#We are not talking about that ibara
collectorcookie · 1 year
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SHOES in the BATHTUB???? Young man that is a crime, what do you want to say to your fans before getting arrested
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unrelatabledude · 10 months
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sea of enstars
BIG sea of stars spoilers under here
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landofzero-archive · 5 months
Eden TRIP Album MC Talk Series
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Season: ☆
MC 1
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Hiyori: “Thank you for coming to our, Eden’s, independent live today! It sure is a blessing to be able to celebrate the album release together!
We’ve loaded our love into the songs to be delivered to you. Receive them without leaving out a single one, okay……♪”
Jun: “The first song we performed was KEEP OUT.
How was this song that was specifically written for the album?”
Nagisa: “…… I’m glad that you seem to like it. KEEP OUT means ‘no trespassing’.
…… We’re going to break into everyone’s hearts. Into the shining paradise, like a lurking viper.”
Ibara: “And then we will slowly and carefully pour poison into you, and show you sweet dreams.
So that tonight’s stage may become an unforgettable memory……♪”
Jun: “Afterwards, we’ll perform two songs; one after the other~ That first song is—”
Nagisa and Ibara: “…… Melting Rouge Soul.”
MC 2
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Ibara: “Melting Rouge Soul from Adam, and Ruby Love from Eve have been performed.
Both of these were songs unveiled at Chocolat Fes— during Valentine’s season.
Nagisa: “…… Yeah. At that time, the fact that both Adam and Eve were releasing new songs at the same time became a hot topic.
…… The cheering during the moment Ibara and I said “Melting Rouge Soul” felt really good.”
Ibara: “Fufu. I’m sure there are a lot of people who did not expect it because it’s called Eden’s independent live.
I told you, didn't I? That I’ll show you sweet dreams……♪”
Hiyori: “Adam’s fans, Eve’s fans, as well as Eden’s fans—
Today we will satisfy every single person who loves us.
You’re prohibited from looking away! Keep your eyes on us till the very end♪
Jun-kun, you can’t blink either!”
Jun: “Eeh, please let me blink~ My eyes will get dry.
Oh, seems like they got everything ready while we were talking. The next song will be a solo song.
Ibara Saegusa’s— Salute Desire.”
MC 3
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Ibara: “— That was Salute Desire
Oops. Thank you for the warm applause.
Though I endeavored to give a more perfect performance than usual—
During a solo song, everyone’s gazes are concentrated on me from every possible angle, so my mind could not even be inattentive for even a single moment.
Above all else, I’m glad that you were satisfied♪
Now, let me briefly introduce myself.
I am Eden’s Ibara Saegusa. Salute~☆
As you see, alongside my idol activities, I’m also serving concurrently as the producer of Eden and the vice president of the agency.
I’m very happy to be able to deliver the new song as well as the accompanying event to everyone.
I will continue to work energetically, so I ask you to please continue to treat Eden and Cosmic Production well☆
The next song will be brought to you by the four members of Eden.
Let us show you our way of life— Paradise Banishment -Faith Conquest-”
MC 4
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Nagisa: “…… We’ve performed Paradise Banishement -Faith Conquest-.
…… It was first unveiled during Conquest wasn’t it. It’s a song containing Eden’s faith.
…… Hiyori-kun doesn’t really like it, I wonder?”
Hiyori: “No. I like the song itself. It’s a song that’s just like Eden.
But I’ve had enough of Conquest! Even if it’s a farce, I don’t want to act like we’re fighting and hating each other.
We’re aaaalways been the best united, mutually loving, unit—
I’m sure the fans don’t want to see us like that too.”
Nagisa: “…… I agree. The loud cheers that could shake the whole venue is the greatest proof of that.
…… Let’s keep getting along, Hiyori-kun.
…… As an ‘equal friend.’”
Hiyori: “Yes. ‘Equal’……♪
-Now now, next would be something everyone has been waiting for, my solo song!
Accept My Love— accept my love……!”(1)
TL Note:
He translates “Accept My Love” into Japanese here.
MC 5
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Hiyori: “Thank you for listening to Accept My Love!
Yes yes. You’re smiling so much, I’m happy too☆
I’ll follow Ibara’s example and introduce myself. I am Eden’s Hiyori Tomoe!
Life isn’t all about fun. There’s times where you feel depressed and like you want to cry.
When that happens, it’s good to look at me. Because I’m the one who shines bright like the sun☆
Listen to my songs, and follow the productions I appear in—
Just imitate me and smile! Since I always have a smile on my face!
If you smile, the people around you will also smile. It’s a happiness chain reaction. What fine weather……☆
Now! Let’s move on to the next song, shall we?
All four of us will perform it, so please give us all of your support.
Eden’s— EXCEED.”
MC 6
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Jun: “I’ve just performed EXCEED. This song is—”
Ibara: “Isn’t this a song with a shady history for you, Jun?”
Jun: “Wait a sec. Could you please stop saying misleading things~?
It’s not like it’s got a shady history or anything, umm……
When we released this song, I had lost my confidence and kept makin’ mistakes.
But then, Ibara went out of character and comforted me by saying,’Why do you lose confidence when there are people who view you so favorably?’……”
Ibara: “‘Out of character’ is superfluous.”
Jun: “Haha. I won’t be able to be the same as Ohiisan, Nagi-senpai, or Ibara, but to that extent—
No. That’s why, as Jun Sazanami, I’ll continue to put in the effort as myself.
Eden is where I belong, y’know~
Haha, thank you for all the applause. Sorry if I sounded like I was urging y’all to do something.”
Ibara: (Whispering) …… Honestly, Jun really was an idiot during that time.
There are so many people who love you.
Jun: “Hm? I couldn’t hear it over the applause, but you said something, right?”
Ibara: “No, it’s nothing. Please continue talking about yourself after you finish singing.
Now then, please listen. Jun Sazanami’s— Unlock the Soul.”
MC 7
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Jun: “Hello, everyone. It’s Eden’s Jun Sazanami.
How was Unlock the Soul?
The lyrics were good, weren’t they~. When I sing them, I get excited.
Speaking of lyrics, apparently Ibara wrote the lyrics to the song I just sang, EXCEED, for me.
Wha~t? People might think I sound conceited when I say that.
But Nagi-senpai said it was to help me get over my slump or something. There’s no doubting it~
Well. That Ibara, he can be really kind sometimes~♪
Haha. Ibara’s looking at me from the side of the stage with a face like he just swallowed a bitter bug.
I shouldn’t get carried away, or I’ll probably get scolded later~
Now that I’ve told a story just for this special occasion, let’s get to the next song.
Eden’s— Absolute Perfection.”
MC 8
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Nagisa: “…… Absolute Perfection. This is the first song we performed at Absolute.
…… I am God♪
…… Ibara, please look. Everyone’s rejoicing.”
Ibara: “It seems so. Unlike Absolute’s stage, this is a country where countless gods rule.”
Nagisa: “…… That’s not the only reason.
…… There are many people here who love us. They weren’t present at Absolute either.”
Ibara: “Indeed. The presence of fans is an idol’s strength—their powerful weapon.
However. It’s not normal for Eden to be completely dependent on our fans.
Let’s be ourselves and make a triumphant return to Absolute with our utmost strength.
Then, we will receive our laurels and make ourselves known. Eden are the best idols in the world.”
Nagisa: “…… Yes. I’m sure our fans want that as well.
…… Because we’re the strongest idols, Eden.
…… Next, I’ll perform my solo song.”
Ibara: “Everyone please listen. Nagisa Ran’s—We’re all alone.”
MC 9
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Nagisa: “…… You just listened to We’re all alone.
…… I’m Eden’s Nagisa Ran. Thank you for coming to our live today.
…… Each song has its own memories. I was remembering all that happened while singing.
…… I wonder if you all have had the same experience? Since music and memories are connected to one another and committed to memory.
…… I wonder if everyone has some kind of emotional attachment to Eden’s songs.
…… If possible, I would like to ask each and every one of you individually. But, it would be difficult to do that today.
…… It would make me happy if you could let me know through a letter or handshake event.
…… I hope our songs may touch everyone’s hearts.
…… ‘The eternal paradise that touches the heart’— that’s what Eden is.
…… And now, it’s almost time for the end.
…… We’ll perform two songs in a row at the end. Eden’s— Awakening Myth.”
