#sleepover with asirensrage
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asirensrage · 1 year ago
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How to get a writer to write my favorite story??
I'm thinking of bribery but I'm not sure if they're open for it.
bribery always works. (I don't know any writer who doesn't agree with that.) So does asking questions and giving theories of the fic, or what you like about it or the characters...
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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zarovichwife · 2 years ago
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AFTER DARK, CHAPTER 10 (6k words)
AUGUST 26TH It was a Monday morning and Rylee had driven herself to Hawkins High, sitting in her car an hour early and staring at herself in the visor mirror. Since Starcourt caught a flame she mostly stayed at home where Robin would visit for sleepovers. The town held a funeral for those who were lost to the fire, the center of it all being Chief Jim Hopper which had Rylee in complete shambles . . .
taglist; @rey-of-luke @jewishbarbies @fandomqueenlove @aliverse @mmmayflower2016 @seize-the-droid @maddyperiez @foxesandmagic @harleyquinnzelz @bravelittleflower @anotherunreadblog @kendelias @dreamerwithapen1 @kiara-carrera @phoebestarks @rickiisrad @anqelwiithhxrns @the-multifandommess-blog @ocs-supporting-ocs @luucypevensie @claryxjackson @aaronhotchstuff @susiesamurai @witchofinterest @heresthefanfiction @reysfinn @malice1329 @arrthurpendragon @margoshansons @richitozier @waterloou @bobfloydsbabe @decennia @asirensrage @starcrossedjedis @zoyazenik @dyhlanobrien @eddiesmunsons @bisexualterror @squirrelstone @lucys-chen @starlit-epiphany @carmens-garden @genyazafin @endless-hoppington
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asirensrage · 1 year ago
Sleepover Saturday
Had a dream that the Golden Girls were a bunch of semi-retired space pirates that cross paths with the Rocinante. Blanche knew Amos back in his brothel days. The rest of the ladies dote on him, it was great.
THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!!! I can totally picture them as space pirates. 1000% and them basically adopting Amos? Canon. Love that for them and him.
Please, I need this entire story now.
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sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 1 year ago
Can you think of a movie you watched that hit you so hard. Like afterwards you sometimes randomly thought about it and still felt that feel emotion. Sometimes maybe until it almost felt like nausea because it was so much?
thing you did that was so silly you should feel embarrassed but it was also so much fun you're not and think of it fondly?
The Descent left its mark on me. That movie freaked me out and I have yet to ever watch it again. Same with The Strangers.
As for something embarrassing that I look back fondly on...I have no idea. I either don't feel embarrassed anymore about anything that has happened or it's nothing I was fond about. 🤷🏻‍♀️
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 1 year ago
Hello! Tell me a random cool fact 👀.
oh god, my mind just went blank ahahah.
One thing about babies when they're young is that they learn object permanence. This means that as they get older, they learn that just because they don't see something, doesn't mean it disappeared from existence. You can help teach children this by playing games like peek-a-boo. They generally get a firm grasp of it by the time they're a year old.
Does that count as a cool fact? It was the first thing that popped into my mind 😂
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover Ask:
At what moment are you hit with the 'oh shit, I'm going to have to write about this now, aren't I?' feeling? Is there something specific that prompts it, or trends that could be factored in? Certain conditions that need met?
This is such an interesting question. Thank you for asking it.
The moment when I realize I'm going to write about something is usually when I realize I've been thinking about it more than once. If I keep coming back to the idea in my mind, even if I don't mean it, it's getting written in some way.
Sometimes it's certain ideas that prompt it that I can't get out of my head. Like the Tokyo Revengers oneshot I did for Ran was partly inspired by my own sister admitting to me that she broke up with a guy because she knew that if she stayed, I could have been used against her in that relationship (because the man had...connections...). While not entirely new info to me, I kept thinking about it and it ended up getting incorporated into a oneshot.
Sometimes it's fandoms I find myself interested in, but only if I feel like something else needs to be added or told. My OC Takara came into being because I couldn't get over how funny it would be for someone to show up as Takemichi's sister as if she's always been there and Takemichi being like "... I don't have a sister."
Sometimes, I want to write some things but it's never the right time. It doesn't feel right, but then I wait and if it's meant to be, I'll be inspired for it eventually.
I don't think trends play a big factor with me. I usually just write what I want to write lol. The same way I can't always control what sparks my interest ;) But sometimes there are themes I want to explore, like obsession, and that will inspire me and hit me with the "oh shit" moment 😂
I hope that made sense lol.
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Really vibing with the idea of drunken love confessions rn so following the prompt list from your asks, what about “I fell in love with you.” “No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor.” with whichever pair this sparks for you?
