#Wacky bullshit can save us all
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the timeline of maya becoming legal counsel is as follows:
-her older sister, mia fey is a successful defense attorney, and the mentor to series protagonist Phoenix Wright
-she then promptly dies during the first game. maya is accused of murdering her
-phoenix defends maya in court and it is revealed that she did not, in fact kill her sister! and neither did he, as he does get accused of this later during the court proceedings.
-after this ordeal she just sorta becomes besties with phoenix and decides to hire herself as his assistant. sometimes she channels mia to help him during trials, but she usually doesn't.
All Five Accusations were False. (4/5 of these charges were against maya.) there's only one case in the series where your defendant is guilty- case 2-4, "farewell, my turnabout". during this case, maya is kidnapped and held for ransom by an assassin named Shelley de Killer (he killed the guy, but the defendant is the one who hired him). maya is my favorite character
Can she channel the murder victims or like does there need to be an existing bond before they died
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tobiasdrake · 1 year ago
Yuma's found his nerve.
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Creed says you're supposed to be a lone wolf and rely on nobody. But hey, maybe the creed's full of shit. Maybe you should take it down and burn it as soon as you get back to the agen--
Oh, wait, Makoto already did that for us.
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Thanks, brother-from-another-test-tube!
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Just. Don't. Lose sight of the "to make everyone happy" clause of that. The truth doesn't necessarily make everyone happy in and of itself. Like all things, what matters most is what you do with it.
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I think it's worth trying. Why don't you? Better to reach for the stars and fall short than to keep your feet on the ground and never strive for more.
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The reveal that Mystery Phantom Yuma was Mystery Phantom Makoto all along is a clever twist. I like that.
It was a sitcom-esque Wacky Misunderstanding! I called that! I just thought he was going to be Real Yuma.
Also, fuck you and your adherence to the Great Man of History philosophy. I don't think either Yuma or Makoto can singlehandedly save Kanai Ward. But I have faith that Kanai Ward can save Kanai Ward.
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Yuma: Yuma Kokohead quit to go make ramen! That means his name and identity can be mine now, for good! No backsies! Makoto: Wait, so you're forsaking the name and identity of Number One entirely? Yuma: You heard me. Makoto: Oh cool. That means we don't even need to fight anymore. I get to be Number One now, for good. Yuma: Wait, that's not what I-- Makoto: Ah ah ah, no backsies. Yuma: I'm not going to let you take over the WDO! Makoto: Be quiet, Yuma. I don't think a rookie detective should speak that way to his boss. Now go make me a pot of coffee!
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Danganronpa's always struggled with making its climax feel intense. For a series that is essentially just people standing around talking at each other until they can figure out the solution, it's hard to give it that CLIMACTIC. ACTION. FEEL. How do you make a Final Boss Fight in a mystery-solver?
Ace Attorney runs into similar issues, having to strike a careful balance between dynamically fighting off an archvillain with words and oh my god when will it end why is he still going.
But here? Here, we get to punch the bad guy right in his fucking face.
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It's a nice bit of escalation with some genuinely cool imagery.
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That ultimately does little to disguise the fact that this fight is still just Yuma briefly summarizing the facts of the case, then smacking the facts with his sword to make them bean Makoto in the face.
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Sounds fake but go on.
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That sounds more believable. Makoto wanted to do all of this in the Mystery Labyrinth so that he could take another look at everything he's done and reassess himself and the decisions he's made. I can believe that. That sounds like a thing he'd do.
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You took too much on yourself, man. That's the problem with the WDO's creed. It discourages cooperation.
As I've often said, there is no greater problem-solving resource than another human being. Kanai Ward doesn't need a Great Man of History to save it. It needs a chance to crowdsource a better solution.
I don't know what the answer is. I don't have a PHD in genetics or culinary arts. But someone might.
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Hold up, are we talking about turning off the cloud generator right now? Because that's not the right answer. Definitely not.
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Your options suck and I hate you. Let's do something else instead.
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Oh shit, they really are going to make us choose. The metaphysics demand it.
I mean. Obviously we reap Makoto's soul. It's the only way to leave and it's not like it will matter anyway. It has been firmly established that homunculi can regenerate from soul-reaping. If the defective homunculi can do it then Makoto can too. This wouldn't kill him in any way that matters.
I don't want to kill Makoto. I think he has good intentions and just needs to learn to see past his own bullshit. Fortunately, this won't kill him so let's bounce!
I mean, it probably will actually perma-kill him despite violating the internal consistency of the game's metaphysics. Writers tend to forget what they've already established when they try to write these Cruel Choice conclusions. That same problem hit Life is Strange like a ton of brick with their poorly-conceived final choice.
But I choose to hold the game to what it's previously established. If soul-reaping could perma-kill homunculi then we wouldn't have seen Yakou and the other killers in the Restricted Area.
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If your metaphysics will allow that, sure.
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Yuma's coming around. Discarding emotion to reach a logical conclusion is a bad way of helping people.
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My dude, idealism solves everything. No progress would ever been made if it weren't for idealistic fools believing it could be done. We wouldn't have planes today if some dipshit hadn't gone, "I'm gonna try to fly, and fuck you if you think I can't."
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I did not think we'd actually get Yuma this far but he made it! Let's crowdsource this shit! In this complex moral debate between Yuma and Makoto, I fucking won!
This final chapter has been extremely validating for me. ^_^
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nicoveil · 9 months ago
Chucky show s3 ended. And I pray it’s the last.
And I want to rant about it.
Chucky s1-3 spoilers below ⬇️
Okay. I first wanna say that I fucking love the child’s play series. Even seed. These movies were my childhood and i love how wacky they got. When the chucky show came out I loved the series even more.
Episode 1 was interesting to me enough that I watched more. I loved that there was a gay main character in this horror tv show. Everything was fine until Jake saved Lexi from falling. That’s when it all went to shit
Lexi is one of the most insufferable characters I’ve had the misfortune of seeing in a television show. She could not be any less interesting or annoying if the writers tried. Giving her that drvg add1ction shit in s2 was the most bullshit way to make us like a character.
Like, I’m sorry? That your family is dead? Join the rest of the group?
She felt like such a unneeded character that only got relevance later on because her sister is a psycho.
S2 was an entire mess I really don’t even wanna talk about. Missed opportunity imo. Could’ve been great. Then it wasn’t. Only mf I have a shit about was Andy. I don’t even remember the ending to be honest.
S3 was at least better that 2, which isn’t saying much. Though I will say i wasn’t a fan of seeing Jake and Devon get cockblock like 4 times. Or seeing Lexi give such a shit about her sister that it lead her to date the presidents son, giving us a boring ass relationship and cringy ass scenes. And I’m sorry, I know ghost are technically real in this universe cause chucky is.. alive still. But seeing them interact with people and be poorly green screened blue dumb asses wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest.
This show truly should’ve been an anthology series. Cause Fuck Jake.
Jake is such a boring character later on in the show. Like we cared more about lexis sister than Jake.. the main character. I’m glad Jake got possessed in the finale, it’s what I needed. Jake content. Him reconnecting with his dad, zacks surprisingly good chucky impression?, and him being in the spotlight was what I wanted to see. Sadly, they forced all that into 1 episode, just like Nicas character for this season. Ohhh nica. I’m so sorry girl.
Jake, Devon, and Lexi being turned into dolls in the end wasn’t actually that bad. I wanted them to be dolls tbh (Jake and nica especially). But they’re so fucking ugly im not sorry.
Id get into my hatred for how glen and Glenda turned out.. but that’s a whole other essay I can write.
Overall. This show was bad. I’m sorry but it was, I’m surprised fans.. like it? There’s a lot of good stuff i like, but it’s so shit I can’t even forgive it.
Fuck u chucky.
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thessalian · 1 year ago
Faerun!Alisaie vs Moonrise Towers
And, up at Moonrise Towers, where eeeeverybody hates us now, and there are an awful lot of charred corpses
Alisaie: Well. Are we sure Aylin needs us here?
Jaheira: You want her to have all the fun?
Alisaie: No, but given she's left holy fire everywhere to burn the shit out of everybody? I think she might be a little careless about her allies. Then again, she's been trapped as living source of perma-healing for gods know how long, so I guess her being all killing-frenzy is understandable. Wanna come with?
Jaheira: I would not miss it.
Shadowheart: I still want to know what his deal is. I mean, maybe it's just me unevenly lapsing out of a cult, but I know what I did to start that uneven lapse; what the hell did he do?
Alisaie: Fuck if I know, but I figure it has something to do with his wife or some shit like that. Love makes you do the wacky. Anyway, let's go.
A long protracted fight with a whole lot of cultists later
Jaheira: Why are we wandering aimlessly around this tower?!? We need to get to Ketherick!