MC 10
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Nagisa: “……  It’s a shame, but let’s close the door to paradise.”
Jun: “It was nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to Eden’s independent live today!
Did you all have fun at our live?”
Hiyori: “You got to see my finest performance, so it must have been fun!
I swear on Ibara’s glasses that it’s true☆”
Ibara: “Could you please not involve me? If you’re going to swear on something, swear on Jun’s life instead.”
Hiyori: “That’s no good! Jun-kun’s life is mine!”
Jun: “My life is my own. Could you not swear on it so casually~?”
Nagisa: “…… Hey, can I close the door to paradise?”
Jun: “C’moon, Nagi-senpai is bothered now, isn’t he?”
Hiyori: “Don’t make it sound like it’s my fault! It’s collective responsibility!”
Jun: “Alright alright. Now then, let’s meet again some time soon.”
MC 11
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Ibara: “Everyone! Thank you for the magnificent encore!”
Nagisa: “…… The door to paradise opened right away.”
Hiyori: “No. It didn’t open on its own, we had to open it. With the power of everyone’s love♪
That’s why we also have to respond with love. Let’s share the love with everyone here.”
Jun: “The last song is, of course, this song!— BRAND NEW STARS!!!”
MC 12
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Jun: “That was BRAND NEW STARS!!! This is truly the end.
We did our best, though. When I think about how it’s over, I feel lonely after all, huh~”
Hiyori: “Everyone, thank you for singing with us! Thank you for your magnificent smiles!
Please come and see me again! I’ll be waiting♪”
Nagisa: “…… The door to paradise shall close again.
…… But I’m sure we’ll meet again. Without stopping, we’ll continue to grow.”
Ibara: “The latest information about Eden is always posted on the official SNS. Please take make use of it☆
Thank you for coming today! We’ll see you soon, salute~♪”
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kazemiya · 2 years
★彡You were a fan !?! (Feat. Idol! Reader)
Summary: Finding out they were a fan of you before you started dating each other
a/n: thank u to reze for suggesting Ibara and chiaki
♡ Ibara
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- Naturally, Ibara knows many idols in the idol industry be they soloists or groups, so of course he knew who you were
- He’s definitely a more lowkey fan and doesn’t outwardly talk about it to Eden or Nagisa
- He may have let a compliment slip once or twice while he was conversing with them but that should be it
- He actively listens to your music whenever he can since it lifts his spirits! And he never goes to meet and greets unless he has some excuse to be there (be it work or some other reason)
- He has a drawer of merchandise that he bought online but no one knows about it
- No one slipped up about the fact Ibara is a fan of you, you just went over to his house and found the drawer of your merchandise
“You never told me you collected merchandise” you whispered behind him in an attempt to scare him.
Turning around barely flinching, “nonsense, I have no idea what you’re talking about y/n”
You grinned, waving a small chibi keychain of yourself in front of him, expecting him to be flustered.
He leans further in, “hmm are you jealous? I can toss all this merchandise if u want, I don’t necessarily need it now that I can see the real thing”
♡ Chiaki
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- Chiaki was introduced to you when Ryuseitai were watching a complication of idol soloists, and he was oddly drawn to you
- He was always finding excuses to buy merchandise of you at the stores
- “Kanata, it’s not that pricey, I need a new keychain for my keys” “whatever you say chiaki~”
- But of course he never kept to his word and now he’s actively collects all of your merchandise, always ready whenever there’s a new restock or new kind of merch
- He’s the kind who would sit in front of the television wearing an official T-shirt and light sticks and start cheering and singing along loudly
- And of course it’s Tetora who lets it slip during one of your conversations
“Omg Chiaki did you know what a heard today?” You grinned, “you used to be my fan?”
His expression morphed into one of panic as he waved his hands worriedly. “NONO don’t misunderstand! I love your music but I just never had a chance to bring it up to you”
“After all, I didn’t want you to think I’m dating you because of your fame, you give me courage that’s why I’m your fan, your greatest fan” before enveloping you into a hug.
♡ Nagisa
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- you never quite understood how you managed to catch the attention of the majestic Nagisa Ran. Well in fact, you caught his attention first
- He chances upon your performances when Ibara was doing research on idol soloists and he was immediately enchanted
- Nagisa is the type of fan who you’d hardly see at fan meets but he’s a casual merchandise collector! If he ever does go to fan meets, he wears a mask and black cap all blushy as he comes to shake your hand
- And luckily, you noticed him due to his idol activities. It wasn’t shocking when you both came out as a couple either, after all who could miss the longing gazes he sends you ever so often?
- However, when Hiyori mouth accidentally runs loose and reveals some really important information, you can’t help but go straight to nagisa to ask him yourself
“You were my fan?” You asked, wide-eyed.
Upon hearing your random question, Nagisa let out a soft sigh but patted the seat next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“Hm I never told you well” he averted his gaze away from you “it’s embarrassing…”
You cooed as you reached out to hold his face, “aww that’s adorable nagisa, it shows how much you care for me even before we properly interacted!”
“You were too stunning for me to peel my eyes away” pressing a soft kiss on your cheek, “if I didn’t fall for you then I would have fallen for you some other time”.
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kiriwiwii · 3 months
i REALLY need to rant about eichi right now.. cuz im soo tired of people not understanding him at all.
i hate how this fandom acts like he is the ONLY bad person in this game. i mean, he is not a "bad" person but he made a lot of mistakes in his school years and his methods were cruel, i know. but,, most of the enstars characters did bad things. it's just how the game goes.
as the story progresses we can clearly see eichi regretting his actions. and even if he did NOT regret it, we can still like his character since it's fictional and i believe it's okay as long as we don't support his actions.
shu and kaoru also had a bad reputation during the ! era, but they both had good character development afterwards. most people do the same thing to them as well. acting like shu never changed etc. or kaoru even mentions this IN THE GAME how he feels upset when people still care about his past actions.
well- the topic was eichi so let's get back at that... in my opinion, he is one of the best-written characters in the game. his inner thoughts and conflicts within himself are reflected very well. almost all of his motives make sense. people literally have no empathy for him which makes me upset. he grew up in a hospital and tried to live with the stress that he could die at any moment. none of his parents cared about him that much and he was so socially awkward that even if he managed to get out of the hospital he had a hard time making friends. him not understanding people and having a hard time feeling empathy comes from this. he grew up all alone, in a literal hospital room😭
and his intentions were always good. i don't recall a moment when eichi hurt someone just because he wanted to. it was always because he had lots of goals in his mind and since he could die at any moment, he wanted to succeed as soon as possible. that's why he tried to destroy everyone who got in his way. and that totally makes sense, adding that he's also not good with social stuff.
I KNOW he hurt a lot of people. i don't support him. i'm just trying to explain why i think he's well-written. actually, while reading the stories there were soooo many times i hated him and his way of doing things but i believe thats what makes his character so "human". he's very flawed and this makes him interesting, i love that.
also, he did get the consequences of his actions. whenever he did something bad he was aware of it and it led him to depression and hating himself. there are so many quotes of him saying he believes he deserves to die etc... and i remember in ! era, he kept having nightmares about the war and the things he did. so, he did suffer just like the people he made suffer.
we don't see this kind of regret in keito and tsumugi. and another thing- people always bash eichi for the whole "capitalism" thing and the stuff i talked about above, but they never do this to ibara?? I LOVE ibara, but i never saw someone blaming him for some of the bad things he did?? and bro is literally capitalism itself but no one even jokes about it that much😭 im sure there are other characters we can add here. some of them get treated like a baby and no one cares about the mistakes they did, but when it comes to eichi (or shu, kaoru, any other character you might wanna add) they despise him.
sure, everything eichi did was more visible, and it's easier to hate on him. but i believe he deserves recognition and love just like the other characters in this game.
this is it. sorry for yapping can't believe i'm defending this guy out here🙏🏻
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raelyn-dreams · 1 year
Any headcanons of your favorite enstars characters? 👀💫
I do indeed nonnie! Though tbh, these are kind of full-cast headcanons lol. Tysm for the ask 😊
Mika is still upset he wasn't included in the Sanrio collab, and angrily sewed plushies the entire day it was announced.
During practice for Artistic Partisan, Hiiro was under the impression that the prop spears were much heavier than they actually were, leading to him accidentally slamming one through the wall (and nearly impaling Shu).
