#Vinsmoke Niji
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mugiwara-lucy · 10 hours ago
Law would be like Bartolomeo 😆
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Law living his dream
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missingbat · 3 days ago
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luffy stole all the royal children and now uses them as a pillow. without any shameΣ(°ロ°)
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and no sedative for the cook(︶︹︺)
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zosan-secondchances · 3 days ago
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Pirate King of the North: The Vinsmoke Siblings
Here’s some facts about the Vinsmoke siblings from a reality where Reiju was born without emotions:
Sanji was kept in his father's dungeon to rot away. At 13 years old, he was abandoned for dead on some random island somewhere in the North where he was found and enslaved by pirate slavers.
At 17 years of age, Sanji rallied his fellow slave comrades to overpower the pirates who owned them. He became known as the notorious Mr. Prince and is feared throughout the North.
This caught the attention of Doflamingo, who, after several “run-ins" with the former slave, agreed to help him take on Germa 66.
Thanks to their combined forces and Doflamingo’s Underworld connections, they defeated Germa where Sanji killed his own father for not allowing him to visit his own mother’s grave.
As an act of vengeance, Sanji captured, kept his siblings under lock and key, and forced them into iron helmets just as they did with him.
As soon as he crowned himself King, Sanji released his siblings to work under his command. Their genetic programming forced them to do as they are told. By using them, Sanji expanded his territory in the North through war and other means of control. His influence and power remain unchallengeable to this day. He became known throughout the world as the Pirate King of the North.
Due to their prolonged exposure to the Seastones embedded in the iron helmets, the Vinsmoke siblings discovered that they’re able to feel emotions, and effectively break rules in their genetic programming–two of which are feeling empathy and the ability to refuse direct orders from their Pirate King.
They resented their own brother for killing their former king and father, but they understood his intentions and had chosen to stay by his side.
They’re not a perfect family, but they’re all trying. Like having weekly Friday game nights that Sanji hosts himself.
Playing Monopoly is banned from game night but strip poker is okay if Ichiji brings enough men, women, and anyone in between to play along.
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Reiju is Sanji’s right hand man, Adviser, Underworld Informant and Broker. She is next in line to the throne.
Whenever she sees Fishmen, she passes out from blood loss through her nose.
She wanted Sanji to marry Prince Fukaboshi but due to complications in political and racial statures, the engagement was called off. Sanji’s relationship with the mermaid prince was permanently terminated due to him killing Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX to liberate Fish-Man Island from their tyrannical rule.
But that’s okay because she has eyes on Prince Ryuboshi or Manboshi for herself.
She relentlessly tries to persuade her king brother to settle down and have kids for the “greater good”.
Her helmet was designed in honour of their late mother and father. It resonates qualities of their beauty and tenacity–both admirable and dangerous in their own ways.
She is the main reason as to why Monopoly is banned from game night. Her bargaining and BS game is on point. A lot of expensive furniture did not survive the onslaught of their collective family rage.
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Ichiji is known as the Warmonger Prince from the North.
He acts as Sanji’s High General and is in charge of strategizing for and controlling Germa’s military forces.
He has the second highest bounty among the Vinsmoke siblings, amounting B2,250,000,000. He purposely exposes himself to the public to take some of the fire off Sanji and his siblings.
He refuses to upgrade his Raid Suit and helmet, stating that he’s taking it upon himself to redeem his family's regrettable actions for abusing Sanji the way they did. Sanji thinks this is stupid but respects his decision anyway.
Because of this, he is completely uncontactable during missions unless it’s through means of a transponder snail or letters by post.
He’s become so powerful that he keeps burning off his own outdated cloak, which needs replacing every now and then.
His siblings hate playing chess with him because he never loses.
He has semi-regular orgy parties throughout the Grand Line and the New World. Private invitations only. Bookings are essential. BYO towels. Complimentary champagne on arrival.
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Niji is Germa’s Chief Scientist and Lead Engineer. He oversees all scientific progress for the family.
He gets along really well with Caesar Clown but he refuses to call him his friend.
He is considered a master swordsman but he doesn’t actually need swords when out on missions. “More tools for the arsenal” he says. In truth, he just thinks they make him look cooler.
An exception was made for him to be the only one whose helmet doesn’t cover his entire head as he likes to tinker with it on a regular basis, making it the most technologically advanced out of the four. This makes him the most emotionally sensitive as well.
