#Video Game Programmer
wikipediapictures · 11 months
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Elizabeth Betty Ryan
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wild-saber1337 · 27 days
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I found out team kanohi is hiring sadly I don't qualify for the job but maybe one of you guys would like to apply so go check them out!!!!
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arcadebroke · 3 months
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nerdypunkdev · 2 years
Learn how to build a turn based combat system (like in Pokemon games) in this FREE tutorial series I just finished posting on Youtube. It has all kinds of cool coding insights on to build a very fun and modular turn based system in over 6 hours of rich content.
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I just pushed the last part of this series, check out it out here:
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hrokkall · 2 years
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> ENTRY #10
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krystalkyro · 3 months
Interest check!! Me and a couple pals of mine are going to be working on a dating sim together. It's only in it's very early concept days but I've got a real good feeling about this project!
General idea is that you've died and landed yourself in Hell, confused as to why you're down there and not up to ask to 'speak to the manager' and are brought to meet 7 demons (ofc each one meant to represent a deadly sin) who discuss why you're down there. They quickly realize there must've been a mistake in the system as— you haven't really done anything sinful in your life. So they keep you with them for a while as they try to figure out how to get you up to Heaven. However while that's happening you end up getting closer to all of them and— dating sim shenanigans ensue. If it sounds closer to other media, believe there's probably a bit of inspiration :p
Anyway! There would be 3 endings for each character, good, bad, and neutral, though not every character will necessarily be romancable, two (aromantic) will have friendship endings!
This will likely take a while to properly get off the ground as I'm still learning how to program but I will see you on the flip side!
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would you rather have bacon but no more video games or unlimited halloween and no golden apples
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codingcorgi · 5 months
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Days 28-29 of coding everyday for a year, and I completed my entry for the global game jam!
I worked on a lot. I worked on UI and hooking up the UI. I worked on scripting things like chat which sadly didn't make it into the final product, but we will post the updated version of the game soon AND might even make a very polished version for Steam.
Tomorrow I'll be doing a lot such as adding the chat to the game fully, and setting up the scoring system. Yes there will be a global scoreboard.
Here's a link to my project!
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jmechner · 10 months
Karateka Climbs Again
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When the Digital Eclipse team told me they wanted to give my early game Karateka "the Criterion treatment" and re-release it in a deluxe remastered edition, I couldn't quite picture exactly what they had in mind. Their enthusiasm and evident passion for video game history inspired confidence, so I said yes. I never in my wildest dreams imagined how far they'd take it.
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The photo above captures my dad's reaction as (age 92) he watches himself climbing up onto the hood of our family car forty years earlier. He's wearing a karate gi at my request, in a Super 8 film I shot at age 18 to create rotoscoped animation for Karateka. (This was three years before I pressed my 15-year-old brother into service as the model for my next game, Prince of Persia.)
Digital Eclipse has reconstructed my Super 8 rotoscoping process — from film to pencil tracings to pixelated game character — in their interactive, hands-on "Rotoscope Theater." And that's just one element of "The Making of Karateka." It's packed with audio and video interviews with me, my dad, and game-industry luminaries; a podcast about Karateka's music (which my dad composed); rare original design documents; excerpts from my journals; and 14 playable games — including not only the final Apple II, Commodore, and Atari versions of Karateka, but also work-in-progress builds I submitted to Broderbund along the way, tracking its development from prototype to gold master. All the games are playable on a choose-your-own nostalgic menu of period monitors and TVs, with optional audio commentary and a "watch/play" mode that the Dagger of Time would envy.
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As a bonus, they've salvaged and resurrected my never-before-published arcade shoot-em-up Deathbounce (the game I made before Karateka, which teenage me hoped would be my ticket to software success in 1982)… and the one I did before that, an unauthorized Apple II clone of the arcade hit Asteroids. Incredibly, they've not only remastered Karateka, but also remade Deathbounce, using today's technology to reimagine my 1982 prototype as a jazzy twin-stick shooter. All these are included and playable in "The Making of Karateka."
If "The Making of Karateka" were an interactive exhibition in the Strong Museum of Play (from whose collection many of the archival materials came), it would require several rooms and a full afternoon to explore. Now, you can download, play and discover it at your leisure, on your favorite platform. Details and links are on the Karateka page on my website.