We don't talk enough about how Knights are given swords for their performances. Like who thought this was a good idea. Even if they are dull and fake, do you know how terrifying it is to have Ritsu Sakuma come at you with a sword and a maniacal grin? Kaoru Hakaze does.
Kuro was basically acting as a mediator for the entirety of the Yuukyou Seishunka cover rehearsals (while Mika and Souma prayed their unit leaders wouldn't kill each other). Keito and Shu came to feel kinda bad about this as they were winding down, so they begrudgingly worked together to make him a gi, as a thank you and apology. Keito never wants to hear the words "proper quilter's knot" again, but it was worth it for the smile on Kuro's face.
Hiiro and Hinata both have...shaky histories with high places (Hiiro in !! main story after Rinne disowns him, and Hinata during Setsubun). Niki doesn't know the details, but he notices after a while, so they start having rooftop hang-outs on occasion to help them with it.
I really like the Hiiro-Hinata-Niki dorm as a whole actually (which...Hiiro and Hinata are two of my favs, and Niki's up there, so that's to be expected lol). I see a lot of potential with the three, and I think they'd really get each other.
Ibara visited Kaname once. It was a stupid and sentimental thing to do, really, and he had work that needed to be done, lives to prepare for...but he couldn't help but feel he owed it to him, the near-silent apology that passed his lips that day.
Also, veering into AU territory a bit, but I think if Kaname were to wake up and eventually get back into the industry (after lots of rehab + accommodations), he'd keep the HiMERU name, but drop the "cool" persona he tried to associate with it. Life is too short to care so much about the public's perception of him, and I feel he'd go in the opposite direction of Tatsumi, and become even more outspoken, which would make him a good Crazy:B candidate.
OreMERU (our HiMERU) and Kaname are going to need to talk. A lot. I think Kaname wouldn't quite forgive him and would be upset about the identity theft, but he also can't bring himself to hate him, as he can see why he did it and knows it's for him. There's a lot of guilt and misunderstanding on both sides (ntm Tatsumi, Jun, and everyone else's reactions), but I think they eventually get through it alright, and OreMERU would always be Kaname's "Onii-chan".
OreMERU is also gonna have an identity crisis, and tries to quit Crazy:B, but of course Rinne, Niki, and Kohaku aren't gonna let him just dip like that. There's a lot of panicking, some bad hairstyle decisions, but he comes out alright, and starts going by another stage name that's important to him in some way.
I'm sorry about the excessive Tojo headcanons nonnie, I fully read Obbligato for the first time last week (just knew the basics before) and it wrecked me asdfghjkl.
Anyways. Back to everyone else.
As Mika gets used to Shu's more lenient personality, he tries to see how much gore he can get away with in Valkyrie's art.
Shu tries so hard to respect Mika's artistic vision and encourage him, he really does. But he draws the line at real pigs brains on-stage, even if they are in jars ("But Oshi-san, it represents the breakin' o' the mind after they tried so hard ta conform ta the expectations they put on 'em and ended up slaughtered! It's perfect symbolism, ain't it?")
Adonis makes money on the side for Undead by acting as an interpreter for other units during lives and Q&As. It ends up so popular and profitable that ES actually ends up investing money in professional interpreters for all events, because the ES heads can be kind of good people for once I guess. As a treat.
Rei, Ritsu, Niki, Tatsumi, Eichi, and Kaname (if he rejoins the industry) start having a combined monthly interview to make up for ones they miss due to illness/disability. The college kids/anyone that's been sick or couldn't make their own interviews occasionally join in too (usually Chiaki, Mayoi, Nazuna, Shu, Leo, and Izumi). Rei feels personally attacked sometimes, but its overall fun and way less stressful than trying to make every interview for their own units.
Kuro/Shu/Mao/Izumi dorm have sewing nights. It started because Kuro and Shu already sew, and Izumi wanted to be able to make his own alterations as a model just in case. Mao ended up joining in as a way to de-stress from student council work, and they have a relatively pleasant time together.
Souma is canonically good at embroidery, so I like to think he ends up creating his own sword scabbards for different Akatsuki costumes using the skills he's picked up from it. They're very pretty, and he's very proud of them.
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ohii-san · 5 months
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Tomoya: (The cuff of my shirt's been grabbed… I’m frozen in place!)
Rinne: Oi oi. I don’t care how bad you don’t wanna see me, don’t just run away the second you see my face!
Tomoya: (Why why why why!? This is definitely wrong. No matter how I think about it, I’m the only one out of place.)
(Anzu-san, maybe this time was also a mistake? I mean, that’s it, right? Please say it was~?!)
Yuzuru: That’s right– Mashiro-sama. Setting aside the others, didn’t we have a bento showdown together?[1]
Ibara: Ah-ha-ha. You could sense the shitty malevolence hidden behind Yuzuru’s smiley mask, couldn’t you?[2]
Yuzuru: Rather, it’s likely because Ibara’s words are hypocritical and hide malice. No matter how hard he tries to blend in with society, it's impossible for him to hide his shady nature.
Yes, that’s it, Mashiro-sama must be scared because of the way Ibara is picking fights with me all the time.
Rinne: Really though, isn’t both you bastards’ fault? If I was stuck with seniors like that I’d be scared as well, you get what I’m saying?
Tomoya: Eek?!
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Rinne: What’s the issue. I didn’t do anything!?
Yuzuru: You didn’t “not do anything”, you grabbed him by the shirt and intimidated him. I don’t think it’s strange to be scared.
Subaru: Excuse me~☆ Yahoo, yahoo. Let’s work together today~
—Nn? What's everyone doing?
Tomoya: Ah– Akehoshi-senpaiii! Thank Goddd!
Subaru: Eh, what? What’s wrong? You’re hiding behind me…
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Subaru: Ah~. So everyone was bullying Tomoya-kun, is that riiight~? Don’t bully your cute junior, okaaay~?
Rinne: I didn’t do that. Rather, why’re you so scared even though I didn’t do anything?
Tomoya: Ah, s-sorry. The pressure was just so great, it was just a conditioned reflex…
That is... I came in here thinking this would be kinda like a petting zoo, with cute animals. But actually, it’s more like a cage full of wild beasts?
Ibara: What’s with that weird analogy…
Tomoya: Ehehe. It kinda just exceeded my brain’s capacity– It’s okay now. I’m starting to understand the situation.
Ehhh. Everyone here is a member of the same “Shuffle Unit”, right? At least, that seems to be the case.
Yuzuru: Well, I can understand Mashiro-sama’s confusion. Indeed, I have doubts as to why these members are here… and whether we'll be able to achieve synergy with one another.
Subaru: Eh, really? But on the other hand, wouldn’t it be more interesting if we didn’t know what chemical reactions would happen?
Rinne: An overreaction could lead to a big explosion though, right?
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Subaru: If that’s the case then I’d like it to be a big, beautiful explosion like a firework~☆
Rinne: Just what kinda big-shot are you trying to be. Well, it’s not like I hate that sorta thing, though…
Ibara: Hm? Let’s allow Anzu-san to explain the rest. iIt seems like she’s just arrived. 
Subaru: Ah, Anzu! Yahoo, yahoo ☆ Nah, all’s good. We were all just talking.
Ibara: Now, could you please give us an overview, Producer-dono?
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Tomoya: …?
Rinne: The hell’s this…?
Tomoya: ? Excuse me. No matter how you look at it, all that’s written in the board is “we’ll do something amazing”.
Is it a trick or something I can’t see through? Like a code or something…
Rinne: Don’t worry. That’s what I’m seeing too.
Yuzuru: Is this… supposed to reassure us, perhaps? I feel like this is going to be a big problem…
Ibara: … I have a headache. Anyway, Anzu-san. Could you give us some details?
Yuzuru: Let me think… In other words, you mean that one of the producers of the “P Association” disappeared, and they were the one in charge of the “Shuffle Unit” project?
Rinne: And then? There’s nobody left to take over because there’s not enough staff to go around, huh. Anzu-chan came here to explain, but she doesn’t have the time to be able to take care of us either.
Subaru: Hmm. That’s why Anzu wants this “Shuffle Project” to be led by us idols.
Tomoya: Idol initiative… But isn’t this project a big one? Even though we have ES to back us up, is this really something we can do alone?
Ah. That’s right! Saegusa-senpai also works as a producer for CosPro, right? If that’s the case we could ask for Saegusa-senpai…
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Ibara: If I could do it myself, I would… But this is headed by the “P Association”, so that happening would be impossible.
