#WIP: Age Of Insurgence
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waddlesworth Ā· 1 month ago
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My babies!! Iā€™m BLOWN away by the result of this commission I got of my OCs! Kara and Ulysses turned out so amazingly beautiful!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜­
Kara and Ulysses were drawn by the lovely Caacatte on Instagram! šŸ„°
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djarins-cyare Ā· 19 days ago
Hey Jem
Can we have a peek at The Last of Us inspired Mando fic from your WIP folder?
Love, El
Hey El, thanks for the ask!
I had a feeling someone would ask about this one. Itā€™s the most recent idea in my WIP folder, and since Iā€™ve been busy writing Hush, I havenā€™t actually written any scenes from it yet šŸ„ŗ. But I have done some casual research and written an outline, so Iā€™ll share everything I can about itā€¦
In the Legends continuity, thereā€™s a planet in the Mid Rim called Nyriaan with a very rich but unusual ecosystem that includes thousands of different species of fungi. Itā€™s not a particularly populous planet, with just a mining colony that settled there to extract madilon ore (used in hyperdrives) and some groups whoā€™ve crash-landed on the planet throughout the ages and have effectively become ā€˜nativesā€™.
Thatā€™s the other thing about Nyriaan: itā€™s covered by a thick cloud layer that blocks communications and makes it extremely difficult to land on the planetā€™s surface. To land safely, you need assistance from an ion shield generator in orbit, which projects an ion shield around the ship to protect it from the constant storms.
My story is set when Grogu is away at Jedi Camp, and Din is chasing a lucrative bounty because he has little else to keep his mind off missing Grogu, plus he needs to make money to buy a new ship and find his covert. The tracking fobs say sheā€™s on Nyriaan, which is listed as her homeworld, but two other bounty hunters went there to retrieve her, and neither returned. Now Din is taking a shot.
He is more cautious, though ā€“ we know heā€™s a good hunter, and part of that is because he does his research. He finds reports that Nyriaan went ā€˜darkā€™ a few years back. This wasnā€™t initially a concern because everyone already knew you couldnā€™t communicate through its weird magnetic field anyway, except no communications were coming from the crew manning the ion shielding station in orbit anymore. The New Republic sent teams to investigate, but nobody ever returned, not even from the orbital station.
Usually, the loss of a mining operation would be a concern, but the New Republic has cut its losses for two reasons. Firstly, in 8 BBY, the Empire implemented a new mining technology to mass-strip the planet of its madilon ore, and over 10 years, much of its resources were depleted (not to mention a quarter of the planetā€™s land mass was destroyed). Following the projectā€™s destruction by Rebel insurgents in 2 ABY, mining had halted almost entirely anyway. And secondly, Nyriaan is not a ā€œmember worldā€, having not signed the Charter, so if any further disaster has befallen its citizens, theyā€™re on their own.
Now that Din knows even more people have gone there and never returned, he has even more reason to be cautious. He canā€™t find any other information, and he canā€™t convince anyone to accompany him on the job, so heā€™s going alone.
He leases a ship with a carbon freezer (since he hasnā€™t yet got his own after the Crest was destroyed, and he needs something to bring back the bounty in), gathers his best weapons, and flies to Nyriaanā€™s orbital station. There, he has his first encounter with strange zombies who try to attack him. Theyā€™re covered in lesions that look like fungus, and their skin is grey. Thanks to his beskar protecting him, he has a lucky escape and manages to activate the ion shield for a limited amount of time, then gets back to his ship and rides the shield down to the planetā€™s surface through the storms.
He lands just outside Locus, the planetā€™s mining settlement ā€“ technically the capital city, having been established 100 years before, but more the size of a town than a city, with a population of only a few thousand people. But something has been niggling him about the way those zombies lookedā€¦
Din suddenly remembers reading about a parasitic fungus on Nyriaan called ā€œFalsinā€™s rotā€, which causes lesions like the ones he noticed, although it usually kills the victims. He rechecks his research before he leaves the ship to make sure, and another entry catches his eye: thereā€™s another fungus called ā€œtempestā€™s blessingā€, which lives in symbiosis with a host organism and increases the hostā€™s visual acuity. He learns that native Nyriaanans would sometimes use tempestā€™s blessing in their purifying rituals, applying the spores (that look like grey dust) to their bodies. That explains the grey skin.
What he doesnā€™t understand at this point is that these two species have crossbred (insert some terrifying ecological catalyst for this mutation thanks to the Empireā€™s strip-mining operation on Nyriaan), causing the symbiotic tempestā€™s blessing to take on the parasitic properties of Falsinā€™s rot, killing the host and taking over their body so it can become ambulatory.
Thus, we have a TLOU sitch on our hands.
There follows an epic adventure wherein Din has to navigate this scary landscape with a few thousand fungus zombies out to get him as he tries to track down his bounty, who obviously turns out to be gorgeous and capable (sheā€™s gotta be to survive in this nightmare place). They have to fight for their lives to escape, and of course, the orbital station is unmanned (except for zombies), so thereā€™ll be no ion shield to protect Dinā€™s ship when he tries to leave the planet, meaning heā€™s a little bit trapped here. As is she ā€“ it turns out she had no idea what had befallen her homeworld, and she wants off as much as he does. So they must work together to find a way to survive and escape.
And of course theyā€™re gonna fall in love while they do.
Thatā€™s about all Iā€™m willing to reveal plot-wise for now!
All the little details already existed in Star Wars, albeit Legends rather than Canon (the source for Nyriaanā€™s history is a 2010 RPG called Galaxy of Intrigue, which was excluded from Disneyā€™s list of Canon material), but I just loved how much was already there to draw on. There are some other nifty little factoids about this planet, too, like the fact that in 3956 BBY, a Sith starship crashed on Nyriaan, and the survivorsā€™ descendants inbred until they eventually became deformed subhumans known as the Children of the Tempest, who howled like beasts and hunted with spears on the steamfields outside the city. Their Sith leader, Darth Glovoc, was placed in stasis after the crash, and they revered him as a sleeping deity. Of course, the mutant fungus infects them, creating an even freakier and more dangerous type of zombie than the regular human miners Din encounters on the orbital station and in the cityā€¦ and what happens if the fungus infects Darth Glovoc?? Do we have a boss-level zombie with Sith powers on our hands?!
One day, Iā€™ll actually write it, and youā€™ll find out!
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hebuiltfive Ā· 10 months ago
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
20. Whatā€™s a favourite title for a fic youā€™ve written?
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Fanfic Writers Ask Game.
Thank you for the ask @mrmustachious! I already answered 27 on the last ask (tagged you on it!) but for the other two...
6. Yes! One of my favourites is Census by @gumnut-logic! "When did we buy a bank?" is a line that always cracks me up.
I also go back and re-read one of @idontknowreallywhy's works: Trochilidae (i think i spelt it right).
20. Ah, dreaded titles! I spend ages coming up with them (as well as the titles for the chapters), and I go through various working titles.
