeleine Richard Todd.
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“Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home mama!” You heard your young 5 year old daughter say. “Maz honey we talked about this your father only comes for one week every other month, he was here last month baby” you said sitting up in bed. “No I promise I saw him come on!” She said dragging you out off bed with her two little hands. “Come on mama! Look it’s daddy!” She said pointing to the window. “Oh my god” you said seeing your boyfriend waving to you from the apartment opposite you. Maz opened the window and climbed out to the fire escape. “Madeline Todd you get back here right now!” You said as your daughter waved to her father. With that Jason used a grathaling hook and threw it to your fire escape and jumped over. “Hay mazie!” He said picking her up and bringing he back inside. “Jesus Christ maz don’t do that!” You said take in her in your arms. “Jace what’s wrong?” You said seeing the worried look on his face. “We need to go now” he said “pack all your things we need to leave!” He said grabbing some of maz’s things. “What jason what is going on!?” You said Jason’s hands were shaking as he grabbed his and some of maz’s things. “Maz hon go to your room and grab some clothes and your blanket.” She of course listens to her father which left you shocked she’s normally more stubborn than him! “Y/n were in danger we all are! The joker he’s targeted you, me and madeleine I need to get you both out of crime alley now!”  He said you just nodded and went to grab your bags. When you all finished packing you grabbed an old car seat and left your apartment, forever, your first home that you had raised your daughter in were you had marked her growing you would never see it again. “Babe? You ok?” You herd Jason say holding your hand. “I raised her in there. Since I was 16 we moved in on her first birthday dick helped pay and got some furniture for us and before you started visiting she would bang on the window every time see saw the red hood fighting some criminals and as she got more active she started running around hiding under tables holding her hands like a gun shouting boom at me.” You said trying to hold back tears by wiping your eyes “hay, hay don’t cry. I got you we all do. I know first homes are the hardest to leave behind.” Jason said hugging you “come on I called dick he’s driving us to the manor” 
you all went down stairs to see dick standing by his car. And helped you load it in before Jason and him got into a very quiet argument about who was driving (dick won). As you were on the road you whispered in Jason’s ear “you haven’t told Bruce yet have you?” 
“About what- oh yeah crap he has no idea.” He replied dick over herd and started laughing his butt off. “You mean Bruce has no idea you are a father to a freaking 5 year old!” He laughed “who is buse?” You herd your young daughter say “you haven’t even told her about him! God I question your parenting skills!” He said still laughing “can you shut up!” Jason said “no bad words Jason Todd!” Madeleine said giggling “hay is daddy or dad to you!” Jason said ruffling her hair “what? Mama called you that when she was shouting on the phone!” She said “she also said the b word” she added “no bad words miss Todd!” Dick said “not married!” You and Jason said at the same time. But then you arrived Wayne manor. You hadn’t been here in 6 years and god had it changed. But the worst thing was Bruce and Damian outside practicing hand to hand combat. Jason took a deep breath and when’t out to grab maz “umm nope we don’t need another robin no thank you!” Damian said seeing Jason and his niece (not that he knew). “She is not going to end up a robin! It’s stupid dangerous and dumb!” Jason said back “wait y/n?” Bruce said surprised to see you “god you look well different um when did I last see you?” 
“At Jason’s grave. I was 15. I told you I was leaving and not coming back.” You replied “well here she is!” Dick said closeting his door “Todd who is the child?” Damian asked unwrapping his hands. “Oh yeah Bruce there’s something I need to tell you. But can we go inside first?”jason said handing Madeline to dick. 
You and Jason were sat opposite Bruce. You were staring at the floor and Jason was figiting with his hands. “So what is this about? And who is the kid?” Bruce asked “That’s the thing, umm Bruce the girl is my daughter…” you said quietly but loud enough for Bruce to hear. “So you have been playing step-dad? Bruce laughed a bit to which Jason replied with a nervous chuckle. “No well she’s umm my kid like I am her dad and not like “oh yea I love her like my own kid” no as in half of her DNA is from me” Jason replied. “Ho wow umm ok well she looks a lot older than 2 or 3. That how long Jason had been coming over right?” Bruce said calmer then expected “well Bruce she’s kinda…5 years old…” the room fall silent. Bruce just covered his face in his hands. “So correct me if I’m wrong but if I am not mistaken y/n must off had her at-omg…”Bruce said realising “you got a girl pregnant at 16 and you got pregnant at 15…Jason .” Bruce said trying to stay calm. For the first time Jason actually looked kinda nervous. “Umm yeah Bruce?” “You where having sex at 16!” Bruce said through his teeth. “We were 14” you whispered after Jason put his hand over your mouth you stopped talking . “Ok what did you both call her?” Bruce asked “ho well I named her Madeline but Jason had always liked the name and plus he though up most her nicknames” you said not knowing how Bruce react to this. “Madeline or maz Richard Todd”
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toulousewayne · 5 days
Batfam Shenanigans Headcannons: Pt 6
When the League first took shape it was understood they should anyone need assistance in their own personal cities that someone would respond. By this point Superman and Batman had teamed up the most so it was understood that Batman Could work with others in Gotham he just prefer to bleed out first.
The first time the league met Robin it was kinda surprising. Batman entered the Watchtower and the League noticed the traffic signal dressed boy behind him.
“Spooky, whatcha got there?” Hal raised a brow.
“A dark Roast.” He drank his coffee.
“He meant the boy Bats.” Barry clarifies.
“I’m Robin.”
“Can you play games with your ring Mr. Lantern?” He beamed.
“We can keep him.” Hal replied.
The first time Green Arrow and Black Canary visited the cave they were met the a excited Robin who was happy that Batman let someone visit. Batman didn’t share the excitement.
During a mission Wonder Woman, Flash, and Hawkgirl visit the cave and come across the little gremlin that is Robin.
“Hello child, where is Bruce?” Diana beamed at the child. Dick munching on a cookie points behind him to Bruce hunched over at the Batcomputer. The group walk to him and he’s covered in bandages.
“You look like crap.” Diana pokes his side.
“I fought Bane and was thrown off the rooftop. But thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Is there more cookies?” Flash asks.
A few years later when Batgirl joins Bruce, she’s immediately taken in by Dinah.
“Right hook.”
“Remember your center don’t expose yourself to an opponent.” Dinah calls out to Batgirl.
“You’re a great teacher Dinah.”
“Very kind, but we still have much work to do little Bat. Are you up for it?”
“Bring it.”
It’s comical how some of the Robin will just appear out of thin air. Hal walks into his room to find Robin (Tim) studying the Lantern battery. “Lost kid?”
“…you bats always like this?”
“Like what?”
Clark doesn’t notice a Robin clinging to his leg like a baby kola bear.
“Uncle Clark can we get—“
“Ahhhhh, oh it’s just you.”
“You didn’t know I was here?” Dick looks up at him.
“Sorry, kiddo. I’m think we should get you a bell.”
“So, the bag of heads. Were they real?” Barry asks between bits of chili dog.
“…I was a little theatrical back then.” Red Hood hums.
“But they were fake, right?”
Ollie can’t go five feet with other Spoiler and Black Bat following him like shadows.
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be honored or terrified.”
“Both.” Cass replies.
“Father says you come from Mars, I’ve been told your people were intelligent and superior race. I wish to learn about your home planet.”
“Very well.” J’onn nods at Robin.
The Question enters his room to find his last three unsolved cases, solved and a fresh cup of coffee. He knows it’s the third Robin. He would always sneak off and go over clues with him while Batman was busy with the others.
HawkGirl and Spoiler love sparring together. They both find it entertaining watching the other women push herself and learn from one another.
Bart and Konner are the least bit surprised to find Tim at the computer screen in the exact same spot. They spend the next forty minutes trying to get Tim to take a break because he hasn’t blink once since they left him to go watch Jon’s baseball game.
Damian and Jason spend every Sunday together. It’s actually funny because Damian will agree to plans with Dick or Jon and cancel last minute because he and Jason are reading the next several chapters of a novel and munching on Cinnamon rolls Jason baked that day. Alfred the cat is invited too.
Sometimes Cass likes to keep tabs on her family, she has been known to scare the Justice League by watching Batman from the shadows. She enjoys scaring Superman the most. Bruce enjoys this too.
Donna and Wally are Dick’s emergency contacts. Bruce finds this a little hurtful but doesn’t question it. Donna is also Dick’s Power of Attorney incase someone needs to handle important matters for him should he be unable to do so.
Out of all of Dick’s OG team Damian likes Garth the best.
Starfire and Babs had a rocky start to the relationship but no the two are thick as thieves. They go to little shops together and movies. And they truly do have a sisterly bond, Kori will berate stores for not including wheelchair access and providing disabled bathrooms. Barbara has had break two guys hands from trying to get fresh while Kori was clothes shopping. The two even have weekly movie nights at the Clocktower.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Monster Trio Reacting to an Aphrodisiac (NSFW AF)
Luffy’s Aftercare
Sanji’s Aftercare: It’s a More Fluffy and Sad Continuation of This
Zoro’s Aftercare
Black Fem Reader in Mind
200 Follower Special! I made this extra long so be warned. Thank you all so much for the rapid followers and amount of love! Goodness I barely started less than a week ago lolololll thank u all! I’m working on the last few requests I got this week and I’m going to work on a masterlist very soon so you all can access my writing quicker instead of scrolling lol. Enjoy!
Bad Summary: “Aphrodisiac: a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.” What happens to y/n when our lovely boy trio encounters it?
CW: Bath sex with Luffy, Bedroom sex with Sanji, and Wall Sex with Zoro. Safety words are mentioned, but not used, reader get overstimulated to the point of tears, just a whole alotta horiness and no aftercare —pfft.
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He’d end up being very giggly, loud, and very less self aware than he already was.
Way more blunt and touchy than usual ofc
You and him never figured out why he was so horny
He’d be so flustered, which is a rare sight but he tries to play it off so badly
The aphrodisiac he consumed was of course: a food.
It happened when you and him went shopping for a few snacks on a quick island stop
You had to save most of the snacks to bring back to the ship because Nami stated there won’t be another island around for the next couple days and you needed to restock in your bedroom snack drawer.
You ended up getting Luffy some snacks to hold him, but by the time you were half way done shopping he was already done eating
You didn’t want to give him any of your snacks and seeing Luffy had a little bit of money you made him buy his own last bit of food, you both quickly headed to a vendor and there it was: a fruit!
Luffy really wanted meat but the fruit was all he could afford so he bought it and in one fell swoop ate it whole. The vendor was terrified.
“What?” Luffy muffled with his mouth stuffed before swallowing.
“Dear, are you this man’s wife?” The vendor asked tapping your shoulder.
“Not yet!” Luffy laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist knocking the air out of you for a moment. “Why? She is not for sale!” He pulled you over on his opposite side as if he were holding you all to himself pouting at the old man. The vendor shook his head and tsk’ed, “Maam. I bid you a good luck tonight with him.”
You couldn’t even let out a “Huh” before Luffy was carrying you and your bags to another vendor. You got all that you needed and had some spare change so you, being the hood girlfriend you are, bought him what he wanted and headed back to the shop with everyone.
About an hour past since you set sail. You cleaned up your room and put away your snacks in your drawer and Luffy’s in his. You wanted to relax with Robin for a moment to speak about something and take a nice hot bath before heading to dinner. However, you were stopped by Luffy running as if someone were chasing him.
“Ow.” You plainly said rubbing your chest seeing as he face planted right into you and fell. You grabbed his hand, but nearly grimaced at the sticky and sweaty hot feel of his hand. “Lu—?”
“Y-Y/N! What-what are you doing right now are you busy?! “ Luffy’s voice sounded shaky but aside from that he was hot in the face and constantly panting it was pretty weird to see him out of breath like this.
“Oh…well I needed to talk to Robin about something and then I—-“
“Luffy!” You held your sensitive ears for a moment seeing that he was screaming, “Are you okay? Why are you so hyper ? And we can’t right now I have to speak to Robin about something important.”
“N-NO—ahem….no reason, but okay let me take you to her!” Luffy laughs and takes your hand down to the deck where everyone is busy doing there own thing, you heard him make a small groan when he made contact with you, but maybe you were imagining things,“oh look there is Robin! Go talk to her and then we can hang out!” He slapped your ass making you jump in shock, but before you could say anything he was running off to the kitchen. Luffy doesn’t really do that kind of thing often so feeling the hard sensation of his hot hand on your skin threw you off for a moment.
“He’s in a funny mood.” Robin giggled.
“Oh yeah…” you slowly sat down looking back at the door he entered confused. What’s up with him? “A-anyways I wanted to continue asking you about—“
“GET OUT!” Sanji’s voice boomed through the door kicking Luffy out in the process. He had his cheeks stuffed, beginning to whine, he usually does this every other day , so you paid it no mind.
“Oh I See….and so—- hello captain.” Robin greeted the large shadow behind you, you turn to get a look at Luffy and his hat was now in his hand and his face was pinker than you last remembered. He nearly look like he had a fever which kind of scared you.
“Y/n…” He whispered, he was super sweaty and got it all on you when he laid his body on top of yours which his head now in your breast.
“Uh…hey? Luffy what’s wrong?” You rub the back of his head hoping he’d look back up at you, instead he just shakes his head. “You’re so sweaty….You’re taking a bath today you are not sleeping in the bed with me like this.”
“Mmmmmm.” He started to shift and not so subtly grind on your body which made you feel heat hit your cheeks because Robin was right there watching. She had the same casual smile on here thinking how cute it was to see Luffy cuddle his girlfriend, but little did she know about the poking bulge resting on top of your thigh.
“L-Lu! We can hang out a little after I finish talking to Robin okay?” You tried pulling him off of your, but he ended up biting the top of your breast instead making you shriek a bit. “Luffy!”
“I think your boyfriend wants a little time alone don’t you think?” Robin giggled at you both and even though you wanted to laugh off your embarrassment with him you started to feel Luffy suck on the same area he bit you causing you to hold back a moan.
“Y-yeah, but I have to k-know if— fuck…”
You really was happy about how casual and clearheaded Robin can be because seeing you squirm under Luffy and how Luffy was grinding on you with no shame groaning. If anyone else were watching they would have thought you both were nearly having sex right there on the deck.
“Luffy i..i um..are you Sick?” He stopped his grinding to shake his head no at you still smothered in your breast.
Robin insisted you both probably head to Chopper for a moment just in case and you can finish your conversation with her later. However , walking to Chopper’s room deemed difficult since Luffy didn’t want to let go on your body, but you were grateful he was easy to carry.
You take him inside and insist he lay on the couch, he finally pulls himself off of you giggling, placing his hat on his lap.
When Chopper comes in he examines the flustered captain, you assumed it was probably something he ate, but Chopper doesn’t find anything wrong though.