Alisaie: Potions, poisons, better weapons--
Gale: Ooh, books. *yanks protruding book from shelf*
Zombies: *rise and start attacking people*
Alisaie: Why does he even have that book?
Stabnation: *is incredibly brief*
Gale: All right. Carefully. *pulls another protruding book*
Pedestal: *clicks*
Gale: All right ... this is a locking mechanism. I ... don't know what it needs to make it open, though. Doesn't look like a key.
Alisaie: Given the fact that most of these acolytes are carrying humanoid hearts? I can guess.
Gale: *puppyeyes*
Alisaie: ...OhforfuckssakeGale... *picks up heart* Ew ew ew ew ew ew... *puts it on the pedestal*
Secret Room: *opens*
Controller Person: ...Given what happened in my own D&D group a few sessions ago? IRONY.
Once the looting of the tower was done, up to the roof
Alisaie: Huh. You've actually heard of me. I thought I left fewer of your so-called family alive to talk about me. Anyway, I restored the natural order. Big whoop.
Ketherick: Welp. Don't know what you expected to get out of this. Not like I'm getting redemption any time soon.
Alisaie: There's always a place for redemption. And while killing you would be kind of justified, given the shit you've pulled, I'm feeling like being the better person and letting you fucking repent before you die, just so you can see your poor dead wife again. Who would really not agree with any of this bullshit. Just FYI.
Ketherick: For a seeming pragmatist, you have some weird ideas about being able to redeem yourself from anything.
Alisaie: Where there's life, there's hope?
Alisaie: *facepalm* OhforfuckssakeIwasgettingtohim...
Ketherick: Okay, no, hell with this. BOW.
Artefact: *says NOPE*
Ketherick: YOU had it this whole time?!? Oh, that's it; I'm just going to break you people.
Stabnation: *ensues*
Stabnation: *is interrupted by giant tentacle yoinking him away and down*
Ketherick: *as he's yoinked* AND YOU'LL GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BAAAAaaaaack...
Jaheira: His dau-- wait. ISOBEL? Oh, FUCK no.
Alisaie: Explains a lot about why he sent that Marcus jackass, though. Anyway. That happened.
Wyll: Maybe we should have explored the dungeon a little more.
Alisaie: And let a bunch of traumatised tieflings and deep gnomes either sit in jail or go down into what's probably a fucking mind flayer colony? Are you nuts?
Wyll: No, but--
Jaheira: Hey. This is interesting and all, but... You're going after him, right?
Wyll: My father's probably down there! As well as some devil I really don't give a shit about but who not-saving might turn me into a lemure!
Gale: That's a thought. If it is Mizora as Alisaie theorises, would she be able to turn you into a lemure if you didn't save her? Does the contract extend past her death or mind-flayerdom or however that works?
Wyll: Much as I hate to say it, but if we don't rescue her, at best they get a powerful mind flayer. At worst? One of these True Souls with the power of a devil!
Alisaie: And it is all the leverage in the world to get her to break that fucking pact.
Jaheira: Excuse me, but Ketherick is below and he needs killing!
Alisaie: Yeah, and we're getting there, but we need a breather. And I'm honestly more worried about what we'll have to go through to get to him than I am about facing him again.
Jaheira: ...The fuck?
Wyll: Alisaiiiiiiie ... what did you do?
Alisaie: I haven't used the magic part of my ability suite for so long, you all forgot I had it, didn't you? I cast Heat Metal on him ... and he dropped something. *holds up Ketherick's hammer*
Gale; Wyll; Shadowheart; Jaheira: ...............
Shadowheart: One of the many reasons I love that woman. Let's go.
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latveriansnailmail · 2 years ago
Justice League in D&D
Today's thought experiment for my idle mind while my hands were doing work. This is in response to those videos I see in my recs along the lines of, How To Play This Jackoff Or Other In D&D5E!!! I never click on them because I usually don't see the point and I know I'll disagree anyway but today I went down a mental rabbit hole because why not? It's whatever, something to think about.
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To simulate the Big Seven mainstays of the JLA I think we can all agree that they'd be very high level if not top tier and we'd need a DM who was a pushover and actively trying to facilitate this outcome. A couple of these guys, namely Superman and Martian Manhunter, are going to be outlandish. Here's what I have:
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Batman This one's easy. Everyone argues that he's got Monk levels and I could be convinced that he has a couple but I see him as Standard Human for those unrealistic stats, Noble background (quite possibly the Knight), and stack levels of Inquisitive Rogue to the heavens. Use a feat for Improved Unarmed Strike (or whatever they call it nowadays) and boom, you've got a rich human being with skills and expertise out the yin yang who specializes in stealth, surprise attacks, investigation, and foiling villains more powerful than himself.
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Green Lantern Another easy one. Variant Human with a Willpower type feat to push those wisdom saves to the heights. Soldier background for Stewart or (yawn) Hal; Guild Artisan background for Kyle. Straight Sorcerer with a focus on force constructs like Bigby's Hand, as well as Flight and anything that'll help survive the void of space.
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Wonder Woman Another straightforward one but with an odd choice for race: Goliath. She is made out of earth, after all. Noble Background. Full levels of Oath of Redemption Paladin. Get a feat for deflecting projectiles and some magic gear and skew her spells towards influence, but she won't be using them because for the most part she'll be funneling them into Smites. She is a great advocate for peace but she will annihilate anyone who violates the peace. Rest in peace or rest in pieces.
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Aquaman (Arthur Curry) The last straightforward one, I'd say Sea Elf with (again) a Noble background. I don't think Druid because he doesn't wild shape and does use metal. Instead, full levels of Beast Master Ranger.
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Flash (Barry Allen) Here's where we have to start getting weird. Standard Human, maybe Folk Hero background? Dude's popular. Then we multiclass him Monk/Wizard. I did say weird. You would think Open Hand but I say Drunken Master with Alchemist's Tools subbed out for Brewer's Supplies. Then perhaps War Mage for the improved initiative. Take spells of Passwall, Lightning Bolt, Planar Shift, it's doable.
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Martian Manhunter Now we're going to needle that indulgent DM. The best way I figured out to make him was, get this, race: a friggin' TROLL: strength, reach, regeneration, and a vulnerability to fire. Background Sage or Soldier (Sage suits better). Then, get this, Whispers Bard with the instruments swapped for skill proficiencies. Polymorph, Disguise Self, LOTS of influence spells, Passwall from Magical Secrets, and then mundane social Skills and useful proficiencies. WACKY. I made him a Bard. I am on some bullshit.
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Superman And finally there's the Man of Steel. I warned you that bullshit was afoot and we'd need a fool of a DM. The thing is, Supes is not in Player Character Race/Background/Class territory. He doesn't actually have that many powers, just stats that are out of this world. He's not a fighter or a caster or an expert, he's just a power fantasy and his abilities all boil down to his Kryptonian heritage. We're not talking PC but rather a Monster. I say start with the Empyrean as a template (CR 23!!!) and modify size and flight and such from there. Give him disadvantage on saves versus spells from Arcane casters. Pepper the world with two types of magical rocks, one of which weakens and poisons Kryptonians and the other of which messes with his personality.
So yeah, there's today's bullshit. What's your take? I'm genuinely curious but don't call me wrong. Of course I'm wrong. These characters don't belong in D&D.
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boogiewoogieweeb · 7 months ago
14 & 40 & 57 & 58 for the ask game (but only if you fare well enough! pick your favorite two, otherwise 😊)
hello, skip my love! 💖💖💖 i am always more than happy to answer any and all of your questions, whether i fare well enough or not!
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
i've already answered this one in a previous ask, but it's definitely the ned little shirt. my sanity won't allow for anything else until i have his dearly beloved face covering my heaving bosom.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
i'm uniquely awkward in that while i absolutely adore physical affection, i struggle to both give and receive it unless i'm either very comfortable or very familiar with the person (barring close family ofc, of which i have vanishingly few). that being said, the last person i kissed was one of my best friends, and i kissed him simply because i love him and was very happy to see him.