I'd have to say my favourite at the moment would be either The Devastation, as it's so overdramatic and I love that, or The Insurgents. They're both technically working titles still as they're WIPs but I'm pretty set on them at the moment and I kinda love them. šŸ˜Š
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zenkor123 Ā· 4 months ago
September 27 75DD WIP
Delly Cartwright begins lashing out at everyone
Annie responds by chasing Delly off with a knife
Haymitch tells Katniss about the incident
Peeta begins viewing pre hijacking self in a negative light
Coin comes up with plan to break Katniss
September 26th
Death of medic Arthur Cartwright in an ambush by Peacekeeper insurgents in a narrow mountain pass at the age of 12.
Delly does not sleep that night
Coin states that Peeta is using too much resources
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inky-duchess Ā· 1 year ago
If one kingdom was to be conquered by another/an empire, what would happen to the royal family? Would they be killed, or be relegated to a noble house or forced to intermarry with other kingdom/empireā€™s nobles?
I was wondering about this, since in one of my WIP, a nation was conquered. Though the Queen and King were killed, the kids survived - and officially, the other kingdom wasnā€™t at fault for the deaths. Long story short, the nation was attacked by insurgents, and the empire/other kingdom took control as a protector of the other until the kids came of age (said monarch of other nation married a woman from the royal bloodline, his kid would be next in line if anything happened to the children of the king/queen).
So would they still carried their original titles of Prince / Princess, or would have a lesser title of Lord and Lady since their kingdom, for the time being, isnā€™t a sovereign state on its own?
They could remain as vassal kings which mean they keep their royal styles and power but only under the control of the empire. They could also be killed, which in that case every single heir must be killed. They could also be married off, in which case they would still lrrp their titles but now, the would he formally tied to the empire by blood.
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smzeszikorova Ā· 2 years ago
Heads Up Seven Up and Last Line Tag
Hello, friends! Looks like I've been tagged for these two games by two different people again. Thanks, @dogmomwrites and @bookish-galaxy! Unfortunately, I have been catching up on school work and haven't had much time to write P&K lately.
So instead of that, you get a seven-sentence snippet from another document where I keep important information about the characters' backstories that I plan to insert into the story eventually.
Tagging @elijahrichardwrites, @kyofsonder, and @coffeewritesfiction. Take your pick, since I'm doing a 2-in-one (again). Or do both if you've got multiple WIPs!
Ok, here goes:
He stumbled across a series of articles and books on the subject, which revealed that the former king had hoped to create a powerful, magically-gifted state police force by more or less the same means used by noble families to create powerful, magically-gifted successors: selective breeding (or rather, forced breeding, since John Niacera had evidently chosen to bypass the arranged marriage element and opt instead for imprisoning and coercing participants). Winson laughed. What a waste. Supposedly it was this ridiculous scheme that had led so many treasonous insurgents to plot the extinguishment of the Niacera bloodline back when John had been at the height of his power. It was these men, not Johnā€™s useless soldiers, who had become the true Kenacian Assassins. As for magic enhancement, Winson hadĀ been toying with the concept for ages, but had never attempted it for fear of destroying what was left of his own trazian system. Now the idea resurfaced.
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theprissythumbelina Ā· 3 years ago
Happy Blursday!
If you don't mind the Ask, could you hit me with something about any OC with a prominent political or mitrat position? How did they achieve it, how has it changed them, and what have they done for it?
Gasp you've let me talk for the first time about Nurea (Haira WIP)
Nurea, when we meet her, is the Admiral of the Insurgency's Navy. She is the highest ranked person in the entire Insurgency, the woman in charge of the war, the leader on the ground (or in the stars). Her failures are the Insurgency's failures, her victories, victories for all insurgent planets. She carries that burden as a heavy responsibility. The price of her failure is not just a public execution, it is the destruction of millions of beings' freedom.
Nurea Lasson was the daughter of a Ministry Lieutenant, which should have placed her on the fast track to being one of the Navy's fast rising stars, if not for one small problem of her birth. Nurea was born 1/4th Ojne, a humanoid species in the Colonies. Her mother was half Ojne. To the Ministry, that made her only 3/4ths a person, and unsuitable for higher officer ranking. At the age of 28, Nurea reached Lieutenant Commander, and was bluntly told by her superiors that she had exceeded everyoneĀ“s expectations, for a half-breed. She would never receive another promotion. She convinced herself this was enough, for a time.
About two years later, unrest had grown under the Ministry. Tiny revolts grew into multi-planetary revolutions. Nurea's ancestral planet was at the heart of one of these. Nurea had realized that she would always be treated as second-best, no matter her talent, no matter her abilities or hard work. And worse, she saw her younger sisters begin to hit the same glass ceiling she had hit years ago. With her sisters and her crew, she turned, showing up to an Insurgency outpost with a fully manned Escortar and a demand to fight. Turns out, Lieutenant Commander Nurea was the highest ranking officer in the entire infant Insurgency. She was promoted to Captain within a few battles, and then to Admiral with the official Declaration of Inhuman Planetary Rights.
Admiral Lasson is strict and calculating, cold, sharp, and prepared to die. She expects no less from the people fighting under her command. Each of them is fighting for the future, for something infinitely grander than their own lives. I love her more than anything
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softpadawan Ā· 3 years ago
WIP ask: Kanan Jarrus MD & Werewolf Kanan
Kanan Jarrus, MD
Synopsis: Young Caleb Dume is gifted when it comes to Force healing. Even after Order 66, he still can't seem to leave that part of him behind. So he adopts a new name and identity and becomes a medical doctorā€”a pretty damned good one, tooā€”and sets up shop on Lothal.
His practice flourished though his income was only a fraction of what it should have been. The Empireā€™s stranglehold on the economy meant that life was difficult and expensive, and Kanan didnā€™t feel right charging the suffering citizens full price for basic care. So he bartered with them. A loaf of bread for a childā€™s cough medicine. Parts for his speeder bike from the mechanic whose broken finger he treated. Information about the rebellion from the wounded insurgents he let in through the back door.
Yes, Kanan Jarrus was a rebel sympathizer. And he did everything he could to help them short of dusting off his old lightsaber and throwing himself into battle. He had turned his back on the Force years ago, and he felt that he was doing more good here as a physician than out there fighting and running. But if they ever called upon him for help, Kanan would answer. Without question.
There was a group of rebels known as the Spectres, led by Hera Syndulla, a Rylothian Twiā€™lek and skilled pilot. Kanan had become very close to them since starting his practice. One day Hera showed up with a scrawny teenage boy beside her, an orphan who had been living on the streets.
ā€œOur new crew member,ā€ she said with a smile and a helpless shrug. ā€œItā€™s been a while since heā€™s seen a doctor. Can you give him a checkup?ā€
ā€œAbsolutely,ā€ Kanan said.
