dailypurpled · 14 days
DAILY PURPLED DAY 140 - I can no longer take it anymore I thought I could hold in my anger at the live action movie but I could not oh god it’s so bad
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pebbles-postcards · 2 days
Because “I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve - Jesus, does anyone?” 
Do you think we’re friends in every universe?
We barely met in this one
But you’re in every new person I see and
I think about you daily
I miss how close we had become
I wish you weren’t so far
I hope I know the sound of your voice
I hope it hasn’t changed
I know we’ve grown up a lot since then, but 
at least you still look the same
So if not in every universe
Then at least in every five years
I’ll meet you in the riverbeds 
And in my salty lonely tears
I’ve met you on the moon at night
And in that song in the rain
What wouldn’t I give 
To go back in years 
And do it all again
to crawl around in corridors
and share top-bunk beds
And when I meet you soon in January
Perhaps we’ll see those girls again
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nanamis-bigtie · 10 months
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50 Smutty Fics Ideas
Made this for an event I haven't run in the end, but it'd be a pity to keep them hidden. I hope they'll help your creativity flow!
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A and B are hiding together in a tight place, their bodies pressed close. With adrenaline running in their veins, the situation eventually gets out of control.
A and B are dancing what eventually leads to a slow, intimate dance. A gets aroused from B pressing close to them.
A has an obvious crush on B and plans to finally confess. A chickens out and tries to opt out of the situation, but B presses them to speak in a spicy way.
A is tied to an altar as a sacrifice to demon!B. More than taking their life, B is interested in taking their body.
During a visit in a sex shop A spots a weird toy. B suggests purchase as a joke. Little do they know A seriously wants to use it.
A and B are friends with benefits. A's feelings turn out to be genuine, but they don't want to ruin the balance, so they keep it to themself…until they accidentally slip a confession during sex.
A is really into a specific body type/body part and B's body looks as if taken straight out of A's fantasy. A can't hold it anymore and reveals how much B turns them on.
A and B are on a motorcycle trip. The constant movement, vibration and touching is getting them excited.
A walks on B changing. It's the first time they see them naked, and they can't peel their eyes off them.
A survives a near miss. B, worried and scared to death, doesn't want to leave their side since then.
A and B need to share bed due to circumstances. They wake up in each other's arms and it awakens something in them.
A goes down on B. B wears nothing but stockings. At some point A starts tearing them out of the way with their teeth.
A loves B's scent but they keep it secret. One day B catches A masturbating while sniffing a piece of their clothing.
The way A moans "I love you" turns B absolutely feral.
A tries to get B jealous as a part of their flirting game. B snaps way harder then A predicted.
A and B are in a dom-sub relationship. A breaks a rule and B has to again teach them how to be a good sub.
A is less experienced in kink than B. B introduces them to the world of kink with their favorite one.
A gets extra loud during sex so B has to cover their lips. Limited oxygen/fingers in mouth insanely turn A on.
A and B meet for what's not supposed to be a romantic date - but they feel so good around each other, it's suddenly 2am, and they don't really want to part. A proposes B to move the meeting to their place.
A is arguing with B. They truly can't decide whether they want to kill or fuck B more.
That was supposed to be just a make out session, but A kisses so good that B gets impossibly aroused.
A and B are about to face a dangerous situation. They want to enjoy life before it might be too late.
A celebrates a great success with B. Drinks and festive atmosphere quickly turn the matters spicy.
It's A's birthday and they find B tied to bed in nothing but very revealing lingerie.
After a soul-draining break up, A wants to get rid of remaining grief & enter a new path of life with a bang: they contact B, a professional dom.
A and B realize they are being watched during sex. They don't intend to stop.
A is in a middle of meeting when they receive a message B. It's a very explicit nude.
A puts a blade by B's throat, be it seriously or as a joke/teasing. B's reaction is…enthusiastic.
A's hands seriously distract B. Their reactions eventually clue A in: and they decide to use the new knowledge to their favor.
A and B get trapped in one small space and need to wait for emergency. If only there was a way to kill the boredom…
A uses a sexual favor to convince B to do something.
A suffers from pent-up stress and frustration. B offers their body for them to use to get rid of negative emotions.
During soft, vanilla sex A asks B to try something different/rougher.
A shoves B against the wall. Now, once they are so close, A can't stop looking at B's face/lips/body part of choice.
A has lips/tongue/nipples/genitals pierced. B is really curious how does it feel during sex.
A rolls sleeves up/takes shirt off, revealing body hair to B. B has no idea how to act normal around A anymore.
A is usually reserved when it comes to intimacy and emotions. When in public, B does something that breaks A. A pulls B close and whispers to them: "I need you. Now."
A is preparing themself to roll with their day. B walks on them wearing nothing but their shirt.
A tends to neglect their needs. B uses kink as a way of taking care of them.
It's unbearably hot and A switches to wearing short and fine dresses. B finds out they are wearing no underwear underneath.
A has a really big dick/strap, B struggles to take it. A taunts and teases them about it.
Good cock & bad cock routine with dom!A, dom!B and sub!C. A praises C while B degrades and taunts them.
A and B are in a dedicated but open relationship. C grabs their mutual interest.
A loses a bet and now has to do what B tells them.
A, B, C (and maybe more 🤭) running a train on D.
A has a dark/unusual sexual fantasy & they bring it up to their partner, B. B agrees to try it out.
After a longer break A is so needy for sex that they can't enough of B. B is a trembling, ruined mess, but A just keeps going.
A is filthy rich & B is their sugar baby. A pays B a ridiculous amount of money to try a kinky scenario out.
A is a virgin but also very curious about a certain kink. B does their best to let them try it in a safe and satisfying way.
Wedding night between A and B takes an extra spicy turn.
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Please, reblog and/or credit, when you use (but don't @ me!). The divider made by @/saradika.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
What is your opinion of AI? Personally, I think that like any technology, it depends on the user and their intentions, but that is just me.
What about you?
1. Theft
The most central issues with AI as it is now is that the programs were trained/are trained with STOLEN art. Stolen visual art, music, writing, etc.
The vast majority of what it has been fed is stolen. As in, the artists behind the work were not ever given the chance to consent nor be compensated for their works being used to feed the machine.
This reason alone is straight up copyright infringement and the optimist in me does believe the long arm of the law is gonna shut these programs down for that. But the long arm of the law is looooooong, and the technology is disrupting people’s livelihoods now. Unlike robots or machinery that was invented and built to expedite assembly line/factory work, this technology is only functional by using other people’s labor. If we didn’t live in a society where you have to “earn” your right to live in it, then this would still be wrong, but it probably wouldn’t be such an existential problem.