Hahaha I forgot about that!! This made me laugh! Here, have Cora and Matt Murdock for my Soulmates series.
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He's been listening to her ramble for about thirty minutes now. It's cute, not that he'd admit that. Not that he needs to if she can hear his thoughts. Still, they've gotten into a bit of a groove, both of them are used to the presence of the other in their minds.
"Okay, so what if I..." There's a pause as she thinks. "What if I have him stabbed in the stomach? How long would that take for him to die?"
Matt slips in his surprise, crashing down and nearly falling off of a fire escape before he catches himself. Ow. Who put stairs here?
"Oh! Are you okay?" She asks in his mind. "I don't know what happened but that sounded like it hurt."
I'm fine, he tells her.
"Did you fall?" she asks. How is he supposed to say that she surprised him? That if he heard her correctly, that's a huge problem.
I fell in love with you, he quips back. He can practically hear her snort in disbelief.
"No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor."
He gives a small laugh before he forces himself up. It would have been worse if he had fallen into the dumpster. Again.
"Do you often fall into dumpsters?" he hears her ask. "Is that a thing? Do I need to start checking them?"
Only if I need to start checking the hospitals for abdominal stab victims.
"Please," he can practically hear her wave him off. "If I wanted to actually stab someone, I'd make sure they couldn't rat me out. That sounds way too messy anyway. There are better ways to get rid of someone."
God help him. His soulmate is a murderer, isn't she?
"Only in a literary sense..."
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 1 year ago
You asked about asking...but I want to know what is the weirdest dream you had about a celebrity/character?
I rarely dream of celebrities or characters if I'm honest but it has happened. Let me check my drafts, I keep notes in there sometimes about them in case I use it for writing lol.
The last one I remember was a mix of real life at the time (quitting) and Tokyo Revengers, where I met Mikey and he decided to keep me??
It was wild because I was just trying to life my life and he kept appearing. Like he saved me at some point and I woke up in someone's place and was like "Well time for me to go home," and he picked me up and was like, "I'll carry the bags. I brought you some clothes. Don't mind them, don't you want to go home? Come on."
I once had one that involved Chris Evans back in like 2016 (based on my draft notes lol)
"I had a dream last night involving Chris Evans. Somehow we met and he wanted to drive me home. It switched from his driver driving us (and me offering to take the bus home which he joked about but wouldn’t let me) to him driving me and trying to lose his bodyguards who were in the other car so we could have a moment or two of privacy. We mostly drove and talked. Towards the end we ended up at my work (despite it not being my work at all) and he mostly watched me taking care of these kids when I told him I wouldn’t be long. He asked me all sorts of questions while I was working/setting up activities that he pushed me to answer that included why I didn’t talk much, what I was afraid of with him and more. I woke up before we ever made it to my house
So I don't dream about celebrities or characters often but when I do, it's usually weird lol.
(shout out to the dream i had as a teen where i was being chased by old horror movie monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula and I was running away, but using the "jump three times to fly" from Mario to get away from them)
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover Saturday (it’s Saturday for me anyway)
“I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?” “You’re not doing anything.” “But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?”
Darcy and any of her boys
Woo! It's still Friday here but days don't matter, lol. Ommmggg this is hilarious.
"...I didn't know vampires could even get drunk." Darcy stares at him, completely flabbergasted at what she's seeing. "I'm not drunk," he says, still swaying slightly. "Could a drunk person do this?" Paul flails his arm out slightly towards her but didn't move. Darcy glances at the others behind him, the ones who are laughing hard enough to lean on each other to hold themselves up, before she stares back. "You're not doing anything." "But...I sent you my love. Did you not get it?" They look so pitiful. It's hard to believe that these are the men who terrorize the boardwalk. "No." That makes Marko laugh harder. She sees David trying not to roll his eyes. Paul pouts at her before he turns to his brothers. He doesn't make it, overbalancing and falling. She bursts out laughing, joining the others. "Come on," she moves over and bends down, helping him to his feet. He nearly yanks her down with him, but Dwayne steadies her and lifts Paul to his feet with ease. "Let's get him out of here before he does something stupid."
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
For ask game a smut piece with Billy Russo, Matt Murdock and self insert or OC in a threesome and you should show them cumming and all that they say as they cum. If you put please, fuck me, God, begging. Then the janitor joins in and self insert cums again. I'd like emphasis on things that she would say as she cums 🔥
I'm going to be honest, I feel like you sent this in to be a dick. You clearly haven't read any smut I've written because while I'm obviously not opposed to writing threesomes, I don't write things in that much detail. Also, why the janitor?? And why do you think Billy, Matt or the characters would agree to some random joining in? Are they having a threesome in a storage closet because that's not practical in regards to space alone.
