#event translation
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The Sound Of The Stars English Translation
A Few Hours Later In ES Building, COSPRO Office
Mika: —Nnnh~! I don’t know what yer’ talkin’ about!
Hiyori: It’s okay if you don’t understand it! It’s multiple choice question so just guess!
The worst last thing you would want in a test is to leave blanks, do whatever you want to answer.
Mika: Well then, the answer is A…
Hiyori: Too bad! It’s C!
Mika: Uuuu….you just helped me with it but you already knew the answer
Ibara: ….I see. This seems to be a tough road. Even though it’s a basic college entrance exam question.
Jun: No, I didn’t understand it either. So it’s a normal question~?
Above all, it’s rare for Ohii-san and Ibara to teach English.
Hiyori: Fufu, language is important for aristocrats. If you can’t speak english you can’t talk within high society.
Well, it was mostly my brothers job to talk with others so I didn’t practice much
Jun: Ohii-san’s world is large…..
Still, do you really have to solve such a difficult question to get into university these days?
Ibara: It’s not that difficult. Like I told you, it’s an average question.
Even if you don’t study, you show other skills as an idol. Reimei doesn’t teach English.
Is it the same in Yumenosaki? Listening to it is hard, however writing…
HiMERU: —I don’t expect them to have learned it either.
I graded his written answers and scored 20%
Ibara: Is that so? It seems we need to focus more on English.
HiMERU: His vocabulary on words is low, so we should focus on making him memorize first.
Mika: Uuu, what a bad score…
Even though I've already graduated, I studied English a lot more then. How am I gonna learn now?
Ibara: Of course if you want to be an astronaut you must take the English exam.
Imagine how many people who are supporting Mr.Itsuki’s space trip are from abroad.
If there was to be a problem with the ship, you must follow their instructions Mr.Kagehira.
In that time, Mr.Kagehira do you have it in you to do so?
Mika: Uuu, I’d panic cuz I don’t know english….
Ibara: That’s how it is. Do you understand the importance of learning English now?
Mika: I’m not confident in speakin’ it. I haven’t scored good on a English test before…
Is it really bad if I fail the exam…
Ibara: Don’t turn around like that. In order to prevent such a thing happening we are here to fully support you.
Also, Mr.Itsuki is working behind the scenes so you can head into space. I’m assisting in music production.
Mr.Itsuki seems to be struggling with the production.
Jun: Nagi-senpai said he would be helping, is it still not enough?
Ibara: Yeah, if you watch this, you can see why they’ve been delayed for a while.
Nagisa: …..”What’s the universe described by Shu-kun?”
Shu: “Hmph. How do I describe the universe?”
“Humans, dwarf beings confined in a small planet, however the universe continues to expand”
“From the moment I define the word universe, it all makes sense. It’s an unknown mass.
Nagisa: …..”Maybe you’re right”
…..”What we know about the universe is only till the range we have discovered.”
….”Which is why people have tried to unravel the meaning of the universe with few clues”
…..”This town is one of them. It’s on top of a meteorite”
…..”Some of the buildings in this town use materials produced from the meteorite.”
Shu: “Was it a ‘suevite’? Due to the discovery of that rock it was realized this location was built on a meteorite.”
Nagisa: …..”The universe is not something which can be understood by gazing at the sky, there any many messages from the universe engraved into the Earth.”
Shu: “Oo, I was just reminded of the museum you strongly recommended me”
“Changes in the surface caused by meteorites. Continues to pursue the mystery of the universe and geology.”
“I was only focused on the universe, but thanks to you, I was able to realize the most recognizable universe to us…Earth”
“Us humans in the first place haven't satisfactorily understood the Earth yet.”
“How did the planet come to exist, what kind of history has it had, what’s going to happen?”
“Even if you do come to understand this planet, it’s just another star in the universe.”
“Ugh, I don’t understand it. The more I continue to try to understand it and learn, the more I can’t grasp it!”
“It’s so frustrating that I just want to scratch my chest all over. I have something I want to learn but I can’t learn all about it……”
“Ah, it really is the theme for an artist!”
Mika: Nnn~...That’s great Oshi-san, you seem to enjoyin’ this alot ♪
Hiyori: Haha, I have no idea what Shu-kun is talking about. But hey, I wonder if he brainwashed by an alien?
Jun: I said that too and Nagi-senpai agreed and says he says something which dont make sense~?
HiMERU: Why is the story of the universe needed in the first place? The context here is unclear.
Ibara: …..I asked for a report on Mr.Itsuki’s work so far and I had this video sent to me.
Recently it seems Your Excellency and Mr.Itsuki are in Europe and have a steady report going.
Mika: Wow, I kept in touch with Oshi-san from some time to time but I didn’t know he was this into it.
….Okay, Oshi-san is doin’ his best like me.
Ibara: Yes, that’s right. Mr.itsuki is also working hard to produce a song appropriate for Mr.Kagehira’s space travel.
Mr.Kagehira must repay Mr.Itsuki’s hard work, right?
Mika: …..Yep, Vice President-san is right
Oshi-san didn’t complain once when he couldnt produce music when I’ve been whinin’ here all day.
Sorry for bein’ pathetic Oshi-san
I’m gonna do my best to study English so I’m not embarrassed to sing for Oshi-san!
those 2 rlly went to germany man
#shu itsuki#ensemble stars#enstars#mika kagehira#ibara saegusa#himeru#hiyori tomoe#nagisa ran#jun sazanami#eden#valkyrie#あんさんぶるスターズ#itsuki shu#event translation#enstars translation#enstars story
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SummerTime Melancholy ~ The Night Flowers I Look Up At With You
Giotto's Scenario
Chapter 1 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Giotto: Oh no, I only got a few days 'til the event…
(It's an event sponsored by a salon I often deal with. I wanna do what I'm asked to, but I wanna do it well.)
I think it’s ‘cause of the quantity, since new pieces are brought in every day.