There are active class action lawsuits for infringement of copyright. And the private sector has begun filing suits and I’m quite certain they’ll win because again—it’s simply theft. These companies did not make licensing contracts, they’re not paying royalties to the artists they stole from.
So if you consider using ai that generates “art” (whether it is visual, music, writing, etc.) please consider stopping immediately, as you would actively be benefiting from theft (which is wrong imo!!!!)
2. AI in its present form dishonors the human spirit
In my personal relationship with AI technology, I do not use it to generate ideas or ‘art’. I detest the notion to use technology in that way tbh. AI is a form of technology, so it’s difficult to break it down into every specific use it actually has. But here’s an attempt; no to generative AI, okay to certain AI.
There are kinds of AI programming in the programs I use (such as features that help you color in a shape quickly or make a perfect circle). This is useful tech (that requires zero IP theft) and I like it because it helps me by taking care of tedious tasks so that I have more time to spend in the creative and drawing processes. But I still choose the colors, I still draw the images, I still write the stories.
I think the way AI is used right now with a focus on “creative thinking” (where it’s not actually creating anything it’s just churning out other people’s *stolen* ideas and practice) is a total waste. AI being used as an assistant to help humans find information easily can be/has been swell. And requires no theft :D
But for whatever reason (greed, capitalism are my guesses), tech companies are leaning into a direction to replace creativity with AI?? I imagine the people behind this view the practice of art as tedious work because it is challenging??
But the beauty of art and the practice of it is that it allows humans to experience and overcome challenges with little to no stakes.
When society determines that is not a valuable use of human time, then I think we’ll all be significantly more miserable. If we allow a machine to be “creative” and leave us to only experience challenges with stakes—like survival (rent, putting food on the table).
So here are some examples of how I feel about AI uses;
AI to translate languages, find resources, discern malicious malware/spam from harmless messages > 👍🏽
AI to generate ideas/art for you > 🤢 Why??????? Why would you want that…that’s the most exceptional part of the human experience and you relinquish it to a bot trained on stolen ideas? 😭
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foone · 4 months
You reblog a trans person's art and you get a message a bit later from someone who wants to tell you that they're a pedophile, or a zoophile, or an abuser.
And it's like... I know this is a thing that happens, it's terrible, it's not remotely true, it's partially k*f*'s fault, but I'm also like... Can't you get a little more imaginative about what supposed crimes you're falsely accusing them of?
How come I'm never getting DMs warning me that the trans man who draws the sexy furries robbed a bank in Poughkeepsie in 2005?
That transfem robot? She shot a man in Reno, and didn't even watch him die.
That enby who writes the neat scifi stories? They acted as a real estate agent WITHOUT A LICENSE in Florida during the Obama administration.
And that agender sex worker with the huge... Assets? They committed DOUBLE PHILATELIC FORGERY FRAUD!
Yeah see during WW1 the British forged a bunch of German stamps. Not many of these stamps survive, so they're very collectable for philatelists. And fae FORGED one of these stamps (specifically the 15 pfenning Bavarian stamp) and then passed it of as a real forgery, when in fact it was a forged forgery. Fae sold that shit for over 30000 kroner. Faer crimes have never been prosecuted even though they admitted all of this during faer August 17 GoonStream.
All I'm saying is that if you're gonna keep making up crimes about trans people, show some fucking creativity, you know?
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astrobydalia · 8 months
Astro knowledge
A short more educational post for y'all!
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work by astrobydalia
Pisces/Neptune rules marketing while Gemini/Mercury is more about sales. They’re both deeply related but difference is Gemini is the salesman that appeals to your reason and resorts to mind games (Mercury) in a one-on-one to convince you why you should buy into something. Marketing on the other hand is ruled by Pisces because it appeals to the collective unconscious (Neptune). It’s all about crafting subliminal messages that make you see that product/idea as more appealing even when you know what you're seeing is not realistic. Very related to propaganda as well. This is also a field that requires a lot of creativity, they're constantly using metaphors, hyperboles or even making up little fictional stories to sell a product...
I've already said this but for anyone new, the planet that rules real love is moon not Venus. See the full explanation here
Where Sagittarius is in your chart will bring luck and happiness, but Taurus does give off expansive (or dare I say expensive) energy too. Where Taurus sits in your chart is an area of your life that will be more grandiose in nature cause Taurus rules over indulgence and pleasure. You could experience some sort of privilege when it comes to this house, the themes of this house come to you in abundance with little to no effort. Some examples:
Taurus 1st house: have a striking and bold appearance, gives off luxury and attractive vibes regardless of their looks. These people could come across as a "high value woman/man" without trying
Taurus 7th house: very active and abundant love life, lots of suitors and business partners landing on your lab, they want to provide for you and/or give you lucrative opportunities
Taurus 9th house: having access to high quality education or elevated knowledge. Probably attended a very exclusive or expensive collage, payed vacations vibes, easy and frequent relocations
Taurus 10th house: almost untouchable reputation, very respected and liked by others, is always seen as innocent or harmless, lots of success with their ventures
The 2nd house also talks about your roots and upbringing but in a more objective and material sense. This house and the position of its ruler can be very telling of how your actual social and economic context shaped your basic values. It can also talk about your house as the 2nd house rules over real state, lands, properties, etc. The 4th house is more about your home, how you were raised within that reality and how it impacted you emotionally at your core
Example: Libra risings could come from an environment that shaped their values around survival and money gains due to Scorpio 2nd house (I've seen very commonly they come from marginalized groups or humble beginnings or very financially competitive environments). So they have a family that is very demanding and expected them to work or be a boss from a young age (Capricorn 4th house)
Speaking of, 2nd house does not ONLY rule money!!! It rules RESOURCES and anything that you own that is highly valuable and you can put a price on!!!! And yes of course since these things are valuable they can be easily monetized, traded, used to make you money. This can be your skills, assets, real state, etc. The 2nd house is your piggy bank basically
There's a lot of talk about how 11th house is how you make money in your career while 2nd house is how you spend it. Well this is technically true but I'd like to add more explanation to this. In derivative astrology 11th house is 2nd (money) from the 10th (career) so it does show how you actually make money from your career. 2nd house is where you get money but 11th house is how you make money. Your 11th house is the multiplier (credits to @cosmicpuzzle for that fact) while 2nd house is where your financial stability lies on. In other words 11th house is indicative of how you generate more but 2nd house is all about what you already have, its about what you can make with what you OWN already, it deals with money that is already available through your resources' value (again, you piggy bank). This does 'make' you money in a way like if you lose your job and are lacking money your 2nd house where you turn to for example if you own a house you can rent it, you can buy a rare item that costs a lot, selling your art or any other natural skill, etc. The concept of value is important in this house bc it can increase or decrease (while 11th house increases and multiplies). The more valuable your resources are the more potential money you have available which means more financial stability and wealth. Anyways hope all that makes sense
We often refer to water signs when talking spirituality but truth is fire signs are very spiritual in nature as well. Fire symbolizes the spark of life itself, nothing could exist or be created without it. Aries deals with the basic ontological conception of 'I am, I exist', Leo is about how the self manifests and create itself and Sagittarius is about the purpose of the self. Living beings need heat to thrive/live and just like fire radiates heat your spirit radiates energy, creativity, passion, action, inspiration, purpose... and that's what fire signs represent. I'd say fire represents the fundamentality of spirit while water is more about the complexity of inner world.
