#Very lackluster and disappointing insiders
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masked-alien-lesbian · 8 months ago
August Choices Insiders Tidbits
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I am so excited for this!! Finally a book for the gays! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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Sounds like another book that's gonna annoy me. Maybe if it doesn't take itself seriously like QB, it could be good but if it's too serious it's gonna be a mix of Filthy Rich and Save the Date.
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So Plus One is going to be goc. That's literally all it has going for it imo lol
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They could just give us a hint about Bitten and I'd be happy
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PB....wtf is this? No hint about any other books besides this dumbass spinoff??
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r0-boat · 8 months ago
Whb kingley group chat and reader
Sfw and NSFW sprinkled throughout but this is mostly just crack
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[Beel summoned Satan to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Mammon to the group chat]
Satan: Oh, are we actually doing this?
Beel: yur
[Beel summoned Lucifer to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Belphegor to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Asmodeus to the group chat]
Lucifer: an interesting way to improve political relations, very well My interest has peaked.
Mammon: agreed it would be useful to have all of you at my fingertips.
Satan: That sentence pisses me off and I don't know why.
Mammon: is there something wrong with having easy access to your possessions 🤨
Satan: Al'right adding 'beating your ass' to my list of things to do today
Asmodeus: kinky.
Lucifer: Asmodeus I thought you were on earth?
Asmodeus: I am, it's lovely here by the way, but the cell phone service is relatively lackluster compared to hell, so that I won't be talking here as much.
Mammon: speaking of my possessions Beelzebub You have forgotten Leviathan.
Beel: Actually no I haven't you'll see why.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Satan: LEVI!!!
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: LOLOL
Mammon: I don't know why I'm surprised.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Lucifer: if he does not wish to be in the group chat that much then don't add him.
Beel: nah cuz if he's not added then I won't hear the end of it later. That kind of shit drives him crazy.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: Wait I have an idea.
Satan: add him again.
Beel: Aight
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Beel: Levi is still typing quick Satan!
[Satan summoned MC to the group chat]
Mammon: lmao he stopped typing.
Beel: btw Thank you for that I was going to add them anyway.
Satan: no problem! Happy to help you annoy Levi
Leviathan: if you annoying Fucks what me to waste my time so badly then so be it!
Lucifer: That is not why you stayed...
Mc: ??? What's happening?
Satan: we planned a group chat about a decade ago and we're finally doing it. And we thought you would like to join us! :)
Mc: ooh! I hardly see all of you together like this!:3
Mammon: Master seems extremely happy and excited we will not disappoint you.🥰
Belphegor: 👋
Mc: Hi Belphie
Satan: Oh? did the king of sloth just wake up?? 😏
Belphegor: Actually i've been awake for the past 30 minutes my phone wouldn't stop going off
Mc: I'm surprised you didn't have your notifications turned off.
Belphegor: They were but i turned them on when i got your phone number
Mc: Aww! 🥰
Satan: regretting giving you a phone suddenly.
Mc: You can pry out of my cold dead hands♥️
Mammon: the current phone MC has is so outdated I could get you many more up-to-date models. Ones with advanced AI features are all the rage in tartaros
Mc: no thanks I'm not interested in anything with AI
Mammon: 😭 I understand Master
Asmodeus: I would assume that phones on Earth would have a hard time connecting in hell just as much as hell devices have a hard time connecting on earth.
Asmodeus: Hi sweetheart, sadly I won't be able to talk to you very often but we will soon have a more proper meeting.
Leviathan: I don't think Asmodeus and MC should be in the same room.
Satan: for once Levi, I agree with you.
Beel: they're combined horniness will be enough to take out heaven hell and earth
Lucifer: lol
Mammon: All hail King horny of the three realms
Leviathan: All hail
Lucifer: All hail
Satan: All hail
Beel: All hail
Belphegor: all hail
Mc: Y'all are such assholes
Satan: That's like 90% of my personality
Beel: you like it
Leviathan: demons are assholes and the sky is blue, What are you expecting??
Mammon: Master, I, for one, do not mind if you actually start your crusade.
Asmodeus: Don't listen to them dear They don't understand our power 😈
Lucifer: is this what an 'inside joke' is? It was actually quite funny.
Asmodeus: honestly I should be jealous of you guys, while I'm on vacation you guys are having all the fun...😔
Mc: Don't worry, will have plenty of time to make it up for the lost time.🫣
Leviathan: DIE.
Lucifer: ... I'll prepare your medical bed preemptively.
Beel: Make sure you film it.
Mammon: without me 😔 smh
Belphegor: y'all are so funny I think I might like it here.
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rodolfoparras · 1 year ago
Thinking about the very early stages of your relationship with old man Price, where everything is so new to you and insecurities start eating away at you especially when you hear 141 make an off hand comment about how Price has slept with practically half the soldiers on base, including Nik who seems to have a good reputation going around because of his skills and size.
You think about it so much to the point where you’re unable to get intimate with the man. You hadn’t even gone as far at to have sex, had only stuck to blowjobs and handjobs because Price knew this was your first time doing anything at all with a man and he wanted to go at your pace but now you’re unable to even give him a peck on the lips without thinking about what a lackluster experience it must be for him.
At first you enjoyed letting him have all your firsts- letting him lead each and every kiss, letting experienced hands take you apart in a matter of minutes, following his words like the gospel as you took his cock in your mouth or letting him guide your shaky hand as he showed you how to touch him but now all you can think about is how you’re unable to make him cum.
Price tried to explain his body isn’t what it once had been and he may not be able to get hard like before but he still enjoyed the warmth of your mouth, the way your lips lay stretched taut around his cock, the way you’d looked up at him beneath tears soaked lashes gauging his every reaction, and most importantly he still liked to see how good you tried to make him feel.
You just couldn’t get over it. It’d be on your mind when you had him soft in your mouth. It’d be on your mind when tears would trickle down your cheeks because he was just too goddamn big for someone so inexperienced. It’d be on your mind whenever you’d think about your first time- would it be anything like all the men he’s been with- or would you disappoint and with that also ruin a potential future together.
Price wasn’t stupid he quickly noticed your change in behavior. It didn’t take much to see how you’d pull away whenever he’d try to deepen a kiss or how you’d make up some excuse before he could drop to his knees. At first he thought he’d been too eager- too intense so he dialed it back. After all this was the first time ever you’d been with a man.
However Price couldn’t help but feel that there was more to it than him acting like a love struck teenager.
Eventually Price confronts you about it- all while in the middle of a hot and heavy make out, with his hand down your pants, as you’re begging and pleading for him to suck you off.

But Price refuses, won’t do anything till you tell him what’s wrong stands firm on the matter like his palm firmly stays pressed up against your cock, unmoving until you tell him what’s been heavy on your heart.
For a moment you wonder if you should just walk away from him, jerk off in the shower and call it a night- anything to save the little bit of pride you got left inside of you.
But you hadn’t had his mouth or hands on you in weeks- the mission he’d been sent out keeping him busy- with only racy pics being sent your way to satisfy your needs.
At first they had helped but eventually you had grown tired of fucking into your hand.
So swallowing down the last bit of pride you decide to fess up. and you’re stumbling over your words- hands flailing in the air as you try to explain yourself- his hand leaving your pants as you proceed to pace around the room you’re in - the soldiers- Nik- your relationship with the older man- the hand jobs and blowjobs that pale in comparison to everything he’s done before he met you- and when you finally halt yourself- chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, and throat slightly tingling from the strain, you finally meet his gaze only to see he looks baffled as ever, wide eyed and mouth agape.
It’s rare to see him like this- the ever so composed man finally looks at loss for words and if this had been any other situation maybe you would had revealed in the fact that you managed to get this reaction.
But now you stand there with pulse roaring in your ears hands shaking, waiting for him to put the nail to the coffin that is your and his relationship- he will soon turn on his heel and chase down Nik to relive the good times and leave you in the dust.
However instead of running away, he’s coming closer, til both of you are falling back onto the mattress, strong legs falling to each side of your waist and caging you to the bed as a hand falls to the side of your head.
“What are you doing?” You say, looking as baffled as he’d been a moment ago, although you’re not opposed to being this close. You’ve always loved how well your bodies fit together like a puzzle piece coming together.
“Going to teach you how to fuck this old man,” he says, lips curling up into a smile as he leans in closer to you.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Bro was watching with their eyes closed if you can truly saying there was no lore or horror.
Im a writer, artist, and creator. I am OBSESSED with horror and lore like elements. Some of my favorite horror movies are Midsommar and Hereditary. I am PICKY about what I like and don’t. But now you get a ramble because you poked the bear.
Poppy playtime had a lot of factors that were hinted at through trailers and teasers to be significant, for instance with Pianosaurus who had clips of playing notes and attacking you. He had multiple hints and teasers only to end up getting IMMEDIATELY killed as soon as you see him, no notes, no nothing. That was my first serious issue. First character killed off.
Then as you’re playing (Yarnaby was ALSO meant to be significant based on the MANY teasers and clips) Yarnaby is meant to be chasing you around and causing general problems, and he is in some aspects but for the amount of content posted about him you’d think that he’d be as important as Mommy Longlegs. He isn’t’, he chases you a good bit of the game but the most you get lore wise is the fact that he’s been manipulated and groomed by the doctor via notes and recording. Second Character killed off.
As you proceed on you meet Doey, who murks the fuck out of Pianosaurus. Doey had a lot of aspects I liked at first, but they played too intensely into his “wounded soldier” role which makes you feel borderline conditioned to like him. I like the fact that he has some sort of personality disorder which is evident through his emotion blobs inside his monster mouth. I also like how they handled regression vs aggression through his talking points. But his content (the vcrs, the kid clip, notes) were all so violently pointing at him being a bad person that it left little for your own skepticism. Third character killed off.
The doctor should’ve had a lot more lore attached to him as well, i understand why there was a lot of mystery with him but he genuinely didn’t seem like a semi main antagonist and was moreso just another thing to fight. A lot of that has to do with the way the game set itself up, you’re practically fighting back to back to back without any real rest breaks, there’s some forms of wandering and learning but its overall very lackluster. Fourth character killed off.
They killed off FOUR characters in ONE chapter, that goes against so many logically driven game laws. You bring four new characters in and rapid murder them in the same chapter, and a lot of that aspect made it so you couldn’t get emotionally invested into the situation or characters.
Thats just the first segment as to what I disliked. Onto the next.
The lore..ohhh the lore. How you went from something we have barely seen in games to another setup of disappointment. If you know anything about FNAF security breach + Ruin you know where I’m going.
First off, a lot of the VCRS are just dead images this chapter, making you have to sit there and watch in room that have little to interact with as you do so. A way to fix this would’ve been a cassette tape wrist band and cassettes, which is very possible for the prison to have as the area down below is so huge, so people would want to document what they find and see verbally to be written down. Having a cassette wrist band would’ve made it so the character could still wander and also give a better break between chaotic scenes, but instead you were stuck staring at a still image that pertains to a character. It no longer had a fear factor, it was just..there. Alongside this you have all of these toys and characters that are new but no merch for them on the upper levels? Its like they didn’t logistically plan to have the characters they did, as theres a multitude of merch for characters we NEVER SEE. (Daddy longlegs, catbee, stegosaurus, etc.)
Secondly, the creators were bragging on twitter about the amount of lore they dropped and how it’ll give you “a lot to think about”. It doesnt. A majority of what was dropped (for instance Ollie being the prototype) was already rumored as we saw this WITH FNAF RUINS. Fnaf ruins did the mimic route, fnaf in general did the children stuck in mascots route, it also did an evil dude that practically grooms children route. So much of that was already seen, and this chapter focused way too much on that vs the things that are different between them. It was nice to read more about the experimentation process and the fact that they were practically mutants that mixed with kids and toys but that was also rumored. Overall a majority of the lore here was just confirmations.
As for the horror aspect, there genuinely wasn’t one. There’s a HUGE difference between just having gore and bodies everywhere vs genuinely frightening horror. Chapter Three was a masterpiece in this element alongside lore and world building. The way you know youre being stalked, the unsettling scenes and audio, the hallucinations, etc etc. instead of continuing with a more uncanny valley approach they went full on “heres some bodies and guys chasing you” route. Theres bodies everywhere, okay cool. A guy is obviously implied to be crucified which in itself has lore as crucifixion was typically to ask for forgiveness from god, okay cool. But where was the stalking? The seriously traumatic parts? Where was the genuine unsettlingness? It wasnt there, you wandered around helping out characters and getting murked. But you werent SUCKED IN like you were with chapter three, where you felt genuinely stuck and terrified having something follow you around silently, not to mention how graphic the lore and implications were.