Tomoya: Eh? Why?
Ibara: This project is a cross-office project, so in order to keep it fair, producers who belong to other agencies cannot be involved.
Well. If they were to turn a blind eye to my presence, it would be possible to carry out production operations in secret!
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Yuzuru: Ibara. You’re causing trouble for Anzu-san.
Ibara: Right, yes. In other words, this time it is necessary that I devote myself to being an idol.
Subaru: Mhm! Besides, it would help Anzu as well! She’s been apologizing for a while– it’s not like it’s even your fault, though, Anzu!
We will all work together and do our best, so rest easy! ♪
Yuzuru: I agree. If this is considered work, then I’ll do my best too.
Rinne: Yeah, that’s right. Problems like this are inevitable in this industry.
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Tomoya: (Eehh!? Wait a minute…! Why is everyone so positive!? It��s impossible for us to do the project alone!)
> [1] referring to science
> [2] tomoya's sprite has been visibly terrified, that's what's being referred to here
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dailyhelldorm · 6 months
[TL] Koga 4☆ FS2 Story / Howling at the Summit
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Scenario Writer: Suika
Characters: Aoi Hinata, Himemiya Tori, Aoi Yuuta, Suou Tsukasa, Ogami Koga, Tenshouin Eichi, Sakuma Rei, Kunugi Akiomi, Aoba Tsumugi, Saegusa Ibara
Season: Autumn
Koga: Oh! I thought ya were a despicable guy, but unexpectedly ya have some good understandin' sense huh! Eichi: ...♪
Location: Rhythm Link Office
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Koga: Ya want me to join the ‘Summit’?
Rei: Yes. I have work on the next scheduled ‘Summit’. Neither I nor Hasumi-kun can likely participate on that day.
So I want you to act like a step-in and partake, that’s the thing…
Koga: Then why me? Some other dudes hafta be free that day, too.
Rei: I checked the schedule. The only one who is free that day is you, Koga.
Koga: Ain’t that too sudden... Do I necessarily need to take part?
Rei: ...It is Tenshouin-kun that I’m weary of. He can use RhyLin’s vacant seat that day and try to pull some sinister schemes, which might become unfavorable for us.
And if not him, ‘Summit’ also has Saegusa-kun there. If we don’t have an exclusive, it can create an obvious opening and I would like to avoid that.
Koga: I see. In other words, ya want me to come and watch out for other agencies' weird movements, and threaten them?
Rei: I won’t say you need to go as far as threaten them. Even if it’s just a step-in but as long as RhyLin has a representative, others won’t try and think about doing any imprudent thing.
Koga: Got the gist... But for real, I can’t get hyped at all.
‘Summit’ is the place to talk about some troublesome things, right? Just thinkin’ about it already bores the shit out of me.
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(...No, wait.)
(‘Summit’ is the place all the high and mighty dudes in ES come, right?)
(Ain’t this the direct chance to vent all the pent-up frustration about ES’s system and whatsoever?)
Hah! I got ya, Sakuma-senpai. I gotta join the ‘Summit’ in yer stead ♪
Location: Reception Room
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Koga: (The place they hold the ‘Summit’, is this the room?)
Hinata: Ah, over here~ Ogami-senpai!
Tori: So it is real, Ogami-senpai is the substitute that participates in their stead.
Koga: What? Ya questionin’ me?
Yuuta: If you don’t understand anything, we can explain it to you. Please feel free to ask anytime, Ogami-senpai ☆
Akiomi: Please wrap up your idle talk. You should hurry and take your seat now, the ‘Summit’ is about to start.
Tsumugi: Here you go, Ogami-kun. Here are today’s documents.
Koga: Thank you, Aoba-senpai.
(Geh- It’s crammed entirely with complicated stuff...)
Eichi: Then, let us start the ‘Summit’. Firstly, let’s begin with each agency’s activity reports...
After a while
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Eichi: This is StarPro’s upcoming planned events. Do you have any questions?
Koga: Zzz... ♪
Hinata: Hey, Yuuta-kun. He is definitely sleeping, right?
Yuuta: What are you even saying, Aniki? You don’t even need to ask, he is already deep in the dreamland.
Koga: ...!? That was close, I almost fell asleep.
Tori: No way, you were totally snoozing there! Even if you are trying to play it cool now, it is too late already!
Koga: Hah? Didn’t snooze. I was seriously listenin’.
Tori: Then tell me the plan Eichi-sama was talking about just now!
Koga: …Urgh. T-that shit is already written here on the documents anyway. Ya just need to read it from the paper.
Ibara: Now now, Mr. Ogami has a lot of stress built up in his body, right? ‘UNDEAD’ recently has become a chart-topping variety show's ‘unit’ too.
Koga: Argh? What was that, gotta talk some nasty shit to me now?
Akiomi: It was your fault for falling asleep just then. You should show more apprehension in this kind of meeting.
Koga: ...My bad.
But hey, why are y’all explainin' the things that have already been written on the materials anyway?
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Tsukasa: Conveying the content of the materials verbally can help you implement them. It is not a particularly odd thing, isn’t it?
Koga: That’s not what I meant. Since all the agency’s representatives are sittin' here right now, we should talk about something more useful!
Tsumugi: Uhm, what does Koga-kun consider to be useful talks?
Koga: Well... about that. Like what kind of lives ya want to do, that kind of want?
If we do a rockin' live then fans will also jack up a lot! Ain’t that the thing that makes all agencies merry too ♪
Tori: Haa... You really are a child, Ogami-senpai.
Eichi: What kind of lives you want to do, you say... Fufu, quite intriguing.
Today we already disseminated all the things we need to share and our general talk has finished. There isn’t a topic that specifically needs to be brought up as well.
In that case, how about we discuss the useful talk Ogami-kun has mentioned?
Tori: Eichi-sama!?
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Koga: Oh! I thought ya were a despicable guy, but unexpectedly ya have some good understandin' sense huh!
Eichi: ...♪
Tsukasa: (Tenshouin-oniisama is taking on Ogami-senpai’s idea...? What is he planning?)
Ibara: (I’m intrigued about His Eminence’s intention... For now, I should stay low and match their pace for a bit.)
Sounds like a good idea. Then, let us continue by brainstorming our configuration ☆
Tsumugi: Wah! Sounds fun~ ♪
Tori: (Whispers) Is it really fine with you, Eichi-sama?
Eichi: (Whispers) Having the same members doing the same talk in every ‘Summit’ is a monotonous thing to do.
(Whispers) At a time like this, when a new breeze is blowing in, should we try and follow along with it for a little bit?
Koga: Heheh, then I will go first! Ya lots, clean yer ears and hear me out!
Location: Seisoukan Common Room
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Rei: Goodness me, Hasumi-kun is such a worrywart.
He tells me to inquire Koga directly about the ‘Summit’ discussion. He isn’t a child who can stir up some problems in just one day of being substitute.
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Eichi: Yah, Sakuma-kun. You have returned.
Rei: Isn’t it you, Tenshouin-kun? My apology for not being able to join the ‘Summit’ today.
Eichi: It is not a big deal. Your substitute solidly stood his place.
Rei: About that, how was Koga? I hope he didn’t cause any trouble for Tenshouin-kun and everyone on his first ‘Summit’ partaking.
Eichi: He didn’t cause any issue at all. Rather, thanks to him, we were able to have a beneficial discussion ♪
Rei: You said you had a beneficial discussion...?
Eichi: If there is an occasion, please ask him to come again.
Well then, I will be going now.
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Rei: What does he mean? Why was Tenshouin-kun happy that Koga joined them...?
Koga, what have you done at the ‘Summit’?
Koga: I thought I heard someone’s mumbles, it is just ya, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: Oh, speak of the devil. Sorry for the suddenness, but how was today’s ‘Summit’?
Koga: Tsk, even ya asked the same question. That glasses bastard’s been blowin' up my Hold-hands and grillin' me for the same thing.
Even when I told him there wasn’t any big deal goin' on.
Rei: From your response, I can see that everything was really fine and all... But then, what’s with the attitude from that Tenshouin-kun?
Koga: Tenshouin-senpai? That was unexpected, he was a more sensible dude than I thought he would be.
Rei: Sensible, you say...? What did you talk about at the ‘Summit’?
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Koga: What we talked about...
