madmanswords · 5 months ago
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I love the Big Finish Twitter
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andy-clutterbuck · 7 months ago
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Rick Grimes in The Ones Who Live | 1x06 - The Last Time
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bruciemilf · 1 year ago
Jason @ Dick after the fucker conveniently didn't tell him Bruce actually DID want to and TRIED to kill the clown but he had political immunity due to being the ambassador of Iran and Clark stopped him to avoid a war:
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englandhatepage · 2 months ago
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should’ve kissed maybe
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ohdeargodwhy · 11 months ago
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Loki, devastated
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svnnyd4ys · 27 days ago
some sfth plays as Richard Siken poetry quotes bc i love combining my interests sorry guys
might do a version where it's characters with very specific ones, but for now the plays!! these quotes make the plays seem much sadder than they are lmfaoo
plays 1-10 under the cut~
OMG, IS THIS A JOKE? "It starts with bloodshed, always bloodshed, always the same running from yourself story," (driving, not washing - Crush)
THE MERINGUE HABERDASHERY "I woke up and ate ice cream in the dark, hunched over on the wooden chair in the kitchen, listening to the rain. I borrowed your shoes and didn't put them away." (i had a dream about you - Crush)
LOST IN YOUR EYES "I thought of myself as a city and I licked my lips. I thought of myself as a nation and I wrung my hands. I put a thing in your hands. Will you defend yourself?" (landscape with a blur of consequences - War of the Foxes)
THE DARK MOONS OF SLOUGH "They huddled closer, shoulder to shoulder, painted themselves in herds, all together and apart from the rest." (the language of the birds - War of the Foxes)
LONG JOHNS - STRIKE! "You're in a car. You're in the weeds again. You're on a bumpy roads and there are criminals everywhere, longing for danger." (the dislocated room - Crush)
TOO BIG TO BE A JOCKEY "A stone on the path means the tea's not ready, a stone in the hand means somebody's angry, the stone inside of you still hasn't hit bottom." (seaside improvisation - Crush)
THE OOPSIE DAISY BULGE "Our scope was much larger than I realised, which only made me that much more responsible." (detail of the hayfield - War of the Foxes)
THE HARE WHO WORE A SWEATER "The wife has a dead hand. This is earlier. She is living and her dead hands feed her pills that don't work. The boy sleeps on the roof or falls out of trees. The father works late. The wife looks out of the window and thinks, Not this." (war of the foxes - War of the Foxes)
ONCE UPON A TIME I KILLED MUM "'Cut off your head, kid. For all the good it'll do ya.' I glued my head back on. All thoughts finish themselves eventually." (landscape with fruit rot and millipede - War of the Foxes)
THE MIDNIGHT MYSTERY "He could build a city. Has a certain capacity. There's a niche in his chest where a heart could fit perfectly and he thinks if he could maneuver one into place- well then, game over." (road music - Crush)
(inside the mysterious cube is getting it's own post)
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autumnrory · 11 months ago
characters like emily and paris will regularly be casually cruel to others and don't show any remorse but rory inadvertenly hurts someone and beats herself up for it and gilmore girls fans will be like "rory is the most evil selfish character ever written"
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a-sealed-solitude · 1 year ago
The venn diagram of Withnail & I fans and Eighth Doctor enjoyers is a circle. There, I said it.
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myersesque · 2 months ago
SAF LONDON WAS SO FUCKING GOOD AND IF U WERE THERE PRETTY PLS FEEL FREE TO YELL IN MY DIRECTION ABT IT. if any of u made conversation with an awkward mf in a rainbow bowtie and a patch vest (with a glittery bunny build-a-bear named agent curt mega), that was me lmao. special shoutout to everyone who handed out stuff, u are all absolute legends :D
also. the whole cast was not only immensely talented and perfectly cast but also SMOKIN hot. i feel very bisexually abt it all. that torture tango performance is burned into my brain forevermore and i could not be happier
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eighthwholove · 10 months ago
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You can never go wrong with Withnail and I, so enjoy these as your Monday...present..
(Bonus Eight n Charley, it wouldn't be right without them.)
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jtownraindancer · 6 months ago
remember when i said most of this nonsense started because i liked burn's voice? ...yeh.
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nostalgia-tblr · 8 months ago
one problem with getting into Fiction Franchises like, oh let's say the MCU, long after they started is that 1) there are things that refer back to things I don't know about and 2) i don't know what i don't know about, and in a way that latter is more of a problem at least for me.
i managed an episode of wandavision and was left thinking "this seems like it's good, but i have no clue what's going on here so it's not going to work for me is it?" and i am reliably told it's supposed to be Mysterious Mindfuckery but i, a noob, was unable to work out without external clarification what i wasn't supposed to know. if you see what i mean.
i notice the mcu movies (at least as it progresses?) don't have numbers on them, and we know when they're direct sequels because there's a subtitle. and if you come at these later you need to get a chart to work out whether you should watch thor: ragnarok before or after thor: the dark world. which is easily done if i am determined to get things in the right order, but any effort is too much for someone.
so while i am willing to consider the idea that the later mcu films/shows are just Less Good than the early ones (personally Doubt so far but I'm not opposed to the idea) it's very easy inside a fandom to lose sight of what your thing looks like to the casuals who make up most of an audience, and frankly the mcu is currently Very Large and confusing.
who are all these Mrs/Captain/Miss/etc Marvel ladies and which of them have already been in films I might or might not have seen? how many ant men are there prior to this one? am i supposed to know who the baddy in this or that film is? which of these side-characters are from something else?
doesn't-seem-related-but-it-is: i was surprised to discover that the general mcu fandom view of the loki series was not that it was some sort of AU situation that could be thought of an entirely separate from the main series of films. because that was pretty much why it was the one to hook me, i think - it explained the relevant backstory with clips and yet also this is a different loki so if i don't want to go and watch however many films he was in i don't have to. i would expect him to be to some extent "out of character" because it carefully explained to me that this is not really the same character as that identical guy with the same name who was in some number of films. there's a woman one and an alligator one but don't worry they're all from AUs anyway.
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angevinyaoiz · 8 months ago
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“Dear to Me”
Richard deeply offends his overlord with a single word, and backtracking just makes it worse.
18+, Richard/Philippe, 6 pages. Set post 1189, pre-Crusade. Read it on my revised website!
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ellariasand · 5 months ago
i’d get cannibalized on twitter for this opinion so i’m leaving it here, but lord if the rest of the season didn’t fully put me off this new era of doctor who, then rtd purposefully shoving eight in a dark dusty corner in favor of canonizing a random eu doctor no one knows and prioritizing war again really did it in
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usedtobemygirl · 5 months ago
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beckmessering · 2 months ago
big love for götterdämmerung productions where gibich’s court is
[normal child]
[normal child]
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