fourthcupofrice · 1 hour
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fourthcupofrice · 1 hour
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For anyone doing artfight this year, heres one of my guys!
heres a link https://artfight.net/character/4439154.ben-the-ex-aquatic-researcher
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fourthcupofrice · 1 hour
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Hey reborn! Wind finding a dead clam in his bag during the chapter made me think about all those gulls that help on his adventure, so i made a silly comic about it. uncropped version under the cut
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fourthcupofrice · 3 days
@rebornofstars more fanart!!
* Gore Under The Cut >:( !!! Arm Burns
* technically not realistic gore but just in case :3
* This was not supposed to be rendered um... thumbs up. Forgive me for the lack of background I cannot background for the life of me!!! but there he is!! destroyed arm and missing some details like wooden impalements but that's okay !!! one with blur, one without blur. Still have other Gramps pieces that I plan on rendering and some more scene sketches :3
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fourthcupofrice · 3 days
@rebornofstars more fanart!!
* Gore Under The Cut >:( !!! Arm Burns
* technically not realistic gore but just in case :3
* This was not supposed to be rendered um... thumbs up. Forgive me for the lack of background I cannot background for the life of me!!! but there he is!! destroyed arm and missing some details like wooden impalements but that's okay !!! one with blur, one without blur. Still have other Gramps pieces that I plan on rendering and some more scene sketches :3
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fourthcupofrice · 9 days
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My offering to the lu fandom
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fourthcupofrice · 10 days
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[image id: Wind all scuffed up and looking mildly disgusted, holding a clean and intact version of his tunic that Wild has given him, destroying the timeline and wind’s brain. ] POV: you’re all scuffed up after a fight and the incarnation 10,000 years in the future from you hands you a perfectly intact version of your shirt and its somehow newer then yours.
heeeyyyyy reborn. got another doodle for ya. i thought the image of Wild casually handing a perfect replica of Wind’s tunic to him right as hes about to trash it was soo funny.
love how the fic is going, that most recent chapter broke my heart! heres a little extra doodle since this took a while to get to you!
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fourthcupofrice · 10 days
The computer is a machine built for looking at pictures of fish you wouldn't otherwise see. Anything else you can do with a computer was an accident and unintended
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fourthcupofrice · 10 days
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fourthcupofrice · 10 days
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I hope we can use a piano
Aaaaa new Zelda, and she's the protagonist!!!
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fourthcupofrice · 23 days
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Fanart for alternatemind on Ao3!!! I love her twilight princess au.
EDIT: Go read the fic!!!!
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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* fanart for @rebornofstars for their fic The Cursebreaker. I've always been thinking about the "What if Wind was the adult" and this fic does an amazing job of doing that while having its own twist. Genuinely an immaculate piece of writing!! + my own Wind design that's not finished!! I totally plan on redrawing the design bc I'm not completely satisfied with it (I drew it at like 2 am forgive me) so I will update later :) Bonus: Wind's twisted arm in the newest chapter.
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infographic to help make it easier.
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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[image id: wind with a peg-leg curled around his malice-burned arm, and trying to be very grown-up about it]
Hiya! I’m potato_and_jam on ao3 and I scream in your comments a lot! Here’s another drawing I wanted to make after Chapter 15 was burned into my brain! I didn’t forget his peg leg this time!! Here’s wind being a very grown man and looking very 40 years old. Got huge ashitaka vibes from the chapter.
Everybody go read Cursebreaker by rebornofstars on ao3!!!! It’s awesome!!!!!!
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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sooooo uhhhhhh. the newest chapter burned this image into my brain and would not leave until I drew it. I absolutely love the Cursebreaker fic and have been wanting to draw stuff for it. I leave a lot of exclamation marks in the comments.
(uh lore accurate version under the cut? realized i had a blood brush in my folder and figured i try it out. tw/ blood for readers)
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found a blood brush in my folders as i was drawing, so theres that!
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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Vellamo Ceramic, 2024
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fourthcupofrice · 1 month
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sooooo uhhhhhh. the newest chapter burned this image into my brain and would not leave until I drew it. I absolutely love the Cursebreaker fic and have been wanting to draw stuff for it. I leave a lot of exclamation marks in the comments.
(uh lore accurate version under the cut? realized i had a blood brush in my folder and figured i try it out. tw/ blood for readers)
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found a blood brush in my folders as i was drawing, so theres that!
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