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metalheads-trash-bin · 11 days ago
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Some sprites I’ve been doing for a (maybe possibly happening if i dont puss out) otome game.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 26 days ago
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metalheads-trash-bin · 1 month ago
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Bloody knuckles and rosary daggers 🗡️🩸
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metalheads-trash-bin · 1 month ago
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Moonberry my love…🍓🌘
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metalheads-trash-bin · 1 month ago
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metalheads-trash-bin · 1 month ago
So I got into Dandy’s world..
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Hi I'm back. In terms of Riley, it would've been nice to actually have to hunt for the information on the key (maybe she could put clues around or something) but I'd also have liked for her journal to have been longer and for them to have experimented with the storytelling methods diagetic entries allow (why, why, why couldn't there have been stuff with us learning her story backwards or whatever? Why?). I also feel like Riley was a better example of this method than Cole because... honestly... Cole doesn't get a character and we're made to feel bad for him because he regrets doing all these crimes and honestly I've never liked those characters.
But, anyways, the characters! There's so many characters! To be honest, there are too many characters.
Let's look at Chapter 3's antagonist palette. We have: two major antagonists and a minor group antagonist (I'm counting DogDay here, for obvious reasons.)
They have amounts of screentime befitting their roles (CatNap has more screentime than Miss Delight, for example, because he's more important than her) and in most places have good spacing between their appearances.
Now, Chapter 4. Chapter 4 has: Harley Sawyer (main antagonist, apparently, though his screentime doesn't reflect that), Yarnaby (gets unceremoniously killed off after a "boss fight" with bad random bounding, [which I'll talk about when I get to game design and horror, but doesn't actually need to be talked about without that context] and an underwhelming chase scene), Pianosaurus (appears for literally ten seconds and also gets unceremoniously killed off but worse this time), and Doey (the writers couldn't decide if he was an antagonist or not and it shows), and so many different hordes of enemies I can't keep them straight. Which is too many different things. Chapter 3's mini critters worked as a one-off antagonist, yes, but they also had the weight of DogDay and the horrors of the Playcare behind them. The hordes in Chapter 4 didn't work, because by the third time they're released on you it's not interesting anymore, it's annoying.
Harley Sawyer's "boss fight" didn't get to be interesting because you didn't have any of the buildup an antagonist like CatNap got, and it was just a healthbar-off with hordes of TV heads, which isn't good. Aside from that he taunted you two or three times, and he was never able to be as intimidating as other major antagonists.
Yarnaby never gets to be anything at all, to be honest, and he doesn't even get the creep factor of a character like Huggy in the first chapter did, because you never have anything that flips that switch from "cool mascot" to "oh my god what the fuck", and that was Huggy's (who is here because he's the most similar to Yarnaby, to be clear) main thing. Then he dies in a really confusing way, leaving you thinking just "that's it?" instead of being excited.
I have nothing to say about Pianosaurus because he's such a non-character.
You don't even get enough time with Doey, because anytime you actually get to be around him you immediately have to go do something else.
The point is, none of the interesting characters get enough screentime, and the screentime they do have is handled horribly.
So, what to do?
I'm going to make one thing clear: there is no way to fix this chapter with it keeping all these characters, especially all these antagonists. So! Pianosaurus is the least important, so he's the one I'd give the "ally (brief) or cut" treatment. Either he helps you out with a couple of things, or he doesn't need to exist. Maybe you could get away with having him have a brief antagonistic encounter with more substance and then having Doey kill him, but you'd need to give some real good excuses about why that's the best way to use the player's time.
Now, you give most of the horde enemy encounters to Yarnaby, and just leave them with the one in the caves and Harley Sawyer's little test when we first enter the prison. Now Yarnaby gets more space to shine, and no one's quite so annoyed by the tower defense style minigame thing.
Harley Sawyer should be a more frequent presence throughout the chapter, though his final boss should include far less of the drones (also, everyone loved the TV twink! Why is the TV twink gone in favor of a brain in a jar!) and far more of Harley Sawyer being clever and crafty.