Ezra was remarkably healthy for having been homeless half his life. A little underweight and small for his age with a slight vitamin deficiency due to intestinal flukes, but Kanan eradicated the parasites with a stout dose of dewormer and then gave Ezra a booster shotā€”and a candystick, even though the boy was fourteen and didnā€™t even flinch when he was pricked.Ā 
Hera paid for Kananā€™s services by giving his ship, the Asclepius, a full diagnostic and fixing that rattling sound in the starboard ion engine that had been worrying him for weeks.Ā 
It was a good arrangement.
Werewolf Kanan
Synopsis: A medieval/sci fi fantasy AU where two Jedi monks await the arrival of a former member of their Orderā€”with Ezra as the virgin bait.
The temple was cold and empty. Ezra shivered and tucked his hands deeper into the sleeves of his robe. He kept his eyes moving, watchful. His ears picked up every little rustle and creak. Moonlight peered through the paneless windows and painted the stone floor a radiant white-blue. Ezra could see its crescent form slowly sailing across the starry night sky.
The beast would come tonight. Father Windu and Sister Billaba were certain. ā€œIt is the fourteenth anniversary of his fall,ā€ theyā€™d said. ā€œHe always returns to the temple on this night.ā€
ā€œWho is he?ā€ Ezra had asked them. ā€œYou talk like you know him.ā€
Father Windu and Sister Billaba had shared a sad look with one another. ā€œHe is old enough,ā€ Billaba said. ā€œHe has a right to know.ā€
Windu sighed. ā€œHe was once like you, Ezra. An intelligent, gifted young man who was destined to join the Order. Then, fourteen years ago, we were ambushed right here in the temple during the evening service. Werewolves, at least six of them. Caleb was brave, but he was no match for even one of them. The red wolf, Maul as I am told his name is, grabbed him in his jaws and fled into the night. We thought Caleb had been eaten, but then he returned a few months later in the form of a werewolf and slaughtered the stableman, Okadiah. He had eaten most of his organs by the time we arrived and fought him off. I hear he goes by the name Kanan now.ā€
ā€œOur Caleb died that night,ā€ Billaba said in a tight voice. ā€œThe boy we trained and raised is no longer with us.ā€
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sjrresearch Ā· 4 years ago
An Interview with Warwick Kinrade, Wargaming Author and Rules Designer
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(This article is credited to Jason Weiser. Jason is a long-time wargamer with published works in the Journal of the Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers; Miniature Wargames Magazine; and Wargames, Strategy, and Soldier.)
Warwick Kinrade is a long-time rules designer and author of the award-winning Battlegroup WWII series of miniatures rules. At 49, he is someone whoā€™s made a real splash with many of his rules projects, from Normandy Firefight, Battlegroup WWII (now exclusively available through Plastic Soldier Company) and the Cold War-based derivative, BattleGroup NORTHAG, and now, the ā€œSoldiers Of..ā€ ancient rules (though I hear itā€™s expanding into Napoleonics!).Ā 
Heā€™s done a lot in the universe of miniatures, and we expect more out of this prolific giant! I wanted to touch base and see what he was up to.Ā 
Weā€™ll talk to his partner, Piers Brand, in the near future!
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Jason Weiser: So, how did you get started in writing rules? Was there an ā€œahaā€ moment, or did you fall into it?
Warwick Kinrade: I have always written games, from age 10 playing D & D, to board games, to writing my own Wild West RPG aged 12, it was something I was always doing for fun. I first got paid to do it as a Games Developer for GW, a job I started in 1996.Ā 
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JW:Ā How did Iron Fist Publishing (IFP) come to be? Can you talk about some of your previous works?
WK: IFP was simply a business deal so that Battlegroup would be 50/50 owned by myself and PSC. It came to be at a meeting in a cafe near Kingā€™s Cross in London. I had Battlegroup ready to go, and PSC and myself agreed to go halves on costs, etc.Ā  Before that, Iā€™d worked for GW as a writer. The first game I worked on for them was Epic 40,000, then I did lots, but mostly 40K supplements. I wrote the Imperial Armor books for about 6-7 years.Ā 
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JW:Ā Can you tell us about Nam ā€™68?
WK: Yep, itā€™s a squad-level skirmish game for the Vietnam War. A bit different, in that it is a narrative-driven game, with one player as the umpire/referee and all the others (1-3) as the US platoon. Iā€™ve very much concentrated on making it an anti-insurgency war, all ambushed patrols and search sweeps. Not much in the way of stand-up fights (though some). The VC generally has the upper hand, lurking in wait. It all ties in to its campaign system, a 12-month Tour of Duty for your platoon.Ā  A bit unconventional, as far from a tournament game as you can get. No points values at all.Ā  Not that Iā€™m against points-based systemsā€¦ just nice to try something different.Ā 
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JW: What are your favorite works?
WK Iā€™m proud of all the games Iā€™ve written. Battlegroup is the biggest, but I love the ā€˜Soldiers ofā€¦ā€™ games Iā€™ve done so far. Not surprising really, I only write the games I want to play. Picking is like asking which child you preferā€¦ impossible to say.Ā Ā 
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JW:Ā Is there a period of history you want to write rules for but havenā€™t?
WK: Yep, most of them. I have a pull towards doing early Rome, the Punic Wars. Iā€™d love to do a sci-fi game one day (many plans, none yet to come to fruition). Make it proper good. Thatā€™s one for the future.Ā  Ā 
JW:Ā Can you tell our readers what goes into rules writing?
WK: I take my advice from Stephen King. If you want to write, read. That would be my first step on any project, get some books and read them, make notes and jot down ideas as you go. Also, for game mechanics, keep an eye on other games, not just miniature ones, but card games and board games too, even computer games. I love an interesting mechanic, a neat way to use dice or counters. Not enough of that in most wargamesā€™ rules. It is very conventional in how rules are structured. I personally favor card-driven rules these days.Ā 
Also, it is more work than you think. It takes time, and you need that time to play lots too. Nothing like the furnace of the tabletop to hone rules. When youā€™re playing, itā€™s not to win. Itā€™s to push the rules and try and break them or bend them out of shape. To find oddities or things that donā€™t feel quite right. Also, if you have 20 good ideas for your game, be prepared to cut about half of them. Thatā€™s a hard bit, but you canā€™t get wedded to anything. Cut itā€¦ and save it for another day.Ā 
JW:Ā Has desktop publishing and PDF only supplements changed the face of the hobby. Has it affected the quality of the product we see today?
WK: Well, desktop publishing makes it all possible, but Iā€™m no fan of PDF rulebooks. Useful, but I hate working from PDFs myself. Old school, I like a book, preferably hardback. Wargaming is very much, for most, a cottage industry. Working small is the only way for most. If PDF is all you can do, then do it.Ā 
JW:Ā What are your favorite historical periods, and why?
WK: WWII, Crusades, ACWā€¦ but mostly WWII, just because well, it is the largest, most important event in recent human history. A bottomless pit of interesting stuff for gaming, plus loads of tanks! The war was fought with tanks.
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JW: You and your partner, Piers Brand, are known advocates of 20mm. Can you tell us more about that?