(The sales pitch for this painting contest is that a critique by a working artist must be attached to each entry.)
It's nice to see so many aspiring young painters out there. I wanna go straight to that enthusiasm.
(However, no matter how many days go by, the number of entries that have yet to be judged is still a problem…)
I wonder if I'm spendin' too much time judgin' one work…
(But a critique that only points out the obvious might nip young sprouts in the bud. I wanna praise and develop their good points.)
–In this work, the rough sketch is somethin’ to work on, but the colors are nice and the theme’s original… Also, oh–
Salon owner: Hey, Giotto. I came to check on you. How’s it going? How’s the works’ review proceeding?
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: Ah, greetings…
Salon owner: Wait, you're not done at all! What's this all about? This is…
Just a quick glance at the work and a quick comment! You're a successful artist, you can do it, right?
Giotto: Right, but a coarse critique could nip young sprouts in the bud… I wanna develop the good points of the artist through their painting. They can draw this much now. If they continue like this, they'll get better. And yet, I can't let my critique cause ‘em to break their brush–
Salon owner: Hey hey, what are you talking about! More entries will be coming in the future, you know? I don't want you to spend so much time on one that you won’t be able to look at the others! Everyone is waiting for your critiques.
Giotto: H-Huuh…
(... W-Will there be more of ‘em?)
Salon owner: Now that you understand, I’ll ask you to do it more quickly next time! I'll be back to check up on you!
Giotto: … I'll try my best.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: (Nothin' decreases as the days go by, only work tasks pile up.)
–I wanna paint a picture… How long haven't I been paintin’?
(As an artist, I'm happy to be in the public eye and to be relied upon. However, I feel like I’m forgettin’ myself as a painter. I need some time to face myself.)
I serve as a judge for competitions and show up at various painting events. I wonder if I will be able to go easy on my job soon…
Salon owner: –Giotto, is this a good time?
Giotto: Ah, yes?
(Ugh. I'm afraid I'm gonna get another scolding 'bout the progress of the critique.)
If it’s 'bout the reviews, I'm still workin’ on 'em–
Salon owner: No, that's not what I’m talking about today. I need you to perform at the noon part of the event.
Giotto: Ya mean the live painting?
Salon owner: Exactly. There will be a fireworks display at night, but I'd like a successful painter like you to make the noon session a great success. I've also asked you to be a judge for the painting competition, so it’s just right, yeah?
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: I’m sorry, but I have other work to do as well, so I–
Salon owner: Huh!? Don't tell me you're going to turn it down!? I thought you would've accepted the offer without a second thought… I've also asked Raffaello to be your live painting partner.
Giotto: Raffaello?
(That guy also shows up in a lot of places, it must be tough for him…)
Salon owner: Well, don't be in such a hurry to give me an answer. You have a day to think about it.
Giotto: H-Huh…
Salon owner: I expect to hear a positive answer the next time I come back. Well then…
Giotto: (Even if he told me to think ‘bout it, what can I do?)
Hmm… I’m plannin’ on turnin’ it down, maybe I should consult with Raffaello directly?
(It sounds like he's been gettin' calls from everywhere, maybe he can give me advice with a similar situation.)
For now, I’ll just get today’s work done. I’m gonna make it in time for the event!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Raffaello: … Sigh.
Giotto: Raffaellooo, ya there?
Raffaello: ! Giotto-san, welcome. Do you need something from me?
Giotto: Yeah. I’ve got somethin' I need to talk to ya ‘bout, can ya spare me some time?
Raffaello: You want to talk to me? … Actually– no.
Giotto: Oh? What’s wrong?
(Somethin' seems off here. Could it be something's botherin' Raffaello too?)
What’s troublin' ya? If you've got somethin' stuck in your chest, I'm here to listen!
Raffaello: Ah, well… That is right. I do not feel comfortable talking about it here, so can we go somewhere else?
Giotto: Oh? Yeah, fine for me. I'd also appreciate it if we could sit back and relax, instead of standin' around. Since we’re here, why don't we go out for a drink?
Raffaello: Yes, that would be nice. Then, how about the bar?
Giotto: Okay. Then I'll look for a place and make a reservation for a table. Why don't we meet up directly at the bar?
Raffaello: Of course. Then, the time–
#palette parade#palette parade tl#palepare#palepare tl#translation#event translation#event tl#reparade tl#reparade event#reparade#giotto di bondone#giotto#raffaello sanzio#raffaello
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(i7) La Danse Macabre - Acte 1 Scène 7
Episode 7: Le traqueur fier
traduction française
Note: Cet event ayant été entièrement doublé, vous pouvez suivre la traduction en même temps que le jeu pour une meilleure compréhension.
Episode 7-1
dans la salle de réunion de l’Unity Order
Reue: Vous êtes bien bruyants, dites donc. Que se passe-t-il ?
Leiden: Wahaha ! Pendant que nous étions tous insouciamment endormis, quelque chose d’amusant s’est produit, Commandant.
Reue: Heeh… Non, ça ne va pas être amusant du tout. Vous avez le don de prendre plaisir à me mettre dans des positions délicates. J’ai bien remarqué, vous savez.
Schau: Qual est descendu à la Surface. Très certainement pour chercher l’Ange-sama. Il semble qu’il ait emmené quelques hommes avec lui. M’enfin, c’était prévisible.
Reue: Pardon…? … Haaah~ Oh, pas encore…
Leiden: Que faisons-nous maintenant, Commandant ? Nous ne pouvons pas juste laisser couler, si ?
Reue: Mmh… Hm, Leiden-kun. Va le chercher, et ramènes-nous Qual-kun le plus vite possible. Tu peux prendre jusqu’à dix hommes avec toi.
Leiden: Compris. Gaah, ça fait longtemps qu’j’ai pas été sur la terre d’en dessous ! Je serai heureux s’il pouvait y avoir autant de bagarre que possible !!
Schau: Quel barbare.
