#WOE is me
sagasolejma · 4 months
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This has been the worst day in my life so far, dare I say the worst day in the history of ever, even
I feel like I'm just getting whammied over and over and over again by tall hot trans girls today
Life is cruel
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wickedfarter · 1 year
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trad jizzie in these trying times
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Return to sender (dc x dp)
There was a box set right in front of his door. That was already pretty unusual, since Danny had just moved in, and and gotten done with boxes and he knew he hadn't had anything delivered here.
"Let's get you inside," Danny muttered as he got his key out of his pocket.
Unlocking the door, he picked it up and made his way in. He set the box down on the small kitchen table before grabbing a knife from the cabinet. He sat down and set to cutting the tape along the opening.
Peeling back the flaps, he took a peek at the contents only to be faced with a mound of yellow and black sparkly tissue paper, with a letter on top.
"What do we have here?" he muttered to himself, as he took the envelope out of the box.
Ripping it open, he got a small greeting card out. It had a yellow smiley face on it with the word "Smile!" printed above it. He flipped it open, and his eyes fixed on the printed text that said "Because today is your day!" Underneath it, written in chicken-scratch was written the following: "Looks like the bat has a new signal. At least mommy and daddy won't know how fast you replaced them!" it was signed with a simple J and yet another smiley face.
Danny frowned. "Weird."
Then, he peeled back the paper to find a taxidermied yellow-and-black bird Danny couldn't recognize, with its wings broken.
"This is definitely not mine," Danny said as he looked at the bird. Hopefully the real owner of this wasn't going to be too disappointed it had been this damaged in transit.
Danny took up the box to look at the delivery address, only to find that while this was for his apartment, the name of the receiver was marked as "Duke Marlon Thomas". It took one quick google search to find a phone number. Danny thanked whoever the sender was for including a middle name as it narrowed the search greatly. Dialling the number, Danny got up to get himself a glass of water. As he got the glass out, the line connected.
"Hello?" he heard a surprisingly young voice say. Well, assuming apparently made an ass of Danny. Maybe taxidermy really did appeal to all ages.
"Hi, my name's Danny. I think I got your package by accident."
"My package?" The guy on the other side asked, perplexdely.
"Yeah, a big box with a bird in it?" Danny answered. "Listen, man I'm sorry, I think the wings broke during transit, I swear it was already like that when I opened it-"
"What bird?" Now the guy sounded even more confused.
Well now, Danny was starting to get confused. "A taxidermied black-and-yellow bird?" Danny sounded out, then he grabbed the note and let his eyes go over it again. "There was a note too, I opened it, sorry about that." Danny winced, before trying for a joke to hopefully get the guy to soften up on him. "Whoever that J- friend is, he's got a weird sense of humour."
"J- friend?" the voice on the other side of the phone said. Guess, the joke hadn't gone over well, because his voice had gone tense.
"Yeah," Danny answered withholding a sigh, damn his curiosity. Opening other people' letters was not only a gross invasion of privacy but also a federal crime. Hopefully the guy wouldn't stay mad too long. "It was signed with the letter J and a smiley face."
"Whoever you are," said the guy, and the urgency in his voice had Danny straightening up. "You need to get out of here right now."
Just then, the door to Danny's apartment was blown open.
"I hope you're ready, birdie," a voice outside sounded, before a spindly man in a purple suit, green hair and sickly-looking skin walked in.
"Because you and me are going to have so much fun."
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stephmosphere · 9 months
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4him-iwrite · 28 days
You can face ANYTHING, when you face it with God!
Life is messy, complicated, and sometimes just down right hard! But the good thing about the tough times is that we don’t have to go through them alone. Though I wish everyday and every season I went through would be sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately, that’s not how life works. But I know one thing, if I must go through troubles of any kind, I’d rather go through them with a friend, than alone. A lot of times I get so caught up in the “woe is me” mentality, and I wallow in my sorrows mistakenly thinking that no one can save me. BUT! My God has promised to never leave me nor forsake me. I go through NOTHING alone. He alone is my rock and my fortress. He is the one that helps me get up in the morning when all I want to do is stay in bed and cry. He is the one who gets me to take the first step when all I want to do is refuse to move. He is the only way out and through any hardship I go through. Spiritual warfare is real and comes in many different forms...and It absolutely sucks. It is draining and at times almost soul crushing but I know it is for my good, and I know that the battle has already been won. I AM VICTORIUOS through Christ. If I must go through spiritual warfare, I choose to go through it with God, with my head held high knowing that the enemy will not prevail! I'll choose God every time even when my face is stained with tears and my feet feel like stones! Be encouraged friend! The battle has already been won! You can face and go through ANY situation when you face it with God!
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Pics I took in my woe, is me shirt lol
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cryptidtumbleweed · 13 days
The more of Peachyville Horror I listen to the more I'm falling for the transfem Francis headcanon I see around here
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Picture this for me, will you?
You've been dating this person for a few months now. You had a rocky start, they wanted you to be ready for something you only just discovered days before your first date, but overall you think the relationship is going well. You're comfortable enough to have him over to your place for a quiet dinner. You've had a horrible few days, your entire world seems to be falling apart around you, so you lean on your significant other.
The closest thing you've ever had to a father (your own was emotionally absent and you weren't close to your grandparents) has just had a near death experience. He's okay, but you're still shaken about it. You just want someone to talk to. So you bring it up.
And instead of your significant other being a shoulder to lean on and be open with, they choose to joke about the event. You try to hide that it upset you, they probably didn't mean anything by it. They just wanted to make you feel better, right?
