#Vitamin Deficiency
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crossedcreachur · 2 months ago
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i got my blood test results and am starting to take vitamin and iron supplements. i feel that nine would need to, as well.
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crippledcryptidd · 7 months ago
Jellyfish cane
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ID: the middle of a black cane with a white jellyfish plush wrapped around it. The cane is a on a brown wooden deck. End ID
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balkanradfem · 9 months ago
Health news!
So, I've been having neck pain, that turned into head pain, for a year and a half now, and while I've had some more comfort since the center of pain was switched to my head, I've still been unable to walk, run, dance, jump, or use any tools like a hammer or a hoe. My right arm became functional again, but my left arm hurts from even holding a cup of tea. I had a neck MRI, and then a brain MRI, and there was no visible cause of pain, so I had a talk with my doctor, and she decided to test my blood for low vitamin D and low B12, and to check my thyroid function.
It turned out my thyroid is fine, but I had low b12, and critically low Vitamin D. She explained to me I need to get b12 shots every month, and that this could be the cause of the pain. When I came in, the doctor seemed overjoyed we finally found something concrete that is wrong with me, that we could treat, while I was wildly skeptical because I've been looking up symptoms of the deficiencies. While I had every symptom for vitamin D deficiency, I had none for b12, and only one article suggested there could be muscle pain as a result of it. Seems like feeble proof.
I have not been ignorant of my poor diet and living habits, I knew I had low vitamin D, and had supplemented it over the winter months, but apparently the store-bought dose I was taking was not enough. I did suspect a b12 deficiency as well, and was starting to take some B vitamins recently, but then read somewhere that they're dangerous to randomly take so I stopped. So what I'm saying is I knew I was sorta deficient, didn't think it was a big deal, I thought I was fixing it, I wasn't, my supplements didn't affect my pain or health. I got prescribed some powerful Vitamin D supplement, and got a b12 shot.
I have to say though, the nurse who was giving me the shot was acting ridiculous, first she was saying it to me like I'm a child, and I'm an adult, so I said 'I like shots, this won't be a problem'. She was not impressed. When she put the needle in me, I commented on how I can barely feel it, because I love acting cool in front of women with my high pain tolerance, but then she said 'When people tense their muscles it can get real bad and the needle can get stuck inside of them'. She said that while the needle was in me! I said 'I don't think I should be hearing this right now' and struggled to stay relaxed, and then she quickly pulled it out and it was fine. Maybe she just hated my positive attitude about getting the shot and needed me to be more apprehensive and afraid, which I don't feel is an attitude a medical professional should have?? Anyway. The shot was free for me so I love that.
The doctor told me 'you're going to feel much better next few months', super confidently, but I am still skeptical, I mean I wish I did feel better, and I'm relieved that something at least is getting attempted, and maybe a healthy dose of vitamin D will help with mental health, so okay, that would be an improvement. I doubt it will cure my head hurting while I walk though. Maybe I just don't understand deficiencies.
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furiousgoldfish · 7 months ago
how do you make a decent income while being … not as strong as others? for context, i’ve had three jobs (currently still with my third) and all three jobs i keep getting injured somehow from having to lift heavy things and such. i’m less than 100 lbs, extremely vitamin deficient (so weak bones and muscles; i cannot absorb vitamins properly for other reasons), and physical jobs are absolutely excruciating for me. i’ve tried commissions and such online but ive quite literally only gotten 1 in years. i’m not in a place where i can afford to be jobless either.
Oh that is really rough, I am so sorry, I find cleaning isn't as physically exhausting because you don't exactly need to lift heavy things, especially if you're doing it privately.
Vitamin deficiency sounds awful, I'm so sorry that you're not able to absorb vitamins, that must be hellish and I hope whoever your doctor is, is working seriously on fixing that because it sounds dangerous living like that long term, I hope you're alright!
Only way to get regular commissions is to get popular in some way, I remember being extremely active, liking and commenting other people's works a lot, so they would in return look at mine, and a small percentage usually does, but over the years it worked to create a decent following, which resulted in commissions. It also helps a lot to sometimes publish stuff that is more likely to get attention, like fanart of popular characters, stuff related to currently popular media, people will go out of their way to find all possible creations related to media they like. Getting popular with your published material is, however, work that can take months and years of effort so you really have to have passion and persistence for it, unless you get some kind of a lucky break which is rare but can happen.