Just like Aries is the "natural" ASC for a birth chart, Libra is the natural ASC for a composite chart cause a birth chart represents the chart of an individual (Aries) while composite represents the mutual relationship between two people (Libra)
When you develop the themes of a certain house in a healthy manner, you naturally start attracting the themes of the opposite house. This goes to show you that things in astrology aren't as compartmentalized as they seem, everything works together in certain way SPECIALLY axis'. Examples:
You need to focus on yourself first (1st house) to find the right partner (7th house)
You need to investigate and learn (3rd house) in order to find higher answers (9th house)
When you invest successfully (8th house) you earn more available resources (2nd house).
When you develop your hobbies and individuality (5th house) you find keen people (11th house)
When you heal spiritually (12th house) you find healthier habits (6th house)
There's this misconception that you have to disregard your South Node in order to develop you NN, but the thing is the SN is the starting point that can lead you towards developing your NN. This can happen as a harsh and painful lesson tho if you liger too much on your SN. For example NN in Libra need to learn to compromise in this life, there's a lot of focus on the self and independence, but eventually this placement teaches them that if you really wanna develop yourself in full potential (Aries) eventually you'll need others (Libra). If they linger too much on Aries SN they could experience a harsh lesson that forces them to count on others
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saltandfire-blog · 25 days
All Time Favorite Lucemond Fics
Thought I’d post some baddies to help us heal from this last season.
ñuhon - When Lucerys lives and wakes up to oblivion, Aemond decides that—more than an eye for an eye—Lucerys in his entirety would be for Aemond to completely own.
In other words: Omega Lucerys survives yet loses his memories, and Alpha Aemond takes his revenge on him creatively.
Holy fuck, this might actually be one my favorite fics of all time. INCREDIBLY well written and perhaps one of the most tragic/romantic lucemond pieces I’ve ever read. I also find myself adoring the Daeron/Joffrey dynamic that is unexpectedly thrown in that I didn’t know I wanted.
all I had to give - Lucerys has waited for Aemond to find him again since his fall. He is only surprised it took this long.
I think this was technically my first a/b/o lucemond verse fic that blew my heart away. Aemond and Luke’s portrayal in this might actually be my favorite. And the added Alysmond is a +❤️
real gods require blood - Before King Viserys I Targaryen draws his last breath, the Greens make their move. Rhaenyra Targaryen and her family find themselves prisoners in the Red Keep, cut off from their dragons and at the mercy of a new king.
Terrified of what fate awaits his family, Lucerys Velaryon turns to the only person at court willing to help him, no matter the price he has to pay.
Or: Lucerys offers himself in exchange for his family’s safety. Aemond could never refuse.
Not only is this fucking incredible to read, it might be my favorite smutty fic out there. The dialogue between Aemond and Luke just hits sooooo amazingly, this is one of those fics I go back to regularly to reread. I await the authors part 2 of this with baited breath!
Consanguinity - When the bastard Addam of Hull claims Seasmoke, it throws House Velaryon into disarray. All except Corlys, who spies the perfect opportunity to help his heir out of the delicate situation he has found himself in with an impromptu suggestion.
Though quite why Prince Aemond seems so affronted by the match is anyone’s guess.
Speaking of fics I go back to reread - this is definitely another one!! @nashiriel is an absolutely incredible writer and I can’t wait to see where she goes with this! I don’t like to spoil other people’s work…but I love a pregnant Lucerys a/b/o verse with a deliciously angsty twist ❤️
Divenire - Lucerys survives Storm's End however now he needs to survive Aemond, his obsession over a debt paid and the Dance of the Dragons.
This is one of the first Lucerys/Aemond fics that blew my mind. Is it insanely demented and toxic? Yes. Is it amazingly well written? YES! You decide if it’s your cup of tea, but I always return back to this one every once in a while when I want a pure hate no happy ending fic.
Heir of the Tides series - In 120 AC, Aemond Targaryen lost an eye to his nephew. In 129 AC, he demands the price to be paid.
Later on, Lucerys Velaryon will tell his mother that it was a fair exchange. (or, the author went out and wrote the eye fic she so wanted to read).
I admit, I am an absolute sucker for the idea of Luke taking his own eye out. Add on top of that a Luke who takes more of a role in his Velaryon inheritance - and can’t forget the battle of the Gullet 🤌🏻 !! Definitely a series to invest in.
Life for life, eye for eye - Aemond finds his nephew, somehow surviving the death of his dragon over Shipbreaker Bay, washed ashore, an empty socket where his right eye should be. The message, to Aemond, is obvious: the gods have given Luke to him, to do with him as he sees fit.
Meanwhile, when Luke wakes up, prisoner to his uncle, his world quickly narrows to one thing and one thing alone: surviving, so he can return to his mother, and the rest of his family, alive.
In which Aemond surpasses Daemon for title of 'worst uncle' by several miles and Luke suffers.
Ok so please beware, this is about as dark as it gets. If you’re triggered easily, this isn’t the fic for you. It explores extreme Lima and Stockholm syndrome forsure, but if you’re into this ship I’m sure you must know it consists of a broad spectrum of very dark, toxic fics, and this is one that just so happens is amazingly well written. Please keep in mind, if you don’t like, don’t fucking read.
Portrait of a Prince on Fire - Ser Luke Strong, legitimised bastard of the lord of Harrenhal, has found favour at the sumptuous court of Viserys I as a court painter. But he is also Lucerys Waters, unacknowledged bastard of Princess Rhaenyra of Dragonstone. The secret of his true parentage and the life he could’ve had eats him up, and he drowns his regrets in drink and brawling.