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
i used to, when i was younger. i grew up with a family of self-declared "spiritual sensitives", so there was always a pervasive belief in the paranormal and supernatural for me growing up. i've definitely outgrown the notion since, and the only ghosts i believe in nowadays are the ones of our own making: those mistakes and regrets that we carry with us throughout life, and which haunt us past, present, and future. and yet despite my empirical disbelief, i'm still very much in love with the *idea* of ghosts: that people can continue to exist long after life has taken them from us; that even in death, we reach out towards what we once were and yearn for a return to what we can never again be. there's an unsubtle but timeless romanticism to ghosts and their stories that is at once so viscerally painful, yet also so achingly human in its desire for connection beyond the boundaries of this plane of existence. also, nothing perks me up like a good horror or tragic ghost story, lmao.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
all the damn time. i've always had a particularly strong sense of deja-vu throughout my life; and while i know that science tells us that deja-vu is likely just our brains recognizing previously identified cognitive patterns and filling in the blanks with an auto-complete response; i'll admit to being a bit superstitious when it comes to the feeling of having been here or done that before. in some cases, listening to that little voice inside my head that said, "uh oh, we've already experienced this, better tread lightly now," has been an unexpected blessing. and heeding its advice might even actually have saved my life once, on one memorable if particularly harrowing occasion. honestly, if ever i believed in any kind of wacky, pseudo-science-y bullshit, it'd be that deja-vu is the infrequent temporal bleeding over of happenings in parallel universes into our own. i won't ever be able to prove it, but the vibe just feels right.
and that, darling, is that! i hope you enjoyed reading through my answers (i don't doubt you'll have something to say about some them, and i'm looking forward to hearing all about it if you do 😘😘😘)
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icharchivist · 2 years ago
I do respect your subconsciousness's desire to run a coffeeshop with Belial, really, I do
And I do think that it could work. He's probably great at decorating in general, that seems like something that'd be up his alley, even when it's not explicitly to poke fun at billionaires - but for the record, I respect that, commend it, even.
He would definitely know how to attract attention and retain customers, having no issue flirting with people and whoring himself out to that effect. Starbucks writes customer's names on a cup? He writes a compliment or, for regulars, something a bit more saucy. You know all the teenage girls in the area drop by specifically so they can squeal at him.
Let's assume his demeanour in the Q-Pot crossover isn't indicative of how much poison he would actually add to any orders, but I guess that's just something you'll have to keep an eye on.
Other than that, if you can survive him trying to fluster you constantly or trying to name the menu items after innuendos you're probably fine. Occasionally he needs a push in the right direction, before he takes the flirting too far or otherwise causes problems. I imagine he would try to experiment with flavours a lot and inevitably make some apple flavoured drinks, because that's a whole thing with him.
But the worst part is, and this is definitely something he would do and you can't change my mind on this, when he's come up with a new mixture and wants you to try it, instead of giving you the cup, he will take a sip and then try to shotgun the drink into your mouth via a kiss.
If you can survive all of that, though, including him intentionally trying to get under your skin to annoy you and even manage to keep him a bit domesticated on the side with praise and pets and pushing back when he gets too much, you're gonna be fine. Probably.
THANKS, i do not respect my subconscious on this but i appreciate!!
and oh my god you gave it a lot of thoughts, i love it.
I also think he'd be great at decorating in general, the guy should have a really good sense of style to decorate inside. In the dream, despite the wacky theme, the coffeeshop looked really good by the end of it, so, he can even turn a joke into something so sophisticated that whoever he's joking about has to run off in shame because they'll never live up to the beauty Belial made of their ridicule.
He would COMPLETELY know how to attract attention and restain customers, so true. Remember Lucio's attitude in the MayDays where he gets customers going "there's no harm in looking [at my body]" and stuff? Belial definitely inherited this type of bullshit. But he'd know how to use his charms with different approach. As long as he doesn't suddenly decide to make some chaos, he'd really retain a good business, especially with all you say. Hell yeah people would come to the shop just to see him being pretty.
AND LET'S HOPE FOR THE POISON. i'm trying to keep him in line i swear. Watching over Belial so he doesn't kill everyone because he's bored is a job all in itself.
And you're so right with the rest of it. I don't know if i'd always manage to survive his flirting, but we can try to save the innuendos at least. he'd probably tell the customers all his *personal* names for the items and mentions that if they dare calling the items that, they'd get a discount from him. This is a nightmare. You're right about the apple stuff though, he'd call it the special Belial juice. We still can't figure out how to make him change the name. This is doomed.
AND. AND ???? YEAH THE WORST PART THING IS. WELL. OH GOD. *buries face in hands* i'm not immune i'm not immune i'm not immune i'm no- THE WORST IS THAT I CAN SEE HIM DO THAT AND IM IN DANGER.
But, yeah, in the end. It's survivable. except for the worst part coming to kill me. But he can be manageable as long as he doesn't get into kill mode. Can't say there isn't anything nice about the whole scenario of having him in a coffeeshop being like that.
This is fantastic nonny. And also so much. How dare you add to my dream which was incoherent in nature in order to make it coherent and workable and nice to experience? somehow!!!
Thank you again <333
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redshiftsinger · 1 year ago
It just doesn't make sense as a strategy to assume they're using, though. No matter how much we might think it's a dumb strategy, even if we assume it IS their strategy...
If your strategy is to get IP's with endless continuation and/or spinoff potential, you shoot that strategy in the foot when you take a surprise breakout hit and slash the time and budget for the second season so harshly that it ends up with no space to develop side characters properly. The characters that the audience were most invested in after s1 got barely any s2 time. We'd ALL have been Here For a series about Jim's adventures between setting out on their vengeance quest and ending up on the Revenge, or about their continued vengeance quest if they decided to pursue it (or even their wacky misadventures in running back into the rest of the Siete Gallos via a series of improbable comedic events directly stemming from their decision NOT to pursue the vengeance quest further). But in s2 Jim only exists to prop up the core plot and support audience interest in Zheng, who was apparently going to feature prominently in s3. That's spinoff potential wasted.
We all would have been into the Fang & Ivan Buddy Comedy spinoff after s1. But they cut the budget and made the producers kill off Ivan so they could get a cheaper local NZ actor to fill out the ensemble. Imagine if they'd kept Ivan AND added Archie, given us more Fang & Ivan interactions and given Archie and Jim's relationship more than a glossed-over "it happened they're together now" to get audiences interested in more of the Jim/Archie/Oluwande/Zheng polycule enough for a polycule-focused spinoff as well?
Buttons had a ton of potential to get people curious about what his whole deal is. But they wrote him out halfway through the season to save money on paying actors.
There's just no way it makes business sense. It really only makes bigotry sense. Someone didn't want to see a truly diverse show succeed, and now they're scrambling to cover their asses because we can see through their bullshit.
I’m so mad I’m shaking. WE WERE SO CLOSE! Our clownery wasn’t unfounded. We really were getting an announcement. And they just let it fucking drop.
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knowlessman · 2 years ago
bnha s3e14-16
new OP. …okay this is pretty good. -- huh. the end shot of it puts Hagukure front and center.
"the last sparks of One for All have gone out, and I can't really keep my muscle form any more. except for a couple frames now and then for a laugh"
"oh yeah, I'm not at home." you can tell your all might shrines apart?
what… why DOES iida do that arm thing now? what is it? did he use to do it before and I just didn't notice? is… is he stimming? is iida autistic rep
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two signature moves. wonder if bakugo will have an issue since his power does basically one - wait a minute, what constitutes a signature move for hagukure? just like with the physical exam, I have questions about how a static Quirk that doesn't enhance or grant any active abilities interacts with this and don't think I can expect them to be answered : / -- …if hagukure was secretly also able to throw her voice that would be amazing -- random thought: melissa's gauntlets are the #1 thing from the first movie that I wish would show up in the show but definitely (?) won't. #2 is hagukure's rock-paper-scissors signs
you already have ultimate moves, Deku. : / you just stole them from All Might. and in theory, you should eventually be able to do that stuff without breaking your arms? in theory?
"I thought about doing a lightning sword or something" …Kaminari, if you learn to do that without going saitama-face, and stop palling around with mineta, you just might go up a tier or two
("teaching for dummies") 'XD well at least he's making an honest effort?
"if there was some sort of brace that could support the movement of my arms…" IF ONLY, HUH. IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD INVENT SOME KIND OF PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR YOUR ARMS. IT'D BE AMAZING IF SOMEONE LIKE THAT EXISTED, HUH???
: | I was looking forward to seeing Mei again, but now it looks like she's here to enable uraraka's… whatever-this-is nonsense (I don't think it's tsundere? just regular pointless denial?). well, long as she's also here to do cool gadgeteer shit -- "I'm the guy you used as a billboard during the tournament!" hehe. good times, good times.
"midoriya, you fight with your fists and fingers, right?" …yeah, he does. kinda weird now that you say it out loud, but that's how he was doing things up to now, just cashing bits in one at a time.
…and hatsume moves down a tier (from wherevertf she was, idk I forgot about her tbh) with the groping : | dangit
mei: "if you want to cool off your legs, why don't you run with your arms?" deku (having an epiphany): "oh yeah… I have LEGS…" -- "it's like…" oh boy, how is he gonna tie microwaves into this one -- (aw we didn't get another wacky metaphor : [ )
"you should have changed your whole look" says the diaper pervert
tokoyami how are you this edgy and somehow not cringe
"Armor-Piercing Shot!" some uncharacteristic restraint from God Explosion Murder
we get it kaminari, you got a duel disc
(neutral) goddamn high school romance bullshit
is this other school actually just a police academy. why've they all got cop hats -- Ed! that's who he's reminding me of! Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy
VAMPIRE ALERT. I think. I think that's vampire girl, with Joker's school? she got pointy teef. …I forget whether knife girl has those
touchy guy alert. : / He's grabbing everyone's hands because of something to do with his quirk, I just know it.