It felt messy and jumbled, especially with the world building it was attempting. There was borderline too much and you hung around certain key areas too little, for instance with Safe Haven there genuinely isnt much to do besides look around and proceed. Its in no way interactive and its moreso just a buffer.
The innerworkings of this chapter were very typical, the prison was definitely a surprise but the corruption, abuse, experimentation, etc were not. And the fact that the characters keep saying “this isnt like anything you saw up above” really made you anticipate much more terrifying aspects. Not bodies everywhere. It made the game boring, especially because of all the anticipation the creators gave, saying this was the most adult chapter yet.
There was just..a lot that was disappointing, especially when compared to the previous chapter which had you constantly on edge. I really hope they pick it up a notch in the final chapter, because this was full of false promise. They should’ve continued with the unsettling factor, gore is good but it needs a stable foundation and true meaning. I read all the documents and listened to all the tapes, and the foundation was still very weak and sooo much of it was already thought about or rumored. Everyone knew Ollie was the prototype, everyone knew that they were some sort of living being put into toys, everyone knew that there mustve been some sort of additional assistance to the prototype to keep things going because he is wayyyy too invested in the mc to keep whatever plan he had (which is now known) going.
Another good horror game that got too lazy with its writing.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months ago
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Is it me, or are we seeing a lot of castle houses up for sale lately? This one, built in 1975 in Barrington, IL has 5bds, 6ba, $1.75M. Well, let's see what this one looks like. So far, I see a statue mooning us.
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The grand hall entrance.
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Modern gray and white castle. This is disappointing. It looks like a McMansion.
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Next to the living room there's a game room. A game room should have color, cool stuff, and neon.
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Oh, look, the dining room is greige. The rooms are so big and hardly have any furniture, which makes them look cold.
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I would imagine that this is meant to be an open concept kitchen/family room. You would think that a $1.75M home would have a backsplash in the kitchen.
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There's a little bar area in the corner. There's an exhaust hood over the stove, but that bare wall is going to get so splattered.
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The way to the indoor pool.
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Very large space and it's all stone and glass. It must be very costly to heat.
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This sitting room with an oddly small, fancy fireplace is at the end of the pool.
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The primary bedroom has a terrace.
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It also has a seating area and doors to a large rooftop deck with a fireplace.
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And, of course there's an en-suite bath.
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Plus a closet.
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There's no dedicated home gym, they're using one of the bedrooms.
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Really, this is the best room in the house.
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Very nice bath, at least it has some color.
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Part office, part bedroom.
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Another lackluster bedroom. No architectural details, and bland gray.
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A large deck surrounds the house. It looks like a chunk of cement came off that cone shaped piece.
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The land measures 6 acres.
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The exterior looks very castle-like, but the inside is disappointing.
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This home is gigantic- look at the size of the unfinished basement.
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The upkeep has to be astronomical.
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justkeeponsimming · 7 months ago
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As per usual, Hex receives a lackluster reception when she comes home.
Her servo, Serenity, is the first family member she bumps into. The servo has been very demanding, calling and texting Hex asking for simoleons to be sent home. Serenity has some hobbies that could be sold to fund the family whilst Hex is busy. The servo scraped by, but Hex agreed to come back for a few days and get some simoleons to keep the family afloat.
Her daughters, Karma, Mercy and Justice are nowhere to be seen. They’re somewhere in the house doing their homework. Hex asks the servo to call the triplets into the living room so she can say hi to them and catch up!
Serenity doesn’t disappoint! She increases the volume of her metallic, grating voice - calling Justice, Mercy and Karma inside to see their special guest! They’ll be so surprised and happy when they see their mother!
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oliverreedmasterass · 1 year ago
I'm SO excited to share this collab I did with the unbelievably hilarious @jmkho!!
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Words: 4.7k
Synopsis: GVF make their way to a haunted house for shits and giggles. If you've read Alex (@jmkho) and I's stories before, I think you know where this is headed...
Warnings: language, mentions of paranormal and supernatural events, blood
“Jesus,” Sam let out as they stood observing the house. It looked like any regular old mansion. Nothing screamed out ‘haunted house’ to him and he hated that. 
“What?” Josh questioned his younger brother as he stood tapping an annoyed foot on the ground with his hands on his hips. 
“Just…not very Halloweeny is it? I mean if you’re gonna make a haunted house and have people walk through it….put some effort in and throw some webs around. Lazy.” 
“Well, I found this on Groupon and thought, hey, we haven’t done something like this for a long time. Might as well get haunted a little!” Josh wiggled his eyebrows at the rest of them. “It would have been cool to try to find a listing for a real haunted house or like a haunted cabin, or even ship. Hell, I’d even take a haunted shed at this point. But it sounds like a ball of laughs to explore around.” Josh paused and sighed. He studied the house and couldn’t help but agree with Sam over the lackluster outside. Not even a pumpkin or a fake skeleton in place. Careless.
“I’m too brave for haunted houses,” Sam confidently stated. “I’ve never been in one that’s scared me before, I just don’t think it’s possible. You obviously wasted your money on this, Josh. It’s not gonna be worth it.”
“Sam,” Danny tried to quiet him, since it was evident he was upsetting Josh. 
“I mean, with haunted houses, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all, right?” Sam looked around at everyone with his eyebrows raised. “Like you have rats, cobwebs, and moaning noises. How is that scary? That’s just what Jake’s room looks like.” 
“Hey!” Jake protested. 
“Haunted houses are a cash grab. If I really want to get spooked, I’ll just look up photos of Mick Fleetwood. That guy looks like he has a lot of secrets that he needs to keep to himself.” 
Everyone stared blankly at Sam, unsure what to say in response to his monologue, and then shuffled to the front entrance to explore. The door creaked as they opened it, and that in itself was enough to get 5 stars from Josh and reconsider his initial disappointment. Nice that they committed to the experience and made the doors creaky. He was excited to add that detail to his review.
The place was huge. A gorgeous, mahogany staircase was the first thing that greeted them as they got through the door. Danny let out a whistle. “Wow.”
“Still no cobwebs,” was all Sam added, not hiding the fact that he wasn’t impressed or happy.
“Shall we look around? Get a feel of the place?” Josh asked, beaming a huge smile. He didn’t wait for anyone to agree; he just turned and skipped to the stairs.
Jake followed after him along with Sam, who let out a sigh, and then Danny, who was eyeing around the house.
“I call the master bedroom!” Sam suddenly called out, pushing his brothers and Danny out of the way so he could book it to the largest room. 
“Sam!” Danny yelled after him. “We aren’t staying here. We’re only supposed to walk around.” 
“Hey,” Sam paused in his tracks to face Danny. “If I paid to get inside this place, you best believe I’m gonna be crashing here. Especially if they have Sleep Number mattresses.” 
“I was the one who paid for our tickets though,” Josh mumbled to himself. 
“Enjoy sleeping in your twin beds with creaky bed frames, peasants,” Sam called over his shoulder as he fled down the hallway, out of sight. 
“How does Sam not know what a haunted house is?” Danny asked Josh and Jake. Josh shrugged, and Jake wiped his hand down his face. 
“He does know. The guy just won’t pass up on a good Sleep Number mattress.” 
While they waited for Sam to return, Danny and Josh scoured around the area and Jake tried to play Candy Crush on his phone. He was nowhere close to beating his high score though because he kept getting distracted by cold chills that were rippling through the room. 
“They’ve got a weird AC in this place,” Jake commented, not bothering to look up from his phone at the ghost that was chilling right in front of him, watching his Candy Crush game with wide eyes. 
Sam returned from “his” bedroom and let his intrusive thoughts win, body checking Josh so he nearly toppled to the floor with a loud “MAMA!” 
“Bump into me one more time, I dare-“ Josh let out but stopped when a door down the hall slammed shut.
Josh and Jake let out a scream that would put Ned Flanders to shame, but Sam rolled his eyes and cupped a hand to his mouth. “Gotta do better than that!!”
Jake started counting everyone.
No one was missing, so who shut the door?
Danny leaned towards the twins as they stared at the door. “Someone must have used magnets to do that. Easy to do, I bet. Nice little gag to make the door slam at random moments.”
Josh smiled softly to his friend and then grinned. “Nice little magnet magic!” Jake laughed and agreed but still eyed the door with concern.
“I’ll be back in a second,” Josh excused himself, jutting his thumb back towards the bathrooms they had passed near the main entrance. “Gotta do the ‘biz.’” 
“Just say you’re gonna take a shit, Josh, we won’t judge you,” Jake told him. 
“I will,” Sam countered, raising his hand. Josh looked between his brothers, shook his head, and hurried away. Jake watched his twin leave and then, without a word to Sam and Danny, turned on his heel and wandered away. 
“Okay, bye, I guess?” Danny called after him. Jake didn’t acknowledge him and disappeared into a room. “You’re not gonna leave me too, are you?” Danny turned to Sam. 
“You afraid?” Sam smirked at him. Danny folded his arms across his chest. 
“Absolutely not,” Danny protested. 
“Yeah, alright, buddy,” Sam chuckled. 
Danny and Sam strolled down the hallway. “- but then it was the perfect way -” Danny stopped talking as they both came to a halt. The ghostly figure of a man glided across the hallway in front of them.
“Oh my fucking god!” Danny let out in a hushed tone, frozen in place. What magnets could do that? Gotta be an actor. Magnets can’t do that. 
“I know right…” Sam replied in an equally hushed tone before letting out very loudly, “Look at them shoes! The size of those buckles? What is the point of them? Honestly? And that jacket colour with those pants? Did you get dressed in the dark?”
The ghostly man turned to look at them, seeming offended beyond anything. How dare they!
“Or did you just put on whatever fell out of your wardrobe?”
As Sam finished that, the man let out a loud snarl and began to rush at them. Danny was concerned that the actor would end up falling over at the speed he was moving. Sam let out a loud yawn.
Back in the bathroom, Josh finished his thirty minute hair routine to get his curls back into perfect, fluffy shape. 
“There we go,” Josh murmured to himself as he raked his fingers through his poof. “Fucking gorgeous.” He paused and gaped at the mirror. Letters began to slowly scrawl across the mirror in what looked to be blood. Josh watched the letters spell “GET OUT” and then glared. 
Jake, Sam, and Danny were hanging out in the kitchen, playing with the old fashioned toaster, when they heard muttered curses approaching along with small stomps of feet.
“YOU FUCKWITS,” Josh hollered.
The rest of the guys watched as he appeared in the room. “WHOEVER WROTE THAT ON THE MIRROR, GO FUCK YOURSELF. I’M SORRY BUT MAKING MY HAIR LOOK THIS GOOD TAKES TIME! DON’T TELL ME TO GET OUT…..YOU GET OUT!” His hands were balled up at his sides as his face turned red from the sheers rudeness of them not understanding how much work it took for him to make his hair look so fucking fabulous. They didn’t have the balls to understand.
Jake stared at his twin, completely confused. He knew for a fact not to fuck around with Josh as his hair time. Hell, he learned his lesson about that eons ago….
“What the hell are you going on about?” Sam asked out.
“One of you wrote ‘get out’ on the mirror as I was fixing my hair,” Josh tousled the front of his hair for emphasis as the rest of the guys stared at him.
Jake’s face paled, but Danny smiled at Josh and shook his head. 
“They’ve really put a lot of thought into this haunted house. They must have been using magnets on the other side of the mirror for you to see the words written out.” 
“It would have been a lot scarier if they wrote out Josh’s social security number,” Sam said as he crossed his arms and shook his head with disappointment. Josh thought over Danny’s explanation and let his tense shoulders relax. 
“Whoever was using those magnets had really good penmanship,” he commented, smiling off into space. Then he snapped back to reality. “So, what have you all been up to?”
“For the thirty minutes you were gone?” Jake ridiculed Josh. “Well, I bumped into Clive and he was telling me about the house.” Jake smiled.
Danny looked at Josh whose eyebrows were furrowed.
“Clive? Who’s Clive?”
Jake lifted a hand and gestured to the house. “You know…Clive! Really nice guy, kinda looks sick and pale, but good bloke. He was talking to me about the house. He was in the living room just sort of…standing in the corner staring at me.”
