#Ward 28
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nolandnfriends · 2 years ago
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“Even Warriors of Light need hobbies! Mine is putting together and painting model kits of enemies I’ve faced in the past! Don’t know how Ironworks makes em, but the details they put into these things is amazing!”
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belghast · 6 months ago
Cactuar Landed Gentry Again
Cactuar Landed Gentry Again - Earlier this year I lost my first home in FFXIV due to my own negligence, and this morning I managed to snag a new one.
Good Morning Folks! Today was a rather fortuitous day… that quite honestly I was not expecting. At the beginning of this year, I lost my first home in Final Fantasy XIV. I got busy with Christmas and the New Year and just was not logging into the game… and apparently completely missed the email warning me. I was more than a little heartbroken, but I played it off as best as I could. There was…
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lcs-scar · 4 months ago
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ELTINGTOBER Days 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31!
Special credits to @/themarathonmen for the zombie AU on Day 27! Such a great idea and fun designs <3 Thanks to @/robbysgop and @/rebelgubble for making the prompt list! and also thanks to @/p3ppermnt for making this rendition.
[ PREVIOUS ] -- [AN under the cut]
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AN - Finished the Eltingtober challenge!! Woohoo!! It was the first one I actually both start and finish, and I have to make a quick shoutout to everyone who participated- who started but didn't finish or the ones who started midway, it was so inspiring to see your works! You all did wonderful <33 (here or on other platforms, I think some people shared their pieces on twt?? but I don't look at the fandom much there...)
Glad I finally managed to contribute to something after all, especially since it has been a quite long hyperfix of mine... I also need to interact more, where are you at eltingville moots, I want to ramble abt these guys with you 💔
ALSO... I'll tackle the few asks I received weeks ago, sorry to have not replied yet, you'll received your requests soon 🫶 AND THANKS PEOPLE FOR THE BOOPS!! it was so silly! I'm the most awkward individual ever so I was scared to overdo it, but those exchanges made me giggle, love yall! 💞💞
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satsumadraws · 10 months ago
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he is LITCHRALLY in Eskew
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unstablemotions · 5 months ago
people: you need to get an official diagnosis from a psychiatrist!!!
psychiatrists: *misdiagnosed me with different things like +4 times and filled me with unnecessary medicine*
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yahoo201027 · 8 months ago
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June 28: Happy 73rd Birthday to English Actress Lalla Ward, who portrayed the Second Incarnation of the companion to the Fourth Incarnation of The Doctor as the Doctor Who character of Romana, or rather Romana II, following Mary Tamm’s departure from 1979 up until her departure in 1981.
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 9 months ago
HI. HEY. HEY D UDE I FEEL LIKE I'VE HAHA FUNNEY JOKED ABOUT WILLIAM GETTING A GUN BEFORE BUT I DID NOT FUCKING THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY GET A GUN???? LOSING MY SHIT OVER THIS. literally fucking wild maybe its because its 1am but i am COMPLETELY taken off guard oh my fucking god. please tell me william wisp chainsaws a man at some point in this fucking show. how am i supposed to take this.am i supposed to be normal when william wisp has a fucking shotgun now. angel with a shotgun starts playing. hello. coming to u about this because youre my insane wiwi feelings companion i assume u had a similar reaction LMAOO
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^ literally my face at the last five minutes of 29.
I feel like now is an awesome time for me to give you williams updated season 2 reference art. technically you're not supposed to get this until a few episodes from now but u can have it early. as a treat
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yeah remember how when we were talking about soul eater and i was like "yeah I can't decide whether I want william to have an axe or a chainsaw" THIS IS WHY. my boy he is literally in a survival horror game. he's literally in a slasher movie (<<this is on purpose. I'll send u the trivia in a minute hehe)
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pengow · 8 months ago
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at my house
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saintsofwarding · 2 years ago
Header by @keltii-tea
Chapter 28: Epilogue
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"Hey. Boss."
Chris Redfield looked up, his mug of green tea half-raised to his mouth. Tundra- Emily- stood in his office doorway, her forearm braced against the frame. Her dark eyes flicked up and down, taking in Chris's hunched position over the desk, his tea, the thin laptop he'd been staring at with brow furrowed, the stacks of papers heaped all over the desk, and the shelves, and the floor.
"Am I interrupting something?" she said, after a beat.
"Someone's always interrupting something," Chris said.
"Something important, though?"
Chris's mouth quirked in a smile. "What have you got for me?"
"All business, Chris." She stepped into his office and immediately crossed to the window to pull open the blinds. Chris squinted in the wash of gray sunlight, weak and rain-filled though it was. "Jesus, boss, this plant is barely clinging to life."
She'd turned toward the struggling money tree set atop an overflowing filing cabinet in the corner of the room, giving its dry leaves a flick.
Chris groaned, finally tearing his eyes away from the laptop in front of him. "Take it if you want. There's not really room for it in here."
"Nor water?"
"No water. Only caffeinated beverages and protein shakes."
"You need a life."
"Find me the time, and I'll get one. Come on." He beckoned to her. "Show me what you brought."
Emily kicked the door shut with her boot heel, cutting the sounds of the BSAA European HQ down to a murmur. The huge glass-and-steel edifice was uncomfortably modern, and made Chris feel like he was in some kind of biohazard research facility, or, God forbid, an Umbrella lab. But he'd got used to it, like he'd got used to a lot of things. He had to.
