opera-ghosts · 1 year
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202 years ago today, the French opera singer, composer, pianist, singing teacher and editor
Pauline Viardot - García was born. Along with her equally famous sister Maria Malibran, her father Manuel García and her husband Louis Viardot, she cultivated friendships with all the great musicians, writers and personalities of her time. It is worth studying the life story of this fascinating woman. Here is an original letter from her from 1852
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philoursmars · 10 months
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Il y a une petite quinzaine, je suis allé avec Julien et Katie, au Louvre-Lens pour une expo temporaire : "Animaux Fantastiques". Une très belle expo ! Ici des dragons.
Emile Gallé - verre soufflé, "Dragon Héraldique" - Nancy, 1894
2, 3 (et 5, 6) : atelier marchois - tapisserie, "Verdure à feuilles de choux - Flandres, 1550 (le dragon est dissimulé dans les feuillages, en compagnie d'animaux moins exotiques)
Gabriel Viardot - miroir sur chevalet - Paris, 1880
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"Pauline Viardot" par Françoise Petrovitch (2022) encadrée par "La Malibran dans le Rôle de Desdémone (dans "Otello" de Giachino Rossini daprès William Shakespeare)" par François Bouchot (1831) et "Pauline Viardot en Sainte Cécile" par Ary Scheffer (circa 1851) dans la cadre de l'exposition "Françoise Petrovitch. Aimer. Rompre" du Musée de la Vie Romantique, août 2023.
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1. Fryderyk Chopin reading and Maurice Sand writing. 2. Portrait of Frédéric Chopin.
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3. Maurice and Solange Sand (montage of two pencil drawings on paper)
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4. Portrait of Fryderyk Chopin.
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5. Caricature of Fryderyk Chopin.
Drawings by Pauline Viardot, talented pianist and opera singer, sister of Maria Malibran (famous diva) and friend to Chopin and Sand.
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lesser-known-composers · 10 months
Two songs by Pauline Viardot (1821-1910): 'Aimez-moi ma mignonne' (from Six chansons du XVe siècle, published 1886) sung by Françoise Masset accompanied by Françoise Tillard
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ferulacommunis · 1 year
gluck being like this notorious tragic story is too sad for me!! what if it was castrato/soprano happy ending??? is so me coded
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mrbacf · 2 months
Havanaise (P. Viardot) Score Animation
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fuzzysparrow · 7 months
Diva of the Romantic Age
Despite passing away at 28, Maria Malibran was one of the best-known opera singers of the 19th century. Known for her range, power and flexibility of voice, Malibran could sing both contralto and soprano parts. She also had a stormy personality, which remained legendary long after her death. María Felicitas García Sitches, born on 24th March 1808, grew up in a Spanish musical family in Paris.…
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operaportugues · 11 months
Cendrillon (Cinderela) (Pauline Viardot) - Theatro São Pedro, São Paulo, 13/outubro/2023
Ópera completa com legenda em português: link.
Uma releitura da história da Cinderela com humor gaulês. O enredo permanece relativamente fiel ao conto de fadas original de Perrault. Adotando uma abordagem leve, a madrasta malvada é substituída por um padrasto desastrado e sem noção, e a Fada Madrinha aparece como convidada na festa e entretém os convidados com uma canção.
Esta ópera de 1904, com libreto da própria Pauline, é apresentada em português, com versão de André Dos Santos e orquestração de Juliana Ripke.
Wikipedia e Sinopse
Revista Concerto
Dando vida ao cenário da ópera Cinderela
Explorando a ópera Cendrillon (Viardot)
Personagens Principais - Barão de Pictordu, nobre de baixa linhagem; - Cinderela (Marie), filha de Pictordu - Armelinde, filha de Pictordu - Maguelonne, filha de Pictordu - A Fada-Madrinha - O Príncipe Encantado - Conde Barigoule
Ato 1 Marie (Cinderela) é a criada na casa de seu pai, um nobre de baixa linhagem em uma realidade alternativa da França onde a realeza ainda existe em 1904. A ópera começa com Marie cantando uma canção folclórica sobre um príncipe que deseja casar-se, mas não encontra uma esposa adequada, querendo apenas uma princesa. Um mendigo bate à porta, pedindo comida e dinheiro, e revela para a plateia ser o Príncipe, em disfarce, procurando uma esposa entre o povo comum. Marie oferece suas poucas moedas antes de ser interrompida por suas irmãs, que aceitam o convite para um baile à noite. Marie pensa no misterioso Valet (servente) que a impressionou, enquanto seu pai, o Barão, relembra seu passado como vendedor de verduras. Marie é transformada por sua fada madrinha e enviada ao baile com a condição de retornar antes da meia-noite.