And Doey should be reworked. First, we need less stuff about him being super violent, but maybe a mention of him being prone to irrational responses or something. It might be interesting for Jack's parents not to die but for the scientists instead turn them into experiments themselves after faking some death for them, or something like that. But if they want his boss encounter to be surprising, then it should work like that. Also, he really doesn't need to die, and it would be so easy to make that work. Have you be able to get to the tape before he comes in or something. I dunno. There's a lot of options.
This could help, but probably not fix, the character bloat. At least somewhat.
Sorry, this got long. I had many opinions. I didn't even realize I had this many opinions until I started writing this.
And no, I'm not sorry for calling trailers!Sawyer a TV twink. I'm probably wrong about it, though.
I'll get more writery with the next one, because oh my god the plot. What is the plot. They lost the plot somewhere.
EXACTLYYYYY ill kiss you rn omg, the critters were AMAZING in chapter 3. Taking them and making a huge amount of diff species and spin offs was such a shitty idea because of the fact that it shouldve STAYED with the critter crew, i was immensely disappointed at that fact.
Additionally, the whole “i have more pets” thing was so disappointing, i was expecting some disturbing forms of the og critters because of dogday saying he was last of them. I wanted to see some genuinely unsettling morphs possessed like how he was fucking with you, and each one having different skills or abilities (kickin being super fast, bubbaphant relying on remembering where he is and getting confused when you close off certain areas, running from carebear and getting out of his sight makes him cry and have a breakdown, etc)
Theres so much that’s disappointing
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Do not ask how i am i am three secs away from putting a toaster in my fucking shower
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Hi, I'd like to say that your "VCR's are all still images now" complaint doesn't actually make any sense because here's the stats for moving tapes in the chapters:
Chapter 1: 1/5 (GrabPack training) (obligatory "wow, this chapter is low on stuff" comment here)
Chapter 2: 2/10 (GrabPack training, Marcus Brickley)
Chapter 3: 2/12 (GrabPack training, HOJ) (I'm adding the HOJ here because its technically not a cutscene, but its dubious as all hell)
Chapter 4: 1/~13 (GrabPack training) (sorry, no wiki list yet, and I'm no good at horror games)
The problem we're seeing here is proportional instead of quantative, but you're using a quantative argument, which is a problem.
I do agree that a bioshock-style tape system would work better than the system that's currently being used, not only because the still images on the tapes kinda suck but because the "there's a VCR player so there must be a tape around here somewhere" style of it all kills some of the fun of genuinely exploring for the tapes, and I, personally, want to be able to listen to the tapes without having to interrupt the gameplay for it (the Harley Sawyer tape in the middle of a puzzle pissed me off, can't you tell?)
This would be fixed by having a system where its easier to listen to character tapes without interrupting things, which is, from what I understand, the style used in Bioshock.
Also, more of the tapes should be used for similar things as the journal entries were, because, honest to god, I don't care about Stella Greyber's emotional conflicts over how the BBI is great, but Riley's journals got me really attached to her really quickly.
Also, the only tapes that really need VCR players are Leith Pierre's at the beginning of the first chapter and the end of this one, the GrabPack trainings, and the HOJ. (Sorry Jacksepticeye fans, Bendy people only ever heard his voice and we loved it. Marcus Brickley's tape is not nearly as important as the ones listed, and it only had live video because Mob wanted to prove they had JSE play a role)
Anyways, if you like me talking about your issues with Chapter 4 and analysing (from a game design and writing perspective) what went wrong and how I'd fix it, I can keep doing this, cause I agree with a lot of your complaints but think it could still have gone really well.
Also, it is so obvious which parts of the plot were written by the old writing team and which were written by the new, because the old team's writing is significantly more consistent thematically and the new team doesn't seem to understand the themes as well, if that makes sense.
I agree with all that, i think moreso my quantity complaint is because generally almost every single room you went in in chapter 4 had at least two tapes, and the audio for said tapes was a lot longer than typical. Instead of using it to help aid the story they practically had it be a crutch for poor lore placement.