The work wasn't over yet.
Six months had passed since the events of the village. The second events, specifically, and one had to be specific when dealing with the BSAA bureaucracy. Chris longed to get back out in the field, dispense with this endless paperwork, but it was necessary for this latest project, this latest mission. Its parameters were simple:
Locate Rosemary Winters, the second host of the Romanian megamycete.
Easier said than done. Once the dust settled and the sphere of impenetrable mold-roots Rose had summoned around herself and the other Lords collapsed, it was empty.
Not surprising. She had found her family. She probably wanted more than anything to be alone with them. Time would tell whether that was a good thing- or an apocalyptically terrible one. Still, Chris reasoned, she'd been able to keep Heisenberg in check, albeit by a thread. As for the others...well. At least she wasn't Miranda.
The BSAA was there within a few hours, called in by Hound Wolf Squad to evacuate the townsfolk from the neighboring valley. They swept the area, the destroyed village, the great pit his bomb had blasted into the landscape. Chris hadn't seen Mia Winters amongst the Lords. Most likely she was dead, murdered by Heisenberg or one of the others in retaliation for her crimes against them. Or, knowing them, just for fun.
That was probably the tidiest solution, but Chris sure as hell hoped it wasn't how it had gone down with her. Mia had done terrible things over the course of her involvement with bioterrorism, and not to mention withholding Ethan's death and resurrection from him, but she'd still been his friend. They'd shared experiences. They'd shared grief. And in the end, all she'd wanted was to get Ethan back and maybe-
Begin to make things right.
And had she? Chris commandeered Hound Wolf Squad as BSAA choppers circled overhead, had searched the village ruins and delved down into the pit, lycan activity at a low thanks to the oncoming day. Ethan's remains would be down there, if they were anywhere, and he searched the crater all day, through the evening, past moonrise, into the beginnings of another night.
Nothing was there.
If Ethan's body had somehow survived the blast, if it had somehow lingered in some extant form, it- and he- was now long gone.
Emily tugged a chair over and sank into it, leafing through the thick file in her hands. It was bursting at the seams with documents, smaller folders, photographs and faxes and print-outs. All the compiled evidence from their operatives also on the mission, as well as documents sent from other, smaller BSAA hubs.
"Where shall I start..." Emily's red brows shot skyward. "Aha. Here's a good one. Okay, get this. In the underground alternative and industrial music scene of Berlin, Germany, a woman reports having seen a band play with- and I quote- 'supernatural skill and mesmerizing sexuality'. She goes on to describe the lead singer, bassist, and drummer: a very tall woman, a young blonde, and a man covered in scars who reportedly made the entire sound system levitate, much to the delight of the audience. And here's the kicker: this band's name? Black God Death Cult."
"False lead."
"Huh? Really?"
"Claire's seen them. Multiple times. They're clear."
"Oh. Uh, okay, then, still on the subject of music-" She ruffled some papers. "How about this. A black metal band in Iceland called Gear Torture whose aesthetic revolves around rust, decay, horror imagery-"
"What about Iron Stallion Sixty-"
"Em, I don't think the Four Lords are going undercover as a metal band," Chris interrupted.
"Iron Stallion Sixty-Nine isn't metal, Chris," Tundra said dryly.
"Please move on."
"You sure you don't want to hear about-" Her voice dropped into crime-show-announcer tones. "-the Monster Catfish of Lake Baikal, Captured on Video? Could be the fish-man. There's a YouTube link."
"Right. So here's an interesting one. An entire convent of nuns in Samokov, Bulgaria described to one of our operatives their strange and entrancing visions of dead relatives that plagued them for hours before dissipating. Their water supply tested clear, as did their food, but a peculiar organic particulate lingering in the air raised questions with the investigation team whether young Lady Beneviento had come to call."
"A convent of nuns."
"That's what this says."
"Had a bunch of visions."
Chris leaned back in his too-small chair, rubbing his hand down his face. God, he was tired, and the green tea wasn't doing shit to change that. Maybe he should swap back to coffee. Maybe he should go have a cigarette. "Maybe they should call an exorcist."
"Boss, are you taking this seriously?"
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, Em." He let out his breath and straightened up, reaching for his now-lukewarm tea. "Keep going."
She watched him through her lowered lashes, fox-like eyes sharp as ever. "Do you even want to find her?" she asked, quietly.
Chris met her gaze. The silence between them lingered. He could hear the rain beating against the window, the traffic twenty stories below, the hum of the building around them, the conversation in the hall that grew louder and faded as it passed his door. This place, this world. All the people in it, alive and breathing because so many like Emily and the rest of Hound Wolf Squad- like him- like Piers, and Ethan, and all the others who had given their lives- had sacrificed so much to keep the monsters back. To keep them from the door. To decide, sometimes in extremis, where the line must be drawn. How far he had to go to keep the darkness at bay.
And six months ago, whether he liked it or not, he'd crossed that line. Rose had become...he didn't know what. A new Miranda? He hoped not. A new host for the megamycete was his official take, but he knew it was more than that. The megamycete...the Black God...was more than that. Archival memory, spanning thousands of years. Power he could scarcely fathom. Power that organizations like Umbrella, like the Connections, like Ouroboros, for all their dreams of conquest and grandeur, could only scratch the surface of.