Leiden: Le travail sur l’Ark est bien trop paisible pour moi. Mes bras sont engourdis…!
Schau: Amuse-toi bien.
Reue: Toi aussi, Schau-kun, ton rôle sera de garder la population locale loin du chaos.
Schau: Bien sûr, bien sûr.
Leiden: Hey hey, bon courage au petit loup de la bergerie.
Schau: Tais-toi, veux-tu.
Reue: Haah… Qual-kun… Tch… Ne me rajoute pas une couche de travail.
à la Surface
Qual: C’est donc ça, le monde d’en dessous… C’est la première fois que j’y descend. … Si laid.
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: Qual-sama, je pense qu’il serait bon de nous rendre à la base de l’Unity Order avant tout. Les soldats de la base sont quotidiennement livrés à des conflits avec les peuples du monde d’en dessous, des informations sur Rebellion et d’autres organisations sont recueillis.
Qual: Oui… Veuillez m'excuser. De vous avoir fait agir contre les ordres.
Soldat de l’Unity Order 2: Non, Qual-sama, vous avez toujours étés bons avec nous. Et nous ne pouvons pas non plus pardonner à ces moins que rien d’avoir enlevé notre Ange-sama.
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: Exactement. Si c’est pour vous, Qual-sama, nous n’avons pas de problèmes à transgresser quelques règles.
Qual: Vous… Ah, très bien. Nous devons donc ramener l’Ange-sama coûte que coûte.
Soldat de l’Unity Order 2: Qui plus est, prenez le blâme lorsque le Commandant Reue s'énervera, d’accord ?
Qual: Ahahah, sans problèmes. Mais tout ira bien. Si nous ramenons l’Ange-sama, je suis sûr que même le Commandant Reue tolèrera cette infraction.
???: …
Episode 7-2
à la Surface
Qual: Tout est vraiment dévasté…
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: Sans parler de cette horrible odeur… Y a t’il réellement des personnes qui vivent dans ce genre d’environnement…?
Qual: Oui. Emmener l’Ange-sama dans un tel endroit… C’est inexcusable.
tire de fusil
Soldat de l’Unity Order 2: Aaarg!
Qual: Que…!?
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: U-Un ennemi ! Qual-sama !
Qual: Est-ce que tout va bien !?
Soldat de l’Unity Order 2: … Ugh, je vais bien. Le tir n’a pas été mortel…
Habitant de la Surface 1: Et beh, c’est vraiment des mecs de l’Ark. Ils se sont fait avoir comme des pigeons.
Habitant de la Surface 2: Pour marcher insouciemment en si petit groupe ici, ils nous prennent vraiment pour des abrutis, hein ?
Qual: Qui êtes-vous, crapules ?
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: J-Je pense qu’ils doivent faire parti d’une des organisations de résistance du monde d’en dessous. Cependant, ils sont trop nombreux… Nous devrions partir d’ici.
Qual: … Partir ? C’est absurde. Pourquoi les humains fuiraient-ils les insectes ?
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: Qual-sama !
Habitant de la Surface 2: ‘Les laissez pas s’échapper ! Attrapez-les !
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: Ugh… Ils approchent !
bruit de coup
Qual: Reculez…
épées qui s’entrechoquent
Habitant de la Surface 2: Que !?
Qual: Mmh !
bruit de coup
Habitant de la Surface 1: Aaarg !
Habitant de la Surface 3: Rapide…! Hey, gardez vos distances ! Le combat rapproché est trop dangereux !
Qual: Hmm… Combien êtes-vous ? … Dix… Non, environ vingt. Vous grouillez comme des insectes sans une once de décence. De la vermines contaminant les sols.
bruit de coup
Habitant de la Surface 2: Aarg !
Qual: Pour avoir enlevé notre Ange-sama, le symbole d’espoir de l’humanité. Vous paierez de vos vies, moins que rien.
Habitant de la Surface 3: Hein ? Quoi ? De quoi tu parles…!?
Qual: Silence.
bruit de coup
Habitant de la Surface 3: Attends… C’est quoi ton histoire d’ “enlèvement de l’Ange” ? On sait rien !
Qual: Je n’en ai que faire.
bruit de coup
Qual: Lorsqu’un insecte te fais mal, il est naturel de vouloir écraser ses confrères lorsque tu en croise.
Soldat de l’Unity Order 1: …
Qual: Fiers soldats de l’Unity Order !
Soldats de l’Unity Order: O-Oui !
Qual: N’ayez craintes. Ils nous ressemblent peut-être, mais eux sont seulement de vulgaires insectes. Repoussants. Répugnants. Il est compréhensible de vouloir détourner le regard. … Mais en vérité, ils sont insignifiants. Ils ne sont pas notre ennemi.
Soldats de l’Unity Order: Oui !
Habitant de la Surface 3: A-Arrête d’te foutre d’ma gueule !!
Qual: Écrasez-les !!
Soldats de l’Unity Order: Compris !!
tirs de fusils, épées qui s’entrechoquent, coups
Qual: Attendez-moi, Ange-sama. J’arrive inévitablement pour vous aider. Permettez-moi de vous protéger.
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"Ah, I yawned loudly. Grandmother would scold me if the public saw me like this."
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if we could stay connected, just like this
#ok last orbit niigo post im emubrained again and also i miss leoneed#project sekai#pjsk#prsk#mizuki5 spoilers#proseka#mizuki akiyama#mizu5#nightcord at 25:00#hurray !#meltdown released an amazing translation of the event so i read it and had my final cathartic transgender cry about it#and now i have ~4 assignments due on friday so i have to stop drawing mizuki. sad.#i recommend everyone watch meltdown's translation#please. its very good and better than the mtls floating around#i Get why people wanted to see it translated asap like i Get it i didnt understand half of the wordplay or kanji but like . wah#its so crazy how this event breached containment n how many people are rooting for mizuki even tho they dont play the game so i just#think its a shame that the translation everyones reading isnt really accurate/lacks the nuances.. Ok sorrynits a good event.#ive just been thinking abiut that for a few days and i love talking in tags. Adios#real Orbit heads will know this is an Heartorbit reference (that tarot card sketch i did almost 2 years ago and said i would finish)#(i havent finished shit)
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Does Chloe tone down her direct bullying/harassment of Marinette after that day to just the dead mom jokes out of guilt, or is it more that Marinette now being homeschooled means Chloe just lost access? Also, does Lila try the whole lying/sabotaging thing on Marinette and just fail or does Marinette just not care?
