literaryvein-reblogs · 12 hours
Writing Notes: Conscious Language
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The Impact of Words
Words have power. Where and to what degree that power has an impact will inevitably depend on who the reader is.
Words can drive a story forward and compel the reader to turn the page.
Or they can disengage readers, even hurt them, and compel them to, at best, reject the novel; and at worst, review it negatively.
Doing the awareness work prior to publication can help to prevent this while at the same time improving knowledge and craft.
Learning what we don't know
Conscious-language work - involves considering our own unconscious biases and uncovering what we don’t know (even if we thought we did know), reviewing our assumptions and asking questions of the novel we’re writing or editing such as:
Are those the best words?
Are they necessary words?
Are they saying what we think they're saying or might they be construed differently by some readers?
Are they - even if unconsciously - perpetuating stereotypes and misrepresenting those whose lived experiences is something we can only speculate on?
And if the decision is made to leave in words that will be offensive to some, what is the purpose? Are they serving the story and the reader or are there other ways of achieving the intended result that would be more effective?
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itsawritblr · 6 months
Me about 100 times a day.
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Later, when I read my notes.
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logophilist1982 · 3 months
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Dark academia coffee
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
Character POV unreliability factors -
Kabru: treats things like they are his fault and his responsibility to an unreasonable degree. Sometimes filters other people’s treatment of him through the lens of assuming that they all think these things are his fault/responsibility too. Other than that he’s mostly good at reading people and situations. It’s just that his view of himself is so distorted by what he thinks he should be that the closer someone gets to him, the more distorted they become, too.
Marcille: anxiety brain doesn’t turn off easily once it has been turned on. This leads her catastrophizing both about outcomes and about what people think of her. Also, I think she’s not very good at understanding what she’s good at, outside of the very particular slice of what she has been told she is good at, academically. I’m not projecting you’re projecting.
Laios: will not fucking directly acknowledge his own pain. He can be aware of discomfort and frustration, but actually getting him to look at the root cause is nigh impossible. This is both very fun and very annoying to write. Laios you are allowed to acknowledge your trauma. Please. Please acknowledge your trauma. Laios get back here.
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I was musing on Epic the Musical. I've seen a few animatics for suffering, but they all show Ody on the ship/the siren not looking like his wife. So I'd like to throw my interpretation from the livestream into the mix. Suffering didn't have any artwork/animatic for it like the other songs, so it's interpretation can be really anything.
I imagined it as a flashback, with ethereal background lighting and whimsy feel to it. A young Penelope swimming in a tide pool of sorts, hair floating freely in the water as she splashes and floats like a kid. (Young) Ody is on the rocks nearby, watching with a lovesick expression. As Penelope keeps trying to convince him, she treads closer until, she's right there in front of him, caressing his face and teasing a kiss.
When he says "But only if you answer answer a question or two." Penelope perks up eagerly ("of course"), because finally we're getting somewhere.
Then Ody asks his questions, dramatically reenacting the ordeal and making giant hand gestures. (Bonus: Penelope's "oh, no" isn't sarcastic, but that concerned, but I know this is fake acting.) Penelope talks about Scylla with this super bright, goofy expression that causes dissonance.
Then "Now jump in the water!", she flops back and splashes. Back to the back and forth.
"You should come up onto the ship, we'll jump at the same time!" But there's no ship around? It's just beach?
"The things I do for you." Ody shakes his head in disbelief and it looks like he's about to jump in the water. We cut to Penelope's eager expression, which turns into horror and pain. The background changes to a dark red/maroon to signal that the illusion is broken.
We pan to Odysseus standing high above on a ship, with a bow pointing at the siren. Both the audience and the siren were too caught up in the illusion that was created to notice that Ody wasn't under the spell.
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dominoblues · 1 year
Let's talk characters' eye color...
I've noticed that Takahashi-sensei has not been consistent with the characters' eye color. So this let me to wonder, which ones are actually canon in the end?
The anime had its own version of it, but i don't consider that canon. So, I will limit myself to the original art from Takahashi-sensei himself.
Yugi/Atem Their purple/reddish eyes are mostly consistent; sometimes, depending on the light, they appear brownish. Ther's an instance where they have light blue eyes too (apparently Takahashi-sensei must have loved blue eyes, because the majority of his characters at some point have been colored with blue eyes at least once).
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Jounouchi His eyes are usually golden/light brown, but sometimes you can find him with blue eyes too.
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Seto Kaiba Seto is usually always colored with light blue eyes. Sometimes his eyes are darker. Once I found him with green eyes.
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Anzu She is one of the most inconsistent characters. I think the dm anime giving her blue eyes didn't help. I'm inclined to believe that Takahashi-sensei originally gave her dark brown eyes (which is also the color she has in the first anime series), giving the color of early art and, only after the beginning of the anime, he started using also blue. I like her with brown eyes a lot.
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Mokuba He too has seen some inconsistency. From brown to deep blue his eyes have changed a lot. I believe originally he wasn't supposed to have dark blue eyes. In my canon he has deep grey eyes.
