#Warrior Of Salvation
ask-alphamon · 2 years
To the Jesmons (regular and corrupt), what do you think of each other?
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"Honestly... For a Jesmon, it's quite... - . .-. .-. .. ..-. -.-- .. -. --. (Terrifying) I can't help but get a very bad feeling from it, and it's abilities to hack into anything, and breech the security of whatever it sets it's eyes on doesn't help... Especially since in the presence of a knight that task should be impossible... But what makes me nervous more then any of that, is it's behavior... Rather then helping those who cry out for help, it has been trying to attack them, especially those who unfortunately don't have much time left... I suppose that's why it has the title 'Merciless Reaper' among the corrupt knights..."
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"A thorn in my side... A fly in the ointment... Interrupter of the hunt... Preventer of death... Warrior of Salvation... He is all these things and more....
I hate him... and yet I am curious... are normal Jesmon all like this?"
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thistleation · 1 year
I think it’s easy to underestimate the enormity of Beatrice’s decision to try and place the crown on Ava.
It happens in a flash, it’s followed by The Kiss (which is everything). I think some viewers might even have missed she was holding the crown at all.
And so much happens and events spiral so quickly, it’s easy to forget where in the story Beatrice stands at this point.
Beatrice does not know the specifics of Adriel’s plan. At this point in the story, the OCS’ best guess is Adriel will use the portal to bring through unlimited wraith demons. 
That’s the stakes for them: complete the mission or face a full on demon apocalypse. It’s literally “do this or the world ends.”
And Beatrice has lost so much. She’s lost Shannon just months ago, she’s lost Mary, Vincent betrayed them, to all appearances they’ve lost Lilith to Adriel for good. More of her closest family have died or abandoned her than not.
What more could the universe take from her?
And then the universe points at Ava and says “that one.”
You know those few months you got to spend away from the thick of battle? The short breath of time where you tasted life? Where you fell in love? Where you let yourself believe that — just maybe — happiness was possible? I want that. I want the person at the center of that, I want the one who gave you that.
Beatrice says no.
Putting the crown on Ava is not a discussion. It’s not a reassessment of the plan. It’s putting her unconscious to get her out. It’s aborting the mission.
The mission to save the world, where failure means wraith demons everywhere and most likely a literal apocalypse, and Beatrice says “No.”
Not if the cost is her.
Because how just is a world that keeps demanding this kind of suffering and sacrifice? There has to be another way for the world, because if there isn’t, she will not save it.
Not at this cost.
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titanomancy · 11 months
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The slow motion update of the Craftworld Eldar range continues with new plastic Striking Scorpions – which, props to the design team, look like Striking Scorpions. All of the Craftworld updates have been pretty consistent with the aesthetic, so no big surprises there.
For those of you keeping score at home, the Howling Banshees were previewed in 2019.
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sailorgl0om · 9 months
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me in dragon's dogma looking like the baddest elf, on my way to slay Grigori for the 3rd time 🧝🏻‍♀️⚔️🐉✨
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movies-tv-more · 6 months
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Special Edition Movie Releases for March 26, 2024
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charmingbrute · 2 years
we make fun of raha's hero worship but never talk about eli's hero worship of azem enough
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blushouyo · 1 year
im so happy we got to hear elidibus's va again. love his voice
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We all know Flight of the Valkyries is a favorite among fans of helicopters in the light of Sunrise over Vietnam, but...
It is time for the modern warriors soundtrack.
What is your battle prep song?
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rainsnap · 2 years
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The Overseers
Teacher it is his job to see that the Class understands the importance of the Citadel. From the history of it to their positions within it. He is a strict, old, smelly tom with bad teeth and an even worse attitude. He takes his job quite seriously and refuses to listen to anyone but Salvation himself. He does not get a long well with Mother.
Guides is Teacher’s apprentice. He is often eager to please and ready to learn, but tends to get things a little mixed up (there’s a lot of history to remember!) At times he can end up with a snobbish attitude towards the Class, even though he isn’t much older than the cats in it.