Sparrows, thinking because they felt the sunlight on their wings, they knew the true heat of the sun.
Rosemary had made her decision. She had stood with the other mutants, open to his fire. He should have taken her down. He could have. Cult leader or not, she was flesh and blood. But he hadn't. He'd lowered his rifle.
He'd let her go.
And even now, he couldn't be sorry about that. He thought of Heisenberg, of all people, and what must have transpired in the days after the village's original destruction to make him into what he had become. A far cry from the great Lord who'd served Miranda, that was for damn sure. When you can't bend, you break. And he couldn't deny Heisenberg and Rose were survivors.
And, maybe, though it chafed to admit it, though it went against everything he'd fought for all these years-
They were people, too.
Time would tell if they became decent ones.
So he looked at Emily and shrugged. "'Course I do," he told her. "Any more cryptids in that file of yours?"
"Nah. That's it for now. I'll come back when there's more."
"I'll take a look. Make sure Black God Death Cult isn't a front for Karl Heisenberg's newest cyborg army scheme after all."
"Sure thing, boss." She tossed the file onto his desk. It landed with a weighty smack. "Hey. Come to dinner this Friday? My wife's making that one stir fry thing you like."
"If I can get out-"
"Come on, Chris."
He smiled again. "Okay, Em. See you later."
She left with the money tree. The door clicked shut. Chris stared at the file for a couple seconds, then reached out for it.
Something was sticking from the papers within- a corner of stiff cardstock. Chris frowned and tugged it forth. A postcard. A little dented, a little battered. The front showed a generic seaside scene. The back-
He read it once, twice, without comprehension. Then it struck him. A rush of cold and hot, crackling through his nerves. He didn't move from his place at the desk, his fingers locked around the postcard with its single message, written in bubbly letters.
Wish you were here.
His head jerked up as the door to his office opened again and Emily stuck her head through. "Sorry, boss," she said, a little breathless. "You got a visitor."
"...Who is it?"
"You'd...you'd better come and see."
The tension radiating from the waiting room was thick in the air, even before Chris and Emily strode in, Em snapping effortlessly into Tundra-mode, her hand resting lightly on her holstered sidearm. They made it down the stairs and into the waiting room, as modern as the rest of the building, its glass exterior wall cutting out in sharp silhouette the half-dozen plainclothes operatives with pistols pointed at the solitary figure between them. The receptionist had her hand on a panic button; relief filled her eyes when Chris and Emily entered the room and stopped outside the circle of BSAA ops.
"What's going on here?" Chris said.
"Sir." One of the operatives nodded at the stranger, who wore a hooded jacket, a large, heavy-looking duffel bag open and on the floor at their feet. Their hands were raised, their head down. "She just came in. Asked to see you. Then showed what was in the bag."
Chris kept his eyes on the stranger. He couldn't see her face- just a glimpse of chin and a couple strands of gray-brown hair. His hands lifted, palms out, he stepped past the gun barrels. The stranger didn't move as he bent, as he moved aside the open zipper of the bag.
The light gleamed off milky crystal. A collection of broken limbs. And a familiar face.
A smile touched Chris's mouth.
"Thought you were dead, Mia," he said.
Mia Winters pulled back her hood. She looked about as tired as he felt, dark circles stamped under her eyes, her brows furrowed together. But he saw hope in her gaze, and in her voice when she spoke, vivid and undeniable.
"Not yet," she said. "And...I'm hoping...that's two of us." She glanced around at the other operatives, then back to Chris. "I heard you have access to something miraculous. You call it the MARS, right? A mold recombination system?"
She paused, and there was something brittle in the silence, a yearning so strong it seemed to shimmer from her, from every tense movement. Her lips fluttered; she licked them, then took a short breath to speak again.
"A means of resurrection?" she asked.
Chris should have ordered her immediate arrest. Should have ordered Ethan's remains whisked away, stored in containment somewhere until a thousand and a half tests could be run on the calcified biomatter.
Could have, should have, would have.
This time, for the first time in nearly sixteen years, his full smile felt real.
"I think," he told Mia, holding out his hand for hers, "we can talk."
Sunlight, fading.
A brush of warmth on her skin, just as fast stolen by the wind.
Another day, ending.
"Eyes on the road, kid."
"I know." Rose opened her eyes, focusing again on the long, curving single-track road ahead of the range rover wheels. The vehicle had once been painted green; now it was more rust than paint, the entire body rattling ominously each time she accelerated, but Heisenberg had souped up the engine to breathtaking levels. Now, it ran like a luxury automobile, albeit with more glowing exhaust ports and clouds of black smoke than most.
Rippling fields of grass spread to either side, golden in the fading, liquid light of afternoon. Cloud-shadows moved over the expanse of moorland like great beasts just beneath the surface of still water, the land itself flowing like the sea until it broke off, suddenly, and plunged to the waves themselves, the world ending in favor of the water.
Here and there, patches of purple heather or jutting rock formations broke the expanse of green-gray and blue-green and peat-brown, but the splendor of this place was in the sky, unbroken by tree or building or mountain, echoing on and on forever.
