#WW link and his seagulls
fourthcupofrice · 3 days
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Hey reborn! Wind finding a dead clam in his bag during the chapter made me think about all those gulls that help on his adventure, so i made a silly comic about it. uncropped version under the cut
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lunaviathan · 1 year
I played just past the (first?) Forsaken fortress section with a friend and this game has Vibes lemme tell ya
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PRIDE is timeless
sources for photographs:
Bluebirds - Kitty Ely class of 1887 (left) and Helen Emory class of 1889, Mount Holyoke students, via vintagephoto.livejournal.com. Source for image.
Cats - Nusch Éluard and Sonia Mossé. Paris. 1935 Photographer: Man Ray. Source for image.
Chipmunks - Source for image.
Deer - Source for image.
Dogs - Source for image.
Foxes, dancing - Photograph by Thurston Hopkins, Tango in the East End, London, 1954. Source for image.
Foxes, dapper - Source for image.
Frogs - Photograph from a collection called “Hidden in the Open,” curated by Trent Kelley. Source for image.
Giraffes - “Tough Threads.” Ken Russell photographed Teddy Girls in London -1950s. Source for image.
Hedgehogs - Chuck Rowland & Harry Hay (Apr. 7, 1912 – Oct. 24, 2002), 1983. © Stephen Stewart, via @onearchives. Harry Hay was the visionary behind the queer liberation movement in the U.S. With his background in leftist politics, Hay merged the revolutionary idea of homosexuals as an “oppressed cultural minority” with the fundamentals of organizing. (verbiage by lgbt_history… read more here).
Lions - I found this image on the internet in 2017 and have not been able to relocate it since.
Octopus - Circa 1970 by Donna Gottschalk. Source for image.
Otters - Source for image.
Polar Bears - Source for image.
Rabbits, mm - Source for image.
Rabbits, ww - Source for image.
Raccoons - Photographed by Kay Tobin, circa 1977. Source for image.
Red Pandas - Mariana Romo Carmona and June Chan (b. June 6, 1956), New York City, 1988. Photo © Robert Giard Foundation. (read more about these activists here)
Seagulls - Source for image.
Skunks - Photograph from the etsy shop The Vintage Image Boutique.
Sloths - Castro Street Fair, San Francisco, California, August 17, 1980. Photo © Paul Fusco. (read more about this street fair here)
Snow Leopards - Gay Pride Day, NYC 1980 / © Stanley Stellar.
The Affectionate Animal series is a project I have worked on for years, illustrating vintage photographs of queer couples. All paintings are by me, Erin Darling. Here is a link to the series on my site.
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yashahimewasamistake · 2 months
Links and prophetic dreams/visions.
LoZ/AoL. Hyrule. He doesn't have visions or prophetic dreams.
ALTTP. Legend. He doesn't have visions or prophetic dreams. Like his uncle, he can receive telepathic messages made by the princess in her time of need.
OoT/MM. Time. He has pretty accurate prophetic dreams. He gets glimpses of scenes in the future and with the aid of Gossip Stones he can get visions of where to go. The Deku Tree and Princess Zelda also get prophetic dreams but theirs are more in the realm of symbolism than scenes taken from the future.
WW. Wind. He doesn't get visions or prophetic dreams. But he can control a seagull, so, who is the winner here?
TP. Twilight. He is the winner. He wins because he can control cuccos, also, when aided by a fortuneteller, he can get visions about where to find things like hearts.
SS. Sky. He gets prophetic dreams which mix related facts about the future. He also gets visions when awake by using a Gossip Stone. And he either got a vision or was psychically attacked by the Imprisoned when standing close to his premises.
BoTW/ToTK. Wild. He doesn't get prophetic visions but he can get visions and see other people's memories.
MC/FSA. Four. No data available.
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multicolour-ink · 7 months
I'm curious now about your ideas for the post WW/PH AU where Linebeck meets Link's family 👀
Ah ok ^^ I'm happy to do that!
Ok, so I will stress that I'm not planning to create an entire AU on this idea; this is just stuff I came up with as a kid (I was about 9 or 10 at the time).
On the surface, there wasn't really much to it. Just ideas on how the characters would interact with each other and who would be the most fun to team up ^^.