Mother is the caregiver of all kittens. From the moment a kitten is born, Mother is there to act as their true mother. She is the only one allowed to be called Mother within the Citadel and is the only one to be seen or treated in that position. From the time of a kit’s first breath to the moment they join the ranks of the Citadel, they are to see Mother as their one and true Mother. This often means bashing heads with Teacher.
Grace is learning to be the new Mother. She is of a softer heart and a more gentle nature than the current Mother, so many of the Class are eager for her to take over already. She tries her best to ensure that everyone’s needs are met and can be a bit of a pushover to compensate for Mother’s normally harsh and cruel ways. Grace is also the kit of The Dark Trail Left Behind and his late mate, The Grace of Waiting. So the pressure of being a Director’s kit isn’t easily forgotten.
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biblebloodhound · 2 years
The Divine Warrior (Isaiah 59:15b-21)
The Lord looked and saw there was no justice. He did not like what he saw.
The Lord looked and was displeased    that there was no justice. He saw that there was no one,    he was appalled that there was no one to intervene;so his own arm achieved salvation for him,    and his own righteousness sustained him.He put on righteousness as his breastplate,    and the helmet of salvation on his head;he put on the garments of vengeance    and wrapped himself in zeal as in a…
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lordgodjehovahsway · 3 months
2 Samuel 23: The Last Words Of David
1 These are the last words of David:
“The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse,     the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of Jacob,     the hero of Israel’s songs:
2 “The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me;     his word was on my tongue.
3 The God of Israel spoke,     the Rock of Israel said to me: ‘When one rules over people in righteousness,     when he rules in the fear of God,
4 he is like the light of morning at sunrise     on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain     that brings grass from the earth.’
5 “If my house were not right with God,     surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant,     arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation     and grant me my every desire.
6 But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns,     which are not gathered with the hand.
7 Whoever touches thorns     uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear;     they are burned up where they lie.”
David’s Mighty Warriors
8 These are the names of David’s mighty warriors:
Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter.
9 Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite. As one of the three mighty warriors, he was with David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim for battle. Then the Israelites retreated, 
10 but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead.
11 Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them. 
12 But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the Lord brought about a great victory.
13 During harvest time, three of the thirty chief warriors came down to David at the cave of Adullam, while a band of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of Rephaim. 
14 At that time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem. 
15 David longed for water and said, “Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!” 
16 So the three mighty warriors broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the Lord. 
17 “Far be it from me, Lord, to do this!” he said. “Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?” And David would not drink it.
Such were the exploits of the three mighty warriors.
18 Abishai the brother of Joab son of Zeruiah was chief of the Three. He raised his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed, and so he became as famous as the Three. 
19 Was he not held in greater honor than the Three? He became their commander, even though he was not included among them.
20 Benaiah son of Jehoiada, a valiant fighter from Kabzeel, performed great exploits. He struck down Moab’s two mightiest warriors. He also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion. 
21 And he struck down a huge Egyptian. Although the Egyptian had a spear in his hand, Benaiah went against him with a club. He snatched the spear from the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear. 
22 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada; he too was as famous as the three mighty warriors. 
23 He was held in greater honor than any of the Thirty, but he was not included among the Three. And David put him in charge of his bodyguard.
24 Among the Thirty were:
Asahel the brother of Joab,
Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem,
25 Shammah the Harodite,
Elika the Harodite,
26 Helez the Paltite,
Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa,
27 Abiezer from Anathoth,
Sibbekai the Hushathite,
28 Zalmon the Ahohite,
Maharai the Netophathite,
29 Heled son of Baanah the Netophathite,
Ithai son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin,
30 Benaiah the Pirathonite,
Hiddai from the ravines of Gaash,
31 Abi-Albon the Arbathite,
Azmaveth the Barhumite,
32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite,
the sons of Jashen,
33 son of Shammah the Hararite,
Ahiam son of Sharar the Hararite,
34 Eliphelet son of Ahasbai the Maakathite,
Eliam son of Ahithophel the Gilonite,
35 Hezro the Carmelite,
Paarai the Arbite,
36 Igal son of Nathan from Zobah,
the son of Hagri,
37 Zelek the Ammonite,
Naharai the Beerothite, the armor-bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah,
38 Ira the Ithrite,
Gareb the Ithrite
39 and Uriah the Hittite.