(Seems that normally they don’t talk about their ideal lives and stuff. If I just blunt straight out, won’t it become a pain in the ass later?)
...Nothing too hot.
Rei: W-what, Koga. What’s with your response...!? Was it something you couldn’t even tell me?
Koga: Not really. There is nothing I need to talk about.
Is our talk done? If so, I will go back to my room now.
Rei: Hault! ...It couldn’t be, that Koga have gotten appeased by Tenshouin-kun...?
Our talk isn’t finished yet! Hey, where are you going? Koga dear!?
Koga: Argh~! Don’t follow me!
[The end (o゜▽゜)o☆]
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inthedeepeclipse · 7 months
On Ibara, Hiyori and the Buisness world of Enstars
Smth smth hiyoiba is a push and pull relationship of who will drop their guard down first. Hiyori is usually first to do so, because of the way Ibara grew up he won’t drop it unless its a completely private space.
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I would say that Ibara knows that Hiyori puts up an act. I’m pretty sure its canon that Hiyori was communicating with Eden during Getto Spectacle, and especially towards Eden and upper management. They’re aware of it, but its hard to be vulnerable with these two.
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They trust each other. They’re aware of the power they do hold. (Though I’m not sure if the child soldier thing was told to Hiyori in canon) At least in the business world, I’m guessing. Hiyori still has connections, and Ibara has the power to turn his creative ideas into reality.
I really do want an exploration of the buisness side of Enstars. We do have canon corporations, but technically its a competitive monopoly. Eden climax has already brought us a set up, and bringing us to an understanding of how being an idolized person in a competitive market makes you lose yourself and greed talking to make those actions take place.
Their first interactions are about Hiyori’s judge of character and the inner workings of CosPro. (Saga Release 6) Because that is what they know about each other at that moment.
ES is operated mostly by Tenshouin related companies, making their name more widespread. Hiyori comments about this in his Idol Story 2. This is making (his family’s) the Tomoe Foundation’s name lessen. HappyEle, please tell me where the Tomoe’s put their money in. Because its definitely not the entertainment industry.
Anyway, by Hiyori’s actions I suspect that the rest of the Tomoe’s are overworkers~! ⭐️ So while his parent’s respect his decision of going to the entertainment industry, they probably dont understand why he got there in the first place~! ⭐️ That’s why Hiyori is so against Ibara working so much~! ⭐️
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chynandri · 5 months
Why Ibara and Hajime Were Destined to be Partners in a Variety Show
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This post will be a bit different from my other ones as I think I've let this one sit for far too long and I just want to release it from the prison that is my drafts!!!! So there won't be a lot of citation, this will be more of a very long ramble/rant! I think I'm finally ready to (try to) articulate my thoughts on how Ibara and Hajime share many parallels, similarities, or just how they compare and contrast as characters!!
As you may know I am a big fan of Ibahaji as a relationship so - I can't guarantee an unbiased view on all this. I'd also say I'm more of an Ibara scholar than a Hajime scholar, but I have a PhD in neither.
I'm just very fascinated by the 'why' behind Bogie Time. I think Akira is talented in drawing connections between all 49 idols. And the way Ibara and Hajime become unlikely friends is a particularly strongly written connection to me.
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Let's begin with: Hajime and Ibara's similarities as described in Bogie Time
To understand how profound their friendship is, we must look at their relationship development in Bogie Time.
At the start, Hajime and Ibara could not be more dissimilar.
Ibara is aloof but capable, older, and his usual disingenuous self. Hajime is younger and believes himself to be a bumbling little guy who's in the way. He immediately defers to Ibara on all matters but doesn't know what to make of him. Ibara is laughably confused by Hajime too, because he's literally too genuine of a person - a quality Ibara is not used to, sadly. However, as Ibara does something called 'relating to others' he realizes Hajime is not so far removed from his own world.
In a nice bonding moment halfway through the story that makes a point of sharing their similarities, Ibara and Hajime relate on looking up too much to others and feeling below them.
This is an incredibly important conversation as Ibara who usually doesn't open up about his feelings, does miraculously share why he's been so upset about the show to Hajime. Here marks a great turning point... Hajime can deeply relate to Ibara's aversion to humiliation, having experienced something so crushing as having no audience for Ra*bits debut. This was a formative moment for Hajime. I believe here Hajime sees himself in Ibara... and wants to help.
Another major point of similarity that the story pushes is that Hajime has a cunning side, one that is actually supported by how much Hajime pays attentions to people's feelings and personalities to a point where he can be too dependent on their approval - which is the opposite problem of Ibara, interestingly enough, who forgets to consider people as living sources of information rather than just data and tools.
This is the lesson Nagisa wanted him to learn from Bogie Time. Ibara hones Hajime's cunning so they can advance in the show, as his specialty lies in how to use things and people to their fullest. They're very complementary!
To summarize: the two main similarities Bogie Time wants you to focus on is that Ibara and Hajime both struggle with thinking themselves as lesser than others and that they are intelligent and cunning.
But what if there's other similarities to be found between them beyond Bogie Time?
Now I'll talk about: my interpretation of Ibara and Hajime's other similarities.
These are some scattered thoughts and things I noticed.
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Ibara and Hajime's experiences with poverty While they do not discuss this as a similarity, Ibara and Hajime do both come from backgrounds of poverty or being impoverished.
Specifically, Ibara literally had nothing to his name during his childhood and was even more deprived comparably speaking. Ibara often describes himself as someone who crawled from the bottom of society. Hajime's family is poor, so Hajime often takes up part time jobs on campus and makes very simple meals. Or even eats just breadcrusts or grass. The one major point of difference is that Ibara inherited Godfather’s legacy - but despite that he still had to rebuild these assets from the ground up and fend for himself.
I think they could relate on the topic of survival. Even though Ibara's survival is sadly a more severe case, they both have the attitude of making do with what they have. Basically, they both did not have it easy.
As was revealed in Private Room, Ibara learned DIY when he was in the orphanage because he had no other form of entertainment. He's used to fixing and making his own things.
I recently read some old stories where Hajime makes up his own game of sliding on the wet floors of the school when it rains, because his family is too poor to afford many toys he's quite good at making up games to entertain his siblings.
Considering this I was like.... ohhhh... I've connected some dots. You could even say if anyone could understand Hajime's desire to have a partner who would have simple meals with him - it'd be Ibara who has a lot of opinions on eating sparingly. Although his is more motivated on survival and not allowing weak points in a moment of vulnerability, which then morphed into efficiency.
This follows into... Ibara and Hajime's social status
They both suffered from bullying and discrimination toward them at a young age.
Hajime was bullied and excluded by his classmates for being too slow and useless to them. Hajime would struggle for a long time with the inferiority complex this experience gave him, which was only expounded by the failure of Ra*bits debut.
Ibara is an orphan who was implied to be considered equivalent to garbage by society. He is especially motivated by dominating people who used to laugh at him and thus is so afraid of being the target of mockery in Bogie Time.
I think Ibara is a special case where he weaponizes the way society has told him ‘he’s nothing’ over and over again by purposefully poking others and making them uncomfortable by his self-deprecating statements. While I recognize he’s not totally self loathing I feel like there’s a grain of truth to his self deprecation, and is almost challenging people like Anzu to affirm what he has always known anyway so he can continue to justify his cynical worldview that keeps him safe - but it’s definitely an obstacle to having a more growth oriented mindset.
Meanwhile Hajime does all he can to be likeable and gain approval as a good child, and is extremely apologetic for his shortcomings in early stories. Interestingly, Ibara also has this behaviour but on a surface level as he only does it to manipulate people to being useful for him. Although Hajime does have influence because of all the genuine good favour he’s gained from acting this way. In recent stories however, he’s grown more assertive…
Such as this exchange Hajime and Ibara have during a Dream Live because Hajime scolds him for being openly self deprecating to the audience. Again I think this is another moment where Hajime sees himself in Ibara, especially by how he tells him he’s his fan too. Hajime’s self esteem has gotten better because he’s motivated by his friends and fans too, so it just seems to echo that.
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Ibara and Hajime's roles in their units
(Using this cg as this section's image because in Happy Spring Hajime is so excited about visiting a nearby town for the first time for a job, he makes a notebook full of research about that town... which they're only visiting for a day or so. It really represents Hajime's fastidious nature and love of information.)
