heavenbarnes · 5 months
Run the pass
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x GN!Reader x Sydney Adamu
Warnings/Contains: reader is gender-neutral (no pronouns or descriptions of their genitals), swearing, allusions to alcohol, brief and non-descriptive mentions of vomiting, Claire exists, reader doesn't necessarily treat Syd the way she deserves, penetrative sex (with no mentions of protection), oral sex (reader and Syd receiving), coming inside, dirty talk.
Word Count: 7k
I have had this idea in my head for an AGE and I'm so glad I finally get to write it. In my head, the threesome didn't happen but I think it was a lovely addition. God, I just need these two like water.
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This kitchen sounds like home.
Sure, there's a whirring noise coming from the walk in chiller. Sure, Richie is going waxing-lyrical at Fak over the score of some ball game. Sure, the grill spits like a dragon at the gates of doom.
But this kitchen sounds like home.
It's full of flavour, and friends, and- well, Carmy's in it.
You can only see the back of him, the white t-shirt stretched across his shoulders. You can see the backs of his arms moving as he plates the next meal. But it makes you smile, just inwardly, as you fold the mixture in the steel bowl in front of you.
When you look up again, Sydney's beside him. She's pushing another plate towards him and they're shoulder to shoulder. They work so perfectly in-sync that your smile widens.
Tina catches it, nudging you with her hip as she walks past you. "Wish somebody would look at me like that."
You just shake your head, putting it down to focus on your food in front of you as you keep working. By the time you pick your head back up, you see that Carmy's looking back at you over his shoulder.
Looking into Carmy's eyes is like staring into the sun, all consuming and a little blinding. If it'd been any different, you would've seen Sydney watching you over his other shoulder.
Carmy is a good boss, he's firm but fair. Firm but fair.
Working in his kitchen is one of the best gigs that ever fell in your lap. He wasn't even the one to hire you, go figure.
His brother, Michael, he hired you. You'd come in to put your name in the running for the kitchen-hand position they were advertising for. He saw something different.
That's how you ended up working the register.
Not exactly what you had in mind when you'd applied at the restaurant but, money is money and it was nearly impossible to find a job in this city. Also, Michael had told you that once folks walked past and saw you in the front window? Customers would come running.
You figured it wasn't worth the argument, and who knows? Maybe you could've impressed him enough to make your way into the kitchen.
Then things went and changed on you, Michael up and made his big decision and here you were on the register with his younger brother running the kitchen you so badly wanted to break into.
Carmy needed to find his feet in this place, understand how the sausage gets made. So you didn't fuss about your role, it was easier to let things lie as they were and maybe bring it up later on.
It wasn't even you that brought it up, it was Sydney.
"God knows we need more help in the kitchen but no, let's keep the register covered!" She threw up her hands with an exasperated groan.
Carmy's face scrunched in confusion, looking towards the wall as if he could somehow see through it and visualise you out the front.
He spoke your name like a question, one that Sydney was very quick to answer.
"Carmy, please tell me you're not serious?" She even laughed a little as she picked up the cloth on her shoulder and threw it at the man. "Have you two even spoken once?"
And then it was Carmy that finally brought it up with you, calling you into his office as he heard you getting ready to leave for the night.
You poked your head into the small room and smiled at him. "Yes, chef?"
He waved you in, turning his seat around till he was facing you. Carmy was hunched over, obviously tired with his elbows resting on his knees.
"Why didn't you tell me you graduated from Kendall?"
Your mouth suddenly felt dry, eyes going wide like you'd been caught out in some kind of lie. You hadn't really lied, had you? Just maybe not told him the whole truth.
"Well, I-uh-" You stuttered your way through, hoping he'd just give up and drop it.
Carmy was a surprisingly patient man.
Your voice could hardly be called more than a whisper as you spoke. "I told Michael."
Confusion was written on his face as his brow furrowed. "What?"
"He just thought I'd be better as front of house, thought maybe the customers would enjoy something nice to look at."
Carmy felt his eye twitch, his elbows nearly shattered his femurs as he his whole body went rigid. "Excuse me?"
He wasn't even sure why he'd asked that last part, it wasn't like he was listening. As you babbled away in the doorway, all Carmy could hear was the blood rushing in his ears.
Michael had said what? From the moment Carmy laid eyes on you he had wished nobody else could. He didn't want a single person to be able to look at you the way he did, he wanted you all to himself.
And his older brother was happy to let any of the bastards off the street look you up and down through the front window? He actually encouraged it?
Carmy stood up quickly, maybe too quickly, he felt like his head was spinning off his shoulders. As his heart nearly burst out his chest he realised what he needed. Keeping his head low, he turned to look at you and suddenly felt it.
The world slowed down a little bit, everything settled back nicely into place. You were smiling, albeit nervously, but you were there and you were smiling.
Carmy ran a large hand over his face as he spoke matter-of-factly.
"I want you in the kitchen starting tomorrow morning," His eyes locked onto yours. "Chef."
You didn't really remember where it started, well- you kind of did. You think it might've been a late night, both of you the last to leave the kitchen and you'd been talking each other's ears off like you usually do.
Carmy definitely made the first move, there was no doubt about it. You seemed to think he'd had your hips pinned to the edge of one of the stainless steel benches as he caught your lips with his own.
You'd felt the firm muscle of his neck beneath your hands as you cradled him like he was precious. Well, to you at least, he was precious.
It'd ended with him walking you to his office, making you kneel in his chair as he took you from behind. You remembered his hands closing over yours, where they gripped the back of the chair, fingers locking with yours.
You remember the flashes of his tattoos as he dropped one of his hands in front of you, sliding down your front to the centre of your thighs- how his hips didn't falter once as his stroked you to perfection.
Everything Carmy did was perfection.
His food made your eyes roll back in your head, his movements could make your mouth water, his words could have your whole body twitching,
In your eyes, Carmy was built on a pillar of perfection.
Not that he'd ever see it, anyways.
You'd both done your best to keep your private lives private, but this kitchen, this kitchen felt like family. It wasn't long before the glances between you both, the poorly timed arrivals and departures from the place began to add up.
Sydney was the first to notice, she didn't even say a word. She'd just seen the way you looked at him, how you'd light up when he praised your food, how your body reacted when he'd place a hand on your back to move behind.
Sydney was always observant when it came to you.
She didn't need to say anything, anyway. Tina coined on soon enough and then it was all over. Obviously, she told Richie, who told Fak, and the rest was history.
You and Carmy never confirmed or denied at work, but at least you didn't need to try and hide the way you felt about him. If they saw you kiss in the car before work, everyone just let it be (most of the time anyway, Jerimovich).
The confirmation never came because, well, you'd also never confirmed it just the both of you. He wasn't your boyfriend, there was no real label to what was happening.
You were two people who wanted everything to do with one another and very much enjoyed the other's company. That was simply that.
Any given night of the week, you could be found curled up on Carmy's chest either at his apartment or yours. Any of the other nights, you were probably underneath him or perched in his lap crying his name.
Neither of you felt the need to force a label on it.
By the time Claire showed up, things had become- different?
Carmy had been good about it, really good about it, he'd told you straight away that he'd seen her again and he had feelings for her. You'd both spoken at lengths over the dinner table about what this meant and the decision was mutual.
There was no label on it, he never belonged to you.
The rest of the family were harder to convince that this was for the best. Richie had actually walked out when you'd explained that you and Carmy had stopped 'seeing' each other.
Sydney couldn't deny she'd felt initial shock about it, too. It sort of blindsided her, but then there was a little something in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't- wouldn't name.
It was actually her that tried to have the 'come to Jesus' speech with you about Carmy.
"I'm not above begging, you need to start fucking that man again."
You nearly spat your coffee out, leaning against the front counter watching Sydney pace back and forth. "What on earth are you-"
"It was so much easier when it was you and Carmy," She stopped in her tracks, turning on her heel to look at you. "Since Claire turned up he's been impossible."
Even you had to admit that you'd noticed a change in Carmy since Claire showed up. He was so distant, he was hard to tie down, he seemed more on edge. He reminded you more of the Carmy that first arrived at this restaurant all that time ago.
It was a shame, you thought, he'd been doing so well.
You wiped a drip of coffee off the side of your mug as you placed it down beside you. "I really don't think me fucking Carmy is the answer."
Sydney gave a small shrug that almost came off as agreement. She wouldn't say it out loud but it definitely wasn't her first option, it wasn't even her second. If Sydney had it her way, she didn't want to think about Carmy's hands on you again.
And she'd thought about it. A lot.
"Something has to give, I don't think I can handle him canceling one more plan."
You sighed, a full-chested sigh that conveyed you felt her frustration. Pushing yourself off the counter, you placed a hand on Sydney's shoulder. If you were her, you would've felt the pure electricity that radiated off your touch.
"I'll at least talk to him, how about that?"
The talk didn't really do much. Carmy promised to do better, there was an apology in there somewhere. But you come to find out days later that'd he'd bitched out on another plan with Sydney.
Men, can't live with them!
It was in his office (without him of course, he was with Claire) with Sugar and Sydney that you'd all made up your minds. Well, you planted the idea and it grew from there.
"Lets just go get a drink, I don't think tonight is worth wasting any more energy."
Sugar jumped at the chance, already walking back out front to grab her purse. Sydney needed a little more convincing, her spirits a little crushed and her soul a little tired.
You'd managed to hush her up, giving her marching orders to get in your car and look like she was enjoying herself. Which, she ended up doing.
The booth was a little sticky and the music was a little shitty, the lights were so dim you could hardly see but you were having fun. Even Sydney had to admit she was having fun.
"Okay, fine! I'm having fun!"
Sugar let out a squeal of excitement, bringing your glasses together to cheers. "Here's to forgetting my little shit of a brother!"
After she said it, she turned to you with an apology on her tongue. "Oops."
You laughed it off, raising your glass and taking a sip. "No harm done, remember, we were-"
"Never togetherrrr." Sugar finished for you. "So you keep saying."
You just shook your head, calling the waitress over for another round. You ordered for yourself and Sydney before Sugar stopped you from getting hers. "Don't worry, Pete's on his way."
The three of you needed each other, needed this bond, needed these drinks, needed this moment. Regardless of your feelings towards Carmy, you'd all been scorned by him in some way, shape, or form.
It even felt good to hear Sydney get her real feelings off her chest.
"And you know what? Not to sound un-girls-girl, but fuck Claire!"
It was met with a quiet "fuck her!" from Sugar.
"She comes to the restaurant, she's just staaaaanding there, she knows she's taking up all his time."
All of you needed to get it out, you maybe the least. You knew it was hard for everyone else to understand, but you really didn't hold any resentment towards Carmy. Maybe a little, for leaving the kitchen high and dry. But really, you just enjoyed the memories of you two.
You and Sydney were a halfway through your new drinks when Sugar stood from the booth, grabbing her bag.
"Alright, I love you two more than life itself but I must depart!" You laughed as the tequila spoke for her.
"Bye, Shug!" You called after her as she waved and blew kisses at the both of you before disappearing through the door.
Leaving just you and Sydney alone at the table, you smiled at her as she intensely studied the grain of the wood. Sooner or later, she looked up and caught your gaze.
"Are you actually okay with Carmy and Claire?"
You smiled, earnestly. "Yes, I'm frustrated that it's upsetting you, but I'm inherently fine with it."
Sydney swallowed hard, you would've been able to hear it if the Brooks & Dunn in the bar wasn't so loud. She rolled the edge of her glass around the table before she spoke up.
"I just don't know how he's so okay with it."
You immediately thought she meant his letting the restaurant slide. But you knew Sydney, you knew her just enough that you could tell there was something sitting below the surface. You cared enough to implore it.
"Okay with what?"
She pulled her lip between her teeth before she looked up at you, like she was staring into the sun.
"With letting you go."
Your face softened, enough that she noticed. But Sydney also quickly noticed that it was a look of pity. That stung enough to make tears well on her waterline.