A majority of the VCRs in the game are still images, yes, but usually it actually has something to do with the lore. For instance Catnaps paw being shown during one of the cave conversations in chapter three and the warped Huggy that comes out of the TV (an insanely good concept btw), instead of having the images be something to analyze and appeal (like for instance “what the fuck is that purple claw oh god”) it was “oh thats doeys container, cool i guess.” The previous chapters appeared to have less VCRs not only because of the length of the audio, but also the content and visuals. You were searching for the VCRs with intent and genuine curiosity, this chapter seemed moreso to use them as extras and, as stated, ways to drop lore in a lazy context. Which made it much more boring to listen to.
I really liked what they did with Riley, i agree, but i do wish that they spaced out the notes a little more and let it be more curious instead of it being an almost immediate gratification. Have more notes around, let it be kind of an egg hunt for the key and whatnot. To be honest Rileys story was probably the most emotional thing about this chapter.
The bioshock concept is a good idea and shouldve been used, i wish they did more research when it came to different ways to produce lore and audio.
Its just agitating, because the third chapter had an INSANE amount of progress when it came to the horror aspect all for it to get tossed.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
“I wasn’t scared so obviously it wasn’t scary” ahh post
If you get scared by blood and bodies your ass is in Goosebumps territory
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
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My kittenwhiskers (i hate you zerum) ♥️
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Bro was watching with their eyes closed if you can truly saying there was no lore or horror.
Im a writer, artist, and creator. I am OBSESSED with horror and lore like elements. Some of my favorite horror movies are Midsommar and Hereditary. I am PICKY about what I like and don’t. But now you get a ramble because you poked the bear.
Poppy playtime had a lot of factors that were hinted at through trailers and teasers to be significant, for instance with Pianosaurus who had clips of playing notes and attacking you. He had multiple hints and teasers only to end up getting IMMEDIATELY killed as soon as you see him, no notes, no nothing. That was my first serious issue. First character killed off.
Then as you’re playing (Yarnaby was ALSO meant to be significant based on the MANY teasers and clips) Yarnaby is meant to be chasing you around and causing general problems, and he is in some aspects but for the amount of content posted about him you’d think that he’d be as important as Mommy Longlegs. He isn’t’, he chases you a good bit of the game but the most you get lore wise is the fact that he’s been manipulated and groomed by the doctor via notes and recording. Second Character killed off.
As you proceed on you meet Doey, who murks the fuck out of Pianosaurus. Doey had a lot of aspects I liked at first, but they played too intensely into his “wounded soldier” role which makes you feel borderline conditioned to like him. I like the fact that he has some sort of personality disorder which is evident through his emotion blobs inside his monster mouth. I also like how they handled regression vs aggression through his talking points. But his content (the vcrs, the kid clip, notes) were all so violently pointing at him being a bad person that it left little for your own skepticism. Third character killed off.
The doctor should’ve had a lot more lore attached to him as well, i understand why there was a lot of mystery with him but he genuinely didn’t seem like a semi main antagonist and was moreso just another thing to fight. A lot of that has to do with the way the game set itself up, you’re practically fighting back to back to back without any real rest breaks, there’s some forms of wandering and learning but its overall very lackluster. Fourth character killed off.
They killed off FOUR characters in ONE chapter, that goes against so many logically driven game laws. You bring four new characters in and rapid murder them in the same chapter, and a lot of that aspect made it so you couldn’t get emotionally invested into the situation or characters.
Thats just the first segment as to what I disliked. Onto the next.
The lore..ohhh the lore. How you went from something we have barely seen in games to another setup of disappointment. If you know anything about FNAF security breach + Ruin you know where I’m going.
