#what a fucking moron
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thereweredragonshere · 4 months ago
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Dragon with a metal as fuck (literally) prosthetic wing!!
More Prosper content :D I feel an indescribable amount of love for this dragon. And the cool ass wing designs I can give her.
Even though the entire concept of this prosthetic functioning is quite literally impossible, I still put some actual thought into the design’s fictional functionality (hey that was alliteration).
The wing is piloted with a rod that is connected to her remaining organic wing that synchronises the movements (think Toothless’ automatic tailfin). The fingers of the wing are connected together at the top and don’t all independently move, it’s based on a rig that is controlled by the very outer finger. If that one is half folded in the other 5 fingers will correspond with that, if it is fully extended the other five will correspond with that etc etc. The fact that her wings have to by synchronised is by no means easy to operate. She cannot do most basic manoeuvres in the air, even turning to the left/right whilst in flight is extremely dependant on her secondary hip wings and her tail fins. It is nowhere near having a real, attached to her body wing, but it still gives her the ability to fly again. And long distance flying is still a pain in the ass because the massive scars all along the right side of her body get irritated after a while.
A lot of the thought behind the design came from how odd it felt that httyd 3 just… got rid of Toothless’ disability? Like yeah he was still missing a tail fin but it might as well just have grown back. He has a new, fully functional, doesn’t need to be taken off, apparently doesn’t even need maintenance, fire proof and extremely durable prosthetic that just allowed him to function as if he wasn’t disabled? In the Viking age as well?? Even in the modern day we don’t have prosthetics that can fully restore permanent, none skin irritating, doesn’t need to be fixed up ‘replacement’ limbs. Yes there are some very high quality prosthetic limbs that can restore a lot of functionality and give a very good quality of life, but it is not a new limb. It’s a prosthetic. It doesn’t change the fact that there is a missing body part. It doesn’t completely replace every single functionality of a real limb? The film just entirely disregarded that fact that Toothless had a disability. Just slap a technologically impossible bit of gear work on his tail and BOOM he’s fixed. No that’s not how that works you fucking idiot 😭 His skin would get irritated, the fin would eventually need to be repaired because again IT WAS THE MEDIEVAL ERA. I know Hiccup was smart but girl he was not smart enough to invent an indestructible replacement body part. We can’t do that in 2024, let alone 1000 or whenever the fuck httyd is set.
Anyway going off that rant, whilst Prosper does regain the ability to fly, it is very limited, not for long periods of time and kind of painful. Because that’s what happens when you get a whole ass limb torn from your body. It tends to hurt and not be ‘fixable.’
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sir-adamus · 3 months ago
so after being a complete fucking moron and likely getting himself blacklisted from multiple studios, brendan blabbermouth has decided to go back to a series he stopped doing because he didn't want to get pigeon-holed as 'the guy who says blatantly wrong things about media he clearly wasn't paying attention to, stirring up discourse and hiding behind the "come on bro it's just satire" excuse'
and decided to take a swing at one of the most popular manga on the planet
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proving he has learned nothing and will continue to not improve
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jemgirl86 · 1 month ago
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offeldotter · 1 year ago
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this is so funny to me bc what tf does that first point have to do with transphobia????
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disgruntledseagull · 10 months ago
Oh my fucking god I just read the most idiotic sentence...
"Authority, especially authority that is inherent (such as the parent to the child or the king to the subject), never has to justify itself. If it does, it is not true authority, and it opens itself to discourse and rejection."
The guy who wrote this considers himself an intellectual 🤣🤡
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veritasrose · 1 year ago
I’ve spent all day and night texting my brother’s (soon to be ex) wife (because she is still my best friend), and The Hubs took her dinner and she is having our mom move in with her.
I just think it’s funny that she got his family in the divorce.
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mnmjax98 · 1 year ago
Yeah yeah, you just squeak squonk out of here with your clown shoes
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defilerwyrm · 11 months ago
Some poow widdow twyhawd got his neo-nazi feewings huwt by this post and the poor little moron sent me a few hate mail asks.
Son, if you want adults to take you seriously, start by learning some basic grade-school level geopolitics, such as the fact that Russia hasn't been Communist in decades and has had a capitalist economic system for probably longer than your dumbfuck child ass has been alive.
That's right, dipshit, Russia IS the authoritarian capitalist hellhole you think you want to live in because you're a delusional pissbaby who thinks he's really just a temporarily-inconvenienced billionaire instead of a dumb broke bitch.
Growth capitalism is a deranged fantasy for lunatics.
Year 1, your business makes a million dollars in profit. Great start!
Year 2, you make another million. Oh no! Your business is failing because you didn't make more than last year!
Okay, say year 2 you make $2 mil. Now you're profitable!
Then year 3 you make $3 mil. Oh no! Your business is failing! But wait, you made more money than last year right? Sure, but you didn't make ENOUGH more than last year so actually your business is actively tanking! Time to sell off shares and dismantle it for parts! You should have made $4 mil in profit to be profitable, you fool!
If you're not making more money every year by an ever-increasing exponent, the business is failing!