Lila has no reason to sabotage Marinette because Marinette isn't threatening her little empire she wants to build. In fact, she really wants Marinette on her side BECAUSE she's not apart of the school, so she doesn't need to keep up an elaborate web of lies! She can just try to befriend a talented girl who makes AMAZING food and try to get freebies~
meanwhile, with Chloe, things got really complicated after the pool incident...
Tom was not in the mood to put up with this crap.
#replies#my art#dad villain au#DO NOT... come at me about france laws I tried to look up jurisdiction when it came to minors in criminal matters#and everything I found was unhelpful#so for the sake of brevity just know that Chloe almost had a record from this event and the Mayor had to buy Tom out and promise a change#in chloe's behavior#also. I am sorry this italian is off google translate#I havent kept up with my italian duolingo#my friend in italy is going to be so pissed at me RIP my moses ive failed you
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*distressed squeaky noises*
#twisted wonderland#trey clover#twst#tsum tsum event#comic#in tsumspeak this translates to vine screaming#(this was funnier in my head)#your boops will directly be transferred to trey tsum
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TWST Incorrect quotes#718 He will-
Yuu*Got a text for a Dorm-Leader meeting* Just give me a minute-*Walking towards the door, slaps the head of Fellow, and proceeds to go out the door*
Fellow*holding their head, confused he was watching TV with Gidel and grim*I didn't do anything!?
Yuu*Turns back on heels mid-way to the door*I know ...but you will!
Fellow*Looks at Rollo who is reading calmly next to the window*Flamme!
Rollo*Sipping coffee,Not looking up*...You probably will
Part 3 of:
#twisted wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland x yuu#twst yuu#twst x reader#twst x yuu#twst ramshackle#ramshackle family#fellow honest#twst gidel#twst grim#twst fellow#twst ernesto#ernesto foulworth#twst gino#rollo flamme#skully j graves#skully is vibin till the event is translated eng-#twst fluff#twst incorrect quotes#incorrect quotes
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sometimes I think of all the on-the-surface warm, well-meaning but deeply ineffectual advice and attention john gives harrow through harrow the ninth (make some soup and get some sleep! get a hobby! don't be so hard on yourself! self care harrow! as long as I need take no actual responsibility in this relationship whatsoever I would have loved to be your dad!) set up against the stark truth that with his other hand he has been staging her attempted horrific murder again and again and again like a living nightmare on the logic that it will 'put her down or fix her'. and then I find that I wish there is a hell. a special hell where twitch streamers turned necromantic death emperors go
#the locked tomb#harrowhark nonagesimus#john gaius#harrow the ninth#this is why I don't buy john as misunderstood and initially well-meaning AT ALL#this is a pattern you see with him again and again and again -- right down to his interpersonal relationships#(and indeed it's in the more grounded interpersonal relationships you can most clearly see him as he is I think#the fantasy death empire of a thousand years doesn't register quite as viscerally because it's like. heightened; not quite real#but the emotional violence and manipulation that surrounds him? oh boy that is EXTREMELY real and scarily well-observed)#there's a premeditation to so much of what he does (contracts with planets that only end 'in the event of the emperor's death' anyone?#yeah john we get it you're hilarious and I wish you weren't)#the greatest trick john ever pulled was making anyone think he's just a lil guy. what does he know he's only god#when you first read the book the complete callousness of the other adults is so horrible that john seems like an oasis of care#(though you start to get this uneasy feeling when that care never seems to translate to like... relief or soothing or resolution)#and it makes it feel almost obscene when you find out what's actually going on#it's the mercy & augustine enabler hour but at least they're completely honest in their cruelty there#while john is -- well he sure is being john huh#this is just me being angry with him btw philosophically I don't think this is how the story will or should end#(with john slam dunked right into hell that is)#it's just... harrow is so vulnerable. and what he does to her is so insidious and fucked up#john is very deeply human. unfortunately the capacity to quite simply suck so much is deeply human too
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[breath in, breath out] …… Can we talk about those lines?
#twisted wonderland#Tamashina Mina Event#Cloudcalling Event#leona kingscholar#vil schoenheit#leovil#maybe it’s me but I don’t recall the event was THAT OBVIOUS#Sure the whole event is pretty Leovil coded and bless them for that#but#I almost choked on my tea with Leona’s line lmao#sounds like the official translators just gave up to be subtle and just embrace the ‘yeah it’s canon'#'it's just mama and papa flirting'#'in front of the kids'#'again'#srly#'the time of your life'#like really Leona?#and TWICE#ffs just propose to him
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The Sound Of The Stars English Translation
A Few Days Later Back at COSPRO
HiMERU: Now, please start.
Mika and Jun: …..
Rinne: Great job, just like that, Mi~tan…
Why is Jun-kun doing it together with him?
Niki: He realized how important it is to know english while working abroad so he was studying with Kage-kun recently
Jun is so serious~
Kohaku: I mean it is convenient to know english to work with fans
Niki: I think you should be able to tell what’s going around based on the mood. If you showed me a menu on a table, I can just order pointing with my finger.
Rinne: Well, I don’t think I’d be able to speak english studyin’ like Niki.
Instead , we should take a picture of their hardwork, right?
