#Vitamins And Nutrients
brightsoulblogger · 1 year
Ginger contains vitamins B1, B2, and B6. These vitamins play an important role in the storage and breakdown of sugar, fats, and proteins for the body.
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miusato · 2 months
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The whole day I was thinking of Shinji with darker skintone 🥴
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 34
Sometimes when you have bad anxiety it’s hard to judge how scary something actually is.
FF breaks into a cold sweat practicing his order in line at fast food places. FF shakes with nerves at the prospect of asking about where a certain building was on campus from a stranger. FF’s stomach twisted into knots when he thought Andrew was leading him to his death in the basement of Eden’s. It’s hard when everything in life feels like the scariest and most impossible thing you’ll ever have to deal with.
Still, FF had felt like he had been getting braver. Had felt like he might be getting just a bit better in regard to confronting his fears.
He’d been getting better.
He managed to laugh with the cashier when he ordered combo number two-teen instead of twelve before break. He had asked for directions to the nearest bathroom from a stranger when one of Kevin’s shakes had gone straight through him. He had even gone down into the basement with Andrew and realized he had friends.
Looking at Daniel makes that progress feel far away.
His stepbrother’s name tastes like ash in his mouth.
“I just want to talk.” Daniel says raising his hands up placatingly. “We’re family.” Daniel says pointing between himself and FF.
“We’re not family and I don’t want to talk.” FF says because they aren’t, and he doesn’t. Daniel is one of the top two people in the entire world he doesn’t want to talk to ever.
“There’s your answer, now leave.” Captain Neil dismisses Daniel who still has his hands up.
“C’mon talk to me. We’re brothers John.” Daniel says and FF feels his entire body tense at the name.
“John?” Nicky looks back at him in confusion.
“That’s not my name.” FF hears himself say more than he consciously says it. “It was never my name.” he swallows tart cherry flavored bile. It really was one of Kevin’s better smoothies and FF would feel terrible if he puked it up. The world sways as he tries to breathe through the nausea of hearing Daniel call him by that name again.
He changed it the second he turned 18 last March. He’d signed his contract as a Smith not a Stanton. He would never let someone take it from him again even if hearing his first name still made his heart ache.
He feels Kevin’s hand on the center of his back steadying him and maybe he is swaying and not the world. Kevin takes the smoothie out of his hands before he can drop it.
Nicky must see something too because his friend abandoned the front line to steady him with an arm around his shoulders. He thinks he sees Captain Neil take his place.
“Of course, it was! It’s the name our dad gave you.” Daniel says and FF’s stomach cramps at the thought. “He’s still hurt that you changed it and that you haven’t reached out. Do you know what it’s like to find out your brother was hurt during a press conference?” Daniel asks and FF can see how he’s going for the sympathy card here looking at the others.
It’s his usual tactic.
“Fred is not my dad. You, Lucas, and Greg are not my brothers.” FF can feel a headache coming on along with the stomach cramps. He wishes that Aaron had let him restock on Pepto because the tart cherries maybe aren’t the best thing at the moment.
Daniel has always been the worst part of his stepfamily.
Greg had been a physical bully. Lucas had always followed Greg’s lead. Fred hadn’t looked at him more than he had to from the very moment that FF had made it clear that he did not appreciate the 13th birthday gift of ‘a new name’ and still intended to spend time with his grandmother. His mother had been distant for ages, but he always felt her watchful gaze making sure he did not step out of line, did not give her an excuse to put him back on the medication that left him as a zombie.
Daniel was different.
Daniel wanted things to be a certain way, but he wasn’t like his father or his brothers. He didn’t force FF to change, didn’t bully him into accepting a name that he had never wanted, and never let on to the fact that he was watching.
They’re the same age. Daniel had come to him like he could be a friend something he had been in short supply of after his two years of being little more than a medicated zombie. Daniel had gotten close; Daniel had pretended to actually care and acted like he only wanted what was best for FF.