There were thirty-seven in all.
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golden-gospel-poet · 3 months
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Follow me for more poetry and verse. Check out the link below too
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yahsheartcry · 7 months
YHWH says I want you to be saved and sanctified! I want you to be Kingdom Ambassadors for the Kingdom!
To my kids,
This is your Abba. The Great I Am. The Beginning and the End. The Alpha and the Omega. Your Creator. Your safe place. Your refuge. Your defense. Your provider and protector. Your King. Your Daddy.
I wanted to let you know that I understand that there are so many of my kids who think that just being saved is good enough. I want you all to know that it's not. I desire you all to desire more than just saying a prayer to get saved. I require a relationship with my kids. For there to be an intimate relationship, there has to be a lot of communication between 2 people, trust, belief, and love. How can there be an intimate relationship if all you do is say a prayer and go to church 2x's a year? You can't and I will not accept that as okay! I want so much more than that! Any normal person who is in a relationship with someone else, would not be okay with you just saying that you are in a relationship, but then, never talk to them. Why would you think that I would be okay with that? I am not! I am literally telling you right now that I am not okay with you all just saying a prayer!
Here is what I do require:
Constant communication via prayer
Reading my Word, learning about Me and learning about what I like and what I do not like.
Praise and worship Me
Spend time with other Believers who desire Me
Doing these things are going to help me know that you actually want a relationship with Me. If you truly desire a relationship with Me, you're going to seek after Me (Matthew 6:33), and you are going to desire things that I want for you, and want it for yourself too.
A great example of this kind of relationship would be Daniel in the Bible, or even Joseph. They are both great men of G-d who desired me more than anything, and they were able to do amazing things for Me.
The next thing you might be wanting to know is..."Yes, they both had a great relationship with You, but they went through a lot of terrible things. Why would I want to go through terrible things? It's safer this way." Here is My response to that: If you aren't wanting to be in an intimate relationship with Me because of the fear of the possibility of you having to go through terrible things, then you aren't someone who I want in My Kingdom. Period. End of story. If you aren't willing to die for your King, then I can't trust you to be on My side. Scripture even states in the Old and New Covenant that you are going through hard times, that things won't be easy. I don't know why My kids think and feel like their life is going to be easy if they become a Believer. My Word literally says otherwise. It's obvious that so many of My kids don't really want Me. They want the "Get Out of Hell" Free Card, but they don't want Me. That breaks My heart. It really upsets Me to know that My kids don't really want Me. They claim Me, but they really don't want Me. They may desire the knowledge about Me, and try to understand My Word more, but that doesn't mean that they know Me. My kids can say that they do all these things in My name, but that doesn't mean that they know Me. There are so many of My kids who have been deceived into thinking that they are even mine at all. Just saying a prayer isn't good enough. Even getting baptized is good, but not enough. When you admit that you have sinned, and are a sinner and need a Savior. When you believe in the L-rd Yeshua (Jesus Christ), that He came to Earth as a baby, lived here on Earth working miracles, signs, and wonders and teaching the Old Covenant in a way that the people would understand it, and allowed them to see G-d in the flesh so that they could develop an intimate relationship with Him, and then, died on the cross and resurrected on the 3rd day. When you repent from all your sins, turn from your sins, and turn towards Me, and are baptized in water...then you are saved from your sins. You are a Believer in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) at that point. That means that you are in My family at that point! However, that is NOT the end of My requirements to be part of My Kingdom.
You might be saying, "What do you mean that is not the end of your requirements?" My response is this: I require more than just the bare minimum to be called Mine. You may get into the family, but if you live in sin still or if you don't forgive others, or you choose to live in the 9 sins that I am not okay with....that makes you no better than a Lukewarm Believer, and I will spit you out of My mouth! I would rather you be Hot or Cold. I absolutely hate it when people are lukewarm! If you would rather choose your idols (things, people, places, and ideas that you put above Me), then I am NOT okay with that! I am a jealous G-d! I desire your full attention! I desire your heart, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, your soul, and your flesh. I want you! All of you, and NOT just a part. Too many are NOT willing to give Me everything. They hold on to what they want, and only give Me what they don't want. That is NOT okay either.
