#Waterworld Rewatch
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years ago
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marinarius · 2 years ago
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ltwharfy · 5 months ago
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Rewatching "The Handyman Can", and as this image is on screen, Louise says "After that, we set sail for Candy Island, where we lived for the rest of our lives like taffy-covered royalty."
So, obviously, "we" refers to everyone on the restaurant barge in this scene, right? The Belchers and Teddy...and Rudy.
So, in Louise's own "Waterworld"-inspired post-apocalyptic fantasy story that she's telling to cheer up Teddy, she imagines herself living the rest of her life with Rudy!
(And also the rest of her family. And Teddy. But that's not important for the purpose of my nonsense!)
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bloodmoonlich · 3 days ago
Rewatched movies poll
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 1 year ago
i think it might be the time of year were i do my insane girl rewatch of waterworld.
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acreaturecalledgreed · 2 years ago
rewatching one piece with gbf has been an immense seratonin booster b/c i had forgotten how much i Adored this stupid ass anime as a teenybopper
literal endless font of joy watching the worlds most autistic teen run around a waterworld shouting HEY WANNA PLAY PIRATES WITH ME? at anyone who is even a little interesting around him
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
For your sleepover asks: any new shows or movies you recommend? My watch list is getting a lil blah and I want to add some stuff for whenever I find the time lol
Hmmm depends on what you like. I feel like m mind just went blank and I forgot everything I've ever seen. lol
The Expanse is super good but I'm also super behind on it. Justified is good (I also haven't finished that but I got my aunt into it and she's rewatched it multiple times). There's Sons of Anarchy which is good. I have to finish that too. I just started Jury Duty. I'm still in season 1 of The Great... What about ER?
Oooo one of my fave shows is Letterkenny! (I'm behind on that too actually...)
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And Leverage! Actually, forget all the rest. Go watch Leverage. That one is the best.
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If you like anime (which I know many ppl don't) I really enjoyed watching Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm also watching Tokyo Revengers which takes me by surprise like every time so it's fun.
This entire thing just reminded me of all the shows I need to catch up on hahaha.
As for movies!
What type of movies do you like? Some of my all-time faves include Tank Girl, Empire Records, Four Brothers, Resident Evil, The Ruins, Saved, Waterworld, Ever After, Scream (all of them), Alien, Predator movies (including Prey which is fantastic), The Menu, Hot Fuzz...
There are more. Got a genre preference? Anyone else want to add in suggestions?
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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rye-views · 11 days ago
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Waterworld (1995) dir. Kevin Reynolds. 7.4/10
I wouldn't recommend this movie to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this movie.
I truly didn't know the Universal Waterworld was based off of this. Wow, this is literally Mad Max but on water.
I did not like those webbed feet. How tragic of this shit tank. Do we shit somewhere else and move it toward that area or do we poop right on top of it? or?
I do like how Enola is so chill. I love the man in the oil tank. Fav character. The protag's ship is soo good.
I don't understand how we manufacture all these cigs.