Danny nodded and let out a loud, “ahhh” before adding. “Okay so there’s more than one paid actor. Nice.” He smiled broadly. He was beginning to really appreciate how committed the haunted house people were to trying to scare them.
Suddenly, Josh let out a grunt and flung through the air, tumbling down the flight of stairs. 
“Oh my god!” Danny cried out in horror as he watched his small friend do a flip midair. Beside him, Jake and Sam laughed at their brother’s fall. Josh leapt back to his feet at the bottom of the stairs and brushed some dirt off his jumpsuit. 
“Did you see that?!” He called up to them. “Something threw me down the stairs!”
Danny looked around and realized that everyone was staring at him, waiting for an explanation. Sam raised an eyebrow at him, as if saying, well?
“Magnets,” Danny finally answered, even though internally he was screaming with fear. “It’s gotta be magnets.” 
“Of course,” Josh chuckled. He climbed back up the stairs with ease and rejoined his friends. “The people running this haunted house sure do have a sense of humor.”  
Despite everything that was kicking off, Sam decided he had enough. He was tired. And a tired Sam wasn’t a happy Sam.
“Right, I’m gonna retire and hit the hay, count sheep, head for slumber, pass out, head to Bedfordshire, go to-“
“We get it, but it’s only 2 p.m,” Danny cut him off. He watched in confusion as his friend waved a hand in the air before trudging off to his ‘suite.’
Danny, Jake, and Josh all stood there for a moment lost at what to do. Do they try to sleep? It was still day time! And after the stuff that had just happened, Josh was antsy to fix his hair again.
Sam’s voice broke their silence. They quickly ran over to where they heard him. He was standing stiff outside a bedroom, staring inside.
“Do you see it?” Sam asked them.
“What? Is the feng shui not to your liking?” Jake’s taunting voice went quiet as he joined his younger brother and looked into the room. The bed was spinning around on the spot while numerous items floated in the air.
Sam stomped into the room. Laughter was heard coming from somewhere as everything flew around. He walked to the bed, yanked up a clown doll and returned back to the guys in the doorway. “This! You see this? Tacky! He’s been laughing the entire time and he won’t shut the fuck up! He doesn’t even run on batteries or a pully thing.” He moved the doll to Danny and shook it. “Magnet boy, explain this and get him to shut up.”
Danny’s mouth opened and closed a few times at the sight in front of him. But all he could let out was, “those are some powerful magnets.”
Jake spun around in a full circle looking for his twin, and then stopped when he spotted Josh. 
“Oh,” Jake breathed out as he watched Josh ride around the room on a floating lamp like a bull, waving his fist in the air and hooting with glee. 
“YEEHAWWWW!” Josh called out before breaking into a ridiculously out of tune rendition of “Home on the Range.” Jake gazed at him in awe as Josh did barrel rolls in the air on his lamp. 
Sam, entirely ignoring his brother’s spectacle, impatiently nudged Danny in the side. Danny grunted in return. 
“You need to get rid of the clown doll,” Sam told him, nodding his head in its direction. “I don’t like the way it’s looking at me.” 
“That’s literally not my problem, Sam,” Danny replied, eyeing the doll. He didn’t want to go anywhere near the thing. 
Sam huffed in frustration. “Fine then,” he grumbled. He made a big show of removing his tennis shoes and, one by one, chucked them at the doll, striking it square in the face both times. 
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!��� Sam screeched at the doll. 
Unbeknownst to Samuel F. Kiszka, in that moment, the clown doll stared deep into the depths of his soul and vowed that, no matter what it took, it was going to make the hairy mean guy regret ever being born. 
It took a while to get Josh down from the lamp, but when they did, Danny managed to get all of them to agree that they weren’t going to go into the master bedroom anymore. Sam was the most disappointed, but he eventually agreed that he wouldn’t really be able to appreciate the Sleep Mattress if it was doing 360s midair. 
After that excitement, Jake decided to get away from the spooky room and head downstairs. He was exhausted, confused, and a little tired. He spotted a TV and perked up a little.
He let out a joyful cry as Pirates of the Caribbean lit up the room. Glorious. It’s like the house knew he loved that movie. Thank you, house!
Suddenly the screen switched to static. Jake pulled a face and grabbed the remote, turning it back to the movie. He snuggled into the sofa more as it played before the screen went static again.
“Ughhhhh” he groaned, changing it back, only for the TV to switch to a static channel again. This went on for more than Jake would ever admit, and then the TV flicked to an image that no longer looked like Pirates of the Caribbean. Instead, it was a very blue toned shot of a well. What was this, Twilight??
As he grabbed the remote and pressed a number of buttons to try and change the channel, a hand emerged from the well. A girl with long black hair began to climb out and walk towards the screen on the TV.
“I’m gonna miss Captain Jack,” Jake grumbled to himself as he looked at the remote in his hand and continued to smash random buttons.
Water began to pour out of the TV as the girl got closer, and she lifted a foot through the TV screen, out into the living room in front of Jake.
“What kind of 4D TV is this?!” He asked out loud as he watched. Water was starting to pool around the carpet, flooding the room.
“Hey!” He yelled out. “You’re getting the carpet all wet! Stop that!”
Jake’s screams at the girl who had emerged fully out of the TV, just stood there dripping wet, grabbed everyone else’s attention and they ran into the room.
“She made me miss Pirates of the Caribbean and now she’s got the carpet all soggy!”
Danny was staring at the girl in terror, but rolled his eyes when he heard the guitarist whine. “Please Jake, you know that movie by heart, get over yourself. Also…” He lifted a hand to the girl and then to the TV and simply let out,
“Girl!” Sam entered the room and called to the child, aggressively motioning at her. “What do you put in your hair? Bacon grease? You look NASTY!” 
Although the girl’s face was hidden beneath her thick curtain of long, dark hair, it could only be assumed that she was frowning at Sam. Sam shook his head at her and tsked. 
“You need to use a hair mask. And comb your hair in the shower the second you turn the water off. With the length you’re going for right now, I can only imagine how many split ends you have. Also, how did you get so wet? Did you just run or something? That’s disgusting.” 
The girl made a sad whimpering sound, put her head down further than it already was, and slinked away. 
“That was kinda mean,” Danny scolded Sam. 
“She deserved to know the truth,” Sam disagreed. Danny didn’t like how proud of himself Sam looked. 
Suddenly, loud chimes rang through the mansion, making them all jump. 
“That must be the front door,” Josh realized. “I’ll get it!” 
Before Danny could counter that he shouldn’t go alone, Josh had already bounced out of the room. 
“Did the magnets cause the doorbell to ring?” Jake asked. 
Josh came back into the room, his arms piled high with pizza boxes. He dropped them onto the coffee table with a grunt and then put his hands on his hips, taking in the mountain of food with delight. 
“The pizza guy didn’t even charge me,” Josh announced. “That’s gotta be at least $100 worth of pizza.” 
“Free pizza is the best kind of pizza,” Danny had to admit. Within seconds, they were all devouring the food, cramming their faces like ravenous wolves. Sam had taken the veggie supreme pizza and was huddled in the corner of the room, his eyes dilated, looking around as if daring anyone to come close to him while he fed. 
Jake wiped his mouth with one of the throw pillows on the couch and then frowned. 
“Wait,” he said, “who ordered this?” 
They looked around at each other, shrugging.
With his mouth full and still chewing, Danny let out in weak defeat, “Magnets.” The Kiszkas all grunted in acknowledgment. While they continued to eat, entirely unbothered, Danny strainied to remember all the Latin phrases he knew on the off chance that he needed to perform an exorcism. Things were starting to feel a little bit too paranormal for him. 
Jake let out an exhausted sigh. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
His twin eyed him confused. “Dude, it’s dinnertime, you need to eat.”
Jake shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. I tucked into that weird greenish blob thing on the kitchen floor.”
Danny’s head snapped to Jake. “What?” Before Jake could repeat what he said, the drummer took off for the kitchen. His eyebrows nearly reached his hairline when he spotted small remnants of a green blob on the floor with a straw strewn next to it. What the loving fuck did Jake eat? Slimer from Ghostbusters? Danny wasn’t sure and didn’t want to wait long to find out.
Jake nearly jumped out of his skin when the drummer came back. “What did you put in your mouth?” Was all he asked.
Jake moved back away from his friend with a yelp. As Danny went to pry his mouth open to check, Jake bolted with his friend chasing after him.
Sam grinned at Jake and Danny’s show and then turned to say something to Josh, but stopped in his tracks. Standing in the doorway of the living room was the clown doll, armed with a knife, Chucky, Annabelle, and a collection of other definitely haunted toys staring him down. Instead of greeting them with fear, Sam let out a deep and booming laugh. 
“Bring it on, shitheads,” he encouraged them, waving his hand. Chucky was the first to take the bait and sprinted towards Sam with a menacing cackle. Chucky jumped to try and grab a hold of Sam’s leg, but Sam met him with his bare foot and promptly punted him out the window and into the sun. The other toys watched their comrade meet his end and roared with rage. 
“Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!” the clown shouted, rushing at Sam with the knife. Josh watched in a mixture of awe and horror as his younger brother went to town, kicking his feet around like a Radio City Rockette, sending all of the bloodthirsty toys soaring out of the atmosphere. 
“These feet were made for kickin’!” Sam sang and clapped his hands after sending Annabelle so far off into the distance, it seemed likely she would make it to the edge of the universe. 
Danny was back from chasing Jake and stood utterly bewildered as he watched the chaos around him unfold. “Um…guys….I…I think this place might actually be haunted.”
Josh and Jake look at him, at each other, then back at him before bursting out in laughter.
“Oh Danny boy, don’t worry, it’s just magnets like you said!” Josh beamed to him before disappearing out of the room.
Danny watched him leave and then looked at Sam laughing maniacally.
Josh made his way into the sitting room and retrieved a plastic green visor from his back pocket, securing it over his head. 
“Hey guys,” he greeted the room full of ghosts who were crowded around a card table. “Can I join this round?” 
One of the ghosts nodded towards the single chair that was by the table. Josh plopped himself back into it, not noticing that all the other people were hovering above the ground and definitely translucent. A ghost that looked like she was from the Industrial Revolution slapped a hand of cards in front of Josh. 
“Good luck,” she said in a Cockney accent. 
“I don’t need luck,” Josh shook his head at her. He studied his cards, which were entirely out in the open for everyone to see, and then let out a delighted laugh. “Oh, you’re all going down.” 
The ghosts frowned at his hand, which was a 2 and a 7. The game picked back up and, after watching the ghosts throw chips into the middle of the table, Josh studied the cards on the table and started to whoop. 
“Go fish!” he shouted and did a little dance. He was met with blank stares. “Sorry if I’m a bit too excited,” Josh added. “I just like to live in the now, you know, really take in the present because, I mean, you never know, you could keel over dead any second! I just love to live life. It’s so wonderful to be alive.” 
Danny had joined Josh in the sitting room and gaped at him.
“Josh,” he hissed, trying to get his attention. Eventually, Josh looked back at Danny. 
“Quit being a dickhead.” 
“You’re saying, like, the worst things you could possibly say right now.”
Danny looked around, his heart thundering in his chest. “I think they’re all actually dead,” Danny whispered. Josh looked like he didn’t follow a single word that had come out of Danny’s mouth. “You know what?” Danny sighed. “Just forget it.” 
Josh shrugged, unbothered, and returned back to his card game. He noticed that all of the ghosts were still staring at him and puffed out his chest with pride. 
“Take your time to process my words of wisdom. I know it’s some deep shit.” 
One of the ghosts gave Josh a big thumbs down. 
Jake made his way back to the living room to see if the TV had fixed itself and the girl had bothered to clean up the damn mess she had made. To his dismay, the TV was in fact NOT fixed as it was still stuck on the image of the well, but the girl had climbed back inside the screen and was sitting on the edge crying.
Jake jumped when he saw Bruce Willis still standing in the corner. He was confused why the star was there but nonetheless excited.
Jake let out a breath of courage and moved towards him as he cleared his throat to get the man’s attention. It was weird seeing a Hollywood star in a random living room, but especially weird to see Bruce Willis with brown hair.
“Hey, hello. Hi. Mr. Willis? I…I’m sorry to bother you but I just wanted to say that I loved your work in Die Hard, it’s my favourite Christmas movie. I quote it all the time at the wrong moments.” He beamed at the actor.