I'm going to have to decline, anon. Sorry to break your heart. If you check out the tags "smut prompts" or "smut scenes" on my blog, you might get a better idea of what I write.
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover question! (Counts because it's 1am and I should be sleeping, right?)
Are there any fandoms/characters that you absolutely won't write for for one reason or another?
Also, are there any you want to write for, but haven't yet?
Hey! Thanks for asking! (also you should totally get some sleep lol)
Are there any fandoms/characters that you absolutely won't write for for one reason or another?
Uh...I don't know. I guess I don't really write for fandoms I haven't seen (which makes sense). Otherwise probably something like Glee? or Riverdale? Those types of shows (aka mainly drama lol). I don't see myself writing for them. It's just not my interest.
Also, are there any you want to write for, but haven't yet?
No, because I have absolutely no chill as I'm sure some people have realized and write whatever comes to mind or interests me. There's no stopping the muse lol. (there are ideas I have that I haven't written more than marking the ideas down for later but that's different. that's me trying to be responsible lol)
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Husband/ one night stand/ best friend (feel free to name it however you please) :
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Okay, this isn't as hard as I thought it would be. Thanks for asking!
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Reason? the man can fight, cook and is empathetic and caring. PLUS! He comes with Hardison who I can geek out with and Parker who will teach me how to pick locks. It's a win win win situation.
One Night Stand:
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Because I know he would be fantastic in bed, but I also wouldn't want him around long term lol. I feel like he'd be a lot. (after all, look at my girl Amelia and how she has to deal with him...)
Best Friend:
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While he also has a lot going on, he's loyal and caring and the best choice for a best friend. Just ask Steve. Plus, you know he's a package deal so you'd get Steve and Sam with him. How is that a bad thing?
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover Questions:
Marry/Fuck/Kill (and the less violent version) using your OCs.
With my ocs???? Do they know I'm their creator because if so, I'll marry Kate and murder the rest, if only to keep them from murdering me.
Marry: Kate or Sayuri or Toni Fuck: Leo (haha no one knows who Leo is) or Hatch. Kill: the rest, to keep them from killing me. Especially Darcy and future Takara.
Thanks for asking!
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover Game Headcanon
How do you think Star fell in with The Boys?
Oooo I rarely get asked headcanons! Thanks!
Hmm...you know what I think? I think Star was wandering the boardwalk, in the same style we see her in, and caught the boys' eyes. Maybe it was her style, maybe it was the way she smiled. She has that presence of being kind, drawing them in like a moth of a flame. Not necessarily because they want that kindness. They easily could have wanted to see what it took to break her from it. Maybe Max ordered them to find a sister and they thought she'd be pliant and willing and would take care of the kid who accidentally got himself turned when he snuck into the cave, desperate with hunger, and drank from the bottle on his own during the day when no one could stop him...
Because when we meet Star, yes she's supposed to eat Michael and turn fully, but we also see the disinterest she has in the men, the disinterest they have in her (in comparison to each other or Michael) but we know that they like to push people's boundaries. So I don't think it's a stretch to think both parties are sort of stuck together. (and then she takes the fastest route out she can find.)
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
Sleepover! Would love a music rec!
I love giving music recs!
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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asirensrage · 2 years ago
For your sleepover asks: any new shows or movies you recommend? My watch list is getting a lil blah and I want to add some stuff for whenever I find the time lol
Hmmm depends on what you like. I feel like m mind just went blank and I forgot everything I've ever seen. lol
The Expanse is super good but I'm also super behind on it. Justified is good (I also haven't finished that but I got my aunt into it and she's rewatched it multiple times). There's Sons of Anarchy which is good. I have to finish that too. I just started Jury Duty. I'm still in season 1 of The Great... What about ER?
Oooo one of my fave shows is Letterkenny! (I'm behind on that too actually...)
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And Leverage! Actually, forget all the rest. Go watch Leverage. That one is the best.
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If you like anime (which I know many ppl don't) I really enjoyed watching Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm also watching Tokyo Revengers which takes me by surprise like every time so it's fun.
This entire thing just reminded me of all the shows I need to catch up on hahaha.
As for movies!
What type of movies do you like? Some of my all-time faves include Tank Girl, Empire Records, Four Brothers, Resident Evil, The Ruins, Saved, Waterworld, Ever After, Scream (all of them), Alien, Predator movies (including Prey which is fantastic), The Menu, Hot Fuzz...
There are more. Got a genre preference? Anyone else want to add in suggestions?
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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