I want you to trust Me. If you can trust everyone and everything else, then why can't you trust Me? All I want is to give you a better life, a better way of living and being, so why are you fighting Me? Most people, don't trust Me due to their own traumas, and insecurities. They think that I want them to keep living and being like that. Uh....NO! I want you to be healed! I want you to be whole! I want you to be restored!
Once you say the prayer of repentance and get baptized, the rest of your journey with Me is called the Salvation Journey, or the Journey of Sanctification. Salvation can also be called justification or deliverance. Yeshua delivers sinners from their sins. He literally died on a cross, an agonizing death where He wasn't even recognizable afterwards, for you! I know it's hard to imagine that someone could do that for you, but guess what? My Son did. I do. I created you for a purpose. I made you for purpose for the Kingdom. I desire for you to be My hands, feet, eyes and ears to help Me reach My people on the Earth. Yet, there are so many who don't live out their true purpose because they would much rather be safe in their sins, or their traumas and insecurities, or even just safe in their "okay life." I have so much more for you! So much more! Just because you get saved, doesn't mean that you know Me. Just because you live a life that is sanctified, and can heal people, or prophecy, doesn't mean that you know Me. Those who are trying to live a life that is sanctified and holy, those people are a lot closer than those who simply just said a prayer. I desire My kids to be soldiers in My army! I want you all trained how to fight the Enemy! I want you all to have My power to reach the nations! I want you to be able to do greater works than even Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was able to do! But...that can't happen...if you don't know My voice, if you don't know My laws and commandments, if you don't know My likes and dislikes, if you don't follow what I tell you to follow...then, I really can't trust you with more if you can't even do what I've asked you to do already.
There are denominations that literally prevent My kids from being who they are supposed to be in Me. You might be thinking that I'm talking about a non-Christian faith, but you'd be wrong! There are so many denominations that restrict your fullness in Me. If you are in the "Once Saved, Always Saved," that's a false doctrine. If you are being taught that you don't need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, then you are being taught a false doctrine. When you become a Believer in the faith, in My family, I need you to have everything that I have to give you to do your full purpose here on this Earth! That includes being filled in the Holy Spirit, and having His power! When you get saved, you do obtain the Holy Spirit, but you have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, in order to fully ignite Him to get His full power. There are denominations that teach against that...it is wrong! All these denominations were man-made, not G-d-made. I didn't create them. The faith that was started with the Early Church, has not been shared correctly over the years. The people who shared it, were held accountable by the apostles; however, over time, that accountability went out the window, and that's when things went haywire. The Christian faith is NOT like the original one in the Bible. It's not even close! I desire the Body of Christ to rise up and want to be just like the original apostles. I desire to give you all My power, My authority, My dominion, and My love like never before! I have to have Kingdom Kids who actually desire Me, and who want to serve their King with everything in them! That's what I want!
I know that there are so many who think that My grace will cover everything that they are doing right now. Here is where you have been misled. My grace is for you for when you mess up and need to be covered by My Son's blood; however, when My kids think that they can live in sin constantly and all the time, and think that My grace is going to cover that...Uh...NO! That is NOT what My grace is for at all! At that point, you would be no better than a person in the world! I love you, but I am NOT okay with that! I AM holy! I require My kids to be holy too. You can't live in sin and be holy. It doesn't work that way. Sorry.
I need you to choose today whom you will serve. I need you to pick a side. If you want Me, then choose Me and live your life like you actually do want Me. If you would rather want what the world has to offer you instead, then you've chosen your side, and that is the Enemy's domain. I want you to be My kid, but I have rules. I have requirements in order to be Mine. I have a reputation on My name, and when you live your life in sin and claim to be Mine, you are giving Me a bad name and making Me look bad. I can't have that! Choose a side! Choose a side today! I'm done being made to look bad because of "Believers" who claim to want Me, but really don't want Me. They just want what I can give them. I don't work that way either. Pick a side.
Some of you may be wondering what the difference is between being a Christian and being a Kingdom Ambassador for Me. That will be discussed at a later time. Not today. Just know that there is a difference. The rewards, the blessings, the anointing, the favor are all different.