(my favourite was Linebeck and Aryll, because the former would act as the reluctant teacher/uncle figure who tries not to care, but is secretly won over by the charm of this little kid. Meanwhile Aryll is much more chipper and more capable than Linebeck claims he is - see his character in PH - so trying to imagine how these two would navigate out of certain situations together was always funny to me 🤭)
However, there is another idea I had back then - an idea that I now realise was an AU before I even knew what an AU was! 😆
Do you any of you remember a show called W.I.T.C.H? I won't go too much into the plot (because there's a lot to go over!) but for those who don't know, essentially it's about five friends (all teen girls) who are able to be granted magical girl powers thanks to a mystical amulet. Four of the five girls get elemental powers respectively - air, water, fire, earth - while the fifth girl becomes the "leader" (later energy).
At the time I was playing WW and PH, I also got very interested in this show. And for some reason my dumb kid brain thought to just combine both these two things into - what I thought was - a pretty cool idea!
- So Link would be "energy" (Will). - Medli would be "earth" (Cornelia) - since she is sage of the Earth Temple. - Makar would be "wind" (Hay Lin) - since he is sage of the Wind Temple. - Aryll would be "water" (Irma) - purely due to her affiliation with anything connected to the ocean - like seagulls. - And Tetra would be "fire" (Taranee) - honestly just because she has a fiery personality and there was no other character left!
Meanwhile Linebeck would be like the "Caleb" (a recurring non magic character from the show) who reluctantly gets dragged along on the adventures 🤭.
Also Link's Grandma is there too, I guess. She acts as the role of Hay Lin's grandma from the show, and explains to Link and his friends about the powers they have been bestowed.
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strawberrycircuits · 1 year
I don’t know what tloz is but do you have any headcanons or ideas for it?
aHeLO this draft is so old but im insane in entirely new ways from when i was working on it so here u go ily for this mwah mwah
-prior to the events of skyward sword i think link and zelda almost definitely got into prank wars every now and then. zelda gets her loftwing to deliver glitter bombs to links bedroom and link puts water cups all over her dormroom floor so she cant get anywhere. gaepora hates this shit so fucking much not just as zeldas dad but as headmaster of their school
-beedle is immortal and has been since pre-skyward sword. read a thing that doesnt change with time right now or i blow up a building ok?
-twilight princess link absolutely has a southern accent? he grew up on a ranch come on
-oot link had a lil onesided crush on sheik specifically and said crush didnt carry over to zelda when he revealed himself
-also oot sheik/zelda is genderqueer. he uses both names, he/she pronouns, and i think her titles would be interchangeable too (prince/princess, king/queen, etc). also she didnt figure this out until AFTER link defeated ganondorf
-wind waker link said damn one time in front of aryll and it took him 40 rupees and him promising to catch seagulls with her to convince her not to tell their grandma
-also ww link would make your mom jokes bc hes. 12
-twilight princess link uuh kept the sharp teeth and the doglike behaviors . hes always bringin stuff to people he likes. he gets sneezy when he gets too excited. he fucking adores the fetch quests he gets from people in Ordon/Hyrule. etc etc
-fi watches the other links sleep. not just bc she has nothing else to do in the sword or because of general protectiveness, but because skyward sword link had those semi-prophetical nightmares so often she would always watch to make sure he would wake up before they got too bad. she doesnt wake them anymore, but, you know. old habits die hard.
-speaking of nightmares, i think skyward sword link probably got some reaaally weird dreams for a few months after being cursed. weird as in he was seeing vague snippets of the Links to follow.
-minish cap link would go and talk to zelda's statue when he felt especially hopeless or lonely during his quest
-botw link uses she/he/they pronouns and is bi and zelda uses they/she and is sapphic
-do neopronouns exist in hyrule. i dont know and i especially donot care anyways Purah uses she/xe
-skyward sword link is a. trans dude👍 when he came out groose redrew the picture of link he canonically tapes to his punching bag to look more masculine bc he didnt wanna be transphobic about it
-basically none of the reincarnations are allocishet i think
-as much as i love zelink i. i dont think theyd be together (or even interested) in every timeline. i think that theyre tragic friends in oot and besties in wind waker and essentially coworkers in tp. like i think that theres always this background noise of "i know you and i trust you" that lingers on long after the link and zelda in skyward sword, but thats abt it yaknow
-cherry? the little ancient sheikah robot in robbies house? yeah i dont have any headcanons for her i just love her a whole lot. bring her back in totk if shes not already in it nintendo puhleaseeeeee
i have. more. but i will spare u all from my brain worms...... for now
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aeriedwelling · 2 years
Oooh I need your opinion on Revali! And if you feel like it Medli? (I don't have a thing for Ritos I don't know what you mean 👀) (also I tried remembering Pokémon characters from when I used to play the games & watch the cartoon years ago but they haven't stuck unfortunately haha)
ritos my beloved <3 <3 <3 i have thought about drawing myself as a rito on multiple occasions at some point i'll get around to it maybe perhaps i dunno
First impression: a very pretty bird guy with a swag theme who is a jerk
Impression now: man does this bird have a lotta trauma. also many swag themes. i still think he's a jerk but i'm kinda just meh about it
Favorite moment: i've listened to botw in other languages and in english he says "good luck sealing the darkness!" but in every other language he laughs at link and honestly we were ROBBED of that in the english version smh
Idea for a story - i've always loved "revali does link's hair" fics - uhh something something in blood of the wild (my werewolf link fic) link was supposed to go to medoh and have this whole convo with revali about their shared love of the sky, and the scene ended with a hug that only half worked cause you can't really hug a spirit
Unpopular opinion - i don't know what counts as an unpopular opinion uhh. i think i'd like him a lot more if the ritos were in the style of the wind waker ritos? the ww ritos are more friend shaped
Favorite relationship - not shipping but i love the idea of revali and urbosa being buds. best friendos. she's got cool aunt vibes.