…laser tag? no, dodgeball. a combination of the two. weird
"The keys will be teamwork and cooperation, and information gathering" also aim. Aim seems kind of important.
"Shikkui Makabe! Quirk Name: I'm Putting a Rock in This One!" also you sir are a pokemon
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you sir are literally saitama in a wig
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aw, why did you have to save diaper pervert, I was looking forward to seeing less of him
…you madam are… not a vampire, I guess.
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another cowgirl? wonder what they've gone and named this one
…okay Ed is OP, I can't even pick a joke, that was some heckin stuff
(ninja girl's shown up) everybody wants to invade deku's personal space all the time, damn -- …whuh - oh. mimic -- ohhhh so ninja girl's a mimic. well dang, that's powerful -- : | great, we got two nudists in this show and only one of them has the "I'm invisible but we don't have invisible clothing technology" excuse
wait where are her target thingies? she's cheating! …are hagukure's targets on her gloves and shoes? why's this show got to have mineta and nudists in it
an entire school is just the ninja clan hidden in the… uh… it's a straight fucking line and I'm tired, I got nothing. they're all different primary colors, so it's the clan hidden in the teletubby house I guess
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-- you fight like a Kirby boss
it is… irresponsibly late, as usual, so I guess I'm cutting it here
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dukeofriven · 3 years ago
Trying to give Lower Decks a second chance, on the argument that it feels weird that I still call myself a Star Trek fan despite despising everything the franchise has done for over a decade now. How long can you keep claiming to be the ‘true’ fan when the franchise spends more and more time not being what you fell in love with until the metric volume of “New” stuff outstrips the old by several orders of magnitude? How can you complain that the ‘new’ stuff doesn’t hold true to the values and ideals of the franchise when those values and ideals haven’t been present in decades? When do you just throw in the towel and say “I used to be a Star Trek fan” — when do you let the identify go? (Considering the same issue with Star Wars, though for somewhat different reasons). But Lower Decks was supposed to be the good one, the one that wasn’t just a blood and gore fest, and the first five minutes reminded me vividly how the show instantly turned me off. “Uptight white guy and hip woman of colour who shows him how to unbend” is a lousy dynamic to put in your show circa 2020: the most tired, the most overdone, the most trite character choices that feel like they’ve been done to death. To make matters worse, the female lead gets introduced piss-drunk, obnoxious, and screaming, and there’s no faster way to make me hate somebody. A bad opening scene and a not-great first episode are, however, fine. First-episodes are hard: there’s a lot of shows I love where the first episode is crap. I can live with a show that takes a bit to find its footing: heck, Star Trek: The Next Generation’s entire first season is pretty damn bad; surely I can give Lower Decks more of a chance. But what stands out to me is the opening credits, and I contrast them with The Orville. I am not caught up with the show (it’s on my list), but to my shock, horror, and frustration, I was forced to learn that Seth McFarlane of all people proved that you could still do a TNG-style show in the 2020s and not have it feel dated or ironic. The Orville is a comedy, most of the time, but it is earnest: earnest about utopia, earnest about the ideals that Star trek used to think were important, earnest in its belief that you can make an empathic, caring sci-fi show in 2020 and not have it be all about the shibboleths of modern Prestige TV, by which I mean graphic sex scenes, brutal sexual assaults, overuse of the word ‘fuck,’ gore, tits, hyper-violence, and cynicism presented as mature storytelling. Y’know, the bullshit we’ve been forced to swallow since Game of Thrones shat all over genre TV for a generation. Lower Decks and The Orville are both sci-fi comedies, but their opening credit scenes really stand-out. The Orville plays their’s entirely straight. It could be 1995 again: a dramatic string score overlays beauty shots of a pretty spaceship. Nothing ground-breaking, save that it shows the earnestness of the project: The Orville doesn’t see itself as a comedy first, it sees itself as a hopeful sci-fi show first, one that when you watch it proves to be funny. By contrast, Lower Decks also has the  dramatic string score and spaceship beauty shots— but ohh, ohh boy, things are wacky. The spaceship hit asteroids! It runs away from a fight! It scrapes the nacelle on a shard of ice! Ha ha ha—crazy. It’s not funny. Not even in a slight smirk sort of way. We’ve seen it before, seen it seemingly in every single parodic Star Trek opening ever made. I remember seeing it in print in execrable TNG parodies in Mad Magazine back in the 90s. The Orville wants you to know it’s a sci-fi show; Lower Decks wants you to know it’s a comedy show, and that makes all the difference in the world.
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endeari · 3 years ago
Guided Evolution Chapter 67 Spoilers
Just want to say right off the bat. Hope you had a good break Moosh! And hopefully your exams went well!
On another note, ge!Dream count needs to start counting his days. Count your days creepy jaw man.
With that out of the way just wanna say how proud I am of Kristen.
Like she's going through so much, yet she's able to push through it and put on a brave face. Albeit, it isn't healthy for her to bottle her emotions inside. But she kinda has to do that doesn't she?
She's got two of her kids paranoid as all hell. An actual kid who is her son's best friend, and is putting all his efforts into saving Tommy. And she's got Foolish, who's grieving with the fact that his mother has been taken by his brother, who previously has tried to kill him on multiple occasions.
Needless to say, Kristen has to stay calm. Because honestly if she's not calm then she's failing. Besides, she does have Phil to help her when she needs a shoulder to cry on. She has Phil when nights are rough. And despite trying to be brave for her kids, she has them as well.
On another note, can't believe Charlie's been revived before. I breifely thought that he might've been revived, but I brushed it off. Because it just created a new question that didn't make sense to me. Why did it take so long for Dream to use the device on Tommy?
If the revival device has been used before, it existed before, why was Dream so adamant about taking Tommy in alive?
There's a couple ideas that I have, maybe it was a one time use device at first. But that seems too impractical to create. A device that can only ressurect people once? That device is probably so expensive to make, so at that point the device would be useless. Sure it can revive somebody from death, but only one time. The cost of that would be too great.
Another one is maybe Dream didn't know how to get the device to work on Tommy without his family interfering. Which is a higher likely-hood. Which is interesting in of itself. Dream couldn't just kill Tommy without somebody interfering when he takes the body. (Kinda distributing ngl)
I think Dream knew Tommy wasn't going to stick around with his family when he passed because of the poison he injected into him. So he knew it would be an easy nab. And if Tommy didn't leave, and stayed with his family. Dream would still have been able to get Tommy.
Because despite his family's best efforts, they wouldn't be able to catch Dream. He can just do some bullshit tech thing.
Also, I don't think Dream wanted people to know that he killed the famous Spider-Man. And took his body. Then it'd be obvious to everyone that Spider-Man is somewhere else other than his family—or what people assume of his family—killing Spider-Man where everyone can see would just put a target on Automata's back.
And also who's to say that Quackity, or Charlie, or even Sapnap, wouldn't stop Dream from taking Tommy's body? If they don't know about the device, but know he's dead and they're fighting side by side. Chances are they're probably not going to let Dream take Spider-Man like that. But that's just a chance.
There's probably some wacky answer as to why he waited so long to use the device. Maybe he underestimated Tommy, maybe he just wanted to mess with Tommy a little bit cos he's insane, honestly who knows!
But I think it's because Dream didn't want people knowing Automata had Spider-Man, and he didn't want to risk being stopped when he trying to take his body. He has a time limit yknow? Forgot how long the time limit was. (Too lazy to go and check through the chapters, but I remember Dream saying something about it). But it's not that long. So he'd have to do it quickly.
If he was ever stopped then probably means no more Tommy. But that's just a theory I've got. Honestly, really do love Guided Evolution. Glad you're back Moosh! Hope you're doing well!!