Pulling your jacket over your shoulders, you began to shuffle out of the booth. "I'll settle the tab and then I'll drive you home."
Sydney had never felt more like a tall child.
The lights of Chicago blurred past her eyes as you weaved through the streets. It wasn't lost on Sydney that you drove with one hand, the one closest to her was free and resting on your thigh.
She wanted nothing more than to reach over and hold onto it, maybe move it to her own thigh. As if you could read her mind, she caught the way your eyes flickered over to hers.
Slowly but surely, you lifted your free hand but instead brought it to the dial on the radio. As you turned it, she could hear the music in the car consuming her.
'And when I'm back in Chicago I feel it...'
She expected you to pull your hand back to your own leg but instead you reached over the gap of the centre console. Your hand brushed against hers as you took hold of it, squeezing it once and leaving the weight of it in hers.
Sydney knew that she had her chance, so she simply squeezed back and wrapped her other hand around yours with it. She held you tightly, like you were precious. Because you were.
She rested your hands in her lap, leaving them there against the soft fabric of her trousers as you continued you navigate the streets with one hand. When you pulled up outside her house, Sydney physically felt herself deflate.
Not only did you have to draw your hand back to kill the ignition, you'd reached the destination. It was up to her now to pull herself from the warm hold of your car and retreat to her room alone.
She weighed up the level of damage involved with throwing all caution to the wind right now. She figured she could just turn to you and let it out. Sydney could do something for herself for once.
As she balled up the courage in her chest, she didn't realise how long you'd both been sitting in silence until you finally spoke.
"Are you going to invite me up?"
And then Carmy loses his rag when he's locked in the chiller.
He laments about his failures, how much Claire had blinded him. He'd thrown your name in the mix, he'd apologised (for whatever reason) and decided his great epiphany.
If he'd never left you then none of this would've happened.
You weren't sure if he meant locking himself in the chiller or just everything in general. You weren't even in the kitchen at the time, this was all secondhand from Richie.
At the time Carmy was bearing his heart and soul to you, you were out the back of the restaurant holding back Sydney's braids as she emptied the contents of her stomach.
"I'm so sorry, this is so gross-"
"Don't apologise to me, how long has this been going on?"
The sound of the door screeching open tore your attention back over your shoulder.
"You really need to get in here- oh, what the fuck?"
"Richie, shut the fuck up. Can you get us some water?"
He grimaced a little at the sight in front of him but you pushed him with a flash of anger across your face. Yes, it was gross, but there weren't that many parts of Sydney you weren't fond of.
Even the ones that weren't pretty.
By the time Richie had come out with the water glass, he'd pressed even further how much you needed to get back into that kitchen. You knew it must've been bad if he wasn't even willing to tell you the details.
When you saw Claire by the chiller, you were moments away from asking for an explanation. You swallowed the words quickly as her face lit up in a hot rage, wet with tears. Before you could even think, she was turning on her heel to march out of the kitchen and back through the dining room.
What the actual fuck was happening?
It was a messy wee thing for you all to deal with, but deal with it you did. Sure, there was irreparable damage between Claire and Carmy (and you, by association), but the kitchen was stronger than ever.
And Sydney was happy again, back to having Carmy's attention and support at work. You saw the way she moved, her shoulders free of tension as she worked at her station. You just liked seeing her happy.
Sydney was happy, she was very pleased to be rid of the distraction that was forcing the kitchen apart. However, there was a gnawing little pit of jealousy that lived in her stomach and threatened to force its way out.
With Claire gone, there was nothing keeping you and Carmy apart.
She'd had you once, one perfect night. You'd been splayed out in the centre of her bed, her name falling off your lips as she settled in between your legs. She'd had a taste of you, and you weren't something she could just be okay with letting go of.
You were built from perfection.
So she waited, she waited for the other shoe to drop. There is always another shoe. Sure enough, no matter how hard Sydney tried to hide from it, it inevitably found her.
You and Carmy had arrived in the morning, same time, already laughing about something as you came through the door. That's all she needed, that feeling in her stomach expanded until she could barely breathe.
She caught the way Tina smiled at you both, a knowing smile. That cemented it for Sydney, if Tina had noticed it too, there was no doubt that it was unfolding in front of her and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop it.
And why should she stop it? You were happy! So was Carmy! And he was back to being fully present in the kitchen just like she wanted. But she'd be damned if she could get the thoughts of him touching you out of her head.
Touching you like she wanted to do. Like she'd done once, so fucking well.
Sydney wondered if Carmy really cared when he touched you? From the moment she held you she knew she wanted nobody else to do it, not the way she had. And now knowing that she had to share you? She felt like her head was going to spin right off.
She wondered what'd happen, when you finally told Carmy about what happened between the two of you. If you even would tell him. Did it mean as much to you as it did to her? Did it cross your mind every night like it did hers? Did you touch yourself as you lay in bed, reminiscing over that night like she did?
Probably not, she decided. You probably had Carmy to touch you, to hold you, and that would be consuming your mind. Sydney figured herself out to be an afterthought, a fun night that was never meant to become anything else.
When everyone was shutting the kitchen down and you were walking towards her across the dining room, Sydney braced for the worst. Silently, you helped her with the place settings until you spoke up.
"I told Carmy about us, about you and I."
In some sick way, all Sydney could really focus on was the fact that, even in the smallest form, there was an 'us.'
Without lifting her head, she continued to work on the cutlery. "And what does he think?"
You snorted a quiet laugh through your nose, a sound that should not have made flowers bloom in Sydney's chest. She couldn't breathe.
"He was jealous, I don't think he liked the idea of someone touching me like he does."
Sydney couldn't stop herself before her mouth opened. "Wonder what that's like."
In her peripheral vision, she could see your whole body still. Slowly, she trailed her eyes up the length of your body until they fixed on your face. Wounded, you looked wounded.
A sicker part of Sydney liked the idea of you finally knowing how she felt.
"I am so sorry, I never meant-"
"No, it's fine-" She cut you off, standing up to full height and brushing her hands on the front of her chef's whites. "I should've never got so attached."
"Sydney, please let me-"
"It was always meant to be you and Carmy, and now it is. Anyways, isn't this what I wanted?"
As she begin to walk away, leaving you alone in the dining room, Sydney mulled the same question over in her head.
Isn't this what she wanted?
"I just feel fucking terrible."
Your hands splayed out against Carmy's chest, fine hairs under your fingertips and inky tattoo's muddling against your skin. He held you so tightly as you rolled your hips in his lap.
"Don't worry about it, baby." He responded, breath a little clipped as he fucked up into you. "She said it's what she wanted."
You rolled your eyes before your eyes rolled back, Carmy's cock hitting the exact spot you needed it to. "You didn't see the look on her face or hear the way she said it-"
"To be honest, sweetheart, I don't really want to be visualising Syd when I'm balls deep in you."
Snapping your gaze down to his, you realised pretty quickly that you shouldn't have. Carmy looked incredible, eyes blown out, sheen of sweat across his skin as he put all his energy into fucking you. Ignoring the pang it sent to your stomach, you used the leverage of his shoulders to bounce on him.
"I really fucked up, Carm. I knew how much she was into me and I was selfish about it."
You couldn't really be sure he was listening to you, with the way his hands were running up your front to tweak at your nipples. You tried not to give away what it was doing to you, but a few whimpers escaped your lips, regardless.
It wasn't lost on you the way the corner of Carmy's lip quirked up at that. He took his eyes off your body to fix on your own, fighting for your attention as he kept rolling your hips against his.
"Selfish? What were you missing me or something?"
Your eyes narrowed at him, hand leaving his shoulder to playfully smack his cheek. It immediately conjured a groan from deep within his chest, a sound that hit you right in the middle of your stomach and made your hips falter.
"You're bad, Carmen."
"Yeah?" He questioned you, hands gripping your hips to lift you slightly, increasing the pace of his own thrusts. "Well you're worse."
You wanted to argue with him, you had it on the tip of your tongue but the minute he started jackhammering his hips into you- it was gone in an instant.
"Missed me so fucking bad that you got into bed with Sydney. You laid back and let her put her mouth all over you, because you couldn't get what you wanted from me."
The words were crazy, he was speaking pure insanity but the way his cock hit deep inside you was enough to curb your arguing. The minute you tried to open your mouth, a pathetic moan slipped right off your tongue.
"Thaaaat's right," He cooed, goading you into more embarrassing little sounds. "You missed the way this felt so you had to go get it wherever you could."
It was a lot, it was nearly too much for you to handle. Right as you thought you were slipping, that he was going to win eternal bragging rights, you found your own again. Tensing tight, you made sure to choke Carmy's cock on his next thrust.
The man beneath you froze, eyes rolling back and hips stuttering as you clenched around him. Finding yourself, you pressed your hands back on his pecs as you bounced in his lap.
"Not quite, Carmen," His name dripping like silk off your tongue. "Sure, you might've decided to fuck off on me but it's not like I was hard up on options."
Carmy tried to respond, but it was his turn for the words to get lost in his throat. His hips bucked up into you, cock twitching at the feeling of you gripping him even tighter.
"Look at me," You ordered, his eyes shooting open to take in the sight of you above him. "Do you really think someone that looks like me, looks as good as I do right now would be hard up?"
You caught the slight shake of his head, the way his hands fixed back on your waist and pulled you down on him with every bounce. He was desperate, the way he speared you straight on his cock was sending shockwaves right through you but you fought to remain in control.
"I could've had anyone I wanted and I chose Sydney, because I've seen the way she looks at me."
You leaned down, lips up close to his ear as you spoke. This close, you could hear him whimpering for you, the heady sounds emanating from within him.
"I fucked Sydney because I needed someone to treat me the way I deserve. When she had her mouth on me, it felt like I was being worshipped."
Carmy squirmed under you, you'd been in this position enough times to know exactly what was going to happen. His lips fell open and the string of incoherent moans you'd know him for began sounding.
"And you know what, Carmen?"
You could hear him chanting quiet little sounds of 'what, tell me baby?' as you spurred him on.
"I think you both need to learn how to share."
A visual splashed across Carmy's mind. The sight of you, face down ass up. Your mouth between Sydney's spread legs as her head crushed into the pillow. Carmy's hands pulling your hips back onto his as he fucked you roughly from behind. The both of them sharing you.
All of a sudden, Carmy pulled you down into his lap and launched his hips up. His head tipped back, his mouth fell open as he came deep inside you. Your name was the only thing he remembered how to say as he shot several hot ropes of cum into you.
The sight of it was something to behold, your hand falling down to rub between your legs as you felt him finish in you. It was all enough to push you right over the edge, head dropping into the crook of his neck as you reached your own peak.
As you came down, you felt Carmy's hand rubbing soothing circles into your back. The blood rushing around your ears was dissipating and you could only just register he was speaking.
"Huh?" You asked quietly, lips gently pressing against the skin of his shoulder.
"You can have it," He repeated, fingernails gently scratching up your spine. "Whatever you want, you can have it."
Apologies were an uncomfortable beast. Carmy was coming to terms with them a little better, after a bit of self reflection. He figured they made him uncomfortable because they were necessary.
For you, you were feeling lucky that Sydney was the forgiving type. You’d fully expected her to ask you to go fuck yourself when you’d attempted your apologies. Nice enough, she’d been quick to forgive.
In her eyes, she just wanted whatever part of you she could get her hands on.
That was probably why she was here right now. Back in this bar with you, the bar that (as far as she was concerned) was the beginning of everything.
That’s why she was also astonishingly fine with Carmy being here too. She was even sitting shoulder to shoulder with him. It was then you noticed they were moving in sync, the way they both raised their glasses to their lips at the same time.
Your eyes flickered back and forth between the two, shitty music making up for the lack of conversation and dim light dancing across the both of them.
They looked good this way, this is how they were almost meant to look. Content? Beautiful?
Looking like everything you ever wanted.