“When did you start feeling this way, Luffy?” Chopper asked.
“Like…uhhh…i think…i think a few minutes after we left that food place, y/n!”
“What did you eat?”
“It was Like this pink weird fruit, it was REALLY sweet! Kinda tasted like chocolate!”
You then suddenly started to remember the old man’s warning to you from earlier today,
“I bid you good luck tonight.”
You were thinking about what he meant but your thoughts were cut when Chopper turned to you, he assumed Luffy just ate a bad fruit and to probably lay down for the rest of the evening. “Okay but first you’re taking a bath!” You demanded grabbing his hand, Luffy throws his hat on your head and quickly wraps around your body instead.
“Okay.” He laughs. “You gatta take one with me w though .”
You didn’t mind, you’ve both taken baths together before so you easily agreed.
That was your first mistake.
You both got in the bathroom and as you bent over to turn on the tub he locked the door behind you and completely stripped.
“O-oh!” You were shocked at how close Luffy was behind you and the fact that he was naked, standing tall and still giggling.
“Common get naked!” He didn’t give you time to respond he just began to pull off your dress and underwear mumbling something incoherent in the process.
He carries you into the tub and situates himself in between your legs. He kept burying his face in between your now naked breast and did a loud groan. You didn’t even care at this point at how weird he was being since you just needed him to bathe and maybe that alone would help your boyfriend.
That was your second mistake.
“Y/N…” he practically moaned into you, but ended it with a laugh. “Can I touch you?”
“You’re already touching me, Lu..”
“No..I mean can I touch you…” he just barely pulls away to then pull his index and middle downwards on your slit with his free hand holding one of your thighs apart. You let out a broken moan arching your back in reaction, “here…I wanna touch you here again.”
You’re shocked, usually you’re the one initiating sex with him, Luffy didn’t have a really high libido and so you wanted to protest just to ask what was happening to him but he didn’t give you enough time since he kept scissoring you so incredibly slow while making eye contact.
“Y-yes. You can.” You didn’t catch yourself bucking into Luffy’s hand, but he did subtly biting his lip at your eagerness.
He smiled pulling out his finger to grab the sides of your head and kiss you, his skin was so hot to the touch you were a bit worried he did actually have a fever but your trusted the ship’s doctor judgement.
Luffy was usually a shy kisser, but today he did everything in your mouth but eat you whole, he sucked your tongue licked your lips, moaned in your mouth all while pulling himself closer into you until you felt his hard shaft press against your clit making your both whine. “C-can I go inside you?” Breathing his hot breath on you still leaving open mouthed kisses
“Yes please.” Luffy didn’t waste anytime grabbing you on top of him sliding yourself down his cock. His mouth never left yours even as you tried to pull away to catch some air, but Luffy needed his release and you were the one going to give it to him.
It wasn’t long until after a few thrust upwards he came, his grip on your butt was so tight the entire time you began to bite on his shoulder making that the possible reason he came so fast.
“Y-you okay, Lu—!” Luffy got up still holding you and moved you to bend over the tub, you never done doggy style with him before so this made you a bit loss of words. You felt his cum mixed with the bath water drip down out of you, and Luffy admired it just for a second until he felt the urge to go inside you again. This time he used his power to grow his dick just a little bit more bigger than you’re used to. “Luffy!” You felt him stretch you out so deliciously, you felt way too full and it was nearly overwhelming.
He just snickered, “‘M ganna keep going okay?”
You could hear his smile from behind, you also didn’t cum yet so you had no objection to it, you nod frantically so he can just give you some friction.
It was obvious this new position overwhelmed him as well, seeing your pretty browned butt in bouncing off his lightly tan skin. He’d pull out just enough to where his tip was still inside you then with full force thrust back inside you. You whined at the deep feel of his enlarged cock dragging in and out of your tiny wet walls.
Luffy didn’t know what got into himself either, but all he knew was he wasn’t going to stop until he felt better. He tried eating, but it didn’t work and got him in trouble. But Every time he seen you in that damn short dress prancing around the ship like nobody’s business he wanted to pull those pretty white panties you wore down and fuck you from behind.
It was about 20 minutes have passed and Luffy’s pace still haven’t let up. You came twice and your arms were so sore and tired. Your body was hot and twitching in what you couldn’t tell was overstimulation or just plain out too much of everything, his sexy pants, the wet slaps his hips and your butt tend to make when they connect, his broken voice Everytime he said “Yes! Need! More!”, feeling his thumbs dig into your back dimples knowing there will be a bruise later to see, or just the simple fact that Luffy isn’t himself right now—it was all just a lot to take in. You knew he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, feeling your tears trickle down your cheek, “L-Luffyyyy….’m tiredddd…”
In the moment he almost ignored you but Luffy being Luffy he’d never allow anything to make you become uncomfortable no matter if it was an aphrodisiac or not. He was panting harshly hovering over you pulling you back into his chest. “Ca—can we finish in your room? Please.”
His voice was worn and filled with desperation you just mindlessly agreed wanting to lay down and take his cock despite already feeling so overstimulated—but you liked it a lot. He smiled weakly and picked you up holding your thighs.
If you weren’t in your post orgasm high you’d be cussing Luffy out for running out the bathroom with you both naked being possibly seen by someone. He shut your door and tossed you on the bed prying your messy thighs back open
“Y/N…” Luffy’s voice was almost like he was singing , “you’re dirty down there…lemme clean it up.”
“Wha??—OH LUFFY!” You threw your hand in his wet hair as he shoved his tongue inside you, he didn’t go down on you often and feeling him widen and stretch his tongue makes you now wish he’d do it Everytime you guys have sex.
“LUFFFYYYY!” It wasn’t Long until you reached your orgasm clamping down on his face with your thighs, you started to ride his tongue, feeling his wet hot muscle roll back and fourth on your clit to carry out your orgasm making him moan inside you seeing as he finally was close to reaching his high too rubbing his own cock while eating you.
Once he was released from your thighs he pulled off of your clit with a smack and stroked himself on you.
“Gatta…cum again!” He released his cum on your tummy breathing shallow with his arms gripping the sheets beside your head. You both were a panting mess until he slid himself right back in your with his face redder than ever still giving weakens giggles at your reaction. “One more okay?”
“I—“ You were dazed whining out uneven moans as he slowly started to pump himself into you, the room was spinning, your jaw was slacked open drooling, and you both were just sweating and groaning on top of each other. His mind was fuzzy, but he managed to give you small kisses on your face and neck whispering a bunch of nothings to you about how good you feel and how much he can’t stop.
After about an hour of hearing “One more” you both were so fucked out of your minds you slept through dinner, but everybody on the ship didn’t mind it considering nobody was hungry after hearing you both all evening.
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He’d be more silently irritated actually
He’d keep you beside him making sure his hands are always touching you some way
Very needy and bratty
The aphrodisiac he consumed: was a drink
His stupid lost ass should have known he didn’t know where he was going
You both were supposed to go on a date today and he wanted to take you to an area he found a few days ago when y’all first docked but he of course couldn’t remember
You packed nothing to drink and have been wandering around a forest for what felt like forever.
You both found a small abandoned home by a lake to take a quick rest and thats when Zoro found some alcohol on the table inside
“You shouldn’t drink that. Who knows who or what has been on there.” You cringed seeing him already put the full bottle to his lips. He shrugged at you, “I’m thirsty, woman.”
“Then go drink some of the water in that lake! I checked it it’s clean!”
“Tch.” He ignored you like he always does and downs almost half the bottle in one swig. “Sure you don’t want any? It’s sweet how you like it.”
“No you ass. One of us has to be sober in case an enemy comes to kick your ass for drinking their stuff.”
“Very funny.” Zoro rolled his eyes downing back the drink again. “Weird after taste though.”
You decided to look around the house. It was relatively clean , but some dusty areas but it was nice to relax for a moment. It was rare you both had these moments like this together so you actually wanted to stay for the evening. You assumed you wasn’t too far from the boat considering the trees looked familiar form when you first arrived so you sat on the couch to unwind.
It was quiet for a moment, so quiet you actually felt yourself dozing off. Zoro watched you shift to your back and noticed the two piece you were wearing was lifting a bit exposing the black lace panties you wore. Also instantly Zoro’s cock twitched at the sight which nearly scared the shit out of him because he usually wasn’t the type to get aroused so easily.
He shook his head feeling a bit lightheaded so he put the bottle down and walked out to the lake to throw some water on his face. He sighs as he walks back to the livingroom you were napping in and seen you already slumped over with one leg off the couch. He chuckles at you until he gazed at your legs. They looked so smooth, so soft, so plump and the colors really complimented you skin as the sun began to hit over your body.
Zoro slowly approached you making sure you were really sleep before he lifted up your skirt to get a pretty view of your ass. He leaned over closer with his big hand nearly threatening to grab a hold of your butt, but you stirred in your sleep. He shook his head again groaning and mentally cursing himself for acting like a pervert. He had no idea what’s gotten into him but he decided to just take a nap with you so he moved your legs on top of his lap and exhaled. But shutting his eyes didn’t work he couldn’t go to sleep.
So he decided that it was going to be your problem too and shake you awake.
“I’m hungry.” Zoro deadpanned looking over at you. “Got any food?”
“I—you jackass I don’t have any—“
“Then let me eat your pussy.”
“You heard me.”
Zoro was already forthcoming enough so hearing this was something you expected from him, but it still felt different. His words were confident, but his face was flustered and beads of sweat trickled down his face. You rolled on your back completely and obliged.
He chuckled getting up, and dragging your legs off the couch to then hike your skirt up completely. “Relax.” Was all you heard before he threw your leg on his shoulder and pushed your panties to the side and lapped you up.
“Z-zo..!” You breathed out feeling his thick finger enter your whole as he kissed and nibbled on your clit. Eventually he started to add 2 more fingers finger fucking you and using his other hand to rip open your top and bra in one motion with the sounds of your buttons hitting the hard wood floor, and seeing your breast fly out. “H-hey!”
“Shut up.” He stood back up and motioned his hand for you to stand, Zoro pulled off his pants and boxers freeing his cock and you started to suck on your bottom lip seeing it bounce free a little. “Suck my cock while I tongue fuck you.”
“Z-Zoro!” You blushed at his vulgar wording but he didn’t care he just laid back on the couch and pulled your arm. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that…”
“Don’t Act all innocent Like you don’t like it.” He scoffed. “Let me.. fuck you..with my mouth.”
It was almost as if he seen you clench from the inside because he smirked, “see. You love it. Now sit.”
You rid of the the rest of you bottoms feeling his hungry gaze on you and positioned yourself on him and got to work with your mouth. You and Zoro only 69 once and you didn’t really like it but right now from the moans and groans Zoro is doing inside you made you reconsider that thought.
“Mmmmm Zoro…!” You moaned on his cock while your hand also stroked what couldn’t fit inside feeling him twitch inside you.
He began to buck into your mouth as you grind on his face reach both of your highs sooner than you thought.
“Shit!” He pulled off of your clit with a pop, you slowly moved off of him shaking a little from your orgasm when he turned you around and picked you up to slam you on the nearest wall.
“M-maybe…there was something in that drink.” He let out an airy chuckle looking up at you. You immediately rolled your eyes at him knowing you were right and sighed. “But looks it’s just us…so…why not help me out?…don’t worry I’ll carry you back when we’re done.” He winked.
This asshole
“Fuck me then.” Was all he needed to tap his dock on your clit making you both moan out and tongue kiss as he slid inside you.
Zoro was Never gentle with his way of having sex with you so you knew this time with him being fixated from the special drink will probably be worse, but you can handle it.
“Fuck! Yes! Good—fucking girl taking my cock so well!” He huffed in your ear holding you up by your thighs. Your fingers were digging in his back moaning out his name like that was the only word you knew in your pretty little head.
You started to hear a banging noise beside your ear until you looked over to see a picture frame clashing against the wall sliding off the nail it was being supported on. Zoro peeped this and picked up the pace fucking up into you until the frame fell and broke.
“It wasnt a Family picture why you—Ah—worried about it!? Focus on My cock.” He pulled back a bit and started to change his fast shallow thrust to deep hard ones making your gape your mouth open. “Just like that…”
You grabbed his neck to shove your tounge down his throat and in turn made you taste the tiny remnant of the alcohol on his mouth making you hum inside.
“I’m—close!” He groaned moving to your neck to suck on it knowing that was your weak spot wanting to cum faster with him.
“Yes Zoro!” You started to feel yourself get overstimulated with pleasure as he started to slowly move himself in and out of you not giving you a breather in between orgasms.
“I’m not …done..” Zoro nearly growled un your ear, he moved you to face the wall, slapping your wet ass in the process. “Let’s try something different since we’re here.”
You felt his thumb spread your bottom open and your eyes widened a bit as his tip rubbed at your other hole. “W-wait! I don’t think I’m ready for that!”
“Fine…” Zoro kneeled behind you and pulled your hips out further to spread you open more. “I’ll prep you.”
You felt his tongue glide from the bottom of your clit to the top of your ass as he swirled his tongue as your tight whole, you felt kinda dirty on how much you caught yourself enjoying Zoro licking inside you. It was a new kind of pleasure and one you wasn’t sure if you could handle.
“Baby…” you cried against the wall, “okay! That’s—enough—ah!” He finally started to give your clit attention by rubbing it back and fourth very vigorously making your knees shake.
“Cum.” Was his only command with his face still shoved in your backside (I really didn’t wanna say butthole but that’s where he is rn).
You felt another orgasm arise from your belly and moaned out blabbering his name with a trickle of spit coming down your mouth.
“See.” He gave your butt a slap. “Felt good huh?”
Zoro tried. He really did. He wanted to go slow entering your ass but you looked too tempting and his state of mind was not where it needed to be he just wanted to see you cry out.
He pushed himself in your tight hole and you’ve never felt this stretched before. It was painful, but it felt way too good for you both. You could barely clench around him without you both morning above a scream.
“Move Zoro please i need it!”
Usually he’d make you beg a little more but he needed this release too so he grabbed your thick hair and fucked you into the wall.
He was grunting, and you were screaming out not worried who could be out hiking or exploring, but even if someone did see you both you couldn’t see them with your eyes filled with tears.
“So..tight! So—-ah! Good!” Zoro growled a little in his words. His voice was strained trying to hold out from cumming but you just kept squeezing. “Cuming!”
Feeling him spill inside your ass was a new level of pleasure, it was almost as if you could cum from that pressure alone. Zoro hung over you with one arm holding your waist and the other holding him up on the wall breathing heavily.