Prince Aemond hasn’t been seen outside court since he lost his eye, over a decade ago. Now he is about to be wed — and the king commissions Luke to paint the portrait that will be sent to Aemond’s betrothed.
They hate each other at first sight — but as Viserys lies dying, the portrait sets them on a collision course that will send them spiralling inexorably together. And as the realm descends into war, they will have to decide whether to hold on to each other as the world they knew begins to shatter.
Another fic I am completely obsessed with! @fruitageoforanges has probably written one of my all time favorite portrayals of Aemond and I love the refreshing take on Lucerys I’ve never seen done before in this ship. A 17th century AU that has an awesome amount of fashion I adore and is an absolute must read 😉❤️
Star-Crossed - Lucerys is taken captive by the Greens after his fall. When Aemond is assigned as his constant guard, and so constant companion, the romance that blooms between them spins the Dance of the Dragons on its head.
Or: two young lovers from rival factions of the royal family come together in a violent world.
I can’t list off lucemond fics without giving this one an honorable mention.
Dirección de la Luz - A decade had passed since Hwa Yeong was exiled from Yin. He had traveled through the entire empire three times and still had not found his death.
Until one day he met the dragon prince.
Or: Pregnant and solely with the company of his dragon Arrax, Lucerys Velaryon travels to the Yi Ti Empire and begins a new life away from his family and Aemond Targaryen.
A fic published in Spanish, but there is a translated version linked or you can translate yourself as I found myself doing because this story drew me in SO hard I couldn’t wait for the translator to update lol. This is such an original idea and SO fascinating to read with the authors portrayal of Yi Ti culture with such amazing detail!! I can’t give this author enough praise and encouragement to keep going!
the beast you’ve made of me - Lucerys Velaryon is no coward. He is frightened. He is alone. He is a bastard. He is a prisoner of a war he would do anything to stop. But he is no coward.
Lucerys survives Shipbreaker Bay. Aemond is baptised in the storm. This is the aftermath.
If you want Team Green Lucerys, this is your story. When you have to join the enemy to save your family with long term goals, Luke really goes through it in this one, but the political seesaw between his love for Aemond and his family is fabulous to read unfold 🤌🏻
Hope I’ve given you guys some beauties to read if you haven’t already 💎🗡️🩸
Lucemond is a beautiful, terrible place 😉
(Tried to @ as many as I could that are here on tumblr)
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: Is This Your Last Reincarnation?
Hello beautiful people! Today’s reading is all about information that you will need to survive your *possible* last reincarnation. It comes with the main question answered as well. If you would like to receive a reading, please don’t be afraid to message me privately. Without further ado, choose the picture that resonates with you most!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: When I was feeling out the vibe for your pile, I felt this feeling of celebration. I heard the term “homegoing”. I feel like your spirit still has a lot to learn in this lifetime, specifically to do with your creative abilities. You need to learn to let loose. I feel like your spirit/soul will have struggles with learning to let loose, but by the end of your life, you will have learned your lesson. I can proudly say that this is your last reincarnation, lol. I also think that during this lifetime you will have to be more proud of your desires. You have to be comfortable with showing off your creative side to the world. You remind me of the tortured artist trope. Your soul recognizes that it’s time for you to be free, but you need to learn how to lean into that relaxed version of yourself.
Cards Used: 3 of Discs, Prince of Swords, Princess of Wands, 3 of Cups, The Hanged Man, Strength, Page of Cups, 9 of Cups, 9 of Swords.
extras: wedding gowns. pretty ricky. “on the phone.” oil. banker. the notebook crier. pillow soft.
Pile Two: For you, I heard prized possession. Currently, you are going through some things that have turned your life upside down. But remember, life can always change. You have this mentality where you are sensitive towards everything, and because of that you have the tendency to beat yourself down. You need to master your emotional intelligence and self-compassion before you leave this earth. I think it will take you a while to get a hang of this, so I don’t think this is your last lifetime. I feel like you’re gonna sigh when you see this but it’ll be okay. Your soul is not ready to go yet because of the attachment that you have to the 3D realm. You have to learn to detach. Learn to face your fears baby, you got this.
Cards Used: Ace of Discs, The High Priestess, Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Swords (RX), 9 of Discs, 7 of Discs.
extras: robotic. grits and greens. ruler. “size me up.” beautiful gowns. fuming. inside out (2015).
Pile Three: I would absolutely say that your soul is ready to go for sure. But you have to master the balance of caring for yourself and caring for others. Once you do that, I don’t see why you couldn’t be someone’s permanent ancestor. I feel like you’re a gentle person but you need to be less forgiving. It’s holding you back. You also need to start doing something that is going to say “I was here”. What do you want to leave behind on Earth when you leave” It’s great to still be alive, but are you really living? Also, stop people pleasing tendencies. It’ll lengthen your life. Intentionality is key.
Cards Used: The Devil, 6 of Discs, The Empress, Ace of Discs, 7 of Discs, Strength.
extras: coke bottle. gym socks. religious. captain hook. fried wings. carnival. charles barkley.
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focsle · 2 years
I never did a long thing about scrimshaw, so it’s time! At 1 am, apparently.
I think scrimshaw is one of the most fascinating material goods to emerge from the history of the American whaling industry (which is the context I’m discussing here, though of course the artform exists across numerous eras and cultures outside this brief blip of nautical history).
It’s one way to see amatuer art that usually doesn’t often survive in other forms. To see the art project of an ordinary man who was bored and needed something to do with his hands. Others were highly skilled craftsman, creating intricate engravings or mechanically expert tools. The most common scrimshaw was images etched on sperm whale teeth. Sometimes those images came from the maker’s own imagination and sometimes they were copied illustrations. Ships & whaling scenes, women, mythical figures, and patriotic symbols make up the bulk of the visual language in those pieces that survive.
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But alongside the teeth were all a manner of carved items: canes, candle holders, pie crimpers, children’s toys, sewing boxes, yarn swifts, corset busks. So much bone fashioned into quiet little homegoods. And it’s that contradiction within scrimshaw that fascinates me. The brutality of the industry, this ivory from an animal that frankly died terribly, that’s then softened into a little domestic item. An object that could have hours to years of work put into it. Some were made to be sold but many were made as gifts. In the long stretches of boredom at sea, in the lull between back-breaking work and life-threatening terror, scrimshaw gives a window into where the minds of these men continually turned. It shows where their hearts were and what they were holding on to over all the years they spent adrift in saltwater and blood and oil. That’s the poetry I see in scrimshaw. Pain and love and longing and creativity and playfulness all bound together in these complicated little pieces that found their way out of the hands of their anonymous makers to preserve a small part of their story.