So it was a natural course of events, when the three of you later burst through the door of Carmy’s bedroom. You stopped at the end of his bed, trapped between the two of them.
Carmy’s chest to your back, Sydney pressing firmly to your front. Trapped.
Trapped, but completely willing.
Hot, physically and theoretically. The heat that was radiating off the both of them was consuming you. Sydney's hands were desperately working up the front of your shirt, feeling across your chest to cover any stretch of skin that she could.
Carmy's hands were on the waist of your jeans, undoing the button and fly as he dove down the front of them. His strong, skilled fingers felt you through the thin barrier of your underwear.
Your head tipped back, resting on one of Carmy's shoulders. Sydney took her chance, bridging the gap and closing her lips on your throat. You could feel her sucking at the skin, teeth gently running along the column of your throat.
The unmistakable feeling of Carmy hardening against your ass was ever present in the back of your mind. As Sydney worked you up, Carmy was pushing your jeans down your thighs, pressing his cock further into the split of your ass.
His lips came to your left ear, you could feel the heat of his breath as he spoke. "You look so fucking good like this, feel so fucking good."
As his fingers began to breach the front of your underwear, it was Sydney that was making moves on your right ear. "Been dying to taste you again, once wasn't ever gonna' be enough."
Your hips bucked up into Carmy's hand as he stroked you slowly, Sydney's teeth gently gripping your earlobe. It was overwhelming, the bother of you whispering exactly what you needed to hear, working together.
They worked well together, one glimpse into the kitchen and you could tell they worked well together. But even now, the way they were touching you, talking to you- they were the perfect team.
"On the bed, sweetheart." Carmy spoke as he drew his hands from your underwear.
Sydney stepped aside to let you move, watching you kick off your jeans as you moved to the bed. She moved towards you briefly, helping you pull your shirt off over your head and throw it to the side.
As she moved back beside Carmy, you stared up at the both of them under half-lidded eyes. Carmy had stripped down to his underwear, a large hand gently palming his cock through his briefs. He moved to the end of the bed, gripping your ankle and pulling you towards him.
"Get down here, Syd." He ordered, as if they were running the pass.
She was quick to follow the order, kneeling down beside him with her hand wrapping around your other leg. They both pulled you in closer, Carmy taking the initiative to get rid of your underwear.
Sydney reached forward, her hand running up your stomach gently enough to leave goosebumps. "You're un-fucking-believable."
You laughed, just quietly, head rolling around on the mattress as they both stared at you like your next meal. Not waiting for another instruction, Sydney brought her mouth against your entrance and gave you one long lick.
Head tipping back, hips raising, your mouth flew open with a string of moans. Her tongue was unbelievable, moving across you quickly but not failing to miss a single spot.
You could feel the familiar prodding of Carmy's fingers, moving under Sydney's tongue so they could work together. Two of his thick fingers breached your entrance, curling up as Sydney's tongue kept up it's ministrations.
"That feel good, baby?" Carmy's voice snapped you back into reality. "Feel good when we share you?"
All you could do was nod, nod furiously as you rolled your hips down to feel more of their combined efforts. Your hand gently reached behind Sydney's head, pulling her in closer till you were effectively humping her face.
"Yeah, that's right- let her have it." Carmy cooed, his fingers still pumping into you whilst his other hand was pressed to his crotch.
Sydney only moaned, the vibrations hitting you straight on and sending a surge to the pit of your stomach. Carmy could feel the way you were clenching, being well versed with your body he knew exactly what was on the way.
So when you whined at the feeling of him withdrawing his fingers, he was quick to shut you up by man-handling you up the bed. "Hush, you're so fuckin' spoilt."
And you knew he was right, everything you wanted you always got it. That's why you were settled back against the pillows, watching him strip off his boxers whilst Sydney's shirt was being discarded.
You quietly slipped a hand between your legs, gathering the wetness from Sydney's spit to rub yourself. Your eyes fluttered, head tipping back into the plush bed as you watched Sydney reveal more skin to you.
"Baby can't even wait a fuckin' minute?" Carmy questioned, kneeling on the bed to grip your hips.
In a swift motion, he flipped you over. Still holding your hips, he pulled them up until you were face down with your back arched. He could always get you exactly how he wanted you.
Sydney came around the bed, sitting in front you with her hand coming to cup your jaw. "You deserve everything you want."
As she cooed at you, she leaned in just enough to press her lips against yours. You could hear the sigh from Carmy, no doubt rolling his eyes as Sydney quickly gave into you.
Sydney knew your games just as well as he did. Difference was, she didn't mind. She'd feed into you for as long as you let her.
Your mouth dropped and a moan slipped onto Sydney's tongue as you felt the head of Carmy's cock pressing against your entrance. As he eased into you, your eyes began to roll back, hands shooting out to grip Sydney's thighs.
"Want- ah fuck- want to taste you." Your voice sounded breathy and desperate.
Sydney eased herself back, legs spreading around you as you hungrily dove to get your tongue on her. Without wasting a second, you ran your tongue from her entrance to her clit and listened keenly for the sounds she made.
Looking up from under your tired eyes, you saw the blissed expression on her face. Both your arms hooked around her thighs, lips closing around her clit to suck gently.
Carmy fully sunk himself into you, giving you a second to adjust to the stretch. Soon, he was rolling his hips in a steady rhythm that was sending you even closer to Sydney's cunt.
You felt a large hand splay across your lower back, Carmy soothing you as he began to speed up. He fucked you hard, watching the way you clenched around his cock and moved your head quicker between Sydney's legs.
This is what he'd imagined, this was exactly what he'd thought of that night (and honestly, a couple of other times in the shower before work). This was a sight he could get used to.
Carmy wasn't all too keen on sharing you, he had an underlying penchant for jealousy when it came to you. But as he watched Sydney cup a hand around the back of your head, as he heard you moan directly into her core, as he watched you fuck yourself back onto him.
He figured this was definitely worth a little hit of jealousy.
Sydney's hips rolled up to meet your mouth, her backside lifting off the bed as she pulled you down against her. Quiet little whimpers of your name were drifting perfectly off her lips. Her eyes were switching between fluttering shut and fixing dreamily on you.
You could feel the hint of your release working it's way up your body. Strengthening your grip on Sydney's thighs, you pulled her in tight so you could suck at her clit, listening for what it did to her.
"Holy- fuck- oh God- I'm gonna' cum-"
Looking up at her, you found her eyes on yours. Drawing back just a little, you laid your tongue flat against her before running it up, flicking the tip of it against her clit and watching her eyes screw shut.
Sydney rode your face through her orgasm, the feeling running red hot through you. You could hear the faint sounds of Carmy talking you through it. "That's it, make her cum- you're doing so good."
His words were too much, coupled with the taste of Sydney on your tongue and the feeling of her gripping tight onto you. Your hips began to roll back against Carmy, desperately searching for the relief you needed.
Feeling his hand wrap underneath you, Carmy began stroking you towards your orgasm. His chest came to press against your back as he spoke in your ear. "Come on, baby- that's it- cum for us."
Eyes going a blinding white, you felt yourself collapsing into Sydney's lap as your orgasm overtook you. Gripping tight around Carmy, you threw your hips back against him as he pressed himself flush to you.
You felt him twitch inside you, a string of curses leaving his lips as he came for you. You felt his hot cum hitting deep inside of you, leaving you feeling completely full. All you had left to do was fall, splayed out, in the centre of the bed, totally fucked out.
Carmy was the one that cleaned you up, but it was Sydney that brought you the glass of water and tucked you up. You felt her soft kisses against your forehead and by the time you opened your eyes, you could see she was already fully dressed.
You reached out for her, grasping her hand gently before mumbling something about "we should do this again."
Faint sounds of her laughing about that with Carmy caught your ears, but the sleep was taking over too much for you to be able to understand the joke.
When Carmy joined you in bed, wrapping you up in his arms and pulling you close to him, you managed one more mumble before you finally crashed out.
"You guys work really, really, well together."
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ohnogodpls · 9 months
Hi again
I don't think I'm gonna prophesy anything with that, but id like to share a funny hc I have, maybe you'll like too
So we've seen how everyone (myself included) thought that Neuvillette and Zhongli might get along bc well. Dragons responsible for their people and stuff. But with Neuvillette's release it became abundantly clear that he really hates the seven and thinks he's better and that he has enough power to bring them to justice.
However. He's like 500 years old. He barely has any information on anything that happened before him. He spent all those years being Chief Justice and at this point, it doesn't seem like Fontaine had any big internal conflicts in the last 500 years.
And let's have a look at Zhongli. 6000 years old and counting, remembers history at least back to 3000 years ago, won the Archon war, outlived almost all of his friends and his dragon sovereign (well, azdaha is alive but far from sane). He's seen some shit and is still strong even without his gnosis.
So if they meet, I think it'd go something like Zhongli going on a lecture about Liyue at some point, Neuvillette snapping out of his politeness to promise judgement for his sins or something, and Zhongli just going "...anyway, about this tea tradition..." Bc Neuvillette doesn't scare him in the slightest and so he chooses to continue pleasantly spending his day rather than fighting, verbally or physically.
And then Zhonglis impression of Neuvillette is something like "Distinguished gentleman, a bit too passionate about things long forgotten, but that's just lack of experience", while Neuvillette has a whole angry rant about arrogant pseudo-dragons and the like.
That's it, have a nice day!
Ahaha this is cute :D
I mean in Zhongli's eyes Neuvillette is basically a teenager, considering his age as far as we know
So if he starts throwing emo tantrum about judgement, Zhongli will just quietly put his shield up and continue his tea, ignoring the water splashes
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aita-blorbos · 13 days
AITA for indirectly causing my friend to get turned into an abomination?
I (50F, E/TM) am an advanced mage. As of late, I've joined an adventuring party at the request of my old classmate and friend F (23F, TM), who is the sister of the party leader L (26M, TM). Everything was going pretty well... until we came face to face with a dragon. F teleported the rest of us out of the dungeon we were in, but she got eaten.
The good news was:
- People who die in the dungeon can be revived with magic (which I know how to do) if enough of them is left.
- Apparently dragons hibernate and digest their food pretty slowly, so if we could kill it, we might be able to retrieve and revive F.
The bad news was:
- Two of our party members, N (61F, D), and Sh (26M, TM) ditched us.
- L decided the best course of action to save on costs while we get back down there is to eat gross monsters, and he met this weird dude Se (middle-aged?M, D) who's encouraging him!
- The only person who's being normal about this is the picklock C (adult?M, HF), and he's a jerk.
Unfortunately L was also probably right, so I had to eat weird monster food the whole way back down to the dragon. But this isn't about that.
This is about the part where we found the dragon, but it was not hibernating and we all nearly died trying to kill it and it had digested all of F except for her bones.
But, being the accomplished mage that I am, I came up with a plan: using F's bones, the meat of the dragon, and some ancient and unfairly-deemed-illegal magic, I could bring F back to life! L agreed to it, so I cast the spell, and it worked like a charm!
...So I thought.
Apparently the evil mage who rules over this dungeon (???M, E) put a spell on that dragon that attached its soul to its body. When I used its meat to revive F, the dragon's soul got mixed in with hers.
Said evil mage apparently was unhappy about his dragon getting killed, so he turned F... back into a dragon, sort of. A dragon-human-hybrid-monstrosity. And Sh is mad at me because he had a crush on her, and C says that's what I get for using illegal magic, and it's a whole fucking mess but how was I supposed to know the dragon had a spell on it?
I'm exhausted. This is the end of this post. Bye.
[EDIT: YES I know "mortality is inevitable you should have accepted it blah blah" but what if it doesn't have to be???]
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puddle-nerd · 7 months
Trust in Me
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Summary: You finally get the reason out of your boyfriend, Lo’ak, why he’s put a stop to anything past second base. (Lo’ak/Female Human Reader)
Prompt #9 for Avatar12DaysofKinkmas2023.