Favorite headcanon - tone deaf revali! he can sing, yes, and his voice is very pretty, but he cannot carry a tune to save his life
First impression - i think i was really young and don't remember my first impression so i probably thought she was cool cause bird person heck yeah
Impression now - MEDLI MY BELOVED i want to interact with her more i haven't gotten to her dungeon yet she is delightful i love her so much
Favorite moment - when you accidentally throw her directly into a wall during that one part of dragon roost and she just carries on cheerfully like "i'm okay! aim better next time!" (i think. it's been a minute since i accidentally threw her into the wall asdklfjadsf)
Idea for a story - i want to write a really self-indulgent self-insert au where medli is very cheerfully showing around this little seagull/pigeon wing rito (me) how the post office works - or something something pirates and a ghost ship and medli talks to spirits
Unpopular opinion - uhh. i don't think i have one
Favorite relationship - really love the idea of her and link being best friends. i'm also just. she meets this boy and immediately trusts him enough to let him throw her like i just. medli. my love. what.
Favorite headcanon - i haven't heard many medli headcanons (yes this is an invitation to share yours if u would like) i think it'd be cool if she and tetra like. do each other's hair? or something? link introduces them to each other and medli asks how tetra gets her hair to do that so cue tetra teaching medli how to do the hair swirl thing and then also teaching her how to braid it and i dunno i think it'd be cool if medli was friends with all the pirates
hopefully all of this is coherent i should be asleep asjdfklasjf - i have yet to finish wind waker so my opinions of medli may change but for now i love her with my entire being yes yes
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thunderpetal · 2 years
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Reward for getting 10 and 15 stamps respectively: you get the shield from PH and THEN you get to wear the engineer clothes from the start of the game!
I love any reference niko makes to WW Link, it’s clear he misses his friend so much😭
Also? Doves being the mark of a true engineer? That’s interesting! I assume it’s to do with the fact doves fly with you while you ride the train, but tbh I was assuming those were seagulls. Doves have never been pointed out as important until this exact line, but I guess in universe they’re like, the symbol of trains lol
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humming-fly · 4 years
for your consideration: ed as ww link trying to save his liddol seagull-loving sib. the size fits the boi
personally i always found phantom hourglass to be the ideal loz crossover :P
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
One more thing to add onto the whole Rito = Transformed Gerudo post I made to make this whole symbolic Idea come full circle
So, for the third instrument that would have been for the Rito Earth Sage if it was meant to be a Zora Water Sage using a Harp and a Wind Kokiri Sage using a Violin.
The Gerudo > Rito Earth Sage most likely would have been singing as the instrument, especially since the song of the earth sage in WW is called “Earth God’s Lyric” meaning lyrics to sing
this is mostly likely because of the symbolism connection between gerudo to singing and singing to birds throughout the different games in the series
1) Rito are connected to the idea of singing, especially moreso in BOTW. and Gerudo were noted in OoT to be birdlike in appearance with large eyes and longer noses. 