Bruce Willis stared blankly at him. “I’m sorry you must have confused me with someone else. I’m Dr. Malcom Crow….I’m…not sure why I’m here. I’m a therapist ... I remember a shot…” 
Jake realized he was actually speaking to Bruce Willis’ character from the Sixth Sense and paled. “Ah….um….okay gotta go…bye.” There was no way he was breaking the bad news to the guy.
After getting a Gatorade from the fridge to power up following his battle against the “haunted” toys, Sam found Jake, Josh, and Danny and took in a deep inhale. Danny’s face fell when he saw that Sam’s mouth was open and ready to talk. 
“This haunted house is beyond weak,” Sam complained. “There aren’t any fake cobwebs, rubber snakes, or strobe lights. It’s literally just a normal house with a bunch of magnets! I’ve never been so disappointed in my life.” 
“You would moan about how cheap this haunted house is if it did have those things,” Danny countered. Sam frowned at his comment. 
“What matters is this house had the potential to be truly spooky, but everything just felt weird. I mean, nothing has scared me one bit.”
“No!” someone yelled off in the distance. 
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Josh rushed over and nearly yanked the door off its hinges.
There, stood 2 men in coats with glasses and clipboards.
“Fellas, you completed the study.” the first man boomed.
The rest of the guys joined Josh at the door. “Study? What study?” Danny asked the men. One was jotting down notes as he looked at each person and the other man spoke to them.
“You applied to take part in our haunting simulation study….you….you weren't aware?” The man was perplexed and then pointed to the other man’s clipboard and said, “Jot that down.”
They stared at Josh. “I thought it was a fancy groupon,” he let out.
“Interesting….thank you for your participation, but….what the fuck is wrong with you guys?”
All the members of Greta Van Fleet stared blankly at each other. Then, their faces cracked into goofy grins. 
“Awwww shucks!” they all called out to each other, slapping their knees. Audience laughter played overhead. 
Those Greta boys did it again!
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demoninc · 4 months ago
ok since it's on my dash & i'm thinking about it now , FUCK that finale.
a LOT of loose ends weren't tied up despite what fans of the show may want you to believe because: WHAT in the FUCK were the shimmer guys doing? i thought we'd be getting a recovery centre only to keep watching & be slapped across the face with a big fat "THE END."
and where the hell did payjay come from? that felt VERY sudden & for the sole purpose of fan service.
the writing for the entire episode felt like SUCH a rush job which is genuinely such a shame with how much they were leading up to it & for how long people have been waiting for season2 to keep coming out.
Box being alive inside of MePhone was genuinely such a good reveal but at the same time: HOW is she alive? For just HOW LONG does MePhone's "temporary deletion" last for because for most phones I'm pretty sure it's only a month. I don't imagine the show would've lasted for less than a month, though that could be a case of Webcomic Timing, I can't even be sure.
& the writing didn't hit where it was SUPPOSED to hit. The Picnix table? Yeah, the payoff for that was very lackluster. For a Chekhov's Gun THAT IMPORTANT you'd think Cobs' death would have more emphasis on it - especially the ITEM that ended up killing him. It felt moreso like a "Great, he's dead! We can go home now!" instead of a defeat of THE Big Bad we're supposed to have been fearing the entire show. It honestly felt like they put way more weight on the whole "ADAM hired Toilet, but who hired ADAM?" interaction than the death of that very employer.
We're supposed to worry about what Cobs is gonna do & when we finally get to see a Lot more of him at the end of the show his goal is just... Take over II? Start over "but better?" Write a stereotypical capitalist villain without putting any work into making him a good villain...?
& it genuinely sucks that I feel like the only good foreshadowing we got was from the Cobs Q&A when he was kinda freaking out over the questions about popcorn. "No more popcorn! Stop asking me about that!" and it isn't even as if you NEED to have foreshadowing like or for that but the fact it was present in a piece of SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL seriously bums me out.
It genuinely hurts my heart to see a show I've spent my entire life following end in this way because it honestly feels like after Taylor got kicked off, all the passion left with him.
A LOT of object shows feel like they lack passion nowadays. The desire to make a product rather than a project is tangible and I absolutely loathe it. I love that creators are able to make money off of their art, don't get me wrong - I'm just so, SO disappointed that it doesn't even feel like art anymore.
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 1 year ago
here is a preview for my next Armand/Daniel one shot (which I will hopefully finish and post sometime tomorrow) under a read more bc it's a bit long
It’s been nearly a month since Daniel and Armand have reconciled.  Regaining his memories awakened those old feelings.  After the interview, Daniel tried to go back to his normal life.  He didn’t last long.  Once he remembered Armand, he wanted him.  It’s like he’s found the missing puzzle piece that completes him.  
Which yeah, that’s not exactly healthy.  But Daniel is old and sick; he figures he’s got ten to fifteen years tops.  Years of drug use have had their toll, and there isn’t exactly a cure for Parkinson’s.  So if he wants to spend his last few years with the love of his life, who cares?  They’ve already damaged each other in all the ways that matter.  And yet, there’s still so much love there.
Daniel loves Armand so much it makes him crazy.
Worse, it makes him insanely horny.  They haven’t fucked yet.  Armand tried getting in his pants the very night they got back together.  Daniel had refused him, saying at his age he couldn’t get it up anymore.  He’s about seventy-five percent sure that Armand knows he’s lying.  Even without peeking in his head; he’s learned to read Daniel’s expressions well enough.
And Daniel has told him not to go digging around in there without his permission.  As far as he knows, Armand hasn’t.  It’s not so bad, not having sex.  Not like he was having much before.  Everyone his age is either married or in long term relationships.  Sure, there’s a few other divorcees, but none he’s really interested in.  So it’s been awhile.  
It’s not like he’s not getting off in other ways.  Armand bites him almost every night, and that feels just as good as sex.  Plus, he knows for a fact that Armand considers it more intimate.  Still, Daniel worries.  With Louis gone off and living the single life–not that that will last long–Armand isn’t getting it anywhere else either.  He doesn’t want it to cause problems between them.
But he can’t do it.  Armand remembers him from his youth, when he was willing to try anything at least once.  Back then he was a lot more flexible, and he didn’t sag in the wrong places.  Armand may think he wants to be with him, but the experience will prove lackluster.  He can’t do the things he used to do anymore.  He’ll just disappoint Armand.
The nightlight clicks on, light catching Armand’s fiery eyes and making them seem to glow.  “What’s wrong, my love?  Usually you’re asleep by now.”
Sleeping during the day isn’t nearly as hard as Daniel expected it to be.  His circadian rhythm has always been off, he doesn’t get sleepy till around 3 in the morning.  Sleeping during the day has actually done wonders for his insomnia.  
Daniel rolls to his side and meets Armand’s gaze.  Armand installed those fancy windows he had in Dubai to Daniel’s house here in Brooklyn.  They never really talked about it; Armand spent the night the first night and then just never left.  Daniel doesn’t really mind; he wants Armand here.  
“Can’t shut off my brain,” Daniel says.
“Perhaps I can help,” Armand says, and reaches a hand to his neck to stroke his thumb over the bite mark he left earlier.  
Heat flares in Daniel’s core and he sucks in a sharp breath.  God, he wants Armand.  Wants those teeth inside him at the same time as his cock.  He wants Armand to fuck him stupid.  Sometimes, when it was really good, or especially intense, he would get all floaty after.  Like he was disconnected from his body and everything was fuzzy and loose.  
Armand’s eyes darken and his hand closes around Daniel’s throat and holds him in place.  Then his mouth is on Daniel’s and Daniel sinks into the kiss.  Armand always kisses him a little before he bites him, and it’s always nice.  There’s a sharper edge to it now then there has been.  Armand’s tongue is fucking his mouth, and his lips are moving against his perfectly.  
Armand shifts, putting Daniel on his back.  He uses his free hand to spread Daniel’s thighs so he can slot between them.  He kisses Daniel until Daniel has to break away to catch his breath.  Then Armand nuzzles into his neck and breathes in his scent.  His hand moves to Daniel’s hair and snatches his head back.  He licks a hot stripe up Daniel’s neck and Daniel moans wantonly. 
Armand kisses his throat and sighs.  “My beautiful boy, let me make love to you.”
Daniel stiffens.  “I can’t, I told you-”
“Daniel,” Armand cuts him off, voice stern.  “Tell me the truth.  Why don’t you want to be with me?”
Daniel can feel his face turn red.  “I don’t want to disappoint you.  I’m not a spring chicken anymore.”
Armand’s brow furrows.  “You mortals have such peculiar expressions.  I suppose that’s referring to your age?”
Daniel looks away, nervously twisting his hands.  Armand catches them and presses a kiss to the back of each.  “You can’t disappoint me, beloved.  I’ve longed for you these years apart.  Let me have you.”
Daniel snorts.  “I’m old and out of shape.  It won’t be like it was before.”
“Do you truly think that matters?”
Daniel feels his chest tighten and he has to blink to keep the tears from welling. “Are you even physically attracted to me anymore? Because eventually the nostalgia will wear off and you’ll-”
“I’ll what, Daniel?”Armand says sharply.  “Do tell me.”
“You’ll get tired of me.  Realize I’m not the same person anymore.  And you’ll leave.”  Daniel didn’t realize how much he feared it, until he said it out loud.  
“I’m not the one who leaves.”
Daniel winces.  He might deserve that a little.  He did run off quite a bit.  But Armand let him leave, let him stay gone.  If he really loved him, why didn’t he just find him and bring him back?
Armand’s gaze softens and he bends down to gently kiss along Daniel’s throat.  Daniel allows it, sinking down into the mattress. It feels nice; arousal coursing through his entire body.  Fuck, he wants Armand.  
Armand nuzzles that spot right beneath his ear that always gets him hot, before sucking on it.  It feels heavenly.  Armand pulls back to pepper kisses over his throat.  “I love you, my beautiful boy.  I’ll never tire of you.  I’ll never stop wanting you.”
He has such conviction in his voice.  Daniel wants to believe it, but he isn’t sure.  “I’m not beautiful, and I’m not a boy anymore.”
“You’re as lovely to me as the day I set eyes on you,” Armand says, then moves his mouth near Daniel’s ear.  “And you’re my boy, always.”
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demona-andariel · 2 years ago
Object of Obsession - 5 / 46
Fandom: Halloween
Pairing: Michael Myers x OFC
Summary: In Haddonfield everyone knows the legend that was Michael Myers. Content and at ease, they’d forgotten what it was to feel fear in the month of October. But now, he finds himself back and ready for blood but then a bond forms between him and one of his victims. A bond he can’t seem to break. And it starts to make him do things he never thought of doing before.
Warnings: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) kidnapping, noncon, explicit sexual content, smut, loss of virginity, rough sex, blood and violence, knifeplay, canon-typical violence
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3,970
Chapter 5 - A Nick and a Blow
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The closer Michael got to the house the more aware he was of his killer side being silenced. Whereas before it had confused and slightly frightened him, now he accepted it. The fear came from his worry that he wouldn’t be able to kill people, that his sudden lack of will or ability to kill her would interfere with what he loved doing. But, each step away from her, from the house, only strengthened the killer inside of him till she was all but forgotten. Whatever was keeping him from killing her wasn’t keeping him from killing others. Outside and away from the house, from her, he was regular old Michael, the killer. 
He decided to experiment, just in case. He was rather curious. After having sex, he couldn’t help but wonder if his sexual urges were strengthened now that he’d discovered the pleasures he received. He had purposefully found a young woman about her age who was more attractive than her: Tall, blonde, and with a bomb ass body. The chase had been lackluster, much to his disappointment. Holding the young woman by her neck and examining her near-naked body had given him no desire to fuck her. He even moved to press himself against her, but nothing. The way she begged, the way she cried, the way she pleaded for her life just added to her unattractiveness. He had cut her shirt, hoping that her naked breasts would do something. But if anything, his knife just sang far more loudly for her blood. He didn’t even bother to look at her pussy, there was no need. She just didn’t interest him. He easily appeased his killer instinct and stabbed her, delightfully watching as her life slowly left her eyes. She had been the only kill for the night. Not that he minded. And now, as the sun rose, he returned home, back to her. 
Was she waiting, ready to attack him? Most likely. It amused him, the thought of her preparing to fight him, yet again. He rather enjoyed her fighting spirit as she both fought him and herself. Did she figure out that they couldn’t kill each other? Oh, he figured it out. He couldn’t kill her, but she couldn’t kill him either. He clearly remembered the moment she could have. She wanted to, she had the chance, and yet she stopped just shy of piercing his heart. He should have figured it out then. But, his mind had clouded over with desire and interest.