Story Tags: No Use of Y/N, Xenophilia (Alien Genitalia), Female Reader, Human Reader, Aged Up Characters, Everyone is Legal, Yes they’re both eighteen+!, Friends to Lovers, Interspecies Relationship(s), Size Difference, Na’vi Biology, Hand Jobs, Begging
Author’s Notes: So, if anyone’s read my stories before, I usually wrote the male Avatars and Na’vi as having similar parts as humans (i.e. d!ck and ball$). This challenge in particular was for actually describing alien genitalia so I challenged myself… and used Bad Dragon as an idea base. If anyone’s interested, I used Sleipnir and (very, very loosely) Ky’el to write out my description, if you want some visuals – heavy on the Sleipnir – and threw in a knot for good measure.
Na’vi Translation:
Tweng — loincloth
Yawntu – loved one | lover | beloved person
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“I think we should stop.”
It was the same thing every single time.
You and Lo’ak had been friends since your twin brother had dragged you out into the Omatikayan forests and had you befriended the Sully children. Though, as a teenager, you technically got along more with Kiri, Lo’ak had always had a special place in your heart. When it came out that you mutually had a crush on the other, you had officially started dating. And it had been going good for the last seven and a half months but now in the last eleven days, any time you tried to do more than just some kissing or some light upper body groping, your boyfriend, your sweet, wonderful, usually enthusiastic boyfriend would suddenly put a stop to anything and everything sexual. He would draw away from you or literally pick you up and move you off of him since he was nearly twice the size of you. And the constant rejections were beginning to wound your pride.
“Do you… do you not… want me?” you asked quietly, drawing away from Lo’ak and looking up at him with distressed eyes.
The younger Sully son, still all long gangly limbs even at eighteen-years-old, jerked, his ears and tail twitching in alarm. “No, Mamas,” he immediately exploded, his voice rising high in offense. “No, I want you. Trust me. I do. A lot. I just…” You leaned forward and kneeled between his thighs, cupping his angular jaw in your hands which looked so much smaller when touching his beautiful sapphire skin. “I’ve seen your brother’s… stuff… and I don’t… I look… I look different. Alien… Weird… Freaky…”
You blinked and tried not to smile in relief.
It wasn’t you.
You hadn’t done anything wrong.
He was just worried.
“Lo,” you murmured softly, trying to contain you bemused grin, “I kind of figured you’d look a little different than anyone human.” His cheeks went a little purple in a blush and you leaned in kissing just above the pink tip of his nose. “How about…” you suggested softly, lifting the mask hanging around his collarbones, “you let me be the judge of what I can handle? Hmmm? I really want to see you, Lo’ak.” You leaned in, kissing the underside of his jaw, adding, “I really want to touch you.” He sighed behind the plastic as he sucked in carbon rich air and you moved to kiss up beneath his ear, one of his beaded braids resting against your temple. “I really want to pleasure you.” He groaned as you nipped at the sensitive skin of his neck. “Do you trust me?”
He nodded, sighing, “You know I do, Mamas.”
“Then trust me now,” you begged him softly, pulling back and meeting his golden gaze with your eyes. “Please?”
Lo’ak smirked slightly and leaned in, kissing you once more. “Okay, baby, you win,” he replied.
The Na’vi sat back on your bed, making himself as comfortable as possible as he slowly, carefully undid his tewng, pulling it off and revealing his naked body to your gaze. You gazed curiously down at a slit on his pelvis where a human’s cock would be with a slight bulge on either side of the opening. Carefully, you reached out and caressed the fleshy bulge and finding it soft, like a hairless human scrotum would be, watching your boyfriend shiver, “Does it hurt?”
“No, no,” he quickly reassured you. “Feels good. And the more… the more I get aroused, the more I’ll come out.”
You nodded, adding, “It’s probably safer that way – more protected.” He nodded, remembering the few times Spider had gotten hurt between the legs during his growing years and had had to stop and recover. “Can I touch you like this?” You proceeded to gently run your finger along the slit, feeling a slight slickness that you would find on yourself when you decided to indulge in self-gratification. Your boyfriend hissed sharply and you looked up, to make sure it wasn’t a pain noise. Instead, you found him staring at you with pupils blown wide in his golden orbs, his jaw clenched in pleasure. “Good?” you asked, just for confirmation. He nodded instantly, tail twitching rapidly, ears swiveled towards you as he shifted his legs wider in encouragement. You lowered your gaze and touched him a little firmer.
A moan bubbled out of his pink lips at that and his slit began to open, revealing something pink within.
“That’s… that’s my cock, yawntu,” Lo’ak whimpered, his legs tensing slightly, “at least the tip of it. Gently… gently coax it out.” He sighed as you pressed your fingers into the top and bottom edges of his slit and caressed the crown, finding little nubs all over the pink head. He grunted as he began to slide out into the open blossoming under your careful strokes, his shaft slowly filling with blood as you ignited his lust with your tender ministrations. “Oh, fuck… Mamas, just like that.” You gulped as he continued to slide further and further from his sheath and thicken, revealing noticeable ridges decorating the underside of his length. And towards the base of his cock was a ring of flesh, slightly thicker with more of those little nubs. He must have noticed you staring because he added, “Neteyam’s mentioned it’s a knot, meant to make sure my mate will keep my seed inside longer and heighten the chance of pregnancy.”
You admitted, “I might… not… be able to take that, Lo. You’re already really thick.” He nodded, panting. He took another breath from his mask. “Can I keep touching you?” you asked.
Lo’ak nodded, murmuring, “Yes, please. You’re making me feel so good already.”
You beamed to yourself and settled your gaze back on him and barely managed to wrap your fingers around the tip. His cock seemed to emit its own lubrication so it made stroking your hand down to the base easier, though with how thick it got, well, it was going to take your body some training to get it to fit inside of you. And you repeated the movement.
Down… and up…
Down and up.
“Oh, baby,” Lo’ak whined, beginning to shift his hips into your touch, little aborted jerks of his pelvis as if he was fighting not to thrust into you like he wanted to do. “Please, please… can you… can you grip it harder? Please?” he begged. You complied, meeting his half-lidded gaze. “Just a little tighter. Oh, yes, yawntu, yes, j-just like that.” Your boyfriend clenched his jaw and hissed through his sharp teeth. You squeezed a bit more as you neared the base of him and he let out a cross between a rumbling growl and a whine causing wetness to pool between your bare thighs. “Oh, baby. Yes. Please, please, please.” An idea came to you and you shifted your weight to straddle his calf, the ridge of his bone giving you enough stimulation to grind against him and feel sparks of pleasure from each jolt of your hips. “Oh fuck, Mamas! Are you fucking yourself on my leg?”
You flushed but didn’t stop your hands or your panty covered pelvis. “Maybe,” you admitted, grinding down onto him harder.
Lo’ak’s tail lashed in arousal. “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he whined.
With renewed determination, you moved your hands even quicker, trying to make sure to keep squeezing him as his cock thickened further. Your slick leaked out of you and onto his shin through the now drenched fabric and made your movements even easier, if possible. You wanted to cum but you wanted to make this good for your boyfriend, too. And at this point, the tip of his cock was beginning to drip with pre-cum, a lightly blue bioluminescent glow emitting from the slick.
“So close, baby, please,” Lo’ak nearly sobbed, fucking himself up into your hands earnestly. You grabbed onto the swelling knot with one hand and stroked the ribbed underside of his shaft to the best of your ability with the other, squeezing as hard as you could.
That seemed to do the trick.
Lo’ak came with a loud, drawn-out grunt, throwing his head back into the wall as glowing blue cum spurted out of him, his knot swelling firmer and the ridges beneath flaring as if to assist locking his cock into place. Splatters of the stuff landed everywhere, your hands, your bedding, his thighs, your hair, his lower stomach, your face… At least it smelled pleasant. He sighed, bringing the mask up to his face once more and breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath and grinned down at you smugly.
“That’s even hotter,” he chuckled. “You’re gonna smell like me for days.”
You pouted up at him. “My turn? I didn’t finish.”
“Yeah, yawntu, definitely your turn.”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 22 December 2023
Word Count: 1,470
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hyunpic · 9 months
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k.
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis - wonderwall
oasis - hey now
mac miller - that’s on me
mac miller - everybody
nothing but thieves - amsterdam
bren joy - sweet
back number - i love you
puma blue - already falling
mac ayres - roses
mac ayres - next to you
bruno major - old soul
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dulcetash · 1 year
I am finally reading Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series; GOD I love her writing. To grossly paraphrase Time’s back-cover blurb, this series is like if Jane Austen got drunk and played D&D with the writers from Black Sails.
Jane: You know McCaffrey’s Pern books? We could do SO MUCH BETTER.
Black Sails: FUCK YEAH, let’s put George Knightley on a dragon and see what happens.
Jane: Indeed! But the dragon is not like other girls dragons, he’s unusually clever and exotic, he’s special.”
Black Sails: You want this as a modern AU? How do we present the indomitable spirit of the non-conformists trying to live free under an oppressive system if we’re 100 years past the golden age of piracy?
Jane: With the dragon-riders, of course. They serve King and Country, but they’re held apart. They’re not so proper. Women are allowed. Oh, and there’s a badass sexually liberated female Captain who flies a VERY impressive dragon named Jane.
Black Sails: The dragon’s name is Jane?
Jane: No, you louts, the CAPTAIN’S name is Jane. The dragon’s name is… uh… something. Very cool. I’ll think of a very cool name later. Something Roman.
Black Sails: Oooo, dragon names, we’ll start a list. And there will be beautifully choreographed explosive ship battles? Betrayals? Angst borne of deep love beyond society’s insipid understanding of the word?
Jane: Of COURSE there will, it must all START with a ship battle, the more blood and mayhem the better.
Jane: Um, j’excuse, I am sure I never said that.
Black Sails: …
Jane: …
All Together: FUCK NAPOLEON!!! \0/
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luimagines · 1 year
Take Your Sick Day
Another Commission!
They asked for Dragon Link, specially Skyward Sword Link and for me to make it sooo fuffy that they would be laid comatose. I’m not entirely if I did that but I got permission to share it :D
Content under the cut!
“You’re warm.” A black scaled reptilian tail lashed back and forth like an agitated cat. Cool hands place themselves by your neck and on your forehead. “You’re sick.”
“I’m fine.” You cough, covering your mouth with your sleeve. 
The half formed dragon sends you a deadpan stare. “Uh-huh. And let me guess you’re also planning on going out to finish the job you started yesterday, right?”
You glare, daring him to say anything about your plans for today.
“Cancel them.”
“You’re sick.” The half dragon in front of you stresses. “Jayrie is old enough as it is, what if she catches it?”
You pause. Jayrie was the kind elderly woman who gave you a job when you had no other means of income. The work was simple but long. However, someone had to do it and you were happy to fill in the position when asked. Like everyone else in the settlement, Jayrie was a dragon but she was considered old even by their standards. You never did ask how old she truly was. But if you had to guess, she was centuries old.
The boy in front of you was older too. Granted, he may have looked closer to your age but he himself admitted to be nearly two hundred years old already. You’re not sure how that aging works out as it does. But Hyrule’s magic was hard to pin down as it is. You won’t question it.
“Dragons don’t get as sick as we do.” You inform him with a meek voice. Do they? It was an argument you were willing to make, but not one that you thought you could defend very well.
The young man sends you a blank look.
You begin to fluster, gathering that your argument lacked a foundation. “Look… Link… It’s not even that bad.”
“Uh-huh.” He repeats his earlier disinterest. “Explain to me then why you look like you’re about to keel over and pass out.”
You huff. “I’m fine.”
He’s not convinced. “At least eat something.” He says, eyeing you up and down. “It won’t do you any good to get out there without any strength left in you.”
You have the suspicion that he has something else planned but you can’t figure out what it is. On top of that, you don’t feel really hungry. If anything, the thought of eating makes you queasy. However… if that’s his only condition to let you go, you can’t really deny it. “Sure. I’ll eat something.”