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lesbomaticlove · 7 months ago
im nowhere near caught up def not to having insight on this but as a silly i wanted to propose the umbrella academy treatment of missing numbers, and then i realized how fucking fucked up the hargreeves are even compared to the vinsmokes.
the seven kids were adopted and named after the order in which they were born (all on the same day, spontaneous virgin births, wacky sci fi shit) and raised explicitly to save the world, receiving absolutely no love from their father and only being given real human names from the robot mother he built to take care of them so he wouldn't have to.
five gets trapped in the future at age 13 (or 10 by the comics), and i don't recall that ever being acknowledged by the family until the day he came back, let alone the public and these kids have been in the public eye doing superhero things from long before he was gone. but nobody wonders why the teleporting one is suddenly not around anymore?
and then theres ben, number six. he died an unspecified death between five's disappearance and the main events of the series, around the age of 20. he was called the horror for fucks sake he had eldritch creatures in his stomach that traumatized anyone who witnessed his power being used. the most we have to commemorate him is a statue in front of the academy, the only mentions of his death being the fact that everyone blames luther and it being referred to as 'the jennifer incident'. so what was the public thinking of it??? was his death televised, or did he just disappear one day?
then theres the fact that one day youve got a league of superheroes protecting your town and suddenly they just all quit
thats not even to mention the fact that vanya/viktor (for the sake of simplicity im going to refer to them as seven since the comic and show differ) was gaslit their entire life into thinking they didnt have powers because they were simply too powerful so the public didnt even know about them until they wrote their book!
it's gotta just be reginald's pr bullshit, right? he's great at gaslighting and manipulation, probably just convinced everyone that five and six never existed, even easier when seven was never known to begin with.
the point i was trying to get to is it'd be funny for them to vaguely refer to his death (even though he's not dead) and give that longing distant stare that makes people hesitant to ask further. but really i think it can be simply explained away as '3 wasn't fit to be a part of this' and turn down any further questioning ig
hey so like- how did Germa 66 avoid talking about sanji??? Did they never get questioned on their numbering scheme? How did they cover it up??? We've got number 0, 1, 2, and 4 and they expect nobody is going to wonder what happened to 3? I'm just imagining that they go out and someone asks "hey where's number 3?" there are so many great responses to that; "We don't talk about number 3" "he hasn't been the same since... THE ACCIDENT" "what's 3" "he's on vacation right now" "he's off doing his own thing" "We're not on speaking terms" "he's not invited to family reunions anymore" all of these are correct responses and completely true and I think we need to acknowledge that.
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mrs-dynamight · 4 years ago
Be Nice To Me 3
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Part 2.
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing but just a little bit of it. Kissing because this is still on fluff mode
Chapter: 3/? Yup still don't know
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 2.2k
Author's note: Okay friends, this is a little longer but it's cute, and it has some interesting things that will be relevant to the story, so read carefully, aaaand I must warn this is a slowburn. Hope you like it
Chapter 3 My Oh My - Aqua
We both left the empty classroom and went directly to class 3A. Tenya saw us coming late and started rambling about how punctuality is key for heroes and how we as seniors should give example and just Tenya stuff.
The rest of the class went pretty fast, I was thinking about what Denki said, he sounded so serious when he said the gig stuff, maybe I was overthinking, he has always been nice with me, just nice, we are friends right?
All those years getting to know each other, being partners in crime, spending too many nights wide awake talking about our future, the amount of pressure being a “hero” meant, how at the end of the day we were still children risking our lives, he understood that better than most of our friends; some of his words were burned in my mind forever: “I love helping people, but sometimes I wonder who’s helping us?” “I’m afraid I’ll turn into a puppet of the hero commission, like Hawks did” “I’m afraid of losing myself in the process”; as far as I know I was the only one that knew this side of Kaminari, everyone else always thought of him as the dyslexic class clown, but there were so much more of him that only jokes and a funny face after using his quirk, such a complex mind, sometimes I wonder if he plays dumb on propose…
Thinking about Denki almost made me forgot how nervous I was for my date with Katsuki, but the ring of the bell that indicates the end of the class made me jump from my desk in excitement.
-Oi dumbass, see you in a while, be punctual- Bakugo said picking up his stuff and heading to the door without looking back at me.
We talked about nothing in the way to the ramen restaurant, I wasn’t as nervous as I were on Monday and everything seemed to be going so smoothly, just as I thought, this was Bakugo Katsuki my best friend, the guy I was in love with, he had seen me covered in sweat and bruises from the hero training, had seen me cry over my failed math tests, he knew me, if he didn’t like me back I could deal with it, but this date definitely won’t ruin our friendship.
-Don’t make me laugh when I’m eating, you idiot- Bakugo said between coughs from almost choking with his noodles
-I didn’t mean it, but it’s true my greatest fear are those wacky waving inflatable things they put in the cars sales, they scare the shit out of me- I said laughing and with a bit of embarrassment for telling this stupid thing to my crush, but he found it hilarious
-I’ve seen you take down villains with a single hand and without sweating a single drop, but your greatest fear is ridiculous Y/N-
That kinda sounded like a compliment, and knowing Katsuki it probably was, I couldn’t help but blush but if someone asked me it was the spiciness of the ramen.
-I’m also a little bit afraid of heights, not as I used to, but it makes me a little bit nervous thinking about falling to my inevitable death- I said slurping the last of the broth in my plate
-Heights? No way, that means we can’t go rock climbing because of a certain pussy- Said the ash blonde, finishing his ramen as well
-Why? Is Bakugo Katsuki planning on taking me on a road trip anytime soon? – Oh shit that sounded way more flirty than I had planned.
I turned bright red right after I said that and to my surprise the boy in front of me was just as red as I was, that’s it I just made Katsuki Bakugo blush, I can die a hero now. We were not looking at each other, not saying a single word, just awkwardly sitting in front of each other.
-I… I was joking ´Tsuki- I began but he interrupted me with
-Maybe I want to take you to a stupid road trip, what you’re going to do about it? You can chicken now and saving me seeing you cry in front of a rock, but that wouldn’t be very Y/N of you- Aaaaand just like that Bakugo’s back
-Let’s go, Draw, I still wanna kick your ass in Mario Kart before curfew and knowing you, you will want to play those claw things and get some weird weeb thing, like a figure of that loud anime guy you like, the one who plays Volleyball; and of course you will be wasting all your money in the process- This man knows me damn too well
I was about getting my money to pay but he stopped me
-I got this-
-But ‘Tsuki I invited you, I have to pay for it- I said but the waitress had already taken Katsukis money
-If you beat me at Mario Kart, I’ll let you pay me back, but if I win… Well we will see about that later- Bakugo said without looking at me
Was that flirting? Is Katsuki Bakugo flirting with me? Did he noticed this was a date and that’s why he wanted to pay? Nah, he’s probably doing it to bother me, but if anything made me bush a little.
-Oi, you coming or what? – I was so caught up in the emotion that I didn’t noticed he was already heading to the front door
We walked a couple of blocks to the arcade, it was still early in the afternoon, we had a couple of hours before our curfew and I was going to make the best of them.
After the tenth time losing against him, I gave up.
-This is bullshit, I don’t know how but you’re cheating, there is no way I actually hit all those frigging banana peels, this game sucks, you suck- I said making an overdramatic mouth pout and crossing my arms on my chest.
I could hear Bakugos laughing on my side and when I turned to look at him, he had the most gorgeous look on his eyes, but when he noticed that I was looking at him he changed his expression.
-I told you so, you can’t beat me, but I’m a compassionate God, so I’ll let you choose the next game for you to lose in- His big smile was equally irritating as it was beautiful
Three games in and Bakugo was about to blow the whole arcade up, apparently, he can’t dance to save his life, so Dance Dance Revolution was the perfect game for me to choose. I was literally tearing up from laughter, he was so angry and upset.
-If you had spending more time with Mina and me you could have learned a couple of steps, but you had to go sleeping at eight like an old man-
-Have you seen this face? This is what a good sleep schedule does to your skin, but I guess you’ll never know about that-
-Oh god, is that a pimple? – I joked to make him even angrier, I leaned towards his face to mock him more -Oh he has a brother, and a whole family of angry little buds, this even looks like you-
He turned his head and his nose was almost an inch away from mine, his eyes locked with mines, we were so close that I could feel his breath, a little bit more and our lips would be touching, my mind was going blank, I suddenly forgot how to breathe, I thought that it was actually happening, I should close my eyes and go for it, I leant a bit closer, we were almost there…
-Y/N, we both know there is not a single pimple in this face- Said Bakugo moving his head back and creating some distance between us.
I felt my heart drop to the ground. He didn’t wanna kiss me, I probably made him uncomfortable being that close, I’m so stupid, I fucked up.
-There is the claw machine of the Volleyball dudes, and there is the owl one you like- Bakugo was trying to be a good friend to me, and as much as I appreciated it I was way too sad to even think about volleyball
After more than a half of my money spent, I was walking to the UA dorms with my Bokuto plushie and an ache in my heart. I couldn’t stop thinking about that moment, was I imagining everything? Was he not flirting with me? It felt so real, I wanted to cry, but that would only make things worse, I wasn’t looking at Bakugo for the first time since we’ve met. I couldn’t hold a conversation after that, I used the excuse of being too concentrated in winning the plushie, but now that we are walking side by side it feels weird not saying anything. Bakugo doesn’t seem to care, or even notice, he’s also very quiet, this feels way too awkward, I just want this night to be over and cry my heart out in my room. There is only a couple more blocks and this nightmare will end.