He paused at the front door. Round two? The thought of having her underneath him again, whispering “Fuck” and caressing his chest excited him. And this time, he was going to see all of her. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by him that she managed to keep a lot of her clothes on. There was no need for that. For the foreseeable future, she was his prisoner. His toy. And he was very interested in exploring every bit of her till she was no longer a mystery to solve. Maybe then he’d be able to kill her. But, killing her was no longer a priority.
A smirk crossed his lips. There was still a lot of fight left in her. He hadn’t tamed her yet, not that he wanted to. Their little cat and mouse game was quite fun, a great build-up to the sex. 
Opening the front door, he readied himself for an attack. To his surprise and slight worry, there was none. He searched around, cautiously closing the door behind him. What was she up to?
Soft humming caught his attention, making him tilt his head to one side. If she planned on ambushing him she’d already given away her position. He made his way down the hallway till he reached the stairway. Looking to his left he spotted her on the ground. She had her back against the basement door, legs straightened out and planted on the wall on the other side. 
She traced the floorboard with her fingers, head bent to one side away from him. She was wearing a completely new set of clothing, and that excited him. He wasn’t entirely sure why. Something new perhaps? He wasn’t a fan of the clothes she previously wore. Her brown hair hung loosely around her head, slightly tangled as if she hadn’t brushed it. And her skin, what little he could see, wasn’t nearly as pale as it had looked the night before, but more of a tan color. 
Her position on the floor was rather curious. He glanced at the basement door. It was as if she was making sure that something didn’t escape. Which was odd as nothing was down there. 
She slowly raised her head. The moment she spotted him she quickly got to her feet, dusting herself off. She didn’t move, but neither did he. Her gaze roamed his body briefly and he saw her take a deep breath before she focused on his still bloody knife. 
Her eyes narrowed. “Just kill me already,” she demanded, storming up to him. He watched her curiously, enjoying the rage she felt. She didn’t get it. She didn’t understand. He couldn’t kill her. He had accepted that reality. If she didn’t know that meant he had the advantage, he was smarter than her. But, just because he couldn’t kill her, didn’t mean he couldn’t hurt her. He’d already proven that a few times.
His cock twitched slightly at the thought of cutting her. His mind brought him back to the first night he had her, to the second cut he’d made. It was small, but the little line of blood that trickled down her chest to her neck had been his undoing. He tilted his head slightly as he examined her body. She’d done a good job covering nearly every inch of her skin. She had received some light knife wounds the last couple of days. He wanted to see them. 
He grabbed her right hand and twisted it enough to see the side. The cut there was shallow and would not leave a scar once it was fully healed. It was the one she’d made when she took his knife for a second time, surprising him. But of course, she had the advantage as his mind was a jumbled mess of sudden emotions he didn’t know what to do. His thumb ran along the scabbed wound. 
She instinctively pulled her arm back, but he strengthened his grip. He liked her little battle wound. Letting her hand go, he grabbed her left arm and started to push her sleeve up. 
“Stop!” she demanded, pulling away. This time, he let her, enjoying her attempt to be stern as she stamped her foot down and clenched her fists. Despite her short stature, she held firm, glaring up at him without a hint of fear in her eyes, at least, for now. He raised his knife and she tensed. The sight of the blood still on it caught his attention. No, that wouldn’t do. He couldn’t mix her blood with that of the other woman. Lowering it he went into the kitchen, keenly aware she was following. She watched him clean the knife and dry it. 
Her automatic flight senses seemed to kick in as he approached her rather menacingly, knife in hand. The palpable sense of fear filled the room, and yet, she kept a calm pace with each step back that she took till she hit the wall. Then, she waited for him. She didn’t try to escape or run away.  
He paused, examining her. The long-sleeve dress she wore had many buttons going down the front, stopping just short of her knees. From there she wore tights to cover her legs. She had made sure that almost every inch of her skin was covered. Almost. There was something about seeing her collar bone peeking through that got him excited. A simple yet effective tease. Even the belt that she wore around her waist, teased her curvy figure underneath. Yes, he quite liked the way she was dressed now versus the night before. Those buttons screamed to be let open. 
He placed one hand on the wall beside her head and leaned in while slowly and lightly dragging the knife down her face. He wasn’t cutting her, he didn’t want to. He liked her face, the thought of seeing a cut from his knife on it didn’t sit right with him for some reason. But, he did like to tease and watch her reaction.
Her hazel eyes stared back into his blue ones, searching. She seemed to be looking for some kind of answer. A realization seemed to hit her as the tension eased from her face. “You can’t, can you?” 
He leaned back, feeling a little proud that she’d figured it out, as well as slightly disappointed that he didn’t have that advantage over her. But- He leaned in and lightly nicked her collarbone. 
“Ouch,” she gasped, jumping at the contact. “Asshole!” She planted her hands on the collar of her dress to lower it and see the damage his knife had done. It wasn’t bad, barely visible. A speck of blood seeped out. Returning her gaze up at him, he felt a sense of amusement at the fire in her eyes. “Okay, I get it. You can hurt me.” 
Without warning, his head jerked to one side slightly, his masking going askew. She’d slapped him. “Asshole,” she muttered again, shaking her hand from her effort.
Aggression overtook him and he grabbed her offending hand, slamming it onto the wall before pressing his body closer to her and the knife to her throat as a threat. 
Her fear was easy to see. “You hurt me, I hurt you, asshole,” she said in defiance. 
She couldn’t see the amused smile that crossed his lips. He huffed and her muscles tightened in response as she made a fist with her trapped hand. She really didn’t like when he did that. 
He continued to tease her, dragging the sharp blade along her skin. She craned her neck up and to one side, breasts rising slightly higher as her breathing deepened. She didn’t take her eyes off him though. 
He paused by the nick he made, half tempted to lick her little wound. He wasn’t sure if it was fear that kept her from making any moves, his knife could easily pierce her skin, or something else. Reaching the first button on her dress, he slipped the tip of the blade underneath and cut the thread, releasing the button. It hit the floor with a sharp ping as it bounced away from them. Oh, he rather liked that sound, and the way her dress slowly opened up. Another slide, another cut of thread, and a second button bounced on the floor. 
Going for the third button, she brought her arm up and covered her chest. “Did you not get a good look at them last night?” she asked. 
He raised his eyebrows in response. There was no way she thought it was a one-and-done thing. That he would just fuck her and let her go. That the two of them would live together in his house and he’d ignore her for the rest of her time there. He didn’t let anyone go. If they escaped him he’d eventually find them. 
He couldn’t read her face, whatever she was thinking was a mystery for once. He refocused his attention on her dress. The buttons over her breasts just screamed to be released, straining against the fabric as her breathing deepened even more. 
“No, no, no!” she said firmly, grabbing his wrist, surprising them both. “First, this is my favorite dress.  Second, I don’t have a lot of clothes unless you wanna go to my apartment and bring some more of my stuff over here.” Her face flushed crimson at her words, but she did have a point. As much as he wanted to cut the clothes off of her, he wasn’t about to go searching for her apartment to get her more clothes. 
But, if she wasn’t going to let him cut the buttons off then she’d have to take her dress off instead. He took a step back and lowered his knife, making her sigh with relief. Their eyes met and he nodded his head, tilting it in a way to indicate what he wanted. The frown on her face amused him. “Are you serious?” she asked, sounding appalled. “I will not willingly-”
He raised the knife and she let out a heavy breath in response. Either she takes off her dress or the knife does, his message was clear and she understood it. She turned her head away and grumbled. Her face was a beautiful shade of red from embarrassment when she fixed her gaze back on him. 
He allowed her to take her time, watching with amusement the internal battle she fought between being embarrassed, shy, and annoyed. With another deep breath, she unhooked the next button. The way her dress slowly split open, revealing more and more of her excited him. He had no idea that such a little thing could bring so much joy. She stopped at the button just below her bra and above her belt, fixing a hard stare at him. 
He gave her a look before deliberately lowering his eyes and nodding his head for her to continue. Her whole body tensed. She was going to run. Just as he prepared to chase after her she did something that surprised him. She relaxed, letting out a sigh. Looking away, she withdrew one arm from a sleeve and then the other. Unhooking her bra, she took it off letting it drop to the ground. 
His eyes focused on the long cut that was on her forearm. He took a step closer and lifted her arm to examine it more closely. So far, it was the longest and deepest cut he had made. Still pretty shallow and probably would only leave a faint scar. He ran his fingers along it. His mark. 
Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. Her nipples weren't as perky as he expected. But despite that, they were far more enticing and intoxicating to view than the female he’d killed earlier. 
Trapping her wrists under one of his hands again he lifted her hands over her head. She wasn't even fighting him, but he liked limiting her actions. His free hand ran down her chest. First pausing at the nick he made by her collarbone.
"Asshole," she muttered. 
He suppressed his amusement and looked at her, she purposefully looked away. He continued to the one in the middle of her chest. The one that started it all for him. That was officially his favorite one.
Fuck! He wanted to lift her up, have her legs wrap around him while he pressed his mouth between her breasts, stuff his cock in her and fuck the shit out of her. The marks he made on her were starting to drive him insane with hunger and need. 
She let out a gasp as his cool hand touched one breast. He glanced up at her and smiled as she closed her eyes and her throat moved as she swallowed. Her breathing changed as it deepened, causing her breast to press a little bit more into his hand. 
His desire hit him even harder. He really needed to fuck her. As much as he wanted to tease her, to play with her some more, to see her fight back her clear attraction, his cock strained to be in her again. His calm cold calculating mind was overwhelmed with lust and need. She yelped as he picked her up, managing to slip his hands under her dress to cup her ass tightly. He pushed her firmly onto the wall, then planted his lips between her breasts, sucking hard on that nick. That mark needed to stay there forever. 
Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. A very loud groan rumbled through her chest. Her hands wrapped around his neck to support herself, but she still leaned back against the wall instead of towards him. He scraped his teeth along her skin, pressing his tongue down enjoying her salty taste. 
Her own natural scent blended into the almost overpowering rubber mask. The temptation to take it off just to smell her nearly overwhelmed his own resolve. No one was supposed to see his face. And he wasn't going to break his own rule for her. 
He shifted her weight onto one arm. The damn dress was still in the way. His fingers deftly undid her belt before she could stop him. The moment it hit the ground she stiffened. 
"Wait, wait," she breathed, pushing against his shoulders. 
No more waiting, he wanted to snap. Still, he had his own clothes on. In annoyance, he set her onto her feet and unzipped his coveralls. 
The sound of her running up the stairs pissed him off. And he felt as if he’d lost part of his erection, annoying him even more. Tying the arms of his coveralls over his waist, he stormed towards the stairs. He wasn't in the mood to chase her now. Hitting the first step, he paused as she came bounding back down. Her breasts bounced carefree with each step. His saliva glistened between them. She held two things in her hand, a bottle and a condom.
She paused two steps above him. Her face turned a glorious shade of red yet again. She rubbed her fingers along the bottle. “A girl-” she paused fidgeting. “Look. You’re really big and I’m very tiny. Unless you want to traumatize me, all I ask is you let me use this.” She drummed her fingers along the bottle. Then she raised her right hand, showing the condom between two of her fingers. “I don’t suppose I could convince you to wear this?” He didn’t have to answer. She let out a sigh, tossing the condom behind her. “Whatever,” she mumbled. More words followed, but whatever she said he couldn't make out. 
“Let’s do this,” she said with a loud exaggerated sigh. Her pace down the stairs was slower, her eyes stared at the ground. He took a few steps back and she followed. Letting out a deep sigh, she finally moved her head up, her gaze stopping to stare at his bulge. She clicked her tongue as she opened her mouth to lick her lips. Their slick moistened look gave him an idea. 
“Well?” she asked. 
He reached out and rubbed his finger along her soft lips. Her pupils dilated. She knew what he wanted. The defiance in her eyes amused him, but it wouldn’t stop him from getting what he wanted. Tangling one hand in her hair, he started to push her down. For the briefest of moments, her muscles tensed to keep herself standing straight, but then she gave up. With a sigh, she sank to her knees. 