2) in OoT, Malon daughter of Talon is actually a daughter of a Gerudo as well, if Link wears the Gerudo Mask in MM and speaks to Talon, he will say it reminds him of his wife, meaning Malon’s mother, that explains Malon’s connection to horses in OoT as the Gerudo were famously horseriders as well. And connection here Malon is famously singing in various places as well
3) In Link’s Awakening (like the OG game from the GB), Marin is a girl who loves animals but especially Cuccoos, and also sings a famous tune and has a Dad named Tarin, and their design was reused to make the idea of Malon and Talon. So Marin is tangentially connected to the idea of Gerudo in design, and Marin expresses her wish to remain real and fly freely like a seagull once its revealed this is all the wind fish’s dream. and In the special ending, she appears with wings attached to her in a unique spite flying around and making a seagull noise. 
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Later iterations of the game have her symbolically fade in the sky as an actual seagull appears.This game also takes place on an island in the ocean, so symbolically similar to Wind Waker in general as well. 
So, I can see that all of this symbolism could have meant to have been bring together in the idea of Wind Waker’s Rito
(interesting to note though, I don’t think the Rito in BOTW had the same origins as the Rito in Wind Waker, like they’re not exactly the same race.
I think WW!Rito were magically transformed Gerudo escaping disaster, and BOTW!Rito I think are more likely descendants of LoftWings from SS that became a more humanoid race of people over the millenia.
It’s interesting to think that BOTW!Rito evolved entirely seperately from WW!Rito that all the history/lore/stories/culture of WW!Rito were recorded and then became dissociated from the Gerudo/Rito once they stopped needing wings to survive and became just Gerudo again
Remember the WW!Rito needed to see Valoo to keep gaining wings over and over, so it wasn’t a permanent change technically, they could absolutely go back to being Gerudo if they wanted/no longer needed to be bird people
So the BOTW!Loftwing!Rito evolved, got their own culture, and then they could come across the ancient culture and lore and history of “winged race of bird people called the Rito” from way back in the day and think “Ah, this is obviously our ancestors most ancient lore as we are the only bird race to exist”. and absorb it into their own culture, also naming themselves “Rito” in the process.)
So for WW we got Rito, descendant of Gerudo, who Sings the Earth God’s Lyric
Zora, descendant of Zora, who plays the Ocean God’s Tune (Get it because Tune a Fish, also the Oracle games had Tunes associated with Nayru’s Harp)
and Korok, Descendant of Kokiri, who plays the Wing God’s Aria
this older unused texture showing the unused melody from Wind Waker likely was describing this beta version of an Ocean God’s Tune:
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What we hear now in Wind Waker as the "Earth God’s Lyric” was probably meant to be Sung instead of played on the Harp
That tune plus the tune that the Aria makes up makes most of the Title theme used in WW put together
what the Harp would have played ingame was likely the longer slower harp strums in groups of 4 that play in the background of the entire title theme throughout both halves, connecting each half of the song together, you can hear them the clearest at the very beginning of the song, and then if you continue to focus on them you’ll notice they continue throughout the entire song
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sharktoraptor · 5 years
Linkeduniverse Daemon AU
So uhh I posted it on the Discord and thought I may as well share here too. I put a lot of work into this one, beware that there’s a LOT of text beneath the cut!
If you’re unfamiliar with daemon AUs (referring to daemons from the His Dark Materials series), the basic concept is that your soul lives outside your body in the form of an animal that represents your personality. There’s a whole lot of character exploration involved in making a daemon AU!
If you’re unfamiliar with Linkeduniverse, it’s a Legend of Zelda AU where all the different incarnations of the hero meet and are on a quest. This daemon AU should be understandable with just a basic working knowledge of what the Legend of Zelda franchise is, this is all character/daemon stuff and no plot!
Again, a whole lot of text incoming. You might want to get comfortable. Enjoy!
Time: Wolf (white/gold)- Faekuri [fay-KYU-ree] (Kuri)
From Farore, fairy, Deku, and Kokiri.
Hyrule: Wolf (brown)- Fernwai [FURHN-why] (Fern, or just Fernwai)
From ‘fernweh’ (German for wanderlust) and fairy.
Twilight: Wolf (dark grey)- Aiyvona [eye-VOE-nuh] (Vona)
From ‘ayna’ (Turkish for mirror), Navi, Fai (Fi), and Ordona.
Warriors: Wolf (light grey)- Audelfi [awe-DEHL-fee]
From ‘audax’ (Latin for bold/reckless), ‘bellum’ (Latin for war), and Fi.
Wild: Field Mouse- Firielore [FEE-ree-uh-lore] (Firi)
From Farore, Fi, and Ciela.
Four: Field Mouse- Emper [EHM-purr] (no nickname, sometimes Em)
From temper, as in to temper a sword.