You already feel worse.
Link nods, smiling softly. “Good. Give me a second to whip something up then you can head out.”
You grin back tensely. “Thanks.”
“Anything.” He leans forward, kissing your forehead quickly before he dips into the kitchen. You can feel that he laced that kiss with some of his magic. It was cooling and sweet. You can feel it flush through your system, even if it doesn’t hold. There was a healing spell there. It’s a shame that it never sticks.
You gulp and notice that your throat does feel stretchier than usual. But you’ve so close to finishing up that order for the week. It can’t afford to be put off for another day. And if anything, you’ve never been one to leave things half done. You were sure you would be able to get it done today. Then maybe tomorrow you can take the day off to recover. It’s just a little discomfort for a long term pay out, right?
Man, you were getting colder. And your back was sore. Maybe you should go lay down for a little bit. Then Link can come in with breakfast, you can swallow it down and go to work.
“That sounds nice.” You say to yourself. Your head hit the pillow and it was just cold enough that it eased the pressure building in your head.  You were still getting colder. You can feel yourself begin to shake from the chills. Maybe you can get under the blankets. Just for a little bit. Five minutes, max.
Link was busy cooking up something simple for you. You looked miserable, if he was being honest. From your blood shot eyes, to the clear way your nose was beginning to run and you were flushed with fever. He had seen his own people get sick before, but it was hardly ever to that extent. Maybe your kind was different?
For one thing, you were right. Dragons don’t get sick as often but this is the fifth time it’s happened since you’ve landed in their little settlement on the surface. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you were empty. Not a hint of magic within you, whatsoever. It was concerning when you first showed up but it never seemed to be a hindrance. Link had taken a liking to you instantly. Even if you were ignoring his advances, he wanted to try to court you.
He pulled out all the stops, doing everything he knew would be the right thing to do. He just hoped it would be enough to impress you and choose him back.
Only for it to come to light that you had no idea was trying to court you to begin with. Not only were you not a dragon and lacked magic, but your senses were still just a shot in the dark compared to what he could perceive. It was as if you were a different creature entirely.
But that didn’t change how much he wanted to make you his. 
It ended up being near impossible, given that magic always seemed to flow out of you. Nothing could stick no matter what they tried. He couldn’t add his mark to you. You were blocked off of any magic in general. Which was concerning when you were injured. You couldn't take any healing spells or health potions and there were little other methods they had to deal with problems like those. Still, Link never considered himself one to shy away from a challenge. Which led to where you are today, with him in his house on the surface, helping to keep the settlement stable in the little ways you could help.
He could hear you get back into the bed as the eggs sizzled and popped by the stove. Link allowed his heart to relax a bit. Good, he sighed. You should be resting. He had the sinking suspicion that you got sick by overworking yourself again. Not to mention that winter was around the corner and the temperature was dropping.
He shakes his head and plates the food, hoping you’d have it in you to eat something anyway. “What am I going to do with you?”
Link creeps through the house and peaks through the door to the bedroom. While he holds the plate of eggs and toast in one hand, he holds the door just a crack open with the other. A breath of relief flows out of him. You��ve fallen asleep.
“Why must you push yourself so hard, Beloved?” He whispers, entering the room and putting the plate on the bedside table. 
The back of his hand brushes against your temple and forehead once more. A frown places itself firmly on his features. “You’re warmer than you usually are.” 
Link sits on the edge of the bed, gently brushing the side of your face as you sleep. In retrospect, this isn’t anything new. You’ve both gone through this before. You’ve both learned and grown and adapted to the circumstances. Link knows what he has to do to help you fight the war within you.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t wish this would be easier to handle.
He tucks you into the bed, making sure the blankets are wrapped snugly around you before he gets up again. There’s a pause where he considers taking the plate back with him. It’s not like you’re going to eat it anytime soon. But perhaps you wake up in the time it takes him to make his rounds. Link still wants you to have something in your stomach, even if it’ll be the only thing you eat today.
Link walks around his house, making sure everything is in place and within easy reach.
He goes to tell Jayrie that you’re sick and won’t be making it to your shift today, and potentially not tomorrow either. The elderly woman is ever understanding, having gotten to know your nature quite well after working with you for as long as she has.
“Take care of them, young man.” She shakes her head softly. “Let them know to only come back when they’re feeling one hundred percent back to their normal self.”
Link tips his head in gratitude, a soft smile overtaking his face. “Yes, ma’am. I plan to do just that. I just have to let the others know that I won’t be able to come in again-”
“Oh nevermind them.” Jayrie waves him off. “I can tell those old fuddy duddies that your mate needs you for the time being. Go back home now, you hear? We both know that if you’re not there to stop them, they’ll just keep working until their body forces them to stop.”
“They’re asleep right now.” Link admits with a shy smile. “I think that might have already happened.”
“All the more reason to make sure they don’t push themselves any further.” Jayrie begins to push him out of her shop and back onto the main trail. “Go on now, go!”
“Thank you.” Link tips his head in gratitude and rushes back home to you, leaving a blustering wind in his wake.
When he gets back into the house, he checks on you first. You’re still asleep and the eggs are still untouched. A sigh tumbles out of him once more. Link supposes that this is better than you trying to work more while you’re ill. Then again, it’s a testament to how sick you truly are.
With his own plans canceled for the day, Link has to find ways to keep himself busy while he waits until you need something from him. Granted, there’s very little to do around the house. It’s on the smaller side and he hasn’t needed to expand much even when you joined him under the same roof. He can clean but that proves to be only a small chore when the two of you don’t leave a lot of clutter around the counter spaces anyway.
Suddenly, he hears you groan a bit. Intrigued by your sudden movement, Link makes his way through the house and pokes his head through the doorway. “Are you awake now, Beloved?”
You groan again and blink your eyes open. Blearily, you looked around you and slowly burrow deeper into the blankets. “It’s so bright.”
“It’s the middle of the day.” Link smiles, walking in to close the curtains. “”There. Better?”
“Mhm.” You hum and lift your head up a bit. You cough. It sounds rough and wet. “What time is it?”
Link flinches. Your voice sounds rough as well. “Closer to noon. Maybe past that. I haven’t been looking at the clock.”
You frown and Link knows it’s because you’re upset that you missed out on your shift. Then your eyes land on him again. “Didn’t you have to help Groose and Zelda with the new farmland today?”
“I got it covered.” Link waves you off, not wanting to go into too many details. “You need me. You are my priority.”
“You say that every time.”
“And I mean it every time.” Link smiles and sits on the edge of the bed again. His hand comes up once more to feel your forehead and cheeks. “Still warm. How are you feeling?”
“I feel horrible… and gross.” You whine.
Link frowns. “I believe you.” 
You lift your arms up for a hug. You look so small and miserable, it melts Link’s heart. With a small huff, Link climbs into the bed next to you, shifting into his half dragon form and wraps himself around you.
Link feels you hum and relax in satisfaction. A proud smile covers his face as he rests his head on top of yours. He tucks you under his chin, holding you close to his chest as he begins to purr. With his arms and tail wrapped around you, and his legs intertwined with yours, he feels a sense of peace wash over him.
This is perfect, as it should be. You are right next to him and within his arms. The dragon in him couldn’t be happier. He’ll look after you. You are his mate. There’s no other person he could think of to fill this spot. It belongs to you and you alone.
”Link…” Your voice cuts through the simple quiet that descended after he snuggled up to you. “I still feel gross.”
Link snorts. “I have a feeling you'll feel gross for a while.”
“...I’m sick.” You pout.
“Yeah. I know.” Link pets your hair. “We should get you cleaned up at least.”
You tilt your head up to look up at him, not fully understanding what he means by that.
With a dimmed mischievous smile, Link turns and picks you up, easily holding you in his arms. You’re too tired to react to it. Instead, you rest your head on his shoulder and hold onto his shoulder loosely. 
Link walks through the house once more, heading to the back where he’s made a corner for your privacy. He sets you down on a wooden chair and points to the pool he intends to fill up. “Bath time.”
You make a face but comply, ridding yourself of the clothes that have been sitting in your sickness. Link calls to the clouds to form above the ditch, letting it rain and fill with the water. To the side, he tosses wood and cranks a fan. Quickly, zapping the wood with lightning, he creates a fire and watches in satisfaction as the rain water begins to warm up.
He doesn’t have to keep the crank in motion for the job to be completed, so he let’s it run its course, turning instead to pick out the soaps he intends to use.
When he fishes out the soap, he sees you lowering yourself already into the water, sinking into it slowly. “How’s the water?”
“Not warm enough.” You mumbles, cupping the water up to rinse your shoulders.
Link places the soaps by your side and goes back to the fire, using the fan to grow the flame. With time, you let him know that it’s just where you want it and he returns to your side.
“You don’t have to do this.” You say as he kneels. “I can do this myself.”
“You can.” He agrees. “But you wouldn’t. Let me be good to you. You’re not feeling well anyway.”
You pout and growl the best you can, but the sickness doesn’t allow you to properly be intimidating. 
Link rolls up his sleeves and takes one of the bars of soap, dipping it into the water and bringing it back up to run it over your body. With one hand lathering the soap, the other makes quick work of kneading into your muscles, working out the soreness and knots that tend to gather when you fall ill.
A groan leaves you before you can stop it. You’re inclined to lower yourself into the water and tilt your head back. You open your eyes and look up at him. “Thank you.”
Link smiles as you appear to already look better. He doesn’t fully understand how the steam helps you but he’s not going to ask questions. He kisses the tip of your nose. “Always and forever, Beloved. Do you want me to wash your hair?”
“You’re going to make me fall asleep again.” You admit, but you don’t say no.
“Good.” Link laughs. “Anything to get you to slow down for once.”
“I’m not that bad!”
“And yet here we are.” Link flicks the back of your head gently, grabbing a different soap and lathers it in between his hands. His fingers dive into your hair and begin to massage your scalp.
Calling over a rain cloud, he lets it rinse out the soap as he goes. It’s not as warm as the water around you, but it proves to be a calming sensation to your still peaked fever. You sink further into the pit.
Link is more or less forced to follow you lower but he has to pull himself back up. He chuckles at your reactions and steps back to strip.
You whine again. “Liinnkkk…Where’d you go?”
“Right behind you, hold on.” Link laughs, placing his clothes neatly onto the table. He lowers himself onto the water as well, wondering if perhaps the water could be a bit warmer for the both of you.
He sees you smile when you see him sit in the bath. That look on your face makes this whole thing worth it, in Link’s eyes. That little pleased smile pushes you forward and you wrap yourself around Link once more.
Link gladly takes you into his arms again and goes back to running his hands through your hair, massaging every inch he can reach. The rain cloud follows and rinses the soap off of your body. With a kiss to the top of your head, Link leans back against the wall of the ditch, pushing the stronger rain clouds away before it can overflow. “I love you, Beloved.”
“I love you too.” You sigh, letting yourself be held against his chest. You’re content and already feeling better. It’s just one thing that scratches the back of your mind. “I didn’t have the breakfast you made me.”
“I know.” He says quietly. “I’ll make more.”
“Would you?”
“Yes.” He nuzzles the side of your head. “But rest up first. We’re not going anywhere any time soon.”
You hum and nod, resting against him at last. 
“Sleep well.”