WK:Ā When I started WWII gaming, it was all there was. 1/76th or 1/72nd kits and some 20mm models. 15mm had not happened, 28mm was almost nothing. There was no choice unless you did micro-armorā€¦ and once youā€™re committed, collecting and painting big armies, lots of terrain etc., then youā€™re never going to ditch all that work for something else very similar but a bit smaller or larger. 20mm is still the best compromise between detail tank models and table size. They are just the best models going.Ā 
JW:Ā What other hobbies do you pursue to unwind?
WK:Ā Iā€™ve been a re-enactor, Vikings, for 20+ years. Two big hobbies are enough. Like everybody, I watch movies, I especially like hunting down foreign war films and read. I avoid watching junk TV or playing computer games (much). Time thievesā€¦ I use the time for painting models, far more relaxing.Ā 
JW:Ā What do you see for the future of historical miniature wargaming?
WK:Ā Big questionā€¦ the biggest technological change coming must be 3-D printing. Models you can make yourself. Maybe itā€™ll get good enough to be able to print really nice models, already in base coats for painting, Little khaki men with pink faces and hands and black gunsā€¦ how great would that be? As the price comes down, I think 3-D printing your own armies and terrain may well be the future for collecting toy soldiers. It is, though, very much a ā€˜greyingā€™ hobby. Clubs are full of older guys. That slightly worries me. I think computer gaming has become all-powerful for the next generation, it might be the death-knell of our old-fashioned analog hobby. But, hey, Iā€™m going to carry on anyway.Ā 
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JW:Ā Anything else youā€™d like to mention?
WK:Ā Err, Iā€™ll do the quick plug then. For 2021 Iā€™m working on Nam ā€™68 as mentioned and a new ā€˜Soldiers ofā€™ title, Soldiers of Napoleonā€¦ a huge project, but well in hand thanks to the [COVID-19] lockdown. Theyā€™ll be the first horse and musket rules Iā€™ve done, and itā€™ll be card-driven like the other ā€˜Soldiers ofā€™ games, but not the sameā€”a new, different game. WIP so far is good fun.Ā 
At SJR Research, we specialize in creating compelling narratives and provide research to give your game the kind of details that engage your players and create a resonant world they want to spend time in. If you are interested in learning more about our gaming research services, you can browse SJR Researchā€™s service on our site at SJR Research.
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thisweekingundamwing Ā· 6 years ago
TWIGW RoundUp (July 21 - 27)
Greetings Everyone! Hereā€™s your roundup of contributions for this week. Check out their stuff and show them some love!šŸ˜ŠšŸ’– šŸŒƒšŸŒ‰
~Mod TB
aminamenta, Mission Accepted (Part 19)
Rating: General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Multi
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Character: Heero Yuy
Additional Tags: Drabble Collection, Drabble
Summary: A Gundam Wing drabble collection based on r/fanfiction's July 2019 Daily Prompts. Missing moments and character explorations from a series I have loved for years. 100 words each. Mission Accepted. 1. Heero Yuy
ateventide, Echoes
Rating: General Audiences
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Zechs Merquise
Summary: One Shots, Drabbles and mostly unfinished works
@bailong05, All the King's Horses (Ch. 6)
Rating: Mature
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown/Gundam Wing
Relationships: Jack Spicer/Chase Young, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Jack Spicer, Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown), Chang Wufei
Additional Tags: fem!Jack, mentions of physical abuse, Mentions of Emotional Abuse, Mentions of Sexual Harassment, Panic Attacks, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Mentions of War, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Healing, Crossover
Summary: In which Chase Royally Fucks Up.
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Unchain Utopia [COMPLETE - 14 chapters]
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Rating: Mature
No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Zechs Merquise/Reader
Characters: Zechs Merquise, Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Summer of Zechs, Summer of Zechs 2019, Sexual Content, Lime, Drama, Family
Summary: When unexpected political roles are pushed upon you and your husband, you find your life turned upside down. The challenge is far greater than anything you have encountered before, but also leads to new insights. And who knows, you might even find the ultimate happiness there. ZechsxReader
Written for Summer of Zechs 2019 - @seasons-of-gundamwing
The Bodyguard
Rating: Mature
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Heero Yuy/Reader
Characters: Heero Yuy, Reader, Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Violence, Mild Sexual Content
Summary: When death threats start to get serious, Preventer sends an Agent to protect you. But this man might be more dangerous to you than any death threat. HeeroxReader.
In the End
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Chang Wufei/Reader
Characters: Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Reader, OC - Character
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Violence, Reader Insert
Summary: Five years after the war you still struggle with its horrors. Determined not to let it get to you, you decide to take a course in self defense. If only you knew that your instructor would drive you crazy and that he would get you angry with one look. Oh, and did I mention he is also sexy as sin? WufeixReader
Whatā€™s going on Fanfiction wise (4)
Doii, Precogmare (Ch. 6)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
Additional Tags: Quatre Raberba Winner/Trowa Barton - Freeform, Chang Wufei/Sally Po - Freeform, Get Together, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy - Freeform, Mission Gone Wrong
Summary: A mission gone wrong shows Duo the future that awaits them. Could he stop it on time? Can he protect Relena and the other pilots while keeping his secrets hidden? Wrote it ages ago, never published it. A lot of cursing and references to violence, death, blood and suicide. It's a Heero and Duo get together, background 03x04 and 05xS
@duointherain, Beneath (Ch. 12)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Summary: Duo discovers real catsup!
Experimental, Chase your dreams away
Rating: Mature
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Characters: Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Quinze (Gundam Wing)
Additional Tags: Canon Timeline, Dark, Not Really Character Death, Everyone Is Alive, Zero System, Mindfuckery, Guilt, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Romantic Friendship, I Will Go Down With This Ship
Summary: He watches them fall one by one when he closes his eyes. It doesn't matter if it's not real. It's his fault. That's real enough. "Bad dream?" Trowa asks him. The worst.
@janaverse, stickies from heero
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 1+2+1, 1x2x1 (Heero x Duo)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Additional Tags: Get Together, Friendship, Eventual Sap, Eventual Implied Sexual Content, Mentions of Trowa/Quatre/Wufei/Relena/Sally - for now
Creator Chose Not to Archive Warnings
Summary: heero and duo are in their mid-20's and are sharing a house. they are both working as preventers, but are not on the same work schedule. duo initiated this unique form of communication and heero has fully embraced it. [ these are images of the actual notes that heero leaves for duo on their refrigerator. ]
@helmistress, The Italian Job [Ch. 2 & 3 is up - now COMPLETE]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Characters: Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin
Additional Tags: Summer of Zechs, Photo prompt, Prompt Fic, Zechs and Noin catchin' Cartel heads and Serial Killers in one fell swoop. And then having a nice dinner.