-Hey Y/N, wait- This is the first time I hear Bakugos voice since we started heading the dorms
I try to put my best “Everything is okay” face but I fail miserably when I see his face. I started to tear up and just hugged my plushie with my eyes fixed in the ground, I can’t see him in the face
-I’m sorry Katsuki, I wasn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable situation, I wasn’t thinking and…-
I was grabbed so suddenly I dropped Bokuto
Before I realized his lips were pressed against my own. I was way too shocked to respond to his kiss, to my very first kiss. He pulled back, and a sigh left his lips.
-‘Tch, don’t apologise, I didn’t wanna kiss you in front of a bunch of losers- He said looking to his side, clearly avoiding my confused gaze
I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed his face and kissed him, trying to let him know how much I waited for that kiss. He quickly responded to it, for someone as strong and tough as him he was being gentle and caring, if this ain’t heaven, I dare God to come down and tell me this isn’t what glory feels like.
We kept the kiss, it became more and more passionate, he got closer to deepen the kiss, I could feel his arms around my waist, and I could taste the melon soda he had at the arcade in his lips. I opened my mouth just a little and I felt his tongue slowly brushing against mine. This was the pinnacle of happiness.
We broke the kiss with blushed cheeks and racing heartbeats. This was too much; my head was spinning and I almost cried tears of joy.
-I thought you didn’t wanna kiss me- I said with a broke voice
-I didn’t- His reply felt like a bucket of cold water
-What? You’re kidding, you kissed me- Knowing Bakugo he just said that to mess with me
-Y/N I didn’t want to kiss you, but not because of whatever stupid thing your mind its thinking right now-
-Then why? You can’t just kiss me and then tell me you didn’t mean it, you don’t like me? –
-I like you, a lot, and that is why this is getting way harder that it’s supposed to be, I’ve been dying to kiss you for a long long time Y/N, you had no idea how much I have fantasized with having you between my arms and telling you just how much I like your dumb pretty face, I like you, and don’t you ever doubt it-
-Then, why? –
-I’m going to become the no. 1 hero, and that means I have to try even harder than the rest of the losers in this and the other hero curses, that’s why I will be having internships abroad this semester, with the bests heroes not only in Japan but in the world. I have to be the best in everything, having a girlfriend will only be distracting and possibly a complete disaster because I will be a terrible boyfriend being that busy with hero training, and asking you to wait for me is selfish, even for me. I didn’t wanna kiss you and then leave for half a year, maybe even more, but then you looked at me with those stupid kitty eyes and I just…-
-You’re going away? And you didn’t told me? – Now I definitely started to cry
-Oi! You’re the first one to know I haven’t even told my mom yet –
-I’ll wait –
-What? No I.. –
-I said I’ll wait for you, Bakugo Katsuki I’ve been in love with you since we first meet, I’ve been waiting two years for this, this is just half a year, then we will have all the time in the world-
Now it was Bakugos time to shed a tear
-You don’t have to; I don’t want you to be waiting for me while I…-
My kiss didn’t let him finish what he was about to say, he was tearing, I was tearing, but it was beautiful.
-Six months and then you’ll be mine Katsuki, get it? –
-I don’t think this is a good idea, you dumbass-
-Maybe it isn’t, but what are you going to do? Stop me? - I replied and then we kissed one last time
Part 4.
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I really liked how this turned out, I'm going to the the masterlist post soon so you can find all the chapters together. As always I'm starting to write and in my second language (just give me my certificate already) so any error let me know, and if you want to be tagged message me. LY
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princesssarcastia · 4 years ago
Thoughts on Star Trek AOS? (And do you think Kirk was on Tarsus?)
i have SO MANY THOUGHTS about star trek aos, so buckle up.  brace yourself.
star trek aos is a terrible disaster and i love it SO MUCH.  for me, star trek 2009 is still in that class of unreasonably pleasing movies like the mummy or stardust or jumanji: welcome to the jungle.  what they are isn’t exactly top notch but you love them for being exactly what they are.
star trek aos is a star-studded fucking phenomenal cast of some of the best actors working today, which makes up for the very inconsistent writing and unfortunate low-level current of sexism.
literally where would i be today if chris pine could not make faces Like That. i honestly couldn’t tell you.
overall, I have quite a few bones to pick with JJ Abrams for setting up a star trek universe that is less Wacky Space Utopia adventures with liberal political commentary ranging from unsubtle to im-hitting-you-over-the-head-with-my-opinions-like-they’re-a-brick—
to this kind of overtly militarized action-hero adventure porn where one white man saves the universe from Scary People Who Don’t Look Like Us And Are Crazy.  I also don’t appreciate what they did to Jim Kirk, turning him into this womanizing self-centered bastard who has to be in charge.  I REALLY don’t appreciate the casual misogyny, what with the last of rank stripes for women and the gratuitous sex-ed up scenes and the way that Amanda Grayson gets fridged for man-pain and and and— you get the picture.
Or at least, that’s what they tried to do to jim kirk.  and god fucking bless chris pine for being able to make facial expressions, because i firmly believe if pretty much almost anyone else had played Jim Kirk as written by JJ Abrams, that’s exactly what he would have been.
But because of chris pine’s acting, instead, most of the AOS fandom and I realized/decided that this “womanizing” version of jim kirk actually really really hates himself so much, most likely for trauma reasons. 
we took that shit and ran with it and never really stopped.
zachary quinto is also like god tier casting.  unfortunately the writers for the first two movies mostly gave him Anger as a primary motivator, which like, is not exactly how I would interpret Spock at all, but quinto played this Angry Spock so so well.
john cho should be cast in everything ever he’s amazing and I love seeing him.  this man has the range. hikaru sulu is the backbone of this fucking ship.  this man wins the big damn hero award every single movie. 
i still miss living in the same world as anton yelchin. i really, really do.
I also have found family feelings all over these movies, where these baby versions of iconic characters from the sixties are brought together too early to witness too much fucking trauma.  harry potter references aren’t exactly in vogue right now, but there’s this one piece from a—well, actually, its a harry potter reference in an mcu fic i read years ago, now that i think about it, but anyway:
it was something like, there are some things you can’t go through with a person—like that mountain troll in harry potter—without becoming friends for life.  there are some crucibles that will bind you together forever.  and awful as it is, I think Nero and the Vulcan genocide were the AOS crew’s mountain troll.  there’s no going back or separating, after that.
also I feel like there’s a ton of competence porn in this trilogy that i deeply, deeply enjoy.
star trek: 2009 and into darkness are both grimdark male power fantasy bullshit that only accidentally hits all the right buttons for me.  I love them dearly but i know EXACTLY what they are, thank you.
star trek: beyond is a delightful movie with no real plot where our favorite crew are finally Adults With A Modicum Of Common Sense And Stability, instead of Disaster Children Angsting All Over The Place, and they get to save the universe with the power of excellent rock music and friendship. how cool is that?!?  i wanna give simon pegg a high five for making this movie.
on a more meta note, what I find kind of satisfying about these movies is that—for all his many faults that i’m always happy to expound upon—JJ Abrams actually went for it.  He Did That.  He just made his own brand new timeline, killed jim kirk’s dad, then gave him an abusive uncle/step-dad, then literally destroyed one of the founding planets of the Federation, then he, in an iconic fashion, switched Jim and Spock’s places in the infamous “wrath of khan” death scene, so instead Spock gets to watch Jim die. 
and you know what? I can forgive a lot of bullshit for that kind of poetic angsty fanfic plot detail. 
every time uhura says, “an alternate reality,” in star trek 2009 just gives me chills.  every time she says it, you feel the weight of sixty years of history and legacy sitting on these people’s shoulders, the weight of arguably one of the most popular TV shows of all time.
imagine, living in a new world you’re aware isn’t the one that was supposed to be.  imagine that!
oh! and on the question of tarsus:
what I think is probably true irl: JJ Abrams has never thought that far ahead in his life.  correct me if i’m wrong, but hadn’t he.....not even watched star trek.........when he made these movies............like lol i’d bet you this man didn’t even really know Tarsus was a thing.  And even if he did, I don’t think he thought it was part of the new canon he was creating.  AOS is much more self-contained than the serialized universe the original star trek was, so I don’t think that AOS was intended to encompass all those things, like tarsus, that we as a fandom like to obsess over.
what I personally enjoy: i love me some AOS fic that explores the ridiculous amounts of trauma that comes from living through a genocide.  I think that, given we all decided AOS Jim Kirk hates himself, and engages in a shit ton of self-sabotaging and destructive behavior to cope, it’s a reasonable jump to think that at least some of that comes from some survivor’s guilt bullshit from Tarsus.  And honestly, hit me up if you want recs for this, because boy do I have them.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no one does angst quite like AOS!Jim Kirk.
what I believe wholeheartedly: this is like Schrödinger's Plot Point, okay, it both exists and doesn’t exist simultaneously.  it’s easy to read tarsus into some of jim’s behavior, and it’s easy to read none of it in, and both of those choices are valid.  go with your gut, go with what makes you happy, go with what you think makes sense.  This is where fandom lives, in these little details that fall through the cracks.
anyway WOW did I talk a lot.  those are at least some of my star trek thoughts.  i do have others, but i’ve expounded on them before on this blog, and y’all don’t need me to repeat myself
ask me my thoughts on ______
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costellos · 4 years ago
HI i LOVE ur "____ realizing they fell in love" series thing AND idk if you've done stardust crusaders but if you haven't i'd love to request that pretty pls luv u Aaa c:
I haven’t done the Crusaders yet!! today is your lucky day. 🥰 ty for supporting this series and I hope you enjoy this one!
tw: general violence, stabbing
❥ ┋ ❝ stardust crusaders realizing that they’re in love!
joseph joestar.