He started to tilt her head to get her to look at him, but then stopped as she, without prompting, undid the sleeves he’d tied around his waist and lowered his coveralls. She glanced up at him for a moment, but her expression was something he was unfamiliar with. She lowered his boxers, releasing his semi-hard cock. He expected her to flinch or lean back to get away from him. She did move, tossing her hair back, she leaned down to grab the bottle of lube she’d brought down and squirted some onto her hands. 
His cock had been semi-hard when she revealed it, but now, sitting on her knees, breasts out, he was already feeling the blood rush down. She brought her focus back to his cock then glanced up at him momentarily before readjusting her stance. She reached out, her fingers oddly graceful as she clenched them for a moment, then she lightly brushed them along his shaft, making him moan at the touch and close his eyes for a moment. He nearly choked as his whole body tensed the moment her warm hands firmly grasped him. He opened his eyes to look at her. 
Her eyes kept traveling from his to what she was doing with her hands. She kept adjusting her grip and pace until his grunts got louder. His hand tightened around her hair. There was a skill with how she handled him. She’d done it before. The lube allowed her to slide with ease, much to his satisfaction.
Her mouth parted ever so slightly. He wanted to stuff his cock in there. Adjusting her kneeling position, she looked up at him again, mouth opened, and then she swallowed his head. 
He very nearly came right there and then, as her pink lips circled his shaft and her tongue pressed against his head. Her mouth was so warm and wet. His right hand reached out and he grasped her hair. Her hazel eyes sparkled and she lowered her head a little bit further to take more of him in. He couldn’t help but push his hips forward to see just how far he could go, but her hands on his shaft worked as an effective barrier. 
Her eyes read Not today. A part of him demanded he show that he was in control and not her. If he wanted to go further in her mouth then he damn well would. But, she applied pressure by sucking her saliva back before opening her lips to release him. He had a feeling, that if he forced things to go how he wanted, she would stop trying.
His heavy breathing nearly masked the sounds she was making with her mouth. His hands rose up and he pushed his mask up, just enough to release his mouth and nose. He had to lean his head back to get a better look at her. Damn. He’d told himself he would never take off his mask. Not for a single person. But, he wanted to be able to just watch her and hear her sounds without any interference.
Letting his cock go yet again, she glanced at him before purposefully licking his shaft, running her tongue up to his head, and then swallowing him again. He clenched his hand tighter on her hair and she moaned. The feeling of the vibration around his cock made him swallow hard. His other hand grabbed her head. He was a patient man. But, he would eventually have her take more of him in her mouth. 
Her eyes barely left his face, focusing intently on his lips. Fuck! He groaned. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t look at her anymore. His eyes closed as he focused on his end. Her hand bothered him as she used it as a barrier, keeping him from going too far. He pushed back the wonder of what it would feel like. For now, the way her pink lips wrapped around his shaft, the way she sucked in her saliva, the way her hands moved along him gripping him with the right amount of pressure and speed, and the way her hazel eyes looked up at him, was just too much new. There was plenty of time to explore more later. 
Her other hand cupped his balls, fondling him and that was it. He tightened his grip on her hair and grunted as his balls contracted and he came in her mouth. She didn’t stop touching him, didn’t stop staring, didn’t stop rubbing his shaft with her hand or pressing her tongue against his head until she seemed sure he was done. And then, she leaned back, met his eyes, and swallowed. 
He froze and her eyes widened in surprise at her action. Neither of them had expected that.
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Chapter 6 - Oh, Gods!
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
In September 2022, I was working as a fixer in Taipei for a U.S. news segment about cross-strait tensions, handling local logistics for a visiting producer and cameraman. Fixers are freelance staff whose role is somewhere between journalist and tour guide—they can end up doing everything from arranging interviews to translation to booking hotels. One night, we arrived at an amateur radio meetup in a park, ready to shoot, and found an eccentric crew of local radio fans. One man hunched over a tangled web of equipment at the back of his truck, tapping away in Morse code; another fidgeted with an antenna as he walked around, trying to get a signal. The producer told me that the group was learning how to operate radios in case of war with China.
“Why do you do this?” I asked one of the guys, expecting him to launch into a monologue about the importance of civil defense.
“Because with radio, we can communicate with anyone in the world,” he replied.
“What about communicating with people in China?”
“If they pick up, sure,” he shrugged.
I realized quickly that most of them weren’t there because of cross-strait tensions. Although a few were interested in civil defense, the regulars were just radio nerds who liked to hang out. We left the park disappointed, and only a couple frames from that night made it to the final video.
In recent years, as tensions between China and Taiwan have reached historic highs, foreign journalists have flocked to Taiwan to capture life inside a geopolitical flash point. In January, more than 200 journalists from 28 countries arrived to cover the 2024 presidential election. Yet many of these short-term, visiting journalists distort the reality on the ground. They depict the island as the centerpiece of a drama that they’ve already made up their minds about, often inflating tensions and asking leading questions for heightened effect. And the fixers are brought on as the stagehands, charged with providing the backdrop for pre-written narratives.
Because Taiwan is commonly framed as the flash point of potential world war, most television producers want access to a shooting range, a bomb shelter, or a military base. Many fly to the outlying islands of Kinmen or Matsu in hopes of hopping on a boat to catch a glimpse of the Chinese shore.
“It’s like ordering from a menu—they see something that someone has covered before and want the same thing,” said Jesse, a veteran Taiwanese fixer. (Jesse’s name has been changed due to his concerns about possible impacts on his professional relationships.)
“You watch the news and see footage of war planes, and it seems like it’s tense on the ground here in Taiwan,” said Tina Liu, a Taiwanese journalist who took on her first fixing gig with an Italian outlet this year. “But it really isn’t. And even though it isn’t, people are still pursing that tense atmosphere.”
I’ve worked as a fixer for outlets in the United States, Australia, and Europe, and many of my clients are surprised when they realize the settings are not as bombastic as they hoped: The guns are airsoft guns, air raid shelters are just parking lots, and the view of Chinese shore is almost always blurry. Also, the average Taiwanese voter does not think about China on a day-to-day basis, which makes for very lackluster vox pops. Although there is plenty of intergovernmental strife in the form occasional trade bans, airspace incursions, and disinformation campaigns, daily life in Taiwan is shockingly normal.
Yet normalcy just doesn’t make for good television. So I’ve been charged with conjuring up action-packed scenes for video, and I often have to push back. Eight other Taiwan-based fixers I spoke with also said they have, on occasion, been coerced to help produce scenes that were inappropriate, not reflective of the truth, or even flat-out sensationalist.
“I’ve encountered a lot of situations where people just don’t respect the fixer’s expertise,” said Adrien Simorre, a Taipei-based stringer.
Simorre was one of a dozen local fixers and stringers who released a statement about the toxic dynamics between fixers and visiting journalists after the election in January. They cited low pay, lack of credit, and general disrespect. The fixers’ grievances are not endemic to Taiwan, but the issue of parachute journalists “imposing their own perspective and preconceived narratives” is particularly pronounced on the island.
Fixers have told me stories about foreign producers swimming in the spike-infested waters of Kinmen, an outlying island near the Chinese shore, for dramatic effect; requests to film Chinese missile launches from Taiwan (which is logistically impossible); and clients being disappointed when man-on-the-street interviews don’t elicit strong reactions on China. (None of the fixers I talked to wanted their clients to be named due to the fear of losing out on work.)
“I’ve heard of journalists pushing interviewees to answer certain questions about China-Taiwan relations,” said Alicia Chen, a Taiwanese freelance journalist, who spoke out on X (formerly Twitter) about disrespect, lack of credit, and poor communication with a visiting correspondent in January. “And if the interviewee didn’t want to comment, they would keep repeating or rephrasing the question until the interviewee said the words they wanted to hear.”
Boan Wang, a documentary filmmaker, said that in the spring of 2023, a European client of his asked to take the ferry from Kinmen to the Chinese city of Xiamen. Wang told them tickets were only available for Taiwanese citizens and their Chinese spouses. “They asked if I could talk to a captain to let them on—basically asking me to smuggle them across international borders,” he said. “How is that appropriate? Would you do that in your own country?”
One of the most frequent requests I get is whether I can secure access to a gun range where civilians are learning how to shoot for self-defense. The problem is that gun enthusiasts are a small fringe group. Guns are illegal in Taiwan, so in the event of an actual war, the average Taiwanese person would not have access to one. The scenes that end up on television are either just airsoft hobby ranges or kids running around an abandoned building with BB guns.
The most popular civil defense programs on the island are instead based in the classroom, hosted by a nonprofit called Kuma Academy. These courses largely focus on identifying disinformation, learning first aid, and practicing evacuation drills—all practical ways for the average citizen to prepare for war. But footage from these lectures is often sidelined in favor of the guns.
The pursuit of a good sound bite often trumps a balanced story. Taipei-based stringer and photographer Annabelle Chih said that many visiting producers falsely assume that Taiwanese people are divided into two camps: pro-unification and pro-independence. Yet neither of the island’s two major political parties—the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT)—endorse a declaration of independence, nor are they advocates for unification. Even though the parties differ wildly in their views on China, they’re both strategically ambiguous. The DPP assumes that Taiwan is already independent; the KMT has a more conciliatory approach and insists on peaceful dialogue with the Chinese mainland.
“Producers will ask me if they can interview the White Wolf,” Chih said. The White Wolf, whose real name is Chang An-lo, is a convicted criminal and gang leader who is famously outspoken about his desire to unify Taiwan with China. Although he is a newsworthy figure, Chih said it is misleading to use him as a counterbalance to the DPP’s views. “I explained to them he’s not the right person to interview,” she said. “He’s the minority, and he’s quite controversial.”
Not all experiences with international media are negative. Many of my clients, for instance, have listened to my feedback and adjusted their angles accordingly. Chih said that one of her clients also eventually came around and killed the story about the White Wolf.
Still, the appetite for dramatic scenes out of Taiwan has increased as media outlets compete for the most attention-grabbing narratives. Jesse said that before then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s historic visit to Taiwan in August 2022, most of the journalists who hired him took a more nuanced approach to stories and would default to his expertise on the island. Then Pelosi’s visit created a media frenzy because of how much it irritated Beijing and sparked a growing interest in stories related to Taiwan—but only if they fit into the story of an angry Beijing and an island under threat.
This year, a lot of Jesse’s clients have been war correspondents—fresh out of Ukraine or Israel and looking for action. “Some were visibly disappointed when they realized life was normal,” he said.
By speaking up, the fixers hope for a more accurate and even-keeled portrayal of Taiwan.
“I know a lot of people come here because of our relationship with China,” Liu added. “Everyone says Taiwan is the next Hong Kong, or the next Ukraine. But our history is different from these places.”
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anoray · 1 year ago
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So I watched the final episode of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief before making my final assessment on Season 1. It has been ages since I read the books, ergo I have forgotten a huge amount of details and could watch without comparing anything to the book version.
My overall take is:
A. Main trio had a nice chemistry together and I very much appreciated Percy's humor, courage and devotion to his mother. I was relieved he got to remain the hero in his own story and not get totally overshadowed by anyone else. At the same time, they developed the trio's relationships in a positive way, focusing on how they worked together to help each other succeed and their willingness to sacrifice their own needs for the greater good. Kudos to all three for usually using their brains to solve problems, not violence.
B. Definitely a feel-good series a family can watch and enjoy together.
C. Loved the art deco ending credits, music throughout was enjoyable.
D. Whenever Percy used his powers with water, that was especially fun.
E. Casting and acting of the main trio was engaging, plus the camp kids were fine, but I found the grownups disappointing. Percy's mother fared better than the rest in terms of on-screen presence, but the other adults who were supposed to be portraying gods or monsters in human form seemed just so...lackluster. Where was the undercurrent of power , menace, or mystery? Zeus was the only one with even a hint of that. Hermes and Hades were especially disappointing and Medusa barely scary. Kronos, Charon, and the dude inside the mattress store were the only ones who actually sent any kind of chill up my spine.
F. Monsters and mythological beasties were mostly well done, but I did not like Chiron's centaur look at all, his human part seemed way too small for the horse part or something. The business suit jacket part did nothing to help. And what is with always using a Rottweiler type dog with the thick head and chunky face for Cerberus? This is what I call a way creepier and far more original take on the guardian to the Underworld (credit to RakuraiWolf on DeviantArt):
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G. Speaking of dangerous critters and things, our kid heroes seemed to solve every challenge and obstacle a little too quickly and easily. It felt like one minute, they were in trouble, then 2 minutes later, they'd outwitted the foe and relocated to exactly where they needed to be.