Summary: Zechs and Noin have a have a job to do in Siena but with all the beautiful scenery and unique places to eat, will they be able to focus?
kracken, Black Dog Blues (Ch. 9)
Not Rated
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Original Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Additional Tags: gundam wing - Freeform, Yaoi
Summary: Duo is a troubled detective who solves cases with the help of visions of the supernatural. Unfortunately, those visions are driving him slowly insane. Can his new partner Heero Yuy save his soul and his sanity? AU
Lost in the Blue (Ch. 1)
Not Rated
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Characters: Wing (Gundam Wing), Gundam Wing - Character
Additional Tags: Preventers (Gundam Wing), Duo Maxwell - Freeform, Heero Yuy - Freeform
Summary: After the war everyone is a member of Preventers. Duo proves to be a pain in the ass to work with and Heero Yuy avoids him at all cost... until the day he can't any longer.
luvsanime02, Petty Bullets
Rating: General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Wild Wild West, Humor, Friendship, Cocktail Friday
Language: EnglishĀ 
Series: Part 78 of the Cocktail Friday Fics series Collections: GW Cockatil Fridays
Summary: Duoā€™s really not sure how to take his drink coming with an actual bullet encased in the glass.
@ransomedbard, A Good Day
Rating: Teen
Characters: Duo Maxwell
Dialogue cut from a WIP.
Implied violence, mentions of character death
Sheslikethis, The Unforgiven Soldiers
Rating: Mature
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: 6x5, 1x2 - Relationship, 3x4, 6xN, 1xR, 2xH, 5+S
Characters: Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Zechs Merquise, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lady Une
Additional Tags: Gay, Gay Character, Male Friendship, Love, Angst, Drama, War Crimes, Crime Fighting, Eventual Relationships, Gay Sex
Summary: How many times can you ask the earth forgiveness and be denied? How long will your love ones restrain you from being loved? How far must you go to find your true calling? A story about 6 six men were war has stolen their coming of age and they have to fight their own personal battles to find manhood. While insurgence groups, terrorist and misguided people all try to find peace.
@wingslanding, Broken (Ch. 12)
Fandom: Gundam WingĀ 
Rating: MatureĀ 
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsĀ 
Relationships: Relena Peacecraft/Heero YuyĀ 
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Heero Yuy
Summary: One of the greatest love stories never told... this way.
Fanart/Manipulations/Graphics:Ā Ā 
@artthingymabob, Relena Peacecraft
@deathscythehell, 2x4x2 and an airplane
@dinmitbang, Desire to monopolize
@duointherain, Duo Maxwell
@hashiome, Chang Wufei
@janaverse, Heero, Trowa and Duo
@meporinbb, Summer Wild Beat
@openbookexam, Gundam Wing 01
@elpheal, Gundam Wing:: FiveĀ 
@manabingu, Zechs's helmet > Zechs Merquise
@animarchive, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (Newtype, 02/1997) > After War Gundam X and Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (Newtype, 12/1996)
@animethingsandstuff, 3x4x3 (Episode 4) > Includes a discussion/debate w/ @seitou, @cynfinnegan, @gundayo and @terrablaze514.
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Rough character sketches
@disturbed02girl, Relena Darlian (in ā€œItā€™s Just Loveā€ closing theme) > 1+R / 2+H > Wing Zero versus Epyon > WMS-03 Maganac > Nataku/Shenlong (GoL) > Treize Khushrenada (GoL) > Trowa Barton (GoL) > Heero Yuy in Epyon (GoL)
@janaverse, Duo Maxwell > Heero Yuy
@wingslanding, My Favorite Fight Scene (Endless Waltz)
@myspicyuniverse, ā†’Crashā†
Studio aLf, "White Reflection" - Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (cover)
@theopmeats, 12 Favorite Moments in MSA: Gundam Wing > (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
@timelordnomad (featuring @offspringchick29 & @seitou) - Gundam Wing Game Night (1) (2) via Twitch.tv
@disturbed02girl, Gundam 40th ā€œBEYONDā€ (Comic Con 2019)
@horrendousedits, Gundam Wing EW character moodboards
@jellyfishflan, Wild Wing Boys (stickers)
@p3ac3fulfor3st, All the Kingā€™s Horses (Ch. 6): Of Pride and Pain (for @bailong05)
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, @softnocturne, @rinachiba - Cooking Headcanon!
@peachandbetty, Headcanon - Language (1xR)
@robo-rad, Send in your requests! > Different versions of Trowa
@theresareasonforthis, The Incredibles 2 << Modā€™s note: This supports my idea of Trowa working on movies.
@disturbed02girl, True warriors debate
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, Disaster idiots alignments > Lady Une versus Preventers > Time travelā€¦ (featuring @greenekangaroo & @chofitia)
@janaverse, Definition of glomping
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Wing 01 > "I will be true..."
@christianmswanson, Tallgeese (progress) > Tallgeese II > Tallgeese (update)
Gonzalo G. B., Gundam "The Fallen" (for a contest)
@waifus-of-hope, Kit arrives > Mission accomplished (Wing Zero) > Asking the Real Questions (video)
Meta/Promos/Fandom Discourse:Ā 
@amyole, Gundam Wing App
@flaminfogelman, YouTube channel update
@invader-vel, The Initials: D. M.
@oneshortdamnfuse, No one versusā€¦ Me
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, Trowa shouldnā€™t put Marie in bed anymore
Submission by @travellemon
Hilde and Relena
Duo versus ZERO system
Relena proposes, butā€¦
Trowa Barton
Trowa, Heero and Wufei
Wufei and Duo
Heero versus Zechs
What's your sexuality?
Dr. J and Heero
Quatre versus ZERO system
At Preventers HQ
Relena and the ā€œcoolā€™ blonde dude from class (Heero taught him manners in fencing class)
Submission by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Field Medic
Heero and Trowa
Trowa, Heero, Duo and Quatre
Quatre and Heero (the others are avoiding the kitchen)
Trowa and Quatre
1x2x1 (2)
Undercover at a new school
Submission by @timelordnomad
Submission by @janaverse (2)
Quatre and Noin
Duo and Quatre
Trowa, to Catherine
Stranger Things parody
3x4x3 (2)
Aboard Peacemillion
Calendar Events:
@gundam-wing-bingo, Gundam Wingo is a go!
Come sign up for a card here: https://gundam-wing-bingo.tumblr.com/post/186080202031/gundam-wing-bingo
Rules for this event here.
@gundamzine, Interest Check
Hello, everyone! As 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. I thought I would post an interest check for a fanzine in celebration of that milestone.Ā 
You can fill out the survey here, which will close on August 1.
( @fandomzines @zine-scene @zinefeed @zinewatch @zinesubmissions)
@gwcocktailfriday, Cocktail Friday
Post responses on Friday, August 2, between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Donā€™t forget to @ us!
@thisweekingundamevents, Gundam Wing Unorthodox Undercover Work Mini Bang
Calling all writers, artists, betas/editors and pinch hitters! Sign-ups are officially open for July! More detailed info here.
Sign up for the Mini Bang: https://forms.gle/XMAxNWiYj1EEaRtW8
GW Mini Bang = August 1 to November 30.