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hiddenbysuccubi · 4 months ago
I watch things a normal amount
(Mostly) Adventure Romance (Syfy or Fantasy):
Labyrinth Willow Legend Dark Crystal Pan’s Labyrinth NeverEnding Story Princess Bride Zorro The Mummy
Ever After Ladyhawke Stardust The Princess Bride Inkheart Australia La La Land Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Lost in Austen The Fall Mirrormask Alice Syfy Beetlejuice (& x2) Drop Dead Fred Sleepy Hollow HEX, Buffy, Supernatural, MIB Fifth Element Serenity Tank Girl Mad Max (Fury Road) Waterworld My Demon Lover Your Monster Dinotopia Argyle The Company of Wolves Valerie and her week of Wonders The Lure Love Witch Edward Scissorhands Blue Lagoon Pirates, Indiana Jones, Librarians, Firefly The Imaginarium of Dr. Pernassus (Yes you watched this you were just high on mushrooms) 10th Kingdom Slumberland Interstellar 5555
Fun Romps/Romance:
Decoy Bride Happy Ever Afters The Holiday Holiday in Handcuffs Hot Frosty The Abduction Club A Knight’s Tale Wild Child You Instead 27 Dresses Leap Year Robin Hood: Men in Tights Once Upon a Mattress
Old Flicks: I Was a Male War Bride Some Like it Hot Calamity Jane M.A.S.H
Pregnancy movies: For Keeps Mrs. Winterbourne Making Mr. Right
Revenge fun: First Wives Club Legally Blonde Down With Love
Psychotic Teenage Movies: Drop Dead Gorgeous Heathers Saved! Insatiable (not a movie)
Bad comedy: Out Cold Euro Trip Captain Ron Sundown Dirty Love Romancing the Stone Exit to Eden
Gay romps: The Gay Pretenders The Curious Female But I’m a Cheerleader
British comedy: Black Books Fawlty Towers Over The Top Jeeves and Wooster Miranda Red Dwarf Seize Them!
Abigail Interview With the Vampire Daybreakers I, Robot Red Kingdom Rising Perfume Let The Right One In Obscure Animated: Sita Sings The Blues Fantastic Planet Paprika Persepolis Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs Wild Robot The Good Dinosaur (I will only ever rewatch this high with company wtf) I mean obviously Secret of Nimh and all the classics here too. Don Bluth, Disney, Pixar, Ghibli, but those aren't obscure
Pride and Prejudice Kate & Leopold North & South Bridgerton The Buccaneers Outlander (sort of) Poldark Sanditon Aschenputtel 2010 Der Froschkönig 2008 Die Salzprinzessin 2015 Die kleine Meerjungfrau 2013 Das Märchen von der Prinzessin, die unbedingt in einem Märchen vorkommen wollte 2013 Rusalochka 1976 Malá Morská Víla 1976 Ruslan and Ludmila 1972 (Does My Crazy Ex Girlfriend count? Fuck it it's on the list) Shows that might as well be movies now that we only get 6-8 episode series:
Anthracite The Artful Dodger Lessons in Chemistry Renegade Nell Dick Turpin Vampire Academy Emerald City The Decameron
Cult/Comedy: What We Do In The Shadows Clue Shaun of the Dead Lost Boys Beetlejuice My Demon Lover Frogs Dead Before Dawn Death Becomes Her Dance of the Vampires Cabin in the Woods The Babysitter Heathers Drop Dead Gorgeous Saved! Totally Killer
For the more scared-prone crowd I have :
Less Scare more Fun: Matilda Buffy (the movie) Teen Witch Casper Book of Life Nightmare Before Christmas Alvin and the Chipmunks: Meet the Wolfman Hotel Transylvania Addams Family Practical Magic Warm Bodies Monster House Corpse Bride Halloweentown Sleepy Hollow CoCo
More plot-based I’ve got:
More Scare, More Plot: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Interview With the Vampire Babadook Crimson Peak The Craft Daybreakers Let The Right One In Perfume The Skeleton Key
More Classic Horror: The Thing (1982) The Fly (1986) Poltergeist (1982) The Man Who Laughs (1928) Alien (1979) It Follows (2014) The Ritual (2017)
And for a good old musical romp there’s always: Musical Horror: Rocky Horror Repo! The Genetic Opera Evil Dead: The Musical Little Shop Of Horrors Heathers: The Musical. Reefer Madness the Musical Beetlejuice the Musical Sweeney Todd Tanz der Vampire
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gumnut-logic · 3 years ago
Currently doing a bit of a Stargate SG-1 rewatch. This is, of course, dangerous as SG-1 was the first fandom where I wrote a lot of fics (nothing like I have in Thunderbirds, but beyond Star Trek, I cut my teeth in Stargate fandom - yes, I was there when the word ‘whump’ was invented). I also made a bunch of good friends and was really involved in the community at the time.