Joseph falls in love with you after you put yourself in danger.
the first thing you need to know about Joseph Joestar is that there’s always something up his sleeve. the second, that he prizes his family above all else. only one of those applied when you sacrificed yourself for his sake.
it happens during a stand battle. Hermit Purple is more of a defensive stand, with its ability to disarm and capture enemies. your stand works best offensively. as such, you make quite the pair when you encounter two of DIO’s subordinates in India.
but while Joseph was distracted, using Hermit Purple to wrap one of the goons in its violet vines, the other came barreling behind Joseph. he sees a glint in the henchwoman’s eyes, a look that tells him that she’s ready to kill. he knows you see it too. and that’s why he’s crying at you to get away.
it only took a moment. yet in that moment did you save Joseph, push the henchwoman back, and find a kukri in your side. it’s the one time that Joseph didn’t have anything up his sleeve, and one of many that he could feel his heart drop.
you didn’t have to defend him. he had already lived his life, and at that point, he had accepted he could die at any moment. he knew exactly what he was getting into when it came to DIO. and he was starting to wish that he hadn’t gotten you involved, too.
he knocks both of the goons out, leaving them in the alley. you’re not quite sure what happens next. all you can feel is Joseph holding you in his arms, frantically looking for help in the streets of Kolkata. he’s screaming. crying maybe? you lose consciousness soon after.
Joseph would visit you in your hospital room once you came to. he makes quite the scene, pushing doctors aside and slamming your door open. at first glance you think that he's mad, with his gritted teeth and clasped fists. he stops for a moment, studying your face. and it’s here that you realize he isn’t mad — no, his face quickly melts to concern, his lip quivering as he wraps you into a tight hug. ↳ “come here.” his voice is shaky. he sounds breathless, as if he ran here as soon as he got word that you woke up. “what the hell were you thinking? don’t go throwing yourself at anyone for my sake! you talk to me in battle, okay?”  alright, maybe he’s a little mad. he’s trying to say his words as gently as he can, though. “we need you, [Name].” and it’s true: the team does need you. but he of all people needs you most. he’s already losing one child. he can’t bear the thought of losing another.
muhammad avdol.
Avdol falls in love with you when he sees how patient you are.
he's a mentor above all else. Avdol’s career depends on guiding others to their destinies, leading them to something that he cannot posses. he’s never particularly minded. like all things, he just thinks that is his own destiny. he knows that fate can’t be changed.
it’s part of the reason why Avdol’s given up on Iggy. the dog is hopeless, fighting for his own wants and needs. he doesn’t care about the team or DIO or why he’s in Egypt. hence, aside from giving him coffee gum when Avdol needs him, the fortune teller leaves him alone.
then he sees you interacting with Iggy. “it’s hopeless,” Avdol tells you. but you look up at him and shake your head, asking him to just give you some time. Iggy will come around, you promise.
Avdol chuckles. “if you say so.”
despite his doubts, he keeps a close eye on you. you keep at it. you’re trying to get the dog’s trust, offering pets and belly rubs during moments of peace. Iggy seems disinterested.
in time, Avdol watches as you realize that Iggy hates being treated like a dog. you share your food with him and talk with him, even if he can’t understand what you have to say. one day, while driving through Egypt, Avdol peers into the rear view mirror and sees you asleep with Iggy on your lap.
the Boston terrier follows you everywhere now. he trots beside you and barks at whoever gets too close to you (much to Polnareff’s chagrin). Avdol can’t help but find this amusing.
well he’d be damned. you really did it. Avdol always thought of him as a good judge of character, and you proved him wrong. not that he minds; Iggy’s cooperation will make this mission much less difficult. it’s just that your unyielding patience and dedication is... well. it’s quite nice with all the other interesting characters on this trip.
Avdol approaches you while you’re reading in the hotel lobby. as always, Iggy is at your feet. he’s fast asleep, thankfully. the fortune teller tries to be quiet so as not to wake him. ↳ “I apologize.” he takes the armchair across from yours, resting his cheek on his fist, an amused smile on his lips. “you’re a lot more patient than I gave you credit for.” maybe Avdol had unknowingly guided you to Iggy. maybe it was fate that Iggy would be brought here, only to be loved by you. “I admire that of you. though I suppose there’s a lot I admire about you, hm?” fate can’t be changed. he knew that. but maybe it was fate that like Iggy, Avdol was brought here to be with you.
jotaro kujo.
Jotaro falls in love with you after you call him out.
he hates showing his true colors. that kind of vulnerability is something that he’s never gotten accustomed to, nor does he think that he ever will. it’s part of the reason why he dislikes displaying more emotion than what’s necessary. a slight twinge of his lip or brow can show enough of what he’s thinking. any more than that is a waste of energy. they get the gist, he tells himself.
you proved him wrong when you lost a game of checkers. it’s a humid day in Cairo and during a rare moment of peace, you and Jotaro opt to play a friendly game of checkers with some locals. though the word “friendly” is subjective. if either of you won, 2500 Egyptian pounds would be yours.
it’s your turn. the game is a close call. although it can be over within the next two turns, you can’t tell what your opponent’s next move would be. thankfully, Jotaro is standing behind him, giving you cues for your next move.
...yet because you misunderstand his cue, you watch as you promptly lose any pieces that you had left. your opponent takes your pieces and the 2500 Egyptian pounds with it.
“what the hell was that?” Jotaro is angry. you are too. after losing the game, you collected your things and began to head back to the hotel, with Jotaro at your heels. “I was nodding my head! that was your cue to move left.” 
you stop in your tracks. “that wasn’t you nodding! you just moved your head down! how was I supposed to know?”
he clicks his tongue in response. a beat, and then finally, “you’re really damn annoying, you know that?” 
“yeah, and you’re an asshole.”
Jotaro’s been called many things. sweetie, honey, the hottest guy at school, but asshole? that’s a first. while he won’t admit it, the name stings. it sounds foreign coming from you. he didn’t think he had upset you that much.
he lets the day pass, partly for you, mostly for him. he needs to gather his thoughts. it’s the first time anyone had called him out for his behavior. moreover, Jotaro hates the fact that you may know him better than he does himself. what else do you know about him? did you know that you could upset him this much? ...when did you start to occupy this much space in his head?
so at sundown the next day, you get a knock on your hotel room from Jotaro Kujo himself. you try to close it, but he sticks his foot between the door and the frame before you can. ↳ “look, I’m sorry, alright?” he’s refusing to look at you. “I just... really wanted to win. I pushed that on you. and...” he sighs. "I’m sorry.” he’s apologizing through gritted teeth, yet apologizing nonetheless. it’s the right thing to do and he doesn’t want to lose a friend to his pride. especially one who calls him out on his bullshit. despite everything, you just smile and unfold your arms, telling him that you forgive him. and for a brief moment, he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. although Jotaro Kujo hates being vulnerable, he would hate losing you more.
noriaki kakyoin.
Kakyoin falls in love with you while eating breakfast together.
he’s never had any real friends. any attempts to share facts about himself, whether about his stand or his interests, would be met with scorn. it wasn’t until he had breakfast with you — one tiny moment in a trip filled with wacky happenings — that led him to believe that maybe the world wasn’t so lonely.
it’s 7 AM. normally at this time Mr. Joestar and Avdol are off running errands or planning something privately. Kakyoin turns beside him to find Jotaro and Polnareff fast asleep. he wonders where you’d be at this hour, yet when he enters the dining room, he quickly finds the answer to his question.