If someone can list jobs that don't require as much strength but are easy to get, please add them to this post, the only thing I can think of is cleaning because I have experience with that, and can do it even with my chronic exhaustion issues. I'm not strong either and can't lift heavy things at all. I guess an office job or customer service would maybe help but I can imagine dealing with people would be a lot of a traumatized person. I hope you manage to find a safer job, or get commissions!
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TSRNOSS, page 1.
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unothief · 3 months ago
Oh Vitamin B Complex Liquid my beloved
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enberlight · 1 year ago
Does anyone know? Could my vitamin D & iron deficiency have caused the 20 years of crippling pain I had before taking a multivitamin +4k iu/day of D?
Without vitamins, I'm short of breath after minor daily activity, inflamed, aching to my BONES, stiff, and my colon is ON FIRE and, to be blunt, not cooperating.
But blood tests have NEVER spotted low iron & low D is "new" within the last 3 years. I've been trying to chase this down since 2000 ish, my energy took a nosedive after I tore my meniscus in 1998 and developed tendinitis after. And I've gradually been collecting more inflammatory issues since.
"Chronic Fatigue" was a new term around then and one they didn't want to diagnose me with, they just shrugged when I didn't line up perfectly with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Fibromyalgia. I ticked a lot of the boxes, but didn't go past the "threshold for diagnosis." They were just like, eat right and take your antidepressants.
That's never been enough. But going on a multivitamin (WITH IRON) seems to have been the tipping point. The high doses of D helped (50k iu/week wore off in 3 days, so I took 4k a day and WOW hi awake now), but I was still getting anemia and fatigue and constant soft tissue and tendon pain.
Those nearly disappeared until the doc took me off vitamins for surgery prep :\ Now OMG I'M ON FIRE AND STIFF AGAIN.
It would honestly be nice, in a way, if most of my chronic pain, inflammation, and fatigue turns out to be "you just need vitamins & sleep, let's fix your sinuses, here's a pill."
But it will be UNSATISFYING after a flare up & $$$$ bill
(uterus is still trying to kill me, the vitamins didn't tame it.)
For extra context, because who knows what counts? Maybe y'all do, the docs don't... Anyway. My fingernails have minor ridges along the length, and twist a bit (they look like broad side-bent shovels if I let them grow out). And I have tinnitis, chronic depression, anxiety, ADHD, possibly autistic and bipolar. And was super flexible til all this inflammation turned me into a board. (Not double jointed or anything though.) Just uh. Hi Chronic Illness Tumblr, you know more than Google. Help? XD Thyroid checks out fine, btw, but my liver and kidneys are sus.
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crohniewitch · 2 years ago
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shouts-into-the-void · 6 months ago
Guess who was prescribed ANOTHER medication!?
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spoonful116 · 1 year ago
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Symptoms suddenly worsen for no apparent reason? It might be worth checking your vitamin D and B12 levels. Learn a little about the symptoms and how they can even mimic lupus.
Talk to your healthcare providers if these symptoms are bothering you and see if this could be contributing!
[ID: galaxy will a few planets titled, "The Strange World of Vitamin D and B12 Deficiencies" @spoonful116 chronicsos.com]
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apologyacceptedcaptainneeda · 10 months ago
Oh I remembered when my vitamin d3 level got tested at the hospital. Yeah. They were like so we would like to see like a level of 60 so we’re putting you on a supplement. I asked my level. And. Oof. I was at 3. Yeahhhhhh. I definitely had a deficiency.
That was three years ago. I still take a very high amount daily. Because if I don’t my level drops significantly.