“Turn…around.” He let you face him leaning on the wall. He put your thigh around his waist moving his dick back in your cunt making you jump.(honestly I wouldn’t really advise going back inside your vagina after anal sex but bare with me) His neck was on your throat as he hungrily kissed you. He felt like it was needed for his good girl holding out for so long. But he didn’t feel finished. However he had a little bit more self control now that the drink was beginning to ware off a bit and gave you a quick breather while kissing you so passionately. He now held your arms above your head and rubbed soft circles on your sensitive slit making you squirm. “Wanna go again?”
Zoro laughed with you giving you a little more open mouth kisses but this time he slowed the pace making your feel all of what he had to give.
“So good.” He moaned in your mouth thrusting into you at a more reasonable pace.“‘M ganna bring back some of that drink with us to the Sunny..”
“Oh….Kay..” you moaned feeling his cock drag into your gummy walls so sweetly as your back kept hitting the wall. He knew realistically you would have said no so he gave an airy laugh again at your incoherent response, still being inside you he took you back to the couch to finish with a bit more of a slower pace and not letting go of your lips.
It was a memorable date to say the least.
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Man..can you imagine if he ate an aphrodisiac?
Cums very easily untouched
Absolutely needy and surprisingly selfish
The aphrodisiac he consumed: was a drug.
You poor poor woman….
Do you know …the damage you have gotten yourself into….
This man probably has a natural aphrodisiac running through his blood stream
It was supposed to be a joke. A harmless joke on your boyfriend
However you ended up in tears rather than laugher.
You wanted to see how he’d react to one thinking he’d probably be immune because he already had to much lust in him how stupid you were to think that.
You bought some special cigarettes for him, but they were laced and of course you didn’t want to give him anything like that without him knowing DO NOT DRUG PEOPLE W/O CONSENT THATS WRONG
You suggested he try it, but he was hesitant.
“I don’t think me having an aphrodisiac would be a good idea, sweetheart.”
You really wanted him to try, but you didn’t push him. So a few days went by and eventually Sanji did lose his pack of cigarettes. How plot convenient
He usually has more in his room, but he couldn’t leave the kitchen and you were too busy with Ussop to grab another one for you.
So he asked Luffy.
And of course he ends up grabbing the wrong pack. The pack that he didn’t want to throw out because you bought it for him.
Without thought he took one long hit and exhaled, but he immediately knew and immediately fucked up.
“…oh shit.”
Sanji quickly threw out the cigarette grabbing the box from his coat to read the package and there was a cute little red warning saying “Please use with caution and do not finish the entire cigarette: Does contain (idk some drug with a lot of aphrodisiac init)” He slapped his head wanting to actually slap Luffy, but it wasn’t his fault Sanji just forgot about it, sighing in annoyance he finished up dinner and headed quickly to the shower, hopefully that was something that could reduce any side effects.
But it was too late he was already growing hard before he even hit the bathroom. “Fuck!”
He began to loosen his tie, he felt hotter by the second, running to ramble for his regular cigarettes in panic to get his mind at ease. Sanji locked himself in his room hopefully his hand could fix the issue he has been having instead of coming to you.
“Where’s Sanji?”
“I don’t know but I’m going to eat I’m starving.”
“I’ll go look for him.”
You decided to head straight to his room, but it was locked? Usually it’s only locked if he’s in there with you, but clearly you weren’t so you knocked on the door.
“Sanji…” you moved closer to the door so he could hear you from the other side, “Babe, everybody is eating already, wanna come down for dinner?”
“I’m—it’s okay I’m busy! Go eat, my love—ah!”
You could have sworn you just heard Sanji moaning.
Was he cheating on you?
“No, dumbass it’s just us on the ship who the hell would he be with in there? “
“Sanji can you open the door pleasee…”
It was silence for a few seconds until you heard the weight of his bed creak and his heavy footsteps approach. He creaked opened the door only showing half of his sweaty pink face.
“H-hey, my love…ne-need anything?”
“Yeah. You.” You pushed yourself in already low on patience because you wanted to know why Sanji being so weird and that was until you seen your panties, some magazines, and a wet spot all on his bed.
You turned to him to see his pants unbuckled and being held for dear life by his hand. Sanji was pink not only on his face, but his body since he was shirtless too. He gave you a crooked smile, and his eyes were dilated, almost has if he were having some kind of trip.
“Baby…” You smiled approaching him cautiously, he looked like he just got caught stealing or something, but you found it cute. “If you needed release I told you you can come to me. Quickie or whatever I—“
“No! No I don’t want a quickie I…” Sanji had to clear his throat. His voice kept cracking and so he moved to his drawer to hand you the now opened special cigarettes walking past you so he can drink a cup of water he had by his night stand. And then it clicked.
“Oh…but why did yo—” you whispered, you looked back up to feel the heat from Sanji radiating off him from behind you. It was like you could feel the bloodlust he had come off of his body. Nearly scared you because you never seen him like this.
“I…I need…you.” He reached out to touch your exposed tummy and hissed as if you were hot yourself, you looked so much more attractive to him right now. All you were wearing was a skirt and a top, but he thought you were practically naked. His eyes were not the usual pretty pink hearts, but they were dark and shaky. You put your hand on his cheek nearly retracting back because he was so hot it burned. He grabbed your hand and began kissing it, but the kissing eventually turned into him sucking on each finger.
“I…need you.” His voice was so raspy and shaky you actually started to feel bad more than horny for even giving him the cigarettes. He pulled your ring and middle finger out of his mouth to hold you into a tight embrace with his clamy hands running under your clothing.
“Please…let me fuck you.”
You felt yourself clench around nothing. Sanji never enjoyed using profanity around you too much, but his mind wasn’t in the right place. He didn’t care he needed to be on and inside you—dick, fingers, mouth he don’t care he needed to scratch the itch.
“Okay Sanji.” You wiggled yourself out of your skirt making him loop his thumbs down your panty line and pull them down slowly “Fuck me.”
“Color?” He whispered heavily in your ear before giving it a soft kiss. As much as he wanted to rip your clothes off and just fuck you into the wall he had to go slow with his actions until he gotten your entire yes on this, because he knew once he started he wasn’t going to stop.
“Blue.” In one swift motion he picked you up and placed you on his bed to get rid of any lingering clothing. He craved to see all of you.He wanted to mark every ich of your body. Your breast looked more supple, your tummy looked more soft and your cunt…
“So pretty…so…fuck—.” His thumbs glided on the sides of your labia making you arch a bit. He sat back up off the edge of the bed to rid of his bottoms, his cock sprang up, it was blushed and already glistening from the few times he already came on his own. His veins looked more prominent, making you blush at the sight. “Your pussy is so sexy, Baby…”
“Sanji!” You covered your face at his dirty words, but felt embarrassed seeing as he used his thumbs again to open you open seeing you clench around nothing.
“Not wet enough.” He spoke his thoughts out loud. He kneeled in front of the bed grabbing your hips to pull you onto his mouth with full force. You tend to forget how strong he really is.
You let out a pathetic moan feeling him manhandle you and prepare yourself to grip the sheets beside you. “Ganna let me eat this pretty pussy right, love?” It was almost like he was teasing you as he rubbed his two fingers up and down your slit . All you could see was his eyes, but you couldn’t stare for too long because it nearly scared you. This wasn’t the same Sanji you usually make love with—- he was something else more lustful.
“Y-yes! Please…ah!” He pressed him arms down on your hips making sure you won’t move and immediately started to suck your clit. You’d look up and glance at him but the sight was too unbareable, the top of his head moving all around between your thighs made you squeeze on his tongue a bit. Sanji felt like he wasn’t getting enough access into you so he stood up.
“Here.” He exhaled sucking his bottom lip tasting more of your arousal, “Just ganna open you up a bit more, beautiful—-there you go…look at you…”
Your thighs were pressed against your tits and your entire pussy was on display for him. He nearly drooled at the sight before diving his head back onto you, “Sanji…!”
Somehow you could hear the wet suckling noises from his mouth on your cunt more clearer and it drove you absolutely crazy, you kept holding your breath to reduce from cuming too soon, but you didn’t know that that actually works the opposite way.
“Ah! Ah! Yes! Right there ah!” You sounded like a broken record, but you didn’t care. Your voice started to crack feeling your orgasm hit you like a wave , your nails dug into your skin holding your legs up for him when you began to twitch uncontrollably when his tongue slid up and down from the bottom of your ass to your clit.
If you were to see how Sanji looked eating your pussy he’d look so desperate. He let you ride against his tongue before he exchanged it for his two fingers to rub circle on your clit. He watched as your pussy kept convulsing on him and hearing your whinny pants.
“‘M sorry, but I need more!”
You didn’t even hear him all you did was feel his mouth right back on your slit with his tongue sliding in fucking your hole. His hands spread your cheeks to just get better access to suck inside you. You could have sworn you seen stars when you opened your eyes.
You managed to cum once again, this time leaving your whole body shaky as he let you drop your legs down, but Sanji didn’t care right now. He didn’t want take a breather, he wanted you, so he pushed your limp body up the bed to make room for him to climb on top of you, your eyes were still rolled back and you didn’t even notice your self grinding your hips trying to find more friction somewhere.
“‘M ganna fuck you so well, Princess, okay?” You felt his breath on your mouth ready for him to kiss you and he gave you just that, with one hand grabbing your thighs to wrap around him to adjust himself, before pulling away from you with a spit line connecting you both. He swirled his cock inside you hearing the gooey wet noises of your arousal and he bit his lips tightly before pushing himself inside. Somehow you felt tighter and even more amazing than he last remembered. You felt so soft, that there wasn’t a piece of your body that he wasn’t touching while dragging himself in and out of you. The slow pace didn’t last long as he needed more.
“NEEDD!…MORE..PLEASE!” With each word came a stronger and faster thrust making you subconsciously pull away from the feeling of him, but he noticed this and Sanji grabbed your hips with one hand and placed his other on your tummy and pushed down. “No! …you Gatta feel all of me! Please!”
Both of you filled the rooms with whines, moans, and groans on top of the wet slapping noises against each other. It wasn’t long until your felt your orgasm approaching so closely;
“San—Sanji im—-YES YES IM—I’m CUMMING SAN—“ your back arched as you threw your arms back grabbing his pillow and biting it to try to conceal SOME moans.
“N-no!” He grabbed the pillow and threw it across the bedroom floor. “I! Needa!! Fuck— hear you! Please!” His voice was cracking with each thrust and making you ride out your orgasm onto another one.
You felt numb in the brain. Your eyes were squinted seeing how red Sanji was sweating and breathing over you. He looked so attractive, but th thought of being any more turned on started to feel a bit painful.
“S—!” He spilled inside you coming in close to leave open mouth kisses on your breast up to your mouth. He stopped for a moment trying to catch his breath. Sanji felt on fire, tears started to form in his eyes huffing and puffing on your neck not letting go of your hips, his hair was so wet and sticking to you and his face he could barely see or think.
“M-more..” He rose up to glide his hands over your completely wet body mixed with sweat and his and your fluids. “Need—-More im sorry!”
You didn’t understand why he kept apologizing because you were still on cloud 9 your and that was u til he flipped you on your stomach and opened your legs again.
“Ah fuck! Thank you baby thank you! Fuck! I need more!” You felt his entire body weight on you with his hands grabbing yours above your head to keep himself steady and he pumped into you viciously you clenched each time he came back inside you so easily due to how wet and stretched you were.
“Thank..you! Ah! Ah ! Ah!” He mouth was right by your ear as your face was buried in his bed moaning right along with him. You heard the bed creak so loudly and the floor boards get scratched up from the way the bed frame was moving under you both. You felt almost like if you didn’t scream from pleasure right now you’d probably die.
His eyes opened again now moving faster trying to reach the same high as you. Both of you were fucking like literal rabbit at this point. But you didn’t care because you were pretty much at fault for this.
You both finally slowed down as you both came together hugged himself behind you rocking you back and fourth slowly still trying to ride how which ever number orgasm this was.
“T-Thank you…” he rolled you over and pulled you on top of him. Your hair was a mess, your eyes were barely keeping focused , and your head was buried in his sweaty neck. He peppered you in kisses, rubbing your back just for a moment, “You feel..so good….”
“Mmhmm…” was all you could mumble. You didn’t know what time it was or how long you both been going at it—
All you knew was from him thank you’d and sorry against your hot skin as he kissed your body.
You knew he wasn’t done.
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
From this post about Eddie controlling the demobats
When Eddie returned, so did the bats. In a great blast of cracking concrete and flapping wings, they emerged like a storm right in the middle of main street. The people of Hawkins, who were still getting over the earthquake, had run inside every nearest building, waiting for the revenge of the man they had hunted down.
Eddie had simply taken one long look at their cowering faces through the windows, and then walked off. The horde of bats followed closely behind him. They were still just as menacing in the daylight but they never strayed to pick off a helpless human.
So Eddie was back. Good news!
The bats were also top side. Bad news?
Eddie had control over them. Definitely good news.
It was an odd arrangement. It was made less odd by the fact that Eddie didn’t bring them absolutely everywhere. They mostly stayed in a dark cave unless called upon.
At least at first.
It started with small things. These were wild, territorial things and they never backed down or deferred to anyone who wasn’t Eddie. Except for Steve. Eddie had been sitting on a park bench, tossing some food to the geese who dared to get near. The demobats were perched next to him and around his feet, at least a dozen. They were immovable. But as Steve walked up and drew near, they parted and cleared a space for him.
He had staunchly refused to be around the bats at first. He never wanted to give them a taste again. It appeared his worries were for nothing. Because they hadn’t touched him once.
“Do you think they think I’m gross?”, Steve asked as he tossed to the birds. “I mean, they chomped us both up but they obviously like you better.”
“Why? Is the king jealous?”, Eddie teased, flashing his fangs in a grin.
“I’m just saying you’d think they’d have better taste. No offense, but I’m basically prime rib and you’re just some beef jerky.”
Eddie scoffed in offense despite Steve saying no offence. “Robin is right, you’re a total meat head sometimes. Tell me Steve, when you’re on an hours long road trip and need somethin’ to keep you going, do you just fork a whole steak while driving? Or do you stop at a 7-Eleven for a Slim Jim?”
“You’re just proving my point at how slender you are compared to me.”
While he and Steve traded barbs it would’ve been clear to anyone who made the connection between Eddie and the bats that he wasn’t offended at all. But no one had made the connection yet.
It was one of those days where a bunch of things had simply lined up and everyone was in the same place. Hopper was fixing his car with the help of Jonathan, Mike, and Max. Joyce was merrily cleaning the house and even rearranging the furniture with the assistance of El, Steve, and Eddie. Robin, Dustin, and Erica were posing for a painting outside for Will. Argyle and Lucas were sitting on the porch, talking about California.
As usual, Eddie’s command for the bats was to stay in the cave. Even if the others knew they wouldn’t be attacked, they still didn’t feel totally comfortable with them around. But throughout the day, a few at a time had appeared, making the roof their perch.