"good morning,” he says, taking the seat from across you. his voice is gentle though far more awake than you’d expect for seven in the morning. you greet him as enthusiastically as you can muster, flashing a toothy grin. but upon realizing that you were still chewing your food, you quickly turn away and wave your hand, apologizing for the scene. Kakyoin laughs in return.
the conversation itself is rather tame. you ask about his life, what Japan is like, if he misses his parents. Kakyoin answers all of this truthfully, because... well. no one else has ever taken the time to ask. it feels odd to be interviewed. though not uncomfortable.
and you take genuine interest in what he has to say, too. you ask follow up questions and give real, emotional responses. while you sympathize with him, you don’t pretend to know what he’s gone through.
you didn’t have to engage with him. sure, you’re the only ones awake right now, but he didn’t expect you to be so real with him. Polnareff never takes anything Kakyoin says seriously. Jotaro doesn’t even pretend to care. Mr. Joestar and Avdol have their own things to worry about. it feels... nice to be considered.
needless to say, Kakyoin feels his heart sink when the others wake up. is that too selfish? should he be disappointed in himself for wanting to spend more time with you?
yet even with them there, with Polnareff hogging the conversation and Jotaro being his usual cool self, you try to keep Kakyoin involved. you refuse to let him fade in the background.
he stops you as everyone starts to clean up and go on with their days. ↳ “we should do this more often.” he’s trying to keep it casual. “ah, if you’re up this early again, I mean. I really enjoyed our conversation. it’s a lot more productive when Polnareff’s not awake.” now it’s your turn to laugh in response. you agree, saying that you enjoyed your time with him, too. at this, Kakyoin could feel his cheeks start to burn. right here, right at this moment with you, did Noriaki Kakyoin feel that he wasn’t so alone. 
jean pierre polnareff.
Polnareff falls in love with you when he hears you humming to yourself.
although he would never admit it, he’s lost. what he’s looking for he’s not quite sure. vengeance? honor? it’s something he’s constantly asking himself. behind those dumb jokes and loud laughs is someone who just wants to find himself.
to be honest, he’s always fancied you. it was pretty obvious from the start. the way he looked at you, how his hands were always at your hip, guiding you away from the others. he just thought it was another crush until he heard you humming to yourself.
it’s such a simple happenstance. he didn’t mean to walk in on you. yet there you are, standing on the roof of their hotel, hanging everyone’s laundry to dry. you look so at peace here, with your eyelids low and your fingers at work with one of Polnareff’s shirts. you’re handling it so gently despite it not being your own laundry.
it’s in that moment that he realizes what he wants to do. Sherry’s murderer is dead. she can finally be at peace. Avdol has been found, affirming that he didn’t die for Polnareff’s sake. and here you are, humming a song that he doesn’t know but appearing so content.
while he may not know who he is, he does know that he wants to make you that happy everyday.
Polnareff takes this as his cue to approach you. you bend down to reach into your laundry basket, and when you come back up, the Frenchman is there. he’s not pulling any dumb moves, though. he’s much quieter here.
he follows your lead, reaching into the basket for one of his pants, then comes back up to hang them. you return his actions with a smile, a wordless indication of thanks, and continue to work. that song you were humming returns once more, and Polnareff swears that he can feel his heartbeat pounding in his fingertips.
you and Polnareff continue to work like this until the laundry basket is empty. it’s the first time he doesn’t say anything for 10 minutes, at least that you’ve noticed. what you don’t notice that he’s trying to avoid staring, sneaking quick glances as you focus on the task at hand.
when all is said and done, you stretch your arms far above your head, cuing a satisfying pop from your back. you thank Polnareff for helping you and begin heading back to your room. however, he’s quick to stop you. ↳ “hey, wait!” yikes. did that sound too much? “err- let me know if you need any help. I’m always here for you, [Name].” he sounds defeated in that last sentence. he can tell. he wonders if you can, too. but when you grin and tuck your hair behind your ear, telling him that you’d keep him in your thoughts, Polnareff can’t help but feel his heart swell. did he make you happy here?
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years ago
Debunking ice cold takes I've seen in the wild:
"There's so much discourse about Kaito being homophobic on my timeline... that man is not homophobic!! Not in the slightest!! c'mon now :|"
He said a slur with both transphobic and homophobic connotations when a man (kork) spoke with a feminine voice.
When Shuichi made a move on him in Salmon Mode he reacted with disgust and told him to "save it for the girls."
Maybe you should actually read those posts instead of just saying that he's not with no evidence or reasoning as if it proves anything?
He's fruity as hell. Did you see that jacket? Those cuffed jeans????
I did see them. They're kinda ugly ngl.
I refuse to believe that Kaito's shitty outfit is being used as evidence of him being gay and not homophobic. I'm not seeing this. I refuse.
[...] You're telling me you're hung up on a gay ass character being written as homophobic?
When Shuichi made a move on him in Salmon Mode he reacted with disgust and he used a slur derogatorily so I'm willing to bet my ass that Kaito's 100% straight but I'd be mad if anyone was being homophobic so jot that down
"Written as homophobic" christ you're not seriously trying to pull the "It's not Kaito, it's Kodaka" bullshit are you?
Not to be dismissive of the homophobia but–
Oh I really don't like where this is going.
–cancelling Kaito was a whole genre of Instagram for a while as if the person responsible wasn't. The writer.
Oh wow, so you really are going for the "It's not Kaito, it's Kodaka" bullshit...
First of all, you are dismissing Kaito's homophobia by shifting the blame like that so get well soon 🤧
With that logic you could say that Haiji's not really a pedo, he's just written that way, or that Junko's not really despair, she's just written that way. No character (that I personally like) has done anything bad ever because they were just written that way is the dumbest take in history.
Second of all, dismissing all criticism of a character's homophobia as "cancelling" because you personally like him is dumb. He's homophobic and Kaito has never apologized or showed anything to prove he's stopped being that way so it's an entirely valid criticism to make.
It's doubly absurd since we had DR1-2 with Chihiro and Mondo where everyone and their mother knew Kodaka was a transphobe or wrote trans characters as jokes and the fandom loves both Chihiro and Mondo anyway. It's almost like this fandom loves double standards with Kaito.
Trans activism relies on respecting people's ability to self report their own gender despite any appearance they may have. Chihiro himself tells Makoto that he's a boy and gets upset when Makoto expresses disbelief and still refers to him as a girl. We even see what Chihiro thinks from his own perspective in the UTDP and we see that even in his own mind he doesn't identify as a girl, but a boy. Chihiro identifies as a man.
Chihiro's backstory and his interactions with Mondo actually comments on Japan's traditional views regarding masculinity and how they could be damaging to men in their society so this is not a trans narrative and as such not transphobic, it's actually a really good message that speaks against toxic masculinity and points out it's effects.
But anyway, the main point I'd like to make here is that, really, you can like or hate any character you want for any reason you want, so even if Mondo and the DR1 cast were transphobic, people could still enjoy them as long as they acknowledged they were transphobic. So go on, acknowledge that Kaito's a canon homophobe. I'm waiting.
Like when it's writing of Chihiro's character that leans on transphobic tropes, it's on Kodaka and for Mondo, he has his bromance with Taka so [hardly] anyone calls him a transphobe, but when it's Kaito saying a line (for a dumb, edgy pun no less) it's on Kaito and not Kodaka?
What Kaito said wasn't a "dumb, edgy pun." Kaito derogatorily called Kork a trans/homophobic slur because he saw that Kork was speaking effeminately, much like a femme gay man or a trans man that doesn't do vocal conditioning might sound. Kaito was even yelling at Kork in that moment to "stop acting like a [slur]," so he was beyond a shadow of a doubt using it as an insult, not as a "dumb, edgy pun."
And not only that, but like I've said previously he reacted with disgust when Shuichi made a move on him in Salmon Mode and specifically told Shuichi to "save it for the girls." It's not a ~wacky one-off line~ it's an established part of his character.
So yes, I blame Kaito for using a slur as an insult against someone because they were acting too gay in his eyes.
Next question.
[...] But like, even if it was, people always focus on in game backstories when it's not Kaito to make sense of their actions and him being an orphan who seemed to be a an [only] child living with his grandparents, hence not caught up on [current politics] anyway sure gets ignored.
It's almost like backstories and character depth only matters when it's not Kaito.
Sorry for the long response, I'm just frustrated with the way the fandom is extremely hypocritical with his character in specific.
For someone that whines about Kaito's backstory getting ignored you've all but thrown away Chihiro's, haven't you? If you hadn't then you'd know that Chihiro identifies as a man and canonly only wears a girl's uniform to escape bullying because his body wasn't manly enough in the eyes of other boys because the actual message of Chihiro and Mondo was about toxic masculinity.
But I guess backstory and character depth only matter when it's Kaito 🙄
Y'all act like Kaito never went to school or went on social media or watched the news, he's been around more people than his grandparents I guarantee it. He's not trapped in an echo chamber.
And not only that, but Kaito used the slur in the correct context, meaning he absolutely knew what it meant and he absolutely meant it derogatorily. Kaito didn't just happen to use it on accident, he knew exactly what he was saying. So you really can't claim ignorance here.
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