Kohaku: No need to worry, their picture was already taken
Rinne: There’s only 3 days left till the space exam, Mi-tans grade’s have been growing little by little but haven’t finished yesterdays work yet…
How far will Mi-tan go durin’ this rush period? It’s really somethin’ to see♪
HiMERU: Stop being noisy, Amagi. They are taking an exam, be quiet.
Rinne: Oops, Merumeru don’t get angry, you’ve entered this room like a teacher. If you put on glasses you'll look like a beautiful heroine in a manga?
Kohaku: He said don’t be noisy. Shut up for a little while
Rinne: Even if ya say that, we still have our roles in Crazy:B, yea?
This whole space travel project and Valkyrie becomin’ major celebrities linked to COSPRO
We’re close to them, we have to make a documentary it’s why i’m recording.
If it’s so quiet, and don’t say anything, our viewers will get bored, right?
HiMERU: Huh….this kind of thing. Just edit it later and add narration, problem solved.
Anyways, an exam is being taken right now, please don’t make so much noise.
Rinne: (Whispering) HeyHey, got it. I’ll be quiet.
Kohaku: Well, regardless of how Rinne-han is acting about this, a documentary is a good idea for promotion
Niki: At first, the attention on this project was high
This documentary by Rinne-kun can be a hot topic worldwide and gain more attention
Kohaku: I understand the spirit of it, but just got wary in case he had something else prepared…
Rinne: I’m not doing anything strange, not in this project.
Rather, the more successful this project becomes the more attraction COSPRO will get, the better the economy for us will be
In that case, isnt it wiser for us to make this project to our fullest, right?
Niki: Uwaah…that’s alot of ideas. Do you want to go with Kage-kun?
Rinne: If I wanted to go, it’s not like I could. Im not really interested in universe or stars
Kohaku: Is that so~ I’m a little intrested in space travel
This planet is big enough for me, I can’t believe theres a world bigger than this. I genuinely admire him
Niki: Nahaha, Kohaku-chan is such a little boy thinking of the large scale of the world~♪
Kohaku: Niki-han I don’t yearn to go to space
HiMERU: –It was just Amagi, but now Oukawa and Shiina are being noisy. How many times do I need to tell you for you to understand?
Niki: Uwah! HiMERU-kun you look like an idol!
Kohaku: Theres no use with HiMERU, this conversation should just be quiet… (Idk if this is right0
Rinne: Well, even if we’re being so noisy. It wont disturb their concentration, look at them they should be praised
Mika and Jun: ……
Rinne: I can expect the results for this test, right?
HiMERU: —Well, what about it?
Time’s up. Put down your pen and papers, please give it to me.
Jun: Haha, I dont know about this but having HiMERU teach me studying feels strange~
Are you really that smart? I dont remember if you are sorry
HiMERU: Please refrain from speaking, I will grade it now.
Jun: Yes, yes. Thank you for your hard work Kagehira-san. How did you go?
Mika: …..
Jun: Kagehira-san?
Mika: Nnnah, what is it Jun-kun? Did you need somethin’?
Jun: No, I asked you how you did on the test…..
Kohaku: Mika-kun doesn’t seem to be looking okay but he should be fine right?
Mika: Haha, …..M’okay
But, I’ve been studyin’ and trainin’ everyday so maybe i’m just tired…
Rinne: Oi,Oi! If that’s so, take a fall and rest before you get on that space trip Mi-tan
Oi, Niki. Prepare a refine dish for Mi-tan
Niki: Ok~ay, meal wise I’m trying to make something the Vice President told me to make, but if Kage-kun isn’t feeling well, I’ll talk to him to change it.
Jun: You shouldn't overdo it, it’s an important time now.
If you're not up to it, I'll lighten up tomorrow's training. It’s okay to take a break.
Mika: Don’t worry, sleep is enough fer’ me, I’ll be fine. Oshi-san is aslo doin’ his best for me behind the scenes
And everyone in COSPRO has helped out so much
So much people are expectin’ alot from me, Whatever I have to do, I can do it…..♪
Rinne: Ooo, what a nice thing to say. I'm gonna edit this documentary with enthusiasm
Jun: …..
HiMERU: —Please refrain from talking now. I will announce the results
Kohaku: Oh, already graded? So quick, huh?
HiMERU: All you need to do is check the wrong answer, it doesnt take that long.
First of all, it’s the results of the test, however for the time being we have been patiently waiting for this
Jun: Oh, looks like I surprisingly got a good score~ I had a hunch I would
HiMERU: Now, time for the main event Kagehira-san…
—Unfortunately, you have failed. It’s a pity you did not pass
Mika: …..I see, I couldnt do it.
Jun: It’s alright, there’s still 3 days left till the exam
You’re getting to the point of it being a pity, huh, HiMERU?
HiMERU: If you could have answered correctly 2 or 3 more times you would have passed.
Jun: See, listen to what HiMERU said, dont be so depressed
Mika: Ahaha, thank you for encouragin’ me, Jun-kun. It’s okay I’m not so depressed.
Jun: Is that so..?
Mika: Yeah, but I still feel a bit stuffy
Sorry but I'm gonna go get ready for tomorrow's trainin’ and study, I’ll go home and sleep.
Jun: Huh, oh yea, thank you for working hard.
Mika: Well, excuse me.
Rinne: Welp, this is quite the development
Well, that’s the end of Mi-tan, all cornered up…Gyahaha♪
Niki: Rinne-kun doesnt even have the heart of a human! How could you say such a thing in this atmosphere?
Kohaku: …..Is Mikahan okay?
He said he wasnt feeling depressed, but hes obviously depressed, right? Jun: …..
lol i know this is so late and like a month after the event
#enstars#ensemble stars#あんさんぶるスターズ#valkyrie#itsuki shu#shu itsuki#event translation#mika kagehira#kohaku oukawa#rinne amagi#niki shiina#HiMERU#enstars translation#Crazy:B
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SummerTime Melancholy ~ The Night Flowers I Look Up At With You
Giotto's Scenario
Chapter 2 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Clerk: Welcome.