You get the conversation back on track- or try to. They proceed to tell you they're jealous, practically telling you you're lucky you have someone to be so worried about. They didn't have a relationship with their father, or the person who could've been their father figure. Now you feel bad for making it about you. So you try to connect on some common ground based on what they said. You both have deep seated issues with your father.
Your significant other proceeds to deny it, despite just stating otherwise. They're not letting you in. Then, for reasons you still don't understand, they make a point to not only agree that you have those issues, but that it's kinda kinky.
You realize they've talked like this before. Not made it about sex but… they dismissed you. Brushed your feelings or your wants- no matter how small- under the carpet, and made you feel like the things you thought were important didn't matter. Maybe you're overreacting. It's been an awful week, emotions are still running high with no chance of peace, so maybe it's just you.
But then again... maybe it isn't.
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bahbzxxx · 2 years
Bro Itty bitty Barbz is so sick rn so it’s time for yet another set of
☆(ゝω・)vキャピWhen he finds you in your extremely weak state and that you are basically unable to get yourself up because the pain is so bad, something inside him clicks and he immediately becomes a mama bird. Since he can’t get sick from you, he can take care of you as much as you need and give you all the love in the world so that you can become happy and healthy again. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノキャッキャ
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♬ At every whimper, he will run his hands through your hair gently and then kiss your temples as your head sits in his lap,assuring you that he’s right here for you and loves you sooo much and won’t be leaving so long as you want him there with you. Anywhere on your body that aches, he will gladly massage and kiss if you let him.
♬ If it’s not too much to handle for you and it helps you, he will sing you to sleep as best he can, letting you curl up into his chest and do whatever you need to make yourself comfortable while you wait for your throat soothing tea to brew. When you're so vulnerable in his arms, he feels he has no other choice but to rock you like an innocent itty bitty barbz
♬ He’s gonna make sure you’re getting enough liquids and nourishment along with remedies, naturally. He knows your arms are extremely fatigued, so he will do everything for you. You just have to say “aah” and then he will blow on every bite of soup or sip of tea for you so you don’t burn your tongue. If he notices that your eyes are getting droopy and it’s getting hard for you to sit up, he will break out his wings and wrap you in them to prop you up. He feels bad about it, but he can’t help but giggle at how cute you are when you’re a little sickie~
“You poor thing…”
♬If have energy for a bath, he will gladly prep one for you, making sure to add lots of bubbles and flower petals and scented candles that he knows you like. If you’d prefer his company in that time, he will happily oblige-whatever he can do to make his Windblume feel better, he will do-even if he’s guaranteed to have that said Windblume weakly bring his face to theirs so that they can give him a nice beard of bubbles.
Hey, what’s that look for, silly? Ooh, you want me to come over? You sure?? Ooh, okay…someones being a little-
Windblume: *blows bubbles in Venti’s face*
Venti: Is this a funny way to tell me that Celestia is replacing me? I mean good riddance, but not you!!
Windblume: ehe_(:3」∠)_
Venti: Nawr☆ミ
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And what if i told you that ive fucked it all up beyond belief.
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mangozic · 5 months
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in character design homework hell, save me
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celestialvoyeur · 9 months
I’m starting to understand when fic writers talk about the frustrations of having loads of story ideas backlogged or having lots of fics outlined or partially written.
I now have 5 different ideas and outlines for artworks lined up and partially started and I want to work on them ALL but I currently have very little time to work on any of them lol
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nightmapzz · 2 years
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we need to bring back these kinds of band tees
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alicethepiper · 5 months
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i am officially unhealthy in body mind and spirit. over this teeny tiny FUCKING MOUSE.
i had a gift card and told myself that the next time re4r was on sale i'd go ahead and get it on steam (i have it on ps4, but lack of modding is a sad time). i'm not even playing the damn game, i'm just stopping every two fucking seconds to take photos.
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this was the moment i remembered i'd downloaded the battle suit (literally only maybe twenty minutes had passed from me downloading the mods and booting it up. idk how i forgot, but this picture was a wonderful reminder holy shit).
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his REFLECTION i cant
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leon bumped into a wall (i bumped him into a wall) and his reaction reminded me of that one photo of re2r leon leaning up against a wall and then some dude mirroring him on the other half of the photo he lOOKS SO DRAMATIC
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more dramatics (king)
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i teabagged the floor to see his hair move
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good cop, bad cop. which is which?
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also i am not a keyboard and mouse (moushley) girl. whoever said keebee and mouse is the way to go, i don't know if agree. im gonna keep on trying because i think in the end it might be better, but i crave the comfort my controller provides me. this shit is way scarier when the controls feel foreign (and it doesnt help that im gawking at leon's attire). anyways. moushley is ratatouille.
Mods I used (i used a lot but these two are the only ones that show up in the photos lol): cathroon's Moushley Graham - Ratatouille Mod and TrieuPham's Battle Suit Leon
(thank you mod authors! i get such a kick out of these costumes and taking photos are so fun. i hope your pillow stays cool and your dryer never eats your socks)
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loser-otaku-girl · 8 days
is everyone suddenly offline??? my attention...its gone...
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68spidey · 1 year
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Welcome to the garage, Minerva. You better listen to the rules! ... Or don't. Who's he to judge?
Uncle Don for anon! He tries really hard to turn her into a gearhead like him but she'd rather chew on the various tools and supplies. When she's not doing that, she's tugging on his heartstrings by being the cuddly baby that she is!
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