“Should we be worried about those?”, Argyle asked, pointing towards the sky.
Hopper looked up from the hood and let out an exasperated sigh. “If they cause trouble we can handle ‘em. Mike, oil.”
Eddie looked out the window and cursed under his breath, making El pause as she moved the couch.
“It’s fine. Nothing. I guess I’d get stir crazy in a cave all day too. Aren’t bats supposed to be nocturnal?”
“They’re not exactly normal bats”, Steve grunted as he pushed the fridge into its new position.
Eddie bit his lip as he watched the way his arm flexed a little and right then a demobat face planted into the kitchen window.
Joyce whipped her head. “What was that?”
“Nothing!”, Eddie rushed to cover his tracks. “There’s always one that’s a little uh, new to their wings, you know?”
Their need to follow Eddie was beginning to be a problem. Because they only seemed to disobey when he was with Steve. When Eddie was by himself, they stayed put. But the moment Harrington was in the picture, these little monster shits had to be there. And if anyone ever realized that, his cover would be blown.
Eddie thought he’d been keeping a good handle on things all considered. That is until one bat decided to have a personal vendetta against him. Eddie had been calm, cool, and collected while he and Steve hung out by the quarry. A couple of bats had joined them as usual. But Eddie kept a straight face about it.
And then their bull session turned to serious talk. About what the future held for them after this. About how they’d never be able to leave this town. About how it felt like no one would need them.
Eddie was quick to shoot down that part for Steve. This man was like the air he breathed and if there was ever a day that Steve wasn’t in the world, that would be it for him. That’s not what he said though.
“People need you more than you think. Just cause we don’t say it, doesn’t mean we’re not thinking it.”
“Dude, we’re about a six pack in, too many negatives.”
“I’m saying we all want you here. Even if we don’t need you to hold our hand, isn’t that enough?”
Steve’s eyes softened. “They need you too. I can’t even describe how they all-how we were while you were gone. We need you just as much Eddie.”
And then one of the bats, those traitorous bats, sidled right up to Steve and nuzzled its ugly little head into Steve’s side like a pitiful dog and Eddie could’ve cried. At least he did internally.
‘Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo what are you doiiiiiiiiiiing????’
Steve was visibily nervous at first because that was the same area he’d been eaten but the bat didn’t put its mouth anywhere near and simply rubbed its cheek to his torso.
“Hey, hehe”, he laughed a little when it was clear he wasn’t being attacked. “I think they like me now.”
“You don’t say”, Eddie breathed out in a strained, punched out voice.
That incident was enough for Eddie to have a heart to heart with his group of followers. He paced around the mouth of the cave while the bats sat on the ground at attention.
“Okay, here’s the deal guys. You can’t keep stalking Steve like this. I get it, trust me. But if people start to catch on to what I’m feeling because you guys keep. Making. It. Obvious. Then we’ve got an angry mob on our hands again.”
Eddie felt like he was talking to a pack of puppies because that’s exactly how they looked right now and didn’t these things kill him before? He couldn’t believe he’d ever been afraid of them.
The talk did nothing though. They still left the cave in the middle of the day to find him and Steve together and were getting more and more affectionate as the days went by.
And somehow Steve just got more comfortable with it. Nancy had them in her garage, teaching the two of them how to clean a gun and a demobat was honest to god (was there a god up there? If there was, he was getting his giggles in) snuggling up in Steve’s hair. In his hair! The crown that Eddie dared not touch. He had never been more jealous or mortified.
“Those things really like you Steve”, Nancy mentioned.
Eddie was mentally begging her to not be a sleuth for once.
“I think they’re just realizing which of us would’ve been the better boss based on flavor.”
“On the flavor?”, Eddie and Nancy deadpanned in unison, also giving him twin looks of judgement.
“Nancy how you’d ever date this guy? It’s like he’s got beef for brains.”
Nancy shrugged. “I guess I’m just a little carnivorous. I think we’ve got that in common”, she said, giving Eddie a meaningful look.
Outwardly, his throat bobbed. Inwardly, he was screaming from the edge of a cliff. Still his feelings for Steve trumped any panic that Nancy Wheeler might know his feelings because the demobat just burrowed deeper in his hair.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Yeah”, he admitted. “I’m pretty carnivorous. Maybe a little too much. That bother you?”
Nancy shook her head quickly. “To tell you the truth...I might be....”, she hesitated on the words. “Going vegetarian.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up while Steve was on another page entirely.
“Vegetarian? Nancy you’ll never survive in this town, everyone cooks with bacon grease or lard.”
“Well it’s more like, I’m omnivorous but I might be trying to add more vegetables to my diet”, she amended. “Does that bother you Eddie?”
“I’m in no position to argue Big Wheel. I’ve been circling your steak like a vulture.”
“I haven’t looked at that steak in ages. You can have it. Not that you need my permission.”
“I get the feeling you guys aren’t talking about food anymore”, Steve said.
And Eddie just couldn’t resist that confused face Steve made. But the moment wasn’t right to reveal his and Nancy’s ahem, dietary preferences. So he just patted him on the shoulder.
“We just agree with the bats man. You’re pretty tasty. Even if not all of us are getting bites in anymore.”
“Oh that reminds me”, Steve said. “We weren't able to get you a blood bag. I kinda dropped the ball. So tonight you can just drink of me.”
At least five bats descended and inched their way towards Steve like desperately hungry animals and Eddie had to stop them in their place.
“Looks like steak’s on the menu tonight”, Nancy commented.
Part 2
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shadow-pixelle · 9 months
Help the snippet grew legs
I did more snippet. I actually did more snippet checks nearly two weeks ago now, but then things went to pot a bit and I didn't post. Because I am a living disaster.
But yeah the last DCxDP snippet I wrote has grown legs. In fact it has grown so much legs that I know where it starts as well as where it goes from the last snippet onwards for a while.
I don't know how we got from the start to here, but that's not my problem right now.
This however is not the start. This follows up directly from this post from a month ago.
Jason had been on edge since getting back to Gotham. The sort of on edge that made him want to go patrolling Crime Alley, just to make sure everything was alright. Which was ridiculous, because he’d only been gone for a week, and more importantly he was exhausted and patrolling when he was this tired was asking for trouble.
Mostly, he just wanted to go home and sleep, but he needed to head to the Cave to check on some information regarding this case, just to make sure it was closed and stayed closed, so he turned his bike to go and do that first. At the very least it would be quiet there, since it was just late enough in the night that all the Bats would be swarming out on their own patrols.
So of course Babs patched herself into his comms not two minutes after returning.
“Hey, O.” He said, because he couldn’t really be mad at her for any length of time. And it wasn’t like it was her fault he was on edge right now. “What’s up?”
“Are you heading to the Cave?”
“Yeeesss...?” Jason frowned slightly, leaning forward. “Why, is something wrong?”
“No, just need to warn you, we’ve got visitors.”
Jason jerked in surprise, then swore as he regained control of his bike. He pulled to a stop so that Babs wouldn’t lambast him about it, before replying. “Visitors?”
“Red Robin made some friends while you were gone.” She told him, with an odd tone in her voice. “They’re doing something involving the Lazarus Pits.”
Jason went cold. “They’re- what?”
“The Pits.” She repeated. “They- Hood, we don’t know anything about them. But Red Robin says they’re trustworthy, and yes we checked for mind control and things. There’s nothing. But they know more about the Pits than anyone we’ve ever met.”
Jason laughed, strangled. “What, really?”
“Really. I think they might know more than Ra’s does.” Babs sounded nervous, he realised with another cold flush, and he started his bike again and pushed off.
“That’s not suspicious at all.”
“No, it isn’t.” Babs sighed. “But Red trusts them, for some reason, enough to bring them to the Cave for whatever project they’re working on. The others are there too, he’s not alone, and we’re keeping an eye on things, but…”
“Yeah.” Jason knew. They were Bats, paranoia was in their nature. The fact that none of the Bats that had come into contact with these unknowns seemed bothered at all was… intensely concerning. “You want me to take a look or avoid it?”
“...You can come by, if you want. I’m watching remotely in case we need a League alert or something, but…”
“I hear you.” He sighed. “Who’re we dealing with?”
“They all look to be about mid-twenties. The main guy calls himself Phantom. The other two defer to him on just about everything, so he’s definitely the boss. No real description, he’s not human and only sometimes has a human shape. Fairly middling height and frail-looking when they do, white hair and glowing green eyes. Most the time he’s wearing a sort of hazmat suit of some kind, but that shifts sometimes. When he’s not human it’s pretty much impossible to describe him, but I guess the best way to put it is that he looks like space.” Babs immediately filled in.
“The other two seem to be some kind of subordinates. The man goes by Duulaman, he seems to be a mix of tech guy and magic. Phantom also seems to know his way around technology pretty well, hardware while Duulaman does software. His magic is Egyptian themed for the most part, and seems linked to his technological ability otherwise. Fairly tall, dark skin and blue eyes with a green shimmer, black hair. He wears glasses but I’m not convinced that they’re actually necessary rather than being some kind of device for either his magic or technology. Also, we can’t hack him.”
“What, at all?”
“Admittedly I’ve not tried too hard, I don’t want to make them hostile if they’re not going to be, but I think he uses his magic to amplify what his technology does. Just what little I’ve seen is incredible.”
“Huh.” Also concerning, but in a different way. Though if Babs wasn’t trying too hard then it might just be that Duulaman’s tech seemed harder to deal with than it is. “And the third?”
“A woman, Caucasian with black hair and mostly violet eyes. Little bit of a green shine there, too. She’s the tallest of the lot of them, pretty thin but not as frail-looking as Phantom. Not sure of much more about her, she doesn’t seem to have the same sort of technological abilities as the other two and she’s mostly been standing to the side like a guard or acting as an extra pair of hands whenever either of the males need something. Name seems to be Belladonna, but both males have been giving her a few different plant-related nicknames, so I’m not certain which one’s real.”
“Great.” He sighed again. “Don’t suppose there’s any way to get an idea of that?”
“Not likely. Other possible names are Nightshade, Overgrowth, Foxglove, Yew, and Daffodil.”
“Daffodil?” That didn’t quite fit the theme, though the fact that the woman had a theme of poisonous plants was concerning. Then again, neither did Overgrowth.
“Daffodils are poisonous, apparently.”
Babs went quiet for a while after that, letting Jason drive, and only spoke up again when he reached the entrance to the Cave.
“Be careful, Hood.”
“Always am, O.” He replied, slightly nervous despite himself. A part of him wanted to just run back to Crime Alley and go to bed, not deal with whatever disaster Tim had apparently brought into the family trying to study fucking Lazarus Pits, somehow. He just… didn’t want to deal with this.
But he had to, because if there was any chance the other Bats were under some kind of subtle mind control, they needed someone outside to go and take a look, and with Jason knowing about it ahead of time, there’d at least be a chance for Babs to call in the League if she saw a change.
The Cave was surprisingly quiet when he entered, though in a way Jason wasn’t surprised. The place was practically made to amplify certain sounds, and his bike roaring in was definitely one of them. Plus there was the fact that there were three unknowns in the Cave, so no-one was going to be talking about anything private or secret. Still, it was disconcerting to enter the Cave when it was so quiet, with none of the others calling out a greeting and no sounds of sparring on the mats. It just felt wrong, and Jason felt a chill run down his spine even as he stopped his bike and headed further in.
The chill only got worse when he saw the group. Most of the Bats were just hovering around the Cave, doing nothing in particular and obviously only there to keep an eye on the unknowns. Red Robin was the only one over by the workbench that had obviously been hurriedly pulled together from about four other smaller workbenches, leaning over it with his back to Hood. One of the strangers was with him, and Hood could suddenly understand why Oracle had said Phantom was difficult to describe. For the most part, he definitely looked like Oracle had said, a black hazmat-like outfit and white hair. Given the way he was leaning over the table next to Red Robin, it was hard to see much of him, but he did look fairly frail.
Except when Hood blinked, the man suddenly looked… well. Not human. At all. He could see what she meant by looking like space, because he just… cracked. Like a swirling void full of stars.
Then Hood blinked again, and he was back to normal, and all three strangers were straightening. The woman, maybe-Belladonna, looked up first from where she was hovering- not literally, unlike Phantom, who Hood now realised was literally floating at Red Robin’s side- behind Duulaman, met Hood’s eyes despite the helmet, and paled sharply. Duulaman looked up next, and both their eyes flashed a bright green- a toxic green, one only a few shades off being very familiar- before both swore sharply.
That was when Phantom turned around.
Hood froze. Not just from the sudden chill, fear biting down his spine in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time, but from the look. Something about Phantom seemed familiar, in a dangerous way. Floating slightly in the air, white hair waving like it was caught in an invisible breeze, and eyes shining a just as brilliant green as the other two but solid rather than mixed into their apparently-original colours. The being- because he wasn’t a human, no matter what he looked like most of the time and no matter what the other Bats thought, that wasn’t a meta or even an alien, he was something else- stared at him, a hazy mist of breath clouding in front of him, eyes wide.
There was a crackle of something like electricity and machinery starting, and Phantom disappeared. Hood suddenly felt like he could breathe again.
“Oh Ancients.” Duulaman murmured, looking pale. He was still staring at Hood, as was Belladonna, both of them looking horrified.
“Phantom?” Belladonna called, eyes darting upwards for a moment before returning to stare at Hood.
Slightly uncomfortable with the attention now, Hood looked up.
The Cave roof had been replaced with a starry sky. Based on… everything else about this situation, that was probably Phantom.
The electrical sound came again, somehow sounding apologetic and Hood had no idea how a noise like that could sound like that, and Duulaman sighed. “English, Phantom. Or at least something living, please.”
“Sorry.” The mass of space on the roof said, with an undertone of electricity and ice. “Just… Ancients.”
Belladonna laughed, a small, horrified sound. “You’ve got that right.”
“What happened to you?” Duulaman asked, and out of the corner of his eye Hood saw the rest of the Bats stiffen.
His focus was on the mass on the roof, though, which slowly crept down- like some demented dripping tap of space, Hood thought hysterically- to settle between Duulaman and Belladonna in a mind-twistingly strange blob.
The shape shimmered, and Phantom’s human form appeared, the space-blob folding away like it had never been there. He looked at Hood again, then winced and deliberately turned his head to focus on Duulaman as he leaned into his side. Light flickered again, and then-
Phantom shifted.
White hair swapped to black, the strange hazmat suit disappeared in favour of jeans and a long sleeved shirt- which looked immensely out of place compared to his… partners? Underlings? Outfits; Belladonna had a dramatic black dress lined with vines and pale flowers, and Duulaman leaned into the Egyptian theme with an outfit like a pharaoh. Compared to them, Phantom looked incredibly normal. Like a regular guy in his mid-twenties.