Please know that I love you. I do. I just want you to want ME, and not just about Me. Talk to Me. Tell Me that you want Me. Let's talk. I'd love to hear from you.
Looking forward to hearing from My kids,
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heartfullofleeches · 9 days
Android Reader aboard a space station tasked with raising the eggs found by the human crew during exploration.
How delightful- As the assistance assigned with the continous mission of maintaining their human compassion heath and stability, Reader knows all about the importance of life and the sacrifices it takes. Compassionate, free spirited android Reader built with those personality traits in mind. Those aboard the station are not only their crewmates, but their dear friends and family - Even though the feeling isn't mutual with all.
Reader is elated when they are given the new objective to care for the strange organisms brought to them. They aren't vocal with their emotions, but they grow increasingly lonely whenever their teammates are busy. Whereas scientists see the eggs as the next step in unlocking the secrets the universe hides, Reader sees a chance to grown their family.
Reader tends to the eggs as any human caretaker would for their young. The eggs are quite larger than any they've seen before- It took half the crew to carry all five of them separately into the lab. Their size is the last of the androids concerns. They care for them all the same- Regulating their body temperature to a degree suitable for most budding lifeforms on earth, sing to them when no one else is around to hear.
At the same time Reader watches over the eggs, scientists on board diligently preform tests to better understand what they've obtained. Further evaluation of the ship they extract these flesh sacks from reveal that these are no eggs.
They're pods.
Impenetrable walls of tissue developed from mucus secreted by an ancient alien race in order to protect themselves as a final effort. Powerful warriors who in their centuries long hibernations reawaken to the tender melody of Reader's lullabies and crown the android as their new ruler.
Following their rampage, survivors who lived to warn earth of the discovery recount salvation in the form of a distant hum - The pacifier to the beasts' relentless bloodlust.
"Shhh..... Rest now. I know their screams are too loud for your sensitive ears, but it's okay... I'm here for you.. All of you."
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thydungeongal · 3 months
I think it's good as enjoyers of fantasy RPGs to realize that even the greatest fantasy RPGs (Rolemaster) are kind of mired in racialized iconography and it's very pervasive across the whole genre, but that there are better ways of dealing with it than 1) pretending it's not there and 2) trying to put a progressive coat of paint on it.
I'm very much an advocate for "orcs are just some guys." Orcs can be a bit nasty and crude. That I feel is part of their appeal. Humans can also be nasty and crude, and at the end of the day being a bit nasty and crude doesn't make anyone ontologically evil and undeserving of grace! They can also be ugly, because being ugly is not a sin! At the same time it's of course good to move away from depictions of orcs that lean very heavily on racialization!
Attempts to sanitize orcs often fail not because they aren't well-intentioned but because they often end up replicating a bunch of unfortunate tropes from the other side. Turning orcs into essentially elves with tusks of course rejects the idea that orcs are ugly, but instead of doing it by way of "there's beauty to be found in the monstrous" it does it by actually leaning into a very conventional set of beauty standards (including lean, muscular bodies!). Attempts to sanitize orcish culture in turn while trying to keep parts of their culture like them being a "warrior culture" and their focus on strength often end up turning them... Into noble savages. Which isn't great either!!!
Anyway, orcs can be just guys. Get out with that "warrior culture" shit too. No culture has ever subsisted simply on raiding and pillaging. And a culture that has to constantly supplement its own subsistence with raiding is also one that is constantly failing and could not in fact continue to exist for an extended period of time! Of course there are orcish farmers and crafters and laborers at home!
And at the same time orcs can be ugly and a bit crude but none of that makes them evil because being ugly isn't a sin and even if you say "h*ck" and "fuck" doesn't mean you're beyond salvation!
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GOD'S gift to all mankind is JESUS!
GOD’S gift to all mankind is JESUS!
The beginning of our puppet ministry is happening. :BJ Ministries.” Learning how to spread the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST by his encouragement. With puppets We need to give the glory and praise to GOD through all of the righteous gifts GOD given has each of us. And with what GOD has given us to use as well. We will encourage each other with the gifts for others to use their gifts as well too. Our…
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