Deadline/Posting week =Ā  December 1 - 7 (on AO3).
Get in contact with @helmistress if you have any questions. Everyone who signs up will be contacted.
Heads up Mini Bangers! (Update)
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waddlesworth Ā· 2 months ago
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As I work on Draft II for my main WIP, Age Of Insurgence (a diselpunk dystopian set in the future), here are some of the elements (tropemap) from the story.
-Retro/Vintage vibes
- Found Family
- Strangers To Lovers
- He Falls First
-Gloomy F/C x Cheerful M/C
-Forced To Be Together
-Overruling Government
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frayedcobweb Ā· 6 years ago
WIP Tag Game
I got tagged by the fantastic @knightsofeclipse with this game soooo long ago omg February, and now that Iā€™ve got some brainspace Iā€™m going to be spamming my lovely followers and taglist with all my backed up tag games.
1. When starting something new, how much do you know about the story before you start writing? Some of my wips (Stillcity and The Gathering) have pages of outlining, backstorying, character developing and mapping (just The Gathering for mapping because for Stillcity thatā€™s been kinda difficult lol) before I started actually writing. Other stories, admittedly ones that are being written on as much bad bexminx lol, only have a couple of characters and a setting or something. A wip I think I introduced on here, canā€™t remember, Insurgence and Thrall, started as a fanfic idea with two characters and a Prince and the Pauper style theme.
2. What draws you to your WIP(s)? Why did you choose to write that/those over anything else? I guess I write what Iā€™d want to read. Thatā€™s it. I like rereading my stories (haha even though I get pissed that author doesnā€™t finish most of them). And sometimes itā€™s because I feel like Iā€™ve got something different or significant to add to the world... But that feeling comes and goes.
3. Favorite writing spot? Why? Ooooh my stars, Iā€™m so bad with my writing habits. I sit slouched on the couch with my laptop on my knees. A coffee by my side and often a crappy video playing for background noise in half-screen. I can see out the windows and skylights so it still feels like I have a touch of the world around me. I am however working on getting a proper battery for my laptop so I can be more than three feet away from a powerpoint and therefore widen my horizons when Iā€™m writing... Possibly out in the courtyard under the tree. I like that idea.
4. Share your favorite line of what youā€™ve written so far! I feel like I should totally have a document with lines that make me goĀ ā€˜Ooooh yeah, that was good!ā€™ Iā€™m going to go with this though...
Even the oldest in Stillcity couldnā€™t remember the time spoken of only in myth when the land moved in predictable, ordered stateliness after sunset, and uncounted star-turns ago the lands of TĆ­rathrĆŗ had gained the name The Undulating Lands or The Mother of Many Faces.
5. If you had to choose one OC to bring to life as an actual person, which one would it be and why? I think Cait from my wip Stillcity. She started as a side character who was going to play a minimal role and now sheā€™s rapidly becoming a linchpin of Book Two. Sheā€™s a sarcastic smartass who loves learning... And I bet she could help me sort out some gosh-darn world-building issues Iā€™ve been having because sheā€™s spent her whole life learning about the Undulating Lands.
6. Are you looking to get published? If so, do you hope to make it a career? Iā€™d love to get published and I will one way or another at some point. Iā€™ve self-published a book of poems (something Iā€™ll probably do again before I look like publishing a novel) and that got me the bug of seeing my work in print and watching other people read my stuff. Itā€™s still scary knowing that people I know are reading my work, but itā€™s exciting scary lol.
7. Whatā€™s something you would read but would never write (or the other way around)? Any reason? I love reading political thrillers and mysteries. Iā€™d love to write them too, but I donā€™t have the twisty, scary-smart brain or the attention span to write something convincingly intrigue-y. I donā€™t think... Maybe some day...
8. Whatā€™s something you are most proud of about your work so far? I love my fight and battle scenes. Iā€™ve been told I do them pretty well and Iā€™m working on admitting that I think I do them well too. Also, Iā€™m proud of my poetry book because it turned out awesome lol. I think I need to work poetry into my wips more Tolkien Iā€™m not, but I like my poetry.
9. Badly describe your WIP(s) in one sentence The Mother is pissed so the earth moves and people fight over still ground and social norms.
10. Why did you want to be a writer? Well it all started (oh yes, Iā€™m going far back) with my Dad being a poet. Iā€™ve loved words from a very young age and a love of reading translated smoothly into the urge to create my own worlds and characters. Sometimes I feel like my words are more real than I am, like Iā€™m just a way for the worlds in my head to become real. Itā€™s funny, I sometimes try and think about the world from the point of view of someone who doesnā€™t have a thousand stories swirling through their head, a thousand unreal people from a thousand worlds that never existed living inside them... I canā€™t do it. I canā€™t imagine what it would be like to not write.
TaggingĀ @marewriteblr @vhum @sheabutterskyes @esoteric-eclectic-eccentric @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @intheeunder@aarrimas @thatchaoticneutraltrainwreck @ivegotfireforaheart-studyrecipeĀ @focusdumbass @cawolters @jaywrites101 @writings-of-a-narwhal @drist-n-dither @inkspilledqueen (if youā€™re not doing tag games just give me a shout because Iā€™ll be doing a few of these. No pressure to do the game either :) Just tagging you because I like you and feel free to tag me and do it if I missed you Iā€™m so disorganized)
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yenneferw Ā· 7 years ago
(eek this got longer than i meant) here's a star wars idea i had ages ago and is sitting in my wips, forever unfinished, and i think you'd like it: royal!finn who basically lives in the centre of the richest, most prosperous region of the universe (aka the Empire). whilst on a solitary trade mission to an outlying planet, he's kidnapped by a famous pirate ship, the Millenium Falcon, that's being manned by rey, poe and rose. they start to take him back the Resistance base but for (1/5)
(2/5) Technical Reasons (aka ship conveniently breaks) the trip takes a few weeks and they can't radio ahead. to start with, he's superior and selfish and acts every bit the royalty he's been taught to be, but slowly he warms up to them. during those few weeks, the three of them teach finn about what the Empire's really done - attacking and firebombing Resistance colonies, murdering insurgents and innocents and crushing rebellions. they teach him that the Resistance aren't the crazy murderersĀ 
(3/5) he's been made to believe they are. finn is horrified at how brainwashed he's been his whole life and the fact that he's part of their freaking ROYALTY. by the time they get back to the Resistance base, finn begs them to let him join the Resistance. they debate for a bit, then agree, and when they arrive, they say that finn is a traveller they picked up after he sent out distress calls bc his ship was attacked by the Empire (since the three of them shot out some bits of finns ship to start
(4/5) with, this is believable) and general organa lets him join up. the four of them grow closer and closer and work together aboard the Falcon, running raids on the Empire that start small but slowly grow. finn finds out at some point that rey and rose are a couple (and lbr disgustingly cute together). the three of them teach him about life and the universe and the Resistance, and the history of the Empire and the Resistance. in return, he tells them about weaknesses in the Empire's system.