Giotto: It's Bondone, who had a reservation at the back of the room. My companion will come later.
Clerk: Yes, sir. I will show you to your seats.
… … …
Raffaello: –Giotto-san, sorry I’m late.
Giotto: Raffaello! I've been waitin' for a loong time~
Raffaello: My apologies…
Giotto: No no, I'm just kiddin'! I just got here too! See, I only ordered a drink!
(That guy, he's got a lot on his mind, huh? What happened…)
Raffaello: –What did you want to talk about in the atelier, Giotto-san? Let me hear that first.
Giotto: Oh, right. There’s gonna be an event in the near future sponsored by the salon Kuroda regularly deals with, right? I was asked by my superior to participate in the live painting for the event. I was told he asked ya to be my partner, is that true?
Raffaello: I was told that too. … I see, so you were talking about the live painting.
Actually, I have a problem with that too.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: You're also wonderin' ‘bout participatin' in the live painting?
Raffaello: It is just… How should I put it?
Giotto: Ah, I rushed the conversation. My bad.
First of all, ya need to drink. Ya need to have a moist throat to talk. It’ll be better for ya to get ready to talk.
Raffaello: Thank you…
… … …
Giotto: –C’mon, Raffaello. Ya can order for more.
Raffaello: No, thank you. If I drink too much, I will get off track from what I want to talk about. I have had enough.
Giotto: Ya sure of that?
Raffaello: Yes.
… So, this is just a rumor, so I am not sure if it is true or not. But I heard that Ingres-kun was banned from the salon.
Giotto: Ingres? Why him again…
Raffaello: I think he caused a violent incident.
Giotto: A violent incident, ya say?
Raffaello: Yes– Ah, this is my fault. Because I made a fool like me his mentor, even if only temporarily. I was not able to guide Ingres-kun properly as a painter…!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: It's not your fault, you know, Raffaello?
Raffaello: But I have not seen Ingres-kun since I heard that rumor. I feel like he adored me a lot before that. I think he also had some thoughts on my teachings. Because of a teacher like that, oh God.
Giotto: Did ya hear that from Ingres himself?
Raffaello: I cannot confirm that with him. First of all, I do not even know where he is.
Giotto: But that doesn't mean you…
Raffaello: And then, I wonder… I could not even draw a picture for some reason. Maybe I am no longer a good artist.
I do not think I would do well if I took on live painting in this condition.
Giotto: (He blames himself and sees everythin' in a negative light. That’s a bad tendency. If I don't do somethin', he's gonna break his brush. Before that happens, before his mind crushes, I must do somethin’–)
Hey, Raffaello!
Raffaello: … What?
Giotto: Join me in turnin’ down the live painting request!
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Giotto: (Raffaello thinks Ingres failed ‘cause of him. If I had been the perfect teacher, the one who could paint the perfect picture... I would’ve been able to guide the young talents well. Goin’ to live paintin’ in such a state would be like poisonin’ yourself.
Raffaello: Turning down the live painting request?
Giotto: Raffaello. We're artists. Whether it’s to resolve our problems or face ourselves, ain’t paintin’ supposed to be indispensable for living creatures like us?
So I came up with a great idea. And I want ya to go along with it.
Raffaello: Me?
Giotto: On the day of the event, why don't we do some live painting, just the two of us?
Raffaello: Live painting, just the two of us?
Giotto: Of course, it ain’t the kinda thing you'd bring in guests for. It's just us painting live. It’ll just be us doing live painting.
As people gather at the event site, the remote areas should be quieter. It wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up the brush in that distant place, unbound and unburdened by anythin’, would it?
Raffaello: … Fufu, it surely would be nice and easy-going.
Giotto: Right?
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
Raffaello: However, for me painting is…
Giotto: Ya don't gotta try to finish it. That’s the kinda distraction it should be.
Raffaello: I see.
–I want to paint a picture.
Giotto: Me too.
Raffaello: Alright. Let us do it, just the two of us.
Giotto: Aight, then it’s a deal!
… … …
Giotto: Okay, today I gotta write critiques to the rest of the paintings. I'd like to get it done as soon as possible before my boss comes to check on me–
Salon owner: Good morning, Giotto. Let me ask this immediately, you'll take care of the live painting, right?
Giotto: Ah… My apologies, but I was thinkin’ of turnin’ it down.
Salon owner: What!? Even Raffaello said no, and now you too!?
Giotto: I'm sorry. I'll do a good job with the critiques for the competition…
Salon owner: I’m asking you to be really brisky with that, please! I'll be back to check on you!
Giotto: (... Even though it was my decision, it’s still hard not to, let’s say, “live up” to people’s expectations…)
Even so, I feel like I’ll be able to open up somethin’ thanks to the live painting with Raffaello.
Aight, I’ll do my best!
#palette parade#palepare tl#palette parade tl#palepare#translation#event translation#reparade tl#event tl#reparade event#reparade#giotto di bondone#giotto#raffaello sanzio#raffaello
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(i7) La Danse Macabre - Acte 1 Scène 6
Episode 6: Le Miracle de l’Ange
traduction française
Note: Cet event ayant été entièrement doublé, vous pouvez suivre la traduction en même temps que le jeu pour une meilleure compréhension.
Episode 6-1
à la Surface
Arme: Uwaa !! Un lapin ! C’est un lapin ! C’est la première fois que j’en vois un vrai… C’est bien plus rond que je ne le pensais. Blanc… Et rondouillet…
Libel: …
Arme: Est-ce que je peux le caresser ?
Libel: … Non. Tu vas tomber malade si tu touches des animaux sauvages.
Cura: Ahah, il sait vraiment rien, le p’tit gars. Il est mimi.
Fuga: Moi, j’l’aime pas du tout. Il agit si naïvement sans même sans se rendre compte qu’on est là.