It might have even worked.
If FF wasn’t such a loyal grandson.
Daniel had tried to poison the well between him and Gran, had tried to tell him that he needed to leave her behind and be happy in his new family.
FF had been stalwart.
Then Daniel had gone after his Gran and FF dislocated his thumb punching him.
“You don’t touch her.” He had said seeing Daniel for what he was for the first time. He saw a monster where a friend used to be but he had told this monster all of his secrets, all of his weaknesses, and had given him ammo.
Daniel came off as sweet and caring. He was athletic. He was a good friend. He was smart.
He was just also evil and made sure that FF suffered every single day they lived together because FF saw that evil in him when no one else had.
More than anything FF had been happy to bid him farewell when he’d signed his legal name on the contract to Palmetto State University’s Exy Team.
Just the sight of him brought up bad memories.
“No brother here to talk to it seems.” Captain Neil says.
“Bye Daniel. Kevin and Aaron, you two can walk back.” Andrew says and FF feels hands on his shoulders and found himself being steered towards the Maserati and FF stiffened instantly at the sight of it. “Smith?” Andrew questions.
FF had been doing better.
Screaming and pointing.
A hand reaching.
A sharp swerve.
Blood in his eyes and smoke in his lungs.
“I’m scared.”
Tiny hands in his.
“It’s going to be okay; I promise.”
Waking up to his grandma holding his hand in the hospital.
He’d been getting better.
“See, you’re still upset over what that guy did. Why are you clinging to the last name of the guy that did this to you?” Daniel asks from behind him, “He almost killed mom and you. He did kill our two-“
“Stop.” FF hears himself say and he turns to Daniel. “Jay and Robin weren’t your little siblings, they were mine. I’m not your family, I never was and never will be. I’m not scared of cars anymore.” A lie mixed in with multiple truths.
Maybe it’ll make Daniel happy to see that FF still knows how to play all of his favorite games.
He turns to Andrew who is staring at him patiently, “I’m not feeling well.” He says.
Andrew looks at him and FF figures he probably looks as shitty as he feels, “Someone will have to sit on someone’s lap.” He says.
“Smithy, sit on my lap.” Nicky says and FF can’t help the way he leans into Nicky’s warmth as his friend guides him to around the car keeping himself between Daniel and FF. Nicky gets in first and FF doesn’t hesitate to crawl onto Nicky’s lap.
He thinks he hears Daniel start to say something, but Andrew slams the door shut on his way to the driver’s side. Andrew doesn’t move from the passenger door, blocking it with his body.
Nicky guides his face into his neck, “Can we buckle-up?” he asks, and Nicky almost dislodges him he’s so quick in his compliance.
“Of course.” Nicky says and there’s the feeling of the seatbelt and the click of it locking into place. Nicky’s hand was in his hair.
FF doesn’t know if it just took a while or if he was just drifting in his thoughts as Nicky stroked his hair. “Are you scared of cars?” he asks voice quiet.
“Yes.” FF answers because it’s Nicky. “I was in an accident.” He explains just as quietly as Nicky had asked.
“Siblings?” Nicky asks voice choking with emotion.
FF pressed his face into Nicky’s neck further and hopes the pressure will stop his eyes from watering. “Yes.” He says. “Younger.” He manages.
Nicky holds him tighter, and FF is glad Nicky doesn’t tell him it’ll be okay.
FF doesn’t know if he drifts or if the others are listening to Daniel’s poison and falling for it. He’s glad that at least he’ll still have Nicky.
Eventually, the doors open, and he thinks he hears Daniel’s voice, but all three doors shut quickly.
“What an asshole.” Aaron spits.
“That doesn’t necessarily disqualify him.” Kevin says.
“We’re not talking about this right now.” Captain Neil hisses, “Smith, we’re going to get you to Abby’s, okay?” he says but FF doesn’t really have the energy to do anything more than a thumbs up.