That was 2003, nearly twenty years ago (omigod!). It was on Yahoo Groups and I was a proud member of Jackfic. It is also where the term ‘Nutty the slightly unstable dwarf’ was first coined, because you see Jack O’Neill had his own troupe of dwarves and I was number two - yeah, it was fandom genuine :D
But anyway, now nineteen years later, I’m in Thunderbirds fandom and soooo much has happened in those twenty years (nearly died, had two kids, watched them grow into teenagers, developed grey hair).
And wow, you can tell I haven’t written anything decent for a couple of weeks, because I’m rambling like crazy.
But anyway, the point of this post is that although I suspect this has been done before because it sounds vaguely familiar...I swear there is already a crossover out there.
The Hood is a goa’uld. Cos glowy eyes and all :D
The GDF have the Stargate.
SG-1 is actually in 2060, cos I want it there and don’t really care.
The world is definitely going to be needing to be saved by Tracy boys.
Scott is going to argue with O’Neill. Grandma is going to have words with Hammond. Alan thinks it is all totally cool. John already knew about it and had a bet on with Eos that IR would be needed - he has already saved the SGC twice and hasn’t bothered to mention it. Gordon wants to do a backflip through the event horizon (he also wants to visit a waterworld with TB4...hmmm, fic idea).
Hmmm, maybe Thunderbird Two was needed to get the Stargate into that silo in the first place. Virgil is interested, but doesn’t trust the GDF any more than Scott. Virgil and Sergeant Siler share a coffee and commiserate.
This was not meant to be an essay. I’ll shut up now...and go find that fic I know exists somewhere...
(the Slightly Unstable Dwarf)
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adultswim2021 · 3 years ago
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Sealab 2021 #51: “No Waterworld” | April 18, 2005 – 12:15AM | S05E07
Another “not one of their worst!” kinda episodes. Hell, there’s not even a disgusting crew photo at the end. But in true Sealab fashion nothing really lands. Cohesive enough story, jokes that aren’t 100% dogshit, things are set up in the episode that sorta pay off, etc.
In this one, the water around Sealab mysteriously disappears. There’s no apparent reason for it at first. There are two inevitabilities: either the water will come back or the water is never coming back. Most of the crew assumes the later and immediately start dismantling their escape vessel to build a monster truck and selling off all their scuba equipment. Debbie discovers that Abyss like creatures are behind it all, and have the water backed up with an invisible barrier or some kind and will be putting it back in mere minutes.
The only part of this that really landed for me was the ending, it it wasn’t even that unique of a joke; a cameo by actor Ed Harris is teased while the water starts rushing back towards Sealab. As we are about to see the carnage unfold, we hear the water rushing getting louder and louder. Sparks (I think) says of the upcoming cataclysmic event AND Ed Harris cameo: “this is going to be aweso-” abrupt cut to credits. They did a variation of this same joke in another episode (I forget which - Neptunati? I think.), but they actually tell it so much better this time. But this is still a mostly bad episode despite the nice change in scenery.
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ToonHeads (April 21, 2005 – 5:30AM)
Man, I loved ToonHeads. It counts among my earliest memories of “I don’t just like cartoons, I like LEARNING ABOUT cartoons”. Some real Jerry Beck shit. (incidentally, one of the first books I ever owned on the subject was by Beck; The Fifty Greatest Cartoons, which made me realize that ADULTS actually take cartoons seriously and maybe that’s not so bad). Toonheads were half-hour long “themed” compilations of classic cartoons, featuring the Turner library at the time which consisted of Looney Tunes, MGM, and some Fleischer (maybe just Popeye?). The most memorable was a special about Wartime cartoons, which included some bumpers between the cartoons to explain the historical context, pointing out why they are rarely screened on television.