Sky: Blessed Butterfly- Lydivia [lih-DIH-vee-uh] (Lydi)
From Hylia and ‘divum’ (Latin for heaven/sky/open air).
Legend: Hare- Faistina [FY-stih-nuh] (Fais, rhyms with ‘vice’)
From Farore, ‘aisling’ (Irish for dream), and ‘obstino’ (Latin for persist).
Wind: Seagull- Marumi [mah-ROO-mee] (no nickname, sometimes Umi or Rumi)
From ‘mar/mare’ (Latin for sea), Ruto, and ‘umi’ (Japanese for sea).
The heroes traditionally settle when they first are draw/touch the Master Sword. This is true for Time, Legend, Wild, Warriors, Wind, and Sky (when the sword was completed). It doesn’t matter how old they are when they get the sword- Wild and Wind were both quite young, and Time technically settled when he was 9 years old, just before going into his seven year sleep. The exceptions are:
Twilight- Was already settled when his adventure began, he and his daemon merged upon entering the Twilight realm to create their wolf form.
Hyrule- Settled upon receiving the Triforce of Courage. Of the Links, Hyrule settled the latest in his journey.
Four- Officially settled upon restoring the Four Sword; however his daemon was already close to settling and was a mouse for the vast majority of his first adventure.
~Form Explanations~
A lot of the forms here aren’t necessarily exemplative of the Link’s personalities like a real daemon is, rather more of a symbolic representation of the character.
...Or something I thought would be cute because my city now.
The Wolf Pack (Time, Twilight, Hyrule, and Warriors)
All of these together, because the forms are the same. Because “Link” is the spirit/soul of the hero reborn again and again, it makes sense that there would be some overlap with forms. Each Link is their own person, but having legends of the hero with the wolf daemon as one of the most common depictions of the hero sounds cool and makes sense lore-wise. Right off the bat we have Time as the Heros Shade as the Golden Wolf, and Twilight following him with Wolf Link, the divine beast of the Twili.
Analysis/personality-wise, the form doesn’t fit all four of them as well as I’d like it to, but aspects of it do and like I said, we’re going more Pullman form/lore/symbolic here (not Pullman’s ‘wolves = evil’ though, that sucks). Wolves are hierarchical (Warriors), cooperative (all), social (Twilight, Warriors, the others to lesser extents), hard working and loyal (all), etc. All traits that would fit most of the Links well enough, but I like it for these four especially.
Important note, though: though all of their daemons share the same form, they’re still incredibly different. The differences in color is the first thing they all noticed, but their personalities are their own- not just the “soul of the hero.” That goes for all of them, of course, but it’s especially important for these four.
Mouse Friends (Four and Wild)
My reasons for picking mice for Wild and Four are so, so superficial. The analytic form actually fits both of them somewhat (again in different ways)- some of the core traits are things like independent, adaptable, observant/aware, defensive (physically and emotionally), but here are the real reasons.
Picture this okay. Four shrinks down to the size of a Minish, but his daemon doesn’t (or maybe she does but just a little bit). Now they’re like the same size. He can ride on his daemon and it’s adorable what’s not to like?
I made a big post about my botw daemon AU already here (disregard stuff about the other Links, I made this post before I’d really gotten into LU or any of the other games). Part of it that I don’t think I mentioned is logistics of the way Wild gets around, climbing and paragliding and swimming and stuff. He needs a daemon that is small enough to cling to him and stay safe when he’s doing stunts and shit.
Pink Bunny (Legend)
The Dark World in ALttP picked Legend’s daemon for me… I can’t give him a literal pink bunny though, so I took liberties. He’s much more of a hare personality than a rabbit, with hares being bigger and wilder, more independent, and having coats that change in the winter (get it? Oracle of Seasons, get it?). Not much else to say here, again more so picking a form to match the existing lore rather than doing an in-depth character study for it.
Butterfly in the Sky (Sky)
Alrighty, Sky was kind of hard because of his setting. What I chose eventually for him is the (fictional) Blessed Butterfly from SS, for a few reasons. It makes sense to me that daemons of people in Skyloft have to fit a couple of criteria: 1) small or fast enough at flying to ride a loftwing and 2) only take forms native to the sky, because it’s all they know about. Blessed Butterflies are one of the only animals in the game (according to the wiki- I’ve never played it myself) that are found on the ground and in the sky, so it works symbolically for his character.