Rose had never visited the Highlands during her and Heisenberg's brief stint in Glasgow; neither had he, and, glancing sideways at him in the passenger seat, Rose could see the way he drank it in with his eyes, even behind his round shades. Every new place must still seem like a wonder to him; two decades wasn't so long to be out, not in comparison to the long life he'd led before. He did a pretty good job covering up his true feelings with brash remarks and cocky bravado, but in the end, he did have a heart.
Rose knew. She'd literally seen it.
He wasn't driving. He was forbidden to after they'd been pulled over eight times in England and southern Scotland for driving all over the center line and yelling threats at the other drivers that included suggestions he'd remove their limbs and sew them on backwards, a feat which, Rose also knew, Heisenberg was fully capable of. They'd had a drawn-out argument which ended in Rose stealing his glasses and hiding them until he one- bought her a coffee and two- gave her sole driving privileges. Though, Rose reasoned, if he really, really wanted to, nothing was stopping him from taking control of the entire metal body of the car and doing something, uh, uncool.
Now, silence had fallen, save for the sound of the tires on the road, the low, hazy music on the radio, and the wind whistling through the cracked window. A new place. Each hill, each dip in the land, each ancient stone tower standing sentinel against the sky, each meter of road racing beneath them, each was new.
They were out.
They were free.
All of them. Even Moreau. They had retreated from the carnage of the village after Rose's dramatic little declaration to Chris, and Moreau had insisted, with his newfound confidence, the Lords go and check on his followers down by the reservoir.
They were there, all right, the group of robed cultists shivering in the frigid dawn, bare feet blue in the snow. They were used to castle life, after all. But Moppet bounded toward him with a squeal of delight and threw herself into Moreau's arms, raining kisses down on his face and slimy lips while Moreau held her.
"Your holy relic saved us, Lord Moreau!" Moppet said, between kisses. "The phial you gave me so long ago? It spared all of us from the wolves!"
"Thank goodness," Moreau mumbled. "Thank goodness. If...if I had lost you...if I had lost you for good..."
His eyes were squeezed shut, the contentment on his face undeniable. Rose thought of the glimpse she'd seen of him before, the earnest love on his face as he'd spoken to Miranda and Eva. The face might look a little different, but the love was the same. Better, now. Moppet looked at him exactly the same way.
At last, Moppet stood back, flushed and giggling, and Moreau faced Rose and the Lords once more.
"Come with us," Rose urged. "Your followers, too. You're always a part of this family."
Moreau gave her a look of gentle melancholy. "No, Rosemary," he told her. "I...I will never...never be...welcome out there. Beyond. Once, maybe, I..." He paused for a moment, staring hard into the distance. "A long, long time ago, maybe, I would have...wanted. But now...no more. No longer. I have found something...something...better."
He glanced at Moppet. "And where...I belong."
"Okay," Rose said. She swooped forward and gave him a little peck on the cheek. "You know best."
He touched his cheek, then bobbed his head up and down in a firm nod. "I will see you..." he said, then seemed to ponder. "Again," he decided. "Perhaps."
"Good luck, Salvatore," Rose told him. "All of you."
"See ya, fishstick," Heisenberg said gruffly, elbowing Moreau in the side. "Take care of the dame, now, won't you?"
"Forever," Moreau said, taking Moppet's hand, holding it tight between his own.
And, later, Rose stood by as Moreau led his people to a cleft in a rocky cliff, a cave mouth leading down and down into darkness. One by one, they stepped through, Moppet holding aloft a lantern, her back laden with a pack full of supplies, each of the other cultists now outfitted for the journey- to where, Rose had no idea. A better place, perhaps, than Moreau had ever known. A kinder one. A crystal city, far beneath the earth.
A paradise, where they would be safe forever.
It wasn't her place to know. She simply watched as Moreau's followers vanished into the darkness, as Moppet's lantern bobbed, a ball of light, then a point, then a pinprick, then gone altogether.
Dimitrescu, too. Once Moreau and his followers set out, the rest of them, bruised and exhausted and starving, had trooped up to the castle to huddle in the dark, dank, dusty rooms and rest as best they could. The first floor, and the entry wing to the castle, was still crusted with Moreau's slime- pretty wrecked- not to mention the ominous pool of dried gore that covered the cracked floor of the main hall.
Dimitrescu merely smiled at this.
"My dinner," she said, "disagreed with me." and extended a single nail to pick at some invisible scrap between her clean white teeth.
Past the first floor, however, Rose couldn't help but gasp at the splendor. Glossy white walls covered with ornamental gilt, sconces molded in the shapes of flowers, gleaming mahogany and priceless artworks. The layer of dust and grime over it all couldn't disguise that this place totally freaking ruled. Rose decided to not ask to have a look at the basement. Preserve the illusion, and all that.
Dimitrescu vanished somewhere in the maze of corridors, leaving Rose, Donna, Angie, and Heisenberg to pass out on one of the gargantuan four-posters in one of the castle's many bedrooms, to hide from the sound of helicopters outside, to stuff down as much preserved meat and tinned goods and priceless wine as they could scavenge from the kitchens.