First off, a lot of the VCRS are just dead images this chapter, making you have to sit there and watch in room that have little to interact with as you do so. A way to fix this would’ve been a cassette tape wrist band and cassettes, which is very possible for the prison to have as the area down below is so huge, so people would want to document what they find and see verbally to be written down. Having a cassette wrist band would’ve made it so the character could still wander and also give a better break between chaotic scenes, but instead you were stuck staring at a still image that pertains to a character. It no longer had a fear factor, it was just..there. Alongside this you have all of these toys and characters that are new but no merch for them on the upper levels? Its like they didn’t logistically plan to have the characters they did, as theres a multitude of merch for characters we NEVER SEE. (Daddy longlegs, catbee, stegosaurus, etc.)
Secondly, the creators were bragging on twitter about the amount of lore they dropped and how it’ll give you “a lot to think about”. It doesnt. A majority of what was dropped (for instance Ollie being the prototype) was already rumored as we saw this WITH FNAF RUINS. Fnaf ruins did the mimic route, fnaf in general did the children stuck in mascots route, it also did an evil dude that practically grooms children route. So much of that was already seen, and this chapter focused way too much on that vs the things that are different between them. It was nice to read more about the experimentation process and the fact that they were practically mutants that mixed with kids and toys but that was also rumored. Overall a majority of the lore here was just confirmations.
As for the horror aspect, there genuinely wasn’t one. There’s a HUGE difference between just having gore and bodies everywhere vs genuinely frightening horror. Chapter Three was a masterpiece in this element alongside lore and world building. The way you know youre being stalked, the unsettling scenes and audio, the hallucinations, etc etc. instead of continuing with a more uncanny valley approach they went full on “heres some bodies and guys chasing you” route. Theres bodies everywhere, okay cool. A guy is obviously implied to be crucified which in itself has lore as crucifixion was typically to ask for forgiveness from god, okay cool. But where was the stalking? The seriously traumatic parts? Where was the genuine unsettlingness? It wasnt there, you wandered around helping out characters and getting murked. But you werent SUCKED IN like you were with chapter three, where you felt genuinely stuck and terrified having something follow you around silently, not to mention how graphic the lore and implications were.
It felt messy and jumbled, especially with the world building it was attempting. There was borderline too much and you hung around certain key areas too little, for instance with Safe Haven there genuinely isnt much to do besides look around and proceed. Its in no way interactive and its moreso just a buffer.
The innerworkings of this chapter were very typical, the prison was definitely a surprise but the corruption, abuse, experimentation, etc were not. And the fact that the characters keep saying “this isnt like anything you saw up above” really made you anticipate much more terrifying aspects. Not bodies everywhere. It made the game boring, especially because of all the anticipation the creators gave, saying this was the most adult chapter yet.
There was just..a lot that was disappointing, especially when compared to the previous chapter which had you constantly on edge. I really hope they pick it up a notch in the final chapter, because this was full of false promise. They should’ve continued with the unsettling factor, gore is good but it needs a stable foundation and true meaning. I read all the documents and listened to all the tapes, and the foundation was still very weak and sooo much of it was already thought about or rumored. Everyone knew Ollie was the prototype, everyone knew that they were some sort of living being put into toys, everyone knew that there mustve been some sort of additional assistance to the prototype to keep things going because he is wayyyy too invested in the mc to keep whatever plan he had (which is now known) going.
Another good horror game that got too lazy with its writing.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
Poppy playtime chapter 4 was an avid fan i genuinely felt so much disappointment watching it because of the lack of genuine lore, horror, thematics, and character
I really liked chapter three, this honestly is such a downgrade
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
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Doodle doodle…
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
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Rewrite Sonic
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
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👀 🐙 🎮….
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months ago
It’s around that time again where I’m promoting my server. Before you just glance at this please understand that this could be VITAL if you’re in the US.
My server is a punk/alt oriented safespace for minorities to get educated on punk, goth, battlejackets, self defense, etc alongside making friends and posting about yourself. This server is for ALL AGES and has age orientation spaces for comfortability. You will be aware of what is occurring in the US alongside learning methods to keep yourself educated and safe with the current bans being instilled.
Ignorance is weakness, please do not let yourself submit to the mass censorship the United States people are facing.
I hope anyone who joins enjoys, it’s pretty active and we’re always welcoming new people. Please take a look, you might learn something.
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