Is there a show like this anymore? I know there’s a new Saturday Morning cartoon thing with classic cartoons on Me-TV, I’m talking about a high-minded adult-aimed show that shows cartoons and discusses the history behind them. I just think it would be neat, is all. I guess I can just rewatch ToonHeads.
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starlin · 6 years ago
Rewatched Waterworld tonight. The Ulysses extended cut. I had forgotten about this joke at the end:
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luxenebrisarchive-blog · 8 years ago
@spacequeenwrites​ replied to ( x ):
tell me how you like it. i JUST added an alien muse.
will do! i'll write a brief review when i return. we're mainly seeing it because what we want to do for my dad's birthday is treat him to a movie & dinner at the local dine-in theater. alien is a franchise that my parents have been fans of ever since the first film was released. so, it worked out perfectly. 
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mizufae · 8 years ago
@brinnanza here is a list of CR shows that I think you might enjoy, as listed when I scroll by it on their shows by popularity page:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - I suspect you’ve already seen this, or maybe the previous non-brotherhood anime. IMO it is a large improvement on the first anime although not by as much as some people say, though the finale is a thousand times better and much more integrated into the show as a whole, and there is so much less filler thank goodness. Anyway it has a lot of blood and violence and death and existential scary shit so YMMV but if you are up to that you will likely enjoy.
Fairy Tail - look it’s a hugely long running ridiculous shonen show with entire episodes where people just power up BUT it has a huge cast of colorful characters with some good humor and some interesting fantasy concepts and if you are looking for some Background Anime then by gum you’ve got it. Also has talking, flying cats and dragons who are also your mom
Log Horizon - an actually good show that investigates the question “what if real people got sucked into a MMORPG and had to live actual lives there” and there’s some good stuff about personhood and self determination and some really geeky stuff and also friendship!!!!
Toriko - an even more inexplicable shonen show all about bizarre food and hunting for rare ingredients in insane fantasy lands and the freaky society that has developed around this strange priority system. It is like, if you took that phase when kids draw impossible made up animals and plants and animated it and wrote a whole world around them taking them very very seriously, plus a large dash of EXTREME FRIENDSHIP between the very muscly blue haired protagonist and his best friend the teeny tiny skinny chef and their adventures, all while getting reeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyyy high
Cowboy Bebop - I’m gonna assume you’ve watched bebop, if not, what’s the matter with you go do that
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash - super solid high fantasy show with great character writing, sadly too short, based on a series of light novels so maybe there will be more
Sound! Euphonium - Band Camp The Anime but more extra than that, delightful girls being awesome and playing large brass instruments
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun - wonderfully funny show about an obviously autistic manga-ka and the girl who is into him and the dorks he bases his characters on and it’s just so funny and defies summaries and is one of those rare instances of humor that is entirely good hearted
Gurren Lagann - there was a whole year where i was OBSESSED with this sketchy giant robot show
Digimon Adventure - do you want to cry about your late 90s childhood? Well do I have the throwback for you
SKET Dance - if iCarly were an anime. no but srsly it is a cute comedy show about teens who have to do a club activity so they make a club whose purpose is “to hang out and help other clubs with their issues” which leads to Shenanigans. Large cast of cute characters and silliness but also genuine Feels about growing up and friendship and stuff.