As he is the fastest among the five, he often swoops in to rescue his siblings out of tight situations.
He sometimes works as an Informant and Undercover Agent along with Reiju.
Such missions include being Sanji’s doppelganger every now and then, much to his dismay. He curses the fact that Ichiji and Yonji both have “gorilla bodies”.
He has been crazy in love with Cosette for many years but doesn’t know it.
Niji likes to use Yonji as a guinea pig to test out new Raid Suit upgrades and not at all to get his attention and spend more time with him because he doesn't know why he hates him now.
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He is the crown king and ruler of–
Niji: Damn it, Sanji! You have to wear your Raid Suit to join the profiling!
Sanji: But I look hotter like this~
Niji: No, you don’t! Fuck off!
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He refuses any sort of promotion from Reiju and Ichiji as he prefers to keep his military rank as Major, commanding only a select few elite soldiers under his wing.
Physically, he’s considered the strongest out of the five.
He doesn’t like wearing his helmet so his siblings work hard on making it look as rad as possible to encourage him.
If he was being completely honest with himself, he doesn’t know what to do with all these “feelings”.
Aside from Ichiji, he prefers to work with his comrades in arms rather than his own siblings.
He secretly hates Reiju for enabling Sanji to do whatever he wants to do.
He secretly hates Niji for winning over Cosette’s heart.
He secretly hates Sanji for stealing his best friend.
But what he does like is to read Sogeking comics on WENP and has his full anime and manga collection.
He dislikes a lot of things but secretly thinks Ichiji is cool.
Because of his tendency to turn down missions, Sanji and Reiju refuse to give him extra allowance so he works a part-time job of being a model for Pappag and Camie’s Criminal fashion line.
That’s all folks! Thanks for checking it out. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!
Sanji’s profile is Chapter 1 of The Pirate King of the North fic that’s currently in the works. Read it here or at AO3!
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azuzur · 3 days ago
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Yonji and Niji wanted to be supportive in their own way (So they bought them t-shirts... )
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mugiwara-lucy · 13 hours ago
Bonus when they realize their mom has the same name 🤣
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The Vinsmokes learn about Sora: Warrior of the Sea 😱
The inspiration:
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vinsmokeartcollab · 3 days ago
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Hi everyone, this is our first official post on Tumblr!
We are hosting a Art Collab for the Vinsmoke siblings where we try to draw all their canon outfits before the 9th of July which happens to be Sora's Birthday!
Are you interested in joining? Join our Discord! all the information you need is on this Carrd - https://t.co/cQ0iUBy2zl
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themetalhiro · 1 year ago
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nebuleeart · 2 months ago
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Words of encouragement ❤️💙💛💚
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raconteur-wanpi · 6 months ago
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Collection of deeply unfunny Vinsmoke family memes to distract myself. I think I'm loosing my sense of sanity. Sorry.
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fiddlezips · 6 months ago
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canon events
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lemon-lime-behavior · 8 months ago
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If Sora had managed to save all of them
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 day ago
Hilarity aside I can NOT WAIT to see them return 🤣
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It's a bit windy today huh
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sunnixsunshine · 6 days ago
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I’ve been cackling at the mental image of baby Ichiji with Jack Jack spike for days now ngl
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imperialnyx · 5 months ago
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The whole Vinsmoke family ✨
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akimao · 18 days ago
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baby Sanji 💛🩵
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where-does-the-heart-lie · 2 months ago
More Doki Doki Battle Academy OP AU
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even MOOROEEE of themmmmmahhhhhhh babyeyyy i even added some dialogues fir some extra flavourrrrr (kuma and bonney's gif there would be a sprite he would have in his dialogue scenes. i dont think it would be a gif like this, more like everytime you look back at him, bonney would be in a different spot)
original DDBA designs post (has more lore there, go look at it plese :3
ASL dialogue video
imagining the vinsmoke/strawhat beef going like this video
design stuffs and more lore:
preface: sorry this is so much writing and im not going to grammar check it cuz aint no body got time for that.
The world of this au is like pokemon with different gyms you can fight through and beat, there's a big league of pro fighters, and there are schools for teaching you to be a better fighter.
One of the schools is called the Germa 66 Private Battle Academy, it goes from grades 1-12 and its where the Vinsmoke siblings all went too (at least until sanji broke off from the family at some point) and its run by Judge Vinsmoke, their father.
i am thinking that the Vinsmoke kids would still be genetically modified and Kuma would be a cyborg in this too.
design stuffs:
Ichiji: i tried to make him as punk as he would feasably get away with living under his father's rule. Big "combat" boots, fingerless gloves, black undershirt. He likes his style and would probably go all out if he didnt have to conform to his school uniform, thus i put a little heart on his boots.