Ato 2 De volta ao palácio, o Príncipe e Barigoule trocam de papéis novamente para a noite, e Barigoule canta sobre sua felicidade por ser o Príncipe pelo menos por uma noite. A família Pictordu (menos Marie) chega ao palácio e se apresenta a Barigoule através de uma série de entradas. Enquanto Barigoule tenta levar Maguelonne e Armalinde para ver "suas"  riquezas, o Príncipe nota outra mulher que precisa ser formalmente apresentada, e a multidão fica surpresa com sua beleza antes de ele perceber que é a mulher por quem se apaixonou quando era um mendigo, enquanto Marie reconhece o Príncipe como o homem encantador que cantava. Barigoule propõe uma canção, e depois de uma apresentação pela Fada Madrinha, as damas dançam um minueto. Após a dança, Marie e o Príncipe têm um momento a sós, compartilham um beijo e Marie percebe que é meia-noite, saindo apressadamente e deixando para trás um sapatinho, enquanto os convidados cantam uma animada canção sobre rosas.
Ato 3 Barão Pictordu acorda em sua própria casa comentando que o Príncipe, ou quem ele pensava que fosse o príncipe, se parece notavelmente com  alguém que ele conheceu no passado. Barigoule chega pensando a mesma coisa e revela que na verdade não é o Príncipe, mas costumava trabalhar com Pictordu quando era um vendedor de verduras. Eles relembram seu passado no comércio e seu interesse amoroso compartilhado, Gorthon.  Barigoule traz a notícia de que o Príncipe está procurando pela dama no baile que deixou seu sapatinho para que ele possa se casar com ela. As irmãs ficam empolgadas com a notícia. O Príncipe, agora ele mesmo, agradece às damas por responderem ao seu apelo e começa a testar o sapatinho em cada uma delas. O sapato não serve para nenhuma das irmãs, e o Príncipe está prestes a sair, mas Barigoule lembra que há três irmãs na casa de Pictordu. Marie é trazida para a sala, e, é claro, o sapato se encaixa perfeitamente nela. O Príncipe imediatamente pede a Marie em casamento, sua família pede perdão por como a tratou. A Fada Madrinha retorna para dar seus votos ao novo casal, desejando-lhes felicidade, enquanto a multidão canta sobre a alegria delirante e o amor transbordante do novo casal. O pano se fecha com Marie e o Príncipe se beijando, prestes a viver felizes para sempre.
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pumpkinmetaphor · 1 year
ouran is like one of those friend groups you form in your mid teens and then everyone realises they’re lgbt+ later on BUT importantly it’s also one of those friend groups where everyone slowly realises that they’re all autistic too. tamaki shows up in japan and just finds every vaguely autistic person he can and is like hey i feel like we vibe, do you want to join my gang
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random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Maurice Molarsky (American, 1885-1950) - Portrait of Pauline Viardot
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chopinski-official · 7 months
Dobry wieczór. Since it’s International Women’s Day (albeit not strictly), tonight I would like to draw my followers’ attention to the female pianists and composers who were my contemporaries… Apologies for the lengthiness, evidently there is a lot to be covered.
Clara Schumann 1819-1896
A child prodigy, Clara was taught piano by her father and by thirteen he was taking her on concert tours.
She met Robert Schumann as a child when he came to Leipzig to study law at the university. He took piano lessons from Clara’s father, Friedrich Wieck. When she was 18, he proposed to her. They married in 1840.
The virtuoso went on tours with her husband and earn money by performing and teaching. She was also a gifted composer, however most of her time was spent looking after her family, editing Robert’s music and playing. Clara’s compositions include more than 20 piano works, a piano concerto, some chamber music and several songs.
Fanny Mendelssohn 1805–1847
Composer and pianist, Fanny grew up in Berlin, sharing the same musical education as her brother Felix, with whom she had a close relationship.
Her compositions include a piano trio, a piano quartet, an orchestral overture, four cantatas, more than 125 pieces for the piano and over 250 lieder, most of which were unpublished in her lifetime. Although lauded for her piano technique, she rarely gave public performances outside her family circle.
Owing to her family's reservations and to social conventions of the time about the roles of women, six of her songs were published under her brother's name in his Opus 8 and 9 collections.
Marie Moke 1811-1874
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Marie Moke gave her first concert at the age of eight and by the age of fifteen, she was already known in Belgium, Austria, Germany and Russia as an accomplished virtuoso.
She married pianist and piano manufacturer, Camille Pleyel, but they later separated on account of her promiscuity. Heinrich Heine considered her among the greatest pianists “Thalberg is a king, Liszt a prophet, Chopin a poet, Herz an advocate, Kalkbrenner a minstrel, Mme Pleyel a sibyl, and Döhler a pianist.”