Cardcaptor Sakura - if you havent watched CCS then what are you doing even talking to me
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee - a weird little show with some very interesting concepts about love and metaphors and stuff, also monster girls who are actual girls and a disabled character who refuses to be woobified
Bodacious Space Pirates - this is a show for queer girls, don’t let the title fool you. it is hella funny and also strange and the space pirates are indeed pretty bodacious
Symphogear - badass magical girl show about fighting monsters with the power of POUNDING BEATS AND PURE POP SOUNDS, also some v. v. compelling baby gay girls being like I LOVE YOU no I LOVE YOU and also like wonky world building secret not so secret organization stuff and it’s all neon bright and girlfriends, idk, i love symphogear and feel it is highly underappreciated
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - Gorgeous giant robot show about what happens if you took transcendental humanism and fucking ran with it and also mixed with waterworld only good and also AI vs AI and also a show where everyone doesnt conveniently just speak japanese and it’s pretty great! and also there’s a moral about treating disabled people like people and also some great female characters with power. CAVEAT there is some really shitty stuff about trans people but it’s only a couple minutes in the whole show and I TRIED to get the translator to mitigate it in english but if anything it’s worse than the original ugh ugh ugh. But seriously other than that it’s a really good show :/
RIN-NE - an adorable show about dead people, but don’t worry it’s so cute you wont even notice! But seriously it is charming and beautiful in a cartoonish way and the characters are so funny and it has some stuff about crappy parents being crappy and also love and friendship and ghosts who do funny stuff and demons who are sooooo extra and it’s just great fun, why didnt this show get more traction, what is wrong with everyone
Silver Spoon - An anime about learning about farming! It’s great, no, seriously, it’s SO GREAT
Time of Eve - DO YOU WANT TO CRY ABOUT ROBOTS? CRYING ABOUT ROBOTS ALREADY AND NEED TO BE HEALED? WATCH TIME OF EVE. NO, SERIOUSLY, DO IT. Time of Eve should be considered one of the finest pieces of contemporary science fiction out there today and i dont understand how or why everyone isn’t talking about it and including it in college courses and shit. it’s so good, like solidly fantastically good, and the creator of it is such a huge nerd, wow, it really shows it’s SO GOOD.
Kids on the Slope - a beautiful period piece about jazz and Japan as a nation recovering from war and it’s incredible, Required Viewing imo
Library War - when this show came out it was a bizarre concept: what if librarians had to become soldiers to defend knowledge? like with guns and stuff? NOWADAYS it’s almost too scary and on-point. Fuck fuck fuck. Anyway it’s good though, I should rewatch it. Y’know, like how everyone is reading 1984 these days.
Galaxy Express 999 - Do you like trains? Do you like space? Do you like trains in space?? No but seriously Galaxy Express 999 is in my top ten favorite shows of all time. Not favorite animes. Favorite shows. It’s got EVERYTHING I love all in one thing and every episode is different and beautiful and it’s just... siiiigh. Retro classic, if you watch it you will see examples of so many things that became tropes because of it. And the leading lady is one of the best characters ever. God, I love Galaxy Express 999
Rose of Versailles - A classic shoujo show about a girl who was raised as a boy. It’s just... pearls and flowers and French “history” and fashion and dueling and y’alllllll classic gay girl stuff
OKAY THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR CRUNCHYROLL i have Mixed Feelings about Funi so idk if i am up to doing a rundown of their offerings even though they host a lot of good shows because, well. Reasons I can’t and won’t get into that also cause me to have anxiety flashbacks SO you know how it is. But like, yeah. Some Shows For You To Enjoy
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 6 years ago
i was going to rewatch 3 minutes of waterworld for a fic but i ended up watching the whole thing twice.
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waterworldcentral-blog · 8 years ago
Alright, time for the main event.
Step 1: Acquire extra basic / background knowledge of film (an initially, massively expensive flop - due to various circumstances - eventually broke even and profited. Well-known and well-hated. Differences in vision, sound, and not to mention actors in life-threatening situations sought to drown *ha* this film....) These are the things I will mostly be leaving OUTSIDE this project. Step 2: Acquire movie. In this case, two different versions. I’m going to focus on the theatrical cut first. Step 3: Script. I need to have the script to reference back to. Sometimes I miss the dialogue. (It’s a real problem when I’m playing video games...) Step 4: Paint. Snipping tool. Essentials for this little game. Step 5 (and most importantly): Coffee. Now, I already rewatched WaterWorld again after seeing the stunt show at Universal Hollywood two days ago, so I should know what I’m looking for. (The stunt show is another animal entirely and I’ll go over that later) Here we go! **UPDATE failed the last part of step 2
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