He looked over at Hood again, eyes now blue with only a faint green shine, and Hood shivered. No matter that he looked normal, something about the being still screamed unnatural.
“Phantom?” Both his partners asked, sounding surprised.
“Sorry.” He said, in a raspy voice. “It’s- easier, this way. Kidnapping isn’t exactly a good idea right now.”
“Kidnapping?!” Several of the Bats chorused, and Hood saw Batman stiffen ready to lunge.
Hood just couldn’t stop staring.
He was aware, faintly, of the conversation going on around him. More than aware, really; he was a Bat by training, he didn’t just… tune out of important conversations. Everything that was being said was being catalogued for later, held in the back of his head for evaluation once he had time. But at the same time, it was just… difficult. As much as he was aware of the conversation, he wasn’t really listening. A part of him just… couldn’t stop watching the three. Even as Phantom very deliberately looked away from Jason, almost like he couldn’t bare to look at him. As Duulaman put his hand on Phantom’s shoulder and Belladonna leaned into his side like they were anchoring him, while neither of them looked his way for more than brief glances that every time warped their faces into grimaces.
He was fully aware that the other Bats were interrogating the three. Something they really should have done long before this, before they brought them to the Cave because they were doing something with Lazarus Pits and knew too much about them. And he was well aware that none of them were making getting the information difficult. They talked easily, like none of it was a secret- and maybe it wasn’t. These Infinite Realms, these ghosts, everything about the Ancients and the halfas that Phantom apparently was, maybe none of it was a secret. Or maybe it was just that none of them cared, because-
Phantom looked him in the eyes for the first time since the start of this whole thing.
“Pariah Dark was a monster, and even he would consider what was done to you unforgivable.”
Jason jolted, pulling away from that horrible chill and the feeling that there was something incredible in front of him- something horrifying, something nightmarish and awful. And he listened, really listened, as Phantom laid out as best as he could what it felt like to look at him. It felt like drowning, almost, and somewhere in the back of his mind past the crystal haze of shock it felt like he was screaming. Jason just listened and stared as the three of them laid out how things felt to them- how he felt to them, and wasn’t that just hilarious, that there was something so deeply wrong with him that even these strange beings, these half-dead and partly dead people, were able to look at him and know immediately that something is wrong here.
He wondered a little if it was like the uncanny valley. If looking at him made these people, who were apparently ghosts or at least close to it, unnerved because there was something wrong here, something not quite correct for what it should be.
Of course he would be fucked up. He was already well aware that the Pit had done terrible things to him. What was one more?
Phantom glanced at him only once more, then focused on Batman.
“So,” he said, in a firm voice obviously used to being obeyed. “I’d quite like to know who did that to him. Because my next step is going to be to call the council, get war declared on them, and then erase them.”
Neither Belladonna or Duulaman objected. In fact they seemed like they agreed, or possibly they just didn’t intend to contradict the person that was their leader.
Jason wasn’t sure. He was still too busy being shocked, lost in a hazy daze of… something. He couldn’t have spoken even if he wanted too, and all he could do was stare at Bruce as well, waiting to see what was next.
Batman didn’t speak.
He wasn’t sure he was surprised.
The silence stretched, reaching a minute, two. Phantom continued to stare at Batman, who stared back, a firm line in what Jason could see of his mouth. No-one else moved.
Jason took a shuddering breath, and a step back. It was more of a stumble, really, and it broke the holding pattern the rest of the room was in. Eyes snapped to him.
The three- ghosts? Realms beings? Whatever they were- looked directly at him with only a slight wince. Phantom tensed slightly, like he wanted to spring, and both Duulaman and Belladonna did the same in response, hands grasping at their leader as if to keep him in place.
Jason took another trembling breath, and bolted.
Someone- Dick, he thought, but he couldn’t quite tell over the shuddering sounds of his own breaths and heartbeats- shouted after him, but Jason didn’t stop. He just ran, going straight for his bike and leaving.
The chill lingered in the back of his chest the entire time. Jason couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so cold.
He hadn’t even realised he’d been warm, until he saw Phantom. Now there was just the chill, slowly seeping into his bones. He wasn’t even sure that was Phantom’s fault, though.
After all, Bruce had been silent.
Why would Dad tell them who hurt him? It wasn’t like Jason was his son, or anything. It wasn’t like it was only the League, like it was only the Joker, like it wouldn’t deal with so many of their problems without them needing to do anything.
He somehow wasn’t surprised.
So Jason ran.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Who's rhe first to call Selina mom?
When she started dating Bruce Wayne, Selina was aware of the package he came with. The demons, the sleepless nights, the weight of the city—hell, sometimes the fate of the universe—on his shoulders. While she didn't set out to fix him, she was ready to take some of the burden.
She was also aware of the other components of the package. Once the initial surprise wore off, the sight of jackets and batarangs strewn about became something she expected. At any given moment, there was a quarrel to break up or a homework assignment to find five minutes before they were supposed to leave. If she had a balloon for every time Dick used up the fancy shampoo, she could finally fulfill her April Fool's dream of filling the entire Batcave.
Conceptually, she knew what she was getting herself into, but it didn't psych her up the way getting indicted to the Justice League did. It was a given. The sky was blue, Harley loved Ivy, and Bruce Wayne collected strays.
The M-word never crossed her mind. She wasn't one. She was just Selina. Selina, who tied Jason's tie the first time he went to a gala. Selina, who packed Cass's patrol snacks, helped Duke with his science project, and took Damian to buy new shoes. But those were simply tasks, like any others that Bruce or Alfred did. She didn't rescue them off the streets or give them any reason to trust her. She showed up, looked around, and decided that in a place like Gotham, this wasn't the worst room to be in.
After some trial and error, she found her place their routine. Which included nights like these, when the city was calmer and they only needed half capacity. Batman had taken Robin, Orphan, Hood, and Signal out with him. Dick was treating Barbara to a well-deserved date while Alfred manned the computers. Tim was working on either a case or office work—she wasn't sure—in his room (which, by the way, needed some serious vacuuming). And Selina, who had a sudden craving for breakfast, flipped an omelet over in a sizzling plan.
The fridge beside her opened. After rooting around for a minute, Tim emerged with the pickle jar under his arm. He nudged the door shut with his foot as he scrolled through his phone, music audible through his earbuds.
"Careful, you don't wanna lose your hearing," she said.
He turned it down. "Do we have any peanut butter?"
"Check the top right pantry."
"Cool." He sniffled.
She turned the stove down. "Something wrong?"
"Just a little under the weather," he said.
She touched her hand to his forehand. "No fever. That's good, at least. Remember to take breaks."
He hummed and went back upstairs.
Selina started the electric kettle, and while it boiled, she finished her food and loaded her few things into the dishwasher. Then, she grabbed one of her cat mugs, poured the water in, and steeped a chamomile tea bag for a few minutes before bringing it up.
She knocked softly. After getting the "come in," she carefully stepped over a box of case files.
"This should help," she said, setting the tea on his desk.
"Thanks Mom," he said, eyes glued to the screen.
She smiled. "Don't stay up too late." And gently closed the door behind her.
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amymbona · 2 months
Criminal x detective au with a famous killer Patrick Zweig who's lowkey a Robin Hood kinda guy, stealing from the bad giving to the good, only killing capitalists and abusers and all the bad men. He's never been caught, a sly fox, always finding a way in and out. The whole FBI is after him, like he needs to be caught asap. But nobody seems to be getting even close to his trail.
Nobody but you. A shy but determined little detective, who has dedicated the last few years of her career to his case. You rarely ever go home to sleep, spending all the time in your office, trying to connect the hints, study his last burglaries and assassinations. He's so in your brain, completely filling your mind.
But the thing is, nobody has even seen his face before. You have some hints, that he's 6 foot 1 and has curly hair and a pointy nose, but honestly, that could be just any tall man. You're dreaming about an unknown man, a faceless entity who, for what you all know, could be a completely made up person to cover for a group of anarchists. Patrick Zweig has completely consumed your career, but your life too, and you're not only dedicated to catching him, but mainly uncovering whatever there is to be uncovered.
Until, one day, you wake up, tied to a chair and blindfolded in some cold basement, definitely not the comfort of your apartment. For long moments, you're left alone, left to ponder and trying to figure out whatever the fuck is going on. Is this some sick joke? A prank from your friends? Or have you actually been kidnapped?
Then you hear it, the door opens, and a pair of footsteps approached. "Who are you? Where am I?" you ask, but nobody responds. Instead, you feel a touch of a gloved hand on your cheek, on your shoulders, making you shiver. And you wonder, are you going to get killed today?
Not a single hair on your head is twisted, he never punches or slaps you, simply examines your face. Or so you guess, still unable to see a thing. "Finally we meet, detective." the first time he speaks, it sends shivers down your spine, the voice is low but kind of posh, very much confident, belonging to a unique individual.
Finally we meet? And who is the person standing in front of you? Is he a criminal you once wronged or a member of the sicilian mafia ordered to kill you? Unbeknownst to you, Patrick knows more about you than you know about him. He's been watching you, quite amused by your dedication. You're so different to all the other cops and detectives going after him. He can sense you want more and he's willing to give you that.
So he plays with you for a bit, giving you tricky questions and caressing your cheek with the sharp blade of his pocket knife, threatening to hurt you badly if you give him a wrong answer. He really isn't looking to hurt you duh, it's Patrick Zweig, he can't resist a tiny cut on your cheek Bone. He wipes the trail of blood with his gloved finger, licking it off and tasting the metallic leather in his mouth. Yummy.
It lasts for days, actually, at least you think so, and he's generous enough to bring you some water when he comes back. Unfortunately, you haven't earned any kind of luxury yet. It's amusing to see you struggle, to see you so afraid for your own life, and still stubborn, desiring to know more. In some sick sense, it turns the both of you on.
And finally, you guess it. The blood in your veins runs cold upon realising it is Patrick Zweig who has kidnapped you, who's holding you captive in his basement. The criminal you've been after for so many years, the man you've dedicated your whole career and life, as well, to. You should be afraid, you should be begging him to spare you and let you go. But no. You're excited.
"Be a good girl and nothing's gonna happen to you." he says, now standing behind you, his big palms planted on your trembling shoulders. "I know you want answers, so I'm gonna give you a chance to find them. But be careful, darling. One wrong move..." his hand suddenly wraps around your delicate neck, lightly squeezing it to the point when you gasp softly, eyes filling with tears under the blindfold. "One wrong move, Y/N, and I won't be able to hold back."
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 13
Chapter 12
Meanwhile, Jason and Tim met up in the cave after Danny had gone to bed early. “How come you weren’t at dinner?” Tim asked casually. Jason sent him a look. 
“Wanted to look over the newest case,”Jason grunted. “Goldie and the old man took down Mr. Freeze trying to bring that blizzard to Gotham. So, the snow should be letting up soon.”
Tim nodded absently.”And that means Danny’ll be leaving soon.” 
“Bingo,”Jason grunted. “We know the kid is involved with Phantom somehow, and most likely has some kind of meta abilities. There’s no telling exactly what he can do, but it’s possible that he could be one of the Halfas that Phantom’s been protecting.”
Tim groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “We could ask Phantom? If we come out and ask him about Danny he might help us help the kid. Or at least keep him off the streets. You said there’s more than the Fentons hunting them?”
“The GIW and the Fentons are hunting ghosts like Phantom. Apparently they don’t know about Halfas, but that could change. We don’t know why Danny left Amity Park, and if any of it is because of Phantom,”Jason said. The two of them thought for a moment before Jason spoke up. “I think we should talk to Phantom.”
“Yeah,”Tim sighed. “We’ve already determined that he’s an ally, so it’s a good chance that he’ll let us help now that we know most of the details. It might help segue to the whole treaty between the Infinite Realms and Earth thing that I’ve been working on.”
“Alright. Suit up then and we can try to find Phantom. Maybe we should get him a phone now so we can get ahold of him,”Jason grumbled. 
“Anyone else coming?” Tim asked, glancing around. He wasn’t sure if Burce even knew about their plans or much about Danny in general. 
“I hope not,”Jason grumbled, steering Tim toward the cave locker rooms. “B’s got his hands full with some stupid Gala in a few days anyway. So have fun going to that later,” Jason joked. 
Tim groaned. “Maybe I can use Danny as an excuse to miss it. We have a lot of information to go over and plan for. I doubt Bruce would care if I came anyway as long as Damian joins him.”
Jason snorted. “He’ll have his hands full with the demon brat, you’re probably safe.”
“We can only hope,”Tim sighed. 
Three hours later, Danny woke up refreshed and ready to blow off some energy. Looking at the time, he was happy to note that it was only 10, just in time for the Gotham vigilantes to start their patrols. If he was fast he could probably catch up to them, he thought. 
Danny pulled the covers back and stood up to stretch, relishing in the sickening pops coming from his back. Jazz had always shuddered and gave him a look of horror whenever he did it in front of her. He bit back a smile just picturing her face. Then he frowned at the thought. It’d been so long since he’d seen Jazz. 
Shaking his head, he put the thoughts behind him as he transformed and flew out of the manor invisibly. Danny distracted himself with loops and twirls until he spotted a speck of red on the roof of a building. Still invisible, he glided down and saw Red Robin and Red Hood quietly discussing something on the rooftop. Feeling mischievous, Danny hovered right next to Red Robin and phased a hand through his shoulder. 
Red Robin gave a full body shiver, grimacing at the sudden chill. “Phantom?” He called. Red Hood seemed to perk up at this. Danny hummed, the noise sounding like an echo. 
“Uh, we need to talk to you,”Red Robin hedged, and Danny made a questioning noise. At this point he trusted the vigilantes to not turn him in to the GIW or hunt him down. Not so much Batman, but Red Hood he especially trusted.. 
“It’s about Danny Fenton,”Red Hood cut in impatiently. Danny froze, his core thrummed with chills at the name. 
Abruptly, Phantom dropped his invisibility, floating closer to the two startled vigilantes.”How do you know that name?” He demanded. Were they looking into him? Why? Did the GIW come to Gotham? “Is he in danger?” 
“No, no, he’s fine. He’s safe,”Red Robin reassured. “We’ve just.. Noticed a few worrisome things about him and uh,”Red Robin trailed off. Phantom narrowed his eyes at him.
“Is he the Halfa you’ve been protecting here?” Red Hood asked. Danny pursed his lips, nodding hesitatingly. “Okay, thank you for telling us. We’re trying to protect him, but some things about his behavior is a bit worrisome.”
They were watching him? Danny thought abruptly. He was pretty sure he’d only met Red Hood as Danny. The only people who really had the chance to observe him were the Waynes. Did they tell on him to the vigilantes? Did they know? Danny floated around them cautiously. “What do you mean?” 