Later on, she created the piano school at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels where she taught from 1848 to 1872.
Louise Farrenc 1804-1875
A French composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher, she started playing young and had piano lessons with famous teachers such as Moscheles and Hummel. She studied composition privately with Anton Reicha at the Paris Conservatoire, unable to go to composition classes as a woman. By the 1820s she was touring France, giving concerts.
In 1842 she was made Professor of Piano at the Paris Conservatoire where she stayed for 30 years. For a decade she was paid less than the male teachers. Only after the triumphant premiere of her nonet did she demand and receive equal pay. She wrote a wide variety of piano music, but her chamber pieces are considered to be her best work.
Pauline Viardot 1821-1910
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From a musical family (including her older sister, Maria Malibran) Pauline was trained by her father on the piano and in singing.
In her youth she took piano lessons with Franz Liszt and counterpoint and harmony classes with Anton Reicha. However, despite wanting to become a concert pianist, she was directed towards singing by her mother.
Pauline began composing when she was young, but it was never her intention to become a composer. Written mainly as private pieces for her students, her works were still of professional quality and Franz Liszt declared that, with Pauline Viardot, the world had finally found a woman composer of genius. Compositions include her chamber operas Le dernier sorcier and Cendrillon.
Arabella Goddard 1836–1922
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Born in France to English parents, at age six Arabella was sent to Paris to study with Friedrich Kalkbrenner. Aged seven she played for myself and George much to our pleasure.
During the 1848 Revolution her family had to return to England; there, Arabella had further lessons with Lucy Anderson and Sigismond Thalberg. She was known for her ability to play recitals from memory.
Arabella was appointed a teacher at the Royal College of Music in 1883. This was the RCM’s first year of operation and Arabella was its first female professor. She composed a small number of piano pieces, including a suite of six waltzes.
Marcelina Czartoryska 1817-1894
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Born into the aristocratic Polish family, the Radziwiłłs, Marcelina was taught piano by Carl Czerny in Vienna and by myself in Paris. She gave concerts across Europe, with Franz Liszt, Pauline Viardot and Henri Vieuxtemps.
From 1870 she lived in Kraków, where she gave mainly private concerts and, thanks to her artistic connections, contributed to founding Kraków’s Academy of Music in 1888.
Maria Kalergis 1822-1874
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Raised in Saint Petersburg in the home of her paternal uncle, the Tsar's minister of foreign affairs, Maria received a thorough education where she evinced an early musical talent.
She was a student of mine and held salons in Paris whose guests included Liszt, Richard Wagner, de Musset, Gautier and Heine. Later, she became a hostess and a patron of the arts in Warsaw.
She was a co-founder of the Warsaw Musical Institute, now the Warsaw Conservatory and established the Warsaw Musical Society, now the Warsaw Philharmonic. Between 1857 and 1871 she made frequent appearances as a pianist.
On her death, Franz Liszt wrote his Elegy on Marie Kalergi.
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artmialma · 1 year
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Gilbert Viardot (1888-1965) "Mode d'été"    1919
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Maman bien étonnée d’entendre Liszt | Mummy very surprised to hear Liszt— 1837
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Arrivée et déballage du piano de Chopin. Tout le village reste pétrifié d’admiration | Arrival and unpacking of Chopin’s piano. The whole village is frozen in admiration— Valdemossa, January 1839. Chopin at the piano accompanied by George, Maurice and Solange.
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On dit que c’est Chopin ! il s’en défend | They say it’s Chopin! He denies it— April 1839
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Présentation de Lambert à Chopin | Introduction of (Louis-Eugène) Lambert to Chopin— Nohant, June 1844
Delacroix / Maurice Sand (?) : Chopin, je vous présente mon ami Lambert | Chopin, I introduce you to my friend Lambert.
Chopin: C’est un petit juif ! | He’s a little Jew!
Lambert: Bonjour monsieur. | Hello monsieur.
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Ça c’est le jeu de ‘Listy’ ! Il n’en faut pas pour accompagner la voix | That’s the playing of Liszt! You don’t need such playing to accompany the voice— Nohant, June 1844. Sketch drawing of Pauline Garcia Viardot and Chopin at the piano.
Caricatures by Maurice Sand (1823-1889), French artist and son of George Sand, Frédéric Chopin’s lover.