Eventually, days later, Dimitrescu re-emerged. Rose had looked up from her book, from which she'd been reading a story to Donna and Angie. Her eyes got big. If Lady Dimitrescu had been intimidating before, fixed up and dressed to the nines she was nothing short of breathtaking. Swathed in shimmering silver silk jersey, in smoke-gray furs soft as snowfall, rope of pearls at her throat, black hat perched on her fresh, gleaming curls, she set a long cigarette holder to her crimson lips and exhaled blue into the gloom.
"Fuck, Alci," Heisenberg said, as a wave of expensive amber-musk perfume rolled across them. "Something die in here?"
"Shut up, you disgusting little rat," she snapped, and took another drag on her cigarette. She seemed to gather herself, then turned with a smile to face Rose.
"Child," she said. "I wish to offer my most...sincere thanks for your involvement in the reclamation of my castle. And I wish to convey how deeply sorry I am that I must, now, say farewell."
"What?" Rose closed her book. "You're leaving, too?"
Heisenberg let out a bark of triumphant laughter.
"Indeed," Dimitrescu said, with a glare toward him and a slight edge to her voice. "I know you and your...caretaker...will be wanting to travel together, and that simply will not do for me. Besides. The events here...our brother's regeneration...my own...and yours," she added, nodding to Donna. "All of it has made me consider...mmm...future paths I thought had been closed to me."
A distant look filled her eyes, her self-satisfied smirk fading. "Future paths I thought were long gone," she went on.
"Your daughters?" Rose asked.
Dimitrescu looked down on her again. "Indeed."
"They...they might not have regenerated, like you did," Rose said, tentatively. "They weren't Lords."
"No," Dimitrescu agreed. "But consider this, child. When your father slaughtered them, and sold them, and smiled at my misfortune, all hope was lost. And I was lost with it. All things, shattered. All loyalties, tested. Now, there is hope again. And though it may end in blood and tears for me...for them- for my darling girls- I will risk it."
She took up an oxblood traveling-case- stamped, Rose noticed, with the House Dimitrescu crest.
"I will return," she said, casting her gaze about the heights of the room, about the castle beyond. "Rest assured. But for now..."
A feral glint entered her eyes.
"...I must have words with the Duke."
Donna, meanwhile, was fast asleep in the back of the range rover, impervious to the bumps and jostles in the uneven road. Rose glanced at her in the rearview mirror. She'd shed her usual eyepatch, her hair down around her shoulders, and though she still tended toward gothy shades and heeled lace-up boots, she'd begun to branch out a little from mourning clothes.
Now, for the special occasion, she'd worn a long embroidered skirt, a brooch at her throat she said had belonged to her mother, and a gray woolen coat she'd made herself. Her arms were curled loosely around Angie, and at her side, tucked for safekeeping under the other seat belt, was an intricately-wrapped box tied with a ribbon.
"Heh. Honk the horn," Heisenberg said.
"Oh my god. You are evil."
He made a wild lunge for the horn. Rose cracked her elbow right into his face. Donna slept on. The moors rolled past, and eventually Rose and Heisenberg quieted down again, and the silence came in, and the wind, and they caught their first glimpse of the sea.
It came up fast- one moment the land seemed endless, and then it broke away, and the ocean spread before them. Vast; endless. Heisenberg leaned forward a little, tipping his glasses up on his head. He'd never seen the ocean before leaving the village with her. What an impossible wonder it must have seemed. What sheer emptiness. Rose wondered if that first sight had been exhilarating to him, or terrifying. She didn't ask. She didn't want to break the silence.
She didn't ask, either, about Mia.
She'd vanished from the chaos. She'd never turned up at the castle. Maybe the BSAA had taken her. And maybe- after what Heisenberg had told her during their several days hiding out in the castle- she'd had her eye on a different goal. Even now, thinking of her, a boil of vindictive heat twisted in Rose's guts. After all she'd done, she'd get away without incident? With Ethan's body? Still. Rose couldn't exactly hold her crimes against her, not for long. How could she, when she'd done what she did for the Four Lords?
They were out, now, free in the world. She'd given them all the means to do what they'd done under Miranda, to be monsters anew. And what monsters they'd once been. A village, destroyed. Decades of pain and suffering, nightmares inflicted on the innocent. Nightmares the scope of which she couldn't truly understand, could only witness through the dreams of the dead. And there was no accounting for that. No true forgiveness. Not unless the dead returned. And that wasn't possible, not for everyone.
But it could end. And now, maybe, it had. And that was all she had. She could only hope it would prove enough.
The road ended in a small car park, empty of other vehicles. Rose parked and killed the engine, dropping down to the dusty pavement. Donna stirred as Rose rapped on the window, then followed Heisenberg out past the pavement, wading through the golden, knee-high grass, all the way to the place where the world ended.
Seagulls mewed and tilted, tossed on the high breeze. The waves crashed at the cliff foot, great sprays of freezing spume and swells of deep, dark blue. The color of the ocean wasn't constant; it shifted, one moment a vivid glass-green, the next a deep, pensive gray, fading to mist out at the point where sky met sea.
Even in early August, the chill of the sea wind was sharp, biting through Rose's jean jacket and into her skin. She shivered. Heisenberg shifted closer, knocking his warm shoulder to hers.
"Happy birthday, kid," he told her.
"Don't mention it."
"Why this place?"