H. I did like the way Percy outwitted Annabeth to fight the Chimera instead. Although, was it just me or was the Chimera's design not very chimera-y? I always imagine something more like this:
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My petty complaints aside, it was generally a very pleasant, likeable, and sincere show and I'm glad it got made. I just hope the next season will increase the sense of genuine foreboding or threat to our heroes so their victories are tougher. In the end, I found myself far more invested in the face off between demi-gods Percy and Luke than any of the actual gods, so I'll be looking forward to that part of the storyline being featured more strongly in what is to come.
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random-arcane-fan · 25 days ago
unfiltered musing: season meta
2025-01-15; had yet to start watching s2, but was deep in the spoiler-reading sauce anyway
it's so interesting reading #takes on s2 and then… going back to the actual show lmao. like FUNNY ENOUGH despite my yelling, rn as for The Show Itself, caitlyn is like… the (not-)white savior narrative, almost. like she's set up as The Good Cop and has a conscience so now she's gonna help the undercity, yay. kind of standard…? would not call her A Favorite™ based on what I've actually seen; that's gotta go to vi. SO LIKE… maybe I'll also find s2 lackluster, maybe it'll be like madoka rebellion and Everyone Else Is Wrong Actually. I am keenly aware that the gap between season makes for plennnnnnty of time for people to build up Versions Of The Character inside their own heads, only to be disappointed when stuff they made up… is stuff they made up. arcane is an ensemble cast if there ever was one but it's still got The Sisters at the heart imo, and everyone else is secondary.
see like > -what was the point of the enforcer that looked like vander? this is the kind of thing that has me Squinting at s2 flack; "why does random side character look like a major one? WRITERS #EXPLAIN" like… well, what was that side character doing, narratively? does it parallel anything that the main guy does? key in to some facet of the main guy? like the vi-lookalike vs jinx is super upfront about it but it's the same idea. you gotta look at The Big Picture of Hte Everything, not just these minute little details and conversations that didn't happen. what would it have added (or taken away from) The Narrative if there was like, a (predictable? tbh???) "hey sorry about that time I did the dickwad thing" conversation. idk man I have a lot to chew on but it's feeling so very… eh
I think this is priming me to be more ~defensive of s2 than anything lmao
it is actually kind of astounding how generally unimpressed I was about caitlyn when actually watching the show (first season, mainly; obviously by the second I'd spoiled myself silly), and now here I am a little over a month later and... 90% of the links I'm scrounging from the hoard are Caitlyn Posts. I sure did spend my birthday pulling an all-nighter to go Insane About The Character, all right...!
besides that batshit hyperfocus, though, I have many #thoughts about storytelling and the techniques Arcane has used as an overall narrative. I'll get to those when I get there, but an important primer re:how I've approached S2 (and reception to it) is the thing I've mentioned here, about the season gaps.
Before Arcane, the last series I watched was Attack on Titan; and, years ago, Puella Magi Madoka Magica & the Rebellion movie. These are both serial stories with substantial gaps between installments—and the parts of the story released post-gap tend to be controversial to longtime fans.
I watched both of these series in one go. I thought they were both entirely cohesive on a thematic level, and told (or, in PMMM's case, have thus far told; the series' broader narrative is ongoing) the stories they originally set out to tell. I didn't get particularly attached to any one or two characters, because I was more focused on the roles they were playing in the larger story.
This isn't to say the retrospective-bingewatch method is the #correct way to experience serial media, mind. I have very much gotten overly attached to the versions of characters inside my head, and been disappointed when canon went differently! (As a side note, I don't tend to get into ongoing media until after it's over, for this very reason!) Psychologically, it just makes sense: a hiatus or other substantial break means, in the interim, fans have to feed on official crumbs (if anything) and their own output. And sometimes the writer's room changes over that break, and the resulting continuation is ~objectively worse (insofar as narrative quality is objective).
ALL OF WHICH is to say, previous longform media experience led to this...
I think this is priming me to be more ~defensive of s2 than anything lmao
...and I'd say, in retrospect, that is basically what happened.
I liked S2. I think it feels like a different show in a lot of ways, but in ways that also struck me as intentional, and it worked for me. But as a caveat, I'll be able to evaluate the whole show better on a rewatch.
Which, uh, I considered starting earlier today. And then I remembered I wanted to jot down all the links and rambling I've collected up to present, before rewatching (and inevitably commenting along the way), and so, here we are.
0 notes
iolaussharpe-24 · 6 months ago
Monster High is my friend. (Mostly Draculaura.) I found a few helpful playsets, and I don't have ANY of them.
First up is this G3 Draculaura set (I forgot what it's called.) I like this bench (I'm currently using one from the Scaris Cafe set outside the house, and it's super cute but it's blue.) Also I love the little table. I can probably use that one inside the house. I just put a couch from the G1 Coffin Bean set into the living room (again, it's blue, but it's still cute. it's got a spider theme I like.) and this would be a really nice side table for it since I have an empty space. The pretzel with eyes kind of disturbs me though.
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Next up up is this G2 set. The Vampire Family Kitchen. (I'd never seen a Monster High doll of one of the parents before this. Or after. And no, I'm not counting the Skullector dolls as the parents.) There's a lot of cute pieces here that I'd like. I do think that the colors are a little extreme, but I think it could work. (The kitchen in my house is the G1 Home Ick class set.)
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The Die-ner set from... I don't actually know. Looks like G1. I don't remember this set. I just found it while browsing for ideas. This is one I could leave alone and have in a separate location to do more pictures. Like the diner Tyler worked at in Wednesday. Ooh, and if you fuse it with parts from either the Coffin Bean sets or the Scaris Cafe it would be really neat.
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I'm not at all familiar with G3 monster high. I didn't like G2 and kind of lost interest in the ghouls because of it and I'm still on the fence about how they are now. Some of them I think are cute, some I flip flop my opinions on, others I think have been horribly butchered (going off the looks of the dolls alone). Draculaura has grown on me. Anyway, her accessories are cute. I'm thinking that bouquet would look very good in a black and white picture. (Or, like I said earlier in this thread, as a gift to Wednesday from Enid.)
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The Eekend Getaway set from G3 is very cute. I want to use this car because I love the shape and design for it, but the pink isn't helping me! (I have the G1 Sweet 1600 Roadster, and the same applies to that.) I like the luggage for both of them (including Draculaura's backpack) and I like the food and drinks, the little coffin purse is adorable, and I love the little camera.
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The G2 school bus makes me think of the RV from the second animated Addams Family movie. Which I still haven't seen. I don't have a picture for it, but the side of this vehicle opens up to get to the seats, and I think they lay down (?) and there's like a vanity that pops up on the side. Please don't quote me on that seat bit.
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G3 Clawdeen's vanity set is cute enough. I personally think it's a little lackluster, (Cleo and Frankie's G1 vanities were so cool and this doesn't quite match up to those, but it's better than G3 Cleo's which is very disappointing to me.) but I think I could use a couple of parts. If I do go through with making an Enid, G3 Clawdeen is where I'd go for bedroom furniture. But since I haven't yet, we'll focus on what I can use for the family I do have. The little clothing rack. Maybe the vanity itself. But mostly the rack.
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A project I really want to do.
My Froggy Stuff on YouTube made a Wednesday Addams inspired Barbie doll, and I am obsessed with it. (Yes; I am currently rewatching Wednesday as I am writing this.)
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She used a curvy fashionista's head (number 188, in fact) for this project, and my only gripe is that she has a regular Made to Move body and not a petite one. (To be fair, I'm bad with timelines, so the appropriate petite Barbie Looks dolls might not have been out.) Honestly, I think it only bugs me because I know that Jenna Ortega is a small person.
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If I could make my own doll, I'd use these (try to use them is more accurate, I'm not entirely sure if the colors match or not.)
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As far as outfits go, there are options, even if they on the cheap side.
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So... yea.
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years ago
Chapter 2: Voices
prof!Steven Grant-Jake Lockley-Marc Spector X f!Reader
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Mood Boards - Book Cover - Masterlist
Chapter Summary:
You and Steven both try desperately to put your forbidden feelings behind you, but you're both finding it extremely difficult. Steven starts worrying that he's hearing things.
Tags/Summary (these are for the ENTIRE fic):
college AU, no powers/not in MCU/no Khonshu, talk of mental illness, Marc has DID, forbidden relationship, age gap, reader is 21y/o, Boys are 38y/o, reader attends college in America but isn't necessarily American, smut, sex, masturbation, p in v, creampies galore, reader is on birth control, dubious consent due to identity issues, ANGST, romance, fluff and smut, oral sex, falling in love, reader is not race coded.
Word Count: 2.7k
You woke up the next morning feeling better than the night before. You’d resolved to forget about anything to do with Steven that didn’t involve schoolwork. He was just a history professor. Nothing more, nothing less. It was nearly ten, and Layla was already gone. You wondered how you had managed to miss her alarm, but it wouldn’t be the first time you’d slept through noises that could cause an earthquake.
Your first class wasn’t until eleven, giving you ample time to get ready for the day. When you left, and you saw the logo for Moonbean Coffee down the road, you thought about going in there for a second. You gulped, clutching your bag close to yourself. As you approached the glass doors, you noticed he wasn’t inside and let out a sigh of both relief and disappointment. A small part of you had hoped to see Steven at the counter.
When you walked inside you waved to the cashier who saw you and got started on your order. There was a poster on the wall that you decided to read over while you waited. It talked about different attractions in the area. Your eyes stopped on a local art gallery, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Steven was at all interested in art.
“Here you go!” T said.
She snapped you from your thoughts. You thanked her, paid and then took your warm drink. It was disappointing not to have your quirky walking partner today, but it was for the best; at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
As you approached the brick building, you pulled your schedule out of your bag. You’d forgotten the room number for your creative writing class. Room 301 with Professor Harrow. You’d had a class with him a couple years ago and always remembered him being nice enough. His voice was soft, and he was understanding when you missed a couple of assignments due to poor time management.
When you got to the room, there was a guy you’d had writing classes with before, Cameron, sitting next to the only open seat. You walked over and sat down next to him, giving him a friendly smile which he returned.
“Same professor, same room,” he chuckled, flashing his charming grin.
“Same seat.” You said, recalling that the two of you managed to sit in those seats the last time you were in Harrow’s class together.
Professor Harrow, or Artie as he liked to be called, walked to the front of the class with a calm smile across his face.
“Welcome class, did you all enjoy your winter break?” He asked, to which the class responded with a few lackluster ‘yeahs’.
“Good. I see some familiar faces.” He looked at you and Cameron. “And some unfamiliar ones.”
As much as you enjoyed listening to Artie’s lectures, he had a tendency to talk very slowly and lull you nearly to sleep. If not for the man on your left, you would’ve been reprimanded for falling asleep during the class. There was one thing that immediately perked you up though. You looked out to the hall through the open double doors as a familiar curly haired man walked by.
Steven’s morning began on an odd note. He woke up on his couch, television on a channel he didn’t frequently watch, and his alarm blaring. He didn’t remember setting an alarm. Steven groaned, sitting up and running his hands over his face. This had to be addressed, before it went much further. With a tired stumble, he made his way to the bathroom, hands on either side of the sink, eyes directly at his reflection. 
“If you’re in there, yeah, movin’ around and all, the least you can do is let me in on it.” He stared at his own reflection for a while, watching for any change, any sign of them. “Who was it? Was it you, Jake? Marc?”
Nothing. Not one sound.
“If you’re not going to talk to me, then leave me alone.”
He walked out to the living room again and started his day, getting his coffee brewing while he showered. You crossed his mind while he stood there washing himself. He felt guilty for touching himself the night before to the thought of you. It really was so wrong, and Steven normally behaved by the book.
When he’d finished, he went out to the kitchen in just his towel, grabbing a travel mug and filling it with his usual brew. He sort of wished he’d made his coffee himself yesterday. If he’d done that, he wouldn’t be trying to fight these new and confusing feelings he developed for you. He had just wanted to try the local coffee shop on his first day.
He found himself thinking about you more while he dressed himself. What was your favorite color? He was glad he didn’t know, or he might’ve tried to pick a tie to match. His cheeks were reddened by the thought of it, dressing in something that he hoped might catch your eye. He didn’t know if he could handle you looking at him again, though he knew he’d have to get over it sooner rather than later. You were his student after all. That’s all you were, just his student.