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lesser-known-composers · 10 months
Pauline Garcia Viardot (1821-1910) - 5 Piano Pieces
00.25 - Mazourka 03.29 - Two Airs de Ballet: Moderato, Malicieuse 12.30 - Two Piano Pieces: Gavotte, Serenade
Patricia Garcia Gil
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capsulas · 11 months
Trece historias que ocurren en un tren
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Los europeos. Tres vidas y el nacimiento de la cultura cosmopolita, de Orlando Figes. Taurus. 2020. Un libro que narra cómo el ferrocarril transformó Europa en el siglo XIX, creando una sensación de identidad cultural común. El libro se centra en las vidas de tres personajes: el escritor ruso Iván Turguénev, la cantante francesa Pauline Viardot y su marido, el historiador Louis Viardot.
Miguel Ostrogoff, de Julio Verne. 1876. Una novela de aventuras que cuenta el viaje de un emisario del zar por Siberia para alertar a su hermano de una invasión tártara. El libro describe los paisajes y los peligros de la región, así como la cultura y la historia de Rusia.
La bestia humana, de Émile Zola. Capitán Swing. 1890. Una novela que forma parte del ciclo de los Rougon-Macquart, en la que Zola retrata la sociedad francesa del Segundo Imperio a través de una saga familiar. La novela se ambienta en el mundo del ferrocarril y narra una historia de pasiones, crímenes y locura.
La Madona de los coches cama, de Maurice Dekobra. Impedimenta. 1925. Una novela que fue un éxito mundial en su época y que inauguró el género del thriller ambientado en el Orient Express. La novela cuenta las peripecias de un mayordomo que viaja por Europa para recuperar unos pozos petrolíferos que pertenecen a su aristocrática ama, Lady Diana Wynham.
Asesinato en el Orient Express, de Agatha Christie. Espasa. 1934. Una de las novelas más famosas de la reina del misterio, en la que el detective Hércules Poirot debe resolver un asesinato ocurrido en el lujoso tren que une Estambul con París. La novela tiene un final sorprendente e ingenioso.
Extraños en un tren, de Patricia Highsmith. Anagrama. 1950. La primera novela de la autora de El talento de Mr. Ripley, en la que dos desconocidos se encuentran en un tren y acuerdan intercambiar sus respectivos crímenes: uno matará a la mujer del otro y el otro al padre del primero. La novela explora los temas de la culpa, la obsesión y la identidad.
La dama desaparece, de Ethel Lina White. Editorial Alba. 1936. Una novela de suspense que fue adaptada al cine por Alfred Hitchcock, en la que una joven viajera se da cuenta de que una anciana con la que había entablado amistad ha desaparecido del tren en el que viajan por Europa. Nadie parece recordarla y todos creen que la joven está loca.
El señor Norris cambia de tren, de Christopher Isherwood. Acantilado. 1935. Una novela que retrata el ambiente decadente y bohemio del Berlín de los años treinta, a través de la amistad entre un joven escritor inglés y un misterioso hombre de negocios llamado Arthur Norris. La novela mezcla humor, ironía y crítica social.
Los chicos del ferrocarril, de Edith Nesbit. Editorial Berenice. 1906. Un clásico de la literatura infantil, en el que tres hermanos se mudan a una casa cerca del ferrocarril después de que su padre sea encarcelado por una falsa acusación. Allí vivirán divertidas aventuras y harán nuevos amigos, como el anciano señor del tren o un exiliado ruso.
Calle de la estación, 120, de Léo Mallet. Libros del asteroide. 1943. Una novela negra protagonizada por el detective Nestor Burma, que debe investigar el asesinato de su ayudante en la estación de Lyon, en plena ocupación nazi de Francia. La novela combina intriga, humor y crítica social.
Trenes rigurosamente vigilados, de Bohumil Hrabal. Seix Barral. 1965. Una novela que narra la resistencia de un joven aprendiz de ferroviario contra los nazis en la Checoslovaquia ocupada. La novela mezcla humor, erotismo y tragedia, y fue llevada al cine por Jirí Menzel, ganando el Oscar a la mejor película extranjera en 1967.
El expreso de Tokio, de Seicho Matsumoto. Libros del asteroide. 1958. Una novela policiaca que se considera una obra maestra del género en Japón, en la que el inspector Mihara debe resolver el caso de dos cadáveres hallados en una playa, que parecen haberse suicidado tras tomar cianuro. La novela es un retrato de la sociedad japonesa de posguerra y de sus contradicciones.
Tren fantasma a la Estrella de Oriente, de Paul Theroux. Editorial Alfaguara. 2008. Un libro de viajes en el que el autor recorre Europa, la India y Asia en tren, siguiendo el itinerario que hizo treinta años antes y que plasmó en su libro El gran bazar del ferrocarril. El libro es una reflexión sobre el paso del tiempo, el cambio y la diversidad cultural.
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