Some scrimshanders names are known. Frederick Myrick is one of the most well known American whalers, not so much for the scope of his life (of which little is known) but for his scrimshaw. Born in Nantucket in 1808, he first went whaling in 1825 on the Columbus and then again on the Susan 1826-29. In the last few months aboard the Susan, Myrick engraved over 30 sperm whale teeth, all depicting the ship he was on (though there are a handful that depict other vessels). He signed and dated nearly each one. These pieces are often referred to as ‘Susan’s Teeth’ now, and when one comes up at auction it’s not unusual for it to sell for six figures.
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Many of the teeth Myrick scrimshawed included an inscribed couplet of his devising: A dark wish for luck that succinctly gets at the violent and unstable heart of American whaling.
“Death to the living, long life to the killers Success to sailor’s wives, and greasy luck to whalers”
Sometimes large scenes were etched on panbones as well.
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Moving from scrimshaw on teeth and jawbones, pie crimpers are some of the more common sculptural items. Popular motifs included animals (dogs, snakes, and unicorns/hippocampus are big), body parts (mostly clenched fists or lady’s legs), and geometric designs.
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Others were more mechanically complicated, such as automatons and children’s toys with moving parts and gears. Here’s one of a small rocking sailboat, perhaps made for someone’s child or younger sibling.
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Sometimes a particular creative fellow created something more eccentric, like this wild writing desk kit fashioned out of a carved panbone and sperm whale teeth.
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Another frequently scrimshawed object was a corset busk that would be slid into the front of the garment in order to maintain the posture. A rather private item compared to others. And one with a very on-the-nose message of wearing close to one’s heart the memory of someone who’d be gone for 3-4 years, who might never come home again. On some level, so many of these daily objects whispered ‘forget me not’, ‘think of me while I’m gone’. 
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There’s something tender to all the various domestic items that were fashioned on the job so long and far from home, but it’s the yarn swifts that really captivate me. They were one of the most complicated pieces of scrimshaw to make, with over one hundred different pieces that would have to be carved. It could take someone the length of the voyage (2-4 years) to complete a single one. Unlike teeth which were comparatively very quick to make and were frequently intended to be sold, it’s very unlikely that a swift was made with the aim of selling it because of the significant labor that went into it. They were almost certainly all gifts, and very special ones at that. Every time I see one I can just feel the love towards its intended recipient radiating off of it.
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Scrimshaw captures a specific snapshot of a moment in time. On a broader scale it’s a surviving reminder of a bloody industry that flared up and winked out, preserved in the form of a long-lost ship and the spout of a long-dead whale inked on a yellowing tooth. But that snapshot also reveals the emotional world of the men who were caught up in such an industry: what they valued, what they thought about, what they missed, and what they wanted to be remembered of them.
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physalian · 7 months
How to Subvert Expectations Without Compromising The Story
Whoo boy, is this a contentious topic with the last few blockbuster franchises. To “subvert expectations” is to do the opposite of whatever your audience expects to happen. Your audience expects the story to go a certain way based on the archetypes and tropes your characters follow, the tone you’ve set for your story, and the level of mature themes that tone allows.
It might mean your long-lost princess doesn’t actually reclaim the throne she’s been fighting for. Or the presumed hero (or any of their straight friends) of the story dies halfway through their arcs. The mentor pegged for death actually survives to the end credits. The villain’s plan actually succeeds, or the heroes fail to deactivate the bomb before it explodes. The “will they/won’t they” is never fulfilled.
Supporters of SE argue the following:
It’s refreshing, novel, new, a fun twist on a classic tale
They like that it’s unpredictable and bold
They’re tired of stories fitting within the same wheel ruts of every other story that came before and like to see creativity thrive
It gives audiences something they didn’t even know they wanted
Haters of SE argue this:
It’s only done for drama at the cost of fulfilling character arcs
It’s a cheap gag that only works once and has zero rewatchability with the same impact
Tropes and archetypes have stood the test of time for a reason - to entertain
Plot holes ensue
When expectations are subverted and the story changes in a more positive light (like a beloved character who doesn’t die when we all think they will), the reaction is not nearly as emotionally charged as when the story changes negatively. Thus, the haters have plenty of evidence of bad examples, but minimize the good ones. Good SE is novel, or a pleasant surprise, or a quaint relief. Bad SE trashes the story and spits on the fans and destroys the legacy of the fandom.
What makes a bad subversion?
Like killing any character for shock value, bad SE takes all of the potential of a good story and gambles it for a string of gasps in the movie theater. It exists only to keep the audience on their toes, or because the writer went out of their way to change the direction of their work when fans figured out the mystery too quickly and now *must* prove all the clever sleuths wrong.
So, say your subversion is making the hero lose a tournament arc when they made it all the way to the final round and the entire story is riding on this victory. They may have stumbled along the way and had some near-misses, but they must win. Not just so the audience cheers, but because this is the direction their arc must take to be at all entertaining and fulfilling.
Then they lose, because it’s *novel* and irreparable consequences are reaped in the aftermath. They lose when, by rights, they were either stronger or smarter or faster than their opponent. They lose when the hand of the author rigs the fight against them and everyone notices.
Sure, it’s not at all what audiences expect, but you, writer, your first responsibility to the people consuming your content is to entertain them. So what purpose does this loss serve this character? How does it impact their arc, the themes that surround them, the message of your story?
Even if mainstream audiences don’t care on the surface about themes and motifs, they still know when a story fumbles. It’s not entertaining anymore, it’s not satisfying. Yes, crap happens in reality, but this is fiction. If I wanted to read about some tragic hero’s bitter and unsatisfying demise, I’d read about any losing side in any war ever in a history book. I picked up a fiction book for catharsis.
On the topic of “gritty fantasy/sci-fi anyone can die and no one is safe” – no author has the guts to roll the dice and kill whoever it lands on. Some characters will always have plot armor. Why? Because you wouldn’t have a story otherwise, you’d just have a bloody, gory, depressing reality TV show with hidden cameras.
What makes a good subversion?
Now. What if this character loses the final round of their tournament, but it’s their own fault? Maybe they get too cocky. Maybe it’s perfectly, tragically in character for them to fall on their own sword. Maybe the audience is already primed with the knowledge that this fight will be close, that there might be foul play involved, but still deny that it will happen because that’s the hero, they won’t lose. Until they do.