He didn’t live far from the building that his class was in, and he enjoyed the walk, even though it was chilly. When he was going by the familiar cafe that was Moonbean Coffee, he looked inside. 
There you were. 
His heart leapt and caught in his throat. If you turned around and caught him staring, it would be extremely awkward, but he needed to look, even for just one moment.
You were reading the poster on the wall, not looking in his direction at all. He remembered seeing it yesterday. Something on there made your lips quirk and he briefly wondered if you were also interested in the art gallery. He’d noticed it too when he was in there yesterday and it piqued his interest. When you turned to grab your coffee and leave, he knew his time was up and so he shuffled away quickly, not wanting you to catch him staring.
He got to the building without your noticing. He even watched you from the safety of his classroom as you walked by. You hadn’t even looked in to see if he was there. That was probably for the best; it meant you weren’t thinking about him as much as he was thinking about you and that was good. As his class ended a little while later, he continued to remind himself that you didn’t care, that you’d just casually walked by.
There was a paper he needed to make copies of, a handout for his next class on Ancient Greece, and a book he needed to borrow. With a smile on his face, and relief from the pressure of his impeding thoughts, he felt lighter as he walked toward the library.
Finally he was thinking about something other than you while he roamed the halls. He was thinking about the new show on TV he’d been waiting for. It also occurred to him that he didn’t do the crossword for the day yet. He smiled as he thought about stopping by the local diner to grab a bite and cozying up on the couch for a quiet evening in. Just him and Gus.
That is, until he looked into room 301, and you looked back, shattering all the thoughts in his mind.
You stiffened immediately. He even froze in the hall, catching your gaze. Your lips parted as you recalled the night you’d spent with your finger inside your soaking channel, wishing it were his instead. He moved away quickly, breaking your line of sight. Professor Harrow said your name, causing you to jump nearly out of your seat.
“Is there something much more interesting than this class happening in the hall?” He asked you, raising heat to your cheeks.
“U-um, no Mr. Harrow, I’m sorry it’s just…class was over five minutes ago and I have to get to my next class.” You gulped.
He squinted at the clock above the door and his lips curled into a humble smile.
“Would you look at that, it would seem I’ve become carried away once again. Well, I need that five page short story on my desk Thursday morning.” He said to the class. “Enjoy this beautiful day, folks.”
“He’s such a weirdo.” Cameron said, letting out a chuckle from behind you as you made your way to the door.
You giggled, “No kidding.”
You didn’t have another class for a couple of hours, meaning you could turn right and head to your dorm to pass the time with some TV or doing homework, but you were instead drawn to the left…where Steven had gone. 
There was only one thing in that direction you could imagine Professor Grant heading toward: the library. You should’ve turned right. You should’ve walked away right then and there, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. He was right there. He was right down the hall and you just needed to see him.
Your school had a decent selection of books, both fiction and nonfiction. It was two stories tall, one of the biggest libraries you’d ever been in. There were a couple of librarians tending to some students at the counter, and several other students in the various tables and study spaces around. The lighting was dim and relaxing, you could spend an entire day in there easily, and figured that you might do that the next time you needed a quiet place to study.
You couldn’t very well walk up to the librarians and ask them to tell you where the frazzled looking british man went when he walked in there. Instead, you listened. Steven was anything but quiet in the short time you knew him.
“Bugger, this bloody machine!”
As you’d suspected, he gave himself away too easily. You still shouldn’t have been there, chasing after your history professor like a lost puppy, but you couldn’t help yourself. You heard him smacking something when you walked by several shelves of books to see him in the printer room, fighting with the machine.
“Steven?” You said softly.
“Yeah, yeah I’m trying to get this damn-” He turned around and finally noticed that it was you talking to him. “Oh…hi.” A dopey smile spread over his lips.
“Hey.” You said, returning the awkward smile.
He shook his head out of the fog it was under and slapped his hand on his thigh in frustration.
“This bloody thing, it…I can’t get it to work. I just need twenty copies of this one…” He turned back around, crinkling the sheet in his hand as he tried to pull it out of the printer.
“Steven, stop, Steven!” You said, grabbing his hand and putting your other palm on his back.
He stopped trying to pull on the paper, like your touch had frozen his body in place. You had moved to grab his hand so quickly you hadn’t really thought about the fact that you were touching the man who you’d masturbated to the night before. His hand was soft, you thought nervously, letting go as if he’d burned you and stepping back.
“I…erm…the machine, it…doesn’t work.” He said as if all the air had been removed from his lungs.
“Let me take a look. I used to help out at my dad’s office sometimes.” You squeezed around Steven and into the small space.
All the air had all escaped his lungs. The feeling of your fingers around his hand remained like a burn across his skin, branding him. He stepped back, giving you space to work. You were gentle in the way you opened the printer, pulling out the crumpled sheet of paper. You looked at him, holding the manhandled sheet, raising your eyebrows.
“You’re going to need a new paper to make copies with.” You said to him.
“It…it was my only copy and I thought, I thought I knew how to use a little printer. Got myself through a PhD, no problem.”
He watched you go back to work, completely dumbfounded. You straightened out the sheet. He was mad at himself for staring so longingly at every curve of your body. There was a little bit of your back showing where your shirt and the waist of your pants were supposed to meet. He found his hand pressing to his chest in sheer amazement of your beauty. He’d never felt so foolish as he did in that moment.
That was, until you bent down. He hadn’t backed up nearly far enough and your rear brushed against him. He stepped back quickly when you whipped your head around, eyes full of surprise. He raised his eyebrows sheepishly and stared at the floor.
“Sorry I-erm-I didn’t realize I was so close.” He said, nearly collapsing from embarrassment.
Settle down, pendejo.
“Sorry, what?” Steven said to you.
You stood and turned around, “What?”
His blood ran cold. That couldn’t have been…
“Sorry I thought you said something.” He muttered.
“No, I didn’t. How many copies did you say you needed?” You asked, waiting expectantly.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, “erm, twenty.”
Amazingly, the deformed sheet went through without an issue, and the printer started spitting out pages. When you turned back around, you noticed Steven’s hands clasped in front of his nether region. You trailed up to look at his eyes, following his tie that coincidentally was your favorite color. A genuine smile spread over his face.
“Thanks for your help…” His toothy grin remained as you skirted by him.
“You’re welcome. See you in the morning.” You said, leaving the library quickly so your knees wouldn’t give out from shaking so hard.
For the rest of the day, he flooded your mind. Steven was a heavy cloud, sitting inside your cranium and soaking through you, deep into your core. His smile burned into your memory like a hot iron. You’d never felt like this about anyone, so why him? There were perfectly attractive men at your school that you could date. Perhaps Cameron would be interested in going out for coffee. There was no reason to be so infatuated with the one that you weren’t allowed to have, but you couldn’t help it.
Why did he have to look at you like that, like his brain shut down the moment his eyes fell on you? Every. Single. Time. Why did he have to stand so close to you while you worked on that damn printer? Why did you go to the library after seeing him walk that way in the first place? You should’ve walked to the right, back to your dorm, when you’d left Professor Harrow’s class.
Steven was asking himself the same questions, but particularly falling on the one regarding his close proximity to you while you fixed the printer. He stayed in the printer room for a while, even after the pages had finished spitting out of it, just willing his erection to cease before he went to his next class. You had his mind racing, only thinking about you.
He was ashamed to have given the class a simple writing assignment so he could spend his time thinking about you instead. The way you smiled, how your hand felt touching his, how your bum felt against him. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of several others in the room before they returned to their work. He looked down at his glasses, and there was a delay in his reflection, as though it were running behind. It was there, for sure. He saw it.
There was a delay…they’re back.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @minigirl87, @ahookedheroespureheart, @ninebluehearts, @outmodead, @sleepyamaya, @pimosworld, @ababynova, @flordelalunas, @360iris, @momo-mochiball, @missdragon-1, @lunar-ghoulie, @liquorlaughslove, @in-between-the-cafes
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raineandsky · 2 years ago
(part 1) (part 2)
Work in food service is about as mundane as life gets in a city like this. The civilian’s seen his fair share of heroes and villains blitzing past the windows outside, and he couldn’t really care less anymore. He comes to work, gets paid, and avoids getting cars thrown at him by the fights on his way home. The same thing every day.
He passes another drink over the counter without a thought, barely noticing the thanks the customer gives him when they step forward to take it. He drifts back to the till where an endless queue of patrons is waiting. 
The usual opening question is ingrained without registering who’s standing there. “What can I get started for you?”
“Good morning, [Civilian],” the person on the other side of the counter says, and the sound of his name brings his gaze up to the customer he’s talking to. A woman is on the other side, her hair pulled into a polite ponytail, her clothes a formal black. She’s sporting a pair of dark sunglasses – inside. A small wallet is in her hand, half open.
He’s about to ask her how she can see under the lackluster cafe lights when she continues talking. “I’m with the SHA.” The wallet opens towards him to show him a very official looking ID. “May I talk with you in private?”
The civilian’s mind is blank for a moment, running through all zero of the crimes he’s committed in his life. How badly did he fuck up to get the attention of the superhero agency? Without even realising?
A couple customers in the queue behind her are whispering to each other. “Um, yeah, sure,” he says after he realises his confusion has made him clam up in front of everyone. “Is the staff room okay?”
“That’d be perfect.”
He gives his coworker an anxious side eye as he lifts the counter door for her, getting a horrified look back that doesn’t make him feel any better. He leads the way to the back room, and the three people on their breaks go to greet him before thinking better of it at the sight of the agent behind him.
“I don’t suppose you could give us a minute to have a confidential discussion?” she asks expectantly, and the three of them leap to their feet with various unnecessary apologies, wasting no time in pushing through the door past them. Within ten seconds the room is empty.
The agent sits at the rickety table, inviting the civilian to sit with her like she owns the place. “I have been told you may be able to help us with some heroic matters.”
The seriousness of how she says it paired with the relief he’s not somehow a criminal makes the civilian snort unintentionally, poorly covered with a cough. “Me? Sorry to disappoint, ma’am, but I work, uh, here. Food service. I can’t say I’m the most heroic of normal people. Now, my neighbour, he went into a burning building and–”
“I have sources that say you have superpowers.”
“Sources?” he chokes out. “What sources? Is my superpower making a mean salted caramel frappe?”
“I can’t divulge that information.”
“Was it my roommate?”
The agent’s silence is her answer. “… I can’t say.”
The civilian leans back in his chair knowingly, and she hums in disappointment. “I’ve been told that you make people feel drunk by talking to them,” she continues, changing the subject, and he raises his eyebrows.
“My company is so bad everyone I speak to wants to become an alcoholic just to put up with me,” he corrects, and she huffs somewhat tiredly.
“That is a superpower, [Civilian].”
“Being boring?”
“No.” The word comes out a little harsh, and the agent clears her throat before carrying on. “No, influencing people’s psyche without doing anything. It’s rare, powerful in its uniquity, and we think we could use it.”
“I don’t see how you’d do that.” She only gets more exasperated, and the civilian feels a little bad. How many civilians has she had to visit today with mundane powers?
She glances at the closed door before she speaks. “We’ve managed to capture one of the most notorious villains in the city. We know they’re part of an underground network, but they won’t tell us who they work with or where any of them are.” She smiles a little as she talks, the least stern she’s looked the entire time she’s been here. “I have sources that they’re a bit of a talker when they’ve had a little too much.”
“Was the source somehow also my roommate?”
“I hope your roommate isn’t getting involved with high level criminals.” The smile is gone again. Shame. 
“Okay, well, even if I can do that–” The civilian grimaces uncertainly. “– just… give them alcohol?”
“You’d be amazed how good they are at evading things they don’t want. They can’t avoid you invading their mind, though.” The agent rolls her eyes, and he grimaces even harder.
“I don’t like how you phrased that.”
“We can reward you well for your time. Just a couple of hours of your power at work.” She puts a wad of notes on the table between them, the top one blatantly displaying a hundred. That bundle alone, by his calculations, is four months rent. “This is a down payment.”
A down payment? The civilian can’t stop the startled gag that escapes him. He’d kill for this kind of money, and all he has to do for it is make someone feel a little drunk. Maybe it’s a little mean to the poor villain, but maybe they should’ve considered this before becoming a criminal. He meets the agent’s eye boldly, and she returns his gaze calmly – or at least he thinks she does. He can’t tell behind those stupid glasses.
“What do I need to do?”
(part 2)
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