"Ah." She lifted an eyebrow. "You are looking at what will soon be the most beautiful sunset in Britain. According to this one article I read online, anyway. I thought...y'know. Not to get mushy, but I thought it'd be a good place to...begin. Again. Formally. You know, since it's my birthday, a big marker, kind of a nice symbolic breaking-off point-"
"Yeah, I get it."
"Okay, okay." She shut up, watching the waves. "Thanks."
"Without you, I wouldn't be here to turn seventeen and stare at the stupid water."
He smirked. "And don't you forget it."
Rose snorted and rolled her eyes, then looked back at Donna by the range rover, struggling with the hamper.
"Guess we should help her or something," Heisenberg muttered.
"Could just stand here and watch her."
"Careful, kid. You're starting to sound like me."
The three of them together set up near the cliff's edge, spreading a blanket over the grass, weighing it down with jars of honey, cheese and bread, Romanian dishes with pronunciations Donna coached her through. A thermos of tea, full of rich spices that melted on the tongue. And, inside the intricate box, jewel-like pastries so delicately-made they could have only come from Donna's hands. Angie tore at one like a starving raccoon, while Rose marveled at the chocolate tarts and honey-and-walnut mucenici, savoring each bite. She opened presents- a handmade blouse, jacket, and trousers from Donna, embroidered with black and gold roses, and from Heisenberg-
"Since you lost your sword, and all," he said as she lifted the knife from the grease-stained paper grocery bag he'd crumpled around it in place of wrappings. Its blade flared deep-blue in the dying sunlight, and when Rose took its hilt, it fit her hand like she'd been born with it there. She ran her thumb over the thorny vines worked into the crossguard.
"I..." she started. She had to cough and start over. "...I didn't know you were capable of making anything this pretty."
"Shut up and say thank you."
The sun began to set. It sank toward the sea; it melted, and set the wind afire, painting a river of gold over the tops of the waves. The bite of the wind sharpened, and Rose and Heisenberg and Donna and Angie ended up huddled together, like they had been in the castle.
Rose rested her chin on the tops of her knees, staring out toward the horizon. Ouroboros was still out there. She'd take it down, it and so many monstrous things like it. The BSAA, too, and Chris, and her mother. But that was all for another day. For now, she could sit and watch the sunset, taste the wind, the scent of endings bitter on her tongue.
The end of another day.
The beginnings of a new one.
She shifted. Heisenberg looped his arm over her shoulders. She tipped her head sideways against his shoulder, her fingers loosely interlaced with Donna's.
"Drat," Donna said, softly.
"What is it?"
"I think I may have left the stove on in that...strange little house we stayed in."
"Broke in," Heisenberg said.
"Hm. Well..." Her expression became sly. "...I hope they don't mind."
Rose snorted. "You're the coolest aunt ever."
Donna turned bright red, hugging Angie. The doll gibbered at her, and Donna turned up her sleeve, made a small nick in the dead-white flesh of her inner arm, and allowed the tendrils of the Cadou within Angie's head latch onto the cut and feed on the blood. Rose watched, fascinated. Coolest aunt ever, indeed.
"Aha," Heisenberg said, suddenly. "Almost forgot." He reached inside his coat and pulled forth a folder, thin and sepia-stained and tied with twine, stamped with the Ouroboros serpent. Rose lifted her eyebrows as he held it up.
"Did-" she started.
"Did Mia send me this via that weird airmail envelope that courier handed me last week? Yeah. Dunno how the fuck she got ahold of it, but, uh..."
A small black and white photograph was paperclipped to the front. A little boy, facing front, dressed in an old-fashioned collared shirt and V-neck sweater. His round face and bowl-cut hair were those of a stranger, but Rose knew his eyes all too well.
"It's your file," she murmured.
"Sure is. The real deal." His whole life. All the lost decades of it, pieced together by Ouroboros researchers in some distant facility. His past, there in his hands.
"Are you gonna open it?" Rose asked.
Heisenberg considered. Then, in one movement, he tossed it. It spun into the air and over the edge of the cliff, gone in an instant.
"Nah," he said.
He settled again by Rose's side. The three of them watched the sun, watched it sink beneath the horizon, watched the shadows creep long over the sea.
Rose felt a stirring of dread at the darkness, so like the depths of the Black God, the depths of Miranda's grief. She still didn't fully understand what she'd inherited, what it meant for the future. She'd probably never understand it, not unless she lived, as Miranda had said, a long, long life.
And as to who she was?
Maybe there were no real answers.
Heisenberg must have sensed her discomfit. He gave her cheek a light poke with his thumb. "You okay, kid?"
"Yeah. Just..." She let out her breath. "You'll always have my back, right?"
"As demonstrated."
She looked up at him, and Donna. And yeah, they were terrible. And yeah, they'd done some really, really bad shit. And yeah, they were all mutant monsters.
But so was she.
It filled her, then, with a pang so strong it was close to pain. That she was so she was who she was, in this place, in this body. That they were there with her.
She leaned into Heisenberg, squeezed Donna's hand. "Good that I found you again."
It didn't matter who she was. She'd figure out everything she needed to know herself. And she wouldn't be alone, not even if the night grew dark and the wolves began to howl. They would be with her every step of the path.
"Not gonna get sick of us monsters, kid?" Heisenberg said.
"You're not just monsters," Rose told him. "You're worse. You're family."