Then, it’s not the hand of the author, it’s this character’s flaws finally biting them in the ass. It’s still disappointing, no doubt, but then the audience is less mad at the author and more mad at the dumbass character for letting their ego get to their head.
If you write a character who’s entire goal in life is to win that trophy, or reclaim their throne, or get the girl, and they *don’t* do those things, then the “trophy” had better be the friends they made along the way, that they learned it wasn’t the trophy, it was something *better* and even though they lost, they still won. Even when expectations are shredded, the story still has to say something, otherwise the audience just feels like they wasted their time.
A good subversion does not compromise the soul of the narrative. You might kill a fan favorite character or even the hero of the story, but their impact on the characters they leave behind is felt until the very end. The hero might lose her tournament, but she still walks away with wisdom, maturity, and new friends. Heck, sports movies leave the winner of the big game a toss-up more often than not. Audiences know the game is important, but they know the character they’re following is even more important. Doesn’t matter if the *team* loses the battle, so long as the protagonist wins the Character Development war.
Good SE that should be more popular:
The “Trial of threes” – your hero faces three obstacles and usually botches the first two and succeeds on the third attempt. Subvert it by having them win on the first or second, lose all three, or have a secret fourth
Not killing your gays. Just. Don’t do it. That’ll subvert expectations just fine, won’t it?
Let the villain win
Have your hero’s love interest not actually interested in them because they realize they deserve better / Have the hero realize they don’t want the romantic subplot they thought they did
Have the love triangle become a polycule / have the two warring love interests get with each other instead, or both find someone they don’t have to compete for
Mid-redemption villain backslides at the Worst Moment Possible
Hero doesn’t actually have all the MacGuffins necessary at the Worst Moment Possible
Hero is simply wrong, about anything, about important things, about themselves
The character who knows too much still can’t warn their friends in time, but lives instead with the guilt of their failure
The mentor lives and becomes a bitter rival out to maintain their spot at the top of the charts
Kill the hero, and make the villain Regret Everything
More deadbeat missing parents, not just dead parents
Let the hero live long enough to become the villain
Why write a crown prince that never becomes king? What’s the point of his story if all he does is remain exactly who he was on page 1 and learns nothing for his efforts? Why write a rookie racer if he spins out in the infield in the big race and ends his story broken and demoralized in a hospital bed? Why should we, the audience, spend time and emotional investment on a story that goes nowhere and says nothing?
Cinderella always gets a happy ending no matter how many iterations her story gets, because she wouldn’t be Cinerella if she remained an abused orphan with no friends. We like predictability, we like puzzling out where we think the story will go based on the crumbs of evidence we pick up along the way, we like interacting with our fiction and patting ourselves on the back when we’re proven right.
Tragedies exist. There’s seven types of stories and the fall from grace is one of them… but audiences can see a tragedy coming from a mile away. Audiences sign up for a tragedy when they pay for the movie ticket. We know, no matter how much we root for that character to make better choices, that their future is doomed. Tragedy is still cathartic.
What’s not cathartic is being bait-and-switched by a writer who laughs and snaps pictures of our horrified faces just so they can say they proved us wrong. Congratulations? Go ahead and write the rookie broken in the hospital bed. I can’t stop you. Just don’t be shocked when no one wants to watch your misery parade march on by.
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gatheredfates · 2 months
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Hi! My name is Sea, and I like to collect things. 🌿
Specifically, as of February this year, I have made it my mission to collect as many resources for the Final Fantasy community as I can; including, but not limited to: Communities, Events, Free Companies, How-To Guides, Lore, Tools and more! I have compiled them into Sea's Community Compendium for FFXIV Creatives, a venture I hope will service as a directory for new and old FFXIV players alike to find places and things they might not otherwise know about, and I'm proud to say that the Compendium has over a hundred individual entries!
...But I want more.
Specifically, as much as this is a call to introduce new people to the Compendium, it is a call for anyone who might know of specific resources/communities that not in the document to take a moment's time out of their day to let me know about them. You can submit specific resources via:
My tumblr dm's.
This handy google form.
Or SEAFLOOR, my support and social community for the Compendium and adjacent projects.
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You do not need to be a resource/server owner to submit; there just needs to be a publicly accessible link. ✨
Projects like mine equally cannot survive without the support of the community. If you like what I do, please reblog this post or share it with your friends; post it in your community servers or link it on your social media(s). The more visibility I get, the larger the Compendium becomes and the more likely you are to find a resource or community to suit your needs.
Okay, but really, Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. This is all publicly available on the document.
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads. (Though these get posted to the SEAFLOOR Tumblr Community when I find them!)
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include IC tabloid blogs or other ventures used to generate roleplay.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the Compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my Community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community/resource on the Compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it. The same goes for resources; if it's relevant to the game, it'll be useful to someone.
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, contact me asap!
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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A humble request
I'm reaching out to the community for what may seem like a selfish reason, but something in my heart says that I gotta try. Asking for help is better than wallowing in sorrow.
My birthday is coming up next month, July 15. With the way things are going, this will probably be my first birthday spent alone, or at least, without mom (Unless things change radically, she won't be home by then or likely any time within the next few months) Now you gotta understand, I was born a year after my mom lost a child due to a deformity that is so severe and so rare, the baby never survives or makes it to birth. She wanted me badly, and while I struggle with that some days....I know I mean a lot to her.
Mom cared so much that she ALWAYS made Christmas and birthday special. She would fulfill my lists if she had the money (as I got older I grew guilty, and would often ask for less as years went on) and she always made sure I got something I wanted. Many times she would surprise me with gifts I didn't even know I wanted. Last Christmas, it was a beautiful coyote pelt. Do ya'll remember the btas scarecrow cake, or the handmade cupcakes with the fear symbol? She made those happen. She even paid to fly my brother (my hero) from Seattle to Kansas City for an event while I was taking classes at KCAI
I...don't think, unless dad gets me something, which he hinted he would but....I wont have that "special" surprise gift from mom. I could live without my amazon wish list, that's whatever. it's the way she always made that day matter that I'm going to miss. I'm crying typing this...
So, that's why I'd like to ask something of the rogues fandom
Could the artists, writers, crafters, creatives....come together and make sure that day isn't miserable? I'm not lying when I say I can count on my finger the days I've gone without crying or breaking down in someway since March. To put it bluntly and selfishly, I'm asking for some art, maybe a doodle of jon (or dm me for other characters I like!) or a little drabble about a headcanon I like. I wanna wake up on the 15th with my inbox full of love. I'm not asking for you to slave over photoshop for hours, but just something simple to make the day less depressing. When I told ya'll about my bad day and asked for positive messages, I woke up the next day with 20+ of them. That meant so much.