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cyberr-v0id · 9 months
I should probably make a proper introduction post so here goes
Hi hey hello wassup sup howdy hola hooray
My name is Hecate but I also go by *lists a ton of names because I am genderfluid as hell, can’t choose just one, have a complicated relationship with my irl name, and eventually toss aside every name I go by* here’s the link to my full name post: https://www.tumblr.com/cyberr-v0id/731097944976228352/ok-so-as-i-apparently-use-a-lot-of-names-here-are
My main blog is @cyberr-v0id but I have a ton of side blogs, because I’m addicted to cool usernames??? Apparently??? But I’m only really active on four or five of them
I use he/she/they/fae and occasionally it sets of pronouns, and I am a genderfluid, afab, asexual, lesbian oriented demiromantic. Deal with it or leave :)
I currently have a crush on one of my awesome friends because I only develop crushes on people I have a strong bond with and/or have know for a while . Aka: my friends. It can be low-key awkward but we roll
I am Romani but don’t travel because reasons and I am kinda detached from my culture, but heck of I don’t defend it till my last breath
Now onto what I am interested in ehhehehehe
Ok so, I have never been diagnosed with anything ✨brain wise✨ however pretty much every autistic person I have ever met has said that they think I might be as well, without me even bringing it up, including my AuDHD brother. My mother has said repeatedly throughout my lifetime comments such as ‘are you sure you’re not autistic’ and ‘that is very autistic or you maybe we should get you diagnosed’ but then she denies it if i bring it up
My dad thinks I am adhd, my mum thinks I would be add rather than adhd because I am, to quote, ‘not hyperactive like [brothers name] is’. He is a twelve year old boy. I am a fifteen year old girl. I also take apart all my pens in lessons if I don’t have something less destructible to fidget with. Take that how you will
I personally have done a lot of of research into the both, and feel that I could be either, but slightly more likely adhd
I have a weird issue with my feet where the bones are too close together in places, which means I have really clicky ankle joints, am much more likely to have my ankles roll, twist, or give way, and often my legs hurt pretty bad, and my feet as well, while walking or standing for a long time. But hey! They’re getting better finally :D
Onto other interests:
• mythology in general but the one I know the most about and am obsessed with the most is Greek mythology
• the owl house
• Percy Jackson, obviously
• amphibia
• the inheritance cycle
• the dragon prince
• miss peregrines home for peculiar children
•avatar the last air bender
•dragon age absolution
• how to train your dragon (books, films, series)
•the wizards of once
•dragons themself as a thing
•folklore and faeries
• nimona
•and a heck ton more that I cannot think of. I’ll rant about it eventually if I love it that much
The main sports I do rn are archery, paddle boarding, and skateboarding, as well as dance through my musical theatre group. Also lightsaber fighting in my street
I do art and writing and reading and acting and lots more I do a lot and then I abandon my hobbies for a while, and jewelry making and sewing and
I’ll link some more posts here that may be useful to y’all:
And remember, this blog is ran by an Odysseus obsessed teen above all else
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koalaphoenix · 6 months
I was going through my art folder on my phone and realized how far I've come with how I draw Shay (and her different forms).
Way back in 2021 I drew her for the first time. She effectively came from a dream I had, where I lived her life in one night. But the struggle was I never actually really saw what Shay/I looked like in the dream. I knew what I was, who I was, but not what I looked like, beyond my hands. One of the most spectacular dreams I've ever had, by the way.
So early on when I was streaming, I decided to take a crack at drawing the dragon woman I'd been in the dream. I couldn't even really remember my/her name, although with help from my friends it came to me.
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The first sketch was... Rough, at best. I had no clue how to draw an anthro creature, which Shay effectively was. I used multiple references to even sorta rough out what I wanted, and the result was not spectacular. But it was a start.
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Then I was memeing with my friends about our D&D characters. I fully intended to RP as Shay when we began a campaign. It led to the version above - the first proper drawing where I was mostly happy with her overall design.
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Late 2021 and I tried to push myself a little further, although I still didn't know what I was doing.
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Art block hit me like a truck for a few months. When I finally managed to get drawing again, the results were initially really, really bad. But it wasn't too long and I drew what would end up being a far more finalized version of her design, the template for many future works. She was a more agile figure than her design sketch. I adjusted her horns to make more sense anatomically, and to fit better with her hair.
And also I drew abs on her.
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Then there were several more drawings. I touched on alternate versions, put her in some fun situations as self indulgence, tried to experiment with difficult poses. There was a lot of struggle, as I still couldn't quite get her head shape consistent.
Then I found some new resources, and on a whim I drew what's becoming my favorite alternate version of her: Shayaa.
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(Flat color iteration shown)
Shayaa was born out of two thoughts. I wanted a version of Shay that was a little thicc, and I wanted a version where she hadn't been abandoned. This ended up with her in armor, and was a leap forward in terms of quality and some design cues. The softer snout, more defined mouth, and thicker horns ended up really helping me draw her more consistently.
I was worried that it was one of those cases where I went beyond my actual ability and wouldn't be able to replicate it, but I was mostly wrong.
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I decided I wanted to adjust "prime" Shay's design a bit, to improve her visibly aging and to widen the gap between her and Shayaa to emphasize their differences. I thinned her up a bit, made her muscles more lean, and rounded her features to make her appear more youthful - she's in her early 20s at the start of Godbreaker, but I saw her design as more in her late 20s or early 30s. She was always intended to be more lean than I'd drawn her, but skill issue. I also kinda hated parts of her default outfit, they seemed off and weren't the easiest to draw.
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And now? I'm pretty satisfied with her design. She looks younger and more lean, and ideally a little less "civilized." Her hair got spikier to make it easier for me to draw - I suck at floofy hair. She's still pretty big, at 6'7" tall, but she doesn't look like a brick house anymore (nothing wrong with that, I love brick houses, she was just not intended to be that).
But yeah. Going through the old art, a lot of which I can't add to this post, it really hit home to me how much in such a relatively short time she's changed since the first real sketch, how much I've changed...
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...And how much has stayed the same.
Aaaand to not end on any sort of deep moment, holy shit her old feet were HUGE.
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mzminola · 1 year
I know probably sometimes ‘normal’ got used in interviews because people unfortunately think normal = relatable but no, no those only sometimes overlap, and Tim is not the normal Robin, he is the designed to be maximally RELATABLE Robin. Like yes, all Robins are audience stand-ins, but with Tim it was extra on-purpose and they just kept throwing spaghetti at the wall.
Having two working parents. Worrying they’re going to get divorced! Grieving one dead parent. Having a parent dealing with an injury/illness. Feeling like your parents don’t really know you! Having your dad get a girlfriend out of the blue (from your perspective). Getting a stepparent.
“Parents run a large company that puts you in an upper tax bracket” is not widely relatable, but “parents are both working and very busy” is. So is “parents are their own bosses” for readers whose parents are self-employed. The money levels let the writers and illustrators throw in whatever they thought was cool with the kids at the time without it raising questions.
Then Drake Industries goes under, so we have the relatable issues of family finances suddenly changing, having to move, a parent being unemployed & depressed about it, losing things you took for granted (we’ll miss you Redbird), becoming aware of money in ways you weren’t before (hello counting costs of Bat gear), the sheer fucking relief when your parent takes those first steps out of a depressive spiral.
Tim goes to private boarding schools and public day schools and is the New Kid over and over and over. They move from the city to the suburbs to another state and back. His classmates & girlfriends keep getting After School Specials plots. His longest running civilian friend gets a part time job and then cancer. He can���t stay awake in class and constantly struggles to balance all of this commitments.
Tim plays the in-universe equivalent of Dungeons & Dragons, and gets ideas for dealing with Rogues from it. He introduces Alfred to videogames and watches TV Alfred is judgey about down in the Cave in his Robin gear. Bicycles and skateboards, gets his license early for the plot convenience but still has to take mass transit for his first date.
Complains about being mistaken for being younger than he is, about not getting taken seriously, gets saddled with burdens no one his age should and frequently feels like he’s in over his head.
Became Robin because he saw his hero stuggling and wanted to help. Sticks with it for the personal connections he makes, for the sense of accomplishment and adventure, and because he wants to help everyone. Gets super excited about meeting other heroes and teaming up. It’s not normal to be a caped vigilante, but all of those reasons he has for it sure are relatable.
Tim struggles to figure out that he’s queer, is nervous about trying for happiness, deals with coming out to family and friends (and none of that is a neat & tidy one-and-done, it’s ongoing like it is in life).
Tim isn’t "the normal Robin” because that’s not really an actual functionally definable thing to be, and no single character can be universally relatable, but by g*d they have thrown so much relatability spaghetti at the wall here and so much of it sticks.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Halloween idea anon here :) The first idea was Eddie and the reader doing the typical Halloween pranks (egging and TPing) on someone’s house and when they have to make a run for it to not get caught, when the light catches on their face, Eddie just thinks “yeah, I’m going to marry this girl one day”. The second idea was trick or treating with hellfire (because I cannot see Eddie ever outgrowing that and now they have freshmen in the club) and seeing the reader dressed as Galadriel or Arwen with the group she’s chaperoning and cutting each house visit short (much to the ire of Dustin) because he can’t let “the girl of (his) dreams” get away before he has a chance to talk to her after trying to work up the nerve all night. Sorry if neither of those are good ideas but thank you for letting me send them over!
Eddie falls head-over-heels for a fairy, but needs a little help talking to her.
Warnings: a little bit of language
WC: 990
A/N: This takes place in October 1986. Eddie & Steve are friends but obviously Eddie survived the Upside Down. Also, the LotR movies didn't come out till the early 2000s, so I decided to go with a D&D fairy costume! I hope that's all right!
Eddie Munson may be 20 years old, but he's not going to pass up the opportunity to go trick-or-treating. Dressing up in a sick costume and getting free candy? Sounds like a great time.
And now, he has a good excuse, since Dustin recruited him to drive the Hellfire Club (plus Steve) to the wealthier part of town. The kid had a whole plan mapped out based on the houses that gave the best candy in previous years. How could Eddie turn the poor guy down?
He’s dressed as a zombie rockstar, which consisted of an old concert t-shirt that he’d ripped holes in, ripped jeans, and some fake blood smeared across his face. He’d briefly considered bringing along Sweetheart, but didn’t want to risk any damage. 
“How are we always the goddamn babysitters?” Steve grumbles now, but Eddie knows he loves being adored by the kids. 
Before he can respond to Steve, something catches his eye a few houses down. A girl, about his age, standing behind two young kids, wearing a pair of fairy wings. But not just any fairy wings: she’s dressed as a fairy from Dungeons & Dragons.
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes out. “Harrington, I think I’m in love.”
Steve meets his friend’s gaze, trying to keep an eye on the gaggle of children they’re somehow responsible for. “Oh, she’s cute.” He laughs at Eddie’s lovesick stare. “Go talk to her, Romeo.”
“W-what do I even say?” Eddie sputters, hands getting clammy. He clumsily wipes them on his pants.
Steve laughs, amused by Eddie’s nervous demeanor. “Why don’t you start with, ‘I like your costume’?” he says. “And, uh, try not to look like a total moron.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie grumbles, turning to Mike, Lucas, Erica, and Dustin, who are waiting on line to get full-size chocolate bars. “Little sheep, let’s go! Put a move on it!” he yells out, waving them back.
“We didn’t even get our candy yet!” Erica laments. “I am not leaving until I have a giant KitKat in my stash, got it?”
Eddie huffs as he walks over. “There are a million other houses we can hit up,” Like the one where the girl of my dreams is standing, he thinks. “Come on!”
“Seriously, dude,” Dustin says, “what’s your deal?”
“Eddie's got a big ol’ crush on that fairy princess over there,” Steve teases, pointing in your direction.
“Don’t point at her, Harrington!” Eddie hisses, burying his head in his hands. “Forget it. Get your stupid candy.”
But the group has already snapped into wingman mode. 
“Eddie,” Dustin crosses his arms over his chest, “how many girls do you know are into D&D?”
“Um, Little Sinclair pretty much starts and ends that list.”
“Exactly!” Lucas exclaims. “So there’s a beautiful girl fifty feet away from you, who not only knows what it is, but likes it enough to dress as a character from it. And you’re gonna let her slip away?”
“No, but--” Eddie starts before Mike cuts him off.
“But what? You have no excuse; we’re not toddlers. And Steve can stay with us while you get her number.”
“Save my spot, or else,” Erica orders the boys, and they know to heed her warning. “C’mon, Munson. Let’s hurry this up so I don’t miss out on any candy.”