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mainfaggot · 1 year ago
i need a fucking cigarette
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mitski-creature · 4 months ago
lost my way in the chaos. cant find my way back. know i might if i truly tried. dont think I want to.
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years ago
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zzward: Beauty is everywhere🤍
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aces-and-kings · 2 years ago
Just a reminder this is this weekend! A quick note because I've been asked a lot. You do NOT have to be in the discord to attend. If you'd like to show up in game and just hangout with fellow artists go right ahead! Alternatively if you'd rather just sit in the discord and listen in on tips / chat / watch streams that is also fine! No pressure either way. Happy Creating!
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🎨🎉 Encouraging Art Extravaganza! 🎉🎨
🗓️ When: Sunday, August 13th, 2023 📍 Where: Crystal - Zalera - Goblet - Ward 28 - Plot 47 🎮 Discord: FFXIV SWAP [DM hosts for an invite!]
Unleash Your Creative Spirit!
Calling all artists, seasoned pros, and fresh talents alike! Don't miss the 'Venom Brand Co. & FFXIV Swap' ART PARTY hosted by @humblemooncat & @aces-and-kings! Embrace your inner artist! No worries or insecurities!
💬 Collaborate, and create with amazing individuals! 🎁 Share tips, tricks, and spread artistic vibes. Streams will be going in addition to in-game hangout and chat! 🎊 Make friends, work on commissions, or even surprise someone with a gift! There's no agenda, only encouragement and fun! 🖼️ Let's celebrate art at all stages – YOURS included!
🎨🎉Hope to see you there! 🎉🎨
special thanks to: @sae-mian, @wyrmwinds, @vasheden, @certifiedzetamoment, @humblemooncat, @lilvulpix-alex, @bnuuywol and @sasslett for encouraging and supporting this event! Frans!
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urmum-lovesme · 2 months ago
Masterlist ! 28/02/25
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Thank you for reading and supporting my work it means the world to me
I love you all !!! <3 - Lula ♥
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Outer Banks:
Rafe Cameron
Toxic!Rafe when he gets jealous
Toxic!Rafe when he doesn't like what his girl is wearing
Toxic!Rafe when Ward pisses him off
The Gas Station -
pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pregnant!Reader
summary: Y/n is in her final trimester of her pregnancy and Rafe is eager to make sure the birth of his first baby goes smoothly, but thanks to Y/n's stubbornness they find themselves stuck in a pretty sticky situation with the last two people they expected.
Drabbles => ^^^(Baby Cameron! au) Dad!Rafe and late night wake ups
Dad!Rafe coming home to an unexpected visitor
Dad!Rafe and baby Cameron’s first laugh. . .
Dad!Rafe trying to bake a cake with baby Cameron. . .
The Globe -
pairing: Biker!Rafe Cameron x Stripper!Reader
summary: Rafe and Y/n both work at ‘The Globe’, the best strip club on the island, known for their famous ‘globe of death’ performances. Although their relationship is meant to be strictly professional, they can’t seem to deny the tension that lingers between them one night after they perform… (smut)
Angel Baby -
pairing: Best Friend!Rafe Cameron x Kook!Best-Friend!reader
summary: Rafe and Reader have known each other since kindergarten, always side by side, the king and princess of Figure 8. So why now does he start feeling different towards her, when all she's ever been is his best friend?
Angel Baby - P1 After some dances and drunken antics their teasing continues, but there’s an undeniable tension beneath their friendship, one that neither is quite ready to address.
Angel Baby - P2 After an uncomfortable confrontation with his father at a tense family dinner, Rafe retreats to the bathroom, and Y/n follows to check on him. As the night progresses, the tension between them simmers, hinting at a shift from friendship to something more.
Angel Baby - P3 Y/N invites Rafe, Topper, and Kelce for a yacht day, they relax in the sun yet Rafe finds himself distracted by Y/N leaving him wrestling with feelings he thought were long buried.
Angel Baby - P4 Rafe’s tension with Y/N reaches a breaking point when she realises what he's brought onto the yacht causing old memories to resurface. Realising his mistake, Rafe follows her apologising, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, Rafe admits he’s been struggling alone.
Angel Baby - P5 As the night unfolds, what started as a simple bet leaves Rafe feeling uneasy. Forced to deal with his loss to the girl; shared looks, lingering touches, and unspoken words lead to an intimate moment the two left wondering if everything is about to change between them.
Angel Baby - P6 The group meet the new talk of the town at the country club, and Y/n realises she has a chance to distract herself from the boy who's been plaguing her mind recently. Stuck with her family, Rafe prioritises the Kook Princess as he realises the truth about what he feels for his best friend.
Angel Baby - P7 Midsummer's evening stirs up playful tension and deepens emotions between Rafe and Y/n due to their yearly tradition. The girl's behaviour tests Rafe’s self-control and results in him doing something which changes the way he see's her.
Angel Baby - P8 An awkward tension lingers between Y/n and Rafe, and when he finds out who she's been speaking to it only gets worse. The two step back in time to celebrate the boy's progress but when they start something that Rafe isn't ready to finish, Y/n's heart shatters.
Angel Baby - P9 Everyone gathers to celebrate the Kook Princess's birthday, and Y/n tries her best to forget about Rafe. However when she finds him doing something she'd never expect it fractures the facade they've been putting up in front of others causing things to be said that can't be taken back.