I used the Monarch butterfly analysis as reference to make sure it wasn't totally off base, and it works for Sky surprisingly well from what I know about him. They're adaptable and adventurous (as a migrating species), and value group cohesion and teamwork (again because of the migration swarms). Lots of liberties being taken here, but the Blessed Butterflies in game apparently appear mostly in groups, so I'm willing to roll with it.
*Inhale* (Wind)
Wind has a seagull daemon because look. Have you seen Wind. Have you seen a seagull. Yes.
In all seriousness, there are some obvious reasons. Most of Wind’s adventure(s) take place on the ocean, so he needs a form that’s either adapted for that or small enough to fit on a boat, or both. You can literally take control of a seagull in WW.  Plus she can nest on his head like the doves do in Spirit Tracks!
Personality-wise, I’m going to just copy from the ring-billed gull analysis because this one probably fits the best of all the Link’s, analytically. The form is listed as chaotic neutral (I’d say Wind is probably chaotic good but it’s the chaotic here that counts). Seagull souls value social interaction, cooperation, courage, confidence, and duty, and are stressed by lack of control, boredom, lack of purpose, and dishonesty.
~Individual Links and their Daes~
Time and Faekuri
Faekuri settled when Time drew the master sword as a child. He settled the youngest of all the heroes at 9 years old, and she was still settled even when they traveled back in time. Time is bitter about that; another aspect of the childhood he never had, stolen from him.
Before settling, Kuri mostly took forms traditional of the Kokiri ( small woodland creatures and fairies, though fairies are still separate entities). When they set out on their first adventure her repertoire expanded and she took bigger forms, but never left her forest shapes for long. Settling as a wolf was unexpected and jarring for both of them, especially the experience of waking up in an unfamiliar, war torn world in shapes that neither of them knew how to deal with. Going back in time to be a child again didn’t help- Kuri never changed again, and Time had to live with that.
Kuri isn’t quiet, exactly, but she’s not generally conversational. She’s fairly blunt with scolding or encouragement if it’s needed, but if something is important enough for her to talk about, the others listen. However, she’s the most physically affectionate of all the wolf daemons, often nosing at, walking alongside, or even playing/rubbing up against the other wolves. She and Time are usually touching during downtime, but not as openly cuddly with one another as some of the others. With age comes a deep understanding of one another, and that’s enough for them.
Hyrule and Fernwai
Hyrule, by contrast, has one of the oldest settling ages of the Links at around 16. Fernwai’s settled form (which she took when they received the Triforce of Courage) was somewhat of a surprise to them both, but not as shockingly out of left field as it was for Time. It was a form they had taken before, just infrequently. They settled towards the end of their adventures as the Hero, and because they didn’t have to navigate their journey in unfamiliar skin, it feels wholly right and natural to them now. Before she settled, Fernwai preferred bird forms over landbound ones. They knew that the Hero of Time had a wolf form, so they’d tried it before, just in case, but the Hero of Legend didn’t, so maybe it was a one time thing…
Fernwai is a little more pragmatic and cautious than Hyrule, but aside from that, they’re basically the same. She doesn’t often initiate conversation with the others, but is very chatty to Hyrule.  She’s less touchy with the other wolf daemons, though she’s become the most popular perch for the smaller ones while traveling, but she and Hyrule are the most openly affectionate with one another. It’s common to see them sleeping on top of each other, not just next to or touching like most of the others do. Their tight bond comes in part from the lucky timing of their settling; they had time to work through it without much distraction after, while most of the others weren’t so lucky.
Twilight and Aiyvona
Twilight was the only Hero to be settled at the start of his adventure, which he’s sometimes hyperaware of. Aiyvona settled when he turned 15, about a year and a half before meeting Midna. People in Ordon village joked about his being the ‘lone wolf’ of the village, but he was a member of a pack then (the village and the children), and he’s a member of a pack now. It’s always suited them, and it had the bonus of being a good, mobile form for herding.
The Twili don’t have daemons, and the spirit people in the twilight realm don’t either, which is horrifying from Twilight’s perspective. But that’s why when they were taken into the twilight realm, Twilight and Vona’s forms merged into Wolf Link, a combination of both of them. Both of their minds are in Wolf Link and they can both control the form, but they’ve only ever fought for control once, when Vona tried to stop Zelda from sacrificing herself for Midna and Twilight won out, holding her back.