“How does being a halfa affect his health? He doesn’t eat much, he barely sleeps but he looks tired the time, and he has a slower than normal heart rate and body temperature,”Red Robin listed, much to Danny’s surprise. “Is that normal for a halfa? Can he get sick? Does medication work on him?” He continued to ramble. 
Oh. Danny’s eyes widened. They were worried about him. That was… something he was admittedly not used to, but also made his core thrum with warmth. If anything they sounded like the Wayne’s when they were trying to get him to eat. He took a breath of relief and straightened. “He’s okay, promise,”Danny reassured, holding his hands out with his palms towards them. “Halfas are more or less an unfamiliar species, so we don’t know exactly what his baseline is supposed to be. From what the medical ghosts in the Realms observed-” Or what Frostbite had-” he normally has a lower body temperature, heart rate, and doesn’t need to sleep or breathe as often as a regular human. It affects his appetite to where he doesn’t really feel hungry anymore, so we aren’t sure if he still needs to eat human food or just absorb ectoplasm or emotions, but we have been keeping an eye on it.” Danny explained. He was definitely lying about keeping an eye on it though. Absently, he thought maybe he should go see Frostbite for a checkup. He’d only been there a few times when he’d been really sick, like with his core developing. Other than that though, he’s never been sick with things he used to before he turned ghost.
“Okay, that… makes sense. Half ghost would probably mean lessened functions of his body,”Red Robin rambled, typing on his computer. Danny being not only half dead but also a different species is definitely going to make medical treatment difficult, Tim thought absently. Though some of the symptoms were reminiscent of Jason’s back when he still had the pit rage inside him. Though there were a lot of differences, like that Jason had a higher body temperature than normal instead. “Making sure he eats enough is probably the most important concern..”He trailed off and continued typing. 
“What would we do if he gets hurt, or sick?” Red Hood cut in. He kind of reminded Danny of Jason for a moment. Very direct, but still concerned. 
“He heals a bit faster than usual humans, and uh. His blood is a bit… ghostly? Radioactive maybe? His molecules sort of got rearranged during the.. When he became a halfa,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was not doing a great job of explaining this. To be fair though, he’d only found out most of these things by trial and error. Once he’d gotten blood on his jeans once and it burned a hole through the fabric after a few hours. “So don’t touch his blood directly just in case. Medication doesn’t really work on him unless it’s from the Infinite Realms, but we haven’t really been able to test it on anything stronger in the human realm. And uh, I guess stitches don’t work well on him either. They dissolve,”Phantom concluded, and the two vigilantes looked mildly concerned at the information. 
“Alright, so possibility of meta-level medication working on him, radioactive blood, and no stitches. Got it,”Red Robin noted. The other two could tell he was thinking through a bunch of options in his head. 
“You said he became a halfa?” Red Hood asked lowly. Danny bit his lip, fangs poking his lip harder than usual. 
“Halfas are… rare,”Danny started hesitantly. He wasn’t sure how much he should share, but they seemed to have good intentions. “You have to understand that if the GIW know how a halfa is made they’ll just try to create more, right? It’s not a painless process and halfas can be dangerous. I don’t want this information out and have more portals to the Zone showing up.”
“A portal?” Red Robin’s attention snapped back to Phantom at the mention. “Don’t the Fenton’s have a portal?”
“Listen,” Hood cut in. “This information won’t get out, and we’ll respect any boundaries you have with Danny. We only asked in case Danny had any specific traumas related to it. I know dying isn’t pleasant, so I can’t imagine what it took to become half dead all the time.”
“Ah,”Phantom grimaced. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Should he tell them? They’re helping him so far, but what if they just want to know for bad reasons? Danny shook his head, dispelling the thoughts. No, they were worried about Danny’s health and well-being, and haven’t pressed about anything else. His core hummed and he felt like he could trust them. “Yeah. He uh… The Fenton’s portal… it didn’t work until Danny tried fixing it, and it… turned on with him inside,” He said quietly. Red Robin and Hood were silent, but he could see Red Robin’s lips turn into a thin line. Hood on the other hand had clenched his fists together so hard his gloves made a slight creaking sound. “But uh, the other halfas happened more slowly. With Danny it was instant.” 
Red Hood was silent for a moment while Red Robin peppered Phantom with more questions. “So his parents- the Fentons- they didn’t know he was a halfa? And they hunted ghosts. Is that why he left?”
“Yep,”Phantom said, trying not to think too much about it. “M- Maddie and Jack found out and long story short he’s hanging in Gotham until… well until things calm down or he finishes school.”
“About the GIW,”Red Hood cut in. “They know about Danny right? Since the Fenton’s have been working with them? We read that the Fenton’s think you kidnapped Danny.”
Phantom barked out a laugh,”Nah, I didn’t kidnap him. He and his sister, and two of his friends had a plan in case his parents or the GIW ever caught him.”
Red Hood exhaled harshly, “That’s fucked up,” He commented dryly. To be living with people you were terrified of for so long, Jason thought. He might have to pay a visit to the Fentons after they take down the GIW. 
“And its exactly why we’re trying to take down the GIW and establish a treaty between the Infinite Realms and the Human world,”Red Robin added. At this, Phantom’s pointed ears perked up and he stood straighter. “Would you be willing to introduce the rest of the bats to some ghosts? You mentioned there was a Ghost King, do you think he’d be interested in a treaty?” 
Phantom’s eyes were wide and he suddenly stopped floating, his bright white boots landing softly on the rooftop. “You’re serious?”
The two vigilantes nodded. “They’re already going to be in trouble when the Lantern Corps hears about this from the league. The GIW is basically committing inter dimensional genocide with no one else knowing. That’s a crime. If we could start by meeting with people from your realm to talk about how to form an alliance it would be great.” 
Phantom nodded enthusiastically. “I can arrange a meeting between the ghosts. If you’re serious about this that is.” Phantom paused, looking pensive. “I just… don’t want to involve the Halfas just yet. If the GIW or the Fentons know how a halfa is created…” he trailed off but the two vigilantes grimaced in understanding. They didn’t need more people being experimented on. 
After a half hour of back and forth about the potential alliance of the Human World and the Infinite Realms, the two vigilantes went back to the cave, while Danny continued to fly around invisibly throughout the city. He was thrumming with energy, mostly excitement and dread about what this meant for ghosts. With the alliance, they’ll be able to come to earth with no threats of being torn apart molecule but molecule. The ghosts acting out in the human realm would be punished by the ghost king and handled by a team of experts appointed by said king rather than a mysterious government agency.
Not only that, but the portals would be restricted and only a few allowed access through. Humans wouldn’t be able to come and go either, but Danny thought it might be okay for scientists- actual scientists- to study the realm safely. He knew a lot of lost artifacts, worldly treasures and sometimes places ended up in the realms. Time moved differently there and so Ancient Greece and Egypt still existed and thrived. 
Phantom flew around towards the manor and thought about their next meeting. It was going to be a few more bats at a warehouse tomorrow night. Danny just needed to think about which ghosts to bring. Frostbite obviously, but maybe Dora too. Clockwork he knew was hit or miss, but that was a lot of the ghosts too. Wulf or Cujo might be helpful to open a portal too. He’d have to think on it. 
Surprisingly though, was that the two vigilantes actually listened to him. They trusted him to bring unknown beings to meet with them, and that the ghosts really wanted peace with the humans. Danny conceded that he was also giving them a lot of trust in telling them about himself, or halfas. They already knew about the Fentons weapons, and despite being one phone call away, the bats still didn’t put Phantom or Danny in danger. He liked that they waited til they had all the information before making a decision. 
Red Robin in particular was focused on gaining any little bit of information he could on Danny's health. It was a bit endearing, and reminded Danny of Tim. Hood on the other hand was quick to think of ways to protect Danny, which was nice. He’d only ever had Jazz and Sam and Tucker to do that for him. Hence the whole moving to Gotham plan. 
Eventually after Danny finished catastrophising and coming up with a plan of action, he headed back to the manor. It was only 3am, so he floated to the library to grab another book. He’d finished the last one and had started on a series with demigods. It amazed him to think that he’d never read books like this ever since his accident. Danny’d always been too busy with school and ghosts to read for fun.  He took the book invisibly back to his room and for the next few hours he read. It was easy to get sucked into the book and forget about everything that was about to happen. 
Somehow, Danny had fallen asleep in the midst of reading, and had slept through breakfast. The residents of the manor had all come to check on him, but once peering into his room to see the boy laying face down on a book, they decided he needed more sleep. 
Tim on the other hand noted that maybe Danny had trouble sleeping and read until he felt tired. Jason did that a lot when he couldn’t sleep. Thinking back to everything Phantom told them, Tim couldn’t help but think that Danny really didn’t know how his sleep schedule was supposed to change. He thought maybe Danny finally felt relaxed or safe, and that’s why he’s able to sleep more, but it was just a theory. The same went for his appetite, and Phantom had said Danny literally didn’t feel hungry anymore. He was glad Danny hadn’t outright stopped eating, but it was still worrisome since Danny looked like skin and bones. 
He’d have to keep an eye on Danny’s eating habits and sleeping patterns in order to gather data, Tim thought. Maybe he could rope Alfred into helping him. Either way, Danny sleeping the morning away allowed Tim to brief the rest of the household on Danny and Phantom. Jason in particular was sticking around, probably out of worry for Danny, but he didn’t contribute a whole lot to the conversation. 
“Do we know what kind of powers Danny has?” Bruce asked, and Jason scoffed. 
“Not really,” Tim pondered. “Phantom only told us the medical stuff, which wasn’t much. Danny might have more ghostly attributes too, since we know Phantom has invisibility, intangibility, flight, and super strength.”
“Doesn’t really matter if the kid has powers,”Jason said, “He still needs help. The kid basically got turned into a different species with no instruction manual. If he does have powers, he might have trouble controlling them.”
Damian clicked his tongue. “Folson has shown me that he has the ability to manipulate ice during our snowball fight,”He reported, only for the cave to go silent as everyone stared at him. 
“And you didn’t inform us of this before?” Bruce narrowed his eyes, and Damian bristled. 
“I highly doubt making snowballs is worth reporting,”Damian scoffed. “Danny had told me in confidence because he trusts me,”Damian preened, before sneering at the others. “I am only telling you as a courtesy. He is unaffected by the cold temperatures but from what I observed unable to create or stop something like the blizzard. He is secretive about his powers and used them minimally, but he could be hiding others.”
“Aw, you two are getting along so well!” Dick cooed, moving to wrap Damian in a hug, but was dodged by the scowling kid. They stepped further from the group as Dick attempted to cajole Damian into talking about his feelings.
“We won’t mention his powers, Damian,”Tim reassured, looking sternly to Bruce. “I’m not sure how ice ties into ghosts, but it might come up later. We can ask Phantom tonight.”
“He’ll be bringing a representative from his dimension?” Bruce clarified, and Tim nodded, bringing up the notes he shared with everyone. 
“Phantom said he was going to contact one of the Ghost King’s regents. They’re choosing to trust us here, with their people’s existence and Danny’s safety, so we can assume they’re not going to ambush us,”Tim reported, and Jason gave a stern look to Bruce.
“Think of it like a diplomatic Justice League meeting, but in a dingy warehouse in Gotham,”Jason snorted. Then he stretched, making to leave. 
“Where are you going?” Dick called, looking a bit sad. Jason waved him off. 
“Chill out, I’m going to find Alfred and see if the kid’s awake yet,”Jason said, heading to the stairs. 
“He’s really gotten attached to the kid,”Dick mused with a small smile. 
“I heard that!” Jason called, voice echoing in the cave. 
“Danny and Jason did sort of die,”Tim muttered, turning to his tablet. 
“Danny and Phantom seem close,”Bruce commented, and Tim rolled his eyes at the lack of communication. 
“From what Jason and I gathered, Phantom is only in Gotham to keep an eye on Danny and look out for the GIW or Fentons,”Tim said.” We don’t have a way to track Phantom, but he didn’t seem to know who Jason or I was under the mask. He might be keeping track of Danny through other means though.”
Bruce just grunted. 
“Hold on,”Dick interrupted, and Tim turned to see Damian sulking behind Bruce while Dick was messing with Tim’s tablet. “He has radioactive blood? Like acid blood?”
“Not.. exactly?” Tim groaned. “I’d really have to test it but Phantom made it seem like their blood had more of a lazarus pit consistency. It’s better not to risk contamination though.”
“I am more worried to how Danny was in danger enough to know stitches wouldn’t work on him,”Damian scowled. Tim made a thoughtful face at that, and Bruce’s mouth stretched to a thin line. 
“Well,”Dick sighed,”He is on the run for a reason. We just have to protect him from now on so it doesn’t happen again.”
“Clearly,”Damian crossed his arms,”Those buffoons in the white suits will not be coming anywhere near Danny while I am around.” 
Bruce cleared his throat.”There’s been no sign of the GIW in Gotham, but a tech company in the same area seems to have their sights here.”
“A tech company? Which one?” Tim perked up, head swiveling to Bruce. He had his computer out and ready to type. 
“DALV Co.,”Bruce grumbled. “Specializes in equipment commonly supplied to the GIW and FentonWorks. Run by Vlad Masters, who has invited himself to the WayneTech gala next week.” 
“That can’t be a coincidence,”Dick muttered. “You think he knows Danny? Or Phantom?” 
Bruce just grunted again, which Tim translated into ‘we’ll keep an eye on it either way’. Tim turned back to his computer, eager to run more searches on Masters when Dick grabbed his swively chair and steered him towards the elevator. “Dick-” Tim started, only to be cut off.
“Nope,”Dick cheered, hauling Tim out of the chair with Damian trailing behind. “Danny is your friend and you guys should be hanging out more! I bet he’s already up and Jason’s the only one up there right now.”
“B can handle Masters, but I bet your friend is missing you,”Dick said sternly. 
“Tt. Obviously Danny would prefer my company over Tim’s anyway,”Damian tutted. Tim shot him a look. “He was my friend first, brat,”Tim pointed out. 
“The keyword there is ‘was’,” Damian sneered. “Unlike you, Danny has already shown me his secret powers.” 
Tim frowned at that. “I thought you said he told you not to tell anyone.” 
Damian shuffled guiltily. “I.. It was important to the mission to disclose his wellbeing.”
Tim smirked,”Right, well, I won’t tell him you told unless you distract Alfred so I can make coffee.”
Damian scowled at him. “Fine. But your petty addiction will only worsen and Pennyworth will not be happy.”
“I can live with that.”
Chapter 14
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Sacred Moments (Batman AU) Part 4
Apparently, I just needed to get this out of my system so I could work on my other WIPs. So here is the final part, and I should be back to working on my other works tomorrow. (Can you guys tell my days off yet?)