Angel Baby - P10 It's halloween in the OBX, and Y/n isn't sure if she's ready to let go of what's happened. Rafe makes a petty attempt to make amends however when he realises something about the night seems off, he finds something that changes the situation completely.
Angel Baby - P11 Y/n struggles to come to terms with what happened on Halloween night, whilst Rafe is stuck dealing with the consequences of his impulsive actions. However, in a moment of vulnerability, the two finally see eye to eye amongst the wreckage of the past weeks.
Angel Baby - P12. The day of the greatly anticipated court case all of the OBX has been anticipating has finally arrived. Rafe and Y/n have to deal with the legal consequences and Y/n is overcome by guilt as she realises she’s not as ready as she thought she was, but will they finally have peace after the ordeal is over?
Angel Baby - P13 Y/n tries her best to get back to normalcy, however she find it hard coming to terms with the verdict of the case. When an unexpected revelation comes to light, she can't hold back anymore, and Rafe is left picking up the broken pieces.
Angel Baby - P14 Y/n has a chance to claim justice for her mistreatment, all whilst finding out that healing takes longer than she expected. Rafe is eager to find out what's happened, and a night between the two leads them to the beach.
Angel Baby - 15. Things have gone back to normal now, but the lingering spark between Y/n and Rafe still hasn’t disappeared. When the day that Rafe dreads all year draws near, the two finally tell each other the truth.
~ ~ ~
Angel Baby! Extras
Angel Baby!Texts
Angel Baby!Texts
Angel Baby!Texts
JJ Maybank
Sunshine Thoughts on JJ Maybank x Kook! Sunshine! Reader...
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spookyvalentine · 4 months ago
fifty (more) questions for rook
‼���SPOILERS: companions and plot! Under readmore for next sixty days‼️
Round one (no spoilers)
The second round! Mostly concerning companions… eventually there will be more plot-specific questions
1. How did Rook and Varric meet? What’s their relationship like?
2. A scene from Rook’s year with Varric and Lace:
3. What are Rook’s first impressions of Solas?
4. What does Solas think of Rook?
5. Who does Rook romance? What was the moment that sparked their interest?
6. Describe Rook through the eyes of their LI(s):
7. How does their romance start?
8. Rook and their LI(s) first kiss:
9. A sweet scene between Rook and their LI(s):
10. A spicy scene between Rook and their LI(s):
11. What’s their relationship like?
12. An argument between Rook and their LI(s):
13. What would Rook’s LI(s) say are their flaws?
14. Do any romances bloom between the other Veilguard companions? What does Rook think of the pairings?
15. Who else has a crush on Rook?
16. Which companions does Rook like most?
17. Any companions they don’t get along with? How does Rook navigate this?
18. Does anyone notice Rook talking to Varric? Do they say anything?
19. A scene from book club (or another group activity):
20. Which faction allies does Rook like best? Do they dislike anyone?
21. What’s Rook’s relationship with Assan? What about Manfred?
22. In Rook’s opinion, was the best meal Bellara prepared? And Lucanis?
23. What does Isabela think, when she meets Rook? What’s their relationship?
24. What were the thoughts growing through Rook’s head, at D’Meta’s Crossing? What did they decide to do with the mayor?
25. Does Rook save Minrathous or Treviso? How did they decide?
26. What does Rook tell Emmrich, when he asks them about funerary rite preferences?
27. Dorian’s opinion of Rook:
28. What does Rook think of Dorian?
29. Do the companions give Rook any gifts?
30. Does Rook give their companions any additional gifts?
31. Which locations (Docktown, Arlathan etc) does Rook like to visit the most? And the least?
32. Did Rook uncover Solas’s memories? Any particular revelation shake them especially?
33. What does the Inquisitor think, when they first meet Rook?
34. What’s Rook’s opinion of the Inquisitor? What’s it like, working together?
35. Who do they support to become Archon, and why?
36. Does Rook support Emmrich’s aspirations of lichdom?
37. Who does Rook find themself turning to for advice?
38. Which companions best compliment Rook’s abilities on the battlefield?
39. What’s it been like, living in the Lighthouse?
40. What was going through Rook’s head, facing down the first archdemon at Weisshaupt?
41. Who does Rook choose to bring down the wards, Neve or Bellara? How do they feel about the outcome?
42. Who leads the second charge, Lace or Davrin? What is Rook’s response, at the end?
43. What does Rook do if they can’t sleep?
44. A scene where Rook or a companion is seriously injured:
45. Does Rook have any disabilities or prosthetics?
46. What does Rook think of being the leader of the Veilguard?
47. A scene at the Lighthouse while Rook is still trapped in the Fade:
48. Does Rook have any unfinished personal business that needs to be resolved? (What’s their loyalty quest?)
49. A scene between Rook and their LI(s) before the final showdown:
50. What ending does Rook choose for Solas?
+1 What is Rook’s ending?
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yahoo201027 · 2 years ago
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June 28: Happy 72nd Birthday to English Actress Lalla Ward, who portrayed the Second Incarnation of the companion to the Fourth Incarnation of The Doctor as the Doctor Who character of Romana, or rather Romana II, following Mary Tamm’s departure from 1979 up until her departure in 1981.
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