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Bakura/Dark Bakura I was surprised to discover that Bakura actually has blue eyes and only a couple of times he is depicted with goldish/light brown eyes. Dark Bakura has also blue eyes or red eyes. I love his blue eyes, which also fit with my canon that Ryou is actually half-european.
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Ending with one of my favourite art. This is the reference i use for my canon charcaters' eye color.
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estradog · 28 days
rb if you like girls (i will be taking notes)
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randomwriteups26 · 2 months
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Always remeber procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder.
When ever you feel down or insecure just think that the expert in anything was also a beginner once...
@thelailasblog @thelostfilesofstudents @blushlillyyy @dr-scarlette-witch @stark-reading-mad @juliaxyn @angelicasdigitaldiary @academing
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weaselle · 7 months
the gorilla volleyball effect for the horrors in the corners of our day
the mad scientist and his shifter crazy man partner seek the girl because the corners around the corner have begun to sprout dark mushrooms of madness into our dimension
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More Writing Notes: On Fight Scenes
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5 Tips for Your Novel’s Fight Scenes
Only Choose to Fight Characters That Your Readers Care About
In order to create an effective, heart-tugging scene, your reader needs to actually care about at least one of the people in the fight scene.
Choose the Right Perspective
When penning your fight scene, think of the reader’s perspective.
Even if you’re writing from third person universal, you should choose a specific character and describe the actions from his or her perspective.
The reader needs to have someone to root for and again, this is best done by choosing the point of view of one character.
Bring the Reader Into the Action
Because the reader will need to use your cues to reconstruct the fight scene in their mind, you should invite them to actively participate in the story.
Set the scene, provide minimal stage direction, and then leave the fine details up to the reader’s imagination.
Don’t get too precise with the fight descriptions.
Avoid Confusion
Fights can get confusing quickly.
Make it clear what’s happening in the beginning by showing exactly who’s involved in the fight and their physical relation to each other.
Also, remove extra characters that can negatively impact the pacing of your story.
Discuss the Aftermath
Now that the fight is over, what happens next?
How did the characters fare?
Remember to explore characterization and how the fight has affected each character’s internal and external goals.
Source Writing Notes: Fight Scenes (pt. 1) Word Lists: Fight ⚜ Poking/Hitting ⚜ Panting ⚜ Running ⚜ Pain
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blakbonnet · 1 year
Ed's mum refers to god as "he" but he calls her "she", just interesting to note
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logophilist1982 · 2 months
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Notebook aesthetic
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kaibacorpintern · 7 months
[Lucid Dreamers: 1]
Summary: Atem wakes up in the ruins of Alcatraz with no memory of how he got there.
Meanwhile, Kaiba's coffee meeting with Pegasus takes a turn for the worse.
Word Count: 3k | Rating: M | Ship: prideshipping | Ongoing
“You were always full of bullshit,” Seto growled. “Spouting your bullshit riddles like a little bunny late for a tea party. I’d like to get back to business now.” “This is the business, Kaiba-boy,” Pegasus said. “Tell me about your stepfather. Did you ever feel he loved you? When was that?” Seto stared at him, unspeaking. There had been a moment, before the glass broke, where a strange feeling emerged from the muddy, bloodied battlefield of the day–a question. Will he love me now? Because I won? And then, when the glass broke, and Seto saw that he was being set free, another question–is this love? Dying for me? Set free into another kind of cage. Guilt and hatred and grief. The indifferent fires of rage, consuming everything, anything that came too close. “He’s dead,” Seto said coolly. “That’s the end of the subject. Or should I start nagging you about your wife?”
A/N: new pet project <3 do you like surreal horror vibes... mystery boxes... or terrible groundhog day loops? perhaps this may entice you!have fun! comments, kudos, and reblogs welcome!
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meggannn · 8 days
me: hey, it's cool that i've been writing pretty regularly, posting new fic every few months—wait a minute
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thetetra · 5 days
So I am listening to a litrpg.and they're doing the supreme overpowered thing that I am not a real fan of, and the "magical element" this time is self aware AI.
They invent parallel dimensional travel and the author shows a nicely thought out concept of infinity. As they are explaining this to the audience they offhandedly mention AIs who are seeking dimensions where NO biological life has ever existed.
So sure the AI will inhabit there with robots, this makes sense... then I thought "Do you think they're going to miss things like rubber?"
Like rubber is from the rubber tree and either they're going to bring life along... which sort of defeats the purpose all together or...
Or they're going to mimic the process that life puts base elements and materials through. Like rubber is Carbon and hydrogen... surely given enough time a robotic AI civilization could capture both and mimic the natural processes that a rubber tree does to make them into rubber.
Could we do the same thing with sugar to alcohol?
Like can we mimic the processes that yeast does to make alcohol? Is this a branch of chemistry? a branch of biology? What would you call the nonbiological mimicry of biological processes?
Interesting stuff
PS aure they could find work arounds that would be cheaper easier and more efficient but I'm interested in the end thoughts more than the processes that would likely happen instead.
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yooxoo13 · 6 months
Today was holiday on the occasion of Eid-ul-fitr so I wish greetings of the day to everyone. I had a simple study sessions today.
Things I did:
Political science: textbook reading
IED: notes making
Song of the day: Easy by LESSERAFIM
Good luck to me for tmr.
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