With this release, Digital Eclipse has set a new bar for game-development history preservation. I'm touched and honored that they chose Karateka as the first title in their planned Gold Master series. I can't wait to see what comes next.
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idiopathicsmile · 1 year
i love when i get an idea that is poem-shaped or song-shaped bc i can knock that sucker out in an afternoon, maybe a few if it's complicated. fic-shaped ideas are more of a time commitment but i know what to do with them. audio drama-shaped ideas get me super excited but there's a little dread in there too because at this point i'm pretty familiar with the amount of time and money and outside help it takes to make one; that shit is daunting. novel-shaped ideas don't come that often but i'm less afraid of them now that i've written one.
but shit, what the fuck am i supposed to do with a video game-shaped idea?
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gamecodelibrary · 1 year
Have you ever wanted to try game development?
Want to make a whole game in under 15 minutes?! Follow along in this tutorial and we will!
This tutorial includes: platform setup, player movement, falling objects, game over screen and animations.
We'll also be using the C#'s observer/listener pattern and unity's prefab system! So you'll learn lots of cool ways to implement games for your futures ideas :-)
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techysaad · 5 months
Indie Game Development Tools for Beginners
Hey there, fellow gaming enthusiasts! It's your friendly neighborhood game developer, Techy Saad, here to guide you through the exciting world of indie game development. Whether you're a seasoned programmer looking to dive into game design or a complete beginner eager to bring your creative visions to life, this post is for you. Today, we'll be exploring some of the best tools and resources tailored for beginners venturing into the realm of indie game development. So, grab your coffee, fire up your imagination, and let's get started!
Welcome to the Indie Game Development Scene:
Starting a game development business is a thrilling experience that offers a plethora of creative opportunities, challenges, and tools. If you are just starting out, you will need to arm yourself with the necessary resources to see your game ideas through to completion. Luckily, the indie game development community has a wealth of easily navigable tools and resources to assist you in getting started.
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Game Engines: The Heartbeat of Your Game
Game engines are the building blocks upon which you can construct your entire game. If you are just starting out, it is important to choose a user-friendly game engine so that you can minimize the learning curve and concentrate on letting your creativity run wild. Unity and Unreal Engine are two of the most well-liked options among independent developers because of their feature-rich features, wealth of documentation, and active communities.
Unity is well-known for being user-friendly and adaptable, making it a great option for novices who want to start making games. Its user-friendly interface and extensive tutorials allow you to quickly prototype and create 2D or 3D games without any prior programming knowledge.
Unreal Engine: 
Unreal Engine, a well-known tool for game development, is so good that even a novice can create engaging games with its Blueprint visual scripting system. Its marketplace also has a ton of assets and plugins that can help you make better games.
Visual Assets: Bringing Your Game to Life
While gameplay mechanics are important, visually appealing content is just as important for drawing players in and making them feel like they are in the game. If you are just starting out, using pre-made assets and graphic tools can help you produce games faster without sacrificing quality.
As a free and open-source 3D creation suite, Blender is an invaluable tool for indie developers seeking to create stunning 3D models, animations, and visual effects for their games. With its user-friendly interface and extensive community tutorials, Blender is a must-have for beginners delving into 3D game development.
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 months
Jedi survivor is not part of the canon to me simply because I don't watch playthroughs of games I want to play but also because even if I got a new video game system I still could never play it because one would have to download it first and my internet could never handle that. Jedi Fallen Order is therefore the only Cal Kestis game and everything I write with him is exclusively based on that.
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abattoirstars · 4 months
call me Jonathan Blow the way i am so fucking locked in to The Witness rn
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octolingplush · 8 months
best joke between me and my father is calling bg3 “bald game 3” or “bald gate 3” or just simply “bald game” or “bald”, if things are truly being rushed
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agorejessstone · 1 year
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For those who don't know, I am BACK on Twitch.tv/agorejessstone on Saturdays around NOON CST US, and around 630pm on Sundays. We play games on Sat and on Sun we so a podcast hosted by women. With HIGH chat interactions. We play games. We giveaway games and codes and just have a good time.
This weekend we have flatrate packages for mobile games Orphans, The Healing, and The Sign.
Come join us!
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