Cura: Hey, c’est pas dérangeant. On va mettre quelques jours avant d’arriver au repaire. C’est mieux qu’il soit comme ça plutôt qu’il soit bloqué dans la déprime. Et c’est pas comme si on venait de le kidnapper. Plus il s’amuse, moins j’me sens coupable.
Fuga: Qu’est-ce que tu dis ? Y a pas besoin de se sentir coupable. C’est la faute de l’Ark après tout, c’est eux qui nous ont toujours opprimé !
Cura: …
Fuga: Il s’amuse sans même savoir ce qu’il nous a fait subir pendant tout ce temps, ça m’agace. J’ai simplement envie qu’il prenne conscience de la situation…
Cura: Mh, je comprends ce que tu veux dire… Mais bon, dans tous les cas, je pense que lui expliquer quelques trucs ne peut pas être une mauvaise chose. Hey, Libel, p’tit gars ! Venez par ici un moment.
Libel: …?
un peu plus tard
Cura: Donc oui, la différence entre la situation de l’Ark et la Surface est inquiétante, presque désespérée. Ici, y a pas assez de ressources pour tout le monde, alors on s’entretue, tandis que l’Ark peut vivre en paix de façon prospère. Et malgré tout, l’Ark ferme les yeux et fait mine de ne rien savoir. Même si bon, je pense qu’ils n’en n’ont rien à faire tout court. Ça fait un moment qu’on essaie de les contacter pour qu’ils puissent nous aider. Mais ils continuent de nous ignorer.
Arme: Je… Vois…
Cura: Du coup, euh… C’est un peu difficile à avouer, mais…
Libel: C’est pour ça qu’on t'a enlevé. On pensait qu’en prenant en otage quelqu’un d’aussi important que toi aux yeux de l’Église, alors on pourrait finalement avoir un dialogue.
Arme: Aaah ! Je comprends ! Vous êtes vraiment clairvoyants !
Cura: … Il va finir par me rendre fou.
Arme: Hmm… C’était donc pour ça. Excusez-moi, je ne savais vraiment pas que la Surface était devenue ainsi.
Cura: En même temps, t'as dis toujours avoir été enfermé dans ta chambre, nan ?
Arme: Oui. Je suis l’Ange, alors j’ai toujours vécu en sachant être le symbole de l’Église, de l’humanité et de l’espoir. Je me contentais de me présenter devant les fidèles une fois tous les quatre ans, et en voyant leurs yeux s’illuminer pour moi, je savais que j’étais une source d’espoir pour eux. Ma vie se résume à cela.
Fuga: C’est ennuyeux, ça, nan ? A part ce jour précis, les jours se répètent.
Arme: Ahah. Je suppose que l’ennui ne se ressent pas si tu n’as jamais rien à quoi le comparer. Et puis, je lisais. Ce n’est pas comme si je n’avais personne à qui parler non plus. Je pensais juste que c’était comme ça que les choses devaient être.
Fuga: Mmh…
Libel: Arme…
Episode 6-2
à la Surface
Arme: Malgré tout, je comprends. Même si, bon, imaginer qu’un endroit aussi magnifique que la Surface se détruit peu à peu…
Fuga: Mais bon sang ! Qu'est-ce qu’il y a de “magnifique” ici !? Tout est détruit !
Arme: …! Si je vous ai énervé, je m’excuse… Mais… C’est vraiment ce que je pense. A mes yeux, la façon dont la terre, les végétaux et même les animaux s'accrochent si désespérément à la vie, ça semble vraiment magnifique.
Fuga: … Qu’est-ce que tu baragouines…
Libel: Moi aussi, c’est ce que je pense.
Arme: Bien évidemment, vous qui m’avez enlevé pour votre survie, vous êtes tout aussi resplendissants !
Fuga: Où est-ce que tu veux en venir, gamin ?
Cura: Ahah… T’es sérieusement un p’tit gars étrange, toi.
Arme: Je me suis décidé… Je tenterai, moi aussi, de leur demander. S’il y a quoique ce soit qu’ils puissent faire pour la Surface, alors…
Cura: … Pour de vrai ?
Arme: Pour de vrai ! Je demanderai directement à Eternea-sama. Même si, je ne sais pas si ma parole sera d’une grande aide…
Libel: Eternea… Le dirigeant de l'Église de Nerve ?
Arme: Oui. Eternea-sama est vraiment un homme très gentil !
Cura: Ça nous aiderait énormément ! Ça rendrait les négociations bien moins difficiles.
Arme: Vraiment !? Je suis heureux de l’entendre…
Cura: Dans tous les cas, on doit quand même rentrer au repaire pour pouvoir contacter l’Église. Mais ton aide va beaucoup me soulager…
Libel: Merci, Arme.
Arme: A-Aah ! Ce n’est pas grand chose, Libel !
Fuga: Bien, si ça peut nous aider, alors ça me va.
Arme: Ah, c’est vrai… Il y a quelque chose qui m’intrigue un peu.
Cura: Qu’est-ce que c’est, p’tit gars ?
Arme: Mmh… Peut-être que vous n’êtes pas les personnes à qui je devrais poser la question, mais… Pourquoi y a-t-il des ressources sur l’Ark ? Il n’y en a pas à la Surface, mais il y en a dans le ciel…
Libel: …?
Fuga: Hein ? Qu’est-ce-que tu racontes ?
Arme: Pourquoi le peuple de l’Ark ne connaît-il pas la faim ? Moi aussi, je mangeais tous les jours. Même si la Surface meurt de faim, pourquoi n’y a-t-il des ressources que dans le ciel ? Alors que nous n’avons ni sols ni rivières…
Fuga: Nan, mais pourquoi c’est toi qui pose la question ?
Arme: Hein ? Que voulez-vous dire ?
Fuga: Comment ça “que voulez-vous dire” ?
Cura: C’est pas grâce… “au miracle de l’Ange” ?
Arme: Comment ?