(5/5) leia begins to get suspicious about his knowledge and thinks he's from the Empire originally. he admits who he was, but convinces her that he's loyal to the Resistance now. thanks to his inside knowledge of the Empire, the Falcon (crewed by the four of them) leads an attack that manages to fell the central Empire system. there's celebration and shit and then poe just runs up and kisses finn full on the mouth and he's like 'oh', and basically happy fluffy ending with reyrose and finnpoeĀ 
woo i really like this esp the concept of finn like,,, supposed to be all fancy and the whatnot and good at conforming to that since thatā€™s what heā€™s been Taught, but heā€™s a Big Softy at heart so he has the hugest soft spot in his heart the moment he meets poe, rose, and rey so heā€™s tryin to be allĀ ā€œhmm. this seems Bad and Not Royalty-likeā€ but poeā€™s likeĀ ā€œitā€™s chill itā€™s chill cā€™monā€ and heā€™s likeĀ ā€œyouā€™ve absolutely convinced me, and also i love you and would die for hte resistance now thank youā€Ā 
also every universe of mlm/wlw solidarity between finnpoe and reyrose Is The Best
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zenkor123 Ā· 11 days ago
timeline(2) WIP)
My fic's changed a lot and needs to be reorganized.
September 25th
Peeta given a pet rat named snipps by the hospital
September 26th
Death of medic Arthur Cartwright in an ambush by Peacekeeper insurgents in a narrow mountain pass at the age of 12.
September 27 75 DD Mrs Everdeen's mission to D11 announced Coin conceives of plan to break Katniss, and destroy her power, and place in history September 28 75 DD Mrs Everdeen travels to D11, she planned on leaving in the evening after reflection but Coin uses a drone strike that killed 25 and injured 43 as an excuse to have her sent ASAP. Katniss is not told this. Mrs Everdeen manages to say goodbye to Prim who is in the hospital wing.
September 29 75 DD Katniss attacked with buckets of ice water by plain clothes coinist secret police this starts a social trend September 30 75 DD Katniss attacked with laser pointers by D13 bullies September 31 75 DD Katniss attacked with sewage balloons by D13 bullies October 1 75 DD Katniss given a wedgie and arrested for resisting the wedgie October 2 75 DD Buttercup eats Snips
Gang of 4 bullies attacks Katniss harassing her with poking sticks, another gang trips her with hockey sticks and she is pushed while getting the schedule printed on her arm. Katniss is arrested for fighting back.
When she leaves the corrections wing she is attacked by paintguns
October 3 75DD
a mob of 20 bullies attack Katniss with hoses of ice water, paintballs, laser pointers, sewage balloons, they later corner her and begin physically hazing her, with Wedgies, poking sticks and pushing. She defends herself and hides under a table when the bullies leave Delly sits down. She is also bullied in training center 42 by Tong and Leeg. When she leaves training a 12 year old child who looks like Prim calls Katniss a freak and slaps Katniss.
October 4 75 DD Morning Handholding scene Breaktime: Gale reveals that Katniss was never into Gale but Peeta is the cause of Katniss's woes. Evening Peeta confronts Katniss over her plans to kill Snow October 5 75 DD Annie Odair's birthday October 6 75 DD October 7 75 DD October 8 75 DD October 9 75 DD October 10 75 DD October 11 75 DD October 12 75 DD October 13 75 DD October 14 75 DD October 15 75 DD Coin dies in an accident
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flaeschama-blog Ā· 6 years ago
Mythology: The Psudennese Gods of War
When not writing, Iā€™ve been inventing a pantheon for my own personal D&D setting. This is a WIP and is no way considered finished or sensible.
For the Psudennese, religion is a practical affair.
There are gods, they come in various forms or names, these gods are capricious and attention seeking: this much is obvious. To appease them, which you must do if you want to get anything done, you need to know their wishes.Ā 
Each god has their own way of making their wishes known which is then interpreted by their priesthood. Some gods prefer haruspicy, others use astronomy, still others make themselves known in the cracks of the local temple wall. The God of Pranks, for example, reveals his wishes by writing them down and then attaching them on the back of his high priest. Most of his wishes seem to be ā€˜Kick Me.ā€™Ā 
The priests interpret these signs and then intone gravely about what sacrifices need to be performed, what rituals accomplished, how much should be donated to the widows and orphans fund. Such things are recognised to be tiresome but ā€œbetter a fatted calf than a sulking god,ā€ as many atheists have found to their chagrin.
What follows is a brief collection of those Gods of War or War-Adjacent exist in the Psudennese pantheon.
Caius, Prime God of Victory LN
Subdomains: Strategy, Tactics, Soldiers and Civility During Wartime
An old man in ancient battle dress. Worn and weary of fighting but in love of challenge, the battle of wits. Hard, regimented yet not without small compassion for his men. Desires victory above all. He has grey hair in a short cropped wavy roman style. He has pale skin and pure white eyes. Often seen playing a local boardgame. The ultimate general. Husband to Aust.
Aura: promotes pride and honour, makes your chest stick out
Symbol: plumed war helmet
Gandther, the Neutral God of Peace N
Subdomain: Neutrality, Peace, the Aftermath of War and Conscientious Objectors
A melancholy man of middle age in simple grey clothes. Semi-reviled, Gandther is not the enemy of Caius, but is more of an annoying younger brother. Gandther is always subservient to his elder and resents it. Highly conservative, he holds those who do not seek change and who revile conflict as his paragons. Dislikes having to pick up the pieces afterwards but does so diligently. He has lank brown hair and four arms, often holding various items symbolising peace and rebuilding.
Aura: makes person unwilling to do things, removes passion
Symbol: none, although the colour grey is popular
Urmaxe, Goddess of Liberation CG
Subdomains: Revolution, Independence, Insurgency and Prisoners.
A young athletic woman with wild shining eyes and bright rebellious hair. She wears a suit of half armour, like a gladiator. She carries Vindication, a buckler forged from broken chains. In her other hand, a severed head. Uncompromising and full of righteous fury, she demands liberty and blood for all oppressed people. Desires to make the world one of constant revolution. A pariah, worship of her is suppressed.
Aura: makes person furious at injustice, willing to sacrifice all for ideals
Symbol: shield
Aust, Goddess of Atrocity CE
Subdomains: Devastation, Genocide, Rape and Pillage.
Grey skin mottled with the ever moaning faces of the suffering. She has no face herself. Her fingers are long scythes that silently defile. Wears a red dress of flowing blood. Her voice is a low whisper inside your head. She is always pleasant, content merely to push men and gods just a little bit further over the line. Wife to Caius.
Aura: makes people want to commit acts of depravity and suffering, the dark things they can never admit. You feel dirty after meeting her.
Symbol: a screaming face
Romeon, God of Conflict NE
Subdomain: Hostility, Escalation, Rage, Strife
The son of Caius, twin of Tueton. Large in stature with the head of a boar. Romeon is a teenage volcano of unquenchable fury, ready for the least thing to set him off. Romeon is however shrewd: he will goad others into fights as well, playing off one against another. Patron of berserkers, he dresses in animal skins and uses his fingernails to rip and tear. He often portrayed with flesh between his fingers and on his tusks.