Oh and they gave me a b12 shot. I was deficient in that too
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ineedfairypee · 2 years ago
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The B in B Vitamins stands for bad-smelling 🤢
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goodnessgraciousgal · 2 years ago
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I’m dangerously disconnected from my emotions right now and it’s vitamin b12’s fault
And if you’re a porn account, fuck right off
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moonstonefixates · 1 year ago
The 13 pills I take every night before bed battling in my stomach to decide who absorbs first into my bloodstream
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dungeons-and-dramaqueens · 1 year ago
I like to think of life as a trade: you give your body food, it gives you energy
Unfortunately, my body is a loan shark. It demands medicine but won't tell me what type or how much, and everyday that I don't provide it my joints get crunchier. What hell is this?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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“Is Your Diet A Thief?” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 15, 1933. Page 10, --- Is Deficiency The Robber Stealing Your Strength Vigor and Resistance? --- A diet deficient in certain elements that the human body needs is a thief no less than a hold-up man is a thief For example a diet deficient in Vitamin A robs the body of vigor lowers resistance and makes you more susceptible to catching cold and to other germ diseases.
Chronic fatigue, lack of appetite, unsatisfactory bowel movements, are often symptoms of a deficiency in Vitamin B1.
Underweight in children is frequently caused by a deficiency in B1.
Nutritional anaemia, so common today, is due to a deficiency in iron. 
These are only a few examples of the results of deficiencies in diet. But more important to you is the fact that a new product called VIP has been developed after long patient and expensive research to bring to you an increased supply of vital elements in which the ordinary diet is frequently deficient. 
Science Turns To "Life Cells” To Overcome Dietary Robberies To secure the needed elements scientists went to one of the richest known source of Vitamins, Proteins, and Minerals— the life cells of wheat. A life cell, while only a tiny one-hundredth part of a grain of wheat, is its most vital part. It is the embryo from which life springs and which causes the wheat plant to grow. This life cell however has one defect that has restricted its use. When separated from the grain of wheat, it deteriorates, becoming rancid and disagreeable to the taste. This is the reason why it is discarded when milling white flour.
In order to use these life cells of wheat,  a special process has been devised that overcomes this defect without destroying or impairing the nutritional value or vitamin content. The manufacturers of VIP are the sole owners of this special patented process. 
With these specially processed life cells of wheat are combined cocoa and malt, and an easily-assimilable form of iron, to produce a delightful nut-like food drink packed with vital nutritive elements. 
VIP Increases Your Vitamin Supplies Because of these life cells of wheat, VIP brings to you an increased supply of Vitamin A so necessary to maintain the health of eyes, air passages, lungs, the bladder, and the skin and to maintain bodily vigor and resistance to disease. VIP also brings you a much increased supply of Vitamin B1 which has been proved to have a stimulating effect upon the appetite to invigorate the intestinal tract and to aid digestion. 
A third valuable Vitamin in the life cells is Vitamin B which has a beneficial effect on the nerves and digestive organs, while a fourth Vitamin, the life-producing reproductive Vitamin E, without which human life would cease, is richly concentrated in the life cells of wheat.
Children Gain Weight Research has conclusively proven that Vitamin B1 so richly stored in the wheat life cells, is vitally necessary for children. An adequate supply increase! their rate of growth and weight. 
Supplies Energy Builders and your Daily Needs of Iron In addition to Vitamins VIP brings to you an increased supply of energy-pro-during proteins and minerals stored in the life cells. These have bean amplified with an additional supply of iron for the purpose of enriching the blood and preventing nutritional  anaemia. Two teaspoonfuls and preventing nutrition teaspoonfuls of VIP supply 12 milligrams of iron needed by the blood daily.
Add VIP to Your Dally Diet If you are rundown, nervous, lack of strength and vigor if you have intestinal and digestive disorders as a result of deficiencies in your diet, you cannot start too soon to add VIP to your diet. Even if you are in good health today a deficiency of Vitamins and Iron if continued is bound to store up future trouble for you "Deficiency the Robber” is no less a menace than a "hold up” man.
Delicious Hot or Cold— A Distinctive-Nut-Like Flavor You'll like your first cup of VIP and your children will drink it eagerly VIP is easy to make Just stir two rounded teaspoonfuls into a glass of hot or cold milk until adding sugar if desired.
While it is a delirious drink HOT or COLD at any time the greatest benefit to you will come from die steady daily use to offset the work of "Deficiency the Robber.”
 Obtainable from Druggists VIP (Vitamins + Iron + Proteins) is obtainable from druggists and department stores in two sizes... 
Scientific Feed Products Limited Toronto McGILLIVRAY BROTHERS LIMITED Distributors FLEET STREET TORONTO 
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