Robin and Nightwing take Hood and the girl back with them in the batmobile. They go to a safehouse in the nicer part of town. Robin leaves to finish patrol with Batman. Hood knows they’re both going to listening in through Nightwing’s comm. He ignores the chafe the lack of boundaries brings up, but reminds himself they’re his family and he would probably end up having to tell them anyway. Better to let them hear it than to have to actually talk about it later.
They give the girl some clothes to change into and let her take a shower before she comes back out. Nightwing sits at the table to wait as Hood starts for the kitchen, intent on making everyone some dinner. They don’t talk while they wait for her. 
She looks better when she comes back out. Still tired, now wearing too-big clothes that hang off a frame desperately in need of food. But her hair is now a lovely chestnut brown, fluffing as she tries to towel dry it. Her eyes are cyan blue, noticeable now in the lighting of the apartment.
She comes over and sits next to Nightwing at the table, bearing the closeness so that she isn’t putting Hood behind her. He follows her to the table, bringing over sandwiches and water. Nightwing digs in quickly. 
She ignores the food for the moment. “Is he alive?”
Hood sits across from her, knowing that this conversation is between them for now. Nightwing is mostly only there to report to the rest of them.
“Will you let me see your mark?” Hood asks gently. Marks are personal, usually only shared with family and those you hope can match them. He would understand her saying no, but hopes he can confirm before revealing any identities. The world still thinks Jason Todd is dead after all. 
But she is clearly hesitant to let a stranger see something so personal. “Do you know him? Did you know him? Can you tell me anything?” There’s a desperation in her voice. She clearly thought he was dead before, which makes sense because her mark would have darkened. Jason wonders if that changed when he came back to life. 
“Black Mask thought that it was the boy Wayne adopted. The second one.” Hood started, trying to think of a way they could say they knew him without linking the Waynes to the Bats.
“All the bats know the Waynes. We rescue them often enough.” Nightwing cuts in. “I met him after he was adopted. But we all know him.”
She nods. “You would recognize the mark if I showed it to you.” Her eyes turn piercing, looking between Hood and Nightwing.
Nightwing shakes his head, glancing towards Hood. “I would recognize it anywhere.” Hood states firmly. 
She nods. “Then you can see. Nightwing…”
He lifts his hands and turns back to the food. “I don’t need to see it and you don’t need to show everyone. Hood will tell us if it’s true or not.”
Maeve stands from her chair and Hood follows her back into the bedroom. 
“It’s on my left hip.” She tells him, gathering the baggy shirt, lifting it into a crop top and tying the extra fabric in a knot to keep it out of the way. Hood stays a respectful distance from her as she lowers the hem of the shorts she was given until her mark was visible. 
Hood sucks in a breath as he sees it, reaching out to touch it, prove to himself that this is real. That this is happening. She leans away from him, covering it back up and the sight of it disappearing without him being able to touch, to color it, to bring it to life is almost enough to bring tears to his eyes. He wants to snap, to grab, a wave of possessiveness coming over him only exacerbated by the lingering Lazarus Water in his system.  
He takes a breath and breathes. She doesn’t know that it’s him. That the mark is his. Hood straightens back up, shucking off his jacket and dropping it to the floor. She looks shocked for a moment before he starts reaching for his own left hip, pulling his shirt up and lowering his waistband. His belt fights him briefly, but he’s able to get it down enough for her to see. 
She has the same reaction he did. It’s instinctual, the urge to claim your mark. It’s immediately identical and her eyes water and she reaches to touch her mark on his skin. 
The second her skin touches the mark it lights, color bleeding into it from the point it meets her fingers outward. It turns the same magnificent blue as her eyes. 
“I thought you died.” She gasped out a breath as she looked back up to his face. 
“I did.” Hood said. “I got better.” He slowly lets his clothes fall back to their normal places and her eyes watch intently as they do. She looks back up at him and realization sparks in her eyes as he rips his gloves off his hands. 
She lowers the hem of her shorts again. They both watch as Jason brings his hand up to touch the mark on her skin. His mark. It responds, glowing faintly as color fills it. Hood is transfixed as he watches the color bleed into it. This is his. She is his and he is hers and he had thought he lost this when he died. The glow to the mark fades as it is entirely filled with a beautiful carmine. It fits him. It’s perfect. 
He moves his hand to press the palm flat against the mark. Taking a breath as he looks back at her face. She has gentle tears falling slowly from her eyes. He uses his other hand to brush them away, cradling her face in his hand.
“My name is Maeve.” She tells him, voice gentle and soft. 
“I’m Jason.” He responds, voice that same soft tone.
They have a lot to talk about. They both know that they almost missed this. That despite fate trying to match them together, they still almost never met. Maybe that’s why he’s still alive. But they both take this moment for what it is, sacred and meaningful. And they decide that that can wait for a while.
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a-gil-rebel · 1 year
Precision Cuts on AO3
Danny didn't know where to go at first. Sam and Tucker could only give him so much advice, so many supplies. He rubbed his thumb on the soft carpet of Sam's basement, an attempt at calming his nerves as Tucker double checked the backpack they made for him.
"Are you going to be okay all by yourself?"
"He doesn't have a choice Sam, we're too recognizable if we go with him. His parents will know where he is."
Tucker was right. He could avoid cameras, cover his face, hell, he could be invisible if he needed. But more people meant more people being looked for. At worst, a nationwide "kidnapping" scandal, and more reason for bringing him harm. He smiled, a confident bravado he was sure didn't look as hopeful as he liked.
"I'll be fine guys. I kept myself out of trouble before, I can do it again. If anything I can lay low in the Ghost Zone after I've recovered a bit."
Sam wrapped him a hug, loosening up at the sharp breath of pain that escaped. Tucker joined after a second, and it took all of Danny's remaining strength not to break down. Instead, he made sure to smile when the embrace broke. For himself or them, he wasn't sure yet.
"Tell Jazz I said goodbye, and thank you, and to be safe. I'll talk to you guys real soon okay." Danny's voice shook, and he knew he was stalling. But with sirens growing closer, he hoisted the backpack on his shoulders, feeling stiff. Some ghosts had volunteered to cause a distraction on the far side of town, but by the sound of things they must have already scattered than be caught like him.
Valarie was waiting out back. For all the times they butt heads, she couldn't help but stay silent as she got him out of town as quickly as he could.
"Be safe, ghost boy." Was the last thing Danny heard before leaving Amity Park for good.
The building he was squatting in for the foreseeable future had a few other 'tenants'.
"The landlord spent years making the living conditions bad enough to force us low income families out. Then bankrupted the building and bought a new one..."
In a more profitable side of town of course. They couldn't afford to move, so they just waited out the demolition the city wasn't willing to pay for, and moved back in as squatters like him. As he looked at the almost two year old in her mothers arms, he couldn't help but feel no one should have to live like this.
But what could he do? He hated how helpless he felt like this, hated hiding. Dana had been quick to invite him in when she found him nodding off in an alleyway on his first night in the city. She stuck up for him against some of the more untrusting squatters in the building, she had a good heart. She was a good mother.
Danny was lucky enough to not need to eat very often, so any food he get from handouts or shelters went straight to them and a few others in the building. He tried not to be too familiar, but they seemed nice enough for a city so ridden with crime.
But then, thats why he chose Gotham. A city full of oddballs, and just as full of vigilantes. He knew he'd be able to disappear in the crowd, and not worry about being anyone's hero. Still, he was surprised how hard it was to stay away from the crime.
If he tried to grab a snack from a convenience store, a trio of robbers-slash-kidnappers showed up to raz a Prince of Gotham, Tim Drake, only to be begrudgingly rescued by Red Hood. If he snuck into a movie for a little relaxation, Scarecrow pumped the theatre full of fear gas.
Actually, that one wasn't all bad. Apparently whatever is in that smoke was very nice to ghosts, and it was the most relaxed Danny had felt all week, even sitting invisible in the midst of the chaos as Red Robin and Orphan handled the situation.
The worst part about the constant crime was the fact his ghost sense could recognize people. Like how Red Robin was actually Tim. His senses cleared the second the gas was flushed out, and he recognized the soul he'd seen earlier in the week.
Groaning at the newfound knowledge, he walked undetected beyond the sudden chill in the air through to the walls of the theatre the same way he came, and headed home.
Using his powers drained him these days without a constant source of ecto, and his healing was still dragging its feet. Sam and Tucker had sent him with a thermos of the stuff they had salvaged from a few friendly denizens, which he was rationing out to himself un-optimistically. They'd take the time to scratch off his parents logo, which he was grateful for. Rubbing the scar on his face absentmindedly, Danny headed to his new 'home', trying to avoid any more excitement for the day.
Luckily for Danny, the only thing that stopped him getting home today was in the window of a jester-themed-toyshop. A $300, digital recording telescope. Mind rushing with ideas for plotting out a star map of the sky above Gotham, or recording the upcoming eclipse. His heart never stop wanting to learn about the stars, space, and the science of it all. He didn't have the cash but, well, when in Rome.
Danny stepped off the main street to wait till the shop closed, wrestling for a short while over exactly how ethical it really was. In the end, his need for hope, joy and downright whimsy overruled any guilt. He reasoned the store probably paid its employees poverty wages, considering it seemed to be a local chain.
It was always dark enough in Gotham to be night, something he hadn't been able to wrap his head around. Still, as night settled on the city and the shop clerk locked up, Danny made his way into the toyshop.
Reaching out his electrical 'field' to mess with nearby electronics, he picked his way through the store. He took his time, picking up items here and there, reminiscing about the childhood he never really had. Most of the family money went to his parents' projects, and occasionally food and clothing. Why spend it on toys for children when all the fun in the world could be had helping your parents go mad?
He was grateful in some ways to how he was raised, it drove his mind to be always looking and turning things around for answers, and his love for the sciences. But as he shuddered passing over a game of operation, he couldn't bring himself to feel remorse for escaping it all.
Focusing on the task at hand, he moved to the front window and hoisted the large telescope into his arms before turning it invisible as well. Walking a few blocks before switching back, Danny headed home, his heart filled with hope, if not a little guilt over lifting the item. He spent the night setting up his new find.
"If you're worried about the local night crew, don't."
Danny turned his head a bit quick at the woman standing in his doorway. It was Dana, up late over a fussy toddler. Danny relaxed and smiled as little Honey immediately ran over to the boxes, deciding it was the most imaginative toy possible. He couldn't help the warmth in his chest watching the child who doesn't yet know how much of life she's missing. Turning back to Dana, he asked, "Night crew?"
"The vigilantes." She nods out the window, and Danny caught a glimpse of two shadows dashing into town across the rooftops. "They aren't cops, sure. But that's a good thing in this city. They do their best to keep us safe from the worst of what Gotham offers. They aren't perfect, obviously." She gestures to the state she's been forced to live in.
"Is it true they don't have any powers?" Dana nodded.
"Yeah, I'm not sure if its a real law against Metas in Gotham, or if they just don't want to deal with the mess that is this city." She laughed, tired, and shook her head. "Even without powers, they look out for us. Especially that Red Hood, he stands up for the little guys like us against common thugs and wannabe villains."
Danny nodded in understanding, glad they seemed to have more than enough hands to hold the city together, the guilt in not being anyone's hero lifting off his shoulders.
Brought out of his thoughts at the feeling of cardboard smacking his knee, he found Baby Honey drooling on a piece of cardboard. She was pretending to be some kind of.... horse? Maybe a dog? Either way, before Dana could apologize and pull her back, he played along, slowly and dramatically falling over to his death.
Honey thought it the most hilarious thing she'd seen in her many years, squealing and blabbing about bringing him back to life. Which consisted of her punching Danny in the chest. He winced even at her tiny toddler fists, and Dana was quick to pull her away to put her to bed, apologizing.
Rubbing the scars through his shirt, Danny looked through the telescope to try to wind down as they left him be for the night.
"Dammit... is it always going to be this foggy?" He hadn't had any luck getting the telescope to see past the thick clouds, or maybe smog, that clung to the city. Giving up for the night, he curled up on his side facing the window, hope mixing with the sorrow in his chest.
Far away, in an unfamiliar cave underneath an unfamiliar mansion, an alarm goes off at the sudden loss of cameras in a neighborhood downtown. Whether anyone heard it before they restarted, is a question Danny wasn't even thinking about asking.
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transmothofaman · 4 months
Batfam AU
Okay so I have only come across one or two reverse!robin posts and don’t know how original these takes are. But whilst weeding i couldn’t help but think about the Batfam’s dynamics and how that would be altered, so I decided to dump a few hcs below (in order of appearance):
1. Duke Thomas: On paper, not much of his origin story really changes. Still has powers, is still Signal, still led something akin to the We Are Robin movement (except it wouldn’t be called that, because ‘Robin’ doesn’t exist yet), and still is part of The Outsiders. He is the first superhero/vigilante to really work with Batman on a regular basis, which of course is a struggle in of itself. He’s no sidekick by any means, but his help when needed becomes vital to Batman and helps the bat become more lenient to working with people.
2. Damian Al-Ghul Wayne: while Damian would have no older siblings constantly at the manor to be jealous of, I think his snobby attitude of instantaneously deserving the Batman mantle is something he still struggles with. He doesn’t really come up with a hero code-name for himself early on in his career (he thinks it’s beneath him); but goons and innocent civilians alike make comments about how he’s always lurking in the shadows and nickname him The Shadow. The nickname sticks, and many a joke can be made about Batman and his Shadow. (if anyone has a better hero name for Damian pls let me know)
3. Cassandra Cain (Wayne): her backstory and such remains the same, except she’s the one who created the mantle of Batgirl (which, of course, looks different from Barabra Gordon’s original batgirl). She’s the first of Bruce Wayne’s adopted children, and I personally don’t think their bond would differ any more than it would from canon. Because she’s introduced earlier in B’s life and can bring out a softer side of the dark knight, Batman’s relationship with the kids that follow are slightly shifted.
4. Timothy Drake: meets Batman because he kept trespassing on Wayne Manor property. Tim has been stalking Batman, figured out his identity, and wants to fill in the vacant spot left by a recently departed Damian [who either A) went rogue B) went off to partner with Jon or C) formed his version of the teen titans, dealer’s choice]. Batman, while comfortable enough with having Batgirl and Signal as assistance covering patrols or messy cases, is at first hesitant to have another constant “sidekick”, but eventually comes around to the idea. Tim would have his own cool name but I’m not that creative.
I didn’t want to dump Jason’s trauma on Tim now that he becomes the second son, but narratively I do think he would’ve ended up dying as well (if so, it’s because Joker Junior was fatal). Yes he ofc comes back, probably angry, but Tim is NOT Jason and will have different reactions/ ways to cope with that.
5. Stephanie Brown : Steph gets introduced mid-Tim’s sidekick run. I don’t think her lore would change much really, you’re doing great sweetie.