Despite the obvious similarities between Vona and “Wolfie,” the Links that don’t know about their secret haven’t figure it out. It’s a pretty big leap of logic- besides, Wolfie has all those strange markings, and a shackle around their paw. Wolfie doesn’t mind if the others touch them, even if Vona is in there too- it’s a magical form unique to them both, and it’s neither of theirs completely. Vona is as mature as Kuri is, but more talkative with the others, less touchy, and far more willing to tease and rile the younger daemons up. She doesn’t actually talk to Kuri much- the two wolves recognized each other as soon as they met, and they have an unspoken understanding. She talks to Twilight the regular amount, but they don’t need physical contact as much as the others do- they can share a body whenever they want, and nothing feels as close anymore.
Warriors and Audelfi
Audelfi settled when Warriors drew the Master Sword, but she’d been taking a wolf form on and off for some time before that. It was a noble form to take and common among the unsettled soldiers; the legendary form of the Hero. They were both quite happy with the form, though settling in the middle of a conflict is never easy.
Despite her name, Delfi is absolutely Warriors’ voice of reason and caution. It’s not a mostly even split like it is with Hyrule and Fernwai, she got just about all of it and he got almost none. She’s the one to talk him down from his most reckless decisions, or to sit by exasperatedly when she can’t. It’s sometimes caused noticeable friction between them; every rare once in a while it gets so bad that they flat out won’t speak to one another, and Delfi has actually pulled at their bond to try and drag him away from a dangerous situation before. They (obviously) always apologize and make up, but it’s a cycle that keeps repeating.
Delfi sees herself partly as her Hylian’s protector (she’s not entirely wrong), so it took her a while to relax around the other daemons and interact with them instead of Warriors, who was the exact opposite and warmed up to the other Links very quickly. She’s the only daemon that will talk to the other Hylians uninvited, which they don’t mind, exactly, but find a little bit… forward. Her ego is definitely smaller than Warriors, but Delfi was the Greek center of the world, after all.
Wild and Firielore
Wild settled young,  drawing the Master Sword when he was 13. Firi settled as a field mouse, which was a cause for concern at first. Scholars quickly reassured the King that everything was fine; the Hero’s daemon was most often a wolf, yes, but there was at least one other in the ancient texts that took the shape of a mouse.
Wild and Firi have the longest bond distance of all of the Links, because of the painful pulling that they frequently put themselves through as a knight and as Zelda’s guard. Every once in a while she’ll climb a rock or something and Wild will go carefully still, automatically pretending not to be fazed- old habits die hard. Everyone has noticed, but no one brings it up. It’s none of their business, even when any one of them would be doubled over with the pain of the distance while Wild stands outwardly unaffected. Twilight tried talking to him about it once, and Wild didn’t respond but ignored him for the rest of the day, Firi like a statue of a mouse on his shoulder.
Firi is and always has been a quiet daemon, but she got even quieter as the weight of her and Wild’s responsibilities settled over them Pre-Calamity. She never speaks except to Wild, and even then, only softly and occasionally. She’s opened up considerably since their awakening in the Shrine of Resurrection in that she’ll leave Wild’s shoulder and interact with the other daemons for longer and longer periods of time, often riding with Emper on Fernwai’s back during long days of uneventful travel. The others have only heard her voice once or twice, and she always pretends that they haven’t in case they make it a big deal.
(More on Firi pre-LU here)
Four and Emper
Emper settled when Four drew the completed Four Sword during his first journey, but she was taking the mouse form long before that. It was just always who she had been, and it was really a relief to settle, because they’d been wondering why they hadn’t already. Four loves her form for a multitude of reasons- he’s small, and she’s small. She can’t really help in the forge, but she can fit into lots of places that he can’t (when he’s big). She can ride on his shoulder, and when he’s the size of a Minish, he can ride on her back. They’re perfect for one another!
Emper doesn’t shrink when Four does, but she does change when he splits. It’s kind of complicated. There’s not four Empers the same way there’s four Fours, but they each have an aspect of her the same way they do of him. What form that takes I’m unsure of- there aren’t four mouse daemons, though.
Emper is one of the calmer social daemons, just like her Hylian. She's very friendly with all the other daemons, and she was a big part of helping Firi to feel at home in the group (meeting Four and having their form validated was actually very important for her and Wild). It's hard to be super cuddly with a mouse, but she and Four manage. They prefer to communicate silently rather than openly, but they have a healthy combination of both.