Niji: i also made him like his style. The rings on his fingers, his nikes shoes, his big headphones. Like a gamer who thinks this is what fashion is. I think he would love listening to music too so i put his heart on his headphones.
Yonji: big stakly guy. Hes a lot more hands-on than his brothers so i put lots of emphasis on that area. i put his heart on his hand wraps because i think he would really love fighting. I think that Yonji is most like his father in that enjoyment, but i think Judge wouldnt like how casual Yonji's style is.
Reiju: y2k queen. I love this design on her so much im so bummed that she would have already graduated from the academy and i cant put her in a Hit Me Baby One More Time-esque uniform outfit, shed fucking KILL THAT SHITTT. Anyway though, reiju's heart is subtle yet in plain view, the locket around her neck. i dont think she would let anyone look at the contents but i do think that absolutly it would be her mother on one side and her brothers on the other. She wouldnt like people looking at it because that would mean someone could see that her dad isnt in there and she would get it a lot of trouble with her father about it.
Power ranger fits: i made them full on power rangers. its what they deserve. Since reiju has a butterfly motif in canon, i thought it would be fun to also give her brothers a bug motif of their own. ichiji is a wasp, niji is a dragonfly, yonji is a stag beetle. If sanji stuck around, hed probably be a lady bug lol. Also the masks they wear, the eye window part, it’s like tear tracks coming out but in a way that doesnt look like thats what they are. But it’s meant to show how judge forcing his children to be these people is causing them pain.
thank you @zethsdumpster for being my Vinsmoke specialist and helping me come up with a lot of their design stuff!
Doflamingo: i tried to make him a Nasty Nasty man. Like if a used car salesman made it big. Like if Macklemore was MackleMORE. i love the idea that he likes to tan himself, but he doesnt take any of his clothes off to do so, so he just has the absolute craziest tan lines ever. i put his hearts on the gold chain around his neck, he loves his wealth but not much else. i love the idea of him having two very expensive watches on each wrist. there may be more watches up his sleeve too. i also gave him fluffy dice around his neck, like he's one of the cars that he's selling.
Rosinante: i couldnt get away much longer without putting the heart man into the heart 'game'. i couldve went off more with the hearts of his design but i didnt want him to become nearly as flashy as his brother. i wanted him to be understated and fade into the background when doflamingo is around. he is dead in this au btw sorry :/ this is his design when he passed, but doffy's design is present day him. anyway, Rosi's hearts are everywhere, its in the outline of his big huggable fluffy coat, its on his hat thats pulling him down, it would be on his shirt too if it wasnt covered by his coat in this image.
Bonney: SHEEES SO CUUTEEEE AAAAAAAA i love her. I based her design off of Avril Lavigne with her iconic necktie/tanktop/baggy pants looks. i tried to make her outfit look like she could feasibly fit in it when she ages herself up, especially her big ol shoes. the heart in her design is in her neck tie. The stereotypical visage of a dad is a man in a tie who goes to work, and she loves her dad, so her heart is in her dad tie.
Kuma: I didn't change much of him from his design in canon, but since bonney would be more in his life in this version, i wanted to give him more visual indicators of her being there. like the height chart on his leg, or the fuzzy hat she crocheted for him (she also made her own hat for herself). Also, the pattern on his shirt is one that looks like a paw, but if you took off that outer layer, if the pattern continued, the design would be a sun, and i just think that was really clever ehe ehe.
Hancock: Basically i tried to make her the baddest bitch in the universe. My program crashed like 3 times making her which is so funny. Procreate couldnt handle her. I based her design off of Medusa. at first i had her snake be made out of marble, but it eventually wound up at Obsidian. She has no visible hearts on her design and thats because it would be the scar on her back, which she tries to hide. i like the idea that this very visibly revealing outfit would be perfectly tailored and reinforced to never move a single inch to let anyone see what theyre not supposed to. I dont know how i would justify her being able to turn people into stone in this AU, so im just not going to make a decision on whether or not she can do that.
ive been working on these designs off and on ever since i made the first post on this au and im real happy i can finally put more out.
if you got to the end of this, thank you so much for reading~ i hope you enjoyed :)
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