6. Jason Todd: Jason meets Batman the same way he meets him in canon, except this time Batman’s trying to cope with loosing Tim and his failed partnership with Stephanie (she’s killing it as Cass’ partner though), but decides to recruit and later adopt Jason anyways. Jason would take on Tim’s old mantle, but I think he would eventually carve out his own vigilante identity when he got older. He still becomes Red Hood after a very rough falling out with Bruce, but like in canon they’re slowly able to rebuild their relationship.
7. Dick Grayson: our boy wonder gets introduced in the same manor as in canon, he just does it later when Bruce has already gotten a bunch of kids. He still creates the outfit and mantle of Robin, and becomes Batman’s new main partner-in-crime fighting.
8. Barbara Gordon: Her overall dynamic with the other bats would change from canon (it would be her looking up to Cass and Steph rather than the other way around). I think she and Dick would have the same dynamic as in The Batman (2004).
I haven’t read every bat-related comic ever and would love to hear any thoughts/suggested changes you all have! Thanks for reading this monstrosity of a post!
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 5: Dear Friend
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: violence, blood, stitches
Summary: Jason tries to take on more guys than he can handle and ends up bloody at YN's work
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. -Sonnet 30
Turns out five mobsters with pipes, was too many to beat up, even when you were once Robin. Jason hadn't gotten beat like this since he died and he was lucky they thought he was dead or he may have been back in the ground again, and he was pretty sure Dick wasn't going to pull him after these antics. He was supposed to be at home this Friday night while Dick attended some policeman's gala with Barbara, but no. Jason had decided to head to Crime Alley, see if he could help anyone. He didn't want to protect all of Gotham this time around, he wasn't fooled by Bruce's lofty promises of making a difference in this city, but he wanted to help this little piece of it, a piece that even Batman seemed to have forgotten. That was how he found himself facing down five of Sal Maroni's biggest minions.
They had been finishing taking protection money from a bodega down the street from his old apartment, leaving the shop with the bag full of money like they were in a 1950's mob movie when Jason had dropped in front of them, masked up and ready to fight. He got several good shots in on the large men, taking two of them down with broken femurs, but then one got behind him and walloped him in the shoulder blades with the pipe, then another got him in the face, cracking the mask and lacerating his cheek pretty bad. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth as the third one still standing cracked the back of his head, taking him down to the ground. He wanted to get up, but flashbacks of getting up and then being beaten back down with a crowbar came to mind and he felt a panic attack coming on. The mobsters apparently thought it was the breathing of a dying man and took their injured buddies and ran. Jason lay on the street, hyperventilating, trying to bring himself out of his panicked stupor, for almost an hour. He stood, discarding the broken mask in a random dumpster before limping off, trying to figure out a place to go.
Turns out he would be found before he could think of someplace. He didn't even realize he was walking past Big Belly Burger until the door opened and he heard the most angelic sound in the history of the earth.
"Jason?" YN said from the doorway of the dimmed restaurant. He turned, looking at her with glassy eyes. He saw her eyes get wide and her mouth fell open in shock at what was probably a horrifying appearance. He knew his cheek was still leaking blood, probably needed stitches, and his head was killing him. Despite him looking like the last person you would want to invite into a place that served food YN came over, grabbing him under the arm and helping him inside. Once she had him seat at one of the tables she locked the doors again, and lowered the blinds for good measure. "Wait here, we have first aid supplies in the back." He watched her hurry off and managed to get half his mouth up in a pained smile. She was helping him again, God she was so nice.
"Thank you..." he managed out when she got back with a full tackle box of medical supplies. The voice sounded watery and the terrified look on her face tol him his mouth was probably leaking blood. She took a breath and got out some disinfectant and a needle and thread.
"Don't talk, I'm going to need to stitch your cheek, but honestly I have no idea how so this is going to be a huge botch and it will scar, is that ok with you?" she asked. Jason didn't see how he had any other choice, and honestly, he kind of missed having some scars. He nodded. "Do you need something to bite down on or anything?" He chuckled and winced. She wasn't taking a limb, but he appreciated her concerned none the less.
"Just do it," he said softly. She gave him a look that said 'I told you to shut up', before starting to sew him back together. It took a long time and he spent it watching her face. Her eyes concentrated, she was taking deep breaths in between humming various songs that he couldn't identify. He could see the storm behind the calm in her eyes, she was hanging on by a thread at the moment, hoping she wasn't fucking his face up for life. When she finally finished she put the extra thread and the needle down on the table and Jason saw tears start streaming from her eyes as she looked at her bloodied hands.
"I should get you cleaned up..." she said softly, ignoring the torrent running down her face as she helped him stand and walk to the small bathroom. She found some paper towels, wetting them and gently wiping at the blood drying on his face, making sure not to tear the fresh stitches. Then she looked at her hands, and his. Jason saw her hands shaking, all the worry and fear that came with someone showing up at your door bloody crashing down on her. He gently took her hands and washed them for her, getting every smear of blood off of them before he washed his own. He looked in the mirror then, finally seeing how bad the cut was. It was from the middle of his cheek all the way past the top of his ear, almost to the back of his head. He caught sight of YN behind him, looking at him in the mirror. He turned, not sure how else to express his thanks, so he hugged her, making sure his new wound was away from her face. She hugged him back, clinging to him.
"I'm sorry I scared you," he whispered, being very careful move his mouth only a little. She nodded into his chest. "Do you happen to have pain pills in that med kit?"
"Ya, come on, I should probably watch you for a couple hours too, make sure you don't fall asleep with that concussion," she said softly. Jason shook his head. "What isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
"No, if someone gets a concussion they can sleep, you just need to wake them up every so often, make sure they can answer questions," he said. She nodded as they sat down in a booth, him leaning his head against a pillar as she got him some pills and water. He took them, hoping the pain would ease soon, it was pounding in his head and face.
"Alright, so let me ask some questions then," she said, eyeing him suspiciously. He nodded, fair enough she would want to know why he had shown up bloody as fuck at her work when he lived all the way across the river. "What is your full name?"
"Jason Peter Todd," he answered easily. She nodded.
"Whens your birthday?"
"August 16th," he answered, then made a face. Was that still his birthday? Technically he had been pulled out of the pit, alive on June 12th, so what August still it? She made a face at him.
"Should we got to a hospital? Did you forget your birthday?" she asked. He shook his head.
"No, no, just realized that this year no one actually said happy birthday to me, wondering if it still counts," he said. Dick had forgotten until a week later. Jason did have to say, at least Alfred always had a cake for him to eat for breakfast on his birthday, he missed those cakes. He must have looked sad because he felt a hand on his.
"Why are you in Crime Alley again?" she asked. He sighed, she really just did not believe that he had lived here.
"For the third time, I lived here until I was 10, then I was adopted by a rich guy who had a penchant for charity cases," he explained. She asked what happened to his parents and he sighed. "My dad disappeared, could be dead for all I know, and probably is. He owed a lot of people money. And my mom was an addict, she OD'd and then I was on the street for a bit before my adoptive father found me."
"Do you live in Bludhaven with him?" she asked. He shook his head.
"No, we had a falling out last year, so I moved in with my older brother, his other adopted son," he said. She frowned. "What?"
"Are you Bruce Wayne's kid?" she asked. He sighed and nodded. "I can understand you falling out with him. He came to Gotham Academy once for a fundraiser thing and he was so rude, flashing cash everywhere, making a big scene and getting trashed. You are probably better off with your brother." Jason chuckled. Bruce had probably needed a cover story that night to explain where he was while Batman was out doing something. Dick had probably been in the suit that night. "Ok, so you grew up here, prove it, tell me something about Crime Alley only we locals know." Jason wracked his brain and then pulled out a memory he thought he had long wiped clean from his mind.
"The playground," he said. Her eyebrows rose at this statement. "The playground in the basement of the old mattress store. No one know who decided to put a playground down there, but I used to go there all the time as a kid when my mom was zoned out and my dad was off gambling. We all kept it secret from outsiders so that the cops wouldn't come and tear it down." She nodded.
"Ok, maybe you did grow up here," she said. "Where was that?" He wanted to say 'in your building' but she didn't know he had followed her home like an absolute creep that night so he told her where the address was, pretending to be surprised when she told him she lived there now. "So how did you end up with the bloody face?"
"I am trying to help out, I saw some of Sal Maroni's guys terrorizing a bodega, thought I could take'em, make'em give the money back to the owner," he said. She froze for just a moment and he thought maybe she knew the antics of those gangsters. "I just want this place to be safer for you." He didn't realize that was truly what was at the heart of this whole thing. Ever since he met her he had wanted to protect her, make sure she was safe no matter where she was.
"Jason, don't go getting yourself killed just to try and protect me," she whispered. He looked at her. He would die a thousand times to protect her. He gently took her hand and squeezed it. "Here, I really need to clean up this place and get home, give me your number, let's meet at the playground, run some lines or something, I'm sure you need help being a tortured Prince." Jason chuckled, she was wrong about that, he had no trouble being insane and seeing ghosts, was kind of his MO at this point, but they exchanged numbers and he helped her clean up the place, disinfecting everything before he went back home.
Dick had been pissed but Jason had lied and said the cut was from a fight at school, some jocks jumping him on his way home. He said he did the stitching himself, even though his stitches would have been perfect, he still got away with it saying he couldn't really remember how to do it right after the pit. Turns out being dead for awhile is a great excuse. Dick didn't quite believe him but just sent him to bed. When he got up to the loft and checked his phone there was already a text from YN.
Playground, Sunday, 8pm, I want to check your stitches, bring Hamlet and a skull
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samgirl98 · 11 months
Mending a Family 31/?
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Dick walked through the cemetery holding a bouquet. He stopped in front of a grave. An angel looked over an empty coffin.
It felt wrong to visit Jason’s grave when he was still alive, but it was the only way he had to talk to his younger brother now. He put the bouquet down and then sat down. Dick didn’t really know what to do now. He didn’t even know why he had come to the grave in the first place.
Was it to ask for forgiveness? To ask why?
“I’m in therapy now.”
Silence. Did he expect anything else? Maybe.
“I know Roy wasn’t telling me to go to therapy out of the goodness of his heart, but…I needed to do it, I guess. Dinah’s a good therapist. She cuts through the bullshit and has no problem calling me out on my crap.”
The wind blew through the grass.
“I’m trying to get Bruce to go, too. It’s going as well as you can imagine.”
The angel stared at Dick, mocking him.
“Me and Tim take turns patrolling Crime Alley. It’s not too bad, but we already see cracks in your absence.”
At first, Red Hood’s lieutenants had taken over after Jason’s disappearance, and things had stayed more or less the same. However, the longer Red Hood was away from Crime Alley, the more criminals pushed boundaries, and the more the crime rate increased. Thankfully, having at least two Bats visit the place kept it from returning to its pre-Red Hood days.
They knew that the crime rate would keep increasing, but between Nightwing and Red Robin, they hoped it wouldn’t get too bad.
Bruce still refused to enter Crime Alley. Dick didn’t think it was only because of his parents.
“I’m sorry, Little Wing. If we had tried to integrate you into the family, you might still be here. I shouldn’t have kept Mar’i’s existence from you. Me and Bruce should’ve done better in welcoming you into the family.”
Too late now, he thought.
Dick and Bruce had thought that Jason would always be around. They thought they had time to bring Jason back into the fold. Now, he was gone in the wind. God only knew where he was. Well, God and Roy. He had a (possible) kid with him, and Dick couldn’t blame Jason for keeping the boy away from the family when Dick had done the same to Jason with Mar’i.
Well, not unless he wanted to be a hypocrite.
What else is new, his brain whispered.
Dick sighed and got up, dusting the dirt from his pants. He walked up to the angel and put his hand on it.
“I hope you’re happy and safe. Wherever you are, Little Wing.”
Thousands of miles away, while he was working on his car, Jason felt a chill go down his spine.
“Someone is walking on my grave,” he whispered. He blinked. How did he know that? Suddenly, the scent of flowers reached his nose. He looked around and saw nothing but oily rags and parts of cars scattered all over the place.
Jason went back to working on his car, a feeling of uneasiness filling him.
Back in Gotham, Dick wore his Nightwing suit and patrolled Crime Alley that night. He stopped a few muggings. He helped a woman return home after being followed and stopped a drug dealer from selling to a few kids.
One of Jason’s major rules was not selling to kids. The cracks were widening in Crime Alley with Red Hood’s absence.
Bruce, Tim, and Dick knew that Jason had been able to enforce these rules because a. he wasn’t affiliated with the Bats, b. he knew Crime Alley inside and out, and c. the people had accepted him.
They still didn’t trust Batman and the birds that flew with them. Not really.
Nightwing sat on top of a building overlooking Crime Alley. Thankfully, it had quieted down.
He tensed when he heard someone beside him before he noticed it was Black Bat. He relaxed a bit, still overlooking Crime Alley.
They sat in silence, letting the stillness of the area overcome them.
“Tell me about him,” she said suddenly.
Dick thought about it for a moment. Where would he even start?
“He loves reading. He loves the classics; his favorite is Pride and Prejudice.”
Black Bat cocked her head to the side, “Really? I never would’ve pegged him as a bookworm.”
 Dick nodded.
“Yeah, he was obsessed with reading. When he was younger, he wouldn’t go on patrol unless he had finished his schoolwork, the nerd. He wanted to go to college before—you know, before that happened.”
That was the crux of the matter: how different would things have been if Jason had never died?
Would he have graduated by now? Jason was brilliant, and Dick had no issues in believing that his bookworm of a brother would’ve graduated sooner than most. Would he be getting his master’s by now? Would he have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? Would the child he was with be surrounded by aunts and uncles? By his cousin? Well, there was no point in thinking ‘what ifs’ now. It was too late for that.
He felt arms around him.
“He’ll come back. I know.”
Dick tried to smile.
They didn’t know that, though, did they?
Jason was mostly out of it the rest of the day. He felt something was missing.
No, he knew what was missing. His family back in Gotham. He could survive, even thrive, with just Danny, Ellie, and Jazz. With Roy and Raven. But, a part of him, the child in him, missed his dad and older brother. He missed the possible relationship he could’ve had with Bruce’s other children, his other siblings if he hadn’t fucked up so badly.
He felt arms around him. Danny was looking at him with worry in his eyes. Even Jazz and Ellie were staring at him.
“What’s wrong, daddy?”
Looking into his son’s blue eyes, Jason knew he could never return to Gotham. They would take Danny away from him. Living away from his family was hard, but he wouldn’t survive if Danny were taken from him.
“Nothing, lad, daddy was just feeling a bit nostalgic.”
He looked into Danny’s eyes, “But I’m okay, now, chum. Daddy is okay now.”
Jason refused to have his son and small family taken from him.
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