And all I want is to spend my birthday happy, and not in tears.
I'm sorry to sound so greedy....but y'all have shown me many times over, that internet strangers can show the most amazing amount love and care. And honestly, gift art would matter way more than physical things. Every single time you guys make me something, I save it to a gift art folder on my computer. I save every single thing.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
Hi sweetheart💙 how are you? Wish you a great day💙 I recently read the Jeonghan as your boyfriend and it's so adorable, can you make one for Wonwoo? Thank you💙
so happy to hear you enjoyed it love <3 here's a Wonwoo one and have a great day as well!
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genre | a lot of fluff
author's note | if you want me to write this with any other member, let me know <3
𓆩♡𓆪 so incredibly in love with you
𓆩♡𓆪 anyone that looks at him can practically see his heart eyes for you
𓆩♡𓆪 if the boys see him smiling at his phone, they know he’s texting you 
𓆩♡𓆪 his aura when he’s with you is all rainbows and hearts (it’s almost sickening)
𓆩♡𓆪 but he couldn't be more grateful for finding you and pulling your hot ass 
𓆩♡𓆪 because come on, look at you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is your comfort person and the first soul you turn to when you’re having a hard time 
𓆩♡𓆪 his kisses are gentle and loving, but the also carry a sense of passion
𓆩♡𓆪 because he is not always able to be next to you due to his job, he wants to convey his feeling for you through his actions
𓆩♡𓆪  when he has any free time from schedules he wants to spend every second with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 probably at home too
𓆩♡𓆪 when he doesn’t have to pretend to be anyone else and doesn’t have to worry about cameras rolling all the time 
𓆩♡𓆪 he can just be Wonwoo 
𓆩♡𓆪 will read to you when you’re tired (will read to you even when you’re NOT tired) 
𓆩♡𓆪 besides reading, he loves trying out new creative pastimes with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 like baking, which didn’t end THAT well (your kitchen almost burned down, but that’s beside the point) 
𓆩♡𓆪 or trying to plant different flowers and take care of them (which didn’t end well either, as both of you forgot to water them after like a week) 
𓆩♡𓆪 a cliche, but he adores taking photos of you 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you’re a shy person and don’t necessarily like having pictures taken, he’ll make you feel like the most beautiful creature in the world (which you are) 
𓆩♡𓆪 will not let you doubt yourself, not for a second, because the person on the photos he takes is all he ever needs in his life 
𓆩♡𓆪 the best person to take your candid photos 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re probably not even aware, but he has a whole album dedicated to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 looks through the albums when he’s away, because he misses you so much 
𓆩♡��� but he doesn’t want to seem clingy, so he won’t ever tell you about it 
𓆩♡𓆪 will always stand up for you, if someone makes you uncomfortable or sad 
𓆩♡𓆪 because one thing he absolutely cannot stand is his love being sad cuz of other people being mean
𓆩♡𓆪 another cliche, but video gaming
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you’re not that into it, he’ll try to warm you up to the idea 
𓆩♡𓆪 and teach you gaming to some extent 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if you suck, it doesn’t really matter to him, because you’re spending quality time together 
𓆩♡𓆪 and probably laughing your asses of, because you’re so bad at it
𓆩♡𓆪 gives you small kisses when you get something right or survive a level 
𓆩♡𓆪 but if you’re good, he’ll become SO competitive 
𓆩♡𓆪 does not go easy on you, he does everything he can in order to win 
𓆩♡𓆪 late night cuddles are his favourite
𓆩♡𓆪 you lay in each others arms, your head on his chest and an arm draped across his middle 
𓆩♡𓆪 he has an arm around your waist and his hand pats your head gently 
𓆩♡𓆪 you talk in a hushed tone, share your worries or discuss the most random topics 
𓆩♡𓆪 it really doesn’t matter because you’re together 
𓆩♡𓆪 and that’s what he misses the most when he’s away on tour 
𓆩♡𓆪 your calming presence by his side 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is always just one phone call away and always lets you know that you can call him anytime 
𓆩♡𓆪 because you are the most important thing in his life and he’d do anything for you
your messages &lt;3
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (1/7) Red"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color red, the first of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
red is the color of passion, creativity, energy, courage, physical activity, love, warmth, safety, (emotional/physical) survival, grounding (root chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 2 3 - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 1
There's rawness, there is passion inside of you. A burning fire that keeps you going and at times burns you from within. You may like to work out or go running/dancing/move your body often. You have depth, you are also transformative and unafraid to change yourself, to mold yourself even. You probably don't show this to everyone, how brave you are, also when you don't rely on others (you started doing this out of pain but you should be more open to at least some people, and not close everyone off as you may do. Not easy ofc if in the past you have been judged or abandoned or hurt a lot by someone but not everyone is like that and you know it too -and this is your strenght as well, how you give yourself time anyway... just don't wait forever, follow your passion, and try more, trust yourself and your gut feelings more too when it comes to other people). You're connected within yourself, you often connect with your core identity to know yourself better. I think at times you may feel unsafe, despite this huge connection within: coming out of your shell may feel uncomfortable and this is what you should take action on the most. You're already on a fantastic road to self love and love in general, don't block halfway on it because of outside fears. You cannot see it yet (or always), but you're amazing. Keep diggin' until you find that out by yourself and believe it. Keep diggin' until you see your real self worth and give yourself accolades for all you've been through and came out of. And keep running to burn that fire, you'll get where you want. Try to be more open when you can so that more like-minded people can find you and love you. You're brave and you know you can survive a lot, so be brave as much as you can also in other departments.