Aura: makes people furious and liable to explode, filled with maddening rage,
Symbol: a boars head
Tueton, God of Empire LE
Subdomain: Expansion, Invasion, Glory and Exploitation
The son of Caius, twin of Romeon, he is an insecure boy with the head of a lion. Lean but broad shouldered, he shares his fathers bearing, clad in bright golden armour. Believing himself to be his fathers favourite, he seeks out glory, material wealth, power in all forms. Takes joy in heroics but more in subjugation and accumulation. Suffers from intense hubris. He bears a golden gladius named Triumph. Husband to Sanga.
Aura: makes people power-hungry and greedy for glory
Symbol: a lions head
Sanga, Minor Goddess of Patriotism and Propaganda N
Wife to Tueton, she is his devotee and cheerleader, believes him to be the best of all Gods. Short and voluptuous.
Aura: makes people passionately devoted to a cause or person
Symbol: None
Bliniir, Minor God of Diplomacy, Alliances and Treaties LG
Servant to Caius and Ganther, he is the long suffering mediator between the two. Plump and bald.
Aura: makes person more calm and friendly
Symbol: A pair of shaking hands
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casscutting Ā· 6 years ago
Word Counts: How Long Should Your Book Be?
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As I said in last week's post (Click Here to read said post.) In the traditional publishing world, the amount of words in any given novel ranges depending on several different factors. These, for want of a better word, limitations should be applied to self-published work as well.
There are three factors that go into the decision-making process. The first factor that goes into the decision-making process is the targeted age category, ie. Picture Books, Childrenā€™s, Chapter Books, Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult. Obviously, the older the reader the longer their attention spans are the more book they can and are willing to read.
The next is Genre such as Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Literary Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc. I donā€™t consider this a MAJOR contributor to word count because any one of these genres can produce a long book or a short one. That being said traditionally certain genres even for debuts are given some leniency when it comes to word count like Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Lastly your popularity as an Author the reason this is a major faction is because if you are a debut Author the publishing house doesnā€™t know how your sales will perform so they are wearier and donā€™t want to spend more money printing longer books.
Picture Books usually range from 50 ā€“ 2,500 words at most. That upper range is usually reserved for older children ages 5 ā€“ 9 years old.
Chapter Books traditionally do not exceed 12,000 words at most. Chapter books are usually marketed towards children as young as 9 ā€“ 12.
Middle Grade Now specific genres come into play, however, a good rule of thumb to play by with the middle grade is that word counts range from 20,000 for the younger 10-11 to 60,000 for the older children 12-13. For example, Mr. Popperā€™s Penguins by Richard Atwater is 18,188 words and is usually marketed towards children ages 8+ Whereas the other end of the spectrum we have:
Wonder by Palacio, R.J. 73,053
Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone by J.K. Rowling 78,792
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan 86,826
As you see these books clearly exceed the 60,000-word ā€œlimitā€ but these books are not common from my research.
Young Adult As we are getting older we crave a bigger world and more story. In the YA category, you typically find books ranging from 55,000 ā€“ 90,000 though as fans of Harry Potter, The Hate You Give, Children Of Blood and Bone, Twilight, Hunger Games, and Divergent will know this is not always the case.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone 78,792
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 84,799
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 106,821
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 190,858
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 257,154
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 169,441
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 198,227
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 111,750
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi 134,250
Twilight 118,975
New Moon 132,758
Eclipse 148,971
Breaking Dawn 186,542
Hunger Games
Hunger Games 99,750
Catching Fire 101,564
Mockingjay 100,269
Divergent 105,143
Insurgent 136,000
Allegiant 110,354
I am leaving Four: A Divergent Story Collection because I canā€™t find a definitive word count for this collection.
However, these arenā€™t the norm here are a few examples of books closer to the ā€œnormalā€ range:
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton 48,953
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine Lā€™Engle 52,587
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 60,438
Legend by Marie Lu 75,464
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell 78,179
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld 87,274
Cinder by Marissa Meyer 87,661
Adult Adult books have the highest word count because adults tend to have the longest attention span and are less donated by larger books. That being said I like many other readers read adult books at a teen so this distinction, in my opinion, is moot.
Most adult books start at 90,000 words on the low end and can go up to and exceed 500,000 words. However, like the rest of these categories, it can be lower as well.
Literary Fiction:
Mystery & Thriller Books
Romance Books
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 47,094
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger 73,404
Life of Pi by Yhann Martel 98,783
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 99,121
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen 99,969
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 107,052
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling 162,152
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt 296,582
Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane 81,666
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga 87,053
Heartsick by Chelsea Cain 93,416
The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen 98,039
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz 99,438
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins 101,704
The Firm by John Grisham 135,293
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown 138,952
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn 145,719
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks 48,978
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt 88,895
The Princess Bride by William Goldman 89,426
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen 119,394
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells 32,059
The Hitchhikerā€™s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 46,333
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov 68,902
Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein 84,769
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder 98,315
The Martian by Andy Weir 104,588
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton 117,645
Dune by Frank Herbert 181,493
Lord of the Rings ā€“ J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring 187,000
The Two Towers 155,000
The Return of the King 131,000
A Song of Ice And Fire ā€“ George R. R. Martin
A Game of Thrones 292,727
A Clash of Kings 318,903
A Storm of Swords 404,604
A Feast for Crows 295,032
A Dance with Dragons 414,788
Fire & Blood (There is a mix of information on this one) 200,000-300,000
Debut For this section, I will be repeating some books Iā€™ve already mentioned. Debut Novels are usually always below 100,000 no matter the age category or genre, though there are always exceptions to the rules.
Fight Club Chuck Palahniuk 49,962
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 60,438
Before I Die Jenny Downham 69,548
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger 70,544
Wonder by Palacio, R.J. 73,053
Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone by J.K. Rowling 78,792
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan 89,682
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold 97,914
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 99,121
Divergent by Veronica Roth 105,143
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 107,052
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 111,750
The Book Thief Markus Zusak 118,933
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer 118,975
Below is a good rule of thumb to stick too for your novel, debut in particular.
YA and Adult Below 70,000: Too short 70,000 ā€“ 79,999: Might Be Too Short But Probably Alright 80,000 ā€“ 89,999: Acceptable 90,000 ā€“ 99,999: Generally Safe 100,000 ā€“ 109,999: Might Be Alright 110,000 or above Might Be Too Long
Middle Grade Below 20,000: Too short 25,000 ā€“ 39,999: Generally Safe 40,000 ā€“ 59,999: Probably Alright 60,000 or above Might Be Too Long
If your book goes far below or above any of the word counts I mentioned you may have a harder time getting published but you never know until you try. Rule #1 of Writing, Know the writing rules. Rule #2 of Writing, Break all the rules.
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