Personally I think Ibara and Hajime are quite similar in being the sensible and practical members of their units, especially when it comes to finances and their meticulous nature in preparing things. They also tend to lose sight of what’s in front of them when they’re too in their own heads. One of Ibara’s biggest pitfalls is getting hasty when he thinks everything is going according to his schemes and victory is within reach. While Hajime can take his daydreams and ideals too seriously, for example getting upset at Mitsuru for not bringing flowers to Madara’s sister as he got too obsessed with his own idea of them being in love in Ra*bits climax.
I also believe they both possess a role of drawing people into their respective units - where Ibara utilizes fanservice in a more mature way, Hajime’s charisma is through his expertise in being cute. Both of these are to an extent personas they use on stage to attract attention.
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Ibara and Hajime's gender presentation
This point is directly addressed in Bogie Time. I find it interesting that Ibara’s own feminine features were emphasized - it subverts expectations a bit as Hajime is usually put into the ‘girl’ role. But at the end, it’s Ibara who’s essentially experiencing what Hajime experiences all the time… being perceived as a girl.
Previously, Ibara portrayed the Red Queen in Wonder Game - a female character and the outfit itself has what I arguably consider feminine elements such as the silhouette and high heels. And last year, Ibara was in the bride-inspired White Swan outfit - and in a pose that I personally think can be read as typically feminine (a pose you’d see a female gacha character have perhaps.) So Ibara is no stranger to feminine roles.
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I didn’t expect Akira to make this a point of similarity between them, but it’s interesting that he played with this concept and made Ibara cross dressing a focal point of the story and artwork.
I believe that Ibara and Hajime both embrace it, along with Ibara learning from Hajime to not be embarrassed in general and that feminine Ibara cards exist in the first place - and Hajime’s own personal journey as he goes from disliking being seen as a girl, to being ok with it and finding ways to use it as an idol.
Other personality traits
I believe Ibara and Hajime were similarly both troublemakers when they were very young. They also both grew out of this behaviour in response to their environment.
Ibara had a wish to make his life have been worth something and needed to pull himself together for his newfound inheritance. The strict and unforgiving military lifestyle he once hated and criticized became very useful in his role as a producer and businessman.
While Hajime became more well behaved for the sake of being a good older brother and not causing more trouble for his parents. However this may be one of the reasons he has a bit of a complex over people perceiving him as too perfect - which he mentions to Ibara in Bogie Time, and seems to want to indulge in being a 'bad kid' sometimes (thinking of his halloween voice line).
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From all this I'd like to conclude that the great amount of connections one can make between Ibara and Hajime is why Akira and his team of writers probably conceived of Bogie Time which is about their relationship at its core. There's a lot to work with, and because I consider this story as a major turning point in Ibara's character arc - this is probably one of the big reasons why they chose Hajime to be the character to spur the needed profound change in Ibara. … besides that Hajime and Ibara were both moderately popular at the time and cute I guess! If you made it all the way here - wow, congrats and thank you for reading!
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likeadog · 6 months
i think i hauve a crush on you can you talk about ibara more
okay um teehee ill try to say something i havent just said a million times before o7
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um but!!! one thing i think is interesting about her is ofc her hairstyle and the fact the crown of thorns very clearly had to have been styled herself (given we see her without it as well and just like, the nature of her hair) and in the sheet for her hero costume it says that "if she gets cold she can just wrap herself in her thorns". which is like, curious to me in that we know her thorns have some cutting and scraping power-- she expresses being worried about people getting scratched in the light novels, we see kirishima and kaminari covered in scrapes after getting wrapped up, etc. so this to me implies one of two things: either her skin is naturally just like, too tough to feel it, or shes gotten used to it
given like, what the crown of thorns represents and ibaras whole hardcore humble nature, personally i think that instead of being predisposed to thorn immunity, shes just gotten used to the prickles over the years. thats why i like drawing her with a lot of teeny tiny blemishes and scars on her face/neck/shoulders when i draw her!
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(some of these are old as fuck fojeroijtgojogj sorry)
i would really. really like to see the vine sweater though like whatever "wrapping herself in thorns" means. please horikoshi i want to see it
i also think ibaras personality is full of some really fun and interesting contradictions and sillyisms like i know ive hammered on about how a lot of the times she just kinda does her own thing, but i think its cool to note that shes not like, obscenely arrogant or reckless or whatever. we see her express uncertainty a few times; she gets stage fright before class b's play, as well as in the ova when she tells jirou that she hasnt ever played baseball before. I think with ibara, it's not that she believes shes good at everything and always correct: i think ibara knows what shes good at, and so on THOSE things she doesnt really give a lot of wiggle room, but with other things, shes a lot more willing to let other people take the lead because shes like idkkkkk idkkkkkk girl
theres also times when she does lie! i know youre gasping. scandalized. but i think its also a really interesting little bit of insight
in the light novels, theres a chapter about the girls luring mineta into revealing himself while hes trying to peep in the training camp baths so they can kick his ass, and in that chapter, kendou, yui, and ibara act as the "decoys". they fake a conversation while they fill the room with smoke with a machine yaomomo made, and then all the girls hang out after and have a slumber party. ibaras well aware of what theyre doing and why, and she doesnt express any regret or uncertainty on the matter, even though shishida using her as a decoy in combat was something she was shocked and upset by. not to mention, she also mentions having stolen minetas headband in a "deceitful way" during the sports fest, and only mentions it possibly being a bad thing when their team wakes up after being brainwashed by shinsou and is like "was that karma for doing that"
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like, there's very clearly this precedent of her explicitly and exclusively thinking of deception as 100% okay against mineta, which is hilarious, because we even see her apologize to gigantomachia.
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This guy is trying to kill them. He is a "walking natural disaster". and shes still apologizing to him for outnumbering him. Which is hilarious. But she never once apologizes to Mineta. Given what that kind of thing means to Ibara, I think this makes her the character to express the most outright malice and hatred towards Mineta in the entire series. And she's right for that. (I don't know why so many people seem to ship them together also like what....anyways)
the biggest thing with ibara i think is that a lot of people will write her or write her off a certain way because of her initial gimmick and so they just kinda automatically assign a personality and traits based on the very western american concept of a devout christian. which is fair, i guess, like i get it, but ibara isn't in america (shes in a country where christianity is very heavily a minority) and i think most importantly, she's still a 16 year old girl. a very weird, very super powered 16 year old girl, but the appeal of the bnha students as characters is that even with all their funny habits and quirks, they're still VERY 16, and ibara is no different. the girl may talk about flayings and the body of the lord, but she still wears little pink sneakers to gym and gets nervous performing in a school play and has to worry about her math class.
and another one of her funny contradictions ive also spoken about but the way in which she speaks i think is another interesting facet. we know ibara is a very above-board, straightforward, honorable kid who hates lying or any type of deception. she has a moral panic over basic tactical maneuvers. but the way she talks is so esoteric that a lot of her peers dont seem to really understand her, and she seems almost completely oblivious to that fact? again, take an example from the light novels: iida asks what he just ate in the hot pot penalty game, and ibara says "the body of our lord..." to which he responds "A BODY?!" and its only when Yaomomo clears up that she's talking about bread does it get clarified at all. I can only think of one or two instances when Ibara clarifies what the fuck she's talking about at any time, and that's with a very direct set of questions. Another example is Shishida and his nickname:
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It's very clear that he doesn't want to be called that, but they continue nonetheless.