Absolute degenerate LUNACY
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radiaking · 9 months ago
professor coop using his sheriff character persona as an excuse to flirt w/lucy is so funny of him honestly
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rhytmrocket · 9 months ago
ughhhhh im feeling Not good and now i have to talk about it yay!
it feels so weird to interact with my tumblr friends (like on the whiteboards) because i’m fixating on none of the things everyone else is, and i just can’t get the brain reaction to participate in the fun
so whenever i join its just a matter of time before i feel “wrong” there
like im not fixated on the “right” things
like i’m getting a bad grade in tumblr mutual
i put those in quotes because, yes, i know that’s not a rational or healthy way to think, but i can’t help but see my wizard waltz and pokémon hyperfixations as “wrong”— i’m not doing rhythm heaven tumblr “right” if im not fixated on what everyone else is, say, set 6 ds
so i end up just observing and not participating, not drawing and rarely commenting in the whiteboard case
and i want to make it entirely clear that i didn’t get this notion from anyone, just the self-doubt and anxiety inside my fucked up mind
and i also want to make it clear that i Know that this isn’t a good way to think, that it’s not even close to reality— there’s no “right” or “wrong” hyperfixations and there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to be a part of a fandom. i Know that.
but that doesn’t stop my mind from incessantly telling me i’m doing everything wrong and i should either just fixate on something “normal,” or get out as i clearly dont belong here
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autogynecologist · 1 year ago
Thurston's Orange Peel Theory
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isawthismeme · 10 months ago
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months ago
Does the JL know that YJ has just casually been beefing with darkseid??
imagine there’s a all hands on deck battle against darkseid and everyone is there but darkseid points out the nearest yj member (it’s probably Bart) like ‘you!!! You managed to escape with your lives last time but this meeting will be our last’ and for a split second Clark’s so fucking confused bc we haven’t fought in years wtf are you talking about then he hears ‘oh shit, look it’s Doug’ and everyone turns to see Bart nudging Kon going ‘he’s talking to you…damn he must still be mad about the coal’ and kons shoving him back bc ‘you were the one fucking around with his coal, you fucking walnut’ while Cassie’s being scruffed by wonder woman bc they’re trying to avoid being around when the jl finds out and tims having a very intense silent conversation lecture about why tf there’s at least half a dozen yj mission reports that mention an assailant named ‘Doug’ 
then Constantine shows up with Greta and everyone (including darkseid) starts yelling and if you don’t know her Greta seems like the one with the ownership of the braincell in yj (she is not but I guess she looks like it from a distance if you squint) which goes one of two ways:
retired-civilian!greta is giggling and waving excitedly to each member of yj along with hal before she practically tackles each of them in a tight hug while the titans, jl, & jl: dark lose their collective shit bc Constantine brought a tiny civilian dressed in pastel floral prints from head to toe into an active battle with fucking darkseid, a civilian who doesn’t register as a threat in any capacity until she makes eye contact with darkseid and gives him the most disgusted look imaginable “Doug… you look…well.” and then like three jl members have to stop her from leaping at darkseid while Hal’s like ‘no! No no, bad Greta! We don’t fight supervillains with…what is that?? I really fucking hope that’s not a gun…Is-is that fucking silly string?! Greta no we don’t silly string supervillains! We’ve talked about this!’
never-retired!/recently-out-of-retirement!greta who does the same thing but when she notices darkseid she rocks his shit in eight seconds flat and starts muttering about ‘that fucking Doug, always ruining my goddamn day’ and Hal is the first one to recover from the shock/confusion but only to tell Greta she’s grounded which gets another irritated ‘fucking doug!’ while Wally and Barry are losing it at Mach 6 while Bart tries to explain himself also at Mach 6, Cassie manages to catch Wally’s exasperated ‘where the fuck did you get Doug from?!’ And responds with ‘Apokolips’ in a tone that means they’re questioning his intelligence which leads to more screaming bc ‘so you knew who he was?? Why didn’t you come to us??’ and they all back up Kon when he claims they told Lex bc that means they have at least 3 hours of freedom while Lex is getting yelled at by the jl (and honestly every cape over 24)
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themilfking · 3 months ago
OP you're stupid af and disgustingly uninformed. Israel is an occupying force and resistance to that occupation will continue as long as it exists.
Since 1947 Israel has continuously expanded its occupation through wars, settlement construction, and violent policies that undermine Palestinian land ownership. Hamas was a result of the first Intifada in 1987 so if there wasn't an occupation to resist, there wouldn't be a NEED for a resistance group. How is that a hard concept to grasp????
No peace on stolen land. You genuinely can't be this misinformed with all the knowledge at your disposal so I'm gonna say this is intentional.
@stoptheantisemitism good on you for calling out this shit.
I've had people tell me that If Israel stopped attacking, Hamas and Hezbollah would stop immediately too and there would be peace, like, unironically I then asked them if, in theory, Israel were to withdraw from a Palestinian territory completely, said territory would not immediately assemble a terrorist group that would attack Israel. Naturally, they said nope, it wouldn't happen They of course proceeded to have no idea about the withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Not "it didn't count because...", just straight up never even heard of it Really quite telling about the average "Israel bad Palestine good :)))" reductionists, they know a sum total of jack shit about what they're talking about
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moonbean117 · 2 months ago
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felikatze · 8 months ago
i feel like. the more i like and care about something. the less i am capable of watching video essays about it. game i never heard of and don't intend to ever play? sure i'll watch 8hrs discussing it's flaws.
but thing i like? if you think you can point out flaws i'm not already aware of, you are dead wrong. none know better how much my interests suck than me.
and also. if you get one thing wrong about them i'll maul you. with things i like it means i've already seen every single piss on the poor take of it ever, and i'm much more polarized. i got emotional investment. i'm going to start biting people.
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