song: one love | blue
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 2
You're seductive, you're passionate (but in a more physical way compared to pile 1), you are not afraid to put work in order to get what you want. And you are calm. You don't rush things, you know they can come to you anyway. You're grounded. I'd say taurean energy. You also have a cute side of you? Not sure if this is for everyone though but yeah. Anyway, you're also accomodating, more than welcoming. You're caring, nurturing, warm... but you may often have doubts within? I think you forget about your groundness, abilities/potential and worth at times, you let yourself fear others' opinion of you, and probably have people pleasing tendencies. Ofc you're kind, gentle, generous and all, but letting others take advantage of you when receiving nothing back (please be objective, do not pretend, you know it's true) is never good. You somehow doubt yourself or need outside validation and not having it feels unsafe. You fear being alone but you're not alone, and you won't be anyway: you're too special for that to be real. You may have problems setting boundaries at times and worry too much about how others see you. There's pain and pleasure here, and it could be related to your relationships too and not just how you see yourself (your inner critic may be kinda harsh at times). Remember you can put yourself first when you need and that's not selfish at all. You can balance giving and receiving (from yourself especially). That's plain self respect. And not everyone has to like you as you don't like everyone, and not everything about you has to be fully appreciated (as you may know people with a few annoying traits or random behaviours but still like/love them). It's about realizing what you can compromise on and what not. There are shades of grey too, it's not all just black&white (or better, there are so many different shades of red!). Enjoy as your nature asks you to, with ease and passion. Let go more of this overthinking/stress. Give yourself the permission to do what your heart already wants and knows but your mind doesn't allow out of fear. Not all the bumps on your road are there to block you. You're braver than this.
song: the end | jpolnd
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 3
You should focus on seeing something more than you are actually considering, seeing more about you. There's so much more that you aren't seeing (especially when you feel down and unworthy/alone/unlovable I think), but you need to change perspective to embrace this side/view and see it fully. To really see yourself and the reasons why you feel this way, how they originated in you. I think you're a pretty creative person and using your creativity could help you explore sides of you that you may not always be so in touch with. Again you are more than what you are considering and honestly you're so strong... you have no idea how amazing you are. You may have also buildt a cage around your core personality/heart, probably out of an emotional wound that caused a huge pain within, and you may have closed off to it and buried it within. It could be related to your inner child or it has made you grow up in a more "serious" way, somehow. This hurt side of yours may cause you to get triggered randomly or to wear masks to "save" yourself. I think that you should appreciate this hurt side of yours more. Do not push it away, as it's part of you still. Okay, maybe you don't like it, either for the (painful/sad) memories it carries or because others don't like it too much or whatever other reason, but it's just part of you. Be kinder with and more appreciative of your whole self. That side of you too deserves love, maybe more than any other. That side of you too is lovely, no matter if others taught you it is not: they were very likely projecting on you. Don't believe everything others tell you about yourself, they don't know the full story. Look within yourself and how amazing you are, cause you are, also on your "bad days" (which are just bad days, they will end).
song: la donna cannone | francesco de gregori (song about not being as beautiful as society/people would want but not caring and making it also trough love)
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sugar-grigri · 14 days
If pochita is a girl/mother/birth devil how different do you think one can interpreted pochita relationship with the other horseman of the apocalypse?
That explains the existence of weapons
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
Pochita is the lamb that opens the seven seas to reveal the knights of the apocalypse. It's quite difficult to interpret the Bible in a linear, narrative way (because its purpose is not to tell a story per se). The lamb and the knights of the apocalypse have been interpreted in many different ways. But there are some that I find interesting.
Without going into the etymology, when the lamb is invoked it is often to recall the docility of Christ. Son of God and God. In other words, the creator.
Another interesting interpretation is that there are not four riders, but Christ riding successively on the four horses, i.e. a single rider.
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This ancestry, this fusion into one, this creative aspect is omitted. Because nobody cares about the word "lamb", which is so important.
I think the Knights of the Apocalypse wanted to attack their Mother, the reason for existence, their existence, the existence of the world, in other words to bring about the apocalypse.
If you put an end to the world... there's no one left to fear... so no more hell...
If Pochita is called the hero of hell, who knows if it wasn't because his/her..? aim was to save the underworld?
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There's a message conveyed over and over again in Part 2, about how demons are the enemy of humanity, one of the greatest reasons for humanity's demise. Just as some people oppose Chainsaw Man by calling him "Man-eater".
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Pochita fought so that humanity could survive, so that the devils could survive.
If he is the guardian of the underworld, it is precisely because he is the guardian of humanity's memory, which determines its existence.
Makima wanted the opposite. Controlling this power to suppress demons. As protector of humanity.
But an enemy of devils.
What the final chapters tell you is that humans are prepared to sacrifice their children. Just as Yoru was prepared to do in the last chapter.
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By devouring the demons, Pochita chooses the right moment to give birth to them again; he/she does not kill his/her children.
Pochita sacrifices herself for her children.
For she is the mother of devils.
The other weapons are just the other children that Yoru has decided to sacrifice.
Because sacrificing children is a human trait.
The result is these hybrid beings.
No childhood, obsessed with maternal and paternal figures, no memory, no similar being.
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Katana Man and Reze were created artificially, but have you ever wondered whether their natures were conditioned by the loss of their parent in the case of one, and the fact that they were never raised as children in the case of the other?
If Barem went after Nayuta, a child, it was because he was following in the footsteps of Makima, a mother figure for him too, a mother prepared to sacrifice as the guardian of humanity.
The result of infanticide.
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Chosen by a god...
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jerseymuppet · 2 years
my chemical romance is such a beautiful, singular and human experience. the artistry and the love and the passion and frustration put into everything they do is tangible, and part of what makes them so popular. but at the end of the day it’s all about one thing: staying.
I’ve made a post already about mcrs core message being ‘stay’ and I think it’s even more poignant now at the end of tour. because, and I feel like a lot of people forget this, they needed mcr too. let me break this awkward silence. they also needed a reason to stay, back then, and for a long time it was us. they spent their whole career tearing themselves apart and painting targets on their back, for us. they carved out a space for us to stay in the scene with their bloody and broken fingers. and we stayed there together. until we weren’t enough to justify the way they were falling apart on the inside. So they left. they ran away. you must fix your heart.
and then they did. against all odds, they came back. i’m coming back from the dead. and it was sudden and unexpected and almost shy, the polar opposite of everything we expected from them. but it was perfect. they came back when we needed them, they’ve always needed a fight, a reason to stay in the game. but this one is being fought differently. it’s bright eyes and chaste kisses and the twirling of fabric, graying temples and aching joints and smile lines. it’s finally getting to exist, it’s existing in the space they carved out. it’s saying: i’m still here. we’re still here. we all made it. and we’re here to stay. you’ll never take me alive, cause I’m still here.
unkillable. in the face of extermination, say fuck you. i think it’s especially interesting considering that last we saw them active the theme was being hunted. exterminate on the drum, all of their characters dropping like flies in the music videos. their creative process being restricted. and now we associate them with vermin. those unkillable things that survive the even the worst fall out. I don’t think they would pick these themes and messages if they didn’t plan on coming back. this is just the beginning.
i’ve seen so many people mourning a body that still has life in it, it’s not going anywhere. they’re not going anywhere. and I’m not either.
stay with me?
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