And I don't think any of this is at odds with Ibara's very straightforward, guileless nature. I think it's just a "translation error"-- Ibara thinks what she's saying is exactly the same as what everyone else is saying, and doesn't get that most people don't have the context or background to decode how she speaks. They're "synonyms"-- but only to her, and nobody else. It's interesting! And I think it could provide a lot of interesting play with other characters who haven't had to adapt to it yet, or even with characters who by necessity would-- like Kaminari and Sero, who do work studies with her.
anyway eeeeek i have to get ready to go to work love you bye <3
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mamadarama · 7 months
Me and my friend actually talked about Ibara and his insistence that he’s a schemer at heart before and we realized that the two categories of people he would help were the ones who naturally caused chaos or the ones that were incredibly chill (niki, nagisa, hajime) and it’s now a headcannon that he hides his generally being really good at his job and really nice to his friends by proxy-ness as “It’s because they’re really good at CHAOS and I LOVE CHAOS and I’m SO FUCKING GOOD AT CHAOS AND- what about the others? Uh, well you see, I see promise in them being able to be CHAOTIC so they can cause MORE CHAOS. I’m merely sowing seeds of CHAOS IN THEM with my SUPER EVIL NICE DEEDS. I know they look like they’ve done literally nothing wrong up to this point but JUST YOU WAIT until they reach FULL CHA
this is hilarious i love it . my hc is that if you bring it to his attention he pulls the whole "when in doubt deny all terms and conditions" act and goes "huh what friends . oh those friends? ah right of course . i have no idea what youre talking about . moving on." and at that point whoevers asking just gives up cuz they dont wanna deal w his shit today
also nagisa being chill is a total front , you see there are multiple kinds of "balls to the walls fucking crazy". nagisa is a rare case of low energy/high chaos in which he does the most bizarre things with such a calm demeanor and so much confidence that he inadvertently gaslights you into thinking that what hes doing is a perfectly sane thing to do . if anyone else was sitting at a table with like 40 oranges , it would be weird . but if it's nagisa , of course hes doing that. who doesnt contemplate their orange pile every now and then ? not weird at all. (it is weird . youre trapped in his citrus genjutsu. )
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darlingsazanami · 7 months
jun sazanami x reader
no pronouns used, just referred to as “partner”
It was a rare occurrence for the two of you to be awake at the ungodly hour of 3:30 in the morning, both of your schedules depended on getting as much sleep as necessary. Every time Jun had thought about stopping up to play video games or because he was restless, he was always reminded that Ibara and Hiyori would lecture him about ‘how tired he looks’, or that his dark circles under his eyes would ‘be a problem’, or even that his ‘performance was off’ would make him roll his eyes. Sometimes he’d picture Nagisa joining in and that would always make him groan in embarrassment.
However, luck was on both of your sides as the two of you had the weekend to yourselves. Jun was lay in your shared bed, in his pyjamas with a manga in his hand. His eyes were staring outside the window, noticing how bright the moon was glistening in the pitch black sky. His eyes moved from the moon to the small starts shining brightly, the brightest he had seen in a while. He doesn’t even notice the bedroom door opening and closing nor does he notice the bedsheets rustling as you get inside your shared bed.
After a few seconds, he feels your head resting on his shoulder, his head turns to face you and your eyes meet for a few seconds. He breaks the silence almost immediately.
“The stars and the moon are shining brightly, brightest I’ve ever seen.” he whispers to you softly, leaning backwards to allow you to get a better view of the window. He closes his unread manga and places it on the bedside table. He makes a mental note of the panel he was reading (even though he read nothing) and turns his head back to the window. The room falls silent as you both stare at the stars, amazed by how beautiful the night sky was. The silence dissolves as you speak up.
“How about we go outside and look at them? The window gives us limited space to look at, and it’s not that cold outside.” He turns to you and gives you a small smile as he nods his head. Stargazing is something he’d done many times, on late night walks with Mary, when he was trying to ignore Hiyori talking his ear off after a live with Eden or just as Eve. However, he’d never done it with another person before, let alone his partner so he was excited at your suggestion.
Jun grabbed an old blanket and placed it on the grass, the two of you were wearing coats, even though there was no wind. He had also brought a few snacks and two bottles of water and placed them in front of you two. Your head found itself on Jun’s shoulder as your eyes were fixated on the stars. Jun’s eyes followed yours for a few seconds until his wondered to the moon. He started at it for a couple of minutes as he began getting lost in his own thoughts. His eyes slowly moved away from the moon, instead he was looking at the stars and trying to notice any patterns. His arm gently wraps around your side in a gentle grip.
30 minutes passed, and the two of you were chatting about your lives, grabbing a few handful of snacks and drinking the water he had provided. You were doing most of the talking, Jun could listen to you talk for hours as he preferred listening to your voice and hearing about your stories, or how your day was going. Jun mainly focused on eating the strawberries and taking a few sips of water. He slowly leans forwards to plant a gentle kiss to your forehead.
He stands up to stretch his body and you do the same. He picks the blanket up and tosses it to the side, ‘dealing with a dirty blanket it would be a job for tomorrow’ he thought to himself while putting the snacks and water bottles into the bin or back into the cabinets. He took both of your coats and hung them up for whenever you two would need them next. He yawned softly every few seconds before walking up the stairs.
Both of you made your ways back into your bedroom and you immediately crawled into bed. Jun lies down next to you and your head immediately rests on his chest. His fingers gently play with your hair while exhaustion takes over the two of you.
“That was nice, we should do that again one day. Maybe in the summer?” you whisper out loud to him. The room went silent for a second before he hummed tiredly in agreement. The tired hum made your lips curve into a small smile before you allow your eyes to close. The two of you tiredly said goodnight to each other and you were both sleeping soundly in each others embrace.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Hiyori Tomoe - Games With Old Friends
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Writer: Suika
Season: Winter
(Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room)
Hiyori: Hm? Nagisa-kun, what are you doing over there?
Nagisa: …… I’m looking at the tabletop games on this shelf.
…… I got interested after listening to Yuuta-kun’s circle talk about it a little while back.
Hiyori: Ah, you’re talking about the ASOBI club? I’ve heard Jun-kun talk about it sometimes.
Since they left them in this common room, it means that anyone can play with these tabletop games, doesn’t it?
Nagisa: …… It seems to be what Yuuta-kun’s group intended by leaving them here.
Hiyori: In that case, Nagisa-kun, let’s play together! I just happen to be free right now!
Nagisa: …… Fufu, thank you Hiyori-kun. However, there’s a small problem.
Hiyori: What problem?
Nagisa: …… You need three or more players to play the games put out here. There’re not many games we can play with, since it’s just Hiyori-kun and I right now.
Hiyori: Then it’s just a matter of calling up someone else! I’ll contact Jun-kun immediately……
Is what I thought I’d do, but I think he’s away for a photoshoot today?
Nagisa: …… Mm. It seems that Ibara also has a pre scheduled meeting in ES today.
Hiyori: Well, since it’s work it can’t be helped. We’ll get them to hang out when they’re back.
Tsumugi: Oh my. What are you two doing with all those things spread out on the table?
Hiyori: Tsumugi-kun as well as Eichi-kun, you’ve come at an excellent time! We’re just looking for people with time to spare♪
Eichi: Hiyori-kun, even if this is a shared open space, you shouldn’t leave things all scattered about like that.
Hiyori: How rude! I haven’t made a mess!
Nagisa: …… I planned to play some games here with Hiyori-kun, but we’re a bit troubled since we don’t have enough people. 
…… Do you two have any plans after this? If you’d like, how about playing together?
Eichi: Thank you for the invitation. However, I only meant to rest here for a bit before going back to work. Tsumugi is the same way too, right?
Tsumugi: Yes, but I’m okay with it.
I had some sudden work earlier today, but I somehow managed to finish it all by mid-morning.
I’ve just been working for a while, so this would be a nice change of pace♪
Hiyori: Fufu, then let’s play together, Tsumugi-kun. Look, come over here.
Nagisa: ……. What about you, Eichi-kun? If you’re busy with work, I won’t force you.
…… Yuta-kun said games are a lot more fun when there are more people to play with.
Eichi: …… Well, as Tsumugi-kun said, a little bit of it could be a nice change of pace.
Hiyori: You could have just earnestly said that you wanted to play.
Eichi: This and that are…… So this is a balancing game where you take away wooden blocks from the board, and the person who drops the board loses.
Nagisa: …… I know about the game where you put things down in turns, but for this one, you have to take them away, I see.
Tsumugi: It seems that what I heard about this game is true; this game needs quite a bit of preparation. I can’t seem to balance them on the board.
…… There. It seems that we managed to have the wooden blocks balanced on the board. Should we decide on the playing order now?
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(Slight time skip)
Hiyori: Ahaha. The board fell down when it’s Eichi-kun’s turn, so this means it’s Eichi-kun’s loss.
Eichi: That move ruined the balance. It seems I miscalculated.
Nagisa: …… You need to consider the distance between the wooden blocks and the fulcrum, the shape and arrangement of the wooden blocks still left behind, before making the choice of which wooden block to take. This seems to be a game that requires one to use their head a lot more than I imagined.
Tsumugi: Yeah. The board tilts a lot whenever you take away a wooden block, so it makes my heart beat rapidly every single time.