The car ride is smoother than usual. It’s also quiet other than Kevin reminding him that he’d sleep better if they’d stop by the store to grab more smoothie supplies, Aaron smacking him upside the head, and Andrew threatening to kill both of them if they got tart cherry and avocado smoothie on his interior.
By the time they’re at Abby’s FF is almost asleep in Nicky’s lap but he forces himself to wake up and climb out of the car when Andrew opens the passenger door for them. He finds it hard to look at any of them at the moment.
“Sorry about all of that.” He manages looking down at his feet. “You shouldn’t have had to see that.”
“Smith,” Captain Neil’s hand rests on his shoulder and FF startles slightly as he looks down into the blue eyes of his Captain, “if we got what we deserved, we wouldn’t be Foxes.” He says as FF takes a long and steadying breath. “You have a past and that’s what brought you here.” Captain Neil squeezes his shoulder.
“You’re one of us and we take care of our own.” Andrew says before pushing him towards Nicky, “Get him to bed.” He says.
Nicky didn’t need to be told twice. Abby and Grandma Smith were out checking out a restaurant after the game, the two having become good friends during their stay. FF was glad his Gran was somewhere else and didn’t have to see him like this. FF was even more glad for his friend’s help as Nicky dragged him through his bedtime routine. “Don’t expect this when we’re roomies.” Nicky teased as he helped FF change.
It was hardly five minutes between pulling up and Nicky tucking FF into bed. “We’ll be by tomorrow, call me if that asshole shows up, okay?” Nicky says pointing at him.
FF, still to tired, just gave a thumbs up and closed his eyes.
He just hoped he drank enough of the smoothie that he wouldn’t dream.
Nicky left Abby’s house and made sure to lock the door behind him after he had checked a grand total of three times that FF was asleep in the guest bedroom, he’d taken up residency in.
Nicky’s heart ached.
He found the rest of the Monsters loitering outside by the Maserati with Aaron pacing, Kevin wiping his tongue on his shirt, as Andrew and Neil sat on the hood sharing a cigarette.
“He’s asleep?” Andrew asks.
“Out like a light.” He looks over to Kevin, “What’s going on with Kevin?” he asks.
“He tried some of what was left of the Smoothie he gave to Smith.” Neil says with an amused laugh. “He didn’t like it.” He says.
“I’ve been aiming for nutritional, not delicious.” Kevin argues, “Smiths hasn’t complained.”
“Smith is a little too nice for his own good.” Aaron rolls his eyes, “Which is why we’re not letting that asshole get his way!” Aaron adds.
“Being an asshole doesn’t stop you from being good at Exy.” Kevin crosses his arms.
“Obviously!” Aaron returns gesturing at Neil, Andrew, and Kevin.
“I resent that.” Kevin and Neil said at the same time as Andrew just shrugged.
“Hey, what the hell are you guys talking about?” Nicky asks hating feeling locked out of the loop. He didn’t regret climbing in the car to hold FF but there’d been too much time between when he’d sat in the Maserati to when the rest had joined for there to have not been a conversation.
“You didn’t hear?” Aaron asks incredulous.
“I was busy.” Nicky hisses and at least Aaron has the good grace to blush.
“Daniel Stanton wants to try out for the open spot on our roster since Lisa decided to stay home.” Neil says through gritted teeth, “The University already approved that he can try out.” He adds.
“That asshole wants to be a Fox.” Andrew says.
There were many noise disturbance calls from the usually quiet neighborhood that night as Nicky Hemmick let his opinion on this be known to the world.
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cardio-and-coffee · 1 year
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jade-muffins · 4 days
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That's him without the white makeup. Now one can't tell cuz it's not colored and he still looks tired, but the white makeup helps cover the extra wrinkly bits from the scarred up glasgow smile and also his horrendous eye bags and how sickly he actually looks
Bonus Jeff doodles:
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biophilianutrition · 1 year
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cynamonowo · 3 months
nothing better than an energy drink for breakfast
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crowboy-bebop · 5 months
why tummy hurt
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tj-crochets · 5 months
EYY CONGRATS ON THE BLOOD! That must be such a relief!!