“Uh, okay,” Eddie stammers as Erica grabs him by the wrist and pulls him over to you.
“Hi!” she says to you, giant grin plastered on her face. “I just wanted to tell you that I love your costume! Is this your D&D character?”
You clasp your hands together excitedly. “Yes!” you reply. “Finally, someone knows where this costume is from. You don’t know how many people have called me Tinkerbell tonight.”
“Actually,” Erica says coyly, pulling Eddie in front of her, “this long-haired freak was the one who noticed.”
“H-hi,” Eddie bites the inside of his lip, cringing at how nervous he sounds. “I’m Eddie. Her, uh, baby-sitter.”
“Chaperone,” Erica corrects him.
“Right, Chaperone.” He softly kicks his foot into the grass. “I’m also Hellfire Club’s Dungeon Master.”
“You play, too?” Your eyes light up, taking him in. “Well, duh, of course you do, if you’re the Dungeon Master. I’m Y/N, by the way.” Pink creeps into your cheeks, and Eddie thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. Plus, it makes him feel better about being anxious.
“Yeah. We started at Hawkins High, but when I graduated earlier this year, we just kept up the tradition outside of school,” he explains sheepishly. “Maybe you could join us sometime?”
He feels a kick to the back of his ankle before you can respond. “Ow!” he cries out, turning to Erica.
“That’s not a date, nerd,” she loudly whispers. “I am not missing out on rich people candy for you to half-ass this!”
Eddie hears you giggle and swerves back to rectify the situation. “Or, uh, we could go to that new café that opened downtown? I hear they have kick-ass food.”
You nod. “That would be great!” A small hand tugs on the hem of your green dress. “I have to get going,” you apologize, wishing you could talk to him all night. “I promised the kids I baby-sit that I’d take them trick-or-treating until our feet fall off.”
“No worries. It’s like the Cool Baby-Sitters’ Code,” he jokes, conversation flowing more naturally now. “Could I maybe get your number? So I can, y’know, call you?”
“Of course!” You reach into your purse and pull out a pen. When you realize you don’t have any paper, you grab his arm and write your phone number on it.
“I’ll call you,” he promises as you walk away and wave.
Erica stares up at him, clearly pleased with the situation.
“Thanks, kid,” he says, clapping a hand on her back. “You’re a better wingman than any of those guys.”
“Yeah, well,” she replies with a shrug. “I call dibs on bridesmaid.”
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yurisorcerer · 3 months
What are your top five dragons?
I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come up with a list that I think is pretty good.
Spoilers for, honestly, like, a couple things below the cut. I've tagged the post accordingly.
5. Raijin, my Dragonite from Pokemon Violet
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(Obviously this isn't specifically a picture of Raijin, my Switch is sadly batterydead at the moment, but this is about what she looks like in my head. Anyway!)
Somehow or another, Dragonite ended up being the very last Gen I Pokemon I'd never caught or trained in any way. I'd caught all of the others in SOME playthrough of SOME pokemon game over the years, even the ones people generally don't love or tend to forget about. (I will be a Lickitung apologist until the day I die.) I'm not sure why I avoided the Dratini line for so long. Some general subconscious backlash? I can't really say for sure. Anyway, I caught Raijin off the coast of Paldea in Violet and she quickly became essentially the ace of my team. As it turns out, Rain Dance + Thunder with an Electric terra type is a pretty good combination.
4. Black Hole Dragons, from a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew sourcebook
I looked and looked and to my IMMENSE frustration, could not find a copy of the old-school D&D homebrew sourcebook that these things are from, but please trust me and hear me out here.
Black hole dragons as depicted in this book, a truly ridiculous bestiary of appropriate foes for Epic-level adventurers, were bizarre snaking collages of geometry that could grow to be larger than the size of the visible universe and erase people from existence by breathing on them. After encountering these when reading these sourcebooks at the impressionable age of uh....like, 23, vanilla D&D's usual array of chromatics and metallics don't do a ton for me anymore.
3. Nicol Bolas, from Magic: The Gathering
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This guy.
This fucking guy. This is how you do an impossibly powerful doomsday villain right.
Nicol Bolas is a dragon who's also a dimension-hopping wizard. As part of what is by my estimation one of Magic's last good sets, he also kills a bunch of faux-Egyptian deities and takes their place as the divine ruler of an entire dimension. This guy fucking rules and every single card that's ever had his name on it is awesome and if you disagree, well, that's good for you, because WoTC killed him right around the time they decided to make Magic boring forever.
2. Falin Touden, from Dungeon Meshi
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No, she counts. Get back here.
If I stopped to count all of the ways I thought Falin was an amazing character we'd be here all day, but very briefly I find her arc and her interesting liminal role in Dungeon Meshi's narrative super compelling, and I find her characterization very, very relatable, and not entirely in a way that reflects well on me.
But as a *dragon.*
Falin is still one of the best to ever do it. The original Red Dragon is a very cool and pivotal part of Dungeon Meshi, and I love that too, but when Falin is fused with it by Thistle we get what is just honestly one of the most memorably bitchin character designs of all time, a ludicrously hot capital MG Monster Girl, and a huge driving force for the rest of the story. Not to mention Ryoko Kui clearly put a ton of thought into how she would work, since a key flaw in her design (so to speak) is what eventually leads to her being saved. I love her to pieces, and the form Falin finally gets at the very end of the story is honestly super cool-looking too! Although it's less dragonny than this one.
The Dragon, from "Dragon"
headspace-hotel's "Dragon" is one of my favorite poems of all time. It's easily the best tumblr post, and while I don't read a ton anymore, it's definitely one of my favorite overall pieces of literature.
I realize that being so brief in the top entry makes this a little anticlimactic, but I can't bring myself to rob the poem of its impact. I linked it there, so please go read it. More than anything else on this list, it's made me think. Beyond simply thinking it's an absolutely great piece of work (which it is), it's very meaningful to me. A reminder that the danger is still present in our time.
Some honorable mentions: the rest of the Dungeon Meshi dragons, every dragon from the Souls series and from Elden Ring, Paarthurnax from Skyrim, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Godzilla, Beast Machines Megatron, and Odious, the Green Dragon who turns into a giant d20 that I bought from Hasbro Pulse a year or so ago.
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mrs-gauche · 25 days
I don't have anyone to really talk dragon age about, so I'm just kinda throwing this into the void (at you)
I think "Veilguard" is gonna be a title that meaning changes over the game.
Like at the start it is that kinda silly name for a group put together to stop Solas like the Varrick trailer implies, but obviously that's failing, and then in dealing with (probably) Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain they will forge a new duty for the title.
It's suddenly occurred to me since the name change that I don't think the games end state is a binary veil/no veil, I think a, Solas can't just be planning to drop the veil and that's it. I think at the end of the day there will be a new veil, something more permeable that doesn't twist spirits crossing, but something that can still hold back.. what it needs to hold back. I think "The Veilguard" at the end of the game will have some veil-cosmic significance for the new Thedas, whether that is our characters or some other consciousness
Idk exactly
Oh don't worry! Please, throw at me all the tinfoil theories you got!! That's what we love! 🥰🥰🥰 That's an interesting idea! Speaking specifically about what the endgame for the Veilguard and the state of the world will look like, I think either way, Thedas is going to significantly change and the idea of having our main group potentially fail at their mission is very exciting, if only to see where they take that narrative! :D
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i-m-snek · 1 year
Welcome new followers!
I legit got 1k new followers from that ‘how to cook a snake’ post, so allow me to introduce myself! My name is Laura, Cis woman I go by she/her. Herpetologist and advocate for forward thinking when it comes to keeping reptiles. I’ve been keeping reptiles for 10 years now, and I regularly update my knowledge based on recent research. I specialize in ball pythons but have a fair amount of knowledge on other species as well. My entire life is based around giving my pets the best care I possibly can, and educating people on reptiles. I currently work as a tech in an oil and tire bay as my day job, but I make D&D dice on the side.  Now, for what y’all followed for! Allow me to introduce my babies, along with showing off their setups. 
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This is Dante! He’s the first snake I’ve ever owned, got him 10 years ago and had him since he was only a few inches long. He is a Motley morph Corn snake, incredibly sweet and docile, and very curious. I have him in a bioactive enclosure, I’m still trying to find plants that he won’t destroy though lol. Ignore the dirty water bowl, I gave it a wash after I took the picture
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Next up is Thresh! He’s a pinstripe morph Ball Python, hovering around 10 years old, I’ve had him since he was a baby as well. He’s generally slow moving, curious, and incredibly sweet. He is in a basic enclosure, but I plan on swapping him to bioactive in the next few months. 
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Here’s Leliana! My gorgeous and amazingly sweet Blue Eyed Leucistic ball python (from a lesser/mojave pair). The absolute sweetest snake, she is curious and friendly, one of my best ambassadors! I’ve had her for about ten years, and she remains as my top favorite snake. She is currently in a basic set up, I am unsure if I’m going to put her on bioactive since she doesn’t have any melanin to protect her from light. I may just use gentle plant lights if I do
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This is Navi! My high red Brazillian Rainbow boa. She can be a little bit grouchy so I try to keep her handling to a minimum, as to not stress her out too much. When she is out though she is very fast, and wants to explore every nook and cranny she can find. As she’s aged her colors have dulled a bit, which can randomly happen to rainbow boas sometime. She’s been checked at the vet just to be safe and is still perfectly healthy. She is currently in a home made enclosure that is set up to be bioactive
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This is Zevran! He’s a bi-colored crested gecko. I swear he has a single braincell that just pingpongs back and forth all day LOL. He is an adorable little goof, very sweet and curious. He fires down the nice light orangish pink you see in the photo, and fires up a nice bright orange color. He’s in a semi-bioactive enclosure, meaning there’s no plants and no UVB tube. I may upgrade him to full bioactive soon.
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This is Kitana, my rescue bearded dragon. She is incredibly mild mannered and sweet, and very smart! She will glass surf to tell me when she needs to poop so I’ll take her outside to do her business. She is leash trained and loves outdoor time, and cuddle time. She does the cutest little shimmy to get cozy when I have her on my lap. She is currently in a home built enclosure with a tile base. I don’t know if I’ll swap her to bioactive or not, still on the fence about it. (She does have a water bowl, its just hiding behind the wood in the photo)
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This is Aerith, my orange dream fire pinstripe ball python. She’s always hungry, poised and ready to eat any time I enter the room, she’s a little easier to stress out so she’s in her enclosure most the time, but every once and a while she is calm enough to come out and chill on the couch with me. She’s in a basic setup, but as with everyone else I’m gonna try and upgrade her to bioactive.
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This is Asriel! My disco/fire (possibly enchi, possibly yellowbelly, which we are trying to prove out this year). I hatched him myself and raised him from the baby, he is incredibly sweet, very curious and super confident. I adore him so much honestly. He’s currently in a bioactive setup!
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This is Aurelion Sol! He is a mexican black kingsnake, I think he’s around 12 or 13 years old? I got him when he was already an adult and around 9 years old or so, he’s from the same breeder I got Dante from. When I got Dante, the breeder also showed me baby mexican black kingsnakes that were from this guy and Cassiopeia (who has sadly passed away.) Aurelion is -always- hungry, and will try to catch and eat anything that moves. This photo is a rare occasion where he isn’t trying to eat me. He is currently in a basic set up, not sure if I’m going to swap him to bioactive or not. (he’s on the top shelf so it’s hard to get a pic of his enclosure)
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This beautiful girl is Crunchwrap Supreme, a Suma (possible yellowbelly) ball python! My most recently acquired baby, and I already adore her so much. She is a little shy, but so so sweet. Once she is comfortable she is incredibly curious! She’s a fantastic eater, and I can’t wait to watch her grow. She is currently still in her quarantine enclosure, but as soon as she’s out I’ll likely get her set up in a bioactive!