Cura: Mais le fait que l’Ark flotte dans le ciel ! Que là-bas, il y a de la lumière même dans les nuits sans étoiles…! Et que les gens ont bien assez de nourriture pour vivre…!! C’est pas censé être les miracles de l’Ange qui béni l’Ark !?
Libel: C’est ce qu’on nous a dit, à nous, peuples de la Surface.
Arme: Miracle… Qu’est-ce que… Je ne sais rien de tout ça… Je…
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Malleus: "Wait, where are you going, Kingscholar? Do you plan to go alone?"
Leona: "Yeah? Why should I work with you just because you happened to be nearby?"
Malleus: "Because we don't even know the child of man's and the others' whereabouts."
Malleus: "It would be terrible if something were to happen to them. If we are to resolve this quickly, then you must know not to cause any more unnecessary trouble for us."
OMG! NO WAY! Malleus is so concerned about Yuu that he was willing to work with Leona to rescue them as quickly as possible... Oh my god... Oh my god... NO WAY
#twisted wonderland#twst event spoilers#malleus draconia#leona kingscholar#twst yuu#ventique translates
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"Growing Feelings Poured Into Chocolate" Collection Event
Ring Schwartz
This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Got too excited and did this in a rush. Didn't really proofread...

Kate: Ring!
Kate: Ring!

Kate: Riiiinngg!
(I can't find him anywhere…)
Today was Valentine's Day— a day to gift chocolates and other gifts to express your appreciation or love.
I had prepared chocolates to show my appreciation to everyone who's supported me.
That included the members of Crown of course, the friendly maids at Crown's castle, and even the members of Vogel.
However, Ring was the only person I couldn't find today.
(He usually says he's watching me and follows right behind me… where could he be?)
I was determined to give Ring his chocolates, and so I kept searching for him…
In the end, I never found him.
(Darius and Nica said he was somewhere in the palace when I asked…)
(He might come back to drawing room, so I'll wait here for now.)
When I sat down on a chair and let out a deep sigh to ease my fatigue, a wave of sleepiness slowly washed over me.
(I know I shouldn't fall asleep in a place like this, and yet…)
The more I tried to shake off the sleepiness, the heavier my eyelids grew.
Just as I decided to give in and take a short nap, I felt soft blanket being gently draped over my shoulders.
(Who is it…?)
I cracked my eyes open slightly, and saw that the person standing before me was the exact person I had been searching for the entire time.
Kate: Ring!

Ring: UWAH!? You… you're awake!?
Kate: I just woke up. There's something I want to tell you, so please hear me out!
I firmly grabbed his arm to make sure he wouldn't run off.
Ring: Sigh… so this is where my escape ends.
Kate: I knew it. I couldn't find you all day, because you were avoiding me on purpose, weren't you?
Kate: Why are you running away from me? If it's something I did, I'll apologise.
Ring: No… it's not anything you did…
Ring: … I just didn't want to be disappointed.
He muttered in a small voice that sounded no louder than a squeak.
Kate: Disappointed…?
Ring: You gave… chocolates to Nica and Darius this morning, right?
Ring: I kept thinking, what if I ran into you today and didn't get any chocolate…?
Ring: I'd probably feel disappointed and think "I was right, I'm not getting any", so I chose to run away.
Ring: … I'm weird, aren't I?
Ring: Until now, it's never bothered me whenever Darius and Nica received gifts from girls and I didn't…
Ring: But the thought of not receiving chocolates from you really made me feel gloomy.
Listening to Ring express his confusion with those unfamiliar feelings filled my heart with warmth.
Kate: To think you wanted my chocolates so much… I'm really honoured.
Kate: You feeling gloomy over the possibility of not receiving them is proof that our friendship has gotten closer!
When I was a child, I would feel lonely too if my friends played with other children instead of me.
Ring's feelings were most likely something similar to that.
Ring: Is that… what it is? No, I'm a member of Vogel and you're from Crown. There's no need for us to get along…
It seemed that Ring still believed he shouldn't be on friendly terms with someone from Crown.
Ignoring his last statement, I took out the chocolates.
Kate: Here, Ring. Happy Valentine's Day!
Ring: This is… for me? I-is it because I said I wanted chocolate…?
Kate: Not at all. I prepared this specifically for you from the start.
Kate: I was looking for you so I could give you these chocolates.
Ring: R-really? I never thought there would come a day when I'd receive Valentine's chocolate…

Ring: … I figured I'd spend my whole life just eating Nica's leftover chocolate.
Ring: Thanks. I'm… I'm super happy.
Ring: I think I'll spend every day and night staring at these chocolates.
Kate: Huh?

Ring: If I look at them whenever I wake up in the mornings and before I go to sleep at night, I'll always remember how happy I was when I received them from you…
Kate: Um, they're chocolate, so I'd prefer if you ate them…
Ring: … But they'll be gone if I do.
Ring looked serious about leaving the chocolate untouched, like a dog burying its treat for safekeeping.
(If that's the case…)
Kate: Gotcha!
I switftly snatched the chocolates from Ring's hand and ripped open the packaging.
Ring: My chocolate…!
Kate: I'll give you more next year, so don't feel bad about it. Come on, open your mouth!
Ring: Mmph!
I forcibly stuffed chocolate into Ring's mouth.
Ring: Mm… it's so… sweet, and delicious…
Kate: That's great! I sampled a few and picked the one I thought was the tastiest!
Ring: And… my chest feels tight, I can't breathe…
Kate: … I promise the chocolates aren't poisoned.
Since Ring often said his heart raced like he was under a curse whenever he saw me, I made sure to set the record straight.
Ring: … I know they're not.
Ring: I'm just so happy to you got me chocolates… it hurts.
Kate: …
(… Him admitting it so straightforwardly is a problem in itself.)
Seeing Ring's overjoyed reaction, I felt sweet inside, even though I didn't have any chocolates myself.
#ikemen villains#ikemen series#ikevil translations#ring schwartz#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#otome#ikevil collection event
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