Eichi: Yes. I’ve got a firm grasp on the balance between the wooden blocks and the board. Well then, shall we play again?
Hiyori: Hey, Tsumugi-kun. Is this small box another game we can play together?
Tsumugi: Yes. That’s a game where each player has to bring back treasure from the depths of the sea.The final rankings would be decided on the points of the treasures brought back.
It seems that since everyone is sharing the same oxygen tank, if even one person messes up, he will end up dragging everyone down and it’ll be game over.
Hiyori: So he said. It sounds a little difficult for someone greedy like you, right, Eichi-kun?
Eichi: That’s my line. If it’s a game that tests cooperation, wouldn’t it be a bad fit for Hiyori-kun?
Tsumugi: You two, let’s get along~
Eichi: Well then, do you want to play that game next?
Hiyori: Since we have so many games here, I thought it’ll be more fun if we play with a variety of them.
Nagisa: ………
Hiyori: Could it be that you already know this game, Nagisa-kun? Is there any other game you want to play?
Nagisa: …… No, that’s not it. I think I want to try playing this game too.
…… Sorry, I really enjoyed the balance game from just now, I wanted to play it one more time.
Hiyori: What, if that’s the case, you should have said that faster! Come on, Tsumugi-kun. Let’s get that game from earlier prepared one more time!
Tsumugi: Fufu, knowing that Nagisa-kun is enjoying it is making me happy too.
This is the game that Sora had told me he enjoyed♪ I’ll get it set up now.
Eichi: Ha…… You guys really are so free.
Hiyori: Good for you, Eichi-kun. You got your chance to get revenge on us.
Well, I’ll win the next round though♪
Eichi: …… Fufu, thank you. I’m looking forward to outwit Hiyori-kun starting from now♪
Don’t throw an unsightly tantrum just because you lost to me, okay?
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<About one hour later>
(Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room (Evening))
Hiyori: Ahaha! You can have a lot of fun with commonfolk games too!
Nagisa: …… Mm. They have a charm that is completely different from chess and the likes. All the tabletop games were brimming with humour and were deeply interesting.
Eichi: Though, it takes up a lot more time than expected.
Tsumugi: I’m sorry, Eichi-kun. Everyone had so much fun, that I even lost track of time on when to stop playing.
Eichi: No, you don’t have to apologise, Tsumugi. I accompanied you for this long because I enjoyed myself too.
Hiyori: Mmhm. You should thank Nagisa-kun and I; who had invited you!
Eichi: I don’t really feel like thanking Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: We’ve played quite a bit, but there are a few that we haven’t tried yet. We really can’t not call Jun-kun to come with us the next time we play.
Nagisa: ……I’ll try asking Ibara too.
Tsumugi: Seems like it’ll be a huge group. Then, I’ll ask Sora-kun if there is a game that can be enjoyed together by a lot of people.
Can I join you again when the time comes?
Hiyori: Of course. Better yet, let’s hold a game tournament in Starmony Dorms. That’ll be good weather……☆
Nagisa: …… Each individual has their own style of thinking. Rather than playing with just one person all the time, playing with a lot of people might serve to widen your range of strategy.
Eichi: I see. It’s a good idea for something like recreation.
It might be a good idea to take videos of idols on their days off to distribute them.
It just so happens that I was in the middle of formulating the details of my next project. I thought I should connect this to the plan.
Hiyori: Eichi-kun always likes to fill the gap in his free time with work. That’s just like Ibara.
But, I’ll forgive you. When the time comes, make sure to capture my gallant figure in the video♪
A nice little easter egg in the title; the title has a kanji in reference to the ‘ex’ in ex-fine. However, since ‘ex-friends’ does not entirely convey the dynamic between these characters, Mod decided to go with ‘old friends’.
Mod went on a little rabbit hole of tabletop games categorization on the internet due to this story. The games played in this story seem to be Bamboleo and Deep Sea Adventure.
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cosmical-flowers · 20 days
Danganronpa: Violent Voices AU
Journal Entry 8
Taglist: @luvizna , @hypn0sssss , @mutsuowo , @yumetomiko, @dexterityz (If you would like to be tagged, send an ask!)
A/N: Second FTE shall be decided hehe…. Anyways after that FTE there should be a bit of lore! (Nobodys fave is safe, even if they aren’t part of the main game. Right now)
Journal Entry 8
Nighttime wasn’t that bad. I tried sleeping, but I couldn’t get much. I kept on looking back at my camera and staring at myself. I felt … hollow. Like I should know something. Maybe im just curious about Subaru’s ultimate? Maybe. But I couldn’t sleep a wink at all so I looked around. Speaking of which, room layouts.
Theres a twin bed for us, along side a lamp and nightstand. Theres a small bathroom, enough for us to shower and use it. A full length mirror is behind the door, looking at our outfit fully. I mean, what im wearing isn’t bad. It’s what I wear everyday. A jacket littered with patches from some concerts I photographed and a work shirt. I have some jeans on that have patches too and yellow sneakers. I decided to give myself a “makeover” using what I had in my room. I looked in the cabinets and found out I had a pocket knife in a drawer with a post it note attached. When I turned on the light and read it, it said “You know what you should do” With messy handwriting. What the hell am I supposed to do??? Live??? Is this supposed to predict my death or something? Not sure really. I just re-did my hair and put my hair pin back in and tried to sleep again, forgetting about the creepy note.
It was then 8am and I went to go get breakfast. (Speaking of which theres a curfew??? 10pm-8am we should be in our rooms. The cafeteria is locked and the auditorium.) It wasn’t bad at all, it’s just the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Lots of murderous glares to people, like their planning something.
Subaru just decided to sit next to me and started a mindless conversation. We talked about what fruit we would be. It was so silly, I just laughed at first. I told him that he would be an apple since they’re shiny. He mentioned I would be an orange since I they had a rough skin, but inside they’re sweet. Leo then seemed to be “struck with inspiration” from overhearing our conversation and began scribbling in a notebook he had. Subaru and I looked over and saw he just … wrote a full song??? Right then and there??? He hummed the tune and thought it was great so he kept it in his pocket. Subaru was interested in it so he asked Leo is he could hear it. Leo then just hummed the tune and slowly realized it wasn’t that amazing anyways. He took out the paper and threw it to the side. I personally thought it was pretty good. Subaru encouraged him to write more because what we heard was amazing. Leo seemed to light up compared to this morning and became motivated to continue. Subaru seems to just make anyone happier by talking to them. Seriously, he’s like the protagonist here. But besides that, im free after breakfast. Who should I hang out with?
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candlecoo · 2 years
Vigilante Doll AU:
Can we get a list of all the first year Hero Course students’ favorite Changeling forms?
Possibly also a few pro heroes’ opinions on Changeling, if you’re feeling up for it?
Aoyama - Unicorn
Uraraka - Incubus
Mina - Rabbit
Tsuyu - Kappa
Iida - Lion Dog
Ojiro - Red Oni
Denki - Bat
Kirishima - Hunter
Koda - Rabbit and Neko
Sato - Red Oni
Shoji - Blue Spirit
Jiro - Skull
Sero - Day of the Dead
Tokoyami - Crow
Toru - Masquerade
Bakugou - Dragon
Momo - Toon
Todoroki - Phoenix
Monoma - Masquerade
Kendo - Lion Dog
Tetsutetsu - Lion Dog
Pony - Unicorn
Awase - Kitsune
Ibara - Dove/Angel
Shishida - Hunter
Rin - Dragon
Tsuburaba - Neko
Shoda - Blue Spirit
Kodai - Kitsune
Kuroiro - Skull
Komori - Spider
Manga - Toon
Tokage - Dragon
Kaibara - Crow
Kamakiri - Spider
Bondo - Bat
Yanagi - Skull
Midnight - Incubus - absolutely adores this kid!
Hound Dog - Hunter - like the kid well enough but definitely thinks he needs therapy. Will wrap him in a blanket and make him talk about his feelings.
Recovery Girl - Dove/Angel - thinks someone needs to put a leash on this child before he hurts himself.
Present Mic - Crow - this is his new son, you fight him on that, but you won't win.
Fat Gum - Lion Dog - kids got a lot of potential! But doesn't seem to be eating enough...
Rock Lock - Kitsune - somebody call this kids parents, they must be worried!!!
Ms Joke - Jester - this kids a riot! Is he looking for an internship?
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