Sky and Lydivia
Sky and Lydivia settled later in their journey as well, when Hylia’s blessing completed the transformation of the Master Sword. The people of Skyloft didn’t have as much form variance as they would as the people of Hyrule, because of how deeply ingrained the loftwings were to their culture. Daemons only took shapes that were small enough to ride on a loftwing, be carried, or fly quickly enough to keep up with one; though only the the Goddesses themselves (and by extension all Zeldas) could settle as one of the sacred birds. Lydi always favored the butterfly form, and it was fitting that she settled as something found both in the Sky and on the land beneath the clouds.
Lydi is quiet, because even though her wingspan makes her larger than Firi and Emper, it’s hard for a butterfly to be loud. She does speak sometimes, just very softly, and mostly lets Sky voice her thoughts if she needs him to. It’s not uncommon to see her settled on one of the other’s daemons, either listening to them talk or just being near them for comfort or camaraderie. She’s content to just be, listening to the other Hylians and daemons (who learn what the different movements of her wings mean and include her in conversations when they can) and talking silently to Sky.
Legend and Faistina
Faistina settled when Legend drew the Master Sword, like most of the others, but they already sort of knew. The Dark World reveals your true self, and they had been a rabbit- he feels unspeakably lucky they didn’t settle that way, though he’d never admit it out loud. A hare is a better form, faster, bigger, and more capable. He is not a defenseless rabbit.
When they’re forced into the rabbit form in the Dark World, it’s sort of the same experience that Twilight and Vona have when becoming Wolf Link, except that it’s a weakening and incomplete merging and not an advantage. It’s more like Fais- all of Fais, not just the parts that they always share- is forced into Legend’s mind all at once, and he takes on her base physical traits, but softened; the ears, the fur, the face… it sucks for both of them. He’s so glad they didn’t settle as a rabbit.
Like Hyrule and Fernwai, Legend and Fais have similar base personalities- they just don’t get along as well as they maybe should. It’s not like Warriors, where he and his daemon have spats and then reconcile, more like they have some unresolved things they probably should have talked about long ago but most likely never will. Her form still makes him uncomfortable and self doubtful, and she knows it, though she’s long accepted it herself. Fais interacts with the other daemons in the same way that Legend interacts with the other Links; a little bit needling at times, kind of aloof, but able to see when she’s needed to be serious or kind. Despite their differences she and Legend do love each other, of course they do, but they don’t show their affection as outwardly, instead verbally sparring with one another or sharing exasperated looks at someone else’s expense.
Wind and Marumi
Wind settled when he drew the Master Sword at age 12, young even for a Hero. He’s never had any issue with Marumi’s form; seagull daemons are pretty common on the Great Sea, and he’s happy to represent that. It’s a good form for a sailor and a pirate, as long as she’s perched when the King of Red Lions goes fast, and she can even glide from traincar to traincar to check on passengers and cargo if they’re careful about it. They aren’t upset at how early they were forced to settle, either, except maybe for the fact that Marumi didn’t get to play with forms as much as most kids. Time is bitter about it on Wind’s behalf.
Wind and Marumi are young and have an innocent, open daemon-Hylian bond despite their mature experiences. They’re used to silent communication, because she’s in the air whenever possible and it’s hard for her voice to carry over the roar of the sea and the wind. Marumi helps to serve as the group’s navigator if they’re lost and she and Wind can get up high enough to not stretch their bond too badly (they have a larger than average bond distance, which is helpful for avian forms, but it’s natural and not forced like Wild’s is). She has a good sense of direction and the flight power that Lydi lacks to get a good view of their surroundings.
Marumi loves to talk to the other daemons, and she and Wind have reacclimated fairly well to talking to each other verbally. Sometimes Wind will still yell out non sequiturs to her, though, because they’re used to the one way communicating. She’s not flying that high, and he does not need to yell so loud and startle all eight of his fully armed travel companions, thank you very much. Marumi stays in the air most of the time during the day, but nests in Wind’s lap or hair at night.
~Other Stuff~
- All of the daemons call their Link ‘Link,’ and all the other Links by their title. It’s not as confusing as one would think. Everyone learns the other daemons’ voices very quickly, so that if one shouts out in the heat of battle they can identify who needs help.
- Listening to the daemons talk about their Hylians can be confusing. Not for the daemons themselves, though.
- Most of them know on some level that Legend is unhappy with Fais’ form, they just don’t know why. Sky, Wind, Four, and Wild have tried pep talking him about not having a wolf form, thinking maybe that’s the problem. It’s not.
- They all worry about the extremes to which Wild and Firi push their bond, and how often they do it.
- If they need to split up, the wolf daemons communicate long distance with an agreed upon system of howls. Most of the group is impressed with how quickly Wolfie picks it up too.
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