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This is Raina! My vanilla fire enchi yellowbelly ball python. I got her from a friend, who got her from @tailsandco​ (Hi Shelby! Been a while). I had adored Raina since the first time I saw her on Shelby’s blog, and some things happened and she ended up in my care (I am still so grateful like LOOK AT HER SHE’S GORGEOUS AND SWEET). Raina is so, sosososo sweet. She’s Asriels mama, and she’s a little small compared to my other females but that’s just a genetic thing. She eats well, and loves to take naps on the couch while I watch youtube. She’s in a regular setup currently but I want to put her on a bioactive as well!
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This is Rhea, he’s a disco/fire ball python. He’s the father of Asriel, and has such a goofy personality. When he’s exploring he regularly goes underneath his own body and then just. Sits there like he’s stuck even when he’s not. He is incredibly sweet and loves to periscope! He’s currently in a basic setup, but as with everyone else, I plan on converting him to bioactive. 
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This is Tali! She’s a merauke locality scrub python. This species is actually well known for being incredibly bitey (as most arboreal species are), however there are always exceptions to the rule. I picked her out from her clutch mates because in the photos, she was the only one not poised to strike at the camera. That indicated the potential to be a calm, relaxed animal. I worked with her since she was a baby to make her comfortable with me, and trust me. If she turned out to be bitey I wouldn’t have minded, I knew what I was getting into. But the patience and trust paid off, she is the absolute sweetest! I still get her out of her enclosure with a snake hook for safety reasons, but once she’s out I handle her with my hands. She is so, so sweet and I am forever grateful for how much she trusts me. Her, Leliana, and now Crunchwrap are all competing for my number 1 top favorite snake I own. She is currently in a huge bioactive setup! I plan on getting more of the Dracaena 'Marginata' (the tiny palm tree looking thing) soon. This is just the left corner of the enclosure too!
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This is Undyne! She’s a Merauke locality Blue Tongue Skink :) She is incredibly smart, not quite on the level of a tegu but pretty close. I’ve been doing choice based handling with her and it’s improved our levels of trust by a ton. She loves crunching on ice, and exploring the livingroom in her play pen. She’s currently in an 8 foot long basic enclosure. Again, I really wanna put her on bioactive but I gotta figure out what plants are safe to be in there in case she wants to munch them. Lol
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This is Pharoh! He’s my rescue cat that I found in my front yard when he was a kitten. I found him during the beginning of COVID so we were home together every day for 3 months. He is incredibly sweet, cuddly, and also playful. He’s a mama’s boy, he follows me around the house 24/7 and if I’m sitting, you can bet he’s in my lap. He gets special meals where I put him in the back room so I can safely have my reptiles out, and he doesn’t see it as a bad thing because he gets a big special meal. He even has a giant running wheel to help keep him entertained while I’m at work. He’s such a good little man 
I also have a couple spiders, but I don’t want to tag this big post with it so I’ll leave them out and possibly do a post on just them later on.  But yeah that’s the family! I pride myself in taking the best possible care of my pets that I can :)
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pxl8ed · 1 year
Obsessed with the though of 2003 turtles having a friend who can pick them up pretty easily
Mikey suggest doing something stupid and/or dangerous, but before he can run off Y/N just picks him up and holds him
I wanna thank you for the funny image this put into my head XD
It got me thinking while I was at work today and this little Drabble is the product of this ask. Thank you so much for the opportunity to write this! I hope you like it! :D
Hold Up
Fandom: 2003 TMNT
Warnings: not edited, (y/n) uses she/her pronouns, Mikey being Mikey
Rating: PG
When the turtles met (Y/N), they didn’t think much of it other than the fact they had a new human friend closer to their age. They met much like how they met April but instead of in the sewers, it was in Central Park and instead of mouser robots, it was a couple of Purple Dragon thugs. Yes, she was a bit freaked out by the mutant turtle aspect, but after the TCRI building disappearing, the Triceraton invasion, and a literal war with a demon, she honestly wasn’t that surprised. The four brothers and the human became fast friends shortly after. Albeit she felt more like a mother hen half the time trying to wrangle Mikey and his shenanigans.
Today was no different. (Y/N) had come down to the lair to practice mediation with Splinter, a past time he had gotten her into after a particularly rough week. The orange clad ninja, however, had other plans.
“Yo (Y/N)! Check this out,” She heard him call out from somewhere behind her. She did her best to ignore him. This was the time for inner peace and a clear mind, not for indulging in whatever Mikey was doing. There was a brief moment of quiet bliss and then she felt his presence behind her.
“Oh (Y/N)~”
“Yes, Micheal,” she sighed. She was irritated to say the least. “What do you want?”
The sound of snickering echoed in the silence. She knew what was coming. He hated it when she ignored him. So much so that he would pick her up and carry her off to do whatever bad idea he had in mind. Sometimes she felt more like a pet or a plaything rather than a friend. She knew better, though. He was just happy to have a friend closer to his own age, whom he wasn’t related to, to be around.
Sure enough, a moment later, she felt two three fingered hands pull her up to her feet and spin her around. The orange clad terrapin had the biggest smile plastered on his face. He looked as if he could barely contain his excitement.
“Dudette, c’mon!” He tried to drag her away from where she had been sitting.
“Micheal, what are you going on about?” She dug her heels into the metal flooring as best she could, however the worn rubber soles of her shoes gave little friction.
“Don finally finished that hoverboard I’ve been asking about-“
“More like bugging him about,” she interjected.
“Yeah yeah whatever. The point is,” he kept pulling. “He finished it and I wanna test it out!”
“And why do you need me if you’re just testing it out?” He was halfway to the lair entrance.
“Because I wanna test it with my best buddy!”
As much as she was touched that he considered her his best buddy, she knew that this wasn’t going to end well. Mikey rarely thought through his plans if it didn’t involve his brothers (and even those plans were given little thought). The sudden sense of impending doom hit (Y/N) like a truck.
“And where, exactly, are we going?”
“We’re gonna go to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge,” the casual matter-of-fact statement caused (Y/N) to pull back out of his grip.
“We are absolutely not going to the Brooklyn Bridge.”
Mikey stopped and looked at her. If there was one thing Mikey didn’t like more than being ignored, it was being told no. The mischievous look in his eye was all (Y/N) needed to realize what he was about to do. When Mikey went to grab her, she blocked his outstretched hand with her left arm and grabbed his own wrist with her right hand. She, then, pulled him diagonally across her body as she stepped out of the way. The force of the movement sent him opposite the lair entrance. He skipped to a stop and looked back at (Y/N) who was now between him and the door to outside.
“Where did that come from?” Mikey’s jaw dropped.
“What else do you think I’ve been doin’ with Raph and Leo?” She smirked.
In the blink of an eye Mikey lunged at (Y/N). He attempted to grab her, but what he didn’t expect was the sudden feeling of an arm wrap around his shell and the tug at his belt. Weightlessness soon followed as he realized he was suspended off of the ground. (Y/N) laughed at the look of shock and awe on her friend’s face.
“I‘ll repeat myself one time, Mikey. Not off the Brooklyn Bridge.”
Tags: @acro111
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yourtwistedlies · 7 months
your girl val binged the entire first season of the dragon prince
potential spoilers under the cut
Lord Viren is a snake
ratty little scumbag
i don’t like him ONE BIT
but let’s move onto more pressing matters while i get back to that later
the king is dead *jazz hands*
okay so i have a sneaking suspicion that the letter he gave callum was a letter that said he was to inherit the throne or something like that. though, isn’t that already obvious since he’s the oldest child of the king (even if he’s his stepson)? or does it only apply if you are blood related to the king, which means ezran would inherit it? dunno.
also i do acknowledge that rayla was hiding the fact that harrow died to protect them, but like, TELL THEM. even if they would have felt really sad and stuff ᵗᵐ, i feel like personally, i would have told them. because i feel like the longer you withhold the information, the more it’ll hurt when they figure out the truth. and i assure you, one way or another the truth always comes out.
also i felt so just like in shock while seeing the bond (for killing the king) come off of runaan’s hand. it was just so fast i could not process it. also the shadow hawk WAS SO FREAKING COOL. i was just amazed by that for a hot minute. but im not ashamed to say my first thought was that is everyone who was fighting there dead? is soren dead??? now, i wouldn’t say soren is the best person but the way he let callum beat him to impress claudia, never mind his own sister is just so 💗💗💗💗💗💗. also soren is kind of a hot snatch, and you can’t deny it, that’s speaking from someone who doesn’t even really have a type or anything.
okay, so yeah now my next big thing:
aunt amayaaaaaaaaaaa!!! aunt amayaaaaaaaaa! commander gren!!!! but mostly aunt amayaaaaa!!!!!!
eeee i love amaya!!! she’s such a freaking bada*s!! also she’s deaf, which is actually really inclusive of the show writers :D i think we need more shows with people who have disabilities and the dragon prince is a great one! it shows that you dont have to hear to be able to kick some serious a*s and lead people!!! also commander gren is just such a cutie. he translates everything for her, and THAT SCENE WHERE SHE SIGNS “I trust you, you’ve been my voice. Now you will become my hands to save the boys.” (translation from @redemptiionss—they have dragon prince translations for what amaya signs that gren doesn’t say!) AHHH!!!!! i mean that is just so sweet in like a really friendly platonic way. anyways i love aunt amaya and commander gren 💕
SPEAKING OF COMMANDER GREN. LORD VIREN YOU LITTLE TWERP WHY DID YOU UN-ASSIGN HIM FROM THE MISSIONNN??? ik he did it so that his kids could lead it obviously so they could follow his orders and do his dirty work but- you don’t know how much i wanted that commander gren screen time 😭😭 he just seems like such a funny guy
now that we’re back to the subject of lord viren-
his face is NOT doing so hot rn. he need some cera ve lotion ASAP. aging is not doing him well. okay but I’m going to stop joking now. WTF????????? HE FREAKING LIKE TORTURED RUNAAN???!?? AND PUT HIM IN A COIN????? AND HIS EYES ARE SO FREAKING SCARY??????
i mean at least gren is a witness to the torture but im honestly scared for gren now IF HE EVEN FCKING THREATENS GREN IM GONNA do nothing because he’s fake. but you already know im going to be so mad.
anyways lord viren is SICK (not in a good way). he needs serious help.
okay so yeah callum broke the primal stone to make the storm so zym could hatch blah blah blah i don’t really care. though he’s sad because he can’t do primal magic and stuff but now he’s determined to find another way to do primal magic because honestly claudia’s description of why dark magic wasn’t that bad was kind of terrifying.
yeah. then zym hatched i already forgot his full name since it’s so long, but okay!!! ALSO THEN ZYM BROKE RAYLA’S BOND!!! NOW SHE CAN SLISH AND SLASH (reference 😉) AND SHE WONT LOOSE HER HAND!!!! i love rayla :D. the dragon is kinda cute. but he can’t fly. which kinda makes him less majestic but ezran is gonna train him!!!!
i always believed in him.
next big thing issssss
claudia and soren both have different secret missions that they can’t tell each other about
like way to ruin your children’s sibling relationship and trust viren 🙄 and ALSO LORD VIREN DID NOT JUST TELL SOREN THAT IF THEY’RE ALIVE “SORRY MAN BUT YOU GOTTA KILL THEM” !!!!!!!!!!!! this man is terrifying
i want to beat him up. i could take him with no magic though. ik the only thing that is going to save him is some weird dark magic and without that his frail bones are going to have nothing on me.
okay! on that happy note i shall continue
something is going on with that mirror
runaan said that he had finally found something dangerous and that has hidden dangers (i hope they’re all inflicted on viren). lord viren has some weird obsession with that mirror and the end credits had a mirror with a hand that had four fingers (elf!!!) pressing on it. yay!! plot!!!!
that’s val’s (me!!) summary of the dragon prince season one
aunt amayaaaa!!! aunt amayaaaaaa!!! commander gren!! but mostly aunt amayaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
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