Thanks!!! It really is!!!
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bunnihearted · 6 months
#soo blah blah need to vent again abt my health issue situation 💀#yuh so like im so sick nd tired of whats going on. nd not being able to just eat whatever i feel like whenever#it's emotionall draining tbh. im always thinking abt what i could maybe try nd im always like ohh gotta make sure the portion is small etc#it's annoying me sm bc i can def feel the effects of me not getting the right nd enough nutrients nd vitamins etc etc#i get dizzy nd my vision is hazy sometimes. nd im like forgetful bc the other the when i walked home i kept getting lost nd had to walk back#nd forth several times nd i was like ?!?!? what?! i've lived here for 25yrs nd now i just cannot for the life of me rmbr the way#also i am so weak in my body. like carrying even a small amound or books nd groceries nd walking for 30min makes me exhausted#my legs are actually shaking when i get back home nd every step feels like im walking in cement#plus i just wanna be able to go to the gym nd build muscle. but if i dont get enough protein in me i cant build muscles T-T#what else... yeah also i do miss food bc of comfort. like my coffee + chcolate everyday makes me genuinely happy lmao#but i just want the food situation to be normal bc even w veggies im like oh no that is too gas building that is too hard to digest etc etc#it's mentally gruelling to not know how tf to get all the important nutrients!! i def have several deficiences lmao :((#im so over it. but theres nothing i can do. i wish i could just not think abt it 24/7 tho#also. im the thinnest i've ever been BUT. i am constantly bloated so i look fkn pregnant. so i cant even enjoy looking the skinnier
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icedmetaltea · 6 months
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gonna quit my meds cold turkey.
i think taking them is lowering my libido and its upsetting bf and as much as he wants to be the woke guy who Empathizes With Women i think he’s secretly pissed off and as much as he wants to pretend to be a Quality Time guy no amount of quality time i go out of my way to spend with him helps when ive randomly become sex repulsed and touch averse and also he’s just too proud of how not-chauvinistic he believes himself to be, to ever admit to being a “Physical Touch” guy. like every other man on the planet
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givemebishies · 11 months
It’s so annoying trying to find healthy meal ideas online. No I don’t mean meals for weight loss, No I don’t mean meals that make me more muscular, No I don’t want “recipes” that are just SaladWithExtraSaladOnIt™️
I literally just want meals that are nutritious and contain the vitamins and everything that I need for my body to be happy
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babymorte · 3 months
Do you eat anything when you first wake up ? Like something small or a nutrients drink ? That helps me not feel like I have brain mush. Like no matter how much I sleep if I don't have something small it makes my brain feel wonky.
honestly i probably should 😅 im not a super breakfast person though (although i love breakfast foods 😂). i’ll go on kicks where i’ll get super into oatmeal and will add fruits and nuts and stuff to it but since i ran out of flax seed i kind of just stopped eating on the morning 🤣 but like my body never properly recovered from when i was really sick a few years ago cuz i literally didn’t eat anything for a week and a half and then was on basically a soup and yogurt diet for another week and a half and i think my stomach permanently shrunk cuz i can’t eat as much as i used to without feeling sick 😓 so i have to be careful what i eat and when i eat 😂 but honestly i might grab a trail mix or something just to be able to grab a handful in the morning cuz that’s honestly not a bad idea~!
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finrays · 1 month
What things did your family ruin the enjoyment of for you, mine are Baby Bottle Pops, using the word “cried” in writing, eating carrots and grapes, drawing, and talking about the things I love, lol.
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isa-ah · 2 months
what’s your favorite arugula salad mixture
hmmm really depends on my mood but ill tell you my most recent one:
chopped up salami
shredded colby jack
sunflower seeds
cauliflower chunks
sliced cucumber
diced tomato
green onion
fat ranch (w no eggs bc im special)
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